[Dec 3 15:33:09] WARNING[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: Declining unsupported image stream: image 47746 RTP/AVP t38 [Dec 3 15:33:09] WARNING[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: Declining unsupported image stream: image 38366 RTP/SAVP t38 [Dec 3 15:33:09] VERBOSE[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: Got T.38 offer in SDP in dialog SEC11-c6fefa0a-c7fefa0a-1-D450zF07yBpV [Dec 3 15:33:09] DEBUG[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: T38MaxBitRate: 14400 [Dec 3 15:33:09] DEBUG[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (image) SDP a=T38MaxBitRate:14400... OK. [Dec 3 15:33:09] DEBUG[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: RateManagement: transferredtcf [Dec 3 15:33:09] DEBUG[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (image) SDP a=T38FaxRateManagement:transferredTCF... OK. [Dec 3 15:33:09] DEBUG[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: FillBitRemoval: 0 [Dec 3 15:33:09] DEBUG[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (image) SDP a=T38FaxFillBitRemoval:0... OK. [Dec 3 15:33:09] DEBUG[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: Transcoding MMR: 0 [Dec 3 15:33:09] DEBUG[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (image) SDP a=T38FaxTranscodingMMR:0... OK. [Dec 3 15:33:09] DEBUG[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: Transcoding JBIG: 0 [Dec 3 15:33:09] DEBUG[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (image) SDP a=T38FaxTranscodingJBIG:0... OK. [Dec 3 15:33:09] DEBUG[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: FaxVersion: 0 [Dec 3 15:33:09] DEBUG[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (image) SDP a=T38FaxVersion:0... OK. [Dec 3 15:33:09] DEBUG[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: UDP EC: t38udpredundancy [Dec 3 15:33:09] DEBUG[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (image) SDP a=T38FaxUdpEC:t38UDPRedundancy... OK. [Dec 3 15:33:09] VERBOSE[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: Capabilities: us - (g723|ulaw|alaw|g729|ilbc), peer - audio=(nothing)/video=(nothing)/text=(nothing), combined - (nothing) [Dec 3 15:33:09] VERBOSE[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: Non-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event|), peer - 0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x0 (nothing) [Dec 3 15:33:09] VERBOSE[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: Got T.38 Re-invite without audio. Keeping RTP active during T.38 session. [Dec 3 15:33:09] DEBUG[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: Peer T.38 UDPTL is at port [Dec 3 15:33:09] DEBUG[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: T38 state changed to 2 on channel SIP/osv-00000018 [Dec 3 15:33:09] NOTICE[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: T.38 re-INVITE detected but no fax extension [Dec 3 15:33:09] DEBUG[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: Have T.38 but no audio, accepting offer anyway [Dec 3 15:33:09] DEBUG[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: Got a SIP re-invite for call SEC11-c6fefa0a-c7fefa0a-1-D450zF07yBpV [Dec 3 15:33:09] DEBUG[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: Incoming INVITE with 'timer' option supported [Dec 3 15:33:09] DEBUG[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: INVITE also has "Session-Expires" header. [Dec 3 15:33:09] DEBUG[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: Session-Expires: 1800 [Dec 3 15:33:09] DEBUG[20584][C-0000000c] chan_sip.c: Refresher: UAC