13:43:31:861 New connection at H225 receiver 13:43:31:861 Created a new call (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:861 Using Local IP address (IPv4) for incoming call (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:863 Receiving H.2250 message (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:863 Received Q.931 message: (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:863 Received H.2250 Message = { 13:43:31:863 protocolDiscriminator = 8 13:43:31:863 callReference = 19851 13:43:31:863 from = originator 13:43:31:863 messageType = 5 13:43:31:863 Bearer-Capability IE = { 13:43:31:863 80, 90, a3 } 13:43:31:863 Display IE = { 13:43:31:863 D.Melekhov 13:43:31:863 } 13:43:31:863 CallingPartyNumber IE = { 13:43:31:863 6401 13:43:31:863 } 13:43:31:863 CalledPartyNumber IE = { 13:43:31:863 5814 13:43:31:863 } 13:43:31:863 h323_uu_pdu = { 13:43:31:863 h323_message_body = { 13:43:31:863 setup = { 13:43:31:863 protocolIdentifier = { 13:43:31:863 { 13:43:31:863 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 13:43:31:863 } 13:43:31:863 sourceAddress = { 13:43:31:863 elem[0] = { 13:43:31:864 h323_ID = { 13:43:31:864 p98 13:43:31:864 } 13:43:31:864 } 13:43:31:864 } 13:43:31:864 sourceInfo = { 13:43:31:864 vendor = { 13:43:31:864 vendor = { 13:43:31:864 t35CountryCode = { 13:43:31:864 181 13:43:31:864 } 13:43:31:865 t35Extension = { 13:43:31:865 0 13:43:31:865 } 13:43:31:865 manufacturerCode = { 13:43:31:865 18 13:43:31:865 } 13:43:31:865 } 13:43:31:865 } 13:43:31:865 gateway = { 13:43:31:865 protocol = { 13:43:31:866 elem[0] = { 13:43:31:866 voice = { 13:43:31:866 supportedPrefixes = { 13:43:31:866 elem[0] = { 13:43:31:866 prefix = { 13:43:31:866 dialedDigits = { 13:43:31:866 "11" 13:43:31:867 } 13:43:31:867 } 13:43:31:867 } 13:43:31:867 elem[1] = { 13:43:31:867 prefix = { 13:43:31:867 dialedDigits = { 13:43:31:868 "83412" 13:43:31:868 } 13:43:31:868 } 13:43:31:868 } 13:43:31:868 elem[2] = { 13:43:31:868 prefix = { 13:43:31:869 dialedDigits = { 13:43:31:869 "13" 13:43:31:869 } 13:43:31:869 } 13:43:31:869 } 13:43:31:869 elem[3] = { 13:43:31:870 prefix = { 13:43:31:870 dialedDigits = { 13:43:31:870 "47" 13:43:31:870 } 13:43:31:870 } 13:43:31:870 } 13:43:31:871 elem[4] = { 13:43:31:871 prefix = { 13:43:31:871 dialedDigits = { 13:43:31:871 "4" 13:43:31:871 } 13:43:31:871 } 13:43:31:872 } 13:43:31:872 elem[5] = { 13:43:31:872 prefix = { 13:43:31:872 dialedDigits = { 13:43:31:872 "5" 13:43:31:872 } 13:43:31:873 } 13:43:31:873 } 13:43:31:873 elem[6] = { 13:43:31:873 prefix = { 13:43:31:873 dialedDigits = { 13:43:31:873 "6" 13:43:31:874 } 13:43:31:874 } 13:43:31:874 } 13:43:31:874 elem[7] = { 13:43:31:874 prefix = { 13:43:31:874 dialedDigits = { 13:43:31:875 "10" 13:43:31:875 } 13:43:31:875 } 13:43:31:875 } 13:43:31:875 elem[8] = { 13:43:31:875 prefix = { 13:43:31:876 dialedDigits = { 13:43:31:876 "0" 13:43:31:876 } 13:43:31:876 } 13:43:31:876 } 13:43:31:876 elem[9] = { 13:43:31:877 prefix = { 13:43:31:877 dialedDigits = { 13:43:31:877 "50" 13:43:31:877 } 13:43:31:877 } 13:43:31:877 } 13:43:31:878 } 13:43:31:878 } 13:43:31:878 } 13:43:31:878 elem[1] = { 13:43:31:878 h323 = { 13:43:31:878 supportedPrefixes = { 13:43:31:878 } 13:43:31:878 } 13:43:31:878 } 13:43:31:879 } 13:43:31:879 } 13:43:31:879 mc = { 13:43:31:879 FALSE 13:43:31:879 } 13:43:31:879 undefinedNode = { 13:43:31:879 FALSE 13:43:31:879 } 13:43:31:879 } 13:43:31:879 activeMC = { 13:43:31:879 FALSE 13:43:31:879 } 13:43:31:880 conferenceID = { 13:43:31:880 '11520ca84c7411e4840d001b548a3c30'H 13:43:31:880 } 13:43:31:880 conferenceGoal = { 13:43:31:880 create = { 13:43:31:880 NULL 13:43:31:880 } 13:43:31:880 } 13:43:31:880 callType = { 13:43:31:880 pointToPoint = { 13:43:31:880 NULL 13:43:31:880 } 13:43:31:880 } 13:43:31:880 sourceCallSignalAddress = { 13:43:31:881 ipAddress = { 13:43:31:881 ip = { 13:43:31:881 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:31:881 } 13:43:31:881 port = { 13:43:31:881 30428 13:43:31:881 } 13:43:31:881 } 13:43:31:881 } 13:43:31:881 callIdentifier = { 13:43:31:881 guid = { 13:43:31:881 '11520ca84c7411e49c01c7e5fe33e3f8'H 13:43:31:882 } 13:43:31:882 } 13:43:31:882 fastStart = { 13:43:31:882 elem[0] = { 13:43:31:882 '0000000d4001800b05000100c0a816fd42b500'H 13:43:31:882 } 13:43:31:882 elem[1] = { 13:43:31:882 '400000060401004d4001801215000100c0a816fd42b400c0a816fd42b500'H 13:43:31:882 } 13:43:31:882 elem[2] = { 13:43:31:882 '0000010e000101800b05000100c0a816fd42b500'H 13:43:31:882 } 13:43:31:883 elem[3] = { 13:43:31:883 '400001060401004e000101801215000100c0a816fd42b400c0a816fd42b500'H 13:43:31:883 } 13:43:31:883 elem[4] = { 13:43:31:883 '0000020c2013800b05000100c0a816fd42b500'H 13:43:31:883 } 13:43:31:883 elem[5] = { 13:43:31:883 '400002060401004c2013801215000100c0a816fd42b400c0a816fd42b500'H 13:43:31:883 } 13:43:31:883 elem[6] = { 13:43:31:883 '0000030c6013800b05000100c0a816fd42b500'H 13:43:31:884 } 13:43:31:884 elem[7] = { 13:43:31:884 '400003060401004c6013801215000100c0a816fd42b400c0a816fd42b500'H 13:43:31:884 } 13:43:31:884 elem[8] = { 13:43:31:884 '0000040d000040000b05000100c0a816fd42b500'H 13:43:31:884 } 13:43:31:884 elem[9] = { 13:43:31:884 '400004060401004d000040001215000100c0a816fd42b400c0a816fd42b500'H 13:43:31:884 } 13:43:31:884 } 13:43:31:884 mediaWaitForConnect = { 13:43:31:885 FALSE 13:43:31:885 } 13:43:31:885 canOverlapSend = { 13:43:31:885 FALSE 13:43:31:885 } 13:43:31:885 multipleCalls = { 13:43:31:885 TRUE 13:43:31:885 } 13:43:31:885 maintainConnection = { 13:43:31:885 TRUE 13:43:31:885 } 13:43:31:885 symmetricOperationRequired = { 13:43:31:885 NULL 13:43:31:885 } 13:43:31:885 } 13:43:31:886 } 13:43:31:886 h245Tunneling = { 13:43:31:886 TRUE 13:43:31:886 } 13:43:31:886 nonStandardControl = { 13:43:31:886 elem[0] = { 13:43:31:886 nonStandardIdentifier = { 13:43:31:886 h221NonStandard = { 13:43:31:886 t35CountryCode = { 13:43:31:886 181 13:43:31:886 } 13:43:31:886 t35Extension = { 13:43:31:886 0 13:43:31:886 } 13:43:31:887 manufacturerCode = { 13:43:31:887 18 13:43:31:887 } 13:43:31:887 } 13:43:31:887 } 13:43:31:887 data = { 13:43:31:887 'e001010001042a04039090a31803a983831e0281836c05a13634303170058135383134a196280a442e4d656c656b686f7618800006000400000003'H 13:43:31:887 } 13:43:31:887 } 13:43:31:887 } 13:43:31:887 } 13:43:31:887 UUIE decode successful 13:43:31:887 Decoded Q931 message (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:887 } 13:43:31:887 Received SETUP message (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:887 Extract H.225 remote version, it's 4, (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:887 Call has tunneling active (incoming,ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:887 FastStart enabled for call(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:887 FastStart Elements = { 13:43:31:887 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:31:887 1 13:43:31:887 } 13:43:31:887 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:887 dataType = { 13:43:31:887 audioData = { 13:43:31:888 g729 = { 13:43:31:888 2 13:43:31:888 } 13:43:31:888 } 13:43:31:888 } 13:43:31:888 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:31:888 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:888 sessionID = { 13:43:31:888 1 13:43:31:888 } 13:43:31:888 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:31:888 unicastAddress = { 13:43:31:888 iPAddress = { 13:43:31:888 network = { 13:43:31:888 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:31:889 } 13:43:31:889 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:31:889 17077 13:43:31:889 } 13:43:31:889 } 13:43:31:889 } 13:43:31:889 } 13:43:31:889 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:31:889 FALSE 13:43:31:889 } 13:43:31:889 } 13:43:31:889 } 13:43:31:890 } 13:43:31:890 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:31:890 1 13:43:31:890 } 13:43:31:890 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:890 dataType = { 13:43:31:890 nullData = { 13:43:31:890 NULL 13:43:31:890 } 13:43:31:890 } 13:43:31:890 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:31:890 none = { 13:43:31:890 NULL 13:43:31:890 } 13:43:31:890 } 13:43:31:890 } 13:43:31:890 reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:890 dataType = { 13:43:31:890 audioData = { 13:43:31:890 g729 = { 13:43:31:890 2 13:43:31:890 } 13:43:31:890 } 13:43:31:891 } 13:43:31:891 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:31:891 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:891 sessionID = { 13:43:31:891 1 13:43:31:891 } 13:43:31:891 mediaChannel = { 13:43:31:891 unicastAddress = { 13:43:31:891 iPAddress = { 13:43:31:891 network = { 13:43:31:891 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:31:891 } 13:43:31:891 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:31:892 17076 13:43:31:892 } 13:43:31:892 } 13:43:31:892 } 13:43:31:892 } 13:43:31:892 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:31:892 unicastAddress = { 13:43:31:892 iPAddress = { 13:43:31:892 network = { 13:43:31:892 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:31:892 } 13:43:31:893 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:31:893 17077 13:43:31:893 } 13:43:31:893 } 13:43:31:893 } 13:43:31:893 } 13:43:31:893 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:31:893 FALSE 13:43:31:893 } 13:43:31:893 } 13:43:31:893 } 13:43:31:893 } 13:43:31:893 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:31:893 2 13:43:31:893 } 13:43:31:893 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:893 dataType = { 13:43:31:894 audioData = { 13:43:31:894 g729wAnnexB = { 13:43:31:894 2 13:43:31:894 } 13:43:31:894 } 13:43:31:894 } 13:43:31:894 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:31:894 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:894 sessionID = { 13:43:31:894 1 13:43:31:894 } 13:43:31:894 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:31:894 unicastAddress = { 13:43:31:894 iPAddress = { 13:43:31:894 network = { 13:43:31:895 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:31:895 } 13:43:31:895 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:31:895 17077 13:43:31:895 } 13:43:31:895 } 13:43:31:895 } 13:43:31:895 } 13:43:31:895 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:31:895 FALSE 13:43:31:895 } 13:43:31:896 } 13:43:31:896 } 13:43:31:896 } 13:43:31:896 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:31:896 2 13:43:31:896 } 13:43:31:896 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:896 dataType = { 13:43:31:896 nullData = { 13:43:31:896 NULL 13:43:31:896 } 13:43:31:896 } 13:43:31:896 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:31:896 none = { 13:43:31:896 NULL 13:43:31:896 } 13:43:31:896 } 13:43:31:896 } 13:43:31:896 reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:896 dataType = { 13:43:31:896 audioData = { 13:43:31:896 g729wAnnexB = { 13:43:31:896 2 13:43:31:896 } 13:43:31:897 } 13:43:31:897 } 13:43:31:897 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:31:897 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:897 sessionID = { 13:43:31:897 1 13:43:31:897 } 13:43:31:897 mediaChannel = { 13:43:31:897 unicastAddress = { 13:43:31:897 iPAddress = { 13:43:31:897 network = { 13:43:31:897 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:31:897 } 13:43:31:897 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:31:898 17076 13:43:31:898 } 13:43:31:898 } 13:43:31:898 } 13:43:31:898 } 13:43:31:898 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:31:898 unicastAddress = { 13:43:31:898 iPAddress = { 13:43:31:898 network = { 13:43:31:898 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:31:899 } 13:43:31:899 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:31:899 17077 13:43:31:899 } 13:43:31:899 } 13:43:31:899 } 13:43:31:899 } 13:43:31:899 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:31:899 FALSE 13:43:31:899 } 13:43:31:899 } 13:43:31:899 } 13:43:31:899 } 13:43:31:899 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:31:900 3 13:43:31:900 } 13:43:31:900 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:900 dataType = { 13:43:31:900 audioData = { 13:43:31:900 g711Alaw64k = { 13:43:31:900 20 13:43:31:900 } 13:43:31:900 } 13:43:31:900 } 13:43:31:900 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:31:900 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:900 sessionID = { 13:43:31:900 1 13:43:31:900 } 13:43:31:900 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:31:900 unicastAddress = { 13:43:31:900 iPAddress = { 13:43:31:900 network = { 13:43:31:901 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:31:901 } 13:43:31:901 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:31:901 17077 13:43:31:901 } 13:43:31:901 } 13:43:31:901 } 13:43:31:901 } 13:43:31:901 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:31:901 FALSE 13:43:31:902 } 13:43:31:902 } 13:43:31:902 } 13:43:31:902 } 13:43:31:902 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:31:902 3 13:43:31:902 } 13:43:31:902 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:902 dataType = { 13:43:31:902 nullData = { 13:43:31:902 NULL 13:43:31:902 } 13:43:31:902 } 13:43:31:902 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:31:902 none = { 13:43:31:902 NULL 13:43:31:902 } 13:43:31:902 } 13:43:31:902 } 13:43:31:902 reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:902 