[Jan 16 21:39:37] Asterisk 1.4.0, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2006 Digium, Inc. and others. [Jan 16 21:39:37] Created by Mark Spencer [Jan 16 21:39:37] Asterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'core show warranty' for details. [Jan 16 21:39:37] This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public [Jan 16 21:39:37] License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under [Jan 16 21:39:37] certain conditions. Type 'core show license' for details. [Jan 16 21:39:37] ========================================================================= [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf': Parsing /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf': Parsing /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/logger.conf': Parsing /etc/asterisk/logger.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] Asterisk Event Logger Started /var/log/asterisk/event_log [Jan 16 21:39:37] Asterisk Dynamic Loader Starting: [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/modules.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/modules.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dnsmgr.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/dnsmgr.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action Ping [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action Events [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action Logoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action Hangup [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action Status [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action Setvar [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action Getvar [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action GetConfig [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action UpdateConfig [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action Redirect [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action Originate [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action Command [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action ExtensionState [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action AbsoluteTimeout [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action MailboxStatus [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action MailboxCount [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action ListCommands [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action UserEvent [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action WaitEvent [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/manager.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: config.c:733 process_text_line: Unknown directive 'permit=' at line 18 of manager_custom.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Asterisk Management interface listening on port 5038 [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/cdr.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] NOTICE[24748]: cdr.c:1092 do_reload: CDR simple logging enabled. [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/rtp.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] == RTP Allocating from port range 10000 -> 20000 [Jan 16 21:39:37] == UDPTL allocating from port range 4500 -> 4999 [Jan 16 21:39:37] Asterisk PBX Core Initializing [Jan 16 21:39:37] Registering builtin applications: [Jan 16 21:39:37] [Answer] [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'Answer' [Jan 16 21:39:37] [BackGround] [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'BackGround' [Jan 16 21:39:37] [Busy] [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'Busy' [Jan 16 21:39:37] [Congestion] [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'Congestion' [Jan 16 21:39:37] [Goto] [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'Goto' [Jan 16 21:39:37] [GotoIf] [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'GotoIf' [Jan 16 21:39:37] [GotoIfTime] [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'GotoIfTime' [Jan 16 21:39:37] [ExecIfTime] [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'ExecIfTime' [Jan 16 21:39:37] [Hangup] [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'Hangup' [Jan 16 21:39:37] [NoOp] [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'NoOp' [Jan 16 21:39:37] [Progress] [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'Progress' [Jan 16 21:39:37] [ResetCDR] [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'ResetCDR' [Jan 16 21:39:37] [Ringing] [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'Ringing' [Jan 16 21:39:37] [SayNumber] [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'SayNumber' [Jan 16 21:39:37] [SayDigits] [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'SayDigits' [Jan 16 21:39:37] [SayAlpha] [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'SayAlpha' [Jan 16 21:39:37] [SayPhonetic] [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'SayPhonetic' [Jan 16 21:39:37] [SetAMAFlags] [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'SetAMAFlags' [Jan 16 21:39:37] [SetGlobalVar] [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'SetGlobalVar' [Jan 16 21:39:37] [Set] [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'Set' [Jan 16 21:39:37] [ImportVar] [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'ImportVar' [Jan 16 21:39:37] [Wait] [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'Wait' [Jan 16 21:39:37] [WaitExten] [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'WaitExten' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action DBGet [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action DBPut [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/enum.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/enum.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] Asterisk Dynamic Loader Starting: [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/modules.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/modules.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] NOTICE[24748]: loader.c:792 load_modules: 140 modules will be loaded. [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: loader.c:362 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module 'format_au.so': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/format_au.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: loader.c:362 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module 'format_mp3.so': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/format_mp3.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'MusicOnHold' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'WaitMusicOnHold' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'SetMusicOnHold' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'StartMusicOnHold' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'StopMusicOnHold' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/musiconhold_additional.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/musiconhold_additional.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] res_musiconhold.so => (Music On Hold Resource) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/adsi.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/adsi.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] res_adsi.so => (ADSI Resource (not optional)) [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: res_config_pgsql.c:636 parse_config: Unable to load config res_pgsql.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Loaded PUBLIC key 'iaxtel' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: res_crypto.c:259 try_load_key: Key 'iaxtel' loaded OK [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Loaded PUBLIC key 'freeworlddialup' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: res_crypto.c:259 try_load_key: Key 'freeworlddialup' loaded OK [Jan 16 21:39:37] res_crypto.so => (Cryptographic Digital Signatures) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/features.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/features.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Remapping feature One Touch Monitor (automon) to sequence '*1' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered Feature 'nway-start' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Mapping Feature 'nway-start' to app 'Macro(super3way-start)' with code '*0' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'parkedcalls' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'parkedcalls' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '70' priority 1 to parkedcalls [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '70' priority 1 to parkedcalls [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: res_features.c:277 notify_metermaids: Notification of state change to metermaids 70@parkedcalls [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: devicestate.c:303 __ast_device_state_changed_literal: Notification of state change to be queued on device/channel park:70@parkedcalls [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:157 ast_device_state: Checking if I can find provider for "park" - number: 70@parkedcalls [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:287 do_state_change: Changing state for park:70@parkedcalls - state 4 (Invalid) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'ParkedCall' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'Park' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action ParkedCalls [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action Park [Jan 16 21:39:37] res_features.so => (Call Features Resource) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/indications.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/indications.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'at' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'au' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'br' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'be' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'ch' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'cl' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'cn' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'cz' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'de' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'dk' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'ee' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'es' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'fi' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'fr' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'gr' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'hu' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'it' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'lt' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'mx' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'nl' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'no' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'nz' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'pl' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'pt' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'ru' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'se' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'sg' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'uk' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'us' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'us-o' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered indication country 'tw' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Setting default indication country to 'us' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'PlayTones' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'StopPlayTones' [Jan 16 21:39:37] res_indications.so => (Indications Resource) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'Monitor' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'StopMonitor' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'ChangeMonitor' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'PauseMonitor' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'UnpauseMonitor' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action Monitor [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action StopMonitor [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action ChangeMonitor [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action PauseMonitor [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action UnpauseMonitor [Jan 16 21:39:37] res_monitor.so => (Call Monitoring Resource) [Jan 16 21:39:37] NOTICE[24748]: res_smdi.c:539 smdi_load: Unable to load config smdi.conf: SMDI disabled [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: res_smdi.c:722 load_module: No SMDI interfaces are available to listen on, not starting SDMI listener. [Jan 16 21:39:37] res_speech.so => (Generic Speech Recognition API) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered file format wav, extension(s) wav [Jan 16 21:39:37] format_wav.so => (Microsoft WAV format (8000Hz Signed Linear)) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered file format pcm, extension(s) pcm|ulaw|ul|mu [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered file format alaw, extension(s) alaw|al [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered file format au, extension(s) au [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered file format g722, extension(s) g722 [Jan 16 21:39:37] format_pcm.so => (Raw/Sun uLaw/ALaw 8KHz Audio support (PCM,PCMA,AU) and G.722 16Khz Audio Support) [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: loader.c:362 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module 'format_au.so': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/format_au.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: loader.c:607 load_resource: Module 'format_au.so' could not be loaded. [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: loader.c:362 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module 'format_mp3.so': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/format_mp3.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: loader.c:607 load_resource: Module 'format_mp3.so' could not be loaded. [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'DeadAGI' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'EAGI' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'AGI' [Jan 16 21:39:37] res_agi.so => (Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI)) [Jan 16 21:39:37] res_clioriginate.so => (Call origination from the CLI) [Jan 16 21:39:37] res_convert.so => (File format conversion CLI command) [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: channel.c:449 ast_channel_register: Registered handler for 'Agent' (Call Agent Proxy Channel) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered channel type 'Agent' (Call Agent Proxy Channel) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/agents.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/agents.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'AgentLogin' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'AgentCallbackLogin' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'AgentMonitorOutgoing' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action Agents [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action AgentLogoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action AgentCallbackLogin [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered custom function AGENT [Jan 16 21:39:37] chan_agent.so => (Agent Proxy Channel) [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: channel.c:449 ast_channel_register: Registered handler for 'Feature' (Feature Proxy Channel Driver) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered channel type 'Feature' (Feature Proxy Channel Driver) [Jan 16 21:39:37] chan_features.so => (Feature Proxy Channel) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered custom function IAXPEER [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: cli.c:1434 __ast_cli_register: Command 'iax2 show cache' already registered (or something close enough) [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: cli.c:1434 __ast_cli_register: Command 'iax2 show channels' already registered (or something close enough) [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: cli.c:1434 __ast_cli_register: Command 'iax2 show firmware' already registered (or something close enough) [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: cli.c:1434 __ast_cli_register: Command 'iax2 show netstats' already registered (or something close enough) [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: cli.c:1434 __ast_cli_register: Command 'iax2 show peers' already registered (or something close enough) [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: cli.c:1434 __ast_cli_register: Command 'iax2 show registry' already registered (or something close enough) [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: cli.c:1434 __ast_cli_register: Command 'iax2 show stats' already registered (or something close enough) [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: cli.c:1434 __ast_cli_register: Command 'iax2 show threads' already registered (or something close enough) [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: cli.c:1434 __ast_cli_register: Command 'iax2 show users' already registered (or something close enough) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'IAX2Provision' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action IAXpeers [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action IAXnetstats [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/iax.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/iax.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/iax_additional.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/iax_additional.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Using TOS bits 0 [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Binding IAX2 to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] > doing dnsmgr_lookup for 'sw1.link2voip.com' [Jan 16 21:39:37] > doing dnsmgr_lookup for 'sw2.link2voip.com' [Jan 16 21:39:37] NOTICE[24748]: chan_iax2.c:8554 build_user: The option 'notransfer' is deprecated in favor of 'transfer' which has options 'yes', 'no', and 'mediaonly' [Jan 16 21:39:37] NOTICE[24748]: chan_iax2.c:8314 build_peer: The option 'notransfer' is deprecated in favor of 'transfer' which has options 'yes', 'no', and 'mediaonly' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key '300' in family 'IAX/Registry' [Jan 16 21:39:37] NOTICE[24748]: chan_iax2.c:8554 build_user: The option 'notransfer' is deprecated in favor of 'transfer' which has options 'yes', 'no', and 'mediaonly' [Jan 16 21:39:37] NOTICE[24748]: chan_iax2.c:8314 build_peer: The option 'notransfer' is deprecated in favor of 'transfer' which has options 'yes', 'no', and 'mediaonly' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key '704' in family 'IAX/Registry' [Jan 16 21:39:37] > doing dnsmgr_lookup for 'sw1.link2voip.com' [Jan 16 21:39:37] > doing dnsmgr_lookup for 'sw2.link2voip.com' [Jan 16 21:39:37] > doing dnsmgr_lookup for '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] > doing dnsmgr_lookup for 'toddcourtnage.com' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: channel.c:449 ast_channel_register: Registered handler for 'IAX2' (Inter Asterisk eXchange Driver (Ver 2)) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered channel type 'IAX2' (Inter Asterisk eXchange Driver (Ver 2)) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == 10 helper threaads started [Jan 16 21:39:37] == IAX Ready and Listening [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: chan_iax2.c:7693 iax2_do_register: Allocate call number [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: chan_iax2.c:7699 iax2_do_register: Registration created on call 1 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: chan_iax2.c:7693 iax2_do_register: Allocate call number [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: chan_iax2.c:7699 iax2_do_register: Registration created on call 2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Loaded firmware 'iaxy.bin' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/iaxprov.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/iaxprov.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: acl.c:310 ast_str2tos: TOS value lowdelay is deprecated. Please see doc/ip-tos.txt for more information. [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Loaded provisioning template 'default' [Jan 16 21:39:37] chan_iax2.so => (Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2)) [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: channel.c:449 ast_channel_register: Registered handler for 'Local' (Local Proxy Channel Driver) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered channel type 'Local' (Local Proxy Channel Driver) [Jan 16 21:39:37] chan_local.so => (Local Proxy Channel) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/mgcp.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/mgcp.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] == MGCP Listening on [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Using TOS bits 0 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: channel.c:449 ast_channel_register: Registered handler for 'MGCP' (Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP)) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered channel type 'MGCP' (Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP)) [Jan 16 21:39:37] chan_mgcp.so => (Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP)) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/phone.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/phone.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: channel.c:449 ast_channel_register: Registered handler for 'Phone' (Standard Linux Telephony API Driver) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered channel type 'Phone' (Standard Linux Telephony API Driver) [Jan 16 21:39:37] chan_phone.so => (Linux Telephony API Support) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/sip.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip_nat.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/sip_nat.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip_additional.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/sip_additional.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: acl.c:199 ast_append_ha: appended to acl for peer [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- SIP Seeding peer from astdb: '700' at 700@ for 3600 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- SIP Seeding peer from astdb: '701' at 701@ for 3600 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- SIP Seeding peer from astdb: '702' at 702@ for 3600 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key '703' in family 'SIP/Registry' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- SIP Seeding peer from astdb: '705' at 705@ for 3600 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- SIP Seeding peer from astdb: '750' at 750@ for 3600 [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: chan_sip.c:15252 handle_common_options: insecure=very at line 101 is deprecated; use insecure=port,invite instead [Jan 16 21:39:37] == SIP Listening on [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Using SIP TOS: none [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip_notify.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/sip_notify.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: channel.c:449 ast_channel_register: Registered handler for 'SIP' (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered channel type 'SIP' (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'SIPDtmfMode' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered application 'SIPAddHeader' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered custom function SIP_HEADER [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered custom function SIPPEER [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered custom function SIPCHANINFO [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered custom function CHECKSIPDOMAIN [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action SIPpeers [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Manager registered action SIPshowpeer [Jan 16 21:39:37] chan_sip.so => (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/skinny.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/skinny.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: chan_skinny.c:4462 reload_config: Option 'port' at line 5 of skinny.conf has been deprecated. Please use 'bindport' instead. [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Skinny listening on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: channel.c:449 ast_channel_register: Registered handler for 'Skinny' (Skinny Client Control Protocol (Skinny)) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Registered channel type 'Skinny' (Skinny Client Control Protocol (Skinny)) [Jan 16 21:39:37] NOTICE[24748]: pbx_ael.c:3859 pbx_load_module: Starting AEL load process. [Jan 16 21:39:37] NOTICE[24748]: pbx_ael.c:3866 pbx_load_module: AEL load process: calculated config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. [Jan 16 21:39:37] NOTICE[24748]: pbx_ael.c:3874 pbx_load_module: AEL load process: parsed config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. [Jan 16 21:39:37] NOTICE[24748]: pbx_ael.c:3877 pbx_load_module: AEL load process: checked config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-std-exten-ael' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'macro-std-exten-ael' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'ael-demo' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'ael-demo' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'a' priority 1 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'a' priority 1 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'a' priority 2 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'a' priority 2 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'a' priority 3 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'a' priority 3 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_sw-1-.' priority 1 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_sw-1-.' priority 1 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_sw-1-.' priority 2 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_sw-1-.' priority 2 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'sw-1-BUSY' priority 1 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'sw-1-BUSY' priority 1 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'sw-1-BUSY' priority 2 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'sw-1-BUSY' priority 2 to macro-std-exten-ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 8 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 9 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 10 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 11 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 12 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2' priority 1 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '2' priority 1 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2' priority 2 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '2' priority 2 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '3' priority 1 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '3' priority 1 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '3' priority 2 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '3' priority 2 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '500' priority 1 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '500' priority 1 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '500' priority 2 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '500' priority 2 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '500' priority 3 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '500' priority 3 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '500' priority 4 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '500' priority 4 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '600' priority 1 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '600' priority 1 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '600' priority 2 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '600' priority 2 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '600' priority 3 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '600' priority 3 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '600' priority 4 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '600' priority 4 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_1234' priority 1 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_1234' priority 1 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '#' priority 1 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '#' priority 1 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '#' priority 2 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '#' priority 2 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 't' priority 1 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'i' priority 1 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to ael-demo [Jan 16 21:39:37] NOTICE[24748]: pbx_ael.c:3879 pbx_load_module: AEL load process: compiled config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3898 ast_merge_contexts_and_delete: must remove any reg pbx_ael [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:5231 __ast_context_destroy: check ctx parkedcalls res_features [Jan 16 21:39:37] NOTICE[24748]: pbx_ael.c:3882 pbx_load_module: AEL load process: merged config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. [Jan 16 21:39:37] NOTICE[24748]: pbx_ael.c:3885 pbx_load_module: AEL load process: verified config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. [Jan 16 21:39:37] pbx_ael.so => (Asterisk Extension Language Compiler) [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extensions_additional.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/extensions_additional.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extensions_custom.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/extensions_custom.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extensions_gabcast.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/extensions_gabcast.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: config.c:733 process_text_line: Unknown directive 'exten' at line 124 of extensions_custom.conf [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extensions_custom.conf.ps': [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/extensions_custom.conf.ps [Jan 16 21:39:37] Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'CALLFILENAME' to '""' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'DIAL_OPTIONS' to 'tr' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'DIAL_OUT' to '9' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'FAX' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'FAX_RX' to 'system' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'FAX_RX_EMAIL' to 'rando@courtnage.ca' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'INCOMING' to 'group-all' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'NULL' to '""' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OPERATOR' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'PARKNOTIFY' to 'SIP/200' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'RECORDEXTEN' to '""' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'RINGTIMER' to '15' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'DIRECTORY' to 'last' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'AFTER_INCOMING' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'IN_OVERRIDE' to 'forcereghours' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'REGTIME' to '7:55-17:05' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'REGDAYS' to 'mon-fri' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'DIRECTORY_OPTS' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'DIALOUTIDS' to '1/2/3/4/5/6/7/' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUT_1' to 'ZAP/g0' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'VM_PREFIX' to '*' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUTCID_2' to '4037751722' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUTMAXCHANS_2' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUTPREFIX_2' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUT_2' to 'IAX2/FreeWorldTel' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUTPREFIX_1' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUTMAXCHANS_1' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUTCID_1' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUTCID_3' to '"Jack FM" <700>' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUTMAXCHANS_3' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUTPREFIX_3' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUT_3' to 'IAX2/todd' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'TONEZONE' to 'us' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'ALLOW_SIP_ANON' to 'yes' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'FAX_RX_FROM' to 'freepbx@gmail.com' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'TRUNK_OPTIONS' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUTCID_4' to '4037751723' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUTMAXCHANS_4' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUTPREFIX_4' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUT_4' to 'IAX2/FreeWorldTel-Out2' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'VM_DDTYPE' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'VM_GAIN' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUTCID_5' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUTMAXCHANS_5' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUTPREFIX_5' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUT_5' to 'AMP:IAX2/coalescent2.dyndns.org:4571/$OUTNUM$' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'VMZERO' to 'didentry|1' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUT_6' to 'IAX2/ps-downtown-peer' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUTPREFIX_6' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUTMAXCHANS_6' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUTCID_6' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUTCID_7' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUTMAXCHANS_7' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUTPREFIX_7' to '' [Jan 16 21:39:37] == Setting global variable 'OUT_7' to 'SIP/ps-xl-peer' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-recordings' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-recordings' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-recordings-custom' in context 'app-recordings' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*77' priority 1 to app-recordings [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*77' priority 1 to app-recordings [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*77' priority 2 to app-recordings [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*77' priority 2 to app-recordings [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*77' priority 3 to app-recordings [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*77' priority 3 to app-recordings [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*99' priority 1 to app-recordings [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*99' priority 1 to app-recordings [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*99' priority 2 to app-recordings [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*99' priority 2 to app-recordings [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*99' priority 3 to app-recordings [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*99' priority 3 to app-recordings [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'ext-group' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'ext-group' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-group-custom' in context 'ext-group' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '998' priority 1 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '998' priority 1 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '998' priority 2 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '998' priority 2 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '998' priority 3 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '998' priority 3 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '998' priority 4 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '998' priority 4 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '998' priority 5 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '998' priority 5 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '998' priority 6 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '998' priority 6 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '998' priority 7 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '998' priority 7 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '998' priority 8 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '998' priority 8 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '998' priority 9 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '998' priority 9 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '998' priority 10 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '998' priority 10 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '998' priority 11 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '998' priority 11 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '999' priority 1 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '999' priority 1 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '999' priority 2 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '999' priority 2 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '999' priority 3 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '999' priority 3 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '999' priority 4 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '999' priority 4 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '999' priority 5 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '999' priority 5 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '999' priority 6 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '999' priority 6 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '999' priority 7 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '999' priority 7 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '999' priority 8 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '999' priority 8 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '999' priority 9 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '999' priority 9 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '999' priority 10 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '999' priority 10 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '999' priority 11 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '999' priority 11 to ext-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'ivr-2' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'ivr-2' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ivr-2-custom' in context 'ivr-2' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-findmefollow' in context 'ivr-2' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-local' in context 'ivr-2' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'h' priority 1 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'hang' priority 1 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'hang' priority 1 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'hang' priority 2 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'hang' priority 2 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '0' priority 1 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '0' priority 1 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '1' priority 1 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '1' priority 1 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2' priority 1 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '2' priority 1 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '3' priority 1 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '3' priority 1 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 't' priority 1 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'i' priority 1 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'i' priority 2 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'i' priority 2 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'loop' priority 1 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'loop' priority 1 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'loop' priority 2 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'loop' priority 2 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'loop' priority 3 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'loop' priority 3 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'fax' priority 1 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'fax' priority 1 to ivr-2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'ext-paging' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'ext-paging' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-paging-custom' in context 'ext-paging' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'PAGE701' priority 1 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'PAGE701' priority 1 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'PAGE701' priority 2 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'PAGE701' priority 2 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'PAGE701' priority 3 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'PAGE701' priority 3 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'PAGE701' priority 4 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'PAGE701' priority 4 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'PAGE701' priority 5 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'PAGE701' priority 5 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'PAGE701' priority 6 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'PAGE701' priority 6 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'PAGE701' priority 7 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'PAGE701' priority 7 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'PAGE701' priority 8 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'PAGE701' priority 8 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'PAGE701' priority 9 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'PAGE701' priority 9 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'PAGE705' priority 1 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'PAGE705' priority 1 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'PAGE705' priority 2 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'PAGE705' priority 2 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'PAGE705' priority 3 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'PAGE705' priority 3 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'PAGE705' priority 4 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'PAGE705' priority 4 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'PAGE705' priority 5 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'PAGE705' priority 5 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'PAGE705' priority 6 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'PAGE705' priority 6 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'PAGE705' priority 7 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'PAGE705' priority 7 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'PAGE705' priority 8 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'PAGE705' priority 8 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'PAGE705' priority 9 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'PAGE705' priority 9 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'Debug' priority 1 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'Debug' priority 1 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '555' priority 1 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '555' priority 1 to ext-paging [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'ext-queues' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'ext-queues' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-queues-custom' in context 'ext-queues' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '1' priority 1 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '1' priority 1 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '1' priority 2 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '1' priority 2 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '1' priority 3 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '1' priority 3 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '1' priority 4 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '1' priority 4 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '1' priority 5 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '1' priority 5 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '1' priority 6 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '1' priority 6 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '1' priority 7 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '1' priority 7 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '1*' priority 1 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '1*' priority 1 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '1**' priority 1 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '1**' priority 1 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2' priority 1 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '2' priority 1 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2' priority 2 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '2' priority 2 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2' priority 3 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '2' priority 3 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2' priority 4 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '2' priority 4 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2' priority 5 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '2' priority 5 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2' priority 6 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '2' priority 6 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2' priority 7 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '2' priority 7 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2' priority 8 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '2' priority 8 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2*' priority 1 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '2*' priority 1 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2**' priority 1 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '2**' priority 1 to ext-queues [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'ext-meetme' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'ext-meetme' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-meetme-custom' in context 'ext-meetme' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'STARTMEETME' priority 1 to ext-meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'STARTMEETME' priority 1 to ext-meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'STARTMEETME' priority 2 to ext-meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'STARTMEETME' priority 2 to ext-meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'h' priority 1 to ext-meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to ext-meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '5455' priority 1 to ext-meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '5455' priority 1 to ext-meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '5455' priority 2 to ext-meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '5455' priority 2 to ext-meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '5455' priority 3 to ext-meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '5455' priority 3 to ext-meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '5455' priority 4 to ext-meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '5455' priority 4 to ext-meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '5455' priority 5 to ext-meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '5455' priority 5 to ext-meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '5455' priority 6 to ext-meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '5455' priority 6 to ext-meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'disa' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'disa' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'disa-custom' in context 'disa' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2' priority 1 to disa [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '2' priority 1 to disa [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2' priority 2 to disa [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '2' priority 2 to disa [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2' priority 3 to disa [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '2' priority 3 to disa [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2' priority 4 to disa [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '2' priority 4 to disa [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2' priority 5 to disa [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '2' priority 5 to disa [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-dnd-off' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-dnd-off' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-dnd-off-custom' in context 'app-dnd-off' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*79' priority 1 to app-dnd-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*79' priority 1 to app-dnd-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*79' priority 2 to app-dnd-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*79' priority 2 to app-dnd-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*79' priority 3 to app-dnd-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*79' priority 3 to app-dnd-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*79' priority 4 to app-dnd-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*79' priority 4 to app-dnd-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*79' priority 5 to app-dnd-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*79' priority 5 to app-dnd-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*79' priority 6 to app-dnd-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*79' priority 6 to app-dnd-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-dnd-on' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-dnd-on' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-dnd-on-custom' in context 'app-dnd-on' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*78' priority 1 to app-dnd-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*78' priority 1 to app-dnd-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*78' priority 2 to app-dnd-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*78' priority 2 to app-dnd-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*78' priority 3 to app-dnd-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*78' priority 3 to app-dnd-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*78' priority 4 to app-dnd-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*78' priority 4 to app-dnd-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*78' priority 5 to app-dnd-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*78' priority 5 to app-dnd-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*78' priority 6 to app-dnd-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*78' priority 6 to app-dnd-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-callwaiting-cwoff' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-callwaiting-cwoff' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-callwaiting-cwoff-custom' in context 'app-callwaiting-cwoff' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*71' priority 1 to app-callwaiting-cwoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*71' priority 1 to app-callwaiting-cwoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*71' priority 2 to app-callwaiting-cwoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*71' priority 2 to app-callwaiting-cwoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*71' priority 3 to app-callwaiting-cwoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*71' priority 3 to app-callwaiting-cwoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*71' priority 4 to app-callwaiting-cwoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*71' priority 4 to app-callwaiting-cwoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*71' priority 5 to app-callwaiting-cwoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*71' priority 5 to app-callwaiting-cwoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*71' priority 6 to app-callwaiting-cwoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*71' priority 6 to app-callwaiting-cwoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-callwaiting-cwon' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-callwaiting-cwon' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-callwaiting-cwon-custom' in context 'app-callwaiting-cwon' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*70' priority 1 to app-callwaiting-cwon [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*70' priority 1 to app-callwaiting-cwon [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*70' priority 2 to app-callwaiting-cwon [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*70' priority 2 to app-callwaiting-cwon [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*70' priority 3 to app-callwaiting-cwon [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*70' priority 3 to app-callwaiting-cwon [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*70' priority 4 to app-callwaiting-cwon [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*70' priority 4 to app-callwaiting-cwon [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*70' priority 5 to app-callwaiting-cwon [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*70' priority 5 to app-callwaiting-cwon [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*70' priority 6 to app-callwaiting-cwon [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*70' priority 6 to app-callwaiting-cwon [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-calltrace' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-calltrace' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-calltrace-custom' in context 'app-calltrace' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*69' priority 1 to app-calltrace [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*69' priority 1 to app-calltrace [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-calltrace-perform' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-calltrace-perform' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-calltrace-perform-custom' in context 'app-calltrace-perform' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 8 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 9 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 10 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 11 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 12 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 13 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 14 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '1' priority 1 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '1' priority 1 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'i' priority 1 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'i' priority 2 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'i' priority 2 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 't' priority 1 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 't' priority 2 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 't' priority 2 to app-calltrace-perform [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-directory' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-directory' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-directory-custom' in context 'app-directory' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '#' priority 1 to app-directory [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '#' priority 1 to app-directory [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '#' priority 2 to app-directory [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '#' priority 2 to app-directory [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '#' priority 3 to app-directory [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '#' priority 3 to app-directory [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '#' priority 4 to app-directory [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '#' priority 4 to app-directory [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '#' priority 5 to app-directory [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '#' priority 5 to app-directory [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-echo-test' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-echo-test' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-echo-test-custom' in context 'app-echo-test' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*43' priority 1 to app-echo-test [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*43' priority 1 to app-echo-test [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*43' priority 2 to app-echo-test [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*43' priority 2 to app-echo-test [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*43' priority 3 to app-echo-test [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*43' priority 3 to app-echo-test [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*43' priority 4 to app-echo-test [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*43' priority 4 to app-echo-test [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*43' priority 5 to app-echo-test [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*43' priority 5 to app-echo-test [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*43' priority 6 to app-echo-test [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*43' priority 6 to app-echo-test [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-speakextennum' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-speakextennum' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-speakextennum-custom' in context 'app-speakextennum' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*65' priority 1 to app-speakextennum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*65' priority 1 to app-speakextennum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*65' priority 2 to app-speakextennum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*65' priority 2 to app-speakextennum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*65' priority 3 to app-speakextennum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*65' priority 3 to app-speakextennum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*65' priority 4 to app-speakextennum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*65' priority 4 to app-speakextennum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*65' priority 5 to app-speakextennum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*65' priority 5 to app-speakextennum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*65' priority 6 to app-speakextennum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*65' priority 6 to app-speakextennum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*65' priority 7 to app-speakextennum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*65' priority 7 to app-speakextennum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*65' priority 8 to app-speakextennum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*65' priority 8 to app-speakextennum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*65' priority 9 to app-speakextennum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*65' priority 9 to app-speakextennum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-speakingclock' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-speakingclock' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-speakingclock-custom' in context 'app-speakingclock' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*60' priority 1 to app-speakingclock [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*60' priority 1 to app-speakingclock [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*60' priority 2 to app-speakingclock [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*60' priority 2 to app-speakingclock [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*60' priority 3 to app-speakingclock [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*60' priority 3 to app-speakingclock [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*60' priority 4 to app-speakingclock [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*60' priority 4 to app-speakingclock [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*60' priority 5 to app-speakingclock [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*60' priority 5 to app-speakingclock [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*60' priority 6 to app-speakingclock [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*60' priority 6 to app-speakingclock [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-cf-busy-off' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-cf-busy-off' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-cf-busy-off-custom' in context 'app-cf-busy-off' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*91' priority 1 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*91' priority 1 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*91' priority 2 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*91' priority 2 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*91' priority 3 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*91' priority 3 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*91' priority 4 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*91' priority 4 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*91' priority 5 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*91' priority 5 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*91' priority 6 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*91' priority 6 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*91.' priority 1 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*91.' priority 1 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*91.' priority 2 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*91.' priority 2 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*91.' priority 3 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*91.' priority 3 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*91.' priority 4 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*91.' priority 4 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*91.' priority 5 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*91.' priority 5 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*91.' priority 6 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*91.' priority 6 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*91.' priority 7 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*91.' priority 7 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*91.' priority 8 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*91.' priority 8 to app-cf-busy-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-cf-busy-off-any' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-cf-busy-off-any' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-cf-busy-off-any-custom' in context 'app-cf-busy-off-any' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*92' priority 1 to app-cf-busy-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*92' priority 1 to app-cf-busy-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*92' priority 2 to app-cf-busy-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*92' priority 2 to app-cf-busy-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*92' priority 3 to app-cf-busy-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*92' priority 3 to app-cf-busy-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*92' priority 4 to app-cf-busy-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*92' priority 4 to app-cf-busy-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*92' priority 5 to app-cf-busy-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*92' priority 5 to app-cf-busy-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*92' priority 6 to app-cf-busy-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*92' priority 6 to app-cf-busy-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*92' priority 7 to app-cf-busy-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*92' priority 7 to app-cf-busy-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*92' priority 8 to app-cf-busy-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*92' priority 8 to app-cf-busy-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*92' priority 9 to app-cf-busy-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*92' priority 9 to app-cf-busy-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*92' priority 10 to app-cf-busy-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*92' priority 10 to app-cf-busy-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-cf-busy-on' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-cf-busy-on' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-cf-busy-on-custom' in context 'app-cf-busy-on' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*90' priority 1 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*90' priority 1 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*90' priority 2 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*90' priority 2 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*90' priority 3 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*90' priority 3 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*90' priority 4 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*90' priority 4 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*90' priority 5 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*90' priority 5 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*90' priority 6 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*90' priority 6 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*90' priority 7 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*90' priority 7 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*90' priority 8 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*90' priority 8 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*90' priority 9 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*90' priority 9 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*90' priority 10 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*90' priority 10 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*90' priority 11 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*90' priority 11 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*90' priority 12 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*90' priority 12 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*90' priority 13 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*90' priority 13 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*90' priority 14 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*90' priority 14 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*90' priority 15 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*90' priority 15 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*90' priority 16 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*90' priority 16 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*90' priority 17 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*90' priority 17 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*90.' priority 1 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*90.' priority 1 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*90.' priority 2 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*90.' priority 2 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*90.' priority 3 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*90.' priority 3 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*90.' priority 4 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*90.' priority 4 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*90.' priority 5 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*90.' priority 5 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*90.' priority 6 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*90.' priority 6 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*90.' priority 7 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*90.' priority 7 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*90.' priority 8 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*90.' priority 8 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*90.' priority 9 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*90.' priority 9 to app-cf-busy-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-cf-off' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-cf-off' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-cf-off-custom' in context 'app-cf-off' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*73' priority 1 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*73' priority 1 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*73' priority 2 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*73' priority 2 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*73' priority 3 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*73' priority 3 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*73' priority 4 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*73' priority 4 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*73' priority 5 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*73' priority 5 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*73' priority 6 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*73' priority 6 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*73.' priority 1 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*73.' priority 1 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*73.' priority 2 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*73.' priority 2 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*73.' priority 3 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*73.' priority 3 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*73.' priority 4 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*73.' priority 4 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*73.' priority 5 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*73.' priority 5 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*73.' priority 6 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*73.' priority 6 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*73.' priority 7 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*73.' priority 7 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*73.' priority 8 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*73.' priority 8 to app-cf-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-cf-off-any' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-cf-off-any' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-cf-off-any-custom' in context 'app-cf-off-any' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*74' priority 1 to app-cf-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*74' priority 1 to app-cf-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*74' priority 2 to app-cf-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*74' priority 2 to app-cf-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*74' priority 3 to app-cf-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*74' priority 3 to app-cf-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*74' priority 4 to app-cf-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*74' priority 4 to app-cf-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*74' priority 5 to app-cf-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*74' priority 5 to app-cf-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*74' priority 6 to app-cf-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*74' priority 6 to app-cf-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*74' priority 7 to app-cf-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*74' priority 7 to app-cf-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*74' priority 8 to app-cf-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*74' priority 8 to app-cf-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*74' priority 9 to app-cf-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*74' priority 9 to app-cf-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*74' priority 10 to app-cf-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*74' priority 10 to app-cf-off-any [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-cf-on' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-cf-on' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-cf-on-custom' in context 'app-cf-on' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*72' priority 1 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*72' priority 1 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*72' priority 2 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*72' priority 2 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*72' priority 3 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*72' priority 3 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*72' priority 4 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*72' priority 4 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*72' priority 5 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*72' priority 5 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*72' priority 6 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*72' priority 6 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*72' priority 7 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*72' priority 7 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*72' priority 8 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*72' priority 8 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*72' priority 9 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*72' priority 9 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*72' priority 10 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*72' priority 10 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*72' priority 11 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*72' priority 11 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*72' priority 12 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*72' priority 12 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*72' priority 13 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*72' priority 13 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*72' priority 14 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*72' priority 14 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*72' priority 15 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*72' priority 15 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*72' priority 16 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*72' priority 16 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*72' priority 17 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*72' priority 17 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*72.' priority 1 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*72.' priority 1 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*72.' priority 2 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*72.' priority 2 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*72.' priority 3 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*72.' priority 3 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*72.' priority 4 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*72.' priority 4 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*72.' priority 5 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*72.' priority 5 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*72.' priority 6 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*72.' priority 6 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*72.' priority 7 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*72.' priority 7 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*72.' priority 8 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*72.' priority 8 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*72.' priority 9 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*72.' priority 9 to app-cf-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-cf-unavailable-off' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-cf-unavailable-off' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-cf-unavailable-off-custom' in context 'app-cf-unavailable-off' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*53' priority 1 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*53' priority 1 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*53' priority 2 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*53' priority 2 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*53' priority 3 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*53' priority 3 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*53' priority 4 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*53' priority 4 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*53' priority 5 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*53' priority 5 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*53' priority 6 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*53' priority 6 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*53.' priority 1 