Asterisk 11.5.1, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2012 Digium, Inc. and others. Created by Mark Spencer Asterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'core show warranty' for details. This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'core show license' for details. =========================================================================  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/logger.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf': Found  == Manager registered action DBGet  == Manager registered action DBPut  == Manager registered action DBDel  == Manager registered action DBDelTree  == Registered custom function 'MESSAGE'  == Registered custom function 'MESSAGE_DATA'  == Registered application 'MessageSend'  == Manager registered action MessageSend  == Manager registered action DataGet  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': Found  Asterisk Dynamic Loader Starting:  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/modules.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dnsmgr.conf': Found [Nov 28 12:02:01] ERROR[10463]: config_options.c:512 aco_process_config: Unable to load config file 'acl.conf'  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/http.conf': Found  == Manager registered action Ping  == Manager registered action Events  == Manager registered action Logoff  == Manager registered action Login  == Manager registered action Challenge  == Manager registered action Hangup  == Manager registered action Status  == Manager registered action Setvar  == Manager registered action Getvar  == Manager registered action GetConfig  == Manager registered action GetConfigJSON  == Manager registered action UpdateConfig  == Manager registered action CreateConfig  == Manager registered action ListCategories  == Manager registered action Redirect  == Manager registered action Atxfer  == Manager registered action Originate  == Manager registered action Command  == Manager registered action ExtensionState  == Manager registered action PresenceState  == Manager registered action AbsoluteTimeout  == Manager registered action MailboxStatus  == Manager registered action MailboxCount  == Manager registered action ListCommands  == Manager registered action SendText  == Manager registered action UserEvent  == Manager registered action WaitEvent  == Manager registered action CoreSettings  == Manager registered action CoreStatus  == Manager registered action Reload  == Manager registered action CoreShowChannels  == Manager registered action ModuleLoad  == Manager registered action ModuleCheck  == Manager registered action AOCMessage  == Manager registered action Filter  == Registered custom function 'AMI_CLIENT'  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/users.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr.conf': Found [Nov 28 12:02:01] NOTICE[10463]: cdr.c:1623 do_reload: CDR simple logging enabled.  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cel.conf': Found  -- CEL logging disabled.  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dsp.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/udptl.conf': Found  Asterisk PBX Core Initializing  Registering builtin applications:  == Registered custom function 'EXCEPTION'  == Registered custom function 'TESTTIME'  [Answer]  == Registered application 'Answer'  [BackGround]  == Registered application 'BackGround'  [Busy]  == Registered application 'Busy'  [Congestion]  == Registered application 'Congestion'  [ExecIfTime]  == Registered application 'ExecIfTime'  [Goto]  == Registered application 'Goto'  [GotoIf]  == Registered application 'GotoIf'  [GotoIfTime]  == Registered application 'GotoIfTime'  [ImportVar]  == Registered application 'ImportVar'  [Hangup]  == Registered application 'Hangup'  [Incomplete]  == Registered application 'Incomplete'  [NoOp]  == Registered application 'NoOp'  [Proceeding]  == Registered application 'Proceeding'  [Progress]  == Registered application 'Progress'  [RaiseException]  == Registered application 'RaiseException'  [ResetCDR]  == Registered application 'ResetCDR'  [Ringing]  == Registered application 'Ringing'  [SayAlpha]  == Registered application 'SayAlpha'  [SayDigits]  == Registered application 'SayDigits'  [SayNumber]  == Registered application 'SayNumber'  [SayPhonetic]  == Registered application 'SayPhonetic'  [Set]  == Registered application 'Set'  [MSet]  == Registered application 'MSet'  [SetAMAFlags]  == Registered application 'SetAMAFlags'  [Wait]  == Registered application 'Wait'  [WaitExten]  == Registered application 'WaitExten'  == Manager registered action ShowDialPlan  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/indications.conf': Found  -- Registered indication country 'at'  -- Registered indication country 'au'  -- Registered indication country 'bg'  -- Registered indication country 'br'  -- Registered indication country 'be'  -- Registered indication country 'ch'  -- Registered indication country 'cl'  -- Registered indication country 'cn'  -- Registered indication country 'cz'  -- Registered indication country 'de'  -- Registered indication country 'dk'  -- Registered indication country 'ee'  -- Registered indication country 'es'  -- Registered indication country 'fi'  -- Registered indication country 'fr'  -- Registered indication country 'gr'  -- Registered indication country 'hu'  -- Registered indication country 'il'  -- Registered indication country 'in'  -- Registered indication country 'it'  -- Registered indication country 'lt'  -- Registered indication country 'jp'  -- Registered indication country 'mx'  -- Registered indication country 'my'  -- Registered indication country 'nl'  -- Registered indication country 'no'  -- Registered indication country 'nz'  -- Registered indication country 'ph'  -- Registered indication country 'pl'  -- Registered indication country 'pt'  -- Registered indication country 'ru'  -- Registered indication country 'se'  -- Registered indication country 'sg'  -- Registered indication country 'th'  -- Registered indication country 'uk'  -- Registered indication country 'us'  -- Registered indication country 'us-old'  -- Registered indication country 'tw'  -- Registered indication country 've'  -- Registered indication country 'za'  -- Setting default indication country to 'us'  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/features.conf': Found  -- Registered extension context 'parkedcalls'; registrar: features  -- Added extension '700' priority 1 to parkedcalls  == Registered application 'Bridge'  == Registered application 'ParkedCall'  == Registered application 'Park'  == Manager registered action ParkedCalls  == Manager registered action Parkinglots  == Manager registered action Park  == Manager registered action Bridge  == Registered custom function 'FEATURE'  == Registered custom function 'FEATUREMAP'  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/enum.conf': Found  == Registered application 'CallCompletionRequest'  == Registered application 'CallCompletionCancel'  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/ccss.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/ccss.conf': Found  Asterisk Dynamic Loader Starting:  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/modules.conf': Found [Nov 28 12:02:01] NOTICE[10463]: loader.c:1190 load_modules: 191 modules will be loaded.  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/smdi.conf': Found [Nov 28 12:02:01] NOTICE[10463]: res_smdi.c:1418 load_module: No SMDI interfaces are available to listen on, not starting SMDI listener. => (Cryptographic Digital Signatures)  == Registered application 'Monitor'  == Registered application 'StopMonitor'  == Registered application 'ChangeMonitor'  == Registered application 'PauseMonitor'  == Registered application 'UnpauseMonitor'  == Manager registered action Monitor  == Manager registered action StopMonitor  == Manager registered action ChangeMonitor  == Manager registered action PauseMonitor  == Manager registered action UnpauseMonitor => (Call Monitoring Resource)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/res_stun_monitor.conf': Found => (STUN Network Monitor)  == WebSocket registered sub-protocol 'echo' => (HTTP WebSocket Support)  == AGI Command 'answer' registered  == AGI Command 'asyncagi break' registered  == AGI Command 'channel status' registered  == AGI Command 'database del' registered  == AGI Command 'database deltree' registered  == AGI Command 'database get' registered  == AGI Command 'database put' registered  == AGI Command 'exec' registered  == AGI Command 'get data' registered  == AGI Command 'get full variable' registered  == AGI Command 'get option' registered  == AGI Command 'get variable' registered  == AGI Command 'hangup' registered  == AGI Command 'noop' registered  == AGI Command 'receive char' registered  == AGI Command 'receive text' registered  == AGI Command 'record file' registered  == AGI Command 'say alpha' registered  == AGI Command 'say digits' registered  == AGI Command 'say number' registered  == AGI Command 'say phonetic' registered  == AGI Command 'say date' registered  == AGI Command 'say time' registered  == AGI Command 'say datetime' registered  == AGI Command 'send image' registered  == AGI Command 'send text' registered  == AGI Command 'set autohangup' registered  == AGI Command 'set callerid' registered  == AGI Command 'set context' registered  == AGI Command 'set extension' registered  == AGI Command 'set music' registered  == AGI Command 'set priority' registered  == AGI Command 'set variable' registered  == AGI Command 'stream file' registered  == AGI Command 'control stream file' registered  == AGI Command 'tdd mode' registered  == AGI Command 'verbose' registered  == AGI Command 'wait for digit' registered  == AGI Command 'speech create' registered  == AGI Command 'speech set' registered  == AGI Command 'speech destroy' registered  == AGI Command 'speech load grammar' registered  == AGI Command 'speech unload grammar' registered  == AGI Command 'speech activate grammar' registered  == AGI Command 'speech deactivate grammar' registered  == AGI Command 'speech recognize' registered  == Registered application 'DeadAGI'  == Registered application 'EAGI'  == Manager registered action AGI  == Registered application 'AGI' => (Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI)) => (Generic Speech Recognition API)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/res_fax.conf': Found  == Registered application 'SendFAX'  == Registered application 'ReceiveFAX'  == Registered custom function 'FAXOPT' => (Generic FAX Applications)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/calendar.conf': Found  == Registered custom function 'CALENDAR_BUSY'  == Registered custom function 'CALENDAR_EVENT'  == Registered custom function 'CALENDAR_QUERY'  == Registered custom function 'CALENDAR_QUERY_RESULT'  == Registered custom function 'CALENDAR_WRITE' => (Asterisk Calendar integration) => (share-able code for AEL) [Nov 28 12:02:01] ERROR[10463]: res_config_sqlite3.c:1106 parse_config: Missing config file 'res_config_sqlite3.conf' [Nov 28 12:02:01] NOTICE[10463]: config.c:2355 ast_config_engine_register: Registered Config Engine sqlite3 => (SQLite 3 realtime config engine)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/res_ldap.conf': Found [Nov 28 12:02:01] NOTICE[10463]: res_config_ldap.c:1639 parse_config: No directory user found, anonymous binding as default. [Nov 28 12:02:01] ERROR[10463]: res_config_ldap.c:1665 parse_config: No directory URL or host found. [Nov 28 12:02:01] ERROR[10463]: res_config_ldap.c:1548 load_module: Cannot load LDAP RealTime driver. => (LDAP realtime interface) => (pthread Timing Interface) => (Timerfd Timing Interface)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': Found => (SILK Format Attribute Module)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf': Found  == Registered application 'MusicOnHold'  == Registered application 'WaitMusicOnHold'  == Registered application 'SetMusicOnHold'  == Registered application 'StartMusicOnHold'  == Registered application 'StopMusicOnHold' => (Music On Hold Resource)  == Registered RTP engine 'asterisk'  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/rtp.conf': Found  == RTP Allocating from port range 10000 -> 20000 => (Asterisk RTP Stack)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': Found => (CELT Format Attribute Module)  == Registered RTP engine 'multicast' => (Multicast RTP Engine)  == Registered channel type 'Agent' (Call Agent Proxy Channel)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/agents.