dataType = { 13:43:31:902 audioData = { 13:43:31:902 g711Alaw64k = { 13:43:31:902 20 13:43:31:903 } 13:43:31:903 } 13:43:31:903 } 13:43:31:903 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:31:903 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:903 sessionID = { 13:43:31:903 1 13:43:31:903 } 13:43:31:903 mediaChannel = { 13:43:31:903 unicastAddress = { 13:43:31:903 iPAddress = { 13:43:31:903 network = { 13:43:31:903 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:31:903 } 13:43:31:904 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:31:904 17076 13:43:31:904 } 13:43:31:904 } 13:43:31:904 } 13:43:31:904 } 13:43:31:904 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:31:904 unicastAddress = { 13:43:31:904 iPAddress = { 13:43:31:904 network = { 13:43:31:904 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:31:905 } 13:43:31:905 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:31:905 17077 13:43:31:905 } 13:43:31:905 } 13:43:31:905 } 13:43:31:905 } 13:43:31:905 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:31:905 FALSE 13:43:31:905 } 13:43:31:905 } 13:43:31:905 } 13:43:31:906 } 13:43:31:906 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:31:906 4 13:43:31:906 } 13:43:31:906 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:906 dataType = { 13:43:31:906 audioData = { 13:43:31:906 g711Ulaw64k = { 13:43:31:906 20 13:43:31:906 } 13:43:31:906 } 13:43:31:906 } 13:43:31:906 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:31:906 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:906 sessionID = { 13:43:31:906 1 13:43:31:906 } 13:43:31:906 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:31:906 unicastAddress = { 13:43:31:906 iPAddress = { 13:43:31:907 network = { 13:43:31:907 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:31:907 } 13:43:31:907 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:31:907 17077 13:43:31:907 } 13:43:31:907 } 13:43:31:907 } 13:43:31:907 } 13:43:31:907 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:31:907 FALSE 13:43:31:908 } 13:43:31:908 } 13:43:31:908 } 13:43:31:908 } 13:43:31:908 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:31:908 4 13:43:31:908 } 13:43:31:908 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:908 dataType = { 13:43:31:908 nullData = { 13:43:31:908 NULL 13:43:31:908 } 13:43:31:908 } 13:43:31:908 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:31:908 none = { 13:43:31:908 NULL 13:43:31:908 } 13:43:31:908 } 13:43:31:908 } 13:43:31:908 reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:908 dataType = { 13:43:31:908 audioData = { 13:43:31:908 g711Ulaw64k = { 13:43:31:909 20 13:43:31:909 } 13:43:31:909 } 13:43:31:909 } 13:43:31:909 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:31:909 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:909 sessionID = { 13:43:31:909 1 13:43:31:909 } 13:43:31:909 mediaChannel = { 13:43:31:909 unicastAddress = { 13:43:31:909 iPAddress = { 13:43:31:909 network = { 13:43:31:909 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:31:909 } 13:43:31:910 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:31:910 17076 13:43:31:910 } 13:43:31:910 } 13:43:31:910 } 13:43:31:910 } 13:43:31:910 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:31:910 unicastAddress = { 13:43:31:910 iPAddress = { 13:43:31:910 network = { 13:43:31:910 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:31:911 } 13:43:31:911 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:31:911 17077 13:43:31:911 } 13:43:31:911 } 13:43:31:911 } 13:43:31:911 } 13:43:31:911 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:31:911 FALSE 13:43:31:911 } 13:43:31:911 } 13:43:31:912 } 13:43:31:912 } 13:43:31:912 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:31:912 5 13:43:31:912 } 13:43:31:912 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:912 dataType = { 13:43:31:912 audioData = { 13:43:31:912 g7231 = { 13:43:31:912 maxAl_sduAudioFrames = { 13:43:31:912 1 13:43:31:912 } 13:43:31:912 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:31:912 FALSE 13:43:31:912 } 13:43:31:912 } 13:43:31:912 } 13:43:31:912 } 13:43:31:912 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:31:913 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:913 sessionID = { 13:43:31:913 1 13:43:31:913 } 13:43:31:913 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:31:913 unicastAddress = { 13:43:31:913 iPAddress = { 13:43:31:913 network = { 13:43:31:913 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:31:913 } 13:43:31:913 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:31:913 17077 13:43:31:914 } 13:43:31:914 } 13:43:31:914 } 13:43:31:914 } 13:43:31:914 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:31:914 FALSE 13:43:31:914 } 13:43:31:914 } 13:43:31:914 } 13:43:31:914 } 13:43:31:914 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:31:914 5 13:43:31:914 } 13:43:31:914 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:914 dataType = { 13:43:31:914 nullData = { 13:43:31:914 NULL 13:43:31:914 } 13:43:31:915 } 13:43:31:915 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:31:915 none = { 13:43:31:915 NULL 13:43:31:915 } 13:43:31:915 } 13:43:31:915 } 13:43:31:915 reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:915 dataType = { 13:43:31:915 audioData = { 13:43:31:915 g7231 = { 13:43:31:915 maxAl_sduAudioFrames = { 13:43:31:915 1 13:43:31:915 } 13:43:31:915 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:31:915 FALSE 13:43:31:915 } 13:43:31:915 } 13:43:31:916 } 13:43:31:916 } 13:43:31:916 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:31:916 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:916 sessionID = { 13:43:31:916 1 13:43:31:916 } 13:43:31:916 mediaChannel = { 13:43:31:916 unicastAddress = { 13:43:31:916 iPAddress = { 13:43:31:916 network = { 13:43:31:916 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:31:916 } 13:43:31:916 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:31:917 17076 13:43:31:917 } 13:43:31:917 } 13:43:31:917 } 13:43:31:917 } 13:43:31:917 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:31:917 unicastAddress = { 13:43:31:917 iPAddress = { 13:43:31:917 network = { 13:43:31:917 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:31:917 } 13:43:31:918 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:31:918 17077 13:43:31:918 } 13:43:31:918 } 13:43:31:918 } 13:43:31:918 } 13:43:31:918 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:31:918 FALSE 13:43:31:918 } 13:43:31:918 } 13:43:31:918 } 13:43:31:918 } 13:43:31:918 } 13:43:31:918 Enabled RTP/CISCO DTMF capability for (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:918 Enabled RFC2833 DTMF capability for (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:918 Dtmf mode set to H.245(alphanumeric) for (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:918 Dtmf mode set to H.245(signal) for (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:918 Adding call specific capability OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:918 Adding call specific capability OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:919 Adding call specific capability OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:919 Adding call specific capability OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:919 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_G729ANNEXA (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:919 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_G729ANNEXA (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:919 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_G729 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:919 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_G729 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:919 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_G729WANNEXB (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:919 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_G729WANNEXB (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:919 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_T38 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:919 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_T38 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:919 Building Admission Request for call (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:919 Ras message encoding - successful 13:43:31:919 Sending RAS Message = { 13:43:31:919 admissionRequest = { 13:43:31:919 requestSeqNum = { 13:43:31:919 24 13:43:31:919 } 13:43:31:919 callType = { 13:43:31:919 pointToPoint = { 13:43:31:919 NULL 13:43:31:919 } 13:43:31:919 } 13:43:31:919 callModel = { 13:43:31:919 direct = { 13:43:31:920 NULL 13:43:31:920 } 13:43:31:920 } 13:43:31:920 endpointIdentifier = { 13:43:31:920 5034_p98 13:43:31:920 } 13:43:31:920 destinationInfo = { 13:43:31:920 } 13:43:31:920 destCallSignalAddress = { 13:43:31:920 ipAddress = { 13:43:31:920 ip = { 13:43:31:920 'c0a87a03'H 13:43:31:920 } 13:43:31:920 INFO: FinCall returned 7f48dc013b38 for call: ooh323c_9 13:43:31:920 INFO: create cmd connect for call: 7f48dc013b38 13:43:31:920 port = { 13:43:31:920 1720 13:43:31:920 } 13:43:31:921 } 13:43:31:921 } 13:43:31:921 srcInfo = { 13:43:31:921 elem[0] = { 13:43:31:921 h323_ID = { 13:43:31:921 p98 13:43:31:921 } 13:43:31:921 } 13:43:31:921 } 13:43:31:921 srcCallSignalAddress = { 13:43:31:921 ipAddress = { 13:43:31:921 ip = { 13:43:31:921 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:31:921 } 13:43:31:921 port = { 13:43:31:921 30428 13:43:31:921 } 13:43:31:922 } 13:43:31:922 } 13:43:31:922 bandWidth = { 13:43:31:922 100000 13:43:31:922 } 13:43:31:922 callReferenceValue = { 13:43:31:922 19851 13:43:31:922 } 13:43:31:922 conferenceID = { 13:43:31:922 '11520ca84c7411e4840d001b548a3c30'H 13:43:31:922 } 13:43:31:922 activeMC = { 13:43:31:922 FALSE 13:43:31:922 } 13:43:31:922 answerCall = { 13:43:31:922 TRUE 13:43:31:922 } 13:43:31:922 canMapAlias = { 13:43:31:922 FALSE 13:43:31:922 } 13:43:31:922 callIdentifier = { 13:43:31:922 guid = { 13:43:31:922 '11520ca84c7411e49c01c7e5fe33e3f8'H 13:43:31:923 } 13:43:31:923 } 13:43:31:923 gatekeeperIdentifier = { 13:43:31:923 P98 13:43:31:923 } 13:43:31:923 willSupplyUUIEs = { 13:43:31:923 FALSE 13:43:31:923 } 13:43:31:923 } 13:43:31:923 } 13:43:31:923 Admission Request message sent for (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:923 GkClient Received RAS Message 13:43:31:923 Received RAS Message = { 13:43:31:923 admissionConfirm = { 13:43:31:923 requestSeqNum = { 13:43:31:923 24 13:43:31:923 } 13:43:31:923 bandWidth = { 13:43:31:923 100000 13:43:31:923 } 13:43:31:923 callModel = { 13:43:31:923 direct = { 13:43:31:923 NULL 13:43:31:923 } 13:43:31:923 } 13:43:31:923 destCallSignalAddress = { 13:43:31:923 ipAddress = { 13:43:31:924 ip = { 13:43:31:924 '00000000'H 13:43:31:924 } 13:43:31:924 port = { 13:43:31:924 0 13:43:31:924 } 13:43:31:924 } 13:43:31:924 } 13:43:31:924 irrFrequency = { 13:43:31:924 120 13:43:31:924 } 13:43:31:924 willRespondToIRR = { 13:43:31:924 FALSE 13:43:31:924 } 13:43:31:924 uuiesRequested = { 13:43:31:924 setup = { 13:43:31:924 FALSE 13:43:31:924 } 13:43:31:924 callProceeding = { 13:43:31:924 FALSE 13:43:31:925 } 13:43:31:925 connect = { 13:43:31:925 FALSE 13:43:31:925 } 13:43:31:925 alerting = { 13:43:31:925 FALSE 13:43:31:925 } 13:43:31:925 information = { 13:43:31:925 FALSE 13:43:31:925 } 13:43:31:925 releaseComplete = { 13:43:31:925 FALSE 13:43:31:925 } 13:43:31:925 facility = { 13:43:31:925 FALSE 13:43:31:925 } 13:43:31:925 progress = { 13:43:31:925 FALSE 13:43:31:926 } 13:43:31:926 empty = { 13:43:31:926 FALSE 13:43:31:926 } 13:43:31:926 status = { 13:43:31:926 FALSE 13:43:31:926 } 13:43:31:926 statusInquiry = { 13:43:31:926 FALSE 13:43:31:926 } 13:43:31:926 setupAcknowledge = { 13:43:31:926 FALSE 13:43:31:926 } 13:43:31:926 notify = { 13:43:31:926 FALSE 13:43:31:926 } 13:43:31:926 } 13:43:31:926 } 13:43:31:926 } 13:43:31:926 Admission Confirm (ACF) message received 13:43:31:926 Found Pending call(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:926 Deleted ARQ Timer. 13:43:31:926 Admission Confirm message received for (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:926 Processing received forward olc 1 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:926 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:926 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:926 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G729. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:926 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Found matching simple audio capability type OO_G729. Comparing other parameters. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 We can receive Simple capability OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Returning copy of matched receive capability OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Receive Channel data type supported 13:43:31:927 Processing received forward olc 2 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G729WANNEXB. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Found matching simple audio capability type OO_G729WANNEXB. Comparing other parameters. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 We can receive Simple capability OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Returning copy of matched receive capability OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Receive Channel data type supported 13:43:31:927 Processing received forward olc 3 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G711ALAW64K. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Processing received forward olc 4 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G711ULAW64K. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Processing received forward olc 5 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G7231. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Building CallProceeding (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 Built Call Proceeding(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:927 UserInfo encoding - successful 13:43:31:927 Q931 Message = { 13:43:31:927 protocolDiscriminator = 8 13:43:31:927 callReference = 19851 13:43:31:927 from = destination 13:43:31:927 messageType = 2 13:43:31:927 Display IE = { 13:43:31:927 ast-gag75 13:43:31:927 } 13:43:31:927 h323_uu_pdu = { 13:43:31:927 h323_message_body = { 13:43:31:927 callProceeding = { 13:43:31:927 protocolIdentifier = { 13:43:31:927 { 13:43:31:927 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 13:43:31:927 } 13:43:31:927 destinationInfo = { 13:43:31:927 vendor = { 13:43:31:927 vendor = { 13:43:31:927 t35CountryCode = { 13:43:31:928 184 13:43:31:928 } 13:43:31:928 t35Extension = { 13:43:31:928 0 13:43:31:928 } 13:43:31:928 manufacturerCode = { 13:43:31:928 39 13:43:31:928 } 13:43:31:928 } 13:43:31:929 productId = { 13:43:31:929 '6f6f68333233'H 13:43:31:929 } 13:43:31:929 versionId = { 13:43:31:929 '76302e382e336d'H 13:43:31:929 } 13:43:31:929 } 13:43:31:929 gateway = { 13:43:31:929 } 13:43:31:929 mc = { 13:43:31:929 FALSE 13:43:31:930 } 13:43:31:930 undefinedNode = { 13:43:31:930 FALSE 13:43:31:930 } 13:43:31:930 } 13:43:31:930 callIdentifier = { 13:43:31:930 guid = { 13:43:31:930 '11520ca84c7411e49c01c7e5fe33e3f8'H 13:43:31:930 } 13:43:31:930 } 13:43:31:930 multipleCalls = { 13:43:31:930 FALSE 13:43:31:930 } 13:43:31:931 maintainConnection = { 13:43:31:931 FALSE 13:43:31:931 } 13:43:31:931 } 13:43:31:931 } 13:43:31:931 h245Tunneling = { 13:43:31:931 TRUE 13:43:31:931 } 13:43:31:931 } 13:43:31:931 UUIE decode successful 13:43:31:931 } 13:43:31:931 Queued H225 messages 1. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:931 Processing received forward olc 1 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:931 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:931 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:931 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G729. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:931 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:931 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:931 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:931 Found matching simple audio capability type OO_G729. Comparing other parameters. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:931 We can receive Simple capability OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:931 Returning copy of matched receive capability OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:931 Receive Channel data type supported 13:43:31:931 Building OpenLogicalChannel for Receive Capability (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:931 Adding new media channel for cap 11 dir receive (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:931 Adding new channel with cap 11 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:931 Using configured media info (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:931 Configured media info (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:931 Created new logical channel entry (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:931 Building forward olc. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:931 Receive channel of type audio started (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:931 Receive channel of type audio started (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:931 FastStart Element = { 13:43:31:931 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:31:931 1 13:43:31:931 } 13:43:31:931 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:931 dataType = { 13:43:31:931 audioData = { 13:43:31:931 g729 = { 13:43:31:931 2 13:43:31:931 } 13:43:31:932 } 13:43:31:932 } 13:43:31:932 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:31:932 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:932 sessionID = { 13:43:31:932 1 13:43:31:932 } 13:43:31:932 mediaChannel = { 13:43:31:932 unicastAddress = { 13:43:31:932 iPAddress = { 13:43:31:932 network = { 13:43:31:932 'c0a87a03'H 13:43:31:932 } 13:43:31:932 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:31:933 20530 13:43:31:933 } 13:43:31:933 } 13:43:31:933 } 13:43:31:933 } 13:43:31:933 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:31:933 unicastAddress = { 13:43:31:933 iPAddress = { 13:43:31:933 network = { 13:43:31:933 'c0a87a03'H 13:43:31:934 } 13:43:31:934 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:31:934 20531 13:43:31:934 } 13:43:31:934 } 13:43:31:934 } 13:43:31:934 } 13:43:31:934 } 13:43:31:934 } 13:43:31:934 } 13:43:31:934 } 13:43:31:934 Processing received reverse olc 1 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:934 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:934 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:934 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G729. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:934 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:934 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:934 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:934 Found matching simple audio capability type OO_G729. Comparing other parameters. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:934 We can transmit Simple capability OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:934 Returning copy of matched transmit capability OO_G729.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:934 Transmit Channel data type supported 13:43:31:934 Building OpenLogicalChannel for transmit Capability (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:934 Adding new media channel for cap 11 dir transmit (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:934 Adding new channel with cap 11 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:934 Using configured media info (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:934 Configured media info (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:934 Created new logical channel entry (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:934 Building reverse olc. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:935 Transmit channel of type audio started (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:935 FastStart Element = { 13:43:31:935 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:31:935 1001 13:43:31:935 } 13:43:31:935 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:935 dataType = { 13:43:31:935 nullData = { 13:43:31:935 NULL 13:43:31:935 } 13:43:31:935 } 13:43:31:935 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:31:935 none = { 13:43:31:935 NULL 13:43:31:935 } 13:43:31:935 } 13:43:31:935 } 13:43:31:935 reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:935 dataType = { 13:43:31:935 audioData = { 13:43:31:935 g729 = { 13:43:31:935 2 13:43:31:935 } 13:43:31:935 } 13:43:31:935 } 13:43:31:936 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:31:936 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:31:936 sessionID = { 13:43:31:936 1 13:43:31:936 } 13:43:31:936 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:31:936 unicastAddress = { 13:43:31:936 iPAddress = { 13:43:31:936 network = { 13:43:31:936 'c0a87a03'H 13:43:31:936 } 13:43:31:936 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:31:937 20531 13:43:31:937 } 13:43:31:937 } 13:43:31:937 } 13:43:31:937 } 13:43:31:937 } 13:43:31:937 } 13:43:31:937 } 13:43:31:937 } 13:43:31:937 Processing received forward olc 2 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G729WANNEXB. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Found matching simple audio capability type OO_G729WANNEXB. Comparing other parameters. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 We can receive Simple capability OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Returning copy of matched receive capability OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Receive Channel data type supported 13:43:31:937 Receive channel with sessionID 1 already established.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Processing received reverse olc 2 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G729WANNEXB. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Found matching simple audio capability type OO_G729WANNEXB. Comparing other parameters. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 We can transmit Simple capability OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Returning copy of matched transmit capability OO_G729WANNEXB.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Transmit Channel data type supported 13:43:31:937 Transmit session with sessionID 1 already established.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Processing received forward olc 3 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G711ALAW64K. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Processing received reverse olc 3 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G711ALAW64K. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Processing received forward olc 4 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G711ULAW64K. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Processing received reverse olc 4 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G711ULAW64K. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Processing received forward olc 5 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G7231. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Processing received reverse olc 5 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G7231. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:937 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:938 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:938 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:938 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:938 Added 2 fast start elements to message (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:938 Built Progress (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:938 UserInfo encoding - successful 13:43:31:938 Q931 Message = { 13:43:31:938 protocolDiscriminator = 8 13:43:31:938 callReference = 19851 13:43:31:938 from = destination 13:43:31:938 messageType = 3 13:43:31:938 Display IE = { 13:43:31:938 ast-gag75 13:43:31:938 } 13:43:31:938 h323_uu_pdu = { 13:43:31:938 h323_message_body = { 13:43:31:938 progress = { 13:43:31:938 protocolIdentifier = { 13:43:31:938 { 13:43:31:938 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 13:43:31:938 } 13:43:31:938 destinationInfo = { 13:43:31:938 vendor = { 13:43:31:938 vendor = { 13:43:31:938 t35CountryCode = { 13:43:31:938 184 13:43:31:938 } 13:43:31:939 t35Extension = { 13:43:31:939 0 13:43:31:939 } 13:43:31:939 manufacturerCode = { 13:43:31:939 39 13:43:31:939 } 13:43:31:939 } 13:43:31:939 productId = { 13:43:31:939 '6f6f68333233'H 13:43:31:939 } 13:43:31:940 versionId = { 13:43:31:940 '76302e382e336d'H 13:43:31:940 } 13:43:31:940 } 13:43:31:940 gateway = { 13:43:31:940 } 13:43:31:940 mc = { 13:43:31:940 FALSE 13:43:31:940 } 13:43:31:940 undefinedNode = { 13:43:31:940 FALSE 13:43:31:941 } 13:43:31:941 } 13:43:31:941 callIdentifier = { 13:43:31:941 guid = { 13:43:31:941 '11520ca84c7411e49c01c7e5fe33e3f8'H 13:43:31:941 } 13:43:31:941 } 13:43:31:941 fastStart = { 13:43:31:941 elem[0] = { 13:43:31:941 '0000000d4001801114000100c0a87a03503200c0a87a035033'H 13:43:31:941 } 13:43:31:941 elem[1] = { 13:43:31:941 '4003e8060401004d4001800a04000100c0a87a035033'H 13:43:31:942 } 13:43:31:942 } 13:43:31:942 multipleCalls = { 13:43:31:942 FALSE 13:43:31:942 } 13:43:31:942 maintainConnection = { 13:43:31:942 FALSE 13:43:31:942 } 13:43:31:942 } 13:43:31:942 } 13:43:31:942 h245Tunneling = { 13:43:31:942 TRUE 13:43:31:942 } 13:43:31:942 } 13:43:31:942 UUIE decode successful 13:43:31:942 } 13:43:31:942 Queued H225 messages 2. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:942 Sending transmit&recevie capability t38 in TCS.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:942 Sending receive capability OO_G729ANNEXA in TCS.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:942 Sending receive capability OO_G729 in TCS.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:942 Sending receive capability OO_G729WANNEXB in TCS.