[2012-08-29 16:50:14] VERBOSE[23200] asterisk.c: -- Remote UNIX connection [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26375] asterisk.c: Executing last minute cleanups [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26375] res_musiconhold.c: == Destroying musiconhold processes [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26375] asterisk.c: Preparing for Asterisk restart... [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26375] asterisk.c: Asterisk is now restarting... [Aug 29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/logger.conf': [Aug 29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action DataGet [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: Asterisk Dynamic Loader Starting: [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/modules.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] NOTICE[26384] loader.c: 2 modules will be loaded. [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/res_odbc.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] NOTICE[26384] res_odbc.c: Connecting asterisk [2012-08-29 16:50:16] NOTICE[26384] res_odbc.c: res_odbc: Connected to asterisk [postgresql] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] NOTICE[26384] res_odbc.c: Registered ODBC class 'asterisk' dsn->[postgresql] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ODBC_Commit' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ODBC_Rollback' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'ODBC' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] NOTICE[26384] res_odbc.c: res_odbc loaded. [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: res_odbc.so => (ODBC resource) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] NOTICE[26384] config.c: Registered Config Engine odbc [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_config_odbc.c: res_config_odbc loaded. [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: res_config_odbc.so => (Realtime ODBC configuration) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dnsmgr.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] NOTICE[26384] dnsmgr.c: Managed DNS entries will be refreshed every 300 seconds. [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action Ping [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action Events [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action Logoff [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action Login [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action Challenge [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action Hangup [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action Status [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action Setvar [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action Getvar [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action GetConfig [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action GetConfigJSON [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action UpdateConfig [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action CreateConfig [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action ListCategories [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action Redirect [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action Atxfer [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action Originate [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action Command [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action ExtensionState [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action AbsoluteTimeout [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action MailboxStatus [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action MailboxCount [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action ListCommands [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action SendText [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action UserEvent [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action WaitEvent [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action CoreSettings [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action CoreStatus [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action Reload [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action CoreShowChannels [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action ModuleLoad [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action ModuleCheck [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action AOCMessage [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] NOTICE[26384] cdr.c: CDR simple logging enabled. [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cel.c: -- CEL logging disabled. [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dsp.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/udptl.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] udptl.c: == UDPTL allocating from port range 4000 -> 4999 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: Asterisk PBX Core Initializing [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: Registering builtin applications: [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'EXCEPTION' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'TESTTIME' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [Answer] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Answer' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [BackGround] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'BackGround' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [Busy] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Busy' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [Congestion] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Congestion' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [ExecIfTime] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ExecIfTime' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [Goto] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Goto' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [GotoIf] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'GotoIf' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [GotoIfTime] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'GotoIfTime' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [ImportVar] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ImportVar' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [Hangup] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Hangup' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [Incomplete] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Incomplete' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [NoOp] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'NoOp' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [Proceeding] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Proceeding' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [Progress] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Progress' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [RaiseException] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'RaiseException' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [ResetCDR] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ResetCDR' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [Ringing] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Ringing' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [SayAlpha] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SayAlpha' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [SayDigits] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SayDigits' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [SayNumber] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SayNumber' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [SayPhonetic] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SayPhonetic' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [Set] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Set' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [MSet] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MSet' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [SetAMAFlags] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SetAMAFlags' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [Wait] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Wait' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: [WaitExten] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'WaitExten' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action ShowDialPlan [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/indications.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'at' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'au' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'bg' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'br' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'be' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'ch' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'cl' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'cn' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'cz' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'de' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'dk' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'ee' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'es' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'fi' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'fr' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'gr' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'hu' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'il' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'in' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'it' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'lt' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'jp' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'mx' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'my' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'nl' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'no' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'nz' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'ph' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'pl' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'pt' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'ru' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'se' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'sg' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'th' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'uk' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'us' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'us-old' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'tw' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 've' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'za' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] indications.c: -- Setting default indication country to 'pl' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] features.c: == Registered Feature 'rod' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] features.c: == Mapping Feature 'rod' to app 'Macro(apprecord)' with code '*1' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] features.c: == Registered Feature 'spy' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] features.c: == Mapping Feature 'spy' to app 'Macro(spyMacro)' with code '#7' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] features.c: == Registered Feature 'confdtmf' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] features.c: == Mapping Feature 'confdtmf' to app 'Macro(confDtmf)' with code '#9' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'parkedcalls'; registrar: features [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '700' priority 1 to parkedcalls [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Bridge' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ParkedCall' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Park' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action ParkedCalls [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action Park [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action Bridge [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action DBGet [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action DBPut [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action DBDel [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action DBDelTree [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'CallCompletionRequest' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'CallCompletionCancel' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/ccss.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: Asterisk Dynamic Loader Starting: [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/modules.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] NOTICE[26384] loader.c: 140 modules will be loaded. [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] loader.c: Error loading module 'res_fax_digium.so': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/res_fax_digium.so: undefined symbol: ast_fax_tech_unregister [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_crypto.c: -- Loaded PUBLIC key 'freeworlddialup' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_crypto.c: -- Loaded PUBLIC key 'iaxtel' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: res_crypto.so => (Cryptographic Digital Signatures) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Monitor' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'StopMonitor' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ChangeMonitor' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'PauseMonitor' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'UnpauseMonitor' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action Monitor [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action StopMonitor [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action ChangeMonitor [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action PauseMonitor [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action UnpauseMonitor [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: res_monitor.so => (Call Monitoring Resource) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: res_srtp.so => (Secure RTP (SRTP)) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/res_fax.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SendFAX' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ReceiveFAX' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'FAXOPT' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: res_fax.so => (Generic FAX Applications) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'answer' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'asyncagi break' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'channel status' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'database del' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'database deltree' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'database get' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26397] manager.c: == Manager 'manago01' logged on from [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26399] manager.c: == Manager 'manago01' logged on from [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'database put' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'exec' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'get data' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'get full variable' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'get option' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'get variable' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'hangup' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'noop' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'receive char' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'receive text' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'record file' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'say alpha' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'say digits' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'say number' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'say phonetic' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'say date' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'say time' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'say datetime' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'send image' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'send text' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'set autohangup' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'set callerid' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'set context' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'set extension' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'set music' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'set priority' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'set variable' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'stream file' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'control stream file' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'tdd mode' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'verbose' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'wait for digit' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'speech create' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'speech set' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'speech destroy' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'speech load grammar' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'speech unload grammar' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'speech activate grammar' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'speech deactivate grammar' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'speech recognize' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'DeadAGI' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'EAGI' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action AGI [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'AGI' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: res_agi.so => (Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI)) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: res_timing_dahdi.so => (DAHDI Timing Interface) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] rtp_engine.c: == Registered RTP engine 'asterisk' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/rtp.