[2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:12.768+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 13508 SessionID: 4dd9ee4a-8e5e0b22@ LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (503 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5062;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-f4f2543e Call-ID: 4dd9ee4a-8e5e0b22@ From: "ATC" ;tag=c3b6d4169ddb8982o1 To: "ATC" ;tag=z9hG4bK-f4f2543e CSeq: 57444 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455072/d4d2fc9e697672c9a4a1e541d6e3a14a",opaque="723a3a9314d76634",stale=true,algorithm=md5,qop="auth" Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tdta0x200de10 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=57444 (tdta0x200de10) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=9925 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (417 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bKPje8cd75ac-4837-4ad4-a0ee-9e6509d47da3;rport=5060 From: ;tag=d6b9dd61-dc81-4df6-b5e2-bf3d2aeb9be5 To: ;tag=aprqngfrt-rjo4ca200g9ac Call-ID: 3eecc5da-fccb-4e9e-a3a5-296a68af5761 CSeq: 9925 OPTIONS Reason: Q.850;cause=55;text="Call Terminated" [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=9925 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774608 .Incoming Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=9925 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774608 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d9f96bd0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d9f96bd0: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d9f96bd0: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=112894 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (418 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKc7d1dbf601cb4b64 From: "13172" ;tag=ee6ce6f6-901271 To: "13172" Call-ID: D1B9-1219-46684825A73525D9D091-001@SipHost CSeq: 112894 REGISTER Contact: Expires:600 Max-Forwards:70 User-Agent: dlink 12-3868-5433- Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d9f96bd0: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d9f96bd0: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 10.384 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=112887 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (418 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK8ff2edba038e509e From: "13173" ;tag=cccd9818-901271 To: "13173" Call-ID: D1B9-1219-4668482568F2E35750E8-002@SipHost CSeq: 112887 REGISTER Contact: Expires:600 Max-Forwards:70 User-Agent: dlink 12-3868-5433- Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=112894 (rdata0x7f576c241d38) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=112887 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Could not identify endpoint by username '13172' [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Could not identify endpoint by username '13173' [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_anonymous.c: Retrieved anonymous endpoint 'anonymous' [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 404/REGISTER/cseq=112894 (tdta0x7f57d98ee5a0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_anonymous.c: Retrieved anonymous endpoint 'anonymous' [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (367 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 404 Not Found Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;received=;branch=z9hG4bKc7d1dbf601cb4b64 Call-ID: D1B9-1219-46684825A73525D9D091-001@SipHost From: "13172" ;tag=ee6ce6f6-901271 To: "13172" ;tag=z9hG4bKc7d1dbf601cb4b64 CSeq: 112894 REGISTER Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 404/REGISTER/cseq=112887 (tdta0x7f576c113310) created [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d98e .Destroying txdata Response msg 404/REGISTER/cseq=112894 (tdta0x7f57d98ee5a0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (367 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 404 Not Found Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;received=;branch=z9hG4bK8ff2edba038e509e Call-ID: D1B9-1219-4668482568F2E35750E8-002@SipHost From: "13173" ;tag=cccd9818-901271 To: "13173" ;tag=z9hG4bK8ff2edba038e509e CSeq: 112887 REGISTER Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] WARNING[17929] res_pjsip_registrar.c: AOR '13172' not found for endpoint 'anonymous' [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c11 .Destroying txdata Response msg 404/REGISTER/cseq=112887 (tdta0x7f576c113310) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RequestNotSupported Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:12.773+0300 Severity: Error Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: anonymous SessionID: D1B9-1219-46684825A73525D9D091-001@SipHost LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RequestType: registrar_requested_aor_not_found [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] WARNING[10756] res_pjsip_registrar.c: AOR '13173' not found for endpoint 'anonymous' [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RequestNotSupported Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:12.773+0300 Severity: Error Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: anonymous SessionID: D1B9-1219-4668482568F2E35750E8-002@SipHost LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RequestType: registrar_requested_aor_not_found [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x3271f78 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x3271f78 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x3271f78 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x3271f78 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c0e ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=20798 (tdta0x7f576c0e05c0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x3271f78 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=28144 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (505 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 Ok Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjc3dd7546-80af-44b0-8559-0597438852f6 From: ;tag=49b603b2-ae1d-4ed1-ab54-d2584db3ee93 To: Contact: sip: Call-ID: 301b8765-39d0-4b0a-97a7-df2621e78d2f CSeq: 28144 OPTIONS Supported: foo User-Agent: (Very nice Sip Registrar/Proxy Server) Allow: ACK,BYE,CANCEL,INVITE,REGISTER,OPTIONS,INFO,MESSAGE Accept: application/sdp [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=28144 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57740a4 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=28144 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57740a4 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x29bd580: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x29bd580: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x29bd580: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x29bd580: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x29bd580: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sip.freevoipdeal.com:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 57.816 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=48198 (tdta0x7f576c0e05c0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x5a49350: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x5a49350: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x3271f78 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=48198 (tdta0x7f576c0e05c0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x3271f78 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=48198 (tdta0x7f576c0e05c0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sipnet.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sipnet.ru from cache, ttl=229 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (466 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:sipnet.ru:5060 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj72c9361d-6e4f-48b6-bc32-9a143f38f642 From: ;tag=46097036-8211-4d63-8fa0-e95315c8c9a4 To: Contact: Call-ID: c7047700-e8c4-412a-ab0e-347f7c37c689 CSeq: 48198 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x3271f78 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=47186 (tdta0x7f57d8d490a0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=48198 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x485ace0: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (539 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj72c9361d-6e4f-48b6-bc32-9a143f38f642 From: ;tag=46097036-8211-4d63-8fa0-e95315c8c9a4 To: ;tag=2363DAFE Call-ID: c7047700-e8c4-412a-ab0e-347f7c37c689 CSeq: 48198 OPTIONS Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:12 GMT Allow: PUBLISH,SUBSCRIBE Supported: path,gruu Allow-Events: presence,message-summary,reg,dialog,line-seize,keep-alive,refer Server: CommuniGatePro/6.1.5 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x485ace0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f577007e .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=47186 (tdta0x7f57d8d490a0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f577007e Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=47186 (tdta0x7f57d8d490a0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=48198 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x3271f78 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=48198 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x3271f78 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x5a49350: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x5a49350: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x5a49350: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (494 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:ivmaster@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjd98ab48f-e8b1-4040-bfab-ee77f35b5650 From: ;tag=d9e479f9-6b2f-434f-b488-f5b2902f7266 To: Contact: Call-ID: 8047e994-a901-45e3-8b28-ea56fe7efe0a CSeq: 47186 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f577007e .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x5a49350: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x5a49350: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sipnet.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 10.428 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57701c4 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57701c4 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57701c4 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57701c4 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x215be60 ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=554988 (tdta0x215be60) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57701c4 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555049 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (698 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKea557302a4555049 From: "17383" ;tag=ea557302a4 To: sip:17383@talk37.ru Call-ID: ea23d555-8ca0-7371-8002-0002a404e6be@ CSeq: 555049 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 21:58:52 GMT User-Agent: AddPac SIP Gateway Authorization: Digest username="17383", realm="ruvoip.net", nonce="1441455049/30fa9e11d22b89718bb7587b83866f91", opaque="5d86cabc3114f30e", uri="sip:talk37.ru", qop=auth, nc=00010ee0, cnonce="c3013626", response="7c3be455612b8a0862a1f2db7929e7f0", algorithm=MD5 Contact: ;expires=4 Expires: 4 Content-Length: 0 Max-Forwards: 70 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555049 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 17383 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=555049 (tdta0x7f576c113310) created [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455049/30fa9e11d22b89718bb7587b83866f91. Actual nonce is 1441455049/30fa9e11d22b89718bb7587b83866f91 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c11 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=555049 (tdta0x7f576c113310) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:12.812+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 17383 SessionID: ea23d555-8ca0-7371-8002-0002a404e6be@ LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x22cf278 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x22cf278 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x22cf278 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x22cf278 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x22cf278 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:17383@' on AOR '17383' with new expiration of 5 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=555049 (tdta0x215be60) created [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x22cf278 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555049 (rdata0xb763c8) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x22cf278 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555049 (rdata0xb763c8) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x22cf278 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x22cf278 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=555049 (tdta0x215be60) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (458 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;received=;branch=z9hG4bKea557302a4555049 Call-ID: ea23d555-8ca0-7371-8002-0002a404e6be@ From: "17383" ;tag=ea557302a4 To: ;tag=z9hG4bKea557302a4555049 CSeq: 555049 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:12 GMT Contact: ;expires=4 Expires: 5 Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x22cf278 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=57445 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (726 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-1dbd4b5f From: "ATC" ;tag=c3b6d4169ddb8982o1 To: "ATC" Call-ID: 4dd9ee4a-8e5e0b22@ CSeq: 57445 REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 Authorization: Digest username="13508",realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455072/d4d2fc9e697672c9a4a1e541d6e3a14a",uri="sip:talk37.ru",algorithm=MD5,response="7c22450474288ce20c5d5e1181f47804",opaque="723a3a9314d76634",qop=auth,nc=00000001,cnonce="85068fa6" Contact: "ATC" ;expires=60 User-Agent: Cisco/SPA525G2-7.5.2a Content-Length: 0 Allow: ACK, BYE, CANCEL, INFO, INVITE, NOTIFY, OPTIONS, REFER, UPDATE Supported: replaces [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=57445 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 13508 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=57445 (tdta0x200de10) created [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455072/d4d2fc9e697672c9a4a1e541d6e3a14a. Actual nonce is 1441455072/d4d2fc9e697672c9a4a1e541d6e3a14a [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tdta0x200de10 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=57445 (tdta0x200de10) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:12.817+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 13508 SessionID: 4dd9ee4a-8e5e0b22@ LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:13508@' on AOR '13508' with new expiration of 60 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=57445 (tdta0x7f576c113310) created [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57701c4 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=57445 (rdata0xb763c8) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57701c4 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=57445 (rdata0xb763c8) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57701c4 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57701c4 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=57445 (tdta0x7f576c113310) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (422 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5062;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-1dbd4b5f Call-ID: 4dd9ee4a-8e5e0b22@ From: "ATC" ;tag=c3b6d4169ddb8982o1 To: "ATC" ;tag=z9hG4bK-1dbd4b5f CSeq: 57445 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:12 GMT Contact: ;expires=59 Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57701c4 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=63428 (tdta0x200de10) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x5a49350: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x5a49350: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x3adf5a8 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=63428 (tdta0x200de10) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x3adf5a8 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=63428 (tdta0x200de10) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (495 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:17186@;ob SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj0852e127-9d8d-497d-8e7c-759164571174 From: ;tag=6102ecf5-b68f-4fcd-9ec5-4b17ff46b4f6 To: Contact: Call-ID: 559bfa7d-8a1e-44b5-bbd9-aa2e0d0f1c7f CSeq: 63428 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x3adf5a8 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg NOTIFY/cseq=54275 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (641 bytes) from UDP: ---> NOTIFY sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-655951d3 From: "14528" ;tag=893c443ba861d117o0 To: Call-ID: 7a951c6b-1f4b56a7@ CSeq: 54275 NOTIFY Max-Forwards: 70 Authorization: Digest username="14528",realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455072/fcd31fef63b5ffd399934a76820870d7",uri="sip:talk37.ru",algorithm=MD5,response="c88c2e782e23e6a129916ddf794a116c",opaque="3cda9a5303593547",qop=auth,nc=00000001,cnonce="6b6c69fd" Contact: "14528" Event: keep-alive User-Agent: Cisco/SPA122-1.3.5(004p_XU001) Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg NOTIFY/cseq=54275 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 14528 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/NOTIFY/cseq=54275 (tdta0x7f576c0c6fe0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455072/fcd31fef63b5ffd399934a76820870d7. Actual nonce is 1441455072/fcd31fef63b5ffd399934a76820870d7 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c0c .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/NOTIFY/cseq=54275 (tdta0x7f576c0c6fe0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 501/NOTIFY/cseq=54275 (tdta0x7f576c0c6fe0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:12.839+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 14528 SessionID: 7a951c6b-1f4b56a7@ LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (325 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 501 Not Implemented Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-655951d3 Call-ID: 7a951c6b-1f4b56a7@ From: "14528" ;tag=893c443ba861d117o0 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK-655951d3 CSeq: 54275 NOTIFY Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c0c Destroying txdata Response msg 501/NOTIFY/cseq=54275 (tdta0x7f576c0c6fe0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=47186 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (531 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Allow:INVITE,ACK,OPTIONS,BYE,CANCEL,INFO,PRACK,REFER,SUBSCRIBE,NOTIFY,UPDATE Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjd98ab48f-e8b1-4040-bfab-ee77f35b5650 From: ;tag=d9e479f9-6b2f-434f-b488-f5b2902f7266 To: ;tag=cd62b640-694683 Call-ID: 8047e994-a901-45e3-8b28-ea56fe7efe0a CSeq:47186 OPTIONS Contact: User-Agent:dlink 12-38-32912305- Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=47186 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f577007e .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=47186 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f577007e ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x485ace0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x485ace0: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x485ace0: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x485ace0: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x485ace0: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:ivmaster@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 48.313 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742ab Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742ab .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742ab Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742ab .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c03 ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=554989 (tdta0x7f576c03b500) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742ab Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555050 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (698 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKea55cc03a4555050 From: "17384" ;tag=ea55cc03a4 To: sip:17384@talk37.ru Call-ID: ea23d555-0e59-cc3d-8003-0002a404e6be@ CSeq: 555050 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 21:58:52 GMT User-Agent: AddPac SIP Gateway Authorization: Digest username="17384", realm="ruvoip.net", nonce="1441455049/30fa9e11d22b89718bb7587b83866f91", opaque="1ef2d887588e245b", uri="sip:talk37.ru", qop=auth, nc=00010ee1, cnonce="c3013626", response="2e6bcdf5fca4d2addf0a54e97abc9c3c", algorithm=MD5 Contact: ;expires=4 Expires: 4 Content-Length: 0 Max-Forwards: 70 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555050 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 17384 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=555050 (tdta0x7f57d98ee5a0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=81 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (937 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---d67bef06cf07be8a;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: To: From: ;tag=39f9e663 Call-ID: RpDzZrH9ls6nVR0sVKzzBA.. CSeq: 81 REGISTER Expires: 60 Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, outbound, path, X-cisco-serviceuri User-Agent: Zoiper r30645 Authorization: Digest username="soms",realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455019/7192f767f9ca605dcd3c626dd02d2940",uri="sip:talk37.ru;transport=UDP",response="d0f077fdcd59b3ab8478a6174af2ad2a",cnonce="78106f3e7410f2a0e0a4d4222962c673",nc=00000002,qop=auth,algorithm=md5,opaque="084a4c1428346cdd" Allow-Events: presence, kpml Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455049/30fa9e11d22b89718bb7587b83866f91. Actual nonce is 1441455049/30fa9e11d22b89718bb7587b83866f91 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=81 (rdata0x7f576c241d38) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d98e .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=555050 (tdta0x7f57d98ee5a0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:12.867+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 17384 SessionID: ea23d555-0e59-cc3d-8003-0002a404e6be@ LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint soms [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=81 (tdta0x7f576c03b500) created [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:12.869+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: soms SessionID: RpDzZrH9ls6nVR0sVKzzBA.. LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (507 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=40505;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---d67bef06cf07be8a Call-ID: RpDzZrH9ls6nVR0sVKzzBA.. From: ;tag=39f9e663 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK-524287-1---d67bef06cf07be8a CSeq: 81 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455072/0591fd0abdd4b7d0e65411d20456de5e",opaque="3c289e195b791bbe",stale=true,algorithm=md5,qop="auth" Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c03 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=81 (tdta0x7f576c03b500) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577448b Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577448b .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577448b Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577448b .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x5ca5110 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=57861 (tdta0x5ca5110) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577448b Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:17384@' on AOR '17384' with new expiration of 5 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=555050 (tdta0x5ca5110) created [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f577448b .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555050 (rdata0x51aaa78) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f577448b Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555050 (rdata0x51aaa78) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f577448b .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f577448b Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=555050 (tdta0x5ca5110) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (458 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;received=;branch=z9hG4bKea55cc03a4555050 Call-ID: ea23d555-0e59-cc3d-8003-0002a404e6be@ From: "17384" ;tag=ea55cc03a4 To: ;tag=z9hG4bKea55cc03a4555050 CSeq: 555050 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:12 GMT Contact: ;expires=4 Expires: 5 Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f577448b .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774096 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774096 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774096 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774096 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d853 ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=554990 (tdta0x7f57d85317b0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774096 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555051 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (698 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKea55d504a4555051 From: "17385" ;tag=ea55d504a4 To: sip:17385@talk37.ru Call-ID: ea23d555-4a4d-d571-8004-0002a404e6be@ CSeq: 555051 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 21:58:52 GMT User-Agent: AddPac SIP Gateway Authorization: Digest username="17385", realm="ruvoip.net", nonce="1441455054/72e154ca7ca420a6ec6cbc489513c0d3", opaque="3ba0051a42003de6", uri="sip:talk37.ru", qop=auth, nc=00010ee1, cnonce="2f89ff6d", response="9ab6f9817e07eb3410cc41496d39a628", algorithm=MD5 Contact: ;expires=4 Expires: 4 Content-Length: 0 Max-Forwards: 70 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555051 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 17385 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=555051 (tdta0x7f57d98ee5a0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455054/72e154ca7ca420a6ec6cbc489513c0d3. Actual nonce is 1441455054/72e154ca7ca420a6ec6cbc489513c0d3 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d98e .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=555051 (tdta0x7f57d98ee5a0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:12.925+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 17385 SessionID: ea23d555-4a4d-d571-8004-0002a404e6be@ LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742cd Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742cd .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742cd Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742cd .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d828 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=29014 (tdta0x7f57d828a4a0) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742cd Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770177 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770177 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770177 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770177 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x5a4fd00 ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=64 (tdta0x5a4fd00) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770177 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770138 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770138 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770138 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770138 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c1e ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=48366 (tdta0x7f576c1e7590) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770138 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d858f Retransmit timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d858f .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=44278 (tdta0x7f576c004670), count=0, restart?=1 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (487 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:ankom@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj914c9826-830d-4a22-bed6-a388c5cffd18 From: ;tag=6c56d38d-12cf-44bc-9106-5b816820fb12 To: Contact: Call-ID: f0e5b35f-cbb8-4a77-8bde-4e0083e3aa19 CSeq: 44278 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=82 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (937 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---4eabde84575f407a;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: To: From: ;tag=39f9e663 Call-ID: RpDzZrH9ls6nVR0sVKzzBA.. CSeq: 82 REGISTER Expires: 60 Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, outbound, path, X-cisco-serviceuri User-Agent: Zoiper r30645 Authorization: Digest username="soms",realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455072/0591fd0abdd4b7d0e65411d20456de5e",uri="sip:talk37.ru;transport=UDP",response="d0dd61233dbebc98223e3ad5abb1b321",cnonce="bc23c2d1bc6f85399921df8028b54c37",nc=00000001,qop=auth,algorithm=md5,opaque="3c289e195b791bbe" Allow-Events: presence, kpml Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=82 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint soms [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=82 (tdta0x5a4fd00) created [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455072/0591fd0abdd4b7d0e65411d20456de5e. Actual nonce is 1441455072/0591fd0abdd4b7d0e65411d20456de5e [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tdta0x5a4fd00 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=82 (tdta0x5a4fd00) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:12.963+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: soms SessionID: RpDzZrH9ls6nVR0sVKzzBA.. LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0xbd5fe8 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0xbd5fe8 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0xbd5fe8 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0xbd5fe8 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x251e210 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=34117 (tdta0x251e210) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0xbd5fe8 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774560 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774560 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774560 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774560 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d8dc ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=554991 (tdta0x7f57d8dc7290) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774560 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774279 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774279 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774279 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774279 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x112e910 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=3536 (tdta0x112e910) [2015-09-05 15:11:12] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774279 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9b6d Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9b6d .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9b6d Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9b6d .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d857 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=10981 (tdta0x7f57d857f740) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9b6d Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=40231 (tdta0x7f57d857f740) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0xb61c20: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0xb61c20: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9b6d .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=40231 (tdta0x7f57d857f740) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9b6d Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=40231 (tdta0x7f57d857f740) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=reg.dc-tc.com, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for reg.dc-tc.com from cache, ttl=122 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (474 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:reg.dc-tc.com:5060 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj71a6028c-51d3-4ad5-8d6b-6f8d540a5ef2 From: ;tag=2c5e7eef-2136-4087-b6d8-0eba216d529e To: Contact: Call-ID: 83b7d6ab-ad38-4010-9885-3f6a5d06eaf2 CSeq: 40231 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9b6d .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=40231 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (620 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj71a6028c-51d3-4ad5-8d6b-6f8d540a5ef2;received= From: ;tag=2c5e7eef-2136-4087-b6d8-0eba216d529e To: ;tag=2824816874-3843147347-201380003-183657769 Call-ID: 83b7d6ab-ad38-4010-9885-3f6a5d06eaf2 CSeq: 40231 OPTIONS Allow: ACK, BYE, CANCEL, INFO, INVITE, OPTIONS, PRACK, REFER, REGISTER, UPDATE Accept: application/dtmf-relay Accept: application/ISUP Accept: application/sdp Supported: 100rel Server: MERA MVTS3G v.4.2.0-27a Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=40231 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9b6d .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=40231 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9b6d ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0xb61c20: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0xb61c20: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0xb61c20: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0xb61c20: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0xb61c20: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:reg.dc-tc.com:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 9.097 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774381 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774381 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774381 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774381 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d85b ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=52260 (tdta0x7f57d85bfc70) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774381 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8428 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8428 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8428 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8428 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c0c ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=2124 (tdta0x7f576c0c3070) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8428 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 17385/sip:17385@ has been deleted [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Added contact 'sip:17385@' to AOR '17385' with expiration of 5 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17385@ ContactStatus: Removed AOR: 17385 EndpointName: 17385 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17385@ ContactStatus: Removed AOR: 17385 EndpointName: 17385 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=555051 (tdta0x7f576c0c3070) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8428 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555051 (rdata0x7f57d82ee428) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8428 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555051 (rdata0x7f57d82ee428) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8428 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:soms@;rinstance=4fc4a30b54832e7a' on AOR 'soms' with new expiration of 60 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8428 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=555051 (tdta0x7f576c0c3070) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (458 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;received=;branch=z9hG4bKea55d504a4555051 Call-ID: ea23d555-4a4d-d571-8004-0002a404e6be@ From: "17385" ;tag=ea55d504a4 To: ;tag=z9hG4bKea55d504a4555051 CSeq: 555051 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:13 GMT Contact: ;expires=4 Expires: 5 Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8428 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=82 (tdta0x7f57d98ee5a0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774381 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=82 (rdata0x51aaa78) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774381 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=82 (rdata0x51aaa78) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774381 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 17385/sip:17385@ has been created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774381 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=82 (tdta0x7f57d98ee5a0) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (466 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=40505;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---4eabde84575f407a Call-ID: RpDzZrH9ls6nVR0sVKzzBA.. From: ;tag=39f9e663 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK-524287-1---4eabde84575f407a CSeq: 82 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:13 GMT Contact: ;expires=59 Expires: 60 Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774381 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17385@ ContactStatus: Created AOR: 17385 EndpointName: 17385 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17385@ ContactStatus: Created AOR: 17385 EndpointName: 17385 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=30386 (tdta0x5a4fd00) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2af7130: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2af7130: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774279 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=30386 (tdta0x5a4fd00) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774279 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=30386 (tdta0x5a4fd00) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (488 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:17385@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjd11d19f5-11c9-4df5-8e48-e7ae8c1d2ae3 From: ;tag=5916d10e-87e1-4e90-a060-bf0782f93d32 To: Contact: Call-ID: 8c64bec9-7df0-4b3c-baa2-fbe754fcb77f CSeq: 30386 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774279 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=645 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (671 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK30cc82e1;rport Max-Forwards: 70 From: ;tag=as60e0bb33 To: Call-ID: 521b78ca77c8450450a572d96025ad92@talk37.ru CSeq: 645 REGISTER User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Authorization: Digest username="srv_9612467970", realm="ruvoip.net", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:talk37.ru", nonce="1441454968/af6d66c309116e0a7e8c98805bafa381", response="3d020319adb04fd559269fd912522d57", opaque="24b5fa5f45a1d245", qop=auth, cnonce="3c9c45c5", nc=00000002 Expires: 120 Contact: Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=645 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint srv_9612467970 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=645 (tdta0x112e910) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:13.085+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: srv_9612467970 SessionID: 521b78ca77c8450450a572d96025ad92@talk37.ru LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (518 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;received=;branch=z9hG4bK30cc82e1 Call-ID: 521b78ca77c8450450a572d96025ad92@talk37.ru From: ;tag=as60e0bb33 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK30cc82e1 CSeq: 645 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455073/a7eadda7553c5d3e3d5abe0cd863741f",opaque="3a8cba7d60531728",stale=true,algorithm=md5,qop="auth" Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tdta0x112e910 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=645 (tdta0x112e910) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=646 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (671 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK58d5e075;rport Max-Forwards: 70 From: ;tag=as60e0bb33 To: Call-ID: 521b78ca77c8450450a572d96025ad92@talk37.ru CSeq: 646 REGISTER User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Authorization: Digest username="srv_9612467970", realm="ruvoip.net", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:talk37.ru", nonce="1441455073/a7eadda7553c5d3e3d5abe0cd863741f", response="2c47d442bf8e5a3b681564f7949eb0d2", opaque="3a8cba7d60531728", qop=auth, cnonce="41774d3b", nc=00000001 Expires: 120 Contact: Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=646 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint srv_9612467970 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=646 (tdta0x112e910) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455073/a7eadda7553c5d3e3d5abe0cd863741f. Actual nonce is 1441455073/a7eadda7553c5d3e3d5abe0cd863741f [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tdta0x112e910 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=646 (tdta0x112e910) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:13.092+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: srv_9612467970 SessionID: 521b78ca77c8450450a572d96025ad92@talk37.ru LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:srv_9612467970@' on AOR 'srv_9612467970' with new expiration of 120 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=646 (tdta0x7f57d85bfc70) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774560 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=646 (rdata0x7f57d88a7ce8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774560 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=646 (rdata0x7f57d88a7ce8) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774560 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774560 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=646 (tdta0x7f57d85bfc70) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (461 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;received=;branch=z9hG4bK58d5e075 Call-ID: 521b78ca77c8450450a572d96025ad92@talk37.ru From: ;tag=as60e0bb33 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK58d5e075 CSeq: 646 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:13 GMT Contact: ;expires=119 Expires: 120 Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774560 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=436 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (682 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK202489672 Route: From: ;tag=1219743181 To: Call-ID: 615940345@ CSeq: 436 REGISTER Contact: ;expires=90 Authorization: Digest username="srv_9281014683", realm="ruvoip.net", nonce="1441455027/244eb7148ebf97931fadf35e49418a29", uri="sip:", response="520fffce9894a1140b46ab777c29b617", algorithm=md5, cnonce="55eadbb2", opaque="6fc6e16f01e7a15b", qop=auth, nc=00000001 Max-Forwards: 30 User-Agent: dble Expires: 90 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=436 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint srv_9281014683 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=436 (tdta0x7f57d8dc7290) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555052 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:13.102+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: srv_9281014683 SessionID: 615940345@ LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (698 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKea556e05a4555052 From: "17386" ;tag=ea556e05a4 To: sip:17386@talk37.ru Call-ID: ea23d555-e8b3-6e64-8005-0002a404e6be@ CSeq: 555052 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 21:58:52 GMT User-Agent: AddPac SIP Gateway Authorization: Digest username="17386", realm="ruvoip.net", nonce="1441455045/1e1336bf2010d31bd0f12a317f52963d", opaque="59b344353566f86b", uri="sip:talk37.ru", qop=auth, nc=00010edf, cnonce="951e45b6", response="4c0657f1549797384fe3b298b039dad0", algorithm=MD5 Contact: ;expires=4 Expires: 4 Content-Length: 0 Max-Forwards: 70 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (498 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=49774;received=;branch=z9hG4bK202489672 Call-ID: 615940345@ From: ;tag=1219743181 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK202489672 CSeq: 436 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455073/5cd1ce00b18433c04c0dbc78b93a40fa",opaque="6751d2d70bf7830a",stale=true,algorithm=md5,qop="auth" Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d8dc .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=436 (tdta0x7f57d8dc7290) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555052 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 17386 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=555052 (tdta0x112e910) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455045/1e1336bf2010d31bd0f12a317f52963d. Actual nonce is 1441455045/1e1336bf2010d31bd0f12a317f52963d [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tdta0x112e910 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=555052 (tdta0x112e910) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:13.104+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 17386 SessionID: ea23d555-e8b3-6e64-8005-0002a404e6be@ LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 17386/sip:17386@ has been deleted [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Added contact 'sip:17386@' to AOR '17386' with expiration of 5 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17386@ ContactStatus: Removed AOR: 17386 EndpointName: 17386 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17386@ ContactStatus: Removed AOR: 17386 EndpointName: 17386 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=555052 (tdta0x251e210) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0xbd5fe8 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555052 (rdata0x5575b08) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0xbd5fe8 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555052 (rdata0x5575b08) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0xbd5fe8 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0xbd5fe8 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=555052 (tdta0x251e210) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (458 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;received=;branch=z9hG4bKea556e05a4555052 Call-ID: ea23d555-e8b3-6e64-8005-0002a404e6be@ From: "17386" ;tag=ea556e05a4 To: ;tag=z9hG4bKea556e05a4555052 CSeq: 555052 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:13 GMT Contact: ;expires=4 Expires: 5 Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0xbd5fe8 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 17386/sip:17386@ has been created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17386@ ContactStatus: Created AOR: 17386 EndpointName: 17386 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17386@ ContactStatus: Created AOR: 17386 EndpointName: 17386 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=22694 (tdta0x112e910) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d825cb20: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d825cb20: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770138 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=22694 (tdta0x112e910) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770138 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=22694 (tdta0x112e910) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (488 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:17386@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj7a0faa51-b3f0-4215-bc55-51573a110afc From: ;tag=1d1e2f98-1ef8-45f3-afbd-76fa50d2431b To: Contact: Call-ID: 7fce0225-e1fe-4a9b-aaaf-5432f5f1803f CSeq: 22694 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770138 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=30386 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (470 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjd11d19f5-11c9-4df5-8e48-e7ae8c1d2ae3 From: ;tag=5916d10e-87e1-4e90-a060-bf0782f93d32 To: Call-ID: 8c64bec9-7df0-4b3c-baa2-fbe754fcb77f CSeq: 30386 OPTIONS User-Agent: AddPac SIP Gateway Accept: application/sdp Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, UPDATE, REFER, NOTIFY Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=30386 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774279 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=30386 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774279 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2af7130: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2af7130: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2af7130: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2af7130: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2af7130: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 17385/sip:17385@ is now Reachable. RTT: 71.890 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17385@ ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: 17385 EndpointName: 17385 RoundtripUsec: 71890 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17385@ ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: 17385 EndpointName: 17385 RoundtripUsec: 71890 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=337 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (424 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK697320948327911202;rport From: ludab53 ;tag=323063330 To: ludab53 Call-ID: 23940928515198-48761998912171@ CSeq: 337 REGISTER Contact: Max-Forwards: 70 Expires: 60 Supported: path User-Agent: Voip Phone 1.0 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=337 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint ludab53 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=337 (tdta0x7f576c1e7590) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:13.129+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: ludab53 SessionID: 23940928515198-48761998912171@ LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (525 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=32448;received=;branch=z9hG4bK697320948327911202 Call-ID: 23940928515198-48761998912171@ From: "ludab53" ;tag=323063330 To: "ludab53" ;tag=z9hG4bK697320948327911202 CSeq: 337 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455073/35b18dd38ae203f358073b45e1a2fd12",opaque="12f81c6c48ebcaf0",algorithm=md5,qop="auth" Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c1e .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=337 (tdta0x7f576c1e7590) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=438 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (682 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK341252526 Route: From: ;tag=725680022 To: Call-ID: 2128831244@ CSeq: 438 REGISTER Contact: ;expires=90 Authorization: Digest username="srv_9185880046", realm="ruvoip.net", nonce="1441455027/244eb7148ebf97931fadf35e49418a29", uri="sip:", response="2751cf4c3e1a89c75ce6fe4382c7e51a", algorithm=md5, cnonce="55eadbb2", opaque="0783a9af5e712f4e", qop=auth, nc=00000001 Max-Forwards: 30 User-Agent: dble Expires: 90 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=438 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint srv_9185880046 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=438 (tdta0x7f576c1e7590) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:13.145+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: srv_9185880046 SessionID: 2128831244@ LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (498 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=49774;received=;branch=z9hG4bK341252526 Call-ID: 2128831244@ From: ;tag=725680022 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK341252526 CSeq: 438 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455073/5cd1ce00b18433c04c0dbc78b93a40fa",opaque="63df8e6e5aa40f99",stale=true,algorithm=md5,qop="auth" Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c1e .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=438 (tdta0x7f576c1e7590) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=338 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (688 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK28203275407413542;rport From: ludab53 ;tag=323063330 To: ludab53 Call-ID: 23940928515198-48761998912171@ CSeq: 338 REGISTER Contact: Authorization: Digest username="ludab53", realm="ruvoip.net", nonce="1441455073/35b18dd38ae203f358073b45e1a2fd12", uri="sip:talk37.ru", response="546f2434a179bb85bdc5ec9ae560731d", algorithm=MD5, cnonce="ebcb82d2", opaque="12f81c6c48ebcaf0", qop=auth, nc=00000001 Max-Forwards: 70 Expires: 60 Supported: path User-Agent: Voip Phone 1.0 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=338 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint ludab53 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=338 (tdta0x7f576c1e7590) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455073/35b18dd38ae203f358073b45e1a2fd12. Actual nonce is 1441455073/35b18dd38ae203f358073b45e1a2fd12 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c1e .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=338 (tdta0x7f576c1e7590) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:13.151+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: ludab53 SessionID: 23940928515198-48761998912171@ LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:ludab53@' on AOR 'ludab53' with new expiration of 60 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=338 (tdta0x7f57d8dc7290) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770177 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=338 (rdata0x7f57d88a7ce8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770177 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=338 (rdata0x7f57d88a7ce8) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770177 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770177 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=338 (tdta0x7f57d8dc7290) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (469 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=32448;received=;branch=z9hG4bK28203275407413542 Call-ID: 23940928515198-48761998912171@ From: "ludab53" ;tag=323063330 To: "ludab53" ;tag=z9hG4bK28203275407413542 CSeq: 338 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:13 GMT Contact: ;expires=59 Expires: 60 Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770177 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=437 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (682 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK282541585 Route: From: ;tag=1219743181 To: Call-ID: 615940345@ CSeq: 437 REGISTER Contact: ;expires=90 Authorization: Digest username="srv_9281014683", realm="ruvoip.net", nonce="1441455073/5cd1ce00b18433c04c0dbc78b93a40fa", uri="sip:", response="eec181a1c481e0c838948d5c51b7c4ac", algorithm=md5, cnonce="55eadbdf", opaque="6751d2d70bf7830a", qop=auth, nc=00000001 Max-Forwards: 30 User-Agent: dble Expires: 90 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=437 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint srv_9281014683 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=437 (tdta0x7f57d828a4a0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455073/5cd1ce00b18433c04c0dbc78b93a40fa. Actual nonce is 1441455073/5cd1ce00b18433c04c0dbc78b93a40fa [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d828 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=437 (tdta0x7f57d828a4a0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:13.159+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: srv_9281014683 SessionID: 615940345@ LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:srv_9281014683@' on AOR 'srv_9281014683' with new expiration of 90 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=437 (tdta0x7f576c1e7590) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742cd .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=437 (rdata0x5575b08) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742cd Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=437 (rdata0x5575b08) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742cd .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742cd Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=437 (tdta0x7f576c1e7590) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (440 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=49774;received=;branch=z9hG4bK282541585 Call-ID: 615940345@ From: ;tag=1219743181 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK282541585 CSeq: 437 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:13 GMT Contact: ;expires=89 Expires: 90 Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742cd .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555053 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (698 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKea55fe06a4555053 From: "17387" ;tag=ea55fe06a4 To: sip:17387@talk37.ru Call-ID: ea23d555-ca8d-febf-8006-0002a404e6be@ CSeq: 555053 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 21:58:52 GMT User-Agent: AddPac SIP Gateway Authorization: Digest username="17387", realm="ruvoip.net", nonce="1441455059/c74f6f6bafbfcfd90a5c511dd5322f95", opaque="2ff821d742932924", uri="sip:talk37.ru", qop=auth, nc=00010ee2, cnonce="93a28d03", response="864b48f27b6633d53554252843dfef15", algorithm=MD5 Contact: ;expires=4 Expires: 4 Content-Length: 0 Max-Forwards: 70 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555053 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 17387 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=555053 (tdta0x7f57d85317b0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455059/c74f6f6bafbfcfd90a5c511dd5322f95. Actual nonce is 1441455059/c74f6f6bafbfcfd90a5c511dd5322f95 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d853 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=555053 (tdta0x7f57d85317b0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:13.168+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 17387 SessionID: ea23d555-ca8d-febf-8006-0002a404e6be@ LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 17387/sip:17387@ has been deleted [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Added contact 'sip:17387@' to AOR '17387' with expiration of 5 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17387@ ContactStatus: Removed AOR: 17387 EndpointName: 17387 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17387@ ContactStatus: Removed AOR: 17387 EndpointName: 17387 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=555053 (tdta0x7f57d828a4a0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774096 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555053 (rdata0x5575b08) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774096 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555053 (rdata0x5575b08) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774096 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774096 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=555053 (tdta0x7f57d828a4a0) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (458 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;received=;branch=z9hG4bKea55fe06a4555053 Call-ID: ea23d555-ca8d-febf-8006-0002a404e6be@ From: "17387" ;tag=ea55fe06a4 To: ;tag=z9hG4bKea55fe06a4555053 CSeq: 555053 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:13 GMT Contact: ;expires=4 Expires: 5 Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774096 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 17387/sip:17387@ has been created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17387@ ContactStatus: Created AOR: 17387 EndpointName: 17387 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17387@ ContactStatus: Created AOR: 17387 EndpointName: 17387 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=17875 (tdta0x7f57d85317b0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x58b9bb0: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x58b9bb0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742ab .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=17875 (tdta0x7f57d85317b0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742ab Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=17875 (tdta0x7f57d85317b0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (488 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:17387@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPja3d12a3d-b29a-4114-bdc5-4684709817f2 From: ;tag=204579a9-f9c5-4d93-91d3-b14ad38c4d67 To: Contact: Call-ID: 396e6e96-40c1-41d3-b926-61f456ac8789 CSeq: 17875 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742ab .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d840d Retransmit timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d840d .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=42564 (tdta0x7f57d89f3f40), count=5, restart?=1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (487 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:mig315@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjd0fa7ac5-2be9-43dc-a4d1-4e2a61e804e6 From: ;tag=64da4722-0b26-4892-8cef-b4ade8a567c7 To: Contact: Call-ID: 6e830e96-5de6-4fc4-b4ed-0140835c28d2 CSeq: 42564 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=38284 (tdta0x7f576c0c6fe0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x107d220: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x107d220: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744cd .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=38284 (tdta0x7f576c0c6fe0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744cd Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=38284 (tdta0x7f576c0c6fe0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (495 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:okadriver@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjd05b6256-495c-47c7-ad00-7038c547a214 From: ;tag=aa28a42a-b93d-4608-8529-d4238837298b To: Contact: Call-ID: 929c2863-aa15-40cf-971e-842bea9e7da1 CSeq: 38284 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744cd .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=22694 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (470 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj7a0faa51-b3f0-4215-bc55-51573a110afc From: ;tag=1d1e2f98-1ef8-45f3-afbd-76fa50d2431b To: Call-ID: 7fce0225-e1fe-4a9b-aaaf-5432f5f1803f CSeq: 22694 OPTIONS User-Agent: AddPac SIP Gateway Accept: application/sdp Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, UPDATE, REFER, NOTIFY Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=22694 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770138 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=22694 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770138 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d825cb20: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d825cb20: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d825cb20: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d825cb20: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d825cb20: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 17386/sip:17386@ is now Reachable. RTT: 79.559 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17386@ ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: 17386 EndpointName: 17386 RoundtripUsec: 79559 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17386@ ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: 17386 EndpointName: 17386 RoundtripUsec: 79559 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774392 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774392 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774392 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774392 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774392 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=439 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (682 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK572454467 Route: From: ;tag=725680022 To: Call-ID: 2128831244@ CSeq: 439 REGISTER Contact: ;expires=90 Authorization: Digest username="srv_9185880046", realm="ruvoip.net", nonce="1441455073/5cd1ce00b18433c04c0dbc78b93a40fa", uri="sip:", response="2013b9c4fefc2e2448b953d11ea43f30", algorithm=md5, cnonce="55eadbdf", opaque="63df8e6e5aa40f99", qop=auth, nc=00000001 Max-Forwards: 30 User-Agent: dble Expires: 90 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57740af Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57740af .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57740af Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=439 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57740af .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d840 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=18285 (tdta0x7f57d840dc90) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57740af Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint srv_9185880046 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=439 (tdta0x7f57d840dc90) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455073/5cd1ce00b18433c04c0dbc78b93a40fa. Actual nonce is 1441455073/5cd1ce00b18433c04c0dbc78b93a40fa [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d840 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=439 (tdta0x7f57d840dc90) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:13.202+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: srv_9185880046 SessionID: 2128831244@ LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:srv_9185880046@' on AOR 'srv_9185880046' with new expiration of 90 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=439 (tdta0x7f576c03b500) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57740af .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=439 (rdata0x1de5f68) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57740af Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=439 (rdata0x1de5f68) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57740af .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57740af Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=439 (tdta0x7f576c03b500) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (440 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=49774;received=;branch=z9hG4bK572454467 Call-ID: 2128831244@ From: ;tag=725680022 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK572454467 CSeq: 439 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:13 GMT Contact: ;expires=89 Expires: 90 Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57740af .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=38284 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (476 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK To: ;tag=da3e1e7cb14b48f7i0 From: ;tag=aa28a42a-b93d-4608-8529-d4238837298b Call-ID: 929c2863-aa15-40cf-971e-842bea9e7da1 CSeq: 38284 OPTIONS Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPjd05b6256-495c-47c7-ad00-7038c547a214 Server: Linksys/PAP2T-3.1.15(LS) Content-Length: 0 Allow: ACK, BYE, CANCEL, INFO, INVITE, NOTIFY, OPTIONS, REFER Supported: x-sipura [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=40860 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=38284 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (732 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-eb7e9b21 From: "Slava" ;tag=f7a55f76d69f75a2o2 To: "Slava" Call-ID: 85b15ec2-2b5c950a@ CSeq: 40860 REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 Authorization: Digest username="13340",realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455027/2ecebe63c17902192ad8613d45f92534",uri="sip:talk37.ru",algorithm=MD5,response="26bcafee03dbd8909dfa1214abfdddcd",opaque="65d80b5908d74634",qop=auth,nc=00000002,cnonce="9e9b7289" Contact: "Slava" ;expires=60 User-Agent: Cisco/SPA525G2-7.5.2a Content-Length: 0 Allow: ACK, BYE, CANCEL, INFO, INVITE, NOTIFY, OPTIONS, REFER, UPDATE Supported: replaces [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744cd .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=38284 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744cd ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x107d220: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x107d220: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x107d220: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=40860 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 13340 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=40860 (tdta0x51efd80) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x107d220: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x107d220: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:okadriver@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 21.634 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:13.208+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 13340 SessionID: 85b15ec2-2b5c950a@ LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (507 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5063;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-eb7e9b21 Call-ID: 85b15ec2-2b5c950a@ From: "Slava" ;tag=f7a55f76d69f75a2o2 To: "Slava" ;tag=z9hG4bK-eb7e9b21 CSeq: 40860 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455073/78ddeb502de60cd8818c418388062315",opaque="454cbe6354c1c140",stale=true,algorithm=md5,qop="auth" Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tdta0x51efd80 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=40860 (tdta0x51efd80) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=6501 (tdta0x24c5ea0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x107d220: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x107d220: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774392 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=6501 (tdta0x24c5ea0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774392 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=6501 (tdta0x24c5ea0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (485 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:mkozyr@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPja41fb239-19e7-4c47-bf70-d6f304c74ae3 From: ;tag=f8680b18-b54f-4d41-ad1e-5a30759e60a8 To: Contact: Call-ID: 289207b9-fe7a-4ea6-84b1-b3343800cda2 CSeq: 6501 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774392 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=6501 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (674 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPja41fb239-19e7-4c47-bf70-d6f304c74ae3 From: ;tag=f8680b18-b54f-4d41-ad1e-5a30759e60a8 To: ;tag=g9791c09-c45g-5e50-ae0d-4a21648d71a9 Call-ID: 289207b9-fe7a-4ea6-84b1-b3343800cda2 CSeq: 6501 OPTIONS Supported: replaces User-Agent: C610A IP/ Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, OPTIONS, INFO, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Accept: application/sdp,application/dtmf-relay,application/simple-message-summary,message/sipfrag Accept-Encoding: identity Accept-Language: en Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=6501 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774392 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=6501 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774392 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x107d220: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x107d220: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x107d220: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x107d220: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x107d220: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:mkozyr@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 19.337 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555054 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (698 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKea552107a4555054 From: "17388" ;tag=ea552107a4 To: sip:17388@talk37.ru Call-ID: ea23d555-9df6-21eb-8007-0002a404e6be@ CSeq: 555054 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 21:58:52 GMT User-Agent: AddPac SIP Gateway Authorization: Digest username="17388", realm="ruvoip.net", nonce="1441455064/3cf5b28a5ed4d62ad1b9169e49907cb7", opaque="7cfb917b501584d2", uri="sip:talk37.ru", qop=auth, nc=00010edf, cnonce="96e5a2a4", response="c2e7a7a7b69ba5b8224195e43d1a4dbd", algorithm=MD5 Contact: ;expires=4 Expires: 4 Content-Length: 0 Max-Forwards: 70 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555054 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 17388 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=555054 (tdta0x7f57d840dc90) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455064/3cf5b28a5ed4d62ad1b9169e49907cb7. Actual nonce is 1441455064/3cf5b28a5ed4d62ad1b9169e49907cb7 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d840 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=555054 (tdta0x7f57d840dc90) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:13.232+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 17388 SessionID: ea23d555-9df6-21eb-8007-0002a404e6be@ LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 17388/sip:17388@ has been deleted [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Added contact 'sip:17388@' to AOR '17388' with expiration of 5 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17388@ ContactStatus: Removed AOR: 17388 EndpointName: 17388 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17388@ ContactStatus: Removed AOR: 17388 EndpointName: 17388 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=555054 (tdta0x51efd80) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774626 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555054 (rdata0x570eab8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774626 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=555054 (rdata0x570eab8) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774626 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774626 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=555054 (tdta0x51efd80) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (458 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;received=;branch=z9hG4bKea552107a4555054 Call-ID: ea23d555-9df6-21eb-8007-0002a404e6be@ From: "17388" ;tag=ea552107a4 To: ;tag=z9hG4bKea552107a4555054 CSeq: 555054 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:13 GMT Contact: ;expires=4 Expires: 5 Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774626 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 17388/sip:17388@ has been created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17388@ ContactStatus: Created AOR: 17388 EndpointName: 17388 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17388@ ContactStatus: Created AOR: 17388 EndpointName: 17388 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=16735 (tdta0x7f57d840dc90) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x282cf50: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x282cf50: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748ca .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=16735 (tdta0x7f57d840dc90) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748ca Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=16735 (tdta0x7f57d840dc90) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (488 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:17388@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj06614583-c0e7-4bab-99ea-e551fa65a7dc From: ;tag=2f42dec7-e0db-4f55-a55e-112883fcea9d To: Contact: Call-ID: 983cec75-945d-4ae8-be58-0fc6d6def53b CSeq: 16735 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748ca .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=436 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (681 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK531928854 Route: From: ;tag=567558478 To: Call-ID: 772922503@ CSeq: 436 REGISTER Contact: ;expires=90 Authorization: Digest username="srv_9281015245", realm="ruvoip.net", nonce="1441455028/8601cf9e97f74fbf77cfcdfc644d0983", uri="sip:", response="bb3f52248bf741392f8abdb46c5d0d99", algorithm=md5, cnonce="55eadbb2", opaque="06147f6a5baed422", qop=auth, nc=00000001 Max-Forwards: 30 User-Agent: dble Expires: 90 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=3670 (tdta0x7f576c20c760) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=436 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint srv_9281015245 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x203bdb0: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x203bdb0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=436 (tdta0x4b712c0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8535 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=3670 (tdta0x7f576c20c760) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8535 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=3670 (tdta0x7f576c20c760) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sipde.zadarma.com, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sipde.zadarma.com from cache, ttl=51 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:13.252+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: srv_9281015245 SessionID: 772922503@ LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (481 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:sipde.zadarma.com:5060 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj33d839cd-74ca-49bd-8b71-8da1d6dc3a76 From: ;tag=ec150d64-f333-4c58-83a7-79305ef6257a To: Contact: Call-ID: bd97b7ca-f3e5-4ece-97d7-2040dafb6407 CSeq: 3670 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (497 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=49774;received=;branch=z9hG4bK531928854 Call-ID: 772922503@ From: ;tag=567558478 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK531928854 CSeq: 436 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455073/5cd1ce00b18433c04c0dbc78b93a40fa",opaque="191beed94cf020a9",stale=true,algorithm=md5,qop="auth" Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8535 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tdta0x4b712c0 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=436 (tdta0x4b712c0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=17875 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (470 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPja3d12a3d-b29a-4114-bdc5-4684709817f2 From: ;tag=204579a9-f9c5-4d93-91d3-b14ad38c4d67 To: Call-ID: 396e6e96-40c1-41d3-b926-61f456ac8789 CSeq: 17875 OPTIONS User-Agent: AddPac SIP Gateway Accept: application/sdp Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, UPDATE, REFER, NOTIFY Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=17875 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742ab .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=17875 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742ab ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x58b9bb0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x58b9bb0: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x58b9bb0: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x58b9bb0: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x58b9bb0: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 17387/sip:17387@ is now Reachable. RTT: 80.089 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17387@ ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: 17387 EndpointName: 17387 RoundtripUsec: 80089 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17387@ ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: 17387 EndpointName: 17387 RoundtripUsec: 80089 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=40861 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (732 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-6debe52a From: "Slava" ;tag=f7a55f76d69f75a2o2 To: "Slava" Call-ID: 85b15ec2-2b5c950a@ CSeq: 40861 REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 Authorization: Digest username="13340",realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455073/78ddeb502de60cd8818c418388062315",uri="sip:talk37.ru",algorithm=MD5,response="f556525b3aa9c4501904af6f90b71d42",opaque="454cbe6354c1c140",qop=auth,nc=00000001,cnonce="cc9ebe4b" Contact: "Slava" ;expires=60 User-Agent: Cisco/SPA525G2-7.5.2a Content-Length: 0 Allow: ACK, BYE, CANCEL, INFO, INVITE, NOTIFY, OPTIONS, REFER, UPDATE Supported: replaces [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=40861 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 13340 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=40861 (tdta0x4b712c0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455073/78ddeb502de60cd8818c418388062315. Actual nonce is 1441455073/78ddeb502de60cd8818c418388062315 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tdta0x4b712c0 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=40861 (tdta0x4b712c0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770003 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:13.257+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 13340 SessionID: 85b15ec2-2b5c950a@ LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770003 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770003 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770003 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d829 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=51969 (tdta0x7f57d8290f00) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770003 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:13340@' on AOR '13340' with new expiration of 60 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=40861 (tdta0x7f57d8290f00) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770003 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=40861 (rdata0x570eab8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770003 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=40861 (rdata0x570eab8) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770003 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770003 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=40861 (tdta0x7f57d8290f00) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (426 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5063;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-6debe52a Call-ID: 85b15ec2-2b5c950a@ From: "Slava" ;tag=f7a55f76d69f75a2o2 To: "Slava" ;tag=z9hG4bK-6debe52a CSeq: 40861 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:13 GMT Contact: ;expires=59 Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770003 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=4790 (tdta0x4b712c0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d8b400b0: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d8b400b0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744a3 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=4790 (tdta0x4b712c0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744a3 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=4790 (tdta0x4b712c0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sip.cheapvoip.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sip.cheapvoip.ru from cache, ttl=251 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (479 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:sip.cheapvoip.ru:5060 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj2ca952e6-cf1d-4d97-b012-a5a3d4e87a12 From: ;tag=0c10689d-fcba-45c4-b1f4-af046ef91d36 To: Contact: Call-ID: f0f9189e-6145-465c-9c8a-c98498816c70 CSeq: 4790 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744a3 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770167 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770167 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770167 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770167 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x4eff0d0 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=26521 (tdta0x4eff0d0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770167 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=16735 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (470 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj06614583-c0e7-4bab-99ea-e551fa65a7dc From: ;tag=2f42dec7-e0db-4f55-a55e-112883fcea9d To: Call-ID: 983cec75-945d-4ae8-be58-0fc6d6def53b CSeq: 16735 OPTIONS User-Agent: AddPac SIP Gateway Accept: application/sdp Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, UPDATE, REFER, NOTIFY Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=16735 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748ca .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=16735 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748ca ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x282cf50: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x282cf50: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x282cf50: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x282cf50: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x282cf50: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 17388/sip:17388@ is now Reachable. RTT: 59.137 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17388@ ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: 17388 EndpointName: 17388 RoundtripUsec: 59137 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17388@ ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: 17388 EndpointName: 17388 RoundtripUsec: 59137 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8739] chan_sip.c: Auto destroying SIP dialog '2071146c-53c7-11e5-96d8-d7d476ff8d9d_621ddd5029ace5fd5f4d195b3f99a2ff@sip.ukddi.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8739] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 2071146c-53c7-11e5-96d8-d7d476ff8d9d_621ddd5029ace5fd5f4d195b3f99a2ff@sip.ukddi.com [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8739] chan_sip.c: Auto destroying SIP dialog '20712416-53c7-11e5-96fa-d7d476ff8d9d_16b3f8ad3eb87d5a46823f1c406f0192@sip.ukddi.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8739] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 20712416-53c7-11e5-96fa-d7d476ff8d9d_16b3f8ad3eb87d5a46823f1c406f0192@sip.ukddi.com [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774589 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774589 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774589 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774589 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x52fb2d0 ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=118091465 (tdta0x52fb2d0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774589 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=3670 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (494 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj33d839cd-74ca-49bd-8b71-8da1d6dc3a76;received= From: ;tag=ec150d64-f333-4c58-83a7-79305ef6257a To: ;tag=5149c1126e702672db415b970eae4141.a68f Call-ID: bd97b7ca-f3e5-4ece-97d7-2040dafb6407 CSeq: 3670 OPTIONS Accept: */* Accept-Encoding: Accept-Language: en Supported: Server: Zadarma server Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8739] chan_sip.c: Auto destroying SIP dialog '2071416c-53c7-11e5-973d-d7d476ff8d9d_0c32e50f730fc21d497c961b126be85a@sip.ukddi.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8739] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 2071416c-53c7-11e5-973d-d7d476ff8d9d_0c32e50f730fc21d497c961b126be85a@sip.ukddi.com [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=3670 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8535 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=3670 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8535 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x203bdb0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=437 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x203bdb0: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (682 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK2022826940 Route: From: ;tag=567558478 To: Call-ID: 772922503@ CSeq: 437 REGISTER Contact: ;expires=90 Authorization: Digest username="srv_9281015245", realm="ruvoip.net", nonce="1441455073/5cd1ce00b18433c04c0dbc78b93a40fa", uri="sip:", response="f1dc5fe499a1a093a5f7cd2f92526d03", algorithm=md5, cnonce="55eadbdf", opaque="191beed94cf020a9", qop=auth, nc=00000001 Max-Forwards: 30 User-Agent: dble Expires: 90 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x203bdb0: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=437 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x203bdb0: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint srv_9281015245 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x203bdb0: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=437 (tdta0x7f57d9449840) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sipde.zadarma.com:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 56.586 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455073/5cd1ce00b18433c04c0dbc78b93a40fa. Actual nonce is 1441455073/5cd1ce00b18433c04c0dbc78b93a40fa [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d944 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=437 (tdta0x7f57d9449840) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:13.308+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: srv_9281015245 SessionID: 772922503@ LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:srv_9281015245@' on AOR 'srv_9281015245' with new expiration of 90 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774243 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774243 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774243 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774243 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d806 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=2694 (tdta0x7f57d806c3c0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774243 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=437 (tdta0x7f57d806c3c0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774243 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=437 (rdata0x5c5d558) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774243 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=437 (rdata0x5c5d558) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774243 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774243 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=437 (tdta0x7f57d806c3c0) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (441 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=49774;received=;branch=z9hG4bK2022826940 Call-ID: 772922503@ From: ;tag=567558478 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK2022826940 CSeq: 437 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:13 GMT Contact: ;expires=89 Expires: 90 Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774243 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 481/OPTIONS/cseq=4790 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (390 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 481 Call/Transaction Does Not Exist Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPj2ca952e6-cf1d-4d97-b012-a5a3d4e87a12;received=;rport=5060 From: ;tag=0c10689d-fcba-45c4-b1f4-af046ef91d36 To: Call-ID: f0f9189e-6145-465c-9c8a-c98498816c70 CSeq: 4790 OPTIONS Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 481/OPTIONS/cseq=4790 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744a3 .Incoming Response msg 481/OPTIONS/cseq=4790 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744a3 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d8b400b0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d8b400b0: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d8b400b0: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d8b400b0: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d8b400b0: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sip.cheapvoip.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 50.751 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770105 Retransmit timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770105 .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=17594 (tdta0x2190c80), count=4, restart?=1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (499 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:sejadfazlic@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj21663bd5-aedd-4bb6-8b35-bd9e3ae3a2bd From: ;tag=8d1450df-18dc-4863-bcaa-3da4b377594a To: Contact: Call-ID: 89b42ff7-51e3-41b6-8ac4-df677404d247 CSeq: 17594 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x3adf5a8 Retransmit timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x3adf5a8 .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=63428 (tdta0x200de10), count=0, restart?=1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (495 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:17186@;ob SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj0852e127-9d8d-497d-8e7c-759164571174 From: ;tag=6102ecf5-b68f-4fcd-9ec5-4b17ff46b4f6 To: Contact: Call-ID: 559bfa7d-8a1e-44b5-bbd9-aa2e0d0f1c7f CSeq: 63428 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577000c Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577000c .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577000c Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577000c .