(gdb) bt full #0 0x00000000005cac8a in ast_channel_snapshot_create (chan=0x7fa519ba50c8) at stasis_channels.c:219 __res__ = 0 __d__ = 0x7fa4ee3322b3 "DAHDI" __dlen__ = 6 __p__ = 0x7fa51809ed40 target = 0x10 snapshot = 0x7fa51954e138 bridge = 0x14f __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "ast_channel_snapshot_create" #1 0x00000000005cd8b1 in ast_channel_publish_dial_internal (caller=0x7fa5191ef208, peer=0x7fa519ba50c8, forwarded=0x0, dialstring=0x7fa51833c570 "5210_line", dialstatus=0x658b15 "NOANSWER", forward=0x0) at stasis_channels.c:339 payload = 0x7fa5180a2128 msg = 0x0 blob = 0x7fa519a560b8 caller_snapshot = 0x7fa51809ec88 peer_snapshot = 0x0 forwarded_snapshot = 0x0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "ast_channel_publish_dial_internal" #2 0x00000000005d0341 in dial_masquerade_fixup (data=0x7fa518424eb8, old_chan=0x7fa4c40100b8, new_chan=0x7fa5191ef208) at stasis_channels.c:1371 masq_data = 0x7fa518424eb8 cur = 0x7fa518333510 datastore = 0x7fa5187c8610 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "dial_masquerade_fixup" #3 0x00000000004bcb10 in channel_do_masquerade (original=0x7fa5191ef208, clonechan=0x7fa4c40100b8) at channel.c:6637 __list_head = 0x7fa4c4010970 __list_next = 0x7fa518841de0 __list_prev = 0x7fa5185329e0 __list_current = 0x7fa5180a9160 ds = 0x7fa5180a9160 x = 11 origstate = 6 orig_disablestatecache = 0 clone_disablestatecache = 2097152 visible_indication = 0 clone_hold_state = 17 moh_is_playing = 0 current = 0x0 t = 0x7fa4e361fb00 t_pvt = 0x0 exchange = {handlers = {first = 0x0, last = 0x0}, dialed = {number = {str = 0x0, plan = 0}, subaddress = {str = 0x63ddb7 "%s", type = 9, odd_even_indicator = 0 '\000', valid = 0 '\000'}, transit_network_select = 255}, caller = {id = {name = {str = 0x0, char_set = 0, presentation = 0, valid = 183 '\267'}, number = { str = 0x9 , plan = 255, presentation = 0, valid = 151 '\227'}, subaddress = {str = 0x7fa448f7cfc7 "", type = -1776291744, odd_even_indicator = 165 '\245', valid = 127 '\177'}, tag = 0x8 }, ani = {name = { str = 0x7fa595fbc5a4 <__libc_release+1> "table", char_set = 1224200135, presentation = 32676, valid = 146 '\222'}, number = { str = 0x7fa519650958 "bad magic number for object 0x7fa519ba50c8. Object is likely destroyed.\n", plan = 256, presentation = 0, valid = 0 '\000'}, subaddress = { str = 0x819650958 , type = 1224199392, odd_even_indicator = 164 '\244', valid = 127 '\177'}, tag = 0xffff805bb7083321 }, priv = {name = {str = 0x7fa448f7ccdf "", char_set = 1224199568, presentation = 32676, valid = 0 '\000'}, number = {str = 0x7fa448f7cd10 "\340\017", plan = 249, presentation = 0, valid = 8 '\b'}, subaddress = { str = 0x7 , type = 0, odd_even_indicator = 165 '\245', valid = 127 '\177'}, tag = 0x87b10 }, ani2 = 9}, connected = {id = {name = {str = 0x0, char_set = 0, presentation = 0, valid = 183 '\267'}, number = {str = 0x9 , plan = 255, presentation = 0, valid = 151 '\227'}, subaddress = {str = 0x7fa448f7cfc7 "", type = -1776291744, odd_even_indicator = 165 '\245', valid = 127 '\177'}, tag = 0x8 }, ani = {name = { str = 0x7fa595fbc5a4 <__libc_release+1> "table", char_set = 1224200135, presentation = 32676, valid = 146 '\222'}, number = { str = 0x7fa519650958 "bad magic number for object 0x7fa519ba50c8. Object is likely destroyed.