afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:03] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:03] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:03] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:03] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:03] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:03] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:03] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:03] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:03] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:03] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:03] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:03] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:03] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:03] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy1-00000500' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:03] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:03] -- SIP/vproxy1-000004ff answered SIP/vproxy2-000004fe afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:03] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:03] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000024c;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:03] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:03] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000024c;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:03] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000024c;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:03] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "Tue Oct 16 12:56:04 2012") in new stack [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [9516575521] ==> Verdin Antonio afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-16 16:56:04.433 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-00000501' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:04] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-000004fd [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Executing [207@afa_claims_office_hours:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000004fd", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Executing [207@afa_claims_office_hours:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy2-000004fd", "macro-dialext,s,1(207,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000004fd", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000004fd", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000004fd", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000004fd", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000004fd", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000004fd", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000004fd", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000004fd", "Tue Oct 16 12:56:05 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-000004fd", "SIP/207,30,rtwWM(record^6198435091)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Called SIP/207 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- SIP/207-00000502 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000024d;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000024d;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000024d;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "Tue Oct 16 12:56:05 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [9256982924] ==> ATT afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-16 16:56:05.831 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:05] -- SIP/207-00000502 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:06] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-00000487 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:06] == Spawn extension (afa_claims_office_hours, 1, 6) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-00000487' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:06] -- SIP/207-00000502 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:07] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-000004a3 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:07] -- Playing 'queue-thereare.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:07] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy1-000004da afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:07] -- Playing 'queue-thereare.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:07] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy1-0000048e afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:07] -- Playing 'queue-thereare.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:07] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000024e;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:07] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:07] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000024e;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:07] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000024e;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:07] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:08] -- SIP/207-00000502 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:09] -- Playing 'digits/3.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:09] -- Playing 'digits/4.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:09] -- Playing 'digits/2.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:09] -- Playing 'queue-callswaiting.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:09] -- Playing 'queue-callswaiting.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:09] -- Playing 'queue-callswaiting.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:10] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000024f;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:10] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:10] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000024f;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:10] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000024f;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:10] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:11] == Spawn extension (macro-dialoutbound, s, 14) exited non-zero on 'SIP/206-000004ea' in macro 'dialoutbound' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:11] == Spawn extension (outbound, 5593258550, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/206-000004ea' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:11] -- Hold time for loss_reporting is 7 minute(s) 0 seconds afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:11] -- Playing 'queue-holdtime.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:12] -- Hold time for loss_reporting is 9 minute(s) 0 seconds afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:12] -- Playing 'queue-holdtime.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:12] -- Hold time for loss_reporting is 1 minute(s) 0 seconds afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:12] -- Playing 'queue-holdtime.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:12] -- SIP/207-00000502 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:13] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy1-0000048a afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:13] -- Playing 'queue-youarenext.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:14] -- Playing 'digits/7.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:14] -- Playing 'digits/9.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:14] -- Playing 'digits/1.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:14] == Spawn extension (macro-dialoutbound, s, 14) exited non-zero on 'SIP/209-000004e8' in macro 'dialoutbound' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:14] == Spawn extension (outbound, 6619006148, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/209-000004e8' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:15] -- User hung up afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:15] == Spawn extension (afa_claims_office_hours, 207, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000004ee' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:15] -- Playing 'queue-minute.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:15] -- Playing 'queue-minutes.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:15] -- Playing 'queue-minutes.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:16] -- Told SIP/vproxy2-000004a3 in loss_reporting their queue position (which was 3) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:16] -- Playing 'queue-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:16] -- Told SIP/vproxy1-0000048e in loss_reporting their queue position (which was 2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:16] -- Playing 'queue-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:16] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000250;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:16] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:16] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000250;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:16] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000250;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:16] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:16] -- Told SIP/vproxy1-000004da in loss_reporting their queue position (which was 4) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:16] -- Playing 'queue-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:17] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy2-000004a3 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:17] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy1-0000048e afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:17] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy1-000004da afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:18] -- Told SIP/vproxy1-0000048a in loss_reporting their queue position (which was 1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:18] -- Playing 'queue-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:19] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy1-0000048a afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:19] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000251;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:19] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:19] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000251;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:19] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000251;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:19] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] ERROR[6293]: chan_sip.c:29899 setup_srtp: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [15599993734@outbound:1] Macro("SIP/206-00000503", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/206-00000503", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=5599993734)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/206-00000503", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/206-00000503", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/206-00000503", "MACRO_EXTEN=5599993734") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/206-00000503", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/206-00000503", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=599993734)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/206-00000503", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/206-00000503", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/206-00000503", "outbound,5599993734,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Goto (outbound,5599993734,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] == Channel 'SIP/206-00000503' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [5599993734@outbound:2] Monitor("SIP/206-00000503", "wav,outbound-206-1350410180-5599993734,bm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [5599993734@outbound:3] Macro("SIP/206-00000503", "setoutboundcdr") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/206-00000503", "1?cid,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcdr,cid,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [cid@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/206-00000503", "CDR(userfield)=outbound-206-5599993734") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [5599993734@outbound:4] NoOp("SIP/206-00000503", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-00000501 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [227@afa_claims_office_hours:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [5599993734@outbound:5] Macro("SIP/206-00000503", "dialoutbound,5599993734") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [227@afa_claims_office_hours:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "macro-dialext,s,1(227,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:1] Macro("SIP/206-00000503", "formatoutboundnum,5599993734") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/206-00000503", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/206-00000503", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "Tue Oct 16 12:56:20 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:3] GotoIf("SIP/206-00000503", "0?intplus,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/206-00000503", "0?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "SIP/227,30,rtwWM(record^9256982924)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/206-00000503", "1?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/206-00000503", "0?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/206-00000503", "1?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,4) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/206-00000503", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/206-00000503", "0?natl,7") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Called SIP/227 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:6] GotoIf("SIP/206-00000503", "0?natl,8") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:7] Set("SIP/206-00000503", "ARG1=15599993734") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:8] Set("SIP/206-00000503", "ARG1=+15599993734") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:9] Goto("SIP/206-00000503", "return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,return,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [return@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] Set("SIP/206-00000503", "MACRO_RESULT=+15599993734") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:2] Set("SIP/206-00000503", "numtodial=+15599993734") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:3] ExecIf("SIP/206-00000503", "1?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:4] ExecIf("SIP/206-00000503", "1?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:5] ExecIf("SIP/206-00000503", "1?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:6] Set("SIP/206-00000503", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:7] Set("SIP/206-00000503", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:8] NoOp("SIP/206-00000503", "Tue Oct 16 12:56:20 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:9] NoOp("SIP/206-00000503", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:10] ExecIf("SIP/206-00000503", "1?Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=206-5599993734):Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=-5599993734") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:11] Macro("SIP/206-00000503", "setoutboundcid,server") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:1] GotoIf("SIP/206-00000503", "0?emergency,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:2] GotoIf("SIP/206-00000503", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:3] GotoIf("SIP/206-00000503", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:4] Goto("SIP/206-00000503", "custom,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcid,custom,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:1] Macro("SIP/206-00000503", "servercallerid") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-servercallerid:1] GotoIf("SIP/206-00000503", "0?setglobalvar,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:2] NoOp("SIP/206-00000503", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:3] NoOp("SIP/206-00000503", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:4] NoOp("SIP/206-00000503", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:5] Set("SIP/206-00000503", "CALLERID(number)=+15622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:6] AGI("SIP/206-00000503", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- SIP/227-00000504 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [5622523434] ==> SkyTelecom afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:12] ExecIf("SIP/206-00000503", "0?Set(numtodial=9691001257)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:13] ExecIf("SIP/206-00000503", "0?Set(CALLERID(number)=22523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:14] Dial("SIP/206-00000503", "SIP/+15599993734@vproxy1,,W") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- Called SIP/+15599993734@vproxy1 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:20] -- SIP/227-00000504 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:21] -- SIP/207-00000502 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:21] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000252;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:21] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:21] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000252;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:21] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000252;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:21] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:21] -- SIP/vproxy1-00000505 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:21] -- SIP/vproxy1-00000505 is making progress passing it to SIP/206-00000503 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:22] -- SIP/227-00000504 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:23] -- User hung up afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:23] == Spawn extension (afa_claims_office_hours, 228, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000004f4' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:24] -- SIP/227-00000504 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:25] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000253;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:25] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:25] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000253;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:25] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000253;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:25] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:26] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000254;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:26] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:26] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000254;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:26] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000254;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:26] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:27] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy1-00000500 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:27] -- Executing [3@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Goto("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "afa_claims_office_hours_sp,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:27] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours_sp,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:27] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:1] Set("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:27] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:27] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "hpbx/44") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:27] -- Playing 'hpbx/44.