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0xf6e820 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=23054 (tdta0xf6e820) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577000c Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774388 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774388 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774388 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774388 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x24d45b0 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=65014 (tdta0x24d45b0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774388 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=44278 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (365 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj914c9826-830d-4a22-bed6-a388c5cffd18;received= From: ;tag=6c56d38d-12cf-44bc-9106-5b816820fb12 To: Call-ID: f0e5b35f-cbb8-4a77-8bde-4e0083e3aa19 CSeq: 44278 OPTIONS Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=44278 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d858f .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=44278 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d858f ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b6e4a0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b6e4a0: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b6e4a0: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b6e4a0: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b6e4a0: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:ankom@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 906.187 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x2198ad8 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x2198ad8 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x2198ad8 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x2198ad8 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c18 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=10639 (tdta0x7f576c18d740) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x2198ad8 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748f0 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748f0 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748f0 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748f0 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748f0 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=22569 (tdta0x7f576c18d740) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d8272950: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d8272950: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748f0 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=22569 (tdta0x7f576c18d740) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748f0 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=22569 (tdta0x7f576c18d740) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (490 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:lanchakov@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj82b1c414-767e-4095-8ed1-a2203b5170d8 From: ;tag=4e2f02e6-09b0-4d0c-9ab3-b54b7dbba732 To: Contact: Call-ID: a0dac00a-5f87-41a9-b3d7-ce795eafe860 CSeq: 22569 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748f0 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8c47 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8c47 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8c47 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8c47 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d8b7 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=23484 (tdta0x7f57d8b7d5c0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8c47 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=17175 (tdta0x7f57d8b7d5c0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x2fa9a70: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x2fa9a70: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8c47 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=17175 (tdta0x7f57d8b7d5c0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8c47 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=17175 (tdta0x7f57d8b7d5c0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=184 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (476 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjf2fedd52-fc21-4f53-891a-b960ce15ef60 From: ;tag=336c258d-e214-4d99-ab87-6cd3735d493b To: Contact: Call-ID: 9e41571a-cd17-435b-8715-299f28b2e1bb CSeq: 17175 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8c47 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=1368 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (656 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK695304a1;rport From: ;tag=as1582a410 To: Call-ID: 1b3a033c242b22200877a54501521c2b@ CSeq: 1368 REGISTER User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Max-Forwards: 70 Authorization: Digest username="srv_d16841", realm="ruvoip.net", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:talk37.ru", nonce="1441454968/d7331ac2fba65a9108c121d11ee88ff8", response="bcfc6a32a04e3e0d201e105e064f3162", opaque="3bc375ee617bb813", qop=auth, cnonce="737ac351", nc=00000002 Expires: 120 Contact: Event: registration Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=17175 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (418 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bKPjf2fedd52-fc21-4f53-891a-b960ce15ef60;rport=5060 From: ;tag=336c258d-e214-4d99-ab87-6cd3735d493b To: ;tag=aprqngfrt-n9umvv200oge1 Call-ID: 9e41571a-cd17-435b-8715-299f28b2e1bb CSeq: 17175 OPTIONS Reason: Q.850;cause=55;text="Call Terminated" [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=1368 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=17175 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8c47 .Incoming Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=17175 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8c47 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2fa9a70: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2fa9a70: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2fa9a70: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint srv_d16841 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=1368 (tdta0x7f57d9449840) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2fa9a70: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 11.628 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:13.448+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: srv_d16841 SessionID: 1b3a033c242b22200877a54501521c2b@ LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2fa9a70: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (500 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=35756;received=;branch=z9hG4bK695304a1 Call-ID: 1b3a033c242b22200877a54501521c2b@ From: ;tag=as1582a410 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK695304a1 CSeq: 1368 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455073/092470b2e12741f2667897efee6c393b",opaque="0fc65f7d2bcfc0ed",stale=true,algorithm=md5,qop="auth" Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d944 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=1368 (tdta0x7f57d9449840) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741a6 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741a6 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741a6 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741a6 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741a6 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700ab Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700ab .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700ab Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700ab .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c0e ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=50476 (tdta0x7f576c0e74f0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700ab Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=771 (tdta0x7f576c0e74f0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d8224c30: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d8224c30: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700ab .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=771 (tdta0x7f576c0e74f0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700ab Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=771 (tdta0x7f576c0e74f0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (490 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:philippm@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj58bda13f-9e2f-4af3-8ef0-51453998a6b8 From: ;tag=59876668-7e70-4db5-9128-9733e079131b To: Contact: Call-ID: c6da26e5-5d93-4dcd-8d3e-c421318cb796 CSeq: 771 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x307fa38 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x307fa38 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700ab .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x307fa38 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x307fa38 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c05 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=57188 (tdta0x7f576c05c5a0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x307fa38 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748b1 Retransmit timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748b1 .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=5011 (tdta0x7f576c080740), count=7, restart?=1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (544 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:dwerty@;rinstance=cebcdae1f8b00291 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj0cfbb7e8-fe9a-4a55-918f-822351915675 From: ;tag=494ec3b1-1dd8-4c9b-ba38-dbdbed8a85fe To: Contact: Call-ID: 1dd2dd14-199c-41f8-a013-8b2d8b8a2096 CSeq: 5011 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=4466 (tdta0x7f576c05c5a0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0xa40420: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0xa40420: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x307fa38 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=4466 (tdta0x7f576c05c5a0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x307fa38 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=4466 (tdta0x7f576c05c5a0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sip.dorinet.org, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sip.dorinet.org from cache, ttl=191 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (477 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:sip.dorinet.org:5060 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjb073e7b6-7c3b-452c-8968-5dbda78e9f23 From: ;tag=0f2755ef-c414-4dc9-a2b1-3d37cfe6e0ff To: Contact: Call-ID: b05acf1e-ea65-40e3-beea-df5cffe901ad CSeq: 4466 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x307fa38 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770096 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770096 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770096 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770096 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c1e ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=51008 (tdta0x7f576c1ee3a0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770096 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=22569 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (483 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK To: ;tag=b08750981208735di1 From: ;tag=4e2f02e6-09b0-4d0c-9ab3-b54b7dbba732 Call-ID: a0dac00a-5f87-41a9-b3d7-ce795eafe860 CSeq: 22569 OPTIONS Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPj82b1c414-767e-4095-8ed1-a2203b5170d8 Server: Linksys/PAP2T-5.1.6(LS) Content-Length: 0 Allow: ACK, BYE, CANCEL, INFO, INVITE, NOTIFY, OPTIONS, REFER Supported: x-sipura, replaces [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=22569 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748f0 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=22569 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748f0 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d8272950: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d8272950: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d8272950: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d8272950: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d8272950: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:lanchakov@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 68.208 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=1369 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (656 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK1dde66f6;rport From: ;tag=as3274667c To: Call-ID: 1b3a033c242b22200877a54501521c2b@ CSeq: 1369 REGISTER User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Max-Forwards: 70 Authorization: Digest username="srv_d16841", realm="ruvoip.net", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:talk37.ru", nonce="1441455073/092470b2e12741f2667897efee6c393b", response="58f2e130d3aed3f1927508254c484125", opaque="0fc65f7d2bcfc0ed", qop=auth, cnonce="3f63eb2f", nc=00000001 Expires: 120 Contact: Event: registration Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=1369 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint srv_d16841 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=1369 (tdta0x24d45b0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455073/092470b2e12741f2667897efee6c393b. Actual nonce is 1441455073/092470b2e12741f2667897efee6c393b [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tdta0x24d45b0 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=1369 (tdta0x24d45b0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:13.501+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: srv_d16841 SessionID: 1b3a033c242b22200877a54501521c2b@ LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:s@' on AOR 'srv_d16841' with new expiration of 120 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=1369 (tdta0x7f576c1ee3a0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770096 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=1369 (rdata0x59a3298) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770096 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=1369 (rdata0x59a3298) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770096 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770096 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=1369 (tdta0x7f576c1ee3a0) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (431 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=35756;received=;branch=z9hG4bK1dde66f6 Call-ID: 1b3a033c242b22200877a54501521c2b@ From: ;tag=as3274667c To: ;tag=z9hG4bK1dde66f6 CSeq: 1369 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:13 GMT Contact: ;expires=119 Expires: 120 Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770096 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774340 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774340 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774340 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774340 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x4c4b480 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=3074 (tdta0x4c4b480) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774340 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=771 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (626 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj58bda13f-9e2f-4af3-8ef0-51453998a6b8 From: ;tag=59876668-7e70-4db5-9128-9733e079131b To: ;tag=48967779-6d61-5ec4-8039-8622d168020c Call-ID: c6da26e5-5d93-4dcd-8d3e-c421318cb796 CSeq: 771 OPTIONS Supported: replaces Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, OPTIONS, INFO, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Accept: application/sdp,application/dtmf-relay,application/simple-message-summary,message/sipfrag Accept-Encoding: identity Accept-Language: en Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=771 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700ab .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=771 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700ab ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d8224c30: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d8224c30: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d8224c30: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d8224c30: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d8224c30: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:philippm@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 52.969 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact alexanderstepnov/sip:alexanderstepnov@;rinstance=9dd5081a49c6e968 has been deleted [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:alexanderstepnov@;rinstance=9dd5081a49c6e968 ContactStatus: Removed AOR: alexanderstepnov EndpointName: alexanderstepnov RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:alexanderstepnov@;rinstance=9dd5081a49c6e968 ContactStatus: Removed AOR: alexanderstepnov EndpointName: alexanderstepnov RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Endpoint alexanderstepnov is now Unreachable [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8692] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - alexanderstepnov [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: PeerStatus Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Peer: PJSIP/alexanderstepnov PeerStatus: Unreachable [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8692] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/alexanderstepnov - state 5 (Unavailable) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: PeerStatus Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Peer: PJSIP/alexanderstepnov PeerStatus: Unreachable [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8761] app_queue.c: Device 'PJSIP/alexanderstepnov' changed to state '5' (Unavailable) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/alexanderstepnov State: UNAVAILABLE [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: 9270 Context: hints Hint: PJSIP/alexanderstepnov Status: 4 StatusText: Unavailable [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8696] app_queue.c: Extension '9270@hints' changed to state '5' (Unavailable) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=9795 (tdta0x4c4b480) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x49fab80: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x49fab80: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774340 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=9795 (tdta0x4c4b480) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774340 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=9795 (tdta0x4c4b480) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (482 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:16821@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj0fe8b447-4092-43af-b006-837420d9192f From: ;tag=4f5cf384-76b2-470f-90fd-c73d047251c3 To: Contact: Call-ID: 0e19f0b6-be75-482b-b983-f8c9bf0ac3fd CSeq: 9795 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774340 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f576400c Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f576400c .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f576400c Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f576400c .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x5b349a0 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=47776 (tdta0x5b349a0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f576400c Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x4148368 Retransmit timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x4148368 .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=36693 (tdta0x7f57d91b22f0), count=1, restart?=1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (543 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:vorevers@;rinstance=1fa355758b45a1d7 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj46a45a48-4ab8-4bbc-a008-084a0b791f2c From: ;tag=71b3560b-88de-4c47-a0cf-cfc88736f42e To: Contact: Call-ID: 8954cd55-3d10-4abc-b8c5-2873f95e202f CSeq: 36693 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770178 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770178 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770178 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770178 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770178 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=4466 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (551 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 404 Not Found Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPjb073e7b6-7c3b-452c-8968-5dbda78e9f23;received=;rport=5060 From: ;tag=0f2755ef-c414-4dc9-a2b1-3d37cfe6e0ff To: ;tag=as14d060dd Call-ID: b05acf1e-ea65-40e3-beea-df5cffe901ad CSeq: 4466 OPTIONS Server: DoRiN-Networks Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH, MESSAGE Supported: replaces, timer Accept: application/sdp Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=4466 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x307fa38 .Incoming Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=4466 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x307fa38 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0xa40420: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0xa40420: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0xa40420: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0xa40420: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0xa40420: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sip.dorinet.org:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 64.326 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=534 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (1010 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru:5060;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---e3e48914b787140c;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: To: From: ;tag=beecc216 Call-ID: bFmqIjA2KaUWLRY7eTGWLg.. CSeq: 534 REGISTER Expires: 60 Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, outbound, path, X-cisco-serviceuri User-Agent: Zoiper r30645 Authorization: Digest username="alexanderstepnov",realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455013/b2def951dcb6c50af7215fc8b0780df4",uri="sip:talk37.ru:5060;transport=UDP",response="d523705af83dde2cf696dabe06778002",cnonce="f154fdaa97061b44030e733dd61ad178",nc=00000002,qop=auth,algorithm=md5,opaque="3aa8d0400f2e289b" Allow-Events: presence, kpml Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=534 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint alexanderstepnov [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=534 (tdta0x24d45b0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:13.542+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: alexanderstepnov SessionID: bFmqIjA2KaUWLRY7eTGWLg.. LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (536 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=44299;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---e3e48914b787140c Call-ID: bFmqIjA2KaUWLRY7eTGWLg.. From: ;tag=beecc216 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK-524287-1---e3e48914b787140c CSeq: 534 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455073/0a727918c89ffad825981025601b2065",opaque="1ecd37f602abd045",stale=true,algorithm=md5,qop="auth" Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tdta0x24d45b0 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=534 (tdta0x24d45b0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=53417 (tdta0x5b349a0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x2be12b0: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x2be12b0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770178 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=53417 (tdta0x5b349a0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770178 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=53417 (tdta0x5b349a0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=TCP resolved to '' type=TCP (TCP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (529 bytes) to TCP: ---> OPTIONS sip:ddrozdov@;transport=TCP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjc30c7005-5d76-4e19-9531-5527b301772a;alias From: ;tag=ff559553-da02-43c5-99e9-6cdd739e4314 To: Contact: Call-ID: 193c1866-b5f1-4f02-8607-d2450ef4533e CSeq: 53417 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770178 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=535 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (1010 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru:5060;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---ad4b56438e81e606;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: To: From: ;tag=beecc216 Call-ID: bFmqIjA2KaUWLRY7eTGWLg.. CSeq: 535 REGISTER Expires: 60 Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, outbound, path, X-cisco-serviceuri User-Agent: Zoiper r30645 Authorization: Digest username="alexanderstepnov",realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455073/0a727918c89ffad825981025601b2065",uri="sip:talk37.ru:5060;transport=UDP",response="980d869327b2dadce571882729197b64",cnonce="32462c70c0572bfa16a023e8301836da",nc=00000001,qop=auth,algorithm=md5,opaque="1ecd37f602abd045" Allow-Events: presence, kpml Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d92c9 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d92c9 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d92c9 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=535 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d92c9 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d8ec ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=29981 (tdta0x7f57d8ec31e0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d92c9 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint alexanderstepnov [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=535 (tdta0x7f57d8ec31e0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455073/0a727918c89ffad825981025601b2065. Actual nonce is 1441455073/0a727918c89ffad825981025601b2065 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d8ec .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=535 (tdta0x7f57d8ec31e0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:13.548+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: alexanderstepnov SessionID: bFmqIjA2KaUWLRY7eTGWLg.. LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Added contact 'sip:alexanderstepnov@;rinstance=9dd5081a49c6e968' to AOR 'alexanderstepnov' with expiration of 60 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact alexanderstepnov/sip:alexanderstepnov@;rinstance=9dd5081a49c6e968 has been created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:alexanderstepnov@;rinstance=9dd5081a49c6e968 ContactStatus: Created AOR: alexanderstepnov EndpointName: alexanderstepnov RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:alexanderstepnov@;rinstance=9dd5081a49c6e968 ContactStatus: Created AOR: alexanderstepnov EndpointName: alexanderstepnov RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=535 (tdta0x24d45b0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d92c9 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=535 (rdata0x5620178) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d92c9 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=535 (rdata0x5620178) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d92c9 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d92c9 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=535 (tdta0x24d45b0) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (507 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=44299;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---ad4b56438e81e606 Call-ID: bFmqIjA2KaUWLRY7eTGWLg.. From: ;tag=beecc216 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK-524287-1---ad4b56438e81e606 CSeq: 535 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:13 GMT Contact: ;expires=59 Expires: 60 Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d92c9 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Endpoint alexanderstepnov is now Reachable [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8c57 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8c57 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8c57 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8c57 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: PeerStatus Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Peer: PJSIP/alexanderstepnov PeerStatus: Reachable [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x4c992d0 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=9571 (tdta0x4c992d0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8692] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - alexanderstepnov [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8692] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/alexanderstepnov - state 1 (Not in use) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8c57 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: PeerStatus Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Peer: PJSIP/alexanderstepnov PeerStatus: Reachable [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8761] app_queue.c: Device 'PJSIP/alexanderstepnov' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/alexanderstepnov State: NOT_INUSE [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: 9270 Context: hints Hint: PJSIP/alexanderstepnov Status: 0 StatusText: Idle [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8696] app_queue.c: Extension '9270@hints' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=18043 (tdta0x4c992d0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x41a0fa0: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x41a0fa0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8c57 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=18043 (tdta0x4c992d0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8c57 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=18043 (tdta0x4c992d0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (565 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:alexanderstepnov@;rinstance=9dd5081a49c6e968 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj6ab0e5a6-ca40-4c63-92b5-bf0c7ad571fe From: ;tag=77b06212-c6bc-4abe-bd34-65ce0cde2875 To: Contact: Call-ID: cea9763b-947f-4902-816a-618c58189c87 CSeq: 18043 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8c57 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=26231 (tdta0x7f57d8ec31e0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' with client 'sip:67405@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f576400c .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=26232 (tdta0x7f57d8ec31e0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f576400c Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=26232 (tdta0x7f57d8ec31e0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com:5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS SRV record for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com from cache, ttl=1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com: DNS "Name Error" (PJLIB_UTIL_EDNS_NXDOMAIN) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com, trying resolving A record for sipde.zadarma.com [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Starting async DNS A query_job for sipde.zadarma.com [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sipde.zadarma.com from cache, ttl=51 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS A for sipde.zadarma.com: [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Server resolution complete, 1 server entry(s) found [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (557 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sipde.zadarma.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj49190df0-6ab9-4823-9a0c-968b77859e6d From: ;tag=492d3209-06b2-41b0-be43-ffc15dcede2c To: Call-ID: 1bc43632-a39e-481b-abe8-cb6c98f2fd53 CSeq: 26232 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f576400c .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=18043 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (731 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj6ab0e5a6-ca40-4c63-92b5-bf0c7ad571fe Contact: To: ;tag=cbd7be47 From: ;tag=77b06212-c6bc-4abe-bd34-65ce0cde2875 Call-ID: cea9763b-947f-4902-816a-618c58189c87 CSeq: 18043 OPTIONS Accept: application/sdp, application/sdp Accept-Language: en Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, outbound, path, X-cisco-serviceuri User-Agent: Zoiper r30645 Allow-Events: presence, kpml Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=18043 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8c57 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=18043 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8c57 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x41a0fa0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x41a0fa0: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x41a0fa0: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x41a0fa0: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x41a0fa0: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact alexanderstepnov/sip:alexanderstepnov@;rinstance=9dd5081a49c6e968 is now Reachable. RTT: 5.810 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:alexanderstepnov@;rinstance=9dd5081a49c6e968 ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: alexanderstepnov EndpointName: alexanderstepnov RoundtripUsec: 5810 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:alexanderstepnov@;rinstance=9dd5081a49c6e968 ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: alexanderstepnov EndpointName: alexanderstepnov RoundtripUsec: 5810 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=23609 (tdta0x7f57d9449840) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x3df88a0: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x3df88a0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741a6 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=23609 (tdta0x7f57d9449840) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741a6 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=23609 (tdta0x7f57d9449840) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (486 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:14600@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPje55624ef-078f-4f91-af79-27bd246b057d From: ;tag=3a5d7e75-d9f5-488a-a6a9-97663faf39e1 To: Contact: Call-ID: 19d5d7cf-319f-44d4-89ff-abda8446b75e CSeq: 23609 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741a6 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764057 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764057 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764057 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764057 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d910 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=46670 (tdta0x7f57d9108cc0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764057 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=62437 (tdta0x7f57d9108cc0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sip.messagenet.it:5061' with client 'sip:5406018568@sip.messagenet.it:5061' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764057 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=62438 (tdta0x7f57d9108cc0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764057 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=62438 (tdta0x7f57d9108cc0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sip.messagenet.it, transport=Unspecified, port=5061 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sip.messagenet.it from cache, ttl=298 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (584 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sip.messagenet.it:5061 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj2335fd8e-7bb3-4f15-94ad-2661b30f97e9 From: ;tag=a7cc9470-b15b-4384-a615-4f6881058003 To: Call-ID: f6ba4107-b408-41b2-aaa7-3b301194d59d CSeq: 62438 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764057 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=63431 (tdta0xf6e820) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' with client 'sip:12676@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x2198ad8 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=63432 (tdta0xf6e820) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x2198ad8 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=63432 (tdta0xf6e820) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com:5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS SRV record for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com from cache, ttl=1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com: DNS "Name Error" (PJLIB_UTIL_EDNS_NXDOMAIN) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com, trying resolving A record for sipde.zadarma.com [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Starting async DNS A query_job for sipde.zadarma.com [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sipde.zadarma.com from cache, ttl=51 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS A for sipde.zadarma.com: [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Server resolution complete, 1 server entry(s) found [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=19714 (tdta0x4eff0d0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (555 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sipde.zadarma.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj7fd60465-3b30-402a-82be-c5877de1237f From: ;tag=09ec8859-9424-4f59-a47c-b578f2339ee5 To: Call-ID: 639710f9-c035-4293-95cb-1086488a5014 CSeq: 63432 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' with client 'sip:74557@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x2198ad8 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774388 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=19715 (tdta0x4eff0d0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774388 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=19715 (tdta0x4eff0d0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com:5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS SRV record for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com from cache, ttl=1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com: DNS "Name Error" (PJLIB_UTIL_EDNS_NXDOMAIN) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com, trying resolving A record for sipde.zadarma.com [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Starting async DNS A query_job for sipde.zadarma.com [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sipde.zadarma.com from cache, ttl=51 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS A for sipde.zadarma.com: [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Server resolution complete, 1 server entry(s) found [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (558 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sipde.zadarma.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj73979ed9-e8d3-4356-acd1-1969ef570dea From: ;tag=efdc5a25-20d2-417b-846e-158adb5a5257 To: Call-ID: fb98f53b-0083-4f66-b62d-e2b900903a1f CSeq: 19715 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774388 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8739] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'OPTIONS sip' onto UDP socket destined for [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=38999 (tdta0x52fb2d0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' with client 'sip:36240@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f577000c .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=39000 (tdta0x52fb2d0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f577000c Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=39000 (tdta0x52fb2d0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com:5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS SRV record for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com from cache, ttl=1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com: DNS "Name Error" (PJLIB_UTIL_EDNS_NXDOMAIN) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com, trying resolving A record for sipde.zadarma.com [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Starting async DNS A query_job for sipde.zadarma.com [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sipde.zadarma.com from cache, ttl=51 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS A for sipde.zadarma.com: [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Server resolution complete, 1 server entry(s) found [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (555 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sipde.zadarma.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjeb0f6818-2316-47dd-a599-c12c20e6c114 From: ;tag=caf8c376-eab5-4b2c-b787-a2220571c682 To: Call-ID: 9f7e3b6d-af6a-42b1-adc5-79879dc32538 CSeq: 39000 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f577000c .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774379 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774379 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774379 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774379 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x5dca1a0 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=56991 (tdta0x5dca1a0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774379 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x4a2ca48 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x4a2ca48 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x4a2ca48 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x4a2ca48 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d825 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=47305 (tdta0x7f57d82565e0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x4a2ca48 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774446 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774446 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774446 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774446 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d863 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=29956 (tdta0x7f57d863d330) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774446 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=23609 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (522 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Allow:INVITE,ACK,OPTIONS,BYE,CANCEL,INFO,PRACK,REFER,SUBSCRIBE,NOTIFY,UPDATE Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPje55624ef-078f-4f91-af79-27bd246b057d From: ;tag=3a5d7e75-d9f5-488a-a6a9-97663faf39e1 To: ;tag=e71c6cb9-474880 Call-ID: 19d5d7cf-319f-44d4-89ff-abda8446b75e CSeq:23609 OPTIONS Contact: User-Agent:dlink 12-38-39912586- Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=23609 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741a6 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=23609 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741a6 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x3df88a0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x3df88a0: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x3df88a0: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x3df88a0: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x3df88a0: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:14600@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 43.299 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57745bb Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57745bb .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57745bb Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57745bb .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0xae0590 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=11798 (tdta0xae0590) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57745bb Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=26232 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (511 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj49190df0-6ab9-4823-9a0c-968b77859e6d;received= From: ;tag=492d3209-06b2-41b0-be43-ffc15dcede2c To: ;tag=5149c1126e702672db415b970eae4141.9bcc Call-ID: 1bc43632-a39e-481b-abe8-cb6c98f2fd53 CSeq: 26232 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="sip.zadarma.com", nonce="VerdDVXq2+ECGq/Q3jgbYEj5ZfvCxYo9", qop="auth" Server: Zadarma server Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=26232 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f576400c .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=26232 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f576400c ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f57d8ec31e0: can not find credential for sip.zadarma.com/Digest [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Unauthorized) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' for client 'sip:67405@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' from client 'sip:67405@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57745bb .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=26233 (tdta0x7f57d8ec31e0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57745bb Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=26233 (tdta0x7f57d8ec31e0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=26233 (tdta0x7f57d8ec31e0): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=93 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (975 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---94992260d2019dbd;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: To: From: ;tag=3b79c44c Call-ID: OQ8f6Z9ASi9bLhfP65XYfg.. CSeq: 93 REGISTER Expires: 60 Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, outbound, path, X-cisco-serviceuri User-Agent: Zoiper r30645 Authorization: Digest username="banda5ololosh",realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455019/2672f82104dded870d7b2bdcb865d7b8",uri="sip:talk37.ru;transport=UDP",response="2cf3cf5db05ceda8b55c9b3d35e41aa2",cnonce="a315eddd4206d82be1b39db5ed82e4bf",nc=00000002,qop=auth,algorithm=md5,opaque="39518fb50169be5c" Allow-Events: presence, kpml Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (808 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sipde.zadarma.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj83c6d7e8-d32b-499e-8814-8424a2f05652 From: ;tag=492d3209-06b2-41b0-be43-ffc15dcede2c To: Call-ID: 1bc43632-a39e-481b-abe8-cb6c98f2fd53 CSeq: 26233 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Authorization: Digest username="67405", realm="sip.zadarma.com", nonce="VerdDVXq2+ECGq/Q3jgbYEj5ZfvCxYo9", uri="sip:sipde.zadarma.com", response="eeba9340dd5f73fffe730d6fee4b2e48", cnonce="d215c7d6-ee3a-45db-b020-e7e604a9d711", qop=auth, nc=00000001 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57745bb .