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/users.conf': Found  == Registered application 'AgentLogin'  == Registered application 'AgentMonitorOutgoing'  == Manager registered action Agents  == Manager registered action AgentLogoff  == Registered custom function 'AGENT' => (Agent Proxy Channel)  == Registered channel type 'Local' (Local Proxy Channel Driver)  == Manager registered action LocalOptimizeAway => (Local Proxy Channel (Note: used internally by other modules)) SIP channel loading...  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/users.conf': Found  == SIP Listening on  == Using SIP TOS bits 96  == Using SIP CoS mark 4 [Nov 28 12:02:02] NOTICE[10463]: chan_sip.c:30668 build_peer: The 'username' field for sip peers has been deprecated in favor of the term 'defaultuser' [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31135 display_nat_warning: !!! PLEASE NOTE: Setting 'nat' for a peer/user that differs from the global setting can make [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31136 display_nat_warning: !!! the name of that peer/user discoverable by an attacker. Replies for non-existent peers/users [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31137 display_nat_warning: !!! will be sent to a different port than replies for an existing peer/user. If at all possible, [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31138 display_nat_warning: !!! use the global 'nat' setting and do not set 'nat' per peer/user. [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31139 display_nat_warning: !!! (config category='TRAILER' global force_rport='No' peer/user force_rport='Yes') [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31135 display_nat_warning: !!! PLEASE NOTE: Setting 'nat' for a peer/user that differs from the global setting can make [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31136 display_nat_warning: !!! the name of that peer/user discoverable by an attacker. Replies for non-existent peers/users [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31137 display_nat_warning: !!! will be sent to a different port than replies for an existing peer/user. If at all possible, [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31138 display_nat_warning: !!! use the global 'nat' setting and do not set 'nat' per peer/user. [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31139 display_nat_warning: !!! (config category='TRAILER-LINE' global force_rport='No' peer/user force_rport='Yes') [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31135 display_nat_warning: !!! PLEASE NOTE: Setting 'nat' for a peer/user that differs from the global setting can make [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31136 display_nat_warning: !!! the name of that peer/user discoverable by an attacker. Replies for non-existent peers/users [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31137 display_nat_warning: !!! will be sent to a different port than replies for an existing peer/user. If at all possible, [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31138 display_nat_warning: !!! use the global 'nat' setting and do not set 'nat' per peer/user. [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31139 display_nat_warning: !!! (config category='CRAIGLAPTOP' global force_rport='No' peer/user force_rport='Yes') [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31135 display_nat_warning: !!! PLEASE NOTE: Setting 'nat' for a peer/user that differs from the global setting can make [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31136 display_nat_warning: !!! the name of that peer/user discoverable by an attacker. Replies for non-existent peers/users [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31137 display_nat_warning: !!! will be sent to a different port than replies for an existing peer/user. If at all possible, [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31138 display_nat_warning: !!! use the global 'nat' setting and do not set 'nat' per peer/user. [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31139 display_nat_warning: !!! (config category='CRAIG-HTC' global force_rport='No' peer/user force_rport='Yes') [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31135 display_nat_warning: !!! PLEASE NOTE: Setting 'nat' for a peer/user that differs from the global setting can make [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31136 display_nat_warning: !!! the name of that peer/user discoverable by an attacker. Replies for non-existent peers/users [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31137 display_nat_warning: !!! will be sent to a different port than replies for an existing peer/user. If at all possible, [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31138 display_nat_warning: !!! use the global 'nat' setting and do not set 'nat' per peer/user. [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31139 display_nat_warning: !!! (config category='CRAIGLINKSYS' global force_rport='No' peer/user force_rport='Yes') [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31135 display_nat_warning: !!! PLEASE NOTE: Setting 'nat' for a peer/user that differs from the global setting can make [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31136 display_nat_warning: !!! the name of that peer/user discoverable by an attacker. Replies for non-existent peers/users [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31137 display_nat_warning: !!! will be sent to a different port than replies for an existing peer/user. If at all possible, [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31138 display_nat_warning: !!! use the global 'nat' setting and do not set 'nat' per peer/user. [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31139 display_nat_warning: !!! (config category='BENIPOD' global force_rport='No' peer/user force_rport='Yes') [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31135 display_nat_warning: !!! PLEASE NOTE: Setting 'nat' for a peer/user that differs from the global setting can make [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31136 display_nat_warning: !!! the name of that peer/user discoverable by an attacker. Replies for non-existent peers/users [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31137 display_nat_warning: !!! will be sent to a different port than replies for an existing peer/user. If at all possible, [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31138 display_nat_warning: !!! use the global 'nat' setting and do not set 'nat' per peer/user. [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31139 display_nat_warning: !!! (config category='ALEATHA' global force_rport='No' peer/user force_rport='Yes') [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31135 display_nat_warning: !!! PLEASE NOTE: Setting 'nat' for a peer/user that differs from the global setting can make [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31136 display_nat_warning: !!! the name of that peer/user discoverable by an attacker. Replies for non-existent peers/users [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31137 display_nat_warning: !!! will be sent to a different port than replies for an existing peer/user. If at all possible, [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31138 display_nat_warning: !!! use the global 'nat' setting and do not set 'nat' per peer/user. [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31139 display_nat_warning: !!! (config category='ALEATHA-LG' global force_rport='No' peer/user force_rport='Yes') [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31135 display_nat_warning: !!! PLEASE NOTE: Setting 'nat' for a peer/user that differs from the global setting can make [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31136 display_nat_warning: !!! the name of that peer/user discoverable by an attacker. Replies for non-existent peers/users [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31137 display_nat_warning: !!! will be sent to a different port than replies for an existing peer/user. If at all possible, [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31138 display_nat_warning: !!! use the global 'nat' setting and do not set 'nat' per peer/user. [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31139 display_nat_warning: !!! (config category='ALEATHALAPTOP' global force_rport='No' peer/user force_rport='Yes') [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31135 display_nat_warning: !!! PLEASE NOTE: Setting 'nat' for a peer/user that differs from the global setting can make [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31136 display_nat_warning: !!! the name of that peer/user discoverable by an attacker. Replies for non-existent peers/users [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31137 display_nat_warning: !!! will be sent to a different port than replies for an existing peer/user. If at all possible, [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31138 display_nat_warning: !!! use the global 'nat' setting and do not set 'nat' per peer/user. [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31139 display_nat_warning: !!! (config category='ALEATHAFAX' global force_rport='No' peer/user force_rport='Yes') [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31135 display_nat_warning: !!! PLEASE NOTE: Setting 'nat' for a peer/user that differs from the global setting can make [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31136 display_nat_warning: !!! the name of that peer/user discoverable by an attacker. Replies for non-existent peers/users [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31137 display_nat_warning: !!! will be sent to a different port than replies for an existing peer/user. If at all possible, [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31138 display_nat_warning: !!! use the global 'nat' setting and do not set 'nat' per peer/user. [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31139 display_nat_warning: !!! (config category='WILMA' global force_rport='No' peer/user force_rport='Yes') [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31135 display_nat_warning: !!! PLEASE NOTE: Setting 'nat' for a peer/user that differs from the global setting can make [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31136 display_nat_warning: !!! the name of that peer/user discoverable by an attacker. Replies for non-existent peers/users [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31137 display_nat_warning: !!! will be sent to a different port than replies for an existing peer/user. If at all possible, [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31138 display_nat_warning: !!! use the global 'nat' setting and do not set 'nat' per peer/user. [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31139 display_nat_warning: !!! (config category='GRANT' global force_rport='No' peer/user force_rport='Yes') [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31135 display_nat_warning: !!! PLEASE NOTE: Setting 'nat' for a peer/user that differs from the global setting can make [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31136 display_nat_warning: !!! the name of that peer/user discoverable by an attacker. Replies for non-existent peers/users [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31137 display_nat_warning: !!! will be sent to a different port than replies for an existing peer/user. If at all possible, [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31138 display_nat_warning: !!! use the global 'nat' setting and do not set 'nat' per peer/user. [Nov 28 12:02:02] WARNING[10463]: chan_sip.c:31139 display_nat_warning: !!! (config category='LYTLE' global force_rport='No' peer/user force_rport='Yes')  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip_notify.conf': Found  -- Message technology handler 'sip' registered.  == Registered channel type 'SIP' (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP))  == Registered RTP glue 'SIP'  == Registered application 'SIPDtmfMode'  == Registered application 'SIPAddHeader'  == Registered application 'SIPRemoveHeader'  == Registered custom function 'SIP_HEADER'  == Registered custom function 'SIPPEER'  == Registered custom function 'SIPCHANINFO'  == Registered custom function 'CHECKSIPDOMAIN'  == Manager registered action SIPpeers  == Manager registered action SIPshowpeer  == Manager registered action SIPqualifypeer  == Manager registered action SIPshowregistry  == Manager registered action SIPnotify  == Manager registered action SIPpeerstatus  == WebSocket registered sub-protocol 'sip' => (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP))  == Registered channel type 'Bridge' (Bridge Interaction Channel) => (Bridge Interaction Channel) [Nov 28 12:02:02] NOTICE[10483]: chan_sip.c:23457 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer 'IPKall' is now Reachable. (7ms / 2000ms) [Nov 28 12:02:02] NOTICE[10483]: chan_sip.c:23457 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '' is now Reachable. (31ms / 2000ms)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/iax.