[16:00] Hello. I am having trouble with Asterisk-12-beta1 placing calls through an outbound trunk that requires the "fromuser" parameter. I have fromuser defined in pjsip.conf, but looking at the logs, the fromuser is not prepended to the "From:" header. [16:17] amessina, try with latest SVN of 12, if that still doesn't work, post a JIRA issue including an Asterisk log with "pjsip set logger on" and a pcap [16:19] newtonr: actually, I am using branches/12@402864 [16:21] amessina: sorry, I'm late to the party: what issue were you seeing? [16:23] fromuser not working [16:24] mjordan: I have a sip trunk that I'm trying to get to work with PJSIP. Their configuration (for Asterisk 11 and below) required the use of the "fromuser" parameter. Using branches/12@402864 with the fromuser parameter defined for the endpoint, calls are rejected [16:24] and the From line looks like: From: ;tag=2e8f576f-45b3-4035-bf5e-357a524ea773 [16:25] amessina, can you pastebin your sanitized pjsip.conf ? [16:27] newtonr: mjordan: http://ur1.ca/g2chk [16:28] For testing, I added the fromdomain=mydomain.com parameter, and that gets put in properly: From: ;tag=2e8f576f-45b3-4035-bf5e-357a524ea773 [16:30] erm, what happens if you originate a call out the trunk from the CLI? [16:31] file, are you asking me? [16:31] yes [16:31] ok lemme try [16:37] file: from the cli, it seems to work: From: ;tag=54f1267e-3013-42af-a3b3-e2d12591e1b8 [16:44] file: The problem is that I used to be able to set CALLERID(num)=NXXNXXXXXX even with fromuser and the CALLERID was passed through to the trunk. [16:44] amessina, you'd have to pass that as rpid or pai... [16:45] file: right. In asterisk 11: sendrpid=yes, fromuser=12345 and in Dialplan CALLERID(num)=NXXNXXXXXX works [16:46] it should also work in PJSIP land, if not then that's a bug [16:48] in asterisk 12: send_rpid=yes, fromuser=12345 and in Dialplan CALLERID(num)=NXXNXXXXXX doesn't work (the @ is set to NXXNXXXXXX@ [16:49] aye the callerid module shouldn't set it if fromuser is configured, that's the bug [16:51] I'm eating dinner so I can't fix it immediately [16:53] file: ok [16:53] amessina: in case file gets amnesia due to a food coma, could you file an issue? I'd hate for that to get dropped [16:55] mjordan: ok lemme put it all together well enough for a ticket [16:57] amessina, thanks! [16:57] amessina, feel free to copy paste the IRC chat and attach as a .txt on the issue as well [16:59] newtonr: ok thanks