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:28] -- SIP/227-00000504 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:28] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:28] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:28] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:28] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:28] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:28] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:28] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:28] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:28] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:28] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:28] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:28] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:28] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:28] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:28] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:28] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-00000506' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:28] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:28] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:29] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "Tue Oct 16 12:56:29 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:29] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:29] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:29] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [3239331352] ==> BLADY WEINREB L afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:29] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:29] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:29] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "1?exten,1") in new stack [Oct 16 12:56:29] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:29] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:29] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:29] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-16 16:56:29.300 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:29] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:29] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:29] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:29] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:29] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:29] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:30] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000255;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:30] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:30] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000255;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:30] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000255;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:30] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:31] -- SIP/vproxy1-00000505 answered SIP/206-00000503 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:31] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:31] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:31] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:31] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:31] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:31] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:31] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:31] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:31] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:31] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:31] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:31] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:31] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:31] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:31] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:31] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-00000507' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:31] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:31] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:31] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy1-000004ed afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:31] -- Playing 'queue-youarenext.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Executing [+15622521582@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-00000508", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000508", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622521582)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000508", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000508", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000508", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622521582") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000508", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000508", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622521582)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000508", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000508", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000508", "prepincoming,5622521582,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622521582,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-00000508' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Executing [5622521582@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-00000508", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "Tue Oct 16 12:56:32 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [8168805300] ==> LIBERTY MUTUAL afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-16 16:56:32.583 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:32] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:33] -- Executing [5622521582@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000508", "Tue Oct 16 12:56:33 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:33] -- Executing [5622521582@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-00000508", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:33] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:33] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [8184440001] ==> Winnetka CA afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:33] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:33] -- Executing [5622521582@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-00000508", "setinboundcdr,5622521582") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:33] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000508", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:33] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:33] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000508", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622521582") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:33] -- Executing [5622521582@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000508", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:33] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-16 16:56:33.267 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:33] -- Executing [5622521582@prepincoming:7] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000508", "ORIGEXTEN=5622521582") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:33] -- Executing [5622521582@prepincoming:8] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000508", "systemfax,s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:33] -- Goto (systemfax,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:33] -- Executing [s@systemfax:1] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-00000508", "IAX2/fax000/5622521582") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:33] -- Called IAX2/fax000/5622521582 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:33] -- Call accepted by (format ulaw) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:33] -- Format for call is ulaw afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:33] -- IAX2/fax000-836 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:33] -- IAX2/fax000-836 answered SIP/vproxy2-00000508 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:35] == Spawn extension (macro-dialext, s, 9) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000004fd' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:35] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000256;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:35] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:35] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000256;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:35] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000256;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:35] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:36] -- SIP/227-00000504 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:37] -- Told SIP/vproxy1-000004ed in loss_reporting_sp their queue position (which was 1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:37] -- Playing 'queue-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:38] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy1-000004ed afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:38] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000257;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:38] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:38] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000257;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:38] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000257;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:38] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:41] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000258;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:41] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:41] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000258;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:41] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000258;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:41] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:44] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000259;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:44] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:44] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000259;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:44] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000259;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:44] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:45] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 [Oct 16 12:56:45] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:45] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:45] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:45] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:45] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:45] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:45] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:45] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:45] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:45] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:45] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:45] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:45] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:45] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:45] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-00000509' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:45] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:45] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-00000506 