queue show at-test1 at-test1 has 2 calls (max unlimited) in 'leastrecent' strategy (0s holdtime, 15s talktime), W:0, C:3, A:0, SL:100.0% within 0s Members: (905) Test Operator (Agent/905) (Unavailable) has taken no calls yet (904) Test Operator (Agent/904) (Unknown) has taken 2 calls (last was 5 secs ago) (903) Test Operator (Agent/903) with penalty 20 (Busy) has taken 1 calls (last was 608 secs ago) Callers: 1. SIP/630-0000000b (wait: 0:10, prio: 0) 2. SIP/630-0000000c (wait: 0:01, prio: 0) core show channel SIP/630-0000000b -- General -- Name: SIP/630-0000000b Type: SIP UniqueID: voip-vi-1370603850.15 LinkedID: voip-vi-1370603850.15 Caller ID: 630 Caller ID Name: =Test1 Connected Line ID: (N/A) Connected Line ID Name: (N/A) DNID Digits: 8100 Language: ru State: Up (6) Rings: 0 NativeFormats: 0x8 (alaw) WriteFormat: 0x8 (alaw) ReadFormat: 0x8 (alaw) WriteTranscode: No ReadTranscode: No 1st File Descriptor: 48 Frames in: 1235 Frames out: 2318 Time to Hangup: 0 Elapsed Time: 0h0m46s Direct Bridge: Indirect Bridge: -- PBX -- Context: mo-internal Extension: 8100 Priority: 4 Call Group: 0 Pickup Group: 0 Application: Queue Data: at-test1,t,,,3600 Blocking in: ast_waitfor_nandfds Variables: QUEUE_MIN_PENALTY=20 QUEUESTATUS=TIMEOUT QUEUEPOSITION=1 QUEUESRVLEVELPERF=0.0 QUEUESRVLEVEL=0 QUEUEABANDONED=2 QUEUECOMPLETED=0 QUEUETALKTIME=0 QUEUEHOLDTIME=0 QUEUECALLS=1 QUEUESTRATEGY=leastrecent QUEUEMAX=0 QUEUENAME=at-test SIPCALLID=1d498b694f0e9763 SIPDOMAIN=voip-vi.telecom.by SIPURI=sip:630@ CDR Variables: level 1: dnid=8100 level 1: clid="=Test1" <630> level 1: src=630 level 1: dst=8100 level 1: dcontext=mo-internal level 1: channel=SIP/630-0000000b level 1: lastapp=Queue level 1: lastdata=at-test1,t,,,3600 level 1: start=2013-06-07 14:17:30 level 1: answer=2013-06-07 14:17:30 level 1: duration=46 level 1: billsec=46 level 1: disposition=BUSY level 1: amaflags=BILLING level 1: uniqueid=voip-vi-1370603850.15 level 1: linkedid=voip-vi-1370603850.15 level 1: sequence=19 core show channel SIP/630-0000000c -- General -- Name: SIP/630-0000000c Type: SIP UniqueID: voip-vi-1370603879.16 LinkedID: voip-vi-1370603879.16 Caller ID: 630 Caller ID Name: =Test1 Connected Line ID: (N/A) Connected Line ID Name: (N/A) DNID Digits: 8101 Language: ru State: Up (6) Rings: 0 NativeFormats: 0x8 (alaw) WriteFormat: 0x8 (alaw) ReadFormat: 0x8 (alaw) WriteTranscode: No ReadTranscode: No 1st File Descriptor: 37 Frames in: 1540 Frames out: 1533 Time to Hangup: 0 Elapsed Time: 0h0m31s Direct Bridge: Indirect Bridge: -- PBX -- Context: mo-internal Extension: 8101 Priority: 2 Call Group: 0 Pickup Group: 0 Application: Queue Data: at-test1,t,,,3600 Blocking in: ast_waitfor_nandfds Variables: SIPCALLID=6479be56470a637d SIPDOMAIN=voip-vi.telecom.by SIPURI=sip:630@ CDR Variables: level 1: dnid=8101 level 1: clid="=Test1" <630> level 1: src=630 level 1: dst=8101 level 1: dcontext=mo-internal level 1: channel=SIP/630-0000000c level 1: lastapp=Queue level 1: lastdata=at-test1,t,,,3600 level 1: start=2013-06-07 14:17:59 level 1: answer=2013-06-07 14:17:59 level 1: duration=30 level 1: billsec=30 level 1: disposition=ANSWERED level 1: amaflags=BILLING level 1: uniqueid=voip-vi-1370603879.16 level 1: linkedid=voip-vi-1370603879.16 level 1: sequence=20