0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1eb42638 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1eb42638 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x1eb42638 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1eb42638 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x1eb42638 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1eb42638 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@60] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@61] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e982718 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@60] 0x1ec6fb78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@59] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@60] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@61] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ec7ed58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1ec7ed58 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca437f8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca437f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad424fc38 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad424fc38 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad424fc38 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad424fc38 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad424fc38 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca437f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad424fc38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca437f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad424fc38 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca437f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad424fc38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad424fc38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad424fc38 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca437f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca437f8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad424fc38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad424fc38 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad424fc38 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad424fc38 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad424fc38 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad424fc38 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad424fc38 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca437f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec7ed58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ec7ed58 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4062c98 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4062c98 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad4098918 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4098918 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad4098918 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4098918 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad4098918 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4098918 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4098918 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4098918 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4098918 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4098918 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1ec2c798 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1ec2c798 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x1ec2c798 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1ec2c798 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x1ec2c798 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1ec2c798 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaad4098918 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4098918 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad4098918 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad4098918 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4098918 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@60] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@61] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e951508 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@60] 0x2aaad40a15d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec7ed58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ec7ed58 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@59] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@60] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4062c98 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4062c98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4062c98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec7f5d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad4062c98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ec7f5d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad4062c98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab43f6838 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab43f6838 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaab43f6838 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab43f6838 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab43f6838 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaab43f6838 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@59] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@60] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@3] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4325658 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac89d968 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaaac89d968 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1e9089c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb92098 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e9089c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb92098 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9089c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@59] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@60] 0x2aaab40249e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab40249e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad40d78a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad40d78a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4188aa8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4188aa8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad4188aa8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4188aa8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad4188aa8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad40d78a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebbffc8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad40d78a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebbffc8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad40d78a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4188aa8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4188aa8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4188aa8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad426a508 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab41e5888 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab41e5888 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab41e5888 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab41e5888 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaab41e5888 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x1ea75278 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1ea75278 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1ea75278 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1ea75278 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x1ea75278 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab41e5888 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@59] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@60] 0x1ea75278 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ea75278 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x1ea75278 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ea75278 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea75278 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea75278 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1ea75278 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1ea75278 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4188aa8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4188aa8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@3] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eb1fff8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb1fff8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb1fff8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb1fff8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1eb1fff8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@59] 0x2aaad4188aa8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4188aa8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad4188aa8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad4188aa8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaad4188aa8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac9c5858 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaaac9c5858 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1eb395a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e95c8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb395a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e95c8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb395a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@58] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@59] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab416bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab416bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab416bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab41902f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab416bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab41902f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab416bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad02e92a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad41831d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad41831d8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad41831d8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad41831d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad41831d8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad02e92a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad41831d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad02e92a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e5284c8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e5284c8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaad02e92a8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e5284c8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e5284c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e5284c8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e5284c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad40fceb8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaad40fceb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad40fceb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@58] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@59] 0x2aaad006d708 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaac8af008 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaac8af008 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaac8af008 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaac8af008 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaaac8af008 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad006d708 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaac8af008 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad006d708 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad006d708 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@58] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@59] 0x2aaad40fceb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40fceb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad40fceb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad40fceb8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaad40fceb8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaad40fceb8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaad40fceb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad40fceb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad40fceb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad40fceb8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@58] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea6c0e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@57] 0x2aaad4133168 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4133168 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@57] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@58] 0x2aaad4133168 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad4133168 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad4133168 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad4133168 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad4133168 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4133168 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad4133168 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad41eac78 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad4133168 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad41eac78 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad4133168 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacc1e288 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad0067988 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad0067988 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad0067988 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad0067988 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad0067988 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaacc1e288 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad0067988 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaacc1e288 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacc1e288 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@57] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@58] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e9ccbe8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@57] 0x1eb1fff8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb1fff8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@57] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@58] 0x1eb1fff8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1eb1fff8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1eb1fff8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1eb1fff8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1eb1fff8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1eb1fff8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1eb1fff8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad404e9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb1fff8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad404e9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb1fff8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1ea97548 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@57] 0x2aaad4062c98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1ec7f5d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1ec7f5d8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x1ec7f5d8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1ec7f5d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x1ec7f5d8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad4062c98 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1ec7f5d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad4062c98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4062c98 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaad4045228 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4045228 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad4045228 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4045228 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad4045228 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@57] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ec6fb78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@56] 0x2aaad41c69b8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad41c69b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad41c69b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad41c69b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad41c69b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4045228 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4045228 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4045228 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad41c69b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad41c69b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad41c69b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eabd6b8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eabd6b8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eabd6b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eabd6b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1eabd6b8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@55] 0x2aaad4045228 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4045228 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad4045228 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad4045228 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad4045228 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4161148 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4161148 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4161148 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4161148 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaab4161148 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4014c28 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad41c69b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad41c69b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad41c69b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad41c69b8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaad41c69b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad41a9588 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad41a9588 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad41a9588 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad41a9588 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad41a9588 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@54] 0x2aaab4264e98 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4264e98 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4264e98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4264e98 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4264e98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4264e98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4264e98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4264e98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4264e98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab4264e98 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@8] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@8] 0x2aaab4264e98 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab4264e98 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@8] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaab4264e98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad40fb8e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@55] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad419c668 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad419c668 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad41a9588 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad41a9588 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@56] 0x2aaad41a9588 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad41a9588 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad41a9588 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad41a9588 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad41a9588 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad41a9588 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad41a9588 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad4106d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad41a9588 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad4106d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad41a9588 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad401ad58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00804d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad401ad58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00804d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad401ad58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x1ecbaee8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad410a038 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ecbaee8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f3f78 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f3f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1eaea578 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1eaea578 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad410a038 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ecbaee8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x2aaab4037378 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4037378 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1eaea578 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4183ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1eaea578 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4183ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1eaea578 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0016908 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0016908 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@4] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad41e6ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad00a61f8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1eb1fff8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad404e9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x2aaad404e9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb1fff8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@57] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad0042398 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad0042398 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab40a3eb8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab40a3eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4065b58 +1 chan_sip.c:5116:find_peer (ao2_find in peers_by_ip table) [@3] 0x2aaab4065b58 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@4] 0x2aaab4065b58 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab4065b58 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@4] 0x2aaab40a3eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab40a3eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4065b58 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@5] 0x2aaab4065b58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4065b58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab40a3eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab40a3eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab40a3eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4065b58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4065b58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@5] 0x1e951508 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@57] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@58] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaab40a3eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad426bc58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaab40a3eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad426bc58 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@4] 0x2aaab40a3eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1eb2d848 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1eb2d848 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@57] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad40a9c88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad40a9c88 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad40a9c88 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad40a9c88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad40a9c88 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad40a9c88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@57] 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ebe60c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@56] 0x2aaad00b73d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad41a9588 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4106d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x2aaad4106d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad41a9588 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4188aa8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4188aa8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad4188aa8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4188aa8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaab4145da8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaab4145da8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb23628 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1eb23628 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1eb23628 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1eb23628 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x1eb23628 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1eb23628 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4145da8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4145da8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ea75278 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea75278 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea75278 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea75278 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1ea75278 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@55] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad00a61f8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad02e92a8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad02e92a8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad02e92a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad02e92a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad02e92a8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1e5284c8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad006d708 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad006d708 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad006d708 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad006d708 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad006d708 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacc1e288 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacc1e288 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacc1e288 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacc1e288 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaaacc1e288 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad4133168 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad41eac78 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@55] 0x2aaad41eac78 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad4133168 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4098918 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4098918 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad4098918 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4098918 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad4062c98 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4062c98 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4062c98 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4062c98 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad4062c98 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ea6c0e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@56] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ec6c128 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1ec6c128 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb2d848 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb2d848 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad41c69b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad41c69b8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad419c668 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad419c668 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1e9ccbe8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@57] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad40a9c88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad40a9c88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacb39d68 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1ec20ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1ec20ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x1ec20ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1ec20ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x1ec20ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaacb39d68 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1ec20ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaacb39d68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacb39d68 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e962478 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1e962478 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1e962478 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@57] 0x1e962478 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e962478 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e962478 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e962478 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1e962478 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1e962478 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1e962478 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1e962478 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e962478 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e962478 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@56] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40a9c88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad40a9c88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4264e98 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab4264e98 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40a9c88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad40a9c88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4264e98 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab4264e98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4264e98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad41c4428 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab4264e98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad41c4428 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab4264e98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0042398 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad0042398 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4045228 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4045228 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaab41bf078 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad00587b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad00587b8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad00587b8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad00587b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad00587b8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab41bf078 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad00587b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab41bf078 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab41bf078 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad426c428 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaad426c428 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad426c428 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x2aaad426c428 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad426c428 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad426c428 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad426c428 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaad426c428 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaad426c428 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaad426c428 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad426c428 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad426c428 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad426c428 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@55] 0x2aaab43f0008 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab43f0008 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab404e548 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab43f0008 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab43f0008 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab404e548 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab43f0008 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab43f0008 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab43f0008 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab43f0008 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e982718 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@56] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1eb562a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1eb562a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1eb395a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1e95c8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e95c8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x1e95c8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1e95c8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x1e95c8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1eb395a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e95c8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb395a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1eb395a8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab416bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaab416bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaab416bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab43f0008 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab43f0008 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab404e548 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab404e548 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab404e548 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab404e548 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab404e548 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab404e548 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab404e548 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab404e548 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab43f0008 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab43f0008 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab404e548 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaab404e548 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab43f0008 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab404e548 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab416bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab416bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaab416bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaab416bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaab416bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab416bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416bb88 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec63498 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ec63498 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1eb23d28 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1eb23d28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1eb23d28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad009be48 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1eb23d28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad009be48 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1eb23d28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad011b4e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb2d848 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb2d848 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad41c69b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad41c69b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad41c69b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4239708 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad41c69b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4239708 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad41c69b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab42346f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab42346f8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaab42346f8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab42346f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaab42346f8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab42346f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e785cb8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e785cb8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e785cb8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e785cb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e785cb8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e785cb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ea39d08 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1ea39d08 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1ea39d08 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x1ea39d08 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea39d08 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea39d08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ea39d08 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1ea39d08 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1ea39d08 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1ea39d08 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ea39d08 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea39d08 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea39d08 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@55] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad418b168 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad418b168 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca259b8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca259b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad418b168 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca259b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca259b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca259b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca4dc68 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca4dc68 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4062c78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4062c78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4062c78 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4062c78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca4dc68 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad4062c78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4dc68 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca4dc68 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4018d38 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4018d38 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad411cb08 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4018d38 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4018d38 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4018d38 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca259b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca259b8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad418b168 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca259b8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad418b168 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaaca4f108 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca4f108 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42d31e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca4f108 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4f108 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca4f108 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e7ea2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e7ea2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416bb28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e7ea2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e7ea2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e7ea2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad4062c78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4dc68 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca4dc68 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4062c78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4062c78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4062c78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca4dc68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca505a8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca505a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab43fb698 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab43fb698 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab43fb698 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab43fb698 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab43fb698 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca505a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab43fb698 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca505a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab43fb698 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca505a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca23078 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca23078 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca23078 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca23078 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca23078 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4018d38 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4018d38 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad411cb08 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4018d38 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4f108 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca4f108 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42d31e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca4f108 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad418b168 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e7ea2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e7ea2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416bb28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e7ea2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea97548 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca23078 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca23078 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca23078 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab43fb698 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab43fb698 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab43fb698 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca505a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca505a8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab43fb698 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab43fb698 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab43fb698 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab43fb698 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab43fb698 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab43fb698 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab43fb698 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca505a8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e562f08 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e562f08 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ebe60c8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e562f08 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e562f08 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e562f08 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea97548 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad418b168 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e562f08 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e562f08 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ebe60c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e562f08 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad418b168 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1e56afd8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e56afd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0109088 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e56afd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e56afd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e56afd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaab43f7b98 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9f1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaac9ee158 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaac9ee158 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9ee158 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9ee158 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9ee158 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9ee158 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac9ee158 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9ee158 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e56afd8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e56afd8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad0109088 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e56afd8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec6c128 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ec6c128 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e5226a8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e5226a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab43f7b98 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e5226a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e5226a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e5226a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e7bf1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e7bf1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e7bf1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e7bf1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e7bf1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e7bf1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e7bf1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e7bf1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e51a958 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e51a958 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e51a958 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e51a958 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e51a958 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e5226a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e5226a8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab43f7b98 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e5226a8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab402f128 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab402f128 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea97548 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab402f128 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab402f128 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab402f128 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e51d4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e51d4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1ebe60c8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e51d4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e51d4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e51d4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e51a958 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e51a958 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e51a958 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4145da8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4145da8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e51d4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e51d4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ebe60c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e51d4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab402f128 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab402f128 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea97548 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab402f128 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea97548 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1eb06208 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@54] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1eb06208 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea97548 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb06208 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1eb06208 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e5284c8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e5284c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad418b168 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e5284c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e5284c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e5284c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb06208 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e5284c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e5284c8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad418b168 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e5284c8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad418b168 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4062c78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4062c78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4062c78 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4062c78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad4062c78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1b928 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca1b928 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca1b928 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1b928 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1b928 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4062c78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4062c78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4062c78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4062c78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab402c5c8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab402c5c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02973e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab402c5c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab402c5c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab402c5c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0109088 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@8] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@8] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@8] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@8] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1b928 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1b928 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca1b928 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab402c5c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab402c5c8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab402c5c8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca33c98 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca33c98 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1eb06208 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca33c98 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca33c98 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca33c98 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad0109088 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab402db78 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab402db78 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea97548 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab402db78 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab402db78 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab402db78 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca33c98 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca33c98 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb06208 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca33c98 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1eb06208 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab402db78 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab402db78 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea97548 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab402db78 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab40306d8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab40306d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad411cb08 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab40306d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab40306d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab40306d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb06208 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4137078 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4137078 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4137078 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4137078 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4137078 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad4137078 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4137078 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab40306d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab40306d8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad411cb08 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab40306d8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad4137078 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4137078 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4137078 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad4137078 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4137078 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4137078 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4137078 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4137078 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4137078 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4137078 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e7cd838 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e7cd838 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e7cd838 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e7cd838 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e7cd838 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad02973e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4033238 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4033238 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0109088 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4033238 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4033238 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4033238 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e7cd838 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e7cd838 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e7cd838 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4033238 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4033238 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad0109088 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4033238 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab40249e8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab40249e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab40249e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab40249e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab40249e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab4020b88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4020b88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb06208 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4020b88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4020b88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4020b88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e509e08 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e509e08 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea97548 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e509e08 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e509e08 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e509e08 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab40249e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab40249e8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab40249e8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4020b88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4020b88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb06208 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4020b88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1eb06208 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e509e08 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e509e08 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea97548 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e509e08 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4021e88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4021e88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea97548 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4021e88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4021e88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4021e88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1e50ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e50ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1ebe60c8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e50ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e50ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e50ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb06208 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4021e88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4021e88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea97548 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4021e88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e50ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e50ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ebe60c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebe60c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ebe60c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e50ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1e50d438 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e50d438 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e50d438 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e50d438 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e50d438 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e507298 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e507298 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad02973e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e507298 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e507298 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e507298 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e507298 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e507298 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e507298 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e50d438 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e50d438 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e50d438 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1eb23d28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad009be48 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad009be48 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad009be48 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad009be48 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad009be48 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1eb23d28 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad009be48 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1eb23d28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1eb23d28 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x1e511a68 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e511a68 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e511a68 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e511a68 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e511a68 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e511a68 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e511a68 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e511a68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca16b38 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca16b38 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca16b38 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca16b38 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca16b38 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e9840a8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@53] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca16b38 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca16b38 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1e512548 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e512548 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac50e6f8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaac50e6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaac50e6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaac50e6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaac50e6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e512548 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaac50e6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e512548 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac50e6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e512548 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac51daa8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaac51daa8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaac51daa8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaac51daa8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaac51daa8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaac51daa8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac51daa8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca118b8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca118b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca118b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca118b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca118b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca16b38 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca18fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1eb1fff8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad404e9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb1fff8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad404e9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb1fff8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e9840a8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@54] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaac50e6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac50e6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaaac50e6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e512548 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e512548 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaac50e6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaac50e6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaac50e6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaac50e6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaac50e6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaac50e6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaac50e6f8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e512548 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1eb19e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1eb19e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaac51daa8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac51daa8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaac51daa8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaac51daa8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaac51daa8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaac51daa8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaac51daa8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaac51daa8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaac51daa8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaac51daa8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca118b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca118b8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca118b8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4017788 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4017788 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb06208 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4017788 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4017788 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4017788 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac9b8538 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaac9b8538 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4017788 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4017788 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb06208 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4017788 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab40161d8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab40161d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4062c78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4062c78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4062c78 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4062c78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab40161d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad4062c78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab40161d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab40161d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab401a2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab401a2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02973e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab401a2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab401a2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab401a2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaac9f68b8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaac9f68b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab43f7b98 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9f68b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f68b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f68b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4062c78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab40161d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab40161d8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4062c78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4062c78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4062c78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4062c78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab40161d8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab401a2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab401a2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab401a2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f68b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f68b8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab43f7b98 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9f68b8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@54] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@53] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@54] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@55] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@53] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@54] 0x2aaab401f758 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab401f758 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab401f758 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab401f758 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab401f758 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab401f758 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab401f758 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab401f758 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb06208 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ec92728 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ec92728 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ec92728 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ec92728 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ec92728 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ec92728 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ec92728 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb06208 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ec16f68 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1e98f0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e98f0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x1e98f0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1e98f0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x1e98f0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1ec16f68 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e98f0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ec16f68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ec16f68 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e7b0ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e7b0ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb06208 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e7b0ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e7b0ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e7b0ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ec92728 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec92728 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ec92728 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ec92728 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ec92728 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ec92728 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ec92728 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ec92728 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ec92728 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ec92728 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0c698 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca0c698 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4062bb8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca0c698 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0c698 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca0c698 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e7b0ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e7b0ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb06208 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e7b0ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0c698 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0c698 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4062bb8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca0c698 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad004ca88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad004ca88 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad004ca88 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad004ca88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad004ca88 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad004ca88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e967a68 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@53] 0x2aaad4133168 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad41eac78 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad4133168 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad41eac78 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad4133168 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4098918 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4098918 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4098918 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec2c798 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad4098918 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ec2c798 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad4098918 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42d31e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e777768 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e777768 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab43f7b98 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e777768 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e777768 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e777768 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42d31e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e777768 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e777768 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab43f7b98 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e777768 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab43f7b98 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0042398 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0042398 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4014c28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4014c28 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ec6fb78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@52] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4045228 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4045228 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad4045228 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42d5358 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad4045228 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42d5358 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad4045228 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e7a2758 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e7a2758 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e7a2758 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e7a2758 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e7a2758 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab4014c28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4014c28 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab4014c28 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4014c28 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab4014c28 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4014c28 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab4014c28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4014c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4014c28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4014c28 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaab4014c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab400f058 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab400f058 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ec6fb78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab400f058 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab400f058 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab400f058 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e7a2758 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e7a2758 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e7a2758 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab400f058 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab400f058 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ec6fb78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab400f058 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab404a408 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab404a408 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4062bb8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab404a408 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab404a408 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab404a408 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4011ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4011ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad411cb08 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4011ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4011ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4011ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab404a408 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab404a408 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4062bb8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab404a408 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb562a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@52] 0x1eb562a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4011ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4011ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad411cb08 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4011ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab4013678 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4013678 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4062bb8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4013678 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4013678 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4013678 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4014c28 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4014c28 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad411cb08 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4014c28 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4014c28 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4014c28 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4013678 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4013678 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4062bb8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4013678 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4014c28 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4014c28 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad411cb08 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4014c28 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4062bb8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad411cb08 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4062bb8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad411cb08 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4062bb8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad411cb08 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4062bb8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0daa8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca0daa8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42d31e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca0daa8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0daa8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca0daa8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad411cb08 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0daa8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0daa8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42d31e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca0daa8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca03758 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca03758 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42d31e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca03758 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca03758 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca03758 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e75acc8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e75acc8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb3b4b8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb3b4b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb3b4b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb3b4b8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb3b4b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e75acc8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb3b4b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e75acc8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb3b4b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e75acc8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca03758 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca03758 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42d31e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca03758 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca06fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca06fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4062bb8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca06fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca06fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca06fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca05b48 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca05b48 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02973e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca05b48 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca05b48 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca05b48 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaacb3b4b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb3b4b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb3b4b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e75acc8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e75acc8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb3b4b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb3b4b8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb3b4b8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb3b4b8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb3b4b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb3b4b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb3b4b8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e75acc8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42d31e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca046a8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca046a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416bb28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca046a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca046a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca046a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca06fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca06fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4062bb8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca06fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca05b48 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca05b48 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca05b48 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca046a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca046a8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416bb28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca046a8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42d31e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca52ee8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ec6fb78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0adc8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca0adc8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1e967a68 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca0adc8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0adc8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca0adc8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ec6fb78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0adc8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0adc8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e967a68 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca0adc8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad4062bb8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@53] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad004e1e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad004e1e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab41bf078 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab41bf078 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab41bf078 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab41bf078 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaab41bf078 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1eb395a8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb395a8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb395a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb395a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1eb395a8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@52] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb06208 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb06208 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab405cbd8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab405cbd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb06208 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab405cbd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab405cbd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab405cbd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab405cbd8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab405cbd8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb06208 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab405cbd8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab405b628 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab405b628 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb06208 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab405b628 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab405b628 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab405b628 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab40637b8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab40637b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab40637b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab40637b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab40637b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad411cb08 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab405b628 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab405b628 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb06208 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab405b628 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab40637b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab40637b8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab40637b8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4062208 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4062208 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4062208 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4062208 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4062208 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4062208 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4062208 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4062208 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4060c58 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4060c58 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad02973e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4060c58 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4060c58 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4060c58 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab405f6a8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab405f6a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0109088 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab405f6a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab405f6a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab405f6a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4060c58 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4060c58 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4060c58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca282f8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca282f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb06208 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca282f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca282f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca282f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab405f6a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab405f6a8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad0109088 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad0109088 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad0109088 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab405f6a8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca282f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca282f8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb06208 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca282f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca51a48 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca51a48 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb06208 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca51a48 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca51a48 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca51a48 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca26e58 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca26e58 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1e967a68 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca26e58 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca26e58 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca26e58 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca51a48 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca51a48 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb06208 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca51a48 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaab4222e58 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1e785cb8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02973e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca26e58 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca26e58 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e967a68 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca26e58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacb39d68 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb39d68 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb39d68 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb39d68 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaaacb39d68 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad4045228 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab42d5358 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab42d5358 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaab42d5358 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab42d5358 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaab42d5358 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad4045228 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab42d5358 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad4045228 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4045228 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4222e58 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac50b808 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaac50b808 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaac50b808 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaac50b808 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaac50b808 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaac50b808 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac50b808 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4222e58 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaac50b808 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac50b808 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaac50b808 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaac50b808 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaac50b808 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaac50b808 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaac50b808 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaac50b808 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaac50b808 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaac50b808 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ea18 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca2ea18 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1e967a68 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca2ea18 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2ea18 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2ea18 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1eb06208 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@53] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1eadecb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1eadecb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca2feb8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2ea18 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ea18 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e967a68 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca2ea18 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ebc5968 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebc5968 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1ebc5968 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ebc5968 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x1ebc5968 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1ead8608 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ead8608 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ead8608 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ead8608 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ead8608 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1ead8608 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ead8608 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaaca31358 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca31358 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb3f0b8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb3f0b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1eb3f0b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1eb3f0b8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1eb3f0b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca31358 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1eb3f0b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca31358 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb3f0b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca31358 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ebc5968 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebc5968 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebc5968 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eadecb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eadecb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab43f0008 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab43f0008 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1ead8608 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ead8608 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ead8608 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ead8608 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ead8608 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ead8608 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ead8608 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ead8608 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ead8608 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ead8608 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1eb3f0b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb3f0b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb3f0b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca31358 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca31358 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1eb3f0b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1eb3f0b8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eb3f0b8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb3f0b8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb3f0b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb3f0b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb3f0b8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca31358 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad41b53b8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad41b53b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad41b53b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad41b53b8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad41b53b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad41b53b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad41b53b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab4057518 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4057518 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4282538 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4282538 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4282538 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4282538 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4282538 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4057518 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad4282538 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4057518 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4282538 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4057518 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ebc5968 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1ebc5968 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1ebc5968 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ebc5968 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x1ebc5968 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4058ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4058ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad42a89e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad42a89e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad42a89e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad42a89e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad42a89e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4058ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad42a89e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4058ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad42a89e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4058ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad41b53b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad41b53b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad41b53b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad41b53b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad41b53b8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad41b53b8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad41b53b8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad41b53b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad41b53b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad41b53b8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab405a078 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab405a078 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad42b0b38 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad42b0b38 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad42b0b38 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad42b0b38 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad42b0b38 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab405a078 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad42b0b38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab405a078 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad42b0b38 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab405a078 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4282538 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4282538 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4282538 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4057518 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4057518 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad4282538 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4282538 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4282538 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4282538 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4282538 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4282538 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4282538 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4057518 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad42a89e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42a89e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42a89e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4058ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4058ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad42a89e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad42a89e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad42a89e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad42a89e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad42a89e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad42a89e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad42a89e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4058ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad42b0b38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42b0b38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42b0b38 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab405a078 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab405a078 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad42b0b38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad42b0b38 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad42b0b38 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad42b0b38 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad42b0b38 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad42b0b38 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad42b0b38 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab405a078 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb19e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb19e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1e721788 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e721788 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad42f8748 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad42f8748 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad42f8748 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad42f8748 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad42f8748 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e721788 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad42f8748 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e721788 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad42f8748 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e721788 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad42f8748 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42f8748 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42f8748 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e721788 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e721788 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad42f8748 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad42f8748 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad42f8748 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad42f8748 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad42f8748 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad42f8748 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad42f8748 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e721788 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad421c148 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad421c148 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@54] 0x2aaad421c148 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad421c148 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad421c148 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad421c148 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad421c148 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad421c148 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad421c148 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad42359f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad421c148 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad42359f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad421c148 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacb94cf8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaac99b3d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaac99b3d8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaac99b3d8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaac99b3d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaaac99b3d8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaacb94cf8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaac99b3d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaacb94cf8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab40161d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab40161d8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaacb94cf8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab40161d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab40161d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab40161d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab40161d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ebae248 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1ebae248 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1ebae248 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x1ebae248 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebae248 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebae248 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ebae248 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1ebae248 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1ebae248 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1ebae248 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ebae248 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebae248 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ebae248 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@53] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad427a538 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e6f6778 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e6f6778 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02973e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e6f6778 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e6f6778 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e6f6778 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e6f6778 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e6f6778 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e6f6778 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1e575ef8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e575ef8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4222e58 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e575ef8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e575ef8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e575ef8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca02348 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca02348 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab42d31e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca02348 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca02348 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca02348 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e6e8228 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e6e8228 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416bb28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e6e8228 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e6e8228 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e6e8228 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e575ef8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e575ef8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4222e58 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e575ef8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca00ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca00ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4222e58 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca00ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca00ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca00ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac9ffa08 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaac9ffa08 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9ffa08 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9ffa08 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9ffa08 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca02348 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca02348 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42d31e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca02348 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e6e8228 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e6e8228 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416bb28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e6e8228 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca00ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca00ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4222e58 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca00ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9ffa08 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac9ffa08 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9ffa08 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea58498 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1ea58498 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ea58498 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1ea58498 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x1ea58498 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1ea58498 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1ec6fb78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e73e228 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e73e228 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1e967a68 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e73e228 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e73e228 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e73e228 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e576918 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e576918 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ec92728 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ec92728 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ec92728 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ec92728 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ec92728 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e576918 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ec92728 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e576918 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ec92728 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e576918 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@3] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00a61f8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ec92728 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec92728 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ec92728 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e576918 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e576918 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ec92728 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ec92728 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ec92728 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ec92728 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ec92728 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ec92728 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ec92728 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e576918 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ec6fb78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e73e228 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e73e228 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e967a68 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e73e228 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1e967a68 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e967a68 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1e967a68 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ec6fb78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ec6fb78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9f7d58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e967a68 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9fbb38 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f91f8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaac9f91f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9f91f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f91f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f91f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f91f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f91f8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9f91f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4054ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4054ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4054ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4054ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4054ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f3f78 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaac9f3f78 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00a61f8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9f3f78 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f3f78 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f3f78 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4054ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4054ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4054ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f3f78 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f3f78 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00a61f8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9f3f78 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1e5723a8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e5723a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4325658 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e5723a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e5723a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e5723a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42fac98 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e5723a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e5723a8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4325658 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e5723a8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42fac98 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e56dc78 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e56dc78 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab41b35d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab41b35d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab41b35d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab41b35d8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab41b35d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e56dc78 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab41b35d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e56dc78 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab41b35d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e56dc78 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab404b9e8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab404b9e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42c40f8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42c40f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab42c40f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab42c40f8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab42c40f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab404b9e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab42c40f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab404b9e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42c40f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab404b9e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab41b35d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab41b35d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab41b35d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e56dc78 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e56dc78 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab41b35d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab41b35d8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab41b35d8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab41b35d8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab41b35d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab41b35d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab41b35d8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e56dc78 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab42c40f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42c40f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42c40f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab404b9e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab404b9e8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab42c40f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42c40f8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42c40f8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42c40f8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42c40f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42c40f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42c40f8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab404b9e8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fd158 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaac9fd158 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab42d31e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9fd158 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fd158 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9fd158 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab404cf98 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab404cf98 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4222e58 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab404cf98 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab404cf98 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab404cf98 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fd158 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fd158 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42d31e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9fd158 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1ecf4638 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaac94a518 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaac94a518 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaac94a518 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaac94a518 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaaac94a518 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1ecf4638 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaac94a518 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1ecf4638 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab404cf98 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab404cf98 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ecf4638 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4222e58 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab404cf98 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ea59d58 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1ea59d58 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1ea59d58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x1ea59d58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea59d58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea59d58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ea59d58 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1ea59d58 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1ea59d58 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1ea59d58 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ea59d58 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea59d58 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea59d58 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@52] 0x1eb23d28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb23d28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb23d28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb23d28 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1eb23d28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca35138 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca35138 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4222e58 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca35138 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca35138 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca35138 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab4065b58 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4065b58 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42d4eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4065b58 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4065b58 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4065b58 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4065b58 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4065b58 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42d4eb8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4065b58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e9ce4b8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e9ce4b8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e9ce4b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e9ce4b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1e9ce4b8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab403b488 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab42ee738 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42ee738 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab42ee738 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab42ee738 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab42ee738 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab42ee738 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab42ee738 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca35138 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca35138 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4222e58 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca35138 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1e535688 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e535688 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4222e58 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e535688 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e535688 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e535688 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab42ee738 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42ee738 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42ee738 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42ee738 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42ee738 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42ee738 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42ee738 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42ee738 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42ee738 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42ee738 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab404e548 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab404e548 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab43e0da8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab43e0da8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab43e0da8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab43e0da8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab43e0da8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab404e548 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab43e0da8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab404e548 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab43e0da8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab404e548 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad00ad508 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4008a98 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad4008a98 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad4008a98 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad4008a98 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad4008a98 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad00ad508 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad4008a98 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad00ad508 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaad00ad508 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e535688 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e535688 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4222e58 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e535688 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e9066a8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1e9066a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1e9066a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@52] 0x1e9066a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e9066a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e9066a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e9066a8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1e9066a8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1e9066a8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1e9066a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1e9066a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e9066a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e9066a8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@51] 0x2aaab43e0da8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab43e0da8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab43e0da8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab404e548 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab404e548 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab43e0da8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab43e0da8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab43e0da8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab43e0da8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab43e0da8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab43e0da8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab43e0da8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab404e548 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab4048e28 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4048e28 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4360468 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4360468 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4360468 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab4360468 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab4360468 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4048e28 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab4360468 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4048e28 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4360468 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4048e28 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad43058b8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad43058b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@52] 0x2aaad43058b8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad43058b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad43058b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad43058b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad43058b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad43058b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad43058b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad430c1d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad43058b8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad430c1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad43058b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4360468 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4360468 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4360468 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4048e28 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4048e28 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4360468 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4360468 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4360468 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4360468 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4360468 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4360468 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4360468 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4048e28 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca9f618 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca9f618 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca9f618 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca9f618 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca9f618 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca9f618 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca9f618 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad419c668 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad419c668 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@52] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1ec12708 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ec12708 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ec12708 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ec12708 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ec12708 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1ec12708 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ec12708 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaaca9f618 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca9f618 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca9f618 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca9f618 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca9f618 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca9f618 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca9f618 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca9f618 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca9f618 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca9f618 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ec12708 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec12708 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ec12708 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ec12708 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ec12708 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ec12708 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ec12708 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ec12708 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ec12708 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ec12708 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac9c5858 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaac9c5858 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e967a68 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ea40d38 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ec6fb78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@53] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad40a3488 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad40a3488 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ec16f68 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ec16f68 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ec16f68 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ec16f68 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1ec16f68 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@52] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad006bec8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ea59d58 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea59d58 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@53] 0x1ea59d58 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ea59d58 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ea59d58 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ea59d58 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ea59d58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ea59d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ea59d58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad43145e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea59d58 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad43145e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea59d58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4044c88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4044c88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4271af8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4271af8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4271af8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4271af8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4271af8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4044c88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad4271af8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4044c88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4271af8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4044c88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad4019608 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4047848 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4047848 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad42818f8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad42818f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad42818f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad42818f8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad42818f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4047848 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad42818f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4047848 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad42818f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4047848 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab4046268 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4046268 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad42f5a08 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad42f5a08 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad42f5a08 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad42f5a08 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad42f5a08 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4046268 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad42f5a08 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4046268 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad42f5a08 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4046268 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaaca1f298 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca1f298 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad42adb78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad42adb78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad42adb78 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad42adb78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad42adb78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca1f298 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad42adb78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1f298 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad42adb78 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1f298 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4203498 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4203498 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4203498 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4203498 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4203498 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad4203498 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4203498 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab403ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab403ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad41af2d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad41af2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad41af2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad41af2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad41af2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab403ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad41af2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab403ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad41af2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab403ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab403e048 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab403e048 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad42fa678 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad42fa678 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad42fa678 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad42fa678 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad42fa678 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab403e048 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad42fa678 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab403e048 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad42fa678 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab403e048 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab403f628 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab403f628 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4301448 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4301448 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4301448 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4301448 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4301448 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab403f628 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad4301448 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab403f628 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4301448 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab403f628 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad42818f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42818f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42818f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4047848 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4047848 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad42818f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad42818f8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad42818f8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad42818f8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad42818f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad42818f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad42818f8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4047848 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab4035d98 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4035d98 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4035d98 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4035d98 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4035d98 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4271af8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4271af8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4271af8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4044c88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4044c88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad4271af8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4271af8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4271af8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4271af8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4271af8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4271af8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4271af8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4044c88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad42f5a08 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42f5a08 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42f5a08 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4046268 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4046268 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad42f5a08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4037378 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4037378 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4037378 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4037378 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4037378 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad42f5a08 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad42f5a08 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad42f5a08 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad42f5a08 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad42f5a08 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad42f5a08 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4046268 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad42adb78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42adb78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42adb78 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1f298 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1f298 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad42adb78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad42adb78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad42adb78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad42adb78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad42adb78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad42adb78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad42adb78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca1f298 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea97548 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4203498 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4203498 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4203498 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad4203498 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4203498 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4203498 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4203498 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4203498 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4203498 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4203498 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab40388c8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab40388c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4019608 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab40388c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab40388c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab40388c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad41af2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad41af2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad41af2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab403ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab403ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad41af2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad41af2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad41af2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad41af2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad41af2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad41af2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad41af2d8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab403ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad42fa678 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42fa678 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42fa678 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab403e048 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab403e048 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad42fa678 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad42fa678 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad42fa678 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad42fa678 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad42fa678 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad42fa678 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad42fa678 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab403e048 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4035d98 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4035d98 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4035d98 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad4301448 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4301448 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4301448 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab403f628 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab403f628 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad4301448 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4301448 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4301448 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4301448 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4301448 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4301448 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4301448 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab403f628 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4037378 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4037378 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca6d9b8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4037378 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea97548 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea97548 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea97548 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca42358 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca42358 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca42358 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca42358 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca42358 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab40388c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab40388c8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca40eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca40eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad42a3888 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca40eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca40eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca40eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4019608 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab40388c8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca42358 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca42358 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca42358 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca40eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca40eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad42a3888 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca40eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca44c98 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca44c98 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4019608 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca44c98 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca44c98 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca44c98 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad427a538 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca44c98 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca44c98 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4019608 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca44c98 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaaca47548 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca47548 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4019608 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca47548 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca47548 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca47548 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca460a8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca460a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad42a3888 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca460a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca460a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca460a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca49e88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca49e88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad424c838 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca49e88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca49e88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca49e88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaaca489e8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca489e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad430a6b8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad430a6b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad430a6b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad430a6b8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad430a6b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca489e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad430a6b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca489e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad430a6b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca489e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca47548 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca47548 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4019608 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4019608 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4019608 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca47548 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca460a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca460a8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad42a3888 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca460a8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca4b328 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca4b328 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad006bec8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca4b328 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4b328 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca4b328 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad430a6b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad430a6b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad430a6b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca489e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca489e8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad430a6b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad430a6b8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad430a6b8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad430a6b8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad430a6b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad430a6b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad430a6b8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca489e8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca49e88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca49e88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad424c838 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca49e88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00a61f8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4b328 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca4b328 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad006bec8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca4b328 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00a61f8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4040c08 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4040c08 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00a61f8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4040c08 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4040c08 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4040c08 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad006bec8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4040c08 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4040c08 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00a61f8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00a61f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00a61f8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4040c08 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad006bec8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad00e2758 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00e2758 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca1b928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad00e2758 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad00e2758 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1b928 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad00e2758 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad00e2758 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00e2758 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00e2758 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40a3488 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaad40a3488 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad00e2758 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad00e2758 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1b928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1b928 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1b928 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1b928 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1b928 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1b928 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca1b928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1b928 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad00e2758 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad00e2758 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1b928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1b928 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca1b928 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaad00e2758 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4359028 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4359028 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad4359028 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4359028 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad4359028 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4359028 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4359028 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4359028 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4359028 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4359028 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad4359028 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad4359028 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaad4359028 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad421c148 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42359f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaad42359f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad421c148 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@54] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaab41fd8c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaab41fd8c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1eb06208 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eadecb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eadecb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb06208 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x2aaab404e548 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab404e548 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab43f0008 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab43f0008 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e74c778 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e74c778 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01e7e38 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e74c778 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e74c778 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e74c778 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02973e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e74c778 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e74c778 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad01e7e38 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e74c778 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab43f0008 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad41a3658 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab43f0008 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad41a3658 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab43f0008 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad02973e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad02973e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac99cdb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaac99cdb8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaac99cdb8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaac99cdb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaac99cdb8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac99cdb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@3] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ebc2778 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca2feb8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e976b58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaac8c5718 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaac8c5718 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaac8c5718 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaac8c5718 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaaac8c5718 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1e976b58 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaac8c5718 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1e976b58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e7ea2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e7ea2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e976b58 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e7ea2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e7ea2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e7ea2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e7ea2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e944378 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1e944378 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1e944378 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x1e944378 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e944378 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e944378 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e944378 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1e944378 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1e944378 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1e944378 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1e944378 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e944378 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e944378 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@53] 0x2aaad01e7e38 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@54] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad0042398 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad0042398 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacad5078 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaacad5078 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@4] 0x2aaaacad5078 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacad5078 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x2aaab4222e58 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@6] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@6] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@7] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@8] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@8] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab42d31e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec6c128 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ec6c128 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad427bf58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad427bf58 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacb94cf8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb94cf8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb94cf8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb94cf8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaaacb94cf8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab40161d8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad4062bb8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4062bb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad4062bb8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@53] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac89d968 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaac89d968 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4139b38 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4139b38 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ea59d58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad43145e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad43145e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea59d58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1ebbd388 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad006f2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad006f2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad006f2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad006f2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad006f2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1ebbd388 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad006f2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1ebbd388 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ebbd388 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea5b6f8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@52] 0x2aaad43058b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad430c1d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad430c1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad43058b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1ecf4638 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ecf4638 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ecf4638 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ecf4638 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1ecf4638 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad00ad508 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00ad508 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00ad508 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00ad508 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad00ad508 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad41a9588 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4106d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad41a9588 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4106d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad41a9588 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@52] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4188aa8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4188aa8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4188aa8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab41e5888 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad4188aa8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab41e5888 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad4188aa8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad421c148 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42359f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad421c148 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42359f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaad421c148 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@52] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e9c7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e9c7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacb93218 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb93218 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5116:find_peer (ao2_find in peers_by_ip table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@52] 0x2aaaacb93218 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaacb93218 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@53] 0x2aaaacb93218 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaaacb93218 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaacb93218 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad41f96a8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad41f96a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca118b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad41f96a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad41f96a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca118b8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad41f96a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaac9fe568 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@1] 0x2aaaac9fe568 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@2] 0x2aaaac9fe568 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@3] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:26878:sip_request_call (unref dialog p UNREGISTERED) [@1] 0x2aaaacbd1ae8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26878:sip_request_call (unref dialog p UNREGISTERED) 0x2aaaac9fe568 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@2] 0x2aaaacb93218 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaacb93218 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaaacb93218 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaacb93218 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaacb93218 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@3] 0x2aaaacb93218 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaacb93218 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaacb93218 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaaacb93218 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb93218 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb93218 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacb93218 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaaacb93218 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaaacb93218 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaaacb93218 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaacb93218 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb93218 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb93218 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@52] 0x2aaad41f96a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad41f96a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad41f96a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad41f96a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad41f96a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad41f96a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad41f96a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca118b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca118b8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca118b8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca118b8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca118b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca118b8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca118b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca118b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad41f96a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad41f96a8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca118b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca118b8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaad41f96a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca118b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4045228 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4045228 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4045228 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4045228 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad4045228 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad42a3888 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e7a2758 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e7a2758 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ebc2778 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@53] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ea782c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1ea782c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e7a2758 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e7a2758 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e7a2758 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e7a2758 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e7a2758 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e7a2758 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e7a2758 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e7a2758 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e7a2758 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e7a2758 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x1e7a2758 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ecf4638 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ecf4638 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@54] 0x1ecf4638 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ecf4638 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ecf4638 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ecf4638 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ecf4638 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ecf4638 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ecf4638 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad4063758 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ecf4638 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad4063758 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ecf4638 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4139b38 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad4139b38 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad4139b38 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad4139b38 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad4139b38 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad4139b38 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad405eab8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@53] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab41fd8c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab41fd8c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad4188aa8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab41e5888 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab41e5888 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaab41e5888 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab41e5888 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaab41e5888 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad4188aa8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab41e5888 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad4188aa8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4188aa8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad41a9588 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaad41a9588 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad41a9588 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaad41a9588 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad41a9588 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad41a9588 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad41a9588 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaad41a9588 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaad41a9588 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaad41a9588 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad41a9588 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad41a9588 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad41a9588 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@52] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaab4298ad8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@51] 0x2aaab4298ad8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ecf4638 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4063758 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad4063758 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ecf4638 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1e976b58 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e976b58 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e976b58 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e976b58 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1e976b58 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1e7ea2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab43cf2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0042398 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad0042398 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1ebc5968 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ebc5968 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacad5078 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacad5078 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacad5078 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacad5078 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaaacad5078 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@50] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb19e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb19e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@50] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40c85e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad40c85e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e9a4b48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1ea58c98 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea58c98 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x1ea58c98 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1ea58c98 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x1ea58c98 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1e9a4b48 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1ea58c98 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9a4b48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e9a4b48 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@50] 0x1e6f6778 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e6f6778 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e6f6778 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1e6f6778 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad0100fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad0100fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e6f6778 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e6f6778 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad0100fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaad0100fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad0100fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eb0a478 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb0a478 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@51] 0x1eb0a478 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1eb0a478 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1eb0a478 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1eb0a478 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1eb0a478 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1eb0a478 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1eb0a478 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1e994578 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb0a478 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1e994578 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb0a478 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea782c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@51] 0x1ea782c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaac9b8538 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaac9b8538 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaac9b8538 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaac9b8538 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaaac9b8538 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaac9b8538 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1eb1fff8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1eb1fff8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1eb1fff8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@51] 0x1eb1fff8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb1fff8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb1fff8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eb1fff8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1eb1fff8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1eb1fff8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1eb1fff8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1eb1fff8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb1fff8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb1fff8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@50] 0x1ebbd388 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ebbd388 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ebbd388 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebbd388 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1ebbd388 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab421cd18 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab421cd18 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab421cd18 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab421cd18 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaab421cd18 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1ea59d58 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1ea59d58 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaab421cd18 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea59d58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1ea59d58 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x1ea59d58 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@50] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ea59d58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ea59d58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x1ea59d58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea59d58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea59d58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea59d58 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1ea59d58 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1ea59d58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@3] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab43f7b98 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb562a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb562a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@50] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad421c148 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad42359f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad42359f8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x2aaad42359f8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaad42359f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaad42359f8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaad421c148 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad42359f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad421c148 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad421c148 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@50] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad011b4e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42ed358 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42ed358 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ebbd388 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebbd388 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@51] 0x1ebbd388 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ebbd388 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ebbd388 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ebbd388 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ea5b6f8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@52] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ebbd388 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ebbd388 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ebbd388 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1e9c7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ebbd388 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1e9c7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebbd388 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1eb63b18 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1eb63b18 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ec6fb78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40a3488 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad40a3488 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ec6fb78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@52] 0x2aaab4014c28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4014c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac9d85f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaac9d85f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaacb66ed8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ecf4638 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4063758 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ecf4638 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4063758 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ecf4638 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@52] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb63b18 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb63b18 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4359028 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4359028 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec1e7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ec1e7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1ec49138 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ec49138 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@53] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad42696b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad42696b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4188aa8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4188aa8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4188aa8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4188aa8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad4188aa8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1eb0a478 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e994578 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e994578 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x1eb0a478 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x1eb0a478 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e994578 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb0a478 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e994578 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x1eb0a478 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00610f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00610f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ebbd388 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e9c7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ebbd388 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e9c7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x1ebbd388 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaaaca1b928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1b928 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad00e2758 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad00e2758 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad00e2758 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea0e658 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad00e2758 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea0e658 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad00e2758 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42696b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad42696b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1ebe60a8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@54] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad404e9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad404e9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42696b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42696b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab420b228 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab420b228 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eb28c68 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb28c68 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1eb28c68 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1eb28c68 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x1eb28c68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1eb28c68 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb28c68 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb28c68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eb28c68 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1eb28c68 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1eb28c68 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1eb28c68 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1eb28c68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacad9688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacad9688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e6f6778 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaacad9688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaacad9688 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e6f6778 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacad9688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacad9688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacad9688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacad9688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacad9688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaacad9688 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e6f6778 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e6f6778 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@6] 0x1e6f6778 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e6f6778 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@6] 0x1e6f6778 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@7] 0x1e6f6778 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@8] 0x1e6f6778 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x1e6f6778 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@8] 0x2aaaacad9688 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaacad9688 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e6f6778 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x1e6f6778 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x1e6f6778 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@8] 0x2aaaacad9688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad011b4e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e9a4b48 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e9a4b48 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e9a4b48 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e9a4b48 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1e9a4b48 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@53] 0x1e9a4b48 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e9a4b48 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@54] 0x1e9a4b48 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1e9a4b48 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1e9a4b48 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad405eab8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e9a4b48 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@55] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1e9a4b48 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e9a4b48 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1e9a4b48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1eb42638 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e9a4b48 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1eb42638 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9a4b48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad4139ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad4139ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad0100fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad0100fb8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1e6f6778 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eb336b8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb336b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1eb336b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1eb336b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x1eb336b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eb336b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb336b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb336b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eb336b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1eb336b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@8] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@8] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@8] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@8] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1eb336b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1eb336b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1eb336b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1eb336b8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x1eb336b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad40a15d8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad43058b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad430c1d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad43058b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad430c1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad43058b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@55] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab429bbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab429bbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ea59d58 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea59d58 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea59d58 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea59d58 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1ea59d58 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@54] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1eb562a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb562a8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x1eb562a8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1eb562a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x1eb562a8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1eb562a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad42f3da8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad42f3da8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@55] 0x2aaad42f3da8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad42f3da8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad42f3da8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad42f3da8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad42f3da8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad42f3da8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad42f3da8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad42fca38 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad42f3da8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad42fca38 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad42f3da8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad404e9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad404e9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea782c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea782c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@55] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42a7e88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42a7e88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad421c148 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad421c148 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad421c148 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad421c148 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad421c148 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@54] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad00610f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad00610f8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad00610f8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad00610f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad00610f8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad00610f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1eb0a478 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1eb0a478 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1eb0a478 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x1eb0a478 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb0a478 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb0a478 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eb0a478 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1eb0a478 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1eb0a478 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1eb0a478 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1eb0a478 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb0a478 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb0a478 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@53] 0x2aaab403b488 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab403b488 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42624c8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42624c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab42624c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab42624c8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab42624c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab403b488 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab42624c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab403b488 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42624c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab403b488 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab42624c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42624c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42624c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab403b488 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab403b488 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab42624c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42624c8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42624c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42624c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42624c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42624c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42624c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab403b488 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab441d7e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e944268 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e944268 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@54] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1e944268 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1e944268 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1e944268 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e944268 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1e944268 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1e994578 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1e994578 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e785cb8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e785cb8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb49b48 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e785cb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e785cb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e785cb8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e785cb8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e785cb8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb49b48 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e785cb8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0ffe8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca0ffe8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb49b48 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca0ffe8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0ffe8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca0ffe8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0ffe8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0ffe8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb49b48 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca0ffe8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ebc5968 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec0d148 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ec0d148 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x1ec0d148 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1ec0d148 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x1ec0d148 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1ebc5968 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1ebc5968 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1ec0d148 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1ebc5968 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x1ebc5968 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ebc5968 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1ebc5968 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@3] 0x1ebc5968 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ebc5968 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ebc5968 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ebc5968 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ebc5968 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebc5968 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ebc5968 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40c7848 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaad40c7848 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad40c7848 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaad40c7848 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaad40c7848 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaad40c7848 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40c7848 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad40c7848 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab41fd8c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab41fd8c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad005ca88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad005ca88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad0100fb8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad0100fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad0100fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad0100fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad0100fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@55] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad40d4518 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad40d4518 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad0100fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad0100fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad0100fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e9a4b48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb42638 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb42638 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9a4b48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad41f96a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad41f96a8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaaacb49b48 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e5284c8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e5284c8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e5284c8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e5284c8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e5284c8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e5284c8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e5284c8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e5284c8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e5284c8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e5284c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e5284c8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x1e5284c8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e5284c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1eb8dc18 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e906268 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad42f3da8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42fca38 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@55] 0x2aaad42fca38 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad42f3da8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4139ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@55] 0x2aaad4139ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40d4518 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad40d4518 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40d4518 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad40d4518 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@55] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac8b4738 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaac8b4738 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1e982718 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@54] 0x1e944268 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e994578 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x1e994578 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad4359028 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00f9228 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad00f9228 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad00f9228 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad00f9228 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaad00f9228 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaad4359028 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaad4359028 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad00f9228 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad4359028 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4359028 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4359028 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4359028 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@3] 0x2aaad4359028 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4359028 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4359028 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4359028 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4359028 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4359028 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4359028 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad4008998 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4008998 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab404a408 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad4008998 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4008998 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab404a408 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad4008998 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4008998 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4008998 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4008998 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4008998 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4008998 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab404a408 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab404a408 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab404a408 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab404a408 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab404a408 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab404a408 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab404a408 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab404a408 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad4008998 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad4008998 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab404a408 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab404a408 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaab404a408 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad4008998 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e982718 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad424c838 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad42fab38 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad42fab38 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad42fab38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad42fab38 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad42fab38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1e9c6458 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e9c6458 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x1e9c6458 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1e9c6458 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x1e9c6458 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e9c6458 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x1e50ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e50ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e50ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaad000b9c8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1e50ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad000b9c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad000b9c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e50ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e50ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad42fab38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42fab38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42fab38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad000b9c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad000b9c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad000b9c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad000b9c8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaad000b9c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaad000b9c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaad000b9c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad000b9c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad000b9c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad000b9c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e50ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad42fab38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad42fab38 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad42fab38 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad42fab38 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaad42fab38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ed8a8e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ed8a8e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@55] 0x1ed8a8e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ed8a8e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ed8a8e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ed8a8e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ed8a8e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ed8a8e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ed8a8e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ed92db8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ed8a8e8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1ed92db8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ed8a8e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad000b728 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaac9c5858 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaac9c5858 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaac9c5858 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaac9c5858 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaaac9c5858 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaac9c5858 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@55] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad40fb8e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@54] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad01e7e38 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@53] 0x1ea97068 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea97068 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@54] 0x1ea97068 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ea97068 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ea97068 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ea97068 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ea97068 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ea97068 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ea97068 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ea987b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea97068 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1ea987b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea97068 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaac8b4738 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaac8b4738 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaac8b4738 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaac8b4738 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaaac8b4738 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaac8b4738 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@53] 0x2aaad01e7e38 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1eb39578 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@54] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad419c668 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad419c668 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea97068 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea987b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea987b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea97068 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacad9688 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaacad9688 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab420b228 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab420b228 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaab420b228 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab420b228 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaab420b228 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab420b228 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ec49138 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@53] 0x2aaad40f15a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad40f9698 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad40f9698 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x2aaad40f9698 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaad40f9698 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaad40f9698 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaad40f15a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad40f9698 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad40f15a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad40f15a8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaaaca0c698 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0c698 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab424f848 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaab424f848 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaaaca0c698 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0c698 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab424f848 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaaca0c698 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0c698 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab424f848 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab424f848 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab424f848 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab424f848 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaab424f848 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaab424f848 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaab424f848 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab424f848 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab424f848 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab424f848 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca0c698 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad0103218 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad0103218 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad0103218 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ead1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad0103218 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ead1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad0103218 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ed8a8e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ed92db8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x1ed92db8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ed8a8e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1eb28c68 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1eb28c68 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1eb28c68 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1eb28c68 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad0103218 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1ead1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1ead1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad0103218 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e920618 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e920618 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e920618 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e920618 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x1e920618 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e920618 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e920618 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e920618 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ec49138 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@54] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ea78fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1ea78fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad42f3da8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42fca38 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad42f3da8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42fca38 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad42f3da8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x1e7a2758 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e7a2758 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42ee6e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42ee6e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1ea5b6f8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@53] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@6] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@6] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@7] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@8] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@8] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@7] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@8] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@8] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad419c668 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaad419c668 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1e99cdf8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@52] 0x1ed8a8e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ed92db8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ed8a8e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ed92db8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ed8a8e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@52] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1eb28c68 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1eb28c68 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaacac2ac8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacac2ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaacac2ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 -1 chan_sip.c:15174:register_verify (register_verify: unref_peer: tossing stack peer pointer at end of func) [@5] 0x2aaaacac2ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eb28c68 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab421cd18 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1eb28c68 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab421cd18 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1eb28c68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacac2ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaacac2ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 -1 chan_sip.c:14217:parse_register_contact (ao2_unlink of peer from peers_by_ip table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 +1 chan_sip.c:14268:parse_register_contact (ao2_link into peers_by_ip table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 -1 chan_sip.c:14279:parse_register_contact (remove register expire ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 +1 chan_sip.c:14291:parse_register_contact (add registration ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacbb1558 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacbb1558 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacbb1558 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacbb1558 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacbb1558 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 -1 chan_sip.c:26603:sip_poke_peer (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacbb1558 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacbb1558 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 -1 chan_sip.c:15174:register_verify (register_verify: unref_peer: tossing stack peer pointer at end of func) [@6] 0x2aaaacac2ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaacac2ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad426a508 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaab43cf2e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad0103218 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1ead1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1ead1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x1ead1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1ead1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x1ead1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad0103218 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1ead1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad0103218 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad40c85e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaad40c85e8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad40c85e8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad40c85e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad40c85e8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad0103218 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad40c85e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1eb19e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1eb19e58 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x1eb19e58 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1eb19e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x1eb19e58 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1eb19e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4030008 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaac983ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaac983ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaac983ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaac983ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaaac983ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad4030008 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaac983ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad4030008 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaacac2ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaacac2ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaacac2ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 -1 chan_sip.c:15174:register_verify (register_verify: unref_peer: tossing stack peer pointer at end of func) [@6] 0x2aaaacac2ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad0103218 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad0103218 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@52] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40c85e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad40c85e8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad40c85e8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad40c85e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad40c85e8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad40c85e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4030008 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac983ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaac983ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaac983ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaac983ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaaac983ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaac983ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad4030008 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1e9cc3a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e9cc3a8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x1e9cc3a8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1e9cc3a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x1e9cc3a8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4048e28 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e9cc3a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4048e28 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4048e28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4048e28 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4030008 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5116:find_peer (ao2_find in peers_by_ip table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@52] 0x2aaab4048e28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4048e28 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@52] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad426a508 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42696b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaad42696b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ea5b6f8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@54] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1eb19e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1eb19e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacbb1558 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacbb1558 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacbb1558 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacbb1558 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacbb1558 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacbb1558 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacbb1558 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacbb1558 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacbb1558 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacbb1558 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca52ee8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea78fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea78fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42696b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42696b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab424f848 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab424f848 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaac9fe568 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@1] 0x2aaaac9fe568 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@2] 0x2aaaac9fe568 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@3] 0x2aaab424f848 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab424f848 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab424f848 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab424f848 -1 chan_sip.c:26878:sip_request_call (unref dialog p UNREGISTERED) [@1] 0x2aaab424f848 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26878:sip_request_call (unref dialog p UNREGISTERED) 0x2aaaac9fe568 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@53] 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@8] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@8] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 -1 chan_sip.c:17775:_sip_show_peer (sip_show_peer: unref_peer: done with peer ptr) [@5] 0x2aaab43f7b98 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab424f848 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab424f848 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e575ef8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab424f848 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1e575ef8 -1 chan_sip.c:15174:register_verify (register_verify: unref_peer: tossing stack peer pointer at end of func) [@5] 0x2aaab424f848 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab424f848 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1e575ef8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab424f848 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e575ef8 -1 chan_sip.c:14217:parse_register_contact (ao2_unlink of peer from peers_by_ip table) [@5] 0x1e575ef8 +1 chan_sip.c:14268:parse_register_contact (ao2_link into peers_by_ip table) [@4] 0x1e575ef8 -1 chan_sip.c:14279:parse_register_contact (remove register expire ref) [@5] 0x1e575ef8 +1 chan_sip.c:14291:parse_register_contact (add registration ref) [@4] 0x2aaab416bb28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e575ef8 -1 chan_sip.c:26603:sip_poke_peer (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e575ef8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e575ef8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e575ef8 -1 chan_sip.c:15174:register_verify (register_verify: unref_peer: tossing stack peer pointer at end of func) [@6] 0x2aaab424f848 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaab424f848 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e575ef8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e575ef8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaab4222e58 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad40f15a8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad40f15a8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad40f15a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad40f15a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad40f15a8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@52] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad401d8a8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@51] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab4145da8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4145da8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab424f848 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1e575ef8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab424f848 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab424f848 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1e575ef8 -1 chan_sip.c:15174:register_verify (register_verify: unref_peer: tossing stack peer pointer at end of func) [@6] 0x2aaab424f848 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ead1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1ead1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e575ef8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e575ef8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab416bb28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416bb28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416bb28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e575ef8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4145da8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4145da8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab4145da8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4145da8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaaca437f8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca437f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad401d8a8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca437f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca437f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca437f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e575ef8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e575ef8 -1 chan_sip.c:17775:_sip_show_peer (sip_show_peer: unref_peer: done with peer ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca437f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca437f8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad401d8a8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca437f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1ec6c128 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ec6c128 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x1ec6c128 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1ec6c128 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x1ec6c128 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1ec6c128 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@51] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4200238 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4200238 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca4f108 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad4200238 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4200238 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4f108 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad4200238 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4200238 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4200238 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4200238 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4200238 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4200238 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4f108 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca4f108 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca4f108 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca4f108 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca4f108 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca4f108 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca4f108 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca4f108 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad4200238 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad4200238 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4f108 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca4f108 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca4f108 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaad4200238 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1ec1e7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1ec1e7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x1ec1e7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1ec1e7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x1ec1e7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1ec1e7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ecf4638 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1ecf4638 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1ecf4638 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@51] 0x1ecf4638 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ecf4638 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ecf4638 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ecf4638 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1ecf4638 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1ecf4638 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1ecf4638 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ecf4638 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ecf4638 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ecf4638 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@50] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb19e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@50] 0x1eb19e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1eb336b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1eb336b8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1eb336b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1eb336b8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad014f0b8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad014f0b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad014f0b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad014f0b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad014f0b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad014f0b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad014f0b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad014f0b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab4145da8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4145da8 +1 chan_sip.c:23746:handle_request_refer () [@3] 0x2aaad426bc58 +1 chan_sip.c:23748:handle_request_refer () [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@4] 0x2aaab4145da8 -1 chan_sip.c:23979:handle_request_refer () [@4] 0x2aaad426bc58 -1 chan_sip.c:23982:handle_request_refer () [@4] 0x2aaab4145da8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@5] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@4] 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:6361:sip_hangup (unref p->owner->tech_pvt) [@5] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad014f0b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad014f0b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad014f0b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad014f0b8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaad014f0b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad419c668 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad419c668 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@49] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@50] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4269db8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4269db8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ecf4638 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ecf4638 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5116:find_peer (ao2_find in peers_by_ip table) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@50] 0x1ecf4638 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ecf4638 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@52] 0x1ecf4638 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@51] 0x1ecf4638 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ecf4638 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ecf4638 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac983ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x1ecf4638 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaac983ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@4] 0x1ecf4638 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad023c098 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad023c098 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x2aaad023c098 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaad023c098 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaad023c098 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaad023c098 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad023c098 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad023c098 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e9a4b48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb42638 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e9a4b48 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb42638 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9a4b48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@51] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaaca118b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaad023c098 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaaaca118b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad023c098 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad41f96a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad41f96a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad41f96a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4263cc8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad41f96a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4263cc8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad41f96a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaac9e5d28 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaac9e5d28 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaac9e5d28 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaac9e5d28 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaaac9e5d28 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaac9e5d28 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab401a2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab401a2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab401a2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab401a2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab401a2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab401a2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1eb2e958 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1eb2e958 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1eb2e958 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@51] 0x1eb2e958 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb2e958 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb2e958 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eb2e958 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1eb2e958 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1eb2e958 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1eb2e958 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1eb2e958 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb2e958 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb2e958 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@50] 0x2aaad0103218 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad0103218 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad0103218 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad0103218 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad0103218 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1e9840a8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@49] 0x2aaad4030008 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4030008 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4030008 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4030008 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad4030008 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4048e28 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1e9e3468 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@48] 0x1e9e3468 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1e9840a8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab418cac8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab418cac8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@47] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@48] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@50] 0x2aaab418cac8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaab418cac8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@50] 0x2aaab418cac8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab418cac8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab418cac8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab418cac8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab418cac8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaab4145da8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab418cac8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaab4145da8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab418cac8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1e8ec878 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1e8ec878 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e944268 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e994578 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e994578 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@50] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e944268 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1e944268 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e944268 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@49] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab43ee088 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab43ee088 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac51cca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaac51cca8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaac51cca8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaaac51cca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaaac51cca8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac51cca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacbb1d58 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad009a6c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad009a6c8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad009a6c8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad009a6c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad009a6c8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad009a6c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4011ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab4011ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4011ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4011ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4011ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4011ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1eaf5668 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1eaf5668 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1eaf5668 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@48] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@49] 0x1eaf5668 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eaf5668 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eaf5668 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eaf5668 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1eaf5668 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1eaf5668 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1eaf5668 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1eaf5668 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eaf5668 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eaf5668 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@48] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac51cca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaac51cca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4020b88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4020b88 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab413a158 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab413a158 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab413a158 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab413a158 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab413a158 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab4020b88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4020b88 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab4020b88 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4020b88 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab4020b88 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4020b88 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab4020b88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4020b88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4020b88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4020b88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab4020b88 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab413a158 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab413a158 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab413a158 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab413a158 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab413a158 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab413a158 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab413a158 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaab413a158 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab42ee378 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42ee378 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab42ee378 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab42ee378 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab42ee378 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab42ee378 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42ee378 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42ee378 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab42ee378 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab42ee378 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@7] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@8] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@8] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@9] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@8] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@9] 0x2aaab42ee378 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab42ee378 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@8] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@9] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@9] 0x2aaab42ee378 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@8] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1ea6c0e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@47] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@7] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb19e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb19e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@46] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@47] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad41e6ea8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1ea40d38 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1eb336b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1eb336b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad0080eb8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad0080eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad0080eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad0080eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad0080eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1eb19e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb19e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad0080eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0080eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0080eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eb336b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac99cdb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1eb336b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaac99cdb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1eb336b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad0080eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad0080eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad0080eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad0080eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaad0080eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad00c5e28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad401f8f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad401f8f8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad401f8f8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad401f8f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad401f8f8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad401f8f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca49e88 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca49e88 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca49e88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca49e88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca49e88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca49e88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e974808 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1e974808 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1e974808 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@46] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@47] 0x1e974808 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e974808 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e974808 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e974808 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1e974808 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1e974808 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1e974808 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1e974808 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e974808 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e974808 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@46] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad01e7e38 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01e7e38 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad01e7e38 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad02376c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab429d578 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab429d578 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaab429d578 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab429d578 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaab429d578 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad02376c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab429d578 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad02376c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad02376c8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@45] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@46] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad40e3848 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@45] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e8ec878 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e8ec878 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad0100fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaab418cac8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4145da8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4145da8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab418cac8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1eb5dd08 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb5dd08 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@44] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@45] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@46] 0x1eb5dd08 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1eb5dd08 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1eb5dd08 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1eb5dd08 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1eb5dd08 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1eb5dd08 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1eb5dd08 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad4086a78 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb5dd08 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad4086a78 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb5dd08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea6c0e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1ebf7d88 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab401a2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4139ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad4139ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4139ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4139ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@45] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@46] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4271af8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4271af8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4290168 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4290168 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaab4290168 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab4290168 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4290168 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaab4290168 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@45] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@46] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42d31e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42d31e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42d31e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaaacb55428 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4011ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad40f52a8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad40f52a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@45] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@46] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@47] 0x2aaad40f52a8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad40f52a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad40f52a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad40f52a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad40f52a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad40f52a8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad40f52a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad42a5798 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad40f52a8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad42a5798 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad40f52a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab43ee088 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab43ee088 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaab43ee088 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab43ee088 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaab43ee088 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab43ee088 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ebf7d88 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@46] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@47] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@48] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad0042398 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad0042398 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea78fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea78fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@47] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@48] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4300f08 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4300f08 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad40f52a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42a5798 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad42a5798 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad40f52a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1ea97068 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea987b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea97068 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea987b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea97068 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@47] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@48] 0x1e6f6778 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e6f6778 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacad9688 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaacad9688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad40f52a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42a5798 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad40f52a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42a5798 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad40f52a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@47] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@48] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaacad9688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebaa648 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaacad9688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebaa648 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaacad9688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42b0d98 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42b0d98 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb55428 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb55428 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca259b8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca259b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca259b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca259b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca259b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca4dc68 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca4dc68 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb3abe8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca4dc68 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4dc68 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca4dc68 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4018d38 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4018d38 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb8e058 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb8e058 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb8e058 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb8e058 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb8e058 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4018d38 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb8e058 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4018d38 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb8e058 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4018d38 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca259b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca259b8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca4f108 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca4f108 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb0a3f8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb0a3f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb0a3f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb0a3f8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb0a3f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca4f108 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaacb0a3f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4f108 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb0a3f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca4f108 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca259b8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacaf7308 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacaf7308 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacaf7308 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacaf7308 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacaf7308 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacaf7308 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacaf7308 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e7ea2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e7ea2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacafd288 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacafd288 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacafd288 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacafd288 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacafd288 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e7ea2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacafd288 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e7ea2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacafd288 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e7ea2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4dc68 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca4dc68 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca4dc68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca23078 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca23078 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb3abe8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca23078 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca23078 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca23078 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca505a8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca505a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacc26b28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacc26b28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacc26b28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacc26b28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacc26b28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca505a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacc26b28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca505a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacc26b28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca505a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb8e058 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb8e058 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb8e058 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4018d38 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4018d38 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb8e058 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb8e058 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb8e058 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb8e058 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb8e058 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb8e058 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb8e058 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4018d38 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacb0a3f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb0a3f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb0a3f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4f108 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca4f108 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb0a3f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb0a3f8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb0a3f8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb0a3f8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb0a3f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb0a3f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb0a3f8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca4f108 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaacafd288 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacafd288 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacafd288 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e7ea2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e7ea2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacafd288 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacafd288 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacafd288 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacafd288 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacafd288 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacafd288 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacafd288 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e7ea2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacaf7308 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacaf7308 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacaf7308 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacaf7308 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacaf7308 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacaf7308 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacaf7308 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacaf7308 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacaf7308 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacaf7308 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacc35b68 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacc35b68 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacc35b68 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacc35b68 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacc35b68 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacc35b68 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacc35b68 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca23078 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca23078 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb3abe8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca23078 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacc26b28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacc26b28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacc26b28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca505a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca505a8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacc26b28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacc26b28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacc26b28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacc26b28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacc26b28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacc26b28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacc26b28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca505a8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e562f08 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e562f08 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb55428 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e562f08 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e562f08 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e562f08 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacc35b68 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacc35b68 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacc35b68 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacc35b68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacc35b68 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacc35b68 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacc35b68 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacc35b68 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacc35b68 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacc35b68 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea40d38 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e562f08 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e562f08 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb55428 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e562f08 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416bae8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab42fce48 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea40d38 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaac9ee158 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaac9ee158 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4325658 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9ee158 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9ee158 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9ee158 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416bae8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9f1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@6] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@6] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@7] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@8] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@8] 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@8] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e56afd8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e56afd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e56afd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e56afd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e56afd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9ee158 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac9ee158 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4325658 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9ee158 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e56afd8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e56afd8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e56afd8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1ebc0c28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaaaca49e88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e7bf1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e7bf1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad401d8a8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e7bf1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e7bf1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e7bf1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e5226a8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e5226a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad40e3848 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e5226a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e5226a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e5226a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e7bf1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e7bf1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad401d8a8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e7bf1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad00c5e28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e5226a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e5226a8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad40e3848 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e5226a8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e51a958 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e51a958 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00c5e28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e51a958 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e51a958 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e51a958 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e51d4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e51d4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01dca38 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e51d4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e51d4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e51d4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e51a958 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e51a958 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00c5e28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e51a958 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab402f128 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab402f128 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00c5e28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab402f128 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab402f128 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab402f128 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e51d4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e51d4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad01dca38 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e51d4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01dca38 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab402f128 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab402f128 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00c5e28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab402f128 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad01dca38 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1eb5dd08 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4086a78 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@47] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@48] 0x2aaad4086a78 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb5dd08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00c5e28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e5284c8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e5284c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01dca38 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e5284c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e5284c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e5284c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00c5e28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00c5e28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e5284c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e5284c8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad01dca38 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e5284c8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1b928 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca1b928 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01dca38 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca1b928 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1b928 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1b928 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab402c5c8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab402c5c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab402c5c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab402c5c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab402c5c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00c5e28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00c5e28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1b928 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1b928 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad01dca38 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca1b928 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab402c5c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab402c5c8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab402c5c8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01dca38 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca33c98 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca33c98 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca33c98 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca33c98 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca33c98 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00c5e28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab402db78 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab402db78 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00c5e28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab402db78 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab402db78 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab402db78 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad01dca38 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca33c98 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca33c98 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca33c98 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01dca38 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab402db78 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab402db78 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00c5e28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab402db78 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab40306d8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab40306d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab420bdc8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab40306d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab40306d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab40306d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad01dca38 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416bae8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e7cd838 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e7cd838 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab43c5688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab43c5688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab43c5688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab43c5688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e7cd838 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab43c5688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e7cd838 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e7cd838 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab40306d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab40306d8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab420bdc8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab40306d8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416bae8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ebc0c28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4033238 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4033238 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea40d38 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4033238 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4033238 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4033238 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ebc0c28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab43c5688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e7cd838 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e7cd838 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab43c5688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab43c5688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab43c5688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e7cd838 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab40249e8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab40249e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00c5e28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab40249e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab40249e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab40249e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab4020b88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4020b88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab420bdc8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4020b88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4020b88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4020b88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4033238 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4033238 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea40d38 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4033238 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab416bae8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e509e08 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e509e08 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab43c5688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab43c5688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab43c5688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab43c5688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e509e08 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab43c5688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e509e08 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e509e08 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab40249e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab40249e8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00c5e28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00c5e28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00c5e28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab40249e8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4020b88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4020b88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab420bdc8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4020b88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb55428 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab43c5688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e509e08 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e509e08 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab43c5688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab43c5688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab43c5688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e509e08 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4021e88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4021e88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacba1c28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4021e88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4021e88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4021e88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb55428 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1e50ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e50ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb55428 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e50ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e50ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e50ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4021e88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4021e88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacba1c28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4021e88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e50ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e50ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb55428 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e50ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e507298 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e507298 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad40e3848 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e507298 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e507298 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e507298 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e50d438 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e50d438 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4217be8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e50d438 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e50d438 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e50d438 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e507298 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e507298 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad40e3848 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e507298 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e50d438 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e50d438 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad02376c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad02376c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad02376c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad02376c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad02376c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e50d438 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1ea40d38 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@47] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@48] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@49] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ec933e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1ec933e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e511a68 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e511a68 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e511a68 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e511a68 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e511a68 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e511a68 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e511a68 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e511a68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab41fd8c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab41fd8c8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x2aaab41fd8c8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaab41fd8c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaab41fd8c8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab41fd8c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@48] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@49] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad411cb08 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad411cb08 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab42b0d98 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab42b0d98 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaab42b0d98 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab42b0d98 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaab42b0d98 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab42b0d98 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad40f52a8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaad40f52a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad40f52a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@48] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@49] 0x2aaad40f52a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40f52a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad40f52a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad40f52a8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaad40f52a8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaad40f52a8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaad40f52a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad40f52a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad40f52a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad40f52a8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@48] 0x2aaaaca16b38 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca16b38 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad427ff18 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad427ff18 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad427ff18 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad427ff18 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad427ff18 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca16b38 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad427ff18 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca16b38 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad427ff18 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca16b38 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4282dc8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4282dc8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4282dc8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4282dc8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4282dc8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad4282dc8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4282dc8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e512548 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e512548 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4299ca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4299ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4299ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4299ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4299ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e512548 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad4299ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e512548 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4299ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e512548 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad42a0e78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad42a0e78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad42a0e78 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad42a0e78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad42a0e78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad42a0e78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad42a0e78 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad427ff18 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad427ff18 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad427ff18 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca16b38 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca16b38 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad427ff18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad427ff18 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad427ff18 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad427ff18 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad427ff18 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad427ff18 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad427ff18 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca16b38 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca118b8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca118b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4319ca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4319ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4319ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4319ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4319ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca118b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad4319ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca118b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4319ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca118b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad4282dc8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4282dc8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4282dc8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4282dc8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4282dc8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4282dc8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4282dc8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4282dc8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4282dc8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4282dc8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca18fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad4299ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4299ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4299ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e512548 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e512548 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad4299ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4299ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4299ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4299ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4299ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4299ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4299ca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e512548 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad42a0e78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42a0e78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42a0e78 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad42a0e78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad42a0e78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad42a0e78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad42a0e78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad42a0e78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad42a0e78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad42a0e78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e8ec878 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e8ec878 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@47] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@48] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad0100fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4017788 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4017788 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab420bdc8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4017788 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4017788 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4017788 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4319ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4319ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4319ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca118b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca118b8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4319ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4319ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4319ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4319ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4319ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4319ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4319ca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca118b8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4017788 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4017788 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab420bdc8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4017788 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab40161d8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab40161d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab420bdc8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab40161d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab40161d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab40161d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab401a2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab401a2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ebc0c28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab401a2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab401a2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab401a2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad0100fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac9a32f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaac9a32f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f68b8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaac9f68b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea1dd98 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9f68b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f68b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f68b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab40161d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad40e3848 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab40161d8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@47] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab420bdc8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@48] 0x2aaab420bdc8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@49] 0x2aaab420bdc8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaab40161d8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad418a888 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad418a888 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab401a2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab401a2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ebc0c28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab401a2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@48] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@49] 0x1ebc0c28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@48] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@49] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@50] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@48] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ebc0c28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@49] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f68b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f68b8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea1dd98 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9f68b8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab401f758 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab401f758 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ebc0c28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab401f758 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab401f758 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab401f758 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab401f758 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab401f758 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ebc0c28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab401f758 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1ebc0c28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea1dd98 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ebc0c28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebc0c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ebc0c28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1e7b0ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e7b0ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad401d8a8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e7b0ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e7b0ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e7b0ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea1dd98 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0c698 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca0c698 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca0c698 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0c698 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca0c698 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e7b0ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e7b0ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad401d8a8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e7b0ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0c698 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0c698 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca0c698 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ea1dd98 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@48] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@50] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ea7a628 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1ea7a628 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad418a888 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad418a888 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab43c5688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab43c5688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab43c5688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab43c5688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab43c5688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e777768 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e777768 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42d4e48 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e777768 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e777768 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e777768 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab43c5688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab43c5688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab43c5688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab43c5688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab43c5688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec933e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@50] 0x1ec933e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4008998 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4008998 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad4008998 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4008998 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e777768 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e777768 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42d4e48 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e777768 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e944268 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e944268 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@51] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1e944268 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@6] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab42d4e48 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1e944268 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@6] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@8] 0x1e944268 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e944268 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1e944268 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad42696b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad42696b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42d4e48 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@7] 0x1e7a2758 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e7a2758 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacba1c28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e7a2758 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e7a2758 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e7a2758 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e7a2758 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e7a2758 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacba1c28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e7a2758 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab400f058 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab400f058 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacba1c28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab400f058 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab400f058 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab400f058 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab400f058 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab400f058 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacba1c28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab400f058 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab404a408 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab404a408 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacba1c28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab404a408 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab404a408 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab404a408 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab404a408 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab404a408 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacba1c28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab404a408 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab4011ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4011ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1eaec058 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eaec058 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1eaec058 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1eaec058 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1eaec058 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4011ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1eaec058 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4011ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1eaec058 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4011ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1ebe60a8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@50] 0x1eaec058 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eaec058 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eaec058 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4011ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4011ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1eaec058 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1eaec058 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eaec058 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eaec058 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eaec058 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eaec058 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eaec058 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4011ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4013678 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4013678 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad40b1838 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad40b1838 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad40b1838 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad40b1838 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad40b1838 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4013678 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad40b1838 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4013678 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad40b1838 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4013678 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4014c28 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4014c28 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422a2d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422a2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad422a2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad422a2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad422a2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4014c28 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad422a2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4014c28 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422a2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4014c28 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad40b1838 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40b1838 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad40b1838 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4013678 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4013678 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad40b1838 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad40b1838 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad40b1838 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad40b1838 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad40b1838 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad40b1838 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad40b1838 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4013678 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad422a2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422a2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422a2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4014c28 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4014c28 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422a2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad422a2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad422a2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422a2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422a2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422a2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad422a2d8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4014c28 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad401d8a8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4217be8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad401d8a8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02376c8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad02376c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad02376c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad02376c8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad02376c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad02376c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02376c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01dca38 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad02376c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad02376c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad02376c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad02376c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad02376c8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad02376c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad02376c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad02376c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad02376c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad02376c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0daa8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca0daa8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad02376c8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad02376c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad02376c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad02376c8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad02376c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca0daa8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad02376c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0daa8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad02376c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca0daa8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad01dca38 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01dca38 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad01dca38 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad02376c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad02376c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad02376c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0daa8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0daa8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad02376c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad02376c8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad02376c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad02376c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad02376c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad02376c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad02376c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca0daa8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaab4298ad8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca03758 