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Executing [222@afa_claims_office_hours:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Executing [222@afa_claims_office_hours:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "macro-dialext,s,1(222,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "Tue Oct 16 12:56:46 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-00000506", "SIP/222,30,rtwWM(record^3239331352)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Called SIP/222 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "Tue Oct 16 12:56:46 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000025a;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000025a;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000025a;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [6198435091] ==> OTAY SURVE afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- SIP/222-0000050a is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-16 16:56:46.702 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:46] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:47] -- SIP/222-0000050a is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:48] -- SIP/222-0000050a is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:49] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000025b;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:49] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:49] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000025b;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:49] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000025b;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:49] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:49] WARNING[6293]: chan_sip.c:9048 process_sdp: Ignoring video media offer because port number is zero afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:49] -- SIP/222-0000050a answered SIP/vproxy2-00000506 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:49] -- Executing [s@macro-record:1] AGI("SIP/222-0000050a", "macrohelper.agi") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:49] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/macrohelper.agi afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:50] -- AGI Script macrohelper.agi completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:50] -- Executing [s@macro-record:2] ExecIf("SIP/222-0000050a", "1?Monitor(wav,inbound-222-1350410210-3239331352,bm)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:50] -- Executing [s@macro-record:3] ExecIf("SIP/222-0000050a", "0?Macro(ishuman)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] -- Nobody picked up in 30000 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:10] Return("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] -- Executing [227@afa_claims_office_hours:3] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434-vm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] -- Executing [227@afa_claims_office_hours:4] VoiceMail("SIP/vproxy2-00000501", "227,u") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/227/unavail.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-00000509 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] -- Executing [0@afa_claims_office_hours:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] -- Executing [0@afa_claims_office_hours:2] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "SIP/201&SIP/202&SIP/204&SIP/236&SIP/294,24,rtWwM(record,6198435091)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] -- Called SIP/201 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] -- Called SIP/202 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] -- Called SIP/204 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] -- Called SIP/236 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 [Oct 16 12:56:51] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] -- Called SIP/294 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] -- SIP/201-0000050b connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-00000509 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] -- SIP/202-0000050c connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-00000509 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] -- SIP/204-0000050d connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-00000509 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] -- SIP/236-0000050e connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-00000509 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] -- SIP/294-0000050f connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-00000509 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy1-0000048a afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:51] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy1-0000048a afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:52] -- SIP/236-0000050e is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:52] -- SIP/202-0000050c is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:52] -- Got SIP response 480 "Do Not Disturb" back from afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:52] -- SIP/201-0000050b is circuit-busy afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:52] -- SIP/294-0000050f is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:52] -- SIP/204-0000050d is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:52] -- SIP/236-0000050e is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:52] -- SIP/202-0000050c is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:52] -- SIP/294-0000050f is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:52] -- SIP/204-0000050d is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:53] -- SIP/236-0000050e is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:53] -- SIP/202-0000050c is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:53] -- SIP/294-0000050f is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:53] -- SIP/204-0000050d is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:54] -- SIP/236-0000050e connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-00000509 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:54] -- SIP/236-0000050e answered SIP/vproxy2-00000509 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:54] -- Executing [s@macro-record:1] AGI("SIP/236-0000050e", "macrohelper.agi") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:54] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/macrohelper.agi afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:54] -- AGI Script macrohelper.agi completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:54] -- Executing [s@macro-record:2] ExecIf("SIP/236-0000050e", "1?Monitor(wav,inbound-236-1350410214-6198435091,bm)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:54] -- Executing [s@macro-record:3] ExecIf("SIP/236-0000050e", "0?Macro(ishuman)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:54] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000025c;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:54] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:54] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000025c;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:54] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000025c;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:54] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:55] -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/vproxy2-00000506 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:55] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000025d;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:55] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:55] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000025d;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:55] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000025d;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:55] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:59] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000025e;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:59] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:59] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000025e;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:59] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000025e;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:56:59] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:00] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000025f;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:00] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:00] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000025f;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:00] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000025f;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:00] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:00] -- Hungup 'IAX2/fax000-836' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:00] == Spawn extension (systemfax, s, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-00000508' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:02] -- User hung up afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:02] == Spawn extension (afa_claims_office_hours, 228, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000004f6' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:02] == Spawn extension (afa_claims_office_hours, 227, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-00000501' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:03] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '218' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:03] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '222' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:04] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-00000507 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:04] -- Executing [229@afa_claims_office_hours:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:04] -- Executing [229@afa_claims_office_hours:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "macro-dialext,s,1(229,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:04] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:04] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:04] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:04] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:04] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:04] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:04] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:04] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "Tue