
Summary:ASTERISK-18393: Asterisk Blockers
Reporter:Leif Madsen (lmadsen)Labels:
Date Opened:2011-08-31 08:08:27Date Closed:2011-09-26 08:39:55
Versions:Frequency of
cannot be resolved before completion ofASTERISK-18222 Pickupchan of a local channel segfaults if 2 users pickup at same time
cannot be resolved before completion ofASTERISK-18255 [regression] Non-portable SQL added to app_voicemail
cannot be resolved before completion ofASTERISK-18078 [patch] Segfault when publishing device states via XMPP and not connected
cannot be resolved before completion ofASTERISK-18412 iLBC issues during install
cannot be resolved before completion ofASTERISK-18000 If asterisk starts before my Internet connection is up, asterisk cannot register to any of my registrations and reports DNS errors
cannot be resolved before completion ofASTERISK-18496 breaks dahdi
cannot be resolved before completion ofASTERISK-18535 [regression] Asterisk configure error (libpri related)
cannot be resolved before completion ofASTERISK-18270 Useless message pops every time there is a bridging
cannot be resolved before merging ofASTERISK-18542 Meetme support have support level 'core'
Description:List of tasks that need to be completed prior to release of Asterisk
Comments:By: Jeremy Kister (jkister) 2011-09-03 01:15:04.431-0500

I recommend ASTERISK-18412 and ASTERISK-17616 to go here.

Sure, I'd like to recommend ASTERISK-18046, but i wouldn't quite say "blocker" for that one.

18412 because ilbc will not build without it
17616 because it's just a 2 line patch.

By: Gregory Hinton Nietsky (irroot) 2011-09-07 01:09:58.028-0500

Ive added a patch to ASTERISK-18412 that maintains the operation. the problem was the awk script extension changed from .awk to .txt the patch reflects this without changing to a different script.

id prefer not to switch to a perl script for 1.8 but good for 10.