\n", plan = 256, presentation = 0, valid = 0 '\000'}, subaddress = { str = 0x819650958 , type = 1224199392, odd_even_indicator = 164 '\244', valid = 127 '\177'}, tag = 0xffff805bb7083321 }, priv = {name = {str = 0x7fa448f7ccdf "", char_set = 1224199568, presentation = 32676, valid = 0 '\000'}, number = {str = 0x7fa448f7cd10 "\340\017", plan = 249, presentation = 0, valid = 8 '\b'}, subaddress = { str = 0x7 , type = 0, odd_even_indicator = 165 '\245', valid = 127 '\177'}, tag = 0x87b10 }, ani2 = 9, source = 0}, redirecting = {orig = {name = {str = 0x0, char_set = 0, presentation = 0, valid = 183 '\267'}, number = {str = 0x9 , plan = 255, presentation = 0, valid = 151 '\227'}, subaddress = { str = 0x7fa448f7cfc7 "", type = -1776291744, odd_even_indicator = 165 '\245', valid = 127 '\177'}, tag = 0x8 }, from = { name = {str = 0x7fa595fbc5a4 <__libc_release+1> "table", char_set = 1224200135, presentation = 32676, valid = 146 '\222'}, number = { str = 0x7fa519650958 "bad magic number for object 0x7fa519ba50c8. Object is likely destroyed.\n", plan = 256, presentation = 0, valid = 0 '\000'}, subaddress = { str = 0x819650958 , type = 1224199392, odd_even_indicator = 164 '\244', valid = 127 '\177'}, tag = 0xffff805bb7083321 }, to = {name = {str = 0x7fa448f7ccdf "", char_set = 1224199568, presentation = 32676, valid = 0 '\000'}, number = {str = 0x7fa448f7cd10 "\340\017", plan = 249, presentation = 0, valid = 8 '\b'}, subaddress = { str = 0x7 , type = 0, odd_even_indicator = 165 '\245', valid = 127 '\177'}, tag = 0x87b10 }, priv_orig = {name = {str = 0x9 , char_set = 435791088, presentation = 14386, valid = 5 '\005'}, number = {str = 0xfe0 , plan = 4048, presentation = 0, valid = 240 '\360'}, subaddress = {str = 0x8d71c0 "\033[0m", type = 419524086, odd_even_indicator = 165 '\245', valid = 127 '\177'}, tag = 0x7fa595ebf878 <_int_free+2392> "\024\337\377\377H\215\r\233\346\017"}, priv_from = {name = {str = 0x7fa518d54322 "9cc146c8-882c-4d1f-9569-e5f5f4b09db6", char_set = 4048, presentation = 0, valid = 49 '1'}, number = {str = 0x7fa5000000fe "", plan = 63, presentation = 0, valid = 111 'o'}, subaddress = { str = 0x7fa448f7cdd0 "\300q\215", type = 7, odd_even_indicator = 0 '\000', valid = 0 '\000'}, tag = 0x6248f7ce20 }, priv_to = {name = {str = 0x0, char_set = 0, presentation = 0, valid = 208 '\320'}, number = {str = 0x100000000 , plan = -1006539088, presentation = 32676, valid = 16 '\020'}, subaddress = {str = 0x7fa448f7ce20 "\200\316\367H\244\177", type = 419524098, odd_even_indicator = 165 '\245', valid = 127 '\177'}, tag = 0x7fa4c400ec82 "DAHDI/i1/7027992070-400"}, reason = {str = 0x8d71c0 "\033[0m", code = 5458991}, orig_reason = {str = 0x7fa519016df6 "\033[1;35m", code = -1006567328}, count = 6461363}} bridged = 0x7fa4df15c9b7 rformat = 0xb635a0 wformat = 0xb635a0 tmp_format = 0xb635a0 tmp_cap = 0x7fa448f7cc00 tmp_name = "DAHDI/i1/7027992070-400\000\230\000\001\304\000\000\000\000\200\316\367H\244\177\000\000\345\271E\000\000\000\000\000p\316\367H\244\177\000\000\263\227b\000\000\000\000\000?b\000\230(\000\000?b\000\000\000\000" clone_sending_dtmf_digit = 0 '\000' clone_sending_dtmf_tv = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "channel_do_masquerade" #4 0x00000000004c6fe5 in ast_channel_move (dest=0x7fa5191ef208, source=0x7fa4c40100b8) at channel.c:10394 lock = 0x8b10e0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "ast_channel_move" #5 0x0000000000482049 in after_bridge_move_channel (chan_bridged=0x7fa4c40100b8, data=0x7fa5191ef208) at bridge_channel.c:1717 chan_target = 0x7fa5191ef208 connected_target = {id = {name = {str = 0x7fa518d480b0 "Tanya C.", char_set = 1, presentation = 3, valid = 1 '\001'}, number = {str = 0x7fa519b2acb0 "5213", plan = 0, presentation = 3, valid = 1 '\001'}, subaddress = {str = 0x0, type = 0, odd_even_indicator = 0 '\000', valid = 0 '\000'}, tag = 0x0}, ani = {name = {str = 0x0, char_set = 