Summary: | ASTERISK-22939: [patch] Missing/wrong local party in dialog-info NOTIFY body | ||||||
Reporter: | Pietro Bertera (pbertera) | Labels: | |||||
Date Opened: | 2013-12-04 08:51:44.000-0600 | Date Closed: | 2014-01-28 17:21:43.000-0600 | ||||
Priority: | Critical | Regression? | |||||
Status: | Closed/Complete | Components: | Channels/chan_sip/Subscriptions | ||||
Versions: | | Frequency of Occurrence | |||||
Related Issues: |
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Environment: | Attachments: | ( 0) ASTERISK-16735-local-dialoginfo.patch ( 1) Asterisk-notifycid.pcap | |||||
Description: | When Asterisk sends the NOTIFY for dialog-info subscriptions the body must contains local end remote parties informations (if notifycid is enabled in sip.conf).
In latest Asterisk certified (1.8.15-cert3) the local party contained into the XML body is wrong: Here an example: {code:xml} <?xml version="1.0"?> <dialog-info xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:dialog-info" version="3" state="full" entity="sip:151@"> <dialog id="151" call-id="pickup-529f3da7a0f9-kl0tcqsb55r2" local-tag="hd7xevk85l" remote-tag="as5ef372fc" direction="recipient"> <remote> <identity display="152">sip:152@</identity> <target uri="sip:152@"/> </remote> <local> <identity display="">sip:@</identity> <target uri="sip:@"/> </local> <state>early</state> </dialog> </dialog-info> {code} as you can see the extension part is missing from the local/identiy and local/target tags. You can see as well in the attached pcap trace [^Asterisk-notifycid.pcap] (packet #8) You can easy reproduce using the below configuration: *extensions.conf:* {noformat} [general] static=yes writeprotect=no clearglobalvars=no [globals] [default] [from-sip] exten => _X.,hint,SIP/${EXTEN} exten => _X.,1,Answer() exten => _X.,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},30) {noformat} *sip.conf:* {noformat} [general] allowsubscribe=yes notifyringing=yes notifyhold=yes call-limit=99 notifycid=ignore-context counteronpeer=no progressinband=never pickupgroup=1 canreinvite=yes [basic](!) context=from-sip subscribecontext=from-sip call-limit=10 progressinband=never type=friend [150](basic) secret=1234 host=dynamic type=friend [151](basic) secret=1234 host=dynamic type=friend [152](basic) secret=1234 host=dynamic type=friend {noformat} *Reproduction steps:* - register 3 devices (A,B,C) against defined extensions, - configure a device (A) to subscribe for dialog-info events against extension B - device B calls device C Attached patch (written agains 1.8.15-cert3) [^ASTERISK-16735-local-dialoginfo.patch] provides a fallback mechanism in case of extension part is missing due to caller-> = false. Oldest Asterisk versions are not affected (tested 1.8.11). | ||||||
Comments: | By: Pietro Bertera (pbertera) 2013-12-04 08:56:03.004-0600 pcap trace By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2013-12-07 18:50:28.511-0600 So, this is basically a duplicate of both ASTERISK-16735 (of some sort - that issue became ridiculously confused), as well as ASTERISK-20709. In all cases, multiple patches were proposed. In all cases, however, we are entering into a situation where we are attempting to send a NOTIFY request to something that *may not* be able to get the connected line information for some aspect of what is subscribed for. In this case, your patch is essentially ignoring (or attempting to work around) the fact that {{}} is {{0}} on the {{caller}} channel. If that's the case, then in {{sip_call}}: {noformat} if (!ast_strlen_zero(p->cid_num) || (p->callingpres & AST_PRES_RESTRICTION) != AST_PRES_ALLOWED) { {noformat} That means we either didn't have a caller ID number, or the presentation of said number said it wasn't allowed. I'm not sure the correct answer here is to ignore that. What I am curious is why the {{caller}} channel's {{}} is false here. By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2013-12-07 18:51:31.087-0600 Granted, putting {{}} isn't correct. We should probably be putting "Anonymous" in there if nothing else. By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2014-01-03 18:20:53.191-0600 @Pietro, Did you have any response to Matt's comments? The issue is in Waiting For Feedback status for your feedback. By: Pietro Bertera (pbertera) 2014-01-05 05:32:08.425-0600 Yes, sorry for my late. I don't know why {{}} is false here, but the old code (before patch introduced with ASTERISK-16735) was a better behavior except for particular situations (like using queues). The attached patch reproduces the old behavior in case of {{ = 0}}.. By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2014-01-28 17:21:29.442-0600 Reverting to previous broken behavior doesn't appear to be the best option. Matt mentioned this is a duplicate of ASTERISK-20709. We are going to close this one out, feel free to comment further on ASTERISK-20709. Thanks for the report! By: Volker Kettenbach (vsauer) 2017-03-03 16:26:41.428-0600 This problems seems to be reappeared in recent version of asterisk: ASTERISK-24488 |