[general] ; ; Full name of a user fullname = New User userbase = 700 ; ; Create voicemail mailbox and use use macro-stdexten hasvoicemail = yes ; ; Set voicemail mailbox 6000 password to 1234 vmsecret = 1234 ; ; Create SIP Peer hassip = yes ; ; Create IAX friend hasiax = no ; ; Create H.323 friend ;hash323 = yes ; ; Create manager entry hasmanager = yes ; ; Set permissions for manager entry (see manager.conf.sample for documentation) ; (defaults to *all* permissions) ;managerread = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config ;managerwrite = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config ;managerread = all ;managerwrite = all ; ; Remaining options are not specific to users.conf entries but are general. callwaiting = yes threewaycalling = yes callwaitingcallerid = yes transfer = yes canpark = yes cancallforward = yes callreturn = yes callgroup = 1 pickupgroup = 1 host = dynamic localextenlength = 3 hasagent = no hasdirectory = no ;dtmfmode = auto ;dtmfmode = auto disallow=all allow=g722 allow=all disallow=g723 disallow=g729 disallow=lpc10 ; Icky sound quality... Mr. Roboto. registertimeout = 20 regseconds = 180 ..... Split in file ... Only relevant contexts provided below (706 and 707). ..... [706] callwaiting = yes context = numberplan-IAX2-SetDDI email = **removed** fullname = **removed** hasagent = no hasdirectory = yes hasiax = no hasmanager = no hassip = yes hasvoicemail = yes deletevoicemail = no host = dynamic mailbox = 706 secret = **secret** threewaycalling = yes secret = **secret** registeriax = no registersip = yes autoprov = no canreinvite = yes nat = no dtmfmode = auto signalling = fxo_ks cid_number = 706 [707] callwaiting = yes context = numberplan-IAX2-SetDDI email = **removed** fullname = **removed** hasagent = yes hasdirectory = yes hasiax = no hasmanager = yes hassip = yes hasvoicemail = yes deletevoicemail = no host = dynamic mailbox = 707 secret = **secret** threewaycalling = yes vmsecret = **secret** registeriax = no registersip = yes autoprov = no canreinvite = yes nat = no dtmfmode = auto signalling = fxo_ks cid_number = 707