[Jun 14 16:15:58] Asterisk 13.16.0 built by root @ testbed3.primevox.net on a x86_64 running Linux on 2017-06-14 16:01:27 UTC [Jun 14 16:15:58] DEBUG[3435] config.c: Parsing /etc/asterisk/logger.conf [Jun 14 16:15:58] VERBOSE[3435] config.c: Parsing '/etc/asterisk/logger.conf': Found [Jun 14 16:15:59] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:15:59] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '15641'. [Jun 14 16:15:59] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:15:59] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5007'. [Jun 14 16:15:59] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x0ff7fe79 PT: 201(RR) ReportCount: 1 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7d930c14 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 60129 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 80 Report0LSR: 3749218025 Report0DLSR: 12.4720 [Jun 14 16:15:59] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x0ff7fe79 PT: 201(RR) ReportCount: 1 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7d930c14 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 60129 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 80 Report0LSR: 3749218025 Report0DLSR: 12.4720 [Jun 14 16:15:59] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x0ff7fe79 PT: 201(RR) ReportCount: 1 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7d930c14 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 60129 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 80 Report0LSR: 3749218025 Report0DLSR: 12.4720 [Jun 14 16:16:00] DEBUG[2459] res_pjsip_registrar_expire.c: Woke up at 1497456960 Interval: 30 [Jun 14 16:16:00] DEBUG[2459] res_pjsip_registrar_expire.c: Expiring 0 contacts [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [3] in [0, 4294967295] gives [3](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [2] in [0, 4294967295] gives [2](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec00a200: Wrapper created [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec00a200: Set timer to 20000 msec [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_ip_updater.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '1358'. [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '1358'. [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: No dialog serializer for Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=30298 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98). Using request transaction as basis. [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found transaction tsx0x7f0de80011f8 for Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=30298 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98). [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/default-0000000f on transaction tsx0x7f0de80011f8 [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec00a200: PJSIP tsx response received [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec00a200: Cancelling timer [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec00a200: Timer cancelled [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [3] in [0, 4294967295] gives [3](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [2] in [0, 4294967295] gives [2](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec00a200: Callbacks executed [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec00a200: wrapper destroyed [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2425] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 100/sip:100@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 34.765 msec [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Running action 'ExtensionStateList' [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Running action 'PJSIPShowRegistrationInboundContactStatuses' [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract double from [20.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [20.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [15] in [0, 86400] gives [15](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [36449] in [0, 4294967295] gives [36449](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract double from [20.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [20.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [5064] in [0, 4294967295] gives [5064](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [15] in [0, 86400] gives [15](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract double from [20.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [20.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [5060] in [0, 4294967295] gives [5060](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [15] in [0, 86400] gives [15](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract double from [20.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [20.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [5060] in [0, 4294967295] gives [5060](0) [Jun 14 16:16:01] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [15] in [0, 86400] gives [15](0) [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Could not find matching transaction for Request msg INVITE/cseq=987063 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Calculated serializer pjsip/distributor-00000046 to use for Request msg INVITE/cseq=987063 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Source address matches identify 'flowroute' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Retrieved endpoint flowroute [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Calculated serializer pjsip/distributor-00000046 to use for Request msg INVITE/cseq=987063 (rdata0x7f0e28073288) [Jun 14 16:16:02] VERBOSE[2420] pbx_variables.c: Setting global variable 'SIPDOMAIN' to 'testbed3.primevox.net' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Method is INVITE, Response is 100 Trying [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: none Uniqueid: none Variable: SIPDOMAIN Value: testbed3.primevox.net [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: none Uniqueid: none Variable: SIPDOMAIN Value: testbed3.primevox.net [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'flowroute()' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec095df8) [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is INCOMING [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Source of transaction state change is TX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: none Uniqueid: none Variable: SIPDOMAIN Value: testbed3.primevox.net [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'flowroute()' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec095df8) [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0dec095df8 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Proceeding [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is INCOMING [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Negotiating incoming SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x7f0dec07a5f0' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Allocated port 14800 for RTP instance '0x7f0dec07a5f0' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Creating ICE session [::]:14800 (14800) for RTP instance '0x7f0dec07a5f0' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting 'fe80::250:56ff:feb6:6268' into... [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host 'fe80::250:56ff:feb6:6268' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting 'fe80::250:56ff:feb6:6268' into... [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host 'fe80::250:56ff:feb6:6268' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x7f0dec07a5f0' is setup and ready to go [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting 'testbed3.primevox.net' into... [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host 'testbed3.primevox.net' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setup RTCP on RTP instance '0x7f0dec07a5f0' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 0 based on m type on 0x7f0e020583a0 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 8 based on m type on 0x7f0e020583a0 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 18 based on m type on 0x7f0e020583a0 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 101 based on m type on 0x7f0e020583a0 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 0 (0x1e920b8) from 0x7f0e020583a0 to 0x7f0dec07a7b8 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 8 (0x1e92618) from 0x7f0e020583a0 to 0x7f0dec07a7b8 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 18 (0x7f0dec039048) from 0x7f0e020583a0 to 0x7f0dec07a7b8 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 101 (0x7f0dec043758) from 0x7f0e020583a0 to 0x7f0dec07a7b8 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Media stream 'audio' handled by audio [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ignoring duplicate RTCP property on RTP instance '0x7f0dec07a5f0' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_t38.c: Not creating outgoing SDP stream: T.38 not enabled [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Method is INVITE [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newchannel Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: +19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newchannel Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: +19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newchannel Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: +19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2420] chan_pjsip.c: Started PBX on new PJSIP channel PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CALLERID(num) result is '+19794182768' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:02] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [19726001156@from-trunk:1] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "CALLERID(num)=19794182768") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CALLERID(name) result is 'WIRELESS CALLER' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:02] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [19726001156@from-trunk:2] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "CALLERID(name)=WIRELESS CALLER") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Gosub' [Jun 14 16:16:02] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [19726001156@from-trunk:3] Gosub("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "subroutine-cdr,s,1(1,59027798c05d2)") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: +19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: Set AppData: CALLERID(num)=19794182768 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: NewCallerid Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened) [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: Set AppData: CALLERID(name)=WIRELESS CALLER [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] app_stack.c: Channel PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a has no datastore, so we're allocating one. [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: Gosub AppData: subroutine-cdr,s,1(1,59027798c05d2) [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] app_stack.c: Setting 'ARG1' to '1' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] app_stack.c: Setting 'ARG2' to '59027798c05d2' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: +19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: Set AppData: CALLERID(num)=19794182768 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: +19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: Set AppData: CALLERID(num)=19794182768 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: NewCallerid Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened) [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG1) Value: 1 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: NewCallerid Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened) [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: Set AppData: CALLERID(name)=WIRELESS CALLER [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG2) Value: 59027798c05d2 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: Gosub AppData: subroutine-cdr,s,1(1,59027798c05d2) [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG1) Value: 1 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARGC) Value: 2 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG2) Value: 59027798c05d2 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: Set AppData: CALLERID(name)=WIRELESS CALLER [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: Gosub AppData: subroutine-cdr,s,1(1,59027798c05d2) [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARGC) Value: 2 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG1) Value: 1 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG2) Value: 59027798c05d2 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_recording_path) result is '' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:02] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:1] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "saverecpath=") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARGC) Value: 2 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'ForkCDR' [Jun 14 16:16:02] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:2] ForkCDR("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "e") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2381] cdr.c: Forking CDR for channel PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: saverecpath= [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2381] cdr.c: Finalized CDR for PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a - start 1497456962.528158 answer 0.000000 end 1497456962.528999 dispo FAILED [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: saverecpath Value: [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'ARG1' is '1' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:02] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:3] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "CDR(cdr_event_type)=1") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: ForkCDR AppData: e [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_event_type)=1 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: saverecpath= [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: saverecpath Value: [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: ForkCDR AppData: e [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_event_type)=1 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: saverecpath= [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: saverecpath Value: [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: ForkCDR AppData: e [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_event_type)=1 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'ARG2' is '59027798c05d2' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:02] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:4] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "CDR(cdr_eventID)=59027798c05d2") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 4 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_eventID)=59027798c05d2 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 4 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_eventID)=59027798c05d2 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 4 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_eventID)=59027798c05d2 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CALLERID(num) result is '19794182768' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:02] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:5] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "CDR(cdr_callerid_num)=19794182768") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_callerid_num)=19794182768 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_callerid_num)=19794182768 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_callerid_num)=19794182768 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CALLERID(name) result is 'WIRELESS CALLER' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:02] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:6] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "CDR(cdr_callerid_name)=WIRELESS CALLER") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_callerid_name)=WIRELESS CALLER [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_callerid_name)=WIRELESS CALLER [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_callerid_name)=WIRELESS CALLER [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'saverecpath' is '' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:02] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:7] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "CDR(cdr_recording_path)=") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_recording_path)= [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Return' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_recording_path)= [Jun 14 16:16:02] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:8] Return("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_recording_path)= [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Return AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CALLERID(num) result is '19794182768' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Return AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARGC Value: [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG2 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG1 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: GOSUB_RETVAL Value: [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARGC Value: [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG2 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG1 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: GOSUB_RETVAL Value: [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Return AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARGC Value: [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG2 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG1 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: GOSUB_RETVAL Value: [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] func_curl.c: Called with data=0x7f0dc125d140, str=0x7f0e7002fef0, realsize=1, len=16, used=0 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] func_curl.c: Now, len=16, used=1 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] func_curl.c: str='0' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CURL("") result is '0' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Expression result is '1' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jun 14 16:16:02] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [19726001156@from-trunk:4] GotoIf("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "1?noblock") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:02] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx_builtins.c: Goto (from-trunk,19726001156,7) [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:02] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [19726001156@from-trunk:7] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "FAXOPT(faxdetect)=yes") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 4 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?noblock [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 4 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?noblock [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 4 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?noblock [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: Set AppData: FAXOPT(faxdetect)=yes [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: Set AppData: FAXOPT(faxdetect)=yes [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: Set AppData: FAXOPT(faxdetect)=yes [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] res_fax.c: channel 'PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a' setting FAXOPT(faxdetect) to 'yes' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: Setup tone 1100 Hz, 500 ms, block_size=160, hits_required=21 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: Setup tone 2100 Hz, 2600 ms, block_size=160, hits_required=116 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: Setup tone 1100 Hz, 500 ms, block_size=160, hits_required=21 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: Setup tone 2100 Hz, 2600 ms, block_size=160, hits_required=116 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] res_fax.c: Attached FAX detect to channel PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a. [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'EXTEN' is '19726001156' [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:02] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [19726001156@from-trunk:8] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "__FAX_DEST=9726001156") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: Set AppData: __FAX_DEST=9726001156 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: Set AppData: __FAX_DEST=9726001156 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: Set AppData: __FAX_DEST=9726001156 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Wait' [Jun 14 16:16:02] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [19726001156@from-trunk:9] Wait("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "4") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: __FAX_DEST Value: 9726001156 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: __FAX_DEST Value: 9726001156 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: Wait AppData: 4 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: __FAX_DEST Value: 9726001156 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: Wait AppData: 4 [Jun 14 16:16:02] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: Wait AppData: 4 [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '15641'. [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5007'. [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x0ff7fe79 PT: 201(RR) ReportCount: 1 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7d930c14 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 60129 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 80 Report0LSR: 3749218025 Report0DLSR: 17.4720 [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x0ff7fe79 PT: 201(RR) ReportCount: 1 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7d930c14 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 60129 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 80 Report0LSR: 3749218025 Report0DLSR: 17.4720 [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x0ff7fe79 PT: 201(RR) ReportCount: 1 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7d930c14 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 60129 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 80 Report0LSR: 3749218025 Report0DLSR: 17.4720 [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [3] in [0, 4294967295] gives [3](0) [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [2] in [0, 4294967295] gives [2](0) [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec03a750: Wrapper created [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec03a750: Set timer to 20000 msec [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_ip_updater.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '1335'. [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '1335'. [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: No dialog serializer for Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=15297 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98). Using request transaction as basis. [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found transaction tsx0x7f0dec021878 for Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=15297 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98). [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/default-00000010 on transaction tsx0x7f0dec021878 [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec03a750: PJSIP tsx response received [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec03a750: Cancelling timer [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec03a750: Timer cancelled [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [3] in [0, 4294967295] gives [3](0) [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [2] in [0, 4294967295] gives [2](0) [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec03a750: Callbacks executed [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec03a750: wrapper destroyed [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2425] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 108/sip:108@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 84.693 msec [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Running action 'Ping' [Jun 14 16:16:04] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Running action 'Ping' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Goto' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [19726001156@from-trunk:10] Goto("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "from-internal,109,1") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx_builtins.c: Goto (from-internal,109,1) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: Goto AppData: from-internal,109,1 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Gosub' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [109@from-internal:1] Gosub("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "subroutine-cdr,s,1(5,58de7f3f29ece)") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: Goto AppData: from-internal,109,1 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-trunk Exten: 19726001156 Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 19726001156 Application: Goto AppData: from-internal,109,1 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] app_stack.c: Setting 'ARG1' to '5' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] app_stack.c: Setting 'ARG2' to '58de7f3f29ece' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Gosub AppData: subroutine-cdr,s,1(5,58de7f3f29ece) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Gosub AppData: subroutine-cdr,s,1(5,58de7f3f29ece) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG1) Value: 5 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG1) Value: 5 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_recording_path) result is '' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:1] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "saverecpath=") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG2) Value: 58de7f3f29ece [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Gosub AppData: subroutine-cdr,s,1(5,58de7f3f29ece) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'ForkCDR' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:2] ForkCDR("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "e") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG1) Value: 5 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2381] cdr.c: Forking CDR for channel PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2381] cdr.c: Finalized CDR for PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a - start 1497456962.528158 answer 0.000000 end 1497456966.540145 dispo FAILED [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG2) Value: 58de7f3f29ece [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARGC) Value: 2 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG2) Value: 58de7f3f29ece [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'ARG1' is '5' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:3] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "CDR(cdr_event_type)=5") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARGC) Value: 2 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: saverecpath= [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'ARG2' is '58de7f3f29ece' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARGC) Value: 2 [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:4] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "CDR(cdr_eventID)=58de7f3f29ece") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: saverecpath Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: saverecpath= [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: saverecpath Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CALLERID(num) result is '19794182768' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:5] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "CDR(cdr_callerid_num)=19794182768") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: saverecpath= [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: saverecpath Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: ForkCDR AppData: e [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_event_type)=5 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 4 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_eventID)=58de7f3f29ece [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CALLERID(name) result is 'WIRELESS CALLER' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_callerid_num)=19794182768 [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:6] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "CDR(cdr_callerid_name)=WIRELESS CALLER") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: ForkCDR AppData: e [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'saverecpath' is '' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:7] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "CDR(cdr_recording_path)=") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_event_type)=5 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 4 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_eventID)=58de7f3f29ece [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_callerid_num)=19794182768 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: ForkCDR AppData: e [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_event_type)=5 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_callerid_name)=WIRELESS CALLER [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 4 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_eventID)=58de7f3f29ece [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_recording_path)= [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Return' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:8] Return("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_callerid_num)=19794182768 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_callerid_name)=WIRELESS CALLER [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_recording_path)= [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CALLERID(num) result is '19794182768' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Return AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_callerid_name)=WIRELESS CALLER [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARGC Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_recording_path)= [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Return AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARGC Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG2 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG2 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Return AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARGC Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG1 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG2 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG1 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: GOSUB_RETVAL Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: GOSUB_RETVAL Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG1 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: GOSUB_RETVAL Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] func_curl.c: Called with data=0x7f0dc125d120, str=0x7f0e70004fa0, realsize=1, len=16, used=0 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] func_curl.c: Now, len=16, used=1 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] func_curl.c: str='0' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CURL("") result is '0' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Expression result is '1' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [109@from-internal:2] GotoIf("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "1?noblock") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx_builtins.c: Goto (from-internal,109,5) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [109@from-internal:5] NoOp("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?noblock [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CALLERID(num) result is '19794182768' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?noblock [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Gosub' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [109@from-internal:6] Gosub("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "recordcheck,s,1(19794182768,109)") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: NoOp AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?noblock [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] app_stack.c: Setting 'ARG1' to '19794182768' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] app_stack.c: Setting 'ARG2' to '109' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'ARG1' is '19794182768' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'ARG2' is '109' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'inboundrec' is NULL [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: NoOp AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@recordcheck:1] NoOp("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "from 19794182768 to 109, inboundrec=") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'inboundrec' is NULL [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Expression result is '1' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@recordcheck:2] GotoIf("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "1?normal") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx_builtins.c: Goto (recordcheck,s,5) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'ARG1' is '19794182768' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'ARG2' is '109' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: NoOp AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Gosub AppData: recordcheck,s,1(19794182768,109) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG1) Value: 19794182768 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Gosub AppData: recordcheck,s,1(19794182768,109) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG1) Value: 19794182768 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG2) Value: 109 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG2) Value: 109 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARGC) Value: 2 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: NoOp AppData: from 19794182768 to 109, inboundrec= [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARGC) Value: 2 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?normal [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: NoOp AppData: from 19794182768 to 109, inboundrec= [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?normal [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Gosub AppData: recordcheck,s,1(19794182768,109) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG1) Value: 19794182768 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG2) Value: 109 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARGC) Value: 2 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: NoOp AppData: from 19794182768 to 109, inboundrec= [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?normal [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] func_curl.c: Called with data=0x7f0dc125d150, str=0x7f0e70018b70, realsize=1, len=16, used=0 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] func_curl.c: Now, len=16, used=1 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] func_curl.c: str='1' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CURL("") result is '1' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Expression result is '0' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@recordcheck:5] GotoIf("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "0?stop") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_builtins.c: Not taking any branch [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_recording_path) result is '' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Expression result is '0' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@recordcheck:6] GotoIf("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "0?ret") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 0?stop [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 0?stop [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 0?ret [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 0?ret [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 0?stop [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_builtins.c: Not taking any branch [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 0?ret [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'EPOCH' is '1497456966' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function STRFTIME(1497456966,UTC,%Y) result is '2017' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'EPOCH' is '1497456966' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function STRFTIME(1497456966,UTC,%m) result is '06' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'EPOCH' is '1497456966' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function STRFTIME(1497456966,UTC,%d) result is '14' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'EPOCH' is '1497456966' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function STRFTIME(1497456966,UTC,%Y) result is '2017' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'EPOCH' is '1497456966' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function STRFTIME(1497456966,UTC,%m) result is '06' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'EPOCH' is '1497456966' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function STRFTIME(1497456966,UTC,%d) result is '14' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'EPOCH' is '1497456966' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function STRFTIME(1497456966,UTC,%H) result is '16' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'EPOCH' is '1497456966' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function STRFTIME(1497456966,UTC,%M) result is '16' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'EPOCH' is '1497456966' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function STRFTIME(1497456966,UTC,%S) result is '06' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'UNIQUEID' is '1497456962.44' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@recordcheck:7] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "CDR(cdr_recording_path)=/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_recording_path)=/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_recording_path)=/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_recording_path) result is '/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'MixMonitor' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@recordcheck:8] MixMonitor("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_recording_path)=/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: MixMonitor AppData: /var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] autochan.c: Created autochan 0x7f0e70006940 to hold channel PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a (0x7f0dec083130) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Return' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: MixMonitor AppData: /var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@recordcheck:9] Return("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: MIXMONITOR_FILENAME Value: /var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3491][C-00000005] app_mixmonitor.c: Begin MixMonitor Recording PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [109@from-internal:7] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=0") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: MIXMONITOR_FILENAME Value: /var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [109@from-internal:8] NoOp("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Return AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 160 samples [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Return AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARGC Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG2 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG1 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] config.c: extract double from [20.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [20.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] config.c: extract uint from [5060] in [0, 4294967295] gives [5060](0) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] config.c: extract uint from [15] in [0, 86400] gives [15](0) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function PJSIP_DIAL_CONTACTS(109) result is 'PJSIP/109/sip:109@' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARGC Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [109@from-internal:9] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: GOSUB_RETVAL Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'EXTEN' is '109' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Gosub' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [109@from-internal:10] Gosub("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "recordcheck,s,1(102,109)") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG2 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Set AppData: CHANNEL(musicclass)=0 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] app_stack.c: Setting 'ARG1' to '102' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: NoOp AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] app_stack.c: Setting 'ARG2' to '109' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'ARG1' is '102' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'ARG2' is '109' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'inboundrec' is NULL [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG1 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@recordcheck:1] NoOp("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "from 102 to 109, inboundrec=") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'inboundrec' is NULL [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Expression result is '1' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@recordcheck:2] GotoIf("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "1?normal") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx_builtins.c: Goto (recordcheck,s,5) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: GOSUB_RETVAL Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'ARG1' is '102' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'ARG2' is '109' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Set AppData: CHANNEL(musicclass)=0 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: NoOp AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Set AppData: dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Set AppData: dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: dialstring Value: PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: dialstring Value: PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: MixMonitor AppData: /var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Gosub AppData: recordcheck,s,1(102,109) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Gosub AppData: recordcheck,s,1(102,109) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: MIXMONITOR_FILENAME Value: /var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG1) Value: 102 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG1) Value: 102 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG2) Value: 109 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG2) Value: 109 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARGC) Value: 2 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Return AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARGC) Value: 2 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARGC Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: NoOp AppData: from 102 to 109, inboundrec= [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?normal [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: NoOp AppData: from 102 to 109, inboundrec= [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?normal [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG2 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG1 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: GOSUB_RETVAL Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Set AppData: CHANNEL(musicclass)=0 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: NoOp AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Set AppData: dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: dialstring Value: PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Gosub AppData: recordcheck,s,1(102,109) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG1) Value: 102 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG2) Value: 109 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARGC) Value: 2 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: NoOp AppData: from 102 to 109, inboundrec= [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?normal [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] func_curl.c: Called with data=0x7f0dc125d150, str=0x7f0e7002ba50, realsize=1, len=16, used=0 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] func_curl.c: Now, len=16, used=1 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] func_curl.c: str='2' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CURL("") result is '2' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Expression result is '0' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@recordcheck:5] GotoIf("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "0?stop") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_builtins.c: Not taking any branch [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_recording_path) result is '/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Expression result is '1' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@recordcheck:6] GotoIf("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "1?ret") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx_builtins.c: Goto (recordcheck,s,11) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Return' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@recordcheck:11] Return("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 0?stop [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'dialstring' is 'PJSIP/109/sip:109@' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?ret [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Return AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 0?stop [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARGC Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?ret [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Return AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG2 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] config.c: extract double from [20.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [20.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] config.c: extract uint from [5064] in [0, 4294967295] gives [5064](0) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARGC Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] config.c: extract uint from [15] in [0, 86400] gives [15](0) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG1 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function PJSIP_DIAL_CONTACTS(102) result is 'PJSIP/102/sip:102@' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG2 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [109@from-internal:11] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG1 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: GOSUB_RETVAL Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: GOSUB_RETVAL Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Evaluating 'dialstring' (from 'dialstring}' len 10) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'dialstring' is 'PJSIP/109/sip:109@' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function STRREPLACE(dialstring,&&,&) result is 'PJSIP/109/sip:109@' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [109@from-internal:12] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'EXTEN' is '109' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Gosub' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [109@from-internal:13] Gosub("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "recordcheck,s,1(103,109)") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] app_stack.c: Setting 'ARG1' to '103' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] app_stack.c: Setting 'ARG2' to '109' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'ARG1' is '103' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'ARG2' is '109' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'inboundrec' is NULL [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@recordcheck:1] NoOp("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "from 103 to 109, inboundrec=") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'inboundrec' is NULL [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Expression result is '1' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@recordcheck:2] GotoIf("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "1?normal") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx_builtins.c: Goto (recordcheck,s,5) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'ARG1' is '103' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'ARG2' is '109' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 0?stop [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?ret [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Return AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARGC Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG2 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG1 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: GOSUB_RETVAL Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Set AppData: dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Set AppData: dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: dialstring Value: PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: dialstring Value: PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Set AppData: dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 12 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Set AppData: dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: dialstring Value: PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 12 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Set AppData: dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 12 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Set AppData: dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 12 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: dialstring Value: PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 12 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: dialstring Value: PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 12 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: dialstring Value: PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 13 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Gosub AppData: recordcheck,s,1(103,109) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 13 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG1) Value: 103 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 13 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Gosub AppData: recordcheck,s,1(103,109) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 13 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG1) Value: 103 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 13 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Gosub AppData: recordcheck,s,1(103,109) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 13 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG1) Value: 103 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 13 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG2) Value: 109 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 13 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG2) Value: 109 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 13 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARGC) Value: 2 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 13 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARGC) Value: 2 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 13 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG2) Value: 109 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 13 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARGC) Value: 2 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: NoOp AppData: from 103 to 109, inboundrec= [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: NoOp AppData: from 103 to 109, inboundrec= [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?normal [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?normal [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: NoOp AppData: from 103 to 109, inboundrec= [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?normal [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] func_curl.c: Called with data=0x7f0dc125d150, str=0x7f0e700017c0, realsize=1, len=16, used=0 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] func_curl.c: Now, len=16, used=1 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] func_curl.c: str='1' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CURL("") result is '1' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Expression result is '0' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@recordcheck:5] GotoIf("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "0?stop") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_builtins.c: Not taking any branch [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_recording_path) result is '/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 0?stop [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Expression result is '1' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@recordcheck:6] GotoIf("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "1?ret") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 0?stop [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx_builtins.c: Goto (recordcheck,s,11) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Return' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 0?stop [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@recordcheck:11] Return("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?ret [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Return AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?ret [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Return AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'dialstring' is 'PJSIP/109/sip:109@' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?ret [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Return AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function PJSIP_DIAL_CONTACTS(103) result is '' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARGC Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [109@from-internal:14] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARGC Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG2 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Evaluating 'dialstring' (from 'dialstring}' len 10) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG2 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'dialstring' is 'PJSIP/109/sip:109@' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function STRREPLACE(dialstring,&&,&) result is 'PJSIP/109/sip:109@' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [109@from-internal:15] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARGC Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG1 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Gosub' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [109@from-internal:16] Gosub("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "subroutine-cdr,s,1(7,58de7f3f29ece)") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG2 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG1 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] app_stack.c: Setting 'ARG1' to '7' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] app_stack.c: Setting 'ARG2' to '58de7f3f29ece' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG1 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: GOSUB_RETVAL Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: GOSUB_RETVAL Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 14 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Set AppData: dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 14 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Set AppData: dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: recordcheck Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: GOSUB_RETVAL Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_recording_path) result is '/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:1] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "saverecpath=/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 14 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Set AppData: dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 14 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: dialstring Value: PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 14 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: dialstring Value: PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'ForkCDR' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:2] ForkCDR("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "e") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 14 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: dialstring Value: PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 15 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Set AppData: dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2381] cdr.c: Forking CDR for channel PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 15 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: dialstring Value: PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 15 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Set AppData: dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2381] cdr.c: Finalized CDR for PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a - start 1497456962.528158 answer 0.000000 end 1497456966.569700 dispo FAILED [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 15 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: dialstring Value: PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'ARG1' is '7' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:3] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "CDR(cdr_event_type)=7") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 15 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Set AppData: dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 16 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Gosub AppData: subroutine-cdr,s,1(7,58de7f3f29ece) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 15 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: dialstring Value: PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 16 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Gosub AppData: subroutine-cdr,s,1(7,58de7f3f29ece) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'ARG2' is '58de7f3f29ece' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:4] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "CDR(cdr_eventID)=58de7f3f29ece") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 16 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Gosub AppData: subroutine-cdr,s,1(7,58de7f3f29ece) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 16 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG1) Value: 7 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 16 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG1) Value: 7 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CALLERID(num) result is '19794182768' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:5] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "CDR(cdr_callerid_num)=19794182768") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 16 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG1) Value: 7 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 16 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG2) Value: 58de7f3f29ece [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 16 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG2) Value: 58de7f3f29ece [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CALLERID(name) result is 'WIRELESS CALLER' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:6] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "CDR(cdr_callerid_name)=WIRELESS CALLER") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 16 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARG2) Value: 58de7f3f29ece [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 16 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARGC) Value: 2 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 16 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARGC) Value: 2 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'saverecpath' is '/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:7] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "CDR(cdr_recording_path)=/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 16 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: LOCAL(ARGC) Value: 2 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: saverecpath=/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: saverecpath=/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Return' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [s@subroutine-cdr:8] Return("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: saverecpath=/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: saverecpath Value: /var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: saverecpath Value: /var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: saverecpath Value: /var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'dialstring' is 'PJSIP/109/sip:109@' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: ForkCDR AppData: e [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Expression result is '1' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: ForkCDR AppData: e [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [109@from-internal:17] GotoIf("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "1?skipFirst") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: ForkCDR AppData: e [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx_builtins.c: Goto (from-internal,109,19) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_event_type)=7 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 4 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_eventID)=58de7f3f29ece [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'dialstring' is 'PJSIP/109/sip:109@' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_event_type)=7 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Expression result is '0' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [109@from-internal:19] GotoIf("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "0?skipLast") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 4 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_eventID)=58de7f3f29ece [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_builtins.c: Not taking any branch [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'dialstring' is 'PJSIP/109/sip:109@' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_event_type)=7 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_callerid_num)=19794182768 [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [109@from-internal:20] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_callerid_name)=WIRELESS CALLER [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 4 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_eventID)=58de7f3f29ece [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_callerid_num)=19794182768 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_callerid_name)=WIRELESS CALLER [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'dialstring' is 'PJSIP/109/sip:109@' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Expression result is '0' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [109@from-internal:21] GotoIf("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "0?nullstr") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_callerid_num)=19794182768 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_recording_path)=/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_callerid_name)=WIRELESS CALLER [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_recording_path)=/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_builtins.c: Not taking any branch [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'dialstring' is 'PJSIP/109/sip:109@' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Dial' [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [109@from-internal:22] Dial("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "PJSIP/109/sip:109@,20") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_recording_path)=/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Return AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Return AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: s Application: Return AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARGC Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARGC Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG2 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG2 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARGC Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG2 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG1 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG1 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ARG1 Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: GOSUB_RETVAL Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: GOSUB_RETVAL Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 17 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?skipFirst [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 19 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: GotoIf AppData: 0?skipLast [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: subroutine-cdr Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: GOSUB_RETVAL Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 17 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?skipFirst [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 19 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: GotoIf AppData: 0?skipLast [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 17 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?skipFirst [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 19 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: GotoIf AppData: 0?skipLast [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 20 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Set AppData: dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 20 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Set AppData: dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 20 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: dialstring Value: PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 20 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: dialstring Value: PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] channel.c: Inheriting variable __FAX_DEST from PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a to PJSIP/109-0000000b. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 21 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: GotoIf AppData: 0?nullstr [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 20 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Set AppData: dialstring=PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 20 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: dialstring Value: PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 21 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: GotoIf AppData: 0?nullstr [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 21 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: GotoIf AppData: 0?nullstr [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Dial AppData: PJSIP/109/sip:109@,20 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Dial AppData: PJSIP/109/sip:109@,20 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: Dial AppData: PJSIP/109/sip:109@,20 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALSTATUS Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALSTATUS Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALSTATUS Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDPEERNUMBER Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDPEERNUMBER Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDPEERNAME Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDPEERNAME Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDPEERNUMBER Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDPEERNAME Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ANSWEREDTIME Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ANSWEREDTIME Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDTIME Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ANSWEREDTIME Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDTIME Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDTIME Value: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newchannel Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newchannel Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDPEERNUMBER Value: 109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newchannel Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDPEERNUMBER Value: 109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] channel.c: Inheriting variable __FAX_DEST from PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a to PJSIP/102-0000000c. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDPEERNUMBER Value: 109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] app_dial.c: Called PJSIP/109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] app_dial.c: Called PJSIP/102/sip:102@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: __FAX_DEST Value: 9726001156 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: __FAX_DEST Value: 9726001156 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: __FAX_DEST Value: 9726001156 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Allocated port 14696 for RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: AppDial AppData: (Outgoing Line) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Creating ICE session [::]:14696 (14696) for RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: AppDial AppData: (Outgoing Line) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: AppDial AppData: (Outgoing Line) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: NewConnectedLine Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: NewConnectedLine Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newchannel Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/102-0000000c ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 102 CallerIDName: 102 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.46 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newchannel Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/102-0000000c ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 102 CallerIDName: 102 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.46 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: NewConnectedLine Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newchannel Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/102-0000000c ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 102 CallerIDName: 102 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.46 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/102-0000000c ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 102 CallerIDName: 102 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.46 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDPEERNUMBER Value: 102/sip:102@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/102-0000000c ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 102 CallerIDName: 102 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.46 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDPEERNUMBER Value: 102/sip:102@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/102-0000000c ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 102 CallerIDName: 102 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.46 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDPEERNUMBER Value: 102/sip:102@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/102-0000000c ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 102 CallerIDName: 102 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.46 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: __FAX_DEST Value: 9726001156 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/102-0000000c ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 102 CallerIDName: 102 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.46 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: __FAX_DEST Value: 9726001156 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/102-0000000c ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 102 CallerIDName: 102 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.46 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: AppDial AppData: (Outgoing Line) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/102-0000000c ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 102 CallerIDName: 102 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.46 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: __FAX_DEST Value: 9726001156 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/102-0000000c ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 102 CallerIDName: 102 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.46 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: AppDial AppData: (Outgoing Line) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/102-0000000c ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 102 CallerIDName: 102 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.46 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: 109 Application: AppDial AppData: (Outgoing Line) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: NewConnectedLine Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/102-0000000c ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 102 CallerIDName: 102 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.46 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: NewConnectedLine Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/102-0000000c ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 102 CallerIDName: 102 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.46 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: NewConnectedLine Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/102-0000000c ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: 102 CallerIDName: 102 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.46 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DialBegin Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 DestChannel: PJSIP/109-0000000b DestChannelState: 0 DestChannelStateDesc: Down DestCallerIDNum: 109 DestCallerIDName: 109 DestConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 DestConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER DestLanguage: en DestAccountCode: DestContext: from-internal DestExten: 109 DestPriority: 1 DestUniqueid: 1497456966.45 DestLinkedid: 1497456962.44 DialString: 109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DialBegin Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 DestChannel: PJSIP/109-0000000b DestChannelState: 0 DestChannelStateDesc: Down DestCallerIDNum: 109 DestCallerIDName: 109 DestConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 DestConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER DestLanguage: en DestAccountCode: DestContext: from-internal DestExten: 109 DestPriority: 1 DestUniqueid: 1497456966.45 DestLinkedid: 1497456962.44 DialString: 109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DialBegin Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 DestChannel: PJSIP/109-0000000b DestChannelState: 0 DestChannelStateDesc: Down DestCallerIDNum: 109 DestCallerIDName: 109 DestConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 DestConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER DestLanguage: en DestAccountCode: DestContext: from-internal DestExten: 109 DestPriority: 1 DestUniqueid: 1497456966.45 DestLinkedid: 1497456962.44 DialString: 109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DialBegin Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 DestChannel: PJSIP/102-0000000c DestChannelState: 0 DestChannelStateDesc: Down DestCallerIDNum: 102 DestCallerIDName: 102 DestConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 DestConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER DestLanguage: en DestAccountCode: DestContext: from-internal DestExten: 109 DestPriority: 1 DestUniqueid: 1497456966.46 DestLinkedid: 1497456962.44 DialString: 102/sip:102@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DialBegin Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 DestChannel: PJSIP/102-0000000c DestChannelState: 0 DestChannelStateDesc: Down DestCallerIDNum: 102 DestCallerIDName: 102 DestConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 DestConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER DestLanguage: en DestAccountCode: DestContext: from-internal DestExten: 109 DestPriority: 1 DestUniqueid: 1497456966.46 DestLinkedid: 1497456962.44 DialString: 102/sip:102@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DialBegin Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 DestChannel: PJSIP/102-0000000c DestChannelState: 0 DestChannelStateDesc: Down DestCallerIDNum: 102 DestCallerIDName: 102 DestConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 DestConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER DestLanguage: en DestAccountCode: DestContext: from-internal DestExten: 109 DestPriority: 1 DestUniqueid: 1497456966.46 DestLinkedid: 1497456962.44 DialString: 102/sip:102@ [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: Splitting 'fe80::250:56ff:feb6:6268' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: ...host 'fe80::250:56ff:feb6:6268' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: Splitting 'fe80::250:56ff:feb6:6268' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: ...host 'fe80::250:56ff:feb6:6268' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' is setup and ready to go [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: Splitting 'testbed3.primevox.net' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: ...host 'testbed3.primevox.net' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x7f0dec0877d0' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Allocated port 11926 for RTP instance '0x7f0dec0877d0' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Creating ICE session [::]:11926 (11926) for RTP instance '0x7f0dec0877d0' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting 'fe80::250:56ff:feb6:6268' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host 'fe80::250:56ff:feb6:6268' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting 'fe80::250:56ff:feb6:6268' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host 'fe80::250:56ff:feb6:6268' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x7f0dec0877d0' is setup and ready to go [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting 'testbed3.primevox.net' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host 'testbed3.primevox.net' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setup RTCP on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_t38.c: Not creating outgoing SDP stream: T.38 not enabled [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: Method is INVITE [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] app_dial.c: PJSIP/109-0000000b connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_ip_updater.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '109(PJSIP/109-0000000b)' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec046e58) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CALLING [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: Source of transaction state change is TX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '109(PJSIP/109-0000000b)' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec046e58) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0dec046e58 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Calling [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CALLING [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setup RTCP on RTP instance '0x7f0dec0877d0' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x7f0dec06bc10' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Allocated port 12720 for RTP instance '0x7f0dec06bc10' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Creating ICE session [::]:12720 (12720) for RTP instance '0x7f0dec06bc10' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting 'fe80::250:56ff:feb6:6268' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host 'fe80::250:56ff:feb6:6268' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting 'fe80::250:56ff:feb6:6268' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host 'fe80::250:56ff:feb6:6268' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x7f0dec06bc10' is setup and ready to go [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting 'testbed3.primevox.net' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host 'testbed3.primevox.net' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setup RTCP on RTP instance '0x7f0dec06bc10' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_t38.c: Not creating outgoing SDP stream: T.38 not enabled [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Method is INVITE [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] app_dial.c: PJSIP/102-0000000c connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_ip_updater.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5064'. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '102(PJSIP/102-0000000c)' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec04b578) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CALLING [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Source of transaction state change is TX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '102(PJSIP/102-0000000c)' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec04b578) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0dec04b578 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Calling [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CALLING [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer on dialog dlg0x7f0dec0793c8 for Response msg 100/INVITE/cseq=16216 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outsess/109-00000080 on dialog dlg0x7f0dec0793c8 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '109(PJSIP/109-0000000b)' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec046e58) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0dec046e58 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Proceeding [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is RX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CALLING [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Received response [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Response is 100 Trying [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5064'. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer on dialog dlg0x7f0dec041538 for Response msg 100/INVITE/cseq=13256 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outsess/102-00000081 on dialog dlg0x7f0dec041538 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '102(PJSIP/102-0000000c)' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec04b578) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0dec04b578 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Proceeding [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is RX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CALLING [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Received response [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Response is 100 Trying [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer on dialog dlg0x7f0dec0793c8 for Response msg 180/INVITE/cseq=16216 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outsess/109-00000080 on dialog dlg0x7f0dec0793c8 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '109(PJSIP/109-0000000b)' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec046e58) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is EARLY [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Source of transaction state change is RX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Received response [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Response is 180 Ringing [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '109(PJSIP/109-0000000b)' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec046e58) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0dec046e58 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Proceeding [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is RX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is EARLY [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Received response [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Response is 180 Ringing [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2380] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - 109 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newstate Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 5 ChannelStateDesc: Ringing CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newstate Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 5 ChannelStateDesc: Ringing CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2380] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/109 - state 6 (Ringing) [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] app_dial.c: PJSIP/109-0000000b is ringing [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newstate Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 5 ChannelStateDesc: Ringing CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2380] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - flowroute [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2380] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/flowroute - state 2 (In use) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2508] app_queue.c: Device 'PJSIP/109' changed to state '6' (Ringing) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/109 State: RINGING [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2508] app_queue.c: Device 'PJSIP/flowroute' changed to state '2' (In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Method is INVITE, Response is 180 Ringing [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: 109 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/109 Status: 8 StatusText: Ringing [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_ip_updater.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/109 State: RINGING [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: 109 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/109 Status: 8 StatusText: Ringing [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2382] app_queue.c: Extension '109@from-internal' changed to state '6' (Ringing) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/flowroute State: INUSE [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2382] app_queue.c: Extension '*80109@from-internal' changed to state '6' (Ringing) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: *80109 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/109 Status: 8 StatusText: Ringing [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/109 State: RINGING [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: 109 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/109 Status: 8 StatusText: Ringing [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'flowroute(PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a)' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec095df8) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/flowroute State: INUSE [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is EARLY [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Source of transaction state change is TX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'flowroute(PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a)' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec095df8) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0dec095df8 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: *80109 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/109 Status: 8 StatusText: Ringing [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Proceeding [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is EARLY [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/flowroute State: INUSE [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: *80109 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/109 Status: 8 StatusText: Ringing [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5064'. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer on dialog dlg0x7f0dec041538 for Response msg 180/INVITE/cseq=13256 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outsess/102-00000081 on dialog dlg0x7f0dec041538 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '102(PJSIP/102-0000000c)' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec04b578) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is EARLY [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Source of transaction state change is RX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Received response [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Response is 180 Ringing [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '102(PJSIP/102-0000000c)' [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec04b578) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0dec04b578 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Proceeding [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is RX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is EARLY [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Received response [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Response is 180 Ringing [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2380] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - 102 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2380] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/102 - state 6 (Ringing) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newstate Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/102-0000000c ChannelState: 5 ChannelStateDesc: Ringing CallerIDNum: 102 CallerIDName: 102 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.46 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newstate Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/102-0000000c ChannelState: 5 ChannelStateDesc: Ringing CallerIDNum: 102 CallerIDName: 102 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.46 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2508] app_queue.c: Removed PJSIP/102 from pending_members [Jun 14 16:16:06] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] app_dial.c: PJSIP/102-0000000c is ringing [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/102 State: RINGING [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newstate Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/102-0000000c ChannelState: 5 ChannelStateDesc: Ringing CallerIDNum: 102 CallerIDName: 102 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.46 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: 102 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/102 Status: 8 StatusText: Ringing [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2508] app_queue.c: Device 'PJSIP/102' changed to state '6' (Ringing) [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2508] app_queue.c: Device 'Queue:linearQ_avail' changed to state '2' (In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/102 State: RINGING [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: 102 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/102 Status: 8 StatusText: Ringing [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2382] app_queue.c: Extension '102@from-internal' changed to state '6' (Ringing) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2382] app_queue.c: Extension '*80102@from-internal' changed to state '6' (Ringing) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: QueueMemberStatus Privilege: agent,all Queue: linearQ MemberName: PJSIP/102 Interface: PJSIP/102 CallsTaken: 0 StateInterface: PJSIP/102 Membership: static Penalty: 0 Ringinuse: 0 InCall: 0 LastCall: 0 Status: 6 Paused: 0 PausedReason: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: Queue:linearQ_avail State: INUSE [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: *80102 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/102 Status: 8 StatusText: Ringing [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: QueueMemberStatus Privilege: agent,all Queue: linearQ MemberName: PJSIP/102 Interface: PJSIP/102 CallsTaken: 0 StateInterface: PJSIP/102 Membership: static Penalty: 0 Ringinuse: 0 InCall: 0 LastCall: 0 Status: 6 Paused: 0 PausedReason: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/102 State: RINGING [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: 102 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/102 Status: 8 StatusText: Ringing [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: QueueMemberStatus Privilege: agent,all Queue: linearQ MemberName: PJSIP/102 Interface: PJSIP/102 CallsTaken: 0 StateInterface: PJSIP/102 Membership: static Penalty: 0 Ringinuse: 0 InCall: 0 LastCall: 0 Status: 6 Paused: 0 PausedReason: [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: Queue:linearQ_avail State: INUSE [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: Queue:linearQ_avail State: INUSE [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: *80102 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/102 Status: 8 StatusText: Ringing [Jun 14 16:16:06] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: *80102 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/102 Status: 8 StatusText: Ringing [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Running action 'ExtensionStateList' [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Running action 'PJSIPShowRegistrationInboundContactStatuses' [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract double from [20.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [20.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [15] in [0, 86400] gives [15](0) [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [36449] in [0, 4294967295] gives [36449](0) [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract double from [20.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [20.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [5064] in [0, 4294967295] gives [5064](0) [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [15] in [0, 86400] gives [15](0) [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract double from [20.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [20.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [5060] in [0, 4294967295] gives [5060](0) [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [15] in [0, 86400] gives [15](0) [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract double from [20.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [20.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [5060] in [0, 4294967295] gives [5060](0) [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [15] in [0, 86400] gives [15](0) [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer on dialog dlg0x7f0dec0793c8 for Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=16216 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outsess/109-00000080 on dialog dlg0x7f0dec0793c8 [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '109(PJSIP/109-0000000b)' [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec046e58) [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONNECTING [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Source of transaction state change is RX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Received response [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Response is 200 OK [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Applying negotiated SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ignoring duplicate RTCP property on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2420] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''. [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting RTCP address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 107 based on m type on 0x7f0e02057c90 [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 101 based on m type on 0x7f0e02057c90 [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 101 (0x7f0dec0a7288) from 0x7f0e02057c90 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 107 (0x7f0dec07e028) from 0x7f0e02057c90 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:07] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Applied negotiated SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_state_changed called on event TX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '109(PJSIP/109-0000000b)' [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec046e58) [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONFIRMED [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '109(PJSIP/109-0000000b)' [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0dec046e58 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Terminated [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is RX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONFIRMED [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Received response [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Response is 200 OK [Jun 14 16:16:08] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] app_dial.c: PJSIP/109-0000000b answered PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2380] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - 109 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2380] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/109 - state 2 (In use) [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'PJSIP/102-0000000c' [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] chan_pjsip.c: AST hangup cause 26 (no match found in PJSIP) [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2381] cdr.c: Finalized CDR for PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a - start 1497456966.571718 answer 0.000000 end 1497456968.000352 dispo NO ANSWER [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2508] app_queue.c: Device 'PJSIP/109' changed to state '2' (In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2382] app_queue.c: Extension '109@from-internal' changed to state '2' (In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/109-0000000b setting read format path: opus -> slin48 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2382] app_queue.c: Extension '*80109@from-internal' changed to state '2' (In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newstate Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: NewConnectedLine Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a setting write format path: slin48 -> ulaw [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DialEnd Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 DestChannel: PJSIP/102-0000000c DestChannelState: 5 DestChannelStateDesc: Ringing DestCallerIDNum: 102 DestCallerIDName: 102 DestConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 DestConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER DestLanguage: en DestAccountCode: DestContext: from-internal DestExten: 109 DestPriority: 1 DestUniqueid: 1497456966.46 DestLinkedid: 1497456962.44 DialStatus: CANCEL [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: 109 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/109 Status: 1 StatusText: InUse [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/109 State: INUSE [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newstate Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: *80109 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/109 Status: 1 StatusText: InUse [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newstate Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALSTATUS Value: ANSWER [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a setting read format path: ulaw -> slin48 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/109-0000000b setting write format path: slin48 -> opus [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDPEERNAME Value: PJSIP/109-0000000b [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: NewConnectedLine Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: NewConnectedLine Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2380] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - flowroute [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDPEERNUMBER Value: 109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2380] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/flowroute - state 2 (In use) [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DialEnd Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 DestChannel: PJSIP/102-0000000c DestChannelState: 5 DestChannelStateDesc: Ringing DestCallerIDNum: 102 DestCallerIDName: 102 DestConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 DestConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER DestLanguage: en DestAccountCode: DestContext: from-internal DestExten: 109 DestPriority: 1 DestUniqueid: 1497456966.46 DestLinkedid: 1497456962.44 DialStatus: CANCEL [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DialEnd Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 DestChannel: PJSIP/102-0000000c DestChannelState: 5 DestChannelStateDesc: Ringing DestCallerIDNum: 102 DestCallerIDName: 102 DestConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 DestConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER DestLanguage: en DestAccountCode: DestContext: from-internal DestExten: 109 DestPriority: 1 DestUniqueid: 1497456966.46 DestLinkedid: 1497456962.44 DialStatus: CANCEL [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: Applying negotiated SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: 109 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/109 Status: 1 StatusText: InUse [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ignoring duplicate RTCP property on RTP instance '0x7f0dec07a5f0' [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DialEnd Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 DestChannel: PJSIP/109-0000000b DestChannelState: 6 DestChannelStateDesc: Up DestCallerIDNum: 109 DestCallerIDName: 109 DestConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 DestConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER DestLanguage: en DestAccountCode: DestContext: from-internal DestExten: DestPriority: 1 DestUniqueid: 1497456966.45 DestLinkedid: 1497456962.44 DialStatus: ANSWER [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: 109 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/109 Status: 1 StatusText: InUse [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Method is CANCEL [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/109 State: INUSE [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: *80109 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/109 Status: 1 StatusText: InUse [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/109 State: INUSE [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: *80109 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/109 Status: 1 StatusText: InUse [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALSTATUS Value: ANSWER [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALSTATUS Value: ANSWER [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5064'. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDPEERNAME Value: PJSIP/109-0000000b [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '102(PJSIP/102-0000000c)' [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec04b578) [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC CANCEL transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0de80011f8 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDPEERNAME Value: PJSIP/109-0000000b [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Calling [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is EARLY [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDPEERNUMBER Value: 109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDPEERNUMBER Value: 109/sip:109@ [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2369] threadpool.c: Increasing threadpool stasis-core's size by 1 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting RTCP address on RTP instance '0x7f0dec07a5f0' [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DialEnd Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 DestChannel: PJSIP/109-0000000b DestChannelState: 6 DestChannelStateDesc: Up DestCallerIDNum: 109 DestCallerIDName: 109 DestConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 DestConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER DestLanguage: en DestAccountCode: DestContext: from-internal DestExten: DestPriority: 1 DestUniqueid: 1497456966.45 DestLinkedid: 1497456962.44 DialStatus: ANSWER [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 0 based on m type on 0x7f0e01f5fe90 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 8 based on m type on 0x7f0e01f5fe90 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 18 based on m type on 0x7f0e01f5fe90 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 101 based on m type on 0x7f0e01f5fe90 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DialEnd Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 DestChannel: PJSIP/109-0000000b DestChannelState: 6 DestChannelStateDesc: Up DestCallerIDNum: 109 DestCallerIDName: 109 DestConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 DestConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER DestLanguage: en DestAccountCode: DestContext: from-internal DestExten: DestPriority: 1 DestUniqueid: 1497456966.45 DestLinkedid: 1497456962.44 DialStatus: ANSWER [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 0 (0x1e920b8) from 0x7f0e01f5fe90 to 0x7f0dec07a7b8 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 8 (0x1e92618) from 0x7f0e01f5fe90 to 0x7f0dec07a7b8 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 18 (0x7f0e7000a698) from 0x7f0e01f5fe90 to 0x7f0dec07a7b8 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 101 (0x7f0e70003c68) from 0x7f0e01f5fe90 to 0x7f0dec07a7b8 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2381] cdr.c: Finalized CDR for PJSIP/102-0000000c - start 1497456966.571379 answer 0.000000 end 1497456968.000948 dispo NO ANSWER [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2381] cdr.c: CDR for PJSIP/102-0000000c is dialed and has no Party B; discarding [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: Applied negotiated SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: Method is INVITE, Response is 200 OK [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newstate Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_ip_updater.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Hangup Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/102-0000000c ChannelState: 5 ChannelStateDesc: Ringing CallerIDNum: 102 CallerIDName: 102 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.46 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Cause: 26 Cause-txt: Answered elsewhere [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'flowroute(PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a)' [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec095df8) [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONNECTING [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: Source of transaction state change is TX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'flowroute(PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a)' [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec095df8) [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0dec095df8 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Completed [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONNECTING [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newstate Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Hangup Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/102-0000000c ChannelState: 5 ChannelStateDesc: Ringing CallerIDNum: 102 CallerIDName: 102 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.46 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Cause: 26 Cause-txt: Answered elsewhere [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newstate Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] bridge_native_rtp.c: Bridge '3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c' can not use native RTP bridge as two channels are required [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge technology native_rtp is not compatible with properties of existing bridge. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge technology holding_bridge does not have any capabilities we want. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Hangup Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/102-0000000c ChannelState: 5 ChannelStateDesc: Ringing CallerIDNum: 102 CallerIDName: 102 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.46 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Cause: 26 Cause-txt: Answered elsewhere [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] bridge.c: Chose bridge technology simple_bridge [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c: calling simple_bridge technology constructor [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c: calling simple_bridge technology start [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2380] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - 102 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2380] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/102 - state 1 (Not in use) [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge_channel.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c: 0x7f0e70027730(PJSIP/109-0000000b) is joining [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2508] app_queue.c: Removed PJSIP/102 from pending_members [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge_channel.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c: pushing 0x7f0e70027730(PJSIP/109-0000000b) [Jun 14 16:16:08] VERBOSE[3495][C-00000005] bridge_channel.c: Channel PJSIP/109-0000000b joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c> [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2508] app_queue.c: Device 'PJSIP/102' changed to state '1' (Not in use) [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: 102 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/102 Status: 0 StatusText: Idle [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2508] app_queue.c: Device 'Queue:linearQ_avail' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge technology softmix does not have any capabilities we want. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge_native_rtp.c: Bridge '3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c' can not use native RTP bridge as two channels are required [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge technology native_rtp is not compatible with properties of existing bridge. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge technology holding_bridge does not have any capabilities we want. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Chose bridge technology simple_bridge [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c is already using the new technology. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c: 0x7f0e70027730(PJSIP/109-0000000b) is joining simple_bridge technology [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2382] app_queue.c: Extension '102@from-internal' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] bridge_channel.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c: 0x7f0e70019900(PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a) is joining [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2382] app_queue.c: Extension '*80102@from-internal' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] bridge_channel.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c: pushing 0x7f0e70019900(PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a) [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: *80102 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/102 Status: 0 StatusText: Idle [Jun 14 16:16:08] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] bridge_channel.c: Channel PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c> [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge technology softmix does not have any capabilities we want. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] bridge_native_rtp.c: Bridge '3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c' can not use native RTP bridge as channel 'PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a' has features which prevent it [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge technology native_rtp is not compatible with properties of existing bridge. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge technology holding_bridge does not have any capabilities we want. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] bridge.c: Chose bridge technology simple_bridge [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c is already using the new technology. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c: 0x7f0e70019900(PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a) is joining simple_bridge technology [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: 102 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/102 Status: 0 StatusText: Idle [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: *80102 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/102 Status: 0 StatusText: Idle [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: BridgeCreate Privilege: call,all BridgeUniqueid: 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c BridgeType: basic BridgeTechnology: simple_bridge BridgeCreator: BridgeName: BridgeNumChannels: 0 BridgeVideoSourceMode: none [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2381] cdr.c: Finalized CDR for PJSIP/109-0000000b - start 1497456966.571220 answer 1497456968.000274 end 1497456968.001503 dispo ANSWERED [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: BridgeCreate Privilege: call,all BridgeUniqueid: 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c BridgeType: basic BridgeTechnology: simple_bridge BridgeCreator: BridgeName: BridgeNumChannels: 0 BridgeVideoSourceMode: none [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: 102 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/102 Status: 0 StatusText: Idle [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: *80102 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/102 Status: 0 StatusText: Idle [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/102 State: NOT_INUSE [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: BridgeCreate Privilege: call,all BridgeUniqueid: 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c BridgeType: basic BridgeTechnology: simple_bridge BridgeCreator: BridgeName: BridgeNumChannels: 0 BridgeVideoSourceMode: none [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/102 State: NOT_INUSE [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: Application: AppDial AppData: (Outgoing Line) [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: Application: AppDial AppData: (Outgoing Line) [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: QueueMemberStatus Privilege: agent,all Queue: linearQ MemberName: PJSIP/102 Interface: PJSIP/102 CallsTaken: 0 StateInterface: PJSIP/102 Membership: static Penalty: 0 Ringinuse: 0 InCall: 0 LastCall: 0 Status: 1 Paused: 0 PausedReason: [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: Queue:linearQ_avail State: NOT_INUSE [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: BridgeEnter Privilege: call,all BridgeUniqueid: 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c BridgeType: basic BridgeTechnology: simple_bridge BridgeCreator: BridgeName: BridgeNumChannels: 1 BridgeVideoSourceMode: none Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: QueueMemberStatus Privilege: agent,all Queue: linearQ MemberName: PJSIP/102 Interface: PJSIP/102 CallsTaken: 0 StateInterface: PJSIP/102 Membership: static Penalty: 0 Ringinuse: 0 InCall: 0 LastCall: 0 Status: 1 Paused: 0 PausedReason: [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: Queue:linearQ_avail State: NOT_INUSE [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: BridgeEnter Privilege: call,all BridgeUniqueid: 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c BridgeType: basic BridgeTechnology: simple_bridge BridgeCreator: BridgeName: BridgeNumChannels: 1 BridgeVideoSourceMode: none Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/102 State: NOT_INUSE [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: BridgeEnter Privilege: call,all BridgeUniqueid: 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c BridgeType: basic BridgeTechnology: simple_bridge BridgeCreator: BridgeName: BridgeNumChannels: 2 BridgeVideoSourceMode: none Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: Application: AppDial AppData: (Outgoing Line) [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: QueueMemberStatus Privilege: agent,all Queue: linearQ MemberName: PJSIP/102 Interface: PJSIP/102 CallsTaken: 0 StateInterface: PJSIP/102 Membership: static Penalty: 0 Ringinuse: 0 InCall: 0 LastCall: 0 Status: 1 Paused: 0 PausedReason: [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: Queue:linearQ_avail State: NOT_INUSE [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: BridgeEnter Privilege: call,all BridgeUniqueid: 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c BridgeType: basic BridgeTechnology: simple_bridge BridgeCreator: BridgeName: BridgeNumChannels: 1 BridgeVideoSourceMode: none Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: BridgeEnter Privilege: call,all BridgeUniqueid: 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c BridgeType: basic BridgeTechnology: simple_bridge BridgeCreator: BridgeName: BridgeNumChannels: 2 BridgeVideoSourceMode: none Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: BridgeEnter Privilege: call,all BridgeUniqueid: 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c BridgeType: basic BridgeTechnology: simple_bridge BridgeCreator: BridgeName: BridgeNumChannels: 2 BridgeVideoSourceMode: none Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 1997050319_66984115@ [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 1997050319_66984115@ [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 1997050319_66984115@ [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/109-0000000b [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/109-0000000b [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 5398bafe-d359-47ae-8d27-c340986eddc7 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 5398bafe-d359-47ae-8d27-c340986eddc7 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/109-0000000b [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 5398bafe-d359-47ae-8d27-c340986eddc7 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5064'. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer on dialog dlg0x7f0dec041538 for Response msg 200/CANCEL/cseq=13256 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outsess/102-00000081 on dialog dlg0x7f0dec041538 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5064'. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer on dialog dlg0x7f0dec041538 for Response msg 487/INVITE/cseq=13256 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outsess/102-00000081 on dialog dlg0x7f0dec041538 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5064'. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '102()' [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec04b578) [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is DISCONNCTD [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Source of transaction state change is RX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Received response [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Response is 487 Request Terminated [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '102()' [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec04b578) [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0dec04b578 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Completed [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is RX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is DISCONNCTD [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Received response [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Response is 487 Request Terminated [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer on dialog dlg0x7f0dec0a2038 for Request msg ACK/cseq=987063 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/distributor-00000046 on dialog dlg0x7f0dec0a2038 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'flowroute(PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a)' [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0dec095df8 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Terminated [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is USER [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONNECTING [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_state_changed called on event RX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'flowroute(PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a)' [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONFIRMED [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Received request [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Method is ACK [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7f0dec074b50 -- Probation learning mode pass with source address [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.8720E+03, Et=2.4576E+05, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Failed to get 960 samples from write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ooh, format changed from none to opus [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Starting RTCP transmission on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.2368E+07, Et=3.8449E+08, s/n= 0.06 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Failed to get 960 samples from write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7f0e7004c510 -- Probation learning mode pass with source address [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting RTCP address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ooh, format changed from none to ulaw [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.8802E+06, Et=1.4563E+09, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7f0e7004c510 -- Probation learning mode pass with source address [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.6574E+06, Et=4.6132E+08, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.5859E+06, Et=1.8899E+08, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=5.4820E+04, Et=4.2076E+07, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.0958E+04, Et=2.6214E+06, s/n= 0.04 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=7.4000E+01, Et=3.0720E+05, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.2728E+04, Et=6.5536E+05, s/n= 0.16 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.9806E+04, Et=2.2118E+06, s/n= 0.04 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.3050E+04, Et=1.9866E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.2774E+04, Et=9.3184E+05, s/n= 0.11 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.7334E+04, Et=1.2902E+06, s/n= 0.07 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.3600E+02, Et=2.2733E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.6280E+04, Et=2.1504E+06, s/n= 0.04 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.1386E+04, Et=1.9558E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=5.7188E+04, Et=3.0822E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.5918E+04, Et=1.1162E+06, s/n= 0.08 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.7540E+04, Et=1.5770E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=7.5080E+03, Et=1.9046E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.4270E+04, Et=1.0752E+06, s/n= 0.10 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.1626E+04, Et=1.5258E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.6020E+03, Et=2.0480E+05, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=7.1200E+03, Et=1.7510E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.2100E+03, Et=1.5872E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.3534E+04, Et=8.4992E+05, s/n= 0.12 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.1588E+04, Et=1.0752E+06, s/n= 0.03 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.6904E+04, Et=2.1094E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.7734E+04, Et=2.3245E+06, s/n= 0.04 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=5.7140E+03, Et=2.4269E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.5260E+04, Et=6.4512E+05, s/n= 0.15 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.1780E+03, Et=2.0070E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.9182E+04, Et=1.5360E+06, s/n= 0.06 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.1392E+04, Et=2.3859E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.8014E+04, Et=2.1094E+06, s/n= 0.04 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.8632E+04, Et=1.5667E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.5484E+04, Et=2.5907E+06, s/n= 0.03 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.4440E+04, Et=1.7203E+06, s/n= 0.06 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.4100E+03, Et=1.6896E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.3076E+04, Et=1.5565E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=6.5860E+04, Et=1.5053E+06, s/n= 0.05 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.5700E+03, Et=1.3619E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.0020E+05, Et=1.3824E+06, s/n= 0.08 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:08] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 244 bytes [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Unknown RTCP packet (pt=207) received from [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPReceived Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 To: From: RTT: 0.0000 SSRC: 0x7e75c8ab PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1497456910.848999 SentRTP: 18119040 SentPackets: 42 SentOctets: 1682 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x4654ec54 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 32796 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 731 Report0LSR: 0 Report0DLSR: 0.0000 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPReceived Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 To: From: RTT: 0.0000 SSRC: 0x7e75c8ab PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1497456910.848999 SentRTP: 18119040 SentPackets: 42 SentOctets: 1682 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x4654ec54 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 32796 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 731 Report0LSR: 0 Report0DLSR: 0.0000 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5009'. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '14697'. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPReceived Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 To: From: RTT: 0.0000 SSRC: 0x7e75c8ab PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1497456910.848999 SentRTP: 18119040 SentPackets: 42 SentOctets: 1682 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x4654ec54 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 32796 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 731 Report0LSR: 0 Report0DLSR: 0.0000 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x0ff7fe79 PT: 201(RR) ReportCount: 1 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7d930c14 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 60129 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 80 Report0LSR: 3749218025 Report0DLSR: 22.4720 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x0ff7fe79 PT: 201(RR) ReportCount: 1 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7d930c14 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 60129 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 80 Report0LSR: 3749218025 Report0DLSR: 22.4720 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x0ff7fe79 PT: 201(RR) ReportCount: 1 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7d930c14 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 60129 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 80 Report0LSR: 3749218025 Report0DLSR: 22.4720 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '15641'. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5007'. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.8650E+04, Et=1.6691E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.0656E+04, Et=1.4950E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.0260E+04, Et=2.4166E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.2322E+04, Et=2.4781E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.7174E+04, Et=1.1878E+06, s/n= 0.08 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.1126E+04, Et=1.6691E+06, s/n= 0.06 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.1674E+04, Et=1.3107E+06, s/n= 0.07 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.4580E+03, Et=7.6800E+05, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.9540E+03, Et=1.9968E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.4130E+04, Et=2.3040E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.0358E+04, Et=3.2051E+06, s/n= 0.03 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.0342E+05, Et=2.0275E+06, s/n= 0.05 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.4800E+04, Et=2.3245E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.9200E+03, Et=4.5056E+05, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.8040E+03, Et=1.2288E+05, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.7190E+04, Et=1.6077E+06, s/n= 0.06 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.0576E+04, Et=3.1744E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [3] in [0, 4294967295] gives [3](0) [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [2] in [0, 4294967295] gives [2](0) [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec0969d0: Wrapper created [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec0969d0: Set timer to 20000 msec [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_ip_updater.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5064'. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.6080E+03, Et=2.4576E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5064'. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: No dialog serializer for Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=32966 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98). Using request transaction as basis. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found transaction tsx0x7f0dec095df8 for Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=32966 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98). [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/default-00000013 on transaction tsx0x7f0dec095df8 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec0969d0: PJSIP tsx response received [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec0969d0: Cancelling timer [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec0969d0: Timer cancelled [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [3] in [0, 4294967295] gives [3](0) [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [2] in [0, 4294967295] gives [2](0) [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec0969d0: Callbacks executed [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec0969d0: wrapper destroyed [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[2425] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 102/sip:102@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 26.330 msec [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.0702E+06, Et=1.6195E+10, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.0612E+05, Et=1.5545E+10, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=5.8566E+05, Et=2.0216E+09, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=5.8896E+04, Et=1.1863E+08, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=6.0520E+03, Et=3.8656E+07, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.4146E+04, Et=7.5878E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.3696E+04, Et=5.7446E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=5.4800E+02, Et=4.7104E+05, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.3000E+03, Et=5.1200E+04, s/n= 0.03 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.4040E+03, Et=2.3552E+05, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.8044E+04, Et=1.5360E+05, s/n= 1.34 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.3200E+03, Et=6.1440E+04, s/n= 0.04 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:09] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [3] in [0, 4294967295] gives [3](0) [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [2] in [0, 4294967295] gives [2](0) [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec0969d0: Wrapper created [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec0969d0: Set timer to 20000 msec [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_ip_updater.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: No dialog serializer for Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=31319 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98). Using request transaction as basis. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found transaction tsx0x7f0dec021878 for Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=31319 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98). [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/default-0000000c on transaction tsx0x7f0dec021878 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec0969d0: PJSIP tsx response received [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec0969d0: Cancelling timer [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec0969d0: Timer cancelled [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [3] in [0, 4294967295] gives [3](0) [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [2] in [0, 4294967295] gives [2](0) [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec0969d0: Callbacks executed [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec0969d0: wrapper destroyed [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2425] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 109/sip:109@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 31.314 msec [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 248 bytes [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Unknown RTCP packet (pt=207) received from [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPReceived Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 To: From: RTT: 0.0000 SSRC: 0x7e75c8ab PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1497456912.526992 SentRTP: 18199680 SentPackets: 126 SentOctets: 5376 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x4654ec54 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 32880 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 799 Report0LSR: 0 Report0DLSR: 0.0000 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5009'. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPReceived Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 To: From: RTT: 0.0000 SSRC: 0x7e75c8ab PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1497456912.526992 SentRTP: 18199680 SentPackets: 126 SentOctets: 5376 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x4654ec54 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 32880 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 799 Report0LSR: 0 Report0DLSR: 0.0000 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '14697'. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPReceived Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 To: From: RTT: 0.0000 SSRC: 0x7e75c8ab PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1497456912.526992 SentRTP: 18199680 SentPackets: 126 SentOctets: 5376 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x4654ec54 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 32880 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 799 Report0LSR: 0 Report0DLSR: 0.0000 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:10] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 12 bytes [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Flushing audiohook 0x7f0e700142a0 so it remains in sync [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer on dialog dlg0x7f0dec0793c8 for Request msg INVITE/cseq=16217 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outsess/109-00000080 on dialog dlg0x7f0dec0793c8 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Negotiating incoming SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ignoring duplicate RTCP property on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Don't have a default tx payload type 123 format for m type on 0x7f0e02058120 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 0 based on m type on 0x7f0e02058120 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Don't have a default tx payload type 127 format for m type on 0x7f0e02058120 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 18 based on m type on 0x7f0e02058120 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 9 based on m type on 0x7f0e02058120 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Don't have a default tx payload type 2 format for m type on 0x7f0e02058120 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 101 based on m type on 0x7f0e02058120 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 0 (0x7f0dec096998) from 0x7f0e02058120 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 2 (0x7f0dec0a7308) from 0x7f0e02058120 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 9 (0x7f0dec0969d8) from 0x7f0e02058120 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 18 (0x7f0dec0a72c8) from 0x7f0e02058120 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 101 (0x7f0dec0a7348) from 0x7f0e02058120 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 123 (0x7f0dec043758) from 0x7f0e02058120 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 127 (0x7f0dec096a18) from 0x7f0e02058120 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Media stream 'audio' handled by audio [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ignoring duplicate RTCP property on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge technology softmix does not have any capabilities we want. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge_native_rtp.c: Bridge '3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c' can not use native RTP bridge as channel 'PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a' has features which prevent it [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge technology native_rtp is not compatible with properties of existing bridge. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge technology holding_bridge does not have any capabilities we want. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Chose bridge technology simple_bridge [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c is already using the new technology. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_t38.c: Not creating outgoing SDP stream: T.38 not enabled [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Applying negotiated SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ignoring duplicate RTCP property on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting RTCP address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Don't have a default tx payload type 123 format for m type on 0x7f0e02057c10 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 0 based on m type on 0x7f0e02057c10 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Don't have a default tx payload type 127 format for m type on 0x7f0e02057c10 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 18 based on m type on 0x7f0e02057c10 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 9 based on m type on 0x7f0e02057c10 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Don't have a default tx payload type 2 format for m type on 0x7f0e02057c10 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 101 based on m type on 0x7f0e02057c10 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 0 (0x7f0dec06f798) from 0x7f0e02057c10 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 2 (0x7f0dec0ad7e8) from 0x7f0e02057c10 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 9 (0x7f0dec0821f8) from 0x7f0e02057c10 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 18 (0x7f0dec082238) from 0x7f0e02057c10 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 101 (0x7f0dec082388) from 0x7f0e02057c10 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 123 (0x7f0dec05bf28) from 0x7f0e02057c10 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 127 (0x7f0dec082808) from 0x7f0e02057c10 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 1997050319_66984115@ [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 1997050319_66984115@ [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Applied negotiated SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 1997050319_66984115@ [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_ip_updater.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/109-0000000b [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/109-0000000b [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '109(PJSIP/109-0000000b)' [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec046e58) [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0dec046e58 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Completed [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONFIRMED [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '109(PJSIP/109-0000000b)' [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 5398bafe-d359-47ae-8d27-c340986eddc7 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec046e58) [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0dec046e58 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Completed [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 5398bafe-d359-47ae-8d27-c340986eddc7 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is RX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONFIRMED [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Received request [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Method is INVITE [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/109-0000000b [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 5398bafe-d359-47ae-8d27-c340986eddc7 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Hold Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 MusicClass: default [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Hold Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 MusicClass: default [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge technology softmix does not have any capabilities we want. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge_native_rtp.c: Bridge '3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c' can not use native RTP bridge as channel 'PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a' has features which prevent it [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge technology native_rtp is not compatible with properties of existing bridge. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge technology holding_bridge does not have any capabilities we want. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Chose bridge technology simple_bridge [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c is already using the new technology. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Hold Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 MusicClass: default [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 1997050319_66984115@ [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/109-0000000b [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 1997050319_66984115@ [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/109-0000000b [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 5398bafe-d359-47ae-8d27-c340986eddc7 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 1997050319_66984115@ [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/109-0000000b [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 5398bafe-d359-47ae-8d27-c340986eddc7 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 5398bafe-d359-47ae-8d27-c340986eddc7 [Jun 14 16:16:11] WARNING[3460][C-00000005] res_musiconhold.c: Music on Hold class '0' not found in memory. Verify your configuration. [Jun 14 16:16:11] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] res_musiconhold.c: Started music on hold, class 'default', on channel 'PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a' [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (50 requested / 50 actual) timer ticks per second [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2508] app_queue.c: Device 'PJSIP/flowroute' changed to state '8' (On Hold) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/flowroute State: ONHOLD [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/flowroute State: ONHOLD [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: MusicOnHoldStart Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Class: default [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: MusicOnHoldStart Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Class: default [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/flowroute State: ONHOLD [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: MusicOnHoldStart Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Class: default [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Flushing audiohook 0x7f0e700142a0 so it remains in sync [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a setting write format path: slin -> ulaw [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] res_musiconhold.c: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a Opened file 1 '/var/lib/asterisk/moh/macroform-the_simplicity' [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Flushing audiohook 0x7f0e700142a0 so it remains in sync [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Difference is 1784, ms is 243 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer on dialog dlg0x7f0dec0793c8 for Request msg ACK/cseq=16217 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outsess/109-00000080 on dialog dlg0x7f0dec0793c8 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '109(PJSIP/109-0000000b)' [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0dec046e58 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Terminated [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is USER [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONFIRMED [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Running action 'Ping' [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Flushing audiohook 0x7f0e700142a0 so it remains in sync [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.7394E+04, Et=2.4166E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.2400E+03, Et=3.0310E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.3300E+03, Et=1.8637E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.8200E+02, Et=1.5872E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.5800E+04, Et=1.4029E+06, s/n= 0.07 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.0016E+04, Et=1.4643E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.5140E+03, Et=1.8534E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.8824E+04, Et=8.9088E+05, s/n= 0.11 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.6280E+03, Et=1.4438E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.6360E+04, Et=3.8298E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.7234E+04, Et=2.7853E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.0000E+00, Et=1.8842E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.8980E+03, Et=2.3552E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.8020E+03, Et=1.5974E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.1940E+03, Et=1.3824E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=6.3760E+04, Et=3.9014E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.6420E+03, Et=2.1197E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.3380E+03, Et=1.3824E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.4400E+03, Et=1.3107E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.9008E+04, Et=1.3926E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.4340E+03, Et=2.1197E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=6.2660E+03, Et=2.7853E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=5.8000E+04, Et=1.5770E+06, s/n= 0.04 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.5400E+02, Et=2.4986E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.3520E+03, Et=1.4950E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.0000E+00, Et=1.3926E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.8000E+01, Et=1.4438E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.5324E+04, Et=2.1709E+06, s/n= 0.04 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.8296E+04, Et=1.7715E+06, s/n= 0.05 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:11] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.2130E+04, Et=3.5430E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.1860E+04, Et=2.5702E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.5220E+03, Et=1.6896E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.2234E+04, Et=1.3926E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=5.1080E+03, Et=1.6077E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=5.0873E+07, Et=7.3938E+10, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.8478E+06, Et=4.0894E+09, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.1860E+06, Et=1.6366E+08, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.3866E+05, Et=4.4012E+07, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.6195E+05, Et=1.7183E+07, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.0365E+05, Et=5.5629E+07, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.1162E+05, Et=3.7888E+06, s/n= 0.03 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=6.7240E+04, Et=2.8979E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.3936E+05, Et=7.7107E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.1444E+04, Et=4.5056E+05, s/n= 0.03 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=6.8500E+03, Et=3.2768E+05, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.6200E+02, Et=3.5840E+05, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.8686E+04, Et=2.0480E+05, s/n= 0.76 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.7960E+03, Et=1.1264E+05, s/n= 0.03 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.7200E+03, Et=3.5840E+05, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=5.6960E+03, Et=1.4848E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.6240E+03, Et=1.7920E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.0250E+04, Et=1.3517E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.0482E+05, Et=2.2938E+06, s/n= 0.05 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.0280E+03, Et=1.2288E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.6334E+04, Et=1.1674E+06, s/n= 0.08 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=6.1000E+03, Et=1.6384E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.4900E+03, Et=3.6864E+05, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.7266E+04, Et=1.2902E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.6980E+04, Et=1.8432E+06, s/n= 0.05 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=7.8800E+03, Et=2.3859E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.3520E+03, Et=2.6522E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.8004E+04, Et=1.5872E+06, s/n= 0.06 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.6590E+04, Et=1.9763E+06, s/n= 0.05 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.7464E+04, Et=2.1811E+06, s/n= 0.04 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.5300E+03, Et=1.7408E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.8532E+04, Et=3.6864E+05, s/n= 0.05 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:12] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '102()' [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec04b578) [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC CANCEL transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0de80011f8 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Terminated [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TIMER [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is DISCONNCTD [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Destroying SIP session with endpoint 102 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Destroyed RTP instance '0x7f0dec0877d0' [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Destroyed RTP instance '0x7f0dec06bc10' [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.8800E+03, Et=1.2800E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.6514E+04, Et=8.3968E+05, s/n= 0.06 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.9368E+04, Et=1.8944E+06, s/n= 0.05 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '14801'. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '56379'. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 To: From: SSRC: 0x43ffa26c PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1497456973.137114 SentRTP: 40576 SentPackets: 243 SentOctets: 38880 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x03c55155 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 51515 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 0 Report0LSR: 0 Report0DLSR: 0.0000 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 To: From: SSRC: 0x43ffa26c PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1497456973.137114 SentRTP: 40576 SentPackets: 243 SentOctets: 38880 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x03c55155 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 51515 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 0 Report0LSR: 0 Report0DLSR: 0.0000 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 To: From: SSRC: 0x43ffa26c PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1497456973.137114 SentRTP: 40576 SentPackets: 243 SentOctets: 38880 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x03c55155 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 51515 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 0 Report0LSR: 0 Report0DLSR: 0.0000 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.9272E+04, Et=1.6384E+06, s/n= 0.06 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.5140E+04, Et=2.8570E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.9004E+04, Et=1.6077E+06, s/n= 0.06 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.6154E+04, Et=1.4643E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.2194E+04, Et=1.6794E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.6086E+04, Et=8.6016E+05, s/n= 0.11 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=5.2040E+03, Et=1.8022E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.3220E+03, Et=3.6045E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.1560E+04, Et=1.9763E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.6282E+04, Et=2.0992E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=5.9330E+04, Et=2.1811E+06, s/n= 0.03 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.9428E+04, Et=7.0656E+05, s/n= 0.14 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=7.7200E+02, Et=9.6256E+05, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.5528E+04, Et=1.6794E+06, s/n= 0.05 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.7760E+03, Et=3.3894E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.4800E+02, Et=2.2733E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.2596E+04, Et=2.6931E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=5.7060E+03, Et=2.1197E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.6424E+04, Et=2.8058E+06, s/n= 0.03 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=7.9400E+02, Et=1.5974E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.5280E+03, Et=1.3005E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.0746E+04, Et=1.9558E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.4850E+04, Et=1.5770E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.4660E+03, Et=2.1197E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=6.4160E+03, Et=1.4541E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.3250E+04, Et=2.2221E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=7.6778E+04, Et=1.3312E+06, s/n= 0.06 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.9360E+03, Et=4.0346E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.7374E+04, Et=1.7920E+06, s/n= 0.05 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.7760E+03, Et=1.5872E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.2574E+04, Et=3.0106E+06, s/n= 0.03 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.6900E+03, Et=1.5053E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.3800E+03, Et=1.8842E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.2610E+04, Et=1.9046E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.4660E+03, Et=1.1162E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.3002E+04, Et=2.3040E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=7.3930E+04, Et=3.3075E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.1800E+03, Et=1.8125E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.5230E+04, Et=1.8842E+06, s/n= 0.05 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.1200E+03, Et=1.5770E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.1194E+04, Et=1.7408E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.4530E+04, Et=1.2902E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.4324E+04, Et=1.1776E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:13] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '15641'. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5007'. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x0ff7fe79 PT: 201(RR) ReportCount: 1 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7d930c14 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 60129 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 80 Report0LSR: 3749218025 Report0DLSR: 27.4720 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x0ff7fe79 PT: 201(RR) ReportCount: 1 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7d930c14 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 60129 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 80 Report0LSR: 3749218025 Report0DLSR: 27.4720 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x0ff7fe79 PT: 201(RR) ReportCount: 1 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7d930c14 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 60129 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 80 Report0LSR: 3749218025 Report0DLSR: 27.4720 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.9610E+04, Et=1.9354E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.5700E+03, Et=1.9661E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.5368E+04, Et=1.9968E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.7880E+03, Et=2.2016E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.7736E+04, Et=1.4950E+06, s/n= 0.06 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.8814E+04, Et=2.4269E+06, s/n= 0.04 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.5300E+03, Et=1.5770E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.0205E+05, Et=2.5190E+06, s/n= 0.04 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=6.4080E+04, Et=1.7408E+06, s/n= 0.04 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.5464E+04, Et=1.9354E+06, s/n= 0.05 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.1021E+05, Et=1.8842E+06, s/n= 0.06 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.1688E+04, Et=2.0378E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.1460E+03, Et=1.5974E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.7000E+03, Et=1.5360E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.0639E+05, Et=1.9456E+06, s/n= 0.06 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=6.8680E+03, Et=1.2902E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.0242E+04, Et=1.7715E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.7978E+04, Et=1.3005E+06, s/n= 0.03 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.6824E+04, Et=1.7818E+06, s/n= 0.05 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.5860E+03, Et=1.5462E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=6.0050E+04, Et=1.5565E+06, s/n= 0.04 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=5.5840E+03, Et=2.4576E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.5620E+04, Et=3.2358E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.6014E+04, Et=1.5770E+06, s/n= 0.06 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.5364E+04, Et=2.4883E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.3330E+04, Et=2.0275E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.8640E+03, Et=1.1162E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.9544E+04, Et=1.2186E+06, s/n= 0.08 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.2546E+04, Et=1.8330E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=5.3860E+03, Et=2.2118E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.7558E+04, Et=1.9046E+06, s/n= 0.05 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.2414E+04, Et=2.3962E+06, s/n= 0.04 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.9604E+04, Et=2.2221E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.6810E+04, Et=1.9558E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.5860E+04, Et=2.2221E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.1720E+04, Et=1.8022E+06, s/n= 0.05 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.0360E+03, Et=2.5498E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.5800E+03, Et=1.3414E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.7364E+04, Et=1.3312E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.9934E+04, Et=2.1709E+06, s/n= 0.04 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.3800E+03, Et=8.7040E+05, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.9622E+04, Et=1.8637E+06, s/n= 0.05 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=7.6180E+03, Et=1.8432E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.6360E+03, Et=2.6112E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.3844E+04, Et=1.7306E+06, s/n= 0.06 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.7222E+04, Et=1.2698E+06, s/n= 0.07 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.4984E+04, Et=1.5360E+06, s/n= 0.07 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.9320E+04, Et=1.4336E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=6.4000E+03, Et=1.0650E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=7.0600E+02, Et=4.8128E+05, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:14] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.3818E+04, Et=1.7818E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.1120E+03, Et=2.2938E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.5260E+04, Et=1.2493E+06, s/n= 0.07 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.6782E+04, Et=1.7510E+06, s/n= 0.05 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.5734E+04, Et=1.3414E+06, s/n= 0.07 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.1986E+04, Et=1.8330E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=7.2180E+03, Et=2.0685E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.0242E+04, Et=1.5462E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.6680E+04, Et=1.6179E+06, s/n= 0.06 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.2260E+03, Et=2.0582E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=5.5400E+03, Et=2.7443E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.5294E+04, Et=1.5462E+06, s/n= 0.06 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.3300E+03, Et=3.6045E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' so dropping frame [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer on dialog dlg0x7f0dec0793c8 for Request msg INVITE/cseq=16218 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outsess/109-00000080 on dialog dlg0x7f0dec0793c8 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Negotiating incoming SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ignoring duplicate RTCP property on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Don't have a default tx payload type 123 format for m type on 0x7f0e02058120 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 0 based on m type on 0x7f0e02058120 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Don't have a default tx payload type 127 format for m type on 0x7f0e02058120 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 18 based on m type on 0x7f0e02058120 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 9 based on m type on 0x7f0e02058120 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Don't have a default tx payload type 2 format for m type on 0x7f0e02058120 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 101 based on m type on 0x7f0e02058120 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 0 (0x7f0dec0a3258) from 0x7f0e02058120 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 2 (0x7f0dec0a3618) from 0x7f0e02058120 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 9 (0x7f0dec0900f8) from 0x7f0e02058120 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 18 (0x7f0dec0a35d8) from 0x7f0e02058120 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 101 (0x7f0dec09c698) from 0x7f0e02058120 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 123 (0x7f0dec0351c8) from 0x7f0e02058120 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 127 (0x7f0dec0312d8) from 0x7f0e02058120 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Media stream 'audio' handled by audio [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge technology softmix does not have any capabilities we want. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ignoring duplicate RTCP property on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge_native_rtp.c: Bridge '3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c' can not use native RTP bridge as channel 'PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a' has features which prevent it [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge technology native_rtp is not compatible with properties of existing bridge. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge technology holding_bridge does not have any capabilities we want. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Chose bridge technology simple_bridge [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c is already using the new technology. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_t38.c: Not creating outgoing SDP stream: T.38 not enabled [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Applying negotiated SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ignoring duplicate RTCP property on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting RTCP address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Don't have a default tx payload type 123 format for m type on 0x7f0e02057c10 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 0 based on m type on 0x7f0e02057c10 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Don't have a default tx payload type 127 format for m type on 0x7f0e02057c10 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 18 based on m type on 0x7f0e02057c10 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 9 based on m type on 0x7f0e02057c10 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Don't have a default tx payload type 2 format for m type on 0x7f0e02057c10 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 101 based on m type on 0x7f0e02057c10 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 0 (0x7f0dec09c6d8) from 0x7f0e02057c10 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 2 (0x7f0dec090358) from 0x7f0e02057c10 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 9 (0x7f0dec0aab68) from 0x7f0e02057c10 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 18 (0x7f0dec01bd28) from 0x7f0e02057c10 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 101 (0x7f0dec0870f8) from 0x7f0e02057c10 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 123 (0x7f0dec05bf28) from 0x7f0e02057c10 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 127 (0x7f0dec01bce8) from 0x7f0e02057c10 to 0x7f0e7002ebb8 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge technology softmix does not have any capabilities we want. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge_native_rtp.c: Bridge '3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c' can not use native RTP bridge as channel 'PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a' has features which prevent it [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge technology native_rtp is not compatible with properties of existing bridge. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge technology holding_bridge does not have any capabilities we want. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Applied negotiated SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Chose bridge technology simple_bridge [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c is already using the new technology. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_ip_updater.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '109(PJSIP/109-0000000b)' [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec095df8) [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0dec095df8 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Completed [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONFIRMED [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '109(PJSIP/109-0000000b)' [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f0dec095df8) [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0dec095df8 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Completed [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is RX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONFIRMED [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Received request [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Method is INVITE [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2380] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - flowroute [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2380] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/flowroute - state 2 (In use) [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:15] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] res_musiconhold.c: Stopped music on hold on PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 1997050319_66984115@ [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a setting write format path: slin48 -> ulaw [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2508] app_queue.c: Device 'PJSIP/flowroute' changed to state '2' (In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 1997050319_66984115@ [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/109-0000000b [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 5398bafe-d359-47ae-8d27-c340986eddc7 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 1997050319_66984115@ [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Unhold Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/109-0000000b [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 5398bafe-d359-47ae-8d27-c340986eddc7 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Unhold Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/109-0000000b [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 5398bafe-d359-47ae-8d27-c340986eddc7 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Unhold Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 1997050319_66984115@ [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 1997050319_66984115@ [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 1997050319_66984115@ [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/109-0000000b [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/109-0000000b [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: PJSIP/109-0000000b [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 5398bafe-d359-47ae-8d27-c340986eddc7 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 5398bafe-d359-47ae-8d27-c340986eddc7 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/flowroute State: INUSE [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: MusicOnHoldStop Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/flowroute State: INUSE [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: 5398bafe-d359-47ae-8d27-c340986eddc7 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: MusicOnHoldStop Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/flowroute State: INUSE [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: MusicOnHoldStop Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.9300E+03, Et=7.5776E+05, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Starting RTCP transmission on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.6020E+03, Et=5.1200E+04, s/n= 0.05 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.7304E+04, Et=1.3517E+06, s/n= 0.07 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer on dialog dlg0x7f0dec0793c8 for Request msg ACK/cseq=16218 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outsess/109-00000080 on dialog dlg0x7f0dec0793c8 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '109(PJSIP/109-0000000b)' [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0dec095df8 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Terminated [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is USER [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONFIRMED [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.4920E+04, Et=1.3005E+06, s/n= 0.03 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.6584E+04, Et=1.1264E+06, s/n= 0.03 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.1800E+04, Et=2.3757E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Flushing audiohook 0x7f0e700142a0 so it remains in sync [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.7236E+04, Et=1.9354E+06, s/n= 0.05 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.3248E+04, Et=1.0138E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.7620E+03, Et=2.1197E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.7810E+04, Et=1.3312E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.4374E+04, Et=2.8877E+06, s/n= 0.03 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Flushing audiohook 0x7f0e700142a0 so it remains in sync [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.3202E+04, Et=1.5360E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Failed to get 960 samples from write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Failed to get 960 samples from write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.7640E+03, Et=3.0720E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Failed to get 960 samples from write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.9946E+04, Et=9.7280E+05, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Failed to get 960 samples from write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Failed to get 960 samples from write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Failed to get 960 samples from write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Failed to get 960 samples from write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Failed to get 960 samples from write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Failed to get 960 samples from write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Failed to get 960 samples from write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Failed to get 960 samples from write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Failed to get 960 samples from write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Failed to get 960 samples from write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Failed to get 960 samples from write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Failed to get 960 samples from write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Failed to get 960 samples from write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Failed to get 960 samples from write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7f0e7004c510 -- Probation learning mode pass with source address [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting RTCP address on RTP instance '0x7f0e7002e9f0' [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Flushing audiohook 0x7f0e700142a0 so it remains in sync [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7f0e7004c510 -- Probation learning mode pass with source address [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.5926E+04, Et=3.5840E+05, s/n= 0.32 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.4040E+03, Et=2.5805E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.1124E+04, Et=1.7203E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.8264E+04, Et=2.4883E+06, s/n= 0.04 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:15] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5074'. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Could not find matching transaction for Request msg INVITE/cseq=1 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Calculated serializer pjsip/distributor-00000041 to use for Request msg INVITE/cseq=1 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Source address does not match identify 'flowroute' [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Source address does not match identify 'inteliquent' [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Identify checks by IP address failed to find match: '' did not match any identify section rules [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Attempting identify by From username '100' domain '' [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Identified by From username '100' domain '' [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Using default realm 'asterisk' on incoming auth '100-auth'. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5074'. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2017-06-14T16:16:16.016+0000 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 100 SessionID: 8d03ef2a17593b13b992e7b121ae4fdc LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2017-06-14T16:16:16.016+0000 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 100 SessionID: 8d03ef2a17593b13b992e7b121ae4fdc LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2017-06-14T16:16:16.016+0000 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 100 SessionID: 8d03ef2a17593b13b992e7b121ae4fdc LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.5384E+04, Et=1.5155E+06, s/n= 0.06 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.1720E+03, Et=1.3107E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=5.0000E+02, Et=1.6589E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.5420E+04, Et=1.6794E+06, s/n= 0.05 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=6.1200E+03, Et=1.5258E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.4112E+04, Et=3.0925E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=7.4560E+03, Et=1.1571E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.4900E+03, Et=1.3517E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=5.0000E+03, Et=2.1606E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.6568E+04, Et=1.6794E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.7060E+03, Et=2.6829E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.2352E+04, Et=1.9149E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.8494E+04, Et=1.2800E+06, s/n= 0.07 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.9300E+03, Et=1.7818E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.0330E+04, Et=1.8330E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.5330E+04, Et=2.3245E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.6580E+03, Et=4.0960E+04, s/n= 0.04 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=7.7200E+03, Et=1.3107E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 152 bytes [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Unknown RTCP packet (pt=207) received from [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5009'. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '14697'. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPReceived Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 To: From: RTT: 0.0000 SSRC: 0x729b2733 PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 0 SentNTP: 1497456918.845993 SentRTP: 18260160 SentPackets: 42 SentOctets: 1402 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPReceived Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 To: From: RTT: 0.0000 SSRC: 0x729b2733 PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 0 SentNTP: 1497456918.845993 SentRTP: 18260160 SentPackets: 42 SentOctets: 1402 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPReceived Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 To: From: RTT: 0.0000 SSRC: 0x729b2733 PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 0 SentNTP: 1497456918.845993 SentRTP: 18260160 SentPackets: 42 SentOctets: 1402 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.9636E+04, Et=1.9763E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.5890E+04, Et=1.1571E+06, s/n= 0.03 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.3798E+04, Et=2.4269E+06, s/n= 0.04 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [3] in [0, 4294967295] gives [3](0) [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [2] in [0, 4294967295] gives [2](0) [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec0a1df0: Wrapper created [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec0a1df0: Set timer to 20000 msec [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_ip_updater.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '1358'. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.2120E+03, Et=1.1878E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.6176E+04, Et=1.3005E+06, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.1140E+03, Et=1.9558E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.0740E+03, Et=1.1366E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=7.5752E+04, Et=8.4992E+05, s/n= 0.10 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.4400E+02, Et=1.7920E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.5260E+04, Et=5.0176E+05, s/n= 0.20 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.7752E+04, Et=2.7034E+06, s/n= 0.03 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.0884E+04, Et=1.9558E+06, s/n= 0.05 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.2195E+06, Et=1.2969E+10, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.5887E+06, Et=4.3021E+10, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:16] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.5152E+07, Et=3.5680E+10, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.0970E+05, Et=4.9536E+09, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=6.1694E+05, Et=1.9818E+08, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.7060E+04, Et=1.0548E+08, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=5.0420E+03, Et=4.9869E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=5.2740E+03, Et=1.8330E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.3360E+03, Et=1.5974E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.2560E+03, Et=1.4950E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.0214E+04, Et=1.5974E+06, s/n= 0.06 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.7190E+04, Et=1.6179E+06, s/n= 0.06 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.2400E+02, Et=1.6384E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.2400E+02, Et=1.6384E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.2400E+02, Et=1.6384E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_ip_updater.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '1358'. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.2400E+02, Et=1.6384E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=3.2800E+02, Et=1.0240E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Running action 'ExtensionStateList' [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Running action 'PJSIPShowRegistrationInboundContactStatuses' [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract double from [20.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [20.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [15] in [0, 86400] gives [15](0) [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [36449] in [0, 4294967295] gives [36449](0) [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract double from [20.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [20.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [5064] in [0, 4294967295] gives [5064](0) [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [15] in [0, 86400] gives [15](0) [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract double from [20.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [20.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [5060] in [0, 4294967295] gives [5060](0) [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [15] in [0, 86400] gives [15](0) [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract double from [20.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [20.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [5060] in [0, 4294967295] gives [5060](0) [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] config.c: extract uint from [15] in [0, 86400] gives [15](0) [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Running action 'Ping' [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Running action 'Ping' [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 152 bytes [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Unknown RTCP packet (pt=207) received from [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5009'. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '14697'. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPReceived Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 To: From: RTT: 0.0000 SSRC: 0x729b2733 PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 0 SentNTP: 1497456919.683990 SentRTP: 18300480 SentPackets: 84 SentOctets: 2848 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPReceived Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 To: From: RTT: 0.0000 SSRC: 0x729b2733 PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 0 SentNTP: 1497456919.683990 SentRTP: 18300480 SentPackets: 84 SentOctets: 2848 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPReceived Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 To: From: RTT: 0.0000 SSRC: 0x729b2733 PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 0 SentNTP: 1497456919.683990 SentRTP: 18300480 SentPackets: 84 SentOctets: 2848 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '1358'. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: No dialog serializer for Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=53037 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98). Using request transaction as basis. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found transaction tsx0x7f0dec021878 for Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=53037 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98). [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/default-0000000d on transaction tsx0x7f0dec021878 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '1358'. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec0a1df0: PJSIP tsx response received [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec0a1df0: Cancelling timer [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec0a1df0: Timer cancelled [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [3] in [0, 4294967295] gives [3](0) [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [2] in [0, 4294967295] gives [2](0) [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec0a1df0: Callbacks executed [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec0a1df0: wrapper destroyed [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: No dialog serializer for Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=53037 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98). Using request transaction as basis. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found transaction tsx0x7f0dec021878 for Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=53037 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98). [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/default-0000000d on transaction tsx0x7f0dec021878 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[2425] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 100/sip:100@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 1152.938 msec [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:17] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.5224E+04, Et=1.0240E+04, s/n= -1.14 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.5257E+05, Et=1.0947E+07, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.5140E+03, Et=4.4032E+05, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '14801'. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '56379'. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 To: From: SSRC: 0x43ffa26c PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1497456978.137552 SentRTP: 80544 SentPackets: 466 SentOctets: 74560 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x03c55155 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 51765 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 0 Report0LSR: 0 Report0DLSR: 0.0000 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 To: From: SSRC: 0x43ffa26c PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1497456978.137552 SentRTP: 80544 SentPackets: 466 SentOctets: 74560 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x03c55155 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 51765 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 0 Report0LSR: 0 Report0DLSR: 0.0000 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 To: From: SSRC: 0x43ffa26c PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1497456978.137552 SentRTP: 80544 SentPackets: 466 SentOctets: 74560 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x03c55155 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 51765 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 0 Report0LSR: 0 Report0DLSR: 0.0000 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.6100E+03, Et=6.1440E+04, s/n= 0.08 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.2100E+03, Et=3.0720E+04, s/n= 0.04 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.3600E+03, Et=3.0720E+04, s/n= 0.05 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.0600E+03, Et=7.1680E+04, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=0.0000E+00, Et=0.0000E+00, s/n= -nan [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=9.1400E+02, Et=2.8672E+05, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.7880E+04, Et=2.1606E+06, s/n= 0.04 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.3130E+04, Et=1.3722E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 152 bytes [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Unknown RTCP packet (pt=207) received from [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPReceived Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 To: From: RTT: 0.0000 SSRC: 0x729b2733 PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 0 SentNTP: 1497456920.523986 SentRTP: 18340800 SentPackets: 126 SentOctets: 4550 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPReceived Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 To: From: RTT: 0.0000 SSRC: 0x729b2733 PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 0 SentNTP: 1497456920.523986 SentRTP: 18340800 SentPackets: 126 SentOctets: 4550 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5009'. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '14697'. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPReceived Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 To: From: RTT: 0.0000 SSRC: 0x729b2733 PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 0 SentNTP: 1497456920.523986 SentRTP: 18340800 SentPackets: 126 SentOctets: 4550 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.9600E+03, Et=1.7101E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.2850E+05, Et=1.7101E+06, s/n= 0.08 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=8.7334E+04, Et=1.4336E+06, s/n= 0.06 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.1320E+03, Et=1.7306E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.5570E+04, Et=7.6800E+05, s/n= 0.02 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=5.3000E+02, Et=2.0480E+04, s/n= 0.03 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=4.3060E+03, Et=1.6691E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.1412E+04, Et=1.6282E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.8020E+03, Et=2.8365E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=2.9410E+04, Et=2.6010E+06, s/n= 0.01 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] dsp.c: 1100 Hz tone 0 Ew=1.5860E+03, Et=1.7920E+06, s/n= 0.00 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 160 vs 960 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 and write factory 0x7f0e70014d68 both fail to provide 960 samples [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f0e70014328 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] translate.c: Sample size different 960 vs 160 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer on dialog dlg0x7f0dec0793c8 for Request msg BYE/cseq=16219 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outsess/109-00000080 on dialog dlg0x7f0dec0793c8 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '109(PJSIP/109-0000000b)' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS BYE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0dec095df8 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Completed [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONFIRMED [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '109(PJSIP/109-0000000b)' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is DISCONNCTD [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Source of transaction state change is RX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Received request [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Method is BYE [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '109(PJSIP/109-0000000b)' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS BYE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0dec095df8 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Completed [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is RX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is DISCONNCTD [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge_channel.c: Setting 0x7f0e70027730(PJSIP/109-0000000b) state from:0 to:1 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: HangupRequest Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge_channel.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c: pulling 0x7f0e70027730(PJSIP/109-0000000b) [Jun 14 16:16:18] VERBOSE[3495][C-00000005] bridge_channel.c: Channel PJSIP/109-0000000b left 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c> [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge_channel.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c: 0x7f0e70027730(PJSIP/109-0000000b) is leaving simple_bridge technology [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c: dissolving bridge with cause 16(Normal Clearing) [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge_channel.c: Setting 0x7f0e70019900(PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a) state from:0 to:2 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: HangupRequest Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: HangupRequest Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c: queueing action type:13 sub:1001 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c is dissolved, not performing smart bridge operation. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'PJSIP/109-0000000b' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3495][C-00000005] chan_pjsip.c: AST hangup cause 16 (no match found in PJSIP) [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] bridge_channel.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c: pulling 0x7f0e70019900(PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a) [Jun 14 16:16:18] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] bridge_channel.c: Channel PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a left 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c> [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] bridge_channel.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c: 0x7f0e70019900(PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a) is leaving simple_bridge technology [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c is dissolved, not performing smart bridge operation. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] cdr.c: Finalized CDR for PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a - start 1497456962.528158 answer 1497456968.000944 end 1497456978.594895 dispo ANSWERED [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c: actually destroying basic bridge, nobody wants it anymore [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c: calling basic bridge destructor [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c: calling simple_bridge technology stop [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] bridge.c: Bridge 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c: calling simple_bridge technology destructor [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=ANSWER. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Spawn extension (from-internal,109,22) exited non-zero on 'PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a' [Jun 14 16:16:18] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Spawn extension (from-internal, 109, 22) exited non-zero on 'PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] channel.c: Soft-Hanging (0x10) up channel 'PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] channel.c: Soft-Hanging (0x80) up channel 'PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'HANGUPCAUSE' is '16' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp' [Jun 14 16:16:18] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [h@from-internal:1] NoOp("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "16") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'HANGUPCAUSE' is '16' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:18] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [h@from-internal:2] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "CDR(cdr_hangupcause)=16") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] cdr.c: CDR for PJSIP/109-0000000b is dialed and has no Party B; discarding [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2380] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - 109 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2380] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/109 - state 1 (Not in use) [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: BridgeLeave Privilege: call,all BridgeUniqueid: 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c BridgeType: basic BridgeTechnology: simple_bridge BridgeCreator: BridgeName: BridgeNumChannels: 1 BridgeVideoSourceMode: none Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: BridgeLeave Privilege: call,all BridgeUniqueid: 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c BridgeType: basic BridgeTechnology: simple_bridge BridgeCreator: BridgeName: BridgeNumChannels: 0 BridgeVideoSourceMode: none Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2508] app_queue.c: Device 'PJSIP/109' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: BridgeDestroy Privilege: call,all BridgeUniqueid: 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c BridgeType: basic BridgeTechnology: simple_bridge BridgeCreator: BridgeName: BridgeNumChannels: 0 BridgeVideoSourceMode: none [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_event_type) result is '7' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ANSWEREDTIME Value: 10 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Expression result is '1' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' [Jun 14 16:16:18] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [h@from-internal:3] GotoIf("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "1?rg") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDTIME Value: 16 [Jun 14 16:16:18] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx_builtins.c: Goto (from-internal,h,7) [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Evaluating 'DIALEDPEERNUMBER' (from 'DIALEDPEERNUMBER}' len 16) [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'DIALEDPEERNUMBER' is '109/sip:109@' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx_variables.c: Function CUT(DIALEDPEERNUMBER,/,1) result is '109' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALSTATUS Value: ANSWER [Jun 14 16:16:18] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [h@from-internal:7] Set("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "CDR(cdr_eventID)=109") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SoftHangupRequest Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Cause: 16 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: BridgeLeave Privilege: call,all BridgeUniqueid: 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c BridgeType: basic BridgeTechnology: simple_bridge BridgeCreator: BridgeName: BridgeNumChannels: 1 BridgeVideoSourceMode: none Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: h Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: h Application: NoOp AppData: 16 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'Goto' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: h Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: h Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_hangupcause)=16 [Jun 14 16:16:18] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [h@from-internal:8] Goto("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "done") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: BridgeLeave Privilege: call,all BridgeUniqueid: 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c BridgeType: basic BridgeTechnology: simple_bridge BridgeCreator: BridgeName: BridgeNumChannels: 0 BridgeVideoSourceMode: none Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Hangup Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Cause: 16 Cause-txt: Normal Clearing [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: BridgeDestroy Privilege: call,all BridgeUniqueid: 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c BridgeType: basic BridgeTechnology: simple_bridge BridgeCreator: BridgeName: BridgeNumChannels: 0 BridgeVideoSourceMode: none [Jun 14 16:16:18] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx_builtins.c: Goto (from-internal,h,10) [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp' [Jun 14 16:16:18] VERBOSE[3460][C-00000005] pbx.c: Executing [h@from-internal:10] NoOp("PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a", "") in new stack [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ANSWEREDTIME Value: 10 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: 109 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/109 Status: 0 StatusText: Idle [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPEER Value: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a setting read format path: ulaw -> ulaw [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3460][C-00000005] chan_pjsip.c: AST hangup cause 16 (no match found in PJSIP) [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDTIME Value: 16 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Method is BYE [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALSTATUS Value: ANSWER [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: BRIDGEPVTCALLID Value: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SoftHangupRequest Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Cause: 16 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: h Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: h Application: NoOp AppData: 16 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: BridgeLeave Privilege: call,all BridgeUniqueid: 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c BridgeType: basic BridgeTechnology: simple_bridge BridgeCreator: BridgeName: BridgeNumChannels: 1 BridgeVideoSourceMode: none Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: h Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: h Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_hangupcause)=16 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] autochan.c: Removed autochan 0x7f0e70006940 from the list, about to free it [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: BridgeLeave Privilege: call,all BridgeUniqueid: 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c BridgeType: basic BridgeTechnology: simple_bridge BridgeCreator: BridgeName: BridgeNumChannels: 0 BridgeVideoSourceMode: none Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: BridgeDestroy Privilege: call,all BridgeUniqueid: 3acf7beb-adeb-4fe7-9cff-ecf75cc64f0c BridgeType: basic BridgeTechnology: simple_bridge BridgeCreator: BridgeName: BridgeNumChannels: 0 BridgeVideoSourceMode: none [Jun 14 16:16:18] VERBOSE[3491][C-00000005] app_mixmonitor.c: MixMonitor close filestream (mixed) [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: ANSWEREDTIME Value: 10 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALEDTIME Value: 16 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Variable: DIALSTATUS Value: ANSWER [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Hangup Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Cause: 16 Cause-txt: Normal Clearing [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: 109 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/109 Status: 0 StatusText: Idle [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SoftHangupRequest Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: 109 Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Cause: 16 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: h Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: h Application: NoOp AppData: 16 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: h Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: h Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_hangupcause)=16 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/109 State: NOT_INUSE [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Hangup Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/109-0000000b ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 109 CallerIDName: 109 ConnectedLineNum: 19794182768 ConnectedLineName: WIRELESS CALLER Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1497456966.45 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Cause: 16 Cause-txt: Normal Clearing [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: 109 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/109 Status: 0 StatusText: Idle [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/109 State: NOT_INUSE [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/109 State: NOT_INUSE [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: h Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: h Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?rg [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: h Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: h Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?rg [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: h Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: h Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?rg [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: h Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: h Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_eventID)=109 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2382] app_queue.c: Extension '109@from-internal' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: h Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: h Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_eventID)=109 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: *80109 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/109 Status: 0 StatusText: Idle [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: *80109 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/109 Status: 0 StatusText: Idle [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: h Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: h Application: Set AppData: CDR(cdr_eventID)=109 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: *80109 Context: from-internal Hint: PJSIP/109 Status: 0 StatusText: Idle [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2382] app_queue.c: Extension '*80109@from-internal' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: h Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: h Application: Goto AppData: done [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: h Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: h Application: NoOp AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: h Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: h Application: Goto AppData: done [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: h Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: h Application: Goto AppData: done [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: h Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: h Application: NoOp AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: h Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Extension: h Application: NoOp AppData: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'flowroute(PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a)' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC BYE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0de80011f8 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Calling [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONFIRMED [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Hangup Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: h Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Cause: 16 Cause-txt: Normal Clearing [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Hangup Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: h Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Cause: 16 Cause-txt: Normal Clearing [Jun 14 16:16:18] VERBOSE[3491][C-00000005] app_mixmonitor.c: End MixMonitor Recording PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[3491][C-00000005] app_mixmonitor.c: No recipients to forward monitor to, moving on. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Hangup Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 19794182768 CallerIDName: WIRELESS CALLER ConnectedLineNum: 109 ConnectedLineName: 109 Language: en AccountCode: Context: from-internal Exten: h Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1497456962.44 Linkedid: 1497456962.44 Cause: 16 Cause-txt: Normal Clearing [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] res_odbc.c: Reusing ODBC handle 0x1ca84f0 from class 'localsql' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: Executing [INSERT INTO cdr_event_log (callID,tstamp_event_start,event_duration,call_duration,answer_status) VALUES ('1497456962.44','2017-06-14 16:16:02',0,0,'2')] [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2380] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - flowroute [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2380] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/flowroute - state 5 (Unavailable) [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2508] app_queue.c: Device 'PJSIP/flowroute' changed to state '5' (Unavailable) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/flowroute State: UNAVAILABLE [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/flowroute State: UNAVAILABLE [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/flowroute State: UNAVAILABLE [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] res_odbc.c: Releasing ODBC handle 0x1ca84f0 into pool [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(linkedid) result is '1497456962.44' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(start) result is '2017-06-14 16:16:02' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(duration) result is '0' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(answer) result is '' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(billsec) result is '0' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(disposition) result is 'FAILED' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_event_type) result is '' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_eventID) result is '' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_callerid_num) result is '' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_callerid_name) result is '' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_recording_path) result is '' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_hangupcause) result is '' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Cdr Privilege: cdr,all AccountCode: Source: 19794182768 Destination: 19726001156 DestinationContext: from-trunk CallerID: "WIRELESS CALLER" <19794182768> Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a DestinationChannel: LastApplication: ForkCDR LastData: e StartTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 AnswerTime: EndTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 Duration: 0 BillableSeconds: 0 Disposition: FAILED AMAFlags: DOCUMENTATION UniqueID: 1497456962.44 UserField: callID: 1497456962.44 tstamp_event_start: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 event_duration: 0 tstamp_call_answered: call_duration: 0 answer_status: FAILED event_type: eventID: cid_num: cid_name: record_file_location: hangup_cause: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Cdr Privilege: cdr,all AccountCode: Source: 19794182768 Destination: 19726001156 DestinationContext: from-trunk CallerID: "WIRELESS CALLER" <19794182768> Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a DestinationChannel: LastApplication: ForkCDR LastData: e StartTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 AnswerTime: EndTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 Duration: 0 BillableSeconds: 0 Disposition: FAILED AMAFlags: DOCUMENTATION UniqueID: 1497456962.44 UserField: callID: 1497456962.44 tstamp_event_start: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 event_duration: 0 tstamp_call_answered: call_duration: 0 answer_status: FAILED event_type: eventID: cid_num: cid_name: record_file_location: hangup_cause: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Cdr Privilege: cdr,all AccountCode: Source: 19794182768 Destination: 19726001156 DestinationContext: from-trunk CallerID: "WIRELESS CALLER" <19794182768> Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a DestinationChannel: LastApplication: ForkCDR LastData: e StartTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 AnswerTime: EndTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 Duration: 0 BillableSeconds: 0 Disposition: FAILED AMAFlags: DOCUMENTATION UniqueID: 1497456962.44 UserField: callID: 1497456962.44 tstamp_event_start: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 event_duration: 0 tstamp_call_answered: call_duration: 0 answer_status: FAILED event_type: eventID: cid_num: cid_name: record_file_location: hangup_cause: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] cdr_radius.c: Unable to create RADIUS record. CDR not recorded! [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] res_config_sqlite.c: SQL query: INSERT INTO ast_cdr (clid,src,dst,dcontext,channel,lastapp,lastdata,start,end,duration,billsec,disposition,amaflags,uniqueid) VALUES ('"WIRELESS CALLER" <19794182768>','19794182768','19726001156','from-trunk','PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a','ForkCDR','e','2017-06-14 16:16:02','2017-06-14 16:16:02','0','0','FAILED','DOCUMENTATION','1497456962.44') [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] res_odbc.c: Reusing ODBC handle 0x1ca84f0 from class 'localsql' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: Executing [INSERT INTO cdr_event_log (callID,tstamp_event_start,event_duration,call_duration,answer_status,event_type,eventID,cid_name,cid_num) VALUES ('1497456962.44','2017-06-14 16:16:02',4,0,'2','1','59027798c05d2','WIRELESS CALLER','19794182768')] [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] res_odbc.c: Releasing ODBC handle 0x1ca84f0 into pool [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(linkedid) result is '1497456962.44' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(start) result is '2017-06-14 16:16:02' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(duration) result is '4' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(answer) result is '' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(billsec) result is '0' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(disposition) result is 'FAILED' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_event_type) result is '1' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_eventID) result is '59027798c05d2' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_callerid_num) result is '19794182768' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_callerid_name) result is 'WIRELESS CALLER' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_recording_path) result is '' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_hangupcause) result is '' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Cdr Privilege: cdr,all AccountCode: Source: 19794182768 Destination: 109 DestinationContext: from-internal CallerID: "WIRELESS CALLER" <19794182768> Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a DestinationChannel: LastApplication: ForkCDR LastData: e StartTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 AnswerTime: EndTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:06 Duration: 4 BillableSeconds: 0 Disposition: FAILED AMAFlags: DOCUMENTATION UniqueID: 1497456962.44 UserField: callID: 1497456962.44 tstamp_event_start: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 event_duration: 4 tstamp_call_answered: call_duration: 0 answer_status: FAILED event_type: 1 eventID: 59027798c05d2 cid_num: 19794182768 cid_name: WIRELESS CALLER record_file_location: hangup_cause: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Cdr Privilege: cdr,all AccountCode: Source: 19794182768 Destination: 109 DestinationContext: from-internal CallerID: "WIRELESS CALLER" <19794182768> Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a DestinationChannel: LastApplication: ForkCDR LastData: e StartTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 AnswerTime: EndTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:06 Duration: 4 BillableSeconds: 0 Disposition: FAILED AMAFlags: DOCUMENTATION UniqueID: 1497456962.44 UserField: callID: 1497456962.44 tstamp_event_start: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 event_duration: 4 tstamp_call_answered: call_duration: 0 answer_status: FAILED event_type: 1 eventID: 59027798c05d2 cid_num: 19794182768 cid_name: WIRELESS CALLER record_file_location: hangup_cause: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Cdr Privilege: cdr,all AccountCode: Source: 19794182768 Destination: 109 DestinationContext: from-internal CallerID: "WIRELESS CALLER" <19794182768> Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a DestinationChannel: LastApplication: ForkCDR LastData: e StartTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 AnswerTime: EndTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:06 Duration: 4 BillableSeconds: 0 Disposition: FAILED AMAFlags: DOCUMENTATION UniqueID: 1497456962.44 UserField: callID: 1497456962.44 tstamp_event_start: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 event_duration: 4 tstamp_call_answered: call_duration: 0 answer_status: FAILED event_type: 1 eventID: 59027798c05d2 cid_num: 19794182768 cid_name: WIRELESS CALLER record_file_location: hangup_cause: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] cdr_radius.c: Unable to create RADIUS record. CDR not recorded! [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] res_config_sqlite.c: SQL query: INSERT INTO ast_cdr (clid,src,dst,dcontext,channel,lastapp,lastdata,start,end,duration,billsec,disposition,amaflags,uniqueid) VALUES ('"WIRELESS CALLER" <19794182768>','19794182768','109','from-internal','PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a','ForkCDR','e','2017-06-14 16:16:02','2017-06-14 16:16:06','4','0','FAILED','DOCUMENTATION','1497456962.44') [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] res_odbc.c: Reusing ODBC handle 0x1ca84f0 from class 'localsql' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: Executing [INSERT INTO cdr_event_log (callID,tstamp_event_start,event_duration,call_duration,answer_status,event_type,eventID,cid_name,cid_num,record_file_location) VALUES ('1497456962.44','2017-06-14 16:16:02',4,0,'2','5','58de7f3f29ece','WIRELESS CALLER','19794182768','/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav')] [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] res_odbc.c: Releasing ODBC handle 0x1ca84f0 into pool [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(linkedid) result is '1497456962.44' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(start) result is '2017-06-14 16:16:02' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(duration) result is '4' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(answer) result is '' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(billsec) result is '0' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(disposition) result is 'FAILED' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_event_type) result is '5' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_eventID) result is '58de7f3f29ece' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_callerid_num) result is '19794182768' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_callerid_name) result is 'WIRELESS CALLER' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_recording_path) result is '/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_hangupcause) result is '' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Cdr Privilege: cdr,all AccountCode: Source: 19794182768 Destination: 109 DestinationContext: from-internal CallerID: "WIRELESS CALLER" <19794182768> Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a DestinationChannel: LastApplication: ForkCDR LastData: e StartTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 AnswerTime: EndTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:06 Duration: 4 BillableSeconds: 0 Disposition: FAILED AMAFlags: DOCUMENTATION UniqueID: 1497456962.44 UserField: callID: 1497456962.44 tstamp_event_start: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 event_duration: 4 tstamp_call_answered: call_duration: 0 answer_status: FAILED event_type: 5 eventID: 58de7f3f29ece cid_num: 19794182768 cid_name: WIRELESS CALLER record_file_location: /var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav hangup_cause: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Cdr Privilege: cdr,all AccountCode: Source: 19794182768 Destination: 109 DestinationContext: from-internal CallerID: "WIRELESS CALLER" <19794182768> Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a DestinationChannel: LastApplication: ForkCDR LastData: e StartTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 AnswerTime: EndTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:06 Duration: 4 BillableSeconds: 0 Disposition: FAILED AMAFlags: DOCUMENTATION UniqueID: 1497456962.44 UserField: callID: 1497456962.44 tstamp_event_start: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 event_duration: 4 tstamp_call_answered: call_duration: 0 answer_status: FAILED event_type: 5 eventID: 58de7f3f29ece cid_num: 19794182768 cid_name: WIRELESS CALLER record_file_location: /var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav hangup_cause: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Cdr Privilege: cdr,all AccountCode: Source: 19794182768 Destination: 109 DestinationContext: from-internal CallerID: "WIRELESS CALLER" <19794182768> Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a DestinationChannel: LastApplication: ForkCDR LastData: e StartTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 AnswerTime: EndTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:06 Duration: 4 BillableSeconds: 0 Disposition: FAILED AMAFlags: DOCUMENTATION UniqueID: 1497456962.44 UserField: callID: 1497456962.44 tstamp_event_start: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 event_duration: 4 tstamp_call_answered: call_duration: 0 answer_status: FAILED event_type: 5 eventID: 58de7f3f29ece cid_num: 19794182768 cid_name: WIRELESS CALLER record_file_location: /var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav hangup_cause: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] cdr_radius.c: Unable to create RADIUS record. CDR not recorded! [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] res_config_sqlite.c: SQL query: INSERT INTO ast_cdr (clid,src,dst,dcontext,channel,lastapp,lastdata,start,end,duration,billsec,disposition,amaflags,uniqueid) VALUES ('"WIRELESS CALLER" <19794182768>','19794182768','109','from-internal','PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a','ForkCDR','e','2017-06-14 16:16:02','2017-06-14 16:16:06','4','0','FAILED','DOCUMENTATION','1497456962.44') [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] res_odbc.c: Reusing ODBC handle 0x1ca84f0 from class 'localsql' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: Executing [INSERT INTO cdr_event_log (callID,tstamp_event_start,event_duration,tstamp_call_answered,call_duration,answer_status,event_type,eventID,cid_name,cid_num,record_file_location) VALUES ('1497456962.44','2017-06-14 16:16:02',16,'2017-06-14 16:16:08',10,'8','7','58de7f3f29ece','WIRELESS CALLER','19794182768','/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav')] [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] res_odbc.c: Releasing ODBC handle 0x1ca84f0 into pool [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(linkedid) result is '1497456962.44' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(start) result is '2017-06-14 16:16:02' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(duration) result is '16' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(answer) result is '2017-06-14 16:16:08' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(billsec) result is '10' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(disposition) result is 'ANSWERED' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_event_type) result is '7' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_eventID) result is '58de7f3f29ece' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_callerid_num) result is '19794182768' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_callerid_name) result is 'WIRELESS CALLER' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_recording_path) result is '/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_hangupcause) result is '' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Cdr Privilege: cdr,all AccountCode: Source: 19794182768 Destination: 109 DestinationContext: from-internal CallerID: "WIRELESS CALLER" <19794182768> Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a DestinationChannel: PJSIP/109-0000000b LastApplication: Dial LastData: PJSIP/109/sip:109@,20 StartTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 AnswerTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:08 EndTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:18 Duration: 16 BillableSeconds: 10 Disposition: ANSWERED AMAFlags: DOCUMENTATION UniqueID: 1497456962.44 UserField: callID: 1497456962.44 tstamp_event_start: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 event_duration: 16 tstamp_call_answered: 2017-06-14 16:16:08 call_duration: 10 answer_status: ANSWERED event_type: 7 eventID: 58de7f3f29ece cid_num: 19794182768 cid_name: WIRELESS CALLER record_file_location: /var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav hangup_cause: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Cdr Privilege: cdr,all AccountCode: Source: 19794182768 Destination: 109 DestinationContext: from-internal CallerID: "WIRELESS CALLER" <19794182768> Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a DestinationChannel: PJSIP/109-0000000b LastApplication: Dial LastData: PJSIP/109/sip:109@,20 StartTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 AnswerTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:08 EndTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:18 Duration: 16 BillableSeconds: 10 Disposition: ANSWERED AMAFlags: DOCUMENTATION UniqueID: 1497456962.44 UserField: callID: 1497456962.44 tstamp_event_start: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 event_duration: 16 tstamp_call_answered: 2017-06-14 16:16:08 call_duration: 10 answer_status: ANSWERED event_type: 7 eventID: 58de7f3f29ece cid_num: 19794182768 cid_name: WIRELESS CALLER record_file_location: /var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav hangup_cause: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] cdr_radius.c: Unable to create RADIUS record. CDR not recorded! [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] res_config_sqlite.c: SQL query: INSERT INTO ast_cdr (clid,src,dst,dcontext,channel,dstchannel,lastapp,lastdata,start,answer,end,duration,billsec,disposition,amaflags,uniqueid) VALUES ('"WIRELESS CALLER" <19794182768>','19794182768','109','from-internal','PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a','PJSIP/109-0000000b','Dial','PJSIP/109/sip:109@,20','2017-06-14 16:16:02','2017-06-14 16:16:08','2017-06-14 16:16:18','16','10','ANSWERED','DOCUMENTATION','1497456962.44') [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Cdr Privilege: cdr,all AccountCode: Source: 19794182768 Destination: 109 DestinationContext: from-internal CallerID: "WIRELESS CALLER" <19794182768> Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a DestinationChannel: PJSIP/109-0000000b LastApplication: Dial LastData: PJSIP/109/sip:109@,20 StartTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 AnswerTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:08 EndTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:18 Duration: 16 BillableSeconds: 10 Disposition: ANSWERED AMAFlags: DOCUMENTATION UniqueID: 1497456962.44 UserField: callID: 1497456962.44 tstamp_event_start: 2017-06-14 16:16:02 event_duration: 16 tstamp_call_answered: 2017-06-14 16:16:08 call_duration: 10 answer_status: ANSWERED event_type: 7 eventID: 58de7f3f29ece cid_num: 19794182768 cid_name: WIRELESS CALLER record_file_location: /var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav hangup_cause: [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] res_odbc.c: Reusing ODBC handle 0x1ca84f0 from class 'localsql' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: Executing [INSERT INTO cdr_event_log (callID,tstamp_event_start,event_duration,call_duration,answer_status,event_type,eventID,cid_name,cid_num,record_file_location,hangup_cause) VALUES ('1497456962.44','2017-06-14 16:16:06',1,0,'0','7','109','WIRELESS CALLER','19794182768','/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav',16)] [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] res_odbc.c: Releasing ODBC handle 0x1ca84f0 into pool [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(linkedid) result is '1497456962.44' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(start) result is '2017-06-14 16:16:06' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(duration) result is '1' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(answer) result is '' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(billsec) result is '0' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(disposition) result is 'NO ANSWER' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_event_type) result is '7' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_eventID) result is '109' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_callerid_num) result is '19794182768' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_callerid_name) result is 'WIRELESS CALLER' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_recording_path) result is '/var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] pbx_variables.c: Function CDR(cdr_hangupcause) result is '16' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Cdr Privilege: cdr,all AccountCode: Source: 19794182768 Destination: 109 DestinationContext: from-internal CallerID: "WIRELESS CALLER" <19794182768> Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a DestinationChannel: PJSIP/102-0000000c LastApplication: Dial LastData: PJSIP/109/sip:109@,20 StartTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:06 AnswerTime: EndTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:08 Duration: 1 BillableSeconds: 0 Disposition: NO ANSWER AMAFlags: DOCUMENTATION UniqueID: 1497456962.44 UserField: callID: 1497456962.44 tstamp_event_start: 2017-06-14 16:16:06 event_duration: 1 tstamp_call_answered: call_duration: 0 answer_status: NO ANSWER event_type: 7 eventID: 109 cid_num: 19794182768 cid_name: WIRELESS CALLER record_file_location: /var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav hangup_cause: 16 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Cdr Privilege: cdr,all AccountCode: Source: 19794182768 Destination: 109 DestinationContext: from-internal CallerID: "WIRELESS CALLER" <19794182768> Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a DestinationChannel: PJSIP/102-0000000c LastApplication: Dial LastData: PJSIP/109/sip:109@,20 StartTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:06 AnswerTime: EndTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:08 Duration: 1 BillableSeconds: 0 Disposition: NO ANSWER AMAFlags: DOCUMENTATION UniqueID: 1497456962.44 UserField: callID: 1497456962.44 tstamp_event_start: 2017-06-14 16:16:06 event_duration: 1 tstamp_call_answered: call_duration: 0 answer_status: NO ANSWER event_type: 7 eventID: 109 cid_num: 19794182768 cid_name: WIRELESS CALLER record_file_location: /var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav hangup_cause: 16 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Cdr Privilege: cdr,all AccountCode: Source: 19794182768 Destination: 109 DestinationContext: from-internal CallerID: "WIRELESS CALLER" <19794182768> Channel: PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a DestinationChannel: PJSIP/102-0000000c LastApplication: Dial LastData: PJSIP/109/sip:109@,20 StartTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:06 AnswerTime: EndTime: 2017-06-14 16:16:08 Duration: 1 BillableSeconds: 0 Disposition: NO ANSWER AMAFlags: DOCUMENTATION UniqueID: 1497456962.44 UserField: callID: 1497456962.44 tstamp_event_start: 2017-06-14 16:16:06 event_duration: 1 tstamp_call_answered: call_duration: 0 answer_status: NO ANSWER event_type: 7 eventID: 109 cid_num: 19794182768 cid_name: WIRELESS CALLER record_file_location: /var/www/html/call_recordings/2017/06/14/2017-06-14_16:16:06_1497456962.44.wav hangup_cause: 16 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] cdr_radius.c: Unable to create RADIUS record. CDR not recorded! [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2381] res_config_sqlite.c: SQL query: INSERT INTO ast_cdr (clid,src,dst,dcontext,channel,dstchannel,lastapp,lastdata,start,end,duration,billsec,disposition,amaflags,uniqueid) VALUES ('"WIRELESS CALLER" <19794182768>','19794182768','109','from-internal','PJSIP/flowroute-0000000a','PJSIP/102-0000000c','Dial','PJSIP/109/sip:109@,20','2017-06-14 16:16:06','2017-06-14 16:16:08','1','0','NO ANSWER','DOCUMENTATION','1497456962.44') [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer on dialog dlg0x7f0dec0a2038 for Response msg 200/BYE/cseq=25478 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/distributor-00000046 on dialog dlg0x7f0dec0a2038 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'flowroute()' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is DISCONNCTD [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Source of transaction state change is RX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Received response [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Response is 200 OK [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'flowroute()' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC BYE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0de80011f8 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Completed [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is RX_MSG [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is DISCONNCTD [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Received response [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Response is 200 OK [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: BYE received final response code 200 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '109()' [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS BYE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0dec01be08 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Terminated [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TIMER [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is DISCONNCTD [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Destroying SIP session with endpoint 109 [Jun 14 16:16:18] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Destroyed RTP instance '0x7f0dec035270' [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [3] in [0, 4294967295] gives [3](0) [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [2] in [0, 4294967295] gives [2](0) [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec077be0: Wrapper created [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec077be0: Set timer to 20000 msec [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_ip_updater.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '1335'. [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '1335'. [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: No dialog serializer for Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=7390 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98). Using request transaction as basis. [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found transaction tsx0x7f0dec08ecd8 for Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=7390 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98). [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/default-0000000e on transaction tsx0x7f0dec08ecd8 [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec077be0: PJSIP tsx response received [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec077be0: Cancelling timer [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec077be0: Timer cancelled [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [3] in [0, 4294967295] gives [3](0) [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [2] in [0, 4294967295] gives [2](0) [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec077be0: Callbacks executed [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec077be0: wrapper destroyed [Jun 14 16:16:19] DEBUG[2425] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 108/sip:108@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 101.580 msec [Jun 14 16:16:20] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x4654ec54 PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1497456980.317591 SentRTP: 501936 SentPackets: 323 SentOctets: 21434 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7e75c8ab Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 31239 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 151 Report0LSR: 3751314980 Report0DLSR: 1.9470 [Jun 14 16:16:20] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x4654ec54 PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1497456980.317591 SentRTP: 501936 SentPackets: 323 SentOctets: 21434 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7e75c8ab Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 31239 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 151 Report0LSR: 3751314980 Report0DLSR: 1.9470 [Jun 14 16:16:20] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:20] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '14697'. [Jun 14 16:16:20] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:20] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5009'. [Jun 14 16:16:20] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x4654ec54 PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1497456980.317591 SentRTP: 501936 SentPackets: 323 SentOctets: 21434 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7e75c8ab Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 31239 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 151 Report0LSR: 3751314980 Report0DLSR: 1.9470 [Jun 14 16:16:20] VERBOSE[3435] asterisk.c: Remote UNIX connection disconnected [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Could not find matching transaction for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=70 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Calculated serializer pjsip/distributor-0000003d to use for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=70 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Source address does not match identify 'flowroute' [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Source address does not match identify 'inteliquent' [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Identify checks by IP address failed to find match: '' did not match any identify section rules [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Attempting identify by From username '109' domain 'testbed3.primevox.net' [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Identified by From username '109' domain 'testbed3.primevox.net' [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Using default realm 'asterisk' on incoming auth '109-auth'. [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2017-06-14T16:16:22.290+0000 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 109 SessionID: 175513446-5060-15@BJC.BGI.B.EI LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2017-06-14T16:16:22.290+0000 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 109 SessionID: 175513446-5060-15@BJC.BGI.B.EI LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2017-06-14T16:16:22.290+0000 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 109 SessionID: 175513446-5060-15@BJC.BGI.B.EI LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Could not find matching transaction for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=71 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Calculated serializer pjsip/distributor-0000003d to use for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=71 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Source address does not match identify 'flowroute' [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Source address does not match identify 'inteliquent' [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Identify checks by IP address failed to find match: '' did not match any identify section rules [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Attempting identify by From username '109' domain 'testbed3.primevox.net' [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Identified by From username '109' domain 'testbed3.primevox.net' [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Using default realm 'asterisk' on incoming auth '109-auth'. [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1497456982/f9a283611db3cd50820cf052788c7c71. Actual nonce is 1497456982/f9a283611db3cd50820cf052788c7c71 [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2017-06-14T16:16:22.320+0000 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 109 SessionID: 175513446-5060-15@BJC.BGI.B.EI LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2017-06-14T16:16:22.320+0000 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 109 SessionID: 175513446-5060-15@BJC.BGI.B.EI LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2017-06-14T16:16:22.320+0000 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 109 SessionID: 175513446-5060-15@BJC.BGI.B.EI LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Running action 'ExtensionStateList' [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Running action 'PJSIPShowRegistrationInboundContactStatuses' [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract double from [20.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [20.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [15] in [0, 86400] gives [15](0) [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [36449] in [0, 4294967295] gives [36449](0) [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract double from [20.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [20.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [5064] in [0, 4294967295] gives [5064](0) [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [15] in [0, 86400] gives [15](0) [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract double from [20.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [20.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [5060] in [0, 4294967295] gives [5060](0) [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [15] in [0, 86400] gives [15](0) [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract double from [20.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [20.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [5060] in [0, 4294967295] gives [5060](0) [Jun 14 16:16:22] DEBUG[2389] config.c: extract uint from [15] in [0, 86400] gives [15](0) [Jun 14 16:16:23] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:23] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '14801'. [Jun 14 16:16:23] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:23] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '56379'. [Jun 14 16:16:23] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x43ffa26c PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1497456983.137758 SentRTP: 84224 SentPackets: 489 SentOctets: 78240 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x03c55155 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 51788 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 1 Report0LSR: 0 Report0DLSR: 0.0000 [Jun 14 16:16:23] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x43ffa26c PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1497456983.137758 SentRTP: 84224 SentPackets: 489 SentOctets: 78240 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x03c55155 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 51788 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 1 Report0LSR: 0 Report0DLSR: 0.0000 [Jun 14 16:16:23] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x43ffa26c PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1497456983.137758 SentRTP: 84224 SentPackets: 489 SentOctets: 78240 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x03c55155 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 51788 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 1 Report0LSR: 0 Report0DLSR: 0.0000 [Jun 14 16:16:23] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [Jun 14 16:16:23] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'flowroute()' [Jun 14 16:16:23] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx [Jun 14 16:16:23] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC BYE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f0de80011f8 [Jun 14 16:16:23] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Terminated [Jun 14 16:16:23] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TIMER [Jun 14 16:16:23] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is DISCONNCTD [Jun 14 16:16:23] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_session.c: Destroying SIP session with endpoint flowroute [Jun 14 16:16:23] DEBUG[2420] rtp_engine.c: Destroyed RTP instance '0x7f0dec07a5f0' [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Running action 'Ping' [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [3] in [0, 4294967295] gives [3](0) [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [2] in [0, 4294967295] gives [2](0) [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec082330: Wrapper created [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec082330: Set timer to 20000 msec [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_ip_updater.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5064'. [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5064'. [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: No dialog serializer for Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=25060 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98). Using request transaction as basis. [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found transaction tsx0x7f0dec0a2038 for Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=25060 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98). [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/default-0000000f on transaction tsx0x7f0dec0a2038 [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec082330: PJSIP tsx response received [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec082330: Cancelling timer [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec082330: Timer cancelled [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [3] in [0, 4294967295] gives [3](0) [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [2] in [0, 4294967295] gives [2](0) [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec082330: Callbacks executed [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec082330: wrapper destroyed [Jun 14 16:16:24] DEBUG[2425] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 102/sip:102@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 25.159 msec [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '14697'. [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x4654ec54 PT: 201(RR) ReportCount: 1 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7e75c8ab Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 31239 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 151 Report0LSR: 3751314980 Report0DLSR: 6.9480 [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5009'. [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x4654ec54 PT: 201(RR) ReportCount: 1 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7e75c8ab Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 31239 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 151 Report0LSR: 3751314980 Report0DLSR: 6.9480 [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x4654ec54 PT: 201(RR) ReportCount: 1 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7e75c8ab Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 31239 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 151 Report0LSR: 3751314980 Report0DLSR: 6.9480 [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [3] in [0, 4294967295] gives [3](0) [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [2] in [0, 4294967295] gives [2](0) [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec01e230: Wrapper created [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec01e230: Set timer to 20000 msec [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_ip_updater.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: No dialog serializer for Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=54057 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98). Using request transaction as basis. [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found transaction tsx0x7f0dec08ecd8 for Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=54057 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98). [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/default-00000010 on transaction tsx0x7f0dec08ecd8 [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec01e230: PJSIP tsx response received [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec01e230: Cancelling timer [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec01e230: Timer cancelled [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [3] in [0, 4294967295] gives [3](0) [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [2] in [0, 4294967295] gives [2](0) [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec01e230: Callbacks executed [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec01e230: wrapper destroyed [Jun 14 16:16:25] DEBUG[2425] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 109/sip:109@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 27.355 msec [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5064'. [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Could not find matching transaction for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=2010 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Calculated serializer pjsip/distributor-00000031 to use for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=2010 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Source address does not match identify 'flowroute' [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Source address does not match identify 'inteliquent' [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Identify checks by IP address failed to find match: '' did not match any identify section rules [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Attempting identify by From username '102' domain 'testbed3.primevox.net' [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Identified by From username '102' domain 'testbed3.primevox.net' [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Using default realm 'asterisk' on incoming auth '102-auth'. [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2017-06-14T16:16:29.394+0000 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 102 SessionID: 556935254-5064-1@BJC.BGI.B.BBI LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2017-06-14T16:16:29.394+0000 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 102 SessionID: 556935254-5064-1@BJC.BGI.B.BBI LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2017-06-14T16:16:29.394+0000 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 102 SessionID: 556935254-5064-1@BJC.BGI.B.BBI LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5064'. [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5064'. [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Could not find matching transaction for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=2011 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Calculated serializer pjsip/distributor-00000031 to use for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=2011 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Source address does not match identify 'flowroute' [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Source address does not match identify 'inteliquent' [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Identify checks by IP address failed to find match: '' did not match any identify section rules [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Attempting identify by From username '102' domain 'testbed3.primevox.net' [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Identified by From username '102' domain 'testbed3.primevox.net' [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Using default realm 'asterisk' on incoming auth '102-auth'. [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1497456989/59bf1dad627adb66ef555797f1ca5a0f. Actual nonce is 1497456989/59bf1dad627adb66ef555797f1ca5a0f [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Matched id '102' to aor '102' [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Matched aor '102' by To username [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2017-06-14T16:16:29.422+0000 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 102 SessionID: 556935254-5064-1@BJC.BGI.B.BBI LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2017-06-14T16:16:29.422+0000 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 102 SessionID: 556935254-5064-1@BJC.BGI.B.BBI LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2017-06-14T16:16:29.422+0000 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 102 SessionID: 556935254-5064-1@BJC.BGI.B.BBI LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract double from [20.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [20.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [5064] in [0, 4294967295] gives [5064](0) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [15] in [0, 86400] gives [15](0) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract double from [20.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [20.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [5064] in [0, 4294967295] gives [5064](0) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [15] in [0, 86400] gives [15](0) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:102@' on AOR '102' with new expiration of 600 seconds [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2425] config.c: extract uint from [3] in [0, 4294967295] gives [3](0) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2425] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2425] config.c: extract uint from [2] in [0, 4294967295] gives [2](0) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip_mwi.c: Sending unsolicited MWI NOTIFY to endpoint 102, new messages: 0, old messages: 0 [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2368] threadpool.c: Increasing threadpool Sorcery's size by 1 [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:102@ ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: 102 EndpointName: 102 RoundtripUsec: 25159 [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:102@ ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: 102 EndpointName: 102 RoundtripUsec: 25159 [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:102@ ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: 102 EndpointName: 102 RoundtripUsec: 25159 [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract double from [20.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [20.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [5064] in [0, 4294967295] gives [5064](0) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [15] in [0, 86400] gives [15](0) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5064'. [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[3420] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[3420] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[3420] config.c: extract double from [20.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [20.000000](0) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[3420] config.c: extract uint from [5064] in [0, 4294967295] gives [5064](0) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[3420] config.c: extract uint from [15] in [0, 86400] gives [15](0) [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0e70034f00: Wrapper created [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[3420] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_ip_updater.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[3420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5064'. [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5064'. [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2419] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: No dialog serializer for Response msg 200/NOTIFY/cseq=52995 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98). Using request transaction as basis. [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found transaction tsx0x7f0de80011f8 for Response msg 200/NOTIFY/cseq=52995 (rdata0x7f0e2804ec98). [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2419] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/mwi-0000004f on transaction tsx0x7f0de80011f8 [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0e70034f00: PJSIP tsx response received [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0e70034f00: Callbacks executed [Jun 14 16:16:29] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0e70034f00: wrapper destroyed [Jun 14 16:16:30] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Running action 'Ping' [Jun 14 16:16:30] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:30] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '14697'. [Jun 14 16:16:30] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:30] DEBUG[2482] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5009'. [Jun 14 16:16:30] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x4654ec54 PT: 201(RR) ReportCount: 1 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7e75c8ab Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 31239 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 151 Report0LSR: 3751314980 Report0DLSR: 11.9480 [Jun 14 16:16:30] DEBUG[2388] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x4654ec54 PT: 201(RR) ReportCount: 1 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7e75c8ab Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 31239 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 151 Report0LSR: 3751314980 Report0DLSR: 11.9480 [Jun 14 16:16:30] DEBUG[2389] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x4654ec54 PT: 201(RR) ReportCount: 1 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7e75c8ab Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 31239 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 151 Report0LSR: 3751314980 Report0DLSR: 11.9480 [Jun 14 16:16:30] DEBUG[2387] manager.c: Running action 'Ping' [Jun 14 16:16:30] DEBUG[2459] res_pjsip_registrar_expire.c: Woke up at 1497456990 Interval: 30 [Jun 14 16:16:30] DEBUG[2459] res_pjsip_registrar_expire.c: Expiring 0 contacts [Jun 14 16:16:31] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [3] in [0, 4294967295] gives [3](0) [Jun 14 16:16:31] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [0] in [0, 4294967295] gives [0](0) [Jun 14 16:16:31] DEBUG[2420] config.c: extract uint from [2] in [0, 4294967295] gives [2](0) [Jun 14 16:16:31] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec06f780: Wrapper created [Jun 14 16:16:31] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f0dec06f780: Set timer to 20000 msec [Jun 14 16:16:31] DEBUG[2420] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_ip_updater.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [Jun 14 16:16:31] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:31] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Jun 14 16:16:31] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Jun 14 16:16:31] DEBUG[2420] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '1358'.