
Summary:ASTERISK-08593: r50032 broke DTMF (rfc2833)
Reporter:Ryan Courtnage (rcourtna)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-01-16 23:31:22.000-0600Date Closed:2007-01-17 00:38:14.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) verbosedebug-1.4.0.txt
( 1) verbosedebug-r51176.txt
Description:We are connecting Asterisk via SIP to a 3rd party SIP gateway.  Passing DTMF worked fine up until r50032.  With r50032 and beyond, the DTMF is not passed ot the SIP gateway.

r50032 changed rtp.c and the commit message is "Disable the more intense packet2packet bridging until the bugs can be worked out."


I've attached 2 debugs.  Dialing my bank and pressing "1" to interact with their IVR.  Asterisk <-> SIP Gateway <-> PSTN.

First trace is from 1.4.0, second from head of 1.4 branch.  I've verified that the problem was introduced with r50032.
Comments:By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2007-01-16 23:47:02.000-0600

Could you take a look at this?

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2007-01-16 23:50:27.000-0600

I need an rtp debug, not just verbose output.

By: Ryan Courtnage (rcourtna) 2007-01-17 00:08:21.000-0600

rtp debug shows a ridiculous amount of the following repeating on the console:

Sent RTP P2P packet to yy.yy.yy.yy:55698 (type 00, len 000160)                      
Got  RTP packet from    xx.xx.xx.xx:15648 (type 00, seq 000675, ts 108000, len 000160)

... probably normal.  Anyways, when I press "1", it shows:

[Jan 16 22:56:52] DEBUG[22815]: rtp.c:721 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4)
Sent RTP P2P packet to xx.xx.xx.xx:15648 (type 101, len 000004)                    
Got  RTP packet from    yy.yy.yy.yy:55698 (type 101, seq 014467, ts 3495414176, len 000004)
Got  RTP RFC2833 from   yy.yy.yy.yy:55698 (type 101, seq 014467, ts 3495414176, len 000004, mark 0, event 00000001, end 1, duration 10400)

Is this what you need?

FYI - the above is with r50032

Below is from r50030 when pressing "1":

   -- Packet2Packet bridging SIP/702-081e7480 and SIP/ps-xl-peer-081e8ea8
Sent RTP P2P packet to xx.xx.xx.xx:9116 (type 101, len 000004)                      
Sent RTP P2P packet to yy.yy.yy.yy:52970 (type 00, len 000160)                      
Sent RTP P2P packet to xx.xx.xx.xx:9116 (type 101, len 000004)                      
Sent RTP P2P packet to yy.yy.yy.yy:52970 (type 00, len 000160)                      
Sent RTP P2P packet to xx.xx.xx.xx:9116 (type 101, len 000004)

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2007-01-17 00:38:14.000-0600

Fixed in 1.4 as of revision 51182 and trunk as of revision 51183. Thanks!