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_rtp_asterisk.c: == RTP Allocating from port range 10000 -> 20000 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: res_rtp_asterisk.so => (Asterisk RTP Stack) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MusicOnHold' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'WaitMusicOnHold' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SetMusicOnHold' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'StartMusicOnHold' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'StopMusicOnHold' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: res_musiconhold.so => (Music On Hold Resource) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] channel.c: == Registered channel type 'Local' (Local Proxy Channel Driver) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action LocalOptimizeAway [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: chan_local.so => (Local Proxy Channel (Note: used internally by other modules)) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] chan_sip.c: SIP channel loading... [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] chan_sip.c: == SIP Listening on [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] netsock2.c: == Using SIP TOS bits 96 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] netsock2.c: == Using SIP CoS mark 3 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip_notify.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] channel.c: == Registered channel type 'SIP' (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] rtp_engine.c: == Registered RTP glue 'SIP' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SIPDtmfMode' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SIPAddHeader' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SIPRemoveHeader' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'SIP_HEADER' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] DEBUG[26384] xmldoc.c: Cannot find variable 'description' in tree 'SIPPEER' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'SIPPEER' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] DEBUG[26384] xmldoc.c: Cannot find variable 'description' in tree 'SIPCHANINFO' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'SIPCHANINFO' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'CHECKSIPDOMAIN' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action SIPpeers [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action SIPshowpeer [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action SIPqualifypeer [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action SIPshowregistry [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action SIPnotify [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found id column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found name column with type 12 with len 80, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found accountcode column with type 12 with len 30, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found amaflags column with type 12 with len 13, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found callgroup column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found callerid column with type 12 with len 80, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found directmedia column with type 1 with len 7, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found context column with type 12 with len 80, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found defaultip column with type 12 with len 15, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found dtmfmode column with type 12 with len 7, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found fromuser column with type 12 with len 80, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found fromdomain column with type 12 with len 80, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found fullcontact column with type 12 with len 100, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found host column with type 12 with len 31, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found insecure column with type 12 with len 40, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found language column with type 1 with len 2, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found mailbox column with type 12 with len 50, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found md5secret column with type 12 with len 80, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found nat column with type 12 with len 5, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found deny column with type 12 with len 95, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found permit column with type 12 with len 95, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found mask column with type 12 with len 95, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found pickupgroup column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found port column with type 12 with len 5, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found qualify column with type 1 with len 3, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found restrictcid column with type 1 with len 1, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found rtptimeout column with type 1 with len 3, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found rtpholdtimeout column with type 1 with len 3, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found secret column with type 12 with len 80, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found type column with type 12 with len 6, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found defaultuser column with type 12 with len 80, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found disallow column with type 12 with len 100, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found allow column with type 12 with len 100, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found musiconhold column with type 12 with len 100, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found regseconds column with type -5 with len 19, octetlen 19, and numlen (0,10) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found ipaddr column with type 12 with len 80, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found regexten column with type 12 with len 80, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found cancallforward column with type 1 with len 3, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found t38pt_udptl column with type 1 with len 3, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found setvar column with type 12 with len 100, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found id_sip_account column with type -5 with len 19, octetlen 19, and numlen (0,10) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found id_foreign_sip_account column with type -5 with len 19, octetlen 19, and numlen (0,10) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found call-limit column with type 12 with len 5, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found sendrpid column with type 12 with len 4, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found regserver column with type 12 with len 80, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found useragent column with type 12 with len 100, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found lastms column with type 12 with len 80, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found outboundproxy column with type 12 with len 80, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found encryption column with type 1 with len 3, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found transport column with type 1 with len 3, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: chan_sip.so => (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] channel.c: == Registered channel type 'Bridge' (Bridge Interaction Channel) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: chan_bridge.so => (Bridge Interaction Channel) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'DAHDISendKeypadFacility' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'DAHDISendCallreroutingFacility' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] chan_dahdi.c: -- Automatically generated pseudo channel [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] channel.c: == Registered channel type 