GLA-TG5*CLI> core show channels Channel Location State Application(Data) SIP/loadbalancer-000 (None) Up Stasis(CorDiGLA-VD9) SIP/loadbalancer-000 (None) Up Stasis(CorDiGLA-VD9) Recorder/ARI-0000000 s@default:1 Up (None) Recorder/ARI-0000000 s@default:1 Up (None) 4 active channels 0 active calls 0 calls processed GLA-TG5*CLI> core show channel S SIP/loadbalancer-00000019 SIP/loadbalancer-0000001a GLA-TG5*CLI> core show channel SIP/loadbalancer-0000001 SIP/loadbalancer-00000019 SIP/loadbalancer-0000001a GLA-TG5*CLI> core show channel SIP/loadbalancer-00000019 -- General -- Name: SIP/loadbalancer-00000019 Type: SIP UniqueID: 1589799128.67 LinkedID: 1589799128.67 Caller ID: (N/A) Caller ID Name: (N/A) Connected Line ID: 01413751174 Connected Line ID Name: (N/A) Eff. Connected Line ID: 01413751174 Eff. Connected Line ID Name: (N/A) DNID Digits: (N/A) Language: en State: Up (6) NativeFormats: (alaw) WriteFormat: slin ReadFormat: slin WriteTranscode: Yes (slin@8000)->(alaw@8000) ReadTranscode: Yes (alaw@8000)->(slin@8000) Time to Hangup: 0 Elapsed Time: 0h0m37s Bridge ID: 1cefeec7-821c-4856-819a-e696931a4df5 -- PBX -- Context: default Extension: Priority: 1 Call Group: 0 Pickup Group: 0 Application: Stasis Data: CorDiGLA-VD9 Call Identifer: (None) Variables: BRIDGEPEER=Recorder/ARI-0000000a;2,SIP/loadbalancer-0000001a STASISSTATUS= SIPCALLID=17fdeab95963e94270184fe509f4f394@ CDR Variables: level 1: clid="" <> level 1: dcontext=default level 1: channel=SIP/loadbalancer-00000019 level 1: dstchannel=SIP/loadbalancer-0000001a level 1: lastapp=Stasis level 1: lastdata=CorDiGLA-VD9 level 1: start=1589799128.794068 level 1: answer=1589799130.398729 level 1: end=0.000000 level 1: duration=36 level 1: billsec=34 level 1: disposition=8 level 1: amaflags=3 level 1: uniqueid=1589799128.67 level 1: linkedid=1589799128.67 level 1: sequence=26 -- Streams -- Name: audio Type: audio State: sendrecv Group: -1 Formats: (alaw) Metadata: GLA-TG5*CLI> core show channel SIP/loadbalancer-0000001a -- General -- Name: SIP/loadbalancer-0000001a Type: SIP UniqueID: 1589799132.68 LinkedID: 1589799128.67 Caller ID: 01413751174 Caller ID Name: (N/A) Connected Line ID: (N/A) Connected Line ID Name: (N/A) Eff. Connected Line ID: (N/A) Eff. Connected Line ID Name: (N/A) DNID Digits: (N/A) Language: en State: Up (6) NativeFormats: (alaw) WriteFormat: slin ReadFormat: slin WriteTranscode: Yes (slin@8000)->(alaw@8000) ReadTranscode: Yes (alaw@8000)->(slin@8000) Time to Hangup: 0 Elapsed Time: 0h0m39s Bridge ID: 1cefeec7-821c-4856-819a-e696931a4df5 -- PBX -- Context: default Extension: Priority: 1 Call Group: 0 Pickup Group: 0 Application: Stasis Data: CorDiGLA-VD9 Call Identifer: (None) Variables: BRIDGEPEER=Recorder/ARI-0000000a;2,SIP/loadbalancer-00000019 STASISSTATUS= SIPCALLID=1f9dc56243b50afe0bc11ba75bd83483@ CDR Variables: level 1: clid="" <01413751174> level 1: src=01413751174 level 1: dcontext=default level 1: channel=SIP/loadbalancer-0000001a level 1: lastapp=Stasis level 1: lastdata=CorDiGLA-VD9 level 1: start=1589799132.550220 level 1: answer=1589799137.718135 level 1: end=1589799137.870115 level 1: duration=5 level 1: billsec=0 level 1: disposition=8 level 1: amaflags=3 level 1: uniqueid=1589799132.68 level 1: linkedid=1589799128.67 level 1: sequence=27 -- Streams -- Name: audio Type: audio State: sendrecv Group: -1 Formats: (alaw) Metadata: GLA-TG5*CLI> core show channe channel channels channeltype channeltypes GLA-TG5*CLI> core show channel channel channels channeltype channeltypes GLA-TG5*CLI> core show channel Recorder/ARI-0000000a;1 Recorder/ARI-0000000a;2 SIP/loadbalancer-00000019 SIP/loadbalancer-0000001a GLA-TG5*CLI> core show channel Re Recorder/ARI-0000000a;1 Recorder/ARI-0000000a;2 GLA-TG5*CLI> core show channel Recorder/ARI-0000000a;1 -- General -- Name: Recorder/ARI-0000000a;1 Type: Recorder UniqueID: 1589799137.69 LinkedID: 1589799137.69 Caller ID: (N/A) Caller ID Name: (N/A) Connected Line ID: (N/A) Connected Line ID Name: (N/A) Eff. Connected Line ID: (N/A) Eff. Connected Line ID Name: (N/A) DNID Digits: (N/A) Language: en State: Up (6) NativeFormats: (slin) WriteFormat: slin ReadFormat: slin WriteTranscode: No ReadTranscode: No Time to Hangup: 0 Elapsed Time: 0h0m43s Bridge ID: (Not bridged) -- PBX -- Context: default Extension: s Priority: 1 Call Group: 0 Pickup Group: 0 Application: (N/A) Data: (Empty) Call Identifer: (None) Variables: -- Streams -- Name: audio Type: audio State: sendrecv Group: -1 Formats: (slin) Metadata: GLA-TG5*CLI> core show channel Recorder/ARI-0000000a; Recorder/ARI-0000000a;1 Recorder/ARI-0000000a;2 GLA-TG5*CLI> core show channel Recorder/ARI-0000000a;2 -- General -- Name: Recorder/ARI-0000000a;2 Type: Recorder UniqueID: 1589799137.70 LinkedID: 1589799128.67 Caller ID: (N/A) Caller ID Name: (N/A) Connected Line ID: (N/A) Connected Line ID Name: (N/A) Eff. Connected Line ID: (N/A) Eff. Connected Line ID Name: (N/A) DNID Digits: (N/A) Language: en State: Up (6) NativeFormats: (slin) WriteFormat: slin ReadFormat: slin WriteTranscode: No ReadTranscode: No Time to Hangup: 0 Elapsed Time: 0h0m48s Bridge ID: 1cefeec7-821c-4856-819a-e696931a4df5 -- PBX -- Context: default Extension: s Priority: 1 Call Group: 0 Pickup Group: 0 Application: (N/A) Data: (Empty) Call Identifer: (None) Variables: BRIDGEPEER=SIP/loadbalancer-00000019,SIP/loadbalancer-0000001a -- Streams -- Name: audio Type: audio State: sendrecv Group: -1 Formats: (slin) Metadata: GLA-TG5*CLI>