Summary: | ASTERISK-20709: Asterisk sends wrong Caller IDs in first SIP NOTIFY message | ||||||
Reporter: | Stefan Reuter (srt) | Labels: | |||||
Date Opened: | 2012-11-20 21:46:19.000-0600 | Date Closed: | |||||
Priority: | Major | Regression? | |||||
Status: | Open/New | Components: | Channels/chan_sip/Subscriptions | ||||
Versions: | 11.0.1 13.18.4 | Frequency of Occurrence | Constant | ||||
Related Issues: |
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Environment: | Asterisk 11.0.1 (11.1.0-rc1 also affected), Polycom 650 Firmware 4.0.3 rev F | Attachments: | ( 0) ASTERISK-20709.patch ( 1) wrong_caller_id.pcap | ||||
Description: | The fix for ASTERISK-16735 does not work with Polycom phones. Asterisk sends the wrong Caller IDs with the first SIP NOTIFY message and follows up with a seconds message with the correct Caller IDs. Polycom phones do not update the display and continue to show the wrong Caller IDs from the first message.
First SIP NOTIFY message conatins wrong remote and local identity (both extension/address of called phone): {code} <remote> <identity display="1202"></identity> <target uri=""/> </remote> <local> <identity display="1202"></identity> <target uri=""/> </local> {code} Second SIP NOTIFY message contains correct remote and local identity: {code} <remote> <identity display="Stefan Reuter"></identity> <target uri=""/> </remote> <local> <identity display="phone-02"></identity> <target uri=""/> </local> {code} See attached pcap file. | ||||||
Comments: | By: Stefan Reuter (srt) 2012-11-20 21:47:11.192-0600 Communication with subscribed phone By: Stefan Reuter (srt) 2012-11-20 21:57:15.155-0600 Patch to prevent Asterisk from sending the first SIP NOTIFY with wrong Caller IDs. (for Asterisk 11.0.1) By: Daniel Kerr (react) 2013-11-13 20:08:14.366-0600 I'm seeing this issue too. In my case its intermittent, roughly half the time the incorrect notify doesn't get sent. My suspicion is that in those cases the call has progressed sufficiently such that the callee information is available and included. By: rsw686 (rsw686) 2013-12-09 19:53:31.629-0600 I have this issue as well with Asterisk 11.2-cert2. I've tested on a Polycom IP 550 with UC 4.1.00 and VVX 400 with UC 4.1.5. The attached patch resolves the issue for both phones. By: Kevin Larsen (Kevlar2010) 2014-05-12 14:38:31.822-0500 Any word if there is going to be progress on this issue? I am using Asterisk 11.6 and the above patch does not work with it. It results in no SIP NOTIFY messages being sent to the phone. By: Miguel Sanz (miguelsanzpardo) 2016-11-04 09:45:14.566-0500 With Asterisk 11.21.2 using notifycid=yes both SIP NOTIFY messages (first and second) contains wrong remote and local identity (both extension/address of called phone), which is worse than your case. Stefan what revision of Asterisk 11.X are you using? By: Etienne Allovon (etienne_pf) 2017-01-26 11:30:21.812-0600 Hi, same behavior with asterisk 13.13.1 : for example, here 1000 calls 1004, but both {{remote}} and {{local}} contains {{display="1004"}}. I suppose that one of these sections should contain 1000 (the caller). {code} <?xml version="1.0"?> <dialog-info xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:dialog-info" version="5" state="full" entity="sip:1004@"> <dialog id="1004" call-id="pickup-0_2979662556@" direction="recipient"> <remote> <identity display="1004">sip:1004@</identity> <target uri="sip:1004@"/> </remote> <local> <identity display="1004">sip:1004@</identity> <target uri="sip:1004@"/> </local> <state>early</state> </dialog> </dialog-info> {code} |