1, presentation = 0, valid = 0 '\000'}, number = {str = 0x0, plan = 0, presentation = 0, valid = 0 '\000'}, subaddress = {str = 0x0, type = 0, odd_even_indicator = 0 '\000', valid = 0 '\000'}, tag = 0x0}, priv = {name = {str = 0x0, char_set = 1, presentation = 0, valid = 0 '\000'}, number = {str = 0x0, plan = 0, presentation = 0, valid = 0 '\000'}, subaddress = {str = 0x0, type = 0, odd_even_indicator = 0 '\000', valid = 0 '\000'}, tag = 0x0}, ani2 = 0, source = 0} connected_line_data = "\360\244\371\031\036\002\000\000\304da\000\000\000\000\000\361fa\000\000\000\000\000\304da\000\000\000\000\000\001\002\000\000\377\377\377\377p1\233\030\245\177\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000P1\233\030\245\177\000\000\220\320\367H\244\177\000\000/LS\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000s\301E\000\000\000\000\000\030ve\000\377\377\377\377p1\233\030\245\177\000\000\200\320\367H\244\177\000\000 \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\377\377\377\377\020?\030\245\177\000\000\246ea\000\000\000\000\000XbP\030\245\177\000\000\020\321\367H\244\177\000\000\350D\001\030\245\177\000\000\202\354\000\304\377\377\377\377\310D\001\030\245\177\000\000\020\321\367H\244\177\000\000."... payload_size = 22874376 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "after_bridge_move_channel" #6 0x00000000004751c9 in ast_bridge_run_after_callback (chan=0x7fa4c40100b8) at bridge_after.c:243 after_bridge = 0x7fa5187c8610 node = 0x7fa518a95000 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "ast_bridge_run_after_callback" #7 0x000000000046bda6 in ast_bridge_join (bridge=0x7fa5181a0708, chan=0x7fa4c40100b8, swap=0x0, features=0x7fa448f7d500, tech_args=0x0, flags=(AST_BRIDGE_JOIN_PASS_REFERENCE | AST_BRIDGE_JOIN_INHIBIT_JOIN_COLP)) at bridge.c:1605 bridge_channel = 0x7fa51962e008 res = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "ast_bridge_join" #8 0x000000000050889a in ast_bridge_call_with_flags (chan=0x7fa4c40100b8, peer=0x7fa519799f38, config=0x7fa448f7daa0, flags=0) at features.c:687 res = 0 bridge = 0x7fa5181a0708 chan_features = {dtmf_hooks = 0x7fa5183653f8, other_hooks = 0x7fa518e7cf88, interval_hooks = 0x7fa5187f89d0, feature_flags = {flags = 0}, interval_sequence = 0, usable = 0, mute = 0, dtmf_passthrough = 1} peer_features = 0x7fa5192139b0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "ast_bridge_call_with_flags" #9 0x000000000050896c in ast_bridge_call (chan=0x7fa4c40100b8, peer=0x7fa519799f38, config=0x7fa448f7daa0) at features.c:726 No locals. #10 0x00007fa4e3e4118b in dial_exec_full (chan=0x7fa4c40100b8, data=0x7fa448f7eaf0 "PJSIP/5210_line&PJSIP/5214_line,20,i", peerflags=0x7fa448f7e4c0, continue_exec=0x0) at app_dial.c:3081 number = 0x7fa448f7d5a0 "5214_line" dial_end_raised = 1 res = 0 rest = 0x0 cur = 0x0 out_chans = {first = 0x0, last = 0x0} outgoing = 0x7fa518df8110 tmp = 0x0 peer = 0x7fa519799f38 to = 11193 num = {chan = 0x7fa4c40100b8, busy = 0, congestion = 0, nochan = 0} cause = 0 config = {features_caller = {flags = 0}, features_callee = {flags = 0}, start_time = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, nexteventts = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, feature_start_time = { tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, feature_timer = 0, timelimit = 0, play_warning = 0, warning_freq = 0, warning_sound = 0x0, end_sound = 0x0, start_sound = 0x0, flags = 0, end_bridge_callback = 0x7fa4e3e3b612 , end_bridge_callback_data = 0x7fa4c40100b8, end_bridge_callback_data_fixup = 0x7fa4e3e3b749 } calldurationlimit = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0} dtmfcalled = 0x0 dtmfcalling = 0x0 dtmf_progress = 0x0 pa = {sentringing = 1, privdb_val = 0, privcid = '\000' , privintro = '\000' , status = "ANSWER\000R\000GS", '\000' } sentringing = 0 moh = 0 outbound_group = 0x0 result = 0 parse = 0x7fa448f7d600 "PJSIP" opermode = 0 delprivintro = 0 args = {argc = 3, argv = 0x7fa448f7d9d8, peers = 0x7fa448f7d600 "PJSIP", timeout = 0x7fa448f7d620 "20", options = 0x7fa448f7d623 "i", url = 0x0} opts = {flags = 134217728} opt_args = {0x7fa448f7dc90 "", 0x7fa448f7dc00 "", 0x78f006165a6 , 0x65d714 "utils.c", 0xfd0 , 0x0, 0x0, 0x7fa400000000 " ", 0x8b0000008a , 0x0, 0x7fa400000000 " ", 0x0, 0x1ffffffff , 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x7fa595ebb1c9 <__GI__IO_switch_to_get_mode+89> "\377\377\377\377P\030\203\370\377t\326H\213C(\353\244f\017\037D", 0xffffffffffffffff } datastore = 0x7fa518bb6520 fulldial = 0 num_dialed = 2 ignore_cc = 1 device_name = "PJSIP/5214_line\000\060\060\060\060\060a4b\000\335\367H\244\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\a\000\000\000\245\177\000\000\000\336\367H\244\177\000\000\001\"\b\267[\200\377\377\377\335\367H\244\177\000\000 \000\000\030\245\177\000" forced_clid_name = "\020{\b\000\000\000\000\000/LS\000\000\000\000\000\360\244\371\031\245\177\000\000@\336\367H\244\177\000\000X\te\031\245\177\000\000@\336\367H\244\177\000\000\267\335c\000\000\000\000\000\t\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\000\000\000\000 \000\000\030\245\177\000" stored_clid_name = "\000\017\000\000\000\000\000\000\320\017\000\000\000\000\000\000\360\244\371\031\245\177\000\000\300q\215\000\000\000\000\000\366m\001\031\245\177\000\000x\370?\177\000\000X\te\031\245\177\000\000\320\017\000\000\000\000\000\000\021!\b\267[\200\377\377\376\000\000\000\b\000\000" force_forwards_only = 0 forced_clid = {name = {str = 0x0, char_set = 1, presentation = 0, valid = 0 '\000'}, number = {str = 0x0, plan = 0, presentation = 1, valid = 0 '\000'}, subaddress = {str = 0x0, type = 0, odd_even_indicator = 0 '\000', valid = 0 '\000'}, tag = 0x0} stored_clid = {name = {str = 0x0, char_set = 1, presentation = 0, valid = 0 '\000'}, number = {str = 0x7fa448f7d5e0 "7027994535", plan = 0, presentation = 0, valid = 1 '\001'}, subaddress = {str = 0x0, type = 0, odd_even_indicator = 0 '\000', valid = 0 '\000'}, tag = 0x0} caller = {id = {name = {str = 0x0, char_set = 1, presentation = 0, valid = 1 '\001'}, number = {str = 0x0, plan = 0, presentation = 0, valid = 1 '\001'}, subaddress = {str = 0x0, type = 0, odd_even_indicator = 0 '\000', valid = 0 '\000'}, tag = 0x0}, ani = {name = {str = 0x0, char_set = 1, presentation = 0, valid = 1 '\001'}, number = {str = 0x0, plan = 0, presentation = 0, valid = 1 '\001'}, subaddress = {str = 0x0, type = 0, odd_even_indicator = 0 '\000', valid = 0 '\000'}, tag = 0x0}, priv = {name = {str = 0x0, char_set = 1, presentation = 0, valid = 0 '\000'}, number = {str = 0x0, plan = 0, presentation = 0, valid = 0 '\000'}, subaddress = {str = 0x0, type = 0, odd_even_indicator = 0 '\000', valid = 0 '\000'}, tag = 0x0}, ani2 = 0} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "dial_exec_full" #11 0x00007fa4e3e41541 in dial_exec (chan=0x7fa4c40100b8, data=0x7fa448f7eaf0 "PJSIP/5210_line&PJSIP/5214_line,20,i") at app_dial.c:3133 peerflags = {flags = 134217728} #12 0x0000000000565535 in pbx_exec (c=0x7fa4c40100b8, app=0x17ceed0, data=0x7fa448f7eaf0 "PJSIP/5210_line&PJSIP/5214_line,20,i") at pbx.c:1658 res = 0 u = 0x7fa518720f80 saved_c_appl = 0x0 saved_c_data = 0x0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "pbx_exec" #13 0x000000000056fced in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x7fa4c40100b8, con=0x0, context=0x7fa4c4010a70 "inbound", exten=0x7fa4c4010ac0 "7027994535", priority=4, label=0x0, callerid=0x7fa4c401a360 " o\001H\177", action=E_SPAWN, found=0x7fa448f80bdc, combined_find_spawn=1) at pbx.c:4930 e = 0x7fa5193b1d10 app = 0x17ceed0 substitute = 0x7fa448f7e5c0 "PJSIP/5210_line&PJSIP/5214_line,${Voice_Mail_Timer},i" res = 0 q = {incstack = {0x0 }, stacklen = 0, status = 5, swo = 0x0, data = 0x0, foundcontext = 0x7fa4c4010a70 "inbound"} passdata = "PJSIP/5210_line&PJSIP/5214_line,20,i\000t-Campus\000e,20,i\000d_headers^s^1(X-dnd_override,))\000ening the attached file.\r\rTo: Routing and Scheduling (7027992595)\rFrom: 7027997000\rReceived: 04\\/28\\/2015 at 07:19:"... matching_action = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "pbx_extension_helper" #14 0x00000000005729e4 in ast_spawn_extension (c=0x7fa4c40100b8, context=0x7fa4c4010a70 "inbound", exten=0x7fa4c4010ac0 "7027994535", priority=4, callerid=0x7fa4c401a360 " o\001H\177", found=0x7fa448f80bdc, combined_find_spawn=1) at pbx.c:5963 No locals. #15 0x0000000000573f99 in __ast_pbx_run (c=0x7fa4c40100b8, args=0x0) at pbx.c:6380 digit = 0 invalid = 0 timeout = 0 dst_exten = "\000\f\370H\244\177\000\000\270\r\244\001\000\000\000\000\020\r\370H\244\177\000\000\345\271E\000\000\000\000\000\340?\001\000\000\000\000\340\265e\000\000\000\000\000\000\r\370HE\001\000\000\f\271e\000\000\000\000\000\343\265e\000\000\000\000\000\330\r\244\001\000\000\000\000\340\374\001(\245\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\244\330u\245\177\000\000\067\306]\000\000\000\000\000\060\r\370H\244\177\000\000 \000\000\030\245\177\000\000\020{\b\000\000\000\000\000 \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\360\244\371\031\245\177\000\000\300\031\370H\244\177\000\000\000\027\370H\244\177\000\000L-?\177\000\000\330\r\244\001\000\000\000\000\000\027\370H\244\177\000\000\320\r\370H\244\177", '\000' ... pos = 0 found = 1 res = 0 autoloopflag = 0 error = 0 pbx = 0x7fa519a5d7d0 callid = 0x0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "__ast_pbx_run" #16 0x00000000005757c6 in pbx_thread (data=0x7fa4c40100b8) at pbx.c:6700 c = 0x7fa4c40100b8 #17 0x00000000005f0cf9 in dummy_start (data=0x7fa4c401db20) at utils.c:1232 __cancel_buf = {__cancel_jmp_buf = {{__cancel_jmp_buf = {140343575582464, 2055183595587609234, 0, 0, 140343575583168, 140343575582464, 2055183595579220626, -2031708537892789614}, __mask_was_saved = 0}}, __pad = {0x7fa448f80ef0, 0x0, 0x7fa595fa5ba2 , 0x0}} __cancel_routine = 0x44fa42 __cancel_arg = 0x7fa448f81700 __not_first_call = 0 ret = 0x7fa448f81b48 a = {start_routine = 0x5757a1 , data = 0x7fa4c40100b8, name = 0x7fa4c400e590 "pbx_thread", ' ' , "started at [ 6726] pbx.c ast_pbx_start()"} #18 0x00007fa596c7a182 in start_thread (arg=0x7fa448f81700) at pthread_create.c:312 __res = pd = 0x7fa448f81700 now = unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140343575582464, -2031709027136331118, 0, 0, 140343575583168, 140343575582464, 2055183595589706386, 2055548980683580050}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = pagesize_m1 = sp = freesize = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread" #19 0x00007fa595f39fbd in __signbitl (__x=0) at ../sysdeps/x86/fpu/bits/mathinline.h:154 __u = {__l = 0, __i = {0, 0, 0}} #20 __qfcvt_r (value=0, ndigit=1224218368, decpt=0x7fa448f819c0, sign=0x0, buf=0x0, len=0) at efgcvt_r.c:93 n = i = left = 0 #21 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () No symbol table info available. (gdb)