afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:28] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000010e;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:28] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:28] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000010e;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:28] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000010e;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:28] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:28] -- Told SIP/vproxy1-00000090 in loss_reporting their queue position (which was 3) [Oct 18 10:39:28] -- Playing 'queue-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:28] -- Playing 'vm-received.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000b9", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000b9", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000b9", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000b9", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000b9", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000b9", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000b9", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000b9", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000b9", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000b9", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-000000b9' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-000000b9", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000b9", "Thu Oct 18 10:39:29 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-000000b9", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Playing 'digits/yesterday.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [9512831966] ==> Cell Phone CA afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000b9", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000b9", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000b9", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000b9", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:39:29.961 CDT. [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-000000b9", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000b9", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-000000b9", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:29] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:30] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy1-00000090 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:30] -- Playing 'digits/at.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:31] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-0000006b afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:31] -- Playing 'queue-thereare.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:31] -- Playing 'digits/10.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:32] -- Playing 'digits/oh.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:32] -- Playing 'digits/1.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:33] -- Playing 'digits/2.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:33] -- Playing 'digits/a-m.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:33] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000010f;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:33] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:33] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000010f;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:33] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000010f;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:33] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy1-000000b7 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:33] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:33] -- Executing [3@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Goto("SIP/vproxy1-000000b7", "afa_claims_office_hours_sp,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:33] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000110;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:33] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours_sp,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:33] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:1] Set("SIP/vproxy1-000000b7", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:33] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:33] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000110;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:33] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:33] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000110;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:33] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy1-000000b7", "hpbx/44") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:33] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:33] -- Playing 'hpbx/44.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:33] -- Playing 'queue-callswaiting.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:34] -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/287/INBOX/msg0000.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:36] -- Hold time for loss_reporting is 5 minute(s) 0 seconds [Oct 18 10:39:36] -- Playing 'queue-holdtime.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:38] -- Playing 'digits/5.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:39] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000111;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:39] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:39] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000111;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:39] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000111;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:39] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000112;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:39] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:39] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:39] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000112;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:39] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000112;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:39] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:39] -- Playing 'queue-minutes.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:40] -- Told SIP/vproxy2-0000006b in loss_reporting their queue position (which was 2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:40] -- Playing 'queue-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:41] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy2-0000006b afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:43] -- Playing 'vm-deleted.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:44] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-0000004f afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:44] -- Playing 'queue-youarenext.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:44] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:44] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:44] -- Executing [+18002921511@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:44] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=18002921511)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:44] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:44] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:44] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:44] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "MACRO_EXTEN=8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:44] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:44] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:44] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=002921511)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:44] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:44] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:44] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "prepincoming,8002921511,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:44] -- Goto (prepincoming,8002921511,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:44] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-000000ba' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:44] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:44] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:45] -- Playing 'vm-advopts.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:45] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "Thu Oct 18 10:39:45 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:45] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack [Oct 18 10:39:45] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:45] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [7602857259] ==> Cell Phone CA afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:45] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:45] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "setinboundcdr,8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:45] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:45] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:45] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:45] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:45] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:39:45.495 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:45] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:7] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "default,5622523434,7") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:45] -- Goto (default,5622523434,7) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:45] -- Executing [5622523434@default:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:45] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:45] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:45] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:45] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:45] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:45] == Parsing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/287/INBOX/msg0001.txt': [Oct 18 10:39:45] == Found afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:45] -- Playing 'vm-message.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:46] -- Playing 'digits/2.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:47] -- Playing 'vm-received.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:47] -- Playing 'digits/yesterday.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:48] -- Playing 'digits/at.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:49] -- Playing 'digits/10.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:49] -- Told SIP/vproxy2-0000004f in loss_reporting their queue position (which was 1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:49] -- Playing 'queue-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:50] -- Playing 'digits/20.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:50] -- Playing 'digits/5.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:51] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy2-0000004f afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:51] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000113;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:51] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:51] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000113;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:51] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000113;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:51] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000114;2", "1?6") in new stack [Oct 18 10:39:51] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:51] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:51] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000114;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:51] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000114;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:51] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:51] -- Playing 'digits/a-m.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:52] -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/287/INBOX/msg0001.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:56] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000115;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:56] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:56] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000115;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:56] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000115;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:56] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000116;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:56] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:56] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000116;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:56] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:56] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000116;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:56] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:56] -- User ended message by pressing # afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:56] -- Playing 'auth-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/vproxy2-000000a8' status is 'NOANSWER' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-000000b9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] -- Executing [0@afa_claims_office_hours:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000b9", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] -- Executing [0@afa_claims_office_hours:2] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-000000b9", "SIP/201&SIP/202&SIP/204&SIP/236&SIP/294,24,rtWwM(record,9512831966)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] -- Called SIP/201 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] -- Called SIP/202 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] -- Called SIP/204 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] -- Called SIP/236 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] -- Called SIP/294 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] -- SIP/201-000000bb connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-000000b9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] -- SIP/202-000000bc connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-000000b9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] -- SIP/204-000000bd connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-000000b9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] -- SIP/236-000000be connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-000000b9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:57] -- SIP/294-000000bf connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-000000b9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:58] -- SIP/236-000000be is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:58] -- SIP/294-000000bf is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:58] -- SIP/204-000000bd is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:58] -- SIP/201-000000bb is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:58] -- SIP/236-000000be is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:58] -- SIP/294-000000bf is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:58] -- SIP/202-000000bc is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:58] -- SIP/202-000000bc is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:58] -- SIP/204-000000bd is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:58] -- SIP/201-000000bb is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:59] -- SIP/236-000000be is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:59] -- SIP/202-000000bc is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:59] -- SIP/294-000000bf is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:59] -- SIP/204-000000bd is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:39:59] -- SIP/201-000000bb is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:01] -- SIP/236-000000be is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:01] -- SIP/202-000000bc is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:01] -- SIP/294-000000bf is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:01] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-0000004f afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:01] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy2-0000004f afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:01] -- SIP/204-000000bd is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:01] -- SIP/201-000000bb is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:05] -- SIP/236-000000be is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:05] -- SIP/202-000000bc is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:05] -- SIP/294-000000bf is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:05] -- SIP/204-000000bd is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:05] -- SIP/201-000000bb is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:07] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-000000ba afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:07] -- Executing [3@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "afa_claims_office_hours_sp,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:07] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours_sp,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:07] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:07] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:07] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "hpbx/44") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:07] -- Playing 'hpbx/44.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:08] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy1-000000b7 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:08] -- Executing [208@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy1-000000b7", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:08] -- Executing [208@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy1-000000b7", "macro-dialext,s,1(208,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:08] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy1-000000b7", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:08] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy1-000000b7", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:08] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy1-000000b7", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:08] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy1-000000b7", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:08] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy1-000000b7", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:08] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy1-000000b7", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:08] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy1-000000b7", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack [Oct 18 10:40:08] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy1-000000b7", "Thu Oct 18 10:40:08 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:08] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy1-000000b7", "SIP/208,30,rtwWM(record^6507163241)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:08] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:08] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:08] -- Called SIP/208 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:08] -- Got SIP response 480 "Do Not Disturb" back from afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:08] -- SIP/208-000000c0 is circuit-busy afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:08] == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/1/0) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:08] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:10] Return("SIP/vproxy1-000000b7", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:08] -- Executing [208@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:3] Set("SIP/vproxy1-000000b7", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434-vm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:08] -- Executing [208@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:4] VoiceMail("SIP/vproxy1-000000b7", "208,u") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:08] -- Playing 'vm-theperson.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:10] -- Playing 'digits/2.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:10] -- Playing 'digits/0.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:11] -- Playing 'digits/8.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:12] -- Playing 'vm-isunavail.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:13] -- Playing 'vm-intro.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:13] -- SIP/236-000000be is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:13] -- SIP/294-000000bf is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:13] -- SIP/202-000000bc is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:13] -- SIP/204-000000bd is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:13] -- SIP/201-000000bb is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:14] -- Playing 'vm-deleted.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:15] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy2-00000023 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:15] WARNING[18439]: chan_sip.c:9048 process_sdp: Ignoring video media offer because port number is zero afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:15] -- SIP/294-000000bf connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-000000b9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:15] -- SIP/294-000000bf answered SIP/vproxy2-000000b9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:15] -- Executing [s@macro-record:1] AGI("SIP/294-000000bf", "macrohelper.agi") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:15] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/macrohelper.agi afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:15] == Parsing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/287/INBOX/msg0002.txt': [Oct 18 10:40:15] == Found afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:15] -- Playing 'vm-message.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:15] -- AGI Script macrohelper.agi completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:15] -- Executing [s@macro-record:2] ExecIf("SIP/294-000000bf", "1?Monitor(wav,inbound-294-1350574815-9512831966,bm)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:15] -- Executing [s@macro-record:3] ExecIf("SIP/294-000000bf", "0?Macro(ishuman)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:16] -- Playing 'digits/3.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:16] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000117;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:16] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:16] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000117;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:16] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000117;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:16] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000118;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:16] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:16] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:16] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000118;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:16] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000118;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:16] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:16] -- Playing 'vm-received.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:17] -- Playing 'digits/yesterday.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:18] -- Playing 'beep.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:18] -- Playing 'digits/at.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:19] -- Recording the message afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:19] -- x=0, open writing: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/208/tmp/w43q4x format: wav, 0x9d62038 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:19] -- Playing 'digits/11.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:20] -- Playing 'digits/30.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:20] -- Playing 'digits/1.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:21] -- Playing 'digits/a-m.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:21] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000119;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:21] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:21] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000119;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:21] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000119;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:21] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000011a;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:21] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:21] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:21] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000011a;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:21] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000011a;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:21] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:22] -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/287/INBOX/msg0002.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:26] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000011b;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:26] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:26] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000011b;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:26] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000011b;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:26] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:27] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000011c;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:27] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:27] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000011c;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:27] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000011c;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:27] -- Nobody picked up in 1000 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:27] -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/vproxy2-000000b9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] ERROR[18439]: chan_sip.c:29899 setup_srtp: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [661@outbound:1] Macro("SIP/294-000000c1", "monitor,outbound,661") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-monitor:1] GotoIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "1?outbound,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Goto (macro-monitor,outbound,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [outbound@macro-monitor:1] Monitor("SIP/294-000000c1", "wav,outbound-294-1350574828-661,bm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [661@outbound:2] Macro("SIP/294-000000c1", "setoutboundcdr,6619779749") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "0?cid,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcdr:2] GotoIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "0?anonoutbound,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcdr:3] GotoIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "0?hairpin,1:outbound,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcdr,outbound,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [outbound@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/294-000000c1", "CDR(userfield)=outbound-294-6619779749") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [661@outbound:3] NoOp("SIP/294-000000c1", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [661@outbound:4] Macro("SIP/294-000000c1", "dialoutbound,6619779749") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:1] Macro("SIP/294-000000c1", "formatoutboundnum,6619779749") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:3] GotoIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "0?intplus,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "0?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "1?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "0?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "1?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,4) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "0?natl,7") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:6] GotoIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "0?natl,8") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:7] Set("SIP/294-000000c1", "ARG1=16619779749") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:8] Set("SIP/294-000000c1", "ARG1=+16619779749") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:9] Goto("SIP/294-000000c1", "return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,return,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [return@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] Set("SIP/294-000000c1", "MACRO_RESULT=+16619779749") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:2] Set("SIP/294-000000c1", "numtodial=+16619779749") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:3] ExecIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "1?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:4] ExecIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "1?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:5] ExecIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "1?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:6] Set("SIP/294-000000c1", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:7] Set("SIP/294-000000c1", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:8] NoOp("SIP/294-000000c1", "Thu Oct 18 10:40:28 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:9] NoOp("SIP/294-000000c1", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:10] ExecIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "1?Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=294-6619779749):Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=-6619779749") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:11] Macro("SIP/294-000000c1", "setoutboundcid,server") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:1] GotoIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "0?emergency,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:2] GotoIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:3] GotoIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:4] Goto("SIP/294-000000c1", "custom,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcid,custom,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:1] Macro("SIP/294-000000c1", "servercallerid") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [s@macro-servercallerid:1] GotoIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "0?setglobalvar,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:2] NoOp("SIP/294-000000c1", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:3] NoOp("SIP/294-000000c1", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:4] NoOp("SIP/294-000000c1", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:5] Set("SIP/294-000000c1", "CALLERID(number)=+15622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:28] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:6] AGI("SIP/294-000000c1", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:29] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:29] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [5622523434] ==> SkyTelecom afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:29] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:29] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:12] ExecIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "0?Set(numtodial=9691001257)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:29] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:13] ExecIf("SIP/294-000000c1", "0?Set(CALLERID(number)=22523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:29] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:14] Dial("SIP/294-000000c1", "SIP/+16619779749@vproxy1,,W") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:29] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:29] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:29] -- Called SIP/+16619779749@vproxy1 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:29] -- SIP/vproxy1-000000c2 answered SIP/294-000000c1 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:32] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000011d;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:32] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:32] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000011d;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:32] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000011d;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:32] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000011e;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:32] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:32] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000011e;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:32] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:32] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000011e;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:32] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:32] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-000000b9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] == Spawn extension (afa_claims_office_hours, 0, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/294-000000c1' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] ERROR[18439]: chan_sip.c:29899 setup_srtp: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [17149133261@outbound:1] Macro("SIP/212-000000c3", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] NOTICE[18439]: chan_sip.c:23251 handle_request_invite: Unable to create/find SIP channel for this INVITE afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=7149133261)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/212-000000c3", "MACRO_EXTEN=7149133261") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/212-000000c3", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=149133261)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/212-000000c3", "outbound,7149133261,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Goto (outbound,7149133261,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] == Channel 'SIP/212-000000c3' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [7149133261@outbound:2] Monitor("SIP/212-000000c3", "wav,outbound-212-1350574833-7149133261,bm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [7149133261@outbound:3] Macro("SIP/212-000000c3", "setoutboundcdr") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "1?cid,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcdr,cid,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [cid@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/212-000000c3", "CDR(userfield)=outbound-212-7149133261") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [7149133261@outbound:4] NoOp("SIP/212-000000c3", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [7149133261@outbound:5] Macro("SIP/212-000000c3", "dialoutbound,7149133261") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:1] Macro("SIP/212-000000c3", "formatoutboundnum,7149133261") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:3] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "0?intplus,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "0?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "1?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "0?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "1?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,4) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "0?natl,7") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:6] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "0?natl,8") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:7] Set("SIP/212-000000c3", "ARG1=17149133261") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:8] Set("SIP/212-000000c3", "ARG1=+17149133261") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:9] Goto("SIP/212-000000c3", "return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,return,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [return@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] Set("SIP/212-000000c3", "MACRO_RESULT=+17149133261") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:2] Set("SIP/212-000000c3", "numtodial=+17149133261") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:3] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "1?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:4] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "1?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:5] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "1?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:6] Set("SIP/212-000000c3", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:7] Set("SIP/212-000000c3", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:8] NoOp("SIP/212-000000c3", "Thu Oct 18 10:40:33 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:9] NoOp("SIP/212-000000c3", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:10] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "1?Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=212-7149133261):Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=-7149133261") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:11] Macro("SIP/212-000000c3", "setoutboundcid,server") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:1] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "0?emergency,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:2] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:3] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:4] Goto("SIP/212-000000c3", "custom,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcid,custom,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:1] Macro("SIP/212-000000c3", "servercallerid") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-servercallerid:1] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "0?setglobalvar,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:2] NoOp("SIP/212-000000c3", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:3] NoOp("SIP/212-000000c3", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:4] NoOp("SIP/212-000000c3", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:5] Set("SIP/212-000000c3", "CALLERID(number)=+15622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:6] AGI("SIP/212-000000c3", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [5622523434] ==> SkyTelecom afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:12] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "0?Set(numtodial=9691001257)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:13] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000c3", "0?Set(CALLERID(number)=22523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:14] Dial("SIP/212-000000c3", "SIP/+17149133261@vproxy1,,W") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:33] -- Called SIP/+17149133261@vproxy1 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:34] -- SIP/vproxy1-000000c4 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:34] -- SIP/vproxy1-000000c4 is making progress passing it to SIP/212-000000c3 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:35] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-00000023 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:37] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000011f;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:37] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:37] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000011f;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:37] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000011f;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:37] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000120;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:37] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:37] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000120;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:37] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:37] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000120;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:37] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:42] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000121;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:42] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:42] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000121;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:42] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000121;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:42] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000122;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:42] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:42] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:42] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000122;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:42] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000122;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:42] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:42] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-000000ba [Oct 18 10:40:42] -- Executing [9@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:1] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "directory.agi,11,40") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:42] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/directory.agi afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:42] -- Playing '/var/asterisk/sounds/hpbx/40.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:44] -- Playing 'vm-deleted.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:45] -- Playing 'vm-last.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:45] == Parsing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/287/INBOX/msg0003.txt': [Oct 18 10:40:45] == Found afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:45] -- Playing 'vm-message.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:46] -- Playing 'vm-received.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:47] -- Playing 'digits/yesterday.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:48] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000123;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:48] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:48] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000123;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:48] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000123;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:48] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000124;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:48] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:48] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:48] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000124;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:48] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000124;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:48] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:48] -- Playing 'digits/at.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:49] -- Playing 'digits/12.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:49] -- Playing 'digits/11.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:50] -- Playing 'digits/p-m.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:51] -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/287/INBOX/msg0003.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:53] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000125;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:53] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:53] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000125;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:53] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000125;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:53] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000126;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:53] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:53] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:53] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000126;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:53] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000126;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:53] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:53] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:53] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:53] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:53] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:53] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:53] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:53] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:53] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:53] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:53] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:53] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-000000c5' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "Thu Oct 18 10:40:54 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [5599975525] ==> Cell Phone CA afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:40:54.881 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:54] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] -- Executing [+18002921511@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=18002921511)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "MACRO_EXTEN=8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=002921511)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "prepincoming,8002921511,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] -- Goto (prepincoming,8002921511,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-000000c6' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000127;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000127;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000127;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000128;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000128;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000128;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:58] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:59] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "Thu Oct 18 10:40:59 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:59] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:59] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:59] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [2092710040] ==> Flores Juan afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:59] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:59] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "setinboundcdr,8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:59] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:59] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:59] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:59] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:59] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:40:59.622 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:59] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:7] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "default,5622523434,7") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:59] -- Goto (default,5622523434,7) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:59] -- Executing [5622523434@default:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:59] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:59] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:59] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:59] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:59] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:40:59] -- Playing '/var/tmp/ttsEhw20649' (escape_digits=) (sample_offset 0) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:02] -- AGI Script directory.agi completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:02] -- Executing [9@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:1] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-000000ba", "directory.agi,11,40") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:02] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/directory.agi afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:02] -- Playing '/var/asterisk/sounds/hpbx/40.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:04] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000129;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:04] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:04] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000129;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:04] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000129;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:04] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:04] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000012a;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:04] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:04] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000012a;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:04] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000012a;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:04] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:05] -- SIP/vproxy1-000000c4 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:05] -- SIP/vproxy1-000000c4 is making progress passing it to SIP/212-000000c3 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:05] -- SIP/vproxy1-000000c4 answered SIP/212-000000c3 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:07] == Spawn extension (macro-dialoutbound, s, 14) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000000b9' in macro 'dialoutbound' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:07] == Spawn extension (outbound, 661, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000000b9' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:09] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000012b;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:09] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:09] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000012b;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:09] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000012b;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:09] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:09] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000012c;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:09] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:09] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000012c;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:09] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000012c;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:09] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:10] == Spawn extension (macro-dialoutbound, s, 14) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000000b5' in macro 'dialoutbound' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:10] == Spawn extension (prepincoming, 8002995709, 10) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000000b5' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:10] -- User hung up afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:10] == Spawn extension (afa_claims_office_hours_sp, 208, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy1-000000b7' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:11] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-000000c6 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:11] -- Executing [209@afa_claims_office_hours:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:11] -- Executing [209@afa_claims_office_hours:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "macro-dialext,s,1(209,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:11] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:11] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:11] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:11] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:11] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:11] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:11] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:11] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "Thu Oct 18 10:41:11 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:11] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-000000c6", "SIP/209,30,rtwWM(record^2092710040)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:11] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:11] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:11] -- Called SIP/209 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:11] -- SIP/209-000000c7 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:12] -- SIP/209-000000c7 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:13] -- SIP/209-000000c7 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:14] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000012d;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:14] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:14] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000012d;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:14] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000012d;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:14] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000012e;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:14] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:14] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:14] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000012e;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:14] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000012e;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:14] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:15] -- SIP/209-000000c7 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Executing [+18002921511@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000c8", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c8", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=18002921511)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c8", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c8", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c8", "MACRO_EXTEN=8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000c8", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c8", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=002921511)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c8", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c8", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000c8", "prepincoming,8002921511,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Goto (prepincoming,8002921511,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-000000c8' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-000000c8", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000c8", "Thu Oct 18 10:41:18 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-000000c8", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [7602857259] ==> Cell Phone CA afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000c8", "setinboundcdr,8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c8", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c8", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c8", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:41:18.996 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:7] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000c8", "default,5622523434,7") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Goto (default,5622523434,7) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Executing [5622523434@default:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-000000c8", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c8", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:18] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-000000c8", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:19] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:19] -- SIP/209-000000c7 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:19] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy1-00000090 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:19] -- Playing 'queue-thereare.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:19] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000012f;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:19] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:19] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000012f;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:19] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000012f;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:19] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:19] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000130;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:19] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:19] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000130;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:19] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000130;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:19] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:20] -- AGI Script directory.agi completed, returning 4 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:20] == Spawn extension (afa_claims_office_hours_sp, 9, 0) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000000ba' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:20] == Spawn extension (afa_claims_office_hours, 999, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000000c8' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:21] -- Playing 'digits/3.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:21] -- Playing 'queue-callswaiting.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:23] WARNING[18439]: chan_sip.c:9048 process_sdp: Ignoring video media offer because port number is zero afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:23] -- SIP/209-000000c7 answered SIP/vproxy2-000000c6 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:23] -- Executing [s@macro-record:1] AGI("SIP/209-000000c7", "macrohelper.agi") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:23] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/macrohelper.agi afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:24] -- AGI Script macrohelper.agi completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:24] -- Executing [s@macro-record:2] ExecIf("SIP/209-000000c7", "1?Monitor(wav,inbound-209-1350574884-2092710040,bm)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:24] -- Executing [s@macro-record:3] ExecIf("SIP/209-000000c7", "0?Macro(ishuman)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:24] -- Hold time for loss_reporting is 3 minute(s) 0 seconds afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:24] -- Playing 'queue-holdtime.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:25] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000131;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:25] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:25] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000131;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:25] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000131;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:25] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000132;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:25] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:25] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:25] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000132;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:25] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000132;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:25] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:26] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:26] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:26] -- Executing [+18002921511@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:26] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=18002921511)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:26] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:26] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:26] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:26] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "MACRO_EXTEN=8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:26] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:26] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:26] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=002921511)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:26] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:26] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:26] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "prepincoming,8002921511,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:26] -- Goto (prepincoming,8002921511,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:26] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-000000c9' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:26] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:26] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:26] -- Playing 'vm-deleted.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:26] -- Playing 'digits/3.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:26] -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/vproxy2-000000c6 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:27] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "Thu Oct 18 10:41:27 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:27] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:27] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:27] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [7602857259] ==> Cell Phone CA afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:27] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:27] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "setinboundcdr,8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:27] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:27] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:27] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:27] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:27] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:41:27.264 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:27] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:7] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "default,5622523434,7") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:27] -- Goto (default,5622523434,7) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:27] -- Executing [5622523434@default:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:27] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:27] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:27] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:27] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:27] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:27] -- Playing 'queue-minutes.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:27] -- Playing 'vm-prev.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:28] -- Told SIP/vproxy1-00000090 in loss_reporting their queue position (which was 3) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:28] -- Playing 'queue-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:29] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy1-00000090 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:30] -- Playing 'vm-advopts.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:30] == Spawn extension (outbound, 20, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/287-000000b8' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:30] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000133;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:30] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:30] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000133;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:30] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000133;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:30] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000134;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:30] -- Goto (agents,294,6) [Oct 18 10:41:30] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000134;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:30] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:30] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000134;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:30] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:32] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-0000006b afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:32] -- Playing 'queue-thereare.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:33] -- Playing 'digits/2.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:34] -- Playing 'queue-callswaiting.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:35] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000135;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:35] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:35] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000135;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:35] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000135;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:35] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000136;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:35] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:35] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:35] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000136;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:35] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000136;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:35] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:36] -- Hold time for loss_reporting is 7 minute(s) 0 seconds afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:36] -- Playing 'queue-holdtime.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:39] -- Playing 'digits/7.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:40] -- Playing 'queue-minutes.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:40] -- Told SIP/vproxy2-0000006b in loss_reporting their queue position (which was 2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:40] -- Playing 'queue-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:41] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000137;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:41] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:41] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000137;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:41] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000137;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:41] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000138;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:41] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:41] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:41] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000138;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:41] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000138;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:41] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:42] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy2-0000006b afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:46] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-0000004f afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:46] -- Playing 'queue-youarenext.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:47] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:3] WaitExten("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "5") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:48] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-000000c9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:48] -- Executing [3@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "afa_claims_office_hours_sp,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:48] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours_sp,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:48] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:48] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:48] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "hpbx/44") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:48] -- Playing 'hpbx/44.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:49] NOTICE[18439]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '236' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:49] > Saved useragent "snom370/7.3.30" for peer 236 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:51] -- Told SIP/vproxy2-0000004f in loss_reporting their queue position (which was 1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:51] -- Playing 'queue-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:52] -- Timeout on SIP/vproxy2-000000c5, continuing... afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:52] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:4] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:52] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:52] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:5] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:52] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:53] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy2-0000004f afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:53] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000139;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:53] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:53] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000139;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:53] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000139;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:53] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:53] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000013a;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:53] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:53] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000013a;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:53] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000013a;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:53] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:56] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-000000c6 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:57] == Spawn extension (macro-dialext, s, 9) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000000c6' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:58] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000013b;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:58] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:58] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000013b;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:58] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000013b;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:58] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000013c;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:58] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:58] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:58] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000013c;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:58] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000013c;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:41:58] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:03] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000013d;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:03] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:03] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000013d;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:03] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000013d;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:03] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:03] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000013e;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:03] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:03] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000013e;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:03] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000013e;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:03] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:07] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:07] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:07] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:07] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:07] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:07] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:07] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:07] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:07] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:07] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:07] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:07] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:07] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:07] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:07] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:07] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-000000ca' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:07] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:07] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:08] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "Thu Oct 18 10:42:08 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:08] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:08] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:08] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [9095530345] ==> Vega Cynthia afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:08] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:08] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:08] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:08] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:08] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:08] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:08] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:42:08.633 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:08] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:08] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:08] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:08] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:08] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:08] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:09] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000013f;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:09] -- Goto (agents,201,6) [Oct 18 10:42:09] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000013f;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:09] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000013f;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:09] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000140;2", "1?6") in new stack [Oct 18 10:42:09] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:09] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:09] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000140;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:09] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000140;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:09] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:10] NOTICE[18439]: chan_sip.c:25183 handle_request_register: Registration from '"Nations Ext. 280" ' failed for '' - No matching peer found afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:10] NOTICE[18439]: chan_sip.c:25183 handle_request_register: Registration from '"Nations Ext. 280" ' failed for '' - No matching peer found afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:13] NOTICE[18439]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '228' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:13] > Saved useragent "snom370/7.3.30" for peer 228 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000141;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000141;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000141;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000142;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000142;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000142;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-000000c5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Executing [3@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "afa_claims_office_hours_sp,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours_sp,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "hpbx/44") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Playing 'hpbx/44.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-000000c9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Executing [1@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "CALLERID(name)=*SP New Loss* Cell Phone CA") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Executing [1@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:2] Answer("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Executing [1@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:3] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Executing [1@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "1?Monitor(wav,queue-8-1350574886.820-1350574934-7602857259,b)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Executing [1@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:5] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "QUEUE_PRIO=1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Executing [1@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:6] Queue("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "loss_reporting_sp,t") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy2-000000c9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000143;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000143;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000143;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000144;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000144;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000144;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:14] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000145;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000145;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000145;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000146;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000146;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000146;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] -- Executing [+18002921511@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=18002921511)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "MACRO_EXTEN=8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=002921511)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "prepincoming,8002921511,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] -- Goto (prepincoming,8002921511,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-000000cb' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:19] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:20] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-000000c9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:20] -- Playing 'queue-youarenext.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:20] WARNING[18439]: chan_sip.c:29923 process_crypto: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:20] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "Thu Oct 18 10:42:20 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:20] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:20] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:20] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [6613093777] ==> Cell Phone CA afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:20] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 [Oct 18 10:42:20] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "setinboundcdr,8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:20] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:20] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:20] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:20] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:20] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:42:20.707 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:20] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:7] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "default,5622523434,7") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:20] -- Goto (default,5622523434,7) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:20] -- Executing [5622523434@default:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:20] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:20] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:20] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:20] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:20] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:24] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000147;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:24] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:24] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000147;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:24] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000147;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:24] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000148;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:24] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:24] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:24] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000148;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:24] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000148;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:24] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:25] -- Told SIP/vproxy2-000000c9 in loss_reporting_sp their queue position (which was 1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:25] -- Playing 'queue-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:27] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy2-000000c9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:27] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000149;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:27] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:27] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000149;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:27] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000149;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:27] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000014a;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:27] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:27] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:27] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000014a;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:27] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000014a;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:27] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:30] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000014b;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:30] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:30] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000014b;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:30] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000014b;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:30] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:30] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000014c;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:30] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:30] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000014c;2", "") in new stack [Oct 18 10:42:30] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000014c;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:30] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:31] == Spawn extension (macro-dialoutbound, s, 14) exited non-zero on 'SIP/205-00000066' in macro 'dialoutbound' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:31] == Spawn extension (outbound, 4697656805, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/205-00000066' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:32] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000014d;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:32] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:32] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000014d;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:32] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000014d;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:32] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000014e;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:32] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:32] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:32] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000014e;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:32] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000014e;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:32] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:34] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-000000ca afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:34] -- Executing [208@afa_claims_office_hours:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:34] -- Executing [208@afa_claims_office_hours:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "macro-dialext,s,1(208,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:34] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:34] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack [Oct 18 10:42:34] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "") in new stack [Oct 18 10:42:34] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack [Oct 18 10:42:34] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack [Oct 18 10:42:34] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack [Oct 18 10:42:34] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:34] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "Thu Oct 18 10:42:34 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:34] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "SIP/208,30,rtwWM(record^9095530345)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:34] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:34] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:34] -- Called SIP/208 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:34] -- Got SIP response 480 "Do Not Disturb" back from afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:34] -- SIP/208-000000cc is circuit-busy afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:34] == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/1/0) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:34] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:10] Return("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:34] -- Executing [208@afa_claims_office_hours:3] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434-vm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:34] -- Executing [208@afa_claims_office_hours:4] VoiceMail("SIP/vproxy2-000000ca", "208,u") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:34] -- Playing 'vm-theperson.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:35] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000014f;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:35] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:35] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000014f;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:35] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000014f;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:35] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000150;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:35] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:35] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:35] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000150;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:35] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000150;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:35] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:36] -- Playing 'digits/2.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:36] -- Playing 'digits/0.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:37] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000151;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:37] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:37] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000151;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:37] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000151;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:37] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:37] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000152;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:37] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:37] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000152;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:37] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000152;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:37] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:37] -- Playing 'digits/8.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:38] -- Playing 'vm-isunavail.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:39] -- Playing 'vm-intro.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:40] == Spawn extension (afa_claims_office_hours, 1, 6) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-00000023' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:40] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000153;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:40] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:40] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000153;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:40] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000153;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:40] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000154;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] -- Goto (agents,201,6) [Oct 18 10:42:42] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000154;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000154;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000155;2", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] -- Executing [294@agents:2] NoOp("Local/294@agents-00000155;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] -- Executing [294@agents:3] Set("Local/294@agents-00000155;2", "OUTBOUND_GROUP=294") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] -- Executing [294@agents:4] Set("Local/294@agents-00000155;2", "CHANNEL(parkinglot)=default") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] -- Executing [294@agents:5] Gosub("Local/294@agents-00000155;2", "macro-dialext,s,1(294,0,0,0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("Local/294@agents-00000155;2", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("Local/294@agents-00000155;2", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("Local/294@agents-00000155;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("Local/294@agents-00000155;2", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("Local/294@agents-00000155;2", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("Local/294@agents-00000155;2", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("Local/294@agents-00000155;2", "1?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("Local/294@agents-00000155;2", "Thu Oct 18 10:42:42 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("Local/294@agents-00000155;2", "SIP/294,,wWrt") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] -- Called SIP/294 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] -- Local/294@agents-00000155;1 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] -- Local/294@agents-00000155;1 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-000000c9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:42] -- Local/294@agents-00000155;1 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-000000c9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:43] -- SIP/294-000000cd is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:43] -- Local/294@agents-00000155;1 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:43] -- SIP/294-000000cd is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:44] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-000000cb afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:44] -- Executing [3@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "afa_claims_office_hours_sp,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:44] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours_sp,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:44] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:44] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:44] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "hpbx/44") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:44] -- Playing 'hpbx/44.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:44] -- SIP/294-000000cd is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:44] -- Playing 'beep.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Recording the message afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- x=0, open writing: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/208/tmp/9LaWnh format: wav, 0x9d2fc30 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] ERROR[18439]: chan_sip.c:29899 setup_srtp: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [8003323226@outbound:1] Macro("SIP/210-000000ce", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=003323226)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/210-000000ce", "outbound,8003323226,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Goto (outbound,8003323226,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] == Channel 'SIP/210-000000ce' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [8003323226@outbound:2] Monitor("SIP/210-000000ce", "wav,outbound-210-1350574965-8003323226,bm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [8003323226@outbound:3] Macro("SIP/210-000000ce", "setoutboundcdr") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "1?cid,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcdr,cid,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [cid@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/210-000000ce", "CDR(userfield)=outbound-210-8003323226") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [8003323226@outbound:4] NoOp("SIP/210-000000ce", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [8003323226@outbound:5] Macro("SIP/210-000000ce", "dialoutbound,8003323226") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:1] Macro("SIP/210-000000ce", "formatoutboundnum,8003323226") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:3] GotoIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "0?intplus,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "0?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "1?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "0?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "1?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,4) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "0?natl,7") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:6] GotoIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "0?natl,8") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:7] Set("SIP/210-000000ce", "ARG1=18003323226") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:8] Set("SIP/210-000000ce", "ARG1=+18003323226") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:9] Goto("SIP/210-000000ce", "return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,return,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [return@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] Set("SIP/210-000000ce", "MACRO_RESULT=+18003323226") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:2] Set("SIP/210-000000ce", "numtodial=+18003323226") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:3] ExecIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "1?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:4] ExecIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "1?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:5] ExecIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "1?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:6] Set("SIP/210-000000ce", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:7] Set("SIP/210-000000ce", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:8] NoOp("SIP/210-000000ce", "Thu Oct 18 10:42:45 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:9] NoOp("SIP/210-000000ce", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:10] ExecIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "1?Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=210-8003323226):Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=-8003323226") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:11] Macro("SIP/210-000000ce", "setoutboundcid,server") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:1] GotoIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "0?emergency,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:2] GotoIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:3] GotoIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:4] Goto("SIP/210-000000ce", "custom,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcid,custom,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:1] Macro("SIP/210-000000ce", "servercallerid") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-servercallerid:1] GotoIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "0?setglobalvar,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:2] NoOp("SIP/210-000000ce", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:3] NoOp("SIP/210-000000ce", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:4] NoOp("SIP/210-000000ce", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:5] Set("SIP/210-000000ce", "CALLERID(number)=+15622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:6] AGI("SIP/210-000000ce", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [5622523434] ==> SkyTelecom afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:12] ExecIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "0?Set(numtodial=9691001257)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:13] ExecIf("SIP/210-000000ce", "0?Set(CALLERID(number)=22523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:14] Dial("SIP/210-000000ce", "SIP/+18003323226@vproxy1,,W") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:45] -- Called SIP/+18003323226@vproxy1 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:46] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000156;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:46] -- Goto (agents,201,6) [Oct 18 10:42:46] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000156;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:46] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000156;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:46] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:46] -- SIP/294-000000cd is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:47] -- SIP/vproxy1-000000cf is making progress passing it to SIP/210-000000ce afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:48] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-000000c5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:48] -- Executing [9@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:1] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "directory.agi,11,40") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:48] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/directory.agi afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:48] -- Playing '/var/asterisk/sounds/hpbx/40.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:48] -- User ended message by pressing # afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:48] -- Playing 'auth-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:49] -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/vproxy2-000000ca' status is 'CONGESTION' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:50] -- SIP/294-000000cd is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:51] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000157;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:51] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:51] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000157;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:51] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000157;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:51] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:55] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:55] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:55] -- Executing [+18002995709@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:55] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=18002995709)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:55] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:55] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:55] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:55] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "MACRO_EXTEN=8002995709") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:55] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:55] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:55] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=002995709)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:55] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:55] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:55] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "prepincoming,8002995709,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:55] -- Goto (prepincoming,8002995709,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:55] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-000000d0' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:55] -- Executing [8002995709@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:55] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [8002995709@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "Thu Oct 18 10:42:56 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [8002995709@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [7192722900] ==> C S A A afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [8002995709@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "setinboundcdr,8002995709") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-8002995709") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [8002995709@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:42:56.502 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [8002995709@prepincoming:7] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "monitor,outbound,8002995709") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-monitor:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "1?outbound,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Goto (macro-monitor,outbound,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [outbound@macro-monitor:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "0?Monitor(wav,outbound--1350574976-8002995709,bm)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [8002995709@prepincoming:8] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "setoutboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "0?cid,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcdr:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "0?anonoutbound,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcdr:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "1?hairpin,1:outbound,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcdr,hairpin,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [hairpin@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "CDR(userfield)=hairpin-7192722900-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [8002995709@prepincoming:9] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [8002995709@prepincoming:10] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "dialoutbound,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "formatoutboundnum,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "0?intplus,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "0?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "1?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "0?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "1?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,4) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "0?natl,7") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:6] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "0?natl,8") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:7] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "ARG1=15622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:8] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "ARG1=+15622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:9] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,return,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [return@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "MACRO_RESULT=+15622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "numtodial=+15622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:3] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "1?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "1?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "1?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:7] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "Thu Oct 18 10:42:56 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:9] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:10] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "1?Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=7192722900-5622523434):Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:11] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "setoutboundcid,server") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "0?emergency,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcid,s,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:12] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "0?Set(numtodial=9691001257)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:13] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "0?Set(CALLERID(number)=92722900)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:14] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-000000d0", "SIP/+15622523434@vproxy1,,W") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Called SIP/+15622523434@vproxy1 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000158;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000158;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000158;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000159;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000159;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000159;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy1-000000d2' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- SIP/vproxy1-000000d1 answered SIP/vproxy2-000000d0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:56] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:57] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "Thu Oct 18 10:42:57 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:57] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:57] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:57] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [7192722900] ==> C S A A afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:57] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:57] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:57] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:57] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:57] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:57] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:57] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:42:57.566 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:57] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:57] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:57] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:57] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:57] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:57] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:58] -- Got SIP response 486 "Busy Here" back from afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:58] -- SIP/294-000000cd is busy afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:58] == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:1/0/0) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:58] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:10] Return("Local/294@agents-00000155;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:58] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000155;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:58] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000155;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:42:58] -- Nobody picked up in 16000 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:01] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000015a;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:01] -- Goto (agents,201,6) [Oct 18 10:43:01] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000015a;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:01] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000015a;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:01] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000015b;2", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:01] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:01] -- Executing [294@agents:2] NoOp("Local/294@agents-0000015b;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:01] -- Executing [294@agents:3] Set("Local/294@agents-0000015b;2", "OUTBOUND_GROUP=294") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:01] -- Executing [294@agents:4] Set("Local/294@agents-0000015b;2", "CHANNEL(parkinglot)=default") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:01] -- Executing [294@agents:5] Gosub("Local/294@agents-0000015b;2", "macro-dialext,s,1(294,0,0,0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:01] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("Local/294@agents-0000015b;2", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:01] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("Local/294@agents-0000015b;2", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:01] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("Local/294@agents-0000015b;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:01] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("Local/294@agents-0000015b;2", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:01] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("Local/294@agents-0000015b;2", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:01] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("Local/294@agents-0000015b;2", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:01] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("Local/294@agents-0000015b;2", "1?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:01] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("Local/294@agents-0000015b;2", "Thu Oct 18 10:43:01 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:01] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("Local/294@agents-0000015b;2", "SIP/294,,wWrt") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:01] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:01] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:02] -- Called SIP/294 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:02] -- Local/294@agents-0000015b;1 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:02] -- Local/294@agents-0000015b;1 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-0000004f afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:02] -- Local/294@agents-0000015b;1 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-0000004f afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:02] -- SIP/294-000000d3 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:02] -- Local/294@agents-0000015b;1 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:02] -- SIP/294-000000d3 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:03] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000015c;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:03] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:03] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000015c;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:03] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000015c;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:03] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000015d;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:03] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:03] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:03] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000015d;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:03] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000015d;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:03] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:03] -- SIP/294-000000d3 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:05] -- SIP/vproxy1-000000cf is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:05] -- SIP/vproxy1-000000cf is making progress passing it to SIP/210-000000ce afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:05] -- SIP/294-000000d3 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:05] -- SIP/vproxy1-000000cf answered SIP/210-000000ce afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:07] -- Playing '/var/tmp/ttsInZ20802' (escape_digits=) (sample_offset 0) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:08] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000015e;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:08] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:08] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000015e;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:08] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000015e;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:08] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:08] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000015f;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:08] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:08] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000015f;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:08] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000015f;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:08] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:09] -- Playing '/var/tmp/prompt20774.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:09] -- SIP/294-000000d3 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] WARNING[18439]: chan_sip.c:9048 process_sdp: Ignoring video media offer because port number is zero afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Local/294@agents-0000015b;1 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-0000004f afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- SIP/294-000000d3 answered Local/294@agents-0000015b;2 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Local/294@agents-0000015b;1 answered SIP/vproxy2-0000004f afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-0000004f afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000160;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000160;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000160;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000161;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000161;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000161;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy1-00000090 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Playing 'queue-thereare.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] == Spawn extension (macro-dialext, s, 9) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000015b;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- AGI Script directory.agi completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Executing [207@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Executing [207@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "macro-dialext,s,1(207,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "Thu Oct 18 10:43:12 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "SIP/207,30,rtwWM(record^5599975525)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 [Oct 18 10:43:12] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- Called SIP/207 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:12] -- SIP/207-000000d4 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- SIP/207-000000d4 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000162;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-000000d5' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000162;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000162;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000163;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000163;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000163;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:13] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:14] -- Playing 'digits/2.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:14] -- SIP/207-000000d4 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:14] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "Thu Oct 18 10:43:14 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:14] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:14] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:14] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [9095530345] ==> Vega Cynthia afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:14] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:14] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:14] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:14] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:14] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:14] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:14] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:43:14.729 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:14] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:14] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:14] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:14] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:14] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:14] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:14] -- Playing 'queue-callswaiting.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:16] -- SIP/207-000000d4 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:17] -- Hold time for loss_reporting is 1 minute(s) 0 seconds [Oct 18 10:43:17] -- Playing 'queue-holdtime.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:17] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-0000006b afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:17] -- Playing 'queue-youarenext.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:19] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000164;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:19] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:19] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000164;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:19] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000164;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:19] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:19] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000165;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:19] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:19] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000165;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:19] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000165;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:19] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:19] -- Playing 'digits/1.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:20] -- Playing 'queue-minute.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:20] -- SIP/207-000000d4 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:21] -- Told SIP/vproxy1-00000090 in loss_reporting their queue position (which was 2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:21] -- Playing 'queue-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:22] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy1-00000090 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:22] -- Told SIP/vproxy2-0000006b in loss_reporting their queue position (which was 1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:22] -- Playing 'queue-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:24] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy2-0000006b afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:24] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000166;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:24] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:24] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000166;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:24] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000166;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:24] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:24] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000167;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:24] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:24] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000167;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:24] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000167;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:24] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:24] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000168;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:24] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:24] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000168;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:24] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000168;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:24] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:24] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000169;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:24] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:24] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000169;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:24] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000169;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:24] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-000000d6' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "Thu Oct 18 10:43:26 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [7142727139] ==> Cell Phone CA afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:43:26.947 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:26] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:28] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:3] WaitExten("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "5") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:28] -- SIP/207-000000d4 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:28] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy1-000000d2 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:28] -- Executing [206@afa_claims_office_hours:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:28] -- Executing [206@afa_claims_office_hours:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "macro-dialext,s,1(206,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "Thu Oct 18 10:43:28 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "SIP/206,30,rtwWM(record^7192722900)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:28] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:28] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:28] -- Called SIP/206 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:29] -- SIP/206-000000d7 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:29] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000016a;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:29] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:29] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000016a;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:29] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000016a;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:29] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000016b;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:29] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:29] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000016b;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:29] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000016c;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:29] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:29] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000016b;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:29] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:29] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000016c;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:29] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000016c;2' [Oct 18 10:43:29] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:29] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000016d;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:29] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:29] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:29] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000016d;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:29] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000016d;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:29] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:29] -- SIP/206-000000d7 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:30] -- SIP/206-000000d7 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:32] -- SIP/206-000000d7 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-000000d6 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- Executing [222@afa_claims_office_hours:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- Executing [222@afa_claims_office_hours:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "macro-dialext,s,1(222,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "Thu Oct 18 10:43:33 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "SIP/222,30,rtwWM(record^7142727139)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- Called SIP/222 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-000000cb afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- Executing [8@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:1] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "afa_claims_office_hours_sp,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours_sp,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "hpbx/44") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- Playing 'hpbx/44.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- Got SIP response 480 "Do Not Disturb" back from afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- SIP/222-000000d8 is circuit-busy afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/1/0) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:10] Return("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- Executing [222@afa_claims_office_hours:3] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434-vm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- Executing [222@afa_claims_office_hours:4] VoiceMail("SIP/vproxy2-000000d6", "222,u") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:33] -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/222/unavail.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:35] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000016e;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:35] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:35] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000016e;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:35] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000016e;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:35] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:35] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000016f;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:35] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:35] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000016f;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:35] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000016f;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:35] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:35] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000170;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:35] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:35] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000170;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:35] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000170;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:35] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000171;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:35] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:35] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:35] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000171;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:35] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000171;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:35] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:36] == Spawn extension (macro-dialoutbound, s, 14) exited non-zero on 'SIP/212-000000c3' in macro 'dialoutbound' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:36] == Spawn extension (outbound, 7149133261, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/212-000000c3' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:36] -- SIP/206-000000d7 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:37] == Spawn extension (afa_claims_office_hours, 222, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000000d6' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:37] == Spawn extension (afa_claims_office_hours_sp, 1, 6) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-0000006c' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000172;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000172;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000172;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000173;2", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Executing [201@agents:2] NoOp("Local/201@agents-00000173;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Executing [201@agents:3] Set("Local/201@agents-00000173;2", "OUTBOUND_GROUP=201") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Executing [201@agents:4] Set("Local/201@agents-00000173;2", "CHANNEL(parkinglot)=default") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Executing [201@agents:5] Gosub("Local/201@agents-00000173;2", "macro-dialext,s,1(201,0,0,0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000174;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("Local/201@agents-00000173;2", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000174;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000174;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("Local/201@agents-00000173;2", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("Local/201@agents-00000173;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("Local/201@agents-00000173;2", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("Local/201@agents-00000173;2", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("Local/201@agents-00000173;2", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("Local/201@agents-00000173;2", "1?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("Local/201@agents-00000173;2", "Thu Oct 18 10:43:40 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("Local/201@agents-00000173;2", "SIP/201,,wWrt") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Called SIP/201 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Local/201@agents-00000173;1 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Local/201@agents-00000173;1 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-0000006b afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Local/201@agents-00000173;1 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-0000006b afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- SIP/201-000000d9 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:40] -- Local/201@agents-00000173;1 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:41] -- Remote UNIX connection afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:41] -- Remote UNIX connection disconnected afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:41] -- SIP/201-000000d9 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:42] -- SIP/201-000000d9 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:43] WARNING[18439]: chan_sip.c:9048 process_sdp: Ignoring video media offer because port number is zero afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:43] -- Local/201@agents-00000173;1 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-0000006b afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:43] -- SIP/201-000000d9 answered Local/201@agents-00000173;2 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:43] -- Local/201@agents-00000173;1 answered SIP/vproxy2-0000006b afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:43] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-0000006b afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Nobody picked up in 30000 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:10] Return("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Executing [207@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:3] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434-vm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Executing [207@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:4] VoiceMail("SIP/vproxy2-000000c5", "207,u") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/207/unavail.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] == Spawn extension (macro-dialext, s, 9) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000173;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 [Oct 18 10:43:44] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-000000da' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000175;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Goto (agents,201,6) [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000175;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000175;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000176;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000176;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000176;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:44] -- SIP/206-000000d7 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:45] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "Thu Oct 18 10:43:45 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:45] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:45] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:45] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [7142727139] ==> Cell Phone CA afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:45] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:45] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:45] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:45] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:45] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:45] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:45] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:43:45.408 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:45] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:45] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:45] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:45] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:45] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:45] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:45] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000177;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:45] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:45] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000177;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:45] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000177;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:45] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:49] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy1-00000090 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:50] -- Playing 'queue-youarenext.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:50] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000178;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:50] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:50] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000178;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:50] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000178;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:50] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:52] -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/vproxy2-0000006b afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-000000da afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [210@afa_claims_office_hours:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [210@afa_claims_office_hours:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "macro-dialext,s,1(210,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "Thu Oct 18 10:43:53 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "SIP/210,30,rtwWM(record^7142727139)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Called SIP/210 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] ERROR[18439]: chan_sip.c:29899 setup_srtp: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [661@outbound:1] Macro("SIP/201-000000dc", "monitor,outbound,661") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-monitor:1] GotoIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "1?outbound,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Goto (macro-monitor,outbound,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [outbound@macro-monitor:1] Monitor("SIP/201-000000dc", "wav,outbound-201-1350575033-661,bm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [661@outbound:2] Macro("SIP/201-000000dc", "setoutboundcdr,6619779749") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "0?cid,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcdr:2] GotoIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "0?anonoutbound,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- SIP/210-000000db is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcdr:3] GotoIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "0?hairpin,1:outbound,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcdr,outbound,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [outbound@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/201-000000dc", "CDR(userfield)=outbound-201-6619779749") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [661@outbound:3] NoOp("SIP/201-000000dc", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [661@outbound:4] Macro("SIP/201-000000dc", "dialoutbound,6619779749") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:1] Macro("SIP/201-000000dc", "formatoutboundnum,6619779749") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:3] GotoIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "0?intplus,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "0?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "1?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "0?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "1?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,4) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "0?natl,7") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:6] GotoIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "0?natl,8") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:7] Set("SIP/201-000000dc", "ARG1=16619779749") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:8] Set("SIP/201-000000dc", "ARG1=+16619779749") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:9] Goto("SIP/201-000000dc", "return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,return,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [return@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] Set("SIP/201-000000dc", "MACRO_RESULT=+16619779749") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:2] Set("SIP/201-000000dc", "numtodial=+16619779749") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:3] ExecIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "1?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:4] ExecIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "1?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:5] ExecIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "1?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:6] Set("SIP/201-000000dc", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:7] Set("SIP/201-000000dc", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:8] NoOp("SIP/201-000000dc", "Thu Oct 18 10:43:53 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:9] NoOp("SIP/201-000000dc", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:10] ExecIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "1?Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=201-6619779749):Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=-6619779749") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:11] Macro("SIP/201-000000dc", "setoutboundcid,server") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:1] GotoIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "0?emergency,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:2] GotoIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:3] GotoIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:4] Goto("SIP/201-000000dc", "custom,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcid,custom,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:1] Macro("SIP/201-000000dc", "servercallerid") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [s@macro-servercallerid:1] GotoIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "0?setglobalvar,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:2] NoOp("SIP/201-000000dc", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:3] NoOp("SIP/201-000000dc", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:4] NoOp("SIP/201-000000dc", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:5] Set("SIP/201-000000dc", "CALLERID(number)=+15622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:6] AGI("SIP/201-000000dc", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:53] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:54] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [5622523434] ==> SkyTelecom afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:54] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:54] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:12] ExecIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "0?Set(numtodial=9691001257)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:54] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:13] ExecIf("SIP/201-000000dc", "0?Set(CALLERID(number)=22523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:54] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:14] Dial("SIP/201-000000dc", "SIP/+16619779749@vproxy1,,W") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:54] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:54] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:54] -- Called SIP/+16619779749@vproxy1 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:54] -- SIP/vproxy1-000000dd answered SIP/201-000000dc afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:54] -- SIP/210-000000db is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:54] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-0000006b afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:54] == Spawn extension (outbound, 100, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/201-000000dc' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:55] NOTICE[18439]: chan_sip.c:23251 handle_request_invite: Unable to create/find SIP channel for this INVITE afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:55] -- Told SIP/vproxy1-00000090 in loss_reporting their queue position (which was 1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:55] -- Playing 'queue-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:55] -- SIP/210-000000db is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000179;2", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Executing [201@agents:2] NoOp("Local/201@agents-00000179;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Executing [201@agents:3] Set("Local/201@agents-00000179;2", "OUTBOUND_GROUP=201") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Executing [201@agents:4] Set("Local/201@agents-00000179;2", "CHANNEL(parkinglot)=default") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000017a;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Executing [201@agents:5] Gosub("Local/201@agents-00000179;2", "macro-dialext,s,1(201,0,0,0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000017a;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000017a;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("Local/201@agents-00000179;2", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("Local/201@agents-00000179;2", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("Local/201@agents-00000179;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("Local/201@agents-00000179;2", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("Local/201@agents-00000179;2", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("Local/201@agents-00000179;2", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("Local/201@agents-00000179;2", "1?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("Local/201@agents-00000179;2", "Thu Oct 18 10:43:56 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("Local/201@agents-00000179;2", "SIP/201,,wWrt") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Called SIP/201 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Local/201@agents-00000179;1 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Local/201@agents-00000179;1 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-000000c9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Local/201@agents-00000179;1 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-000000c9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- SIP/201-000000de is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Local/201@agents-00000179;1 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy1-00000090 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000017b;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000017b;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000017b;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:56] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:57] -- SIP/201-000000de is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:57] -- SIP/210-000000db is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:58] -- SIP/201-000000de is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:43:59] -- Playing 'vm-intro.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:00] -- SIP/201-000000de is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:00] -- Nobody picked up in 30000 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:00] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:10] Return("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:00] -- Executing [206@afa_claims_office_hours:3] Set("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434-vm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:00] -- Executing [206@afa_claims_office_hours:4] VoiceMail("SIP/vproxy1-000000d2", "206,u") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:00] -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/206/unavail.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:00] WARNING[18439]: chan_sip.c:9048 process_sdp: Ignoring video media offer because port number is zero afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:00] -- Local/201@agents-00000179;1 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-000000c9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:00] -- SIP/201-000000de answered Local/201@agents-00000179;2 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:00] -- Local/201@agents-00000179;1 answered SIP/vproxy2-000000c9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:01] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-000000c9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:01] == Spawn extension (macro-dialext, s, 9) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000179;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:01] -- SIP/210-000000db is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:02] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000017c;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:02] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:02] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000017c;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:02] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000017c;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:02] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:03] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-000000cb afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:03] -- Executing [1@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "CALLERID(name)=*SP New Loss* Cell Phone CA") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:03] -- Executing [1@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:2] Answer("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:03] -- Executing [1@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:3] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:03] -- Executing [1@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "1?Monitor(wav,queue-8-1350574939.862-1350575043-6613093777,b)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:03] -- Executing [1@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:5] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "QUEUE_PRIO=1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:03] -- Executing [1@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:6] Queue("SIP/vproxy2-000000cb", "loss_reporting_sp,t") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:03] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy2-000000cb afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:03] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000017d;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:03] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:03] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000017d;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:03] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000017d;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:03] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000017e;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:03] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:03] -- Goto (agents,294,6) [Oct 18 10:44:03] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000017e;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:03] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000017e;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:03] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-000000d5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] -- Executing [0@afa_claims_office_hours:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] -- Executing [0@afa_claims_office_hours:2] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "SIP/201&SIP/202&SIP/204&SIP/236&SIP/294,24,rtWwM(record,9095530345)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] -- Called SIP/201 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] -- Called SIP/202 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] -- Called SIP/204 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] -- Called SIP/236 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] -- Called SIP/294 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] -- SIP/201-000000df connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-000000d5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] -- SIP/202-000000e0 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-000000d5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] -- SIP/204-000000e1 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-000000d5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] -- SIP/236-000000e2 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-000000d5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] -- SIP/294-000000e3 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-000000d5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:04] -- Playing 'beep.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:05] -- SIP/236-000000e2 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:05] -- SIP/202-000000e0 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:05] -- SIP/294-000000e3 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:05] -- SIP/201-000000df is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:05] -- SIP/204-000000e1 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:05] -- Recording the message [Oct 18 10:44:05] -- x=0, open writing: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/207/tmp/o4RVKm format: wav, 0xb0183a18 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:05] -- SIP/236-000000e2 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:05] -- SIP/202-000000e0 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:05] -- SIP/294-000000e3 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:05] -- SIP/201-000000df is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:05] -- SIP/204-000000e1 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:06] -- SIP/236-000000e2 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:06] -- SIP/202-000000e0 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:06] -- SIP/294-000000e3 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:06] -- SIP/201-000000df is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:06] -- SIP/204-000000e1 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:07] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy1-00000090 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:07] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy1-00000090 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:07] -- User hung up afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:07] == Spawn extension (afa_claims_office_hours_sp, 207, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000000c5' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:08] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-000000cb [Oct 18 10:44:08] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy2-000000cb afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:08] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-000000cb afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:08] -- Playing 'queue-youarenext.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:08] -- SIP/236-000000e2 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:08] -- SIP/202-000000e0 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:08] -- SIP/294-000000e3 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:08] -- SIP/204-000000e1 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:08] -- SIP/201-000000df is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:09] -- SIP/210-000000db is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:09] -- SIP/236-000000e2 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-000000d5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:09] -- SIP/236-000000e2 answered SIP/vproxy2-000000d5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:10] -- Executing [s@macro-record:1] AGI("SIP/236-000000e2", "macrohelper.agi") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:10] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/macrohelper.agi afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:10] -- AGI Script macrohelper.agi completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:10] -- Executing [s@macro-record:2] ExecIf("SIP/236-000000e2", "1?Monitor(wav,inbound-236-1350575050-9095530345,bm)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:10] -- Executing [s@macro-record:3] ExecIf("SIP/236-000000e2", "0?Macro(ishuman)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:10] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000017f;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:10] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:10] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000017f;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:10] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000017f;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:10] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:10] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000180;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:10] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:10] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000180;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:10] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000180;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:10] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:13] -- Told SIP/vproxy2-000000cb in loss_reporting_sp their queue position (which was 1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:13] -- Playing 'queue-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:15] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy2-000000cb afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:15] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000181;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:15] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:15] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000181;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:15] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000181;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:15] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:15] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000182;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:15] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:15] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000182;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:15] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000182;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:15] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000183;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000183;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000183;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000184;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000184;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000184;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-000000e4' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:16] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:17] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "Thu Oct 18 10:44:17 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:17] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:17] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:17] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [9098230062] ==> RIALTO AUTO BOD afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:17] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:17] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:17] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:17] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:17] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:17] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:17] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:44:17.688 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:17] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:17] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:17] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:17] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:17] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:17] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:21] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000185;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:21] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:21] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000185;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:21] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000185;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:21] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:21] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000186;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:21] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:21] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000186;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:21] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000186;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:21] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:21] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000187;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:21] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:21] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000187;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:21] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000187;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:21] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms [Oct 18 10:44:21] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000188;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:21] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:21] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000188;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:21] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000188;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:21] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:23] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-000000e4 [Oct 18 10:44:23] -- Executing [228@afa_claims_office_hours:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:23] -- Executing [228@afa_claims_office_hours:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "macro-dialext,s,1(228,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:23] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:23] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:23] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:23] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:23] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:23] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:23] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:23] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "Thu Oct 18 10:44:23 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:23] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "SIP/228,30,rtwWM(record^9098230062)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:23] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:23] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:23] -- Called SIP/228 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:24] -- SIP/228-000000e5 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:24] -- SIP/228-000000e5 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:25] -- Nobody picked up in 30000 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:25] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:10] Return("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:25] -- Executing [210@afa_claims_office_hours:3] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434-vm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:25] -- Executing [210@afa_claims_office_hours:4] VoiceMail("SIP/vproxy2-000000da", "210,u") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:25] -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/210/temp.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:25] -- SIP/228-000000e5 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000189;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000189;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000189;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000018a;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000018a;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000018a;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-000000e6' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000018b;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000018b;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000018b;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000018c;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000018c;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000018c;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:26] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:27] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "Thu Oct 18 10:44:27 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:27] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:27] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:27] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [8002252467] ==> LIBERTY MUTUAL afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:27] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:27] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:27] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:27] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:27] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:27] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:27] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:44:27.512 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:27] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:27] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:27] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:27] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:27] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:27] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:27] -- SIP/228-000000e5 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:31] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000018d;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:31] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:31] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000018d;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:31] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000018d;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:31] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:31] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000018e;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:31] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:31] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000018e;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:31] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000018e;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:31] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:31] -- SIP/228-000000e5 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:31] -- Playing 'vm-intro.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:32] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000018f;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:32] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:32] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000018f;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:32] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000018f;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:32] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000190;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:32] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:32] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:32] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000190;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:32] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000190;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:32] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-000000e6 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] -- Executing [292@afa_claims_office_hours:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] -- Executing [292@afa_claims_office_hours:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "macro-dialext,s,1(292,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "Thu Oct 18 10:44:36 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-000000e6", "SIP/292,30,rtwWM(record^8002252467)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] -- Called SIP/292 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] -- SIP/292-000000e7 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000191;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000191;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000191;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000192;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000192;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000192;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:36] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:37] -- SIP/292-000000e7 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:37] -- Playing 'beep.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:37] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000193;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:37] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:37] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000193;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:37] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000193;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:37] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:37] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000194;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:37] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:37] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-00000194;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:37] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000194;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:37] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:37] -- Recording the message afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:37] -- x=0, open writing: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/206/tmp/WgJ2xd format: wav, 0xb028ebb0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:38] -- SIP/292-000000e7 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:39] -- SIP/228-000000e5 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:40] -- SIP/292-000000e7 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] == Spawn extension (afa_claims_office_hours, 1, 6) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-0000004f' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000195;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000195;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000195;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000196;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000196;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000196;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-00000197;2", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Executing [294@agents:2] NoOp("Local/294@agents-00000197;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Executing [294@agents:3] Set("Local/294@agents-00000197;2", "OUTBOUND_GROUP=294") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Executing [294@agents:4] Set("Local/294@agents-00000197;2", "CHANNEL(parkinglot)=default") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Executing [294@agents:5] Gosub("Local/294@agents-00000197;2", "macro-dialext,s,1(294,0,0,0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("Local/294@agents-00000197;2", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("Local/294@agents-00000197;2", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("Local/294@agents-00000197;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("Local/294@agents-00000197;2", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("Local/294@agents-00000197;2", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("Local/294@agents-00000197;2", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("Local/294@agents-00000197;2", "1?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("Local/294@agents-00000197;2", "Thu Oct 18 10:44:42 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("Local/294@agents-00000197;2", "SIP/294,,wWrt") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Called SIP/294 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Local/294@agents-00000197;1 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Local/294@agents-00000197;1 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-000000cb afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Local/294@agents-00000197;1 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-000000cb afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- SIP/294-000000e8 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:42] -- Local/294@agents-00000197;1 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:43] -- SIP/294-000000e8 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:44] -- SIP/292-000000e7 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:44] WARNING[18439]: chan_sip.c:9048 process_sdp: Ignoring video media offer because port number is zero afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:44] -- Local/294@agents-00000197;1 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-000000cb afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:44] -- SIP/294-000000e8 answered Local/294@agents-00000197;2 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:44] -- Local/294@agents-00000197;1 answered SIP/vproxy2-000000cb afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:44] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-000000cb afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:44] == Spawn extension (macro-dialext, s, 9) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-00000197;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:45] WARNING[18439]: chan_sip.c:9048 process_sdp: Ignoring video media offer because port number is zero afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:45] -- SIP/292-000000e7 answered SIP/vproxy2-000000e6 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:45] -- Executing [s@macro-record:1] AGI("SIP/292-000000e7", "macrohelper.agi") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:45] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/macrohelper.agi afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:45] -- AGI Script macrohelper.agi completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:45] -- Executing [s@macro-record:2] ExecIf("SIP/292-000000e7", "1?Monitor(wav,inbound-292-1350575085-8002252467,bm)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:45] -- Executing [s@macro-record:3] ExecIf("SIP/292-000000e7", "0?Macro(ishuman)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:47] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000198;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:47] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:47] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-00000198;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:47] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000198;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:47] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:48] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy2-000000c9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:50] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:50] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:50] ERROR[18439]: chan_sip.c:29899 setup_srtp: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:50] -- Executing [209@outbound:1] NoOp("SIP/201-000000e9", "") in new stack [Oct 18 10:44:50] -- Executing [209@outbound:2] Gosub("SIP/201-000000e9", "macro-dialext,s,1(209,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:50] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/201-000000e9", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:50] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/201-000000e9", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:50] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/201-000000e9", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:50] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/201-000000e9", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:50] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/201-000000e9", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:50] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/201-000000e9", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:50] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/201-000000e9", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:50] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/201-000000e9", "Thu Oct 18 10:44:50 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:50] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/201-000000e9", "SIP/209,30,rtwWM(record^201)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:50] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:50] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:50] -- Called SIP/209 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:50] -- SIP/209-000000ea is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:51] -- SIP/209-000000ea is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:51] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-000000c9 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:51] == Spawn extension (macro-dialext, s, 9) exited non-zero on 'SIP/201-000000e9' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:51] == Spawn extension (outbound, 209, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000000c9' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:51] -- Executing [209@outbound:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:51] -- Executing [209@outbound:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "macro-dialext,s,1(209,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:51] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:51] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:51] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:51] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:51] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:51] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:51] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:51] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "Thu Oct 18 10:44:51 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:51] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "SIP/209,30,rtwWM(record^7602857259)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:51] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:51] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:51] -- Called SIP/209 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:52] -- SIP/209-000000eb is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:52] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-00000199;2", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:52] -- Executing [201@agents:2] NoOp("Local/201@agents-00000199;2", "") in new stack [Oct 18 10:44:52] -- Executing [201@agents:3] Set("Local/201@agents-00000199;2", "OUTBOUND_GROUP=201") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:52] -- Executing [201@agents:4] Set("Local/201@agents-00000199;2", "CHANNEL(parkinglot)=default") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:52] -- Executing [201@agents:5] Gosub("Local/201@agents-00000199;2", "macro-dialext,s,1(201,0,0,0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:52] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("Local/201@agents-00000199;2", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:52] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("Local/201@agents-00000199;2", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:52] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("Local/201@agents-00000199;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:52] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("Local/201@agents-00000199;2", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:52] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("Local/201@agents-00000199;2", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:52] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("Local/201@agents-00000199;2", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:52] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("Local/201@agents-00000199;2", "1?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:52] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("Local/201@agents-00000199;2", "Thu Oct 18 10:44:52 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:52] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("Local/201@agents-00000199;2", "SIP/201,,wWrt") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:52] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:52] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:52] -- Called SIP/201 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:52] -- Local/201@agents-00000199;1 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:52] -- Local/201@agents-00000199;1 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy1-00000090 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:52] -- Local/201@agents-00000199;1 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy1-00000090 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:52] -- SIP/209-000000eb is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:53] -- SIP/209-000000eb is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:53] -- SIP/201-000000ec is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:53] -- Local/201@agents-00000199;1 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:53] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:53] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:53] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000ed", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:53] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ed", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:53] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ed", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:53] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ed", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:53] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:53] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ed", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:53] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000ed", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:53] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:53] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ed", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:53] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ed", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:53] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ed", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:53] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000ed", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:53] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:53] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-000000ed' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:53] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-000000ed", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:53] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:53] -- SIP/201-000000ec is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:54] -- SIP/201-000000ec is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:54] -- SIP/209-000000eb is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:54] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000ed", "Thu Oct 18 10:44:54 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:54] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-000000ed", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack [Oct 18 10:44:54] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:54] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [9518428986] ==> Salgado Anthony afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:54] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:54] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000ed", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:54] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ed", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:54] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:54] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ed", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:54] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ed", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:54] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:44:54.473 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:54] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-000000ed", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:54] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:54] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ed", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:54] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:54] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-000000ed", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:54] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:55] -- SIP/201-000000ec is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:55] WARNING[18439]: chan_sip.c:9048 process_sdp: Ignoring video media offer because port number is zero afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:55] -- Local/201@agents-00000199;1 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy1-00000090 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:55] -- SIP/201-000000ec answered Local/201@agents-00000199;2 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:55] -- Local/201@agents-00000199;1 answered SIP/vproxy1-00000090 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:55] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy1-00000090 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:55] -- Nobody picked up in 30000 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:55] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:10] Return("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:55] -- Executing [228@afa_claims_office_hours:3] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434-vm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:55] -- Executing [228@afa_claims_office_hours:4] VoiceMail("SIP/vproxy2-000000e4", "228,u") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:55] -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/228/unavail.