[Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760] logger.c: CALL_ID [C-00000857] created by thread. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] logger.c: CALL_ID [C-00000857] bound to thread. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: **** Received INVITE (5) - Command in SIP INVITE [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Begin: parsing SIP "Supported: replaces, timer" [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Found SIP option: -replaces- [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Matched SIP option: replaces [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Found SIP option: -timer- [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Matched SIP option: timer [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '55084'. [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Sending to (no NAT) [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method INVITE - callid 49f66bae1969e4897bef536b581bfe91@ [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Using INVITE request as basis request - 49f66bae1969e4897bef536b581bfe91@ [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Found peer 'asteriskld2' for '1149977326' from [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x7fa22407e1b8' [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Allocated port 32428 for RTP instance '0x7fa22407e1b8' [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x7fa22407e1b8' is setup and ready to go [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setup RTCP on RTP instance '0x7fa22407e1b8' [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to On [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP v=0... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP o=root 297327880 297327880 IN IP4 UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP s=Asterisk PBX UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP c=IN IP4 OK. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP t=0 0... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 8 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Setting payload 8 based on m type on 0x7fa22c329d70 [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 0 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Setting payload 0 based on m type on 0x7fa22c329d70 [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 101 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Setting payload 101 based on m type on 0x7fa22c329d70 [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format PCMA for ID 8 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000... OK. [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format PCMU for ID 0 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000... OK. [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format telephone-event for ID 101 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000... OK. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=fmtp:101 0-16... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=ptime:20... OK. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=sendrecv... OK. [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Capabilities: us - (alaw), peer - audio=(ulaw|alaw)/video=(nothing)/text=(nothing), combined - (alaw) [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Non-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event|), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event|), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event|) [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting RTCP address on RTP instance '0x7fa22407e1b8' [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Peer audio RTP is at port [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 0 from 0x7fa22c329d70 to 0x7fa22407e380 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 8 from 0x7fa22c329d70 to 0x7fa22407e380 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 101 from 0x7fa22c329d70 to 0x7fa22407e380 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ignoring duplicate RTCP property on RTP instance '0x7fa22407e1b8' [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: We're settling with these formats: (alaw) [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Checking SIP call limits for device [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Updating call counter for incoming call [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] netsock2.c: Splitting ' [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: list_route: hop: [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: SIP/asteriskld2-000010ae: New call is still down.... Trying... [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 100' onto UDP socket destined for [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] logger.c: Call_ID [C-00000857] being removed from thread. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] logger.c: CALL_ID [C-00000857] bound to thread. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp' [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[13963][C-00000857] pbx.c: -- Executing [0110#2221152631971@internal:1] NoOp("SIP/asteriskld2-000010ae", "") in new stack [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] pbx.c: Result of 'EXTEN' is '0110#2221152631971' [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] pbx.c: Launching 'Dial' [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[13963][C-00000857] pbx.c: -- Executing [0110#2221152631971@internal:2] Dial("SIP/asteriskld2-000010ae", "SIP/0110#2221152631971@in.voipi.com.ar,,b(fax-in^123^1)") in new stack [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to create a SIP channel with formats: (alaw) [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 1c780f8124e8fb317899c3bf28a6ae74@', our source address is ''. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Setting SIP_TRANSPORT_UDP with address ::::;tag=as4e1d5ea8 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Header 4 [ 46]: To: [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Header 5 [ 43]: Contact: : [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Header 6 [ 59]: Call-ID: 6e5ca7d470c649e645a618293955c637@:>;party=calling;privacy=off;screen=yes [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Header 13 [ 29]: Content-Type: application/sdp [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to :5060: [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id #18804 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'INVITE sip:' onto UDP socket destined for :5060 [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[13963][C-00000857] app_dial.c: -- Called SIP/0110#2221152631971@in.voipi.com.ar [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] logger.c: CALL_ID [C-00000857] bound to thread. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmission #18804 - INVITE (got response) [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '6e5ca7d470c649e645a618293955c637@::> [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: list_route: hop: > [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] logger.c: Call_ID [C-00000857] being removed from thread. [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[13963][C-00000857] app_dial.c: -- SIP/in.voipi.com.ar-000010af is ringing [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 180' onto UDP socket destined for [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] logger.c: CALL_ID [C-00000857] bound to thread. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '6e5ca7d470c649e645a618293955c637@:> [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: list_route: hop: > [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP v=0... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP o=root 620028626 620028626 IN IP4 UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP s=Asterisk PBX UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP c=IN IP4 OK. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP t=0 0... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 18 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Setting payload 18 based on m type on 0x7fa22c32a6c0 [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 101 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Setting payload 101 based on m type on 0x7fa22c32a6c0 [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format G729 for ID 18 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000... OK. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=fmtp:18 annexb=no... OK. [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format telephone-event for ID 101 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000... OK. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=fmtp:101 0-16... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=silenceSupp:off - - - -... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=ptime:20... OK. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=sendrecv... OK. [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Capabilities: us - (alaw|g729), peer - audio=(g729)/video=(nothing)/text=(nothing), combined - (g729) [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Non-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event|), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event|), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event|) [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting RTCP address on RTP instance '0x18c8dc8' [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Peer audio RTP is at port [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 18 from 0x7fa22c32a6c0 to 0x18c8f90 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 101 from 0x7fa22c32a6c0 to 0x18c8f90 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ignoring duplicate RTCP property on RTP instance '0x18c8dc8' [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: We're settling with these formats: (g729) [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: We have an owner, now see if we need to change this call [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Setting native formats after processing SDP. peer joint formats (g729), old nativeformats (alaw) [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Got codec request from Asterisk core from g729 to alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Creating Codec A-CODEC_ID=50 Codec B-CODEC_ID=20 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_get_existing_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_get_free_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Creating Asterisk RTP with IP [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x7fa2485ac458' [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Allocated port 37470 for RTP instance '0x7fa2485ac458' [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x7fa2485ac458' is setup and ready to go [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Created Asterisk RTP 0x7fa2485ac458 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Creating Asterisk RTP with IP [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x7fa2485a3908' [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Allocated port 35450 for RTP instance '0x7fa2485a3908' [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x7fa2485a3908' is setup and ready to go [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Created Asterisk RTP 0x7fa2485a3908 [Mar 16 19:47:40] ERROR[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Create Transcoding Session Error [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Destroying Asterisk RTP 0x7fa2485ac458 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Destroyed RTP instance '0x7fa2485ac458' [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Destroying Asterisk RTP 0x7fa2485a3908 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Destroyed RTP instance '0x7fa2485a3908' [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_release_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:40] ERROR[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Failed to create Sangoma transcoding session [Mar 16 19:47:40] WARNING[12760][C-00000857] translate.c: Failed to build translator step from g729 to alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] channel.c: Set channel SIP/in.voipi.com.ar-000010af to read format alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Got codec request from Asterisk core from alaw to g729 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Creating Codec A-CODEC_ID=20 Codec B-CODEC_ID=50 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_get_existing_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_get_free_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Creating Asterisk RTP with IP [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x7fa2485ac458' [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Allocated port 30162 for RTP instance '0x7fa2485ac458' [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x7fa2485ac458' is setup and ready to go [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Created Asterisk RTP 0x7fa2485ac458 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Creating Asterisk RTP with IP [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x7fa2485a3908' [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Allocated port 39820 for RTP instance '0x7fa2485a3908' [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x7fa2485a3908' is setup and ready to go [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Created Asterisk RTP 0x7fa2485a3908 [Mar 16 19:47:40] ERROR[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Create Transcoding Session Error [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Destroying Asterisk RTP 0x7fa2485ac458 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Destroyed RTP instance '0x7fa2485ac458' [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Destroying Asterisk RTP 0x7fa2485a3908 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Destroyed RTP instance '0x7fa2485a3908' [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_release_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:40] ERROR[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Failed to create Sangoma transcoding session [Mar 16 19:47:40] WARNING[12760][C-00000857] translate.c: Failed to build translator step from alaw to g729 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] channel.c: Set channel SIP/in.voipi.com.ar-000010af to write format alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] logger.c: Call_ID [C-00000857] being removed from thread. [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[13963][C-00000857] app_dial.c: -- SIP/in.voipi.com.ar-000010af is making progress passing it to SIP/asteriskld2-000010ae [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Setting framing from config on incoming call [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: ** Our capability: (alaw) Video flag: True Text flag: True [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: ** Our prefcodec: (nothing) [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Audio is at 32428 [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Adding codec 100004 (alaw) to SDP [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Adding non-codec 0x1 (telephone-event) to SDP [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: -- Done with adding codecs to SDP [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Done building SDP. Settling with this capability: (alaw) [Mar 16 19:47:40] VERBOSE[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 183' onto UDP socket destined for [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa22400aef0 -- start learning mode pass with addr = [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa22400aef0 -- probation = 4, seq = 48297 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa22400aef0 -- Condition for learning hasn't exited, so reject the frame. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa22400aef0 -- start learning mode pass with addr = [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa22400aef0 -- probation = 3, seq = 48298 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa22400aef0 -- Condition for learning hasn't exited, so reject the frame. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa22400aef0 -- start learning mode pass with addr = [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa22400aef0 -- probation = 2, seq = 48299 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa22400aef0 -- Condition for learning hasn't exited, so reject the frame. [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa22400aef0 -- start learning mode pass with addr = [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa22400aef0 -- probation = 1, seq = 48300 [Mar 16 19:47:40] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa22400aef0 -- Probation Ended. Set strict_rtp_state to STRICT_RTP_CLOSED with address [Mar 16 19:47:40] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:40] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:41] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:42] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:43] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type alaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = alaw/alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] logger.c: CALL_ID [C-00000857] bound to thread. [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Acked pending invite 102 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '6e5ca7d470c649e645a618293955c637@:> [Mar 16 19:47:44] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: list_route: hop: > [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Strict routing enforced for session 6e5ca7d470c649e645a618293955c637@:> for address/port to send to [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Mar 16 19:47:44] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: set_destination: set destination to :5060 [Mar 16 19:47:44] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Transmitting (no NAT) to :5060: [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'ACK sip:011' onto UDP socket destined for :5060 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] logger.c: Call_ID [C-00000857] being removed from thread. [Mar 16 19:47:44] VERBOSE[13963][C-00000857] app_dial.c: -- SIP/in.voipi.com.ar-000010af answered SIP/asteriskld2-000010ae [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: SIP answering channel: SIP/asteriskld2-000010ae [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting the marker bit due to a source update [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Setting framing from config on incoming call [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: ** Our capability: (alaw) Video flag: True Text flag: True [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: ** Our prefcodec: (nothing) [Mar 16 19:47:44] VERBOSE[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Audio is at 32428 [Mar 16 19:47:44] VERBOSE[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Adding codec 100004 (alaw) to SDP [Mar 16 19:47:44] VERBOSE[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Adding non-codec 0x1 (telephone-event) to SDP [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: -- Done with adding codecs to SDP [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Done building SDP. Settling with this capability: (alaw) [Mar 16 19:47:44] VERBOSE[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id #18809 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 200' onto UDP socket destined for [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] features.c: bridge answer set, chan answer set [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] features.c: Removing dialed interfaces datastore on SIP/in.voipi.com.ar-000010af since we're bridging [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting the marker bit due to a source update [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Destroying Sangoma transcoding session 5720 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_find_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_find_rtp_session: Found rtp session 0x000101B4 init=2 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_release_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Got codec request from Asterisk core from g729 to slin [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Creating Codec A-CODEC_ID=50 Codec B-CODEC_ID=30 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_get_existing_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_get_free_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Creating Asterisk RTP with IP [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x18f51d8' [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Allocated port 33718 for RTP instance '0x18f51d8' [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x18f51d8' is setup and ready to go [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Created Asterisk RTP 0x18f51d8 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Creating Asterisk RTP with IP [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x18fc238' [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Allocated port 33998 for RTP instance '0x18fc238' [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x18fc238' is setup and ready to go [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Created Asterisk RTP 0x18fc238 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] logger.c: CALL_ID [C-00000857] bound to thread. [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: **** Received ACK (6) - Command in SIP ACK [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #18809 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '49f66bae1969e4897bef536b581bfe91@' of Response 102: Match Found [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] logger.c: Call_ID [C-00000857] being removed from thread. [Mar 16 19:47:44] ERROR[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Create Transcoding Session Error [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Destroying Asterisk RTP 0x18f51d8 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Destroyed RTP instance '0x18f51d8' [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Destroying Asterisk RTP 0x18fc238 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Destroyed RTP instance '0x18fc238' [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_release_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:44] ERROR[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Failed to create Sangoma transcoding session [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] translate.c: Failed to build translator step from g729 to slin [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] channel.c: Set channel SIP/in.voipi.com.ar-000010af to read format slin [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Destroying Sangoma transcoding session 5721 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_find_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_find_rtp_session: Found rtp session 0x000101B4 init=3 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: __sngtc_free_transcoding_session: Freeing session RTP ID = 0x000101B4 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: __sngtc_free_transcoding_session: Freed session RTP ID = 0x000101B4 OK [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Destroying Asterisk RTP 0x7fa2200d4108 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Destroyed RTP instance '0x7fa2200d4108' [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Destroying Asterisk RTP 0x7fa2200c3488 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Destroyed RTP instance '0x7fa2200c3488' [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_release_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Done with rtp session 0x000101B4 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Got codec request from Asterisk core from slin to g729 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Creating Codec A-CODEC_ID=30 Codec B-CODEC_ID=50 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_get_existing_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_get_free_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Creating Asterisk RTP with IP [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x7fa21c02e9e8' [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Allocated port 30822 for RTP instance '0x7fa21c02e9e8' [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x7fa21c02e9e8' is setup and ready to go [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Created Asterisk RTP 0x7fa21c02e9e8 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Creating Asterisk RTP with IP [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x7fa224086d68' [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Allocated port 39200 for RTP instance '0x7fa224086d68' [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x7fa224086d68' is setup and ready to go [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Created Asterisk RTP 0x7fa224086d68 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_create_transcoding_session: Created session RTP ID = 0x000101B6 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Creating Codec on host (0x0A0A0B06/30822) codec(0xAC100A96/15950) CODEC ID=30 ms=20 FD=0x7fa21c02e9e8 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Creating Codec on host (0x0A0A0B06/39200) codec(0xAC100A96/15952) CODEC ID=50 ms=20 FD=0x7fa224086d68 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Created Codec ID=5722 A-CODEC_ID/IANA=30/10 Codec B-CODEC_ID/IANA=50/18 Tx=0x7fa224005020 Rx=0x7fa2240052a0 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Sangoma Transcoding Session 5722 Created [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Sangoma Transcoding Session 5722 Rx g729 in from board at fd=0x7fa2240052a0 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Sangoma Transcoding Session 5722 Tx slin from to board at fd=0x7fa224005020 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] channel.c: Set channel SIP/in.voipi.com.ar-000010af to write format slin [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] channel.c: Set channel SIP/asteriskld2-000010ae to read format slin [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] channel.c: Set channel SIP/asteriskld2-000010ae to write format slin [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting the marker bit due to a source update [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x188ccd0 -- start learning mode pass with addr = [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x188ccd0 -- probation = 4, seq = 12903 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x188ccd0 -- Condition for learning hasn't exited, so reject the frame. [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ooh, format changed from unknown to slin [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Created smoother: format: slin ms: 20 len: 320 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x188ccd0 -- start learning mode pass with addr = [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x188ccd0 -- probation = 3, seq = 12904 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x188ccd0 -- Condition for learning hasn't exited, so reject the frame. [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x188ccd0 -- start learning mode pass with addr = [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x188ccd0 -- probation = 2, seq = 12905 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x188ccd0 -- Condition for learning hasn't exited, so reject the frame. [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa224083460 -- start learning mode pass with addr = [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa224083460 -- probation = 4, seq = 0 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa224083460 -- Condition for learning hasn't exited, so reject the frame. [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x188ccd0 -- start learning mode pass with addr = [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x188ccd0 -- probation = 1, seq = 12906 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x188ccd0 -- Probation Ended. Set strict_rtp_state to STRICT_RTP_CLOSED with address [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] channel.c: Codec mismatch on channel SIP/asteriskld2-000010ae setting write format to g729 from slin native formats (alaw) [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Got codec request from Asterisk core from g729 to alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Creating Codec A-CODEC_ID=50 Codec B-CODEC_ID=20 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_get_existing_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_get_free_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Creating Asterisk RTP with IP [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x18f8798' [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Allocated port 39254 for RTP instance '0x18f8798' [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x18f8798' is setup and ready to go [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Created Asterisk RTP 0x18f8798 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Creating Asterisk RTP with IP [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x1900398' [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Allocated port 39678 for RTP instance '0x1900398' [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x1900398' is setup and ready to go [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Created Asterisk RTP 0x1900398 [Mar 16 19:47:44] ERROR[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Create Transcoding Session Error [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Destroying Asterisk RTP 0x18f8798 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Destroyed RTP instance '0x18f8798' [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Destroying Asterisk RTP 0x1900398 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Destroyed RTP instance '0x1900398' [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_release_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:44] ERROR[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Failed to create Sangoma transcoding session [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] translate.c: Failed to build translator step from g729 to alaw [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] channel.c: Set channel SIP/asteriskld2-000010ae to write format g729 [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa224083460 -- start learning mode pass with addr = [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa224083460 -- probation = 3, seq = 1 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa224083460 -- Condition for learning hasn't