[Jun 11 18:06:43] VERBOSE[19592] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/logger.conf': [Jun 11 18:06:43] DEBUG[19592] config.c: Parsing /etc/asterisk/logger.conf [Jun 11 18:06:43] VERBOSE[19592] config.c: == Found [Jun 11 18:06:43] VERBOSE[19592] logger.c: Asterisk Queue Logger restarted [Jun 11 18:06:51] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:06:51] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT' expected response 'OK' length 3 [Jun 11 18:06:51] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT ] [Jun 11 18:06:51] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:06:51] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:06:51] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT sent successfully [Jun 11 18:06:51] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x03 from queue [Jun 11 18:06:51] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:07:00] DEBUG[19607] chan_mobile.c: connect() failed (115). [Jun 11 18:07:01] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:07:01] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT' expected response 'OK' length 3 [Jun 11 18:07:01] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT ] [Jun 11 18:07:01] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:07:01] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:07:01] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT sent successfully [Jun 11 18:07:01] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x03 from queue [Jun 11 18:07:01] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:07:09] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:07:09] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 14 ] [Jun 11 18:07:13] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:07:13] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 11 ] [Jun 11 18:07:15] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:07:15] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 15 ] [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 8 byte, used 8, free 2040, read 0, write 8 [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ RING ] [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' length 8 [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT+CLCC ] [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 2 commands begin with 'AT+CLVL' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 49 byte, used 49, free 1999, read 0, write 49 [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ +CLCC: 1,1,4,0,0,"919689597995",145,"", OK ] [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] CLCC callidx 1 dir 1 state 4 mode 0 mpty 0 number 919689597995 type 145 [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] cpvt.c: [dongle0] create cpvt for call_idx 1 dir 1 state 'incoming' [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT+CLCC sent successfully [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x01 from queue [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT+CLVL' expected response 'OK' length 10 [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT+CLVL=1 ] [Jun 11 18:07:23] VERBOSE[19639] pbx.c: == Starting Dongle/dongle0-0100000000 at dongle-incoming,+1234567890,1 failed so falling back to exten 's' [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19639] pbx.c: Launching 'Answer' [Jun 11 18:07:23] VERBOSE[19639] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@dongle-incoming:1] Answer("Dongle/dongle0-0100000000", "") in new stack [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19639] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 2 commands begin with 'ATA' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19598] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for Dongle - dongle0 [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19598] channel.c: Checking device state for device dongle0 [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19639] channel.c: [Dongle/dongle0-0100000000] Requested indication -1 [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19598] devicestate.c: Changing state for Dongle/dongle0 - state 2 (In use) [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19598] devicestate.c: device 'Dongle/dongle0' state '2' [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT+CLVL' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/2 flags 0x01 from queue [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT+CLVL' expected response 'OK' length 10 [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT+CLVL=5 ] [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] Volume level synchronized [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT+CLVL' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 2/2 flags 0x01 from queue [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 2 command(s) begin with 'AT+CLVL' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'ATA' expected response 'OK' length 4 [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [ATA ] [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19620] app_queue.c: Device 'Dongle/dongle0' changed to state '2' (In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19639] channel.c: Didn't receive a media frame from Dongle/dongle0-0100000000 within 500 ms of answering. Continuing anyway [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19639] pbx.c: Launching 'Playback' [Jun 11 18:07:23] VERBOSE[19639] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@dongle-incoming:2] Playback("Dongle/dongle0-0100000000", ""agent-newlocation"") in new stack [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19639] channel.c: Set channel Dongle/dongle0-0100000000 to write format gsm [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19639] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (50 requested / 50 actual) timer ticks per second [Jun 11 18:07:23] VERBOSE[19639] file.c: -- Playing 'agent-newlocation.gsm' (language 'en') [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] ATA sent successfully for call id 1 [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'ATA' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/2 flags 0x00 from queue [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT^DDSETEX' expected response 'OK' length 13 [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT^DDSETEX=2 ] [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^CONN:1,0 ] [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] CONN Received call_index 1 call_type 0 [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] channel.c: [dongle0] call idx 1 mpty 0, change state from 'incoming' to 'active' has channel [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] channel.c: [dongle0] Call idx 1 answer [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT^DDSETEX sent successfully [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT^DDSETEX' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 