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca03758 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4298ad8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca03758 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca03758 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca03758 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacba1c28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e75acc8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e75acc8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1e974808 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e974808 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e974808 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1e974808 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1e974808 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e75acc8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1e974808 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e75acc8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e974808 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e75acc8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca03758 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca03758 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4298ad8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca03758 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca06fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca06fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ebe60a8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca06fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca06fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca06fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacba1c28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1e974808 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e974808 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e974808 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e75acc8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e75acc8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1e974808 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca05b48 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca05b48 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4217be8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca05b48 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca05b48 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca05b48 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e974808 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1e974808 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e974808 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e974808 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e974808 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e974808 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e75acc8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad401d8a8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca06fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca06fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ebe60a8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca06fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca046a8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca046a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca046a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca046a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca046a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca05b48 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca05b48 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca05b48 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca046a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca046a8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca046a8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@51] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad404e9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad404e9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0adc8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca0adc8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca0adc8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0adc8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca0adc8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad005ca88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad005ca88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0adc8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0adc8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca0adc8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb03018 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb03018 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea7a628 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@51] 0x1ea7a628 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad42fab38 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad42fab38 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad42fab38 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad42fab38 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4298ad8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4298ad8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab405cbd8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab405cbd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4298ad8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab405cbd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab405cbd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab405cbd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad014f0b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac9d74e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaac9d74e8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x2aaaac9d74e8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaaac9d74e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaac9d74e8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad014f0b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaad014f0b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9d74e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad014f0b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab405cbd8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab405cbd8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4298ad8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab405cbd8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad014f0b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac9d74e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad014f0b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaac9d74e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad014f0b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab405b628 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab405b628 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacba1c28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab405b628 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab405b628 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab405b628 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab40637b8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab40637b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac511fe8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab40637b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab40637b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab40637b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab405b628 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab405b628 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacba1c28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab405b628 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab40637b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab40637b8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaac511fe8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab40637b8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4062208 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4062208 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4062208 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4062208 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4062208 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4062208 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4062208 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4062208 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4060c58 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4060c58 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4060c58 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4060c58 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4060c58 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab405f6a8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab405f6a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad402ff58 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab405f6a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab405f6a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab405f6a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4060c58 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4060c58 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4060c58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca282f8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca282f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca282f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca282f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca282f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab405f6a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab405f6a8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad402ff58 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab405f6a8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca282f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca282f8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca282f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca51a48 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca51a48 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca51a48 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca51a48 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca51a48 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e974808 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e974808 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@52] 0x1e974808 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1e974808 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1e974808 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1e974808 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1e974808 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e974808 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1e974808 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ea3f688 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e974808 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1ea3f688 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e974808 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca26e58 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca26e58 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca26e58 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca26e58 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca26e58 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca51a48 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca51a48 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca51a48 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad0204658 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad0204658 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad0204658 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad0204658 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad0204658 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad0204658 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad0204658 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca26e58 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca26e58 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca26e58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad0204658 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0204658 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0204658 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0204658 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad0204658 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad0204658 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad0204658 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad0204658 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad0204658 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad0204658 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad022d298 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad022d298 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad022d298 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad022d298 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad022d298 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad022d298 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad022d298 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad024abd8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad024abd8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad024abd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad024abd8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad024abd8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad024abd8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad024abd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e944268 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42696b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad42696b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@52] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0127f68 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad0127f68 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad0127f68 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad0127f68 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad0127f68 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad0127f68 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0127f68 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e944268 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42696b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42696b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@52] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad022d298 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad022d298 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad022d298 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad022d298 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad022d298 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad022d298 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad022d298 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad022d298 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad022d298 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad022d298 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad024abd8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad024abd8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad024abd8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad024abd8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad024abd8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad024abd8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad024abd8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad024abd8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad024abd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad024abd8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca556e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca556e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca556e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca556e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca556e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaaca556e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca556e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad0127f68 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0127f68 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0127f68 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad0127f68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad0127f68 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad0127f68 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad0127f68 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad0127f68 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad0127f68 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad0127f68 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ea18 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca2ea18 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacac0db8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacac0db8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacac0db8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacac0db8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacac0db8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca2ea18 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacac0db8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2ea18 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacac0db8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2ea18 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4066ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4066ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ec2e718 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ec2e718 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5116:find_peer (ao2_find in peers_by_ip table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@52] 0x1ec2e718 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ec2e718 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x1ec2e718 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca556e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca556e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca556e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca556e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca556e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca556e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca556e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca556e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca556e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca556e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca2feb8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x1ec2e718 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ec2e718 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaacac0db8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacac0db8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacac0db8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2ea18 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ea18 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacac0db8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacac0db8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacac0db8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacac0db8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacac0db8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacac0db8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacac0db8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca2ea18 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ec2e718 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ed5e598 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x1ec2e718 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ed5e598 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@4] 0x1ec2e718 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab422bd98 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab422bd98 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab422bd98 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab422bd98 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab422bd98 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab422bd98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab422bd98 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad435d108 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad435d108 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@54] 0x2aaad435d108 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad435d108 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad435d108 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad435d108 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad435d108 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad435d108 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad435d108 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad43659b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad435d108 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad43659b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad435d108 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca31358 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca31358 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42e46b8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42e46b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab42e46b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab42e46b8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab42e46b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca31358 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab42e46b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca31358 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42e46b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca31358 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab422bd98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab422bd98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab422bd98 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab422bd98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab422bd98 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab422bd98 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab422bd98 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab422bd98 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab422bd98 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab422bd98 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab42e46b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42e46b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42e46b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca31358 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca31358 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab42e46b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42e46b8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42e46b8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42e46b8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42e46b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42e46b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42e46b8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca31358 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4057518 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4057518 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacba1c28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4057518 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4057518 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4057518 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4058ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4058ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4058ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4058ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4058ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab405a078 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab405a078 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab405a078 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab405a078 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab405a078 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ec73688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad022bce8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad022bce8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad022bce8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad022bce8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad022bce8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1ec73688 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad022bce8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1ec73688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4046268 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab4046268 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4046268 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1ec73688 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4046268 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4046268 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4046268 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad0265f08 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaad0265f08 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad0265f08 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x2aaad0265f08 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0265f08 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0265f08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad0265f08 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaad0265f08 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaad0265f08 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaad0265f08 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad0265f08 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad0265f08 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad0265f08 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@53] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4057518 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4057518 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacba1c28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4057518 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4058ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4058ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4058ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab405a078 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab405a078 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab405a078 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e721788 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e721788 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad42c16c8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad42c16c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad42c16c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad42c16c8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad42c16c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e721788 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad42c16c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e721788 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad42c16c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e721788 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad42c16c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42c16c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42c16c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e721788 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e721788 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad42c16c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad42c16c8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad42c16c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad42c16c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad42c16c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad42c16c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad42c16c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e721788 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca05b48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca05b48 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca05b48 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@7] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca05b48 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca05b48 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca05b48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca05b48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ec92c28 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1ec92c28 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad402ff58 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e6f6778 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e6f6778 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e6f6778 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e6f6778 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e6f6778 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad402ff58 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e6f6778 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e6f6778 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e6f6778 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec92c28 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaaaca05b48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1ec92c28 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaaaca05b48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad40a9c88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad40a9c88 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x2aaad40a9c88 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaad40a9c88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaad40a9c88 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad40a9c88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4264e98 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4264e98 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaab4264e98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca02348 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca02348 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca02348 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca02348 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca02348 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e6e8228 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e6e8228 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00de178 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00de178 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00de178 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00de178 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00de178 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e6e8228 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad00de178 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e6e8228 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00de178 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e6e8228 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab4264e98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4264e98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4264e98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4264e98 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaab4264e98 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaab4264e98 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaab4264e98 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab4264e98 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4264e98 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4264e98 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca00ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca00ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca00ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca00ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca00ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac9ffa08 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaac9ffa08 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad024abd8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad024abd8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad024abd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad024abd8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad024abd8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9ffa08 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad024abd8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9ffa08 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad024abd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9ffa08 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca02348 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca02348 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca02348 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad00de178 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00de178 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00de178 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e6e8228 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e6e8228 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00de178 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00de178 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00de178 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00de178 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00de178 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00de178 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00de178 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e6e8228 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad024abd8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad024abd8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad024abd8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9ffa08 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac9ffa08 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad024abd8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad024abd8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad024abd8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad024abd8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad024abd8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad024abd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad024abd8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9ffa08 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca00ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca00ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca00ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e576918 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e576918 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad024d6a8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad024d6a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad024d6a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad024d6a8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad024d6a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e576918 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad024d6a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e576918 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad024d6a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e576918 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab43dea28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab43dea28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab43dea28 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab43dea28 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab43dea28 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab43dea28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab43dea28 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e73e228 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e73e228 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab41968e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab41968e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab41968e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab41968e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab41968e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e73e228 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab41968e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e73e228 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab41968e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e73e228 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab43dea28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab43dea28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab43dea28 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab43dea28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab43dea28 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab43dea28 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab43dea28 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab43dea28 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab43dea28 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab43dea28 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab41968e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab41968e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab41968e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e73e228 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e73e228 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab41968e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab41968e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab41968e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab41968e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab41968e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab41968e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab41968e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e73e228 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad024d6a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad024d6a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad024d6a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e576918 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e576918 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad024d6a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad024d6a8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad024d6a8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad024d6a8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad024d6a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad024d6a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad024d6a8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e576918 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb23978 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb23978 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb23978 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb23978 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb23978 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb23978 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb23978 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9f7d58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaacb23978 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb23978 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb23978 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb23978 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb23978 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb23978 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb23978 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb23978 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb23978 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb23978 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9fbb38 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f91f8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaac9f91f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9f91f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f91f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f91f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f91f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f91f8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9f91f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad41c69b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab4239708 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab4239708 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaab4239708 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab4239708 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaab4239708 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad41c69b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4239708 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad41c69b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4054ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4054ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4054ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4054ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4054ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaad41c69b8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e951508 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@52] 0x2aaaac9f3f78 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaac9f3f78 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac511fe8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9f3f78 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f3f78 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f3f78 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4054ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4054ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4054ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f3f78 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f3f78 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaac511fe8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9f3f78 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1e5723a8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e5723a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e5723a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e5723a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e5723a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac511fe8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaac511fe8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e5723a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e5723a8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e5723a8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e56dc78 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e56dc78 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ec0aa88 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ec0aa88 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ec0aa88 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ec0aa88 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ec0aa88 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e56dc78 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ec0aa88 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e56dc78 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ec0aa88 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e56dc78 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab404b9e8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab404b9e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ebba488 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebba488 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ebba488 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ebba488 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ebba488 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab404b9e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ebba488 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab404b9e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ebba488 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab404b9e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ec0aa88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec0aa88 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ec0aa88 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e56dc78 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e56dc78 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ec0aa88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ec0aa88 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ec0aa88 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ec0aa88 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ec0aa88 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ec0aa88 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ec0aa88 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e56dc78 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ebba488 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebba488 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebba488 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab404b9e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab404b9e8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ebba488 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ebba488 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ebba488 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ebba488 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ebba488 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebba488 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ebba488 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab404b9e8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fd158 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaac9fd158 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1ed49cd8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ed49cd8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ed49cd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ed49cd8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ed49cd8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9fd158 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1ed49cd8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fd158 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ed49cd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9fd158 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab404cf98 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab404cf98 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1eaf82c8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eaf82c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1eaf82c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1eaf82c8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1eaf82c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab404cf98 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1eaf82c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab404cf98 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1eaf82c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab404cf98 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ed49cd8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ed49cd8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ed49cd8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fd158 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fd158 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ed49cd8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ed49cd8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ed49cd8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ed49cd8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ed49cd8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ed49cd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ed49cd8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9fd158 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1eaf82c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eaf82c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eaf82c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab404cf98 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab404cf98 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1eaf82c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1eaf82c8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eaf82c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eaf82c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eaf82c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eaf82c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eaf82c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab404cf98 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4065b58 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4065b58 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad402ff58 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4065b58 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4065b58 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4065b58 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4065b58 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4065b58 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad402ff58 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4065b58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca35138 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca35138 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02989b8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad02989b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad02989b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad02989b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca35138 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad02989b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca35138 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca35138 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e535688 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e535688 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4298ad8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e535688 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e535688 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e535688 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02989b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca35138 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca35138 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad02989b8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad02989b8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad02989b8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca35138 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad006bec8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@51] 0x2aaab404e548 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab404e548 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab42d4e48 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab404e548 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab404e548 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab404e548 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e535688 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e535688 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4298ad8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e535688 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab404e548 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab404e548 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42d4e48 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab404e548 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab4048e28 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4048e28 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4048e28 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4048e28 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4048e28 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1eb8dc18 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4048e28 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4048e28 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4048e28 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac511fe8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca54388 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb09bf8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e974808 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea3f688 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@51] 0x1ea3f688 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e974808 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@7] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@8] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@8] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@8] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@8] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4047848 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4047848 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad006bec8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4047848 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4047848 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4047848 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab4044c88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4044c88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad02989b8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad02989b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad02989b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad02989b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4044c88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad02989b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4044c88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4044c88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4046268 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4046268 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab42d4e48 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4046268 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4046268 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4046268 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaaca1f298 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca1f298 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab43d1988 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab43d1988 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab43d1988 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab43d1988 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab43d1988 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca1f298 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab43d1988 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1f298 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab43d1988 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1f298 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416dca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4325658 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab403ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab403ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab441ef38 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab441ef38 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab441ef38 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab441ef38 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab441ef38 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab403ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab441ef38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab403ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab441ef38 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab403ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4047848 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4047848 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad006bec8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4047848 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab403e048 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab403e048 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab41662a8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab41662a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab41662a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab41662a8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab41662a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab403e048 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab41662a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab403e048 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab41662a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab403e048 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4046268 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4046268 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42d4e48 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4046268 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab4035d98 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4035d98 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42d4e48 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4035d98 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4035d98 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4035d98 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02989b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4044c88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4044c88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad02989b8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad02989b8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad02989b8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4044c88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab403f628 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab403f628 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab43272e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab43272e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab43272e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab43272e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab43272e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab403f628 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab43272e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab403f628 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab43272e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab403f628 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab43d1988 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab43d1988 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab43d1988 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1f298 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1f298 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab43d1988 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab43d1988 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab43d1988 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab43d1988 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab43d1988 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab43d1988 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab43d1988 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca1f298 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4037378 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4037378 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca54388 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4037378 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4037378 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4037378 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab441ef38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab441ef38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab441ef38 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab403ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab403ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab441ef38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab441ef38 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab441ef38 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab441ef38 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab441ef38 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab441ef38 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab441ef38 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab403ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4325658 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4325658 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4325658 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab40388c8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab40388c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab40388c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab40388c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab40388c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab41662a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab41662a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab41662a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab403e048 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab403e048 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab41662a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab41662a8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab41662a8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab41662a8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab41662a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab41662a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab41662a8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab403e048 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4035d98 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4035d98 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42d4e48 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4e48 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42d4e48 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4035d98 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca42358 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca42358 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacec18 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca42358 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca42358 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca42358 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab43272e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab43272e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab43272e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab403f628 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab403f628 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab43272e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab43272e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab43272e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab43272e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab43272e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab43272e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab43272e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab403f628 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4037378 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4037378 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4037378 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca40eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca40eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca54388 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca40eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca40eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca40eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab40388c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab40388c8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab40388c8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca42358 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca42358 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacacec18 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca42358 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca40eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca40eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca40eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad404e9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad404e9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaaaca44c98 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca44c98 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca54388 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca44c98 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca44c98 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca44c98 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca44c98 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca44c98 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca44c98 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca47548 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca47548 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca54388 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca47548 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca47548 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca47548 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca460a8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca460a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca460a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca460a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca460a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca489e8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca489e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca489e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca489e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca489e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca49e88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca49e88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacec18 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca49e88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca49e88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca49e88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca47548 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca47548 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca47548 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca4b328 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca4b328 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca54388 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca4b328 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4b328 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca4b328 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad435d108 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad43659b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad43659b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad435d108 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca489e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca489e8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca489e8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca460a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca460a8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca460a8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca49e88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca49e88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacacec18 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca49e88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4b328 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca4b328 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca4b328 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad402ff58 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@52] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad40a9c88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad40a9c88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4066ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad4066ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad4066ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad4066ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad4066ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad4066ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1e944268 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1e944268 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@52] 0x1e944268 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e944268 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1e944268 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e944268 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e944268 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@51] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4040c08 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4040c08 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca54388 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4040c08 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4040c08 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4040c08 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01ef848 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad00a5598 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad00a5598 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad00a5598 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad00a5598 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad00a5598 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad01ef848 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad00a5598 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad01ef848 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e50d438 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e50d438 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e50d438 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e50d438 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad01ef848 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e50d438 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e50d438 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ebc8608 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1ebc8608 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1ebc8608 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@51] 0x1ebc8608 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebc8608 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebc8608 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ebc8608 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1ebc8608 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1ebc8608 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1ebc8608 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ebc8608 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebc8608 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ebc8608 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@50] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4040c08 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4040c08 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4040c08 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca55ad8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0042398 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0042398 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@50] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb2cbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb2cbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e74c778 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e74c778 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e74c778 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e74c778 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e74c778 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e74c778 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e74c778 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e74c778 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad40e3848 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad418a888 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad418a888 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@49] 0x2aaad40e3848 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@50] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e982718 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e95c8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e95c8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1e982718 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad014f0b8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad014f0b8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad014f0b8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad014f0b8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad014f0b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad014f0b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad014f0b8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1ec73688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ec73688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ec73688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ec73688 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1ec73688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4046268 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1e9ccbe8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@49] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad41c69b8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad41c69b8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad41c69b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad41c69b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad41c69b8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e99d5b8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e99d5b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@48] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@50] 0x1e99d5b8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1e99d5b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1e99d5b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1e99d5b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1e99d5b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e99d5b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1e99d5b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad430e998 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e99d5b8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad430e998 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e99d5b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e99d5b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad430e998 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@50] 0x2aaad430e998 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e99d5b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@51] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad41f82a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad41f82a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e951508 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@52] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad42696b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad42696b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4062b98 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@53] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad43033b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad43033b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40a9c88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad40a9c88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaaacac2ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacac2ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacac2ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacac2ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaaacac2ac8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1e9ccbe8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@54] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ea778b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1ea778b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab4300f08 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab4300f08 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaab4300f08 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab4300f08 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaab4300f08 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4300f08 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1ec49138 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ec49138 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ec49138 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@53] 0x1ec73688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ec73688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@54] 0x1ec73688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ec73688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ec73688 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ec73688 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ec73688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ec73688 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ec73688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1eb07958 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ec73688 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1eb07958 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ec73688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e944228 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e944228 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@55] 0x1e944228 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1e944228 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1e944228 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1e944228 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1e944228 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e944228 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1e944228 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad41c5728 