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/users.conf': Found  == Using IAX2 TOS bits 184  == Binding IAX2 to default address  == Registered application 'IAX2Provision'  == Registered custom function 'IAXPEER'  == Registered custom function 'IAXVAR'  == Manager registered action IAXpeers  == Manager registered action IAXpeerlist  == Manager registered action IAXnetstats  == Manager registered action IAXregistry  == Registered channel type 'IAX2' (Inter Asterisk eXchange Driver (Ver 2))  == 10 helper threads started  == IAX Ready and Listening  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/iaxprov.conf': Found  -- Loaded provisioning template 'default' => (Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2))  == Registered channel type 'MulticastRTP' (Multicast RTP Paging Channel Driver) => (Multicast RTP Paging Channel) [Nov 28 12:02:03] NOTICE[10463]: chan_skinny.c:7736 config_load: Configuring skinny from skinny.conf  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/skinny.conf': Found  == Skinny listening on  == Registered channel type 'Skinny' (Skinny Client Control Protocol (Skinny))  == Registered RTP glue 'Skinny'  == Manager registered action SKINNYdevices  == Manager registered action SKINNYshowdevice  == Manager registered action SKINNYlines  == Manager registered action SKINNYshowline => (Skinny Client Control Protocol (Skinny))  == Registered file format siren7, extension(s) siren7 => (ITU G.722.1 (Siren7, licensed from Polycom))  == Registered file format gsm, extension(s) gsm => (Raw GSM data)  == AGI Command 'gosub' registered  == Registered application 'StackPop'  == Registered application 'Return'  == Registered application 'GosubIf'  == Registered application 'Gosub'  == Registered custom function 'LOCAL'  == Registered custom function 'LOCAL_PEEK'  == Registered custom function 'STACK_PEEK' => (Dialplan subroutines (Gosub, Return, etc))  == Registered file format iLBC, extension(s) ilbc => (Raw iLBC data)  == Registered custom function 'DIALPLAN_EXISTS'  == Registered custom function 'VALID_EXTEN' => (Dialplan Context/Extension/Priority Checking Functions)  == Registered file format siren14, extension(s) siren14 => (ITU G.722.1 Annex C (Siren14, licensed from Polycom))  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/adsi.conf': Found => (ADSI Resource)  == Registered file format g719, extension(s) g719 => (ITU G.719)  == Registered file format g723sf, extension(s) g723|g723sf => (G.723.1 Simple Timestamp File Format)  == Registered file format h263, extension(s) h263 => (Raw H.263 data)  == Registered file format sln, extension(s) sln|raw  == Registered file format sln12, extension(s) sln12  == Registered file format sln16, extension(s) sln16  == Registered file format sln24, extension(s) sln24  == Registered file format sln32, extension(s) sln32  == Registered file format sln44, extension(s) sln44  == Registered file format sln48, extension(s) sln48  == Registered file format sln96, extension(s) sln96  == Registered file format sln192, extension(s) sln192 => (Raw Signed Linear Audio support (SLN) 8khz-192khz)  == Registered file format h264, extension(s) h264 => (Raw H.264 data)  == Registered file format g726-40, extension(s) g726-40  == Registered file format g726-32, extension(s) g726-32  == Registered file format g726-24, extension(s) g726-24  == Registered file format g726-16, extension(s) g726-16 => (Raw G.726 (16/24/32/40kbps) data)  == Registered file format vox, extension(s) vox => (Dialogic VOX (ADPCM) File Format)  == Registered file format wav49, extension(s) WAV|wav49 => (Microsoft WAV format (Proprietary GSM))  == Registered file format g729, extension(s) g729 => (Raw G.729 data)  == Registered file format pcm, extension(s) pcm|ulaw|ul|mu|ulw  == Registered file format alaw, extension(s) alaw|al|alw  == Registered file format au, extension(s) au  == Registered file format g722, extension(s) g722 => (Raw/Sun uLaw/ALaw 8KHz (PCM,PCMA,AU), G.722 16Khz)  == Registered format 'jpg' (JPEG (Joint Picture Experts Group)) => (jpeg (joint picture experts group) image format)  == Registered file format wav, extension(s) wav  == Registered file format wav16, extension(s) wav16 => (Microsoft WAV/WAV16 format (8kHz/16kHz Signed Linear)) [Nov 28 12:02:03] ERROR[10463]: config_options.c:512 aco_process_config: Unable to load config file 'confbridge.conf' [Nov 28 12:02:03] ERROR[10463]: app_confbridge.c:3102 load_module: Unable to load config. Not loading module.  == Registered custom function 'DEVICE_STATE'  == Registered custom function 'HINT' => (Gets or sets a device state in the dialplan)  == Registered custom function 'PRESENCE_STATE' => (Gets or sets a presence state in the dialplan)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cel_sqlite3_custom.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cel_custom.conf': Found => (Customizable Comma Separated Values CEL Backend)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_syslog.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_sqlite3_custom.conf': Found  -- cdr_sqlite3_custom: Logging CDR records to table 'cdr' in 'master.db' => (SQLite3 Custom CDR Module)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_custom.conf': Found => (Customizable Comma Separated Values CDR Backend)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr.conf': Found => (Comma Separated Values CDR Backend)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_manager.conf': Found => (Asterisk Manager Interface CDR Backend)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cel.conf': Found => (Asterisk Manager Interface CEL Backend)  == Registered application 'UserEvent' => (Custom User Event Application)  == Registered application 'Authenticate' => (Authentication Application)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': Found => (H.263 Format Attribute Module)  == Registered application 'Pickup'  == Registered application 'PickupChan' => (Directed Call Pickup Application)  == Registered application 'MixMonitor'  == Registered application 'StopMixMonitor'  == Manager registered action MixMonitorMute  == Manager registered action MixMonitor  == Manager registered action StopMixMonitor => (Mixed Audio Monitoring Application)  == Registered custom function 'VMCOUNT' => (Indicator for whether a voice mailbox has messages in a given folder.) => (Loopback Switch)  == Registered translator 'adpcmtolin' from format adpcm to slin, table cost, 900000, computational cost 1000  == Registered translator 'lintoadpcm' from format slin to adpcm, table cost, 600000, computational cost 1000 => (Adaptive Differential PCM Coder/Decoder)  == Registered application 'TestClient'  == Registered application 'TestServer' => (Interface Test Application)  == Registered custom function 'GROUP_COUNT'  == Registered custom function 'GROUP_MATCH_COUNT'  == Registered custom function 'GROUP_LIST'  == Registered custom function 'GROUP' => (Channel group dialplan functions)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/festival.conf': Found  == Registered application 'Festival' => (Simple Festival Interface)  == Registered translator 'ulawtolin' from format ulaw to slin, table cost, 900000, computational cost 1  == Registered translator 'lintoulaw' from format slin to ulaw, table cost, 600000, computational cost 1  == Registered translator 'lintotestlaw' from format slin to testlaw, table cost, 600000, computational cost 1  == Registered translator 'testlawtolin' from format testlaw to slin, table cost, 900000, computational cost 1 => (mu-Law Coder/Decoder)  -- Security Logging Enabled => (Security Event Logging)  == Registered custom function 'SYSINFO' => (System information related functions)  == Registered custom function 'IFMODULE' => (Checks if Asterisk module is loaded in memory)  == Registered application 'DBdel'  == Registered application 'DBdeltree' => (Database Access Functions)  == Registered application 'MinivmRecord'  == Registered application 'MinivmGreet'  == Registered application 'MinivmNotify'  == Registered application 'MinivmDelete'  == Registered application 'MinivmAccMess'  == Registered application 'MinivmMWI'  == Registered custom function 'MINIVMACCOUNT'  == Registered custom function 'MINIVMCOUNTER'  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/minivm.conf': Found => (Mini VoiceMail (A minimal Voicemail e-mail System))  == Registered application 'WaitForRing' => (Waits until first ring after time)  == Registered application 'ReadExten' => (Read and evaluate extension validity)  == Registered custom function 'FIELDQTY'  == Registered custom function 'FIELDNUM'  == Registered custom function 'FILTER'  == Registered custom function 'REPLACE'  == Registered custom function 'STRREPLACE'  == Registered custom function 'LISTFILTER'  == Registered custom function 'REGEX'  == Registered custom function 'ARRAY'  == Registered custom function 'QUOTE'  == Registered custom function 'CSV_QUOTE'  == Registered custom function 'LEN'  == Registered custom function 'STRFTIME'  == Registered custom function 'STRPTIME'  == Registered custom function 'EVAL'  == Registered custom function 'KEYPADHASH'  == Registered custom function 'HASHKEYS'  == Registered custom function 'HASH'  == Registered application 'ClearHash'  == Registered custom function 'TOUPPER'  == Registered custom function 'TOLOWER'  == Registered custom function 'SHIFT'  == Registered custom function 'POP'  == Registered custom function 'PUSH'  == Registered custom function 'UNSHIFT'  == Registered custom function 'PASSTHRU' => (String handling dialplan functions) => (Resource limits)  == Registered application 'SendURL' => (Send URL Applications)  == Registered custom function 'MD5' => (MD5 digest dialplan functions)  == Registered custom function 'JITTERBUFFER' => (Jitter buffer for read side of channel.)  == Registered custom function 'SRVQUERY'  == Registered custom function 'SRVRESULT' => (SRV related dialplan functions)  == Registered application 'Exec'  == Registered application 'TryExec'  == Registered application 'ExecIf' => (Executes dialplan applications)  == Registered translator 'lpc10tolin' from format lpc10 to slin, table cost, 900000, computational cost 2999  == Registered translator 'lintolpc10' from format slin to lpc10, table cost, 600000, computational cost 3999 => (LPC10 2.4kbps Coder/Decoder)  == Registered application 'NBScat' => (Silly NBS Stream Application)  == Registered application 'SendText' => (Send Text Applications)  == Registered custom function 'AST_CONFIG' => (Asterisk configuration file variable access)  == Registered custom function 'DB'  == Registered custom function 'DB_EXISTS'  == Registered custom function 'DB_DELETE'  == Registered custom function 'DB_KEYS' => (Database (astdb) related dialplan functions)  == Registered custom function 'PP_EACH_USER'  == Registered custom function 'PP_EACH_EXTENSION'  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/users.