GLA-TG5*CLI> core show channels Channel Location State Application(Data) Recorder/ARI-0000000 s@default:1 Up (None) Recorder/ARI-0000000 s@default:1 Up (None) SIP/loadbalancer-000 (None) Up Stasis(CorDiGLA-VD9) SIP/loadbalancer-000 (None) Up Stasis(CorDiGLA-VD9) 4 active channels 0 active calls 0 calls processed GLA-TG5*CLI> channel request hangup Recorder/ARI-000000 Recorder/ARI-0000000b;1 Recorder/ARI-0000000b;2 GLA-TG5*CLI> channel request hangup Recorder/ARI-0000000b;1 Requested Hangup on channel 'Recorder/ARI-0000000b;1' GLA-TG5*CLI> core show channels Channel Location State Application(Data) SIP/loadbalancer-000 (None) Up Stasis(CorDiGLA-VD9) SIP/loadbalancer-000 (None) Up Stasis(CorDiGLA-VD9) 2 active channels 0 active calls 0 calls processed GLA-TG5*CLI> core show channel S SIP/loadbalancer-0000001b SIP/loadbalancer-0000001c GLA-TG5*CLI> core show channel SIP/loadbalancer-0000001b -- General -- Name: SIP/loadbalancer-0000001b Type: SIP UniqueID: 1589799315.73 LinkedID: 1589799315.73 Caller ID: (N/A) Caller ID Name: (N/A) Connected Line ID: 01413751174 Connected Line ID Name: (N/A) Eff. Connected Line ID: 01413751174 Eff. Connected Line ID Name: (N/A) DNID Digits: (N/A) Language: en State: Up (6) NativeFormats: (alaw) WriteFormat: alaw ReadFormat: alaw WriteTranscode: No ReadTranscode: No Time to Hangup: 0 Elapsed Time: 0h0m52s Bridge ID: 5bb17e9f-10bb-45f7-a8f4-48b7a21e1096 -- PBX -- Context: default Extension: Priority: 1 Call Group: 0 Pickup Group: 0 Application: Stasis Data: CorDiGLA-VD9 Call Identifer: (None) Variables: BRIDGEPVTCALLID=53aec00a0c87ad2f2a0db3c341e9e967@ BRIDGEPEER=SIP/loadbalancer-0000001c STASISSTATUS= SIPCALLID=1fb797617e9d3a6b53d7f6e53736d75c@ CDR Variables: level 1: clid="" <> level 1: dcontext=default level 1: channel=SIP/loadbalancer-0000001b level 1: dstchannel=SIP/loadbalancer-0000001c level 1: lastapp=Stasis level 1: lastdata=CorDiGLA-VD9 level 1: start=1589799315.521753 level 1: answer=1589799317.240474 level 1: end=0.000000 level 1: duration=51 level 1: billsec=50 level 1: disposition=8 level 1: amaflags=3 level 1: uniqueid=1589799315.73 level 1: linkedid=1589799315.73 level 1: sequence=28 -- Streams -- Name: audio Type: audio State: sendrecv Group: -1 Formats: (alaw) Metadata: GLA-TG5*CLI> core show channel SIP/loadbalancer-0000001c -- General -- Name: SIP/loadbalancer-0000001c Type: SIP UniqueID: 1589799319.74 LinkedID: 1589799315.73 Caller ID: 01413751174 Caller ID Name: (N/A) Connected Line ID: (N/A) Connected Line ID Name: (N/A) Eff. Connected Line ID: (N/A) Eff. Connected Line ID Name: (N/A) DNID Digits: (N/A) Language: en State: Up (6) NativeFormats: (alaw) WriteFormat: alaw ReadFormat: alaw WriteTranscode: No ReadTranscode: No Time to Hangup: 0 Elapsed Time: 0h0m51s Bridge ID: 5bb17e9f-10bb-45f7-a8f4-48b7a21e1096 -- PBX -- Context: default Extension: Priority: 1 Call Group: 0 Pickup Group: 0 Application: Stasis Data: CorDiGLA-VD9 Call Identifer: (None) Variables: BRIDGEPVTCALLID=1fb797617e9d3a6b53d7f6e53736d75c@ BRIDGEPEER=SIP/loadbalancer-0000001b STASISSTATUS= SIPCALLID=53aec00a0c87ad2f2a0db3c341e9e967@ CDR Variables: level 1: clid="" <01413751174> level 1: src=01413751174 level 1: dcontext=default level 1: channel=SIP/loadbalancer-0000001c level 1: lastapp=Stasis level 1: lastdata=CorDiGLA-VD9 level 1: start=1589799319.631401 level 1: answer=1589799325.292397 level 1: end=1589799325.441509 level 1: duration=5 level 1: billsec=0 level 1: disposition=8 level 1: amaflags=3 level 1: uniqueid=1589799319.74 level 1: linkedid=1589799315.73 level 1: sequence=29 -- Streams -- Name: audio Type: audio State: sendrecv Group: -1 Formats: (alaw) Metadata: