01:22:49:125 New connection at H225 receiver 01:22:49:125 Created a new call (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:125 Using Local IP address (IPv4) for incoming call (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:125 Receiving H.2250 message (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:125 Received Q.931 message: (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:125 Received H.2250 Message = { 01:22:49:125 protocolDiscriminator = 8 01:22:49:125 callReference = 11198 01:22:49:125 from = originator 01:22:49:125 messageType = 5 01:22:49:125 Bearer-Capability IE = { 01:22:49:125 80, 90, a3 } 01:22:49:125 CallingPartyNumber IE = { 01:22:49:125 99937920044 01:22:49:125 } 01:22:49:125 CalledPartyNumber IE = { 01:22:49:125 044450058797 01:22:49:125 } 01:22:49:125 h323_uu_pdu = { 01:22:49:125 h323_message_body = { 01:22:49:125 setup = { 01:22:49:125 protocolIdentifier = { 01:22:49:125 { 01:22:49:125 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 01:22:49:125 } 01:22:49:125 sourceAddress = { 01:22:49:125 elem[0] = { 01:22:49:126 dialedDigits = { 01:22:49:126 "99937920044" 01:22:49:126 } 01:22:49:126 } 01:22:49:126 } 01:22:49:126 sourceInfo = { 01:22:49:126 vendor = { 01:22:49:126 vendor = { 01:22:49:126 t35CountryCode = { 01:22:49:126 9 01:22:49:126 } 01:22:49:126 t35Extension = { 01:22:49:126 0 01:22:49:126 } 01:22:49:126 manufacturerCode = { 01:22:49:126 31415 01:22:49:126 } 01:22:49:126 } 01:22:49:126 productId = { 01:22:49:127 '4d45524120525455'H 01:22:49:127 } 01:22:49:127 versionId = { 01:22:49:127 '342e342e302d3136'H 01:22:49:127 } 01:22:49:127 } 01:22:49:127 terminal = { 01:22:49:127 } 01:22:49:127 mc = { 01:22:49:127 FALSE 01:22:49:127 } 01:22:49:127 undefinedNode = { 01:22:49:127 FALSE 01:22:49:127 } 01:22:49:127 } 01:22:49:127 destinationAddress = { 01:22:49:127 elem[0] = { 01:22:49:127 dialedDigits = { 01:22:49:127 "044450058797" 01:22:49:127 } 01:22:49:128 } 01:22:49:128 } 01:22:49:128 destCallSignalAddress = { 01:22:49:128 ipAddress = { 01:22:49:128 ip = { 01:22:49:128 'xxxxxxxxx'H 01:22:49:128 } 01:22:49:128 port = { 01:22:49:128 1720 01:22:49:128 } 01:22:49:128 } 01:22:49:128 } 01:22:49:128 activeMC = { 01:22:49:128 FALSE 01:22:49:128 } 01:22:49:128 conferenceID = { 01:22:49:128 '0091cd58a4c040182889000e0cf70ac5'H 01:22:49:128 } 01:22:49:128 conferenceGoal = { 01:22:49:128 create = { 01:22:49:128 NULL 01:22:49:128 } 01:22:49:129 } 01:22:49:129 callType = { 01:22:49:129 pointToPoint = { 01:22:49:129 NULL 01:22:49:129 } 01:22:49:129 } 01:22:49:129 sourceCallSignalAddress = { 01:22:49:129 ipAddress = { 01:22:49:129 ip = { 01:22:49:129 'xxxxxxxx'H 01:22:49:129 } 01:22:49:129 port = { 01:22:49:129 33314 01:22:49:129 } 01:22:49:129 } 01:22:49:129 } 01:22:49:129 callIdentifier = { 01:22:49:129 guid = { 01:22:49:129 'dd124816394b11e5bb62002590866b50'H 01:22:49:129 } 01:22:49:129 } 01:22:49:129 fastStart = { 01:22:49:130 elem[0] = { 01:22:49:130 '0001900d4001800b0f000100c3db7622907d00'H 01:22:49:130 } 01:22:49:130 elem[1] = { 01:22:49:130 '0001910d6001800b0f000100c3db7622907d00'H 01:22:49:130 } 01:22:49:130 elem[2] = { 01:22:49:130 '0001920e040101800b0f000100c3db7622907d00'H 01:22:49:130 } 01:22:49:130 elem[3] = { 01:22:49:130 '0001930e000101800b0f000100c3db7622907d00'H 01:22:49:130 } 01:22:49:130 elem[4] = { 01:22:49:130 '400000060401004d400180121f000100c3db7622907c00c3db7622907d00'H 01:22:49:130 } 01:22:49:130 elem[5] = { 01:22:49:130 '400000060401004d600180121f000100c3db7622907c00c3db7622907d00'H 01:22:49:130 } 01:22:49:130 elem[6] = { 01:22:49:130 '400000060401004e04010180121f000100c3db7622907c00c3db7622907d00'H 01:22:49:131 } 01:22:49:131 elem[7] = { 01:22:49:131 '400000060401004e00010180121f000100c3db7622907c00c3db7622907d00'H 01:22:49:131 } 01:22:49:131 } 01:22:49:131 mediaWaitForConnect = { 01:22:49:131 FALSE 01:22:49:131 } 01:22:49:131 canOverlapSend = { 01:22:49:131 FALSE 01:22:49:131 } 01:22:49:131 multipleCalls = { 01:22:49:131 FALSE 01:22:49:131 } 01:22:49:131 maintainConnection = { 01:22:49:131 FALSE 01:22:49:131 } 01:22:49:131 } 01:22:49:131 } 01:22:49:131 h245Tunneling = { 01:22:49:131 TRUE 01:22:49:131 } 01:22:49:131 } 01:22:49:131 UUIE decode successful 01:22:49:131 Decoded Q931 message (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:131 } 01:22:49:131 Received SETUP message (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:131 Extract H.225 remote version, it's 4, (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:131 Call has tunneling active (incoming,ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:131 FastStart enabled for call(incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:131 FastStart Elements = { 01:22:49:131 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 01:22:49:131 401 01:22:49:131 } 01:22:49:131 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 01:22:49:131 dataType = { 01:22:49:131 audioData = { 01:22:49:131 g729 = { 01:22:49:132 2 01:22:49:132 } 01:22:49:132 } 01:22:49:132 } 01:22:49:132 multiplexParameters = { 01:22:49:132 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 01:22:49:132 sessionID = { 01:22:49:132 1 01:22:49:132 } 01:22:49:132 mediaGuaranteedDelivery = { 01:22:49:132 FALSE 01:22:49:132 } 01:22:49:132 mediaControlChannel = { 01:22:49:132 unicastAddress = { 01:22:49:132 iPAddress = { 01:22:49:132 network = { 01:22:49:132 'xxxxxxxx22'H 01:22:49:132 } 01:22:49:132 tsapIdentifier = { 01:22:49:132 36989 01:22:49:132 } 01:22:49:132 } 01:22:49:133 } 01:22:49:133 } 01:22:49:133 mediaControlGuaranteedDelivery = { 01:22:49:133 FALSE 01:22:49:133 } 01:22:49:133 silenceSuppression = { 01:22:49:133 FALSE 01:22:49:133 } 01:22:49:133 } 01:22:49:133 } 01:22:49:133 } 01:22:49:133 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 01:22:49:133 402 01:22:49:133 } 01:22:49:133 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 01:22:49:133 dataType = { 01:22:49:133 audioData = { 01:22:49:133 g729AnnexA = { 01:22:49:133 2 01:22:49:133 } 01:22:49:133 } 01:22:49:133 } 01:22:49:133 multiplexParameters = { 01:22:49:133 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 01:22:49:133 sessionID = { 01:22:49:133 1 01:22:49:133 } 01:22:49:133 mediaGuaranteedDelivery = { 01:22:49:133 FALSE 01:22:49:133 } 01:22:49:133 mediaControlChannel = { 01:22:49:133 unicastAddress = { 01:22:49:134 iPAddress = { 01:22:49:134 network = { 01:22:49:134 'xxxxxx22'H 01:22:49:134 } 01:22:49:134 tsapIdentifier = { 01:22:49:134 36989 01:22:49:134 } 01:22:49:134 } 01:22:49:134 } 01:22:49:134 } 01:22:49:134 mediaControlGuaranteedDelivery = { 01:22:49:134 FALSE 01:22:49:134 } 01:22:49:134 silenceSuppression = { 01:22:49:134 FALSE 01:22:49:134 } 01:22:49:134 } 01:22:49:134 } 01:22:49:134 } 01:22:49:134 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 01:22:49:134 403 01:22:49:134 } 01:22:49:134 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 01:22:49:134 dataType = { 01:22:49:134 audioData = { 01:22:49:134 g729AnnexAwAnnexB = { 01:22:49:135 2 01:22:49:135 } 01:22:49:135 } 01:22:49:135 } 01:22:49:135 multiplexParameters = { 01:22:49:135 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 01:22:49:135 sessionID = { 01:22:49:135 1 01:22:49:135 } 01:22:49:135 mediaGuaranteedDelivery = { 01:22:49:135 FALSE 01:22:49:135 } 01:22:49:135 mediaControlChannel = { 01:22:49:135 unicastAddress = { 01:22:49:135 iPAddress = { 01:22:49:135 network = { 01:22:49:135 'xxxxx22'H 01:22:49:135 } 01:22:49:135 tsapIdentifier = { 01:22:49:135 36989 01:22:49:135 } 01:22:49:135 } 01:22:49:135 } 01:22:49:136 } 01:22:49:136 mediaControlGuaranteedDelivery = { 01:22:49:136 FALSE 01:22:49:136 } 01:22:49:136 silenceSuppression = { 01:22:49:136 FALSE 01:22:49:136 } 01:22:49:136 } 01:22:49:136 } 01:22:49:136 } 01:22:49:136 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 01:22:49:136 404 01:22:49:136 } 01:22:49:136 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 01:22:49:136 dataType = { 01:22:49:136 audioData = { 01:22:49:136 g729wAnnexB = { 01:22:49:136 2 01:22:49:136 } 01:22:49:136 } 01:22:49:136 } 01:22:49:136 multiplexParameters = { 01:22:49:136 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 01:22:49:136 sessionID = { 01:22:49:136 1 01:22:49:136 } 01:22:49:136 mediaGuaranteedDelivery = { 01:22:49:136 FALSE 01:22:49:136 } 01:22:49:136 mediaControlChannel = { 01:22:49:136 unicastAddress = { 01:22:49:137 iPAddress = { 01:22:49:137 network = { 01:22:49:137 'xxxxxxx22'H 01:22:49:137 } 01:22:49:137 tsapIdentifier = { 01:22:49:137 36989 01:22:49:137 } 01:22:49:137 } 01:22:49:137 } 01:22:49:137 } 01:22:49:137 mediaControlGuaranteedDelivery = { 01:22:49:137 FALSE 01:22:49:137 } 01:22:49:137 silenceSuppression = { 01:22:49:137 FALSE 01:22:49:137 } 01:22:49:137 } 01:22:49:137 } 01:22:49:137 } 01:22:49:137 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 01:22:49:137 1 01:22:49:137 } 01:22:49:137 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 01:22:49:137 dataType = { 01:22:49:137 nullData = { 01:22:49:137 NULL 01:22:49:138 } 01:22:49:138 } 01:22:49:138 multiplexParameters = { 01:22:49:138 none = { 01:22:49:138 NULL 01:22:49:138 } 01:22:49:138 } 01:22:49:138 } 01:22:49:138 reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { 01:22:49:138 dataType = { 01:22:49:138 audioData = { 01:22:49:138 g729 = { 01:22:49:138 2 01:22:49:138 } 01:22:49:138 } 01:22:49:138 } 01:22:49:138 multiplexParameters = { 01:22:49:138 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 01:22:49:138 sessionID = { 01:22:49:138 1 01:22:49:138 } 01:22:49:138 mediaChannel = { 01:22:49:138 unicastAddress = { 01:22:49:138 iPAddress = { 01:22:49:138 network = { 01:22:49:138 'xxxxxx22'H 01:22:49:138 } 01:22:49:138 tsapIdentifier = { 01:22:49:138 36988 01:22:49:139 } 01:22:49:139 } 01:22:49:139 } 01:22:49:139 } 01:22:49:139 mediaGuaranteedDelivery = { 01:22:49:139 FALSE 01:22:49:139 } 01:22:49:139 mediaControlChannel = { 01:22:49:139 unicastAddress = { 01:22:49:139 iPAddress = { 01:22:49:139 network = { 01:22:49:139 'xxxxxx22'H 01:22:49:139 } 01:22:49:139 tsapIdentifier = { 01:22:49:139 36989 01:22:49:139 } 01:22:49:139 } 01:22:49:139 } 01:22:49:139 } 01:22:49:139 mediaControlGuaranteedDelivery = { 01:22:49:139 FALSE 01:22:49:139 } 01:22:49:139 silenceSuppression = { 01:22:49:140 FALSE 01:22:49:140 } 01:22:49:140 } 01:22:49:140 } 01:22:49:140 } 01:22:49:140 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 01:22:49:140 1 01:22:49:140 } 01:22:49:140 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 01:22:49:140 dataType = { 01:22:49:140 nullData = { 01:22:49:140 NULL 01:22:49:140 } 01:22:49:140 } 01:22:49:140 multiplexParameters = { 01:22:49:140 none = { 01:22:49:140 NULL 01:22:49:140 } 01:22:49:140 } 01:22:49:140 } 01:22:49:140 reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { 01:22:49:140 dataType = { 01:22:49:140 audioData = { 01:22:49:140 g729AnnexA = { 01:22:49:140 2 01:22:49:140 } 01:22:49:140 } 01:22:49:140 } 01:22:49:140 multiplexParameters = { 01:22:49:140 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 01:22:49:140 sessionID = { 01:22:49:140 1 01:22:49:140 } 01:22:49:140 mediaChannel = { 01:22:49:140 unicastAddress = { 01:22:49:140 iPAddress = { 01:22:49:140 network = { 01:22:49:140 'xxxxxx22'H 01:22:49:140 } 01:22:49:140 tsapIdentifier = { 01:22:49:140 36988 01:22:49:141 } 01:22:49:141 } 01:22:49:141 } 01:22:49:141 } 01:22:49:141 mediaGuaranteedDelivery = { 01:22:49:141 FALSE 01:22:49:141 } 01:22:49:141 mediaControlChannel = { 01:22:49:141 unicastAddress = { 01:22:49:141 iPAddress = { 01:22:49:141 network = { 01:22:49:141 'xxxxxx22'H 01:22:49:141 } 01:22:49:141 tsapIdentifier = { 01:22:49:141 36989 01:22:49:141 } 01:22:49:141 } 01:22:49:141 } 01:22:49:141 } 01:22:49:141 mediaControlGuaranteedDelivery = { 01:22:49:141 FALSE 01:22:49:141 } 01:22:49:141 silenceSuppression = { 01:22:49:141 FALSE 01:22:49:141 } 01:22:49:141 } 01:22:49:141 } 01:22:49:141 } 01:22:49:141 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 01:22:49:141 1 01:22:49:141 } 01:22:49:142 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 01:22:49:142 dataType = { 01:22:49:142 nullData = { 01:22:49:142 NULL 01:22:49:142 } 01:22:49:142 } 01:22:49:142 multiplexParameters = { 01:22:49:142 none = { 01:22:49:142 NULL 01:22:49:142 } 01:22:49:142 } 01:22:49:142 } 01:22:49:142 reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { 01:22:49:142 dataType = { 01:22:49:142 audioData = { 01:22:49:142 g729AnnexAwAnnexB = { 01:22:49:142 2 01:22:49:142 } 01:22:49:142 } 01:22:49:142 } 01:22:49:142 multiplexParameters = { 01:22:49:142 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 01:22:49:142 sessionID = { 01:22:49:142 1 01:22:49:142 } 01:22:49:142 mediaChannel = { 01:22:49:142 unicastAddress = { 01:22:49:142 iPAddress = { 01:22:49:142 network = { 01:22:49:142 'xxxxxx22'H 01:22:49:142 } 01:22:49:142 tsapIdentifier = { 01:22:49:142 36988 01:22:49:142 } 01:22:49:142 } 01:22:49:142 } 01:22:49:142 } 01:22:49:143 mediaGuaranteedDelivery = { 01:22:49:143 FALSE 01:22:49:143 } 01:22:49:143 mediaControlChannel = { 01:22:49:143 unicastAddress = { 01:22:49:143 iPAddress = { 01:22:49:143 network = { 01:22:49:143 'xxxxxx22'H 01:22:49:143 } 01:22:49:143 tsapIdentifier = { 01:22:49:143 36989 01:22:49:143 } 01:22:49:143 } 01:22:49:143 } 01:22:49:143 } 01:22:49:143 mediaControlGuaranteedDelivery = { 01:22:49:143 FALSE 01:22:49:143 } 01:22:49:143 silenceSuppression = { 01:22:49:143 FALSE 01:22:49:143 } 01:22:49:143 } 01:22:49:143 } 01:22:49:143 } 01:22:49:143 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 01:22:49:143 1 01:22:49:143 } 01:22:49:143 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 01:22:49:143 dataType = { 01:22:49:143 nullData = { 01:22:49:143 NULL 01:22:49:143 } 01:22:49:143 } 01:22:49:143 multiplexParameters = { 01:22:49:143 none = { 01:22:49:144 NULL 01:22:49:144 } 01:22:49:144 } 01:22:49:144 } 01:22:49:144 reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { 01:22:49:144 dataType = { 01:22:49:144 audioData = { 01:22:49:144 g729wAnnexB = { 01:22:49:144 2 01:22:49:144 } 01:22:49:144 } 01:22:49:144 } 01:22:49:144 multiplexParameters = { 01:22:49:144 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 01:22:49:144 sessionID = { 01:22:49:144 1 01:22:49:144 } 01:22:49:144 mediaChannel = { 01:22:49:144 unicastAddress = { 01:22:49:144 iPAddress = { 01:22:49:144 network = { 01:22:49:144 'xxxxxx22'H 01:22:49:144 } 01:22:49:144 tsapIdentifier = { 01:22:49:144 36988 01:22:49:144 } 01:22:49:144 } 01:22:49:144 } 01:22:49:144 } 01:22:49:144 mediaGuaranteedDelivery = { 01:22:49:144 FALSE 01:22:49:144 } 01:22:49:144 mediaControlChannel = { 01:22:49:144 unicastAddress = { 01:22:49:145 iPAddress = { 01:22:49:145 network = { 01:22:49:145 'xxxxxx22'H 01:22:49:145 } 01:22:49:145 tsapIdentifier = { 01:22:49:145 36989 01:22:49:145 } 01:22:49:145 } 01:22:49:145 } 01:22:49:145 } 01:22:49:145 mediaControlGuaranteedDelivery = { 01:22:49:145 FALSE 01:22:49:145 } 01:22:49:145 silenceSuppression = { 01:22:49:145 FALSE 01:22:49:145 } 01:22:49:145 } 01:22:49:145 } 01:22:49:145 } 01:22:49:145 } 01:22:49:145 Enabled RTP/CISCO DTMF capability for (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:145 Enabled RFC2833 DTMF capability for (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:145 Dtmf mode set to H.245(alphanumeric) for (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:145 Dtmf mode set to H.245(signal) for (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:145 Adding call specific capability OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:145 Adding call specific capability OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_G729ANNEXA (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_G729ANNEXA (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_G729 (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_G729 (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_G729WANNEXB (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_G729WANNEXB (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_T38 (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_T38 (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Processing received forward olc 401 (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G729. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Processing received forward olc 402 (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G729ANNEXA. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Found matching simple audio capability type OO_G729ANNEXA. Comparing other parameters. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 We can receive Simple capability OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Returning copy of matched receive capability OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Receive Channel data type supported 01:22:49:147 Processing received forward olc 403 (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Processing received forward olc 404 (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G729WANNEXB. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Building CallProceeding (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 Built Call Proceeding(incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:147 UserInfo encoding - successful 01:22:49:147 Q931 Message = { 01:22:49:147 protocolDiscriminator = 8 01:22:49:147 callReference = 11198 01:22:49:147 from = destination 01:22:49:147 messageType = 2 01:22:49:147 Display IE = { 01:22:49:147 amtc 01:22:49:147 } 01:22:49:147 h323_uu_pdu = { 01:22:49:147 h323_message_body = { 01:22:49:147 callProceeding = { 01:22:49:147 protocolIdentifier = { 01:22:49:147 { 01:22:49:147 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 01:22:49:147 } 01:22:49:147 destinationInfo = { 01:22:49:147 vendor = { 01:22:49:147 vendor = { 01:22:49:147 t35CountryCode = { 01:22:49:147 184 01:22:49:147 } 01:22:49:147 t35Extension = { 01:22:49:147 0 01:22:49:148 } 01:22:49:148 manufacturerCode = { 01:22:49:148 39 01:22:49:148 } 01:22:49:148 } 01:22:49:148 productId = { 01:22:49:148 '6f6f68333233'H 01:22:49:148 } 01:22:49:148 versionId = { 01:22:49:148 '76302e382e336d'H 01:22:49:148 } 01:22:49:148 } 01:22:49:148 gateway = { 01:22:49:148 } 01:22:49:148 mc = { 01:22:49:148 FALSE 01:22:49:148 } 01:22:49:148 undefinedNode = { 01:22:49:148 FALSE 01:22:49:148 } 01:22:49:148 } 01:22:49:148 callIdentifier = { 01:22:49:148 guid = { 01:22:49:148 'dd124816394b11e5bb62002590866b50'H 01:22:49:148 } 01:22:49:149 } 01:22:49:149 multipleCalls = { 01:22:49:149 FALSE 01:22:49:149 } 01:22:49:149 maintainConnection = { 01:22:49:149 FALSE 01:22:49:149 } 01:22:49:149 } 01:22:49:149 } 01:22:49:149 h245Tunneling = { 01:22:49:149 TRUE 01:22:49:149 } 01:22:49:149 } 01:22:49:149 UUIE decode successful 01:22:49:149 } 01:22:49:149 Queued H225 messages 1. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:149 Sending H225 message (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:149 Sending Q931 message (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:149 H2250/Q931 Message sent successfully (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:149 Sent Message - CallProceeding (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:49:266 INFO: FinCall returned 7f8290001108 for call: ooh323c_1 01:22:49:266 INFO: create cmd connect for call: 7f8290001108 01:22:50:516 Receiving H.2250 message (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:50:516 Received Q.931 message: (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:50:516 Received H.2250 Message = { 01:22:50:516 protocolDiscriminator = 8 01:22:50:516 callReference = 11198 01:22:50:516 from = originator 01:22:50:516 messageType = 5a 01:22:50:516 Cause IE = { 01:22:50:516 Q931NormalCallClearing 01:22:50:516 } 01:22:50:516 h323_uu_pdu = { 01:22:50:516 h323_message_body = { 01:22:50:516 releaseComplete = { 01:22:50:516 protocolIdentifier = { 01:22:50:516 { 01:22:50:516 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 01:22:50:516 } 01:22:50:516 callIdentifier = { 01:22:50:516 guid = { 01:22:50:516 'dd124816394b11e5bb62002590866b50'H 01:22:50:516 } 01:22:50:516 } 01:22:50:516 } 01:22:50:516 } 01:22:50:516 h245Tunneling = { 01:22:50:516 FALSE 01:22:50:516 } 01:22:50:516 } 01:22:50:516 UUIE decode successful 01:22:50:516 Decoded Q931 message (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:50:516 } 01:22:50:516 H.225 Release Complete message received (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:50:516 Cause of Release Complete is 10. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:50:516 In ooEndCall call state is - OO_CALL_CLEARED (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:50:516 Cleaning Call (incoming, ooh323c_1)- reason:OO_REASON_REMOTE_CLEARED 01:22:50:516 Closing H.245 connection (incoming, ooh323c_1) 01:22:50:516 Removing call 7f8290001108: ooh323c_1 01:22:50:516 Removed call (incoming, ooh323c_1) from list 01:22:50:517 Ending Call Monitor thread