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/phoneprov.conf': Found => (HTTP Phone Provisioning)  == Registered application 'Page' => (Page Multiple Phones)  == Registered application 'Zapateller' => (Block Telemarketers with Special Information Tone)  == Registered custom function 'SHELL' => (Collects the output generated by a command executed by the system shell)  == Registered custom function 'ENV'  == Registered custom function 'STAT'  == Registered custom function 'FILE'  == Registered custom function 'FILE_COUNT_LINE'  == Registered custom function 'FILE_FORMAT' => (Environment/filesystem dialplan functions)  == Registered custom function 'MUTEAUDIO'  == Manager registered action MuteAudio => (Mute audio stream resources)  == Registered custom function 'CUT'  == Registered custom function 'SORT' => (Cut out information from a string)  == Registered custom function 'AUDIOHOOK_INHERIT' => (Audiohook inheritance function)  == Registered custom function 'SHA1' => (SHA-1 computation dialplan function)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/amd.conf': Found  -- AMD defaults: initialSilence [2500] greeting [1500] afterGreetingSilence [800] totalAnalysisTime [5000] minimumWordLength [100] betweenWordsSilence [50] maximumNumberOfWords [3] silenceThreshold [256] maximumWordLength [5000]  == Registered application 'AMD' => (Answering Machine Detection Application)  == Registered application 'Morsecode' => (Morse code)  == Registered custom function 'CHANNEL'  == Registered custom function 'CHANNELS'  == Registered custom function 'MASTER_CHANNEL' => (Channel information dialplan functions)  == Registered application 'WaitUntil' => (Wait until specified time)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cli_aliases.conf': Found  == Aliased CLI command 'hangup request' to 'channel request hangup'  == Aliased CLI command 'originate' to 'channel originate'  == Aliased CLI command 'help' to 'core show help'  == Aliased CLI command 'pri intense debug span' to 'pri set debug 2 span'  == Aliased CLI command 'reload' to 'module reload' => (CLI Aliases)  == Registered application 'ExternalIVR' => (External IVR Interface Application)  == Registered application 'ParkAndAnnounce' => (Call Parking and Announce Application)  == Registered custom function 'EXTENSION_STATE' => (Gets an extension's state in the dialplan)  == Registered custom function 'CDR' => (Call Detail Record (CDR) dialplan function)  == Registered application 'TrySystem'  == Registered application 'System' => (Generic System() application)  == Registered custom function 'SPRINTF' => (SPRINTF dialplan function)  == Registered custom function 'LOCK'  == Registered custom function 'TRYLOCK'  == Registered custom function 'UNLOCK' => (Dialplan mutexes)  == Registered application 'SayUnixTime'  == Registered application 'DateTime' => (Say time)  == Registered translator 'slin 8000khz -> 12000khz' from format slin to slin12, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 8000khz -> 16000khz' from format slin to slin16, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 8000khz -> 24000khz' from format slin to slin24, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 8000khz -> 32000khz' from format slin to slin32, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 8000khz -> 44100khz' from format slin to slin44, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 8000khz -> 48000khz' from format slin to slin48, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 8000khz -> 96000khz' from format slin to slin96, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 8000khz -> 192000khz' from format slin to slin192, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 12000khz -> 8000khz' from format slin12 to slin, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 12000khz -> 16000khz' from format slin12 to slin16, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 12000khz -> 24000khz' from format slin12 to slin24, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 12000khz -> 32000khz' from format slin12 to slin32, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 12000khz -> 44100khz' from format slin12 to slin44, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 12000khz -> 48000khz' from format slin12 to slin48, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 12000khz -> 96000khz' from format slin12 to slin96, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 12000khz -> 192000khz' from format slin12 to slin192, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 16000khz -> 8000khz' from format slin16 to slin, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 16000khz -> 12000khz' from format slin16 to slin12, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 16000khz -> 24000khz' from format slin16 to slin24, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 16000khz -> 32000khz' from format slin16 to slin32, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 16000khz -> 44100khz' from format slin16 to slin44, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 16000khz -> 48000khz' from format slin16 to slin48, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 16000khz -> 96000khz' from format slin16 to slin96, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 16000khz -> 192000khz' from format slin16 to slin192, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 24000khz -> 8000khz' from format slin24 to slin, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 24000khz -> 12000khz' from format slin24 to slin12, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 24000khz -> 16000khz' from format slin24 to slin16, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 24000khz -> 32000khz' from format slin24 to slin32, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 24000khz -> 44100khz' from format slin24 to slin44, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 24000khz -> 48000khz' from format slin24 to slin48, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 24000khz -> 96000khz' from format slin24 to slin96, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 24000khz -> 192000khz' from format slin24 to slin192, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 32000khz -> 8000khz' from format slin32 to slin, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 32000khz -> 12000khz' from format slin32 to slin12, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 32000khz -> 16000khz' from format slin32 to slin16, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 32000khz -> 24000khz' from format slin32 to slin24, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 32000khz -> 44100khz' from format slin32 to slin44, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 32000khz -> 48000khz' from format slin32 to slin48, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 32000khz -> 96000khz' from format slin32 to slin96, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 32000khz -> 192000khz' from format slin32 to slin192, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 44100khz -> 8000khz' from format slin44 to slin, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 44100khz -> 12000khz' from format slin44 to slin12, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 44100khz -> 16000khz' from format slin44 to slin16, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 44100khz -> 24000khz' from format slin44 to slin24, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 44100khz -> 32000khz' from format slin44 to slin32, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 44100khz -> 48000khz' from format slin44 to slin48, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 44100khz -> 96000khz' from format slin44 to slin96, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 44100khz -> 192000khz' from format slin44 to slin192, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 48000khz -> 8000khz' from format slin48 to slin, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 48000khz -> 12000khz' from format slin48 to slin12, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 48000khz -> 16000khz' from format slin48 to slin16, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 48000khz -> 24000khz' from format slin48 to slin24, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 48000khz -> 32000khz' from format slin48 to slin32, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 48000khz -> 44100khz' from format slin48 to slin44, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 48000khz -> 96000khz' from format slin48 to slin96, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 48000khz -> 192000khz' from format slin48 to slin192, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 96000khz -> 8000khz' from format slin96 to slin, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 96000khz -> 12000khz' from format slin96 to slin12, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 96000khz -> 16000khz' from format slin96 to slin16, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 96000khz -> 24000khz' from format slin96 to slin24, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 96000khz -> 32000khz' from format slin96 to slin32, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 96000khz -> 44100khz' from format slin96 to slin44, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 96000khz -> 48000khz' from format slin96 to slin48, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 96000khz -> 192000khz' from format slin96 to slin192, table cost, 800000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 192000khz -> 8000khz' from format slin192 to slin, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 192000khz -> 12000khz' from format slin192 to slin12, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 192000khz -> 16000khz' from format slin192 to slin16, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 192000khz -> 24000khz' from format slin192 to slin24, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 192000khz -> 32000khz' from format slin192 to slin32, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 192000khz -> 44100khz' from format slin192 to slin44, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 192000khz -> 48000khz' from format slin192 to slin48, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999  == Registered translator 'slin 192000khz -> 96000khz' from format slin192 to slin96, table cost, 850000, computational cost 999999 => (SLIN Resampling Codec)  == Registered custom function 'DIALGROUP' => (Dialgroup dialplan function)  == Registered application 'ForkCDR' => (Fork The CDR into 2 separate entities)  == Registered custom function 'TIMEOUT' => (Channel timeout dialplan functions)  == Registered custom function 'BASE64_ENCODE'  == Registered custom function 'BASE64_DECODE' => (base64 encode/decode dialplan functions)  == Registered application 'NoCDR' => (Tell Asterisk to not maintain a CDR for the current call)  == Registered application 'MP3Player' => (Silly MP3 Application)  == Registered application 'AELSub' [Nov 28 12:02:03] NOTICE[10463]: pbx_ael.c:164 pbx_load_module: Starting AEL load process. [Nov 28 12:02:03] NOTICE[10463]: pbx_ael.c:177 pbx_load_module: AEL load process: parsed config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. [Nov 28 12:02:03] NOTICE[10463]: pbx_ael.c:180 pbx_load_module: AEL load process: checked config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'.  == Setting global variable 'CONSOLE-AEL' to '"Console/dsp"'  == Setting global variable 'IAXINFO-AEL' to 'guest'  == Setting global variable 'OUTBOUND-TRUNK' to '"Zap/g2"'  == Setting global variable 'OUTBOUND-TRUNKMSD' to '1'  -- Registered extension context 'ael-dundi-e164-canonical'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- Registered extension context 'ael-dundi-e164-customers'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- Registered extension context 'ael-dundi-e164-via-pstn'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- Registered extension context 'ael-dundi-e164-local'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- Including context 'ael-dundi-e164-canonical' in context 'ael-dundi-e164-local'  -- Including context 'ael-dundi-e164-customers' in context 'ael-dundi-e164-local'  -- Including context 'ael-dundi-e164-via-pstn' in context 'ael-dundi-e164-local'  -- Registered extension context 'ael-dundi-e164-switch'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- Including switch 'DUNDi/e164' in context 'ael-dundi-e164-switch'  -- Registered extension context 'ael-dundi-e164-lookup'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- Including context 'ael-dundi-e164-local' in context 'ael-dundi-e164-lookup'  -- Including context 'ael-dundi-e164-switch' in context 'ael-dundi-e164-lookup'  -- Registered extension context 'ael-dundi-e164'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- Registered extension context 'ael-iaxtel700'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- Registered extension context 'ael-iaxprovider'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- Registered extension context 'ael-trunkint'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- Including context 'ael-dundi-e164-lookup' in context 'ael-trunkint'  -- Registered extension context 'ael-trunkld'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- Including context 'ael-dundi-e164-lookup' in context 'ael-trunkld'  -- Registered extension context 'ael-trunklocal'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- Registered extension context 'ael-trunktollfree'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- Registered extension context 'ael-international'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- Including context 'ael-longdistance' in context 'ael-international'  -- Including context 'ael-trunkint' in context 'ael-international'  -- Registered extension context 'ael-longdistance'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- Including context 'ael-local' in context 'ael-longdistance'  -- Including context 'ael-trunkld' in context 'ael-longdistance'  -- Registered extension context 'ael-local'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- Including context 'ael-default' in context 'ael-local'  -- Including context 'ael-trunklocal' in context 'ael-local'  -- Including context 'ael-iaxtel700' in context 'ael-local'  -- Including context 'ael-trunktollfree' in context 'ael-local'  -- Including context 'ael-iaxprovider' in context 'ael-local'  -- Registered extension context 'ael-std-exten-ael'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- Registered extension context 'ael-demo'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- Registered extension context 'ael-default'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- Including context 'ael-demo' in context 'ael-default'  -- Registered extension context 'ael-builtin-h-bubble'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- Including context 'ael-builtin-h-bubble' in context 'ael-dundi-e164'  -- Including context 'ael-builtin-h-bubble' in context 'ael-std-exten-ael'  -- Added extension '~~s~~' priority 1 to ael-dundi-e164  -- Added extension '~~s~~' priority 2 to ael-dundi-e164  -- Added extension '~~s~~' priority 3 to ael-dundi-e164  -- Added extension '_91700XXXXXXX' priority 1 to ael-iaxtel700  -- Added extension '_9011.' priority 1 to ael-trunkint  -- Added extension '_9011.' priority 2 to ael-trunkint  -- Added extension '_91NXXNXXXXXX' priority 1 to ael-trunkld  -- Added extension '_91NXXNXXXXXX' priority 2 to ael-trunkld  -- Added extension '_9NXXXXXX' priority 1 to ael-trunklocal  -- Added extension '_91800NXXXXXX' priority 1 to ael-trunktollfree  -- Added extension '_91888NXXXXXX' priority 1 to ael-trunktollfree  -- Added extension '_91877NXXXXXX' priority 1 to ael-trunktollfree  -- Added extension '_91866NXXXXXX' priority 1 to ael-trunktollfree  -- Added extension '~~s~~' priority 1 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension '~~s~~' priority 2 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension '~~s~~' priority 3 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension '~~s~~' priority 4 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension '~~s~~' priority 5 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension '~~s~~' priority 6 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension '~~s~~' priority 7 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension '~~s~~' priority 8 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension 'a' priority 1 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension 'a' priority 2 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension '_sw_1_.' priority 10 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension '_sw_1_.' priority 11 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension 'sw_1_' priority 10 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension 'sw_1_BUSY' priority 10 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension 'sw_1_BUSY' priority 11 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '2' priority 1 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '2' priority 2 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '3' priority 1 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '3' priority 2 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '1000' priority 1 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '500' priority 1 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '500' priority 2 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '500' priority 3 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '500' priority 4 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '600' priority 1 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '600' priority 2 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '600' priority 3 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '600' priority 4 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '_1234' priority 1 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '8500' priority 1 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '8500' priority 2 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '#' priority 1 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '#' priority 2 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to ael-builtin-h-bubble  -- Added extension 'h' priority 9991 to ael-builtin-h-bubble  -- Added extension 'h' priority 9992 to ael-builtin-h-bubble  -- Added extension 'h' priority 9993 to ael-builtin-h-bubble  -- Added extension 'h' priority 9994 to ael-builtin-h-bubble  -- Added extension 'h' priority 9995 to ael-builtin-h-bubble  -- Added extension 'h' priority 9996 to ael-builtin-h-bubble [Nov 28 12:02:03] NOTICE[10463]: pbx_ael.c:187 pbx_load_module: AEL load process: compiled config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'.  -- Registered extension context 'parkedcalls'; registrar: features  -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(parkedcalls) to new(parkedcalls) context, registrar = pbx_ael  -- Added extension '700' priority 1 to parkedcalls  -- Time to scan old dialplan and merge leftovers back into the new: 0.000254 sec  -- Time to restore hints and swap in new dialplan: 0.000011 sec  -- Time to delete the old dialplan: 0.000006 sec  -- Total time merge_contexts_delete: 0.000271 sec [Nov 28 12:02:03] NOTICE[10463]: pbx_ael.c:192 pbx_load_module: AEL load process: merged config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. [Nov 28 12:02:03] NOTICE[10463]: pbx_ael.c:195 pbx_load_module: AEL load process: verified config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. => (Asterisk Extension Language Compiler)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/say.conf': Found  == Registered application 'Playback' => (Sound File Playback Application) => (Built in bridging features)  == Registered application 'PlayTones'  == Registered application 'StopPlayTones' => (Playtones Application)  == Registered application 'WaitForSilence'  == Registered application 'WaitForNoise' => (Wait For Silence)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf': Found  == Setting global variable 'Crazy_Extension' to '22'  == Setting global variable 'musiconhold' to 'default'  == Setting global variable 'main_phone' to '472002'  == Setting global variable 'main_phone2' to '503838'  == Setting global variable 'secret79' to 'secret'  == Setting global variable 'secretiax' to 'craigarno:doodle'  == Setting global variable 'secret27244' to 'doodle'  == Setting global variable 'secret472002' to 'doodle'  == Setting global variable 'secret473121' to 'doodle'  == Setting global variable 'secret478374' to 'sailboat'  == Setting global variable 'secret499041' to 'craig58donna'  == Setting global variable 'secret500104' to 'arkark'  == Setting global variable 'secret503838' to 'doodle'  == Setting global variable 'secret506823' to 'bailey'  == Setting global variable 'secret508018' to 'bam2bam'  == Setting global variable 'secret524887' to 'peeper8'  == Setting global variable 'secret544360' to 'Doo2dle'  == Setting global variable 'secret615670' to 'mercedes'  == Setting global variable 'secret633257' to 'glen'  == Setting global variable 'secret651663' to 'mamama'  == Setting global variable 'secret653206' to 'mamama'  == Setting global variable 'secret654878' to 'tazotwo'  == Setting global variable 'secret661303' to 'doodle'  == Setting global variable 'secret664441' to 'mercedes'  == Setting global variable 'secret678532' to 'mamama'  == Setting global variable 'secret679262' to 'xphiles1'  == Setting global variable 'secret686739' to 'doodle'  == Setting global variable 'secret689968' to 'mamama'  == Setting global variable 'secret720948' to 'mamama'  == Setting global variable 'secret752196' to 'mamama'  == Setting global variable 'secret788916' to 'doodle'  -- Registered extension context 'macro-stdexten'; registrar: pbx_config  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-stdexten  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-stdexten  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-stdexten  -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-stdexten  -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-stdexten  -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to macro-stdexten  -- Added extension 's' priority 20 to macro-stdexten  -- Added extension 's' priority 21 to macro-stdexten  -- Added extension 's' priority 30 to macro-stdexten  -- Added extension 's' priority 31 to macro-stdexten  -- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 2 to macro-stdexten  -- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 3 to macro-stdexten  -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 2 to macro-stdexten  -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 3 to macro-stdexten  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 2 to macro-stdexten  -- Added extension 'a' priority 2 to macro-stdexten  -- Registered extension context 'macro-stdcall'; registrar: pbx_config  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-stdcall  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-stdcall  -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-stdcall  -- Added extension 's' priority 20 to macro-stdcall  -- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 1 to macro-stdcall  -- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 2 to macro-stdcall  -- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 3 to macro-stdcall  -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 1 to macro-stdcall  -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 2 to macro-stdcall  -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 3 to macro-stdcall  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 1 to macro-stdcall  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 2 to macro-stdcall  -- Added extension 'a' priority 1 to macro-stdcall  -- Added extension 'a' priority 2 to macro-stdcall  -- Added extension 'a' priority 3 to macro-stdcall  -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to macro-stdcall  -- Added extension 't' priority 2 to macro-stdcall  -- Added extension 't' priority 3 to macro-stdcall  -- Registered extension context 'macro-vmessage'; registrar: pbx_config  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-vmessage  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-vmessage  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-vmessage  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-vmessage  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-vmessage  -- Registered extension context 'macro-Broadvoice'; registrar: pbx_config  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-Broadvoice  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-Broadvoice  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-Broadvoice  -- Added extension 's' priority 103 to macro-Broadvoice  -- Added extension 's' priority 104 to macro-Broadvoice  -- Registered extension context 'macro-Blocked_Call'; registrar: pbx_config  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-Blocked_Call  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-Blocked_Call  -- Added extension 's' priority 102 to macro-Blocked_Call  -- Registered extension context 'macro-PSTN_18xx'; registrar: pbx_config  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-PSTN_18xx  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-PSTN_18xx  -- Registered extension context 'PSTN_18xx'; registrar: pbx_config  -- Added extension '_8[8760][8760]NXXXXXX' priority 1 to PSTN_18xx  -- Added extension '_18[8760][8760]NXXXXXX' priority 1 to PSTN_18xx  -- Registered extension context 'PSTN'; registrar: pbx_config  -- Added extension '_NXXXXXX' priority 1 to PSTN  -- Added extension '_NXXNXXXXXX' priority 1 to PSTN  -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 1 to PSTN  -- Registered extension context 'PSTN_Intl'; registrar: pbx_config  -- Added extension '_011167[01].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_0111787.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_0111939.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_01131.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011316[1-6].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_01132.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011324[6-9].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_01133.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_01133[67].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_01134.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011346.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011353.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_0113538.