Oct 16 12:57:04 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:04] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "SIP/229,30,rtwWM(record^8168805300)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:04] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:04] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:04] -- Called SIP/229 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:04] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '293' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:04] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '287' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:04] -- SIP/229-00000510 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:05] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '282' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:05] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000260;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:05] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:05] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000260;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:05] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000260;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:05] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:05] -- SIP/229-00000510 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:05] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '212' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:05] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000261;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:05] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:05] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000261;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:05] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000261;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:05] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:06] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '213' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:06] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '283' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:06] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '211' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:06] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '290' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:06] -- SIP/229-00000510 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:06] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '296' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '206' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '210' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy1-00000500 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] -- Executing [0@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:1] Set("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "CALLERID(name)=*Spanish* Verdin Antonio") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] -- Executing [0@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:2] NoOp("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] -- Executing [0@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:3] Dial("SIP/vproxy1-00000500", "SIP/201&SIP/202&SIP/204&SIP/236&SIP/294,24,rtWwM(record,9516575521)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] -- Called SIP/201 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] -- Called SIP/202 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] -- Called SIP/204 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] -- Called SIP/236 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] -- Called SIP/294 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] -- SIP/201-00000511 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy1-00000500 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] -- SIP/202-00000512 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy1-00000500 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] -- SIP/204-00000513 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy1-00000500 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] -- SIP/236-00000514 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy1-00000500 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:07] -- SIP/294-00000515 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy1-00000500 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:08] -- SIP/202-00000512 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:08] -- SIP/236-00000514 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:08] -- Got SIP response 480 "Do Not Disturb" back from afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:08] -- SIP/201-00000511 is circuit-busy afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:08] -- SIP/294-00000515 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:08] -- SIP/204-00000513 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:08] -- SIP/229-00000510 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:08] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '215' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:08] -- SIP/236-00000514 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:08] -- SIP/202-00000512 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:08] -- SIP/294-00000515 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:08] -- SIP/204-00000513 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:09] -- SIP/202-00000512 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:09] -- SIP/236-00000514 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:09] -- SIP/294-00000515 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:09] -- SIP/204-00000513 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:10] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '229' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:10] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy1-000004ed afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:10] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy1-000004ed afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:11] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy1-0000048a afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:11] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy1-0000048a afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:11] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '219' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:11] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '294' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:11] -- SIP/202-00000512 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:11] -- SIP/236-00000514 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:11] -- SIP/294-00000515 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:11] -- SIP/204-00000513 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:12] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '207' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:12] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '291' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:12] -- SIP/229-00000510 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:13] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '208' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:14] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '205' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:15] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:15] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:15] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:15] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:15] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:15] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:15] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:15] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:15] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:15] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:15] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:15] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:15] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:15] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:15] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:15] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-00000516' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:15] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:15] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:15] -- SIP/236-00000514 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:15] -- SIP/202-00000512 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:15] -- SIP/294-00000515 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:16] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "Tue Oct 16 12:57:16 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:16] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:16] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:16] -- SIP/204-00000513 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:16] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [9256982924] ==> ATT afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:16] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:16] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:16] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:16] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:16] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:16] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:16] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-16 16:57:16.158 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:16] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:16] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:16] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:16] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:16] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:16] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:16] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '221' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:18] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '204' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:19] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '217' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:19] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '201' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:20] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-00000506 