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e944228 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad41c5728 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e944228 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1eb2cbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1eb2cbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x1eb2cbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1eb2cbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x1eb2cbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1eb2cbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@55] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ebf7d88 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@54] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad41f82a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad41f82a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad424c838 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1eb19e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb19e58 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x1eb19e58 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1eb19e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x1eb19e58 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1eb19e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1eb336b8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1eb336b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1eb336b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1eb336b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb336b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb336b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eb336b8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1eb336b8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1eb336b8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1eb336b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1eb336b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb336b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb336b8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad01ef848 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01ef848 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01ef848 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01ef848 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad01ef848 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1e50d438 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab424f848 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab424f848 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab424f848 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab424f848 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaab424f848 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb99ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1eb99ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x1eb99ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1eb99ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1eb99ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1eb99ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb99ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb99ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@55] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad41c43d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad41c43d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1eb5dd08 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4086a78 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb5dd08 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4086a78 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb5dd08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@55] 0x1e5284c8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e5284c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaacb49b48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e9b9e68 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e9b9e68 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaacb49b48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e974808 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea3f688 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e974808 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea3f688 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e974808 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@55] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad426a508 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab420b228 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab420b228 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad426a508 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad43033b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad43033b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab413a158 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab413a158 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42696b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad42696b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea778b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@55] 0x1ea778b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab42ee378 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab42ee378 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaab42ee378 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab42ee378 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad01ef848 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01ef848 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad01ef848 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad01ef848 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad01ef848 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad01ef848 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01ef848 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01ef848 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ebe60a8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@56] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1eb2cbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1eb2cbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad01ef848 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad01ef848 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad01ef848 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad01ef848 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaad01ef848 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab42ee378 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00244e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaad00244e8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad00244e8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad00244e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad00244e8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab42ee378 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab42ee378 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaad00244e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab42ee378 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x2aaab42ee378 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab42ee378 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab42ee378 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@3] 0x2aaab42ee378 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42ee378 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42ee378 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42ee378 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42ee378 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42ee378 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42ee378 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ec73688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb07958 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x1eb07958 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ec73688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad0080eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad0080eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad0080eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad0080eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ebc0828 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebc0828 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@57] 0x1ebc0828 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ebc0828 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ebc0828 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ebc0828 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416bae8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ebc0828 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ebc0828 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ebc0828 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1eb99ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ebc0828 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1eb99ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebc0828 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad41f82a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad41f82a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@57] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad006f2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad006f2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad41c43d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad41c43d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4290168 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4290168 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad0016908 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaad0016908 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaad0016908 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad0016908 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad0016908 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad0016908 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@4] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4037378 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab4037378 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4037378 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab4037378 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4037378 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4037378 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ecbaee8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1eb8dc18 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ecbaee8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x1ecbaee8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@57] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@58] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@57] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@58] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad4254a78 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad4254a78 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ecbaee8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ecbaee8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ecbaee8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ecbaee8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1ecbaee8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1ecbaee8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1ecbaee8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ecbaee8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ecbaee8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ecbaee8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@57] 0x1e944228 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad41c5728 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@57] 0x2aaad41c5728 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e944228 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1ebc7ce8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebc7ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1ebc7ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ebc7ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x1ebc7ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ebc7ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebc7ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebc7ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad42998d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad42998d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@57] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@58] 0x2aaad42998d8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad42998d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad42998d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad42998d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad42998d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad42998d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad42998d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad42a2188 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad42998d8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad42a2188 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad42998d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ebc7ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1ebc7ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1ebc7ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ebc7ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1ebc7ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4303b78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4303b78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad4303b78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4303b78 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad4303b78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad4303b78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4303b78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4303b78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4303b78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4303b78 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad4303b78 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad4303b78 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad4303b78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1e906268 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab417b128 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab417b128 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab417b128 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab417b128 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab417b128 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac999808 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaac999808 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaac999808 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaac999808 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaaac999808 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaab418cac8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab418cac8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaab418cac8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab418cac8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x2aaab418cac8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaac999808 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@57] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@58] 0x2aaab418cac8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaab418cac8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x2aaab418cac8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab418cac8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab418cac8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab418cac8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab418cac8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaab418cac8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad42a7e88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad42a7e88 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad42a7e88 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad42a7e88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad42a7e88 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad42a7e88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@57] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@58] 0x2aaab417b128 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab417b128 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab417b128 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ebc2778 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@57] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@3] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab441d7e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab417b128 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab417b128 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab417b128 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab417b128 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaab417b128 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab417b128 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4084478 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4084478 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x2aaad4084478 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaad4084478 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaad4084478 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaab417b128 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaab417b128 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaad4084478 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab417b128 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab417b128 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4084478 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad4084478 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x2aaad4084478 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaad4084478 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaad4084478 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaab417b128 -1 chan_sip.c:24040:handle_request_cancel (unref packet->owner from dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab417b128 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaad4084478 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab417b128 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab417b128 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4084478 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab417b128 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4084478 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab417b128 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab417b128 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4084478 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad4084478 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab417b128 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad0367d88 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad0367d88 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad0367d88 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad0367d88 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad0367d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad0367d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0367d88 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0367d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad0367d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad0367d88 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad0367d88 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad0367d88 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad0367d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea5b6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea5b6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1ea5b6f8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@56] 0x2aaab417b128 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4084478 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad4084478 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab417b128 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad03489d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad03489d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad03489d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad03489d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad03489d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad03489d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad03489d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad03489d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad03489d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad03489d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad03489d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad03489d8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaad03489d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab417b128 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4084478 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad4084478 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab417b128 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ebc2778 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@57] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1eb19e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1eb19e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaac968e18 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaac968e18 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaac968e18 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaac968e18 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaaac968e18 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaac968e18 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca02348 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca02348 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca02348 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca02348 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca02348 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca02348 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4170758 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaad4170758 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad4170758 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@57] 0x2aaad4170758 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4170758 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4170758 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4170758 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaad4170758 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaad4170758 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaad4170758 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4170758 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4170758 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4170758 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@56] 0x2aaab441d7e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4254a78 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad4254a78 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab41687f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab41687f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad42f3da8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad42fca38 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad42fca38 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x2aaad42fca38 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaad42fca38 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaad42fca38 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaad42f3da8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad42fca38 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad42f3da8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad42f3da8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x1e7a2758 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e7a2758 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e7a2758 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e7a2758 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e7a2758 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e7a2758 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ebc0828 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb99ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x1eb99ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebc0828 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaad42a3888 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad42a3888 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad42a3888 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e7a2758 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab429bbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab429bbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaab429bbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab429bbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaab429bbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab429bbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad43058b8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaad43058b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad43058b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x2aaad43058b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad43058b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad43058b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad43058b8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaad43058b8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaad43058b8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaad43058b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad43058b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad43058b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad43058b8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@55] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1e8ec878 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e8ec878 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x1e8ec878 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1e8ec878 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x1e8ec878 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e8ec878 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb2cbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb2cbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@55] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad0100fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad0100fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad0100fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad0100fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaad0100fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad0100fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad0100fb8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e944228 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad41c5728 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e944228 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad41c5728 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e944228 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@55] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad42998d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42a2188 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad42a2188 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad42998d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4247798 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4247798 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab417b128 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4084478 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad4084478 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab417b128 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e9ccbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e9ccbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1e9ccbe8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@54] 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e920618 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e920618 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e920618 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1e920618 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x1e920618 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e920618 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@3] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42fce48 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea7a628 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea7a628 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad42fab38 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad42fab38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad42fab38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42dc5a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad42fab38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42dc5a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad42fab38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab416bae8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad402ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40a9c88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad40a9c88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad402ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@54] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab43f7b98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ead1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ead1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab43f7b98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab418cac8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab418cac8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab418cac8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab418cac8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaab418cac8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@53] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1e967a68 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e951508 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42696b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42696b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x1e951508 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaab4020b88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4020b88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4222e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb52a08 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb52a08 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab4222e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb3bb08 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacacec18 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e785cb8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e785cb8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab403b488 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab403b488 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab403b488 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab403b488 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab403b488 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab403b488 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab403b488 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca6d1d8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab403b488 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e785cb8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e785cb8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e785cb8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e785cb8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e785cb8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e785cb8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e785cb8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e785cb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e785cb8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e785cb8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x1e785cb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e785cb8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e785cb8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1e967a68 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e785cb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e785cb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e785cb8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e785cb8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e785cb8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e967a68 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e785cb8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4269db8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad4269db8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad4269db8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad4269db8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad4269db8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad4269db8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb3acc8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1eb3acc8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x1eb3acc8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1eb3acc8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x1eb3acc8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaad435d108 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaad435d108 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaad435d108 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaad435d108 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x2aaad435d108 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1eb3acc8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaad435d108 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad435d108 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x2aaad435d108 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb39578 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@52] 0x2aaad435d108 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad435d108 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad435d108 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaad435d108 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaad435d108 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad427a538 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad427a538 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4037378 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0ffe8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca0ffe8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1e967a68 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca0ffe8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0ffe8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca0ffe8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0ffe8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0ffe8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e967a68 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca0ffe8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab417b128 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4084478 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad4084478 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab417b128 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad4053ce8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaaaca02348 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad42f3da8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad42f3da8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad42f3da8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad42f3da8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad42f3da8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@51] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad418b168 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1e9840a8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@50] 0x2aaab43ee428 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab43ee428 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4037378 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab43ee428 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab43ee428 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4037378 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab43ee428 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab42fce48 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab43ee428 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab43ee428 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab43ee428 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab43ee428 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab43ee428 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab4037378 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4037378 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab4037378 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4037378 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab4037378 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4037378 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab4037378 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4037378 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab43ee428 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab43ee428 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4037378 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaab4037378 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab43ee428 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4037378 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb25da8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb25da8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1ebf7d88 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@49] 0x2aaab40a3eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad426bc58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaad426bc58 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaad426bc58 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad426bc58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad426bc58 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaab40a3eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad426bc58 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@4] 0x2aaab40a3eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad006bec8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ec2e718 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1ed5e598 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x1ed5e598 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1ed5e598 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x1ed5e598 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1ed5e598 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x1ec2e718 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1ed5e598 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@4] 0x1ec2e718 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca05b48 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca05b48 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca05b48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca05b48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca05b48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca05b48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1ec2e718 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@48] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@49] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ec73688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb07958 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ec73688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb07958 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@48] 0x1ec73688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@49] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad0080eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad0080eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad0080eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea15478 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad0080eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea15478 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad0080eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca05b48 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca05b48 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaaca05b48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca05b48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1ebf7d88 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@48] 0x2aaad4053ce8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@49] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@51] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ec92c28 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1ec92c28 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaab4145da8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaab4145da8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad404e9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad404e9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@51] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eba22b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eba22b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4145da8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4145da8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@51] 0x2aaab417b128 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab417b128 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4053ce8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@50] 0x2aaab417b128 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab417b128 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab417b128 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab417b128 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab417b128 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec92c28 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@50] 0x1ec92c28 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4303b78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42d4178 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab42d4178 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x2aaab42d4178 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaab42d4178 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaab42d4178 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaad4303b78 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaad4303b78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab42d4178 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad4303b78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4053ce8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad011b4e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad011b4e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad011b4e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4303b78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42d4178 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad4303b78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42d4178 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad4303b78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad435d108 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad435d108 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad435d108 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad435d108 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad435d108 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@49] 0x2aaad42fab38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad42dc5a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad42dc5a8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad42dc5a8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad42dc5a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad42dc5a8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad42fab38 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad42dc5a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad42fab38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaad42fab38 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@48] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@49] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea1dd98 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@48] 0x2aaad4303b78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab42d4178 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab42d4178 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad4303b78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e967a68 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@47] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@48] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@49] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ea7a628 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1ea7a628 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad40d78a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1ebbffc8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1ebbffc8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x1ebbffc8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1ebbffc8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x1ebbffc8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad40d78a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1ebbffc8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad40d78a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab40249e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab40249e8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab40249e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab40249e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad40d78a8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab40249e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab40249e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e9089c8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1e9089c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1e9089c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@48] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@49] 0x1e9089c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e9089c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e9089c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e9089c8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1e9089c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1e9089c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1e9089c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1e9089c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e9089c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e9089c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@48] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1eba22b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1eba22b8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x1eba22b8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1eba22b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x1eba22b8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1eba22b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@47] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@48] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4217be8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4217be8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@47] 0x1ea1dd98 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea24b48 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea24b48 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@46] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@47] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@48] 0x1ea24b48 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ea24b48 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ea24b48 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ea24b48 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ea24b48 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ea24b48 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ea24b48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1eba22b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea24b48 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1eba22b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea24b48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea7a628 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@47] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@48] 0x1ea7a628 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad01ef848 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad01ef848 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad01ef848 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad01ef848 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1ebe60a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb2cbe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb2cbe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebe60a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@47] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@48] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e944228 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad41c5728 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad41c5728 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x2aaad41c5728 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaad41c5728 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaad41c5728 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1e944228 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad41c5728 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e944228 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e944228 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@47] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@48] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad401d8a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad005ca88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad005ca88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad401d8a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ea24b48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eba22b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eba22b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea24b48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ebc7ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ebc7ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea6c0e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ea6c0e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@47] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@48] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@49] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1eabf758 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1eabf758 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e9840a8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@48] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@49] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@50] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ebe0d38 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebe0d38 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@49] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1eb21f88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@51] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1eb21f88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ebe0d38 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ebe0d38 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ebe0d38 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ebe0d38 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ebe0d38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ebe0d38 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ebe0d38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ea78fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ebe0d38 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1ea78fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebe0d38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb5ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5116:find_peer (ao2_find in peers_by_ip table) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@51] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@52] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@52] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4303b78 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4303b78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4303b78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4303b78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4303b78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4303b78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4303b78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00fa098 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00fa098 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@4] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ea24b48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eba22b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea24b48 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eba22b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea24b48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@52] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ebc7ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ebc7ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ebc7ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4388308 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1ebc7ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4388308 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1ebc7ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb21f88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb21f88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad03489d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad03489d8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad426bc58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaad426bc58 -1 chan_sip.c:3931:__sip_autodestruct () [@4] 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac94a518 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaac94a518 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaac94a518 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaac94a518 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaaac94a518 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e99d5b8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e99d5b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaaac94a518 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1e99d5b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e99d5b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x1e99d5b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@52] 0x1e99d5b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e99d5b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x1e99d5b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e99d5b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e99d5b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e99d5b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e99d5b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1e99d5b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@3] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e9e3468 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ec2e718 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ec2e718 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ec2e718 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ec2e718 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1ec2e718 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@51] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec92c28 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ec92c28 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@51] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab41687f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab41687f8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaab41687f8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab41687f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaab41687f8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab41687f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab413a158 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab43d05a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab43d05a8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab43d05a8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab43d05a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaab43d05a8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab413a158 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaab413a158 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab43d05a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab413a158 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@51] 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab413a158 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab413a158 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab413a158 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@3] 0x2aaab413a158 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab413a158 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab413a158 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab413a158 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab413a158 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab413a158 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab413a158 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaaacb2b2f8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaaaca05b48 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1ed31058 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ed31058 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@50] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@52] 0x1ed31058 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ed31058 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ed31058 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ed31058 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ed31058 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ed31058 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ed31058 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1eb345a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ed31058 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1eb345a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ed31058 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ebc0828 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb99ae8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ebc0828 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb99ae8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebc0828 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@52] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaac523688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaac523688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaac523688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaac523688 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaaac523688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb03018 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb03018 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad00e7ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaac523688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac523688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaac523688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaac523688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaac523688 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaac523688 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaac523688 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaac523688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad00fa098 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaad00fa098 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaad00fa098 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad00fa098 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad00fa098 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad00fa098 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@4] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@52] 0x2aaad42fab38 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad42fab38 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad42fab38 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad42fab38 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad42fab38 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e9e3468 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@53] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ea66f38 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1ea66f38 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e906268 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@54] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ea38298 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1ea38298 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad411ea88 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@55] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad41fb5b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad41fb5b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad40d78a8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad40d78a8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad40d78a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad40d78a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad40d78a8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab40249e8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad000b728 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eabf758 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eabf758 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad0367d88 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad0367d88 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad000b728 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ecbaee8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ecbaee8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@56] 0x1ecbaee8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ecbaee8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ecbaee8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ecbaee8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ecbaee8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ecbaee8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ecbaee8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1e8ec878 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ecbaee8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1e8ec878 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ecbaee8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca52ee8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad000b728 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca52ee8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ed31058 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb345a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb345a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ed31058 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x2aaab43ee428 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab43ee428 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1ebe0d38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea78fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea78fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebe0d38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4046268 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4046268 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab4046268 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4046268 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab4046268 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4046268 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab4046268 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4046268 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab4046268 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4046268 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4046268 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4046268 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4046268 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1eb39578 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@57] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1eb3acc8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1eb3acc8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ebc7ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4388308 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad4388308 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad4388308 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad4388308 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad4388308 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1ebc7ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad4388308 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1ebc7ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1ebc7ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ea24b48 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1ea24b48 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1ea24b48 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@57] 0x1ea24b48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea24b48 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea24b48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ea24b48 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1ea24b48 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1ea24b48 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1ea24b48 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ea24b48 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea24b48 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea24b48 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@56] 0x2aaad40d78a8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad40d78a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@57] 0x2aaad40d78a8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad40d78a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad40d78a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad40d78a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad40d78a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad40d78a8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad40d78a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaab432e768 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad40d78a8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaab432e768 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad40d78a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ebfefb8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebfefb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@57] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@58] 0x1ebfefb8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ebfefb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ebfefb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ebfefb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ebfefb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ebfefb8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ebfefb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad00d7fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ebfefb8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad00d7fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebfefb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ed8cc68 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1e785cb8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e785cb8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e785cb8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1ed8cc68 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x1e785cb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@57] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@58] 0x1ed8cc68 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1ed8cc68 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x1ed8cc68 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1ed8cc68 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@4] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e785cb8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e785cb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@3] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacacec18 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacacec18 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacacec18 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e785cb8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb3acc8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb3acc8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1ebfefb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00d7fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad00d7fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebfefb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea1dd98 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ea1dd98 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaab43fcdd8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab43fcdd8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab43fcdd8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab43fcdd8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab43fcdd8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab423b288 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab423b288 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab423b288 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab423b288 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab423b288 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab43fcdd8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab43fcdd8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab43fcdd8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ea24b48 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea24b48 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@57] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@58] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@59] 0x1ea24b48 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ea24b48 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ea24b48 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ea24b48 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ea24b48 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ea24b48 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ea24b48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ed8cc68 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea24b48 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1ed8cc68 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea24b48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab423b288 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab423b288 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab423b288 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab43fcdd8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab43fcdd8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab43fcdd8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab43fcdd8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaab43fcdd8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab43fcdd8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eba22b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eba22b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab43fcdd8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab423b288 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab423b288 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab423b288 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab423b288 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab423b288 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e575ef8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e575ef8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4055e18 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4055e18 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4055e18 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4055e18 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4055e18 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e575ef8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad4055e18 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e575ef8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4055e18 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e575ef8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4055e18 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4055e18 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4055e18 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e575ef8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e575ef8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad4055e18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4055e18 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4055e18 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4055e18 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4055e18 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4055e18 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4055e18 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e575ef8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e944228 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e944228 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e944228 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e944228 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1e944228 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@58] 0x2aaad4055e18 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4055e18 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad4055e18 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4055e18 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad4055e18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad424c838 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad41f0ad8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad41f0ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad41f0ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad41f0ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad41f0ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4055e18 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4055e18 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4055e18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaaca437f8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca437f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4303b78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4303b78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4303b78 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4303b78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4303b78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca437f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad4303b78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca437f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4303b78 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca437f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb3acc8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb3acc8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@57] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@58] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4055e18 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4055e18 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad4055e18 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad4055e18 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaad4055e18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4303b78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4303b78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4303b78 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca437f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca437f8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad4303b78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4303b78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4303b78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4303b78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4303b78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4303b78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4303b78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca437f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad41f0ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad41f0ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad41f0ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00244e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00244e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad41f0ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad41f0ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad41f0ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad41f0ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaad41f0ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4100d48 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4100d48 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad4100d48 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4100d48 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad4100d48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad41f0ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42af668 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad42af668 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad41f0ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4100d48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4100d48 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4100d48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4100d48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4100d48 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad4100d48 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad4100d48 