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:942 Built terminal capability set message (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:942 Sending H.245 Message = { 13:43:31:942 request = { 13:43:31:942 terminalCapabilitySet = { 13:43:31:942 sequenceNumber = { 13:43:31:943 1 13:43:31:943 } 13:43:31:943 protocolIdentifier = { 13:43:31:943 { 13:43:31:943 0 0 8 245 0 8 } 13:43:31:943 } 13:43:31:943 capabilityTable = { 13:43:31:943 elem[0] = { 13:43:31:943 capabilityTableEntryNumber = { 13:43:31:943 1 13:43:31:943 } 13:43:31:943 capability = { 13:43:31:943 receiveAndTransmitDataApplicationCapability = { 13:43:31:943 application = { 13:43:31:943 t38fax = { 13:43:31:944 t38FaxProtocol = { 13:43:31:944 udp = { 13:43:31:944 NULL 13:43:31:944 } 13:43:31:944 } 13:43:31:944 t38FaxProfile = { 13:43:31:944 fillBitRemoval = { 13:43:31:945 FALSE 13:43:31:945 } 13:43:31:945 transcodingJBIG = { 13:43:31:945 FALSE 13:43:31:945 } 13:43:31:945 transcodingMMR = { 13:43:31:946 FALSE 13:43:31:946 } 13:43:31:946 version = { 13:43:31:946 0 13:43:31:946 } 13:43:31:946 t38FaxRateManagement = { 13:43:31:946 transferredTCF = { 13:43:31:947 NULL 13:43:31:947 } 13:43:31:947 } 13:43:31:947 t38FaxUdpOptions = { 13:43:31:947 t38FaxMaxBuffer = { 13:43:31:947 200 13:43:31:948 } 13:43:31:948 t38FaxMaxDatagram = { 13:43:31:948 72 13:43:31:948 } 13:43:31:948 t38FaxUdpEC = { 13:43:31:948 t38UDPRedundancy = { 13:43:31:949 NULL 13:43:31:949 } 13:43:31:949 } 13:43:31:949 } 13:43:31:949 } 13:43:31:949 } 13:43:31:949 } 13:43:31:950 maxBitRate = { 13:43:31:950 144 13:43:31:950 } 13:43:31:950 } 13:43:31:950 } 13:43:31:950 } 13:43:31:950 elem[1] = { 13:43:31:950 capabilityTableEntryNumber = { 13:43:31:950 2 13:43:31:950 } 13:43:31:950 capability = { 13:43:31:951 receiveAudioCapability = { 13:43:31:951 g729AnnexA = { 13:43:31:951 2 13:43:31:951 } 13:43:31:951 } 13:43:31:951 } 13:43:31:951 } 13:43:31:951 elem[2] = { 13:43:31:951 capabilityTableEntryNumber = { 13:43:31:951 3 13:43:31:951 } 13:43:31:951 capability = { 13:43:31:952 receiveAudioCapability = { 13:43:31:952 g729 = { 13:43:31:952 2 13:43:31:952 } 13:43:31:952 } 13:43:31:952 } 13:43:31:952 } 13:43:31:952 elem[3] = { 13:43:31:952 capabilityTableEntryNumber = { 13:43:31:952 4 13:43:31:952 } 13:43:31:953 capability = { 13:43:31:953 receiveAudioCapability = { 13:43:31:953 g729wAnnexB = { 13:43:31:953 2 13:43:31:953 } 13:43:31:953 } 13:43:31:953 } 13:43:31:953 } 13:43:31:953 elem[4] = { 13:43:31:953 capabilityTableEntryNumber = { 13:43:31:953 5 13:43:31:953 } 13:43:31:954 capability = { 13:43:31:954 receiveRTPAudioTelephonyEventCapability = { 13:43:31:954 dynamicRTPPayloadType = { 13:43:31:954 101 13:43:31:954 } 13:43:31:954 audioTelephoneEvent = { 13:43:31:954 "0-16" 13:43:31:954 } 13:43:31:954 } 13:43:31:954 } 13:43:31:955 } 13:43:31:955 elem[5] = { 13:43:31:955 capabilityTableEntryNumber = { 13:43:31:955 6 13:43:31:955 } 13:43:31:955 capability = { 13:43:31:955 receiveDataApplicationCapability = { 13:43:31:955 application = { 13:43:31:955 nonStandard = { 13:43:31:955 nonStandardIdentifier = { 13:43:31:955 h221NonStandard = { 13:43:31:956 t35CountryCode = { 13:43:31:956 181 13:43:31:956 } 13:43:31:956 t35Extension = { 13:43:31:956 0 13:43:31:956 } 13:43:31:957 manufacturerCode = { 13:43:31:957 18 13:43:31:957 } 13:43:31:957 } 13:43:31:957 } 13:43:31:957 data = { 13:43:31:958 '52747044746d6652656c6179'H 13:43:31:958 } 13:43:31:958 } 13:43:31:958 } 13:43:31:958 maxBitRate = { 13:43:31:958 0 13:43:31:958 } 13:43:31:958 } 13:43:31:958 } 13:43:31:959 } 13:43:31:959 elem[6] = { 13:43:31:959 capabilityTableEntryNumber = { 13:43:31:959 7 13:43:31:959 } 13:43:31:959 capability = { 13:43:31:959 receiveAndTransmitUserInputCapability = { 13:43:31:959 basicString = { 13:43:31:959 NULL 13:43:31:959 } 13:43:31:959 } 13:43:31:959 } 13:43:31:960 } 13:43:31:960 elem[7] = { 13:43:31:960 capabilityTableEntryNumber = { 13:43:31:960 8 13:43:31:960 } 13:43:31:960 capability = { 13:43:31:960 receiveAndTransmitUserInputCapability = { 13:43:31:960 dtmf = { 13:43:31:960 NULL 13:43:31:960 } 13:43:31:960 } 13:43:31:961 } 13:43:31:961 } 13:43:31:961 } 13:43:31:961 capabilityDescriptors = { 13:43:31:961 elem[0] = { 13:43:31:961 capabilityDescriptorNumber = { 13:43:31:961 1 13:43:31:961 } 13:43:31:961 simultaneousCapabilities = { 13:43:31:961 elem[0] = { 13:43:31:961 elem[0] = { 13:43:31:961 1 13:43:31:962 } 13:43:31:962 elem[1] = { 13:43:31:962 2 13:43:31:962 } 13:43:31:962 elem[2] = { 13:43:31:962 3 13:43:31:962 } 13:43:31:962 elem[3] = { 13:43:31:962 4 13:43:31:963 } 13:43:31:963 } 13:43:31:963 elem[1] = { 13:43:31:963 elem[0] = { 13:43:31:963 5 13:43:31:963 } 13:43:31:963 elem[1] = { 13:43:31:963 6 13:43:31:963 } 13:43:31:963 elem[2] = { 13:43:31:964 7 13:43:31:964 } 13:43:31:964 elem[3] = { 13:43:31:964 8 13:43:31:964 } 13:43:31:964 } 13:43:31:964 } 13:43:31:964 } 13:43:31:964 } 13:43:31:964 } 13:43:31:964 } 13:43:31:964 } 13:43:31:964 Building Facility message for tunneling OOTerminalCapabilitySet (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:965 UserInfo encoding - successful 13:43:31:965 Q931 Message = { 13:43:31:965 protocolDiscriminator = 8 13:43:31:965 callReference = 19851 13:43:31:965 from = destination 13:43:31:965 messageType = 62 13:43:31:965 Display IE = { 13:43:31:965 ast-gag75 13:43:31:965 } 13:43:31:965 h323_uu_pdu = { 13:43:31:965 h323_message_body = { 13:43:31:965 facility = { 13:43:31:965 protocolIdentifier = { 13:43:31:965 { 13:43:31:965 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 13:43:31:965 } 13:43:31:965 reason = { 13:43:31:965 transportedInformation = { 13:43:31:965 NULL 13:43:31:965 } 13:43:31:965 } 13:43:31:965 callIdentifier = { 13:43:31:965 guid = { 13:43:31:965 '11520ca84c7411e49c01c7e5fe33e3f8'H 13:43:31:966 } 13:43:31:966 } 13:43:31:966 } 13:43:31:966 } 13:43:31:966 h245Tunneling = { 13:43:31:966 TRUE 13:43:31:966 } 13:43:31:966 h245Control = { 13:43:31:966 elem[0] = { 13:43:31:966 '02300106000881750008078000004a0811860100807c0100014007c00200c8014840009080000122c001800002228001800003240001018000048a061404302d31368000053810b50000120c52747044746d6652656c6179000080000685011080000785014000800101030000000100020003030004000500060007'H 13:43:31:966 } 13:43:31:966 } 13:43:31:966 } 13:43:31:966 UUIE decode successful 13:43:31:966 } 13:43:31:966 Queued H225 messages 3. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:966 msgCtxt Reset?Not Done (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:966 Sending H225 message (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:966 Sending Q931 message (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:966 H2250/Q931 Message sent successfully (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:966 Sent Message - CallProceeding (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:966 Sending H225 message (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:966 Sending Q931 message (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:966 H2250/Q931 Message sent successfully (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:966 Sent Message - Alerting (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:966 Sending H225 message (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:966 Sending Q931 message (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:966 H2250/Q931 Message sent successfully (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:966 Sent Message - Facility(OOTerminalCapabilitySet) (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:966 Tunneled Message - TerminalCapabilitySet (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:979 INFO: FinCall returned 7f48dc013b38 for call: ooh323c_9 13:43:31:979 Processing Hang call command ooh323c_9 with q931 cause 17 13:43:31:979 INFO: FinCall returned 7f48dc013b38 for call: ooh323c_9 13:43:31:979 Hanging up call (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:979 In ooEndCall call state is - OO_CALL_CLEAR (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:979 Clearing all logical channels. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:979 Clearing all logical channels (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:979 Clearing logical channel number 1. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:979 Stopped Receive channel 1 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:979 Removed logical channel 1 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:979 Clearing logical channel number 1001. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:979 Stopped Transmit channel 1001 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:979 Removed logical channel 1001 (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:979 ERROR: No Open LogicalChannels - Failed FindLogicalChannelByChannelNo (incoming, ooh323c_9 13:43:31:979 Built EndSession Command (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:979 Sending H.245 Message = { 13:43:31:979 command = { 13:43:31:979 endSessionCommand = { 13:43:31:979 disconnect = { 13:43:31:979 NULL 13:43:31:979 } 13:43:31:979 } 13:43:31:979 } 13:43:31:980 } 13:43:31:980 Building Facility message for tunneling OOEndSessionCommand (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:980 UserInfo encoding - successful 13:43:31:980 Q931 Message = { 13:43:31:980 protocolDiscriminator = 8 13:43:31:980 callReference = 19851 13:43:31:980 from = destination 13:43:31:980 messageType = 62 13:43:31:980 Display IE = { 13:43:31:980 ast-gag75 13:43:31:980 } 13:43:31:980 h323_uu_pdu = { 13:43:31:980 h323_message_body = { 13:43:31:980 facility = { 13:43:31:980 protocolIdentifier = { 13:43:31:980 { 13:43:31:980 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 13:43:31:980 } 13:43:31:980 reason = { 13:43:31:980 transportedInformation = { 13:43:31:980 NULL 13:43:31:980 } 13:43:31:980 } 13:43:31:980 callIdentifier = { 13:43:31:980 guid = { 13:43:31:980 '11520ca84c7411e49c01c7e5fe33e3f8'H 13:43:31:981 } 13:43:31:981 } 13:43:31:981 } 13:43:31:981 } 13:43:31:981 h245Tunneling = { 13:43:31:981 TRUE 13:43:31:981 } 13:43:31:981 h245Control = { 13:43:31:981 elem[0] = { 13:43:31:981 '4a40'H 13:43:31:981 } 13:43:31:981 } 13:43:31:981 } 13:43:31:981 UUIE decode successful 13:43:31:981 } 13:43:31:981 msgCtxt Reset?Not Done (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:981 Building Release Complete message to send(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:981 Built Release Complete message (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:981 UserInfo encoding - successful 13:43:31:981 Q931 Message = { 13:43:31:981 protocolDiscriminator = 8 13:43:31:981 callReference = 19851 13:43:31:981 from = destination 13:43:31:981 messageType = 5a 13:43:31:981 Cause IE = { 13:43:31:981 Q931UserBusy 13:43:31:981 } 13:43:31:981 Display IE = { 13:43:31:981 ast-gag75 13:43:31:981 } 13:43:31:981 h323_uu_pdu = { 13:43:31:981 h323_message_body = { 13:43:31:981 releaseComplete = { 13:43:31:981 protocolIdentifier = { 13:43:31:981 { 13:43:31:982 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 13:43:31:982 } 13:43:31:982 reason = { 13:43:31:982 inConf = { 13:43:31:982 NULL 13:43:31:982 } 13:43:31:982 } 13:43:31:982 callIdentifier = { 13:43:31:982 guid = { 13:43:31:982 '11520ca84c7411e49c01c7e5fe33e3f8'H 13:43:31:982 } 13:43:31:982 } 13:43:31:982 } 13:43:31:982 } 13:43:31:982 h245Tunneling = { 13:43:31:983 TRUE 13:43:31:983 } 13:43:31:983 } 13:43:31:983 UUIE decode successful 13:43:31:983 } 13:43:31:983 Sending H225 message (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:983 Sending Q931 message (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:983 H2250/Q931 Message sent successfully (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:983 Sent Message - ReleaseComplete (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:983 Sending DRQ after sending ReleaseComplete.(incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:983 Sending disengage Request for call. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:983 Ras message encoding - successful 13:43:31:983 Sending RAS Message = { 13:43:31:983 disengageRequest = { 13:43:31:983 requestSeqNum = { 13:43:31:983 25 13:43:31:983 } 13:43:31:983 endpointIdentifier = { 13:43:31:983 5034_p98 13:43:31:983 } 13:43:31:983 conferenceID = { 13:43:31:983 '11520ca84c7411e4840d001b548a3c30'H 13:43:31:983 } 13:43:31:983 callReferenceValue = { 13:43:31:983 19851 13:43:31:983 } 13:43:31:983 disengageReason = { 13:43:31:983 normalDrop = { 13:43:31:983 NULL 13:43:31:983 } 13:43:31:983 } 13:43:31:983 callIdentifier = { 13:43:31:984 guid = { 13:43:31:984 '11520ca84c7411e49c01c7e5fe33e3f8'H 13:43:31:984 } 13:43:31:984 } 13:43:31:984 gatekeeperIdentifier = { 13:43:31:984 P98 13:43:31:984 } 13:43:31:984 answeredCall = { 13:43:31:984 TRUE 13:43:31:984 } 13:43:31:984 usageInformation = { 13:43:31:984 nonStandardUsageFields = { 13:43:31:984 } 13:43:31:984 endTime = { 13:43:31:984 1412588611 13:43:31:984 } 13:43:31:984 } 13:43:31:984 terminationCause = { 13:43:31:984 releaseCompleteCauseIE = { 13:43:31:984 '43616c6c20456e646564'H 13:43:31:984 } 13:43:31:985 } 13:43:31:985 } 13:43:31:985 } 13:43:31:985 In ooEndCall call state is - OO_CALL_CLEAR_RELEASESENT (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:985 Cleaning Call (incoming, ooh323c_9)- reason:OO_REASON_REMOTE_BUSY 13:43:31:985 Closing H.245 connection (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:985 Closed H245 connection. (incoming, ooh323c_9) 13:43:31:985 Removing call 7f48dc013b38: ooh323c_9 13:43:31:985 Removed call (incoming, ooh323c_9) from list 13:43:31:985 Ending Call Monitor thread 13:43:31:986 GkClient Received RAS Message 13:43:31:986 Received RAS Message = { 13:43:31:986 disengageConfirm = { 13:43:31:986 requestSeqNum = { 13:43:31:986 25 13:43:31:986 } 13:43:31:986 } 13:43:31:986 } 13:43:31:986 Received disengage confirm 13:43:32:073 New connection at H225 receiver 13:43:32:073 Created a new call (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:073 Using Local IP address (IPv4) for incoming call (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:075 Receiving H.2250 message (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:075 Received Q.931 message: (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:075 Received H.2250 Message = { 13:43:32:075 protocolDiscriminator = 8 13:43:32:075 callReference = 19852 13:43:32:075 from = originator 13:43:32:075 messageType = 5 13:43:32:075 Bearer-Capability IE = { 13:43:32:075 80, 90, a3 } 13:43:32:075 CallingPartyNumber IE = { 13:43:32:075 6401 13:43:32:075 } 13:43:32:075 CalledPartyNumber IE = { 13:43:32:075 5814 13:43:32:075 } 13:43:32:075 h323_uu_pdu = { 13:43:32:075 h323_message_body = { 13:43:32:075 setup = { 13:43:32:075 protocolIdentifier = { 13:43:32:075 { 13:43:32:075 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 13:43:32:075 } 13:43:32:075 sourceAddress = { 13:43:32:075 elem[0] = { 13:43:32:075 h323_ID = { 13:43:32:076 p98 13:43:32:076 } 13:43:32:076 } 13:43:32:076 } 13:43:32:076 sourceInfo = { 13:43:32:076 vendor = { 13:43:32:076 vendor = { 13:43:32:076 t35CountryCode = { 13:43:32:076 181 13:43:32:076 } 13:43:32:076 t35Extension = { 13:43:32:077 0 13:43:32:077 } 13:43:32:077 manufacturerCode = { 13:43:32:077 18 13:43:32:077 } 13:43:32:077 } 13:43:32:077 } 13:43:32:077 gateway = { 13:43:32:077 protocol = { 13:43:32:077 elem[0] = { 13:43:32:078 voice = { 13:43:32:078 supportedPrefixes = { 13:43:32:078 elem[0] = { 13:43:32:078 prefix = { 13:43:32:078 dialedDigits = { 13:43:32:078 "11" 13:43:32:079 } 13:43:32:079 } 13:43:32:079 } 13:43:32:079 elem[1] = { 13:43:32:079 prefix = { 13:43:32:079 dialedDigits = { 13:43:32:080 "83412" 13:43:32:080 } 13:43:32:080 } 13:43:32:080 } 13:43:32:080 elem[2] = { 13:43:32:080 prefix = { 13:43:32:081 dialedDigits = { 13:43:32:081 "13" 13:43:32:081 } 13:43:32:081 } 13:43:32:081 } 13:43:32:081 elem[3] = { 13:43:32:082 prefix = { 13:43:32:082 dialedDigits = { 13:43:32:082 "47" 13:43:32:082 } 13:43:32:082 } 13:43:32:082 } 13:43:32:083 elem[4] = { 13:43:32:083 prefix = { 13:43:32:083 dialedDigits = { 13:43:32:083 "4" 13:43:32:083 } 13:43:32:083 } 13:43:32:084 } 13:43:32:084 elem[5] = { 13:43:32:084 prefix = { 13:43:32:084 dialedDigits = { 13:43:32:084 "5" 13:43:32:084 } 13:43:32:085 } 13:43:32:085 } 13:43:32:085 elem[6] = { 13:43:32:085 prefix = { 13:43:32:085 dialedDigits = { 13:43:32:085 "6" 13:43:32:086 } 13:43:32:086 } 13:43:32:086 } 13:43:32:086 elem[7] = { 13:43:32:086 prefix = { 13:43:32:086 dialedDigits = { 13:43:32:087 "10" 13:43:32:087 } 13:43:32:087 } 13:43:32:087 } 13:43:32:087 elem[8] = { 13:43:32:087 prefix = { 13:43:32:088 dialedDigits = { 13:43:32:088 "0" 13:43:32:088 } 13:43:32:088 } 13:43:32:088 } 13:43:32:088 elem[9] = { 13:43:32:089 prefix = { 13:43:32:089 dialedDigits = { 13:43:32:089 "50" 13:43:32:089 } 13:43:32:089 } 13:43:32:089 } 13:43:32:090 } 13:43:32:090 } 13:43:32:090 } 13:43:32:090 elem[1] = { 13:43:32:090 h323 = { 13:43:32:090 supportedPrefixes = { 13:43:32:090 } 13:43:32:090 } 13:43:32:091 } 13:43:32:091 } 13:43:32:091 } 13:43:32:091 mc = { 13:43:32:091 FALSE 13:43:32:091 } 13:43:32:091 undefinedNode = { 13:43:32:091 FALSE 13:43:32:091 } 13:43:32:091 } 13:43:32:091 activeMC = { 13:43:32:091 FALSE 13:43:32:092 } 13:43:32:092 conferenceID = { 13:43:32:092 '117267b84c7411e4840e001b548a3c30'H 13:43:32:092 } 13:43:32:092 conferenceGoal = { 13:43:32:092 create = { 13:43:32:092 NULL 13:43:32:092 } 13:43:32:092 } 13:43:32:092 callType = { 13:43:32:092 pointToPoint = { 13:43:32:092 NULL 13:43:32:092 } 13:43:32:092 } 13:43:32:093 sourceCallSignalAddress = { 13:43:32:093 ipAddress = { 13:43:32:093 ip = { 13:43:32:093 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:32:093 } 13:43:32:093 port = { 13:43:32:093 50790 13:43:32:093 } 13:43:32:093 } 13:43:32:093 } 13:43:32:093 callIdentifier = { 13:43:32:093 guid = { 13:43:32:094 '117267b84c7411e49c06c7e5fe33e3f8'H 13:43:32:094 } 13:43:32:094 } 13:43:32:094 fastStart = { 13:43:32:094 elem[0] = { 13:43:32:094 '0000000d4001800b05000100c0a816fd429f00'H 13:43:32:094 } 13:43:32:094 elem[1] = { 13:43:32:094 '400000060401004d4001801215000100c0a816fd429e00c0a816fd429f00'H 13:43:32:094 } 13:43:32:094 elem[2] = { 13:43:32:094 '0000010e000101800b05000100c0a816fd429f00'H 13:43:32:095 } 13:43:32:095 elem[3] = { 13:43:32:095 '400001060401004e000101801215000100c0a816fd429e00c0a816fd429f00'H 13:43:32:095 } 13:43:32:095 elem[4] = { 13:43:32:095 '0000020c2013800b05000100c0a816fd429f00'H 13:43:32:095 } 13:43:32:095 elem[5] = { 13:43:32:095 '400002060401004c2013801215000100c0a816fd429e00c0a816fd429f00'H 13:43:32:095 } 13:43:32:095 elem[6] = { 13:43:32:095 '0000030c6013800b05000100c0a816fd429f00'H 13:43:32:096 } 13:43:32:096 elem[7] = { 13:43:32:096 '400003060401004c6013801215000100c0a816fd429e00c0a816fd429f00'H 13:43:32:096 } 13:43:32:096 elem[8] = { 13:43:32:096 '0000040d000040000b05000100c0a816fd429f00'H 13:43:32:096 } 13:43:32:096 elem[9] = { 13:43:32:096 '400004060401004d000040001215000100c0a816fd429e00c0a816fd429f00'H 13:43:32:096 } 13:43:32:096 } 13:43:32:097 mediaWaitForConnect = { 13:43:32:097 FALSE 13:43:32:097 } 13:43:32:097 canOverlapSend = { 13:43:32:097 FALSE 13:43:32:097 } 13:43:32:097 multipleCalls = { 13:43:32:097 TRUE 13:43:32:097 } 13:43:32:097 maintainConnection = { 13:43:32:097 TRUE 13:43:32:097 } 13:43:32:097 symmetricOperationRequired = { 13:43:32:097 NULL 13:43:32:097 } 13:43:32:098 } 13:43:32:098 } 13:43:32:098 h245Tunneling = { 13:43:32:098 TRUE 13:43:32:098 } 13:43:32:098 nonStandardControl = { 13:43:32:098 elem[0] = { 13:43:32:098 nonStandardIdentifier = { 13:43:32:098 h221NonStandard = { 13:43:32:098 t35CountryCode = { 13:43:32:098 181 13:43:32:098 } 13:43:32:098 t35Extension = { 13:43:32:098 0 13:43:32:098 } 13:43:32:099 manufacturerCode = { 13:43:32:099 18 13:43:32:099 } 13:43:32:099 } 13:43:32:099 } 13:43:32:099 data = { 13:43:32:099 'e001010001041d04039090a31803a983911e0281836c05a13634303170058135383134a118800006000400000003'H 13:43:32:099 } 13:43:32:099 } 13:43:32:099 } 13:43:32:099 } 13:43:32:099 UUIE decode successful 13:43:32:099 Decoded Q931 message (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:099 } 13:43:32:099 Received SETUP message (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:099 Extract H.225 remote version, it's 4, (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:099 Call has tunneling active (incoming,ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:099 FastStart enabled for call(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:099 FastStart Elements = { 13:43:32:099 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:32:099 1 13:43:32:099 } 13:43:32:099 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:099 dataType = { 13:43:32:100 audioData = { 13:43:32:100 g729 = { 13:43:32:100 2 13:43:32:100 } 13:43:32:100 } 13:43:32:100 } 13:43:32:100 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:32:100 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:100 sessionID = { 13:43:32:100 1 13:43:32:100 } 13:43:32:100 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:32:100 unicastAddress = { 13:43:32:100 iPAddress = { 13:43:32:100 network = { 13:43:32:101 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:32:101 } 13:43:32:101 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:32:101 17055 13:43:32:101 } 13:43:32:101 } 13:43:32:101 } 13:43:32:101 } 13:43:32:101 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:32:101 FALSE 13:43:32:101 } 13:43:32:102 } 13:43:32:102 } 13:43:32:102 } 13:43:32:102 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:32:102 1 13:43:32:102 } 13:43:32:102 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:102 dataType = { 13:43:32:102 nullData = { 13:43:32:102 NULL 13:43:32:102 } 13:43:32:102 } 13:43:32:102 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:32:102 none = { 13:43:32:102 NULL 13:43:32:102 } 13:43:32:102 } 13:43:32:102 } 13:43:32:102 reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:102 dataType = { 13:43:32:102 audioData = { 13:43:32:102 g729 = { 13:43:32:102 2 13:43:32:102 } 13:43:32:103 } 13:43:32:103 } 13:43:32:103 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:32:103 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:103 sessionID = { 13:43:32:103 1 13:43:32:103 } 13:43:32:103 mediaChannel = { 13:43:32:103 unicastAddress = { 13:43:32:103 iPAddress = { 13:43:32:103 network = { 13:43:32:103 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:32:103 } 13:43:32:103 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:32:104 17054 13:43:32:104 } 13:43:32:104 } 13:43:32:104 } 13:43:32:104 } 13:43:32:104 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:32:104 unicastAddress = { 13:43:32:104 iPAddress = { 13:43:32:104 network = { 13:43:32:104 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:32:104 } 13:43:32:105 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:32:105 17055 13:43:32:105 } 13:43:32:105 } 13:43:32:105 } 13:43:32:105 } 13:43:32:105 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:32:105 FALSE 13:43:32:105 } 13:43:32:105 } 13:43:32:105 } 13:43:32:105 } 13:43:32:105 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:32:105 2 13:43:32:105 } 13:43:32:106 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:106 dataType = { 13:43:32:106 audioData = { 13:43:32:106 g729wAnnexB = { 13:43:32:106 2 13:43:32:106 } 13:43:32:106 } 13:43:32:106 } 13:43:32:106 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:32:106 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:106 sessionID = { 13:43:32:106 1 13:43:32:106 } 13:43:32:106 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:32:106 unicastAddress = { 13:43:32:106 iPAddress = { 13:43:32:106 network = { 13:43:32:107 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:32:107 } 13:43:32:107 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:32:107 17055 13:43:32:107 } 13:43:32:107 } 13:43:32:107 } 13:43:32:107 } 13:43:32:107 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:32:107 FALSE 13:43:32:107 } 13:43:32:108 } 13:43:32:108 } 13:43:32:108 } 13:43:32:108 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:32:108 2 13:43:32:108 } 13:43:32:108 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:108 dataType = { 13:43:32:108 nullData = { 13:43:32:108 NULL 13:43:32:108 } 13:43:32:108 } 13:43:32:108 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:32:108 none = { 13:43:32:108 NULL 13:43:32:108 } 13:43:32:108 } 13:43:32:108 } 13:43:32:108 reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:108 dataType = { 13:43:32:108 audioData = { 13:43:32:108 g729wAnnexB = { 13:43:32:108 2 13:43:32:109 } 13:43:32:109 } 13:43:32:109 } 13:43:32:109 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:32:109 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:109 sessionID = { 13:43:32:109 1 13:43:32:109 } 13:43:32:109 mediaChannel = { 13:43:32:109 unicastAddress = { 13:43:32:109 iPAddress = { 13:43:32:109 network = { 13:43:32:109 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:32:109 } 13:43:32:110 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:32:110 17054 13:43:32:110 } 13:43:32:110 } 13:43:32:110 } 13:43:32:110 } 13:43:32:110 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:32:110 unicastAddress = { 13:43:32:110 iPAddress = { 13:43:32:110 network = { 13:43:32:110 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:32:111 } 13:43:32:111 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:32:111 17055 13:43:32:111 } 13:43:32:111 } 13:43:32:111 } 13:43:32:111 } 13:43:32:111 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:32:111 FALSE 13:43:32:111 } 13:43:32:111 } 13:43:32:111 } 13:43:32:111 } 13:43:32:111 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:32:112 3 13:43:32:112 } 13:43:32:112 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:112 dataType = { 13:43:32:112 audioData = { 13:43:32:112 g711Alaw64k = { 13:43:32:112 20 13:43:32:112 } 13:43:32:112 } 13:43:32:112 } 13:43:32:112 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:32:112 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:112 sessionID = { 13:43:32:112 1 13:43:32:112 } 13:43:32:112 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:32:112 unicastAddress = { 13:43:32:112 iPAddress = { 13:43:32:113 network = { 13:43:32:113 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:32:113 } 13:43:32:113 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:32:113 17055 13:43:32:113 } 13:43:32:113 } 13:43:32:113 } 13:43:32:113 } 13:43:32:113 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:32:113 FALSE 13:43:32:114 } 13:43:32:114 } 13:43:32:114 } 13:43:32:114 } 13:43:32:114 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:32:114 3 13:43:32:114 } 13:43:32:114 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:114 dataType = { 13:43:32:114 nullData = { 13:43:32:114 NULL 13:43:32:114 } 13:43:32:114 } 13:43:32:114 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:32:114 none = { 13:43:32:114 NULL 13:43:32:114 } 13:43:32:114 } 13:43:32:114 } 13:43:32:114 reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:114 dataType = { 13:43:32:114 audioData = { 13:43:32:114 g711Alaw64k = { 13:43:32:114 20 13:43:32:115 } 13:43:32:115 } 13:43:32:115 } 13:43:32:115 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:32:115 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:115 sessionID = { 13:43:32:115 1 13:43:32:115 } 13:43:32:115 mediaChannel = { 13:43:32:115 unicastAddress = { 13:43:32:115 iPAddress = { 13:43:32:115 network = { 13:43:32:115 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:32:115 } 13:43:32:116 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:32:116 17054 13:43:32:116 } 13:43:32:116 } 13:43:32:116 } 13:43:32:116 } 13:43:32:116 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:32:116 unicastAddress = { 13:43:32:116 iPAddress = { 13:43:32:116 network = { 13:43:32:116 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:32:117 } 13:43:32:117 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:32:117 17055 13:43:32:117 } 13:43:32:117 } 13:43:32:117 } 13:43:32:117 } 13:43:32:117 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:32:117 FALSE 13:43:32:117 } 13:43:32:117 } 13:43:32:118 } 13:43:32:118 } 13:43:32:118 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:32:118 4 13:43:32:118 } 13:43:32:118 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:118 dataType = { 13:43:32:118 audioData = { 13:43:32:118 g711Ulaw64k = { 13:43:32:118 20 13:43:32:118 } 13:43:32:118 } 13:43:32:118 } 13:43:32:118 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:32:118 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:118 sessionID = { 13:43:32:118 1 13:43:32:118 } 13:43:32:118 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:32:118 unicastAddress = { 13:43:32:118 iPAddress = { 13:43:32:119 network = { 13:43:32:119 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:32:119 } 13:43:32:119 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:32:119 17055 13:43:32:119 } 13:43:32:119 } 13:43:32:119 } 13:43:32:119 } 13:43:32:119 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:32:120 FALSE 13:43:32:120 } 13:43:32:120 } 13:43:32:120 } 13:43:32:120 } 13:43:32:120 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:32:120 4 13:43:32:120 } 13:43:32:120 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:120 dataType = { 13:43:32:120 nullData = { 13:43:32:120 NULL 13:43:32:120 } 13:43:32:120 } 13:43:32:120 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:32:120 none = { 13:43:32:120 NULL 13:43:32:120 } 13:43:32:120 } 13:43:32:120 } 13:43:32:120 reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:120 dataType = { 13:43:32:120 audioData = { 13:43:32:120 g711Ulaw64k = { 13:43:32:121 20 13:43:32:121 } 13:43:32:121 } 13:43:32:121 } 13:43:32:121 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:32:121 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:121 sessionID = { 13:43:32:121 1 13:43:32:121 } 13:43:32:121 mediaChannel = { 13:43:32:121 unicastAddress = { 13:43:32:121 iPAddress = { 13:43:32:121 network = { 13:43:32:121 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:32:122 } 13:43:32:122 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:32:122 17054 13:43:32:122 } 13:43:32:122 } 13:43:32:122 } 13:43:32:122 } 13:43:32:122 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:32:122 unicastAddress = { 13:43:32:122 iPAddress = { 13:43:32:122 network = { 13:43:32:123 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:32:123 } 13:43:32:123 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:32:123 17055 13:43:32:123 } 13:43:32:123 } 13:43:32:123 } 13:43:32:123 } 13:43:32:123 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:32:123 FALSE 13:43:32:123 } 13:43:32:124 } 13:43:32:124 } 13:43:32:124 } 13:43:32:124 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:32:124 5 13:43:32:124 } 13:43:32:124 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:124 dataType = { 13:43:32:124 audioData = { 13:43:32:124 g7231 = { 13:43:32:124 maxAl_sduAudioFrames = { 13:43:32:124 1 13:43:32:124 } 13:43:32:124 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:32:124 FALSE 13:43:32:124 } 13:43:32:124 } 13:43:32:124 } 13:43:32:124 } 13:43:32:125 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:32:125 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:125 sessionID = { 13:43:32:125 1 13:43:32:125 } 13:43:32:125 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:32:125 unicastAddress = { 13:43:32:125 iPAddress = { 13:43:32:125 network = { 13:43:32:125 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:32:125 } 13:43:32:125 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:32:125 17055 13:43:32:126 } 13:43:32:126 } 13:43:32:126 } 13:43:32:126 } 13:43:32:126 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:32:126 FALSE 13:43:32:126 } 13:43:32:126 } 13:43:32:126 } 13:43:32:126 } 13:43:32:126 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:32:126 5 13:43:32:126 } 13:43:32:126 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:126 dataType = { 13:43:32:126 nullData = { 13:43:32:126 NULL 13:43:32:127 } 13:43:32:127 } 13:43:32:127 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:32:127 none = { 13:43:32:127 NULL 13:43:32:127 } 13:43:32:127 } 13:43:32:127 } 13:43:32:127 reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:127 dataType = { 13:43:32:127 audioData = { 13:43:32:127 g7231 = { 13:43:32:127 maxAl_sduAudioFrames = { 13:43:32:127 1 13:43:32:127 } 13:43:32:127 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:32:127 FALSE 13:43:32:127 } 13:43:32:128 } 13:43:32:128 } 13:43:32:128 } 13:43:32:128 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:32:128 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:128 sessionID = { 13:43:32:128 1 13:43:32:128 } 13:43:32:128 mediaChannel = { 13:43:32:128 unicastAddress = { 13:43:32:128 iPAddress = { 13:43:32:128 network = { 13:43:32:128 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:32:128 } 13:43:32:129 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:32:129 17054 13:43:32:129 } 13:43:32:129 } 13:43:32:129 } 13:43:32:129 } 13:43:32:129 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:32:129 unicastAddress = { 13:43:32:129 iPAddress = { 13:43:32:129 network = { 13:43:32:129 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:32:130 } 13:43:32:130 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:32:130 17055 13:43:32:130 } 13:43:32:130 } 13:43:32:130 } 13:43:32:130 } 13:43:32:130 silenceSuppression = { 13:43:32:130 FALSE 13:43:32:130 } 13:43:32:130 } 13:43:32:130 } 13:43:32:131 } 13:43:32:131 } 13:43:32:131 Enabled RTP/CISCO DTMF capability for (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:131 Enabled RFC2833 DTMF capability for (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:131 Dtmf mode set to H.245(alphanumeric) for (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:131 Dtmf mode set to H.245(signal) for (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:131 Adding call specific capability OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:131 Adding call specific capability OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:131 Adding call specific capability OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:131 Adding call specific capability OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:131 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_G729ANNEXA (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:131 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_G729ANNEXA (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:131 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_G729 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:131 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_G729 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:131 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_G729WANNEXB (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:131 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_G729WANNEXB (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:131 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_T38 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:131 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_T38 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:131 Building Admission Request for call (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:131 Ras message encoding - successful 13:43:32:131 Sending RAS Message = { 13:43:32:131 admissionRequest = { 13:43:32:131 requestSeqNum = { 13:43:32:131 26 13:43:32:131 } 13:43:32:131 callType = { 13:43:32:131 pointToPoint = { 13:43:32:131 NULL 13:43:32:131 } 13:43:32:131 } 13:43:32:132 callModel = { 13:43:32:132 direct = { 13:43:32:132 NULL 13:43:32:132 } 13:43:32:132 } 13:43:32:132 endpointIdentifier = { 13:43:32:132 5034_p98 13:43:32:132 } 13:43:32:132 destinationInfo = { 13:43:32:132 } 13:43:32:132 destCallSignalAddress = { 13:43:32:132 ipAddress = { 13:43:32:132 ip = { 13:43:32:132 'c0a87a03'H 13:43:32:132 } 13:43:32:132 port = { 13:43:32:132 1720 13:43:32:132 } 13:43:32:132 } 13:43:32:133 } 13:43:32:133 srcInfo = { 13:43:32:133 elem[0] = { 13:43:32:133 h323_ID = { 13:43:32:133 p98 13:43:32:133 } 13:43:32:133 } 13:43:32:133 } 13:43:32:133 srcCallSignalAddress = { 13:43:32:133 ipAddress = { 13:43:32:133 ip = { 13:43:32:133 'c0a816fd'H 13:43:32:133 INFO: FinCall returned 7f48dc007638 for call: ooh323c_10 13:43:32:133 INFO: create cmd connect for call: 7f48dc007638 } 13:43:32:133 port = { 13:43:32:133 50790 13:43:32:134 } 13:43:32:134 } 13:43:32:134 } 13:43:32:134 bandWidth = { 13:43:32:134 100000 13:43:32:134 } 13:43:32:134 callReferenceValue = { 13:43:32:134 19852 13:43:32:134 } 13:43:32:134 conferenceID = { 13:43:32:134 '117267b84c7411e4840e001b548a3c30'H 13:43:32:134 } 13:43:32:134 activeMC = { 13:43:32:134 FALSE 13:43:32:134 } 13:43:32:134 answerCall = { 13:43:32:134 TRUE 13:43:32:134 } 13:43:32:134 canMapAlias = { 13:43:32:134 FALSE 13:43:32:134 } 13:43:32:134 callIdentifier = { 13:43:32:134 guid = { 13:43:32:135 '117267b84c7411e49c06c7e5fe33e3f8'H 13:43:32:135 } 13:43:32:135 } 13:43:32:135 gatekeeperIdentifier = { 13:43:32:135 P98 13:43:32:135 } 13:43:32:135 willSupplyUUIEs = { 13:43:32:135 FALSE 13:43:32:135 } 13:43:32:135 } 13:43:32:135 } 13:43:32:135 Admission Request message sent for (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:135 GkClient Received RAS Message 13:43:32:135 Received RAS Message = { 13:43:32:135 admissionConfirm = { 13:43:32:135 requestSeqNum = { 13:43:32:135 26 13:43:32:135 } 13:43:32:135 bandWidth = { 13:43:32:135 100000 13:43:32:135 } 13:43:32:135 callModel = { 13:43:32:135 direct = { 13:43:32:135 NULL 13:43:32:135 } 13:43:32:135 } 13:43:32:136 destCallSignalAddress = { 13:43:32:136 ipAddress = { 13:43:32:136 ip = { 13:43:32:136 '00000000'H 13:43:32:136 } 13:43:32:136 port = { 13:43:32:136 0 13:43:32:136 } 13:43:32:136 } 13:43:32:136 } 13:43:32:136 irrFrequency = { 13:43:32:136 120 13:43:32:136 } 13:43:32:136 willRespondToIRR = { 13:43:32:136 FALSE 13:43:32:136 } 13:43:32:136 uuiesRequested = { 13:43:32:136 setup = { 13:43:32:136 FALSE 13:43:32:136 } 13:43:32:137 callProceeding = { 13:43:32:137 FALSE 13:43:32:137 } 13:43:32:137 connect = { 13:43:32:137 FALSE 13:43:32:137 } 13:43:32:137 alerting = { 13:43:32:137 FALSE 13:43:32:137 } 13:43:32:137 information = { 13:43:32:137 FALSE 13:43:32:137 } 13:43:32:137 releaseComplete = { 13:43:32:137 FALSE 13:43:32:137 } 13:43:32:137 facility = { 13:43:32:137 FALSE 13:43:32:137 } 13:43:32:138 progress = { 13:43:32:138 FALSE 13:43:32:138 } 13:43:32:138 empty = { 13:43:32:138 FALSE 13:43:32:138 } 13:43:32:138 status = { 13:43:32:138 FALSE 13:43:32:138 } 13:43:32:138 statusInquiry = { 13:43:32:138 FALSE 13:43:32:138 } 13:43:32:138 setupAcknowledge = { 13:43:32:138 FALSE 13:43:32:138 } 13:43:32:138 notify = { 13:43:32:138 FALSE 13:43:32:138 } 13:43:32:138 } 13:43:32:139 } 13:43:32:139 } 13:43:32:139 Admission Confirm (ACF) message received 13:43:32:139 Found Pending call(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Deleted ARQ Timer. 13:43:32:139 Admission Confirm message received for (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Processing received forward olc 1 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G729. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Found matching simple audio capability type OO_G729. Comparing other parameters. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 We can receive Simple capability OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Returning copy of matched receive capability OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Receive Channel data type supported 13:43:32:139 Processing received forward olc 2 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G729WANNEXB. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Found matching simple audio capability type OO_G729WANNEXB. Comparing other parameters. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 We can receive Simple capability OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Returning copy of matched receive capability OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Receive Channel data type supported 13:43:32:139 Processing received forward olc 3 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G711ALAW64K. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Processing received forward olc 4 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G711ULAW64K. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Processing received forward olc 5 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G7231. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Building CallProceeding (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 Built Call Proceeding(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:139 UserInfo encoding - successful 13:43:32:139 Q931 Message = { 13:43:32:139 protocolDiscriminator = 8 13:43:32:139 callReference = 19852 13:43:32:139 from = destination 13:43:32:139 messageType = 2 13:43:32:139 Display IE = { 13:43:32:139 ast-gag75 13:43:32:139 } 13:43:32:139 h323_uu_pdu = { 13:43:32:139 h323_message_body = { 13:43:32:139 callProceeding = { 13:43:32:139 protocolIdentifier = { 13:43:32:139 { 13:43:32:139 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 13:43:32:139 } 13:43:32:139 destinationInfo = { 13:43:32:139 vendor = { 13:43:32:140 vendor = { 13:43:32:140 t35CountryCode = { 13:43:32:140 184 13:43:32:140 } 13:43:32:140 t35Extension = { 13:43:32:140 0 13:43:32:140 } 13:43:32:140 manufacturerCode = { 13:43:32:140 39 13:43:32:141 } 13:43:32:141 } 13:43:32:141 productId = { 13:43:32:141 '6f6f68333233'H 13:43:32:141 } 13:43:32:141 versionId = { 13:43:32:141 '76302e382e336d'H 13:43:32:141 } 13:43:32:141 } 13:43:32:141 gateway = { 13:43:32:141 } 13:43:32:142 mc = { 13:43:32:142 FALSE 13:43:32:142 } 13:43:32:142 undefinedNode = { 13:43:32:142 FALSE 13:43:32:142 } 13:43:32:142 } 13:43:32:142 callIdentifier = { 13:43:32:142 guid = { 13:43:32:142 '117267b84c7411e49c06c7e5fe33e3f8'H 13:43:32:142 } 13:43:32:142 } 13:43:32:142 multipleCalls = { 13:43:32:143 FALSE 13:43:32:143 } 13:43:32:143 maintainConnection = { 13:43:32:143 FALSE 13:43:32:143 } 13:43:32:143 } 13:43:32:143 } 13:43:32:143 h245Tunneling = { 13:43:32:143 TRUE 13:43:32:143 } 13:43:32:143 } 13:43:32:143 UUIE decode successful 13:43:32:143 } 13:43:32:143 Queued H225 messages 1. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:143 Processing received forward olc 1 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:143 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:143 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:143 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G729. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:143 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:143 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:143 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:143 Found matching simple audio capability type OO_G729. Comparing other parameters. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:143 We can receive Simple capability OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:143 Returning copy of matched receive capability OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:143 Receive Channel data type supported 13:43:32:143 Building OpenLogicalChannel for Receive Capability (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:143 Adding new media channel for cap 11 dir receive (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:143 Adding new channel with cap 11 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:143 Using configured media info (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:143 Configured media info (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:143 Created new logical channel entry (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:143 Building forward olc. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:143 Receive channel of type audio started (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:143 Receive channel of type audio started (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:143 FastStart Element = { 13:43:32:143 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:32:143 1 13:43:32:143 } 13:43:32:143 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:143 dataType = { 13:43:32:143 audioData = { 13:43:32:143 g729 = { 13:43:32:144 2 13:43:32:144 } 13:43:32:144 } 13:43:32:144 } 13:43:32:144 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:32:144 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:144 sessionID = { 13:43:32:144 1 13:43:32:144 } 13:43:32:144 mediaChannel = { 13:43:32:144 unicastAddress = { 13:43:32:144 iPAddress = { 13:43:32:144 network = { 13:43:32:144 'c0a87a03'H 13:43:32:145 } 13:43:32:145 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:32:145 21494 13:43:32:145 } 13:43:32:145 } 13:43:32:145 } 13:43:32:145 } 13:43:32:145 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:32:145 unicastAddress = { 13:43:32:145 iPAddress = { 13:43:32:145 network = { 13:43:32:146 'c0a87a03'H 13:43:32:146 } 13:43:32:146 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:32:146 21495 13:43:32:146 } 13:43:32:146 } 13:43:32:146 } 13:43:32:146 } 13:43:32:146 } 13:43:32:146 } 13:43:32:146 } 13:43:32:146 } 13:43:32:146 Processing received reverse olc 1 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:146 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:146 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:146 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G729. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:146 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:146 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:146 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:146 Found matching simple audio capability type OO_G729. Comparing other parameters. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:146 We can transmit Simple capability OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:147 Returning copy of matched transmit capability OO_G729.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:147 Transmit Channel data type supported 13:43:32:147 Building OpenLogicalChannel for transmit Capability (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:147 Adding new media channel for cap 11 dir transmit (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:147 Adding new channel with cap 11 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:147 Using configured media info (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:147 Configured media info (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:147 Created new logical channel entry (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:147 Building reverse olc. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:147 Transmit channel of type audio started (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:147 FastStart Element = { 13:43:32:147 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 13:43:32:147 1001 13:43:32:147 } 13:43:32:147 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:147 dataType = { 13:43:32:147 nullData = { 13:43:32:147 NULL 13:43:32:147 } 13:43:32:147 } 13:43:32:147 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:32:147 none = { 13:43:32:147 NULL 13:43:32:147 } 13:43:32:147 } 13:43:32:147 } 13:43:32:147 reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:147 dataType = { 13:43:32:147 audioData = { 13:43:32:147 g729 = { 13:43:32:147 2 13:43:32:148 } 13:43:32:148 } 13:43:32:148 } 13:43:32:148 multiplexParameters = { 13:43:32:148 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 13:43:32:148 sessionID = { 13:43:32:148 1 13:43:32:148 } 13:43:32:148 mediaControlChannel = { 13:43:32:148 unicastAddress = { 13:43:32:148 iPAddress = { 13:43:32:148 network = { 13:43:32:148 'c0a87a03'H 13:43:32:148 } 13:43:32:149 tsapIdentifier = { 13:43:32:149 21495 13:43:32:149 } 13:43:32:149 } 13:43:32:149 } 13:43:32:149 } 13:43:32:149 } 13:43:32:149 } 13:43:32:149 } 13:43:32:149 } 13:43:32:149 Processing received forward olc 2 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G729WANNEXB. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Found matching simple audio capability type OO_G729WANNEXB. Comparing other parameters. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 We can receive Simple capability OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Returning copy of matched receive capability OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Receive Channel data type supported 13:43:32:149 Receive channel with sessionID 1 already established.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Processing received reverse olc 2 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G729WANNEXB. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Found matching simple audio capability type OO_G729WANNEXB. Comparing other parameters. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 We can transmit Simple capability OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Returning copy of matched transmit capability OO_G729WANNEXB.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Transmit Channel data type supported 13:43:32:149 Transmit session with sessionID 1 already established.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Processing received forward olc 3 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G711ALAW64K. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Processing received reverse olc 3 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G711ALAW64K. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Processing received forward olc 4 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G711ULAW64K. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:149 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Processing received reverse olc 4 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G711ULAW64K. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Processing received forward olc 5 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G7231. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Processing received reverse olc 5 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G7231. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Local cap being compared OO_T38. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Local cap being compared OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Local cap being compared OO_G729WANNEXB. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Added 2 fast start elements to message (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 Built Progress (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:150 UserInfo encoding - successful 13:43:32:150 Q931 Message = { 13:43:32:150 protocolDiscriminator = 8 13:43:32:150 callReference = 19852 13:43:32:150 from = destination 13:43:32:150 messageType = 3 13:43:32:150 Display IE = { 13:43:32:150 ast-gag75 13:43:32:150 } 13:43:32:150 h323_uu_pdu = { 13:43:32:150 h323_message_body = { 13:43:32:150 progress = { 13:43:32:150 protocolIdentifier = { 13:43:32:150 { 13:43:32:150 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 13:43:32:150 } 13:43:32:150 destinationInfo = { 13:43:32:150 vendor = { 13:43:32:150 vendor = { 13:43:32:150 t35CountryCode = { 13:43:32:150 184 13:43:32:151 } 13:43:32:151 t35Extension = { 13:43:32:151 0 13:43:32:151 } 13:43:32:151 manufacturerCode = { 13:43:32:151 39 13:43:32:151 } 13:43:32:151 } 13:43:32:151 productId = { 13:43:32:151 '6f6f68333233'H 13:43:32:152 } 13:43:32:152 versionId = { 13:43:32:152 '76302e382e336d'H 13:43:32:152 } 13:43:32:152 } 13:43:32:152 gateway = { 13:43:32:152 } 13:43:32:152 mc = { 13:43:32:152 FALSE 13:43:32:152 } 13:43:32:152 undefinedNode = { 13:43:32:153 FALSE 13:43:32:153 } 13:43:32:153 } 13:43:32:153 callIdentifier = { 13:43:32:153 guid = { 13:43:32:153 '117267b84c7411e49c06c7e5fe33e3f8'H 13:43:32:153 } 13:43:32:153 } 13:43:32:153 fastStart = { 13:43:32:153 elem[0] = { 13:43:32:153 '0000000d4001801114000100c0a87a0353f600c0a87a0353f7'H 13:43:32:153 } 13:43:32:153 elem[1] = { 13:43:32:154 '4003e8060401004d4001800a04000100c0a87a0353f7'H 13:43:32:154 } 13:43:32:154 } 13:43:32:154 multipleCalls = { 13:43:32:154 FALSE 13:43:32:154 } 13:43:32:154 maintainConnection = { 13:43:32:154 FALSE 13:43:32:154 } 13:43:32:154 } 13:43:32:154 } 13:43:32:154 h245Tunneling = { 13:43:32:154 TRUE 13:43:32:154 } 13:43:32:154 } 13:43:32:154 UUIE decode successful 13:43:32:154 } 13:43:32:154 Queued H225 messages 2. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:154 Sending transmit&recevie capability t38 in TCS.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:154 Sending receive capability OO_G729ANNEXA in TCS.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:154 Sending receive capability OO_G729 in TCS.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:154 Sending receive capability OO_G729WANNEXB in TCS.