CDR debugging enabled *CLI> *CLI> *CLI> Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400253.00068617 0xb4c72d3c - Created CDR for channel Gulp/alice-00000000 0xb4c72d3c - Transitioning CDR for Gulp/alice-00000000 from state NONE to Single 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400253.00071151 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400253.00073416 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400253.00075648 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400253.00078105 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400253.00080527 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400253.00085391 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400253.00089887 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 -- Executing [2000@default:1] NoOp("Gulp/alice-00000000", "Butt") in new stack Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400253.00092764 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400253.00095118 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 -- Executing [2000@default:2] Dial("Gulp/alice-00000000", "GULP/bob,10") in new stack Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400253.00098802 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400253.00101962 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400253.00107196 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400253.00108544 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400253.00109672 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400253.00110785 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400253.00111898 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400253.00120773 0xb4c7152c - Created CDR for channel Gulp/bob-00000001 0xb4c7152c - Transitioning CDR for Gulp/bob-00000001 from state NONE to Single 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400253.00123299 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400253.00125554 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400253.00127778 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400253.00130040 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400253.00130725 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400253.00131535 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400253.00132273 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400253.00138141 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400253.00139586 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400253.00140021 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Dial Begin message for Gulp/alice-00000000, Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400253.00142397 0xb4c72d3c - Processing Dial Begin message for channel Gulp/alice-00000000, peer Gulp/bob-00000001 0xb4c72d3c - Updated Party A Gulp/alice-00000000 snapshot 0xb4c72d3c - Updated Party B Gulp/bob-00000001 snapshot 0xb4c72d3c - Transitioning CDR for Gulp/alice-00000000 from state Single to Dial -- Called GULP/bob -- Gulp/bob-00000001 is ringing Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400253.00340280 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400254.00218686 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xb4c7152c - Set answered time to 1373400254.219194 -- Gulp/bob-00000001 answered Gulp/alice-00000000 Dial End message for Gulp/alice-00000000, Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400254.00223383 0xb4c72d3c - Processing Dial End message for channel Gulp/alice-00000000, peer Gulp/bob-00000001 0xb4c72d3c - Transitioning CDR for Gulp/alice-00000000 from state Dial to DialedPending Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400254.00224902 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400254.00226023 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400254.00227153 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400254.00228171 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 0xb4c72d3c - Set answered time to 1373400254.230834 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400254.00236407 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 -- Channel Gulp/alice-00000000 joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge Bridge Enter message for channel Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400254.00238354 0xb4c72d3c - Updating Party A Gulp/alice-00000000 snapshot 0xb4c72d3c - Processing bridge enter for Gulp/alice-00000000 0xb4c72d3c - Transitioning CDR for Gulp/alice-00000000 from state DialedPending to Dial 0xb4c72d3c - Transitioning CDR for Gulp/alice-00000000 from state Dial to Bridged Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400254.00238422 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 -- Channel Gulp/bob-00000001 joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge Bridge Enter message for channel Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400254.00241497 0xb4c7152c - Updating Party A Gulp/bob-00000001 snapshot 0xb4c7152c - Processing bridge enter for Gulp/bob-00000001 0xb4c7152c - Transitioning CDR for Gulp/bob-00000001 from state Single to Bridged > Bridge add53a74-77a7-4a77-a08b-f441fe289868: switching from simple_bridge technology to native_rtp Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400254.00245609 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400254.00246385 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 > 0xaed7a68 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to > 0xb4c73c70 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to == Manager 'test' logged on from Destroying dialog -- Channel Gulp/bob-00000001 left 'native_rtp' basic-bridge Bridge Leave message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400308.00098144 0xb4c7152c - Processing Bridge Leave for Gulp/bob-00000001 0xb4c7152c - Transitioning CDR for Gulp/bob-00000001 from state Bridged to Finalized -- Channel Gulp/alice-00000000 left 'native_rtp' basic-bridge Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400308.00103537 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Created CDR for channel Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Transitioning CDR for Gulp/bob-00000001 from state NONE to Single -- Executing [6000@default:1] Dial("Gulp/bob-00000001", "GULP/carol,,tT") in new stack 0xa43c74c - Set answered time to 1373400308.108572 Bridge Leave message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400308.00103585 0xb4c72d3c - Processing Bridge Leave for Gulp/alice-00000000 0xb4c72d3c - Transitioning CDR for Gulp/alice-00000000 from state Bridged to Finalized Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400308.00109526 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400308.00110275 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400308.00112085 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400308.00118127 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400308.00119698 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400308.00124254 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400308.00125251 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400308.00129226 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400308.00130448 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 == Spawn extension (default, 2000, 2) exited non-zero on 'Gulp/alice-00000000' Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400308.00137035 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 -- Executing [h@default:1] NoOp("Gulp/alice-00000000", "H EXTENSION") in new stack Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400308.00139068 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 0xa41d3e4 - Created CDR for channel Gulp/alice-00000000 0xa41d3e4 - Transitioning CDR for Gulp/alice-00000000 from state NONE to Single 0xa41d3e4 - Set answered time to 1373400308.140244 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400308.00141073 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 0xa41d3e4 - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400308.00143504 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400308.00145740 0xb4c72d3c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 0xa41d3e4 - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/alice-00000000 0xa41d3e4 - Transitioning CDR for Gulp/alice-00000000 from state Single to Finalized Channel Update message for Gulp/alice-00000000: 1373400308.00146225 0xb4c72d3c - Beginning finalize/dispatch for Gulp/alice-00000000 0xb4c72d3c - Dispatching CDR for Party A Gulp/alice-00000000, Party B Gulp/bob-00000001 -- Called GULP/carol Channel Update message for Gulp/carol-00000002: 1373400308.00150758 0xb4f17854 - Created CDR for channel Gulp/carol-00000002 0xb4f17854 - Transitioning CDR for Gulp/carol-00000002 from state NONE to Single 0xb4f17854 - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/carol-00000002 Channel Update message for Gulp/carol-00000002: 1373400308.00151711 0xb4f17854 - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/carol-00000002 Channel Update message for Gulp/carol-00000002: 1373400308.00152008 0xb4f17854 - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/carol-00000002 Channel Update message for Gulp/carol-00000002: 1373400308.00152284 0xb4f17854 - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/carol-00000002 Channel Update message for Gulp/carol-00000002: 1373400308.00152628 0xb4f17854 - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/carol-00000002 Channel Update message for Gulp/carol-00000002: 1373400308.00152934 0xb4f17854 - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/carol-00000002 Channel Update message for Gulp/carol-00000002: 1373400308.00153391 0xb4f17854 - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/carol-00000002 Channel Update message for Gulp/carol-00000002: 1373400308.00153807 0xb4f17854 - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/carol-00000002 Channel Update message for Gulp/carol-00000002: 1373400308.00157147 0xb4f17854 - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/carol-00000002 Channel Update message for Gulp/carol-00000002: 1373400308.00157574 0xb4f17854 - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/carol-00000002 Channel Update message for Gulp/carol-00000002: 1373400308.00157902 0xb4f17854 - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/carol-00000002 Dial Begin message for Gulp/bob-00000001, Gulp/carol-00000002: 1373400308.00160485 0xb4f17854 - Processing Dial Begin message for channel Gulp/carol-00000002, peer Gulp/bob-00000001 0xb4f17854 - Updated Party A Gulp/carol-00000002 snapshot 0xb4f17854 - Updated Party B Gulp/bob-00000001 snapshot 0xb4f17854 - Transitioning CDR for Gulp/carol-00000002 from state Single to Dial > 0xaed7a68 