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011357.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_0113571239[79].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_0113579.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011379.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_01139.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011393.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_01141.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011417[6-9].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011418607[6-9].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_01143.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011436[5-9].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011437[1-48].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011438.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_01144.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_01144[789].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_01145[19].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_01146.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_0114610[2-7].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_0114612[4679].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_0114625[24].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011463[07][68].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_0114651[89].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_01146[67][3-6].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011467[023456].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_01147.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011474.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011475[89].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_0114781[05].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011479.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_01149.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011491[567].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_0114970[01].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_01156.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_01156[89].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_01158.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011584[12][24-8].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_01161.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_01161[145]' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_01165.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_01166.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011852.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_01186.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011886.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011886[679].' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011.' priority 1 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011.' priority 2 to PSTN_Intl  -- Added extension '_011.' priority 102 to PSTN_Intl  -- Registered extension context 'Special_Cases'; registrar: pbx_config  -- Added extension '9716454377' priority 1 to Special_Cases  -- Added extension '513356' priority 1 to Special_Cases  -- Added extension '14259531138' priority 1 to Special_Cases  -- Added extension '4259531138' priority 1 to Special_Cases  -- Registered extension context 'macro-VoicePromptAllLinesBusy'; registrar: pbx_config  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-VoicePromptAllLinesBusy  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-VoicePromptAllLinesBusy  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-VoicePromptAllLinesBusy  -- Registered extension context 'zoneAleatha'; registrar: pbx_config [Nov 28 12:02:03] WARNING[10463]: pbx_config.c:1707 pbx_load_config: ==!!== Unknown directive: areacode at line 293 of extensions.conf -- IGNORING!!!  -- Including context 'home' in context 'zoneAleatha'  -- Registered extension context 'zoneCraig'; registrar: pbx_config [Nov 28 12:02:03] WARNING[10463]: pbx_config.c:1707 pbx_load_config: ==!!== Unknown directive: areacode at line 298 of extensions.conf -- IGNORING!!!  -- Including context 'home' in context 'zoneCraig'  -- Registered extension context 'zoneGrant'; registrar: pbx_config [Nov 28 12:02:03] WARNING[10463]: pbx_config.c:1707 pbx_load_config: ==!!== Unknown directive: areacode at line 302 of extensions.conf -- IGNORING!!!  -- Including context 'home' in context 'zoneGrant'  -- Registered extension context 'zoneTom'; registrar: pbx_config [Nov 28 12:02:03] WARNING[10463]: pbx_config.c:1707 pbx_load_config: ==!!== Unknown directive: areacode at line 307 of extensions.conf -- IGNORING!!!  -- Including context 'home' in context 'zoneTom'  -- Registered extension context 'home'; registrar: pbx_config  -- Including context 'Special_Cases' in context 'home'  -- Including context 'PSTN' in context 'home'  -- Including context 'PSTN_Intl' in context 'home'  -- Added extension '011442073479999' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '22' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '22' priority 2 to home  -- Added extension '22' priority 3 to home  -- Added extension '22' priority 4 to home  -- Added extension '22' priority 5 to home  -- Added extension '22' priority 6 to home  -- Added extension '22' priority 7 to home  -- Added extension '22' priority 8 to home  -- Added extension '22' priority 9 to home  -- Added extension '27' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '27' priority 2 to home  -- Added extension '27' priority 3 to home  -- Added extension '28' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '28' priority 2 to home  -- Added extension '28' priority 3 to home  -- Added extension '24' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '24' priority 2 to home  -- Added extension '24' priority 3 to home  -- Added extension '602' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '602' priority 2 to home  -- Added extension '602' priority 3 to home  -- Added extension '602' priority 4 to home  -- Added extension '602' priority 5 to home  -- Added extension '602' priority 6 to home  -- Added extension '602' priority 7 to home  -- Added extension '602' priority 8 to home  -- Added extension '622' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '603' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '603' priority 2 to home  -- Added extension '603' priority 3 to home  -- Added extension '603' priority 4 to home  -- Added extension '623' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '31' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '50' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '51' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '52' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '53' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '54' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '55' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '56' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '57' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '58' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '59' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '41' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '42' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '44' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '61' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '62' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '63' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '64' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '66' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '67' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '68' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '666' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '70' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '71' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '73' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '74' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '75' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '76' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '77' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '78' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '80' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '81' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '82' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '83' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '84' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '89' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '91' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '98' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '98006' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '98006253' priority 1 to home  -- Added extension '98250' priority 1 to home  -- Including context 'fromfwd' in context 'home'  -- Registered extension context 'fromiaxtel'; registrar: pbx_config  -- Added extension '17005548786' priority 1 to fromiaxtel  -- Added extension '_X.' priority 1 to fromiaxtel  -- Registered extension context 'fromfwd'; registrar: pbx_config  -- Added extension '27244' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '686739' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '472002' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '473121' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '503838' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '473490' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '788916' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '524887' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '544360' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '508018' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '661303' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '478374' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '633257' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '493185' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '863989' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '651663' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '653206' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '654878' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '615670' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '664441' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '499041' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '678532' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '689968' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '679262' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '920833' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Added extension '920826' priority 1 to fromfwd  -- Registered extension context 'from-broadvoice'; registrar: pbx_config  -- Added extension '2063844900' priority 1 to from-broadvoice  -- Added extension '4254581429' priority 1 to from-broadvoice  -- Added extension '_X.' priority 1 to from-broadvoice  -- Registered extension context 'fromE164'; registrar: pbx_config  -- Added extension '8829999261243' priority 1 to fromE164  -- Added extension '882990044490001' priority 1 to fromE164  -- Added extension '882990044490002' priority 1 to fromE164  -- Added extension '_X.' priority 1 to fromE164  -- Registered extension context 'fax'; registrar: pbx_config  -- Added extension 'fax' priority 1 to fax  -- Registered extension context 'from-sip'; registrar: pbx_config  -- Added extension 'ALEATHA' priority 1 to from-sip  -- Added extension 'ALEATHALAPTOP' priority 1 to from-sip  -- Added extension 'ALEATHAFAX' priority 1 to from-sip  -- Added extension 'LINE1' priority 1 to from-sip  -- Added extension 'LINE2' priority 1 to from-sip  -- Added extension 'TRAILER' priority 1 to from-sip  -- Added extension '59' priority 1 to from-sip  -- Added extension 'fax' priority 1 to from-sip  -- Added extension '52253' priority 1 to from-sip  -- Added extension 'OFFICE' priority 1 to from-sip  -- Added extension 'GRANT' priority 1 to from-sip  -- Added extension '98006' priority 1 to from-sip  -- Added extension '98006206' priority 1 to from-sip  -- Added extension '98006253' priority 1 to from-sip  -- Added extension '2532422871' priority 1 to from-sip  -- Registered extension context 'iax-line1'; registrar: pbx_config  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to iax-line1  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to iax-line1  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to iax-line1  -- Registered extension context 'iax-line2'; registrar: pbx_config  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to iax-line2  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to iax-line2  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to