exited, so reject the frame. [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa224083460 -- start learning mode pass with addr = [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa224083460 -- probation = 2, seq = 2 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa224083460 -- Condition for learning hasn't exited, so reject the frame. [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa224083460 -- start learning mode pass with addr = [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa224083460 -- probation = 1, seq = 3 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7fa224083460 -- Probation Ended. Set strict_rtp_state to STRICT_RTP_CLOSED with address [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ooh, format changed from unknown to g729 [Mar 16 19:47:44] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Created smoother: format: g729 ms: 20 len: 20 [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:44] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 64 bytes [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:45] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:46] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:47] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:48] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:49] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 64 bytes [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:50] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:51] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:52] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:53] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:54] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:54] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:54] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:54] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:54] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:54] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:54] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:54] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:54] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:54] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:54] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:54] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:54] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:54] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:54] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:54] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type g729, while native formats is (alaw) read/write = slin/g729 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] logger.c: CALL_ID [C-00000857] bound to thread. [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: **** Received INVITE (5) - Command in SIP INVITE [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Begin: parsing SIP "Supported: replaces, timer" [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Found SIP option: -replaces- [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Matched SIP option: replaces [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Found SIP option: -timer- [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Matched SIP option: timer [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] netsock2.c: Splitting ':5060' into... [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Mar 16 19:47:54] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Sending to :5060 (no NAT) [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method INVITE - callid 6e5ca7d470c649e645a618293955c637@:... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP s=Asterisk PBX UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP c=IN IP4 ... OK. [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP t=0 0... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [Mar 16 19:47:54] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 18 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Setting payload 18 based on m type on 0x7fa22c329d70 [Mar 16 19:47:54] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 8 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Setting payload 8 based on m type on 0x7fa22c329d70 [Mar 16 19:47:54] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 101 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Setting payload 101 based on m type on 0x7fa22c329d70 [Mar 16 19:47:54] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format G729 for ID 18 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000... OK. [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=fmtp:18 annexb=no... OK. [Mar 16 19:47:54] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format PCMA for ID 8 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000... OK. [Mar 16 19:47:54] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format telephone-event for ID 101 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000... OK. [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=fmtp:101 0-16... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=silenceSupp:off - - - -... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=ptime:20... OK. [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=sendrecv... OK. [Mar 16 19:47:54] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Capabilities: us - (alaw|g729), peer - audio=(alaw|g729)/video=(nothing)/text=(nothing), combined - (alaw|g729) [Mar 16 19:47:54] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Non-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event|), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event|), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event|) [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting RTCP address on RTP instance '0x18c8dc8' [Mar 16 19:47:54] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Peer audio RTP is at port :12454 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 8 from 0x7fa22c329d70 to 0x18c8f90 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 18 from 0x7fa22c329d70 to 0x18c8f90 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 101 from 0x7fa22c329d70 to 0x18c8f90 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ignoring duplicate RTCP property on RTP instance '0x18c8dc8' [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: We're settling with these formats: (alaw|g729) [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: We have an owner, now see if we need to change this call [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Setting native formats after processing SDP. peer joint formats (alaw|g729), old nativeformats (g729) [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Got codec request from Asterisk core from g729 to slin [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Creating Codec A-CODEC_ID=50 Codec B-CODEC_ID=30 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_get_existing_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: GOT EXISING SESSION ! [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Created Codec ID=5723 A-CODEC_ID/IANA=50/18 Codec B-CODEC_ID/IANA=30/10 Tx=0x7fa2240052a0 Rx=0x7fa224005020 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Sangoma Transcoding Session 5723 Created [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Sangoma Transcoding Session 5723 Rx slin in from board at fd=0x7fa224005020 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Sangoma Transcoding Session 5723 Tx g729 from to board at fd=0x7fa2240052a0 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] channel.c: Set channel SIP/in.voipi.com.ar-000010af to read format slin [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Got a SIP re-invite for call 6e5ca7d470c649e645a618293955c637@::5060 