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=93 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint banda5ololosh [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=93 (tdta0x7f57d863d330) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:13.614+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: banda5ololosh SessionID: OQ8f6Z9ASi9bLhfP65XYfg.. LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (527 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=62756;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---94992260d2019dbd Call-ID: OQ8f6Z9ASi9bLhfP65XYfg.. From: ;tag=3b79c44c To: ;tag=z9hG4bK-524287-1---94992260d2019dbd CSeq: 93 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455073/f543c6a0efadb5a8c63ed12748af5824",opaque="0d64f18e1adf1293",stale=true,algorithm=md5,qop="auth" Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d863 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=93 (tdta0x7f57d863d330) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=33341 (tdta0xae0590) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' with client 'sip:34746@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774446 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=33342 (tdta0xae0590) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774446 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=33342 (tdta0xae0590) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com:5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS SRV record for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com from cache, ttl=1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com: DNS "Name Error" (PJLIB_UTIL_EDNS_NXDOMAIN) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com, trying resolving A record for sipde.zadarma.com [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Starting async DNS A query_job for sipde.zadarma.com [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sipde.zadarma.com from cache, ttl=51 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS A for sipde.zadarma.com: [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Server resolution complete, 1 server entry(s) found [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (557 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sipde.zadarma.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj8b23e430-cd3f-4621-897c-8613a190d8ae From: ;tag=34afb868-7f9c-4f64-ba1d-0d163db7ee3f To: Call-ID: ed468d29-2fc9-4a63-a343-768caee63ab8 CSeq: 33342 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774446 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=63432 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (511 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj7fd60465-3b30-402a-82be-c5877de1237f;received= From: ;tag=09ec8859-9424-4f59-a47c-b578f2339ee5 To: ;tag=5149c1126e702672db415b970eae4141.e6a3 Call-ID: 639710f9-c035-4293-95cb-1086488a5014 CSeq: 63432 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="sip.zadarma.com", nonce="VerdDVXq2+ECGq/Q3jgbYEj5ZfvCxYo9", qop="auth" Server: Zadarma server Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=63432 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x2198ad8 .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=63432 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x2198ad8 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0xf6e820: can not find credential for sip.zadarma.com/Digest [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Unauthorized) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' for client 'sip:12676@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' from client 'sip:12676@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x4a2ca48 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=63433 (tdta0xf6e820) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x4a2ca48 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=63433 (tdta0xf6e820) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=63433 (tdta0xf6e820): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (806 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sipde.zadarma.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj234ed896-fc6f-458e-8fa5-02208fc010f8 From: ;tag=09ec8859-9424-4f59-a47c-b578f2339ee5 To: Call-ID: 639710f9-c035-4293-95cb-1086488a5014 CSeq: 63433 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Authorization: Digest username="12676", realm="sip.zadarma.com", nonce="VerdDVXq2+ECGq/Q3jgbYEj5ZfvCxYo9", uri="sip:sipde.zadarma.com", response="b02301b220ac3b858fbe77c07591e2a3", cnonce="a3e1d884-6a5a-46dd-8c4a-b442eea97cef", qop=auth, nc=00000001 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x4a2ca48 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=19715 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (511 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj73979ed9-e8d3-4356-acd1-1969ef570dea;received= From: ;tag=efdc5a25-20d2-417b-846e-158adb5a5257 To: ;tag=5149c1126e702672db415b970eae4141.6796 Call-ID: fb98f53b-0083-4f66-b62d-e2b900903a1f CSeq: 19715 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="sip.zadarma.com", nonce="VerdDVXq2+ECGq/Q3jgbYEj5ZfvCxYo9", qop="auth" Server: Zadarma server Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=19715 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774388 .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=19715 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774388 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x4eff0d0: can not find credential for sip.zadarma.com/Digest [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Unauthorized) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' for client 'sip:74557@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' from client 'sip:74557@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774379 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=19716 (tdta0x4eff0d0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774379 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=19716 (tdta0x4eff0d0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=19716 (tdta0x4eff0d0): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (809 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sipde.zadarma.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj4d9116b1-6656-4cef-9bcd-b1a758b22c7a From: ;tag=efdc5a25-20d2-417b-846e-158adb5a5257 To: Call-ID: fb98f53b-0083-4f66-b62d-e2b900903a1f CSeq: 19716 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Authorization: Digest username="74557", realm="sip.zadarma.com", nonce="VerdDVXq2+ECGq/Q3jgbYEj5ZfvCxYo9", uri="sip:sipde.zadarma.com", response="eebb55de1bbc48623d56a6e2ec145ed6", cnonce="276001d0-ce4b-4a41-a7e6-ca7e01c1500c", qop=auth, nc=00000001 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774379 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=39000 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (511 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPjeb0f6818-2316-47dd-a599-c12c20e6c114;received= From: ;tag=caf8c376-eab5-4b2c-b787-a2220571c682 To: ;tag=5149c1126e702672db415b970eae4141.d8e6 Call-ID: 9f7e3b6d-af6a-42b1-adc5-79879dc32538 CSeq: 39000 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="sip.zadarma.com", nonce="VerdDVXq2+ECGq/Q3jgbYEj5ZfvCxYo9", qop="auth" Server: Zadarma server Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=39000 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f577000c .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=39000 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f577000c ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x52fb2d0: can not find credential for sip.zadarma.com/Digest [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Unauthorized) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' for client 'sip:36240@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' from client 'sip:36240@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774589 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=39001 (tdta0x52fb2d0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774589 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=39001 (tdta0x52fb2d0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=39001 (tdta0x52fb2d0): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (806 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sipde.zadarma.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj94da4216-c135-4479-b094-5be513077e26 From: ;tag=caf8c376-eab5-4b2c-b787-a2220571c682 To: Call-ID: 9f7e3b6d-af6a-42b1-adc5-79879dc32538 CSeq: 39001 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Authorization: Digest username="36240", realm="sip.zadarma.com", nonce="VerdDVXq2+ECGq/Q3jgbYEj5ZfvCxYo9", uri="sip:sipde.zadarma.com", response="b5c7f293e13d34f98580c0837a2cae92", cnonce="fb4c7a16-7705-4cf8-aeaf-eac2ff823d01", qop=auth, nc=00000001 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774589 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[28925][C-000001ec] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 84 bytes [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[28925][C-000001ec] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[28925][C-000001ec] netsock2.c: Splitting 'talk37' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[28925][C-000001ec] netsock2.c: ...host 'talk37' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[28925][C-000001ec] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[28925][C-000001ec] acl.c: Attached to given IP address [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPReceived Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/voeh55-0000029c ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 586161 CallerIDName: 586161 ConnectedLineNum: s ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: 9594 Context: sub-out-do-dial Exten: s Priority: 18 Uniqueid: 1441455002.752 Linkedid: 1441455002.752 To: From: RTT: 4292.8561 SSRC: 0xec2265ca PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1441455075.17558575579136 SentRTP: 1119634197 SentPackets: 3140 SentOctets: 502400 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x60d59643 Report0FractionLost: 9 Report0CumulativeLost: 43 Report0HighestSequence: 1509 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 1 Report0IAJitter: 2 Report0LSR: 1516148762 Report0DLSR: 2.9001 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=9795 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (673 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj0fe8b447-4092-43af-b006-837420d9192f From: ;tag=4f5cf384-76b2-470f-90fd-c73d047251c3 To: ;tag=4208178918 Call-ID: 0e19f0b6-be75-482b-b983-f8c9bf0ac3fd CSeq: 9795 OPTIONS Contact: Supported: replaces Allow-Events: message-summary, refer Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, OPTIONS, INFO, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Accept: application/sdp,application/dtmf-relay,application/simple-message-summary,message/sipfrag Accept-Encoding: identity Accept-Language: en Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=9795 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774340 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=9795 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774340 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x49fab80: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x49fab80: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x49fab80: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x49fab80: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x49fab80: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:16821@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 122.189 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=62438 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (742 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj2335fd8e-7bb3-4f15-94ad-2661b30f97e9 From: ;tag=a7cc9470-b15b-4384-a615-4f6881058003 To: ;tag=ac2f3091de46227321b1af258e10b75e-b286 Call-ID: f6ba4107-b408-41b2-aaa7-3b301194d59d CSeq: 62438 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="sip.messagenet.it", nonce="VerdDFXq2+Az4wih9u2Ciqe471FoNrM2Wkl5irXVnLIVlMbrAsN1mk9olu6A", qop="auth" Server: sip.messagenet.it SIP Proxy Content-Length: 0 Warning: 392 "Noisy feedback tells: pid=3090 req_src_ip= req_src_port=5060 in_uri=sip:sip.messagenet.it:5061 out_uri=sip:sip.messagenet.it:5061 via_cnt==1" [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=62438 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764057 .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=62438 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764057 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f57d9108cc0: can not find credential for sip.messagenet.it/Digest [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Unauthorized) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:sip.messagenet.it:5061' for client 'sip:5406018568@sip.messagenet.it:5061' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sip.messagenet.it:5061' from client 'sip:5406018568@sip.messagenet.it:5061' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770167 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=62439 (tdta0x7f57d9108cc0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770167 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=62439 (tdta0x7f57d9108cc0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=62439 (tdta0x7f57d9108cc0): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (875 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sip.messagenet.it:5061 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjfc4dd485-9834-4269-85a5-197a71cc589b From: ;tag=a7cc9470-b15b-4384-a615-4f6881058003 To: Call-ID: f6ba4107-b408-41b2-aaa7-3b301194d59d CSeq: 62439 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Authorization: Digest username="5406018568", realm="sip.messagenet.it", nonce="VerdDFXq2+Az4wih9u2Ciqe471FoNrM2Wkl5irXVnLIVlMbrAsN1mk9olu6A", uri="sip:sip.messagenet.it:5061", response="2956489cf9379c8f8588387db29010d6", cnonce="1de115a8-2d0c-4b2f-af30-d6ada9504db7", qop=auth, nc=00000001 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770167 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=40189 (tdta0x7f57d863d330) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' with client 'sip:243433@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f577440a .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=40190 (tdta0x7f57d863d330) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f577440a Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=40190 (tdta0x7f57d863d330) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com:5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS SRV record for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com from cache, ttl=1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com: DNS "Name Error" (PJLIB_UTIL_EDNS_NXDOMAIN) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com, trying resolving A record for sipde.zadarma.com [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Starting async DNS A query_job for sipde.zadarma.com [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sipde.zadarma.com from cache, ttl=51 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS A for sipde.zadarma.com: [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Server resolution complete, 1 server entry(s) found [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (559 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sipde.zadarma.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj050d472a-d991-45f6-b119-8b488f29b219 From: ;tag=26dac9df-d2ba-468c-af0c-b9be045c3a68 To: Call-ID: c0001baf-e871-408a-a13f-79d94d056aae CSeq: 40190 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f577440a .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770044 Retransmit timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770044 .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=1111 (tdta0x4d43850), count=3, restart?=1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (490 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:17695@;ob SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj31fa7b6a-b796-49f2-9afc-728c0c8f4f8f From: ;tag=0051c309-07fb-4d0d-9daa-957119a11b58 To: Contact: Call-ID: f1dfa446-341e-4e3d-bab9-6a8a548b0b4c CSeq: 1111 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=19802 (tdta0x7f57d82565e0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' with client 'sip:122157@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744fe .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=19803 (tdta0x7f57d82565e0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744fe Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=19803 (tdta0x7f57d82565e0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com:5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS SRV record for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com from cache, ttl=1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com: DNS "Name Error" (PJLIB_UTIL_EDNS_NXDOMAIN) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com, trying resolving A record for sipde.zadarma.com [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Starting async DNS A query_job for sipde.zadarma.com [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sipde.zadarma.com from cache, ttl=51 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS A for sipde.zadarma.com: [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Server resolution complete, 1 server entry(s) found [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (559 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sipde.zadarma.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj92862ccf-ebea-4005-b0c5-498a12b4af99 From: ;tag=7aca6c3d-0278-45b2-a126-c1f71f63a245 To: Call-ID: e82bb941-2a91-4768-ad35-adce55f552a5 CSeq: 19803 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744fe .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=26233 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (467 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj83c6d7e8-d32b-499e-8814-8424a2f05652;received= From: ;tag=492d3209-06b2-41b0-be43-ffc15dcede2c To: ;tag=5149c1126e702672db415b970eae4141.3004 Call-ID: 1bc43632-a39e-481b-abe8-cb6c98f2fd53 CSeq: 26233 REGISTER Contact: ;expires=60 Server: Zadarma server Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=26233 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57745bb .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=26233 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57745bb ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' for client 'sip:67405@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' with client 'sip:67405@zadarma.com' successful [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' from client 'sip:67405@zadarma.com' in 50 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:67405@zadarma.com Domain: sip:sipde.zadarma.com Status: Registered [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774273 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774273 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774273 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774273 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x24e9180 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=62804 (tdta0x24e9180) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774273 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=33342 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (511 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj8b23e430-cd3f-4621-897c-8613a190d8ae;received= From: ;tag=34afb868-7f9c-4f64-ba1d-0d163db7ee3f To: ;tag=5149c1126e702672db415b970eae4141.093b Call-ID: ed468d29-2fc9-4a63-a343-768caee63ab8 CSeq: 33342 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="sip.zadarma.com", nonce="VerdDVXq2+ECGq/Q3jgbYEj5ZfvCxYo9", qop="auth" Server: Zadarma server Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=33342 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774446 .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=33342 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774446 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0xae0590: can not find credential for sip.zadarma.com/Digest [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Unauthorized) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' for client 'sip:34746@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' from client 'sip:34746@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774273 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=33343 (tdta0xae0590) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774273 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=33343 (tdta0xae0590) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=33343 (tdta0xae0590): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (808 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sipde.zadarma.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPje589e4fd-7945-43ee-901f-da771088e990 From: ;tag=34afb868-7f9c-4f64-ba1d-0d163db7ee3f To: Call-ID: ed468d29-2fc9-4a63-a343-768caee63ab8 CSeq: 33343 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Authorization: Digest username="34746", realm="sip.zadarma.com", nonce="VerdDVXq2+ECGq/Q3jgbYEj5ZfvCxYo9", uri="sip:sipde.zadarma.com", response="d968151bbecbad1a7486d7a067e8c8a0", cnonce="6e1b81f3-edf2-4538-bc32-91911a4a8549", qop=auth, nc=00000001 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774273 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744b0 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744b0 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744b0 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744b0 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c1d ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=55421 (tdta0x7f576c1dc630) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744b0 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640a4 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640a4 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640a4 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640a4 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d84a ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=26687 (tdta0x7f57d84a51d0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640a4 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577402f Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577402f .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577402f Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577402f .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d824 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=57109 (tdta0x7f57d8246c80) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577402f Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=63433 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (465 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj234ed896-fc6f-458e-8fa5-02208fc010f8;received= From: ;tag=09ec8859-9424-4f59-a47c-b578f2339ee5 To: ;tag=5149c1126e702672db415b970eae4141.0979 Call-ID: 639710f9-c035-4293-95cb-1086488a5014 CSeq: 63433 REGISTER Contact: ;expires=60 Server: Zadarma server Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=63433 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x4a2ca48 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=63433 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x4a2ca48 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' for client 'sip:12676@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' with client 'sip:12676@zadarma.com' successful [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' from client 'sip:12676@zadarma.com' in 50 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:12676@zadarma.com Domain: sip:sipde.zadarma.com Status: Registered [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=19716 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (468 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj4d9116b1-6656-4cef-9bcd-b1a758b22c7a;received= From: ;tag=efdc5a25-20d2-417b-846e-158adb5a5257 To: ;tag=5149c1126e702672db415b970eae4141.e98b Call-ID: fb98f53b-0083-4f66-b62d-e2b900903a1f CSeq: 19716 REGISTER Contact: ;expires=60 Server: Zadarma server Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=19716 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774379 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=19716 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774379 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' for client 'sip:74557@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' with client 'sip:74557@zadarma.com' successful [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' from client 'sip:74557@zadarma.com' in 50 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:74557@zadarma.com Domain: sip:sipde.zadarma.com Status: Registered [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=39001 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (465 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj94da4216-c135-4479-b094-5be513077e26;received= From: ;tag=caf8c376-eab5-4b2c-b787-a2220571c682 To: ;tag=5149c1126e702672db415b970eae4141.1e70 Call-ID: 9f7e3b6d-af6a-42b1-adc5-79879dc32538 CSeq: 39001 REGISTER Contact: ;expires=60 Server: Zadarma server Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=39001 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774589 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=39001 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774589 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' for client 'sip:36240@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' with client 'sip:36240@zadarma.com' successful [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' from client 'sip:36240@zadarma.com' in 50 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:36240@zadarma.com Domain: sip:sipde.zadarma.com Status: Registered [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=40190 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (513 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj050d472a-d991-45f6-b119-8b488f29b219;received= From: ;tag=26dac9df-d2ba-468c-af0c-b9be045c3a68 To: ;tag=5149c1126e702672db415b970eae4141.eec5 Call-ID: c0001baf-e871-408a-a13f-79d94d056aae CSeq: 40190 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="sip.zadarma.com", nonce="VerdDVXq2+ECGq/Q3jgbYEj5ZfvCxYo9", qop="auth" Server: Zadarma server Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=40190 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f577440a .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=40190 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f577440a ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f57d863d330: can not find credential for sip.zadarma.com/Digest [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Unauthorized) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' for client 'sip:243433@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' from client 'sip:243433@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f577402f .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=40191 (tdta0x7f57d863d330) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f577402f Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=40191 (tdta0x7f57d863d330) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=40191 (tdta0x7f57d863d330): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (811 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sipde.zadarma.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj81737bec-36d7-434f-9fe3-cc8fdd1febef From: ;tag=26dac9df-d2ba-468c-af0c-b9be045c3a68 To: Call-ID: c0001baf-e871-408a-a13f-79d94d056aae CSeq: 40191 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Authorization: Digest username="243433", realm="sip.zadarma.com", nonce="VerdDVXq2+ECGq/Q3jgbYEj5ZfvCxYo9", uri="sip:sipde.zadarma.com", response="181f1edc2afe1208291276ba07bdc9ab", cnonce="1468b954-47af-4589-be89-6011fd67dc92", qop=auth, nc=00000001 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f577402f .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774565 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774565 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774565 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774565 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774565 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=19803 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (513 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj92862ccf-ebea-4005-b0c5-498a12b4af99;received= From: ;tag=7aca6c3d-0278-45b2-a126-c1f71f63a245 To: ;tag=5149c1126e702672db415b970eae4141.7c53 Call-ID: e82bb941-2a91-4768-ad35-adce55f552a5 CSeq: 19803 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="sip.zadarma.com", nonce="VerdDVXq2+ECGq/Q3jgbYEj5ZfvCxYo9", qop="auth" Server: Zadarma server Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d95f5 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d95f5 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d95f5 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=19803 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d95f5 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744fe .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=19803 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d95f5 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744fe ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f57d82565e0: can not find credential for sip.zadarma.com/Digest [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Unauthorized) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' for client 'sip:122157@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' from client 'sip:122157@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d95f5 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=19804 (tdta0x7f57d82565e0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d95f5 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=19804 (tdta0x7f57d82565e0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=19804 (tdta0x7f57d82565e0): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (811 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sipde.zadarma.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjad5e077d-bb65-4191-821a-ceec131f0b0f From: ;tag=7aca6c3d-0278-45b2-a126-c1f71f63a245 To: Call-ID: e82bb941-2a91-4768-ad35-adce55f552a5 CSeq: 19804 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Authorization: Digest username="122157", realm="sip.zadarma.com", nonce="VerdDVXq2+ECGq/Q3jgbYEj5ZfvCxYo9", uri="sip:sipde.zadarma.com", response="582f4d0bf86b6b1643f2b525cd32b835", cnonce="57c19af6-50ef-434e-bcc4-2bc9f14f4248", qop=auth, nc=00000001 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d95f5 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=62439 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (711 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPjfc4dd485-9834-4269-85a5-197a71cc589b From: ;tag=a7cc9470-b15b-4384-a615-4f6881058003 To: ;tag=ac2f3091de46227321b1af258e10b75e-44b1 Call-ID: f6ba4107-b408-41b2-aaa7-3b301194d59d CSeq: 62439 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:13 GMT Contact: ;q=0.5;expires=60 Server: sip.messagenet.it SIP Proxy Content-Length: 0 Warning: 392 "Noisy feedback tells: pid=3079 req_src_ip= req_src_port=5060 in_uri=sip:sip.messagenet.it:5061 out_uri=sip:sip.messagenet.it:5061 via_cnt==1" [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=62439 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770167 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=62439 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770167 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sip.messagenet.it:5061' for client 'sip:5406018568@sip.messagenet.it:5061' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sip.messagenet.it:5061' with client 'sip:5406018568@sip.messagenet.it:5061' successful [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sip.messagenet.it:5061' from client 'sip:5406018568@sip.messagenet.it:5061' in 50 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:5406018568@sip.messagenet.it:5061 Domain: sip:sip.messagenet.it:5061 Status: Registered [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=33343 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (467 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPje589e4fd-7945-43ee-901f-da771088e990;received= From: ;tag=34afb868-7f9c-4f64-ba1d-0d163db7ee3f To: ;tag=5149c1126e702672db415b970eae4141.f5be Call-ID: ed468d29-2fc9-4a63-a343-768caee63ab8 CSeq: 33343 REGISTER Contact: ;expires=60 Server: Zadarma server Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=33343 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774273 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=33343 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774273 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' for client 'sip:34746@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' with client 'sip:34746@zadarma.com' successful [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' from client 'sip:34746@zadarma.com' in 50 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:34746@zadarma.com Domain: sip:sipde.zadarma.com Status: Registered [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=5943 (tdta0x7f57d84a51d0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sip.dorinet.org' with client 'sip:79258236951@dorinet.org' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774565 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=5944 (tdta0x7f57d84a51d0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774565 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=5944 (tdta0x7f57d84a51d0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.sip.dorinet.org, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.sip.dorinet.org:5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS SRV record for _sip._udp.sip.dorinet.org from cache, ttl=4 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sip.dorinet.org: DNS "Name Error" (PJLIB_UTIL_EDNS_NXDOMAIN) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sip.dorinet.org, trying resolving A record for sip.dorinet.org [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Starting async DNS A query_job for sip.dorinet.org [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sip.dorinet.org from cache, ttl=191 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .DNS A for sip.dorinet.org: [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Server resolution complete, 1 server entry(s) found [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (564 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sip.dorinet.org SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj4cacf898-9601-4723-b03d-e41f46a1cac6 From: ;tag=19fe9001-89c2-49f4-89a8-5304604f2568 To: Call-ID: d053c33c-1b1f-41c0-a70d-0f0387e51139 CSeq: 5944 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774565 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=40191 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (469 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj81737bec-36d7-434f-9fe3-cc8fdd1febef;received= From: ;tag=26dac9df-d2ba-468c-af0c-b9be045c3a68 To: ;tag=5149c1126e702672db415b970eae4141.8062 Call-ID: c0001baf-e871-408a-a13f-79d94d056aae CSeq: 40191 REGISTER Contact: ;expires=60 Server: Zadarma server Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=40191 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f577402f .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=40191 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f577402f ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' for client 'sip:243433@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' with client 'sip:243433@zadarma.com' successful [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' from client 'sip:243433@zadarma.com' in 50 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:243433@zadarma.com Domain: sip:sipde.zadarma.com Status: Registered [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8739] chan_sip.c: Auto destroying SIP dialog '30fb196a5e2a405515d05bd61d333b98@' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8739] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 30fb196a5e2a405515d05bd61d333b98@ [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d827e Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d827e .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d827e Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d827e .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x4e6ad10 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=21686 (tdta0x4e6ad10) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d827e Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741fd Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741fd .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741fd Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741fd .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d824 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=10328 (tdta0x7f57d82448b0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741fd Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=19804 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (469 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPjad5e077d-bb65-4191-821a-ceec131f0b0f;received= From: ;tag=7aca6c3d-0278-45b2-a126-c1f71f63a245 To: ;tag=5149c1126e702672db415b970eae4141.563b Call-ID: e82bb941-2a91-4768-ad35-adce55f552a5 CSeq: 19804 REGISTER Contact: ;expires=60 Server: Zadarma server Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=19804 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d95f5 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=19804 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d95f5 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' for client 'sip:122157@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' with client 'sip:122157@zadarma.com' successful [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' from client 'sip:122157@zadarma.com' in 50 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:122157@zadarma.com Domain: sip:sipde.zadarma.com Status: Registered [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d86c5 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d86c5 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d86c5 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d86c5 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0xf9b7e0 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=62638 (tdta0xf9b7e0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d86c5 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=17867 (tdta0xf9b7e0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x345b7d0: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x345b7d0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d86c5 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=17867 (tdta0xf9b7e0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d86c5 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=17867 (tdta0xf9b7e0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=voip.mtt.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for voip.mtt.ru from cache, ttl=294 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (470 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:voip.mtt.ru:5060 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjbea35054-5b33-4143-bd50-747940f8f712 From: ;tag=2c118bf3-0e56-4b19-8768-db913dcd90dd To: Contact: Call-ID: 69ef4671-2249-4482-b7a6-bb2fbfa3b2b5 CSeq: 17867 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d86c5 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8e54 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8e54 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8e54 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8e54 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57da0f ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=3935 (tdta0x7f57da0f4e40) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8e54 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 501/OPTIONS/cseq=17867 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (363 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 501 Unsupported Method Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPjbea35054-5b33-4143-bd50-747940f8f712 To: ;tag=cf00d103 From: ;tag=2c118bf3-0e56-4b19-8768-db913dcd90dd Call-ID: 69ef4671-2249-4482-b7a6-bb2fbfa3b2b5 CSeq: 17867 OPTIONS Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 501/OPTIONS/cseq=17867 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d86c5 .Incoming Response msg 501/OPTIONS/cseq=17867 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d86c5 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x345b7d0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x345b7d0: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x345b7d0: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x345b7d0: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x345b7d0: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:voip.mtt.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 9.296 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=57474 (tdta0x7f57da0f4e40) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sip.freevoipdeal.com' with client 'sip:vox1976@freevoipdeal.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8e54 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=57475 (tdta0x7f57da0f4e40) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8e54 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=57475 (tdta0x7f57da0f4e40) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.sip.freevoipdeal.com, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.sip.freevoipdeal.com:5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS SRV record for _sip._udp.sip.freevoipdeal.com from cache, ttl=3 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sip.freevoipdeal.com: DNS "Name Error" (PJLIB_UTIL_EDNS_NXDOMAIN) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sip.freevoipdeal.com, trying resolving A record for sip.freevoipdeal.com [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Starting async DNS A query_job for sip.freevoipdeal.com [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sip.freevoipdeal.com from cache, ttl=241 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .DNS A for sip.freevoipdeal.com: [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Server resolution complete, 1 server entry(s) found [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (574 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sip.freevoipdeal.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjba998e63-71cc-4f0b-9ca9-b5a8458bf2a6 From: ;tag=82752555-2f07-4acf-b4fa-a5fc90897979 To: Call-ID: 3e8860c7-b9b3-45bd-a866-bb653029defe CSeq: 57475 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8e54 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=5944 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (587 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPj4cacf898-9601-4723-b03d-e41f46a1cac6;received=;rport=5060 From: ;tag=19fe9001-89c2-49f4-89a8-5304604f2568 To: ;tag=as5bb26331 Call-ID: d053c33c-1b1f-41c0-a70d-0f0387e51139 CSeq: 5944 REGISTER Server: DoRiN-Networks Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH, MESSAGE Supported: replaces, timer WWW-Authenticate: Digest algorithm=MD5, realm="asterisk", nonce="2f748bec" Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=5944 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774565 .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=5944 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774565 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f57d84a51d0: can not find credential for asterisk/Digest [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Unauthorized) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:sip.dorinet.org' for client 'sip:79258236951@dorinet.org' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sip.dorinet.org' from client 'sip:79258236951@dorinet.org' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741fd .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=5945 (tdta0x7f57d84a51d0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741fd Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=5945 (tdta0x7f57d84a51d0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=5945 (tdta0x7f57d84a51d0): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (733 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sip.dorinet.org SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj7e1fa151-6173-49b5-862e-4759422bd40b From: ;tag=19fe9001-89c2-49f4-89a8-5304604f2568 To: Call-ID: d053c33c-1b1f-41c0-a70d-0f0387e51139 CSeq: 5945 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Authorization: Digest username="79258236951", realm="asterisk", nonce="2f748bec", uri="sip:sip.dorinet.org", response="53e02d71d3294d10524aae3398b05431", algorithm=MD5 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741fd .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8576 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8576 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8576 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8576 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c15 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=12551 (tdta0x7f576c1527d0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8576 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0xaa37f8 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0xaa37f8 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0xaa37f8 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0xaa37f8 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d82c ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=828726 (tdta0x7f57d82c1350) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0xaa37f8 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=57475 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (552 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjba998e63-71cc-4f0b-9ca9-b5a8458bf2a6 From: ;tag=82752555-2f07-4acf-b4fa-a5fc90897979 To: Contact: sip: Call-ID: 3e8860c7-b9b3-45bd-a866-bb653029defe CSeq: 57475 REGISTER Server: (Very nice Sip Registrar/Proxy Server) Allow: ACK,BYE,CANCEL,INVITE,REGISTER,OPTIONS,INFO,MESSAGE WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="freevoipdeal.com",nonce="3196060315",algorithm=MD5 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=57475 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8e54 .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=57475 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8e54 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f57da0f4e40: can not find credential for freevoipdeal.com/Digest [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Unauthorized) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:sip.freevoipdeal.com' for client 'sip:vox1976@freevoipdeal.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sip.freevoipdeal.com' from client 'sip:vox1976@freevoipdeal.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0xaa37f8 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=57476 (tdta0x7f57da0f4e40) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0xaa37f8 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=57476 (tdta0x7f57da0f4e40) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=57476 (tdta0x7f57da0f4e40): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (754 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sip.freevoipdeal.