[Aug 3 17:14:37] Asterisk 13.11.0-rc1 built by root @ newtonr-laptop on a x86_64 running Linux on 2016-08-03 22:01:06 UTC [Aug 3 17:14:37] NOTICE[3212] loader.c: 4 modules will be loaded. [Aug 3 17:14:37] WARNING[3212] res_odbc.c: The 'pooling', 'shared_connections', 'limit', and 'idlecheck' options are deprecated. Please see UPGRADE.txt for information [Aug 3 17:14:37] WARNING[3212] res_odbc.c: The 'pooling', 'shared_connections', 'limit', and 'idlecheck' options are deprecated. Please see UPGRADE.txt for information [Aug 3 17:14:37] NOTICE[3212] res_odbc.c: res_odbc loaded. [Aug 3 17:14:37] NOTICE[3212] cdr.c: CDR simple logging enabled. [Aug 3 17:14:37] NOTICE[3212] loader.c: 293 modules will be loaded. [Aug 3 17:14:39] WARNING[3212] res_phoneprov.c: Unable to find a valid server address or name. [Aug 3 17:14:40] ERROR[3212] ari/config.c: No configured users for ARI [Aug 3 17:14:40] ERROR[3212] pbx_lua.c: Error loading extensions.lua: cannot open '/etc/asterisk/extensions.lua' for reading: No such file or directory [Aug 3 17:14:40] NOTICE[3212] res_config_ldap.c: No directory user found, anonymous binding as default. [Aug 3 17:14:40] ERROR[3212] res_config_ldap.c: No directory URL or host found. [Aug 3 17:14:40] ERROR[3212] res_config_ldap.c: Cannot load LDAP RealTime driver. [Aug 3 17:14:40] NOTICE[3212] chan_skinny.c: Configuring skinny from skinny.conf [Aug 3 17:14:41] NOTICE[3212] confbridge/conf_config_parser.c: Adding default_menu menu to app_confbridge [Aug 3 17:14:41] NOTICE[3212] cel_custom.c: No mappings found in cel_custom.conf. Not logging CEL to custom CSVs. [Aug 3 17:14:41] WARNING[3212] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 7 of extensions.conf [Aug 3 17:14:41] NOTICE[3212] pbx_ael.c: File /etc/asterisk/extensions.ael not found; AEL declining load [Aug 3 17:14:56] NOTICE[3258] chan_sip.c: Peer 'testmicrosip' is now Reachable. (1ms / 10000ms)