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Setting framing from config on incoming call [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: ** Our capability: (alaw|g729) Video flag: True Text flag: True [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: ** Our prefcodec: (alaw) [Mar 16 19:47:54] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Audio is at 36510 [Mar 16 19:47:54] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Adding codec 100004 (alaw) to SDP [Mar 16 19:47:54] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Adding codec 100008 (g729) to SDP [Mar 16 19:47:54] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Adding non-codec 0x1 (telephone-event) to SDP [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: -- Done with adding codecs to SDP [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Done building SDP. Settling with this capability: (alaw|g729) [Mar 16 19:47:54] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id #18811 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 200' onto UDP socket destined for :5060 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] logger.c: Call_ID [C-00000857] being removed from thread. [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting the marker bit due to a source update [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] channel.c: Got a FRAME_CONTROL (32) frame on channel SIP/in.voipi.com.ar-000010af [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting the marker bit due to a source update [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting the marker bit due to a source update [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels SIP/asteriskld2-000010ae and SIP/in.voipi.com.ar-000010af [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting the marker bit due to a source update [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting the marker bit due to a source update [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] channel.c: Set channel SIP/asteriskld2-000010ae to read format alaw [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Destroying Sangoma transcoding session 5722 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_find_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_find_rtp_session: Found rtp session 0x000101B6 init=2 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_release_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Got codec request from Asterisk core from alaw to g729 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Creating Codec A-CODEC_ID=20 Codec B-CODEC_ID=50 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_get_existing_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_get_free_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Creating Asterisk RTP with IP [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x7fa21c043778' [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Allocated port 37920 for RTP instance '0x7fa21c043778' [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x7fa21c043778' is setup and ready to go [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Created Asterisk RTP 0x7fa21c043778 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Creating Asterisk RTP with IP [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x7fa21c047d18' [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Allocated port 38788 for RTP instance '0x7fa21c047d18' [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x7fa21c047d18' is setup and ready to go [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Created Asterisk RTP 0x7fa21c047d18 [Mar 16 19:47:54] ERROR[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Create Transcoding Session Error [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Destroying Asterisk RTP 0x7fa21c043778 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Destroyed RTP instance '0x7fa21c043778' [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Destroying Asterisk RTP 0x7fa21c047d18 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] rtp_engine.c: Destroyed RTP instance '0x7fa21c047d18' [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_release_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:54] ERROR[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Failed to create Sangoma transcoding session [Mar 16 19:47:54] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] translate.c: Failed to build translator step from alaw to g729 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] channel.c: Set channel SIP/in.voipi.com.ar-000010af to write format alaw [Mar 16 19:47:54] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] channel.c: Unable to set write format on channel SIP/in.voipi.com.ar-000010af to alaw [Mar 16 19:47:54] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] channel.c: Can't make SIP/asteriskld2-000010ae and SIP/in.voipi.com.ar-000010af compatible [Mar 16 19:47:54] WARNING[13963][C-00000857] features.c: Bridge failed on channels SIP/asteriskld2-000010ae and SIP/in.voipi.com.ar-000010af [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] logger.c: CALL_ID [C-00000857] bound to thread. [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: **** Received ACK (6) - Command in SIP ACK [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #18811 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '6e5ca7d470c649e645a618293955c637@::::> for address/port to send to [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [Mar 16 19:47:54] VERBOSE[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: set_destination: set destination to :5060 [Mar 16 19:47:54] VERBOSE[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to :5060: [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id #18813 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'BYE sip:011' onto UDP socket destined for :5060 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: **** Received BYE (8) - Command in SIP BYE [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #18813 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '6e5ca7d470c649e645a618293955c637@:::5060' into... [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [Mar 16 19:47:54] VERBOSE[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Sending to :5060 (no NAT) [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Setting SIP_ALREADYGONE on dialog 6e5ca7d470c649e645a618293955c637@:::5060 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] logger.c: Call_ID [C-00000857] being removed from thread. [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=ANSWER. [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] pbx.c: Spawn extension (internal,0110#2221152631971,2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/asteriskld2-000010ae' [Mar 16 19:47:54] VERBOSE[13963][C-00000857] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (internal, 0110#2221152631971, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/asteriskld2-000010ae' [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] channel.c: Soft-Hanging up channel 'SIP/asteriskld2-000010ae' [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: Destroying Sangoma transcoding session 5725 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_find_rtp_session [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: sngtc_find_rtp_session: Found rtp session 0x000101BB init=1 [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[13963][C-00000857] codec_sangoma.c: __sngtc_free_transcoding_session: Freeing session RTP ID = 0x000101BB [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] logger.c: CALL_ID [C-00000857] bound to thread. [Mar 16 19:47:54] DEBUG[12760][C-00000857] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '6e5ca7d470c649e645a618293955c637@: