[Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[11296]: chan_sip.c:5636 sip_call: Outgoing Call for F2p308FJ [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[11296]: chan_sip.c:5903 update_call_counter: Updating call counter for outgoing call [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[10734]: devicestate.c:338 _ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - F2p308FJ [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[10734]: chan_sip.c:26517 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer F2p308FJ [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[11296]: chan_sip.c:11418 add_sdp: ** Our capability: 0x10c (ulaw|alaw|g729) Video flag: False Text flag: False [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[10734]: devicestate.c:456 do_state_change: Changing state for SIP/F2p308FJ - state 6 (Ringing) [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[10734]: devicestate.c:436 devstate_event: device 'SIP/F2p308FJ' state '6' [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[11296]: chan_sip.c:11419 add_sdp: ** Our prefcodec: 0x8 (alaw) [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[11296]: sip/sdp_crypto.c:101 sdp_crypto_setup: local_key64 zyxIpiTx8j/cfmcv6KzZjF5iBWRoIWgkS7u92uxG len 40 [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[10771]: app_queue.c:1490 handle_statechange: Device 'SIP/F2p308FJ' changed to state '6' (Ringing) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[11296]: chan_sip.c:11528 add_sdp: -- Done with adding codecs to SDP [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[11296]: chan_sip.c:11714 add_sdp: Done building SDP. Settling with this capability: 0x10c (ulaw|alaw|g729) [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[11296]: chan_sip.c:3073 initialize_initreq: Initializing initreq for method INVITE - callid 59a0640d50c93d893d8a3def78cc6d53@MY_IP [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[11296]: chan_sip.c:3344 __sip_xmit: Trying to put 'INVITE sip:' onto TLS socket destined for PHONE_IP:32068 -- Called SIP/F2p308FJ [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[10736]: manager.c:4281 match_filter: Examining event: Event: Dial Privilege: call,all Timestamp: 1385886807.813357 SubEvent: Begin Channel: SIP/INCOMING-00000000 Destination: SIP/F2p308FJ-00000001 CallerIDNum: 1972578300836 CallerIDName: ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: UniqueID: 1385886803.0 DestUniqueID: 1385886807.1 Dialstring: F2p308FJ ChanVariable(SIP/INCOMING-00000000): id_session=04245d8ed511ffa1ba8d38dc9eca98c2 ChanVariable(SIP/F2p308FJ-00000001): YYYYYYYYYY= [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[11296]: channel.c:4509 ast_indicate_data: Driver for channel 'SIP/INCOMING-00000000' does not support indication 3, emulating it [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[11296]: channel.c:5165 set_format: Set channel SIP/INCOMING-00000000 to write format slin [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[11296]: channel.c:3506 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at (50 requested / 50 actual) timer ticks per second [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[11296]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:1176 ast_rtp_raw_write: Difference is 1280, ms is 180 [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[10814]: chan_sip.c:20071 handle_response_invite: SIP response 100 to standard invite [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[10814]: chan_sip.c:20071 handle_response_invite: SIP response 180 to standard invite [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[10814]: chan_sip.c:14341 build_route: build_route: Contact hop: ;reg-id=1 [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[10734]: devicestate.c:338 _ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - F2p308FJ [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[10734]: chan_sip.c:26517 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer F2p308FJ [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[10734]: devicestate.c:456 do_state_change: Changing state for SIP/F2p308FJ - state 6 (Ringing) [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[10734]: devicestate.c:436 devstate_event: device 'SIP/F2p308FJ' state '6' -- SIP/F2p308FJ-00000001 is ringing [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[10736]: manager.c:4281 match_filter: Examining event: Event: Newstate Privilege: call,all Timestamp: 1385886807.893525 Channel: SIP/F2p308FJ-00000001 ChannelState: 5 ChannelStateDesc: Ringing CallerIDNum: F2p308FJ CallerIDName: F2p308FJ ConnectedLineNum: 1972578300836 ConnectedLineName: Uniqueid: 1385886807.1 ChanVariable(SIP/F2p308FJ-00000001): id_session=04245d8ed511ffa1ba8d38dc9eca98c2 ChanVariable(SIP/F2p308FJ-00000001): OPCO_CUSTOMER_ID= ChanVariable(SIP/F2p308FJ-00000001): OPCO_CUSTOMER_NAME= ChanVariable(SIP/F2p308FJ-00000001): OPCO_CUSTOMER_COMPANY= ChanVariable(SIP/F2p308FJ-00000001): QUEUE_NAME= ChanVariable(SIP/F2p308FJ-00000001): dialer_type= ChanVariable(SIP/F2p308FJ-00000001): ORIG_CALLERID_NUM= ChanVariable(SIP/F2p308FJ-00000001): SIPUSERAGENT= ChanVariable(SIP/F2p308FJ-00000001): CUSTOM_EXTERNAL_JSON_64= [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[10771]: app_queue.c:1490 handle_statechange: Device 'SIP/F2p308FJ' changed to state '6' (Ringing) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[11296]: channel.c:4509 ast_indicate_data: Driver for channel 'SIP/INCOMING-00000000' does not support indication 3, emulating it [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[11296]: channel.c:5165 set_format: Set channel SIP/INCOMING-00000000 to write format ulaw [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[11296]: channel.c:5165 set_format: Set channel SIP/INCOMING-00000000 to write format slin [Dec 1 10:33:27] DEBUG[11296]: channel.c:3506 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at (50 requested / 50 actual) timer ticks per second [Dec 1 10:33:29] DEBUG[11296]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:1793 ast_rtcp_read: Got RTCP report of 64 bytes [Dec 1 10:33:29] DEBUG[10736]: manager.c:4281 match_filter: Examining event: Event: RTCPReceived Privilege: reporting,all Timestamp: 1385886809.672433 From: PT: 200(Sender Report) ReceptionReports: 1 SenderSSRC: 0 FractionLost: 0 PacketsLost: 0 HighestSequence: 30477 SequenceNumberCycles: 0 IAJitter: 6 LastSR: 0.0000000000 DLSR: 62553.7030(sec) [Dec 1 10:33:29] DEBUG[10736]: manager.c:4281 match_filter: Examining event: Event: RTCPSent Privilege: reporting,all Timestamp: 1385886809.673074 To: OurSSRC: 235982427 SentNTP: 1385886809.2756796416 SentRTP: 39360 SentPackets: 238 SentOctets: 38080 ReportBlock: FractionLost: 0 CumulativeLoss: 0 IAJitter: 0.0003 TheirLastSR: 1926870047 DLSR: 0.0000 (sec) -- Got SIP response 302 "Moved Temporarily" back from PHONE_IP:32068 [Dec 1 10:33:32] DEBUG[10814]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2563 ast_rtp_remote_address_set: Setting RTCP address on RTP instance '0x2aaacc061708' [Dec 1 10:33:32] DEBUG[10736]: manager.c:4281 match_filter: Examining event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Timestamp: 1385886812.083575 Channel: SIP/F2p308FJ-00000001 Variable: __PRIREDIRECTREASON Value: BUSY Uniqueid: 1385886807.1 [Dec 1 10:33:32] DEBUG[10736]: manager.c:4281 match_filter: Examining event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Timestamp: 1385886812.083588 Channel: SIP/F2p308FJ-00000001 Variable: __SIPREDIRECTREASON Value: user-busy Uniqueid: 1385886807.1 [Dec 1 10:33:32] DEBUG[10736]: manager.c:4281 match_filter: Examining event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Timestamp: 1385886812.083597 Channel: SIP/F2p308FJ-00000001 Variable: __SIPRDNISDOMAIN Value:;transport=tls Uniqueid: 1385886807.1 [Dec 1 10:33:32] DEBUG[10814]: chan_sip.c:19840 parse_moved_contact: Received 302 Redirect to extension '16' (domain MY_IP) [Dec 1 10:33:32] DEBUG[10814]: chan_sip.c:19717 change_redirecting_information: Got redirecting from number F2p308FJ [Dec 1 10:33:32] DEBUG[10814]: chan_sip.c:19737 change_redirecting_information: Got redirecting to number 16 [Dec 1 10:33:32] DEBUG[10736]: manager.c:4281 match_filter: Examining event: Event: VarSet Privilege: dialplan,all Timestamp: 1385886812.083699 Channel: SIP/F2p308FJ-00000001 Variable: SIPDOMAIN Value: MY_IP Uniqueid: 1385886807.1 [Dec 1 10:33:32] DEBUG[10814]: netsock2.c:134 ast_sockaddr_split_hostport: Splitting '' into... [Dec 1 10:33:32] DEBUG[10814]: netsock2.c:188 ast_sockaddr_split_hostport: ...host '' and port '36471'. [Dec 1 10:33:32] DEBUG[10814]: chan_sip.c:3344 __sip_xmit: Trying to put 'ACK sip:F2p' onto UDP socket destined for PHONE_IP:32068 [Dec 1 10:33:32] DEBUG[10814]: chan_sip.c:3086 sip_alreadygone: Setting SIP_ALREADYGONE on dialog 59a0640d50c93d893d8a3def78cc6d53@MY_IP -- Now forwarding SIP/INCOMING-00000000 to 'Local/16@blc-itsp-entry' (thanks to SIP/F2p308FJ-00000001) MGW15-92*CLI> *** glibc detected *** /usr/sbin/asterisk: munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer: 0x000000000f07b4d8 *** [Dec 1 10:33:32] DEBUG[10736]: manager.c:4281 match_filter: Examining event: Event: Newchannel Privilege: call,all Timestamp: 1385886812.083917 Channel: Local/16@blc-itsp-entry-ed8f;1 ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: AccountCode: Exten: 16 Context: blc-itsp-entry Uniqueid: 1385886812.2 ChanVariable(Local/16@blc-itsp-entry-ed8f;1): id_session= ChanVariable(Local/16@blc-itsp-entry-ed8f;1): OPCO_CUSTOMER_ID= ChanVariable(Local/16@blc-itsp-entry-ed8f;1): OPCO_CUSTOMER_NAME= ChanVariable(Local/16@blc-itsp-entry-ed8f;1): OPCO_CUSTOMER_COMPANY= ChanVariable(Local/16@blc-itsp-entry-ed8f;1): QUEUE_NAME= ChanVariable(Local/16@blc-itsp-entry-ed8f;1): dialer_type= ChanVariable(Local/16@blc-itsp-entry-ed8f;1): ORIG_CALLERID_NUM= ChanVariable(Local/16@blc-itsp-entry-ed8f;1): SIPUSERAGENT= ChanVariable(Local/16@blc-itsp-entry-ed8f;1): CUSTOM_EXTERNAL_JSON_64= [Dec 1 10:33:32] DEBUG[10736]: manager.c:4281 match_filter: Examining event: Event: Newchannel Privilege: call,all Timestamp: 1385886812.083969 Channel: Local/16@blc-itsp-entry-ed8f;2 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: AccountCode: Exten: 16 Context: blc-itsp-entry Uniqueid: 1385886812.3 ChanVariable(Local/16@blc-itsp-entry-ed8f;2): id_session= ChanVariable(Local/16@blc-itsp-entry-ed8f;2): OPCO_CUSTOMER_ID= ChanVariable(Local/16@blc-itsp-entry-ed8f;2): OPCO_CUSTOMER_NAME= ChanVariable(Local/16@blc-itsp-entry-ed8f;2): OPCO_CUSTOMER_COMPANY= ChanVariable(Local/16@blc-itsp-entry-ed8f;2): QUEUE_NAME= ChanVariable(Local/16@blc-itsp-entry-ed8f;2): dialer_type= ChanVariable(Local/16@blc-itsp-entry-ed8f;2): ORIG_CALLERID_NUM= ChanVariable(Local/16@blc-itsp-entry-ed8f;2): SIPUSERAGENT= ChanVariable(Local/16@blc-itsp-entry-ed8f;2): CUSTOM_EXTERNAL_JSON_64= [Dec 1 10:33:32] WARNING[11296]: channel.c:5611 ast_request: Setting security requirements failed [Dec 1 10:33:32] WARNING[11296]: channel.c:2399 ast_channel_destructor: Channel 'Local/16@blc-itsp-entry-ed8f;1' may not have been hung up properly MGW15-92*CLI> ======= Backtrace: ========= /lib64/libc.so.6(cfree+0x166)[0x3a9f671756] /usr/sbin/asterisk[0x478ed6] /usr/sbin/asterisk[0x43f7e3] /usr/sbin/asterisk(ast_request+0x320)[0x468410] /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/app_dial.so[0x2aaab6fe1435] /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/app_dial.so[0x2aaab6fe42fd] /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/app_dial.so[0x2aaab6fe8376] /usr/sbin/asterisk(pbx_exec+0xcf)[0x4ee4bf] /usr/sbin/asterisk[0x4fd9cc] /usr/sbin/asterisk[0x5009ab] /usr/sbin/asterisk[0x502e0b] /usr/sbin/asterisk[0x53a9bc] /lib64/libpthread.so.0[0x3a9fe0677d] /lib64/libc.so.6(clone+0x6d)[0x3a9f6d3c1d] ======= Memory map: ======== 00400000-005c6000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 8652174 /usr/sbin/asterisk 007c5000-007d4000 rw-p 001c5000 fd:00 8652174 /usr/sbin/asterisk 007d4000-0080c000 rw-p 007d4000 00:00 0 00bd3000-00bde000 rw-p 001d3000 fd:00 8652174 /usr/sbin/asterisk 0eaf1000-0f220000 rw-p 0eaf1000 00:00 0 [heap] 40201000-40202000 ---p 40201000 00:00 0 40202000-4027d000 rw-p 40202000 00:00 0 4027d000-4027e000 ---p 4027d000 00:00 0 4027e000-402f9000 rw-p 4027e000 00:00 0 402f9000-402fa000 ---p 402f9000 00:00 0 402fa000-40375000 rw-p 402fa000 00:00 0 4038d000-4038e000 ---p 4038d000 00:00 0 4038e000-40409000 rw-p 4038e000 00:00 0 4042e000-4042f000 ---p 4042e000 00:00 0 4042f000-404aa000 rw-p 4042f000 00:00 0 404aa000-404ab000 ---p 404aa000 00:00 0 404ab000-40526000 rw-p 404ab000 00:00 0 4058d000-4058e000 ---p 4058d000 00:00 0 4058e000-40609000 rw-p 4058e000 00:00 0 40609000-4060a000 ---p 40609 Disconnected from Asterisk server