<--- SIP read from UDP:[2002:c0a8:5702::1]:5060 ---> INVITE sip:2437205@[2002:c0a8:51a9::1]:5060 SIP/2.0 From: ;tag=as2005694a To: "2437205" ;tag=as57091ae6 Call-ID: 1eb10c625f4c149e1b0a9dbe487abb78@[2002:c0a8:51a9::1]:5060 CSeq: 1 INVITE Max-Forwards: 69 Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 357 Remote-Party-ID: "asteriskAI Deny" ;party=calling P-Asserted-Identity: "asteriskAI Deny" Contact: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP [2001:87::2]:5060;branch=z9hG4bK4fefcb354d975a77c0b4953c6bfc06e1;rport v=0 o=root 1870383087 100003 IN IP6 2002:c0a8:51a9::1 s=Asterisk PBX UNKNOWN__and_probably_unsupported c=IN IP6 tango-networks.invalid t=0 0 m=audio 25568 RTP/AVP 0 8 101 c=IN IP6 tango-networks.invalid a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-16 a=silenceSupp:off - - - - a=ptime:20 a=sendrecv <-------------> [Sep 27 10:28:27] VERBOSE[3257] chan_sip.c: — (12 headers 14 lines) — [Sep 27 10:28:27] VERBOSE[3257] chan_sip.c: Sending to [2002:c0a8:5702::1]:5060 (NAT) [Sep 27 10:28:27] ERROR[3257] netsock2.c: getaddrinfo("tango-networks.invalid", "(null)", ...): Name or service not known [Sep 27 10:28:27] WARNING[3257] chan_sip.c: Unable to lookup RTP Audio host in c= line, 'IN IP6 tango-networks.invalid' [Sep 27 10:28:27] VERBOSE[3257] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 0 [Sep 27 10:28:27] VERBOSE[3257] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 8 [Sep 27 10:28:27] VERBOSE[3257] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 101 [Sep 27 10:28:27] ERROR[3257] netsock2.c: getaddrinfo("tango-networks.invalid", "(null)", ...): Name or service not known [Sep 27 10:28:27] WARNING[3257] chan_sip.c: Unable to lookup RTP Audio host in c= line, 'IN IP6 tango-networks.invalid' [Sep 27 10:28:27] VERBOSE[3257] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format PCMU for ID 0 [Sep 27 10:28:27] VERBOSE[3257] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format PCMA for ID 8 [Sep 27 10:28:27] VERBOSE[3257] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format telephone-event for ID 101 [Sep 27 10:28:27] WARNING[3257] chan_sip.c: Insufficient information in SDP (c=)... [Sep 27 10:28:27] VERBOSE[3257] chan_sip.c: <--- Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to [2002:c0a8:5702::1]:5060 ---> SIP/2.0 488 Not acceptable here^M Via: SIP/2.0/UDP [2001:87::2]:5060;branch=z9hG4bK4fefcb354d975a77c0b4953c6bfc06e1;received=2002:c0a8:5702::1;rport=5060^M From: ;tag=as2005694a^M To: "2437205" ;tag=as57091ae6^M Call-ID: 1eb10c625f4c149e1b0a9dbe487abb78@[2002:c0a8:51a9::1]:5060^M CSeq: 1 INVITE^M