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:20] -- SIP/229-00000510 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:23] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-00000516 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:23] -- Executing [210@afa_claims_office_hours:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:23] -- Executing [210@afa_claims_office_hours:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "macro-dialext,s,1(210,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:23] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:23] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:23] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:23] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:23] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:23] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:23] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:23] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "Tue Oct 16 12:57:23 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:23] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "SIP/210,30,rtwWM(record^9256982924)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:23] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:23] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:23] -- Called SIP/210 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:23] -- SIP/210-00000517 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:23] -- SIP/202-00000512 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:23] -- SIP/236-00000514 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:23] -- SIP/294-00000515 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:23] -- SIP/210-00000517 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:24] -- SIP/204-00000513 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:24] -- SIP/210-00000517 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:26] -- SIP/210-00000517 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/vproxy2-00000509 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-00000518", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000518", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000518", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000518", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000518", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000518", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000518", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000518", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000518", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000518", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-00000518' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-00000518", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy1-00000486 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] WARNING[6293]: chan_sip.c:9048 process_sdp: Ignoring video media offer because port number is zero afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- SIP/294-00000515 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy1-00000500 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- SIP/294-00000515 answered SIP/vproxy1-00000500 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- Executing [s@macro-record:1] AGI("SIP/294-00000515", "macrohelper.agi") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/macrohelper.agi afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- AGI Script macrohelper.agi completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- Executing [s@macro-record:2] ExecIf("SIP/294-00000515", "1?Monitor(wav,inbound-294-1350410247-9516575521,bm)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:27] -- Executing [s@macro-record:3] ExecIf("SIP/294-00000515", "0?Macro(ishuman)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:28] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000518", "Tue Oct 16 12:57:28 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:28] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-00000518", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:28] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:28] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [9098865144] ==> CHASE afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:28] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:28] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-00000518", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:28] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000518", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:28] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:28] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000518", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:28] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000518", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:28] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-16 16:57:28.368 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:28] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-00000518", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:28] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:28] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000518", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:28] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:28] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-00000518", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:28] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:30] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:30] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:30] ERROR[6293]: chan_sip.c:29899 setup_srtp: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:30] -- Executing [208@outbound:1] NoOp("SIP/236-00000519", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:30] -- Executing [208@outbound:2] Gosub("SIP/236-00000519", "macro-dialext,s,1(208,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:30] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/236-00000519", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:30] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/236-00000519", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:30] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/236-00000519", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:30] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/236-00000519", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:30] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/236-00000519", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:30] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/236-00000519", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:30] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/236-00000519", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:30] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/236-00000519", "Tue Oct 16 12:57:30 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:30] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/236-00000519", "SIP/208,30,rtwWM(record^236)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:30] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:30] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:30] -- Called SIP/208 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:30] -- SIP/208-0000051a is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:30] -- SIP/210-00000517 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:31] -- SIP/208-0000051a is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:31] == Spawn extension (macro-dialext, s, 9) exited non-zero on 'SIP/236-00000519' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:31] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-00000509 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:31] == Spawn extension (outbound, 208, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-00000509' [Oct 16 12:57:31] -- Executing [208@outbound:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:31] -- Executing [208@outbound:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "macro-dialext,s,1(208,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:31] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:31] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:31] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:31] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:31] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:31] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:31] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:31] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "Tue Oct 16 12:57:31 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:31] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-00000509", "SIP/208,30,rtwWM(record^6198435091)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:31] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:31] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:31] -- Called SIP/208 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:32] -- SIP/208-0000051b is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:32] -- SIP/208-0000051b is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:33] -- SIP/208-0000051b is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:34] -- SIP/208-0000051b is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:36] -- SIP/208-0000051b is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:36] -- Nobody picked up in 30000 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:36] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:10] Return("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:36] -- Executing [229@afa_claims_office_hours:3] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434-vm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:36] -- Executing [229@afa_claims_office_hours:4] VoiceMail("SIP/vproxy2-00000507", "229,u") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:36] -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/229/unavail.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:38] -- SIP/210-00000517 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:39] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy1-0000048a afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:39] == Spawn extension (agents, 236, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy1-0000048a' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:39] -- Executing [236@agents:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-0000048a", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:39] -- Executing [236@agents:2] NoOp("SIP/vproxy1-0000048a", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:39] -- Executing [236@agents:3] Set("SIP/vproxy1-0000048a", "OUTBOUND_GROUP=236") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:39] -- Executing [236@agents:4] Set("SIP/vproxy1-0000048a", "CHANNEL(parkinglot)=default") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:39] -- Executing [236@agents:5] Gosub("SIP/vproxy1-0000048a", "macro-dialext,s,1(236,0,0,0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:39] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy1-0000048a", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:39] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy1-0000048a", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:39] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy1-0000048a", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:39] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy1-0000048a", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:39] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy1-0000048a", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:39] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy1-0000048a", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:39] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy1-0000048a", "1?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:39] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy1-0000048a", "Tue Oct 16 12:57:39 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:39] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy1-0000048a", "SIP/236,,wWrt") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:39] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-000004a3 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:39] -- Playing 'queue-thereare.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:39] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:39] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:39] -- Called SIP/236 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:39] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy1-0000048e afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:39] -- Playing 'queue-youarenext.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:40] -- SIP/236-0000051c is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:40] -- SIP/208-0000051b is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:40] -- SIP/236-0000051c is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:40] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy1-000004da afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:40] -- Playing 'queue-thereare.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:41] -- SIP/236-0000051c answered SIP/vproxy1-0000048a afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:41] -- Playing 'digits/2.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:42] -- Playing 'queue-callswaiting.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:42] -- Playing 'digits/3.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:43] -- Playing 'queue-callswaiting.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:44] -- Hold time for loss_reporting is 8 minute(s) 0 seconds afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:44] -- Playing 'queue-holdtime.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:45] -- Told SIP/vproxy1-0000048e in loss_reporting their queue position (which was 1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:45] -- Playing 'queue-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:45] -- Hold time for loss_reporting is 2 minute(s) 0 seconds afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:45] -- Playing 'queue-holdtime.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:45] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:45] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:45] ERROR[6293]: chan_sip.c:29899 setup_srtp: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:45] -- Executing [20@outbound:1] VoiceMailMain("SIP/219-0000051d", "219") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:45] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '225' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:45] -- Playing 'vm-password.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:46] NOTICE[6293]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '297' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:46] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy1-0000048e afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:47] -- Playing 'digits/8.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:47] -- Playing 'queue-minutes.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:48] -- Playing 'digits/2.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:48] -- SIP/208-0000051b is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:48] -- Told SIP/vproxy2-000004a3 in loss_reporting their queue position (which was 2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:48] -- Playing 'queue-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:48] -- Playing 'queue-minutes.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:49] -- Told SIP/vproxy1-000004da in loss_reporting their queue position (which was 3) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:49] -- Playing 'queue-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:50] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy2-000004a3 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:50] -- Playing 'vm-youhave.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] -- Playing 'digits/1.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy1-000004da afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy1-0000051e", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy1-0000051e", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-0000051e", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-0000051e", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy1-0000051e", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy1-0000051e", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy1-0000051e", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-0000051e", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-0000051e", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy1-0000051e", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy1-0000051e' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy1-0000051e", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/vproxy1-00000500 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] -- Playing 'vm-INBOX.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy1-0000051e", "Tue Oct 16 12:57:51 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy1-0000051e", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:51] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:52] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [7604906690] ==> Cell Phone CA afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:52] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:52] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy1-0000051e", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:52] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-0000051e", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:52] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:52] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy1-0000051e", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:52] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy1-0000051e", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:52] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-16 16:57:52.066 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:52] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy1-0000051e", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:52] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) [Oct 16 12:57:52] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy1-0000051e", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:52] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:52] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy1-0000051e", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:52] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:52] -- Playing 'vm-message.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:53] -- Playing 'vm-onefor.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:53] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:53] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:53] ERROR[6293]: chan_sip.c:29899 setup_srtp: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:53] -- Executing [101@outbound:1] Answer("SIP/294-0000051f", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:54] -- Executing [101@outbound:2] Set("SIP/294-0000051f", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:54] -- Executing [101@outbound:3] ExecIf("SIP/294-0000051f", "1?Monitor(wav,queue-8-1350410273.2554-1350410274-294,b)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:54] -- Executing [101@outbound:4] Set("SIP/294-0000051f", "QUEUE_PRIO=1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:54] -- Executing [101@outbound:5] Queue("SIP/294-0000051f", "loss_reporting_sp,t") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:54] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/294-0000051f afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:54] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/294-0000051f afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:54] -- Playing 'queue-thereare.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:54] -- Nobody picked up in 30000 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:54] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:10] Return("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:54] -- Executing [210@afa_claims_office_hours:3] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434-vm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:54] -- Executing [210@afa_claims_office_hours:4] VoiceMail("SIP/vproxy2-00000516", "210,u") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:54] -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/210/temp.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:54] -- Playing 'vm-INBOX.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:54] -- Playing 'vm-first.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 16 12:57:55] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy1-00000500 afaclaims*CLI> Disconnected from Asterisk server ]0;drdelaney@afaclaims:~[drdelaney@afaclaims ~]$