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:55] == Spawn extension (macro-dialoutbound, s, 14) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-0000006b' in macro 'dialoutbound' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:55] == Spawn extension (outbound, 661, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-0000006b' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:55] == Spawn extension (macro-dialext, s, 9) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-00000199;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:56] -- SIP/209-000000eb is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:44:57] == Spawn extension (afa_claims_office_hours, 228, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000000e4' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:00] -- SIP/209-000000eb is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:00] -- Playing 'vm-intro.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:05] -- Playing 'beep.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:06] -- Recording the message afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:06] -- x=0, open writing: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/210/tmp/p8micN format: wav, 0x9c21918 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:08] -- SIP/209-000000eb is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] WARNING[20900]: app.c:860 __ast_play_and_record: No audio available on SIP/vproxy2-000000da?? afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- User hung up afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] == Spawn extension (afa_claims_office_hours, 210, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000000da' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 [Oct 18 10:45:10] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] ERROR[18439]: chan_sip.c:29899 setup_srtp: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [17143439666@outbound:1] Macro("SIP/212-000000ee", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=7143439666)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/212-000000ee", "MACRO_EXTEN=7143439666") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/212-000000ee", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=143439666)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/212-000000ee", "outbound,7143439666,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Goto (outbound,7143439666,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] == Channel 'SIP/212-000000ee' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [7143439666@outbound:2] Monitor("SIP/212-000000ee", "wav,outbound-212-1350575110-7143439666,bm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [7143439666@outbound:3] Macro("SIP/212-000000ee", "setoutboundcdr") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "1?cid,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcdr,cid,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [cid@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/212-000000ee", "CDR(userfield)=outbound-212-7143439666") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [7143439666@outbound:4] NoOp("SIP/212-000000ee", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [7143439666@outbound:5] Macro("SIP/212-000000ee", "dialoutbound,7143439666") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:1] Macro("SIP/212-000000ee", "formatoutboundnum,7143439666") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:3] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "0?intplus,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "0?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "1?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "0?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "1?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,4) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "0?natl,7") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:6] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "0?natl,8") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:7] Set("SIP/212-000000ee", "ARG1=17143439666") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:8] Set("SIP/212-000000ee", "ARG1=+17143439666") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:9] Goto("SIP/212-000000ee", "return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,return,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [return@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] Set("SIP/212-000000ee", "MACRO_RESULT=+17143439666") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:2] Set("SIP/212-000000ee", "numtodial=+17143439666") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:3] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "1?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:4] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "1?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:5] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "1?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:6] Set("SIP/212-000000ee", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:7] Set("SIP/212-000000ee", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:8] NoOp("SIP/212-000000ee", "Thu Oct 18 10:45:10 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:9] NoOp("SIP/212-000000ee", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:10] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "1?Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=212-7143439666):Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=-7143439666") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:11] Macro("SIP/212-000000ee", "setoutboundcid,server") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:1] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "0?emergency,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:2] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:3] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:4] Goto("SIP/212-000000ee", "custom,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcid,custom,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:1] Macro("SIP/212-000000ee", "servercallerid") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-servercallerid:1] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "0?setglobalvar,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:2] NoOp("SIP/212-000000ee", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:3] NoOp("SIP/212-000000ee", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:4] NoOp("SIP/212-000000ee", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:5] Set("SIP/212-000000ee", "CALLERID(number)=+15622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:6] AGI("SIP/212-000000ee", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [5622523434] ==> SkyTelecom afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:12] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "0?Set(numtodial=9691001257)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:13] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000ee", "0?Set(CALLERID(number)=22523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:14] Dial("SIP/212-000000ee", "SIP/+17143439666@vproxy1,,W") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:10] -- Called SIP/+17143439666@vproxy1 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:11] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:11] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:11] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:11] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:11] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:11] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:11] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:11] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:11] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:11] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:11] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:11] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:11] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:11] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:11] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:11] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-000000f0' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:11] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:11] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "Thu Oct 18 10:45:12 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [9098230060] ==> RIALTO AUTO BOD afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:45:12.444 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- SIP/vproxy1-000000ef is making progress passing it to SIP/212-000000ee afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-000000f1' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:12] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:13] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "Thu Oct 18 10:45:13 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:13] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:13] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:13] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [7142727139] ==> Cell Phone CA afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:13] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:13] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:13] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:13] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:13] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:13] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:13] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:45:13.485 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:13] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:13] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:13] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:13] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:13] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:13] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:16] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy1-00000090 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:18] == Spawn extension (afa_claims_office_hours, 999, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000000ed' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:18] -- SIP/vproxy1-000000ef is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:18] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-000000f1 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:18] -- SIP/vproxy1-000000ef is making progress passing it to SIP/212-000000ee afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:18] -- Executing [222@afa_claims_office_hours:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:18] -- Executing [222@afa_claims_office_hours:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "macro-dialext,s,1(222,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:18] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:18] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:18] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:18] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:18] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:18] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:18] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:18] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "Thu Oct 18 10:45:18 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:18] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "SIP/222,30,rtwWM(record^7142727139)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:18] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:18] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:18] -- Called SIP/222 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:19] -- Got SIP response 480 "Do Not Disturb" back from afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:19] -- SIP/222-000000f2 is circuit-busy afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:19] == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/1/0) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:19] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:10] Return("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:19] -- Executing [222@afa_claims_office_hours:3] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434-vm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:19] -- Executing [222@afa_claims_office_hours:4] VoiceMail("SIP/vproxy2-000000f1", "222,u") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:19] -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/222/unavail.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:22] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-000000f0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:22] -- Executing [208@afa_claims_office_hours:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:22] -- Executing [208@afa_claims_office_hours:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "macro-dialext,s,1(208,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:22] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:22] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:22] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:22] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:22] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:22] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:22] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:22] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "Thu Oct 18 10:45:22 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:22] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "SIP/208,30,rtwWM(record^9098230060)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:22] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:22] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:22] -- Called SIP/208 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:22] -- Got SIP response 480 "Do Not Disturb" back from afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:22] -- SIP/208-000000f3 is circuit-busy afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:22] == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/1/0) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:22] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:10] Return("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:22] -- Executing [208@afa_claims_office_hours:3] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434-vm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:22] -- Executing [208@afa_claims_office_hours:4] VoiceMail("SIP/vproxy2-000000f0", "208,u") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:22] -- Playing 'vm-theperson.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:23] -- Nobody picked up in 30000 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:23] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:10] Return("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:23] -- Executing [209@outbound:3] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-8002921511-vm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:23] -- Executing [209@outbound:4] VoiceMail("SIP/vproxy2-000000c9", "209,u") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:23] -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/209/unavail.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:24] -- Playing 'digits/2.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:25] -- Playing 'digits/0.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:25] -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/vproxy2-000000d5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:25] -- Playing 'digits/8.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:26] -- Playing 'vm-isunavail.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:27] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:27] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:27] ERROR[18439]: chan_sip.c:29899 setup_srtp: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:27] -- Executing [230@outbound:1] NoOp("SIP/236-000000f4", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:27] -- Executing [230@outbound:2] Gosub("SIP/236-000000f4", "macro-dialext,s,1(230,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:27] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/236-000000f4", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:27] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/236-000000f4", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:27] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/236-000000f4", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:27] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/236-000000f4", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:27] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/236-000000f4", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:27] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/236-000000f4", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:27] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/236-000000f4", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:27] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/236-000000f4", "Thu Oct 18 10:45:27 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:27] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/236-000000f4", "SIP/230,30,rtwWM(record^236)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:27] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:27] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:27] -- Called SIP/230 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:27] -- Playing 'vm-intro.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:27] -- SIP/230-000000f5 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:28] -- SIP/230-000000f5 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:28] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-000000d5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:28] == Spawn extension (macro-dialext, s, 9) exited non-zero on 'SIP/236-000000f4' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:28] == Spawn extension (outbound, 230, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000000d5' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:28] -- Executing [230@outbound:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:28] -- Executing [230@outbound:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "macro-dialext,s,1(230,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "Thu Oct 18 10:45:28 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:28] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "SIP/230,30,rtwWM(record^9095530345)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:28] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:28] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:28] -- Called SIP/230 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:28] -- Playing 'vm-intro.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:29] -- SIP/230-000000f6 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:29] -- SIP/230-000000f6 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:29] -- SIP/230-000000f6 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:29] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:29] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:29] -- Executing [+18002921511@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:29] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=18002921511)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:29] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:29] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:29] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:29] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "MACRO_EXTEN=8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:29] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:29] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:29] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=002921511)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:29] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:29] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:29] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "prepincoming,8002921511,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:29] -- Goto (prepincoming,8002921511,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:29] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-000000f7' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:29] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:29] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:30] -- SIP/230-000000f6 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:30] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "Thu Oct 18 10:45:30 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:30] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:30] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:30] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [2816458628] ==> Alberth Herrion afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:30] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:30] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "setinboundcdr,8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:30] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:30] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:30] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:30] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:30] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:45:30.715 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:30] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:7] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "default,5622523434,7") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:30] -- Goto (default,5622523434,7) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:30] -- Executing [5622523434@default:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:30] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:30] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:30] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:30] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:30] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:31] == Spawn extension (macro-dialoutbound, s, 14) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000000d0' in macro 'dialoutbound' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:31] == Spawn extension (prepincoming, 8002995709, 10) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000000d0' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:31] -- User hung up afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:31] == Spawn extension (afa_claims_office_hours, 206, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy1-000000d2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:31] == Spawn extension (afa_claims_office_hours, 222, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000000f1' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:32] -- SIP/230-000000f6 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:32] == Spawn extension (afa_claims_office_hours, 208, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000000f0' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:35] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy2-000000cb afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:36] -- SIP/230-000000f6 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:39] -- SIP/vproxy1-000000ef is making progress passing it to SIP/212-000000ee afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:39] -- SIP/vproxy1-000000ef answered SIP/212-000000ee afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:42] == Spawn extension (macro-dialoutbound, s, 14) exited non-zero on 'SIP/212-000000ee' in macro 'dialoutbound' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:42] == Spawn extension (outbound, 7143439666, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/212-000000ee' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:44] -- SIP/230-000000f6 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] ERROR[18439]: chan_sip.c:29899 setup_srtp: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [12092278322@outbound:1] Macro("SIP/229-000000f8", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=2092278322)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/229-000000f8", "MACRO_EXTEN=2092278322") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/229-000000f8", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=092278322)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/229-000000f8", "outbound,2092278322,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Goto (outbound,2092278322,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] == Channel 'SIP/229-000000f8' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [2092278322@outbound:2] Monitor("SIP/229-000000f8", "wav,outbound-229-1350575146-2092278322,bm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [2092278322@outbound:3] Macro("SIP/229-000000f8", "setoutboundcdr") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "1?cid,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcdr,cid,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [cid@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/229-000000f8", "CDR(userfield)=outbound-229-2092278322") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [2092278322@outbound:4] NoOp("SIP/229-000000f8", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [2092278322@outbound:5] Macro("SIP/229-000000f8", "dialoutbound,2092278322") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:1] Macro("SIP/229-000000f8", "formatoutboundnum,2092278322") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:3] GotoIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "0?intplus,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "0?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "1?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "0?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "1?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,4) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "0?natl,7") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:6] GotoIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "0?natl,8") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:7] Set("SIP/229-000000f8", "ARG1=12092278322") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:8] Set("SIP/229-000000f8", "ARG1=+12092278322") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:9] Goto("SIP/229-000000f8", "return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,return,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [return@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] Set("SIP/229-000000f8", "MACRO_RESULT=+12092278322") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:2] Set("SIP/229-000000f8", "numtodial=+12092278322") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:3] ExecIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "1?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:4] ExecIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "1?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:5] ExecIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "1?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:6] Set("SIP/229-000000f8", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:7] Set("SIP/229-000000f8", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:8] NoOp("SIP/229-000000f8", "Thu Oct 18 10:45:46 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:9] NoOp("SIP/229-000000f8", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:10] ExecIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "1?Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=229-2092278322):Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=-2092278322") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:11] Macro("SIP/229-000000f8", "setoutboundcid,server") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:1] GotoIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "0?emergency,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:2] GotoIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:3] GotoIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:4] Goto("SIP/229-000000f8", "custom,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcid,custom,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:1] Macro("SIP/229-000000f8", "servercallerid") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-servercallerid:1] GotoIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "0?setglobalvar,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:2] NoOp("SIP/229-000000f8", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:3] NoOp("SIP/229-000000f8", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:4] NoOp("SIP/229-000000f8", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:5] Set("SIP/229-000000f8", "CALLERID(number)=+15622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:6] AGI("SIP/229-000000f8", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [5622523434] ==> SkyTelecom afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:12] ExecIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "0?Set(numtodial=9691001257)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:13] ExecIf("SIP/229-000000f8", "0?Set(CALLERID(number)=22523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:14] Dial("SIP/229-000000f8", "SIP/+12092278322@vproxy1,,W") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:46] -- Called SIP/+12092278322@vproxy1 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] ERROR[18439]: chan_sip.c:29899 setup_srtp: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [17148727575@outbound:1] Macro("SIP/212-000000fa", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=7148727575)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/212-000000fa", "MACRO_EXTEN=7148727575") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/212-000000fa", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=148727575)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/212-000000fa", "outbound,7148727575,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Goto (outbound,7148727575,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] == Channel 'SIP/212-000000fa' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [7148727575@outbound:2] Monitor("SIP/212-000000fa", "wav,outbound-212-1350575159-7148727575,bm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [7148727575@outbound:3] Macro("SIP/212-000000fa", "setoutboundcdr") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "1?cid,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcdr,cid,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [cid@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/212-000000fa", "CDR(userfield)=outbound-212-7148727575") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [7148727575@outbound:4] NoOp("SIP/212-000000fa", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [7148727575@outbound:5] Macro("SIP/212-000000fa", "dialoutbound,7148727575") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:1] Macro("SIP/212-000000fa", "formatoutboundnum,7148727575") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:3] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "0?intplus,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "0?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "1?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "0?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "1?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,4) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "0?natl,7") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:6] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "0?natl,8") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:7] Set("SIP/212-000000fa", "ARG1=17148727575") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:8] Set("SIP/212-000000fa", "ARG1=+17148727575") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:9] Goto("SIP/212-000000fa", "return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,return,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [return@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] Set("SIP/212-000000fa", "MACRO_RESULT=+17148727575") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:2] Set("SIP/212-000000fa", "numtodial=+17148727575") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:3] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "1?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:4] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "1?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:5] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "1?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:6] Set("SIP/212-000000fa", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:7] Set("SIP/212-000000fa", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:8] NoOp("SIP/212-000000fa", "Thu Oct 18 10:45:59 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:9] NoOp("SIP/212-000000fa", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:10] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "1?Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=212-7148727575):Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=-7148727575") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:11] Macro("SIP/212-000000fa", "setoutboundcid,server") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:1] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "0?emergency,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:2] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:3] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:4] Goto("SIP/212-000000fa", "custom,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcid,custom,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:1] Macro("SIP/212-000000fa", "servercallerid") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-servercallerid:1] GotoIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "0?setglobalvar,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:2] NoOp("SIP/212-000000fa", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:3] NoOp("SIP/212-000000fa", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:4] NoOp("SIP/212-000000fa", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:5] Set("SIP/212-000000fa", "CALLERID(number)=+15622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:6] AGI("SIP/212-000000fa", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [5622523434] ==> SkyTelecom afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:12] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "0?Set(numtodial=9691001257)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:13] ExecIf("SIP/212-000000fa", "0?Set(CALLERID(number)=22523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:14] Dial("SIP/212-000000fa", "SIP/+17148727575@vproxy1,,W") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Called SIP/+17148727575@vproxy1 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Nobody picked up in 30000 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:10] Return("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [230@outbound:3] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434-vm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Executing [230@outbound:4] VoiceMail("SIP/vproxy2-000000d5", "230,u") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/230/unavail.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:45:59] -- Playing 'vm-intro.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:00] -- SIP/vproxy1-000000fb is making progress passing it to SIP/212-000000fa afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:02] == Spawn extension (macro-dialoutbound, s, 14) exited non-zero on 'SIP/212-000000fa' in macro 'dialoutbound' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:02] == Spawn extension (outbound, 7148727575, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/212-000000fa' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:03] -- SIP/vproxy1-000000f9 answered SIP/229-000000f8 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:04] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-000000f7 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:04] -- Executing [287@afa_claims_office_hours:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:04] -- Executing [287@afa_claims_office_hours:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "macro-dialext,s,1(287,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:04] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:04] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:04] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:04] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:04] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:04] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:04] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:04] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "Thu Oct 18 10:46:04 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:04] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "SIP/287,30,rtwWM(record^2816458628)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:04] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:04] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:04] -- Called SIP/287 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:04] -- SIP/287-000000fc is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:05] -- SIP/287-000000fc is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:05] -- Playing 'beep.