[2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=53850 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=53850 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978173 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=53850 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978173 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79298175089@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' with client 'sip:79298175089@multifon.ru' successful [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79298175089@multifon.ru' in 170 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:79298175089@multifon.ru Domain: sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 Status: Registered [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=7777 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=7777 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597855d .Incoming Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=7777 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597855d ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f597005cd10: can not find credential for BREDBAND/Digest [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 407(Proxy Authentication Required) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 407 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79257212619@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79257212619@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597842f .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=7778 (tdta0x7f597005cd10) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597842f Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=7778 (tdta0x7f597005cd10) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=7778 (tdta0x7f597005cd10): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597842f .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=23940 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=23940 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978d99 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=23940 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978d99 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79261552221@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' with client 'sip:79261552221@multifon.ru' successful [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79261552221@multifon.ru' in 170 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:79261552221@multifon.ru Domain: sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 Status: Registered [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=39450 (tdta0x7f597000d240) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' with client 'sip:79263073401@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781ed .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=39451 (tdta0x7f597000d240) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781ed Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=39451 (tdta0x7f597000d240) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=131 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781ed .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783f9 Retransmit timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783f9 .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=39631 (tdta0x7f5978948940), count=1, restart?=1 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785f9 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785f9 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785f9 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785f9 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597016 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=53912 (tdta0x7f597016e000) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785f9 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=39451 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=39451 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781ed .Incoming Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=39451 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781ed ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f597000d240: can not find credential for BREDBAND/Digest [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 407(Proxy Authentication Required) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 407 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79263073401@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79263073401@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785f9 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=39452 (tdta0x7f597000d240) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785f9 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=39452 (tdta0x7f597000d240) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=39452 (tdta0x7f597000d240): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785f9 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=7778 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=7778 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597842f .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=7778 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597842f ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79257212619@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' with client 'sip:79257212619@multifon.ru' successful [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79257212619@multifon.ru' in 170 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:79257212619@multifon.ru Domain: sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 Status: Registered [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=32294 (tdta0x7f597016e000) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978c61d60: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978c61d60: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597840b .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=32294 (tdta0x7f597016e000) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597840b Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=32294 (tdta0x7f597016e000) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597840b .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597841b Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597841b .State changed from Calling to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597919b440: PJSIP tsx timer expired [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597919b440: Timeout already handled [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597919b440: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597841b Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597841b .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597941 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=5803 (tdta0x7f5979410990) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597841b Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597834a Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597834a .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597834a Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597834a .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597834a Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597407b Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597407b .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597407b Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597407b .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597a24 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=9685 (tdta0x7f597a244330) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597407b Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597843f Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597843f .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597843f Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597843f .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f5978f6 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=443 (tdta0x7f5978f61920) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597843f Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=39452 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=39452 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785f9 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=39452 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785f9 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79263073401@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' with client 'sip:79263073401@multifon.ru' successful [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79263073401@multifon.ru' in 170 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:79263073401@multifon.ru Domain: sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 Status: Registered [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784de Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784de .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784de Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784de .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597892 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=54382 (tdta0x7f5978922860) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784de Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 0a706058474a2d5453a1e26010287aba@talk37.ru - OPTIONS (No RTP) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[916] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Setting AST_TRANSPORT_UDP with address [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: SIP call-id changed from '0a706058474a2d5453a1e26010287aba@talk37.ru' to '12788f2b0127e34118349673128935ff@talk37.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method OPTIONS - callid 12788f2b0127e34118349673128935ff@talk37.ru [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'OPTIONS sip' onto UDP socket destined for [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597861cbf0: Internal tsx timer expired after 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597861cbf0: Timer handled here [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597861cbf0: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:alexeyzrb@;transport=TCP status didn't change: Unreachable, RTT: 0.000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=737 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=737 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint srv_9644953644 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=737 (tdta0x7f597a244330) created [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tdta0x7f597a24 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=737 (tdta0x7f597a244330) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680ea Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680ea .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680ea Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680ea .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597007 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=19886 (tdta0x7f597007a4e0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680ea Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=121 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=121 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint a000vch [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=121 (tdta0x7f5978922860) created [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tdta0x7f597892 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=121 (tdta0x7f5978922860) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=738 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=738 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint srv_9644953644 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=738 (tdta0x7f5978922860) created [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228176/378974133c715b5ea5276db2a7d9c56d. Actual nonce is 1439228176/378974133c715b5ea5276db2a7d9c56d [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=127 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=127 (rdata0x7f5970130d28) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tdta0x7f597892 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=738 (tdta0x7f5978922860) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 17038 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=127 (tdta0x7f5978f61920) created [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tdta0x7f5978f6 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=127 (tdta0x7f5978f61920) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:srv_9644953644@' on AOR 'srv_9644953644' with new expiration of 120 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=738 (tdta0x7f597a244330) created [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680ea .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=738 (rdata0x7f59799780d8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680ea Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=738 (rdata0x7f59799780d8) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680ea .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680ea Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=738 (tdta0x7f597a244330) in state Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680ea .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=32294 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=32294 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597840b .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=32294 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597840b ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978c61d60: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978c61d60: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978c61d60: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978c61d60: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978c61d60: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:talk37@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 64.579 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978226 Retransmit timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978226 .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=13206 (tdta0x7f59700af480), count=0, restart?=1 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681dd Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681dd .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681dd Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681dd .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597896 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=52799 (tdta0x7f5978963070) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681dd Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=128 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=128 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 17038 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=128 (tdta0x7f5978922860) created [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228176/e660afdd1430dfd358f8719ae975bbdb. Actual nonce is 1439228176/e660afdd1430dfd358f8719ae975bbdb [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tdta0x7f597892 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=128 (tdta0x7f5978922860) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680f1 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680f1 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680f1 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680f1 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597001 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=63615 (tdta0x7f5970017050) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680f1 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] VERBOSE[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 17038/sip:17038@;rinstance=b75ac4e52af2dec7 has been deleted [2015-08-10 20:36:16] VERBOSE[14220] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Added contact 'sip:17038@;rinstance=b75ac4e52af2dec7' to AOR '17038' with expiration of 60 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17038@;rinstance=b75ac4e52af2dec7 ContactStatus: Removed AOR: 17038 EndpointName: 17038 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17038@;rinstance=b75ac4e52af2dec7 ContactStatus: Removed AOR: 17038 EndpointName: 17038 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=128 (tdta0x7f5970017050) created [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680f1 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=128 (rdata0x7f59799780d8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680f1 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=128 (rdata0x7f59799780d8) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680f1 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680f1 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=128 (tdta0x7f5970017050) in state Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680f1 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] VERBOSE[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 17038/sip:17038@;rinstance=b75ac4e52af2dec7 has been created [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17038@;rinstance=b75ac4e52af2dec7 ContactStatus: Created AOR: 17038 EndpointName: 17038 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17038@;rinstance=b75ac4e52af2dec7 ContactStatus: Created AOR: 17038 EndpointName: 17038 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=13878 (tdta0x7f5978922860) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978244960: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978244960: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681dd .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=13878 (tdta0x7f5978922860) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681dd Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=13878 (tdta0x7f5978922860) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681dd .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968198 Retransmit timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968198 .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=27779 (tdta0x7f59798df9b0), count=7, restart?=1 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=62343 (tdta0x7f5978963070) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784de .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=62343 (tdta0x7f5978963070) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784de Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=62343 (tdta0x7f5978963070) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=voip.mtt.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for voip.mtt.ru from cache, ttl=197 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784de .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 501/OPTIONS/cseq=62343 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 501/OPTIONS/cseq=62343 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784de .Incoming Response msg 501/OPTIONS/cseq=62343 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784de ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:voip.mtt.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 9.512 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=13878 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=13878 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681dd .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=13878 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681dd ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978244960: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978244960: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978244960: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978244960: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978244960: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:16] VERBOSE[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 17038/sip:17038@;rinstance=b75ac4e52af2dec7 is now Reachable. RTT: 30.457 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17038@;rinstance=b75ac4e52af2dec7 ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: 17038 EndpointName: 17038 RoundtripUsec: 30457 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17038@;rinstance=b75ac4e52af2dec7 ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: 17038 EndpointName: 17038 RoundtripUsec: 30457 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596816c Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596816c .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596816c Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596816c .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f5979bb ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=24197 (tdta0x7f5979bb8de0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596816c Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=24343 (tdta0x7f5979bb8de0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f596816c .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=24343 (tdta0x7f5979bb8de0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f596816c Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=24343 (tdta0x7f5979bb8de0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f596816c .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=61419 (tdta0x7f5978f61920) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a24bdf0: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a24bdf0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597843f .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=61419 (tdta0x7f5978f61920) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597843f Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=61419 (tdta0x7f5978f61920) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sip.cheapvoip.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sip.cheapvoip.ru from cache, ttl=222 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597843f .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783ba Retransmit timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783ba .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=53663 (tdta0x7f5978f39cc0), count=0, restart?=1 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=24343 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=24343 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f596816c .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=24343 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f596816c ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:shuric@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 40.120 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=41953 (tdta0x7f597007a4e0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597407b .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=41953 (tdta0x7f597007a4e0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597407b Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=41953 (tdta0x7f597007a4e0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=131 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597407b .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 and write factory 0x7f5978da75f8 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '12788f2b0127e34118349673128935ff@talk37.ru' of Request 102: Match Found [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 12788f2b0127e34118349673128935ff@talk37.ru [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=41953 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=41953 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597407b .Incoming Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=41953 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597407b ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 9.308 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 481/OPTIONS/cseq=61419 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 481/OPTIONS/cseq=61419 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597843f .Incoming Response msg 481/OPTIONS/cseq=61419 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=54316 (tdta0x7f59700ae470) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597843f ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a24bdf0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a24bdf0: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a24bdf0: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597834a .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=54316 (tdta0x7f59700ae470) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597834a Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=54316 (tdta0x7f59700ae470) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a24bdf0: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a24bdf0: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sip.cheapvoip.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 55.821 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597834a .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 486/OPTIONS/cseq=54316 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 486/OPTIONS/cseq=54316 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597834a .Incoming Response msg 486/OPTIONS/cseq=54316 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597834a ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979453470: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:srv_4@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 43.452 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978220 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978220 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978220 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978220 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597004 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=10265 (tdta0x7f5970049410) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978220 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=122 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=26270 (tdta0x7f5979410990) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=122 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint a000vch [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg NOTIFY/cseq=124337 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=122 (tdta0x7f597402c880) created [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597919b440: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228176/4f435ed6d3774190dd77a3b6ad7c83a5. Actual nonce is 1439228176/4f435ed6d3774190dd77a3b6ad7c83a5 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597919b440: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978220 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=26270 (tdta0x7f5979410990) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978220 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=26270 (tdta0x7f5979410990) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg NOTIFY/cseq=124337 (rdata0x7f5970130d28) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sipnet.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sipnet.ru from cache, ttl=196 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tdta0x7f597402 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=122 (tdta0x7f597402c880) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint compas [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/NOTIFY/cseq=124337 (tdta0x7f59700958c0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228146/2a7902f361827a29fe5a8891ee4f5c15. Actual nonce is 1439228146/2a7902f361827a29fe5a8891ee4f5c15 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978220 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tdta0x7f597009 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/NOTIFY/cseq=124337 (tdta0x7f59700958c0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 501/NOTIFY/cseq=124337 (tdta0x7f59700958c0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3584] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tdta0x7f597009 Destroying txdata Response msg 501/NOTIFY/cseq=124337 (tdta0x7f59700958c0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3584] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3584] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3584] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] VERBOSE[3584] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Added contact 'sip:a000vch@;rinstance=03e23fd86859b511' to AOR 'a000vch' with expiration of 60 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:16] VERBOSE[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact a000vch/sip:a000vch@;rinstance=03e23fd86859b511 has been created [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:a000vch@;rinstance=03e23fd86859b511 ContactStatus: Created AOR: a000vch EndpointName: a000vch RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3584] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:a000vch@;rinstance=03e23fd86859b511 ContactStatus: Created AOR: a000vch EndpointName: a000vch RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3584] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3584] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3584] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3584] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3584] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3584] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=122 (tdta0x7f59680a78b0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3584] pjsip: tsx0x7f597841b .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=122 (rdata0x7f597942dfe8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3584] pjsip: tsx0x7f597841b Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=122 (rdata0x7f597942dfe8) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3584] pjsip: tsx0x7f597841b .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3584] pjsip: tsx0x7f597841b Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=122 (tdta0x7f59680a78b0) in state Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3584] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3584] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3584] pjsip: tsx0x7f597841b .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] VERBOSE[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact a000vch/sip:a000vch@;rinstance=7bd5bdb4a608f2ef has been deleted [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=11600 (tdta0x7f597402c880) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:a000vch@;rinstance=7bd5bdb4a608f2ef ContactStatus: Removed AOR: a000vch EndpointName: a000vch RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:a000vch@;rinstance=7bd5bdb4a608f2ef ContactStatus: Removed AOR: a000vch EndpointName: a000vch RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978244960: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978244960: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978228 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=11600 (tdta0x7f597402c880) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978228 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=11600 (tdta0x7f597402c880) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[916] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Setting AST_TRANSPORT_UDP with address [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[916] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[916] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 0cbdec-478b5af3-39a8f04@ - OPTIONS (No RTP) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: **** Received OPTIONS (3) - Command in SIP OPTIONS [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[916] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[916] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[916] netsock2.c: Splitting 'ipgate.sk' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[916] netsock2.c: ...host 'ipgate.sk' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978228 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 200' onto UDP socket destined for [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=26270 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=26270 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978220 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=26270 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978220 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597919b440: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597919b440: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597919b440: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597919b440: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597919b440: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sipnet.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 12.625 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[909] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[909] netsock2.c: Splitting 'talk37' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[909] netsock2.c: ...host 'talk37' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[909] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[909] acl.c: Attached to given IP address [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all To: From: SSRC: 0x0374e2a1 PT: 201(RR) ReportCount: 1 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x467f03ab Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 8762 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 0 Report0LSR: 3774825365 Report0DLSR: 26.7760 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978431 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978431 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978431 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978431 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f5978ea ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=12015 (tdta0x7f5978ea25f0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978431 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=11600 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=11600 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978228 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=11600 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978228 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978244960: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978244960: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978244960: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978244960: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978244960: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:16] VERBOSE[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact a000vch/sip:a000vch@;rinstance=03e23fd86859b511 is now Reachable. RTT: 112.773 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:a000vch@;rinstance=03e23fd86859b511 ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: a000vch EndpointName: a000vch RoundtripUsec: 112773 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:a000vch@;rinstance=03e23fd86859b511 ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: a000vch EndpointName: a000vch RoundtripUsec: 112773 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:16] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783c5 Retransmit timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783c5 .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=58875 (tdta0x7f597018e070), count=0, restart?