iax-line2  -- Registered extension context 'iax-robyn-home'; registrar: pbx_config  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to iax-robyn-home  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to iax-robyn-home  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to iax-robyn-home  -- Registered extension context 'iax-robyn-work'; registrar: pbx_config  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to iax-robyn-work  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to iax-robyn-work  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to iax-robyn-work  -- Registered extension context 'iax-aleatha'; registrar: pbx_config  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to iax-aleatha  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to iax-aleatha  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to iax-aleatha  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/users.conf': Found  -- Registered extension context 'parkedcalls'; registrar: features  -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(parkedcalls) to new(parkedcalls) context, registrar = pbx_config  -- Added extension '700' priority 1 to parkedcalls  -- Registered extension context 'ael-builtin-h-bubble'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(ael-builtin-h-bubble) to new(ael-builtin-h-bubble) context, registrar = pbx_config  -- Added extension 'h' priority 9996 to ael-builtin-h-bubble  -- Added extension 'h' priority 9995 to ael-builtin-h-bubble  -- Added extension 'h' priority 9994 to ael-builtin-h-bubble  -- Added extension 'h' priority 9993 to ael-builtin-h-bubble  -- Added extension 'h' priority 9992 to ael-builtin-h-bubble  -- Added extension 'h' priority 9991 to ael-builtin-h-bubble  -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to ael-builtin-h-bubble  -- Registered extension context 'ael-default'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(ael-default) to new(ael-default) context, registrar = pbx_config  -- Including context 'ael-demo' in context 'ael-default'  -- Registered extension context 'ael-demo'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(ael-demo) to new(ael-demo) context, registrar = pbx_config  -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '#' priority 2 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '#' priority 1 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '8500' priority 2 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '8500' priority 1 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '_1234' priority 1 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '600' priority 4 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '600' priority 3 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '600' priority 2 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '600' priority 1 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '500' priority 4 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '500' priority 3 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '500' priority 2 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '500' priority 1 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '1000' priority 1 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '3' priority 2 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '3' priority 1 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '2' priority 2 to ael-demo  -- Added extension '2' priority 1 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to ael-demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to ael-demo  -- Registered extension context 'ael-std-exten-ael'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(ael-std-exten-ael) to new(ael-std-exten-ael) context, registrar = pbx_config  -- Including context 'ael-builtin-h-bubble' in context 'ael-std-exten-ael'  -- Added extension 'sw_1_BUSY' priority 11 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension 'sw_1_BUSY' priority 10 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension 'sw_1_' priority 10 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension '_sw_1_.' priority 11 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension '_sw_1_.' priority 10 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension 'a' priority 2 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension 'a' priority 1 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension '~~s~~' priority 8 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension '~~s~~' priority 7 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension '~~s~~' priority 6 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension '~~s~~' priority 5 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension '~~s~~' priority 4 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension '~~s~~' priority 3 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension '~~s~~' priority 2 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Added extension '~~s~~' priority 1 to ael-std-exten-ael  -- Registered extension context 'ael-local'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(ael-local) to new(ael-local) context, registrar = pbx_config  -- Including context 'ael-default' in context 'ael-local'  -- Including context 'ael-trunklocal' in context 'ael-local'  -- Including context 'ael-iaxtel700' in context 'ael-local'  -- Including context 'ael-trunktollfree' in context 'ael-local'  -- Including context 'ael-iaxprovider' in context 'ael-local'  -- Registered extension context 'ael-longdistance'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(ael-longdistance) to new(ael-longdistance) context, registrar = pbx_config  -- Including context 'ael-local' in context 'ael-longdistance'  -- Including context 'ael-trunkld' in context 'ael-longdistance'  -- Registered extension context 'ael-international'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(ael-international) to new(ael-international) context, registrar = pbx_config  -- Including context 'ael-longdistance' in context 'ael-international'  -- Including context 'ael-trunkint' in context 'ael-international'  -- Registered extension context 'ael-trunktollfree'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(ael-trunktollfree) to new(ael-trunktollfree) context, registrar = pbx_config  -- Added extension '_91866NXXXXXX' priority 1 to ael-trunktollfree  -- Added extension '_91877NXXXXXX' priority 1 to ael-trunktollfree  -- Added extension '_91888NXXXXXX' priority 1 to ael-trunktollfree  -- Added extension '_91800NXXXXXX' priority 1 to ael-trunktollfree  -- Registered extension context 'ael-trunklocal'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(ael-trunklocal) to new(ael-trunklocal) context, registrar = pbx_config  -- Added extension '_9NXXXXXX' priority 1 to ael-trunklocal  -- Registered extension context 'ael-trunkld'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(ael-trunkld) to new(ael-trunkld) context, registrar = pbx_config  -- Including context 'ael-dundi-e164-lookup' in context 'ael-trunkld'  -- Added extension '_91NXXNXXXXXX' priority 2 to ael-trunkld  -- Added extension '_91NXXNXXXXXX' priority 1 to ael-trunkld  -- Registered extension context 'ael-trunkint'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(ael-trunkint) to new(ael-trunkint) context, registrar = pbx_config  -- Including context 'ael-dundi-e164-lookup' in context 'ael-trunkint'  -- Added extension '_9011.' priority 2 to ael-trunkint  -- Added extension '_9011.' priority 1 to ael-trunkint  -- Registered extension context 'ael-iaxprovider'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(ael-iaxprovider) to new(ael-iaxprovider) context, registrar = pbx_config  -- Registered extension context 'ael-iaxtel700'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(ael-iaxtel700) to new(ael-iaxtel700) context, registrar = pbx_config  -- Added extension '_91700XXXXXXX' priority 1 to ael-iaxtel700  -- Registered extension context 'ael-dundi-e164'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(ael-dundi-e164) to new(ael-dundi-e164) context, registrar = pbx_config  -- Including context 'ael-builtin-h-bubble' in context 'ael-dundi-e164'  -- Added extension '~~s~~' priority 3 to ael-dundi-e164  -- Added extension '~~s~~' priority 2 to ael-dundi-e164  -- Added extension '~~s~~' priority 1 to ael-dundi-e164  -- Registered extension context 'ael-dundi-e164-lookup'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(ael-dundi-e164-lookup) to new(ael-dundi-e164-lookup) context, registrar = pbx_config  -- Including context 'ael-dundi-e164-local' in context 'ael-dundi-e164-lookup'  -- Including context 'ael-dundi-e164-switch' in context 'ael-dundi-e164-lookup'  -- Registered extension context 'ael-dundi-e164-switch'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(ael-dundi-e164-switch) to new(ael-dundi-e164-switch) context, registrar = pbx_config  -- Including switch 'DUNDi/e164' in context 'ael-dundi-e164-switch'  -- Registered extension context 'ael-dundi-e164-local'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(ael-dundi-e164-local) to new(ael-dundi-e164-local) context, registrar = pbx_config  -- Including context 'ael-dundi-e164-canonical' in context 'ael-dundi-e164-local'  -- Including context 'ael-dundi-e164-customers' in context 'ael-dundi-e164-local'  -- Including context 'ael-dundi-e164-via-pstn' in context 'ael-dundi-e164-local'  -- Registered extension context 'ael-dundi-e164-via-pstn'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(ael-dundi-e164-via-pstn) to new(ael-dundi-e164-via-pstn) context, registrar = pbx_config  -- Registered extension context 'ael-dundi-e164-customers'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(ael-dundi-e164-customers) to new(ael-dundi-e164-customers) context, registrar = pbx_config  -- Registered extension context 'ael-dundi-e164-canonical'; registrar: pbx_ael  -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(ael-dundi-e164-canonical) to new(ael-dundi-e164-canonical) context, registrar = pbx_config  -- Time to scan old dialplan and merge leftovers back into the new: 0.009383 sec  -- Time to restore hints and swap in new dialplan: 0.000005 sec  -- Time to delete the old dialplan: 0.000065 sec  -- Total time merge_contexts_delete: 0.009453 sec => (Text Extension Configuration)  == Registered application 'SMS' => (SMS/PSTN handler)  == Registered application 'MacroExit'  == Registered application 'MacroIf'  == Registered application 'MacroExclusive'  == Registered application 'Macro' => (Extension Macros)  == Registered custom function 'CALLCOMPLETION' => (Call Control Configuration Function)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/followme.conf': Found  == Registered application 'FollowMe' => (Find-Me/Follow-Me Application)  == Registered application 'ICES' => (Encode and Stream via icecast and ices)  == Registered application 'Echo' => (Simple Echo Application)  == Registered application 'ChanSpy'  == Registered application 'ExtenSpy'  == Registered application 'DAHDIScan' => (Listen to the audio of an active channel)  == Registered custom function 'MATH'  == Registered custom function 'INC'  == Registered custom function 'DEC' => (Mathematical dialplan function)  == Registered translator 'alawtoulaw' from format alaw to ulaw, table cost, 915000, computational cost 1  == Registered translator 'ulawtoalaw' from format ulaw to alaw, table cost, 915000, computational cost 1 => (A-law and Mulaw direct Coder/Decoder)  == Registered custom function 'AES_DECRYPT'  == Registered custom function 'AES_ENCRYPT' => (AES dialplan functions)  == Registered application 'DISA' => (DISA (Direct Inward System Access) Application)  == Registered custom function 'ENUMRESULT'  == Registered custom function 'ENUMQUERY'  == Registered custom function 'ENUMLOOKUP'  == Registered custom function 'TXTCIDNAME' => (ENUM related dialplan functions)  == Registered translator 'g726tolin' from format g726 to slin, table cost, 900000, computational cost 2000  == Registered translator 'lintog726' from format slin to g726, table cost, 600000, computational cost 6999  == Registered translator 'g726aal2tolin' from format g726aal2 to slin, table cost, 900000, computational cost 3000  == Registered translator 'lintog726aal2' from format slin to g726aal2, table cost, 600000, computational cost 7998 => (ITU G.726-32kbps G726 Transcoder) => (Outgoing Spool Support)  == Registered bridge technology multiplexed_bridge => (Multiplexed two channel bridging module)  == Registered application 'SpeechCreate'  == Registered application 'SpeechLoadGrammar'  == Registered application 'SpeechUnloadGrammar'  == Registered application 'SpeechActivateGrammar'  == Registered application 'SpeechDeactivateGrammar'  == Registered application 'SpeechStart'  == Registered application 'SpeechBackground'  == Registered application 'SpeechDestroy'  == Registered application 'SpeechProcessingSound'  == Registered custom function 'SPEECH'  == Registered custom function 'SPEECH_SCORE'  == Registered custom function 'SPEECH_TEXT'  == Registered custom function 'SPEECH_GRAMMAR'  == Registered custom function 'SPEECH_ENGINE'  == Registered custom function 'SPEECH_RESULTS_TYPE' => (Dialplan Speech Applications)  == Registered application 'PrivacyManager' => (Require phone number to be entered, if no CallerID sent)  == Registered translator 'ilbctolin' from format ilbc to slin, table cost, 900000, computational cost 4000  == Registered translator 'lintoilbc' from format slin to ilbc, table cost, 600000, computational cost 25996 => (iLBC Coder/Decoder)  == Registered application 'Log'  == Registered application 'Verbose' => (Send verbose output)  == Registered application 'SendImage' => (Image Transmission Application)  == Registered custom function 'PITCH_SHIFT' => (Audio Effects Dialplan Functions)  == Registered application 'CELGenUserEvent' => (Generate an User-Defined CEL event)  == Registered bridge technology softmix => (Multi-party software based channel mixing)  == Registered application 'Milliwatt' => (Digital Milliwatt (mu-law) Test Application) => (File format conversion CLI command)  == Manager registered action PlayDTMF  == Registered application 'SendDTMF' => (Send DTMF digits Application)  == Registered application 'Dictate' => (Virtual Dictation Machine)  == Registered custom function 'GLOBAL'  == Registered custom function 'SHARED' => (Variable dialplan functions)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': Found => (H.264 Format Attribute Module)  == Registered application 'ControlPlayback' => (Control Playback Application)  == Registered application 'While'  == Registered application 'EndWhile'  == Registered application 'ExitWhile'  == Registered application 'ContinueWhile' => (While Loops and Conditional Execution)  == Registered custom function 'RAND' => (Random number dialplan function)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/oss.conf': Found  == Registered channel type 'Console' (OSS Console Channel Driver) => (OSS Console Channel Driver) => (Realtime Switch)  == Registered application 'SoftHangup' => (Hangs up the requested channel)  == Registered application 'BackgroundDetect' => (Playback with Talk Detection)  == Registered application 'ADSIProg' => (Asterisk ADSI Programming Application)  == Registered custom function 'VOLUME' => (Technology independent volume control)  == Registered custom function 'URIDECODE'  == Registered custom function 'URIENCODE' => (URI encode/decode dialplan functions)  == Registered application 'Directory' => (Extension Directory)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/phone.conf': Found  == Registered channel type 'Phone' (Standard Linux Telephony API Driver) => (Linux Telephony API Support)  == Registered custom function 'REALTIME'  == Registered custom function 'REALTIME_STORE'  == Registered custom function 'REALTIME_DESTROY'  == Registered custom function 'REALTIME_FIELD'  == Registered custom function 'REALTIME_HASH' => (Read/Write/Store/Destroy values from a RealTime repository)  == Registered translator 'alawtolin' from format alaw to slin, table cost, 900000, computational cost 1  == Registered translator 'lintoalaw' from format slin to alaw, table cost, 600000, computational cost 1 => (A-law Coder/Decoder)  == Registered application 'ChanIsAvail' => (Check channel availability)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/alarmreceiver.conf': Found  == Registered application 'AlarmReceiver' => (Alarm Receiver for Asterisk)  == Registered custom function 'FRAME_TRACE' => (Frame Trace for internal ast_frame debugging.)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/users.conf': Found  == Registered application 'VoiceMail'  == Registered application 'VoiceMailMain'  == Registered application 'MailboxExists'  == Registered application 'VMAuthenticate'  == Registered application 'VoiceMailPlayMsg'  == Registered application 'VMSayName'  == Registered custom function 'MAILBOX_EXISTS'  == Registered custom function 'VM_INFO'  == Manager registered action VoicemailUsersList => (Comedian Mail (Voicemail System))  == Registered translator 'gsmtolin' from format gsm to slin, table cost, 900000, computational cost 1  == Registered translator 'lintogsm' from format slin to gsm, table cost, 600000, computational cost 1999 => (GSM Coder/Decoder)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dundi.conf': Found  == Registered custom function 'DUNDILOOKUP'  == Registered custom function 'DUNDIQUERY'  == Registered custom function 'DUNDIRESULT'  == DUNDi Ready and Listening on port 4520 => (Distributed Universal Number Discovery (DUNDi))  == Registered custom function 'BLACKLIST' => (Look up Caller*ID name/number from blacklist database)  == Registered custom function 'ISNULL'  == Registered custom function 'SET'  == Registered custom function 'EXISTS'  == Registered custom function 'IF'  == Registered custom function 'IFTIME'  == Registered custom function 'IMPORT' => (Logical dialplan functions)  == Registered custom function 'CALLERPRES'  == Registered custom function 'CALLERID'  == Registered custom function 'CONNECTEDLINE'  == Registered custom function 'REDIRECTING' => (Party ID related dialplan functions (Caller-ID, Connected-line, Redirecting))  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/unistim.conf': Found  == UNISTIM Listening on  == Registered channel type 'USTM' (UNISTIM Channel Driver)  == Registered RTP glue 'USTM' => (UNISTIM Protocol (USTM))  == Registered application 'Transfer' => (Transfers a caller to another extension)  == Registered custom function 'ICONV' => (Charset conversions)  == Registered application 'Read' => (Read Variable Application)  == Registered bridge technology simple_bridge => (Simple two channel bridging module)  == Registered application 'ChannelRedirect' => (Redirects a given channel to a dialplan target)  == Registered application 'Record' => (Trivial Record Application)  == Registered application 'Originate' => (Originate call)  == Registered application 'Dial'  == Registered application 'RetryDial' => (Dialing Application) => (Call origination and redirection from the CLI)  == Registered application 'DumpChan' => (Dump Info About The Calling Channel) => (Realtime Data Lookup/Rewrite)  == Registered translator 'g722tolin' from format g722 to slin, table cost, 960000, computational cost 3999  == Registered translator 'lintog722' from format slin to g722, table cost, 825000, computational cost 4999  == Registered translator 'g722tolin16' from format g722 to slin16, table cost, 900000, computational cost 9999  == Registered translator 'lin16tog722' from format slin16 to g722, table cost, 600000, computational cost 10998 => (ITU G.722-64kbps G722 Transcoder)  == Registered application 'GetCPEID' => (Get ADSI CPE ID)  == Registered custom function 'HANGUPCAUSE'  == Registered custom function 'HANGUPCAUSE_KEYS'  == Registered application 'HangupCauseClear' => (HANGUPCAUSE related functions and applications)  == Registered custom function 'VERSION' => (Get Asterisk Version/Build Info)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queuerules.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues.conf': Found  == Registered application 'Queue'  == Registered application 'AddQueueMember'  == Registered application 'RemoveQueueMember'  == Registered application 'PauseQueueMember'  == Registered application 'UnpauseQueueMember'  == Registered application 'QueueLog'  == Manager registered action Queues  == Manager registered action QueueStatus  == Manager registered action QueueSummary  == Manager registered action QueueAdd  == Manager registered action QueueRemove  == Manager registered action QueuePause  == Manager registered action QueueLog  == Manager registered action QueuePenalty  == Manager registered action QueueMemberRingInUse  == Manager registered action QueueRule  == Manager registered action QueueReload  == Manager registered action QueueReset  == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_VARIABLES'  == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_EXISTS'  == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_MEMBER'  == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_MEMBER_COUNT'  == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_MEMBER_LIST'  == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_WAITING_COUNT'  == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_MEMBER_PENALTY' => (True Call Queueing)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cli_permissions.conf': Found Asterisk Ready.  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cli.conf': Found ]1;Asterisk]2;Asterisk Console on 'pluto' (pid 10463)*CLI> *CLI> *CLI> core stop now Beginning asterisk shutdown.... Asterisk cleanly ending (0). Executing last minute cleanups  == Destroying musiconhold processes  == Unregistered application 'CallCompletionCancel'  == Unregistered application 'CallCompletionRequest'  == Unregistered custom function FEATUREMAP  == Unregistered custom function FEATURE  == Manager unregistered action Bridge  == Manager unregistered action Park  == Manager unregistered action Parkinglots  == Manager unregistered action ParkedCalls  == Unregistered application 'Park'  == Unregistered application 'ParkedCall'  == Unregistered application 'Bridge'  -- Remove parkedcalls/700/1, registrar=features; con=((nil)); con->root=(nil)  == Unregistered application 'Answer'  == Unregistered application 'BackGround'  == Unregistered application 'Busy'  == Unregistered application 'Congestion'  == Unregistered application 'ExecIfTime'  == Unregistered application 'Goto'  == Unregistered application 'GotoIf'  == Unregistered application 'GotoIfTime'  == Unregistered application 'ImportVar'  == Unregistered application 'Hangup'  == Unregistered application 'Incomplete'  == Unregistered application 'NoOp'  == Unregistered application 'Proceeding'  == Unregistered application 'Progress'  == Unregistered application 'RaiseException'  == Unregistered application 'ResetCDR'  == Unregistered application 'Ringing'  == Unregistered application 'SayAlpha'  == Unregistered application 'SayDigits'  == Unregistered application 'SayNumber'  == Unregistered application 'SayPhonetic'  == Unregistered application 'Set'  == Unregistered application 'MSet'  == Unregistered application 'SetAMAFlags'  == Unregistered application 'Wait'  == Unregistered application 'WaitExten'  == Manager unregistered action ShowDialPlan  == Unregistered custom function EXCEPTION  == Unregistered custom function TESTTIME  == Manager unregistered action Ping  == Manager unregistered action Events  == Manager unregistered action Logoff  == Manager unregistered action Login  == Manager unregistered action Challenge  == Manager unregistered action Hangup  == Manager unregistered action Status  == Manager unregistered action Setvar  == Manager unregistered action Getvar  == Manager unregistered action GetConfig  == Manager unregistered action GetConfigJSON  == Manager unregistered action UpdateConfig  == Manager unregistered action CreateConfig  == Manager unregistered action ListCategories  == Manager unregistered action Redirect  == Manager unregistered action Atxfer  == Manager unregistered action Originate  == Manager unregistered action Command  == Manager unregistered action ExtensionState  == Manager unregistered action PresenceState  == Manager unregistered action AbsoluteTimeout  == Manager unregistered action MailboxStatus  == Manager unregistered action MailboxCount  == Manager unregistered action ListCommands  == Manager unregistered action SendText  == Manager unregistered action UserEvent  == Manager unregistered action WaitEvent  == Manager unregistered action CoreSettings  == Manager unregistered action CoreStatus  == Manager unregistered action Reload  == Manager unregistered action CoreShowChannels  == Manager unregistered action ModuleLoad  == Manager unregistered action ModuleCheck  == Manager unregistered action AOCMessage  == Manager unregistered action Filter  == Unregistered custom function AMI_CLIENT  == Manager unregistered action DataGet  == Unregistered custom function MESSAGE  == Unregistered custom function MESSAGE_DATA  == Unregistered application 'MessageSend'  == Manager unregistered action MessageSend  == Manager unregistered action DBGet  == Manager unregistered action DBPut  == Manager unregistered action DBDel  == Manager unregistered action DBDelTree