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaad4100d48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad425fda8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad425fda8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad425fda8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad425fda8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad425fda8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad425fda8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad425fda8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad425fda8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaac8bc3a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaaac8bc3a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4171:send_provisional_keepalive_full () [@3] 0x2aaad425fda8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad425fda8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad425fda8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad425fda8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaad425fda8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e9e3468 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea66f38 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea66f38 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9e3468 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@57] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@58] 0x2aaab416bae8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab416bae8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad426bc58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaad426bc58 -1 chan_sip.c:3931:__sip_autodestruct () [@4] 0x1e99d5b8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e99d5b8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e99d5b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e99d5b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1e99d5b8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@57] 0x1e944228 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e944228 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e944228 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e944228 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x1e944228 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e944228 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e944228 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e944228 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e944228 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1e944228 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e944228 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1e944228 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x1e944228 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e967a68 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea7a628 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea7a628 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e967a68 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@57] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad01ef848 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad01ef848 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad01ef848 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad022bce8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad01ef848 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad022bce8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad01ef848 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad4062b98 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@56] 0x2aaad40d78a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab432e768 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x2aaab432e768 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad40d78a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac8df038 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaac8df038 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaac8df038 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaac8df038 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaaac8df038 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaaac8df038 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad00244e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad00244e8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad00244e8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad00244e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad00244e8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad00244e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb39578 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@55] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb2d848 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1eb2d848 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1eb2d848 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1eb2d848 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x1eb2d848 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad42998d8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaad42998d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaad42998d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaad42998d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaad42998d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1eb2d848 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@55] 0x2aaad42998d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaad42998d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x2aaad42998d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad42998d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42998d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42998d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaad42998d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaad42998d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4298ad8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@54] 0x1ecbaee8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e8ec878 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e8ec878 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ecbaee8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea24b48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ed8cc68 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ed8cc68 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea24b48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad006bec8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad006bec8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb5ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ebc7ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ebc7ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ebc7ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebc7ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1ebc7ce8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1e906268 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@53] 0x2aaad000b728 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab40249e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab40249e8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab40249e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab40249e8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab40249e8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab40249e8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab40249e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab40249e8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab40249e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab40249e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab40249e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab40249e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab40249e8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e9840a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb21f88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb21f88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x1e9840a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad03489d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad03489d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad03489d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0059878 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad03489d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0059878 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad03489d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4062b98 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4008998 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb63b18 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab404a408 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab404a408 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab404a408 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab404a408 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1eb63b18 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x1eb63b18 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1eb63b18 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x1eb63b18 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad4008998 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaad4008998 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1eb63b18 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad4008998 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@53] 0x2aaad4008998 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab404a408 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab404a408 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4008998 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4008998 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@3] 0x2aaad4008998 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4008998 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4008998 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4008998 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4008998 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4008998 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4008998 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab404a408 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad426bc58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaad426bc58 -1 chan_sip.c:3931:__sip_autodestruct () [@4] 0x2aaad4008998 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4008998 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad4008998 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4008998 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad4008998 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad40a15d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4008998 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4008998 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4008998 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4008998 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4008998 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad4008998 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad4008998 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad4008998 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ebfd478 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@54] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1eb19e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1eb19e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1ebc2778 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@53] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad418b168 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@6] 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@6] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@7] 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@8] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@8] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@8] 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@8] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab401a2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab401a2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab401a2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab401a2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab401a2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab401a2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab401a2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab401a2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab401a2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab401a2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab401a2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab401a2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab401a2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad42998d8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad42998d8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad42998d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad42998d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad42998d8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@52] 0x2aaab41bc0d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab41bc0d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4048e28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab41bc0d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab41bc0d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4048e28 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab41bc0d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab41bc0d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab41bc0d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab41bc0d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab41bc0d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab41bc0d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab4048e28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4048e28 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab4048e28 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4048e28 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab4048e28 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4048e28 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab4048e28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4048e28 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab41bc0d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab41bc0d8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4048e28 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4048e28 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaab4048e28 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab41bc0d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ecbaee8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e8ec878 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ecbaee8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e8ec878 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ecbaee8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@52] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab42fce48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb25da8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb25da8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaab42fce48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ebc2778 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@51] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@53] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ea182c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1ea182c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ec07418 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ec07418 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@52] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@54] 0x1ec07418 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ec07418 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ec07418 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ec07418 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ec07418 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ec07418 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ec07418 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ea72b88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ec07418 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1ea72b88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ec07418 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaaacb5ff58 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad41fb5b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad41fb5b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad422a808 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422a808 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@53] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@55] 0x2aaad422a808 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad422a808 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad422a808 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad422a808 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad422a808 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad422a808 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad422a808 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad410a038 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad422a808 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad410a038 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad422a808 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1eba4068 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eba4068 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@56] 0x1eba4068 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1eba4068 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1eba4068 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1eba4068 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1eba4068 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1eba4068 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1eba4068 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1e98e918 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eba4068 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1e98e918 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eba4068 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea71068 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea71068 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@57] 0x1ea71068 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ea71068 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ea71068 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ea71068 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ea71068 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ea71068 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ea71068 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1eb5c658 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea71068 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1eb5c658 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea71068 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad0093948 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad0093948 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad0093948 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad0093948 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad0093948 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e906268 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@57] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@58] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1eb58d98 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1eb58d98 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad41fb5b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad41fb5b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@57] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@58] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad0093948 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0093948 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0093948 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac9a32f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaac9a32f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad0093948 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad0093948 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad0093948 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad0093948 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad0093948 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab41befa8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab41befa8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab41befa8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:15174:register_verify (register_verify: unref_peer: tossing stack peer pointer at end of func) [@5] 0x2aaab41befa8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab41befa8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab41befa8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:14217:parse_register_contact (ao2_unlink of peer from peers_by_ip table) [@5] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:14268:parse_register_contact (ao2_link into peers_by_ip table) [@4] 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:14279:parse_register_contact (remove register expire ref) [@5] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:14291:parse_register_contact (add registration ref) [@4] 0x2aaab4327198 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:26603:sip_poke_peer (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:15174:register_verify (register_verify: unref_peer: tossing stack peer pointer at end of func) [@6] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab41befa8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab41befa8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1ea40d38 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@57] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab42fac98 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:17775:_sip_show_peer (sip_show_peer: unref_peer: done with peer ptr) [@6] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca24518 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42fac98 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca24518 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca259b8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca259b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4327198 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca259b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca259b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca259b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca4dc68 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca4dc68 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea40d38 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca4dc68 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4dc68 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca4dc68 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4018d38 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4018d38 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb39578 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4018d38 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4018d38 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4018d38 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad006f2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad006f2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad006f2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad006f2f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad006f2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad006f2f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@57] 0x2aaaaca4f108 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca4f108 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1eb326a8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb326a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1eb326a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1eb326a8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1eb326a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca4f108 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1eb326a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4f108 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1eb326a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca4f108 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca259b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca259b8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca259b8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e7ea2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e7ea2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ed90eb8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e7ea2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e7ea2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e7ea2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea5afb8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea5afb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea5afb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea5afb8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea5afb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1ea5afb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea5afb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4dc68 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca4dc68 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea40d38 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea40d38 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea40d38 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca4dc68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4018d38 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4018d38 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb39578 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4018d38 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca23078 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca23078 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad415f518 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca23078 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca23078 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca23078 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca505a8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca505a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad424a4a8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad424a4a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad424a4a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad424a4a8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad424a4a8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca505a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad424a4a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca505a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad424a4a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca505a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1eb326a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb326a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb326a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4f108 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca4f108 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb326a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1eb326a8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eb326a8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb326a8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb326a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb326a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb326a8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca4f108 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e7ea2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e7ea2d8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ed90eb8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e7ea2d8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ea5afb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea5afb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea5afb8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca21bd8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea5afb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea5afb8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea5afb8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea5afb8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea5afb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea5afb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea5afb8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca21bd8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca23078 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca23078 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad415f518 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca23078 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad424a4a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad424a4a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad424a4a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca505a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca505a8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad424a4a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad424a4a8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad424a4a8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad424a4a8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad424a4a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad424a4a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad424a4a8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca505a8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4025f98 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4025f98 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e562f08 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e562f08 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e562f08 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e562f08 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e562f08 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb397e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1eb39578 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@57] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@58] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1e9c57b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1e9c57b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e562f08 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e562f08 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e562f08 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1eba4068 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e98e918 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e98e918 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eba4068 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1e9ad6f8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e9ad6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e9ad6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1e9ad6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1e9ad6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab423b288 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab423b288 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1e9ad6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e9ad6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@57] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb397e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad426bc58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaad426bc58 -1 chan_sip.c:3931:__sip_autodestruct () [@4] 0x2aaaac9ee158 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaac9ee158 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea74348 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea74348 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea74348 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea74348 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea74348 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9ee158 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ea74348 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9ee158 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea74348 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9ee158 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e9ad6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e9ad6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e9ad6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f1a88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e9ad6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1e9ad6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1e9ad6f8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e9ad6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e9ad6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e9ad6f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e9ad6f8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9f1a88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1e998538 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e998538 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e998538 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e998538 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x1e998538 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e56afd8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e56afd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb274b8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb274b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1eb274b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1eb274b8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1eb274b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e56afd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1eb274b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e56afd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb274b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e56afd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea74348 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea74348 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea74348 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9ee158 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac9ee158 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ea74348 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea74348 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea74348 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea74348 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea74348 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea74348 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea74348 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9ee158 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea182c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea182c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e998538 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e998538 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1e998538 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eb274b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb274b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb274b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e56afd8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e56afd8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1eb274b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1eb274b8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eb274b8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb274b8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb274b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb274b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb274b8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e56afd8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e7bf1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e7bf1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4327198 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e7bf1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e7bf1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e7bf1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e998538 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1e998538 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e998538 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1e998538 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x1e998538 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1ed90eb8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e5226a8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e5226a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1e9adad8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e9adad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e9adad8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1e9adad8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1e9adad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e5226a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1e9adad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e5226a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e9adad8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e5226a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e7bf1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e7bf1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e7bf1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e51e8b8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ed90eb8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e51e8b8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1e51a958 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e51a958 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e51a958 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e51a958 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e51a958 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e9adad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e9adad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e9adad8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e5226a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e5226a8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1e9adad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1e9adad8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1e9adad8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e9adad8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e9adad8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e9adad8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e9adad8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e5226a8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e51d4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e51d4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad415f518 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e51d4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e51d4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e51d4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e51a958 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e51a958 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e51a958 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb19e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb19e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@57] 0x2aaaac523688 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaac523688 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaab402f128 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab402f128 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01322e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab402f128 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab402f128 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab402f128 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e51d4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e51d4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad415f518 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e51d4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01e2db8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb19e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb19e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@57] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaac523688 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaac523688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42fac98 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaac523688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40fb8c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaac523688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad40fb8c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaac523688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42fac98 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab402f128 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab402f128 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad01322e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab402f128 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacbcf268 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacbcf268 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacbcf268 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacbcf268 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacbcf268 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaacbcf268 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacbcf268 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e5284c8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e5284c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1ed90eb8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e5284c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e5284c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e5284c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaacbcf268 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacbcf268 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacbcf268 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacbcf268 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacbcf268 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacbcf268 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacbcf268 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacbcf268 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacbcf268 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacbcf268 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1e99cdf8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e5284c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e5284c8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ed90eb8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e5284c8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1b928 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca1b928 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca1b928 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1b928 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1b928 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab402c5c8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab402c5c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad415f518 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab402c5c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab402c5c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab402c5c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4029a68 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e99cdf8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4029a68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4068e18 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4068e18 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4068e18 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4068e18 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4068e18 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad4068e18 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4068e18 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1b928 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1b928 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca1b928 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab402c5c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab402c5c8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad415f518 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab402c5c8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca33c98 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca33c98 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca33c98 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca33c98 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca33c98 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad4068e18 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4068e18 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4068e18 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1a488 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4068e18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4068e18 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4068e18 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4068e18 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4068e18 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4068e18 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4068e18 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca1a488 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca33c98 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca33c98 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca33c98 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab402db78 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab402db78 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab402db78 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab402db78 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab402db78 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad415f518 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab402db78 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab402db78 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab402db78 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab40306d8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab40306d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01322e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab40306d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab40306d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab40306d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4031c88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad415f518 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4031c88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01e2db8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e7cd838 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e7cd838 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0221de8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad0221de8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad0221de8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad0221de8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e7cd838 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad0221de8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e7cd838 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e7cd838 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab40306d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab40306d8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad01322e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab40306d8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1ec07418 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea72b88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@57] 0x1ea72b88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ec07418 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4055e18 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4055e18 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad4055e18 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4055e18 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaab4033238 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4033238 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4033238 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4033238 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4033238 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4023438 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4023438 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad0221de8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e7cd838 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e7cd838 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad0221de8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad0221de8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad0221de8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e7cd838 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab40249e8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab40249e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb397e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab40249e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab40249e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab40249e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab4020b88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4020b88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacbcf268 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacbcf268 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacbcf268 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacbcf268 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacbcf268 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4020b88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaacbcf268 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4020b88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacbcf268 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4020b88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e509e08 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e509e08 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca54388 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e509e08 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e509e08 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e509e08 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4033238 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4033238 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4033238 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab40249e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab40249e8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb397e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab40249e8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaacbcf268 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacbcf268 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacbcf268 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4020b88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4020b88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacbcf268 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacbcf268 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacbcf268 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacbcf268 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacbcf268 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacbcf268 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacbcf268 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4020b88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1ed90eb8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e509e08 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e509e08 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca54388 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca54388 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e509e08 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ea71068 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb5c658 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb5c658 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea71068 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@57] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaab4021e88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4021e88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4021e88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4021e88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4021e88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e50ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e50ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad415f518 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e50ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e50ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e50ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca08488 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ed90eb8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca08488 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4021e88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4021e88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4021e88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e50ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e50ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad415f518 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e50ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e507298 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e507298 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01322e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e507298 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e507298 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e507298 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e50d438 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e50d438 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4327198 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e50d438 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e50d438 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e50d438 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac97ccf8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaac97ccf8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaac97ccf8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaac97ccf8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaaac97ccf8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x2aaaac97ccf8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@57] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e507298 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e507298 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad01322e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e507298 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e50d438 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e50d438 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e50d438 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e511a68 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e511a68 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e511a68 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e511a68 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e511a68 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e511a68 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e511a68 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e511a68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca16b38 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca16b38 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca16b38 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca16b38 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca16b38 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4327198 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e512548 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e512548 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42fac98 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e512548 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e512548 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e512548 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca16b38 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca16b38 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca16b38 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca118b8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca118b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1ed90eb8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca118b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca118b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca118b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e512548 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e512548 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42fac98 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e512548 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca12d58 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca12d58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca18fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca18fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab4017788 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4017788 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4017788 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4017788 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4017788 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca118b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca118b8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ed90eb8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca118b8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4017788 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4017788 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4017788 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e906268 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb58d98 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@57] 0x1eb58d98 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e906268 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab43fcdd8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab43fcdd8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaab43fcdd8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab43fcdd8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaab40161d8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab40161d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab40161d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab40161d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab40161d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab401a2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab401a2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4327198 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab401a2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab401a2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab401a2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@57] 0x2aaab42fac98 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@56] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@57] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@58] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@57] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@56] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42fac98 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@57] 0x2aaaac9f68b8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaac9f68b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42fac98 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9f68b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f68b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f68b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab40161d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab40161d8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab40161d8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab401a2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab401a2e8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab401a2e8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f68b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f68b8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab42fac98 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab42fac98 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab42fac98 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9f68b8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab401f758 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab401f758 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab401f758 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab401f758 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab401f758 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab401f758 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab401f758 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab401f758 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416dca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad422a808 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad410a038 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad410a038 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad422a808 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad41f0ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad41f0ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab401e1f8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaac523688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad40fb8c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad40fb8c8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad40fb8c8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad40fb8c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad40fb8c8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaac523688 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad40fb8c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaac523688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaac523688 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@57] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ebfd478 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@56] 0x1e7b0ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e7b0ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb397e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e7b0ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e7b0ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e7b0ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0c698 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca0c698 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca0c698 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0c698 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca0c698 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e7b0ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e7b0ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb397e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e7b0ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0c698 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0c698 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca0c698 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaac9a32f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaac9a32f8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaac9a32f8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaac9a32f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaaac9a32f8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaac9a32f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e777768 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e777768 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e777768 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e777768 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e777768 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e777768 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e777768 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e777768 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ebfd478 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e794208 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ebfd478 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e794208 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@55] 0x1e7a2758 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e7a2758 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e7a2758 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e7a2758 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e7a2758 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e7a2758 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e7a2758 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e7a2758 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab400f058 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab400f058 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab400f058 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab400f058 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab400f058 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab400f058 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab400f058 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab400f058 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab404a408 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab404a408 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01322e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab404a408 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab404a408 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab404a408 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab404a408 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab404a408 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad01322e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab404a408 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4011ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4011ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01322e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4011ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4011ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4011ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4011ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4011ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad01322e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01322e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad01322e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4011ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4013678 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4013678 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4013678 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4013678 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4013678 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4014c28 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4014c28 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4327198 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4014c28 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4014c28 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4014c28 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4013678 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4013678 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4013678 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4014c28 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4014c28 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4014c28 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416dca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb397e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e4610d8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1ebfd478 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e4610d8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1ed90eb8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacacd4c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e806d78 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e806d78 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca0daa8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca0daa8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca0daa8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0daa8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca0daa8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb397e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb19e58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb19e58 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaaacb397e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0eb48 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ebfd478 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca0eb48 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0daa8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca0daa8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca0daa8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ed90eb8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1ebfd478 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@56] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1e925a78 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1e925a78 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e9c57b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e9c57b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4100d48 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4100d48 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaaaca03758 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca03758 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca03758 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca03758 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca03758 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad411ea88 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e75acc8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e75acc8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad415f518 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e75acc8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e75acc8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e75acc8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca06fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca06fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4068e18 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4068e18 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4068e18 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4068e18 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4068e18 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca06fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad4068e18 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca06fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4068e18 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca06fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca03758 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca03758 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca03758 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab400df28 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab400df28 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e75acc8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e75acc8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad415f518 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad415f518 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad415f518 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e75acc8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca05b48 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca05b48 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca05b48 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca05b48 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca05b48 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad41ed6c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaad41ed6c8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaad41ed6c8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad41ed6c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad41ed6c8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@55] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@56] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1ea71068 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x1ea71068 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x2aaad41ed6c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea71068 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1ea71068 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x1ea71068 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x1ea71068 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ea71068 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x1ea71068 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca046a8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca046a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad411ea88 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca046a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca046a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca046a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea71068 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea71068 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea71068 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1ea71068 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1ea71068 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4068e18 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4068e18 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4068e18 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca06fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca06fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad4068e18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4068e18 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4068e18 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4068e18 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4068e18 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4068e18 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4068e18 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca06fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca05b48 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca05b48 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca05b48 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@3] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad424c838 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca046a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca046a8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca046a8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaaca0adc8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca0adc8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad411ea88 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca0adc8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0adc8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca0adc8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca09928 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca09928 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad4139ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad4139ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x2aaad4139ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaad4139ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaad4139ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad4139ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca0adc8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca0adc8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca0adc8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad411ea88 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab405cbd8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab405cbd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab405cbd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab405cbd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab405cbd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab405cbd8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab405cbd8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab405cbd8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab405b628 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab405b628 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab405b628 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab405b628 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab405b628 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab40637b8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab40637b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4327198 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab40637b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab40637b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab40637b8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab405b628 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab405b628 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab405b628 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab40637b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab40637b8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab40637b8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4062208 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4062208 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4062208 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4062208 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4062208 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4062208 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4062208 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4062208 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4060c58 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4060c58 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4060c58 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4060c58 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4060c58 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab405f6a8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab405f6a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4327198 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab405f6a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab405f6a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab405f6a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4060c58 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4060c58 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4060c58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca282f8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca282f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca282f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca282f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca282f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab405f6a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab405f6a8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4327198 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4327198 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab405f6a8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca282f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca282f8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca282f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca51a48 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca51a48 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca51a48 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca51a48 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca51a48 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca26e58 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca26e58 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb55428 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca26e58 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca26e58 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca26e58 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca51a48 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca51a48 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca51a48 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca26e58 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca26e58 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb55428 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca26e58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb55428 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb55428 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1ec13a08 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ec13a08 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@57] 0x1ec13a08 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ec13a08 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ec13a08 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ec13a08 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ec13a08 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ec13a08 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ec13a08 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ec31d28 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ec13a08 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1ec31d28 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ec13a08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad02547e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad02547e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad02547e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad02547e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad02547e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad02547e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad02547e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad025d4d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad025d4d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad025d4d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad025d4d8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad025d4d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad025d4d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad025d4d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad026d9e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad026d9e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad026d9e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad026d9e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad026d9e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad026d9e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad026d9e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02547e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad02547e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad02547e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2d578 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad02547e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad02547e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad02547e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad02547e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad02547e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad02547e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad02547e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca2d578 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaaacbb1d58 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab401e1f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad025d4d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad025d4d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad025d4d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad025d4d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad025d4d8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad025d4d8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad025d4d8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad025d4d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad025d4d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad025d4d8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac4ec0a8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01e2db8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad026d9e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad026d9e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad026d9e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad026d9e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad026d9e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad026d9e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad026d9e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad026d9e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad026d9e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad026d9e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca2c0d8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ea18 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca2ea18 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca2ea18 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2ea18 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2ea18 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2feb8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca2feb8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2ea18 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ea18 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca2ea18 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca31358 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca31358 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01e2db8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca31358 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca31358 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca31358 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca31358 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca31358 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca31358 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01e2db8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad426bc58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaad426bc58 -1 chan_sip.c:3931:__sip_autodestruct () [@4] 0x1e9e05c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1e9797c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e9797c8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x1e9797c8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1e9797c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x1e9797c8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x1e9e05c8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e9797c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1e9e05c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4057518 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4057518 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0168f58 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad0168f58 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad0168f58 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad0168f58 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad0168f58 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4057518 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad0168f58 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4057518 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0168f58 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4057518 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4058ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4058ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ed90eb8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4058ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4058ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4058ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4055f68 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab405a078 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab405a078 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4228b98 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad4228b98 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad4228b98 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad4228b98 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad4228b98 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab405a078 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad4228b98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e9e05c8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab405a078 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad4228b98 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab405a078 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@57] 0x2aaad01e2db8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4055f68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e721788 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e721788 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e721788 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e721788 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca99468 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaaaca99468 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaaaca99468 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1e721788 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e721788 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca99468 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca99468 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca99468 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaaca99468 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaaaca99468 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaaaca99468 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaaaca99468 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaaca99468 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca99468 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca99468 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e721788 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad0168f58 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0168f58 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0168f58 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4057518 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4057518 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad0168f58 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad0168f58 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad0168f58 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad0168f58 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad0168f58 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad0168f58 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad0168f58 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4057518 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4058ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4058ac8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ed90eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ed90eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ed90eb8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4058ac8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e721788 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e721788 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad411ea88 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e721788 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e721788 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e721788 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad4228b98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4228b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4228b98 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab405a078 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab405a078 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad4228b98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad4228b98 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad4228b98 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4228b98 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4228b98 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4228b98 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad4228b98 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab405a078 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e721788 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e721788 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e721788 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad411ea88 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e6f6778 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e6f6778 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad424c838 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e6f6778 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e6f6778 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e6f6778 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e704ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e704ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e6f6778 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e6f6778 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad424c838 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad424c838 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad424c838 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e6f6778 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca02348 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca02348 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01e2db8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca02348 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca02348 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca02348 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e6e8228 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e6e8228 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e6e8228 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e6e8228 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e6e8228 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaac9ffa08 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaac9ffa08 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0221de8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad0221de8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad0221de8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad0221de8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9ffa08 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad0221de8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9ffa08 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9ffa08 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca00ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca00ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0204a48 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca00ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca00ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca00ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad011b008 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad011b008 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaad011b008 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad011b008 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad011b008 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca02348 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca02348 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca02348 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ec13a08 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ec31d28 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ec31d28 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ec13a08 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@57] 0x1e944228 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1e944228 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e6e8228 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e6e8228 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e6e8228 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad0221de8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9ffa08 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac9ffa08 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad0221de8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad0221de8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad0221de8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9ffa08 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca00ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca00ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad0204a48 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca00ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad011b008 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad011b008 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad011b008 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1e73e228 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e73e228 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01e2db8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e73e228 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e73e228 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e73e228 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e576918 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e576918 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0204a48 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e576918 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e576918 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e576918 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad005e9b8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad005e9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad005e9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad005e9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad005e9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad005e9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad005e9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad011b008 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad011b008 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e73e228 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e73e228 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e73e228 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad011b008 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad011b008 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@6] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@8] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@8] 0x2aaad011b008 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad011b008 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca29798 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@8] 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@8] 0x2aaad011b008 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e576918 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e576918 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad0204a48 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e576918 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad005e9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad005e9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad005e9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fa698 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad005e9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad005e9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad005e9b8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad005e9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad005e9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad005e9b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad005e9b8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9fa698 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e925a78 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e925a78 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad425fda8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad425fda8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416dca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab433f568 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab433f568 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab433f568 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab433f568 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab433f568 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab433f568 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab433f568 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f7d58 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9f7d58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab433f568 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab433f568 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab433f568 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fbb38 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab433f568 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaac9f91f8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaac9f91f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea08488 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9f91f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f91f8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f91f8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab433f568 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab433f568 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab433f568 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab433f568 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab433f568 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab433f568 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9fbb38 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f91f8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f91f8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea08488 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9f91f8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4054ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4054ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea08488 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4054ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4054ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4054ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4054ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4054ca8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea08488 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4054ca8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f3f78 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaac9f3f78 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea08488 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9f3f78 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f3f78 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f3f78 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f3f78 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f3f78 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea08488 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9f3f78 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea08488 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e5723a8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e5723a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1e99cdf8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e5723a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e5723a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e5723a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea08488 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e5723a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e5723a8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e99cdf8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e5723a8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e56dc78 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e56dc78 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad411ea88 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e56dc78 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e56dc78 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e56dc78 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab404b9e8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab404b9e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01e2db8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab404b9e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab404b9e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab404b9e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e56dc78 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e56dc78 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e56dc78 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab404b9e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab404b9e8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaac9fd158 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaac9fd158 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb55428 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaac9fd158 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fd158 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaac9fd158 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab404b9e8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab404cf98 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab404cf98 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab404cf98 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab404cf98 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab404cf98 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaac9fd158 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaac9fd158 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaacb55428 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb55428 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaacb55428 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaac9fd158 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab404cf98 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab404cf98 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab404cf98 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1eb8dc18 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb8dc18 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1eb8dc18 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@56] 0x2aaab4065b58 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4065b58 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4065b58 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4065b58 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4065b58 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4065b58 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4065b58 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4065b58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca35138 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca35138 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca61f78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca35138 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca35138 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca35138 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1ec07418 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea72b88 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ec07418 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea72b88 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ec07418 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x1e52bb88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e52bb88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4055e18 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4055e18 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea08488 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e535688 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e535688 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1e99cdf8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e535688 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e535688 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e535688 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca35138 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca35138 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca35138 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca37e58 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea08488 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca37e58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad4055e18 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4161ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad4055e18 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4161ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad4055e18 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab404e548 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab404e548 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea08488 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab404e548 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab404e548 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab404e548 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e535688 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e535688 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e99cdf8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e535688 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab404e548 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab404e548 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea08488 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab404e548 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab4048e28 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4048e28 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea08488 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4048e28 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4048e28 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4048e28 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4048e28 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4048e28 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea08488 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4048e28 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea08488 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1e99cdf8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea08488 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e9c57b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e9c57b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e99cdf8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb39578 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@55] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4100d48 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4100d48 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4100d48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad42c25c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad4100d48 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad42c25c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad4100d48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaac523688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaac523688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaac523688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaac523688 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaaac523688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaaaca29798 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaaacb3bb08 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4047848 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4047848 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad411ea88 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4047848 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4047848 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4047848 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab4046268 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4046268 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416dca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4046268 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4046268 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4046268 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaab4044c88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4044c88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab433f568 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab433f568 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab433f568 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab433f568 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab433f568 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4044c88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab433f568 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4044c88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab433f568 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4044c88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1f298 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca1f298 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb39578 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca1f298 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1f298 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1f298 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab403ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab403ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea08488 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab403ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab403ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab403ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4047848 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4047848 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4047848 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4046268 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4046268 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4046268 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab403e048 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab403e048 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0204a48 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab403e048 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab403e048 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab403e048 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab433f568 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab433f568 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab433f568 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4044c88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4044c88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab433f568 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab433f568 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab433f568 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab433f568 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab433f568 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab433f568 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab433f568 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4044c88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1f298 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1f298 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb39578 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca1f298 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4035d98 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4035d98 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01e2db8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4035d98 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4035d98 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4035d98 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab403f628 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab403f628 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0221de8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad0221de8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad0221de8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad0221de8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab403f628 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad0221de8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab403f628 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab403f628 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4037378 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4037378 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02989b8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad02989b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad02989b8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad02989b8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4037378 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad02989b8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4037378 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4037378 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab403ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab403ca68 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea08488 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab403ca68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad03b2418 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad03b2418 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad03b2418 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad03b2418 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad03b2418 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaad03b2418 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad03b2418 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad00b73d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad00b73d8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab403e048 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab403e048 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad0204a48 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab403e048 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab40388c8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab40388c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab40388c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab40388c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab40388c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4035d98 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4035d98 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4035d98 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca42358 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca42358 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac523688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaac523688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaac523688 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaac523688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaac523688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca42358 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaac523688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca42358 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaac523688 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca42358 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad0221de8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab403f628 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab403f628 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad0221de8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad0221de8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad0221de8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad0221de8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab403f628 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca40eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca40eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca40eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca40eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca40eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad02989b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4037378 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4037378 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad02989b8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad02989b8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad02989b8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad02989b8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4037378 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaad03b2418 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad03b2418 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad03b2418 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab4039ea8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad03b2418 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad03b2418 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad03b2418 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad03b2418 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad03b2418 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad03b2418 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad03b2418 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4039ea8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaaac523688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac523688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaac523688 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca42358 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca42358 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaac523688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaac523688 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaac523688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaac523688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaac523688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaac523688 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaac523688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca42358 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab40388c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab40388c8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab40388c8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca40eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca40eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca40eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca44c98 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca44c98 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca44c98 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca44c98 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca44c98 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca44c98 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca44c98 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca44c98 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eabf758 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eabf758 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@55] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad0367d88 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad0367d88 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaaca47548 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca47548 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca47548 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca47548 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca47548 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca489e8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca489e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb39578 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca489e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca489e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca489e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca460a8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca460a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea08488 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca460a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca460a8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca460a8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaad0367d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad03a7598 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad0367d88 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad03a7598 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad0367d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaaca49e88 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca49e88 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1e99cdf8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca49e88 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca49e88 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca49e88 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca47548 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca47548 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca47548 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca489e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca489e8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb39578 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca489e8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca4b328 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca4b328 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb39578 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca4b328 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4b328 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca4b328 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca460a8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca460a8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea08488 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca460a8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad411ea88 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca49e88 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca49e88 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1e99cdf8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e99cdf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1e99cdf8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca49e88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4b328 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca4b328 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1eb39578 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca4b328 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad411ea88 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad411ea88 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaaaca4c7c8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab4040c08 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab4040c08 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab4040c08 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab4040c08 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab4040c08 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab4040c08 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab4040c08 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4040c08 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab40421e8 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaaaca61f78 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab40421e8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad40d78a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab432e768 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad40d78a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab432e768 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaad40d78a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@55] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5116:find_peer (ao2_find in peers_by_ip table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@55] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0042398 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0042398 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaaca61f78 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4254a78 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4254a78 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@4] 0x2aaaaca61f78 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@6] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaab434ffc8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaab434ffc8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab41687f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab41687f8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x2aaab41687f8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab41687f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab41687f8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab41687f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1eb39578 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@57] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1e9797c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1e9797c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ebc2778 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea182c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea182c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x1ebc2778 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@57] 0x2aaab4046268 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4046268 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ea71068 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ea71068 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ea71068 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea71068 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1ea71068 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@56] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab41687f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab41687f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacba1c28 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad4269db8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad4269db8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaacba1c28 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab434ffc8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab434ffc8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e74c778 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@4] 0x1e74c778 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e74c778 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e74c778 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e74c778 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e74c778 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@5] 0x1e74c778 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e74c778 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:13924:sip_poke_peer_s () [@5] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:13934:sip_poke_peer_s (removing above peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416dca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:26571:sip_poke_peer (copy sip alloc from p to peer->call) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@2] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:26607:sip_poke_peer (setting the relatedpeer field in the dialog) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:26623:sip_poke_peer (adding poke peer ref) [@6] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26625:sip_poke_peer (unref dialog at end of sip_poke_peer, obtained from sip_alloc, just before it goes out of scope) [@4] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:13936:sip_poke_peer_s (removing poke peer ref) [@7] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad405eab8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@55] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:21068:handle_response_peerpoke (unref dialog peer->call) [@3] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (removing poke peer ref) [@6] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:21095:handle_response_peerpoke (adding poke peer ref) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab416dca8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab405e188 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab405e188 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaaaca8aea8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb63b18 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1eb63b18 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@4] 0x2aaaaca8aea8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ea71068 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea71068 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@56] 0x1ea71068 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ea71068 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ea71068 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ea71068 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ea71068 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ea71068 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ea71068 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1e9944a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea71068 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1e9944a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea71068 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea08488 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@57] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@57] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@58] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1eb3c9f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1eb3c9f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad01c2678 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad01c2678 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacae2de8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacae2de8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaacae2de8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaacae2de8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaaacae2de8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacae2de8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacae2de8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacae2de8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacae2de8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaacae2de8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaacae2de8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaacae2de8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca2ac38 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaaacae2de8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4100d48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad42c25c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad42c25c8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad42c25c8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad42c25c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad42c25c8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad4100d48 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad42c25c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad4100d48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4100d48 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad426bc58 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaad426bc58 -1 chan_sip.c:3931:__sip_autodestruct () [@4] 0x1e9e05c8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1e9e05c8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1e9e05c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1e9e05c8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1e9e05c8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@57] 0x2aaad405eab8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca460a8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca460a8 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca460a8 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@6] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaaaca460a8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaaaca460a8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca460a8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca460a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaad00244e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaad00244e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad0042398 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad0042398 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad0042398 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad0042398 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad0042398 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad0042398 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e72fcd8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad40d78a8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaad40d78a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x2aaad40d78a8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@57] 0x2aaad40d78a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40d78a8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad40d78a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad40d78a8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x2aaad40d78a8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x2aaad40d78a8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x2aaad40d78a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad40d78a8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad40d78a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad40d78a8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@56] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaad40a15d8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad405eab8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad00244e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad00244e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaaaca460a8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaad405eab8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca460a8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4200238 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4200238 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1ebfd478 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e925a78 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1e925a78 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x1ebfd478 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1ddf8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad425fda8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad425fda8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad425fda8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac9d74e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad425fda8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaac9d74e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad425fda8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad0367d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad03a7598 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad03a7598 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaad03a7598 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad03a7598 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaad03a7598 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaad0367d88 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaad03a7598 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad0367d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad0367d88 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e713238 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ea6c0e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@55] 0x2aaad40d7848 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad40d7848 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@54] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@56] 0x2aaad40d7848 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x2aaad40d7848 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x2aaad40d7848 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad40d7848 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x2aaad40d7848 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad40d7848 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x2aaad40d7848 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x2aaab41687f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad40d7848 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x2aaab41687f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad40d7848 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4342468 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab4342468 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4342468 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4342468 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab4342468 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4342468 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab4342468 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab4342468 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab416dca8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x1e769218 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1e769218 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaab416dca8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4342468 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab4342468 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab4342468 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab4342468 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaab4028978 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab4028978 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaab4342468 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaacb9aad8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaaacb9aad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaacb9aad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaaacb9aad8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaacb9aad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea778b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1ea778b8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1ea778b8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ea778b8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x1ea778b8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x1ebe0d38 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1ebe0d38 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1ea778b8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x1ebe0d38 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ebe0d38 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@4] 0x1ebe0d38 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x1ebe0d38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ebe0d38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@5] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1ebe0d38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e7dbd88 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ebe0d38 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebe0d38 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebe0d38 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x1ebe0d38 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@2] 0x1ebe0d38 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@3] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@2] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@1] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x2aaab441d7e8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x1e7dbd88 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaaacb9aad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaacb9aad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaacb9aad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaaacb9aad8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaaacb9aad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@6] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@7] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@8] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@8] 0x2aaaacb9aad8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaaacb9aad8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaac9f5418 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@7] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@8] 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@8] 0x2aaaacb9aad8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea71068 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e9944a8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e9944a8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea71068 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad000b728 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad000b728 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5501:create_addr (create_addr: setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5502:create_addr (create_addr: unref peer from find_peer hashtab lookup) [@57] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:7695:change_callid_pvt () [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7702:change_callid_pvt (New dialog callid -- inserted back into table) [@1] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26926:sip_request_call (toss pvt ptr at end of sip_request_call) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5761:sip_call (dialog ptr inc when SCHED_REPLACE add succeeded) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@4] 0x1ea78fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:20224:handle_response_invite (when you delete the initid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@5] 0x1ea78fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01c2678 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@57] 0x2aaad01c2678 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab434ffc8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab434ffc8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad01e2db8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab402b018 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab402b018 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1eb39578 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1e9797c8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e9797c8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1eb39578 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab4298ad8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab4298ad8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaab40a3eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x2aaab4065b58 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab4065b58 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab441d7e8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaab441d7e8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaab441d7e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca327f8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca327f8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaab4290168 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaab4290168 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@5] 0x2aaab4290168 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaab4290168 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@5] 0x2aaab4290168 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@6] 0x2aaaac511fe8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaab4290168 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x2aaaac511fe8 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@3] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1e5641d8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x1e5641d8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:6399:sip_hangup (unref ast->tech_pvt) [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@1] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@56] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@57] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:17246:dialog_needdestroy (Link dialog for destruction) [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@4] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:3010:dialog_unlink_all (when you delete the autokillid sched, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) [@1] 0x1ebf7d88 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:26128:do_monitor (callback to dialog_unlink_all) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@56] 0x1ebf7d88 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaaaca17f48 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaaaca17f48 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x1ebf7d88 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac87f728 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaaac87f728 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ebf7d88 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x1ea08488 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1eb3c9f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1eb3c9f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea08488 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad4008998 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4008998 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad40a15d8 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad40a15d8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca1cd38 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@6] 0x2aaad40a15d8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad40d7848 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab41687f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x2aaab41687f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad40d7848 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad418b168 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad418b168 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x2aaad0093948 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42823f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@5] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@6] 0x1e570758 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x1e570758 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaab42823f8 +1 chan_sip.c:20182:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@3] 0x2aaab42823f8 -1 chan_sip.c:20191:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaab42823f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@3] 0x2aaab42823f8 -1 chan_sip.c:20196:sip_queue_hangup_cause () [@4] 0x2aaad0093948 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@4] 0x2aaad0093948 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@3] 0x2aaab42823f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad0093948 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad0093948 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaab42823f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad0093948 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaab42823f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaad0093948 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad4100d48 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4100d48 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4100d48 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4100d48 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad4100d48 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaaac9f5418 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@6] 0x2aaab40a3eb8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaab40a3eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaab40a3eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaab40a3eb8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaab40a3eb8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4065b58 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@4] 0x2aaad4053ce8 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad4053ce8 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad4053ce8 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1e72fcd8 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad0367d88 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x2aaad0367d88 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x2aaad0367d88 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x2aaad0367d88 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x2aaad0367d88 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x1e713238 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@5] 0x2aaad422c688 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad01c2678 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad01c2678 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@55] 0x2aaad422c688 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@56] 0x2aaab40347e8 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@5] 0x2aaab40347e8 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4242:send_response (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad4062b98 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaaac8c70f8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@4] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaaac8c70f8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@5] 0x2aaad4062b98 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x1ea78fb8 +1 chan_sip.c:8123:sip_pvt_lock_full () [@2] 0x1ea78fb8 -1 chan_sip.c:25669:handle_request_do () [@3] 0x1ea6c0e8 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaab41bc0d8 -1 chan_sip.c:4211:update_provisional_keepalive (when you delete the provisional_keepalive_sched_id, you should dec the refcount for the stored dialog ptr) [@3] 0x2aaab41bc0d8 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@2] 0x1ebe0d38 +1 chan_sip.c:2961:dialog_unlink_all (Let's bump the count in the unlink so it doesn't accidentally become dead before we are done) [@2] 0x1ebe0d38 -1 chan_sip.c:2963:dialog_unlink_all (unlinking dialog via ao2_unlink) [@3] 0x1ebe0d38 -1 chan_sip.c:3027:dialog_unlink_all (Let's unbump the count in the unlink so the poor pvt can disappear if it is time) [@2] 0x1ebe0d38 -1 chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) [@1] 0x1ebe0d38 **call destructor** chan_sip.c:3953:__sip_autodestruct (The ref to a dialog passed to this sched callback is going out of scope; unref it.) 0x2aaab4064d68 -1 chan_sip.c:5846:__sip_destroy (unsetting a dialog relatedpeer field in sip_destroy) [@55] 0x2aaad0204a48 =1 chan_sip.c:7752:sip_alloc (allocate a dialog(pvt) struct) 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:7875:sip_alloc (link pvt into dialogs table) [@1] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:3836:__sip_reliable_xmit (__sip_reliable_xmit: setting pkt->owner) [@2] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:3999:sip_scheddestroy (setting ref as passing into ast_sched_add for __sip_autodestruct) [@3] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@5] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@3] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:4077:__sip_ack (unref pkt cur->owner dialog from sip ack before freeing pkt) [@4] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@3] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:8215:find_call (ao2_find in dialogs) [@2] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:4018:sip_cancel_destroy (remove ref for autokillid) [@3] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@4] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:16208:check_peer_ok (copy pointer into (*authpeer)) [@5] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:16276:check_peer_ok (check_peer_ok: unref_peer: tossing temp ptr to peer from find_peer) [@6] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:22858:handle_request_invite (setting dialog's relatedpeer pointer) [@5] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:5999:update_call_counter (ref related peer for update_call_counter) [@6] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:6117:update_call_counter (update_call_counter: unref_peer from call counter) [@7] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:7251:sip_new (sip_new: set chan->tech_pvt to i) [@2] 0x2aaad0204a48 +1 chan_sip.c:4214:update_provisional_keepalive (Increment refcount to pass dialog pointer to sched callback) [@3] 0x2aaaaca20738 +1 chan_sip.c:5111:find_peer (ao2_find in peers table) [@6] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:23323:handle_request_invite (unref_peer, from handle_request_invite authpeer) [@7] 0x2aaaaca20738 -1 chan_sip.c:26723:sip_devicestate (unref_peer, from sip_devicestate, release ref from find_peer) [@7] 0x2aaad0204a48 -1 chan_sip.c:25672:handle_request_do (throw away dialog ptr from find_call at end of routine) [@4]