=1 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=737 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=737 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint srv_9106901952 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=737 (tdta0x7f59700958c0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tdta0x7f597009 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=737 (tdta0x7f59700958c0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=738 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=738 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint srv_9106901952 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=738 (tdta0x7f59700958c0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228177/34a6cae6cb1aecae45228fdf899c2f63. Actual nonce is 1439228177/34a6cae6cb1aecae45228fdf899c2f63 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tdta0x7f597009 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=738 (tdta0x7f59700958c0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:srv_9106901952@' on AOR 'srv_9106901952' with new expiration of 120 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=738 (tdta0x7f5978ea25f0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978431 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=738 (rdata0x7f5979b120d8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978431 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=738 (rdata0x7f5979b120d8) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978431 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978431 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=738 (tdta0x7f5978ea25f0) in state Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978431 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968055 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968055 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968055 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968055 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597924 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=23074 (tdta0x7f59792449e0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968055 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59792b9 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59792b9 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59792b9 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59792b9 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59792d ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=22961 (tdta0x7f59792d6ba0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59792b9 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] WARNING[13731] res_musiconhold.c: poll() failed: Interrupted system call [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=309 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=309 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=309 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=309 (rdata0x7f5970130d28) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint argo [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=309 (tdta0x7f59700958c0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint ssvuia [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=309 (tdta0x7f5970049410) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tdta0x7f597009 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=309 (tdta0x7f59700958c0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tdta0x7f597004 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=309 (tdta0x7f5970049410) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=49267 (tdta0x7f59792449e0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597861cc50: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597861cc50: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59792b9 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=49267 (tdta0x7f59792449e0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59792b9 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=49267 (tdta0x7f59792449e0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=130 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59792b9 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=41142 (tdta0x7f5970049410) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59785ac880: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59785ac880: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968055 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=41142 (tdta0x7f5970049410) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968055 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=41142 (tdta0x7f5970049410) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=130 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968055 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596811c Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596811c .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596811c Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596811c .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597017 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=3819 (tdta0x7f5970174ed0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596811c Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=49267 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=49267 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59792b9 .Incoming Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=49267 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59792b9 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597861cc50: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597861cc50: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597861cc50: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597861cc50: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597861cc50: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 3.810 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=41142 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=41142 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968055 .Incoming Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=41142 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968055 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59785ac880: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59785ac880: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59785ac880: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59785ac880: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59785ac880: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 0.000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=738 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=738 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint srv_9612467970 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=738 (tdta0x7f59792d6ba0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tdta0x7f59792d .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=738 (tdta0x7f59792d6ba0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783a7 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783a7 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783a7 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783a7 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597000 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=25728 (tdta0x7f5970002a40) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783a7 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18564][C-00000180] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 88 bytes [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18564][C-00000180] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18564][C-00000180] netsock2.c: Splitting 'talk37' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18564][C-00000180] netsock2.c: ...host 'talk37' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18564][C-00000180] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18564][C-00000180] acl.c: Attached to given IP address [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPReceived Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/srv_d12922-00000220 ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 79267162320 CallerIDName: 79267162320 ConnectedLineNum: s ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: 2067 Context: sub-do-out-call Exten: s Priority: 17 Uniqueid: 1439228160.642 Linkedid: 1439228160.642 To: From: RTT: 0.4736 SSRC: 0x608e3a4c PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 3525206681.17548671082496 SentRTP: 4277749204 SentPackets: 781 SentOctets: 124960 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x77dc2b3e Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 9858 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 3995 Report0LSR: 1603306303 Report0DLSR: 0.5920 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=739 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=739 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint srv_9612467970 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=739 (tdta0x7f5970174ed0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228177/34a6cae6cb1aecae45228fdf899c2f63. Actual nonce is 1439228177/34a6cae6cb1aecae45228fdf899c2f63 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tdta0x7f597017 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=739 (tdta0x7f5970174ed0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:srv_9612467970@' on AOR 'srv_9612467970' with new expiration of 120 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=739 (tdta0x7f5970002a40) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783a7 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=739 (rdata0x7f59797fb0c8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783a7 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=739 (rdata0x7f59797fb0c8) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783a7 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783a7 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=739 (tdta0x7f5970002a40) in state Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783a7 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=64630 (tdta0x7f5970174ed0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978c61d60: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978c61d60: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f596811c .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=64630 (tdta0x7f5970174ed0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f596811c Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=64630 (tdta0x7f5970174ed0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f596811c .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 153af3927f3c02857d70c117077c2545@talk37.ru - OPTIONS (No RTP) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Setting AST_TRANSPORT_UDP with address [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: SIP call-id changed from '153af3927f3c02857d70c117077c2545@talk37.ru' to '132ed5a035a25527152ff8a02c535b5d@talk37.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method OPTIONS - callid 132ed5a035a25527152ff8a02c535b5d@talk37.ru [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'OPTIONS sip' onto UDP socket destined for [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=64630 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=64630 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f596811c .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=64630 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f596811c ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978c61d60: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978c61d60: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978c61d60: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978c61d60: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978c61d60: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:kerbyf@;ob status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 28.321 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=41992 (tdta0x7f59792d6ba0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' with client 'sip:79254084593@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597404e .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=41993 (tdta0x7f59792d6ba0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597404e Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=41993 (tdta0x7f59792d6ba0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=130 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597404e .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=52344 (tdta0x7f59700958c0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978205040: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978205040: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784e6 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=52344 (tdta0x7f59700958c0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784e6 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=52344 (tdta0x7f59700958c0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784e6 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=62466 (tdta0x7f59788dd2b0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' with client 'sip:79267914156@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978526 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=62467 (tdta0x7f59788dd2b0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978526 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=62467 (tdta0x7f59788dd2b0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=130 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978526 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=52344 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=52344 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784e6 .Incoming Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=52344 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784e6 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978205040: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978205040: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978205040: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978205040: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978205040: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:s@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 9.554 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=26797 (tdta0x7f59781bed80) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' with client 'sip:79258796989@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978f77 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=26798 (tdta0x7f59781bed80) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978f77 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=26798 (tdta0x7f59781bed80) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=130 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978f77 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=32846 (tdta0x7f5979b7dbb0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' with client 'sip:79262570923@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597801b .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=32847 (tdta0x7f5979b7dbb0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597801b Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=32847 (tdta0x7f5979b7dbb0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=130 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597801b .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=41993 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=310 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=41993 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597404e .Incoming Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=41993 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597404e ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=310 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f59792d6ba0: can not find credential for BREDBAND/Digest [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 407(Proxy Authentication Required) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=310 (rdata0x7f5970130d28) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 407 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79254084593@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=310 (rdata0x7f59701ed748) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79254084593@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785cb .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=41994 (tdta0x7f59792d6ba0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785cb Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=41994 (tdta0x7f59792d6ba0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597851d Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597851d .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=41994 (tdta0x7f59792d6ba0): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint argo [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597851d Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597851d .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=310 (tdta0x7f597a1a9810) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597851d Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228177/5d6fcc53ff58995cd64e48b31b31ca04. Actual nonce is 1439228177/5d6fcc53ff58995cd64e48b31b31ca04 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint ssvuia [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=310 (tdta0x7f5970060c20) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=62467 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785cb .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228177/5d6fcc53ff58995cd64e48b31b31ca04. Actual nonce is 1439228177/5d6fcc53ff58995cd64e48b31b31ca04 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978308 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978308 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=62467 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978308 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978308 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978526 .Incoming Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=62467 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597876 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=40727 (tdta0x7f5978768e10) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978526 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tdta0x7f597a1a .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=310 (tdta0x7f597a1a9810) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978308 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f59788dd2b0: can not find credential for BREDBAND/Digest [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 407(Proxy Authentication Required) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 407 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79267914156@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79267914156@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tdta0x7f597006 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=310 (tdta0x7f5970060c20) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978308 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=62468 (tdta0x7f59788dd2b0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978308 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=62468 (tdta0x7f59788dd2b0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=62468 (tdta0x7f59788dd2b0): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978308 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=52490 (tdta0x7f5978768e10) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59792e4250: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59792e4250: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=50669 (tdta0x7f597003bc40) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597851d .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=52490 (tdta0x7f5978768e10) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' with client 'sip:79372652646@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:argo@;rinstance=87b0df2bce8ab83b' on AOR 'argo' with new expiration of 60 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597851d Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=52490 (tdta0x7f5978768e10) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597856f .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=50670 (tdta0x7f597003bc40) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597856f Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=50670 (tdta0x7f597003bc40) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=130 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:ssvuia@;rinstance=38b5aebe25e22fd0' on AOR 'ssvuia' with new expiration of 60 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597851d .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=310 (tdta0x7f59700736e0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783f8 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=310 (rdata0x7f59796641b8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783f8 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=310 (rdata0x7f59796641b8) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783f8 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597856f .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783f8 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=310 (tdta0x7f59700736e0) in state Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596809a Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596809a .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783f8 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=310 (tdta0x7f59791d0170) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781bc .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=310 (rdata0x7f5978d958a8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781bc Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=310 (rdata0x7f5978d958a8) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781bc .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781bc Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=310 (tdta0x7f59791d0170) in state Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781bc .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596809a Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596809a .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596809a Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=32847 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=26798 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=32847 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597801b .Incoming Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=32847 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597801b ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f5979b7dbb0: can not find credential for BREDBAND/Digest [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 407(Proxy Authentication Required) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=26798 (rdata0x7f5970130d28) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 407 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79262570923@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978f77 .Incoming Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=26798 (rdata0x7f5970130d28) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978f77 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79262570923@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f59781bed80: can not find credential for BREDBAND/Digest [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f596809a .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=32848 (tdta0x7f5979b7dbb0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 407(Proxy Authentication Required) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f596809a Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=32848 (tdta0x7f5979b7dbb0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=32848 (tdta0x7f5979b7dbb0): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 407 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79258796989@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79258796989@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978239 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=26799 (tdta0x7f59781bed80) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978239 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=26799 (tdta0x7f59781bed80) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=26799 (tdta0x7f59781bed80): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f596809a .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978239 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[909] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[909] netsock2.c: Splitting 'talk37' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[909] netsock2.c: ...host 'talk37' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[909] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[909] acl.c: Attached to given IP address [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/srv_d481-0000021f ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: s CallerIDName: ConnectedLineNum: 0029897178 ConnectedLineName: 0029897178 Language: ru AccountCode: 2067 Context: ext-fromservers Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228110.641 Linkedid: 1439228110.640 To: From: SSRC: 0x25b9768f PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1439228177.935329792 SentRTP: 9857280 SentPackets: 2464 SentOctets: 394240 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7c765456 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 34610 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 3 Report0LSR: 1950579949 Report0DLSR: 1.9350 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=41994 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=41994 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785cb .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=41994 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785cb ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79254084593@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' with client 'sip:79254084593@multifon.ru' successful [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79254084593@multifon.ru' in 170 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:79254084593@multifon.ru Domain: sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 Status: Registered [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974045 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974045 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974045 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974045 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597002 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=63346 (tdta0x7f597002eb50) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974045 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=32848 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=32848 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f596809a .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=32848 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f596809a ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79262570923@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' with client 'sip:79262570923@multifon.ru' successful [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79262570923@multifon.ru' in 170 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:79262570923@multifon.ru Domain: sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 Status: Registered [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681ab Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681ab .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681ab Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681ab .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597008 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=33950 (tdta0x7f597008b1f0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681ab Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968009 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968009 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968009 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968009 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968009 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783e4 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783e4 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978290 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978290 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783e4 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783e4 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783e4 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978290 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978290 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978290 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=50670 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=50670 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597856f .Incoming Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=50670 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597856f ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f597003bc40: can not find credential for BREDBAND/Digest [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 407(Proxy Authentication Required) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 407 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79372652646@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79372652646@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978290 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=50671 (tdta0x7f597003bc40) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978290 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=50671 (tdta0x7f597003bc40) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=50671 (tdta0x7f597003bc40): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978290 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '132ed5a035a25527152ff8a02c535b5d@talk37.ru' of Request 102: Match Found [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 132ed5a035a25527152ff8a02c535b5d@talk37.ru [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781b9 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781b9 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781b9 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781b9 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=55626 (tdta0x7f59700570e0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781b9 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597861cc50: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597861cc50: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781b9 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=55626 (tdta0x7f59700570e0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781b9 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=55626 (tdta0x7f59700570e0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=130 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781b9 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968053 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968053 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968053 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968053 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59700c ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=53240 (tdta0x7f59700c6ef0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968053 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=62468 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=62468 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978308 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=62468 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978308 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79267914156@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' with client 'sip:79267914156@multifon.ru' successful [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79267914156@multifon.ru' in 170 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:79267914156@multifon.ru Domain: sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 Status: Registered [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=8494 (tdta0x7f597008b1f0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' with client 'sip:79377029541@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968053 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=8495 (tdta0x7f597008b1f0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968053 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=8495 (tdta0x7f597008b1f0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=130 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=55626 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968053 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=55626 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781b9 .Incoming Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=55626 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781b9 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597861cc50: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597861cc50: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597861cc50: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597861cc50: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597861cc50: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 10.152 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a36f Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a36f .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a36f Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a36f .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a36f Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=26799 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=26799 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978239 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=26799 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978239 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=38855 (tdta0x7f597002eb50) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' with client 'sip:79216153326@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a36f .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=38856 (tdta0x7f597002eb50) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a36f Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=38856 (tdta0x7f597002eb50) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79258796989@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' with client 'sip:79258796989@multifon.ru' successful [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=130 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79258796989@multifon.ru' in 170 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:79258796989@multifon.ru Domain: sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 Status: Registered [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a36f .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978593 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978593 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978593 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978593 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597401 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=64757 (tdta0x7f5974013c50) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978593 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=50671 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=50671 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978290 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=50671 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978290 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79372652646@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' with client 'sip:79372652646@multifon.ru' successful [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79372652646@multifon.ru' in 170 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:79372652646@multifon.ru Domain: sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 Status: Registered [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=8495 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=8495 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968053 .Incoming Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=8495 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968053 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f597008b1f0: can not find credential for BREDBAND/Digest [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 407(Proxy Authentication Required) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 407 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79377029541@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79377029541@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978593 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=8496 (tdta0x7f597008b1f0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978593 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=8496 (tdta0x7f597008b1f0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=8496 (tdta0x7f597008b1f0): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978593 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785d5 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785d5 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785d5 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785d5 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f5978a4 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=23873 (tdta0x7f5978a40210) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785d5 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597849f Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597849f .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785c3 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785c3 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg NOTIFY/cseq=148280 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597849f Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597849f .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg NOTIFY/cseq=148280 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59787b ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=20258 (tdta0x7f59787b48b0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597849f Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785c3 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785c3 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597a7e ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=1329 (tdta0x7f597a7e56c0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785c3 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint mashapenkina [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/NOTIFY/cseq=148280 (tdta0x7f597a7e56c0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228147/17a19589707376715d0799ea601d5edd. Actual nonce is 1439228147/17a19589707376715d0799ea601d5edd [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=38856 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tdta0x7f597a7e .