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to -- Gulp/carol-00000002 is ringing Channel Update message for Gulp/carol-00000002: 1373400308.00296391 0xb4f17854 - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/carol-00000002 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400308.00299078 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/carol-00000002: 1373400312.00163439 0xb4f17854 - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/carol-00000002 0xb4f17854 - Set answered time to 1373400312.164518 -- Gulp/carol-00000002 answered Gulp/bob-00000001 Dial End message for Gulp/bob-00000001, Gulp/carol-00000002: 1373400312.00169418 0xb4c7152c - Processing Dial End message for channel Gulp/bob-00000001, peer Gulp/carol-00000002 FRACK!, Failed assertion 0 (0) at line 1345 in base_process_dial_end of cdr.c [Jul 9 15:05:12] ERROR[23543]: cdr.c:1345 base_process_dial_end: FRACK!, Failed assertion 0 (0) Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400312.00176135 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400312.00182455 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400312.00183879 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400312.00184580 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400312.00190273 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/carol-00000002: 1373400312.00191458 0xb4f17854 - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/carol-00000002 -- Channel Gulp/bob-00000001 joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge Bridge Enter message for channel Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400312.00193449 0xb4c7152c - Updating Party A Gulp/bob-00000001 snapshot 0xb4c7152c - Processing bridge enter for Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Updating Party A Gulp/bob-00000001 snapshot 0xa43c74c - Processing bridge enter for Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Transitioning CDR for Gulp/bob-00000001 from state Single to Bridged -- Channel Gulp/carol-00000002 joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge Bridge Enter message for channel Gulp/carol-00000002: 1373400312.00196941 0xb4f17854 - Updating Party A Gulp/carol-00000002 snapshot 0xb4f17854 - Processing bridge enter for Gulp/carol-00000002 0xb4f17854 - Transitioning CDR for Gulp/carol-00000002 from state Dial to Bridged Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400312.00201368 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/carol-00000002: 1373400312.00205038 0xb4f17854 - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/carol-00000002 > 0xb4592be8 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to Destroying dialog -- Channel Gulp/bob-00000001 left 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge Bridge Leave message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400321.00113103 0xa43c74c - Processing Bridge Leave for Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Transitioning CDR for Gulp/bob-00000001 from state Bridged to Finalized -- Channel Gulp/carol-00000002 left 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400321.00119180 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Bridge Leave message for Gulp/carol-00000002: 1373400321.00119096 0xb4f17854 - Processing Bridge Leave for Gulp/carol-00000002 0xb4f17854 - Transitioning CDR for Gulp/carol-00000002 from state Bridged to Finalized Channel Update message for Gulp/carol-00000002: 1373400321.00128101 0xb4f17854 - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/carol-00000002 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400321.00130691 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/carol-00000002: 1373400321.00139435 0xb4f17854 - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/carol-00000002 Channel Update message for Gulp/carol-00000002: 1373400321.00141962 0xb4f17854 - Beginning finalize/dispatch for Gulp/carol-00000002 0xb4f17854 - Dispatching CDR for Party A Gulp/carol-00000002, Party B Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400321.00142843 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 == Spawn extension (default, 6000, 1) exited non-zero on 'Gulp/bob-00000001' Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400321.00148459 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 -- Executing [h@default:1] NoOp("Gulp/bob-00000001", "H EXTENSION") in new stack Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400321.00153085 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xaf0a044 - Created CDR for channel Gulp/bob-00000001 0xaf0a044 - Transitioning CDR for Gulp/bob-00000001 from state NONE to Single 0xaf0a044 - Set answered time to 1373400321.153597 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400321.00155032 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xaf0a044 - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400321.00157467 0xb4c7152c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xa43c74c - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xaf0a044 - Processing new channel snapshot Gulp/bob-00000001 0xaf0a044 - Transitioning CDR for Gulp/bob-00000001 from state Single to Finalized Channel Update message for Gulp/bob-00000001: 1373400321.00159173 0xb4c7152c - Beginning finalize/dispatch for Gulp/bob-00000001 0xb4c7152c - Dispatching CDR for Party A Gulp/bob-00000001, Party B Destroying dialog