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:05] -- Recording the message afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:05] -- x=0, open writing: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/209/tmp/ArSewr format: wav, 0xb0290e48 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:06] -- SIP/287-000000fc is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:08] -- SIP/287-000000fc is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:12] -- SIP/287-000000fc is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:17] == Spawn extension (macro-dialoutbound, s, 14) exited non-zero on 'SIP/229-000000f8' in macro 'dialoutbound' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:17] == Spawn extension (outbound, 2092278322, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/229-000000f8' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:20] -- SIP/287-000000fc is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:33] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-000000cb afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:34] == Spawn extension (macro-dialoutbound, s, 14) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-0000008f' in macro 'dialoutbound' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:34] == Spawn extension (outbound, 661, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-0000008f' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:35] -- Nobody picked up in 30000 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:35] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:10] Return("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:35] -- Executing [287@afa_claims_office_hours:3] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-8002921511-vm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:35] -- Executing [287@afa_claims_office_hours:4] VoiceMail("SIP/vproxy2-000000f7", "287,u") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:35] -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/287/unavail.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:37] -- Playing 'vm-intro.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:38] -- Recording automatically stopped after a silence of 10 seconds afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:38] -- Playing 'auth-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:39] -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/vproxy2-000000c9' status is 'NOANSWER' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:43] -- Playing 'beep.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:43] -- Recording the message afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:43] -- x=0, open writing: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/230/tmp/r2I6r9 format: wav, 0xb0290e48 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:55] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy2-000000cb afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:46:58] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-000000cb afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] ERROR[18439]: chan_sip.c:29899 setup_srtp: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [18774746379@outbound:1] Macro("SIP/289-000000fd", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=8774746379)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/289-000000fd", "MACRO_EXTEN=8774746379") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/289-000000fd", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=774746379)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/289-000000fd", "outbound,8774746379,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Goto (outbound,8774746379,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] == Channel 'SIP/289-000000fd' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [8774746379@outbound:2] Monitor("SIP/289-000000fd", "wav,outbound-289-1350575222-8774746379,bm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [8774746379@outbound:3] Macro("SIP/289-000000fd", "setoutboundcdr") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "1?cid,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcdr,cid,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [cid@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/289-000000fd", "CDR(userfield)=outbound-289-8774746379") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [8774746379@outbound:4] NoOp("SIP/289-000000fd", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [8774746379@outbound:5] Macro("SIP/289-000000fd", "dialoutbound,8774746379") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:1] Macro("SIP/289-000000fd", "formatoutboundnum,8774746379") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:3] GotoIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "0?intplus,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "0?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "1?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "0?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "1?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,4) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "0?natl,7") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:6] GotoIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "0?natl,8") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:7] Set("SIP/289-000000fd", "ARG1=18774746379") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:8] Set("SIP/289-000000fd", "ARG1=+18774746379") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:9] Goto("SIP/289-000000fd", "return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,return,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [return@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] Set("SIP/289-000000fd", "MACRO_RESULT=+18774746379") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:2] Set("SIP/289-000000fd", "numtodial=+18774746379") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:3] ExecIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "1?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:4] ExecIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "1?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:5] ExecIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "1?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:6] Set("SIP/289-000000fd", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:7] Set("SIP/289-000000fd", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:8] NoOp("SIP/289-000000fd", "Thu Oct 18 10:47:02 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:9] NoOp("SIP/289-000000fd", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:10] ExecIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "1?Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=289-8774746379):Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=-8774746379") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:11] Macro("SIP/289-000000fd", "setoutboundcid,server") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:1] GotoIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "0?emergency,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:2] GotoIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:3] GotoIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:4] Goto("SIP/289-000000fd", "custom,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcid,custom,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:1] Macro("SIP/289-000000fd", "servercallerid") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-servercallerid:1] GotoIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "0?setglobalvar,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:2] NoOp("SIP/289-000000fd", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:3] NoOp("SIP/289-000000fd", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:4] NoOp("SIP/289-000000fd", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:5] Set("SIP/289-000000fd", "CALLERID(number)=+15622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:6] AGI("SIP/289-000000fd", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [5622523434] ==> SkyTelecom afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:12] ExecIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "0?Set(numtodial=9691001257)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:13] ExecIf("SIP/289-000000fd", "0?Set(CALLERID(number)=22523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:14] Dial("SIP/289-000000fd", "SIP/+18774746379@vproxy1,,W") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:02] -- Called SIP/+18774746379@vproxy1 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:03] -- SIP/vproxy1-000000fe is making progress passing it to SIP/289-000000fd afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:04] -- SIP/vproxy1-000000fe is making progress passing it to SIP/289-000000fd afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:04] -- SIP/vproxy1-000000fe answered SIP/289-000000fd afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:05] -- Playing 'vm-intro.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:10] NOTICE[18439]: chan_sip.c:25183 handle_request_register: Registration from '"Nations Ext. 280" ' failed for '' - No matching peer found afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:10] NOTICE[18439]: chan_sip.c:25183 handle_request_register: Registration from '"Nations Ext. 280" ' failed for '' - No matching peer found afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:11] -- Playing 'beep.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:11] -- Recording the message afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:11] -- x=0, open writing: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/287/tmp/orjjen format: wav, 0xb028ebb0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:24] -- Recording automatically stopped after a silence of 10 seconds afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:24] -- Playing 'auth-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:24] -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/vproxy2-000000f7' status is 'NOANSWER' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [+18002995709@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=18002995709)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "MACRO_EXTEN=8002995709") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=002995709)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "prepincoming,8002995709,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Goto (prepincoming,8002995709,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-000000ff' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [8002995709@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [8002995709@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "Thu Oct 18 10:47:31 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [8002995709@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [6196025752] ==> Reyes Faustino afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [8002995709@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "setinboundcdr,8002995709") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-8002995709") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [8002995709@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:47:31.926 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [8002995709@prepincoming:7] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "monitor,outbound,8002995709") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-monitor:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "1?outbound,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Goto (macro-monitor,outbound,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [outbound@macro-monitor:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "0?Monitor(wav,outbound--1350575251-8002995709,bm)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [8002995709@prepincoming:8] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "setoutboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "0?cid,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcdr:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "0?anonoutbound,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcdr:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "1?hairpin,1:outbound,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcdr,hairpin,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [hairpin@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "CDR(userfield)=hairpin-6196025752-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [8002995709@prepincoming:9] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [8002995709@prepincoming:10] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "dialoutbound,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "formatoutboundnum,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "0?intplus,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "0?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "1?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "0?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "1?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,4) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "0?natl,7") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:6] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "0?natl,8") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:7] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "ARG1=15622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:8] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "ARG1=+15622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:9] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,return,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [return@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "MACRO_RESULT=+15622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "numtodial=+15622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:3] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "1?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "1?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "1?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:31] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:7] Set("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "Thu Oct 18 10:47:32 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:9] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:10] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "1?Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=6196025752-5622523434):Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:11] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "setoutboundcid,server") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "0?emergency,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcid,s,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:12] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "0?Set(numtodial=9691001257)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:13] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "0?Set(CALLERID(number)=96025752)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:14] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-000000ff", "SIP/+15622523434@vproxy1,,W") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Called SIP/+15622523434@vproxy1 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy1-00000101", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy1-00000101", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-00000101", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-00000101", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy1-00000101", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy1-00000101", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy1-00000101", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-00000101", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-00000101", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy1-00000101", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy1-00000101' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy1-00000101", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- SIP/vproxy1-00000100 answered SIP/vproxy2-000000ff afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- User hung up afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] == Spawn extension (outbound, 230, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000000d5' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy1-00000101", "Thu Oct 18 10:47:32 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy1-00000101", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:32] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:33] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [6196025752] ==> Reyes Faustino afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:33] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:33] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy1-00000101", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:33] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-00000101", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:33] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:33] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy1-00000101", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:33] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy1-00000101", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:33] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:47:33.291 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:33] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy1-00000101", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:33] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:33] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy1-00000101", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:33] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:33] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy1-00000101", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:33] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:37] == Spawn extension (macro-dialoutbound, s, 14) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000000ff' in macro 'dialoutbound' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:37] == Spawn extension (prepincoming, 8002995709, 10) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000000ff' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:37] == Spawn extension (afa_claims_office_hours, 999, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy1-00000101' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:46] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:46] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:46] -- Executing [+18002921511@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:46] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=18002921511)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:46] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:46] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:46] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:46] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "MACRO_EXTEN=8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:46] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:46] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:46] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=002921511)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:46] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:46] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:46] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "prepincoming,8002921511,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:46] -- Goto (prepincoming,8002921511,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:46] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-00000102' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:46] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:46] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:47] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "Thu Oct 18 10:47:47 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:47] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:47] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:47] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [2816458628] ==> Alberth Herrion afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:47] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:47] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "setinboundcdr,8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:47] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:47] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:47] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:47] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:47] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:47:47.254 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:47] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:7] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "default,5622523434,7") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:47] -- Goto (default,5622523434,7) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:47] -- Executing [5622523434@default:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:47] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:47] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:47] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:47] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:47] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:52] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 [Oct 18 10:47:52] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:52] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:52] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:52] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:52] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:52] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:52] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:52] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:52] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:52] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:52] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:52] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:52] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:52] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:52] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-00000103' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:52] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:52] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:53] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "Thu Oct 18 10:47:53 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:53] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:53] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:53] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [9518428986] ==> Salgado Anthony afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:53] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:53] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:53] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:53] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:53] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:53] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:53] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:47:53.124 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:53] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:53] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:53] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:53] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:53] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:47:53] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-00000104' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-00000102 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [287@afa_claims_office_hours:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [287@afa_claims_office_hours:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "macro-dialext,s,1(287,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "Thu Oct 18 10:48:17 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "Thu Oct 18 10:48:17 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "SIP/287,30,rtwWM(record^2816458628)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Called SIP/287 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [9097634490] ==> TOYOTASBERNDINO afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:48:17.979 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:17] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:18] -- SIP/287-00000105 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:18] -- SIP/287-00000105 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:19] -- SIP/287-00000105 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:21] -- SIP/287-00000105 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:25] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-00000103 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:25] -- Executing [228@afa_claims_office_hours:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:25] -- Executing [228@afa_claims_office_hours:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "macro-dialext,s,1(228,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:25] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:25] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:25] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:25] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:25] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:25] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:25] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:25] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "Thu Oct 18 10:48:25 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:25] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-00000103", "SIP/228,30,rtwWM(record^9518428986)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:25] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:25] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:25] -- Called SIP/228 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:25] -- SIP/287-00000105 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:25] -- SIP/228-00000106 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:26] -- SIP/228-00000106 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:27] -- SIP/228-00000106 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:29] -- SIP/228-00000106 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:33] -- SIP/228-00000106 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:33] -- SIP/287-00000105 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:41] -- Remote UNIX connection afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:41] -- Remote UNIX connection disconnected afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:41] -- SIP/228-00000106 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:46] WARNING[18439]: chan_sip.c:9048 process_sdp: Ignoring video media offer because port number is zero afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:46] -- SIP/228-00000106 answered SIP/vproxy2-00000103 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:46] -- Executing [s@macro-record:1] AGI("SIP/228-00000106", "macrohelper.agi") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:46] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/macrohelper.agi afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:46] -- AGI Script macrohelper.agi completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:46] -- Executing [s@macro-record:2] ExecIf("SIP/228-00000106", "1?Monitor(wav,inbound-228-1350575326-9518428986,bm)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:46] -- Executing [s@macro-record:3] ExecIf("SIP/228-00000106", "0?Macro(ishuman)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:49] -- Nobody picked up in 30000 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:49] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:10] Return("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:49] -- Executing [287@afa_claims_office_hours:3] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-8002921511-vm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:49] -- Executing [287@afa_claims_office_hours:4] VoiceMail("SIP/vproxy2-00000102", "287,u") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:49] -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/287/unavail.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:54] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-00000104 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:54] -- Executing [9@afa_claims_office_hours:1] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "directory.agi,11,39") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:54] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/directory.agi afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:54] -- Playing '/var/asterisk/sounds/hpbx/39.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:57] == Spawn extension (macro-dialext, s, 9) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-000000e6' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:58] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:58] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:58] -- Executing [+18002921511@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:58] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=18002921511)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:58] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:58] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:58] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:58] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "MACRO_EXTEN=8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:58] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:58] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:58] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=002921511)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:58] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:58] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:58] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "prepincoming,8002921511,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:58] -- Goto (prepincoming,8002921511,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:58] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-00000107' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:58] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:58] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:59] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "Thu Oct 18 10:48:59 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:59] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:59] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:59] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [7602857259] ==> Cell Phone CA afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:59] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:59] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "setinboundcdr,8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:59] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:59] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:59] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:59] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:59] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:48:59.745 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:59] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:7] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "default,5622523434,7") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:59] -- Goto (default,5622523434,7) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:59] -- Executing [5622523434@default:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:59] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:59] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:59] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:59] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:48:59] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:04] -- Playing '/var/tmp/ttsWWj21159' (escape_digits=) (sample_offset 0) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:06] -- Playing '/var/tmp/prompt21141.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:09] -- AGI Script directory.agi completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:09] -- Executing [207@afa_claims_office_hours:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:09] -- Executing [207@afa_claims_office_hours:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "macro-dialext,s,1(207,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:09] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:09] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:09] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:09] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:09] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:09] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:09] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:09] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "Thu Oct 18 10:49:09 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:09] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "SIP/207,30,rtwWM(record^9097634490)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:09] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:09] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:09] -- Called SIP/207 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:10] -- SIP/207-00000108 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:10] -- SIP/207-00000108 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:11] -- SIP/207-00000108 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:13] -- SIP/207-00000108 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:17] -- SIP/207-00000108 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:19] -- Playing 'vm-intro.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:21] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-00000107 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:21] -- Executing [3@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "afa_claims_office_hours_sp,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:21] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours_sp,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:21] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:21] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:21] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "hpbx/44") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:21] -- Playing 'hpbx/44.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:24] -- Playing 'beep.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:25] -- Recording the message afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:25] -- x=0, open writing: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/287/tmp/Jvc13R format: wav, 0xb028ebb0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:25] -- SIP/207-00000108 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:38] == Spawn extension (macro-dialoutbound, s, 14) exited non-zero on 'SIP/210-000000ce' in macro 'dialoutbound' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:38] == Spawn extension (outbound, 8003323226, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/210-000000ce' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:41] -- Nobody picked up in 30000 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:41] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:10] Return("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:41] -- Executing [207@afa_claims_office_hours:3] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434-vm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:41] -- Executing [207@afa_claims_office_hours:4] VoiceMail("SIP/vproxy2-00000104", "207,u") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:41] -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/207/unavail.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:53] -- User hung up afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:53] == Spawn extension (afa_claims_office_hours, 287, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-00000102' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:54] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-00000107 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:54] -- Executing [209@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:1] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:54] -- Executing [209@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:2] Gosub("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "macro-dialext,s,1(209,5,0,0,1)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:54] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:54] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:2] Set("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:54] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:54] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "0?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:54] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:5] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "0?