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/NOTIFY/cseq=148280 (tdta0x7f597a7e56c0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 501/NOTIFY/cseq=148280 (tdta0x7f597a7e56c0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=38856 (rdata0x7f5970130d28) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a36f .Incoming Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=38856 (rdata0x7f5970130d28) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a36f ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f597002eb50: can not find credential for BREDBAND/Digest [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 407(Proxy Authentication Required) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 407 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79216153326@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79216153326@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tdta0x7f597a7e Destroying txdata Response msg 501/NOTIFY/cseq=148280 (tdta0x7f597a7e56c0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785c3 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=38857 (tdta0x7f597002eb50) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785c3 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=38857 (tdta0x7f597002eb50) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=38857 (tdta0x7f597002eb50): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785c3 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=62543 (tdta0x7f5974013c50) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681b7 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681b7 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681b7 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681b7 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59798a ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=1105 (tdta0x7f59798a6ac0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681b7 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59797ce170: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59797ce170: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681b7 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=62543 (tdta0x7f5974013c50) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681b7 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=62543 (tdta0x7f5974013c50) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sipnet.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sipnet.ru from cache, ttl=195 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681b7 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265497 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265497 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 17378 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=265497 (tdta0x7f5978a40210) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228172/ab9ea68993dc585e31eaec661d115f3b. Actual nonce is 1439228172/ab9ea68993dc585e31eaec661d115f3b [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tdta0x7f5978a4 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=265497 (tdta0x7f5978a40210) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597822f Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597822f .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597822f Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597822f .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597002 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=4927 (tdta0x7f5970024c50) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597822f Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=62543 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=62543 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681b7 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=62543 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681b7 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59797ce170: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59797ce170: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59797ce170: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59797ce170: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59797ce170: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sipnet.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 9.260 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=738 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=738 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint srv_9106901962 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=738 (tdta0x7f59798a6ac0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tdta0x7f59798a .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=738 (tdta0x7f59798a6ac0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=739 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=739 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint srv_9106901962 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=739 (tdta0x7f59798a6ac0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228177/34a6cae6cb1aecae45228fdf899c2f63. Actual nonce is 1439228177/34a6cae6cb1aecae45228fdf899c2f63 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tdta0x7f59798a .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=739 (tdta0x7f59798a6ac0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597859f Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597859f .State changed from Confirmed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: dlg0x7f5978052 ..Transaction tsx0x7f597859f6d8 state changed to Terminated [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '17900()' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f597859f6d8 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Terminated [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is DISCONNCTD [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_session.c: Destroying SIP session with endpoint 17900 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting RTCP address on RTP instance '0x7f597a37b8b8' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] rtp_engine.c: Destroyed RTP instance '0x7f597a37b8b8' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: dlg0x7f5978052 .Session count dec to 0 by Session Module [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: dlg0x7f5978052 .Dialog destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] taskprocessor.c: destroying taskprocessor 'd0231c7f-821e-44fd-a3e4-823b9d2b6e34' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597859f Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597859f .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597859 ..Destroying txdata Response msg 404/INVITE/cseq=21 (tdta0x7f597859a4b0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597859f Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=8496 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=8496 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978593 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=8496 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978593 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79377029541@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' with client 'sip:79377029541@multifon.ru' successful [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79377029541@multifon.ru' in 170 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:79377029541@multifon.ru Domain: sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 Status: Registered [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=38857 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=38857 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785c3 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=38857 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785c3 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79216153326@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' with client 'sip:79216153326@multifon.ru' successful [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79216153326@multifon.ru' in 170 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:79216153326@multifon.ru Domain: sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 Status: Registered [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 1cea9bba26f463fe36f6c3327ee7b474@talk37.ru - OPTIONS (No RTP) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Setting AST_TRANSPORT_UDP with address [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: SIP call-id changed from '1cea9bba26f463fe36f6c3327ee7b474@talk37.ru' to '01b9c1490a4ad3ea361ac0ea79d16d82@talk37.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method OPTIONS - callid 01b9c1490a4ad3ea361ac0ea79d16d82@talk37.ru [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'OPTIONS sip' onto UDP socket destined for [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 0d9c3dc206737a981c6874a86b0c7bd2@talk37.ru - OPTIONS (No RTP) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Setting AST_TRANSPORT_UDP with address [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: SIP call-id changed from '0d9c3dc206737a981c6874a86b0c7bd2@talk37.ru' to '59a7c556358f4d150cb44c770cd6b0f4@talk37.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method OPTIONS - callid 59a7c556358f4d150cb44c770cd6b0f4@talk37.ru [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'OPTIONS sip' onto UDP socket destined for [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=258 (tdta0x7f597859a4b0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59793c2c30: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59793c2c30: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597859f .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=258 (tdta0x7f597859a4b0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597859f Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=258 (tdta0x7f597859a4b0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597859f .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=36152 (tdta0x7f5970024c50) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a4e9860: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a4e9860: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978052 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=36152 (tdta0x7f5970024c50) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978052 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=36152 (tdta0x7f5970024c50) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=130 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978052 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=36152 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=36152 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978052 .Incoming Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=36152 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978052 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a4e9860: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a4e9860: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a4e9860: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a4e9860: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a4e9860: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 9.583 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=258 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=62053 (tdta0x7f597a7e56c0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3584] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=258 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3584] pjsip: tsx0x7f597859f .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=258 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3584] pjsip: tsx0x7f597859f ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3584] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59793c2c30: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3584] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59793c2c30: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3584] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59793c2c30: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a4e9860: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a4e9860: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597822f .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=62053 (tdta0x7f597a7e56c0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597822f Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=62053 (tdta0x7f597a7e56c0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3584] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3584] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3584] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3584] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59793c2c30: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597822f .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3584] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59793c2c30: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sav559@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 31.536 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=739 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=739 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint srv_9106901962 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=739 (tdta0x7f5970060c20) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228177/34a6cae6cb1aecae45228fdf899c2f63. Actual nonce is 1439228177/34a6cae6cb1aecae45228fdf899c2f63 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tdta0x7f597006 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=739 (tdta0x7f5970060c20) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] VERBOSE[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 17378/sip:17378@ has been deleted [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] VERBOSE[7386] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Added contact 'sip:17378@' to AOR '17378' with expiration of 5 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17378@ ContactStatus: Removed AOR: 17378 EndpointName: 17378 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17378@ ContactStatus: Removed AOR: 17378 EndpointName: 17378 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265497 (tdta0x7f59787b48b0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597849f .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265497 (rdata0x7f5978d958a8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:srv_9106901962@' on AOR 'srv_9106901962' with new expiration of 120 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597849f Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265497 (rdata0x7f5978d958a8) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597849f .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597849f Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265497 (tdta0x7f59787b48b0) in state Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974026 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974026 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974026 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597849f .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974026 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597021 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=38825 (tdta0x7f5970219bd0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974026 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=739 (tdta0x7f5970219bd0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] VERBOSE[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 17378/sip:17378@ has been created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974026 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=739 (rdata0x7f597a4b5558) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974026 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=739 (rdata0x7f597a4b5558) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974026 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974026 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=739 (tdta0x7f5970219bd0) in state Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17378@ ContactStatus: Created AOR: 17378 EndpointName: 17378 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17378@ ContactStatus: Created AOR: 17378 EndpointName: 17378 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974026 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=47827 (tdta0x7f59798a6ac0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:srv_9106901962@' on AOR 'srv_9106901962' with new expiration of 120 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979386600: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979386600: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785d5 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=47827 (tdta0x7f59798a6ac0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785d5 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=47827 (tdta0x7f59798a6ac0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785d5 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=739 (tdta0x7f5978a40210) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] WARNING[14220] pjsip: sip_transactio Unable to register REGISTER transaction (key exists) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783e4 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tdta0x7f5978a4 Destroying txdata Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=739 (tdta0x7f5978a40210) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=12382 (tdta0x7f5970060c20) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978244960: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978244960: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783e4 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=12382 (tdta0x7f5970060c20) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783e4 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=12382 (tdta0x7f5970060c20) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=130 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783e4 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680f1 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680f1 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680f1 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680f1 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680f1 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=12382 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=12382 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783e4 .Incoming Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=12382 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783e4 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978244960: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978244960: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978244960: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978244960: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978244960: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 9.929 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968106 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968106 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968106 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968106 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597005 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=52643 (tdta0x7f59700580f0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968106 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=40487 (tdta0x7f59700580f0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' with client 'sip:79203726472@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968106 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=40488 (tdta0x7f59700580f0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968106 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=40488 (tdta0x7f59700580f0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=130 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968106 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=62053 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=62053 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597822f .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=62053 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597822f ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a4e9860: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a4e9860: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a4e9860: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a4e9860: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a4e9860: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:lanchakov@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 73.771 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781d5 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781d5 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781d5 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781d5 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781d5 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265498 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265498 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 17382 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=265498 (tdta0x7f59700c6ef0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228154/c873d3dcfe68187fae4443eb99c048a0. Actual nonce is 1439228154/c873d3dcfe68187fae4443eb99c048a0 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978677 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978677 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tdta0x7f59700c .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=265498 (tdta0x7f59700c6ef0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978560 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978560 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978677 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] VERBOSE[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 17382/sip:17382@ has been deleted [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978677 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59782e ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=49910 (tdta0x7f59782e40b0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978677 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978560 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978560 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597857 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=59531 (tdta0x7f5978576220) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] VERBOSE[3583] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Added contact 'sip:17382@' to AOR '17382' with expiration of 5 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978560 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17382@ ContactStatus: Removed AOR: 17382 EndpointName: 17382 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17382@ ContactStatus: Removed AOR: 17382 EndpointName: 17382 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265498 (tdta0x7f5978576220) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978560 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265498 (rdata0x7f59793f8a48) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978560 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265498 (rdata0x7f59793f8a48) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978560 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978560 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265498 (tdta0x7f5978576220) in state Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978560 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=40488 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=40488 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968106 .Incoming Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=40488 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968106 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] VERBOSE[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 17382/sip:17382@ has been created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f59700580f0: can not find credential for BREDBAND/Digest [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 407(Proxy Authentication Required) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 407 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79203726472@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79203726472@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978677 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=40489 (tdta0x7f59700580f0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978677 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=40489 (tdta0x7f59700580f0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17382@ ContactStatus: Created AOR: 17382 EndpointName: 17382 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=40489 (tdta0x7f59700580f0): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17382@ ContactStatus: Created AOR: 17382 EndpointName: 17382 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '59a7c556358f4d150cb44c770cd6b0f4@talk37.ru' of Request 102: Match Found [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 59a7c556358f4d150cb44c770cd6b0f4@talk37.ru [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978677 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=2515 (tdta0x7f59782e40b0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978db65d0: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978db65d0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781d5 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=2515 (tdta0x7f59782e40b0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781d5 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=2515 (tdta0x7f59782e40b0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781d5 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597847e Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597847e .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597847e Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597847e .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597847e Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '01b9c1490a4ad3ea361ac0ea79d16d82@talk37.ru' of Request 102: Match Found [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 01b9c1490a4ad3ea361ac0ea79d16d82@talk37.ru [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680e3 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680e3 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680e3 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680e3 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f5978a5 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=1937 (tdta0x7f5978a57c00) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680e3 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=47827 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=47827 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785d5 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=47827 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785d5 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979386600: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979386600: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979386600: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979386600: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979386600: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] VERBOSE[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 17378/sip:17378@ is now Reachable. RTT: 68.425 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17378@ ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: 17378 EndpointName: 17378 RoundtripUsec: 68425 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17378@ ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: 17378 EndpointName: 17378 RoundtripUsec: 68425 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18155][C-00000176] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 64 bytes [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18155][C-00000176] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18155][C-00000176] netsock2.c: Splitting 'talk37' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18155][C-00000176] netsock2.c: ...host 'talk37' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18155][C-00000176] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18155][C-00000176] acl.c: Attached to given IP address [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPReceived Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/srv_9106901962-00000214 ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: s CallerIDName: ConnectedLineNum: srv_9106901962 ConnectedLineName: srv_9106901962 Language: ru AccountCode: 4976 Context: context-user Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439227932.628 Linkedid: 1439227931.627 To: From: RTT: 0.0746 SSRC: 0x07ddf5d5 PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1439228177.17535789944832 SentRTP: 1963608 SentPackets: 12138 SentOctets: 1942080 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x222cc77b Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 30948 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 44 Report0LSR: 1603044575 Report0DLSR: 4.9950 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968118 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968118 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968118 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968118 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f5978e5 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=8831 (tdta0x7f5978e52f40) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968118 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[909] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[909] netsock2.c: Splitting 'talk37' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[909] netsock2.c: ...host 'talk37' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[909] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[909] acl.c: Attached to given IP address [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/srv_9106901962-00000214 ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: s CallerIDName: ConnectedLineNum: srv_9106901962 ConnectedLineName: srv_9106901962 Language: ru AccountCode: 4976 Context: context-user Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439227932.628 Linkedid: 1439227931.627 To: From: SSRC: 0x222cc77b PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1439228177.2124427264 SentRTP: 1958560 SentPackets: 12240 SentOctets: 1958400 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x07ddf5d5 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 52140 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 7 Report0LSR: 1603392303 Report0DLSR: 0.0030 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=7636 (tdta0x7f5978e52f40) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=14542 (tdta0x7f5978a57c00) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979c0a230: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59788f7040: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979c0a230: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59788f7040: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968118 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=7636 (tdta0x7f5978e52f40) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680e3 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=14542 (tdta0x7f5978a57c00) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968118 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=7636 (tdta0x7f5978e52f40) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680e3 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=14542 (tdta0x7f5978a57c00) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680e3 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968118 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=40489 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=40489 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978677 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=40489 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978677 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79203726472@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' with client 'sip:79203726472@multifon.ru' successful [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79203726472@multifon.ru' in 170 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:79203726472@multifon.ru Domain: sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 Status: Registered [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0xae4678 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0xae4678 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0xae4678 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0xae4678 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59787b ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=3522 (tdta0x7f59787be100) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0xae4678 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 42a187cf078c55c164f53c4a2cb958ee@talk37.ru - OPTIONS (No RTP) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Setting AST_TRANSPORT_UDP with address [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: SIP call-id changed from '42a187cf078c55c164f53c4a2cb958ee@talk37.ru' to '345ca479091f4fb71b34dbef5e90ca82@talk37.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method OPTIONS - callid 345ca479091f4fb71b34dbef5e90ca82@talk37.ru [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'OPTIONS sip' onto UDP socket destined for [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680aa Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680aa .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680aa Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680aa .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59789e ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=102 (tdta0x7f59789e9b90) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680aa Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968031 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968031 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968031 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968031 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f5978e3 ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=102 (tdta0x7f5978e36b70) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968031 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265499 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265499 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 17383 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=265499 (tdta0x7f59789e9b90) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228163/9daa21f473232b384870452dc0a97a85. Actual nonce is 1439228163/9daa21f473232b384870452dc0a97a85 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tdta0x7f59789e .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=265499 (tdta0x7f59789e9b90) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:17383@' on AOR '17383' with new expiration of 5 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265499 (tdta0x7f5978e36b70) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968031 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265499 (rdata0x7f597888ca58) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968031 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265499 (rdata0x7f597888ca58) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968031 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968031 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265499 (tdta0x7f5978e36b70) in state Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968031 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=10285 (tdta0x7f59789e9b90) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799586d0: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799586d0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680aa .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=10285 (tdta0x7f59789e9b90) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680aa Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=10285 (tdta0x7f59789e9b90) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=130 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680aa .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=7636 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=7636 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968118 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=7636 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968118 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979c0a230: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979c0a230: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979c0a230: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=2515 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979c0a230: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979c0a230: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:16536@;uniq=140E999D64CFDDAA65DAC50243DA6 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 49.094 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=2515 (rdata0x7f5970130d28) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781d5 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=2515 (rdata0x7f5970130d28) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781d5 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978db65d0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978db65d0: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978db65d0: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=10285 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978db65d0: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978db65d0: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=10285 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] VERBOSE[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 17382/sip:17382@ is now Reachable. RTT: 76.596 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680aa .Incoming Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=10285 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680aa ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799586d0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799586d0: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799586d0: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17382@ ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: 17382 EndpointName: 17382 RoundtripUsec: 76596 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17382@ ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: 17382 EndpointName: 17382 RoundtripUsec: 76596 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799586d0: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799586d0: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 11.001 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=91216 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597817d320: Internal tsx timer expired after 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597817d320: Timer handled here [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=91216 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 13508 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597817d320: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=91216 (tdta0x7f5978a40210) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:romarioio@;ob status didn't change: Unreachable, RTT: 0.000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=58470 (tdta0x7f59700c6ef0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' with client 'sip:79227828725@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0xae4678 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=58471 (tdta0x7f59700c6ef0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0xae4678 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=58471 (tdta0x7f59700c6ef0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=130 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tdta0x7f5978a4 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=91216 (tdta0x7f5978a40210) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0xae4678 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=58471 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=58471 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0xae4678 .Incoming Response msg 407/REGISTER/cseq=58471 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0xae4678 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f59700c6ef0: can not find credential for BREDBAND/Digest [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 407(Proxy Authentication Required) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 407 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79227828725@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79227828725@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597847e .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=58472 (tdta0x7f59700c6ef0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597847e Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=58472 (tdta0x7f59700c6ef0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=58472 (tdta0x7f59700c6ef0): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597847e .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978670 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978670 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978670 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978670 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597876 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=64867 (tdta0x7f5978763c90) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978670 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265500 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978371 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978371 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978371 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265500 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978371 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59700b ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265434 (tdta0x7f59700b81a0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978371 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 17384 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=265500 (tdta0x7f59700b81a0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228164/7da4a476b8454f8dcb807127ba8c7520. Actual nonce is 1439228164/7da4a476b8454f8dcb807127ba8c7520 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tdta0x7f59700b .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=265500 (tdta0x7f59700b81a0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:17384@' on AOR '17384' with new expiration of 5 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 500/OPTIONS/cseq=14542 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 500/OPTIONS/cseq=14542 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680e3 .Incoming Response msg 500/OPTIONS/cseq=14542 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680e3 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59788f7040: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59788f7040: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59788f7040: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265500 (tdta0x7f5978a40210) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978371 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265500 (rdata0x7f5979a7fc78) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978371 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265500 (rdata0x7f5979a7fc78) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978371 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59788f7040: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978371 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265500 (tdta0x7f5978a40210) in state Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59788f7040: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip: status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 94.208 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978371 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=91217 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=91217 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 13508 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=91217 (tdta0x7f5978763c90) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228177/8d41ca2ee2336102ff9408af73fdbc5b. Actual nonce is 1439228177/8d41ca2ee2336102ff9408af73fdbc5b [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tdta0x7f597876 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=91217 (tdta0x7f5978763c90) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:13508@' on AOR '13508' with new expiration of 60 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=91217 (tdta0x7f59700b81a0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978670 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=91217 (rdata0x7f5979a7fc78) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978670 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=91217 (rdata0x7f5979a7fc78) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978670 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978670 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=91217 (tdta0x7f59700b81a0) in state Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978670 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=58472 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=58472 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597847e .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=58472 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597847e ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' for client 'sip:79227828725@multifon.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' with client 'sip:79227828725@multifon.ru' successful [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060' from client 'sip:79227828725@multifon.ru' in 170 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:79227828725@multifon.ru Domain: sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 Status: Registered [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785a5 Retransmit timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785a5 .Retransmiting Response msg 603/INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7f5979d2e4e0), count=5, restart?=1 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=17936 (tdta0x7f59787be100) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:voip.mtt.ru' with client 'sip:883140505802288@voip.mtt.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680f1 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=17937 (tdta0x7f59787be100) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680f1 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=17937 (tdta0x7f59787be100) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.voip.mtt.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: _sip._udp.voip .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.voip.mtt.ru:5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS SRV record for _sip._udp.voip.mtt.ru from cache, ttl=56 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: _sip._udp.voip .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.voip.mtt.ru: DNS "Name Error" (PJLIB_UTIL_EDNS_NXDOMAIN) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: _sip._udp.voip .DNS SRV resolution failed for _sip._udp.voip.mtt.ru, trying resolving A record for voip.mtt.ru [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: _sip._udp.voip .Starting async DNS A query_job for voip.mtt.ru [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for voip.mtt.ru from cache, ttl=196 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: _sip._udp.voip .DNS A for voip.mtt.ru: [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: _sip._udp.voip .Server resolution complete, 1 server entry(s) found [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680f1 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978226 Retransmit timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978226 .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=13206 (tdta0x7f59700af480), count=1, restart?=1 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596812b Retransmit timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596812b .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=6346 (tdta0x7f59701a9670), count=9, restart?=1 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=17937 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=17937 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680f1 .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=17937 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680f1 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f59787be100: can not find credential for voip.mtt.ru/Digest [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Unauthorized) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:voip.mtt.ru' for client 'sip:883140505802288@voip.mtt.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:voip.mtt.ru' from client 'sip:883140505802288@voip.mtt.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968009 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=17938 (tdta0x7f59787be100) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968009 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=17938 (tdta0x7f59787be100) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=17938 (tdta0x7f59787be100): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968009 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59788598b0: Internal tsx timer expired after 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59788598b0: Timer handled here [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59788598b0: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] VERBOSE[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 17186/sip:17186@;ob is now Unreachable. RTT: 0.000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17186@;ob ContactStatus: Unreachable AOR: 17186 EndpointName: 17186 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:17186@;ob ContactStatus: Unreachable AOR: 17186 EndpointName: 17186 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] VERBOSE[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Endpoint 17186 is now Unreachable [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: PeerStatus Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Peer: PJSIP/17186 PeerStatus: Unreachable [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[859] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - 17186 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[859] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/17186 - state 5 (Unavailable) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: PeerStatus Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Peer: PJSIP/17186 PeerStatus: Unreachable [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[925] app_queue.c: Device 'PJSIP/17186' changed to state '5' (Unavailable) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/17186 State: UNAVAILABLE [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: 9298 Context: hints Hint: PJSIP/17186&PJSIP/vasfom Status: 4 StatusText: Unavailable [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=103293 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[863] app_queue.c: Extension '9298@hints' changed to state '5' (Unavailable) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=103277 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: 9361 Context: hints Hint: PJSIP/17186 Status: 4 StatusText: Unavailable [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[863] app_queue.c: Extension '9361@hints' changed to state '5' (Unavailable) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ExtensionStatus Privilege: call,all Exten: vasfom Context: hints Hint: PJSIP/17186 Status: 4 StatusText: Unavailable [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[863] app_queue.c: Extension 'vasfom@hints' changed to state '5' (Unavailable) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=103293 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=103277 (rdata0x7f5970130d28) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Could not identify endpoint by username '13172' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Could not identify endpoint by username '13173' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_anonymous.c: Retrieved anonymous endpoint 'anonymous' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_anonymous.c: Retrieved anonymous endpoint 'anonymous' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 404/REGISTER/cseq=103293 (tdta0x7f5970157980) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 404/REGISTER/cseq=103277 (tdta0x7f597405cac0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tdta0x7f597015 .Destroying txdata Response msg 404/REGISTER/cseq=103293 (tdta0x7f5970157980) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tdta0x7f597405 .Destroying txdata Response msg 404/REGISTER/cseq=103277 (tdta0x7f597405cac0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] WARNING[14220] res_pjsip_registrar.c: AOR '13172' not found for endpoint 'anonymous' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] WARNING[3583] res_pjsip_registrar.c: AOR '13173' not found for endpoint 'anonymous' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=17938 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=17938 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968009 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=17938 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968009 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:voip.mtt.ru' for client 'sip:883140505802288@voip.mtt.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:voip.mtt.ru' with client 'sip:883140505802288@voip.mtt.ru' successful [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:voip.mtt.ru' from client 'sip:883140505802288@voip.mtt.ru' in 50 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:883140505802288@voip.mtt.ru Domain: sip:voip.mtt.ru Status: Registered [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '345ca479091f4fb71b34dbef5e90ca82@talk37.ru' of Request 102: Match Found [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 345ca479091f4fb71b34dbef5e90ca82@talk37.ru [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596803f Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596803f .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596803f Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596803f .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597000 ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265435 (tdta0x7f597000c0f0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596803f Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265501 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265501 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 17385 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=265501 (tdta0x7f597a1a9810) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tdta0x7f597a1a .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=265501 (tdta0x7f597a1a9810) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=58875 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=58875 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783c5 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=58875 (rdata0x7f5970082328) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783c5 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a475c00: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a475c00: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a475c00: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a475c00: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a475c00: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:mig315@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 1182.448 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[909] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[909] netsock2.c: Splitting 'talk37' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[909] netsock2.c: ...host 'talk37' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[909] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[909] acl.c: Attached to given IP address [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/14190-00000213 ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: srv_9106901962 CallerIDName: srv_9106901962 ConnectedLineNum: s ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: 4976 Context: sub-out-do-dial Exten: s Priority: 18 Uniqueid: 1439227931.627 Linkedid: 1439227931.627 To: From: SSRC: 0x62f00112 PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1439228177.2838511616 SentRTP: 1965048 SentPackets: 12146 SentOctets: 1943360 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x25701e5e Report0FractionLost: 255 Report0CumulativeLost: 16186633 Report0HighestSequence: 12250 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 759 Report0IAJitter: 44 Report0LSR: 0 Report0DLSR: 0.0000 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=3228 (tdta0x7f597000c0f0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' with client 'sip:854602@comtube.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f596803f .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=3229 (tdta0x7f597000c0f0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f596803f Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=3229 (tdta0x7f597000c0f0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.sip.comtube.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.sip.comtube.ru:5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: resolver.c .Transmitting 42 bytes to NS 0 ( DNS SRV query for _sip._udp.sip.comtube.ru: Success [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f596803f .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=32952 (tdta0x7f597a1a9810) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' with client 'sip:816283@comtube.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681ab .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=32953 (tdta0x7f597a1a9810) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=58433 (tdta0x7f5978763c90) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' with client 'sip:745438@comtube.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681ab Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=32953 (tdta0x7f597a1a9810) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974045 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=58434 (tdta0x7f5978763c90) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.sip.comtube.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974045 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=58434 (tdta0x7f5978763c90) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.sip.comtube.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.sip.comtube.ru:5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.sip.comtube.ru:5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681ab .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974045 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=27278 (tdta0x7f597405cac0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' with client 'sip:385371@comtube.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59788ff .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=27279 (tdta0x7f597405cac0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59788ff Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=27279 (tdta0x7f597405cac0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.sip.comtube.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.sip.comtube.ru:5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59788ff .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597851d Retransmit timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597851d .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=52490 (tdta0x7f5978768e10), count=0, restart?=1 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=43185 (tdta0x7f5970157980) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' with client 'sip:740600@comtube.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f596818b .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=43186 (tdta0x7f5970157980) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f596818b Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=43186 (tdta0x7f5970157980) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.sip.comtube.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.sip.comtube.ru:5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f596818b .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265502 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265502 (rdata0x7f5970082328) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 17385 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=265502 (tdta0x7f5979d20980) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228177/9e0806666a94642f72c5efed4d64b2b7. Actual nonce is 1439228177/9e0806666a94642f72c5efed4d64b2b7 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tdta0x7f5979d2 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=265502 (tdta0x7f5979d20980) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597801a Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597801a .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597801a Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597801a .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f5978a5 ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265436 (tdta0x7f5978a5f9b0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597801a Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:17385@' on AOR '17385' with new expiration of 5 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265502 (tdta0x7f5978a5f9b0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597801a .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265502 (rdata0x7f597aa180f8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597801a Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265502 (rdata0x7f597aa180f8) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597801a .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597801a Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265502 (tdta0x7f5978a5f9b0) in state Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597801a .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785da Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785da .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785da Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785da .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597893 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=20117 (tdta0x7f597893da10) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785da Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597855c Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597855c .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597855c Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597855c .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f5979e1 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=13606 (tdta0x7f5979e194d0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597855c Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=5854 (tdta0x7f5979e194d0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978940050: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978940050: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597855c .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=5854 (tdta0x7f5979e194d0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597855c Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=5854 (tdta0x7f5979e194d0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sipde.zadarma.com, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sipde.zadarma.com from cache, ttl=22 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597855c .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: resolver.c Received 92 bytes DNS response from [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: resolver.c Nameserver state changed Active --> Active [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 659e56c54ad73508562a39144feaf110@talk37.ru - OPTIONS (No RTP) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. SRV query_job for _sip._udp.sip.comtube.ru completed, 1 of 1 total entries selected: [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. 0: SRV 1 0 5060 sip.comtube.ru ( [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Setting AST_TRANSPORT_UDP with address [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. Server resolution complete, 1 server entry(s) found [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: SIP call-id changed from '659e56c54ad73508562a39144feaf110@talk37.ru' to '563c86c30b6010710cd958e741068e4b@talk37.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method OPTIONS - callid 563c86c30b6010710cd958e741068e4b@talk37.ru [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'OPTIONS sip' onto UDP socket destined for [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. SRV query_job for _sip._udp.sip.comtube.ru completed, 1 of 1 total entries selected: [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. 0: SRV 1 0 5060 sip.comtube.ru ( [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. Server resolution complete, 1 server entry(s) found [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. SRV query_job for _sip._udp.sip.comtube.ru completed, 1 of 1 total entries selected: [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. 0: SRV 1 0 5060 sip.comtube.ru ( [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. Server resolution complete, 1 server entry(s) found [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. SRV query_job for _sip._udp.sip.comtube.ru completed, 1 of 1 total entries selected: [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. 0: SRV 1 0 5060 sip.comtube.ru ( [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. Server resolution complete, 1 server entry(s) found [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. SRV query_job for _sip._udp.sip.comtube.ru completed, 1 of 1 total entries selected: [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. 0: SRV 1 0 5060 sip.comtube.ru ( [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. Server resolution complete, 1 server entry(s) found [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=3229 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=3229 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=3229 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f596803f .Incoming Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=3229 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=32953 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f596803f ..State changed from Calling to Proceeding, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=3229 (rdata0x7f59700eb718) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f596803f .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=3229 (rdata0x7f59700eb718) in state Proceeding [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f596803f ..State changed from Proceeding to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=32953 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f597000c0f0: can not find credential for comtube.ru/Digest [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=32953 (rdata0x7f59700ed668) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Unauthorized) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681ab .Incoming Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=32953 (rdata0x7f59700ed668) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681ab ..State changed from Calling to Proceeding, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=58434 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=32953 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681ab .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=32953 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Proceeding [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681ab ..State changed from Proceeding to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' for client 'sip:854602@comtube.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f597a1a9810: can not find credential for comtube.ru/Digest [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' from client 'sip:854602@comtube.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Unauthorized) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7387] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=58434 (rdata0x7f59700ed668) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=58434 (rdata0x7f59700eb718) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7387] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974045 .Incoming Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=58434 (rdata0x7f59700ed668) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785da .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=3230 (tdta0x7f597000c0f0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7387] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974045 ..State changed from Calling to Proceeding, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785da Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=3230 (tdta0x7f597000c0f0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=3230 (tdta0x7f597000c0f0): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=27279 (rdata0x7f59700eb718) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' for client 'sip:816283@comtube.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7387] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=58434 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=27279 (rdata0x7f59700eb718) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7387] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974045 .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=58434 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) in state Proceeding [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3584] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=27279 (rdata0x7f59700ed668) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' from client 'sip:816283@comtube.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3584] pjsip: tsx0x7f59788ff .Incoming Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=27279 (rdata0x7f59700ed668) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7387] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974045 ..State changed from Proceeding to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3584] pjsip: tsx0x7f59788ff ..State changed from Calling to Proceeding, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7387] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f5978763c90: can not find credential for comtube.ru/Digest [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978413 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=32954 (tdta0x7f597a1a9810) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7387] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Unauthorized) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978413 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=32954 (tdta0x7f597a1a9810) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=43186 (rdata0x7f59700eb718) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=32954 (tdta0x7f597a1a9810): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=27279 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59788ff .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=27279 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Proceeding [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' for client 'sip:745438@comtube.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785da .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7387] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=43186 (rdata0x7f59700ed668) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=43186 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59788ff ..State changed from Proceeding to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7387] pjsip: tsx0x7f596818b .Incoming Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=43186 (rdata0x7f59700ed668) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' from client 'sip:745438@comtube.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783b5 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=58435 (tdta0x7f5978763c90) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7387] pjsip: tsx0x7f596818b ..State changed from Calling to Proceeding, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f597405cac0: can not find credential for comtube.ru/Digest [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783b5 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=58435 (tdta0x7f5978763c90) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=58435 (tdta0x7f5978763c90): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Unauthorized) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978413 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3584] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' for client 'sip:385371@comtube.