'DAHDI' (DAHDI Telephony Driver w/PRI) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action DAHDITransfer [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action DAHDIHangup [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action DAHDIDialOffhook [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action DAHDIDNDon [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action DAHDIDNDoff [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action DAHDIShowChannels [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action DAHDIRestart [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: chan_dahdi.so => (DAHDI Telephony Driver w/PRI) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] file.c: == Registered file format wav, extension(s) wav [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] file.c: == Registered file format wav16, extension(s) wav16 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: format_wav.so => (Microsoft WAV/WAV16 format (8kHz/16kHz Signed Linear)) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] file.c: == Registered file format sln, extension(s) sln|raw [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: format_sln.so => (Raw Signed Linear Audio support (SLN)) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] file.c: == Registered file format iLBC, extension(s) ilbc [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: format_ilbc.so => (Raw iLBC data) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'DIALPLAN_EXISTS' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_dialplan.so => (Dialplan Context/Extension/Priority Checking Functions) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] file.c: == Registered file format gsm, extension(s) gsm [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: format_gsm.so => (Raw GSM data) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] file.c: == Registered file format g719, extension(s) g719 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: format_g719.so => (ITU G.719) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] file.c: == Registered file format h263, extension(s) h263 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: format_h263.so => (Raw H.263 data) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] file.c: == Registered file format g726-40, extension(s) g726-40 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] file.c: == Registered file format g726-32, extension(s) g726-32 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] file.c: == Registered file format g726-24, extension(s) g726-24 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] file.c: == Registered file format g726-16, extension(s) g726-16 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: format_g726.so => (Raw G.726 (16/24/32/40kbps) data) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'gosub' registered [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'StackPop' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Return' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'GosubIf' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Gosub' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'LOCAL' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'LOCAL_PEEK' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'STACK_PEEK' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_stack.so => (Dialplan subroutines (Gosub, Return, etc)) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] file.c: == Registered file format g723sf, extension(s) g723|g723sf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: format_g723.so => (G.723.1 Simple Timestamp File Format) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] file.c: == Registered file format pcm, extension(s) pcm|ulaw|ul|mu|ulw [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] file.c: == Registered file format alaw, extension(s) alaw|al|alw [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] file.c: == Registered file format au, extension(s) au [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] file.c: == Registered file format g722, extension(s) g722 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: format_pcm.so => (Raw/Sun uLaw/ALaw 8KHz (PCM,PCMA,AU), G.722 16Khz) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] file.c: == Registered file format sln16, extension(s) sln16 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: format_sln16.so => (Raw Signed Linear 16KHz Audio support (SLN16)) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] file.c: == Registered file format wav49, extension(s) WAV|wav49 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: format_wav_gsm.so => (Microsoft WAV format (Proprietary GSM)) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] image.c: == Registered format 'jpg' (JPEG (Joint Picture Experts Group)) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: format_jpeg.so => (jpeg (joint picture experts group) image format) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] file.c: == Registered file format siren7, extension(s) siren7 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: format_siren7.so => (ITU G.722.1 (Siren7, licensed from Polycom)) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] file.c: == Registered file format g729, extension(s) g729 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: format_g729.so => (Raw G.729 data) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] file.c: == Registered file format siren14, extension(s) siren14 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: format_siren14.so => (ITU G.722.1 Annex C (Siren14, licensed from Polycom)) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] file.c: == Registered file format h264, extension(s) h264 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: format_h264.so => (Raw H.264 data) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'DEVICE_STATE' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'HINT' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_devstate.so => (Gets or sets a device state in the dialplan) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/meetme.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action MeetmeMute [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action MeetmeUnmute [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action MeetmeList [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MeetMeChannelAdmin' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MeetMeAdmin' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MeetMeCount' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MeetMe' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SLAStation' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SLATrunk' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] DEBUG[26384] xmldoc.c: Cannot find variable 'description' in tree 'MEETME_INFO' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'MEETME_INFO' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found confno column with type 12 with len 80, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found name column with type 12 with len 80, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found description column with type -1 with len 8190, octetlen 8190, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found username column with type 12 with len 64, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found pin column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found adminpin column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found members column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found maxusers column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found config column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found announce column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found moh column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found silence column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found opts column with type 12 with len 20, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found adminopts column with type 12 with len 20, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_meetme.so => (MeetMe conference bridge) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ConfBridge' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_confbridge.so => (Conference Bridge Application) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_manager.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: cdr_manager.so => (Asterisk Manager Interface CDR Backend) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_custom.