2/2 flags 0x01 from queue [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 2 command(s) begin with 'ATA' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' length 8 [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT+CLCC ] [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 49 byte, used 49, free 1999, read 0, write 49 [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ +CLCC: 1,1,0,0,0,"919689597995",145,"", OK ] [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] CLCC callidx 1 dir 1 state 0 mode 0 mpty 0 number 919689597995 type 145 [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT+CLCC sent successfully [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x01 from queue [Jun 11 18:07:23] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:07:25] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:07:25] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 12 ] [Jun 11 18:07:26] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:07:26] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 15 ] [Jun 11 18:07:26] DEBUG[19639] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second [Jun 11 18:07:26] DEBUG[19639] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second [Jun 11 18:07:26] DEBUG[19639] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second [Jun 11 18:07:26] DEBUG[19639] channel.c: Set channel Dongle/dongle0-0100000000 to write format slin [Jun 11 18:07:26] DEBUG[19639] pbx.c: Launching 'Read' [Jun 11 18:07:26] VERBOSE[19639] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@dongle-incoming:3] Read("Dongle/dongle0-0100000000", "pincode,,3,sn,3,12") in new stack [Jun 11 18:07:26] VERBOSE[19639] app_read.c: -- Accepting a maximum of 3 digits. [Jun 11 18:07:30] DEBUG[19607] chan_mobile.c: connect() failed (115). [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 18 byte, used 18, free 2030, read 0, write 18 [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^CEND:1,7,0,16 ] [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' length 8 [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT+CLCC ] [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] CEND: call_index 1 duration 7 end_status 0 cc_cause 16 Line disconnected [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19618] channel.c: [dongle0] call idx 1 mpty 0, change state from 'active' to 'released' has channel [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19618] cpvt.c: [dongle0] destroy cpvt for call_idx 1 dir 1 state 'released' flags 8 has channel [Jun 11 18:07:31] VERBOSE[19639] app_read.c: -- User disconnected [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19639] pbx.c: Extension s, priority 3 returned normally even though call was hung up [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19639] channel.c: Soft-Hanging up channel 'Dongle/dongle0-0100000000' [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19639] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'Dongle/dongle0-0100000000' [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19598] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for Dongle - dongle0 [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19598] channel.c: Checking device state for device dongle0 [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19598] devicestate.c: Changing state for Dongle/dongle0 - state 1 (Not in use) [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19598] devicestate.c: device 'Dongle/dongle0' state '1' [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19620] app_queue.c: Device 'Dongle/dongle0' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT+CLCC sent successfully [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x01 from queue [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19598] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for Dongle - dongle0 [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19598] channel.c: Checking device state for device dongle0 [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19598] devicestate.c: Changing state for Dongle/dongle0 - state 1 (Not in use) [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19598] devicestate.c: device 'Dongle/dongle0' state '1' [Jun 11 18:07:31] DEBUG[19620] app_queue.c: Device 'Dongle/dongle0' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 11 18:07:32] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:07:32] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 13 ] [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 8 byte, used 8, free 2040, read 0, write 8 [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ RING ] [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' length 8 [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT+CLCC ] [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 2 commands begin with 'AT+CLVL' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 49 byte, used 49, free 1999, read 0, write 49 [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ +CLCC: 1,1,4,0,0,"919689597995",145,"", OK ] [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] CLCC callidx 1 dir 1 state 4 mode 0 mpty 0 number 919689597995 type 145 [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] cpvt.c: [dongle0] create cpvt for call_idx 1 dir 1 state 'incoming' [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT+CLCC sent successfully [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x01 from queue [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT+CLVL' expected response 'OK' length 10 [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT+CLVL=1 ] [Jun 11 18:07:38] VERBOSE[19646] pbx.c: == Starting Dongle/dongle0-0100000001 at dongle-incoming,+1234567890,1 failed so falling back to exten 's' [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19646] pbx.c: Launching 'Answer' [Jun 11 18:07:38] VERBOSE[19646] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@dongle-incoming:1] Answer("Dongle/dongle0-0100000001", "") in new stack [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19646] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 2 commands begin with 'ATA' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19598] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for Dongle - dongle0 [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19598] channel.c: Checking device state for device dongle0 [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19598] devicestate.c: Changing state for Dongle/dongle0 - state 2 (In use) [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19598] devicestate.c: device 'Dongle/dongle0' state '2' [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19620] app_queue.c: Device 'Dongle/dongle0' changed to state '2' (In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19646] channel.c: [Dongle/dongle0-0100000001] Requested indication -1 [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT+CLVL' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/2 flags 0x01 from queue [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT+CLVL' expected response 'OK' length 10 [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT+CLVL=5 ] [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] Volume level synchronized [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT+CLVL' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 2/2 flags 0x01 from queue [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 2 command(s) begin with 'AT+CLVL' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'ATA' expected response 'OK' length 4 [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [ATA ] [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19646] channel.c: Didn't receive a media frame from Dongle/dongle0-0100000001 within 500 ms of answering. Continuing anyway [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19646] pbx.c: Launching 'Playback' [Jun 11 18:07:38] VERBOSE[19646] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@dongle-incoming:2] Playback("Dongle/dongle0-0100000001", ""agent-newlocation"") in new stack [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19646] channel.c: Set channel Dongle/dongle0-0100000001 to write format gsm [Jun 11 18:07:38] DEBUG[19646] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (50 requested / 50 actual) timer ticks per second [Jun 11 18:07:38] VERBOSE[19646] file.c: -- Playing 'agent-newlocation.gsm' (language 'en') [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] ATA sent successfully for call id 1 [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'ATA' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/2 flags 0x00 from queue [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT^DDSETEX' expected response 'OK' length 13 [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT^DDSETEX=2 ] [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^CONN:1,0 ] [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] CONN Received call_index 1 call_type 0 [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] channel.c: [dongle0] call idx 1 mpty 0, change state from 'incoming' to 'active' has channel [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] channel.c: [dongle0] Call idx 1 answer [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT^DDSETEX sent successfully [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT^DDSETEX' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 2/2 flags 0x01 from queue [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 2 command(s) begin with 'ATA' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' length 8 [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT+CLCC ] [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 49 byte, used 49, free 1999, read 0, write 49 [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ +CLCC: 1,1,0,0,0,"919689597995",145,"", OK ] [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] CLCC callidx 1 dir 1 state 0 mode 0 mpty 0 number 919689597995 type 145 [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT+CLCC sent successfully [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x01 from queue [Jun 11 18:07:39] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:07:42] DEBUG[19646] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second [Jun 11 18:07:42] DEBUG[19646] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second [Jun 11 18:07:42] DEBUG[19646] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second [Jun 11 18:07:42] DEBUG[19646] channel.c: Set channel Dongle/dongle0-0100000001 to write format slin [Jun 11 18:07:42] DEBUG[19646] pbx.c: Launching 'Read' [Jun 11 18:07:42] VERBOSE[19646] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@dongle-incoming:3] Read("Dongle/dongle0-0100000001", "pincode,,3,sn,3,12") in new stack [Jun 11 18:07:42] VERBOSE[19646] app_read.c: -- Accepting a maximum of 3 digits. [Jun 11 18:07:43] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:07:43] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 16 ] [Jun 11 18:07:47] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:07:47] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 13 ] [Jun 11 18:07:54] VERBOSE[19646] app_read.c: -- User entered nothing, 2 chances left [Jun 11 18:07:57] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:07:57] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT' expected response 'OK' length 3 [Jun 11 18:07:57] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT ] [Jun 11 18:07:57] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:07:57] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:07:57] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT sent successfully [Jun 11 18:07:57] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x03 from queue [Jun 11 18:07:57] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 19 byte, used 19, free 2029, read 0, write 19 [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^CEND:1,21,0,16 ] [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' length 8 [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT+CLCC ] [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] CEND: call_index 1 duration 21 end_status 0 cc_cause 16 Line disconnected [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19618] channel.c: [dongle0] call idx 1 mpty 0, change state from 'active' to 'released' has channel [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19618] cpvt.c: [dongle0] destroy cpvt for call_idx 1 dir 1 state 'released' flags 8 has channel [Jun 11 18:08:00] VERBOSE[19646] app_read.c: -- User disconnected [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19646] pbx.c: Extension s, priority 3 returned normally even though call was hung up [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19646] channel.c: Soft-Hanging up channel 'Dongle/dongle0-0100000001' [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19646] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'Dongle/dongle0-0100000001' [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19598] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for Dongle - dongle0 [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19598] channel.c: Checking device state for device dongle0 [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19598] devicestate.c: Changing state for Dongle/dongle0 - state 1 (Not in use) [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19598] devicestate.c: device 'Dongle/dongle0' state '1' [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19620] app_queue.c: Device 'Dongle/dongle0' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19598] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for Dongle - dongle0 [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19598] channel.c: Checking device state for device dongle0 [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19598] devicestate.c: Changing state for Dongle/dongle0 - state 1 (Not in use) [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19598] devicestate.c: device 'Dongle/dongle0' state '1' [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19620] app_queue.c: Device 'Dongle/dongle0' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT+CLCC sent successfully [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x01 from queue [Jun 11 18:08:00] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT+CLCC' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:08:01] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:08:01] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 17 ] [Jun 11 18:08:04] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:08:04] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 12 ] [Jun 11 18:08:05] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:08:05] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 15 ] [Jun 11 18:08:15] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:08:15] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT' expected response 'OK' length 3 [Jun 11 18:08:15] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT ] [Jun 11 18:08:15] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:08:15] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:08:15] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT sent successfully [Jun 11 18:08:15] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x03 from queue [Jun 11 18:08:15] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:08:25] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:08:25] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT' expected response 'OK' length 3 [Jun 11 18:08:25] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT ] [Jun 11 18:08:25] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:08:25] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:08:25] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT sent successfully [Jun 11 18:08:25] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x03 from queue [Jun 11 18:08:25] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:08:30] DEBUG[19607] chan_mobile.c: connect() failed (115). [Jun 11 18:08:35] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:08:35] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 12 ] [Jun 11 18:08:35] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:08:35] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 17 ] [Jun 11 18:08:39] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:08:39] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 20 ] [Jun 11 18:08:46] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:08:46] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 15 ] [Jun 11 18:08:56] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:08:56] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT' expected response 'OK' length 3 [Jun 11 18:08:56] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT ] [Jun 11 18:08:56] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:08:56] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:08:56] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT sent successfully [Jun 11 18:08:56] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x03 from queue [Jun 11 18:08:56] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:08:57] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:08:57] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 11 ] [Jun 11 18:09:00] DEBUG[19607] chan_mobile.c: connect() failed (115). [Jun 11 18:09:06] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:09:06] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 14 ] [Jun 11 18:09:13] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:09:13] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 10 ] [Jun 11 18:09:14] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:09:14] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 15 ] [Jun 11 18:09:16] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:09:16] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 18 ] [Jun 11 18:09:22] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:09:22] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 14 ] [Jun 11 18:09:23] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:09:23] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 18 ] [Jun 11 18:09:29] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:09:29] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 14 ] [Jun 11 18:09:30] DEBUG[19607] chan_mobile.c: connect() failed (115). [Jun 11 18:09:39] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:09:39] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT' expected response 'OK' length 3 [Jun 11 18:09:39] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT ] [Jun 11 18:09:39] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:09:39] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:09:39] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT sent successfully [Jun 11 18:09:39] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x03 from queue [Jun 11 18:09:39] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:09:42] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:09:42] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 10 ] [Jun 11 18:09:44] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:09:44] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 16 ] [Jun 11 18:09:54] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:09:54] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT' expected response 'OK' length 3 [Jun 11 18:09:54] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT ] [Jun 11 18:09:54] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:09:54] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:09:54] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT sent successfully [Jun 11 18:09:54] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x03 from queue [Jun 11 18:09:54] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:10:00] DEBUG[19607] chan_mobile.c: connect() failed (115). [Jun 11 18:10:04] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:10:04] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT' expected response 'OK' length 3 [Jun 11 18:10:04] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT ] [Jun 11 18:10:04] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:10:04] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:10:04] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT sent successfully [Jun 11 18:10:04] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x03 from queue [Jun 11 18:10:04] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:10:14] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:10:14] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT' expected