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjfeff975a-933c-493d-be4d-2419b0e9009b From: ;tag=82752555-2f07-4acf-b4fa-a5fc90897979 To: Call-ID: 3e8860c7-b9b3-45bd-a866-bb653029defe CSeq: 57476 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Authorization: Digest username="vox1976", realm="freevoipdeal.com", nonce="3196060315", uri="sip:sip.freevoipdeal.com", response="66e1ad6783355a05277a846abce315bc", algorithm=MD5 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0xaa37f8 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=36693 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (723 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj46a45a48-4ab8-4bbc-a008-084a0b791f2c Contact: To: ;tag=45982709 From: ;tag=71b3560b-88de-4c47-a0cf-cfc88736f42e Call-ID: 8954cd55-3d10-4abc-b8c5-2873f95e202f CSeq: 36693 OPTIONS Accept: application/sdp, application/sdp Accept-Language: en Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, outbound, path, X-cisco-serviceuri User-Agent: Zoiper r30798 Allow-Events: presence, kpml Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=36693 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x4148368 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=36693 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x4148368 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x3ee73a0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x3ee73a0: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x3ee73a0: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x3ee73a0: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x3ee73a0: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact vorevers/sip:vorevers@;rinstance=1fa355758b45a1d7 is now Reachable. RTT: 1848.269 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:vorevers@;rinstance=1fa355758b45a1d7 ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: vorevers EndpointName: vorevers RoundtripUsec: 1848269 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:vorevers@;rinstance=1fa355758b45a1d7 ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: vorevers EndpointName: vorevers RoundtripUsec: 1848269 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Endpoint vorevers is now Reachable [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8692] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - vorevers [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: PeerStatus Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Peer: PJSIP/vorevers PeerStatus: Reachable [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8692] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/vorevers - state 1 (Not in use) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: PeerStatus Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Peer: PJSIP/vorevers PeerStatus: Reachable [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8761] app_queue.c: Device 'PJSIP/vorevers' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/vorevers State: NOT_INUSE [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: 9279 Context: hints Hint: PJSIP/vorevers Status: 0 StatusText: Idle [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8696] app_queue.c: Extension '9279@hints' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=94 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (975 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---d39fc929c58ee98b;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: To: From: ;tag=3b79c44c Call-ID: OQ8f6Z9ASi9bLhfP65XYfg.. CSeq: 94 REGISTER Expires: 60 Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, outbound, path, X-cisco-serviceuri User-Agent: Zoiper r30645 Authorization: Digest username="banda5ololosh",realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455073/f543c6a0efadb5a8c63ed12748af5824",uri="sip:talk37.ru;transport=UDP",response="e6a887c9c726893cad2c3047ed01cbce",cnonce="ae0e234cda40d3f129eb7bab0f6cdf30",nc=00000001,qop=auth,algorithm=md5,opaque="0d64f18e1adf1293" Allow-Events: presence, kpml Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=94 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint banda5ololosh [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=94 (tdta0x7f57d82c1350) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455073/f543c6a0efadb5a8c63ed12748af5824. Actual nonce is 1441455073/f543c6a0efadb5a8c63ed12748af5824 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d82c .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=94 (tdta0x7f57d82c1350) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:13.887+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: banda5ololosh SessionID: OQ8f6Z9ASi9bLhfP65XYfg.. LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:banda5ololosh@;rinstance=864f80bbef9ec863' on AOR 'banda5ololosh' with new expiration of 60 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=94 (tdta0x7f576c1527d0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8576 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=94 (rdata0xfdf9b8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8576 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=94 (rdata0xfdf9b8) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8576 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8576 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=94 (tdta0x7f576c1527d0) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (495 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=62756;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---d39fc929c58ee98b Call-ID: OQ8f6Z9ASi9bLhfP65XYfg.. From: ;tag=3b79c44c To: ;tag=z9hG4bK-524287-1---d39fc929c58ee98b CSeq: 94 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:13 GMT Contact: ;expires=59 Expires: 60 Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8576 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=102 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (573 bytes) from UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:srv_d599@;line=dnsziky SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK4d5e1c67 Max-Forwards: 70 From: "asterisk" ;tag=as63c89d91 To: Contact: Call-ID: 186adf082a53e4b46e258d547df5e94c@ CSeq: 102 OPTIONS User-Agent: DoRiN-Networks Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:13 GMT Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH, MESSAGE Supported: replaces, timer Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=5945 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=102 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (619 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPj7e1fa151-6173-49b5-862e-4759422bd40b;received=;rport=5060 From: ;tag=19fe9001-89c2-49f4-89a8-5304604f2568 To: ;tag=as5bb26331 Call-ID: d053c33c-1b1f-41c0-a70d-0f0387e51139 CSeq: 5945 REGISTER Server: DoRiN-Networks Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH, MESSAGE Supported: replaces, timer Expires: 60 Contact: ;expires=60 Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:13 GMT Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Determined relationship to outbound registration 'srv_d599' based on line 'dnsziky', using configured endpoint 'srv_d599' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=102 (tdta0x4e6ad10) created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d827e ..Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=102 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d827e .Incoming Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=102 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=5945 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d827e ..State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741fd .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=5945 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d827e .Sending Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=102 (tdta0x4e6ad10) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741fd ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sip.dorinet.org' for client 'sip:79258236951@dorinet.org' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sip.dorinet.org' with client 'sip:79258236951@dorinet.org' successful [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sip.dorinet.org' from client 'sip:79258236951@dorinet.org' in 50 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (841 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;received=;branch=z9hG4bK4d5e1c67 Call-ID: 186adf082a53e4b46e258d547df5e94c@ From: "asterisk" ;tag=as63c89d91 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK4d5e1c67 CSeq: 102 OPTIONS Accept: application/sdp, application/pidf+xml, application/dialog-info+xml, application/simple-message-summary, application/simple-message-summary, application/pidf+xml, application/xpidf+xml, application/cpim-pidf+xml, application/dialog-info+xml, message/sipfrag;version=2.0 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Supported: 100rel, timer, replaces, norefersub Accept-Encoding: text/plain Accept-Language: en Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d827e ..State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:79258236951@dorinet.org Domain: sip:sip.dorinet.org Status: Registered [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=39760 (tdta0x7f57d82c1350) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748fe Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748fe .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d99b8ab0: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d99b8ab0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640a4 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=39760 (tdta0x7f57d82c1350) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640a4 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=39760 (tdta0x7f57d82c1350) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=TLS resolved to '' type=TLS (TLS transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (529 bytes) to TLS: ---> OPTIONS sip:westik111@;transport=TLS SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjbc108ea9-2019-4b93-9eb4-f42ece72c7fd;alias From: ;tag=d5be34ed-7a03-4483-a5d2-cf19e2bdcf22 To: Contact: Call-ID: 03cf4a47-a24e-4136-bd68-ab88d616c183 CSeq: 39760 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640a4 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748fe Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748fe .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d82a ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=60354 (tdta0x7f57d82a6e40) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748fe Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774308 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774308 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774308 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774308 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c17 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=63980 (tdta0x7f576c17b2e0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774308 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577466a Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577466a .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577466a Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577466a .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d934 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=26877 (tdta0x7f57d93451b0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577466a Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=36693 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (723 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj46a45a48-4ab8-4bbc-a008-084a0b791f2c Contact: To: ;tag=45982709 From: ;tag=71b3560b-88de-4c47-a0cf-cfc88736f42e Call-ID: 8954cd55-3d10-4abc-b8c5-2873f95e202f CSeq: 36693 OPTIONS Accept: application/sdp, application/sdp Accept-Language: en Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, outbound, path, X-cisco-serviceuri User-Agent: Zoiper r30798 Allow-Events: presence, kpml Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=36693 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x4148368 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=36693 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Completed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=57476 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (495 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 Ok Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjfeff975a-933c-493d-be4d-2419b0e9009b From: ;tag=82752555-2f07-4acf-b4fa-a5fc90897979 To: Contact: ;expires=60 Call-ID: 3e8860c7-b9b3-45bd-a866-bb653029defe CSeq: 57476 REGISTER Server: (Very nice Sip Registrar/Proxy Server) Allow: ACK,BYE,CANCEL,INVITE,REGISTER,OPTIONS,INFO,MESSAGE Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=57476 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0xaa37f8 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=57476 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0xaa37f8 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(Ok) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sip.freevoipdeal.com' for client 'sip:vox1976@freevoipdeal.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sip.freevoipdeal.com' with client 'sip:vox1976@freevoipdeal.com' successful [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sip.freevoipdeal.com' from client 'sip:vox1976@freevoipdeal.com' in 50 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:vox1976@freevoipdeal.com Domain: sip:sip.freevoipdeal.com Status: Registered [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=14281 (tdta0x7f576c17b2e0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x4ac62a0: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x4ac62a0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f577466a .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=14281 (tdta0x7f576c17b2e0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f577466a Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=14281 (tdta0x7f576c17b2e0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (502 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:mashapenkina@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPje8f72de0-c976-43f4-87df-0d7da9cdf328 From: ;tag=4a575792-9541-40e7-95f6-4b0829f9e14e To: Contact: Call-ID: e414f759-2ecf-41f4-bceb-d5e9d49d2878 CSeq: 14281 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f577466a .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=14281 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (489 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK To: ;tag=2e67d2df5568f0c1i0 From: ;tag=4a575792-9541-40e7-95f6-4b0829f9e14e Call-ID: e414f759-2ecf-41f4-bceb-d5e9d49d2878 CSeq: 14281 OPTIONS Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPje8f72de0-c976-43f4-87df-0d7da9cdf328 Server: Linksys/PAP2T-5.1.6(LS) Content-Length: 0 Allow: ACK, BYE, CANCEL, INFO, INVITE, NOTIFY, OPTIONS, REFER Supported: x-sipura, replaces [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=14281 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f577466a .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=14281 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f577466a ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x4ac62a0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x4ac62a0: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x4ac62a0: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x4ac62a0: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x4ac62a0: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:mashapenkina@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 17.936 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=40525 (tdta0x7f57d93451b0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x4ac62a0: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x4ac62a0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774308 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=40525 (tdta0x7f57d93451b0) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774308 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=40525 (tdta0x7f57d93451b0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (496 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:vortexpro@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj1c9facb2-88b4-43e4-8926-a4652f9c85fc From: ;tag=4342fca2-a19f-4aef-b964-af91c3e66708 To: Contact: Call-ID: 1d053f54-555f-4d9f-b234-f561995d4352 CSeq: 40525 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774308 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774537 Retransmit timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774537 .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=22756 (tdta0x51d5f50), count=7, restart?=1 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (545 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:dwerty@;rinstance=cebcdae1f8b00291 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj3d45a272-eb90-4b12-acb9-5760ff14be7e From: ;tag=21c4b0ff-8585-4789-bef3-0f389e862ac7 To: Contact: Call-ID: d9d1726f-fd08-4ac0-954e-c04b4b50effc CSeq: 22756 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:13] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=36693 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (723 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj46a45a48-4ab8-4bbc-a008-084a0b791f2c Contact: To: ;tag=45982709 From: ;tag=71b3560b-88de-4c47-a0cf-cfc88736f42e Call-ID: 8954cd55-3d10-4abc-b8c5-2873f95e202f CSeq: 36693 OPTIONS Accept: application/sdp, application/sdp Accept-Language: en Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, outbound, path, X-cisco-serviceuri User-Agent: Zoiper r30798 Allow-Events: presence, kpml Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744e6 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744e6 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=36693 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744e6 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x4148368 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=36693 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Completed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744e6 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c0f ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=50871 (tdta0x7f576c0fc7b0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744e6 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57743fe Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57743fe .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57743fe Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57743fe .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x1eecd20 ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=945 (tdta0x1eecd20) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57743fe Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8739] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8739] chan_sip.c: Setting AST_TRANSPORT_UDP with address [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8739] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8739] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8739] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 6522ea17-a2969174-bc8d537@ - OPTIONS (No RTP) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8739] chan_sip.c: **** Received OPTIONS (3) - Command in SIP OPTIONS [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8739] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8739] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8739] netsock2.c: Splitting 'pbx.zadarma.com' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8739] netsock2.c: ...host 'pbx.zadarma.com' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8739] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 200' onto UDP socket destined for [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=52009 (tdta0x1eecd20) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x49fab80: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x49fab80: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57743fe .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=52009 (tdta0x1eecd20) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57743fe Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=52009 (tdta0x1eecd20) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (490 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:srv_d638@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPja86e42d0-389a-4c18-9de1-77882c4fd157 From: ;tag=5925e3b4-c5aa-4667-a068-0bf61de7df13 To: Contact: Call-ID: 39f9a8f3-5d7a-4009-a501-bec9cedc5457 CSeq: 52009 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57743fe .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=17744 (tdta0x7f576c0fc7b0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d82b3d10: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d82b3d10: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744e6 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=17744 (tdta0x7f576c0fc7b0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744e6 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=17744 (tdta0x7f576c0fc7b0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sip.dorinet.org, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sip.dorinet.org from cache, ttl=190 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (478 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:sip.dorinet.org:5060 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjcdc47f22-7a92-45c2-a26c-06acb6d32d04 From: ;tag=e7903490-e1c4-44a0-a257-9b818f31e43e To: Contact: Call-ID: 7dc66b62-cdb5-4e73-a077-fa042f240a4b CSeq: 17744 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744e6 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=11585 (tdta0x7f57d82a6e40) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x24c7b30: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x24c7b30: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748fe .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=11585 (tdta0x7f57d82a6e40) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748fe Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=11585 (tdta0x7f57d82a6e40) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (490 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:strcom@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj88de9be3-4462-401e-978c-c33668bc9fed From: ;tag=4f477c99-378f-4f0e-b513-8814549d7044 To: Contact: Call-ID: de5187d2-6f8b-4638-b943-a81a8c317c19 CSeq: 11585 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748fe .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=52009 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (664 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPja86e42d0-389a-4c18-9de1-77882c4fd157 From: ;tag=5925e3b4-c5aa-4667-a068-0bf61de7df13 To: ;tag=4834d2c5-b4aa-5776-a179-1cg70ed6eg02 Call-ID: 39f9a8f3-5d7a-4009-a501-bec9cedc5457 CSeq: 52009 OPTIONS Supported: replaces Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, REFER Accept: application/sdp, application/dtmf-relay, message/sipfrag, application/simple-message-summary, application/url, multipart/mixed Accept-Encoding: identity Accept-Language: en Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=52009 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57743fe .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=52009 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57743fe ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x49fab80: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x49fab80: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x49fab80: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x49fab80: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x49fab80: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:srv_d638@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 32.039 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d86b4 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d86b4 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d86b4 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d86b4 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x4e6fbc0 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=16949 (tdta0x4e6fbc0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d86b4 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=11585 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (474 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK To: ;tag=2f72c254982f355ai0 From: ;tag=4f477c99-378f-4f0e-b513-8814549d7044 Call-ID: de5187d2-6f8b-4638-b943-a81a8c317c19 CSeq: 11585 OPTIONS Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPj88de9be3-4462-401e-978c-c33668bc9fed Server: Linksys/PAP2T-3.1.15(LS) Content-Length: 0 Allow: ACK, BYE, CANCEL, INFO, INVITE, NOTIFY, OPTIONS, REFER Supported: x-sipura [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=11585 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748fe .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=11585 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57748fe ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x24c7b30: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x24c7b30: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x24c7b30: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x24c7b30: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x24c7b30: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:strcom@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 29.105 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x3c3a9e8 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x3c3a9e8 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x3c3a9e8 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x3c3a9e8 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c06 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=4214 (tdta0x7f576c067750) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x3c3a9e8 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=23299 (tdta0x7f576c067750) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' with client 'sip:56926@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x3c3a9e8 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=23300 (tdta0x7f576c067750) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x3c3a9e8 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=23300 (tdta0x7f576c067750) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com:5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS SRV record for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com from cache, ttl=0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com: DNS "Name Error" (PJLIB_UTIL_EDNS_NXDOMAIN) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sipde.zadarma.com, trying resolving A record for sipde.zadarma.com [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Starting async DNS A query_job for sipde.zadarma.com [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sipde.zadarma.com from cache, ttl=50 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .DNS A for sipde.zadarma.com: [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipd .Server resolution complete, 1 server entry(s) found [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (557 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sipde.zadarma.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjaa654530-078c-40ba-9ad4-33e0112aabd2 From: ;tag=4510cbb3-e749-40ec-b353-53a4ecc3638a To: Call-ID: 7216c7bb-93e6-4446-b3b5-a5066c65baf4 CSeq: 23300 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x3c3a9e8 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=17744 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (552 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 404 Not Found Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPjcdc47f22-7a92-45c2-a26c-06acb6d32d04;received=;rport=5060 From: ;tag=e7903490-e1c4-44a0-a257-9b818f31e43e To: ;tag=as41777077 Call-ID: 7dc66b62-cdb5-4e73-a077-fa042f240a4b CSeq: 17744 OPTIONS Server: DoRiN-Networks Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH, MESSAGE Supported: replaces, timer Accept: application/sdp Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=17744 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744e6 .Incoming Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=17744 (rdata0x7f576c24ead8) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744e6 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d82b3d10: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d82b3d10: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d82b3d10: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d82b3d10: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d82b3d10: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sip.dorinet.org:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 64.361 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=42471 (tdta0x4e6fbc0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x2fa9a70: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x2fa9a70: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d86b4 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=42471 (tdta0x4e6fbc0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d86b4 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=42471 (tdta0x4e6fbc0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (490 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:virserg@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPje3d27024-ad2b-4396-85ad-eb9c7c37f622 From: ;tag=dc74d72f-188e-456c-bb44-0c0d9fdd9081 To: Contact: Call-ID: 01846279-119f-4bb0-86d0-41250d725b7b CSeq: 42471 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d86b4 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=5709 (tdta0x7f576c1dc630) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sipnet.ru' with client 'sip:0041990090@sipnet.ru' [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744b0 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=5710 (tdta0x7f576c1dc630) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744b0 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=5710 (tdta0x7f576c1dc630) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.sipnet.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipn .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.sipnet.ru:5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: resolver.c .Transmitting 37 bytes to NS 0 ( DNS SRV query for _sip._udp.sipnet.ru: Success [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744b0 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: resolver.c Received 82 bytes DNS response from [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: resolver.c Nameserver state changed Active --> Active [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipn SRV query_job for _sip._udp.sipnet.ru completed, 1 of 1 total entries selected: [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipn 0: SRV 10 0 5060 sipnet.ru ( [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipn Server resolution complete, 1 server entry(s) found [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (554 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sipnet.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj3aaad893-e26d-41f3-9bb7-5e91f417bf64 From: ;tag=b0841e37-c5e3-4e08-84f5-9f42794f3387 To: Call-ID: 43174ee4-d4f5-473b-801d-8a5663ba127c CSeq: 5710 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=39760 (rdata0x7f576c021e18) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (542 bytes) from TLS: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;rport=5061;branch=z9hG4bKPjbc108ea9-2019-4b93-9eb4-f42ece72c7fd;alias From: ;tag=d5be34ed-7a03-4483-a5d2-cf19e2bdcf22 To: ;tag=1701912235 Call-ID: 03cf4a47-a24e-4136-bd68-ab88d616c183 CSeq: 39760 OPTIONS Supported: replaces, path, eventlist User-Agent: GrandStream Wave/Android Allow: INVITE, ACK, OPTIONS, CANCEL, BYE, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, REFER, UPDATE, MESSAGE Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=39760 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640a4 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=39760 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640a4 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d99b8ab0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d99b8ab0: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d99b8ab0: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d99b8ab0: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d99b8ab0: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:westik111@;transport=TLS status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 273.546 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=42471 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (672 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPje3d27024-ad2b-4396-85ad-eb9c7c37f622 From: ;tag=dc74d72f-188e-456c-bb44-0c0d9fdd9081 To: ;tag=eb65e63g-099d-547b-cc55-1b1e8gee8190 Call-ID: 01846279-119f-4bb0-86d0-41250d725b7b CSeq: 42471 OPTIONS Supported: replaces User-Agent: C610A IP/ Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, OPTIONS, INFO, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Accept: application/sdp,application/dtmf-relay,application/simple-message-summary,message/sipfrag Accept-Encoding: identity Accept-Language: en Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640a4 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640a4 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640a4 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=42471 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640a4 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d86b4 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=42471 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d82c ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=39760 (tdta0x7f57d82c1350) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d86b4 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640a4 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x2fa9a70: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x2fa9a70: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x2fa9a70: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x2fa9a70: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x2fa9a70: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:virserg@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 19.173 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=5710 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (492 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Authentication required Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj3aaad893-e26d-41f3-9bb7-5e91f417bf64 From: ;tag=b0841e37-c5e3-4e08-84f5-9f42794f3387 To: ;tag=FCA9A830 Call-ID: 43174ee4-d4f5-473b-801d-8a5663ba127c CSeq: 5710 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="etc.tario.ru",nonce="D1858DB5C8D8247E1E08",opaque="opaq",qop="auth",algorithm=MD5 Server: CommuniGatePro/6.1.5 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=5710 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744b0 .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=5710 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744b0 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f576c1dc630: can not find credential for etc.tario.ru/Digest [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Authentication required) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:sipnet.ru' for client 'sip:0041990090@sipnet.ru' [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sipnet.ru' from client 'sip:0041990090@sipnet.ru' [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640a4 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=5711 (tdta0x7f576c1dc630) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640a4 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=5711 (tdta0x7f576c1dc630) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=5711 (tdta0x7f576c1dc630): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (817 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sipnet.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjca406add-4e0d-49e2-9000-896408a73f7a From: ;tag=b0841e37-c5e3-4e08-84f5-9f42794f3387 To: Call-ID: 43174ee4-d4f5-473b-801d-8a5663ba127c CSeq: 5711 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Authorization: Digest username="0041990090", realm="etc.tario.ru", nonce="D1858DB5C8D8247E1E08", uri="sip:sipnet.ru", response="f9c118d0493627b92e5310e42438827d", algorithm=MD5, cnonce="d100d28d-0769-4ada-8ff4-ab8100b12c39", opaque="opaq", qop=auth, nc=00000001 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640a4 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577462b Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577462b .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577462b Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577462b .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d810 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=42690 (tdta0x7f57d810ee80) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577462b Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=23300 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (511 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPjaa654530-078c-40ba-9ad4-33e0112aabd2;received= From: ;tag=4510cbb3-e749-40ec-b353-53a4ecc3638a To: ;tag=5149c1126e702672db415b970eae4141.67e1 Call-ID: 7216c7bb-93e6-4446-b3b5-a5066c65baf4 CSeq: 23300 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="sip.zadarma.com", nonce="VerdDlXq2+L9I3NFKJo2KfzLL92/xLTI", qop="auth" Server: Zadarma server Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=23300 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x3c3a9e8 .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=23300 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x3c3a9e8 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f576c067750: can not find credential for sip.zadarma.com/Digest [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Unauthorized) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' for client 'sip:56926@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' from client 'sip:56926@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f577462b .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=23301 (tdta0x7f576c067750) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f577462b Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=23301 (tdta0x7f576c067750) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=23301 (tdta0x7f576c067750): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=44379 (tdta0x7f57d810ee80) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (808 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sipde.zadarma.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj40b28dcd-1b8e-463b-9fdf-fd921d195be1 From: ;tag=4510cbb3-e749-40ec-b353-53a4ecc3638a To: Call-ID: 7216c7bb-93e6-4446-b3b5-a5066c65baf4 CSeq: 23301 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Authorization: Digest username="56926", realm="sip.zadarma.com", nonce="VerdDlXq2+L9I3NFKJo2KfzLL92/xLTI", uri="sip:sipde.zadarma.com", response="76a1ba90996a1ef5267802cef033f047", cnonce="ee9abf95-3d6f-4f90-ba56-01a4dffa486c", qop=auth, nc=00000001 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f577462b .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0xbbda40: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0xbbda40: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640ae .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=44379 (tdta0x7f57d810ee80) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640ae Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=44379 (tdta0x7f57d810ee80) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (568 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:srv_d13493@;user=phone;phone-context=srv_d13493 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjd99a25de-cd61-4eb8-88aa-1f8a8f92020b From: ;tag=d58b3adf-c73f-4327-b3dd-180195369ddb To: Contact: Call-ID: 8ca3f911-ea82-4fbc-804c-800ec75e0598 CSeq: 44379 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640ae .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d802e Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d802e .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d802e Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d802e .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d802e Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=5711 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (624 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPjca406add-4e0d-49e2-9000-896408a73f7a From: ;tag=b0841e37-c5e3-4e08-84f5-9f42794f3387 To: ;tag=63CD72BA Call-ID: 43174ee4-d4f5-473b-801d-8a5663ba127c CSeq: 5711 REGISTER Expires: 56 Contact: ;expires=56 Event: registration Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:14 GMT Allow: PUBLISH,SUBSCRIBE Supported: path,gruu Allow-Events: presence,message-summary,reg,dialog,line-seize,keep-alive,refer Server: CommuniGatePro/6.1.5 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=5711 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640a4 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=5711 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640a4 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sipnet.ru' for client 'sip:0041990090@sipnet.ru' [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sipnet.ru' with client 'sip:0041990090@sipnet.ru' successful [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sipnet.ru' from client 'sip:0041990090@sipnet.ru' in 46 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:0041990090@sipnet.ru Domain: sip:sipnet.ru Status: Registered [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=40525 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (370 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj1c9facb2-88b4-43e4-8926-a4652f9c85fc;received= From: ;tag=4342fca2-a19f-4aef-b964-af91c3e66708 To: Call-ID: 1d053f54-555f-4d9f-b234-f561995d4352 CSeq: 40525 OPTIONS Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=40525 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774308 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=40525 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774308 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x4ac62a0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x4ac62a0: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x4ac62a0: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x4ac62a0: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x4ac62a0: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:vortexpro@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 261.173 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770185 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770185 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770185 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770185 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x4d595d0 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=11850 (tdta0x4d595d0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770185 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770194 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770194 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770194 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770194 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770194 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577404b Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577404b .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577404b Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577404b .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577404b Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=645 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (671 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK28ead724;rport Max-Forwards: 70 From: ;tag=as61edc97c To: Call-ID: 6cda15157c04c3df0e04e63521a92996@talk37.ru CSeq: 645 REGISTER User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Authorization: Digest username="srv_9203726472", realm="ruvoip.net", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:talk37.ru", nonce="1441454969/6a05c2f19e715ed2087688c9ae303ab8", response="6c024803bcf9c8613296cafa79c65604", opaque="38d4a57914e49234", qop=auth, cnonce="392f02f8", nc=00000002 Expires: 120 Contact: Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=645 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint srv_9203726472 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=645 (tdta0x7f57d82448b0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:14.250+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: srv_9203726472 SessionID: 6cda15157c04c3df0e04e63521a92996@talk37.ru LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (518 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;received=;branch=z9hG4bK28ead724 Call-ID: 6cda15157c04c3df0e04e63521a92996@talk37.ru From: ;tag=as61edc97c To: ;tag=z9hG4bK28ead724 CSeq: 645 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455074/0ccafa924a521651fc3c61203ff81c26",opaque="4e7f48ae060659eb",stale=true,algorithm=md5,qop="auth" Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d824 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=645 (tdta0x7f57d82448b0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57745cf Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57745cf .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57745cf Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57745cf .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d9fc ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=2226 (tdta0x7f57d9fce530) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57745cf Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=645 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (671 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK76020e2e;rport Max-Forwards: 70 From: ;tag=as5ab7dd2c To: Call-ID: 7d7601ce5d41d8ca7b7ffd8336d5f37b@talk37.ru CSeq: 645 REGISTER User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Authorization: Digest username="srv_9085650997", realm="ruvoip.net", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:talk37.ru", nonce="1441454969/6a05c2f19e715ed2087688c9ae303ab8", response="6d1866aac587d4f43673b56076e4b968", opaque="2d3e32f97437cf05", qop=auth, cnonce="4d32d2db", nc=00000002 Expires: 120 Contact: Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=645 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint srv_9085650997 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=645 (tdta0x4d595d0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:14.255+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: srv_9085650997 SessionID: 7d7601ce5d41d8ca7b7ffd8336d5f37b@talk37.ru LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (518 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;received=;branch=z9hG4bK76020e2e Call-ID: 7d7601ce5d41d8ca7b7ffd8336d5f37b@talk37.ru From: ;tag=as5ab7dd2c To: ;tag=z9hG4bK76020e2e CSeq: 645 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455074/0ccafa924a521651fc3c61203ff81c26",opaque="677b9fc12a9438ce",stale=true,algorithm=md5,qop="auth" Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tdta0x4d595d0 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=645 (tdta0x4d595d0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=646 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (671 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK0e480069;rport Max-Forwards: 70 From: ;tag=as61edc97c To: Call-ID: 6cda15157c04c3df0e04e63521a92996@talk37.ru CSeq: 646 REGISTER User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Authorization: Digest username="srv_9203726472", realm="ruvoip.net", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:talk37.ru", nonce="1441455074/0ccafa924a521651fc3c61203ff81c26", response="70a91cd5da3968b3885e998006a2d339", opaque="4e7f48ae060659eb", qop=auth, cnonce="538e9d65", nc=00000001 Expires: 120 Contact: Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=646 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint srv_9203726472 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=646 (tdta0x4d595d0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455074/0ccafa924a521651fc3c61203ff81c26. Actual nonce is 1441455074/0ccafa924a521651fc3c61203ff81c26 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tdta0x4d595d0 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=646 (tdta0x4d595d0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:14.259+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: srv_9203726472 SessionID: 6cda15157c04c3df0e04e63521a92996@talk37.ru LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=44379 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (752 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjd99a25de-cd61-4eb8-88aa-1f8a8f92020b From: ;tag=d58b3adf-c73f-4327-b3dd-180195369ddb To: ;tag=0050C229CCA1-6001290 Call-ID: 8ca3f911-ea82-4fbc-804c-800ec75e0598 CSeq: 44379 OPTIONS Contact: User-Agent: 2N VoiceBlue V-02.08.02 Allow: INVITE, BYE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, REFER, NOTIFY Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 187 v=0 m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 0 8 18 102 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000 a=fmtp:18 annexb=no a=rtpmap:102 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:102 0-11 a=sendrecv [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=44379 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640ae .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=44379 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57640ae ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0xbbda40: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0xbbda40: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0xbbda40: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0xbbda40: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0xbbda40: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:srv_d13493@;user=phone;phone-context=srv_d13493 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 53.093 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:srv_9203726472@' on AOR 'srv_9203726472' with new expiration of 120 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=646 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (671 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK0d241229;rport Max-Forwards: 70 From: ;tag=as5ab7dd2c To: Call-ID: 7d7601ce5d41d8ca7b7ffd8336d5f37b@talk37.ru CSeq: 646 REGISTER User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Authorization: Digest username="srv_9085650997", realm="ruvoip.net", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:talk37.ru", nonce="1441455074/0ccafa924a521651fc3c61203ff81c26", response="a80d9701842e5aaf38868cf4f55df5de", opaque="677b9fc12a9438ce", qop=auth, cnonce="142945fa", nc=00000001 Expires: 120 Contact: Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=646 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint srv_9085650997 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=23301 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=646 (tdta0x7f57d82448b0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (467 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj40b28dcd-1b8e-463b-9fdf-fd921d195be1;received= From: ;tag=4510cbb3-e749-40ec-b353-53a4ecc3638a To: ;tag=5149c1126e702672db415b970eae4141.3e77 Call-ID: 7216c7bb-93e6-4446-b3b5-a5066c65baf4 CSeq: 23301 REGISTER Contact: ;expires=60 Server: Zadarma server Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455074/0ccafa924a521651fc3c61203ff81c26. Actual nonce is 1441455074/0ccafa924a521651fc3c61203ff81c26 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=646 (tdta0x7f57d8246c80) created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57745cf .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=646 (rdata0x4af7bb8) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57745cf Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=646 (rdata0x4af7bb8) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x3c20de8 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57745cf .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=23301 (rdata0x7f576c241d38) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x3c20de8 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f577462b .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=23301 (rdata0x7f576c241d38) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x3c20de8 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f577462b ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x3c20de8 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d824 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=646 (tdta0x7f57d82448b0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d83f ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=15008 (tdta0x7f57d83f3f40) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57745cf Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=646 (tdta0x7f57d8246c80) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x3c20de8 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:14.263+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: srv_9085650997 SessionID: 7d7601ce5d41d8ca7b7ffd8336d5f37b@talk37.ru LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' for client 'sip:56926@zadarma.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' with client 'sip:56926@zadarma.com' successful [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sipde.zadarma.com' from client 'sip:56926@zadarma.com' in 50 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (461 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;received=;branch=z9hG4bK0e480069 Call-ID: 6cda15157c04c3df0e04e63521a92996@talk37.ru From: ;tag=as61edc97c To: ;tag=z9hG4bK0e480069 CSeq: 646 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:14 GMT Contact: ;expires=119 Expires: 120 Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57745cf .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:56926@zadarma.com Domain: sip:sipde.zadarma.com Status: Registered [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:srv_9085650997@' on AOR 'srv_9085650997' with new expiration of 120 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=646 (tdta0x7f57d82448b0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x3c20de8 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=646 (rdata0x5bb78b8) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x3c20de8 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=646 (rdata0x5bb78b8) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x3c20de8 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x3c20de8 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=646 (tdta0x7f57d82448b0) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (461 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;received=;branch=z9hG4bK0d241229 Call-ID: 7d7601ce5d41d8ca7b7ffd8336d5f37b@talk37.ru From: ;tag=as5ab7dd2c To: ;tag=z9hG4bK0d241229 CSeq: 646 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:14 GMT Contact: ;expires=119 Expires: 120 Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x3c20de8 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774600 Retransmit timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774600 .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=4055 (tdta0x7f576c0bfff0), count=5, restart?=1 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (497 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:kosinoffice@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjc603fc0a-8b4d-4c51-b70a-769236874fec From: ;tag=ca929660-5c2f-4308-9228-a63a3305c88c To: Contact: Call-ID: cdd002c6-f80c-494b-b656-b1736b56a42a CSeq: 4055 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d89b5 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d89b5 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d89b5 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d89b5 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0xb83600 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=14508 (tdta0xb83600) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d89b5 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8739] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 6fe8fe2433e67e9a24e2091a3d0c7b38@talk37.ru - OPTIONS (No RTP) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8739] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8739] chan_sip.c: Setting AST_TRANSPORT_UDP with address [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8739] chan_sip.c: SIP call-id changed from '6fe8fe2433e67e9a24e2091a3d0c7b38@talk37.ru' to '21044f6224707764517aeacc45a771ba@talk37.ru' [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8739] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method OPTIONS - callid 21044f6224707764517aeacc45a771ba@talk37.ru [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8739] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'OPTIONS sip' onto UDP socket destined for [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764058 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764058 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764058 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764058 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x5d08770 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=6119 (tdta0x5d08770) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764058 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=35948 (tdta0x5d08770) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x203bdb0: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x203bdb0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764058 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=35948 (tdta0x5d08770) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764058 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=35948 (tdta0x5d08770) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sip.telphin.com, transport=Unspecified, port=5068 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sip.telphin.com from cache, ttl=74 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (478 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:sip.telphin.com:5068 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj4f24a2af-7d59-419c-8c17-3fc185e847d2 From: ;tag=dac061db-392e-47ba-a2c7-15125a8e3e0f To: Contact: Call-ID: 2750559b-94d1-4ef4-ac8c-da1fdf063499 CSeq: 35948 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764058 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=35948 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (431 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 Ok Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj4f24a2af-7d59-419c-8c17-3fc185e847d2;received= From: ;tag=dac061db-392e-47ba-a2c7-15125a8e3e0f To: ;tag=599861ab72d4f5a03e7b922e1a9ee85b.2ff1 Call-ID: 2750559b-94d1-4ef4-ac8c-da1fdf063499 CSeq: 35948 OPTIONS Server: Telphin SoftSwitch Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=35948 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764058 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=35948 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764058 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x203bdb0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x203bdb0: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x203bdb0: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x203bdb0: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x203bdb0: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sip.telphin.com:5068 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 17.183 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741ec Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741ec .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741ec Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741ec .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x1dd4bc0 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=49226 (tdta0x1dd4bc0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741ec Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x3adf5a8 Retransmit timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x3adf5a8 .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=63428 (tdta0x200de10), count=1, restart?=1 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (495 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:17186@;ob SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj0852e127-9d8d-497d-8e7c-759164571174 From: ;tag=6102ecf5-b68f-4fcd-9ec5-4b17ff46b4f6 To: Contact: Call-ID: 559bfa7d-8a1e-44b5-bbd9-aa2e0d0f1c7f CSeq: 63428 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=18318 (tdta0x1dd4bc0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x203bdb0: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x203bdb0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741ec .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=18318 (tdta0x1dd4bc0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741ec Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=18318 (tdta0x1dd4bc0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sip.freevoipdeal.com, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sip.freevoipdeal.com from cache, ttl=240 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (488 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:sip.freevoipdeal.com:5060 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPje82cb0e1-c10e-4cad-82e4-2cc3d4153175 From: ;tag=c25dcbfc-3e80-4c07-abfb-0d45d13a7dad To: Contact: Call-ID: 3895a544-d895-4dbc-b19a-358baf54fe2a CSeq: 18318 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741ec .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744a1 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744a1 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744a1 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744a1 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744a1 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774385 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774385 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774385 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774385 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d84d ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=25582 (tdta0x7f57d84dc540) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774385 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=94 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (975 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---d39fc929c58ee98b;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: To: From: ;tag=3b79c44c Call-ID: OQ8f6Z9ASi9bLhfP65XYfg.. CSeq: 94 REGISTER Expires: 60 Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, outbound, path, X-cisco-serviceuri User-Agent: Zoiper r30645 Authorization: Digest username="banda5ololosh",realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455073/f543c6a0efadb5a8c63ed12748af5824",uri="sip:talk37.ru;transport=UDP",response="e6a887c9c726893cad2c3047ed01cbce",cnonce="ae0e234cda40d3f129eb7bab0f6cdf30",nc=00000001,qop=auth,algorithm=md5,opaque="0d64f18e1adf1293" Allow-Events: presence, kpml Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=94 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint banda5ololosh [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8576 .Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=94 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Completed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8576 ..Retransmiting Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=94 (tdta0x7f576c1527d0), count=0, restart?=0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (495 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=62756;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---d39fc929c58ee98b Call-ID: OQ8f6Z9ASi9bLhfP65XYfg.. From: ;tag=3b79c44c To: ;tag=z9hG4bK-524287-1---d39fc929c58ee98b CSeq: 94 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:13 GMT Contact: ;expires=59 Expires: 60 Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=18318 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (505 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 Ok Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPje82cb0e1-c10e-4cad-82e4-2cc3d4153175 From: ;tag=c25dcbfc-3e80-4c07-abfb-0d45d13a7dad To: Contact: sip: Call-ID: 3895a544-d895-4dbc-b19a-358baf54fe2a CSeq: 18318 OPTIONS Supported: foo User-Agent: (Very nice Sip Registrar/Proxy Server) Allow: ACK,BYE,CANCEL,INVITE,REGISTER,OPTIONS,INFO,MESSAGE Accept: application/sdp [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=18318 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741ec .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=18318 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57741ec ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x203bdb0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x203bdb0: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x203bdb0: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x203bdb0: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x203bdb0: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sip.freevoipdeal.com:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 59.343 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742e5 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742e5 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742e5 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742e5 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742e5 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9570 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9570 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9570 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9570 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c18 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=17924 (tdta0x7f576c183100) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9570 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774634 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774634 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=54714 (tdta0x7f576c183100) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774634 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774634 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d9f7 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=52383 (tdta0x7f57d9f75160) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774634 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x342f310: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x342f310: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774634 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=54714 (tdta0x7f576c183100) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774634 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=54714 (tdta0x7f576c183100) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (482 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:816@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj6c17decb-69e4-407d-bab9-c21149a6fde6 From: ;tag=2796afe7-16b1-4101-bb1c-548a46f21bfd To: Contact: Call-ID: af03aef4-0bda-408f-8ebf-39363286be03 CSeq: 54714 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774634 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57740ea Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57740ea .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57740ea Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57740ea .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c08 ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=174 (tdta0x7f576c08a260) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57740ea Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=48147 (tdta0x7f576c08a260) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2bb4a90: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2bb4a90: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57740ea .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=48147 (tdta0x7f576c08a260) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57740ea Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=48147 (tdta0x7f576c08a260) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=183 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (476 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj3e5065e4-d613-4ab7-ad93-a991a3a6dfbf From: ;tag=8714117c-fd61-43b8-8f35-b630a2b7ec50 To: Contact: Call-ID: 4ef9db2a-4ac2-4be0-b6c9-cefd72de7042 CSeq: 48147 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57740ea .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=54714 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (588 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPj6c17decb-69e4-407d-bab9-c21149a6fde6;received=;rport=5060 From: ;tag=2796afe7-16b1-4101-bb1c-548a46f21bfd To: ;tag=as1028c348 Call-ID: af03aef4-0bda-408f-8ebf-39363286be03 CSeq: 54714 OPTIONS Server: FPBX-2.11.0(11.14.2) Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH, MESSAGE Supported: replaces, timer Contact: Accept: application/sdp Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=59341 (tdta0x7f57d84dc540) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=54714 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774634 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=54714 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774634 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x342f310: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d819e400: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x342f310: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d819e400: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x342f310: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9570 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=59341 (tdta0x7f57d84dc540) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9570 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=59341 (tdta0x7f57d84dc540) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (478 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:s@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj29a44018-f9f7-45aa-a6f3-74593f683c70 From: ;tag=0358f90b-41e8-46ab-90f9-3c281fb95f58 To: Contact: Call-ID: a3f940ad-e4a2-429b-a14f-cdaa2bed2016 CSeq: 59341 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x342f310: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9570 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x342f310: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:816@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 21.277 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=48147 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (418 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bKPj3e5065e4-d613-4ab7-ad93-a991a3a6dfbf;rport=5060 From: ;tag=8714117c-fd61-43b8-8f35-b630a2b7ec50 To: ;tag=aprqngfrt-jf93tq0000f71 Call-ID: 4ef9db2a-4ac2-4be0-b6c9-cefd72de7042 CSeq: 48147 OPTIONS Reason: Q.850;cause=55;text="Call Terminated" [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=48147 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57740ea .Incoming Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=48147 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57740ea ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x2bb4a90: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x2bb4a90: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x2bb4a90: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x2bb4a90: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x2bb4a90: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 10.669 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=59341 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (541 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 404 Not Found Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPj29a44018-f9f7-45aa-a6f3-74593f683c70;received=;rport=5060 From: ;tag=0358f90b-41e8-46ab-90f9-3c281fb95f58 To: ;tag=as1baa479e Call-ID: a3f940ad-e4a2-429b-a14f-cdaa2bed2016 CSeq: 59341 OPTIONS Server: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH Supported: replaces, timer Accept: application/sdp Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=59341 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9570 .Incoming Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=59341 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9570 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d819e400: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d819e400: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d819e400: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d819e400: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d819e400: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:s@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 9.256 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=1 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (668 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---072037b1681c473d;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: To: From: ;tag=b034067c Call-ID: Dpactf2lVB_t4s0t9uvmhw.. CSeq: 1 REGISTER Expires: 60 Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, outbound, path, X-cisco-serviceuri User-Agent: Zoiper r30645 Allow-Events: presence, kpml Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=1 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Could not identify endpoint by username '89602448080' [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_anonymous.c: Retrieved anonymous endpoint 'anonymous' [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 404/REGISTER/cseq=1 (tdta0xb83600) created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (359 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 404 Not Found Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=24592;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---072037b1681c473d Call-ID: Dpactf2lVB_t4s0t9uvmhw.. From: ;tag=b034067c To: ;tag=z9hG4bK-524287-1---072037b1681c473d CSeq: 1 REGISTER Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tdta0xb83600 .Destroying txdata Response msg 404/REGISTER/cseq=1 (tdta0xb83600) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] WARNING[10756] res_pjsip_registrar.c: AOR '89602448080' not found for endpoint 'anonymous' [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RequestNotSupported Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:14.515+0300 Severity: Error Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: anonymous SessionID: Dpactf2lVB_t4s0t9uvmhw.. LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RequestType: registrar_requested_aor_not_found [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700fb Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700fb .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700fb Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700fb .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700fb Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=1 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (668 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---072037b1681c473d;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: To: From: ;tag=b034067c Call-ID: Dpactf2lVB_t4s0t9uvmhw.. CSeq: 1 REGISTER Expires: 60 Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, outbound, path, X-cisco-serviceuri User-Agent: Zoiper r30645 Allow-Events: presence, kpml Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=1 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Could not identify endpoint by username '89602448080' [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_anonymous.c: Retrieved anonymous endpoint 'anonymous' [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 404/REGISTER/cseq=1 (tdta0xb83600) created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (359 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 404 Not Found Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=24592;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---072037b1681c473d Call-ID: Dpactf2lVB_t4s0t9uvmhw.. From: ;tag=b034067c To: ;tag=z9hG4bK-524287-1---072037b1681c473d CSeq: 1 REGISTER Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tdta0xb83600 .Destroying txdata Response msg 404/REGISTER/cseq=1 (tdta0xb83600) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774013 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774013 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774013 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774013 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] WARNING[17929] res_pjsip_registrar.c: AOR '89602448080' not found for endpoint 'anonymous' [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d860 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=31415 (tdta0x7f57d86015c0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774013 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RequestNotSupported Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:14.555+0300 Severity: Error Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: anonymous SessionID: Dpactf2lVB_t4s0t9uvmhw.. LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RequestType: registrar_requested_aor_not_found [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8739] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'OPTIONS sip' onto UDP socket destined for [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=6551 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (627 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK10704011;rport Max-Forwards: 70 From: ;tag=as343ea253 To: Call-ID: 732e69ef5369ef116203d7bd5a4f5424@[::1] CSeq: 6551 REGISTER User-Agent: FPBX-2.11.0( Authorization: Digest username="13443", realm="ruvoip.net", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:talk37.ru", nonce="1441454969/fef879796c77eeafcac18bcfbf91ee0f", response="6980dc7b2c7271bef5cb1b1add7fe7b0", opaque="1464f12e60ff71b0", qop=auth, cnonce="463870fa", nc=00000002 Expires: 120 Contact: Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=6551 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 13443 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=6551 (tdta0x7f57d9f75160) created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:14.596+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 13443 SessionID: 732e69ef5369ef116203d7bd5a4f5424@[::1] LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (487 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=3851;received=;branch=z9hG4bK10704011 Call-ID: 732e69ef5369ef116203d7bd5a4f5424@[::1] From: ;tag=as343ea253 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK10704011 CSeq: 6551 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455074/4fadfcb15c2e1671db50e9647cc38c73",opaque="61ae57881d51839b",stale=true,algorithm=md5,qop="auth" Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d9f7 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=6551 (tdta0x7f57d9f75160) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8200 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8200 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8200 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8200 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d85a ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=33444 (tdta0x7f57d85af690) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8200 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d924e Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d924e .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d924e Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d924e .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x21b33a0 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=11583 (tdta0x21b33a0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d924e Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=6552 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (627 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK174dc3d9;rport Max-Forwards: 70 From: ;tag=as11606ac4 To: Call-ID: 732e69ef5369ef116203d7bd5a4f5424@[::1] CSeq: 6552 REGISTER User-Agent: FPBX-2.11.0( Authorization: Digest username="13443", realm="ruvoip.net", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:talk37.ru", nonce="1441455074/4fadfcb15c2e1671db50e9647cc38c73", response="9a56b2156a8e79e17f02a6ed3004447f", opaque="61ae57881d51839b", qop=auth, cnonce="6d13e864", nc=00000001 Expires: 120 Contact: Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=6552 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 13443 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=6552 (tdta0x7f57d85af690) created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455074/4fadfcb15c2e1671db50e9647cc38c73. Actual nonce is 1441455074/4fadfcb15c2e1671db50e9647cc38c73 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d85a .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=6552 (tdta0x7f57d85af690) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:14.618+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 13443 SessionID: 732e69ef5369ef116203d7bd5a4f5424@[::1] LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764097 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764097 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:s@' on AOR '13443' with new expiration of 120 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764097 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764097 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d8ab ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=3109 (tdta0x7f57d8ab6da0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764097 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=6552 (tdta0x7f57d8ab6da0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764097 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=6552 (rdata0x507dfd8) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764097 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=6552 (rdata0x507dfd8) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764097 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764097 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=6552 (tdta0x7f57d8ab6da0) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (417 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=3851;received=;branch=z9hG4bK174dc3d9 Call-ID: 732e69ef5369ef116203d7bd5a4f5424@[::1] From: ;tag=as11606ac4 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK174dc3d9 CSeq: 6552 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:14 GMT Contact: ;expires=119 Expires: 120 Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764097 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=1 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=56111 (tdta0x7f57d85af690) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (668 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---072037b1681c473d;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: To: From: ;tag=b034067c Call-ID: Dpactf2lVB_t4s0t9uvmhw.. CSeq: 1 REGISTER Expires: 60 Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, outbound, path, X-cisco-serviceuri User-Agent: Zoiper r30645 Allow-Events: presence, kpml Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=1 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x4008060: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x4008060: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d924e .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=56111 (tdta0x7f57d85af690) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d924e Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=56111 (tdta0x7f57d85af690) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Could not identify endpoint by username '89602448080' [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_anonymous.c: Retrieved anonymous endpoint 'anonymous' [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (467 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip: SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj383dbaa9-5943-4e23-8726-fbf4ac5c3201 From: ;tag=6df686f9-daf1-4265-8e10-d61f6642b96e To: Contact: Call-ID: e448b315-a2a7-4e20-bd26-928c524990a5 CSeq: 56111 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 404/REGISTER/cseq=1 (tdta0x7f57d86015c0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d924e .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (359 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 404 Not Found Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=24592;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---072037b1681c473d Call-ID: Dpactf2lVB_t4s0t9uvmhw.. From: ;tag=b034067c To: ;tag=z9hG4bK-524287-1---072037b1681c473d CSeq: 1 REGISTER Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d860 .Destroying txdata Response msg 404/REGISTER/cseq=1 (tdta0x7f57d86015c0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] WARNING[26340] res_pjsip_registrar.c: AOR '89602448080' not found for endpoint 'anonymous' [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RequestNotSupported Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:14.636+0300 Severity: Error Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: anonymous SessionID: Dpactf2lVB_t4s0t9uvmhw.. LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RequestType: registrar_requested_aor_not_found [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9b2c Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9b2c .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9b2c Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9b2c .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x5a55600 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=61681 (tdta0x5a55600) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9b2c Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=53358 (tdta0x5a55600) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d86d0d90: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d86d0d90: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9b2c .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=53358 (tdta0x5a55600) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9b2c Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=53358 (tdta0x5a55600) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (487 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:16822@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjbbab065a-2945-4550-8cd3-f21b65ff082d From: ;tag=f7883d53-8e10-494f-87d6-9076ee7853eb To: Contact: Call-ID: b90120b9-0fa1-42bb-844e-eb26ab25c75d CSeq: 53358 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9b2c .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700d6 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700d6 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700d6 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700d6 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700d6 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=102 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (522 bytes) from UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK2e422561;rport Max-Forwards: 70 From: "asterisk" ;tag=as3a63e036 To: Contact: Call-ID: 5a09e5853d9167943ba8616865884356@vir.homevoip.ru CSeq: 102 OPTIONS User-Agent: Nortel PBX Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:12:35 GMT Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH, MESSAGE Supported: replaces, timer Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=102 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint dimm71 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/OPTIONS/cseq=102 (tdta0x7f57d86015c0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:14.678+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: dimm71 SessionID: 5a09e5853d9167943ba8616865884356@vir.homevoip.ru LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (498 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;received=;branch=z9hG4bK2e422561 Call-ID: 5a09e5853d9167943ba8616865884356@vir.homevoip.ru From: "asterisk" ;tag=as3a63e036 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK2e422561 CSeq: 102 OPTIONS WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455074/0375e305a66368b9fb7316d076d17c8a",opaque="728362d67d69f6de",algorithm=md5,qop="auth" Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d860 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/OPTIONS/cseq=102 (tdta0x7f57d86015c0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774470 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774470 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774470 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774470 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774470 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=5151 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (540 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 CSeq: 5151 REGISTER Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK20fb5e6e-8910-1910-982b-001a13b20f7b;rport User-Agent: BPBX 2.1.36 From: ;tag=1ffb5e6e-8910-1910-982b-001a13b20f7b Call-ID: 7b5f2bdf-8710-1910-982b-001a13b20f7b@home-ff16611023 To: Contact: Allow: INVITE,ACK,OPTIONS,BYE,CANCEL,NOTIFY,REFER,MESSAGE,INFO,PING,PUBLISH Expires: 60 Content-Length: 0 Max-Forwards: 70 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=5151 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint dgaidamak [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=5151 (tdta0x7f57d86015c0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:14.700+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: dgaidamak SessionID: 7b5f2bdf-8710-1910-982b-001a13b20f7b@home-ff16611023 LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (580 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5061;received=;branch=z9hG4bK20fb5e6e-8910-1910-982b-001a13b20f7b Call-ID: 7b5f2bdf-8710-1910-982b-001a13b20f7b@home-ff16611023 From: ;tag=1ffb5e6e-8910-1910-982b-001a13b20f7b To: ;tag=z9hG4bK20fb5e6e-8910-1910-982b-001a13b20f7b CSeq: 5151 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455074/421d144e1d0d9bead4f524570331c654",opaque="58bb8325566b4459",algorithm=md5,qop="auth" Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d860 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=5151 (tdta0x7f57d86015c0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=1732 (tdta0x21b33a0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b6e4a0: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b6e4a0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774470 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=1732 (tdta0x21b33a0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774470 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=1732 (tdta0x21b33a0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=183 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (475 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjf3c7c5cf-bdfe-41c8-9318-ba6dedbef78b From: ;tag=c061b590-31b7-4f19-9b0a-bb7c57387d46 To: Contact: Call-ID: bce672ac-611d-41db-be3e-fbf86b5c973b CSeq: 1732 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774470 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8718] res_xmpp.c: JABBER: Sending Keep-Alive Ping for client 'srv_gtalk' [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=6485 (tdta0x7f57d86015c0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d82b3d10: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d82b3d10: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700d6 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=6485 (tdta0x7f57d86015c0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700d6 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=6485 (tdta0x7f57d86015c0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=183 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=1732 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (417 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bKPjf3c7c5cf-bdfe-41c8-9318-ba6dedbef78b;rport=5060 From: ;tag=c061b590-31b7-4f19-9b0a-bb7c57387d46 To: ;tag=aprqngfrt-5b6lav300g18c Call-ID: bce672ac-611d-41db-be3e-fbf86b5c973b CSeq: 1732 OPTIONS Reason: Q.850;cause=55;text="Call Terminated" [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=1732 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774470 .Incoming Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=1732 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774470 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b6e4a0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b6e4a0: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (475 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjf9a5425a-649b-4fd1-b63e-77068502bfa1 From: ;tag=21cb089d-4be4-4e6d-be56-496b21c956d4 To: Contact: Call-ID: 62ac0ca6-768f-4249-a0cd-604561039743 CSeq: 6485 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b6e4a0: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700d6 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b6e4a0: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b6e4a0: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 2.370 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=6485 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (417 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bKPjf9a5425a-649b-4fd1-b63e-77068502bfa1;rport=5060 From: ;tag=21cb089d-4be4-4e6d-be56-496b21c956d4 To: ;tag=aprqngfrt-ssesr230086a5 Call-ID: 62ac0ca6-768f-4249-a0cd-604561039743 CSeq: 6485 OPTIONS Reason: Q.850;cause=55;text="Call Terminated" [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=6485 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700d6 .Incoming Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=6485 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700d6 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d82b3d10: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d82b3d10: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d82b3d10: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d82b3d10: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d82b3d10: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 0.000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 500/OPTIONS/cseq=56111 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (395 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 500 Server Internal Error Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPj383dbaa9-5943-4e23-8726-fbf4ac5c3201;rport=5060 Call-ID: e448b315-a2a7-4e20-bd26-928c524990a5 From: ;tag=6df686f9-daf1-4265-8e10-d61f6642b96e To: ;tag=ukbvucoh CSeq: 56111 OPTIONS User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 500/OPTIONS/cseq=56111 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d924e .Incoming Response msg 500/OPTIONS/cseq=56111 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d924e ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x4008060: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x4008060: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x4008060: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x4008060: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x4008060: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip: status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 104.126 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f576c0c1 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f576c0c1 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f576c0c1 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f576c0c1 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x5674390 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=7333 (tdta0x5674390) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f576c0c1 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=53358 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (676 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPjbbab065a-2945-4550-8cd3-f21b65ff082d From: ;tag=f7883d53-8e10-494f-87d6-9076ee7853eb To: ;tag=4008011809 Call-ID: b90120b9-0fa1-42bb-844e-eb26ab25c75d CSeq: 53358 OPTIONS Contact: Supported: replaces Allow-Events: message-summary, refer Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, OPTIONS, INFO, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Accept: application/sdp,application/dtmf-relay,application/simple-message-summary,message/sipfrag Accept-Encoding: identity Accept-Language: en Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=53358 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9b2c .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=53358 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9b2c ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d86d0d90: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d86d0d90: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d86d0d90: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d86d0d90: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d86d0d90: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:16822@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 84.128 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8718] res_xmpp.c: XML parsing successful [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577009e Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577009e .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577009e Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577009e .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0xb806a0 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=37065 (tdta0xb806a0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577009e Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577006d Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577006d .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577006d Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577006d .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d992 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=56378 (tdta0x7f57d992be30) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577006d Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=5152 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (807 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 CSeq: 5152 REGISTER Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK84165f6e-8910-1910-982b-001a13b20f7b;rport User-Agent: BPBX 2.1.36 Authorization: Digest username="dgaidamak", realm="ruvoip.net", nonce="1441455074/421d144e1d0d9bead4f524570331c654", uri="sip:talk37.ru", algorithm=md5, response="2782e96eedd13b5c96d9941725628540", cnonce="d872c715", nc=00000001, qop=auth, opaque="58bb8325566b4459" From: ;tag=1ffb5e6e-8910-1910-982b-001a13b20f7b Call-ID: 7b5f2bdf-8710-1910-982b-001a13b20f7b@home-ff16611023 To: Contact: Allow: INVITE,ACK,OPTIONS,BYE,CANCEL,NOTIFY,REFER,MESSAGE,INFO,PING,PUBLISH Expires: 60 Content-Length: 0 Max-Forwards: 70 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57701ac Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57701ac .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57701ac Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57701ac .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=5152 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d858 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=27182 (tdta0x7f57d858b6d0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57701ac Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint dgaidamak [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=5152 (tdta0x7f57d858b6d0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455074/421d144e1d0d9bead4f524570331c654. Actual nonce is 1441455074/421d144e1d0d9bead4f524570331c654 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d858 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=5152 (tdta0x7f57d858b6d0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:14.768+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: dgaidamak SessionID: 7b5f2bdf-8710-1910-982b-001a13b20f7b@home-ff16611023 LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:dgaidamak@;line=31f172d3' on AOR 'dgaidamak' with new expiration of 60 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=5152 (tdta0x7f57d992be30) created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57701ac .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=5152 (rdata0x21c9f18) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57701ac Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=5152 (rdata0x21c9f18) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57701ac .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57701ac Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=5152 (tdta0x7f57d992be30) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (541 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5061;received=;branch=z9hG4bK84165f6e-8910-1910-982b-001a13b20f7b Call-ID: 7b5f2bdf-8710-1910-982b-001a13b20f7b@home-ff16611023 From: ;tag=1ffb5e6e-8910-1910-982b-001a13b20f7b To: ;tag=z9hG4bK84165f6e-8910-1910-982b-001a13b20f7b CSeq: 5152 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:14 GMT Contact: ;expires=59 Expires: 60 Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57701ac .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=6551 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (627 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK574810cf;rport Max-Forwards: 70 From: ;tag=as3d2076c8 To: Call-ID: 5892779a49a78aed15c237ad05de4248@[::1] CSeq: 6551 REGISTER User-Agent: FPBX-2.11.0( Authorization: Digest username="13442", realm="ruvoip.net", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:talk37.ru", nonce="1441454969/fef879796c77eeafcac18bcfbf91ee0f", response="2f2d28e6ab8c3a945381989a8ae1209c", opaque="536294ba48e25163", qop=auth, cnonce="0c0fe13c", nc=00000002 Expires: 120 Contact: Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=6551 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 13442 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=6551 (tdta0xb806a0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:14.786+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 13442 SessionID: 5892779a49a78aed15c237ad05de4248@[::1] LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (487 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=3851;received=;branch=z9hG4bK574810cf Call-ID: 5892779a49a78aed15c237ad05de4248@[::1] From: ;tag=as3d2076c8 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK574810cf CSeq: 6551 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455074/4fadfcb15c2e1671db50e9647cc38c73",opaque="07d7b5d62ee512eb",stale=true,algorithm=md5,qop="auth" Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tdta0xb806a0 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=6551 (tdta0xb806a0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=6552 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (627 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK4a2b7e6a;rport Max-Forwards: 70 From: ;tag=as5ba39e34 To: Call-ID: 5892779a49a78aed15c237ad05de4248@[::1] CSeq: 6552 REGISTER User-Agent: FPBX-2.11.0( Authorization: Digest username="13442", realm="ruvoip.net", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:talk37.ru", nonce="1441455074/4fadfcb15c2e1671db50e9647cc38c73", response="06fd6e99177f9f20939d5a85ae741c10", opaque="07d7b5d62ee512eb", qop=auth, cnonce="062754c8", nc=00000001 Expires: 120 Contact: Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700e7 Retransmit timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700e7 .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=4397 (tdta0x7f57d98703c0), count=3, restart?=1 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=6552 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (498 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:moscow2015@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPje47ad7de-86fa-47be-8671-0188737e1e63 From: ;tag=437f541c-840e-423f-89c4-943b150fb90f To: Contact: Call-ID: 8083240a-7847-46d5-aa03-33f85b26ef30 CSeq: 4397 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 13442 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=16960 (tdta0xb806a0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=6552 (tdta0x5674390) created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455074/4fadfcb15c2e1671db50e9647cc38c73. Actual nonce is 1441455074/4fadfcb15c2e1671db50e9647cc38c73 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x3f944d0: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tdta0x5674390 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=6552 (tdta0x5674390) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x3f944d0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:14.810+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 13442 SessionID: 5892779a49a78aed15c237ad05de4248@[::1] LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f577006d .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=16960 (tdta0xb806a0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f577006d Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=16960 (tdta0xb806a0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (486 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:5401@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj8595a634-24cd-4620-8983-42778b541f55 From: ;tag=cd08fd9f-6761-4645-9230-c0adad2a15f6 To: Contact: Call-ID: 0036712d-2d8f-4173-a25f-84dbf3e04370 CSeq: 16960 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f577006d .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:s@' on AOR '13442' with new expiration of 120 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=6552 (tdta0x7f57d858b6d0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f577009e .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=6552 (rdata0x7f57d8a27178) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f577009e Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=6552 (rdata0x7f57d8a27178) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f577009e .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f577009e Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=6552 (tdta0x7f57d858b6d0) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (417 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=3851;received=;branch=z9hG4bK4a2b7e6a Call-ID: 5892779a49a78aed15c237ad05de4248@[::1] From: ;tag=as5ba39e34 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK4a2b7e6a CSeq: 6552 REGISTER Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:14 GMT Contact: ;expires=119 Expires: 120 Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f577009e .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774478 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774478 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774478 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774478 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d9ad ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=32575 (tdta0x7f57d9adba40) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774478 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x2c041e8 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x2c041e8 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x2c041e8 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x2c041e8 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0xb04200 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=41452 (tdta0xb04200) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x2c041e8 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=22777 (tdta0xb04200) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x342f310: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x342f310: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x2c041e8 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=22777 (tdta0xb04200) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x2c041e8 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=22777 (tdta0xb04200) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sip.dorinet.org, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sip.dorinet.org from cache, ttl=190 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (478 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:sip.dorinet.org:5060 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj555962b1-e078-4de6-8cce-885ac6fbf7e6 From: ;tag=3be862d3-7ee5-4930-b8b3-242f9386741e To: Contact: Call-ID: 4acdf0d5-015a-4c43-a56d-189930ad63ee CSeq: 22777 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x2c041e8 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x425a6c8 Retransmit timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x425a6c8 .Retransmiting Response msg 603/INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x4d75d00), count=8, restart?=1 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (417 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 603 Decline Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5071;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-83dbf30e3adab94a0978bd0011bf4480 Call-ID: 83dbf30e3adab94a0978bd0011bf4480 From: "100" ;tag=a4ae6a1f To: "8148422886292" ;tag=946feef2-ded2-4586-9d47-e1166237b6ec CSeq: 1 INVITE Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Reason: Q.850;cause=16 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=22777 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (552 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 404 Not Found Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPj555962b1-e078-4de6-8cce-885ac6fbf7e6;received=;rport=5060 From: ;tag=3be862d3-7ee5-4930-b8b3-242f9386741e To: ;tag=as54b4962e Call-ID: 4acdf0d5-015a-4c43-a56d-189930ad63ee CSeq: 22777 OPTIONS Server: DoRiN-Networks Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH, MESSAGE Supported: replaces, timer Accept: application/sdp Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=22777 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x2c041e8 .Incoming Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=22777 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x2c041e8 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x342f310: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x342f310: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x342f310: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x342f310: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x342f310: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sip.dorinet.org:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 64.162 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=16960 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (677 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj8595a634-24cd-4620-8983-42778b541f55 From: ;tag=cd08fd9f-6761-4645-9230-c0adad2a15f6 To: ;tag=4081961098 Call-ID: 0036712d-2d8f-4173-a25f-84dbf3e04370 CSeq: 16960 OPTIONS Contact: Supported: replaces Allow-Events: message-summary, refer Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, OPTIONS, INFO, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Accept: application/sdp,application/dtmf-relay,application/simple-message-summary,message/sipfrag Accept-Encoding: identity Accept-Language: en Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=16960 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f577006d .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=16960 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f577006d ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x3f944d0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x3f944d0: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x3f944d0: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x3f944d0: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x3f944d0: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:5401@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 91.850 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774320 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774320 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774320 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774320 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x5659220 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=52597 (tdta0x5659220) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774320 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8ba7 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8ba7 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8ba7 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8ba7 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c16 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=17579 (tdta0x7f576c169310) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8ba7 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=55855 (tdta0x7f576c169310) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d82b3d10: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d82b3d10: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8ba7 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=55855 (tdta0x7f576c169310) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8ba7 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=55855 (tdta0x7f576c169310) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sip.comtube.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sip.comtube.ru from cache, ttl=116 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (476 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:sip.comtube.ru:5060 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjd3097754-d2d7-4abc-aa1b-1cb689514ed7 From: ;tag=6c665c68-b363-46f9-a8dc-6447ed92e214 To: Contact: Call-ID: a8056fa9-118e-4d7c-9181-1c845ad540a5 CSeq: 55855 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8ba7 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:14] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=55855 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:14] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (433 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 Got it Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPjd3097754-d2d7-4abc-aa1b-1cb689514ed7 From: ;tag=6c665c68-b363-46f9-a8dc-6447ed92e214 To: ;tag=9766e6cd6366e4381d550735b7db114a.0033 Call-ID: a8056fa9-118e-4d7c-9181-1c845ad540a5 CSeq: 55855 OPTIONS Server: Comtube SIP Proxy Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=55855 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8ba7 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=55855 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8ba7 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d82b3d10: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d82b3d10: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d82b3d10: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d82b3d10: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d82b3d10: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sip.comtube.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 8.591 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=55520 (tdta0x5659220) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x3df88a0: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x3df88a0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774320 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=55520 (tdta0x5659220) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774320 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=55520 (tdta0x5659220) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sipnet.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sipnet.ru from cache, ttl=226 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (466 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:sipnet.ru:5060 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPja873458d-701b-47a1-bc10-39787802412e From: ;tag=4c4bbb2e-2349-46ef-91c1-78504109d0c6 To: Contact: Call-ID: f1575e82-edf1-4f93-98a8-a6e4deb92ce6 CSeq: 55520 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774320 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=55520 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (539 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPja873458d-701b-47a1-bc10-39787802412e From: ;tag=4c4bbb2e-2349-46ef-91c1-78504109d0c6 To: ;tag=BAED46C6 Call-ID: f1575e82-edf1-4f93-98a8-a6e4deb92ce6 CSeq: 55520 OPTIONS Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:15 GMT Allow: PUBLISH,SUBSCRIBE Supported: path,gruu Allow-Events: presence,message-summary,reg,dialog,line-seize,keep-alive,refer Server: CommuniGatePro/6.1.5 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=55520 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774320 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=55520 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774320 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x3df88a0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x3df88a0: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x3df88a0: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x3df88a0: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x3df88a0: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sipnet.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 10.202 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x31b50c8 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x31b50c8 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x31b50c8 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x31b50c8 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x23587a0 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=59255 (tdta0x23587a0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x31b50c8 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=25027 (tdta0x23587a0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:gvsipgateway.com' with client 'sip:11413@gvsipgateway.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x31b50c8 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=25028 (tdta0x23587a0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x31b50c8 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=25028 (tdta0x23587a0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.gvsipgateway.com, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.gvsi .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.gvsipgateway.com:5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS SRV record for _sip._udp.gvsipgateway.com from cache, ttl=34 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.gvsi .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.gvsipgateway.com: DNS "Name Error" (PJLIB_UTIL_EDNS_NXDOMAIN) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.gvsi .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.gvsipgateway.com, trying resolving A record for gvsipgateway.com [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.gvsi .Starting async DNS A query_job for gvsipgateway.com [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for gvsipgateway.com from cache, ttl=131 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.gvsi .DNS A for gvsipgateway.com: [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.gvsi .Server resolution complete, 1 server entry(s) found [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (566 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:gvsipgateway.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj8a9db88d-7c18-47ba-bb7b-8c0427888ccc From: ;tag=4deebefc-6e90-407b-8295-78dfd4a060fd To: Call-ID: db334d4e-d8d3-4127-a092-9e6e225fab9c CSeq: 25028 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x31b50c8 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg NOTIFY/cseq=363793 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (578 bytes) from UDP: ---> NOTIFY sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d4e9396e From: "1452" ;tag=9b77c1a6954cfa68o0 To: Call-ID: 8449cd3e-ca3b0@ CSeq: 363793 NOTIFY Max-Forwards: 70 Authorization: Digest username="1452",realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455059/8760cfb22257a27b05efecf652cebd13",uri="sip:talk37.ru",algorithm=MD5,response="5ad2b92016618887bacc32f57fc3c7a6",opaque="36e4d1b76d0c9e3b",qop=auth,nc=00000002,cnonce="fc784fe9" Event: keep-alive User-Agent: Linksys/SPA942-4.1.12 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg NOTIFY/cseq=363793 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 1452 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/NOTIFY/cseq=363793 (tdta0x5674390) created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455059/8760cfb22257a27b05efecf652cebd13. Actual nonce is 1441455059/8760cfb22257a27b05efecf652cebd13 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tdta0x5674390 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/NOTIFY/cseq=363793 (tdta0x5674390) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 501/NOTIFY/cseq=363793 (tdta0x5674390) created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:15.045+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: 1452 SessionID: 8449cd3e-ca3b0@ LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (333 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 501 Not Implemented Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=61713;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-d4e9396e Call-ID: 8449cd3e-ca3b0@ From: "1452" ;tag=9b77c1a6954cfa68o0 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK-d4e9396e CSeq: 363793 NOTIFY Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tdta0x5674390 Destroying txdata Response msg 501/NOTIFY/cseq=363793 (tdta0x5674390) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=24565 (tdta0x7f57d9adba40) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sip.ipvox.cz' with client 'sip:574141015@sip.ipvox.cz' [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774478 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=24566 (tdta0x7f57d9adba40) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774478 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=24566 (tdta0x7f57d9adba40) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.sip.ipvox.cz, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.sip.ipvox.cz:5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS SRV record for _sip._udp.sip.ipvox.cz from cache, ttl=45 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sip.ipvox.cz: DNS "Name Error" (PJLIB_UTIL_EDNS_NXDOMAIN) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sip.ipvox.cz, trying resolving A record for sip.ipvox.cz [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Starting async DNS A query_job for sip.ipvox.cz [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sip.ipvox.cz from cache, ttl=149 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .DNS A for sip.ipvox.cz: [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Server resolution complete, 1 server entry(s) found [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (562 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sip.ipvox.cz SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj9e81d991-915c-42f3-ad89-f90db9b861ea From: ;tag=b680cc4c-a0c5-4aa9-9b5a-1287212de51e To: Call-ID: 4c7e5a78-660c-4583-beb5-0c88be58c9b2 CSeq: 24566 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774478 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=24712 (tdta0x5674390) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sip.ipvox.cz' with client 'sip:299140407@sip.ipvox.cz' [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f576c0c1 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=24713 (tdta0x5674390) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f576c0c1 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=24713 (tdta0x5674390) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.sip.ipvox.cz, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.sip.ipvox.cz:5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS SRV record for _sip._udp.sip.ipvox.cz from cache, ttl=45 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sip.ipvox.cz: DNS "Name Error" (PJLIB_UTIL_EDNS_NXDOMAIN) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sip.ipvox.cz, trying resolving A record for sip.ipvox.cz [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Starting async DNS A query_job for sip.ipvox.cz [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sip.ipvox.cz from cache, ttl=149 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .DNS A for sip.ipvox.cz: [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Server resolution complete, 1 server entry(s) found [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (562 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sip.ipvox.cz SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjd6347bfe-0dda-4b12-b005-540afbc60b64 From: ;tag=18d589b3-193c-47dd-9ee2-765b45aa2525 To: Call-ID: 82638fb4-71a5-46a4-a9de-bb41b16822a1 CSeq: 24713 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f576c0c1 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=48495 (tdta0x7f57d9f75160) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d99c8250: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d99c8250: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8200 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=48495 (tdta0x7f57d9f75160) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8200 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=48495 (tdta0x7f57d9f75160) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=182 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (476 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj90e7c646-5ca7-4890-b433-9853e784f7d3 From: ;tag=bb48c966-ec5b-4303-b49a-68506d8bf973 To: Contact: Call-ID: 0db79340-f3d9-4d7f-a88b-c7195d370a16 CSeq: 48495 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8200 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8732] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8732] netsock2.c: Splitting 'talk37' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8732] netsock2.c: ...host 'talk37' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8732] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8732] acl.c: Attached to given IP address [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/srv_ivanovo_586161-0000029d ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: s CallerIDName: ConnectedLineNum: 586161 ConnectedLineName: 586161 Language: ru AccountCode: 9594 Context: ext-fromservers Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1441455004.753 Linkedid: 1441455002.752 To: From: SSRC: 0x172b88ea PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1441455075.262705152 SentRTP: 1119645448 SentPackets: 3122 SentOctets: 499520 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x415b3b10 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 27848 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 0 Report0LSR: 3538435309 Report0DLSR: 2.5570 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=48495 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (418 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bKPj90e7c646-5ca7-4890-b433-9853e784f7d3;rport=5060 From: ;tag=bb48c966-ec5b-4303-b49a-68506d8bf973 To: ;tag=aprqngfrt-kjsce30008fv6 Call-ID: 0db79340-f3d9-4d7f-a88b-c7195d370a16 CSeq: 48495 OPTIONS Reason: Q.850;cause=55;text="Call Terminated" [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=48495 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8200 .Incoming Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=48495 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8200 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d99c8250: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d99c8250: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d99c8250: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d99c8250: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d99c8250: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 10.525 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=12588 (tdta0xb83600) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x54452b0: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x54452b0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774013 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=12588 (tdta0xb83600) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774013 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=12588 (tdta0xb83600) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (494 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:rafailius@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj6804e6b4-bf81-4f60-afa5-a199a9b2db6c From: ;tag=23edfbf7-1c34-4dea-8272-e7ca5718e84d To: Contact: Call-ID: c7350d9b-5960-44e7-8976-cdbda061e5ae CSeq: 12588 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774013 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774251 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774251 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774251 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774251 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c0b ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=19991 (tdta0x7f576c0ba250) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774251 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=24566 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (470 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 100 Checking registration Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPj9e81d991-915c-42f3-ad89-f90db9b861ea;received=;rport=5060 From: ;tag=b680cc4c-a0c5-4aa9-9b5a-1287212de51e To: Call-ID: 4c7e5a78-660c-4583-beb5-0c88be58c9b2 CSeq: 24566 REGISTER Server: xGateway - IPVOX.CZ Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY Contact: Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=24566 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (554 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPj9e81d991-915c-42f3-ad89-f90db9b861ea;received=;rport=5060 From: ;tag=b680cc4c-a0c5-4aa9-9b5a-1287212de51e To: ;tag=4c196699 Call-ID: 4c7e5a78-660c-4583-beb5-0c88be58c9b2 CSeq: 24566 REGISTER Server: xGateway - IPVOX.CZ Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY Contact: WWW-Authenticate: Digest algorithm=MD5, realm="sip.ipvox.cz", nonce="1756968f" Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=24566 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774478 .Incoming Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=24566 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774478 ..State changed from Calling to Proceeding, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=24566 (rdata0x7f576c241d38) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774478 .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=24566 (rdata0x7f576c241d38) in state Proceeding [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774478 ..State changed from Proceeding to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f57d9adba40: can not find credential for sip.ipvox.cz/Digest [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Unauthorized) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:sip.ipvox.cz' for client 'sip:574141015@sip.ipvox.cz' [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sip.ipvox.cz' from client 'sip:574141015@sip.ipvox.cz' [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774251 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=24567 (tdta0x7f57d9adba40) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774251 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=24567 (tdta0x7f57d9adba40) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=24567 (tdta0x7f57d9adba40): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (730 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sip.ipvox.cz SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPja2924ac6-3636-4f56-87bf-dfd59b13cbb3 From: ;tag=b680cc4c-a0c5-4aa9-9b5a-1287212de51e To: Call-ID: 4c7e5a78-660c-4583-beb5-0c88be58c9b2 CSeq: 24567 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Authorization: Digest username="574141015", realm="sip.ipvox.cz", nonce="1756968f", uri="sip:sip.ipvox.cz", response="b4e969432a7bd5f3d218079022696e9a", algorithm=MD5 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774251 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577457f Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577457f .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577457f Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577457f .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x55cc8f0 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=62487 (tdta0x55cc8f0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f577457f Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=28340 (tdta0x55cc8f0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d99b6ac0: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d99b6ac0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f577457f .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=28340 (tdta0x55cc8f0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f577457f Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=28340 (tdta0x55cc8f0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=TLS resolved to '' type=TLS (TLS transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (529 bytes) to TLS: ---> OPTIONS sip:demon@;transport=TLS;ob SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj7562fcd7-c0ab-44a9-bd1f-52c1342a9804;alias From: ;tag=6b141b48-3f23-4bec-8890-e8674a9ee6b2 To: Contact: Call-ID: 4bb53a80-c8d2-4555-9401-6c4cc7665e3a CSeq: 28340 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f577457f .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=38105 (tdta0x7f576c0ba250) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=29307 (tdta0x7f57d82c1350) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x36cc7e0: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x2af7130: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x36cc7e0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x2af7130: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700fb .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=29307 (tdta0x7f57d82c1350) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742e5 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=38105 (tdta0x7f576c0ba250) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700fb Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=29307 (tdta0x7f57d82c1350) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742e5 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=38105 (tdta0x7f576c0ba250) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (488 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:18027@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj53135a62-043f-4053-a007-a2d792c481c7 From: ;tag=47220a56-3dc7-4603-8688-3686111a1930 To: Contact: Call-ID: b1f6645a-d47c-4221-b03c-8944ba4570b0 CSeq: 29307 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (492 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:local/258@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj67642d8c-ae2c-4cb9-92ab-187bb64ca2c7 From: ;tag=11395d00-727d-4b0a-8596-9aeac6216e87 To: Contact: Call-ID: d8488cb2-3b41-4a4b-86a3-c79a62bf7a9e CSeq: 38105 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700fb .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742e5 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=24713 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (470 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 100 Checking registration Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPjd6347bfe-0dda-4b12-b005-540afbc60b64;received=;rport=5060 From: ;tag=18d589b3-193c-47dd-9ee2-765b45aa2525 To: Call-ID: 82638fb4-71a5-46a4-a9de-bb41b16822a1 CSeq: 24713 REGISTER Server: xGateway - IPVOX.CZ Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY Contact: Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=24713 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (554 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPjd6347bfe-0dda-4b12-b005-540afbc60b64;received=;rport=5060 From: ;tag=18d589b3-193c-47dd-9ee2-765b45aa2525 To: ;tag=37a1b42e Call-ID: 82638fb4-71a5-46a4-a9de-bb41b16822a1 CSeq: 24713 REGISTER Server: xGateway - IPVOX.CZ Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY Contact: WWW-Authenticate: Digest algorithm=MD5, realm="sip.ipvox.cz", nonce="475edda5" Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=24713 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f576c0c1 .Incoming Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=24713 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f576c0c1 ..State changed from Calling to Proceeding, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=24713 (rdata0x7f576c241d38) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f576c0c1 .