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*53.' priority 1 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*53.' priority 2 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*53.' priority 2 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*53.' priority 3 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*53.' priority 3 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*53.' priority 4 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*53.' priority 4 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*53.' priority 5 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*53.' priority 5 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*53.' priority 6 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*53.' priority 6 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*53.' priority 7 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*53.' priority 7 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*53.' priority 8 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*53.' priority 8 to app-cf-unavailable-off [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-cf-unavailable-on' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-cf-unavailable-on' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-cf-unavailable-on-custom' in context 'app-cf-unavailable-on' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*52' priority 1 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*52' priority 1 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*52' priority 2 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*52' priority 2 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*52' priority 3 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*52' priority 3 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*52' priority 4 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*52' priority 4 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*52' priority 5 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*52' priority 5 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*52' priority 6 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*52' priority 6 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*52' priority 7 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*52' priority 7 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*52' priority 8 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*52' priority 8 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*52' priority 9 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*52' priority 9 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*52' priority 10 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*52' priority 10 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*52' priority 11 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*52' priority 11 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*52' priority 12 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*52' priority 12 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*52' priority 13 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*52' priority 13 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*52' priority 14 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*52' priority 14 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*52' priority 15 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*52' priority 15 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*52' priority 16 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*52' priority 16 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*52' priority 17 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*52' priority 17 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*52.' priority 1 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*52.' priority 1 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*52.' priority 2 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*52.' priority 2 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*52.' priority 3 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*52.' priority 3 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*52.' priority 4 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*52.' priority 4 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*52.' priority 5 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*52.' priority 5 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*52.' priority 6 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*52.' priority 6 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*52.' priority 7 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*52.' priority 7 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*52.' priority 8 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*52.' priority 8 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*52.' priority 9 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*52.' priority 9 to app-cf-unavailable-on [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-dialvm' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-dialvm' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-dialvm-custom' in context 'app-dialvm' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*98' priority 1 to app-dialvm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*98' priority 1 to app-dialvm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*98' priority 2 to app-dialvm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*98' priority 2 to app-dialvm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*98' priority 3 to app-dialvm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*98' priority 3 to app-dialvm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*98' priority 4 to app-dialvm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*98' priority 4 to app-dialvm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*98.' priority 1 to app-dialvm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*98.' priority 1 to app-dialvm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*98.' priority 2 to app-dialvm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*98.' priority 2 to app-dialvm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*98.' priority 3 to app-dialvm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*98.' priority 3 to app-dialvm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*98.' priority 4 to app-dialvm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*98.' priority 4 to app-dialvm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*98.' priority 5 to app-dialvm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*98.' priority 5 to app-dialvm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-vmmain' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-vmmain' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-vmmain-custom' in context 'app-vmmain' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*97' priority 1 to app-vmmain [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*97' priority 1 to app-vmmain [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*97' priority 2 to app-vmmain [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*97' priority 2 to app-vmmain [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*97' priority 3 to app-vmmain [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*97' priority 3 to app-vmmain [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*97' priority 4 to app-vmmain [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*97' priority 4 to app-vmmain [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*97' priority 5 to app-vmmain [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*97' priority 5 to app-vmmain [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*97' priority 6 to app-vmmain [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*97' priority 6 to app-vmmain [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'ext-findmefollow' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'ext-findmefollow' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-findmefollow-custom' in context 'ext-findmefollow' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '700' priority 1 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '700' priority 1 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '700' priority 2 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '700' priority 2 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '700' priority 3 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '700' priority 3 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '700' priority 4 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '700' priority 4 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '700' priority 5 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '700' priority 5 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '700' priority 6 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '700' priority 6 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '700' priority 7 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '700' priority 7 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '700' priority 8 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '700' priority 8 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '700' priority 9 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '700' priority 9 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '700' priority 10 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '700' priority 10 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '700' priority 11 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '700' priority 11 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '701' priority 1 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '701' priority 1 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '701' priority 2 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '701' priority 2 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '701' priority 3 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '701' priority 3 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '701' priority 4 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '701' priority 4 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '701' priority 5 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '701' priority 5 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '701' priority 6 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '701' priority 6 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '701' priority 7 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '701' priority 7 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '701' priority 8 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '701' priority 8 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '701' priority 9 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '701' priority 9 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '701' priority 10 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '701' priority 10 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '701' priority 11 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '701' priority 11 to ext-findmefollow [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-chanspy' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-chanspy' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-chanspy-custom' in context 'app-chanspy' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '**54321' priority 1 to app-chanspy [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '**54321' priority 1 to app-chanspy [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '**54321' priority 2 to app-chanspy [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '**54321' priority 2 to app-chanspy [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '**54321' priority 3 to app-chanspy [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '**54321' priority 3 to app-chanspy [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '**54321' priority 4 to app-chanspy [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '**54321' priority 4 to app-chanspy [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '**54321' priority 5 to app-chanspy [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '**54321' priority 5 to app-chanspy [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '**54321' priority 6 to app-chanspy [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '**54321' priority 6 to app-chanspy [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-vmbroadcast' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-vmbroadcast' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-vmbroadcast-custom' in context 'app-vmbroadcast' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '6363' priority 1 to app-vmbroadcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '6363' priority 1 to app-vmbroadcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '6363' priority 2 to app-vmbroadcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '6363' priority 2 to app-vmbroadcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '6363' priority 3 to app-vmbroadcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '6363' priority 3 to app-vmbroadcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-userlogonoff' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-userlogonoff' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-userlogonoff-custom' in context 'app-userlogonoff' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*12' priority 1 to app-userlogonoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*12' priority 1 to app-userlogonoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*12' priority 2 to app-userlogonoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*12' priority 2 to app-userlogonoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*11' priority 1 to app-userlogonoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*11' priority 1 to app-userlogonoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*11' priority 2 to app-userlogonoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*11' priority 2 to app-userlogonoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*11.' priority 1 to app-userlogonoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*11.' priority 1 to app-userlogonoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*11.' priority 2 to app-userlogonoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*11.' priority 2 to app-userlogonoff [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'app-zapbarge' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'app-zapbarge' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-zapbarge-custom' in context 'app-zapbarge' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '888' priority 1 to app-zapbarge [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '888' priority 1 to app-zapbarge [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '888' priority 2 to app-zapbarge [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '888' priority 2 to app-zapbarge [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '888' priority 3 to app-zapbarge [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '888' priority 3 to app-zapbarge [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '888' priority 4 to app-zapbarge [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '888' priority 4 to app-zapbarge [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '888' priority 5 to app-zapbarge [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '888' priority 5 to app-zapbarge [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '888' priority 6 to app-zapbarge [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '888' priority 6 to app-zapbarge [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'ext-test' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'ext-test' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-test-custom' in context 'ext-test' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '7777' priority 1 to ext-test [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '7777' priority 1 to ext-test [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '666' priority 1 to ext-test [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '666' priority 1 to ext-test [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'h' priority 1 to ext-test [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to ext-test [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'ext-did' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'ext-did' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-did-custom' in context 'ext-did' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_X.' priority 1 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_X.' priority 1 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_X.' priority 2 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_X.' priority 2 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '12345678' priority 1 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '12345678' priority 1 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '12345678' priority 2 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '12345678' priority 2 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '14037751722' priority 1 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '14037751722' priority 1 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24757]: chan_iax2.c:7087 socket_process: Peer FreeWorldTel-Out2: got pong, lastms 91, historicms 91, maxms 2000 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '14037751722' priority 2 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '14037751722' priority 2 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '14037751722' priority 3 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '14037751722' priority 3 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '14037751722' priority 4 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '14037751722' priority 4 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '14037751722' priority 5 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '14037751722' priority 5 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '14037751723' priority 1 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '14037751723' priority 1 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '14037751723' priority 2 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '14037751723' priority 2 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '14037751740' priority 1 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '14037751740' priority 1 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '14037751740' priority 2 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '14037751740' priority 2 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '51007' priority 1 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '51007' priority 1 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '51007' priority 2 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '51007' priority 2 to ext-did [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'ext-local' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'ext-local' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-local-custom' in context 'ext-local' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '300' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '300' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:2129 ast_add_hint: HINTS: Adding hint 300: IAX2/300 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for IAX2 - 300 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: chan_iax2.c:9600 iax2_devicestate: Checking device state for device 300 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: chan_iax2.c:9608 iax2_devicestate: iax2_devicestate: Found peer. What's device state of 300? addr=0, defaddr=0 maxms=0, lastms=0 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '300' priority -1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '300' priority -1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*300' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*300' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '700' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '700' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:2129 ast_add_hint: HINTS: Adding hint 700: SIP/700 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 700 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: chan_sip.c:15048 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer 700 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '700' priority -1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '700' priority -1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*700' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*700' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '701' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '701' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:2129 ast_add_hint: HINTS: Adding hint 701: SIP/701 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 701 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: chan_sip.c:15048 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer 701 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '701' priority -1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '701' priority -1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*701' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*701' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '702' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '702' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:2129 ast_add_hint: HINTS: Adding hint 702: SIP/702 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 702 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: chan_sip.c:15048 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer 702 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '702' priority -1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '702' priority -1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*702' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*702' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '703' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '703' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:2129 ast_add_hint: HINTS: Adding hint 703: SIP/703 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 703 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: chan_sip.c:15048 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer 703 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '703' priority -1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '703' priority -1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '704' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '704' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:2129 ast_add_hint: HINTS: Adding hint 704: IAX2/704 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for IAX2 - 704 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: chan_iax2.c:9600 iax2_devicestate: Checking device state for device 704 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: chan_iax2.c:9608 iax2_devicestate: iax2_devicestate: Found peer. What's device state of 704? addr=0, defaddr=0 maxms=0, lastms=0 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '704' priority -1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '704' priority -1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '705' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '705' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:2129 ast_add_hint: HINTS: Adding hint 705: SIP/705 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 705 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: chan_sip.c:15048 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer 705 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '705' priority -1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '705' priority -1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '750' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '750' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:2129 ast_add_hint: HINTS: Adding hint 750: SIP/750 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 750 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: chan_sip.c:15048 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer 750 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '750' priority -1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '750' priority -1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*750' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*750' priority 1 to ext-local [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'outbound-allroutes' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'outbound-allroutes' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'outbound-allroutes-custom' in context 'outbound-allroutes' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'outrt-001-ps-downtown' in context 'outbound-allroutes' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'outrt-002-gcdev' in context 'outbound-allroutes' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'outrt-003-everything' in context 'outbound-allroutes' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'outrt-004-todd box' in context 'outbound-allroutes' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'outrt-005-9 prefix' in context 'outbound-allroutes' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'foo' priority 1 to outbound-allroutes [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'foo' priority 1 to outbound-allroutes [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'outrt-001-ps-downtown' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'outrt-001-ps-downtown' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'outrt-001-ps-downtown-custom' in context 'outrt-001-ps-downtown' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_**X.' priority 1 to outrt-001-ps-downtown [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_**X.' priority 1 to outrt-001-ps-downtown [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_**X.' priority 2 to outrt-001-ps-downtown [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_**X.' priority 2 to outrt-001-ps-downtown [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'outrt-002-gcdev' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'outrt-002-gcdev' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'outrt-002-gcdev-custom' in context 'outrt-002-gcdev' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '654' priority 1 to outrt-002-gcdev [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '654' priority 1 to outrt-002-gcdev [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '654' priority 2 to outrt-002-gcdev [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '654' priority 2 to outrt-002-gcdev [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'outrt-003-everything' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'outrt-003-everything' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'outrt-003-everything-custom' in context 'outrt-003-everything' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '311' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '311' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '311' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '311' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '311' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '311' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '411' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '411' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '411' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '411' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '411' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '411' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '58' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '58' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '58' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '58' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '58' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '58' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '78' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '78' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '78' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '78' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '78' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '78' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '911' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '911' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '911' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '911' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '911' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '911' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_011.' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_011.' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_011.' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_011.' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_011.' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_011.' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_1800NXXXXXX' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_1800NXXXXXX' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_1800NXXXXXX' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_1800NXXXXXX' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_1800NXXXXXX' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_1800NXXXXXX' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_1866NXXXXXX' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_1866NXXXXXX' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_1866NXXXXXX' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_1866NXXXXXX' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_1866NXXXXXX' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_1866NXXXXXX' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_1877NXXXXXX' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_1877NXXXXXX' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_1877NXXXXXX' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_1877NXXXXXX' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_1877NXXXXXX' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_1877NXXXXXX' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_1888NXXXXXX' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_1888NXXXXXX' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_1888NXXXXXX' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_1888NXXXXXX' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_1888NXXXXXX' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_1888NXXXXXX' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_NXXNXXXXXX' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_NXXNXXXXXX' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_NXXNXXXXXX' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_NXXNXXXXXX' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_NXXNXXXXXX' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_NXXNXXXXXX' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_NXXXXXX' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_NXXXXXX' priority 1 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_NXXXXXX' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_NXXXXXX' priority 2 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_NXXXXXX' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_NXXXXXX' priority 3 to outrt-003-everything [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'outrt-004-todd box' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'outrt-004-todd box' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'outrt-004-todd box-custom' in context 'outrt-004-todd box' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '200' priority 1 to outrt-004-todd box [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '200' priority 1 to outrt-004-todd box [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '200' priority 2 to outrt-004-todd box [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '200' priority 2 to outrt-004-todd box [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '300' priority 1 to outrt-004-todd box [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '300' priority 1 to outrt-004-todd box [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '300' priority 2 to outrt-004-todd box [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '300' priority 2 to outrt-004-todd box [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'outrt-005-9 prefix' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'outrt-005-9 prefix' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'outrt-005-9 prefix-custom' in context 'outrt-005-9 prefix' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_91XXXXXXXXXX' priority 1 to outrt-005-9 prefix [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_91XXXXXXXXXX' priority 1 to outrt-005-9 prefix [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_91XXXXXXXXXX' priority 2 to outrt-005-9 prefix [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_91XXXXXXXXXX' priority 2 to outrt-005-9 prefix [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_91XXXXXXXXXX' priority 3 to outrt-005-9 prefix [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24758]: chan_iax2.c:7087 socket_process: Peer FreeWorldTel: got pong, lastms 98, historicms 98, maxms 2000 [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_91XXXXXXXXXX' priority 3 to outrt-005-9 prefix [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_9NXXXXXX' priority 1 to outrt-005-9 prefix [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_9NXXXXXX' priority 1 to outrt-005-9 prefix [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_9NXXXXXX' priority 2 to outrt-005-9 prefix [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_9NXXXXXX' priority 2 to outrt-005-9 prefix [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_9NXXXXXX' priority 3 to outrt-005-9 prefix [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_9NXXXXXX' priority 3 to outrt-005-9 prefix [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'from-internal-additional-custom' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-recordings' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-group' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-paging' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-queues' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-meetme' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-dnd-off' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-dnd-on' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-callwaiting-cwoff' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-callwaiting-cwon' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-calltrace' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-directory' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-echo-test' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-speakextennum' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-speakingclock' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-cf-busy-off' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-cf-busy-off-any' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-cf-busy-on' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-cf-off' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-cf-off-any' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-cf-on' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-cf-unavailable-off' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-cf-unavailable-on' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-dialvm' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-vmmain' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-findmefollow' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-chanspy' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-vmbroadcast' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-userlogonoff' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'app-zapbarge' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-test' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-local' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'outbound-allroutes' in context 'from-internal-additional' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'h' priority 1 to from-internal-additional [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to from-internal-additional [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'from-internal-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'from-internal-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_**5X.' priority 1 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_**5X.' priority 1 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_**5X.' priority 2 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_**5X.' priority 2 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '**1234' priority 1 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '**1234' priority 1 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '**222' priority 1 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '**222' priority 1 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '***222' priority 1 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '***222' priority 1 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*422' priority 1 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*422' priority 1 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*60' priority 1 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*60' priority 1 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*60' priority 2 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*60' priority 2 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*60' priority 3 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*60' priority 3 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*60' priority 4 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*60' priority 4 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*60' priority 5 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*60' priority 5 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*61' priority 1 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*61' priority 1 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*61' priority 2 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*61' priority 2 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*61' priority 3 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*61' priority 3 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*62' priority 1 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*62' priority 1 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*62' priority 2 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*62' priority 2 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*62' priority 3 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*62' priority 3 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*65' priority 1 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*65' priority 1 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*65' priority 2 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*65' priority 2 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*65' priority 3 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*65' priority 3 to from-internal-custom [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'incoming' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'incoming' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '16046286977' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '16046286977' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '16046286977' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '16046286977' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '702681' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '702681' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '702681' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '702681' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '987' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '987' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '987' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '987' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '8007490632' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '8007490632' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '8007490632' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '8007490632' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '6416960518' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '6416960518' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '6416960518' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '6416960518' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '423' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '423' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '423' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '423' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '424' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '424' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '424' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '424' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '425' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '425' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '425' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '425' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '426' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '426' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '426' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '426' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '427' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '427' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '427' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '427' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '428' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '428' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '428' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '428' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '429' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '429' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '429' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '429' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '422' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '422' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '422' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '422' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'gab' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'gab' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'gab' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'gab' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_X.' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_X.' priority 1 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_X.' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_X.' priority 2 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_X.' priority 3 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_X.' priority 3 to incoming [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'default' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'default' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to default [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to default [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'h' priority 1 to default [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to default [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_X.' priority 1 to default [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_X.' priority 1 to default [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'meetme' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'meetme' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'start' priority 1 to meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'start' priority 1 to meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'record' priority 1 to meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'record' priority 1 to meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'join' priority 1 to meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'join' priority 1 to meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '1' priority 1 to meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '1' priority 1 to meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '#' priority 1 to meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '#' priority 1 to meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'h' priority 1 to meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'h' priority 2 to meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'T' priority 1 to meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'T' priority 1 to meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'gabcast' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'gabcast' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to gabcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to gabcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to gabcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to gabcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to gabcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to gabcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to gabcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to gabcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to gabcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to gabcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to gabcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to gabcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'h' priority 1 to gabcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to gabcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'h' priority 2 to gabcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to gabcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'h' priority 3 to gabcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'h' priority 3 to gabcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'T' priority 1 to gabcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'T' priority 1 to gabcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'T' priority 2 to gabcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'T' priority 2 to gabcast [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'video' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'video' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'start' priority 1 to video [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'start' priority 1 to video [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'start' priority 2 to video [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'start' priority 2 to video [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'start' priority 3 to video [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'start' priority 3 to video [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'h' priority 1 to video [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to video [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'h' priority 2 to video [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to video [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'T' priority 1 to video [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'T' priority 1 to video [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'T' priority 2 to video [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'T' priority 2 to video [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'coalescent' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'coalescent' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to coalescent [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to coalescent [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to coalescent [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to coalescent [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to coalescent [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to coalescent [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to coalescent [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to coalescent [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to coalescent [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to coalescent [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'custom-meetme' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'custom-meetme' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-meetme' in context 'custom-meetme' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to custom-meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to custom-meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'h' priority 1 to custom-meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to custom-meetme [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'custom-wakeupext' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'custom-wakeupext' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to custom-wakeupext [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to custom-wakeupext [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to custom-wakeupext [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to custom-wakeupext [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to custom-wakeupext [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to custom-wakeupext [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'custom-speed-dial' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'custom-speed-dial' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_3003XX.' priority 1 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_3003XX.' priority 1 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_3003XX.' priority 2 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_3003XX.' priority 2 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_3003XX.' priority 3 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_3003XX.' priority 3 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_3003XX.' priority 4 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_3003XX.' priority 4 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_3003XX.' priority 5 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_3003XX.' priority 5 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_3003XX.' priority 6 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_3003XX.' priority 6 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_3XX' priority 1 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_3XX' priority 1 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_3XX' priority 2 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_3XX' priority 2 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_3XX' priority 3 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_3XX' priority 3 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_3XX' priority 102 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_3XX' priority 102 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_3XX' priority 103 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_3XX' priority 103 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_3XX' priority 104 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_3XX' priority 104 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_3XX' priority 105 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_3XX' priority 105 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_3XX' priority 106 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_3XX' priority 106 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_3XX' priority 107 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_3XX' priority 107 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_3XX' priority 108 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_3XX' priority 108 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*3XX' priority 1 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*3XX' priority 1 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*3XX' priority 2 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*3XX' priority 2 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*3XX' priority 3 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*3XX' priority 3 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*3XX' priority 4 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*3XX' priority 4 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*3XX' priority 102 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*3XX' priority 102 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*3XX' priority 103 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*3XX' priority 103 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*3XX' priority 104 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*3XX' priority 104 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*3XX' priority 105 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*3XX' priority 105 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_*3XX' priority 106 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_*3XX' priority 106 to custom-speed-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'menu-SysSpeed' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'menu-SysSpeed' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to menu-SysSpeed [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to menu-SysSpeed [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to menu-SysSpeed [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to menu-SysSpeed [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to menu-SysSpeed [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to menu-SysSpeed [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to menu-SysSpeed [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to menu-SysSpeed [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to menu-SysSpeed [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to menu-SysSpeed [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to menu-SysSpeed [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to menu-SysSpeed [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to menu-SysSpeed [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to menu-SysSpeed [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 8 to menu-SysSpeed [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to menu-SysSpeed [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 9 to menu-SysSpeed [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to menu-SysSpeed [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 10 to menu-SysSpeed [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to menu-SysSpeed [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 11 to menu-SysSpeed [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to menu-SysSpeed [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'custom-call' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'custom-call' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-findmefollow' in context 'custom-call' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-local' in context 'custom-call' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'ext-local-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'ext-local-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-findmefollow' in context 'ext-local-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'ext-findmefollow-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'ext-findmefollow-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-local' in context 'ext-findmefollow-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'custom-telemarketer' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'custom-telemarketer' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to custom-telemarketer [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to custom-telemarketer [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-super3way-start' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'macro-super3way-start' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-super3way-start [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-super3way-start [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-super3way-start [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-super3way-start [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-super3way-start [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-super3way-start [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-super3way-start [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-super3way-start [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'super3way-meetme-exit' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'super3way-meetme-exit' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*' priority 1 to super3way-meetme-exit [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*' priority 1 to super3way-meetme-exit [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*' priority 2 to super3way-meetme-exit [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*' priority 2 to super3way-meetme-exit [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*' priority 3 to super3way-meetme-exit [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '*' priority 3 to super3way-meetme-exit [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'super3way' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'super3way' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_X.' priority 1 to super3way [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_X.' priority 1 to super3way [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_X.' priority 2 to super3way [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_X.' priority 2 to super3way [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_X.' priority 3 to super3way [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_X.' priority 3 to super3way [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_X.' priority 4 to super3way [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_X.' priority 4 to super3way [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: pbx_config.c:2299 pbx_load_config: Unable to include context 'ext-findmefollow' in context 'custom-call' [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: pbx_config.c:2299 pbx_load_config: Unable to include context 'ext-local' in context 'custom-call' [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:4618 add_pri: Unable to register extension 's', priority 1 in 'macro-super3way-start', already in use [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:4618 add_pri: Unable to register extension 's', priority 2 in 'macro-super3way-start', already in use [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:4618 add_pri: Unable to register extension 's', priority 3 in 'macro-super3way-start', already in use [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:4618 add_pri: Unable to register extension 's', priority 4 in 'macro-super3way-start', already in use [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:4618 add_pri: Unable to register extension '*', priority 1 in 'super3way-meetme-exit', already in use [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:4618 add_pri: Unable to register extension '*', priority 2 in 'super3way-meetme-exit', already in use [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:4618 add_pri: Unable to register extension '*', priority 3 in 'super3way-meetme-exit', already in use [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:4618 add_pri: Unable to register extension '_X.', priority 1 in 'super3way', already in use [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:4618 add_pri: Unable to register extension '_X.', priority 2 in 'super3way', already in use [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:4618 add_pri: Unable to register extension '_X.', priority 3 in 'super3way', already in use [Jan 16 21:39:37] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:4618 add_pri: Unable to register extension '_X.', priority 4 in 'super3way', already in use [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'from-trunk' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'from-trunk' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'from-pstn' in context 'from-trunk' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'from-pstn' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'from-pstn' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'from-pstn-custom' in context 'from-pstn' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-findmefollow' in context 'from-pstn' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-did-direct' in context 'from-pstn' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-did' in context 'from-pstn' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'fax' priority 1 to from-pstn [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'fax' priority 1 to from-pstn [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'from-did-direct' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'from-did-direct' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-findmefollow' in context 'from-did-direct' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Including context 'ext-local' in context 'from-did-direct' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-dial' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'macro-dial' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 20 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 20 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 21 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 21 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 22 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 22 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 23 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 23 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 30 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 30 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 31 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 31 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 32 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 32 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 33 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 33 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 34 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 34 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 35 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 35 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 36 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 36 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 37 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 37 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 38 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 38 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 39 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 39 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 40 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 40 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 41 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 41 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 42 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 42 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 43 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 43 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 44 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 44 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 45 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 45 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 50 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 50 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 51 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 51 to macro-dial [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-exten-vm' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'macro-exten-vm' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 13 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 14 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'dolocaldial' priority 1 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'dolocaldial' priority 1 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'dolocaldial' priority 2 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'dolocaldial' priority 2 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'docfu' priority 1 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'docfu' priority 1 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'docfu' priority 2 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'docfu' priority 2 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'docfu' priority 3 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'docfu' priority 3 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 1 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 1 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 2 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 2 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 3 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 3 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 4 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 4 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_s-.' priority 1 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 1 to macro-exten-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-vm' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'macro-vm' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 1 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 1 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 2 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 2 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 3 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 3 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 4 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 4 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-DIRECTDIAL' priority 1 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's-DIRECTDIAL' priority 1 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-DIRECTDIAL' priority 2 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's-DIRECTDIAL' priority 2 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-DIRECTDIAL' priority 3 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's-DIRECTDIAL' priority 3 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-DIRECTDIAL' priority 4 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's-DIRECTDIAL' priority 4 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_s-.' priority 1 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 1 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_s-.' priority 2 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 2 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_s-.' priority 3 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 3 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'o' priority 1 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'o' priority 1 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'o' priority 2 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'o' priority 2 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'didentry' priority 1 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'didentry' priority 1 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'a' priority 1 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'a' priority 1 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'a' priority 2 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'a' priority 2 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'a' priority 3 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'a' priority 3 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'exit-FAILED' priority 1 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'exit-FAILED' priority 1 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'exit-FAILED' priority 2 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Message count requested for mailbox 750@device but voicemail not loaded. [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4264 sip_alloc: Allocating new SIP dialog for (No Call-ID) - NOTIFY (No RTP) [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24769]: acl.c:213 ast_apply_ha: ##### Testing with [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'exit-FAILED' priority 2 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'exit-SUCCESS' priority 1 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'exit-SUCCESS' priority 1 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'exit-SUCCESS' priority 2 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'exit-SUCCESS' priority 2 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'exit-USEREXIT' priority 1 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'exit-USEREXIT' priority 1 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'exit-USEREXIT' priority 2 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 'exit-USEREXIT' priority 2 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 't' priority 1 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to macro-vm [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-get-vmcontext' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'macro-get-vmcontext' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-get-vmcontext [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-get-vmcontext [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-get-vmcontext [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-get-vmcontext [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 200 to macro-get-vmcontext [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 200 to macro-get-vmcontext [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 300 to macro-get-vmcontext [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 300 to macro-get-vmcontext [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-fixcid' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'macro-fixcid' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-fixcid [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-fixcid [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-rg-group' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'macro-rg-group' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-rg-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-rg-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-rg-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-rg-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-rg-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-rg-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-rg-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-rg-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-rg-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-rg-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-rg-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-rg-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-rg-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-rg-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-rg-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-rg-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-rg-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-rg-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-rg-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-rg-group [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-outisbusy' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'macro-outisbusy' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-outisbusy [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-outisbusy [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-outisbusy [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-outisbusy [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-outisbusy [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-outisbusy [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-hangupcall' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'macro-hangupcall' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-hangupcall [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-hangupcall [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-hangupcall [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-hangupcall [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-hangupcall [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-hangupcall [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-faxreceive' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'macro-faxreceive' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-faxreceive [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-faxreceive [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-faxreceive [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-faxreceive [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-faxreceive [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-faxreceive [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 103 to macro-faxreceive [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 103 to macro-faxreceive [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 104 to macro-faxreceive [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 104 to macro-faxreceive [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-dialout' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialout' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialout [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialout [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialout [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialout [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialout [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialout [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialout [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialout [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-dialout [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-dialout [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-dialout [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-dialout [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-dialout [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-dialout [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-dialout [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-dialout [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-dialout [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-dialout [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 109 to macro-dialout [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 109 to macro-dialout [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-dialout-default' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialout-default' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialout-default [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialout-default [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialout-default [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialout-default [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialout-default [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialout-default [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialout-default [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialout-default [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-dialout-default [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-dialout-default [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 105 to macro-dialout-default [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 105 to macro-dialout-default [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-dialout-trunk' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialout-trunk' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 13 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 14 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 15 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 16 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 16 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 17 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 17 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 18 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 18 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 19 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 19 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 20 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 20 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 21 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 21 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 22 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 22 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 23 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 23 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 24 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 24 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 25 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 25 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 1 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 1 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 2 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 2 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered IAX2 to '', who sees us as with no messages waiting [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4264 sip_alloc: Allocating new SIP dialog for (No Call-ID) - NOTIFY (No RTP) [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered IAX2 to '', who sees us as with no messages waiting [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24769]: acl.c:213 ast_apply_ha: ##### Testing with [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4315 find_call: = No match Their Call ID: 2c871c9b0092d25a032894f35c9988e6@ Their Tag Our tag: as523c68f2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4315 find_call: = Found Their Call ID: 7cf6495a19ae690361429b4d6c74aae6@ Their Tag Our tag: as461b59b2 [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2071 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on '7cf6495a19ae690361429b4d6c74aae6@' of Request 102: Match Not Found [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4264 sip_alloc: Allocating new SIP dialog for (No Call-ID) - NOTIFY (No RTP) [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:3080 sip_destroy: Destroying SIP dialog 59b966b708e0d80b6c682bbb60016852@ [Jan 16 21:39:37] Really destroying SIP dialog '59b966b708e0d80b6c682bbb60016852@' Method: NOTIFY [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 3 