---------Date 17--------- 07:23:15:442 Error:Gatekeeper not responding to ARQ 07:23:15:442 Error: Gatekeeper error. Either Gk not responding or Gk sending invalid messages 07:23:15:442 Error: Gatekeeper error detected. Closing GkClient as Gk mode is UseSpecifcGatekeeper 07:23:39:819 Error:Ignoring incoming call as not yetregistered with Gk 07:23:39:910 Error:Ignoring incoming call as not yetregistered with Gk 07:24:16:432 Error:Gatekeeper could not be found ---------Date 17--------- 07:25:23:708 Signalling IP address is set to 07:25:23:708 Listen port number is set to 1720 07:25:23:708 TCP port range initialize - successful 07:25:23:708 Added alias: H323ID - asterisk 07:25:23:708 Gatekeeper Mode - RasUseSpecificGatekeeper 07:25:23:708 Gatekeeper IP:port set to - 07:25:23:708 Adding endpoint capability OO_G729ANNEXA. 07:25:23:708 Adding endpoint capability OO_G729. 07:25:23:708 Adding endpoint capability OO_G729WANNEXB. 07:25:23:708 Adding endpoint capability OO_G711ULAW64K. 07:25:23:708 Adding endpoint capability OO_G711ALAW64K. 07:25:23:708 Enabled RFC2833 DTMF capability for end-point 07:25:23:708 H323 listener creation - successful 07:25:23:708 H.323 Endpoint Configuration is as follows: 07:25:23:708 Trace File: /var/log/asterisk/h323_log 07:25:23:708 FastStart - enabled 07:25:23:708 H245 Tunneling - enabled 07:25:23:708 MediaWaitForConnect - disabled 07:25:23:708 AutoAnswer - disabled 07:25:23:708 Terminal Type - 60 07:25:23:708 T35 CountryCode - 184 07:25:23:708 T35 Extension - 0 07:25:23:708 Manufacturer Code - 39 07:25:23:708 ProductID - ooh323 07:25:23:708 VersionID - v0.8.3m 07:25:23:708 Local signalling IP address - 07:25:23:708 H225 ListenPort - 1720 07:25:23:708 CallerID - Belkamneft 07:25:23:708 Call Establishment Timeout - 60 seconds 07:25:23:708 MasterSlaveDetermination Timeout - 30 seconds 07:25:23:708 TerminalCapabilityExchange Timeout - 30 seconds 07:25:23:708 LogicalChannel Timeout - 30 seconds 07:25:23:708 Session Timeout - 15 seconds 07:25:23:708 Gatekeeper Client Configuration: 07:25:23:708 Gatekeeper mode - UseSpecificGatekeeper 07:25:23:708 Gatekeeper To Use - 07:25:23:708 H323 RAS channel creation - successful 07:25:23:708 Ras message encoding - successful 07:25:23:708 Sending RAS Message = { 07:25:23:708 gatekeeperRequest = { 07:25:23:708 requestSeqNum = { 07:25:23:708 1 07:25:23:709 } 07:25:23:709 protocolIdentifier = { 07:25:23:709 { 07:25:23:709 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 07:25:23:709 } 07:25:23:709 rasAddress = { 07:25:23:709 ipAddress = { 07:25:23:709 ip = { 07:25:23:709 'c0a81613'H 07:25:23:709 } 07:25:23:709 port = { 07:25:23:709 13030 07:25:23:709 } 07:25:23:709 } 07:25:23:709 } 07:25:23:709 endpointType = { 07:25:23:709 vendor = { 07:25:23:709 vendor = { 07:25:23:709 t35CountryCode = { 07:25:23:709 184 07:25:23:709 } 07:25:23:710 t35Extension = { 07:25:23:710 0 07:25:23:710 } 07:25:23:710 manufacturerCode = { 07:25:23:710 39 07:25:23:710 } 07:25:23:710 } 07:25:23:710 productId = { 07:25:23:710 '6f6f68333233'H 07:25:23:710 } 07:25:23:710 versionId = { 07:25:23:710 '76302e382e336d'H 07:25:23:710 } 07:25:23:710 } 07:25:23:710 gateway = { 07:25:23:710 } 07:25:23:710 mc = { 07:25:23:711 FALSE 07:25:23:711 } 07:25:23:711 undefinedNode = { 07:25:23:711 FALSE 07:25:23:711 } 07:25:23:711 } 07:25:23:711 endpointAlias = { 07:25:23:711 elem[0] = { 07:25:23:711 h323_ID = { 07:25:23:711 asterisk 07:25:23:711 } 07:25:23:711 } 07:25:23:711 } 07:25:23:711 } 07:25:23:711 } 07:25:23:711 Sent GRQ message 07:25:28:111 Ignoring stack command as Gk Client is not registered yet 07:25:38:711 Gatekeeper client GRQ timer expired. 07:25:38:711 Ras message encoding - successful 07:25:38:711 Sending RAS Message = { 07:25:38:711 gatekeeperRequest = { 07:25:38:711 requestSeqNum = { 07:25:38:711 2 07:25:38:711 } 07:25:38:711 protocolIdentifier = { 07:25:38:711 { 07:25:38:711 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 07:25:38:711 } 07:25:38:711 rasAddress = { 07:25:38:711 ipAddress = { 07:25:38:712 ip = { 07:25:38:712 'c0a81613'H 07:25:38:712 } 07:25:38:712 port = { 07:25:38:712 13030 07:25:38:712 } 07:25:38:712 } 07:25:38:712 } 07:25:38:712 endpointType = { 07:25:38:712 vendor = { 07:25:38:712 vendor = { 07:25:38:712 t35CountryCode = { 07:25:38:712 184 07:25:38:712 } 07:25:38:712 t35Extension = { 07:25:38:712 0 07:25:38:712 } 07:25:38:712 manufacturerCode = { 07:25:38:712 39 07:25:38:712 } 07:25:38:713 } 07:25:38:713 productId = { 07:25:38:713 '6f6f68333233'H 07:25:38:713 } 07:25:38:713 versionId = { 07:25:38:713 '76302e382e336d'H 07:25:38:713 } 07:25:38:713 } 07:25:38:713 gateway = { 07:25:38:713 } 07:25:38:713 mc = { 07:25:38:713 FALSE 07:25:38:713 } 07:25:38:713 undefinedNode = { 07:25:38:713 FALSE 07:25:38:713 } 07:25:38:713 } 07:25:38:713 endpointAlias = { 07:25:38:713 elem[0] = { 07:25:38:713 h323_ID = { 07:25:38:713 asterisk 07:25:38:713 } 07:25:38:713 } 07:25:38:713 } 07:25:38:714 } 07:25:38:714 } 07:25:38:714 Sent GRQ message 07:25:53:714 Gatekeeper client GRQ timer expired. 07:25:53:714 Ras message encoding - successful 07:25:53:714 Sending RAS Message = { 07:25:53:714 gatekeeperRequest = { 07:25:53:714 requestSeqNum = { 07:25:53:714 3 07:25:53:714 } 07:25:53:714 protocolIdentifier = { 07:25:53:714 { 07:25:53:714 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 07:25:53:714 } 07:25:53:714 rasAddress = { 07:25:53:714 ipAddress = { 07:25:53:714 ip = { 07:25:53:714 'c0a81613'H 07:25:53:714 } 07:25:53:714 port = { 07:25:53:714 13030 07:25:53:714 } 07:25:53:714 } 07:25:53:714 } 07:25:53:714 endpointType = { 07:25:53:714 vendor = { 07:25:53:714 vendor = { 07:25:53:714 t35CountryCode = { 07:25:53:714 184 07:25:53:714 } 07:25:53:715 t35Extension = { 07:25:53:715 0 07:25:53:715 } 07:25:53:715 manufacturerCode = { 07:25:53:715 39 07:25:53:715 } 07:25:53:715 } 07:25:53:715 productId = { 07:25:53:715 '6f6f68333233'H 07:25:53:715 } 07:25:53:715 versionId = { 07:25:53:715 '76302e382e336d'H 07:25:53:715 } 07:25:53:715 } 07:25:53:715 gateway = { 07:25:53:715 } 07:25:53:715 mc = { 07:25:53:715 FALSE 07:25:53:715 } 07:25:53:715 undefinedNode = { 07:25:53:715 FALSE 07:25:53:716 } 07:25:53:716 } 07:25:53:716 endpointAlias = { 07:25:53:716 elem[0] = { 07:25:53:716 h323_ID = { 07:25:53:716 asterisk 07:25:53:716 } 07:25:53:716 } 07:25:53:716 } 07:25:53:716 } 07:25:53:716 } 07:25:53:716 Sent GRQ message 07:26:08:716 Gatekeeper client GRQ timer expired. 07:26:08:716 Ras message encoding - successful 07:26:08:716 Sending RAS Message = { 07:26:08:716 gatekeeperRequest = { 07:26:08:716 requestSeqNum = { 07:26:08:716 4 07:26:08:716 } 07:26:08:716 protocolIdentifier = { 07:26:08:716 { 07:26:08:716 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 07:26:08:716 } 07:26:08:716 rasAddress = { 07:26:08:716 ipAddress = { 07:26:08:716 ip = { 07:26:08:716 'c0a81613'H 07:26:08:716 } 07:26:08:716 port = { 07:26:08:717 13030 07:26:08:717 } 07:26:08:717 } 07:26:08:717 } 07:26:08:717 endpointType = { 07:26:08:717 vendor = { 07:26:08:717 vendor = { 07:26:08:717 t35CountryCode = { 07:26:08:717 184 07:26:08:717 } 07:26:08:717 t35Extension = { 07:26:08:717 0 07:26:08:717 } 07:26:08:717 manufacturerCode = { 07:26:08:717 39 07:26:08:717 } 07:26:08:717 } 07:26:08:717 productId = { 07:26:08:718 '6f6f68333233'H 07:26:08:718 } 07:26:08:718 versionId = { 07:26:08:718 '76302e382e336d'H 07:26:08:718 } 07:26:08:718 } 07:26:08:718 gateway = { 07:26:08:718 } 07:26:08:718 mc = { 07:26:08:718 FALSE 07:26:08:718 } 07:26:08:718 undefinedNode = { 07:26:08:718 FALSE 07:26:08:718 } 07:26:08:718 } 07:26:08:718 endpointAlias = { 07:26:08:718 elem[0] = { 07:26:08:718 h323_ID = { 07:26:08:718 asterisk 07:26:08:718 } 07:26:08:718 } 07:26:08:718 } 07:26:08:719 } 07:26:08:719 } 07:26:08:719 Sent GRQ message 07:26:23:719 Gatekeeper client GRQ timer expired. 07:26:23:719 Error:Gatekeeper could not be found 07:26:38:719 Gatekeeper client GRQ timer expired. 07:26:38:719 Ras message encoding - successful 07:26:38:719 Sending RAS Message = { 07:26:38:719 gatekeeperRequest = { 07:26:38:719 requestSeqNum = { 07:26:38:719 5 07:26:38:719 } 07:26:38:719 protocolIdentifier = { 07:26:38:719 { 07:26:38:719 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 07:26:38:719 } 07:26:38:719 rasAddress = { 07:26:38:719 ipAddress = { 07:26:38:719 ip = { 07:26:38:719 'c0a81613'H 07:26:38:719 } 07:26:38:719 port = { 07:26:38:719 13030 