A = pbx1: SVN 11 r381835 (latest version at time of testing) B = pbx2: 11.1.0 (version chosen before https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-20175 to see if there were differences in behavior before the 11.1.1 release) columns: system, "devstate list" ,${DEVICE_STATE(Custom:mystate)},"core show hints" **we start out with the state of "Custom:mystate" at NOT_INUSE on both systems** A,NOT_INUSE,NOT_INUSE,idle B,NOT_INUSE,NOT_INUSE,idle **A changes to INUSE** A,INUSE,INUSE,InUse B,NOT_INUSE,INUSE,InUse ( doesn't reflect the new device state in "Devstate list" when derived from pubsub events) **B CHANGES TO INUSE** A,INUSE,INUSE,InUse B,INUSE,INUSE,InUse **RESET BOTH TO NOT_INUSE** A,NOT_INUSE,NOT_INUSE,idle B,NOT_INUSE,NOT_INUSE,idle **B CHANGES TO INUSE** A,NOT_INUSE,NOT_INUSE,Idle (doesn't reflect new device state at all when derived from pubsub events) B,INUSE,INUSE,InUse **A CHANGES TO INUSE** A,INUSE,INUSE,InUse B,INUSE,INUSE,InUse