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 3 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 4 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 4 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_s-.' priority 1 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 1 to macro-dialout-trunk [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-agent-add' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'macro-agent-add' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 13 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to macro-agent-add [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-agent-del' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'macro-agent-del' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-agent-del [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-agent-del [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-agent-del [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-agent-del [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-agent-del [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-agent-del [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-agent-del [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-agent-del [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-agent-del [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-agent-del [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-agent-del [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-agent-del [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-agent-del [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-agent-del [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-agent-del [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-agent-del [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-agent-del [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-agent-del [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-agent-del [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-agent-del [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-agent-del [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-agent-del [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-dialout-enum' [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialout-enum' [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4264 sip_alloc: Allocating new SIP dialog for (No Call-ID) - NOTIFY (No RTP) [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24769]: acl.c:213 ast_apply_ha: ##### Testing with [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 13 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 14 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 15 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 16 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 16 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 17 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 17 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 18 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 18 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 19 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 19 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 20 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 20 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 21 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 21 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 22 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 22 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 23 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 23 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 24 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 24 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 25 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 25 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 26 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 26 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 27 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 27 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 28 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 28 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 29 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 29 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 30 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 30 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 31 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 31 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 32 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 32 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 33 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 33 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 34 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 34 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 35 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 35 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 36 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 36 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 37 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 37 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 38 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 38 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 39 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 39 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 40 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 40 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 41 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 41 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 42 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 42 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 43 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 43 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 44 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 44 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 45 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 45 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 46 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] -- Added extension 's' priority 46 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 47 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 47 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 48 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 48 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 49 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 49 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 50 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 50 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 51 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 51 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 52 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 52 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 1 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 1 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 2 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 2 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 3 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 3 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 4 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 4 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_s-.' priority 1 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 1 to macro-dialout-enum [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-record-enable' [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Registered extension context 'macro-record-enable' [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-record-enable [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-record-enable [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-record-enable [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-record-enable [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-record-enable [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-record-enable [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-record-enable [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-record-enable [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-record-enable [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-record-enable [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 999 to macro-record-enable [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 999 to macro-record-enable [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-dumpvars' [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Registered extension context 'macro-dumpvars' [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 13 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 14 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 15 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 16 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 16 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 17 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 17 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 18 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 18 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 19 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 19 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 20 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 20 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 21 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 21 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 22 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 22 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 23 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 23 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 24 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 24 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 25 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 25 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 26 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 26 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 27 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 27 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 28 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 28 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 29 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 29 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 30 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 30 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 31 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 31 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 32 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 32 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 33 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 33 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 34 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 34 to macro-dumpvars [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-user-logon' [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Registered extension context 'macro-user-logon' [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 13 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 14 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 15 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 16 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 16 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 17 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 17 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 18 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 18 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 19 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 19 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 20 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 20 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 21 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 21 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-FIXED' priority 1 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's-FIXED' priority 1 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-FIXED' priority 2 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's-FIXED' priority 2 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-FIXED' priority 3 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's-FIXED' priority 3 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-FIXED' priority 4 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's-FIXED' priority 4 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-FIXED' priority 5 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's-FIXED' priority 5 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-FIXED' priority 6 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's-FIXED' priority 6 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-ALREADYLOGGEDON' priority 1 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's-ALREADYLOGGEDON' priority 1 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-ALREADYLOGGEDON' priority 2 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's-ALREADYLOGGEDON' priority 2 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-ALREADYLOGGEDON' priority 3 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's-ALREADYLOGGEDON' priority 3 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-NOPASSWORD' priority 1 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's-NOPASSWORD' priority 1 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-NOPASSWORD' priority 2 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's-NOPASSWORD' priority 2 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-NOPASSWORD' priority 3 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's-NOPASSWORD' priority 3 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-NOPASSWORD' priority 4 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's-NOPASSWORD' priority 4 to macro-user-logon [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-user-logoff' [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Registered extension context 'macro-user-logoff' [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-FIXED' priority 1 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's-FIXED' priority 1 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-FIXED' priority 2 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's-FIXED' priority 2 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-FIXED' priority 3 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's-FIXED' priority 3 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-FIXED' priority 4 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's-FIXED' priority 4 to macro-user-logoff [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-systemrecording' [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Registered extension context 'macro-systemrecording' [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'dorecord' priority 1 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'dorecord' priority 1 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'dorecord' priority 2 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'dorecord' priority 2 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'dorecord' priority 3 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'dorecord' priority 3 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'docheck' priority 1 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'docheck' priority 1 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'docheck' priority 2 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'docheck' priority 2 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'docheck' priority 3 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'docheck' priority 3 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'confmenu' priority 1 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'confmenu' priority 1 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'confmenu' priority 2 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'confmenu' priority 2 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'confmenu' priority 3 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'confmenu' priority 3 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'confmenu' priority 4 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'confmenu' priority 4 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'confmenu' priority 5 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'confmenu' priority 5 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '1' priority 1 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension '1' priority 1 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '*' priority 1 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension '*' priority 1 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 't' priority 1 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 't' priority 2 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 't' priority 2 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'i' priority 1 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'i' priority 2 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'i' priority 2 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'h' priority 1 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to macro-systemrecording [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-user-callerid' [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Registered extension context 'macro-user-callerid' [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-user-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-user-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-user-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-user-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-user-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-user-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-user-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-user-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-user-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-user-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-user-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-user-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-user-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-user-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-user-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-user-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-user-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-user-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-outbound-callerid' [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Registered extension context 'macro-outbound-callerid' [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 13 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 14 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 15 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to macro-outbound-callerid [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-privacy-mgr' [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Registered extension context 'macro-privacy-mgr' [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 109 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 109 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 110 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 110 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 111 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 111 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 112 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 112 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 113 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 113 to macro-privacy-mgr [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'from-sip-external' [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Registered extension context 'from-sip-external' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx_config.c:2288 pbx_load_config: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 647 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_.' priority 1 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension '_.' priority 1 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx_config.c:2288 pbx_load_config: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 648 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_.' priority 2 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension '_.' priority 2 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx_config.c:2288 pbx_load_config: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 649 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_.' priority 3 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension '_.' priority 3 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'h' priority 1 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'i' priority 1 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 't' priority 1 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to from-sip-external [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'from-internal' [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Registered extension context 'from-internal' [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Including context 'parkedcalls' in context 'from-internal' [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Including context 'from-internal-custom' in context 'from-internal' [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Including context 'ext-fax' in context 'from-internal' [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Including context 'from-internal-additional' in context 'from-internal' [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to from-internal [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to from-internal [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'h' priority 1 to from-internal [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to from-internal [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'from-zaptel' [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Registered extension context 'from-zaptel' [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_X.' priority 1 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension '_X.' priority 1 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_X.' priority 2 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension '_X.' priority 2 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 8 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 9 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 10 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 11 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 12 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to from-zaptel [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3824 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'ext-fax' [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Registered extension context 'ext-fax' [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'in_fax' priority 1 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'in_fax' priority 1 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'in_fax' priority 2 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'in_fax' priority 2 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'in_fax' priority 3 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'in_fax' priority 3 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'in_fax' priority 4 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'in_fax' priority 4 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'in_fax' priority 5 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'in_fax' priority 5 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'analog_fax' priority 1 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'analog_fax' priority 1 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'analog_fax' priority 2 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'analog_fax' priority 2 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'analog_fax' priority 3 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'analog_fax' priority 3 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'analog_fax' priority 4 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'analog_fax' priority 4 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'out_fax' priority 1 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'out_fax' priority 1 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'out_fax' priority 2 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'out_fax' priority 2 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'h' priority 1 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to ext-fax [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Including context 'ext-local' in context 'default' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:4618 add_pri: Unable to register extension 's', priority 1 in 'default', already in use [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:4794 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to default [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to default [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:3898 ast_merge_contexts_and_delete: must remove any reg pbx_config [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:5231 __ast_context_destroy: check ctx ael-demo pbx_ael [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:5231 __ast_context_destroy: check ctx macro-std-exten-ael pbx_ael [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx.c:5231 __ast_context_destroy: check ctx parkedcalls res_features [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'from-pstn' tries includes nonexistent context 'from-pstn-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'from-pstn' tries includes nonexistent context 'ext-did-direct' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'from-internal-additional' tries includes nonexistent context 'from-internal-additional-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'outrt-005-9 prefix' tries includes nonexistent context 'outrt-005-9 prefix-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'outrt-004-todd box' tries includes nonexistent context 'outrt-004-todd box-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'outrt-003-everything' tries includes nonexistent context 'outrt-003-everything-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'outrt-002-gcdev' tries includes nonexistent context 'outrt-002-gcdev-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'outrt-001-ps-downtown' tries includes nonexistent context 'outrt-001-ps-downtown-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'outbound-allroutes' tries includes nonexistent context 'outbound-allroutes-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'ext-did' tries includes nonexistent context 'ext-did-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'ext-test' tries includes nonexistent context 'ext-test-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-zapbarge' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-zapbarge-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-userlogonoff' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-userlogonoff-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-vmbroadcast' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-vmbroadcast-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-chanspy' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-chanspy-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-vmmain' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-vmmain-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-dialvm' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-dialvm-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-cf-unavailable-on' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-cf-unavailable-on-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-cf-unavailable-off' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-cf-unavailable-off-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-cf-on' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-cf-on-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-cf-off-any' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-cf-off-any-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-cf-off' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-cf-off-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-cf-busy-on' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-cf-busy-on-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-cf-busy-off-any' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-cf-busy-off-any-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-cf-busy-off' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-cf-busy-off-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-speakingclock' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-speakingclock-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-speakextennum' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-speakextennum-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-echo-test' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-echo-test-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-directory' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-directory-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-calltrace-perform' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-calltrace-perform-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-calltrace' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-calltrace-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-callwaiting-cwon' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-callwaiting-cwon-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-callwaiting-cwoff' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-callwaiting-cwoff-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-dnd-on' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-dnd-on-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-dnd-off' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-dnd-off-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'disa' tries includes nonexistent context 'disa-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'ext-meetme' tries includes nonexistent context 'ext-meetme-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'ext-queues' tries includes nonexistent context 'ext-queues-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'ext-paging' tries includes nonexistent context 'ext-paging-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'ivr-2' tries includes nonexistent context 'ivr-2-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'ext-group' tries includes nonexistent context 'ext-group-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: pbx.c:6194 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'app-recordings' tries includes nonexistent context 'app-recordings-custom' [Jan 16 21:39:38] pbx_config.so => (Text Extension Configuration) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dundi.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/dundi.conf [Jan 16 21:39:38] Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: pbx_dundi.c:408 reset_global_eid: Seeding global EID '00:30:1b:af:55:dd' from 'eth0' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Using TOS bits 0 [Jan 16 21:39:38] == DUNDi Ready and Listening on port 4520 [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function DUNDILOOKUP [Jan 16 21:39:38] pbx_dundi.so => (Distributed Universal Number Discovery (DUNDi)) [Jan 16 21:39:38] pbx_loopback.so => (Loopback Switch) [Jan 16 21:39:38] pbx_realtime.so => (Realtime Switch) [Jan 16 21:39:37] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4264 sip_alloc: Allocating new SIP dialog for (No Call-ID) - OPTIONS (No RTP) [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: acl.c:213 ast_apply_ha: ##### Testing with [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4264 sip_alloc: Allocating new SIP dialog for (No Call-ID) - NOTIFY (No RTP) [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: acl.c:213 ast_apply_ha: ##### Testing with [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4315 find_call: = No match Their Call ID: 57ae69ad285e37ea06b3c1613c93804c@ Their Tag Our tag: as69410450 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4315 find_call: = No match Their Call ID: 2b2337de7fdc48d02818a063252b53e4@ Their Tag Our tag: as20bdc0ed [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4315 find_call: = No match Their Call ID: 3c1a6a565c8970c43ed69fd6416184ed@ Their Tag Our tag: as2b2a76e1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4315 find_call: = Found Their Call ID: 2c871c9b0092d25a032894f35c9988e6@ Their Tag Our tag: as523c68f2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2071 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on '2c871c9b0092d25a032894f35c9988e6@' of Request 102: Match Not Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4264 sip_alloc: Allocating new SIP dialog for (No Call-ID) - NOTIFY (No RTP) [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: acl.c:213 ast_apply_ha: ##### Testing with [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4315 find_call: = No match Their Call ID: 1d8bbd6e63a717206f932b405b4b8306@ Their Tag Our tag: as17c8b7dd [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4315 find_call: = No match Their Call ID: 57ae69ad285e37ea06b3c1613c93804c@ Their Tag Our tag: as69410450 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4315 find_call: = No match Their Call ID: 2b2337de7fdc48d02818a063252b53e4@ Their Tag Our tag: as20bdc0ed [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4315 find_call: = Found Their Call ID: 3c1a6a565c8970c43ed69fd6416184ed@ Their Tag Our tag: as2b2a76e1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2071 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on '3c1a6a565c8970c43ed69fd6416184ed@' of Request 102: Match Not Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] Really destroying SIP dialog '3c1a6a565c8970c43ed69fd6416184ed@' Method: NOTIFY [Jan 16 21:39:38] Really destroying SIP dialog '2c871c9b0092d25a032894f35c9988e6@' Method: NOTIFY [Jan 16 21:39:38] Really destroying SIP dialog '7cf6495a19ae690361429b4d6c74aae6@' Method: NOTIFY [Jan 16 21:39:38] pbx_spool.so => (Outgoing Spool Support) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'ADSIProg' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_adsiprog.so => (Asterisk ADSI Programming Application) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/alarmreceiver.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/alarmreceiver.conf [Jan 16 21:39:38] Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'AlarmReceiver' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_alarmreceiver.so => (Alarm Receiver for Asterisk) [Jan 16 21:39:38] ERROR[24748]: app_amd.c:329 load_config: Configuration file amd.conf missing. [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'AMD' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_amd.so => (Answering Machine Detection Application) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'Authenticate' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_authenticate.so => (Authentication Application) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'NoCDR' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_cdr.so => (Tell Asterisk to not maintain a CDR for the current call) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'ChanIsAvail' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_chanisavail.so => (Check channel availability) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'ChannelRedirect' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_channelredirect.so => (Channel Redirect) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'ChanSpy' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'ExtenSpy' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_chanspy.so => (Listen to the audio of an active channel) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'ControlPlayback' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_controlplayback.so => (Control Playback Application) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'DBdel' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'DBdeltree' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_db.so => (Database Access Functions) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'Dial' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'RetryDial' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_dial.so => (Dialing Application) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'Dictate' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_dictate.so => (Virtual Dictation Machine) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'Pickup' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_directed_pickup.so => (Directed Call Pickup Application) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'Directory' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_directory.so => (Extension Directory) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'DISA' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_disa.so => (DISA (Direct Inward System Access) Application) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'DumpChan' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_dumpchan.so => (Dump Info About The Calling Channel) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'Echo' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_echo.so => (Simple Echo Application) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'Exec' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'TryExec' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'ExecIf' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_exec.so => (Executes dialplan applications) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'ExternalIVR' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_externalivr.so => (External IVR Interface Application) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/festival.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/festival.conf [Jan 16 21:39:38] Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'Festival' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_festival.so => (Simple Festival Interface) [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: app_followme.c:297 reload_followme: No follow me config file (followme.conf), so no follow me [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'ForkCDR' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_forkcdr.so => (Fork The CDR into 2 separate entities) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'GetCPEID' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_getcpeid.so => (Get ADSI CPE ID) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function VMCOUNT [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'HasVoicemail' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'HasNewVoicemail' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_hasnewvoicemail.so => (Indicator for whether a voice mailbox has messages in a given folder.) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'ICES' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_ices.so => (Encode and Stream via icecast and ices) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'SendImage' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_image.so => (Image Transmission Application) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function BLACKLIST [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'LookupBlacklist' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_lookupblacklist.so => (Look up Caller*ID name/number from blacklist database) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'LookupCIDName' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_lookupcidname.so => (Look up CallerID Name from local database) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'MacroExit' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'MacroIf' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'MacroExclusive' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'Macro' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_macro.so => (Extension Macros) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'Milliwatt' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_milliwatt.so => (Digital Milliwatt (mu-law) Test Application) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'MixMonitor' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'StopMixMonitor' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_mixmonitor.so => (Mixed Audio Monitoring Application) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'Morsecode' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_morsecode.so => (Morse code) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'MP3Player' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_mp3.so => (Silly MP3 Application) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'NBScat' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_nbscat.so => (Silly NBS Stream Application) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'ParkAndAnnounce' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_parkandannounce.so => (Call Parking and Announce Application) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'Playback' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_playback.so => (Sound File Playback Application) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'PrivacyManager' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_privacy.so => (Require phone number to be entered, if no CallerID sent) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/queues.conf [Jan 16 21:39:38] Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues_additional.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/queues_additional.conf [Jan 16 21:39:38] Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for Local - 702@from-internal [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: chan_local.c:145 local_devicestate: Checking if extension 702@from-internal exists (devicestate) [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: app_queue.c:705 add_to_interfaces: Adding Local/702@from-internal to the list of interfaces that make up all of our queue members. [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for Local - 702@from-internal [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: chan_local.c:145 local_devicestate: Checking if extension 702@from-internal exists (devicestate) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'Queue' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'AddQueueMember' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'RemoveQueueMember' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'PauseQueueMember' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'UnpauseQueueMember' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'QueueLog' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Manager registered action Queues [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Manager registered action QueueStatus [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Manager registered action QueueAdd [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Manager registered action QueueRemove [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Manager registered action QueuePause [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function QUEUEAGENTCOUNT [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function QUEUE_MEMBER_COUNT [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function QUEUE_MEMBER_LIST [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function QUEUE_WAITING_COUNT [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_queue.so => (True Call Queueing) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'Random' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_random.so => (Random goto) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'Read' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_read.so => (Read Variable Application) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'ReadFile' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_readfile.so => (Stores output of file into a variable) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'RealTimeUpdate' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'RealTime' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_realtime.so => (Realtime Data Lookup/Rewrite) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'Record' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_record.so => (Trivial Record Application) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'SayUnixTime' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'DateTime' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_sayunixtime.so => (Say time) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Manager registered action PlayDTMF [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'SendDTMF' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_senddtmf.so => (Send DTMF digits Application) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'SendText' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_sendtext.so => (Send Text Applications) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'SetCallerPres' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'SetCallerID' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_setcallerid.so => (Set CallerID Application) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'SetCDRUserField' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'AppendCDRUserField' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Manager registered action SetCDRUserField [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_setcdruserfield.so => (CDR user field apps) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'SetTransferCapability' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_settransfercapability.so => (Set ISDN Transfer Capability) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'SMS' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_sms.so => (SMS/PSTN handler) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'SoftHangup' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_softhangup.so => (Hangs up the requested channel) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'SpeechCreate' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'SpeechLoadGrammar' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'SpeechUnloadGrammar' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'SpeechActivateGrammar' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'SpeechDeactivateGrammar' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'SpeechStart' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'SpeechBackground' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'SpeechDestroy' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'SpeechProcessingSound' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function SPEECH [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function SPEECH_SCORE [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function SPEECH_TEXT [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function SPEECH_GRAMMAR [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function SPEECH_ENGINE [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_speech_utils.so => (Dialplan Speech Applications) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'StackPop' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'Return' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'GosubIf' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'Gosub' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_stack.so => (Stack Routines) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'TrySystem' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'System' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_system.so => (Generic System() application) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'BackgroundDetect' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_talkdetect.so => (Playback with Talk Detection) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'TestClient' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'TestServer' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_test.so => (Interface Test Application) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'Transfer' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_transfer.so => (Transfer) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'SendURL' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_url.so => (Send URL Applications) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'UserEvent' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_userevent.so => (Custom User Event Application) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'Log' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'Verbose' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_verbose.so => (Send verbose output) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'VoiceMail' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'VoiceMailMain' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'MailboxExists' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'VMAuthenticate' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf [Jan 16 21:39:38] Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/vm_general.inc': [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/vm_general.inc [Jan 16 21:39:38] Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/vm_email.inc': [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/vm_email.inc [Jan 16 21:39:38] Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: app_voicemail.c:7257 load_config: VM Temperary Greeting Reminder Option disabled globally [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: app_voicemail.c:7271 load_config: VM CID Info before msg disabled globally [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: app_voicemail.c:7277 load_config: Send Voicemail msg disabled globally [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: app_voicemail.c:7283 load_config: ENVELOPE before msg enabled globally [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: app_voicemail.c:7289 load_config: Duration info before msg enabled globally [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_voicemail.so => (Comedian Mail (Voicemail System)) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'WaitForRing' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_waitforring.so => (Waits until first ring after time) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'WaitForSilence' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_waitforsilence.so => (Wait For Silence) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'While' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'EndWhile' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'ExitWhile' [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'ContinueWhile' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_while.so => (While Loops and Conditional Execution) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered application 'Zapateller' [Jan 16 21:39:38] app_zapateller.so => (Block Telemarketers with Special Information Tone) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered translator 'alawtoulaw' from format alaw to ulaw, cost 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered translator 'ulawtoalaw' from format ulaw to alaw, cost 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Jan 16 21:39:38] codec_a_mu.so => (A-law and Mulaw direct Coder/Decoder) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/codecs.conf [Jan 16 21:39:38] Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- codec_adpcm: using generic PLC [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: translate.c:675 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 160 format 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered translator 'adpcmtolin' from format adpcm to slin, cost 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered translator 'lintoadpcm' from format slin to adpcm, cost 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Jan 16 21:39:38] codec_adpcm.so => (Adaptive Differential PCM Coder/Decoder) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/codecs.conf [Jan 16 21:39:38] Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- codec_alaw: using generic PLC [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: translate.c:675 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 160 format 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered translator 'alawtolin' from format alaw to slin, cost 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered translator 'lintoalaw' from format slin to alaw, cost 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] codec_alaw.so => (A-law Coder/Decoder) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/codecs.conf [Jan 16 21:39:38] Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- codec_g726: using generic PLC [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: translate.c:675 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 160 format 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered translator 'g726tolin' from format g726 to slin, cost 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered translator 'lintog726' from format slin to g726, cost 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: translate.c:675 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 160 format 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered translator 'g726aal2tolin' from format g726aal2 to slin, cost 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered translator 'lintog726aal2' from format slin to g726aal2, cost 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered translator 'g726aal2tog726' from format g726aal2 to g726, cost 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered translator 'g726tog726aal2' from format g726 to g726aal2, cost 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] codec_g726.so => (ITU G.726-32kbps G726 Transcoder) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/codecs.conf [Jan 16 21:39:38] Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- codec_gsm: using generic PLC [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: translate.c:675 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 160 format 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered translator 'gsmtolin' from format gsm to slin, cost 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered translator 'lintogsm' from format slin to gsm, cost 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from gsm to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to g723, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to g723, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] codec_gsm.so => (GSM Coder/Decoder) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered translator 'ilbctolin' from format ilbc to slin, cost 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from gsm to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to g723, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to g723, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered translator 'lintoilbc' from format slin to ilbc, cost 14 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from gsm to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 16 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to g723, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 17 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to g723, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 16 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] codec_ilbc.so => (iLBC Coder/Decoder) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/codecs.conf [Jan 16 21:39:38] Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- codec_lpc10: using generic PLC [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: translate.c:675 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 180 format 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered translator 'lpc10tolin' from format lpc10 to slin, cost 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from gsm to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 16 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to g723, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 17 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 16 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to g723, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 16 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered translator 'lintolpc10' from format slin to lpc10, cost 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from gsm to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 16 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to g723, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 17 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4315 find_call: = Found Their Call ID: 1d8bbd6e63a717206f932b405b4b8306@ Their Tag Our tag: as17c8b7dd [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2071 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on '1d8bbd6e63a717206f932b405b4b8306@' of Request 102: Match Not Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] Really destroying SIP dialog '1d8bbd6e63a717206f932b405b4b8306@' Method: NOTIFY [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4315 find_call: = Found Their Call ID: 57ae69ad285e37ea06b3c1613c93804c@ Their Tag Our tag: as69410450 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2071 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on '57ae69ad285e37ea06b3c1613c93804c@' of Request 102: Match Not Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] Really destroying SIP dialog '57ae69ad285e37ea06b3c1613c93804c@' Method: NOTIFY [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4315 find_call: = Found Their Call ID: 2b2337de7fdc48d02818a063252b53e4@ Their Tag Our tag: as20bdc0ed [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2071 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on '2b2337de7fdc48d02818a063252b53e4@' of Request 102: Match Not Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] NOTICE[24769]: chan_sip.c:12001 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '750' is now Reachable. (107ms / 2000ms) [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: devicestate.c:303 __ast_device_state_changed_literal: Notification of state change to be queued on device/channel SIP/750 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 750 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24753]: chan_sip.c:15048 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer 750 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:287 do_state_change: Changing state for SIP/750 - state 1 (Not in use) [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 750 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24753]: chan_sip.c:15048 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer 750 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24775]: app_queue.c:546 changethread: Device 'SIP/750' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jan 16 21:39:38] Really destroying SIP dialog '2b2337de7fdc48d02818a063252b53e4@' Method: OPTIONS [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 16 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to g723, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 16 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] codec_lpc10.so => (LPC10 2.4kbps Coder/Decoder) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/codecs.conf [Jan 16 21:39:38] Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] -- codec_ulaw: using generic PLC [Jan 16 21:39:38] WARNING[24748]: translate.c:675 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 160 format 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered translator 'ulawtolin' from format ulaw to slin, cost 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to g723, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 16 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 16 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to g723, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 16 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered translator 'lintoulaw' from format slin to ulaw, cost 1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to g723, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 16 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 16 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to g723, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 16 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Jan 16 21:39:38] codec_ulaw.so => (mu-Law Coder/Decoder) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered file format g723sf, extension(s) g723|g723sf [Jan 16 21:39:38] format_g723.so => (G.723.1 Simple Timestamp File Format) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered file format g726-40, extension(s) g726-40 [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered file format g726-32, extension(s) g726-32 [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered file format g726-24, extension(s) g726-24 [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered file format g726-16, extension(s) g726-16 [Jan 16 21:39:38] format_g726.so => (Raw G.726 (16/24/32/40kbps) data) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered file format g729, extension(s) g729 [Jan 16 21:39:38] format_g729.so => (Raw G729 data) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered file format gsm, extension(s) gsm [Jan 16 21:39:38] format_gsm.so => (Raw GSM data) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered file format h263, extension(s) h263 [Jan 16 21:39:38] format_h263.so => (Raw H.263 data) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered file format h264, extension(s) h264 [Jan 16 21:39:38] format_h264.so => (Raw H.264 data) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered file format iLBC, extension(s) ilbc [Jan 16 21:39:38] format_ilbc.so => (Raw iLBC data) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered format 'jpg' (JPEG (Joint Picture Experts Group)) [Jan 16 21:39:38] format_jpeg.so => (JPEG (Joint Picture Experts Group) Image Format) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered file format ogg_vorbis, extension(s) ogg [Jan 16 21:39:38] format_ogg_vorbis.so => (OGG/Vorbis audio) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered file format sln, extension(s) sln|raw [Jan 16 21:39:38] format_sln.so => (Raw Signed Linear Audio support (SLN)) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered file format vox, extension(s) vox [Jan 16 21:39:38] format_vox.so => (Dialogic VOX (ADPCM) File Format) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered file format wav49, extension(s) WAV|wav49 [Jan 16 21:39:38] format_wav_gsm.so => (Microsoft WAV format (Proprietary GSM)) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/cdr.conf [Jan 16 21:39:38] Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_custom.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/cdr_custom.conf [Jan 16 21:39:38] Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] cdr_custom.so => (Customizable Comma Separated Values CDR Backend) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_manager.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/cdr_manager.conf [Jan 16 21:39:38] Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_pgsql.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24748]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/cdr_pgsql.conf [Jan 16 21:39:38] Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] cdr_pgsql.so => (PostgreSQL CDR Backend) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function BASE64_ENCODE [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function BASE64_DECODE [Jan 16 21:39:38] func_base64.so => (base64 encode/decode dialplan functions) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function CALLERID [Jan 16 21:39:38] func_callerid.so => (Caller ID related dialplan function) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function CDR [Jan 16 21:39:38] func_cdr.so => (CDR dialplan function) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function CHANNEL [Jan 16 21:39:38] func_channel.so => (Channel information dialplan function) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function CUT [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function SORT [Jan 16 21:39:38] func_cut.so => (Cut out information from a string) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function DB [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function DB_EXISTS [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function DB_DELETE [Jan 16 21:39:38] func_db.so => (Database (astdb) related dialplan functions) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function ENUMLOOKUP [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function TXTCIDNAME [Jan 16 21:39:38] func_enum.so => (ENUM related dialplan functions) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function ENV [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function STAT [Jan 16 21:39:38] func_env.so => (Environment/filesystem dialplan functions) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function GLOBAL [Jan 16 21:39:38] func_global.so => (Global variable dialplan functions) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function GROUP_COUNT [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function GROUP_MATCH_COUNT [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function GROUP_LIST [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function GROUP [Jan 16 21:39:38] func_groupcount.so => (Channel group dialplan functions) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function LANGUAGE [Jan 16 21:39:38] func_language.so => (Channel language dialplan function) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function ISNULL [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function SET [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function EXISTS [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function IF [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function IFTIME [Jan 16 21:39:38] func_logic.so => (Logical dialplan functions) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function MATH [Jan 16 21:39:38] func_math.so => (Mathematical dialplan function) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function MD5 [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function CHECK_MD5 [Jan 16 21:39:38] func_md5.so => (MD5 digest dialplan functions) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function MUSICCLASS [Jan 16 21:39:38] func_moh.so => (Music-on-hold dialplan function) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function RAND [Jan 16 21:39:38] func_rand.so => (Random number dialplan function) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function REALTIME [Jan 16 21:39:38] func_realtime.so => (Read/Write values from a RealTime repository) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function SHA1 [Jan 16 21:39:38] func_sha1.so => (SHA-1 computation dialplan function) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function FIELDQTY [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function FILTER [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function REGEX [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function ARRAY [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function QUOTE [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function LEN [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function STRFTIME [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function STRPTIME [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function EVAL [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function KEYPADHASH [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function SPRINTF [Jan 16 21:39:38] func_strings.so => (String handling dialplan functions) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function TIMEOUT [Jan 16 21:39:38] func_timeout.so => (Channel timeout dialplan functions) [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function URIDECODE [Jan 16 21:39:38] == Registered custom function URIENCODE [Jan 16 21:39:38] func_uri.so => (URI encode/decode dialplan functions) [Jan 16 21:39:38] Asterisk Ready. ]1;Asterisk]2;Asterisk Console on 'kiska' (pid 24748)*CLI> [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4264 sip_alloc: Allocating new SIP dialog for (No Call-ID) - OPTIONS (No RTP) [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: acl.c:213 ast_apply_ha: ##### Testing with [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4315 find_call: = Found Their Call ID: 450cebb1174954a320e493234002a57d@ Their Tag Our tag: as55e1845b [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2071 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on '450cebb1174954a320e493234002a57d@' of Request 102: Match Not Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] NOTICE[24769]: chan_sip.c:12001 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '702' is now Reachable. (38ms / 2000ms) [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: devicestate.c:303 __ast_device_state_changed_literal: Notification of state change to be queued on device/channel SIP/702 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 702 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24753]: chan_sip.c:15048 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer 702 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:287 do_state_change: Changing state for SIP/702 - state 1 (Not in use) [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 702 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24753]: chan_sip.c:15048 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer 702 [Jan 16 21:39:38] Really destroying SIP dialog '450cebb1174954a320e493234002a57d@' Method: OPTIONS [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24776]: app_queue.c:546 changethread: Device 'SIP/702' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. *CLI> [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4264 sip_alloc: Allocating new SIP dialog for (No Call-ID) - OPTIONS (No RTP) [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: acl.c:213 ast_apply_ha: ##### Testing with [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4315 find_call: = Found Their Call ID: 58649e23321e04da3afedce5276708a1@ Their Tag Our tag: as46e70e6e [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2071 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on '58649e23321e04da3afedce5276708a1@' of Request 102: Match Not Found [Jan 16 21:39:38] NOTICE[24769]: chan_sip.c:12001 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '700' is now Reachable. (4ms / 2000ms) [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24769]: devicestate.c:303 __ast_device_state_changed_literal: Notification of state change to be queued on device/channel SIP/700 [Jan 16 21:39:38] Really destroying SIP dialog '58649e23321e04da3afedce5276708a1@' Method: OPTIONS [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 700 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24753]: chan_sip.c:15048 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer 700 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:287 do_state_change: Changing state for SIP/700 - state 1 (Not in use) [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 700 [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24753]: chan_sip.c:15048 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer 700 *CLI> [Jan 16 21:39:38] DEBUG[24777]: app_queue.c:546 changethread: Device 'SIP/700' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Challenge' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Login' [Jan 16 21:39:42] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/manager.conf [Jan 16 21:39:42] Found [Jan 16 21:39:42] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf': [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: config.c:844 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf [Jan 16 21:39:42] Found [Jan 16 21:39:42] WARNING[24778]: config.c:733 process_text_line: Unknown directive 'permit=' at line 18 of manager_custom.conf [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: acl.c:199 ast_append_ha: appended to acl for peer [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: acl.c:199 ast_append_ha: appended to acl for peer [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: acl.c:213 ast_apply_ha: ##### Testing with [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: acl.c:213 ast_apply_ha: ##### Testing with [Jan 16 21:39:42] == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key '2' in family 'cfb' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'IAX2/ps-downtown-peer' in family 'cfb' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'SIP/700' in family 'cfb' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'SIP/705' in family 'cfb' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'SIP/702' in family 'cfb' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'SIP/ps-xl-peer' in family 'cfb' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key '1' in family 'cfb' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'SIP/701' in family 'cfb' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'Zap/1' in family 'cfb' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'IAX2/todd' in family 'cfb' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'IAX2/300' in family 'cfb' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'IAX2/FreeWorldTel-Out2' in family 'cfb' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'IAX2/FreeWorldTel' in family 'cfb' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'SIP/750' in family 'cfb' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'SIP/703' in family 'cfb' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'IAX2/704' in family 'cfb' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key '2' in family 'dnd' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'IAX2/ps-downtown-peer' in family 'dnd' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'SIP/700' in family 'dnd' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'SIP/705' in family 'dnd' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'SIP/702' in family 'dnd' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'SIP/ps-xl-peer' in family 'dnd' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key '1' in family 'dnd' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'SIP/701' in family 'dnd' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'Zap/1' in family 'dnd' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'IAX2/todd' in family 'dnd' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'IAX2/300' in family 'dnd' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'IAX2/FreeWorldTel-Out2' in family 'dnd' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'IAX2/FreeWorldTel' in family 'dnd' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'SIP/750' in family 'dnd' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'SIP/703' in family 'dnd' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'IAX2/704' in family 'dnd' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'QueueStatus' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Status' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'ZapShowChannels' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'MailboxStatus' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'MailboxStatus' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'MailboxStatus' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'MailboxStatus' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'MailboxStatus' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'MailboxStatus' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'MailboxStatus' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'MailboxStatus' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'MailboxCount' [Jan 16 21:39:42] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'MailboxCount' set[Jan 16 21:39:44] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' [Jan 16 21:39:44] DEBUG[24778]: manager.c:1931 process_message: Manager received command 'Command' verbose debug 4[Jan 16 21:39:48] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4264 sip_alloc: Allocating new SIP dialog for (No Call-ID) - NOTIFY (No RTP) [Jan 16 21:39:48] DEBUG[24769]: acl.c:213 ast_apply_ha: ##### Testing with [Jan 16 21:39:48] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4315 find_call: = Found Their Call ID: 7317df9e31ee7f747350046175452fda@ Their Tag Our tag: as5a0315a8 [Jan 16 21:39:48] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2071 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on '7317df9e31ee7f747350046175452fda@' of Request 102: Match Not Found [Jan 16 21:39:48] Really destroying SIP dialog '7317df9e31ee7f747350046175452fda@' Method: NOTIFY Usage: core set verbose Sets level of verbose messages to be displayed. 0 means no messages should be displayed. Equivalent to -v[v[v...]] on startup *CLI> [Jan 16 21:39:49] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4264 sip_alloc: Allocating new SIP dialog for (No Call-ID) - NOTIFY (No RTP) [Jan 16 21:39:49] DEBUG[24769]: acl.c:213 ast_apply_ha: ##### Testing with [Jan 16 21:39:49] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4315 find_call: = Found Their Call ID: 09bb3cdf31d3dd4256ff312752fbba14@ Their Tag Our tag: as4f605e43 [Jan 16 21:39:49] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2071 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on '09bb3cdf31d3dd4256ff312752fbba14@' of Request 102: Match Not Found [Jan 16 21:39:49] Really destroying SIP dialog '09bb3cdf31d3dd4256ff312752fbba14@' Method: NOTIFY *CLI> *CLI> set verbose debug 4 Usage: core set verbose Sets level of verbose messages to be displayed. 0 means no messages should be displayed. Equivalent to -v[v[v...]] on startup *CLI> core set verbose debug 4 Usage: core set verbose Sets level of verbose messages to be displayed. 0 means no messages should be displayed. Equivalent to -v[v[v...]] on startup *CLI> core set verbose 4 Verbosity was 5 and is now 4 *CLI> core set verbose 5debug 4 Core debug was 5 and is now 4 *CLI> [Jan 16 21:40:27] DEBUG[24757]: chan_iax2.c:7693 iax2_do_register: Allocate call number [Jan 16 21:40:27] DEBUG[24757]: chan_iax2.c:7699 iax2_do_register: Registration created on call 5 [Jan 16 21:40:27] DEBUG[24758]: chan_iax2.c:7693 iax2_do_register: Allocate call number [Jan 16 21:40:27] DEBUG[24758]: chan_iax2.c:7699 iax2_do_register: Registration created on call 6 sip debug SIP Debugging enabled The 'sip debug' command is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use 'sip set debug' instead. *CLI> *CLI> *CLI> *CLI> *CLI> *CLI> *CLI> *CLI> *CLI> *CLI> *CLI> [Jan 16 21:40:35] <--- SIP read from ---> INVITE sip:**18007692511@;user=phone SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-toei096x2t1f;rport From: "702 - House" ;tag=o5u6vn12uz To: Call-ID: 3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360 CSeq: 1 INVITE Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: P-Key-Flags: resolution="31x13", keys="4" User-Agent: snom360/4.4 Accept: application/sdp Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, REFER, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, SUBSCRIBE, PRACK, MESSAGE, INFO Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, callerid Session-Expires: 3600 Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 370 v=0 o=root 2001245592 2001245592 IN IP4 s=call c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 49624 RTP/AVP 0 8 9 2 3 18 4 101 a=rtpmap:0 pcmu/8000 a=rtpmap:8 pcma/8000 a=rtpmap:9 g722/8000 a=rtpmap:2 g726-32/8000 a=rtpmap:3 gsm/8000 a=rtpmap:18 g729/8000 a=rtpmap:4 g723/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=ptime:20 a=sendrecv <-------------> [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 0: INVITE sip:**18007692511@;user=phone SIP/2.0 (57) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-toei096x2t1f;rport (69) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 2: From: "702 - House" ;tag=o5u6vn12uz (58) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 3: To: (48) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 4: Call-ID: 3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360 (42) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 5: CSeq: 1 INVITE (14) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 6: Max-Forwards: 70 (16) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 7: Contact: (51) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 8: P-Key-Flags: resolution="31x13", keys="4" (41) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 9: User-Agent: snom360/4.4 (23) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 10: Accept: application/sdp (23) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 11: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, REFER, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, SUBSCRIBE, PRACK, MESSAGE, INFO (88) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 12: Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer (31) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 13: Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, callerid (44) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 14: Session-Expires: 3600 (21) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 15: Content-Type: application/sdp (29) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 16: Content-Length: 370 (19) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 17: (0) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: v=0 (3) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: o=root 2001245592 2001245592 IN IP4 (49) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: s=call (6) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: c=IN IP4 (22) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: t=0 0 (5) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: m=audio 49624 RTP/AVP 0 8 9 2 3 18 4 101 (40) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=rtpmap:0 pcmu/8000 (20) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=rtpmap:8 pcma/8000 (20) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=rtpmap:9 g722/8000 (20) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=rtpmap:2 g726-32/8000 (23) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=rtpmap:3 gsm/8000 (19) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=rtpmap:18 g729/8000 (21) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=rtpmap:4 g723/8000 (20) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 (33) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=fmtp:101 0-15 (15) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=ptime:20 (10) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=sendrecv (10) [Jan 16 21:40:35] --- (17 headers 17 lines) --- [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: acl.c:213 ast_apply_ha: ##### Testing with [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2559 do_setnat: Setting NAT on RTP to Off [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4264 sip_alloc: Allocating new SIP dialog for 3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360 - INVITE (With RTP) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:14453 handle_request: **** Received INVITE (5) - Command in SIP INVITE [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:1662 parse_sip_options: Begin: parsing SIP "Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, callerid" [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:1670 parse_sip_options: Found SIP option: -timer- [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:1676 parse_sip_options: Matched SIP option: timer [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:1670 parse_sip_options: Found SIP option: -100rel- [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:1676 parse_sip_options: Matched SIP option: 100rel [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:1670 parse_sip_options: Found SIP option: -replaces- [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:1676 parse_sip_options: Matched SIP option: replaces [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:1670 parse_sip_options: Found SIP option: -callerid- [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:1684 parse_sip_options: Found no match for SIP option: callerid (Please file bug report!) [Jan 16 21:40:35] Sending to : 2051 (NAT) [Jan 16 21:40:35] Using INVITE request as basis request - 3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360 [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2559 do_setnat: Setting NAT on RTP to Off [Jan 16 21:40:35] <--- Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-toei096x2t1f;rport;received= From: "702 - House" ;tag=o5u6vn12uz To: ;tag=as0888c3bd Call-ID: 3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360 CSeq: 1 INVITE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Supported: replaces Proxy-Authenticate: Digest algorithm=MD5, realm="asterisk", nonce="1741555a" Content-Length: 0 <------------> [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:1957 __sip_reliable_xmit: *** SIP TIMER: Initalizing retransmit timer on packet: Id #41 [Jan 16 21:40:35] Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360' in 32000 ms (Method: INVITE) [Jan 16 21:40:35] Found user '702' [Jan 16 21:40:35] <--- SIP read from ---> ACK sip:**18007692511@;user=phone SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-toei096x2t1f;rport From: "702 - House" ;tag=o5u6vn12uz To: ;tag=as0888c3bd Call-ID: 3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360 CSeq: 1 ACK Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: Content-Length: 0 <-------------> [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 0: ACK sip:**18007692511@;user=phone SIP/2.0 (54) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-toei096x2t1f;rport (69) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 2: From: "702 - House" ;tag=o5u6vn12uz (58) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 3: To: ;tag=as0888c3bd (63) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 4: Call-ID: 3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360 (42) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 5: CSeq: 1 ACK (11) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 6: Max-Forwards: 70 (16) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 7: Contact: (51) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 8: Content-Length: 0 (17) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 9: (0) [Jan 16 21:40:35] --- (9 headers 0 lines) --- [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:14453 handle_request: **** Received ACK (6) - Command in SIP ACK [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2061 __sip_ack: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #41 [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2071 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on '3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360' of Response 1: Match Not Found [Jan 16 21:40:35] <--- SIP read from ---> INVITE sip:**18007692511@;user=phone SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-boyfdpvqw3r7;rport From: "702 - House" ;tag=o5u6vn12uz To: Call-ID: 3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360 CSeq: 2 INVITE Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: P-Key-Flags: resolution="31x13", keys="4" User-Agent: snom360/4.4 Accept: application/sdp Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, REFER, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, SUBSCRIBE, PRACK, MESSAGE, INFO Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, callerid Session-Expires: 3600 Proxy-Authorization: Digest username="702",realm="asterisk",nonce="1741555a",uri="sip:**18007692511@;user=phone",response="57242b3d428bf8323b24a2b85da74afd",algorithm=md5 Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 370 v=0 o=root 2001245592 2001245592 IN IP4 s=call c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 49624 RTP/AVP 0 8 9 2 3 18 4 101 a=rtpmap:0 pcmu/8000 a=rtpmap:8 pcma/8000 a=rtpmap:9 g722/8000 a=rtpmap:2 g726-32/8000 a=rtpmap:3 gsm/8000 a=rtpmap:18 g729/8000 a=rtpmap:4 g723/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=ptime:20 a=sendrecv <-------------> [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 0: INVITE sip:**18007692511@;user=phone SIP/2.0 (57) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-boyfdpvqw3r7;rport (69) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 2: From: "702 - House" ;tag=o5u6vn12uz (58) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 3: To: (48) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 4: Call-ID: 3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360 (42) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 5: CSeq: 2 INVITE (14) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 6: Max-Forwards: 70 (16) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 7: Contact: (51) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 8: P-Key-Flags: resolution="31x13", keys="4" (41) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 9: User-Agent: snom360/4.4 (23) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 10: Accept: application/sdp (23) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 11: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, REFER, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, SUBSCRIBE, PRACK, MESSAGE, INFO (88) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 12: Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer (31) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 13: Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, callerid (44) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 14: Session-Expires: 3600 (21) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 15: Proxy-Authorization: Digest username="702",realm="asterisk",nonce="1741555a",uri="sip:**18007692511@;user=phone",response="57242b3d428bf8323b24a2b85da74afd",algorithm=md5 (183) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 16: Content-Type: application/sdp (29) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 17: Content-Length: 370 (19) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 18: (0) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: v=0 (3) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: o=root 2001245592 2001245592 IN IP4 (49) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: s=call (6) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: c=IN IP4 (22) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: t=0 0 (5) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: m=audio 49624 RTP/AVP 0 8 9 2 3 18 4 101 (40) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=rtpmap:0 pcmu/8000 (20) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=rtpmap:8 pcma/8000 (20) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=rtpmap:9 g722/8000 (20) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=rtpmap:2 g726-32/8000 (23) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=rtpmap:3 gsm/8000 (19) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=rtpmap:18 g729/8000 (21) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=rtpmap:4 g723/8000 (20) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 (33) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=fmtp:101 0-15 (15) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=ptime:20 (10) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=sendrecv (10) [Jan 16 21:40:35] --- (18 headers 17 lines) --- [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:14453 handle_request: **** Received INVITE (5) - Command in SIP INVITE [Jan 16 21:40:35] Sending to : 2051 (NAT) [Jan 16 21:40:35] Using INVITE request as basis request - 3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360 [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2559 do_setnat: Setting NAT on RTP to Off [Jan 16 21:40:35] Found user '702' [Jan 16 21:40:35] Found RTP audio format 0 [Jan 16 21:40:35] Found RTP audio format 8 [Jan 16 21:40:35] Found RTP audio format 9 [Jan 16 21:40:35] Found RTP audio format 2 [Jan 16 21:40:35] Found RTP audio format 3 [Jan 16 21:40:35] Found RTP audio format 18 [Jan 16 21:40:35] Found RTP audio format 4 [Jan 16 21:40:35] Found RTP audio format 101 [Jan 16 21:40:35] Peer audio RTP is at port [Jan 16 21:40:35] Found description format pcmu for ID 0 [Jan 16 21:40:35] Found description format pcma for ID 8 [Jan 16 21:40:35] Found description format g722 for ID 9 [Jan 16 21:40:35] Found description format g726-32 for ID 2 [Jan 16 21:40:35] Found description format gsm for ID 3 [Jan 16 21:40:35] Found description format g729 for ID 18 [Jan 16 21:40:35] Found description format g723 for ID 4 [Jan 16 21:40:35] Found description format telephone-event for ID 101 [Jan 16 21:40:35] Got unsupported a:fmtp in SDP offer [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:5068 process_sdp: T38 state changed to 0 on channel [Jan 16 21:40:35] Capabilities: us - 0xc (ulaw|alaw), peer - audio=0x190f (g723|gsm|ulaw|alaw|g726|g729|g722)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0xc (ulaw|alaw) [Jan 16 21:40:35] Non-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event) [Jan 16 21:40:35] Peer audio RTP is at port [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:5145 process_sdp: We're settling with these formats: 0xc (ulaw|alaw) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:13237 handle_request_invite: Checking SIP call limits for device 702 [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2978 update_call_counter: Updating call counter for incoming call [Jan 16 21:40:35] Looking for **18007692511 in from-internal (domain [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:3766 sip_new: *** Our native formats are 0x4 (ulaw) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:3767 sip_new: *** Joint capabilities are 0xc (ulaw|alaw) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:3768 sip_new: *** Our capabilities are 0xc (ulaw|alaw) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:3769 sip_new: *** AST_CODEC_CHOOSE formats are 0x4 (ulaw) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:3792 sip_new: This channel will not be able to handle video. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:7891 build_route: build_route: Contact hop: [Jan 16 21:40:35] list_route: hop: [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:13310 handle_request_invite: SIP/702-081e7ac8: New call is still down.... Trying... [Jan 16 21:40:35] <--- Transmitting (no NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 100 Trying Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-boyfdpvqw3r7;rport;received= From: "702 - House" ;tag=o5u6vn12uz To: Call-ID: 3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360 CSeq: 2 INVITE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Supported: replaces Contact: Content-Length: 0 <------------> [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: devicestate.c:303 __ast_device_state_changed_literal: Notification of state change to be queued on device/channel SIP/702-081e7ac8 [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 702 [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24753]: chan_sip.c:15048 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer 702 [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:287 do_state_change: Changing state for SIP/702 - state 1 (Not in use) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 702 [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24753]: chan_sip.c:15048 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer 702 [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24866]: app_queue.c:546 changethread: Device 'SIP/702' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'Macro' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [**18007692511@from-internal:1] Macro("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "dialout-trunk|7|18007692511||") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'Set' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:1] Set("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "DIAL_TRUNK=7") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'Set' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:2] Set("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "DIAL_NUMBER=18007692511") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'Set' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:3] Set("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "ROUTE_PASSWD=") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1688 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Expression result is '1' [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:4] GotoIf("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "1?noauth") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Goto (macro-dialout-trunk,s,6) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'Set' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:6] Set("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "GROUP()=OUT_7") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'Macro' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:7] Macro("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "user-callerid") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1688 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Expression result is '0' [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:1] GotoIf("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "0?report") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:5932 pbx_builtin_gotoif: Not taking any branch [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1688 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Expression result is '0' [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:2] GotoIf("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "0?start") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:5932 pbx_builtin_gotoif: Not taking any branch [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is '702' [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'Set' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:3] Set("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "REALCALLERIDNUM=702") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'NoOp' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:4] NoOp("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "REALCALLERIDNUM is 702") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is '702' [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'Set' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:5] Set("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "AMPUSER=702") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is 'Snom House' [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'Set' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:6] Set("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "AMPUSERCIDNAME=Snom House") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1688 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Expression result is '0' [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:7] GotoIf("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "0?report") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:5932 pbx_builtin_gotoif: Not taking any branch [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'Set' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:8] Set("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "CALLERID(all)=Snom House <702>") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is '"Snom House" <702>' [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'NoOp' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:9] NoOp("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "Using CallerID "Snom House" <702>") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is '702' [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'Macro' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:8] Macro("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "record-enable|702|OUT") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is '0' [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-record-enable:1] GotoIf("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "0 > 0?2:4") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Goto (macro-record-enable,s,4) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'AGI' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-record-enable:4] AGI("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "recordingcheck||1169008835.0") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/recordingcheck [Jan 16 21:40:35] recordingcheck||1169008835.0: Outbound recording not enabled [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- AGI Script recordingcheck completed, returning 0 [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'NoOp' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-record-enable:5] NoOp("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "No recording needed") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'Macro' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:9] Macro("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "outbound-callerid|7") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1688 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Expression result is '1' [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:1] GotoIf("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "1?start") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Goto (macro-outbound-callerid,s,3) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'NoOp' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:3] NoOp("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "REALCALLERIDNUM is 702") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is '4037751722' [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'Set' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:4] Set("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "USEROUTCID=4037751722") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key '702/emergency_cid' in family 'DEVICE' [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: func_db.c:70 function_db_read: DB: DEVICE/702/emergency_cid not found in database. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is '' [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'Set' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:5] Set("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "EMERGENCYCID=") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'Set' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:6] Set("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "TRUNKOUTCID=") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1688 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Expression result is '1' [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:7] GotoIf("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "1?trunkcid") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Goto (macro-outbound-callerid,s,11) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1688 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Expression result is '1' [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:11] GotoIf("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "1?usercid") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Goto (macro-outbound-callerid,s,13) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1688 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Expression result is '0' [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:13] GotoIf("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "0?report") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:5932 pbx_builtin_gotoif: Not taking any branch [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'Set' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:14] Set("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "CALLERID(all)=4037751722") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is '"" <4037751722>' [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'NoOp' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:15] NoOp("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "CallerID set to "" <4037751722>") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1688 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Expression result is '1' [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:10] GotoIf("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "1?nomax") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Goto (macro-dialout-trunk,s,12) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'AGI' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:12] AGI("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "fixlocalprefix") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/fixlocalprefix [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- AGI Script fixlocalprefix completed, returning 0 [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'Set' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:13] Set("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "OUTNUM=18007692511") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is 'SIP/ps-xl-peer' [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'Set' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:14] Set("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "custom=SIP/ps-xl-peer") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1688 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Expression result is '0' [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:15] GotoIf("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "0?customtrunk") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:5932 pbx_builtin_gotoif: Not taking any branch [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1767 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'Dial' [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:16] Dial("SIP/702-081e7ac8", "SIP/ps-xl-peer/18007692511|120|") in new stack [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:15106 sip_request_call: Asked to create a SIP channel with formats: 0x4 (ulaw) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4264 sip_alloc: Allocating new SIP dialog for (No Call-ID) - INVITE (With RTP) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:2559 do_setnat: Setting NAT on RTP to Off [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: acl.c:213 ast_apply_ha: ##### Testing with [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: acl.c:213 ast_apply_ha: ##### Testing with [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:1781 ast_sip_ouraddrfor: Target address is not local, substituting externip [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:3766 sip_new: *** Our native formats are 0x4 (ulaw) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:3767 sip_new: *** Joint capabilities are 0x0 (nothing) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:3768 sip_new: *** Our capabilities are 0xc (ulaw|alaw) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:3769 sip_new: *** AST_CODEC_CHOOSE formats are 0x4 (ulaw) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:3771 sip_new: *** Our preferred formats from the incoming channel are 0x4 (ulaw) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:3792 sip_new: This channel will not be able to handle video. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-dialout-trunk-s-16. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable MACRO_DEPTH. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-dialout-trunk-s-15. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable custom. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-dialout-trunk-s-14. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable OUTNUM. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-dialout-trunk-s-13. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable AGISTATUS. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-dialout-trunk-s-12. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-dialout-trunk-s-10. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable MACRO_PRIORITY. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable MACRO_CONTEXT. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable MACRO_EXTEN. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable ARG1. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-outbound-callerid-s-15. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-outbound-callerid-s-14. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-outbound-callerid-s-13. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-outbound-callerid-s-11. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-outbound-callerid-s-7. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable TRUNKOUTCID. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-outbound-callerid-s-6. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable EMERGENCYCID. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-outbound-callerid-s-5. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable USEROUTCID. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-outbound-callerid-s-4. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable DB_RESULT. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-outbound-callerid-s-3. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-outbound-callerid-s-1. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-dialout-trunk-s-9. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable ARG2. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-record-enable-s-5. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-record-enable-s-4. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-record-enable-s-1. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-dialout-trunk-s-8. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-9. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-8. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-7. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable AMPUSERCIDNAME. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-6. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable AMPUSER. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-5. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-4. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable REALCALLERIDNUM. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-3. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-2. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-1. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-dialout-trunk-s-7. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable GROUP. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-dialout-trunk-s-6. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-dialout-trunk-s-4. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable ROUTE_PASSWD. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-dialout-trunk-s-3. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable DIAL_NUMBER. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-dialout-trunk-s-2. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable DIAL_TRUNK. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-macro-dialout-trunk-s-1. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable ARG4. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable ARG3. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-**18007692511-1. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable SIPCALLID. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable SIPUSERAGENT. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable SIPDOMAIN. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3185 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable SIPURI. [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:2812 sip_call: Outgoing Call for 18007692511 [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:2978 update_call_counter: Updating call counter for outgoing call [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:2826 sip_call: Our T38 capability (0), joint T38 capability (0) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:6122 add_sdp: ** Our capability: 0xc (ulaw|alaw) Video flag: False [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:6123 add_sdp: ** Our prefcodec: 0x4 (ulaw) [Jan 16 21:40:35] Audio is at port 13362 [Jan 16 21:40:35] Adding codec 0x4 (ulaw) to SDP [Jan 16 21:40:35] Adding codec 0x8 (alaw) to SDP [Jan 16 21:40:35] Adding non-codec 0x1 (telephone-event) to SDP [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:6254 add_sdp: -- Done with adding codecs to SDP [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:6299 add_sdp: Done building SDP. Settling with this capability: 0xc (ulaw|alaw) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 0: INVITE sip:18007692511@ SIP/2.0 (45) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK1756b7d8;rport (65) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 2: From: "4037751722" ;tag=as1e01b853 (65) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 3: To: (36) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 4: Contact: (40) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 5: Call-ID: 646d4dc7481464e737a7902712f3132e@ (56) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 6: CSeq: 102 INVITE (16) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 7: User-Agent: Asterisk PBX (24) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 8: Max-Forwards: 70 (16) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 9: Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 04:40:35 GMT (35) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 10: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY (66) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 11: Supported: replaces (19) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 12: Content-Type: application/sdp (29) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 13: Content-Length: 268 (19) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 14: (0) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: v=0 (3) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: o=root 24748 24748 IN IP4 (40) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: s=session (9) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: c=IN IP4 (23) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: t=0 0 (5) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: m=audio 13362 RTP/AVP 0 8 101 (29) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 (20) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 (20) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 (33) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=fmtp:101 0-16 (15) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=silenceSupp:off - - - - (25) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=ptime:20 (10) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=sendrecv (10) [Jan 16 21:40:35] Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to INVITE sip:18007692511@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK1756b7d8;rport From: "4037751722" ;tag=as1e01b853 To: Contact: Call-ID: 646d4dc7481464e737a7902712f3132e@ CSeq: 102 INVITE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Max-Forwards: 70 Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 04:40:35 GMT Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Supported: replaces Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 268 v=0 o=root 24748 24748 IN IP4 s=session c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 13362 RTP/AVP 0 8 101 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-16 a=silenceSupp:off - - - - a=ptime:20 a=sendrecv --- [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:1957 __sip_reliable_xmit: *** SIP TIMER: Initalizing retransmit timer on packet: Id #43 [Jan 16 21:40:35] -- Called ps-xl-peer/18007692511 [Jan 16 21:40:35] <--- SIP read from ---> SIP/2.0 100 Trying To: ;tag=73841b93779 From: "4037751722" ;tag=as1e01b853 Call-ID: 646d4dc7481464e737a7902712f3132e@ CSeq: 102 INVITE Contact: 18007692511 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK1756b7d8;rport User-Agent: Excel_CSP/82.30.176 Content-Length: 0 <-------------> [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 0: SIP/2.0 100 Trying (19) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 1: To: ;tag=73841b93779 (52) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 2: From: "4037751722" ;tag=as1e01b853 (65) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 3: Call-ID: 646d4dc7481464e737a7902712f3132e@ (56) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 4: CSeq: 102 INVITE (16) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 5: Contact: 18007692511 (57) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 6: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK1756b7d8;rport (65) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 7: User-Agent: Excel_CSP/82.30.176 (31) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 8: Content-Length: 0 (17) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 9: (0) [Jan 16 21:40:35] --- (9 headers 0 lines) --- [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2104 __sip_semi_ack: *** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmission #43 - INVITE (got response) [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2113 __sip_semi_ack: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '646d4dc7481464e737a7902712f3132e@' Request 102: Found [Jan 16 21:40:35] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:11531 handle_response_invite: SIP response 100 to standard invite [Jan 16 21:40:37] DEBUG[24759]: chan_iax2.c:7087 socket_process: Peer FreeWorldTel-Out2: got pong, lastms 93, historicms 93, maxms 2000 [Jan 16 21:40:37] DEBUG[24760]: chan_iax2.c:7087 socket_process: Peer FreeWorldTel: got pong, lastms 86, historicms 86, maxms 2000 [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4264 sip_alloc: Allocating new SIP dialog