07:26:38:719 } 07:26:38:719 } 07:26:38:719 } 07:26:38:719 endpointType = { 07:26:38:719 vendor = { 07:26:38:719 vendor = { 07:26:38:719 t35CountryCode = { 07:26:38:720 184 07:26:38:720 } 07:26:38:720 t35Extension = { 07:26:38:720 0 07:26:38:720 } 07:26:38:720 manufacturerCode = { 07:26:38:720 39 07:26:38:720 } 07:26:38:720 } 07:26:38:720 productId = { 07:26:38:720 '6f6f68333233'H 07:26:38:720 } 07:26:38:720 versionId = { 07:26:38:720 '76302e382e336d'H 07:26:38:720 } 07:26:38:720 } 07:26:38:720 gateway = { 07:26:38:720 } 07:26:38:721 mc = { 07:26:38:721 FALSE 07:26:38:721 } 07:26:38:721 undefinedNode = { 07:26:38:721 FALSE 07:26:38:721 } 07:26:38:721 } 07:26:38:721 endpointAlias = { 07:26:38:721 elem[0] = { 07:26:38:721 h323_ID = { 07:26:38:721 asterisk 07:26:38:721 } 07:26:38:721 } 07:26:38:721 } 07:26:38:721 } 07:26:38:721 } 07:26:38:721 Sent GRQ message 07:26:38:721 GkClient Received RAS Message 07:26:38:721 Received RAS Message = { 07:26:38:721 gatekeeperConfirm = { 07:26:38:721 requestSeqNum = { 07:26:38:721 5 07:26:38:721 } 07:26:38:721 protocolIdentifier = { 07:26:38:721 { 07:26:38:721 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 07:26:38:721 } 07:26:38:721 gatekeeperIdentifier = { 07:26:38:721 P98 07:26:38:721 } 07:26:38:722 rasAddress = { 07:26:38:722 ipAddress = { 07:26:38:722 ip = { 07:26:38:722 'c0a816fe'H 07:26:38:722 } 07:26:38:722 port = { 07:26:38:722 1719 07:26:38:722 } 07:26:38:722 } 07:26:38:722 } 07:26:38:722 } 07:26:38:722 } 07:26:38:722 Gatekeeper Confirmed (GCF) message received. 07:26:38:722 Gatekeeper Confirmed 07:26:38:722 Deleted GRQ Timer. 07:26:38:722 Ras message encoding - successful 07:26:38:722 Sending RAS Message = { 07:26:38:722 registrationRequest = { 07:26:38:722 requestSeqNum = { 07:26:38:722 6 07:26:38:722 } 07:26:38:722 protocolIdentifier = { 07:26:38:722 { 07:26:38:722 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 07:26:38:722 } 07:26:38:722 discoveryComplete = { 07:26:38:722 TRUE 07:26:38:722 } 07:26:38:722 callSignalAddress = { 07:26:38:722 elem[0] = { 07:26:38:722 ipAddress = { 07:26:38:722 ip = { 07:26:38:722 'c0a81613'H 07:26:38:723 } 07:26:38:723 port = { 07:26:38:723 1720 07:26:38:723 } 07:26:38:723 } 07:26:38:723 } 07:26:38:723 } 07:26:38:723 rasAddress = { 07:26:38:723 elem[0] = { 07:26:38:723 ipAddress = { 07:26:38:723 ip = { 07:26:38:723 'c0a81613'H 07:26:38:723 } 07:26:38:723 port = { 07:26:38:723 13030 07:26:38:723 } 07:26:38:723 } 07:26:38:723 } 07:26:38:723 } 07:26:38:723 terminalType = { 07:26:38:723 vendor = { 07:26:38:724 vendor = { 07:26:38:724 t35CountryCode = { 07:26:38:724 184 07:26:38:724 } 07:26:38:724 t35Extension = { 07:26:38:724 0 07:26:38:724 } 07:26:38:724 manufacturerCode = { 07:26:38:724 39 07:26:38:724 } 07:26:38:724 } 07:26:38:724 productId = { 07:26:38:724 '6f6f68333233'H 07:26:38:724 } 07:26:38:724 versionId = { 07:26:38:724 '76302e382e336d'H 07:26:38:724 } 07:26:38:724 } 07:26:38:724 gateway = { 07:26:38:725 protocol = { 07:26:38:725 elem[0] = { 07:26:38:725 voice = { 07:26:38:725 supportedPrefixes = { 07:26:38:725 } 07:26:38:725 } 07:26:38:725 } 07:26:38:725 } 07:26:38:725 } 07:26:38:725 mc = { 07:26:38:725 FALSE 07:26:38:725 } 07:26:38:725 undefinedNode = { 07:26:38:725 FALSE 07:26:38:725 } 07:26:38:725 } 07:26:38:725 terminalAlias = { 07:26:38:725 elem[0] = { 07:26:38:725 h323_ID = { 07:26:38:725 asterisk 07:26:38:726 } 07:26:38:726 } 07:26:38:726 } 07:26:38:726 gatekeeperIdentifier = { 07:26:38:726 P98 07:26:38:726 } 07:26:38:726 endpointVendor = { 07:26:38:726 vendor = { 07:26:38:726 t35CountryCode = { 07:26:38:726 184 07:26:38:726 } 07:26:38:726 t35Extension = { 07:26:38:726 0 07:26:38:726 } 07:26:38:726 manufacturerCode = { 07:26:38:726 39 07:26:38:726 } 07:26:38:726 } 07:26:38:726 productId = { 07:26:38:726 '6f6f68333233'H 07:26:38:726 } 07:26:38:726 versionId = { 07:26:38:726 '76302e382e336d'H 07:26:38:726 } 07:26:38:727 } 07:26:38:727 timeToLive = { 07:26:38:727 300 07:26:38:727 } 07:26:38:727 keepAlive = { 07:26:38:727 FALSE 07:26:38:727 } 07:26:38:727 willSupplyUUIEs = { 07:26:38:727 FALSE 07:26:38:727 } 07:26:38:727 } 07:26:38:727 } 07:26:38:727 Sent RRQ message 07:26:38:727 GkClient Received RAS Message 07:26:38:727 Received RAS Message = { 07:26:38:727 registrationConfirm = { 07:26:38:727 requestSeqNum = { 07:26:38:727 6 07:26:38:727 } 07:26:38:727 protocolIdentifier = { 07:26:38:727 { 07:26:38:727 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 07:26:38:727 } 07:26:38:727 nonStandardData = { 07:26:38:727 nonStandardIdentifier = { 07:26:38:727 h221NonStandard = { 07:26:38:727 t35CountryCode = { 07:26:38:727 138 07:26:38:727 } 07:26:38:727 t35Extension = { 07:26:38:727 2 07:26:38:727 } 07:26:38:728 manufacturerCode = { 07:26:38:728 2 07:26:38:728 } 07:26:38:728 } 07:26:38:728 } 07:26:38:728 data = { 07:26:38:728 '4e6f4e4154'H 07:26:38:728 } 07:26:38:728 } 07:26:38:728 callSignalAddress = { 07:26:38:728 } 07:26:38:728 terminalAlias = { 07:26:38:728 elem[0] = { 07:26:38:728 h323_ID = { 07:26:38:728 asterisk 07:26:38:728 } 07:26:38:728 } 07:26:38:728 } 07:26:38:728 gatekeeperIdentifier = { 07:26:38:728 P98 07:26:38:728 } 07:26:38:728 endpointIdentifier = { 07:26:38:728 4199_p98 07:26:38:728 } 07:26:38:728 timeToLive = { 07:26:38:729 300 07:26:38:729 } 07:26:38:729 willRespondToIRR = { 07:26:38:729 FALSE 07:26:38:729 } 07:26:38:729 maintainConnection = { 07:26:38:729 FALSE 07:26:38:729 } 07:26:38:729 } 07:26:38:729 } 07:26:38:729 Registration Confirm (RCF) message received 07:26:38:729 Gatekeeper supports KeepAlive, Registration TTL is 300 07:26:38:729 Deleted RRQ Timer.