response 'OK' length 3 [Jun 11 18:10:14] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT ] [Jun 11 18:10:14] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:10:14] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:10:14] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT sent successfully [Jun 11 18:10:14] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x03 from queue [Jun 11 18:10:14] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:10:19] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:10:19] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 10 ] [Jun 11 18:10:29] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:10:29] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT' expected response 'OK' length 3 [Jun 11 18:10:29] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT ] [Jun 11 18:10:29] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:10:29] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:10:29] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT sent successfully [Jun 11 18:10:29] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x03 from queue [Jun 11 18:10:29] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:10:39] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:10:39] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT' expected response 'OK' length 3 [Jun 11 18:10:39] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT ] [Jun 11 18:10:39] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:10:39] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:10:39] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT sent successfully [Jun 11 18:10:39] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x03 from queue [Jun 11 18:10:39] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:10:46] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:10:46] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 14 ] [Jun 11 18:10:48] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 13 byte, used 13, free 2035, read 0, write 13 [Jun 11 18:10:48] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ ^RSSI: 17 ] [Jun 11 18:10:58] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:10:58] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT' expected response 'OK' length 3 [Jun 11 18:10:58] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT ] [Jun 11 18:10:58] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:10:58] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:10:58] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT sent successfully [Jun 11 18:10:58] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x03 from queue [Jun 11 18:10:58] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:11:00] DEBUG[19607] chan_mobile.c: connect() failed (115). [Jun 11 18:11:08] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:11:08] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT' expected response 'OK' length 3 [Jun 11 18:11:08] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT ] [Jun 11 18:11:08] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:11:08] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:11:08] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT sent successfully [Jun 11 18:11:08] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x03 from queue [Jun 11 18:11:08] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:11:18] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:11:18] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT' expected response 'OK' length 3 [Jun 11 18:11:18] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT ] [Jun 11 18:11:18] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:11:18] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:11:18] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT sent successfully [Jun 11 18:11:18] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x03 from queue [Jun 11 18:11:18] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:11:28] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:11:28] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT' expected response 'OK' length 3 [Jun 11 18:11:28] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT ] [Jun 11 18:11:28] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:11:28] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:11:28] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT sent successfully [Jun 11 18:11:28] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x03 from queue [Jun 11 18:11:28] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:11:30] DEBUG[19607] chan_mobile.c: connect() failed (115). [Jun 11 18:11:38] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:11:38] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT' expected response 'OK' length 3 [Jun 11 18:11:38] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT ] [Jun 11 18:11:38] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:11:38] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:11:38] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT sent successfully [Jun 11 18:11:38] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x03 from queue [Jun 11 18:11:38] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:11:48] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:11:48] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT' expected response 'OK' length 3 [Jun 11 18:11:48] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT ] [Jun 11 18:11:48] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:11:48] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:11:48] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT sent successfully [Jun 11 18:11:48] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x03 from queue [Jun 11 18:11:48] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:11:58] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] insert task with 1 commands begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' after head of queue [Jun 11 18:11:58] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] write command 'AT' expected response 'OK' length 3 [Jun 11 18:11:58] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] [AT ] [Jun 11 18:11:58] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] receive 6 byte, used 6, free 2042, read 0, write 6 [Jun 11 18:11:58] DEBUG[19618] at_read.c: [dongle0] [ OK ] [Jun 11 18:11:58] DEBUG[19618] at_response.c: [dongle0] AT sent successfully [Jun 11 18:11:58] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove command 'AT' expected response 'OK' real 'OK' cmd 1/1 flags 0x03 from queue [Jun 11 18:11:58] DEBUG[19618] at_queue.c: [dongle0] remove task with 1 command(s) begin with 'AT' expected response 'OK' from queue [Jun 11 18:12:00] DEBUG[19607] chan_mobile.c: connect() failed (115).