for (No Call-ID) - OPTIONS (No RTP) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: acl.c:213 ast_apply_ha: ##### Testing with [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 0: OPTIONS sip:750@;line=0m8pdfyo SIP/2.0 (56) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK50e57c00 (58) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 2: From: "Unknown" ;tag=as28d4933c (58) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 3: To: (46) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 4: Contact: (36) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 5: Call-ID: 79b7593c1a9bec605a9e91dd6ab9c7b3@ (55) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 6: CSeq: 102 OPTIONS (17) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 7: User-Agent: Asterisk PBX (24) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 8: Max-Forwards: 70 (16) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 9: Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 04:40:38 GMT (35) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 10: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY (66) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 11: Supported: replaces (19) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 12: Content-Length: 0 (17) [Jan 16 21:40:38] Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to OPTIONS sip:750@;line=0m8pdfyo SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK50e57c00 From: "Unknown" ;tag=as28d4933c To: Contact: Call-ID: 79b7593c1a9bec605a9e91dd6ab9c7b3@ CSeq: 102 OPTIONS User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Max-Forwards: 70 Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 04:40:38 GMT Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Supported: replaces Content-Length: 0 --- [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:1957 __sip_reliable_xmit: *** SIP TIMER: Initalizing retransmit timer on packet: Id #45 [Jan 16 21:40:38] <--- SIP read from ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK50e57c00 From: "Unknown" ;tag=as28d4933c To: Call-ID: 79b7593c1a9bec605a9e91dd6ab9c7b3@ CSeq: 102 OPTIONS Contact: User-Agent: snom190/3.60i Accept-Language: en Accept: application/sdp Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, REFER, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, SUBSCRIBE, PRACK, MESSAGE, INFO Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces Content-Length: 0 <-------------> [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 0: SIP/2.0 200 OK (14) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK50e57c00 (58) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 2: From: "Unknown" ;tag=as28d4933c (58) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 3: To: (46) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 4: Call-ID: 79b7593c1a9bec605a9e91dd6ab9c7b3@ (55) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 5: CSeq: 102 OPTIONS (17) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 6: Contact: (51) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 7: User-Agent: snom190/3.60i (25) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 8: Accept-Language: en (19) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 9: Accept: application/sdp (23) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 10: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, REFER, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, SUBSCRIBE, PRACK, MESSAGE, INFO (88) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 11: Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer (31) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 12: Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces (34) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 13: Content-Length: 0 (17) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 14: (0) [Jan 16 21:40:38] --- (14 headers 0 lines) --- [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2061 __sip_ack: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #45 [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2071 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on '79b7593c1a9bec605a9e91dd6ab9c7b3@' of Request 102: Match Not Found [Jan 16 21:40:38] Really destroying SIP dialog '79b7593c1a9bec605a9e91dd6ab9c7b3@' Method: OPTIONS [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4264 sip_alloc: Allocating new SIP dialog for (No Call-ID) - OPTIONS (No RTP) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: acl.c:213 ast_apply_ha: ##### Testing with [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 0: OPTIONS sip:702@;line=zx46mmvf SIP/2.0 (56) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK5f6837a1 (58) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 2: From: "Unknown" ;tag=as137aa8bd (58) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 3: To: (46) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 4: Contact: (36) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 5: Call-ID: 252a56526029333707903bd80ef8accc@ (55) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 6: CSeq: 102 OPTIONS (17) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 7: User-Agent: Asterisk PBX (24) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 8: Max-Forwards: 70 (16) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 9: Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 04:40:38 GMT (35) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 10: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY (66) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 11: Supported: replaces (19) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 12: Content-Length: 0 (17) [Jan 16 21:40:38] Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to OPTIONS sip:702@;line=zx46mmvf SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK5f6837a1 From: "Unknown" ;tag=as137aa8bd To: Contact: Call-ID: 252a56526029333707903bd80ef8accc@ CSeq: 102 OPTIONS User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Max-Forwards: 70 Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 04:40:38 GMT Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Supported: replaces Content-Length: 0 --- [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:1957 __sip_reliable_xmit: *** SIP TIMER: Initalizing retransmit timer on packet: Id #48 [Jan 16 21:40:38] <--- SIP read from ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK5f6837a1 From: "Unknown" ;tag=as137aa8bd To: Call-ID: 252a56526029333707903bd80ef8accc@ CSeq: 102 OPTIONS Contact: User-Agent: snom360/4.4 Accept-Language: en Accept: application/sdp Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, REFER, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, SUBSCRIBE, PRACK, MESSAGE, INFO Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, callerid Content-Length: 0 <-------------> [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 0: SIP/2.0 200 OK (14) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK5f6837a1 (58) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 2: From: "Unknown" ;tag=as137aa8bd (58) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 3: To: (46) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 4: Call-ID: 252a56526029333707903bd80ef8accc@ (55) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 5: CSeq: 102 OPTIONS (17) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 6: Contact: (51) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 7: User-Agent: snom360/4.4 (23) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 8: Accept-Language: en (19) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 9: Accept: application/sdp (23) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 10: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, REFER, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, SUBSCRIBE, PRACK, MESSAGE, INFO (88) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 11: Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer (31) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 12: Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, callerid (44) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 13: Content-Length: 0 (17) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 14: (0) [Jan 16 21:40:38] --- (14 headers 0 lines) --- [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2061 __sip_ack: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #48 [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2071 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on '252a56526029333707903bd80ef8accc@' of Request 102: Match Not Found [Jan 16 21:40:38] Really destroying SIP dialog '252a56526029333707903bd80ef8accc@' Method: OPTIONS [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4264 sip_alloc: Allocating new SIP dialog for (No Call-ID) - OPTIONS (No RTP) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: acl.c:213 ast_apply_ha: ##### Testing with [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 0: OPTIONS sip:700@ SIP/2.0 (37) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7e9c5591 (58) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 2: From: "Unknown" ;tag=as1d06c067 (58) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 3: To: (27) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 4: Contact: (36) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 5: Call-ID: 0d195ab63f07da2b3257de8c279d0e67@ (55) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 6: CSeq: 102 OPTIONS (17) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 7: User-Agent: Asterisk PBX (24) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 8: Max-Forwards: 70 (16) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 9: Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 04:40:38 GMT (35) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 10: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY (66) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 11: Supported: replaces (19) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 12: Content-Length: 0 (17) [Jan 16 21:40:38] Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to OPTIONS sip:700@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7e9c5591 From: "Unknown" ;tag=as1d06c067 To: Contact: Call-ID: 0d195ab63f07da2b3257de8c279d0e67@ CSeq: 102 OPTIONS User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Max-Forwards: 70 Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 04:40:38 GMT Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Supported: replaces Content-Length: 0 --- [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:1957 __sip_reliable_xmit: *** SIP TIMER: Initalizing retransmit timer on packet: Id #51 [Jan 16 21:40:38] <--- SIP read from ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7e9c5591 From: "Unknown" ;tag=as1d06c067 To: ;tag=9b199d9a4ba5b697 Call-ID: 0d195ab63f07da2b3257de8c279d0e67@ CSeq: 102 OPTIONS User-Agent: Grandstream HT286 Contact: Allow: INVITE,ACK,CANCEL,BYE,NOTIFY,REFER,OPTIONS,INFO,SUBSCRIBE Supported: replaces Content-Length: 0 <-------------> [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 0: SIP/2.0 200 OK (14) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7e9c5591 (58) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 2: From: "Unknown" ;tag=as1d06c067 (58) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 3: To: ;tag=9b199d9a4ba5b697 (48) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 4: Call-ID: 0d195ab63f07da2b3257de8c279d0e67@ (55) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 5: CSeq: 102 OPTIONS (17) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 6: User-Agent: Grandstream HT286 (37) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 7: Contact: (32) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 8: Allow: INVITE,ACK,CANCEL,BYE,NOTIFY,REFER,OPTIONS,INFO,SUBSCRIBE (64) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 9: Supported: replaces (19) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 10: Content-Length: 0 (17) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 11: (0) [Jan 16 21:40:38] --- (11 headers 0 lines) --- [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2061 __sip_ack: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #51 [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2071 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on '0d195ab63f07da2b3257de8c279d0e67@' of Request 102: Match Not Found [Jan 16 21:40:38] Really destroying SIP dialog '0d195ab63f07da2b3257de8c279d0e67@' Method: OPTIONS [Jan 16 21:40:38] <--- SIP read from ---> SIP/2.0 183 Session Progress To: ;tag=73841b93779 From: "4037751722" ;tag=as1e01b853 Call-ID: 646d4dc7481464e737a7902712f3132e@ CSeq: 102 INVITE Contact: 18007692511 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK1756b7d8;rport User-Agent: Excel_CSP/82.30.176 Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 146 v=0 o=sip 0 0 IN IP4 s=SIP_Call c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 15676 RTP/AVP 0 101 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 <-------------> [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 0: SIP/2.0 183 Session Progress (29) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 1: To: ;tag=73841b93779 (52) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 2: From: "4037751722" ;tag=as1e01b853 (65) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 3: Call-ID: 646d4dc7481464e737a7902712f3132e@ (56) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 4: CSeq: 102 INVITE (16) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 5: Contact: 18007692511 (57) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 6: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK1756b7d8;rport (65) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 7: User-Agent: Excel_CSP/82.30.176 (31) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 8: Content-Type: application/sdp (29) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 9: Content-Length: 146 (19) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 10: (0) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: v=0 (3) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: o=sip 0 0 IN IP4 (31) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: s=SIP_Call (10) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: c=IN IP4 (23) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: t=0 0 (5) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: m=audio 15676 RTP/AVP 0 101 (27) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 (33) [Jan 16 21:40:38] --- (10 headers 7 lines) --- [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2113 __sip_semi_ack: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '646d4dc7481464e737a7902712f3132e@' Request 102: Found [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:11531 handle_response_invite: SIP response 183 to standard invite [Jan 16 21:40:38] Found RTP audio format 0 [Jan 16 21:40:38] Found RTP audio format 101 [Jan 16 21:40:38] Peer audio RTP is at port [Jan 16 21:40:38] Found description format telephone-event for ID 101 [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:5068 process_sdp: T38 state changed to 0 on channel SIP/ps-xl-peer-081ecfc8 [Jan 16 21:40:38] Capabilities: us - 0xc (ulaw|alaw), peer - audio=0x4 (ulaw)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x4 (ulaw) [Jan 16 21:40:38] Non-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event) [Jan 16 21:40:38] Peer audio RTP is at port [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:5145 process_sdp: We're settling with these formats: 0x4 (ulaw) [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:5152 process_sdp: We have an owner, now see if we need to change this call [Jan 16 21:40:38] -- SIP/ps-xl-peer-081ecfc8 is making progress passing it to SIP/702-081e7ac8 [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:6354 transmit_response_with_sdp: Setting framing from config on incoming call [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:6122 add_sdp: ** Our capability: 0xc (ulaw|alaw) Video flag: True [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:6123 add_sdp: ** Our prefcodec: 0x0 (nothing) [Jan 16 21:40:38] Audio is at port 11530 [Jan 16 21:40:38] Adding codec 0x4 (ulaw) to SDP [Jan 16 21:40:38] Adding codec 0x8 (alaw) to SDP [Jan 16 21:40:38] Adding non-codec 0x1 (telephone-event) to SDP [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:6254 add_sdp: -- Done with adding codecs to SDP [Jan 16 21:40:38] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:6299 add_sdp: Done building SDP. Settling with this capability: 0xc (ulaw|alaw) [Jan 16 21:40:38] <--- Transmitting (no NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 183 Session Progress Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-boyfdpvqw3r7;rport;received= From: "702 - House" ;tag=o5u6vn12uz To: ;tag=as6eefbf07 Call-ID: 3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360 CSeq: 2 INVITE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Supported: replaces Contact: Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 266 v=0 o=root 24748 24748 IN IP4 s=session c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 11530 RTP/AVP 0 8 101 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-16 a=silenceSupp:off - - - - a=ptime:20 a=sendrecv <------------> [Jan 16 21:40:39] DEBUG[24867]: rtp.c:2647 ast_rtp_write: Ooh, format changed from unknown to ulaw [Jan 16 21:40:39] DEBUG[24867]: rtp.c:2664 ast_rtp_write: Created smoother: format: 4 ms: 20 len: 160 [Jan 16 21:40:39] DEBUG[24867]: rtp.c:2647 ast_rtp_write: Ooh, format changed from unknown to ulaw [Jan 16 21:40:39] DEBUG[24867]: rtp.c:2664 ast_rtp_write: Created smoother: format: 4 ms: 20 len: 160 [Jan 16 21:40:46] <--- SIP read from ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK To: ;tag=73841b93779 From: "4037751722" ;tag=as1e01b853 Call-ID: 646d4dc7481464e737a7902712f3132e@ CSeq: 102 INVITE Contact: 18007692511 Supported: timer Session-Expires: 1800; refresher=uas Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK1756b7d8;rport User-Agent: Excel_CSP/82.30.176 Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 146 v=0 o=sip 0 0 IN IP4 s=SIP_Call c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 15676 RTP/AVP 0 101 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 <-------------> [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 0: SIP/2.0 200 OK (15) [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 1: To: ;tag=73841b93779 (52) [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 2: From: "4037751722" ;tag=as1e01b853 (65) [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 3: Call-ID: 646d4dc7481464e737a7902712f3132e@ (56) [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 4: CSeq: 102 INVITE (16) [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 5: Contact: 18007692511 (57) [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 6: Supported: timer (16) [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 7: Session-Expires: 1800; refresher=uas (36) [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 8: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK1756b7d8;rport (65) [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 9: User-Agent: Excel_CSP/82.30.176 (31) [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 10: Content-Type: application/sdp (29) [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 11: Content-Length: 146 (19) [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 12: (0) [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: v=0 (3) [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: o=sip 0 0 IN IP4 (31) [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: s=SIP_Call (10) [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: c=IN IP4 (23) [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: t=0 0 (5) [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: m=audio 15676 RTP/AVP 0 101 (27) [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4559 parse_request: Line: a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 (33) [Jan 16 21:40:46] --- (12 headers 7 lines) --- [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2053 __sip_ack: Acked pending invite 102 [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2071 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on '646d4dc7481464e737a7902712f3132e@' of Request 102: Match Not Found [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:11531 handle_response_invite: SIP response 200 to standard invite [Jan 16 21:40:46] Found RTP audio format 0 [Jan 16 21:40:46] Found RTP audio format 101 [Jan 16 21:40:46] Peer audio RTP is at port [Jan 16 21:40:46] Found description format telephone-event for ID 101 [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:5068 process_sdp: T38 state changed to 0 on channel SIP/ps-xl-peer-081ecfc8 [Jan 16 21:40:46] Capabilities: us - 0xc (ulaw|alaw), peer - audio=0x4 (ulaw)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x4 (ulaw) [Jan 16 21:40:46] Non-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event) [Jan 16 21:40:46] Peer audio RTP is at port [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:5145 process_sdp: We're settling with these formats: 0x4 (ulaw) [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:5152 process_sdp: We have an owner, now see if we need to change this call [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2978 update_call_counter: Updating call counter for outgoing call [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:7891 build_route: build_route: Contact hop: 18007692511 [Jan 16 21:40:46] list_route: hop: [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:5576 reqprep: Strict routing enforced for session 646d4dc7481464e737a7902712f3132e@ [Jan 16 21:40:46] set_destination: Parsing for address/port to send to [Jan 16 21:40:46] set_destination: set destination to, port 5060 [Jan 16 21:40:46] Transmitting (no NAT) to ACK sip:18007692511@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK1a56eaa9;rport From: "4037751722" ;tag=as1e01b853 To: ;tag=73841b93779 Contact: Call-ID: 646d4dc7481464e737a7902712f3132e@ CSeq: 102 ACK User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Max-Forwards: 70 Content-Length: 0 --- [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24867]: devicestate.c:303 __ast_device_state_changed_literal: Notification of state change to be queued on device/channel SIP/ps-xl-peer-081ecfc8 [Jan 16 21:40:46] -- SIP/ps-xl-peer-081ecfc8 answered SIP/702-081e7ac8 [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24867]: devicestate.c:303 __ast_device_state_changed_literal: Notification of state change to be queued on device/channel SIP/702-081e7ac8 [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:3428 sip_answer: SIP answering channel: SIP/702-081e7ac8 [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:6354 transmit_response_with_sdp: Setting framing from config on incoming call [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:6122 add_sdp: ** Our capability: 0xc (ulaw|alaw) Video flag: True [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:6123 add_sdp: ** Our prefcodec: 0x0 (nothing) [Jan 16 21:40:46] Audio is at port 11530 [Jan 16 21:40:46] Adding codec 0x4 (ulaw) to SDP [Jan 16 21:40:46] Adding codec 0x8 (alaw) to SDP [Jan 16 21:40:46] Adding non-codec 0x1 (telephone-event) to SDP [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:6254 add_sdp: -- Done with adding codecs to SDP [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:6299 add_sdp: Done building SDP. Settling with this capability: 0xc (ulaw|alaw) [Jan 16 21:40:46] <--- Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-boyfdpvqw3r7;rport;received= From: "702 - House" ;tag=o5u6vn12uz To: ;tag=as6eefbf07 Call-ID: 3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360 CSeq: 2 INVITE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Supported: replaces Contact: Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 266 v=0 o=root 24748 24749 IN IP4 s=session c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 11530 RTP/AVP 0 8 101 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-16 a=silenceSupp:off - - - - a=ptime:20 a=sendrecv <------------> [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:1957 __sip_reliable_xmit: *** SIP TIMER: Initalizing retransmit timer on packet: Id #56 [Jan 16 21:40:46] -- Packet2Packet bridging SIP/702-081e7ac8 and SIP/ps-xl-peer-081ecfc8 [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - ps-xl-peer [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24753]: chan_sip.c:15048 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer ps-xl-peer [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:287 do_state_change: Changing state for SIP/ps-xl-peer - state 1 (Not in use) [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 702 [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24753]: chan_sip.c:15048 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer 702 [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:287 do_state_change: Changing state for SIP/702 - state 1 (Not in use) [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 702 [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24753]: chan_sip.c:15048 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer 702 [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24870]: app_queue.c:546 changethread: Device 'SIP/ps-xl-peer' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jan 16 21:40:46] DEBUG[24871]: app_queue.c:546 changethread: Device 'SIP/702' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. *CLI> [Jan 16 21:40:47] <--- SIP read from ---> ACK sip:**18007692511@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-7y35c6i0lklu;rport From: "702 - House" ;tag=o5u6vn12uz To: ;tag=as6eefbf07 Call-ID: 3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360 CSeq: 2 ACK Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: Content-Length: 0 <-------------> [Jan 16 21:40:47] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 0: ACK sip:**18007692511@ SIP/2.0 (43) [Jan 16 21:40:47] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-7y35c6i0lklu;rport (69) [Jan 16 21:40:47] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 2: From: "702 - House" ;tag=o5u6vn12uz (58) [Jan 16 21:40:47] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 3: To: ;tag=as6eefbf07 (63) [Jan 16 21:40:47] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 4: Call-ID: 3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360 (42) [Jan 16 21:40:47] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 5: CSeq: 2 ACK (11) [Jan 16 21:40:47] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 6: Max-Forwards: 70 (16) [Jan 16 21:40:47] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 7: Contact: (51) [Jan 16 21:40:47] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 8: Content-Length: 0 (17) [Jan 16 21:40:47] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 9: (0) [Jan 16 21:40:47] --- (9 headers 0 lines) --- [Jan 16 21:40:47] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:14453 handle_request: **** Received ACK (6) - Command in SIP ACK [Jan 16 21:40:47] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2061 __sip_ack: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #56 [Jan 16 21:40:47] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2071 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on '3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360' of Response 2: Match Not Found *CLI> *CLI> *CLI> *CLI> *CLI> *CLI> *CLI> *CLI> *CLI> *CLI> *CLI> *CLI> *CLI> [Jan 16 21:40:56] <--- SIP read from ---> BYE sip:**18007692511@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-qig43ffrde4n;rport From: "702 - House" ;tag=o5u6vn12uz To: ;tag=as6eefbf07 Call-ID: 3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360 CSeq: 3 BYE Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: User-Agent: snom360/4.4 Content-Length: 0 <-------------> [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 0: BYE sip:**18007692511@ SIP/2.0 (43) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-qig43ffrde4n;rport (69) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 2: From: "702 - House" ;tag=o5u6vn12uz (58) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 3: To: ;tag=as6eefbf07 (63) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 4: Call-ID: 3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360 (42) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 5: CSeq: 3 BYE (11) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 6: Max-Forwards: 70 (16) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 7: Contact: (51) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 8: User-Agent: snom360/4.4 (23) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 9: Content-Length: 0 (17) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 10: (0) [Jan 16 21:40:56] --- (10 headers 0 lines) --- [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:14453 handle_request: **** Received BYE (8) - Command in SIP BYE [Jan 16 21:40:56] Sending to : 2051 (NAT) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:1615 sip_alreadygone: Setting SIP_ALREADYGONE on dialog 3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360 [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:14030 handle_request_bye: Received bye, issuing owner hangup .[Jan 16 21:40:56] <--- Transmitting (NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-qig43ffrde4n;rport;received= From: "702 - House" ;tag=o5u6vn12uz To: ;tag=as6eefbf07 Call-ID: 3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360 CSeq: 3 BYE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Supported: replaces Contact: Content-Length: 0 <------------> [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: rtp.c:3017 bridge_p2p_loop: Oooh, got a hangup [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:3924 ast_channel_bridge: Returning from native bridge, channels: SIP/702-081e7ac8, SIP/ps-xl-peer-081ecfc8 [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:1606 ast_hangup: Hanging up channel 'SIP/ps-xl-peer-081ecfc8' [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:3278 sip_hangup: Hangup call SIP/ps-xl-peer-081ecfc8, SIP callid 646d4dc7481464e737a7902712f3132e@ [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:3286 sip_hangup: update_call_counter(18007692511) - decrement call limit counter on hangup [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:2978 update_call_counter: Updating call counter for outgoing call [Jan 16 21:40:56] Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '646d4dc7481464e737a7902712f3132e@' in 32000 ms (Method: INVITE) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:5576 reqprep: Strict routing enforced for session 646d4dc7481464e737a7902712f3132e@ [Jan 16 21:40:56] set_destination: Parsing for address/port to send to [Jan 16 21:40:56] set_destination: set destination to, port 5060 [Jan 16 21:40:56] Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to BYE sip:18007692511@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK29b94f99;rport From: "4037751722" ;tag=as1e01b853 To: ;tag=73841b93779 Call-ID: 646d4dc7481464e737a7902712f3132e@ CSeq: 103 BYE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Max-Forwards: 70 Content-Length: 0 --- [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:1957 __sip_reliable_xmit: *** SIP TIMER: Initalizing retransmit timer on packet: Id #58 [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: devicestate.c:303 __ast_device_state_changed_literal: Notification of state change to be queued on device/channel SIP/ps-xl-peer-081ecfc8 [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: rtp.c:1465 ast_rtp_early_bridge: Channel '' has no RTP, not doing anything [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: app_dial.c:1643 dial_exec_full: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=ANSWER. [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: app_macro.c:253 _macro_exec: Spawn extension (macro-dialout-trunk,s,16) exited non-zero on 'SIP/702-081e7ac8' in macro 'dialout-trunk' [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:2363 __ast_pbx_run: Spawn extension (macro-dialout-trunk,s,16) exited non-zero on 'SIP/702-081e7ac8' [Jan 16 21:40:56] == Spawn extension (macro-dialout-trunk, s, 16) exited non-zero on 'SIP/702-081e7ac8' [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is '4037751722' [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is '4037751722' [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is '**18007692511' [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is 'from-internal' [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is 'SIP/702-081e7ac8' [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is 'SIP/ps-xl-peer-081ecfc8' [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is 'Dial' [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is 'SIP/ps-xl-peer/18007692511|120|' [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is '2007-01-16 21:40:35' [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is '2007-01-16 21:40:46' [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is '2007-01-16 21:40:56' [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is '21' [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is '10' [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is 'ANSWERED' [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is 'DOCUMENTATION' [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is '' [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is '1169008835.0' [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: pbx.c:1621 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Function result is '' [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: channel.c:1606 ast_hangup: Hanging up channel 'SIP/702-081e7ac8' [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:3278 sip_hangup: Hangup call SIP/702-081e7ac8, SIP callid 3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:3286 sip_hangup: update_call_counter(702) - decrement call limit counter on hangup [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: chan_sip.c:2978 update_call_counter: Updating call counter for incoming call [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24867]: devicestate.c:303 __ast_device_state_changed_literal: Notification of state change to be queued on device/channel SIP/702-081e7ac8 [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - ps-xl-peer [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24753]: chan_sip.c:15048 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer ps-xl-peer [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:287 do_state_change: Changing state for SIP/ps-xl-peer - state 1 (Not in use) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 702 [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24753]: chan_sip.c:15048 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer 702 [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:287 do_state_change: Changing state for SIP/702 - state 1 (Not in use) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24753]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 702 [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24753]: chan_sip.c:15048 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer 702 [Jan 16 21:40:56] Really destroying SIP dialog '3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360' Method: BYE [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24872]: app_queue.c:546 changethread: Device 'SIP/ps-xl-peer' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24873]: app_queue.c:546 changethread: Device 'SIP/702' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jan 16 21:40:56] <--- SIP read from ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK To: ;tag=73841b93779 From: "4037751722" ;tag=as1e01b853 Call-ID: 646d4dc7481464e737a7902712f3132e@ CSeq: 103 BYE Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK29b94f99;rport User-Agent: Excel_CSP/82.30.176 Content-Length: 0 <-------------> [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 0: SIP/2.0 200 OK (15) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 1: To: ;tag=73841b93779 (52) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 2: From: "4037751722" ;tag=as1e01b853 (65) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 3: Call-ID: 646d4dc7481464e737a7902712f3132e@ (56) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 4: CSeq: 103 BYE (13) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 5: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK29b94f99;rport (65) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 6: User-Agent: Excel_CSP/82.30.176 (31) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 7: Content-Length: 0 (17) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 8: (0) [Jan 16 21:40:56] --- (8 headers 0 lines) --- [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2061 __sip_ack: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #58 [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:2071 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on '646d4dc7481464e737a7902712f3132e@' of Request 103: Match Not Found [Jan 16 21:40:56] Really destroying SIP dialog '646d4dc7481464e737a7902712f3132e@' Method: INVITE [Jan 16 21:40:56] <--- SIP read from ---> BYE sip:**18007692511@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-qig43ffrde4n;rport From: "702 - House" ;tag=o5u6vn12uz To: ;tag=as6eefbf07 Call-ID: 3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360 CSeq: 3 BYE Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: User-Agent: snom360/4.4 Content-Length: 0 <-------------> [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 0: BYE sip:**18007692511@ SIP/2.0 (43) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-qig43ffrde4n;rport (69) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 2: From: "702 - House" ;tag=o5u6vn12uz (58) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 3: To: ;tag=as6eefbf07 (63) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 4: Call-ID: 3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360 (42) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 5: CSeq: 3 BYE (11) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 6: Max-Forwards: 70 (16) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 7: Contact: (51) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 8: User-Agent: snom360/4.4 (23) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 9: Content-Length: 0 (17) [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:4527 parse_request: Header 10: (0) [Jan 16 21:40:56] --- (10 headers 0 lines) --- [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: acl.c:213 ast_apply_ha: ##### Testing with [Jan 16 21:40:56] <--- Transmitting (no NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 481 Call leg/transaction does not exist Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-qig43ffrde4n;received=;rport=2051 From: "702 - House" ;tag=o5u6vn12uz To: ;tag=as6eefbf07 Call-ID: 3c7ef3e8d6d8-34th2z45rvdn@snom360 CSeq: 3 BYE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Supported: replaces Content-Length: 0 <------------> [Jan 16 21:40:56] DEBUG[24769]: chan_sip.c:14631 sipsock_read: Invalid SIP message - rejected , no callid, len 415 stop now [Jan 16 21:40:59] Beginning asterisk shutdown.... [Jan 16 21:40:59] Executing last minute cleanups [Jan 16 21:40:59] == Destroying musiconhold processes [Jan 16 21:40:59] Asterisk cleanly ending (0). [Jan 16 21:40:59] DEBUG[24748]: asterisk.c:1193 quit_handler: Asterisk ending (0).