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:154 Built terminal capability set message (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:155 Sending H.245 Message = { 13:43:32:155 request = { 13:43:32:155 terminalCapabilitySet = { 13:43:32:155 sequenceNumber = { 13:43:32:155 1 13:43:32:155 } 13:43:32:155 protocolIdentifier = { 13:43:32:155 { 13:43:32:155 0 0 8 245 0 8 } 13:43:32:155 } 13:43:32:155 capabilityTable = { 13:43:32:155 elem[0] = { 13:43:32:155 capabilityTableEntryNumber = { 13:43:32:155 1 13:43:32:155 } 13:43:32:155 capability = { 13:43:32:155 receiveAndTransmitDataApplicationCapability = { 13:43:32:156 application = { 13:43:32:156 t38fax = { 13:43:32:156 t38FaxProtocol = { 13:43:32:156 udp = { 13:43:32:156 NULL 13:43:32:156 } 13:43:32:156 } 13:43:32:156 t38FaxProfile = { 13:43:32:157 fillBitRemoval = { 13:43:32:157 FALSE 13:43:32:157 } 13:43:32:157 transcodingJBIG = { 13:43:32:157 FALSE 13:43:32:157 } 13:43:32:158 transcodingMMR = { 13:43:32:158 FALSE 13:43:32:158 } 13:43:32:158 version = { 13:43:32:158 0 13:43:32:158 } 13:43:32:158 t38FaxRateManagement = { 13:43:32:159 transferredTCF = { 13:43:32:159 NULL 13:43:32:159 } 13:43:32:159 } 13:43:32:159 t38FaxUdpOptions = { 13:43:32:159 t38FaxMaxBuffer = { 13:43:32:160 200 13:43:32:160 } 13:43:32:160 t38FaxMaxDatagram = { 13:43:32:160 72 13:43:32:160 } 13:43:32:160 t38FaxUdpEC = { 13:43:32:161 t38UDPRedundancy = { 13:43:32:161 NULL 13:43:32:161 } 13:43:32:161 } 13:43:32:161 } 13:43:32:161 } 13:43:32:161 } 13:43:32:162 } 13:43:32:162 maxBitRate = { 13:43:32:162 144 13:43:32:162 } 13:43:32:162 } 13:43:32:162 } 13:43:32:162 } 13:43:32:162 elem[1] = { 13:43:32:162 capabilityTableEntryNumber = { 13:43:32:162 2 13:43:32:162 } 13:43:32:163 capability = { 13:43:32:163 receiveAudioCapability = { 13:43:32:163 g729AnnexA = { 13:43:32:163 2 13:43:32:163 } 13:43:32:163 } 13:43:32:163 } 13:43:32:163 } 13:43:32:163 elem[2] = { 13:43:32:163 capabilityTableEntryNumber = { 13:43:32:163 3 13:43:32:164 } 13:43:32:164 capability = { 13:43:32:164 receiveAudioCapability = { 13:43:32:164 g729 = { 13:43:32:164 2 13:43:32:164 } 13:43:32:164 } 13:43:32:164 } 13:43:32:164 } 13:43:32:164 elem[3] = { 13:43:32:164 capabilityTableEntryNumber = { 13:43:32:164 4 13:43:32:165 } 13:43:32:165 capability = { 13:43:32:165 receiveAudioCapability = { 13:43:32:165 g729wAnnexB = { 13:43:32:165 2 13:43:32:165 } 13:43:32:165 } 13:43:32:165 } 13:43:32:165 } 13:43:32:165 elem[4] = { 13:43:32:165 capabilityTableEntryNumber = { 13:43:32:166 5 13:43:32:166 } 13:43:32:166 capability = { 13:43:32:166 receiveRTPAudioTelephonyEventCapability = { 13:43:32:166 dynamicRTPPayloadType = { 13:43:32:166 101 13:43:32:166 } 13:43:32:166 audioTelephoneEvent = { 13:43:32:166 "0-16" 13:43:32:166 } 13:43:32:167 } 13:43:32:167 } 13:43:32:167 } 13:43:32:167 elem[5] = { 13:43:32:167 capabilityTableEntryNumber = { 13:43:32:167 6 13:43:32:167 } 13:43:32:167 capability = { 13:43:32:167 receiveDataApplicationCapability = { 13:43:32:167 application = { 13:43:32:167 nonStandard = { 13:43:32:167 nonStandardIdentifier = { 13:43:32:168 h221NonStandard = { 13:43:32:168 t35CountryCode = { 13:43:32:168 181 13:43:32:168 } 13:43:32:168 t35Extension = { 13:43:32:168 0 13:43:32:169 } 13:43:32:169 manufacturerCode = { 13:43:32:169 18 13:43:32:169 } 13:43:32:169 } 13:43:32:169 } 13:43:32:170 data = { 13:43:32:170 '52747044746d6652656c6179'H 13:43:32:170 } 13:43:32:170 } 13:43:32:170 } 13:43:32:170 maxBitRate = { 13:43:32:170 0 13:43:32:170 } 13:43:32:170 } 13:43:32:171 } 13:43:32:171 } 13:43:32:171 elem[6] = { 13:43:32:171 capabilityTableEntryNumber = { 13:43:32:171 7 13:43:32:171 } 13:43:32:171 capability = { 13:43:32:171 receiveAndTransmitUserInputCapability = { 13:43:32:171 basicString = { 13:43:32:171 NULL 13:43:32:171 } 13:43:32:172 } 13:43:32:172 } 13:43:32:172 } 13:43:32:172 elem[7] = { 13:43:32:172 capabilityTableEntryNumber = { 13:43:32:172 8 13:43:32:172 } 13:43:32:172 capability = { 13:43:32:172 receiveAndTransmitUserInputCapability = { 13:43:32:172 dtmf = { 13:43:32:172 NULL 13:43:32:172 } 13:43:32:173 } 13:43:32:173 } 13:43:32:173 } 13:43:32:173 } 13:43:32:173 capabilityDescriptors = { 13:43:32:173 elem[0] = { 13:43:32:173 capabilityDescriptorNumber = { 13:43:32:173 1 13:43:32:173 } 13:43:32:173 simultaneousCapabilities = { 13:43:32:173 elem[0] = { 13:43:32:173 elem[0] = { 13:43:32:173 1 13:43:32:174 } 13:43:32:174 elem[1] = { 13:43:32:174 2 13:43:32:174 } 13:43:32:174 elem[2] = { 13:43:32:174 3 13:43:32:174 } 13:43:32:174 elem[3] = { 13:43:32:175 4 13:43:32:175 } 13:43:32:175 } 13:43:32:175 elem[1] = { 13:43:32:175 elem[0] = { 13:43:32:175 5 13:43:32:175 } 13:43:32:175 elem[1] = { 13:43:32:175 6 13:43:32:175 } 13:43:32:176 elem[2] = { 13:43:32:176 7 13:43:32:176 } 13:43:32:176 elem[3] = { 13:43:32:176 8 13:43:32:176 } 13:43:32:176 } 13:43:32:176 } 13:43:32:176 } 13:43:32:176 } 13:43:32:177 } 13:43:32:177 } 13:43:32:177 } 13:43:32:177 Building Facility message for tunneling OOTerminalCapabilitySet (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:177 UserInfo encoding - successful 13:43:32:177 Q931 Message = { 13:43:32:177 protocolDiscriminator = 8 13:43:32:177 callReference = 19852 13:43:32:177 from = destination 13:43:32:177 messageType = 62 13:43:32:177 Display IE = { 13:43:32:177 ast-gag75 13:43:32:177 } 13:43:32:177 h323_uu_pdu = { 13:43:32:177 h323_message_body = { 13:43:32:177 facility = { 13:43:32:177 protocolIdentifier = { 13:43:32:177 { 13:43:32:177 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 13:43:32:177 } 13:43:32:177 reason = { 13:43:32:177 transportedInformation = { 13:43:32:177 NULL 13:43:32:177 } 13:43:32:177 } 13:43:32:177 callIdentifier = { 13:43:32:177 guid = { 13:43:32:178 '117267b84c7411e49c06c7e5fe33e3f8'H 13:43:32:178 } 13:43:32:178 } 13:43:32:178 } 13:43:32:178 } 13:43:32:178 h245Tunneling = { 13:43:32:178 TRUE 13:43:32:178 } 13:43:32:178 h245Control = { 13:43:32:178 elem[0] = { 13:43:32:178 '02300106000881750008078000004a0811860100807c0100014007c00200c8014840009080000122c001800002228001800003240001018000048a061404302d31368000053810b50000120c52747044746d6652656c6179000080000685011080000785014000800101030000000100020003030004000500060007'H 13:43:32:178 } 13:43:32:178 } 13:43:32:178 } 13:43:32:178 UUIE decode successful 13:43:32:178 } 13:43:32:178 Queued H225 messages 3. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:178 msgCtxt Reset?Not Done (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:178 Sending H225 message (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:178 Sending Q931 message (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:178 H2250/Q931 Message sent successfully (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:178 Sent Message - CallProceeding (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:178 Sending H225 message (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:178 Sending Q931 message (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:178 H2250/Q931 Message sent successfully (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:178 Sent Message - Alerting (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:178 Sending H225 message (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:178 Sending Q931 message (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:178 H2250/Q931 Message sent successfully (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:178 Sent Message - Facility(OOTerminalCapabilitySet) (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:178 Tunneled Message - TerminalCapabilitySet (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:191 INFO: FinCall returned 7f48dc007638 for call: ooh323c_10 13:43:32:191 Processing Hang call command ooh323c_10 with q931 cause 17 13:43:32:191 INFO: FinCall returned 7f48dc007638 for call: ooh323c_10 13:43:32:191 Hanging up call (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:191 In ooEndCall call state is - OO_CALL_CLEAR (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:191 Clearing all logical channels. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:191 Clearing all logical channels (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:191 Clearing logical channel number 1. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:191 Stopped Receive channel 1 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:191 Removed logical channel 1 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:191 Clearing logical channel number 1001. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:191 Stopped Transmit channel 1001 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:191 Removed logical channel 1001 (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:191 ERROR: No Open LogicalChannels - Failed FindLogicalChannelByChannelNo (incoming, ooh323c_10 13:43:32:191 Built EndSession Command (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:191 Sending H.245 Message = { 13:43:32:191 command = { 13:43:32:191 endSessionCommand = { 13:43:32:191 disconnect = { 13:43:32:191 NULL 13:43:32:191 } 13:43:32:191 } 13:43:32:191 } 13:43:32:191 } 13:43:32:191 Building Facility message for tunneling OOEndSessionCommand (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:191 UserInfo encoding - successful 13:43:32:191 Q931 Message = { 13:43:32:192 protocolDiscriminator = 8 13:43:32:192 callReference = 19852 13:43:32:192 from = destination 13:43:32:192 messageType = 62 13:43:32:192 Display IE = { 13:43:32:192 ast-gag75 13:43:32:192 } 13:43:32:192 h323_uu_pdu = { 13:43:32:192 h323_message_body = { 13:43:32:192 facility = { 13:43:32:192 protocolIdentifier = { 13:43:32:192 { 13:43:32:192 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 13:43:32:192 } 13:43:32:192 reason = { 13:43:32:192 transportedInformation = { 13:43:32:192 NULL 13:43:32:192 } 13:43:32:192 } 13:43:32:192 callIdentifier = { 13:43:32:192 guid = { 13:43:32:192 '117267b84c7411e49c06c7e5fe33e3f8'H 13:43:32:193 } 13:43:32:193 } 13:43:32:193 } 13:43:32:193 } 13:43:32:193 h245Tunneling = { 13:43:32:193 TRUE 13:43:32:193 } 13:43:32:193 h245Control = { 13:43:32:193 elem[0] = { 13:43:32:193 '4a40'H 13:43:32:193 } 13:43:32:193 } 13:43:32:193 } 13:43:32:193 UUIE decode successful 13:43:32:193 } 13:43:32:193 msgCtxt Reset?Not Done (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:193 Building Release Complete message to send(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:193 Built Release Complete message (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:193 UserInfo encoding - successful 13:43:32:193 Q931 Message = { 13:43:32:193 protocolDiscriminator = 8 13:43:32:193 callReference = 19852 13:43:32:193 from = destination 13:43:32:193 messageType = 5a 13:43:32:193 Cause IE = { 13:43:32:193 Q931UserBusy 13:43:32:193 } 13:43:32:193 Display IE = { 13:43:32:193 ast-gag75 13:43:32:193 } 13:43:32:193 h323_uu_pdu = { 13:43:32:193 h323_message_body = { 13:43:32:193 releaseComplete = { 13:43:32:193 protocolIdentifier = { 13:43:32:193 { 13:43:32:194 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 13:43:32:194 } 13:43:32:194 reason = { 13:43:32:194 inConf = { 13:43:32:194 NULL 13:43:32:194 } 13:43:32:194 } 13:43:32:194 callIdentifier = { 13:43:32:194 guid = { 13:43:32:194 '117267b84c7411e49c06c7e5fe33e3f8'H 13:43:32:194 } 13:43:32:194 } 13:43:32:194 } 13:43:32:194 } 13:43:32:194 h245Tunneling = { 13:43:32:194 TRUE 13:43:32:195 } 13:43:32:195 } 13:43:32:195 UUIE decode successful 13:43:32:195 } 13:43:32:195 Sending H225 message (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:195 Sending Q931 message (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:195 H2250/Q931 Message sent successfully (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:195 Sent Message - ReleaseComplete (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:195 Sending DRQ after sending ReleaseComplete.(incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:195 Sending disengage Request for call. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:195 Ras message encoding - successful 13:43:32:195 Sending RAS Message = { 13:43:32:195 disengageRequest = { 13:43:32:195 requestSeqNum = { 13:43:32:195 27 13:43:32:195 } 13:43:32:195 endpointIdentifier = { 13:43:32:195 5034_p98 13:43:32:195 } 13:43:32:195 conferenceID = { 13:43:32:195 '117267b84c7411e4840e001b548a3c30'H 13:43:32:195 } 13:43:32:195 callReferenceValue = { 13:43:32:195 19852 13:43:32:195 } 13:43:32:195 disengageReason = { 13:43:32:195 normalDrop = { 13:43:32:195 NULL 13:43:32:195 } 13:43:32:195 } 13:43:32:195 callIdentifier = { 13:43:32:195 guid = { 13:43:32:196 '117267b84c7411e49c06c7e5fe33e3f8'H 13:43:32:196 } 13:43:32:196 } 13:43:32:196 gatekeeperIdentifier = { 13:43:32:196 P98 13:43:32:196 } 13:43:32:196 answeredCall = { 13:43:32:196 TRUE 13:43:32:196 } 13:43:32:196 usageInformation = { 13:43:32:196 nonStandardUsageFields = { 13:43:32:196 } 13:43:32:196 endTime = { 13:43:32:196 1412588612 13:43:32:196 } 13:43:32:196 } 13:43:32:196 terminationCause = { 13:43:32:196 releaseCompleteCauseIE = { 13:43:32:196 '43616c6c20456e646564'H 13:43:32:196 } 13:43:32:196 } 13:43:32:197 } 13:43:32:197 } 13:43:32:197 In ooEndCall call state is - OO_CALL_CLEAR_RELEASESENT (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:197 Cleaning Call (incoming, ooh323c_10)- reason:OO_REASON_REMOTE_BUSY 13:43:32:197 Closing H.245 connection (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:197 Closed H245 connection. (incoming, ooh323c_10) 13:43:32:197 Removing call 7f48dc007638: ooh323c_10 13:43:32:197 Removed call (incoming, ooh323c_10) from list 13:43:32:197 Ending Call Monitor thread 13:43:32:198 GkClient Received RAS Message 13:43:32:198 Received RAS Message = { 13:43:32:198 disengageConfirm = { 13:43:32:198 requestSeqNum = { 13:43:32:198 27 13:43:32:198 } 13:43:32:198 } 13:43:32:198 } 13:43:32:198 Received disengage confirm