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:54] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:6] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "0?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:54] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:7] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "0?Set(ARG5=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:54] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:8] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "Thu Oct 18 10:49:54 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:54] -- Executing [s@macro-dialext:9] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-00000107", "SIP/209,30,rtwWM(record^7602857259)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:54] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:54] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:54] -- Called SIP/209 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:54] -- SIP/209-00000109 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:55] -- SIP/209-00000109 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:56] -- SIP/209-00000109 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:56] -- Playing 'vm-intro.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:49:58] -- SIP/209-00000109 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:02] -- SIP/209-00000109 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:02] -- Playing 'beep.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:02] -- Recording the message afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:02] -- x=0, open writing: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/207/tmp/CANcjp format: wav, 0x9d213c8 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:04] WARNING[18439]: chan_sip.c:9048 process_sdp: Ignoring video media offer because port number is zero afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:04] -- SIP/209-00000109 answered SIP/vproxy2-00000107 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:04] -- Executing [s@macro-record:1] AGI("SIP/209-00000109", "macrohelper.agi") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:04] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/macrohelper.agi afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:04] -- AGI Script macrohelper.agi completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:04] -- Executing [s@macro-record:2] ExecIf("SIP/209-00000109", "1?Monitor(wav,inbound-209-1350575404-7602857259,bm)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:04] -- Executing [s@macro-record:3] ExecIf("SIP/209-00000109", "0?Macro(ishuman)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] ERROR[18439]: chan_sip.c:29899 setup_srtp: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [12544213000@outbound:1] Macro("SIP/287-0000010a", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=2544213000)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/287-0000010a", "MACRO_EXTEN=2544213000") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/287-0000010a", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=544213000)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/287-0000010a", "outbound,2544213000,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Goto (outbound,2544213000,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] == Channel 'SIP/287-0000010a' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [2544213000@outbound:2] Monitor("SIP/287-0000010a", "wav,outbound-287-1350575409-2544213000,bm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [2544213000@outbound:3] Macro("SIP/287-0000010a", "setoutboundcdr") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "1?cid,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcdr,cid,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [cid@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/287-0000010a", "CDR(userfield)=outbound-287-2544213000") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [2544213000@outbound:4] NoOp("SIP/287-0000010a", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [2544213000@outbound:5] Macro("SIP/287-0000010a", "dialoutbound,2544213000") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:1] Macro("SIP/287-0000010a", "formatoutboundnum,2544213000") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:3] GotoIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "0?intplus,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "0?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "1?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "0?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "1?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,4) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "0?natl,7") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:6] GotoIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "0?natl,8") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:7] Set("SIP/287-0000010a", "ARG1=12544213000") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:8] Set("SIP/287-0000010a", "ARG1=+12544213000") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:9] Goto("SIP/287-0000010a", "return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,return,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [return@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] Set("SIP/287-0000010a", "MACRO_RESULT=+12544213000") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:2] Set("SIP/287-0000010a", "numtodial=+12544213000") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:3] ExecIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "1?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:4] ExecIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "1?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:5] ExecIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "1?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:6] Set("SIP/287-0000010a", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:7] Set("SIP/287-0000010a", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:8] NoOp("SIP/287-0000010a", "Thu Oct 18 10:50:09 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:9] NoOp("SIP/287-0000010a", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:10] ExecIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "1?Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=287-2544213000):Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=-2544213000") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:11] Macro("SIP/287-0000010a", "setoutboundcid,server") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:1] GotoIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "0?emergency,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:2] GotoIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:3] GotoIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:4] Goto("SIP/287-0000010a", "custom,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcid,custom,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:1] Macro("SIP/287-0000010a", "servercallerid") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-servercallerid:1] GotoIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "0?setglobalvar,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:2] NoOp("SIP/287-0000010a", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:3] NoOp("SIP/287-0000010a", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:4] NoOp("SIP/287-0000010a", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:5] Set("SIP/287-0000010a", "CALLERID(number)=+15622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:6] AGI("SIP/287-0000010a", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [5622523434] ==> SkyTelecom afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:12] ExecIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "0?Set(numtodial=9691001257)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:13] ExecIf("SIP/287-0000010a", "0?Set(CALLERID(number)=22523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:14] Dial("SIP/287-0000010a", "SIP/+12544213000@vproxy1,,W") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:09] -- Called SIP/+12544213000@vproxy1 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:10] -- SIP/vproxy1-0000010b is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:10] -- SIP/vproxy1-0000010b is making progress passing it to SIP/287-0000010a afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:13] == Spawn extension (macro-dialoutbound, s, 14) exited non-zero on 'SIP/287-0000010a' in macro 'dialoutbound' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:13] == Spawn extension (outbound, 2544213000, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/287-0000010a' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:19] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 [Oct 18 10:50:19] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Oct 18 10:50:19] ERROR[18439]: chan_sip.c:29899 setup_srtp: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:19] -- Executing [20@outbound:1] VoiceMailMain("SIP/287-0000010c", "287") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:19] -- Playing 'vm-password.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:23] -- Playing 'vm-youhave.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:24] -- Playing 'digits/2.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:25] -- Playing 'vm-INBOX.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:25] -- Playing 'vm-and.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:26] -- Playing 'digits/13.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:26] -- Playing 'vm-first.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:27] == Parsing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/287/INBOX/msg0000.txt': [Oct 18 10:50:27] == Found afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:27] -- Playing 'vm-message.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:28] -- Playing 'vm-received.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:29] -- Playing 'digits/today.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:30] -- Playing 'digits/at.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:30] -- Playing 'digits/8.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:31] -- Playing 'digits/40.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:31] -- Playing 'digits/7.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:32] -- Playing 'digits/a-m.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:33] -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/287/INBOX/msg0000.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:36] -- Playing 'vm-advopts.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:38] -- Playing 'vm-repeat.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:40] -- Playing 'vm-deleted.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:40] -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/vproxy2-00000107 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:40] -- Playing 'vm-last.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:41] == Parsing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/287/INBOX/msg0001.txt': [Oct 18 10:50:41] == Found afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:41] -- Playing 'vm-message.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:41] -- User hung up afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:41] == Spawn extension (afa_claims_office_hours, 207, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/vproxy2-00000104' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:41] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:41] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:41] -- Executing [+15622523434@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:41] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=15622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:41] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:41] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:41] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:41] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "MACRO_EXTEN=5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:41] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:41] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:41] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=622523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:41] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:41] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:41] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "prepincoming,5622523434,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:41] -- Goto (prepincoming,5622523434,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:41] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy1-0000010d' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:41] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:41] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Playing 'vm-received.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "Thu Oct 18 10:50:42 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [9095678208] ==> Santana Gladys afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "setinboundcdr,5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-5622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:50:42.577 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Executing [5622523434@prepincoming:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Executing [+18002921511@prepincoming:1] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "1?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=18002921511)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "MACRO_EXTEN=8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=002921511)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "prepincoming,8002921511,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Goto (prepincoming,8002921511,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] == Channel 'SIP/vproxy2-0000010e' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:2] Playback("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "silencehalf") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:42] -- Playing 'silencehalf.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:43] -- Playing 'digits/today.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:43] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:3] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "Thu Oct 18 10:50:43 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:43] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:4] AGI("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:43] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:43] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [5595772767] ==> GUARDADO FABIOL afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:43] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:43] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:5] Macro("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "setinboundcdr,8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:43] -- Executing [s@macro-setinboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "1?exten,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:43] -- Goto (macro-setinboundcdr,exten,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:43] -- Executing [exten@macro-setinboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "CDR(userfield)=inbound-8002921511") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:43] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:6] Set("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=14400") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:43] Channel will hangup at 2012-10-18 14:50:43.688 CDT. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:43] -- Executing [8002921511@prepincoming:7] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "default,5622523434,7") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:43] -- Goto (default,5622523434,7) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:43] -- Executing [5622523434@default:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "9:30-18:30,mon-fri,*,*,?afa_claims_office_hours,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:43] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:43] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:43] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:43] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "hpbx/43") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:43] -- Playing 'hpbx/43.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:43] -- Playing 'digits/at.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:44] -- Playing 'digits/8.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Playing 'digits/40.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 [Oct 18 10:50:45] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Oct 18 10:50:45] ERROR[18439]: chan_sip.c:29899 setup_srtp: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [18888174074@outbound:1] Macro("SIP/205-0000010f", "prepnumber") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=8888174074)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "1?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,fixnatlprefix,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:1] Set("SIP/205-0000010f", "MACRO_EXTEN=8888174074") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [fixnatlprefix@macro-prepnumber:2] Goto("SIP/205-0000010f", "s,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Goto (macro-prepnumber,s,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:1] ExecIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "0?Set(MACRO_EXTEN=888174074)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:2] GotoIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "0?cidblock,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:3] GotoIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "0?fixnatlprefix,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-prepnumber:4] Goto("SIP/205-0000010f", "outbound,8888174074,2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Goto (outbound,8888174074,2) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] == Channel 'SIP/205-0000010f' jumping out of macro 'prepnumber' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [8888174074@outbound:2] Monitor("SIP/205-0000010f", "wav,outbound-205-1350575445-8888174074,bm") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [8888174074@outbound:3] Macro("SIP/205-0000010f", "setoutboundcdr") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] GotoIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "1?cid,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcdr,cid,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [cid@macro-setoutboundcdr:1] Set("SIP/205-0000010f", "CDR(userfield)=outbound-205-8888174074") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [8888174074@outbound:4] NoOp("SIP/205-0000010f", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [8888174074@outbound:5] Macro("SIP/205-0000010f", "dialoutbound,8888174074") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:1] Macro("SIP/205-0000010f", "formatoutboundnum,8888174074") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:3] GotoIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "0?intplus,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "0?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "1?natl,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] GotoIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "0?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:2] GotoIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "1?natl,4") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,natl,4) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:4] GotoIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "0?return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:5] GotoIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "0?natl,7") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:6] GotoIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "0?natl,8") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:7] Set("SIP/205-0000010f", "ARG1=18888174074") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:8] Set("SIP/205-0000010f", "ARG1=+18888174074") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [natl@macro-formatoutboundnum:9] Goto("SIP/205-0000010f", "return,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Goto (macro-formatoutboundnum,return,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [return@macro-formatoutboundnum:1] Set("SIP/205-0000010f", "MACRO_RESULT=+18888174074") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:2] Set("SIP/205-0000010f", "numtodial=+18888174074") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:3] ExecIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "1?Set(ARG2=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:4] ExecIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "1?Set(ARG3=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:5] ExecIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "1?Set(ARG4=0)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:6] Set("SIP/205-0000010f", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:7] Set("SIP/205-0000010f", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:8] NoOp("SIP/205-0000010f", "Thu Oct 18 10:50:45 2012") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:9] NoOp("SIP/205-0000010f", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:10] ExecIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "1?Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=205-8888174074):Set(TOUCH_MONITOR=-8888174074") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:11] Macro("SIP/205-0000010f", "setoutboundcid,server") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:1] GotoIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "0?emergency,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:2] GotoIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:3] GotoIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "0?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-setoutboundcid:4] Goto("SIP/205-0000010f", "custom,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Goto (macro-setoutboundcid,custom,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:1] Macro("SIP/205-0000010f", "servercallerid") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-servercallerid:1] GotoIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "0?setglobalvar,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:2] NoOp("SIP/205-0000010f", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:3] NoOp("SIP/205-0000010f", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:4] NoOp("SIP/205-0000010f", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:5] Set("SIP/205-0000010f", "CALLERID(number)=+15622523434") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [custom@macro-setoutboundcid:6] AGI("SIP/205-0000010f", "calleridnamelookup.php") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/calleridnamelookup.php afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] calleridnamelookup.php: Located caller name for number [5622523434] ==> SkyTelecom afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- AGI Script calleridnamelookup.php completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:12] ExecIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "0?Set(numtodial=9691001257)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:13] ExecIf("SIP/205-0000010f", "0?Set(CALLERID(number)=22523434)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Executing [s@macro-dialoutbound:14] Dial("SIP/205-0000010f", "SIP/+18888174074@vproxy1,,W") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Called SIP/+18888174074@vproxy1 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:45] -- Playing 'digits/9.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:46] -- Playing 'digits/a-m.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:47] -- SIP/vproxy1-00000110 is making progress passing it to SIP/205-0000010f afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:47] -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/287/INBOX/msg0001.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:47] -- SIP/vproxy1-00000110 answered SIP/205-0000010f afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:51] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-0000010e afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:51] -- Executing [3@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Goto("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "afa_claims_office_hours_sp,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:51] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours_sp,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:51] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:51] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:51] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "hpbx/44") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:50:51] -- Playing 'hpbx/44.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:04] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy1-0000010d afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:04] -- Executing [3@afa_claims_office_hours:1] Goto("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "afa_claims_office_hours_sp,999,1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:04] -- Goto (afa_claims_office_hours_sp,999,1) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:04] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:1] Set("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "TIMEOUT(digit)=2") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:04] -- Digit timeout set to 2.000 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:04] -- Executing [999@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:2] BackGround("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "hpbx/44") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:04] -- Playing 'hpbx/44.slin' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy2-0000010e afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] -- Executing [0@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:1] Set("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "CALLERID(name)=*Spanish* GUARDADO FABIOL") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] -- Executing [0@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:2] NoOp("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] -- Executing [0@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:3] Dial("SIP/vproxy2-0000010e", "SIP/201&SIP/202&SIP/204&SIP/236&SIP/294,24,rtWwM(record,5595772767)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] -- Called SIP/201 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] -- Called SIP/202 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 [Oct 18 10:51:08] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] -- Called SIP/204 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] -- Called SIP/236 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] -- Called SIP/294 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] -- SIP/201-00000111 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-0000010e afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] -- SIP/202-00000112 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-0000010e afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] -- SIP/204-00000113 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-0000010e afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] -- SIP/236-00000114 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-0000010e afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] -- SIP/294-00000115 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-0000010e afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] -- SIP/236-00000114 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] -- SIP/202-00000112 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] -- SIP/294-00000115 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] -- SIP/201-00000111 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:08] -- SIP/204-00000113 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:09] -- SIP/236-00000114 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:09] -- SIP/202-00000112 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:09] -- SIP/294-00000115 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:09] -- SIP/204-00000113 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:09] -- SIP/201-00000111 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:10] -- SIP/236-00000114 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:10] -- SIP/202-00000112 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:10] -- SIP/294-00000115 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:10] -- SIP/204-00000113 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:10] -- SIP/201-00000111 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:12] -- SIP/236-00000114 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:12] -- SIP/202-00000112 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:12] -- SIP/294-00000115 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:12] -- SIP/204-00000113 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:12] -- SIP/201-00000111 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:15] -- Playing 'vm-prev.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:15] -- Playing 'vm-deleted.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:16] -- SIP/236-00000114 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:16] -- SIP/202-00000112 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:16] -- SIP/294-00000115 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:16] -- SIP/204-00000113 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:16] -- SIP/201-00000111 is ringing afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:17] -- Playing 'vm-prev.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:18] -- SIP/236-00000114 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/vproxy2-0000010e afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:18] -- SIP/236-00000114 answered SIP/vproxy2-0000010e afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:18] -- Executing [s@macro-record:1] AGI("SIP/236-00000114", "macrohelper.agi") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:18] -- Launched AGI Script /var/asterisk/agi-bin/macrohelper.agi afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:18] -- AGI Script macrohelper.agi completed, returning 0 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:18] -- Executing [s@macro-record:2] ExecIf("SIP/236-00000114", "1?Monitor(wav,inbound-236-1350575478-5595772767,bm)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:18] -- Executing [s@macro-record:3] ExecIf("SIP/236-00000114", "0?Macro(ishuman)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:18] == Spawn extension (outbound, 20, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/287-0000010c' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:28] NOTICE[18439]: chan_sip.c:14282 parse_register_contact: Registered SIP '289' at afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:32] == CDR updated on SIP/vproxy1-0000010d afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:32] -- Executing [1@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:1] Set("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "CALLERID(name)=*SP New Loss* Santana Gladys") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:32] -- Executing [1@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:2] Answer("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:32] -- Executing [1@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:3] Set("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:32] -- Executing [1@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:4] ExecIf("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "1?Monitor(wav,queue-8-1350575441.1094-1350575492-9095678208,b)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:32] -- Executing [1@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:5] Set("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "QUEUE_PRIO=1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:32] -- Executing [1@afa_claims_office_hours_sp:6] Queue("SIP/vproxy1-0000010d", "loss_reporting_sp,t") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:32] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy1-0000010d afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:32] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000019a;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:32] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:32] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000019a;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:32] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000019a;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:32] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000019b;2", "1?6") in new stack [Oct 18 10:51:32] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:32] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000019b;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:32] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:32] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000019b;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:32] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:37] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy1-0000010d afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:37] -- Playing 'queue-youarenext.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:42] == Spawn extension (macro-dialoutbound, s, 14) exited non-zero on 'SIP/205-0000010f' in macro 'dialoutbound' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:42] == Spawn extension (outbound, 8888174074, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/205-0000010f' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:42] -- Told SIP/vproxy1-0000010d in loss_reporting_sp their queue position (which was 1) [Oct 18 10:51:42] -- Playing 'queue-thankyou.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:44] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/vproxy1-0000010d afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:44] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000019c;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:44] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:44] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000019c;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:44] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000019c;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:44] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:44] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000019d;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:44] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:44] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000019d;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:44] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000019d;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:44] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:49] -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/vproxy2-0000010e afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:49] -- Executing [201@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/201@agents-0000019e;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:49] -- Goto (agents,201,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:49] -- Executing [201@agents:6] Hangup("Local/201@agents-0000019e;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:49] == Spawn extension (agents, 201, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/201@agents-0000019e;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:49] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:49] -- Executing [294@agents:1] GotoIf("Local/294@agents-0000019f;2", "1?6") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:49] -- Goto (agents,294,6) afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:49] -- Executing [294@agents:6] Hangup("Local/294@agents-0000019f;2", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:49] == Spawn extension (agents, 294, 6) exited non-zero on 'Local/294@agents-0000019f;2' afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:49] -- Nobody picked up in 0 ms afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:53] == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:53] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:53] ERROR[18439]: chan_sip.c:29899 setup_srtp: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:53] -- Executing [101@outbound:1] Answer("SIP/236-00000116", "") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:54] -- Executing [101@outbound:2] Set("SIP/236-00000116", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:54] -- Executing [101@outbound:3] ExecIf("SIP/236-00000116", "1?Monitor(wav,queue-8-1350575513.1115-1350575514-236,b)") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:54] -- Executing [101@outbound:4] Set("SIP/236-00000116", "QUEUE_PRIO=1") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:54] -- Executing [101@outbound:5] Queue("SIP/236-00000116", "loss_reporting_sp,t") in new stack afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:54] -- Started music on hold, class '1', on SIP/236-00000116 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:54] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/236-00000116 afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:54] -- Playing 'queue-thereare.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:54] -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/vproxy2-0000010e afaclaims*CLI> [Oct 18 10:51:54] -- Playing 'digits/2.gsm' (language 'en') afaclaims*CLI> Disconnected from Asterisk server ]0;drdelaney@afaclaims:~[drdelaney@afac