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=24713 (rdata0x7f576c241d38) in state Proceeding [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f576c0c1 ..State changed from Proceeding to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x5674390: can not find credential for sip.ipvox.cz/Digest [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Unauthorized) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:sip.ipvox.cz' for client 'sip:299140407@sip.ipvox.cz' [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sip.ipvox.cz' from client 'sip:299140407@sip.ipvox.cz' [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774385 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=24714 (tdta0x5674390) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774385 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=24714 (tdta0x5674390) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=24714 (tdta0x5674390): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (730 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sip.ipvox.cz SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjff2b4bf0-0a79-4f45-a1a3-19e6d838184c From: ;tag=18d589b3-193c-47dd-9ee2-765b45aa2525 To: Call-ID: 82638fb4-71a5-46a4-a9de-bb41b16822a1 CSeq: 24714 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Authorization: Digest username="299140407", realm="sip.ipvox.cz", nonce="475edda5", uri="sip:sip.ipvox.cz", response="63039423ec4c9ff8fe0f3a7b889479a1", algorithm=MD5 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774385 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=38105 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (551 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 404 Not Found Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj67642d8c-ae2c-4cb9-92ab-187bb64ca2c7;received= From: ;tag=11395d00-727d-4b0a-8596-9aeac6216e87 To: ;tag=as1e9208cc Call-ID: d8488cb2-3b41-4a4b-86a3-c79a62bf7a9e CSeq: 38105 OPTIONS Server: Asterisk PBX 10.12.3 Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH Supported: replaces, timer Accept: application/sdp Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=38105 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742e5 .Incoming Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=38105 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f57742e5 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x2af7130: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x2af7130: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x2af7130: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x2af7130: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x2af7130: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:local/258@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 23.284 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=51878 (tdta0x4d595d0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2af7130: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2af7130: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744a1 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=51878 (tdta0x4d595d0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744a1 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=51878 (tdta0x4d595d0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sip.dorinet.org, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sip.dorinet.org from cache, ttl=189 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (478 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:sip.dorinet.org:5060 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj2a1d9b9c-8c0b-45bb-a63e-9e58ead5a7bc From: ;tag=1adae2b1-5cd3-45b3-ad7b-122da8cc8a5b To: Contact: Call-ID: 3eddeef1-1e11-4d2a-892a-2f9a12eb278c CSeq: 51878 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744a1 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=24567 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (470 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 100 Checking registration Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPja2924ac6-3636-4f56-87bf-dfd59b13cbb3;received=;rport=5060 From: ;tag=b680cc4c-a0c5-4aa9-9b5a-1287212de51e To: Call-ID: 4c7e5a78-660c-4583-beb5-0c88be58c9b2 CSeq: 24567 REGISTER Server: xGateway - IPVOX.CZ Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY Contact: Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=24567 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774251 .Incoming Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=24567 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774251 ..State changed from Calling to Proceeding, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=24567 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (544 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPja2924ac6-3636-4f56-87bf-dfd59b13cbb3;received=;rport=5060 From: ;tag=b680cc4c-a0c5-4aa9-9b5a-1287212de51e To: ;tag=4c196699 Call-ID: 4c7e5a78-660c-4583-beb5-0c88be58c9b2 CSeq: 24567 REGISTER Server: xGateway - IPVOX.CZ Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY Expires: 60 Contact: ;expires=60 Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:15 GMT Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=24567 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774251 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=24567 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Proceeding [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774251 ..State changed from Proceeding to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sip.ipvox.cz' for client 'sip:574141015@sip.ipvox.cz' [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sip.ipvox.cz' with client 'sip:574141015@sip.ipvox.cz' successful [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sip.ipvox.cz' from client 'sip:574141015@sip.ipvox.cz' in 50 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:574141015@sip.ipvox.cz Domain: sip:sip.ipvox.cz Status: Registered [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774481 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774481 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774481 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774481 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c0e ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=14991 (tdta0x7f576c0eb4a0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774481 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=14888 (tdta0x7f576c0eb4a0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sip.dorinet.org' with client 'sip:380671575061@dorinet.org' [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774481 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=14889 (tdta0x7f576c0eb4a0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774481 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=14889 (tdta0x7f576c0eb4a0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.sip.dorinet.org, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.sip.dorinet.org:5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS SRV record for _sip._udp.sip.dorinet.org from cache, ttl=2 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sip.dorinet.org: DNS "Name Error" (PJLIB_UTIL_EDNS_NXDOMAIN) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.sip.dorinet.org, trying resolving A record for sip.dorinet.org [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Starting async DNS A query_job for sip.dorinet.org [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sip.dorinet.org from cache, ttl=189 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .DNS A for sip.dorinet.org: [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Server resolution complete, 1 server entry(s) found [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (569 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sip.dorinet.org SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjd130744a-15c0-4311-ac1e-8a702cdfd4a2 From: ;tag=9e1571d8-4ad4-48e0-a4f8-747ec0c581ed To: Call-ID: 3746b0fc-ac3f-405d-85bd-42d052b774de CSeq: 14889 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774481 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=63415 (tdta0x7f57d83f3f40) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x3ed44f0: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x3ed44f0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d89b5 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=63415 (tdta0x7f57d83f3f40) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d89b5 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=63415 (tdta0x7f57d83f3f40) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sipnet.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sipnet.ru from cache, ttl=226 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (466 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:sipnet.ru:5060 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPja9324cd0-c97d-437f-a747-f6de6da606b2 From: ;tag=52464ef3-ca00-4d46-9d30-58a52a263c00 To: Contact: Call-ID: 4ab77efc-fd33-442e-bd0a-93ff51dbc504 CSeq: 63415 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d89b5 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=63415 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (539 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPja9324cd0-c97d-437f-a747-f6de6da606b2 From: ;tag=52464ef3-ca00-4d46-9d30-58a52a263c00 To: ;tag=504F0DD1 Call-ID: 4ab77efc-fd33-442e-bd0a-93ff51dbc504 CSeq: 63415 OPTIONS Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:15 GMT Allow: PUBLISH,SUBSCRIBE Supported: path,gruu Allow-Events: presence,message-summary,reg,dialog,line-seize,keep-alive,refer Server: CommuniGatePro/6.1.5 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=63415 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d89b5 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=63415 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d89b5 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x3ed44f0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x3ed44f0: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x3ed44f0: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x3ed44f0: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x3ed44f0: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sipnet.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 9.797 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57743e2 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57743e2 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57743e2 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57743e2 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c0a ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=6050 (tdta0x7f576c0a36f0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57743e2 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=29307 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (546 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Allow:INVITE,ACK,OPTIONS,BYE,CANCEL,INFO,PRACK,REFER,SUBSCRIBE,NOTIFY,UPDATE,SERVICE Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj53135a62-043f-4053-a007-a2d792c481c7 From: ;tag=47220a56-3dc7-4603-8688-3686111a1930 To: ;tag=e1c3e56c-999448 Call-ID: b1f6645a-d47c-4221-b03c-8944ba4570b0 CSeq: 29307 OPTIONS Contact: User-Agent: dlink 12-3893-8338- Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=29307 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700fb .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=29307 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57700fb ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x36cc7e0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x36cc7e0: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x36cc7e0: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x36cc7e0: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x36cc7e0: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:18027@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 71.679 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8919 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8919 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8919 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8919 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x4ef95f0 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=45453 (tdta0x4ef95f0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8919 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=24714 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (470 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 100 Checking registration Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPjff2b4bf0-0a79-4f45-a1a3-19e6d838184c;received=;rport=5060 From: ;tag=18d589b3-193c-47dd-9ee2-765b45aa2525 To: Call-ID: 82638fb4-71a5-46a4-a9de-bb41b16822a1 CSeq: 24714 REGISTER Server: xGateway - IPVOX.CZ Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY Contact: Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=24714 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774385 .Incoming Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=24714 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774385 ..State changed from Calling to Proceeding, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=24714 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (544 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPjff2b4bf0-0a79-4f45-a1a3-19e6d838184c;received=;rport=5060 From: ;tag=18d589b3-193c-47dd-9ee2-765b45aa2525 To: ;tag=37a1b42e Call-ID: 82638fb4-71a5-46a4-a9de-bb41b16822a1 CSeq: 24714 REGISTER Server: xGateway - IPVOX.CZ Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY Expires: 60 Contact: ;expires=60 Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:15 GMT Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=24714 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774385 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=24714 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Proceeding [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774385 ..State changed from Proceeding to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sip.ipvox.cz' for client 'sip:299140407@sip.ipvox.cz' [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sip.ipvox.cz' with client 'sip:299140407@sip.ipvox.cz' successful [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sip.ipvox.cz' from client 'sip:299140407@sip.ipvox.cz' in 50 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:299140407@sip.ipvox.cz Domain: sip:sip.ipvox.cz Status: Registered [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=46573 (tdta0x7f576c0a36f0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x3631910: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x3631910: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8919 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=46573 (tdta0x7f576c0a36f0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8919 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=46573 (tdta0x7f576c0a36f0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (492 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:pbx_22584@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjfdb3507c-95fa-4535-b90f-69f226d77c97 From: ;tag=187de94f-5441-4d1a-995f-6eec2bc30bce To: Contact: Call-ID: 5fe1a56c-de98-4c00-896f-e3eca1b66bc8 CSeq: 46573 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8919 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=42668 (tdta0x4ef95f0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b37a60: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b37a60: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57743e2 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=42668 (tdta0x4ef95f0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774422 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57743e2 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=42668 (tdta0x4ef95f0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774422 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774422 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774422 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x113fbd0 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=8461 (tdta0x113fbd0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774422 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (506 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:srv_9085650997@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj669d2f6f-bcc5-47bf-b90f-f752802966be From: ;tag=96c6e483-8915-4452-854a-5017b05a9933 To: Contact: Call-ID: 8b8afdd0-332e-4a87-acab-388c9e87a3f4 CSeq: 42668 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57743e2 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg SUBSCRIBE/cseq=1 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (712 bytes) from UDP: ---> SUBSCRIBE sip:velikin@talk37.ru;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-90fad61e77118017-1---d8754z-;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: To: From: ;tag=0b329b40 Call-ID: NmYyODY2YWZiYzg0NDBmMTc4NTg1NmEzZGY3NGYwYzg. CSeq: 1 SUBSCRIBE Expires: 600 Accept: application/watcherinfo+xml Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, X-cisco-serviceuri User-Agent: Zoiper r28204 Event: presence.winfo Allow-Events: presence, kpml Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg SUBSCRIBE/cseq=1 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint velikin [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/SUBSCRIBE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7f57d9fce530) created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:15.237+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: velikin SessionID: NmYyODY2YWZiYzg0NDBmMTc4NTg1NmEzZGY3NGYwYzg. LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (539 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=9665;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-90fad61e77118017-1---d8754z- Call-ID: NmYyODY2YWZiYzg0NDBmMTc4NTg1NmEzZGY3NGYwYzg. From: ;tag=0b329b40 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK-d8754z-90fad61e77118017-1---d8754z- CSeq: 1 SUBSCRIBE WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455075/e93bbd3efd796ae6432c54cd28753738",opaque="4b0e030b0ccb25d8",algorithm=md5,qop="auth" Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d9fc .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/SUBSCRIBE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7f57d9fce530) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=42668 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (564 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 404 Not Found Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPj669d2f6f-bcc5-47bf-b90f-f752802966be;received=;rport=5060 From: ;tag=96c6e483-8915-4452-854a-5017b05a9933 To: ;tag=as7faba0e0 Call-ID: 8b8afdd0-332e-4a87-acab-388c9e87a3f4 CSeq: 42668 OPTIONS Server: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH, MESSAGE Supported: replaces, timer Accept: application/sdp Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=42668 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57743e2 .Incoming Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=42668 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57743e2 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b37a60: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b37a60: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b37a60: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b37a60: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b37a60: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:srv_9085650997@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 6.521 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=63458 (tdta0x113fbd0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b37a60: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b37a60: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774422 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=63458 (tdta0x113fbd0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774422 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=63458 (tdta0x113fbd0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (498 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:curly37talk@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj40a1d1f7-a2bc-4905-9917-acb3a8e49887 From: ;tag=ab16dea6-bdf5-41e1-9c1f-73a64efd66bb To: Contact: Call-ID: d21792b6-dc4f-44ba-bf8c-5cd4c7b04fa1 CSeq: 63458 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774422 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=51878 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (552 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 404 Not Found Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPj2a1d9b9c-8c0b-45bb-a63e-9e58ead5a7bc;received=;rport=5060 From: ;tag=1adae2b1-5cd3-45b3-ad7b-122da8cc8a5b To: ;tag=as42f3ea03 Call-ID: 3eddeef1-1e11-4d2a-892a-2f9a12eb278c CSeq: 51878 OPTIONS Server: DoRiN-Networks Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH, MESSAGE Supported: replaces, timer Accept: application/sdp Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=51878 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744a1 .Incoming Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=51878 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57744a1 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x2af7130: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x2af7130: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x2af7130: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x2af7130: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x2af7130: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sip.dorinet.org:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 67.248 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=1 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (926 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-459990ef03289f86-1---d8754z-;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: To: From: ;tag=1942e41c Call-ID: MGEwNWFiZTlhYTEwMGYyZWEwMTczYmFmMGZjMmRlNTg. CSeq: 1 REGISTER Expires: 60 Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, X-cisco-serviceuri User-Agent: Zoiper r28204 Allow-Events: presence, kpml Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=1 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint velikin [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=1 (tdta0x7f576c0f3280) created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:15.251+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: velikin SessionID: MGEwNWFiZTlhYTEwMGYyZWEwMTczYmFmMGZjMmRlNTg. LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (538 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=9665;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-459990ef03289f86-1---d8754z- Call-ID: MGEwNWFiZTlhYTEwMGYyZWEwMTczYmFmMGZjMmRlNTg. From: ;tag=1942e41c To: ;tag=z9hG4bK-d8754z-459990ef03289f86-1---d8754z- CSeq: 1 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455075/e93bbd3efd796ae6432c54cd28753738",opaque="2eafb3d41a88da60",algorithm=md5,qop="auth" Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c0f .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=1 (tdta0x7f576c0f3280) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9c51 Retransmit timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d9c51 .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=40530 (tdta0x5250e60), count=3, restart?=1 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (487 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:18123@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj69179ad7-f4e3-4aa9-baf3-3044ba967976 From: ;tag=74486510-3f9f-4ea6-9964-d40780186ec7 To: Contact: Call-ID: 33751cec-143f-4867-9675-26078a50d083 CSeq: 40530 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=25028 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (504 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj8a9db88d-7c18-47ba-bb7b-8c0427888ccc From: ;tag=4deebefc-6e90-407b-8295-78dfd4a060fd To: ;tag=4beaf21394e37c298d4751ba2608fc54.546f Call-ID: db334d4e-d8d3-4127-a092-9e6e225fab9c CSeq: 25028 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="gvsipgateway.com", nonce="VerdD1Xq2+NTIhKgpB72YkRF1KpriQmp" Server: kamailio (4.1.4 (x86_64/linux)) Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=25028 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x31b50c8 .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=25028 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x31b50c8 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x23587a0: can not find credential for gvsipgateway.com/Digest [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Unauthorized) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:gvsipgateway.com' for client 'sip:11413@gvsipgateway.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:gvsipgateway.com' from client 'sip:11413@gvsipgateway.com' [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f577404b .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=25029 (tdta0x23587a0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f577404b Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=25029 (tdta0x23587a0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=25029 (tdta0x23587a0): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (747 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:gvsipgateway.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj7b9a345c-e05f-44bc-b3ad-14dab9e32afa From: ;tag=4deebefc-6e90-407b-8295-78dfd4a060fd To: Call-ID: db334d4e-d8d3-4127-a092-9e6e225fab9c CSeq: 25029 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Authorization: Digest username="11413", realm="gvsipgateway.com", nonce="VerdD1Xq2+NTIhKgpB72YkRF1KpriQmp", uri="sip:gvsipgateway.com", response="8bddab0e1398c923f8c795c38b7dcf30" Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f577404b .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=14889 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (590 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPjd130744a-15c0-4311-ac1e-8a702cdfd4a2;received=;rport=5060 From: ;tag=9e1571d8-4ad4-48e0-a4f8-747ec0c581ed To: ;tag=as434f7322 Call-ID: 3746b0fc-ac3f-405d-85bd-42d052b774de CSeq: 14889 REGISTER Server: DoRiN-Networks Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH, MESSAGE Supported: replaces, timer WWW-Authenticate: Digest algorithm=MD5, realm="asterisk", nonce="26688dec" Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=14889 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774481 .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=14889 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774481 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f576c0eb4a0: can not find credential for asterisk/Digest [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Unauthorized) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:sip.dorinet.org' for client 'sip:380671575061@dorinet.org' [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sip.dorinet.org' from client 'sip:380671575061@dorinet.org' [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770194 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=14890 (tdta0x7f576c0eb4a0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770194 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=14890 (tdta0x7f576c0eb4a0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=14890 (tdta0x7f576c0eb4a0): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (739 bytes) to UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:sip.dorinet.org SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjbaba6ce4-f9aa-46f1-95f6-b1ad03a91770 From: ;tag=9e1571d8-4ad4-48e0-a4f8-747ec0c581ed To: Call-ID: 3746b0fc-ac3f-405d-85bd-42d052b774de CSeq: 14890 REGISTER Contact: Expires: 60 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Authorization: Digest username="380671575061", realm="asterisk", nonce="26688dec", uri="sip:sip.dorinet.org", response="82f9a5466acef790c0a741a32ebbfed9", algorithm=MD5 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770194 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=63458 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (675 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj40a1d1f7-a2bc-4905-9917-acb3a8e49887 From: ;tag=ab16dea6-bdf5-41e1-9c1f-73a64efd66bb To: ;tag=ac07eda7-ceg4-50d0-8b0g-62a75dge77cc Call-ID: d21792b6-dc4f-44ba-bf8c-5cd4c7b04fa1 CSeq: 63458 OPTIONS Supported: replaces User-Agent: A510 IP/ Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, OPTIONS, INFO, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Accept: application/sdp,application/dtmf-relay,application/simple-message-summary,message/sipfrag Accept-Encoding: identity Accept-Language: en Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=63458 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774422 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=63458 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774422 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b37a60: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b37a60: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b37a60: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b37a60: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b37a60: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:curly37talk@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 31.927 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8739] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'OPTIONS sip' onto UDP socket destined for [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg PUBLISH/cseq=1 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (965 bytes) from UDP: ---> PUBLISH sip:velikin@talk37.ru;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-1390dbb941a1787a-1---d8754z-;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: To: From: ;tag=7d100711 Call-ID: NzhjODc2ZTcwNGZlNmI3Mzk5OGJhNDQyNWY1NWRhYTc. CSeq: 1 PUBLISH Expires: 60 Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE Content-Type: application/pidf+xml Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, X-cisco-serviceuri User-Agent: Zoiper r28204 Event: presence Allow-Events: presence, kpml Content-Length: 263 open Online [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg PUBLISH/cseq=1 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint velikin [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/PUBLISH/cseq=1 (tdta0x7f576c0f3280) created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ChallengeSent Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:15.289+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: velikin SessionID: NzhjODc2ZTcwNGZlNmI3Mzk5OGJhNDQyNWY1NWRhYTc. LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ Challenge: [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (537 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=9665;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-1390dbb941a1787a-1---d8754z- Call-ID: NzhjODc2ZTcwNGZlNmI3Mzk5OGJhNDQyNWY1NWRhYTc. From: ;tag=7d100711 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK-d8754z-1390dbb941a1787a-1---d8754z- CSeq: 1 PUBLISH WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455075/e93bbd3efd796ae6432c54cd28753738",opaque="6c2f4160774f3cde",algorithm=md5,qop="auth" Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c0f .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/PUBLISH/cseq=1 (tdta0x7f576c0f3280) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=46573 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (583 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPjfdb3507c-95fa-4535-b90f-69f226d77c97;received=;rport=5060 From: ;tag=187de94f-5441-4d1a-995f-6eec2bc30bce To: ;tag=as5c8f39bc Call-ID: 5fe1a56c-de98-4c00-896f-e3eca1b66bc8 CSeq: 46573 OPTIONS Server: Zadarma PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH, MESSAGE Supported: replaces, timer Contact: Accept: application/sdp Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=46573 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8919 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=46573 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d8919 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x3631910: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x3631910: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x3631910: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x3631910: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x3631910: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:pbx_22584@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 61.843 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=59594 (tdta0x7f57d9fce530) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b37a60: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x2b37a60: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770185 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=59594 (tdta0x7f57d9fce530) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770185 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=59594 (tdta0x7f57d9fce530) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (492 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:dilisaz@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjd2969c96-9df3-48b2-91a8-fb69853ef2d5 From: ;tag=f7ab712f-46d6-48b1-9cb9-1736003c4d2a To: Contact: Call-ID: fed3a5db-1354-4009-97b0-8f0828ad995e CSeq: 59594 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770185 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=102 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (577 bytes) from UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:srv_d17577@;line=vohgsia SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK1f48a53e Max-Forwards: 70 From: "asterisk" ;tag=as6d12eaf0 To: Contact: Call-ID: 2f240d623e7d864d471237aa335055a3@ CSeq: 102 OPTIONS User-Agent: DoRiN-Networks Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:15 GMT Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH, MESSAGE Supported: replaces, timer Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=14890 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=102 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (624 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPjbaba6ce4-f9aa-46f1-95f6-b1ad03a91770;received=;rport=5060 From: ;tag=9e1571d8-4ad4-48e0-a4f8-747ec0c581ed To: ;tag=as434f7322 Call-ID: 3746b0fc-ac3f-405d-85bd-42d052b774de CSeq: 14890 REGISTER Server: DoRiN-Networks Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH, MESSAGE Supported: replaces, timer Expires: 60 Contact: ;expires=60 Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:15 GMT Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Determined relationship to outbound registration 'srv_d17577' based on line 'vohgsia', using configured endpoint 'srv_d17577' [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=14890 (rdata0x7f576c241d38) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=102 (tdta0x5dca1a0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770194 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=14890 (rdata0x7f576c241d38) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d802e ..Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=102 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5770194 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d802e .Incoming Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=102 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d802e ..State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sip.dorinet.org' for client 'sip:380671575061@dorinet.org' [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d802e .Sending Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=102 (tdta0x5dca1a0) in state Trying [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sip.dorinet.org' with client 'sip:380671575061@dorinet.org' successful [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sip.dorinet.org' from client 'sip:380671575061@dorinet.org' in 50 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:380671575061@dorinet.org Domain: sip:sip.dorinet.org Status: Registered [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (843 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;received=;branch=z9hG4bK1f48a53e Call-ID: 2f240d623e7d864d471237aa335055a3@ From: "asterisk" ;tag=as6d12eaf0 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK1f48a53e CSeq: 102 OPTIONS Accept: application/sdp, application/pidf+xml, application/dialog-info+xml, application/simple-message-summary, application/simple-message-summary, application/pidf+xml, application/xpidf+xml, application/cpim-pidf+xml, application/dialog-info+xml, message/sipfrag;version=2.0 Allow: OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, PRACK, MESSAGE, REFER, REGISTER Supported: 100rel, timer, replaces, norefersub Accept-Encoding: text/plain Accept-Language: en Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f57d802e ..State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=30683 (tdta0x7f576c0f3280) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x44f7830: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x44f7830: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f577014b .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=30683 (tdta0x7f576c0f3280) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f577014b Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=30683 (tdta0x7f576c0f3280) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[21654] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (486 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:v0va@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj3aa391de-1a0e-4409-96e4-d1825056e0cc From: ;tag=67cdc60f-bc0c-4865-8407-fc2274340201 To: Contact: Call-ID: 093c96e7-2ed8-4b33-94e2-0fe83ec1c243 CSeq: 30683 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f577014b .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=30683 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (664 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj3aa391de-1a0e-4409-96e4-d1825056e0cc From: ;tag=67cdc60f-bc0c-4865-8407-fc2274340201 To: ;tag=76beb71g-cb1b-5974-9516-gb3365251310 Call-ID: 093c96e7-2ed8-4b33-94e2-0fe83ec1c243 CSeq: 30683 OPTIONS Supported: replaces User-Agent: A510 IP/ Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, OPTIONS, INFO, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Accept: application/sdp,application/dtmf-relay,application/simple-message-summary,message/sipfrag Accept-Encoding: identity Accept-Language: en Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=30683 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f577014b .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=30683 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tsx0x7f577014b ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x44f7830: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x44f7830: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x44f7830: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x44f7830: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip.c: 0x44f7830: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:v0va@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 25.878 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764029 Retransmit timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5764029 .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=43654 (tdta0x7f576c189c40), count=5, restart?=1 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (490 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:nefna@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPje2e12218-98ff-4512-bceb-1dbf8ee3dd93 From: ;tag=5eb46684-e3b4-432c-bfb9-d3b2369fc0c4 To: Contact: Call-ID: f35f111f-73ff-4986-8c54-d14e8fabd2d2 CSeq: 43654 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=49666 (tdta0x511d0c0) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d898d4e0: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f57d898d4e0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774373 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=49666 (tdta0x511d0c0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774373 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=49666 (tdta0x511d0c0) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (482 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:sale@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjd8459b0c-b950-46f3-a64f-eeadce37fdb2 From: ;tag=2c270caf-416c-44e2-bdd4-3ace43403f03 To: Contact: Call-ID: 8afbace9-a225-4f5d-b30e-885d8781bad0 CSeq: 49666 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774373 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=65188 (tdta0x24e9180) created. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x44f7830: Wrapper created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip.c: 0x44f7830: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f577439b .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=65188 (tdta0x24e9180) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f577439b Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=65188 (tdta0x24e9180) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sipnet.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sipnet.ru from cache, ttl=226 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[17929] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP request (466 bytes) to UDP: ---> OPTIONS sip:sipnet.ru:5060 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj27a99db9-fbc7-4bf5-8fb7-f0f96feacdc2 From: ;tag=5cb358a6-2be5-4862-a0f5-445c7e67105a To: Contact: Call-ID: 42f6ce4b-48d4-4f43-901c-de2c8e6711a5 CSeq: 65188 OPTIONS Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[17929] pjsip: tsx0x7f577439b .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=65188 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP response (539 bytes) from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPj27a99db9-fbc7-4bf5-8fb7-f0f96feacdc2 From: ;tag=5cb358a6-2be5-4862-a0f5-445c7e67105a To: ;tag=473747B6 Call-ID: 42f6ce4b-48d4-4f43-901c-de2c8e6711a5 CSeq: 65188 OPTIONS Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2015 12:11:15 GMT Allow: PUBLISH,SUBSCRIBE Supported: path,gruu Allow-Events: presence,message-summary,reg,dialog,line-seize,keep-alive,refer Server: CommuniGatePro/6.1.5 Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=65188 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f577439b .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=65188 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) in state Calling [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: tsx0x7f577439b ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x44f7830: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x44f7830: Cancelling timer [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x44f7830: Timer cancelled [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x44f7830: Callbacks executed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip.c: 0x44f7830: wrapper destroyed [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26344] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sipnet.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 10.258 msec [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg SUBSCRIBE/cseq=2 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (1014 bytes) from UDP: ---> SUBSCRIBE sip:velikin@talk37.ru;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-8d90487583882efa-1---d8754z-;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: To: From: ;tag=0b329b40 Call-ID: NmYyODY2YWZiYzg0NDBmMTc4NTg1NmEzZGY3NGYwYzg. CSeq: 2 SUBSCRIBE Expires: 600 Accept: application/watcherinfo+xml Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, X-cisco-serviceuri User-Agent: Zoiper r28204 Authorization: Digest username="velikin",realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455075/e93bbd3efd796ae6432c54cd28753738",uri="sip:velikin@talk37.ru;transport=UDP",response="97a93491bf15bd67812a901208172efd",cnonce="fab89869d63bfb544c836dd2d5441e2a",nc=00000001,qop=auth,algorithm=md5,opaque="4b0e030b0ccb25d8" Event: presence.winfo Allow-Events: presence, kpml Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg SUBSCRIBE/cseq=2 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint velikin [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/SUBSCRIBE/cseq=2 (tdta0xd30ac0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455075/e93bbd3efd796ae6432c54cd28753738. Actual nonce is 1441455075/e93bbd3efd796ae6432c54cd28753738 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tdta0xd30ac0 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/SUBSCRIBE/cseq=2 (tdta0xd30ac0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:15.392+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: velikin SessionID: NmYyODY2YWZiYzg0NDBmMTc4NTg1NmEzZGY3NGYwYzg. LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] WARNING[26340] res_pjsip_pubsub.c: No registered subscribe handler for event presence.winfo [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 489/SUBSCRIBE/cseq=2 (tdta0xd30ac0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[26340] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (387 bytes) to UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 489 Bad Event Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=9665;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-8d90487583882efa-1---d8754z- Call-ID: NmYyODY2YWZiYzg0NDBmMTc4NTg1NmEzZGY3NGYwYzg. From: ;tag=0b329b40 To: ;tag=z9hG4bK-d8754z-8d90487583882efa-1---d8754z- CSeq: 2 SUBSCRIBE Server: ruVoIP.net PBX Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[26340] pjsip: tdta0xd30ac0 .Destroying txdata Response msg 489/SUBSCRIBE/cseq=2 (tdta0xd30ac0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29018][C-000001ec] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x24e7bf8 and write factory 0x24e8638 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0xf8c318 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0xf8c318 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0xf8c318 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0xf8c318 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tdta0x7f57d8dd ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=36133 (tdta0x7f57d8dd5e00) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0xf8c318 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[29023][C-000001ed] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x5d0cef8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=2 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (1220 bytes) from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip:talk37.ru;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-6cdfafec6cf606bc-1---d8754z-;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: To: From: ;tag=1942e41c Call-ID: MGEwNWFiZTlhYTEwMGYyZWEwMTczYmFmMGZjMmRlNTg. CSeq: 2 REGISTER Expires: 60 Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, X-cisco-serviceuri User-Agent: Zoiper r28204 Authorization: Digest username="velikin",realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455075/e93bbd3efd796ae6432c54cd28753738",uri="sip:talk37.ru;transport=UDP",response="6e3902686b9ad9605445fea4c6049213",cnonce="e6e3146ccb594b319e90726e268698da",nc=00000001,qop=auth,algorithm=md5,opaque="2eafb3d41a88da60" Allow-Events: presence, kpml Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=2 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint velikin [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=2 (tdta0x7f576c08cb30) created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1441455075/e93bbd3efd796ae6432c54cd28753738. Actual nonce is 1441455075/e93bbd3efd796ae6432c54cd28753738 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tdta0x7f576c08 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=2 (tdta0x7f576c08cb30) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SuccessfulAuth Privilege: security,all EventTV: 2015-09-05T15:11:15.416+0300 Severity: Informational Service: PJSIP EventVersion: 1 AccountID: velikin SessionID: MGEwNWFiZTlhYTEwMGYyZWEwMTczYmFmMGZjMmRlNTg. LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/ RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/ UsingPassword: 1 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[10756] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Added contact 'sip:velikin@;rinstance=f676c97c42c7beec;X-PUSH-URI=' to AOR 'velikin' with expiration of 60 seconds [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[14705] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact velikin/sip:velikin@;rinstance=f676c97c42c7beec;X-PUSH-URI= has been created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:velikin@;rinstance=f676c97c42c7beec;X-PUSH-URI= ContactStatus: Created AOR: velikin EndpointName: velikin RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg NOTIFY/cseq=503523 (rdata0x7f576c144378) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] VERBOSE[8706] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (650 bytes) from UDP: ---> NOTIFY sip:talk37.ru SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-3d336558 From: Dom Moscow ;tag=297ea6647bae20a5o0 To: Call-ID: 30f64199-ea29b6f4@ CSeq: 503523 NOTIFY Max-Forwards: 70 Authorization: Digest username="alex1123",realm="ruvoip.net",nonce="1441455045/adc4b5c8c98299c93fe4506d2b0227bd",uri="sip:talk37.ru",algorithm=MD5,response="e13c6d262fc4db5341ff3149e6c20002",opaque="30eb4e9e54942c43",qop=auth,nc=00000003,cnonce="9c061f33" Contact: Dom Moscow Event: keep-alive User-Agent: Linksys/SPA3102-5.2.13(GW002) Content-Length: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774649 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8963] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:velikin@;rinstance=f676c97c42c7beec;X-PUSH-URI= ContactStatus: Created AOR: velikin EndpointName: velikin RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg NOTIFY/cseq=503523 (rdata0x7f576c186f78) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774649 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774649 Timeout timer event [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774649 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[8706] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774649 Transaction destroyed! [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=2 (tdta0xd30ac0) created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint alex1123 [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[21654] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/NOTIFY/cseq=503523 (tdta0x7f57d80f1950) created [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774649 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=2 (rdata0x7f57d827eea8) [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774649 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=2 (rdata0x7f57d827eea8) in state Null [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[10756] pjsip: tsx0x7f5774649 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-09-05 15:11:15] DEBUG[14705] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0)