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=43186 (rdata0x7f59700eb718) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3584] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' from client 'sip:385371@comtube.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14221] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783b5 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f596818b .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=43186 (rdata0x7f59700eb718) in state Proceeding [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3584] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968187 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=27280 (tdta0x7f597405cac0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f596818b ..State changed from Proceeding to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3584] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968187 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=27280 (tdta0x7f597405cac0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3584] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=27280 (tdta0x7f597405cac0): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f5970157980: can not find credential for comtube.ru/Digest [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Unauthorized) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3584] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3584] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' for client 'sip:740600@comtube.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3584] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783ba Retransmit timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783ba .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=53663 (tdta0x7f5978f39cc0), count=1, restart?=1 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' from client 'sip:740600@comtube.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974046 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=43187 (tdta0x7f5970157980) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3584] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968187 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974046 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=43187 (tdta0x7f5970157980) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=43187 (tdta0x7f5970157980): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974046 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265503 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978014 Retransmit timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978014 .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=56762 (tdta0x7f597a9a5cd0), count=9, restart?=1 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265503 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=3230 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 17386 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=265503 (tdta0x7f59681ba000) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=3230 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228155/0b9b494f9f32eaaba3c6becf3568f581. Actual nonce is 1439228155/0b9b494f9f32eaaba3c6becf3568f581 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=3230 (rdata0x7f59700eb718) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978031 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978031 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785da .Incoming Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=3230 (rdata0x7f59700eb718) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978031 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785da ..State changed from Calling to Proceeding, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978031 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59788f ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265437 (tdta0x7f59788f1590) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=3230 (rdata0x7f59700ed668) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978031 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785da .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=3230 (rdata0x7f59700ed668) in state Proceeding [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=32954 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785da ..State changed from Proceeding to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tdta0x7f59681b .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=265503 (tdta0x7f59681ba000) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' for client 'sip:854602@comtube.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' with client 'sip:854602@comtube.ru' successful [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' from client 'sip:854602@comtube.ru' in 50 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=32954 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=58435 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=32954 (rdata0x7f59700eb718) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:854602@comtube.ru Domain: sip:sip.comtube.ru Status: Registered [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978413 .Incoming Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=32954 (rdata0x7f59700eb718) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=58435 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=58435 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783b5 .Incoming Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=58435 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783b5 ..State changed from Calling to Proceeding, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=58435 (rdata0x7f5970151ae8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783b5 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=58435 (rdata0x7f5970151ae8) in state Proceeding [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783b5 ..State changed from Proceeding to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978413 ..State changed from Calling to Proceeding, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' for client 'sip:745438@comtube.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=32954 (rdata0x7f59700ed668) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' with client 'sip:745438@comtube.ru' successful [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978413 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=32954 (rdata0x7f59700ed668) in state Proceeding [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' from client 'sip:745438@comtube.ru' in 50 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978413 ..State changed from Proceeding to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=27280 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' for client 'sip:816283@comtube.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:745438@comtube.ru Domain: sip:sip.comtube.ru Status: Registered [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=27280 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=27280 (rdata0x7f59700eb718) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' with client 'sip:816283@comtube.ru' successful [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968187 .Incoming Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=27280 (rdata0x7f59700eb718) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' from client 'sip:816283@comtube.ru' in 50 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968187 ..State changed from Calling to Proceeding, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=43187 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=27280 (rdata0x7f59700ed668) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968187 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=27280 (rdata0x7f59700ed668) in state Proceeding [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968187 ..State changed from Proceeding to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:816283@comtube.ru Domain: sip:sip.comtube.ru Status: Registered [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=43187 (rdata0x7f59700eb718) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=43187 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974046 .Incoming Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=43187 (rdata0x7f59700eb718) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' for client 'sip:385371@comtube.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' with client 'sip:385371@comtube.ru' successful [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974046 ..State changed from Calling to Proceeding, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' from client 'sip:385371@comtube.ru' in 50 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=43187 (rdata0x7f59700ed668) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974046 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=43187 (rdata0x7f59700ed668) in state Proceeding [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974046 ..State changed from Proceeding to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:385371@comtube.ru Domain: sip:sip.comtube.ru Status: Registered [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' for client 'sip:740600@comtube.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' with client 'sip:740600@comtube.ru' successful [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sip.comtube.ru' from client 'sip:740600@comtube.ru' in 50 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:17386@' on AOR '17386' with new expiration of 5 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:740600@comtube.ru Domain: sip:sip.comtube.ru Status: Registered [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265503 (tdta0x7f59701d3f90) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978031 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265503 (rdata0x7f5978d475e8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978031 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265503 (rdata0x7f5978d475e8) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978031 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978031 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265503 (tdta0x7f59701d3f90) in state Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978031 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978182 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978182 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978182 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978182 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f5979d0 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=1742 (tdta0x7f5979d0e7d0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978182 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=5854 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=5854 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597855c .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=5854 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597855c ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978940050: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978940050: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978940050: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978940050: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978940050: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sipde.zadarma.com:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 54.408 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680a8 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680a8 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680a8 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680a8 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f5979de ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=46003 (tdta0x7f5979de7100) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680a8 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597850b Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597850b .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597850b Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597850b .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597895 ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265438 (tdta0x7f5978951550) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597850b Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265504 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265504 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 17387 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=265504 (tdta0x7f5979de7100) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228159/d06c586e2d9a951477860af7b1756e98. Actual nonce is 1439228159/d06c586e2d9a951477860af7b1756e98 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tdta0x7f5979de .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=265504 (tdta0x7f5979de7100) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:17387@' on AOR '17387' with new expiration of 5 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=47795 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=47795 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59782e8 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=47795 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=47795 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59782e8 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59788598b0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265504 (tdta0x7f5979d0e7d0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59788598b0: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597850b .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265504 (rdata0x7f59790711b8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597850b Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265504 (rdata0x7f59790711b8) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597850b .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597850b Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265504 (tdta0x7f5979d0e7d0) in state Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=47795 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59782e8 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=47795 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Completed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597850b .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11954][C-000000d5] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 56 bytes [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11954][C-000000d5] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11954][C-000000d5] netsock2.c: Splitting 'talk37' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11954][C-000000d5] netsock2.c: ...host 'talk37' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=14579 (tdta0x7f5979de7100) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11954][C-000000d5] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11954][C-000000d5] acl.c: Attached to given IP address [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPReceived Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000120 ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: elena.radionova92 CallerIDName: elena.radionova92 ConnectedLineNum: 8317 ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: 8317 Context: macro-do-dial Exten: s Priority: 18 Uniqueid: 1439225260.360 Linkedid: 1439225260.360 To: From: RTT: 0.0000 SSRC: 0x4bce3d7f PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 0 SentNTP: 1439228177.17547766767616 SentRTP: 23242480 SentPackets: 145347 SentOctets: 23201544 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59788acfc0: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59788acfc0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680a8 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=14579 (tdta0x7f5979de7100) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680a8 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=14579 (tdta0x7f5979de7100) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680a8 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=496 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=496 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 13442 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=496 (tdta0x7f597893da10) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[909] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[909] netsock2.c: Splitting 'talk37' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[909] netsock2.c: ...host 'talk37' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[909] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[909] acl.c: Attached to given IP address [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/srv_d638-0000021e ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 0029897178 CallerIDName: 0029897178 ConnectedLineNum: s ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: 2067 Context: sub-out-do-dial Exten: s Priority: 18 Uniqueid: 1439228110.640 Linkedid: 1439228110.640 To: From: SSRC: 0x793d953d PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1439228177.3532689408 SentRTP: 844733712 SentPackets: 2502 SentOctets: 400320 Report0SourceSSRC: 0xdfbeddfe Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 2542 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 5 Report0LSR: 0 Report0DLSR: 0.0000 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tdta0x7f597893 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=496 (tdta0x7f597893da10) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=496 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=496 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 13443 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=496 (tdta0x7f597893da10) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tdta0x7f597893 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=496 (tdta0x7f597893da10) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978251 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978251 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978251 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978251 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f5978ed ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=45532 (tdta0x7f5978ed0e70) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978251 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597829f Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597829f .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597829f Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597829f .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597883 ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265439 (tdta0x7f5978833720) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597829f Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974072 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974072 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974072 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974072 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59787d ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=40929 (tdta0x7f59787d9090) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974072 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=14579 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=14579 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680a8 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=14579 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680a8 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59788acfc0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59788acfc0: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59788acfc0: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59788acfc0: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59788acfc0: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:user18@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 40.823 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=497 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=497 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265505 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 13442 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265505 (rdata0x7f59700eb718) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=497 (tdta0x7f5978ed0e70) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228177/38680fb30755e605f0500d347a1d72eb. Actual nonce is 1439228177/38680fb30755e605f0500d347a1d72eb [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=497 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 17388 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=265505 (tdta0x7f5978951550) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=497 (rdata0x7f59700ed668) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tdta0x7f5978ed .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=497 (tdta0x7f5978ed0e70) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228159/d06c586e2d9a951477860af7b1756e98. Actual nonce is 1439228159/d06c586e2d9a951477860af7b1756e98 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 13443 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=497 (tdta0x7f59787d9090) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tdta0x7f597895 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=265505 (tdta0x7f5978951550) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228177/38680fb30755e605f0500d347a1d72eb. Actual nonce is 1439228177/38680fb30755e605f0500d347a1d72eb [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tdta0x7f59787d .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=497 (tdta0x7f59787d9090) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:s@' on AOR '13442' with new expiration of 120 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:17388@' on AOR '17388' with new expiration of 5 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=497 (tdta0x7f597893da10) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974072 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=497 (rdata0x7f597a0bb668) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974072 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=497 (rdata0x7f597a0bb668) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974072 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974072 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=497 (tdta0x7f597893da10) in state Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:s@' on AOR '13443' with new expiration of 120 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974072 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265505 (tdta0x7f5978ed0e70) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597829f .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265505 (rdata0x7f5978bbf718) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597829f Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=265505 (rdata0x7f5978bbf718) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597829f .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597829f Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265505 (tdta0x7f5978ed0e70) in state Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=497 (tdta0x7f5978833720) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978251 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=497 (rdata0x7f597a71f968) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978251 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=497 (rdata0x7f597a71f968) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978251 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597829f .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978251 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=497 (tdta0x7f5978833720) in state Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978251 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978578 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978578 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978578 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978578 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59700c ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=50592 (tdta0x7f59700cde20) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978578 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=45913 (tdta0x7f59700cde20) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sipnet.ru' with client 'sip:Vasya_T@sipnet.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978578 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=45914 (tdta0x7f59700cde20) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978578 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=45914 (tdta0x7f59700cde20) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.sipnet.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipn .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.sipnet.ru:5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS SRV record for _sip._udp.sipnet.ru from cache, ttl=280 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipn .SRV query_job for _sip._udp.sipnet.ru completed, 1 of 1 total entries selected: [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipn . 0: SRV 10 0 5060 sipnet.ru (-) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipn .Starting async DNS A query_job for sipnet.ru [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sipnet.ru from cache, ttl=195 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipn .DNS A for sipnet.ru: [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipn .Server resolution complete, 1 server entry(s) found [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978578 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=45914 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=45914 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978578 .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=45914 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978578 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f59700cde20: can not find credential for etc.tario.ru/Digest [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Authentication required) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:sipnet.ru' for client 'sip:Vasya_T@sipnet.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sipnet.ru' from client 'sip:Vasya_T@sipnet.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978182 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=45915 (tdta0x7f59700cde20) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978182 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=45915 (tdta0x7f59700cde20) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=45915 (tdta0x7f59700cde20): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978182 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '563c86c30b6010710cd958e741068e4b@talk37.ru' of Request 102: Match Found [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 563c86c30b6010710cd958e741068e4b@talk37.ru [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=45915 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=45915 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978182 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=45915 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978182 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sipnet.ru' for client 'sip:Vasya_T@sipnet.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sipnet.ru' with client 'sip:Vasya_T@sipnet.ru' successful [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sipnet.ru' from client 'sip:Vasya_T@sipnet.ru' in 46 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:Vasya_T@sipnet.ru Domain: sip:sipnet.ru Status: Registered [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978541 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978541 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978541 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978541 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f596818 ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265440 (tdta0x7f5968185660) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978541 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596803a Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596803a .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[895] res_xmpp.c: JABBER: Detected Google Keep Alive. Sending out Ping request for client 'falkvoip_gmail_com' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[895] res_xmpp.c: JABBER: Sending Keep-Alive Ping for client 'falkvoip_gmail_com' [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[895] res_xmpp.c: XML parsing successful [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596803a Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596803a .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f5978b8 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=57609 (tdta0x7f5978b8ddb0) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596803a Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=31 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=31 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint a000vch [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=31 (tdta0x7f5968185660) created [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tdta0x7f596818 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=31 (tdta0x7f5968185660) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[895] res_xmpp.c: XML parsing successful [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784a5 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784a5 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784a5 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784a5 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597003 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=53010 (tdta0x7f597003d690) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784a5 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978206 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978206 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978206 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978206 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59700a ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=64177 (tdta0x7f59700aa500) [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978206 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:17] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59786d3 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59786d3 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59786d3 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59786d3 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597015 ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=265441 (tdta0x7f5970158990) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59786d3 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781d0 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781d0 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781d0 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781d0 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597885 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=16388 (tdta0x7f597885d800) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781d0 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg INVITE/cseq=1 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg INVITE/cseq=1 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Could not identify endpoint by username '200' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_anonymous.c: Retrieved anonymous endpoint 'anonymous' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59786d3 ..Transaction created for Request msg INVITE/cseq=1 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59786d3 .Incoming Request msg INVITE/cseq=1 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59786d3 ..State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: dlg0x7f59781d0 ...Transaction tsx0x7f59786d3728 state changed to Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: dlg0x7f59781d0 .UAS dialog created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: dlg0x7f59781d0 .Module mod-invite added as dialog usage, data=0x7f5979130c58 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: dlg0x7f59781d0 ..Session count inc to 2 by mod-invite [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: inv0x7f59781d0 .UAS invite session created for dialog dlg0x7f59781d05d8 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: dlg0x7f59781d0 .Module Session Module added as dialog usage, data=(nil) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: dlg0x7f59781d0 ..Session count inc to 2 by Session Module [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_session.c: Negotiating incoming SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x7f597823eb08' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Allocated port 29800 for RTP instance '0x7f597823eb08' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: icess0x7f5979c ICE session created, comp_cnt=2, role is Unknown agent [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: icess0x7f5979c Candidate 0 added: comp_id=1, type=host, foundation=H558e9450, addr=, base=, prio=0x7effffff (2130706431) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x7f597823eb08' is setup and ready to go [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setup RTCP on RTP instance '0x7f597823eb08' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: icess0x7f5979c Candidate 1 added: comp_id=2, type=host, foundation=H558e9450, addr=, base=, prio=0x7efffffe (2130706430) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: icess0x7f5979c Destroying ICE session 0x7f5979c44d68 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: stuse0x7f5979a STUN session 0x7f59788853e8 destroy request, ref_cnt=4 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: stuse0x7f5978d STUN session 0x7f597955bfa8 destroy request, ref_cnt=3 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: ice_session.c ICE session 0x7f5979c44d68 destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: stun_session.c STUN session 0x7f59788853e8 destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: stun_session.c STUN session 0x7f597955bfa8 destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 18 based on m type on 0x7f59502bd4b0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 0 based on m type on 0x7f59502bd4b0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 8 based on m type on 0x7f59502bd4b0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 101 based on m type on 0x7f59502bd4b0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 0 (0x7f5979069740) from 0x7f59502bd4b0 to 0x7f597823ecd0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 8 (0x7f597a7a79c0) from 0x7f59502bd4b0 to 0x7f597823ecd0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 18 (0x7f5979f2f010) from 0x7f59502bd4b0 to 0x7f597823ecd0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 101 (0x7f59785e50a0) from 0x7f59502bd4b0 to 0x7f597823ecd0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_session.c: Media stream 'audio' handled by audio [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 100/INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7f597885d800) created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: dlg0x7f59781d0 .Initial answer Response msg 100/INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7f597885d800) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_session.c: Method is INVITE, Response is 100 Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: inv0x7f59781d0 .Sending Response msg 100/INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7f597885d800) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: dlg0x7f59781d0 ..Sending Response msg 100/INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7f597885d800) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59786d3 ..Sending Response msg 100/INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7f597885d800) in state Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a2ee450: Internal tsx timer expired after 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a2ee450: Timer handled here [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59786d3 ...State changed from Trying to Proceeding, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: dlg0x7f59781d0 ....Transaction tsx0x7f59786d3728 state changed to Proceeding [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a2ee450: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'anonymous()' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f59786d3728) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact qip.ru/sip:sip.qip.ru:5060 is now Unreachable. RTT: 0.000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is INCOMING [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_session.c: Source of transaction state change is TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_session.c: Sending response [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_session.c: Method is INVITE, Response is 100 Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'anonymous()' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f59786d3728) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f59786d3728 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Proceeding [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:sip.qip.ru:5060 ContactStatus: Unreachable AOR: qip.ru EndpointName: srv_d16972 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:sip.qip.ru:5060 ContactStatus: Unreachable AOR: qip.ru EndpointName: srv_d16972 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is INCOMING [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_session.c: Sending response [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_session.c: Method is INVITE, Response is 100 Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_session.c: Method is INVITE [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: dlg0x7f59781d0 Module NAT added as dialog usage, data=(nil) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newchannel Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: en AccountCode: Context: ext-fromservers Exten: 7810972595903504 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Endpoint srv_d16972 is now Unreachable [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[859] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - srv_d16972 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[859] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/srv_d16972 - state 5 (Unavailable) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: PeerStatus Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Peer: PJSIP/srv_d16972 PeerStatus: Unreachable [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[846] threadpool.c: Increasing threadpool stasis-core's size by 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[925] app_queue.c: Device 'PJSIP/srv_d16972' changed to state '5' (Unavailable) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: PeerStatus Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Peer: PJSIP/srv_d16972 PeerStatus: Unreachable [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/srv_d16972 State: UNAVAILABLE [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] chan_pjsip.c: Started PBX on new PJSIP channel PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'EXTEN' is '7810972595903504' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Macro' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [7810972595903504@ext-fromservers:1] Macro("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "incoming-from-server,7810972595903504,ext-fromservers-int") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:sip.qip.ru:5060 ContactStatus: Unreachable AOR: qip.ru EndpointName: srv_d352 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:sip.qip.ru:5060 ContactStatus: Unreachable AOR: qip.ru EndpointName: srv_d352 RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: ext-fromservers Exten: 7810972595903504 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: 7810972595903504 Application: Macro AppData: incoming-from-server,7810972595903504,ext-fromservers-int [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: ext-fromservers Exten: 7810972595903504 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_EXTEN Value: 7810972595903504 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: ext-fromservers Exten: 7810972595903504 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_CONTEXT Value: ext-fromservers [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Endpoint srv_d352 is now Unreachable [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[859] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - srv_d352 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: ext-fromservers Exten: 7810972595903504 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_PRIORITY Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[859] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/srv_d352 - state 5 (Unavailable) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[925] app_queue.c: Device 'PJSIP/srv_d352' changed to state '5' (Unavailable) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/srv_d352 State: UNAVAILABLE [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: ext-fromservers Exten: 7810972595903504 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: PeerStatus Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Peer: PJSIP/srv_d352 PeerStatus: Unreachable [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: PeerStatus Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Peer: PJSIP/srv_d352 PeerStatus: Unreachable [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:sip.qip.ru:5060 ContactStatus: Unreachable AOR: qip.ru EndpointName: srv_qip RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:sip.qip.ru:5060 ContactStatus: Unreachable AOR: qip.ru EndpointName: srv_qip RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: ext-fromservers Exten: 7810972595903504 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: ARG1 Value: 7810972595903504 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: ext-fromservers Exten: 7810972595903504 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: ARG2 Value: ext-fromservers-int [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: ext-fromservers Exten: 7810972595903504 Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-from-server:1] Set("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "CHANNEL(language)=ru") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Endpoint srv_qip is now Unreachable [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CHANNEL(language)=ru [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: PeerStatus Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Peer: PJSIP/srv_qip PeerStatus: Unreachable [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[859] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - srv_qip [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: PeerStatus Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Peer: PJSIP/srv_qip PeerStatus: Unreachable [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[859] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/srv_qip - state 5 (Unavailable) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[925] app_queue.c: Device 'PJSIP/srv_qip' changed to state '5' (Unavailable) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: DeviceStateChange Privilege: call,all Device: PJSIP/srv_qip State: UNAVAILABLE [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-from-server:2] Set("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "CDR(accountcode)=") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(accountcode)= [2015-08-10 20:36:18] WARNING[862] func_cdr.c: CDR requires a value (CDR(variable)=value) )[2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'fromDeviceId' is NULL [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-from-server:3] Set("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "CDR(fromDeviceId)=") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(fromDeviceId)= [2015-08-10 20:36:18] WARNING[862] func_cdr.c: CDR requires a value (CDR(variable)=value) )[2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'fromUserId' is NULL [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-from-server:4] Set("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "CDR(fromUserId)=") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 4 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(fromUserId)= [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] WARNING[862] func_cdr.c: CDR requires a value (CDR(variable)=value) )[2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 4 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] WARNING[18698][C-00000183] func_channel.c: Unknown or unavailable item requested: 'recvip' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Function CHANNEL(recvip) result is '(null)' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-from-server:5] Set("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "fromIP=") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: fromIP= [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: fromIP Value: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'fromIP' is '' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-from-server:6] Set("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "CDR(remote_signal_ip)=") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(remote_signal_ip)= [2015-08-10 20:36:18] WARNING[862] func_cdr.c: CDR requires a value (CDR(variable)=value) )[2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Function CALLERID(num) result is '200' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-from-server:7] NoOp("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "CallerId-num:200") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: NoOp AppData: CallerId-num:200 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: NoOp [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Function CALLERID(name) result is '200' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-from-server:8] NoOp("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "CallerId-name:200") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: NoOp [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'incoming_via_srv' is NULL [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-from-server:9] GotoIf("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "0?via_srv_setted") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Not taking any branch [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: GotoIf [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'CHANNEL' is 'PJSIP/anonymous-00000224' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Gosub' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-from-server:10] Gosub("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "sub-Get-Endpoint,s,1(PJSIP/anonymous-00000224)") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_stack.c: Channel PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 has no datastore, so we're allocating one. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_stack.c: Setting 'ARG1' to 'PJSIP/anonymous-00000224' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Gosub [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Incrementing gosub_level [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Evaluating 'ARG1' (from 'ARG1}' len 4) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'ARG1' is 'PJSIP/anonymous-00000224' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Function CUT(ARG1,/,2-) result is 'anonymous-00000224' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@sub-Get-Endpoint:1] Set("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "LOCAL(lSrv)=anonymous-00000224") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: NoOp AppData: CallerId-name:200 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 0?via_srv_setted [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Gosub AppData: sub-Get-Endpoint,s,1(PJSIP/anonymous-00000224) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: LOCAL(ARG1) Value: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: LOCAL(ARGC) Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Endpoint Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: LOCAL(lSrv)=anonymous-00000224 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Endpoint Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: LOCAL(lSrv) Value: anonymous-00000224 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Endpoint Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Evaluating 'lSrv' (from 'lSrv}' len 4) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'lSrv' is 'anonymous-00000224' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Function CUT(lSrv,-,1) result is 'anonymous' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@sub-Get-Endpoint:2] Set("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "LOCAL(lSrv)=anonymous") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Endpoint Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: LOCAL(lSrv)=anonymous [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Endpoint Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: lSrv Value: anonymous [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Endpoint Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: LOCAL(lSrv) Value: anonymous [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'lSrv' is 'anonymous' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Endpoint Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Return' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@sub-Get-Endpoint:3] Return("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "anonymous") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Endpoint Exten: s Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Return AppData: anonymous [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Endpoint Exten: s Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: lSrv Value: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Endpoint Exten: s Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: ARGC Value: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Endpoint Exten: s Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: ARG1 Value: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Endpoint Exten: s Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: GOSUB_RETVAL Value: anonymous [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: return [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Decrementing gosub_level [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Endpoint Exten: s Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'GOSUB_RETVAL' is 'anonymous' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-from-server:11] Set("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "incoming_via_srv=anonymous") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: incoming_via_srv=anonymous [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: incoming_via_srv Value: anonymous [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 11 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5979db7 Retransmit timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Gosub' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-from-server:12] Gosub("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "sub-Get-FromDomain,s,1") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5979db7 .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=23259 (tdta0x7f59794869e0), count=2, restart?=1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 12 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Gosub AppData: sub-Get-FromDomain,s,1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 12 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: LOCAL(ARGC) Value: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Gosub [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=33587 (tdta0x7f5970158990) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Incrementing gosub_level [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 12 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59797ce170: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Gosub' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59797ce170: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@sub-Get-FromDomain:1] Gosub("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "sub-Get-Header,s,1(From)") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978206 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=33587 (tdta0x7f5970158990) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978206 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=33587 (tdta0x7f5970158990) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-FromDomain Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Gosub AppData: sub-Get-Header,s,1(From) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978206 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-FromDomain Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: LOCAL(ARG1) Value: From [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_stack.c: Setting 'ARG1' to 'From' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-FromDomain Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: LOCAL(ARGC) Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: GoSub [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Incrementing gosub_level [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-FromDomain Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Function CHANNEL(channeltype) result is 'PJSIP' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@sub-Get-Header:1] GotoIf("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "0?sip") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Header Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 0?sip [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Not taking any branch [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: GotoIf [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Header Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'ARG1' is 'From' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Function PJSIP_HEADER(read,From) result is '"200" ;tag=d9881142' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Return' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@sub-Get-Header:2] Return("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", ""200" ;tag=d9881142") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Header Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Return AppData: "200" ;tag=d9881142 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Header Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: ARGC Value: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Header Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: ARG1 Value: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Header Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: GOSUB_RETVAL Value: \"200\" ;tag=d9881142 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: return [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Decrementing gosub_level [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Header Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Evaluating 'GOSUB_RETVAL' (from 'GOSUB_RETVAL}' len 12) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'GOSUB_RETVAL' is '"200" ;tag=d9881142' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Function CUT(GOSUB_RETVAL,"\"",1-) result is '"200" ;tag=d9881142' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@sub-Get-FromDomain:2] Set("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "lFrom="200" ;tag=d9881142") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-FromDomain Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: lFrom="200" ;tag=d9881142 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-FromDomain Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: lFrom Value: \"200\" ;tag=d9881142 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-FromDomain Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Evaluating 'CUT(lFrom,<,2-)' (from 'CUT(lFrom,<,2-)}' len 15) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Evaluating 'lFrom' (from 'lFrom}' len 5) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'lFrom' is '"200" ;tag=d9881142' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Function CUT(lFrom,<,2-) result is 'sip:200@>;tag=d9881142' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Function CUT(CUT(lFrom,<,2-),@,2) result is '>;tag=d9881142' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@sub-Get-FromDomain:3] Set("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "TESTAT=>;tag=d9881142") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-FromDomain Exten: s Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: TESTAT=>;tag=d9881142 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-FromDomain Exten: s Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: TESTAT Value:>;tag=d9881142 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-FromDomain Exten: s Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'TESTAT' is '>;tag=d9881142' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@sub-Get-FromDomain:4] GotoIf("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "1?hasat") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-FromDomain Exten: s Priority: 4 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?hasat [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Goto (sub-Get-FromDomain,s,20) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: GotoIf [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-FromDomain Exten: s Priority: 4 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Evaluating 'CUT(CUT(TESTAT,>,1),:,1)' (from 'CUT(CUT(TESTAT,>,1),:,1)}' len 24) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Evaluating 'CUT(TESTAT,>,1)' (from 'CUT(TESTAT,>,1)}' len 15) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Evaluating 'TESTAT' (from 'TESTAT}' len 6) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'TESTAT' is '>;tag=d9881142' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Function CUT(TESTAT,>,1) result is '' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Function CUT(CUT(TESTAT,>,1),:,1) result is '' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Function CUT(CUT(CUT(TESTAT,>,1),:,1),;,1) result is '' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@sub-Get-FromDomain:20] Set("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "FROM_IP=") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-FromDomain Exten: s Priority: 20 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: FROM_IP= [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-FromDomain Exten: s Priority: 20 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: FROM_IP Value: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59782af Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59782af .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59782af Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59782af .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597003 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=58330 (tdta0x7f59700319e0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59782af Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-FromDomain Exten: s Priority: 20 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'FROM_IP' is '' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@sub-Get-FromDomain:21] NoOp("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "Gateway IP is") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-FromDomain Exten: s Priority: 21 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: NoOp AppData: Gateway IP is [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: NoOp [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-FromDomain Exten: s Priority: 21 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=32 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'FROM_IP' is '' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Return' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@sub-Get-FromDomain:22] Return("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=32 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-FromDomain Exten: s Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Return AppData: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint a000vch [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=32 (tdta0x7f59700aa500) created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228177/44869e6561b0fc461ddc0d2d97886493. Actual nonce is 1439228177/44869e6561b0fc461ddc0d2d97886493 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tdta0x7f59700a .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=32 (tdta0x7f59700aa500) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-FromDomain Exten: s Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: ARGC Value: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=49186 (tdta0x7f59700319e0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-FromDomain Exten: s Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: GOSUB_RETVAL Value: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: return [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Decrementing gosub_level [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a1d9640: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-FromDomain Exten: s Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a1d9640: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59782af .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=49186 (tdta0x7f59700319e0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59782af Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=49186 (tdta0x7f59700319e0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'GOSUB_RETVAL' is '' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-from-server:13] Set("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "incoming_fromdomain=") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[14220] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Added contact 'sip:a000vch@;rinstance=5ff08b7d3892c4fd' to AOR 'a000vch' with expiration of 60 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact a000vch/sip:a000vch@;rinstance=5ff08b7d3892c4fd has been created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 13 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: incoming_fromdomain= [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59782af .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:a000vch@;rinstance=5ff08b7d3892c4fd ContactStatus: Created AOR: a000vch EndpointName: a000vch RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:a000vch@;rinstance=5ff08b7d3892c4fd ContactStatus: Created AOR: a000vch EndpointName: a000vch RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=32 (tdta0x7f597003d690) created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784a5 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=32 (rdata0x7f5979e31c78) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784a5 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=32 (rdata0x7f5979e31c78) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a651 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784a5 .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 13 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: incoming_fromdomain Value: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a651 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978498 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978498 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784a5 Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=32 (tdta0x7f597003d690) in state Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=8443 (tdta0x7f5978b8ddb0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a651 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a651 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784a5 .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597003 ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=142 (tdta0x7f59700309d0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a651 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978498 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 13 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978498 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59681e ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=332 (tdta0x7f59681e34f0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978498 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Gosub' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979db30e0: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-from-server:14] Gosub("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "sub-Get-Header,s,1(x-talk37-ident)") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979db30e0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978498 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=8443 (tdta0x7f5978b8ddb0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=43808 (tdta0x7f59681e34f0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978498 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=8443 (tdta0x7f5978b8ddb0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact a000vch/sip:a000vch@;rinstance=03e23fd86859b511 has been deleted [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=129 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597843e Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597843e .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597843e Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597843e .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59783d ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=61502 (tdta0x7f59783d8e80) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597843e Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978940050: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 14 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Gosub AppData: sub-Get-Header,s,1(x-talk37-ident) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978940050: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597843e .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=43808 (tdta0x7f59681e34f0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978498 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597843e Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=43808 (tdta0x7f59681e34f0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:a000vch@;rinstance=03e23fd86859b511 ContactStatus: Removed AOR: a000vch EndpointName: a000vch RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=5841 (tdta0x7f59783d8e80) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681a9 Retransmit timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681a9 .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=62429 (tdta0x7f59700e9900), count=8, restart?=1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:a000vch@;rinstance=03e23fd86859b511 ContactStatus: Removed AOR: a000vch EndpointName: a000vch RoundtripUsec: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 14 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: LOCAL(ARG1) Value: x-talk37-ident [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597843e .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978cdac00: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978cdac00: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_stack.c: Setting 'ARG1' to 'x-talk37-ident' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a651 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=5841 (tdta0x7f59783d8e80) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a651 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=5841 (tdta0x7f59783d8e80) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 14 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: LOCAL(ARGC) Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: GoSub [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Incrementing gosub_level [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a651 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 14 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Function CHANNEL(channeltype) result is 'PJSIP' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@sub-Get-Header:1] GotoIf("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "0?sip") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=8443 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Header Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 0?sip [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=8443 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978498 .Incoming Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=8443 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978498 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979db30e0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979db30e0: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Not taking any branch [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979db30e0: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: GotoIf [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Header Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'ARG1' is 'x-talk37-ident' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_header_funcs.c: There was no header named x-talk37-ident. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Function PJSIP_HEADER(read,x-talk37-ident) result is '(null)' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Return' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@sub-Get-Header:2] Return("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979db30e0: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Header Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Return AppData: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979db30e0: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 14.158 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Header Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: ARGC Value: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=5841 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Header Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: ARG1 Value: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=5841 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a651 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=5841 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a651 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978cdac00: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978cdac00: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978cdac00: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Header Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: GOSUB_RETVAL Value: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781cf Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781cf .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781cf Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781cf .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: return [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597880 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=26273 (tdta0x7f597880d1e0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781cf Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Decrementing gosub_level [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: sub-Get-Header Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978cdac00: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978cdac00: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:lowuser@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 11.951 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'GOSUB_RETVAL' is '' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] func_strings.c: c1=48, c2=57 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] func_strings.c: c1=97, c2=122 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978528 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978528 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978528 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] func_strings.c: c1=65, c2=90 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978528 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=6101 (tdta0x7f59700309d0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sip.pctel.ru' with client 'sip:talk37_ru@pctel.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] func_strings.c: Allowed: 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f5979c3 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=60740 (tdta0x7f5979c3aa00) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978528 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Function FILTER(0-9a-zA-Z,) result is '' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781cf .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=6102 (tdta0x7f59700309d0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781cf Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=6102 (tdta0x7f59700309d0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-from-server:15] Set("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "x_talk37_ident=") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.sip.pctel.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.sip.pctel.ru:5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS SRV record for _sip._udp.sip.pctel.ru from cache, ttl=195 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .SRV query_job for _sip._udp.sip.pctel.ru completed, 2 of 2 total entries selected: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. . 0: SRV 10 1 5060 3.sip.pctel.ru (-) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 15 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: x_talk37_ident= [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. . 1: SRV 20 1 5060 4.sip.pctel.ru (-) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Starting async DNS A query_job for 3.sip.pctel.ru [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for 3.sip.pctel.ru from cache, ttl=245 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .DNS A for 3.sip.pctel.ru: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Starting async DNS A query_job for 4.sip.pctel.ru [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for 4.sip.pctel.ru from cache, ttl=245 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .DNS A for 4.sip.pctel.ru: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: _sip._udp.sip. .Server resolution complete, 2 server entry(s) found [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 15 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: x_talk37_ident Value: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781cf .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 15 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'globalFileLogIncoming' is '/var/log/asterisk/logIncoming' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'EPOCH' is '1439228178' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Function STRFTIME(1439228178,,%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S) result is '2015-08-10 20:36:18' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'fromIP' is '' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'ARG1' is '7810972595903504' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'CHANNEL' is 'PJSIP/anonymous-00000224' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'incoming_fromdomain' is '' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'SIPDOMAIN' is NULL [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-from-server:16] Set("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "FILE(/var/log/asterisk/logIncoming,,,al,u)=[2015-08-10 20:36:18] Incoming from '' to '7810972595903504'. Channel: 'PJSIP/anonymous-00000224', fromDomain: '' toDomain: ''") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 16 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: FILE(/var/log/asterisk/logIncoming,,,al,u)=[2015-08-10 20:36:18] Incoming from '' to '7810972595903504'. Channel: 'PJSIP/anonymous-00000224', fromDomain: '' toDomain: '' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 16 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'CHANNEL' is 'PJSIP/anonymous-00000224' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'ARG1' is '7810972595903504' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'incoming_via_srv' is 'anonymous' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'SIPDOMAIN' is NULL [2015-08-10 20:36:18] WARNING[18698][C-00000183] func_channel.c: Unknown or unavailable item requested: 'peerip' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Function CHANNEL(peerip) result is '(null)' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'x_talk37_ident' is '' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Function CALLERID(num) result is '200' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'incoming_fromdomain' is '' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'ARG2' is 'ext-fromservers-int' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'AGI' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-from-server:17] AGI("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "agi-talk37.php,incoming/from_server,PJSIP/anonymous-00000224,7810972595903504,anonymous,,,,200,,ext-fromservers-int") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596812b Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596812b .State changed from Calling to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 17 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: AGI AppData: agi-talk37.php,incoming/from_server,PJSIP/anonymous-00000224,7810972595903504,anonymous,,,,200,,ext-fromservers-int [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59792981a0: PJSIP tsx timer expired [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59792981a0: Timeout already handled [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59792981a0: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596812b Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] res_agi.c: Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/agi-talk37.php [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596812b .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59701a ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=6346 (tdta0x7f59701a9670) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f596812b Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=6102 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=6102 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=6102 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781cf .Incoming Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=6102 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781cf ..State changed from Calling to Proceeding, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=6102 (rdata0x7f59700eb718) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781cf .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=6102 (rdata0x7f59700eb718) in state Proceeding [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781cf ..State changed from Proceeding to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f59700309d0: can not find credential for sip.pctel.ru/Digest [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Unauthorized) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:sip.pctel.ru' for client 'sip:talk37_ru@pctel.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sip.pctel.ru' from client 'sip:talk37_ru@pctel.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f596812b .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=6103 (tdta0x7f59700309d0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f596812b Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=6103 (tdta0x7f59700309d0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=6103 (tdta0x7f59700309d0): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f596812b .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=6103 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=6103 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f596812b .Incoming Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=6103 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f596812b ..State changed from Calling to Proceeding, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597829e Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597829e .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597829e Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597829e .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597009 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=34616 (tdta0x7f59700948b0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597829e Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=49186 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=49186 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59782af .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=49186 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59782af ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a1d9640: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a1d9640: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a1d9640: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a1d9640: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a1d9640: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sipdob@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 57.895 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=6103 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=6103 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f596812b .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=6103 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Proceeding [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f596812b ..State changed from Proceeding to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sip.pctel.ru' for client 'sip:talk37_ru@pctel.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sip.pctel.ru' with client 'sip:talk37_ru@pctel.ru' successful [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sip.pctel.ru' from client 'sip:talk37_ru@pctel.ru' in 50 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:talk37_ru@pctel.ru Domain: sip:sip.pctel.ru Status: Registered [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=48519 (tdta0x7f59701a9670) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799f25d0: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799f25d0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597829e .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=48519 (tdta0x7f59701a9670) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597829e Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=48519 (tdta0x7f59701a9670) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597829e .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=36968 (tdta0x7f59700948b0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to 'sip:sipnet.ru' with client 'sip:refmail@sipnet.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978528 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=36969 (tdta0x7f59700948b0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978528 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=36969 (tdta0x7f59700948b0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS SRV query: target=_sip._udp.sipnet.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipn .Starting async DNS SRV query_job: target=_sip._udp.sipnet.ru:5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS SRV record for _sip._udp.sipnet.ru from cache, ttl=279 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipn .SRV query_job for _sip._udp.sipnet.ru completed, 1 of 1 total entries selected: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipn . 0: SRV 10 0 5060 sipnet.ru (-) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipn .Starting async DNS A query_job for sipnet.ru [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sipnet.ru from cache, ttl=194 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipn .DNS A for sipnet.ru: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: _sip._udp.sipn .Server resolution complete, 1 server entry(s) found [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978528 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597408d Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597408d .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597408d Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597408d .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597970 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=3039 (tdta0x7f5979702d30) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597408d Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=36969 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=36969 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978528 .Incoming Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=36969 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978528 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_auth_clien ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7f59700948b0: can not find credential for etc.tario.ru/Digest [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Authentication required) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server 'sip:sipnet.ru' for client 'sip:refmail@sipnet.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server 'sip:sipnet.ru' from client 'sip:refmail@sipnet.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597408d .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=36970 (tdta0x7f59700948b0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597408d Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=36970 (tdta0x7f59700948b0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint .Request msg REGISTER/cseq=36970 (tdta0x7f59700948b0): skipping target resolution because address is already set [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f597408d .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681a1 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681a1 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681a1 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681a1 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597883 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=27203 (tdta0x7f597883f390) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59681a1 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 17 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: agi_context Value: ext-fromservers-int [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974073 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974073 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974073 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974073 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f5978a7 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=8532 (tdta0x7f5978a7c1e0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974073 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200 ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 17 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: agi_result Value: OK [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: NewCallerid Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200 CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 17 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=43808 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: NewCallerid Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 17 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=36970 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=43808 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597843e .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=43808 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f597843e ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978940050: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978940050: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978940050: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=36970 (rdata0x7f59700eb718) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597408d .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=36970 (rdata0x7f59700eb718) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597408d ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server 'sip:sipnet.ru' for client 'sip:refmail@sipnet.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to 'sip:sipnet.ru' with client 'sip:refmail@sipnet.ru' successful [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server 'sip:sipnet.ru' from client 'sip:refmail@sipnet.ru' in 46 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: PJSIP Username: sip:refmail@sipnet.ru Domain: sip:sipnet.ru Status: Registered [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978940050: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978940050: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact a000vch/sip:a000vch@;rinstance=5ff08b7d3892c4fd is now Reachable. RTT: 116.385 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 17 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: agi_to Value: 7810972595903504 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:a000vch@;rinstance=5ff08b7d3892c4fd ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: a000vch EndpointName: a000vch RoundtripUsec: 116385 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: ContactStatus Privilege: system,all URI: sip:a000vch@;rinstance=5ff08b7d3892c4fd ContactStatus: Reachable AOR: a000vch EndpointName: a000vch RoundtripUsec: 116385 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784b8 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 17 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: agi_lastcall_number Value: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784b8 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784b8 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784b8 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784b8 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[10076] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] res_agi.c: AGI Script agi-talk37.php completed, returning 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 17 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: AGISTATUS Value: SUCCESS [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: agi [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 17 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'agi_result' is 'OK' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-from-server:18] GotoIf("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "1?inc_ok") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 18 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?inc_ok [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Goto (macro-incoming-from-server,s,20) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: GotoIf [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 18 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'agi_to' is '7810972595903504' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-from-server:20] GotoIf("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "1?do") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 20 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 1?do [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Goto (macro-incoming-from-server,s,22) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: GotoIf [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 20 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'agi_to' is '7810972595903504' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'agi_context' is 'ext-fromservers-int' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Macro' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-from-server:22] Macro("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "incoming-to-user,7810972595903504,ext-fromservers-int") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Macro AppData: incoming-to-user,7810972595903504,ext-fromservers-int [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=55885 (tdta0x7f5978a7c1e0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a16ed20: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a16ed20: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784b8 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=55885 (tdta0x7f5978a7c1e0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_EXTEN Value: s [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784b8 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=55885 (tdta0x7f5978a7c1e0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sip.pctel.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sip.pctel.ru from cache, ttl=164 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_CONTEXT Value: macro-incoming-from-server [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=48519 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=48519 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597829e .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=48519 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784b8 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f597829e ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799f25d0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799f25d0: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799f25d0: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_PRIORITY Value: 22 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 2 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799f25d0: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799f25d0: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:pbx_26516@ status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 62.776 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: ARG1 Value: 7810972595903504 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: ARG2 Value: ext-fromservers-int [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-from-server Exten: s Priority: 22 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 2 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Function CALLERID(num) result is '200@' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-to-user:1] NoOp("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "Starting.. CallerNumber: 200@") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: NoOp AppData: Starting.. CallerNumber: 200@ [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: NoOp [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 2 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'incoming_via_srv' is 'anonymous' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'globalSipDomain' is 'talk37.ru' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'incoming_via_srv' is 'anonymous' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Function IF(0?talk37.ru:anonymous) result is 'anonymous' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-to-user:2] Set("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "incoming_via_srv=anonymous") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: incoming_via_srv=anonymous [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: incoming_via_srv Value: anonymous [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 2 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'incoming_via_srv' is 'anonymous' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-to-user:3] Set("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "CDR(UserField)=anonymous") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(UserField)=anonymous [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978706 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978706 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978706 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978706 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59700e ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=22696 (tdta0x7f59700e2a30) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978706 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 3 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 2 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-to-user:4] Set("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "CDR(direction)=i") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 4 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(direction)=i [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=55885 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=55885 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784b8 .Incoming Response msg 404/OPTIONS/cseq=55885 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784b8 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a16ed20: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a16ed20: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a16ed20: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 4 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 2 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'ARG1' is '7810972595903504' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-to-user:5] Set("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "CDR(dst2)=7810972595903504") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a16ed20: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f597a16ed20: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sip.pctel.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 13.744 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(dst2)=7810972595903504 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 5 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 2 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Function CALLERID(num) result is '200@' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-to-user:6] Set("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "CDR(src2)=200@") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=40711 (tdta0x7f59700e2a30) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Set AppData: CDR(src2)=200@ [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978c2cb70: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978c2cb70: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978706 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=40711 (tdta0x7f59700e2a30) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978706 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=40711 (tdta0x7f59700e2a30) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=TCP resolved to '' type=TCP (TCP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=57415 (tdta0x7f5979c3aa00) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978706 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799f25d0: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799f25d0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974073 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=57415 (tdta0x7f5979c3aa00) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974073 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=57415 (tdta0x7f5979c3aa00) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sipnet.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 6 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 2 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sipnet.ru from cache, ttl=194 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'CHANNEL' is 'PJSIP/anonymous-00000224' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Function CALLERID(num) result is '200@' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'incoming_via_srv' is 'anonymous' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'ARG1' is '7810972595903504' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974073 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'SIPDOMAIN' is NULL [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'AGI' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-to-user:7] AGI("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "agi-talk37.php,incoming/check_rules,PJSIP/anonymous-00000224,200@,anonymous,7810972595903504,") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: AGI AppData: agi-talk37.php,incoming/check_rules,PJSIP/anonymous-00000224,200@,anonymous,7810972595903504, [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] res_agi.c: Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/agi-talk37.php [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978175 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978175 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978175 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978175 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597881 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=44047 (tdta0x7f597881bd00) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978175 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978014 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978014 .State changed from Calling to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799d3cb0: PJSIP tsx timer expired [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799d3cb0: Timeout already handled [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799d3cb0: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978014 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978014 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597a9a ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=56762 (tdta0x7f597a9a5cd0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978014 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=57415 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=57415 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974073 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=57415 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974073 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799f25d0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799f25d0: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799f25d0: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799f25d0: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59799f25d0: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sipnet.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 12.161 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59782ba Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59782ba .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59782ba Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59782ba .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59701b ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=31522 (tdta0x7f59701b3b40) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59782ba Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781e3 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781e3 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781e3 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781e3 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781e3 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: agi_user_id Value: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: agi_do_current_id Value: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] res_agi.c: AGI Script agi-talk37.php completed, returning 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785f6 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785f6 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: AGISTATUS Value: SUCCESS [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: agi [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 7 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 2 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'agi_user_id' is '' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785f6 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785f6 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785f6 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-to-user:8] GotoIf("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "0?user-found") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 0?user-found [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Not taking any branch [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: GotoIf [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 8 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 2 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'ARG2' is 'ext-fromservers-int' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-to-user:9] GotoIf("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "0?go-invalid") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: GotoIf AppData: 0?go-invalid [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Not taking any branch [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: GotoIf [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978631 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 9 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 2 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978631 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978631 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978631 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'ARG2' is 'ext-fromservers-int' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597012 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=59574 (tdta0x7f597012dbb0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Result of 'ARG1' is '7810972595903504' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978631 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Goto' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-incoming-to-user:10] Goto("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "ext-fromservers-int,7810972595903504,1") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: s Application: Goto AppData: ext-fromservers-int,7810972595903504,1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Goto (ext-fromservers-int,7810972595903504,1) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Goto [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Channel 'PJSIP/anonymous-00000224' jumping out of macro 'incoming-to-user' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: ARG1 Value: 7810972595903504 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: ARG2 Value: ext-fromservers-int [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_EXTEN Value: 7810972595903504 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_CONTEXT Value: ext-fromservers [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_PRIORITY Value: 1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Executed application: Macro [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] app_macro.c: Channel 'PJSIP/anonymous-00000224' jumping out of macro 'incoming-from-server' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_DEPTH Value: 0 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: ARG1 Value: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: ARG2 Value: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_EXTEN Value: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_CONTEXT Value: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: MACRO_PRIORITY Value: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Channel 'PJSIP/anonymous-00000224' sent to invalid extension: context,exten,priority=ext-fromservers-int,7810972595903504,1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: macro-incoming-to-user Exten: s Priority: 10 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Variable: INVALID_EXTEN Value: 7810972595903504 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [i@ext-fromservers-int:1] NoOp("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "Invalid") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: ext-fromservers-int Exten: i Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: i Application: NoOp AppData: Invalid [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Hangup' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [i@ext-fromservers-int:2] Hangup("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: ext-fromservers-int Exten: i Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: i Application: Hangup AppData: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] channel.c: Soft-Hanging (0x20) up channel 'PJSIP/anonymous-00000224' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Spawn extension (ext-fromservers-int,i,2) exited non-zero on 'PJSIP/anonymous-00000224' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Spawn extension (ext-fromservers-int, i, 2) exited non-zero on 'PJSIP/anonymous-00000224' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] channel.c: Soft-Hanging (0x10) up channel 'PJSIP/anonymous-00000224' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: SoftHangupRequest Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: ext-fromservers-int Exten: i Priority: 2 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Cause: 16 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] channel.c: Soft-Hanging (0x80) up channel 'PJSIP/anonymous-00000224' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Launching 'Hangup' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Executing [h@ext-fromservers-int:1] Hangup("PJSIP/anonymous-00000224", "") in new stack [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Newexten Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: ext-fromservers-int Exten: h Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Extension: h Application: Hangup AppData: [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] channel.c: Soft-Hanging (0x20) up channel 'PJSIP/anonymous-00000224' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Spawn extension (ext-fromservers-int,h,1) exited non-zero on 'PJSIP/anonymous-00000224' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[18698][C-00000183] pbx.c: Spawn extension (ext-fromservers-int, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'PJSIP/anonymous-00000224' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'PJSIP/anonymous-00000224' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18698][C-00000183] chan_pjsip.c: AST hangup cause 16 (no match found in PJSIP) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_session.c: Method is INVITE, Response is 603 Decline [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: inv0x7f59781d0 .Sending Response msg 603/INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7f597885d800) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968137 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: dlg0x7f59781d0 ..Sending Response msg 603/INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7f597885d800) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968137 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59786d3 ..Sending Response msg 603/INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7f597885d800) in state Proceeding [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968137 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968137 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597012 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=8550 (tdta0x7f597012bb10) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968137 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59786d3 ...State changed from Proceeding to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: dlg0x7f59781d0 ....Transaction tsx0x7f59786d3728 state changed to Completed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'anonymous(PJSIP/anonymous-00000224)' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f59786d3728) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is DISCONNCTD [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_session.c: Source of transaction state change is TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_session.c: Sending response [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_session.c: Method is INVITE, Response is 603 Decline [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: HangupRequest Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: ext-fromservers-int Exten: h Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: dlg0x7f59781d0 ......Session count dec to 3 by mod-invite [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_session.c: Function session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed called on event TSX_STATE [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'anonymous(PJSIP/anonymous-00000224)' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x7f59786d3728) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x7f59786d3728 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Completed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is DISCONNCTD [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_session.c: Sending response [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_session.c: Method is INVITE, Response is 603 Decline [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[862] cdr.c: Finalized CDR for PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 - start 1439228178.044645 answer 0.000000 end 1439228178.329080 dispo NO ANSWER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Hangup Privilege: call,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-00000224 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: 200@ CallerIDName: 200@ ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: Context: ext-fromservers-int Exten: h Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439228178.648 Linkedid: 1439228178.648 Cause: 16 Cause-txt: Normal Clearing [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[862] cdr_mysql.c: Inserting a CDR record. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[862] cdr_mysql.c: SQL command as follows: INSERT INTO cdr (`uniqueid`,`userfield`,`src`,`dst`,`dcontext`,`clid`,`channel`,`lastapp`,`calldate`,`duration`,`billsec`,`disposition`,`amaflags`,`direction`,`start`,`end`,`linkedid`,`sequence`) VALUES ('1439228178.648','anonymous','200@','7810972595903504','ext-fromservers-int','\"200@\" <200@>','PJSIP/anonymous-00000224','Hangup','2015-08-10 20:36:18','0','0','NO ANSWER','3','i','2015-08-10 20:36:18','2015-08-10 20:36:18','1439228178.648','812') [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[859] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - anonymous [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[859] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/anonymous - state 2 (In use) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59787f1 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59787f1 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59787f1 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59787f1 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59789c ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=31569 (tdta0x7f59789c0a30) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59787f1 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597853c Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597853c .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597801e Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597801e .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597853c Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597853c .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59789d ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=59059 (tdta0x7f59789dc050) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597853c Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597801e Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597801e .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59790f ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=5771 (tdta0x7f59790fbb90) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597801e Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597823e Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597823e .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597823e Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597823e .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59787c ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=160 (tdta0x7f59787cb630) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597823e Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785f2 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785f2 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785f2 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785f2 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597a8a ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=18162 (tdta0x7f597a8a5e60) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785f2 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968030 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=7682 (tdta0x7f597a8a5e60) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968030 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968030 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968030 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968030 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979e9fad0: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979e9fad0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968030 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=7682 (tdta0x7f597a8a5e60) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968030 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=7682 (tdta0x7f597a8a5e60) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=129 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968030 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597834c Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597834c .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597834c Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597834c .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597834c Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=7682 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974044 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974044 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974044 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=7682 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974044 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968030 .Incoming Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=7682 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59700e ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=11091 (tdta0x7f59700e88f0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968030 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974044 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979e9fad0: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979e9fad0: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979e9fad0: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979e9fad0: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979e9fad0: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 10.057 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968105 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968105 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968105 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968105 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968105 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978478 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978478 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978478 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978478 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597884 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=49125 (tdta0x7f5978845190) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978478 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978039 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978039 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784f5 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784f5 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978039 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978039 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59700c ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=1607 (tdta0x7f59700cee30) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978039 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784f5 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784f5 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59700f ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=49589 (tdta0x7f59700fc5c0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784f5 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784a1 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784a1 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784a1 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784a1 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784a1 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0xb6bf18 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0xb6bf18 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0xb6bf18 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0xb6bf18 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597a1c ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=52603 (tdta0x7f597a1c6cd0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0xb6bf18 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=33587 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=33587 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978206 .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=33587 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978206 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59797ce170: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59797ce170: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59797ce170: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59797ce170: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59797ce170: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:portret@;ob status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 322.776 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680a5 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680a5 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597868c Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597868c .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680a5 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680a5 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597006 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=65092 (tdta0x7f5970062b70) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680a5 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597868c Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597868c .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f5978a9 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=54918 (tdta0x7f5978a944b0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597868c Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=277 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=277 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint banda5ololosh [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=277 (tdta0x7f5970062b70) created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tdta0x7f597006 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=277 (tdta0x7f5970062b70) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784a7 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784a7 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784a7 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784a7 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59784a7 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597886f Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597886f .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597886f Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597886f .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59701a ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=7375 (tdta0x7f59701aafe0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597886f Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974064 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974064 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974064 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974064 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59789a ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=33577 (tdta0x7f59789a3cd0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974064 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978653 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978653 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978653 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978653 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978653 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=16677 (tdta0x7f59789a3cd0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59785ac880: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59785ac880: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978653 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=16677 (tdta0x7f59789a3cd0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978653 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=16677 (tdta0x7f59789a3cd0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978653 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=278 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=278 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint banda5ololosh [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=278 (tdta0x7f5978a944b0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228178/7edeee608594e1ea5a0945c436ceea56. Actual nonce is 1439228178/7edeee608594e1ea5a0945c436ceea56 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tdta0x7f5978a9 .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=278 (tdta0x7f5978a944b0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785dc Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785dc .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785dc Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785dc .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597a16 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=41950 (tdta0x7f597a16a2c0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785dc Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=12221 (tdta0x7f597a16a2c0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978d0eb70: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978d0eb70: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785dc .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=12221 (tdta0x7f597a16a2c0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785dc Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=12221 (tdta0x7f597a16a2c0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785dc .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a15f Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a15f .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a15f Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a15f .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597971 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=5133 (tdta0x7f597971fae0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597a15f Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783f9 Retransmit timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59783f9 .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=39631 (tdta0x7f5978948940), count=2, restart?=1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785c6 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785c6 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785c6 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785c6 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597881 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=59718 (tdta0x7f597881cd10) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785c6 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=28490 (tdta0x7f597881cd10) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979e9fad0: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979e9fad0: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785c6 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=28490 (tdta0x7f597881cd10) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785c6 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=28490 (tdta0x7f597881cd10) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785c6 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680ff Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680ff .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680ff Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680ff .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59700a ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=102 (tdta0x7f59700ac450) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680ff Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978216 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978216 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978216 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978216 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597988 ..Destroying txdata Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=21107 (tdta0x7f597988cfd0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978216 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=54991 (tdta0x7f597988cfd0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979130e60: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979130e60: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978216 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=54991 (tdta0x7f597988cfd0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978216 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=54991 (tdta0x7f597988cfd0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Starting async DNS A query: target=sbc.megafon.ru, transport=Unspecified, port=5060 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: resolver.c .Picked up DNS A record for sbc.megafon.ru from cache, ttl=129 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978216 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781ac Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781ac .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: dlg0x7f59783e6 ..Transaction tsx0x7f59781acc08 state changed to Terminated [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781ac Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781ac .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f5978d5 ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/SUBSCRIBE/cseq=104 (tdta0x7f5978d51730) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781ac Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=31687 (tdta0x7f5978d51730) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59787c1f10: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59787c1f10: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781ac .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=31687 (tdta0x7f5978d51730) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781ac Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=31687 (tdta0x7f5978d51730) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781ac .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Refreshed contact 'sip:banda5ololosh@;rinstance=d3ec95d9c4236456' on AOR 'banda5ololosh' with new expiration of 60 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=54991 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=54991 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978216 .Incoming Response msg 403/OPTIONS/cseq=54991 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978216 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979130e60: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979130e60: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979130e60: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=278 (tdta0x7f597971fae0) created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680ff .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=278 (rdata0x7f597aa42608) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680ff Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=278 (rdata0x7f597aa42608) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680ff .State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680ff Sending Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=278 (tdta0x7f597971fae0) in state Trying [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979130e60: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979130e60: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:sbc.megafon.ru:5060 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 10.540 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59680ff .State changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968066 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968066 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968066 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968066 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968066 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978556 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978556 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978556 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978556 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978556 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968133 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968133 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968133 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968133 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968133 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=14832 (tdta0x7f5978a944b0) created. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979698430: Wrapper created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5979698430: Set timer to 3000 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968133 .Transaction created for Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=14832 (tdta0x7f5978a944b0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968133 Sending Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=14832 (tdta0x7f5978a944b0) in state Null [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=Unspecified resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP transport) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978866 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978866 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978866 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978866 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f597883 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=22981 (tdta0x7f5978836360) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5978866 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968133 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=31687 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974029 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974029 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974029 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=31687 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781ac .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=31687 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974029 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0x7f59781ac ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5974029 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59787c1f10: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59787c1f10: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59787c1f10: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59787c1f10: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f59787c1f10: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:vpiskunov@;uniq=9EF446C70CCFA61635FC4F5347A3A status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 42.221 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=12221 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=12221 (rdata0x7f597015d798) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785dc .Incoming Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=12221 (rdata0x7f597015d798) in state Calling [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] pjsip: tsx0x7f59785dc ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978d0eb70: PJSIP tsx response received [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978d0eb70: Cancelling timer [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978d0eb70: Timer cancelled [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978d0eb70: Callbacks executed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[14220] res_pjsip.c: 0x7f5978d0eb70: wrapper destroyed [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact sip:tulskih@;rinstance=ef89acc754a507c2 status didn't change: Reachable, RTT: 115.458 msec [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5979bca Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5979bca .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5979bca Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5979bca .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f5978b5 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=48022 (tdta0x7f5978b55e80) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5979bca Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968037 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968037 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968037 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968037 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f59789f ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=41963 (tdta0x7f59789f1940) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f5968037 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0xe12b58 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0xe12b58 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0xe12b58 Timeout timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0xe12b58 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tdta0x7f5978a8 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=61206 (tdta0x7f5978a8b680) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0xe12b58 Transaction destroyed! [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=20 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=20 (rdata0x7f5970162578) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 16923 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=20 (tdta0x7f59789f1940) created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[3583] pjsip: tdta0x7f59789f .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=20 (tdta0x7f59789f1940) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597851d Retransmit timer event [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: tsx0x7f597851d .Retransmiting Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=52490 (tdta0x7f5978768e10), count=1, restart?=1 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] res_pjsip_multihomed.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[909] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[909] netsock2.c: Splitting 'talk37' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[909] netsock2.c: ...host 'talk37' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[909] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[909] acl.c: Attached to given IP address [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15486][C-00000134] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 64 bytes [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15486][C-00000134] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15486][C-00000134] netsock2.c: Splitting 'talk37' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15486][C-00000134] netsock2.c: ...host 'talk37' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/17640-000001b6 ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 8788 CallerIDName: ConnectedLineNum: 4005772 ConnectedLineName: 4005772 Language: ru AccountCode: 8317 Context: context-user Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439226833.518 Linkedid: 1439226832.517 To: From: SSRC: 0x797c66e0 PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1439228178.2994520064 SentRTP: 1210682904 SentPackets: 12300 SentOctets: 1920320 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x60b1e02c Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 29218 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 1 Report0IAJitter: 0 Report0LSR: 1603122020 Report0DLSR: 4.9990 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15486][C-00000134] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15486][C-00000134] acl.c: Attached to given IP address [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPReceived Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/17640-000001b6 ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 8788 CallerIDName: ConnectedLineNum: 4005772 ConnectedLineName: 4005772 Language: ru AccountCode: 8317 Context: context-user Exten: Priority: 1 Uniqueid: 1439226833.518 Linkedid: 1439226832.517 To: From: RTT: 4294.5299 SSRC: 0x18ec0eb6 PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1439228178.17545061543936 SentRTP: 10759930 SentPackets: 67194 SentOctets: 10750754 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x797c66e0 Report0FractionLost: 0 Report0CumulativeLost: 0 Report0HighestSequence: 62424 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 29 Report0LSR: 1602796360 Report0DLSR: 9.9460 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[909] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[909] netsock2.c: Splitting 'talk37' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[909] netsock2.c: ...host 'talk37' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[909] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[909] acl.c: Attached to given IP address [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all Channel: PJSIP/anonymous-000001b5 ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 4005772 CallerIDName: 4005772 ConnectedLineNum: 8788 ConnectedLineName: Language: ru AccountCode: 8317 Context: macro-do-dial Exten: s Priority: 18 Uniqueid: 1439226832.517 Linkedid: 1439226832.517 To: From: SSRC: 0x7003d185 PT: 200(SR) ReportCount: 1 SentNTP: 1439228178.2999926784 SentRTP: 10759928 SentPackets: 67194 SentOctets: 10750754 Report0SourceSSRC: 0x65decb5f Report0FractionLost: 53 Report0CumulativeLost: 1853 Report0HighestSequence: 42082 Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0 Report0IAJitter: 27 Report0LSR: 0 Report0DLSR: 0.0000 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Auto destroying SIP dialog '0cbdec-f06a5af3-57a8f04@' [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 0cbdec-f06a5af3-57a8f04@ [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 and write factory 0x7f597a1da258 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[916] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[916] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 776c0cba2594c8255f8aca6d6befed5f@ - REGISTER (No RTP) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[916] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Setting AST_TRANSPORT_UDP with address [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Scheduled a registration timeout for id #141973 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[916] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[916] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[916] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[916] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method REGISTER - callid 776c0cba2594c8255f8aca6d6befed5f@ [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: REGISTER attempt 1 to 3456438@ [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'REGISTER si' onto UDP socket destined for [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18293][C-0000017a] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597a1d9818 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18526][C-0000017e] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979176138 and write factory 0x7f5979176b78 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from write factory 0x7f5979959b88 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[15485][C-00000134] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5979959148 and write factory 0x7f5979959b88 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18154][C-00000176] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f5978da6bb8 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '776c0cba2594c8255f8aca6d6befed5f@' of Request 124: Match Found [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Registration successful [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Cancelling timeout 141973 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[1420] manager.c: Examining AMI event: Event: Registry Privilege: system,all ChannelType: SIP Username: 3456438 Domain: Status: Registered [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[916] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 776c0cba2594c8255f8aca6d6befed5f@ [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[874] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=21 (rdata0x7f597001fac8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg REGISTER/cseq=21 (rdata0x7f5970162578) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 16923 [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint .Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=21 (tdta0x7f59789f1940) created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1439228178/c996e693c2cd17a8a567be2e82f7150a. Actual nonce is 1439228178/c996e693c2cd17a8a567be2e82f7150a [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tdta0x7f59789f .Destroying txdata Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=21 (tdta0x7f59789f1940) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 and write factory 0x7f5978800078 both fail to provide 160 samples [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[11959][C-000000d5] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f597903d598 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[7386] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Added contact 'sip:16923@;app-id=s.notify.live.net;pn-type=wp;pn-tok= S' to AOR '16923' with expiration of 7200 seconds [2015-08-10 20:36:18] VERBOSE[10076] res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c: Contact 16923/sip:16923@;app-id=s.notify.live.net;pn-type=wp;pn-tok= S has been created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[18023][C-00000174] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x7f59787ff638 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.0] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [30] in [0, 86400] gives [30](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract double from [3.000000] in [-inf, inf] gives [3.000000](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] config.c: extract int from [0] in [-2147483648, 2147483647] gives [0](0) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: endpoint Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=21 (tdta0x7f5978a8b680) created [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0xe12b58 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=21 (rdata0x7f59797c2cb8) [2015-08-10 20:36:18] DEBUG[7386] pjsip: tsx0xe12b58 Incoming Request msg REGISTER/cseq=21 (rdata0x7f59797c2cb8) in state Null