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: cdr_custom.so => (Customizable Comma Separated Values CDR Backend) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: -- Found adaptive CDR table cdr@asterisk. [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found cdr_pkey column with type -5 with len 19, octetlen 19, and numlen (0,10) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found calldate column with type 93 with len 19, octetlen 19, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found clid column with type -1 with len 8190, octetlen 8190, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found src column with type -1 with len 8190, octetlen 8190, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found dst column with type -1 with len 8190, octetlen 8190, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found dcontext column with type -1 with len 8190, octetlen 8190, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found channel column with type -1 with len 8190, octetlen 8190, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found dstchannel column with type -1 with len 8190, octetlen 8190, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found lastapp column with type -1 with len 8190, octetlen 8190, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found lastdata column with type -1 with len 8190, octetlen 8190, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found answerdate column with type 93 with len 19, octetlen 19, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found duration column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found billsec column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found awaiting column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found disposition column with type -1 with len 8190, octetlen 8190, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found amaflags column with type -5 with len 19, octetlen 19, and numlen (0,10) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found accountcode column with type -1 with len 8190, octetlen 8190, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found uniqueid column with type -1 with len 8190, octetlen 8190, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found userfield column with type -1 with len 8190, octetlen 8190, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found src_id_user_account column with type -5 with len 19, octetlen 19, and numlen (0,10) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found call_rate column with type 12 with len 40, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found call_cost column with type 2 with len 8, octetlen 8, and numlen (2,10) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found number_a column with type 12 with len 255, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found number_b column with type 12 with len 255, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found src_interface column with type -1 with len 8190, octetlen 8190, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found dst_interface column with type -1 with len 8190, octetlen 8190, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found is_outbound column with type 1 with len 1, octetlen 1, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found is_inbound column with type 1 with len 1, octetlen 1, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found src_account column with type -1 with len 8190, octetlen 8190, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found dst_account column with type -1 with len 8190, octetlen 8190, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found id_queue column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found id_agent column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found queue_is_inbound column with type 1 with len 1, octetlen 1, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found queue_is_outbound column with type 1 with len 1, octetlen 1, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found quniqueid column with type -1 with len 8190, octetlen 8190, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found callrating_direction column with type 12 with len 40, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found fcn_call_cost column with type 2 with len 8, octetlen 8, and numlen (2,10) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found fcn_call_cost_import column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > Found sip_proxy_host column with type 12 with len 50, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: cdr_adaptive_odbc.so => (Adaptive ODBC CDR backend) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: pbx_realtime.so => (Realtime Switch) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'MATH' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'INC' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'DEC' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_math.so => (Mathematical dialplan function) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'WaitForSilence' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'WaitForNoise' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_waitforsilence.so => (Wait For Silence) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'gsmtolin' from format gsm to slin, cost 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'lintogsm' from format slin to gsm, cost 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: codec_gsm.so => (GSM Coder/Decoder) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SoftHangup' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_softhangup.so => (Hangs up the requested channel) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ChanSpy' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ExtenSpy' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'DAHDIScan' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_chanspy.so => (Listen to the audio of an active channel) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'ICONV' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_iconv.so => (Charset conversions) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'WaitForRing' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_waitforring.so => (Waits until first ring after time) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'FIELDQTY' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'FIELDNUM' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'FILTER' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'REPLACE' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'LISTFILTER' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'REGEX' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'ARRAY' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'QUOTE' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'CSV_QUOTE' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'LEN' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'STRFTIME' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'STRPTIME' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'EVAL' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'KEYPADHASH' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'HASHKEYS' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'HASH' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ClearHash' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'TOUPPER' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'TOLOWER' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'SHIFT' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'POP' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'PUSH' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'UNSHIFT' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'PASSTHRU' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_strings.so => (String handling dialplan functions) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'EXTENSION_STATE' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_extstate.so => (Gets an extension's state in the dialplan) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'AST_CONFIG' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_config.so => (Asterisk configuration file variable access) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'CDR' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_cdr.so => (Call Detail Record (CDR) dialplan function) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ChanIsAvail' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_chanisavail.so => (Check channel availability) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MP3Player' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_mp3.so => (Silly MP3 Application) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'DIALGROUP' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_dialgroup.so => (Dialgroup dialplan function) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'SPRINTF' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_sprintf.so => (SPRINTF dialplan function) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: res_clioriginate.so => (Call origination and redirection from the CLI) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MacroExit' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MacroIf' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MacroExclusive' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Macro' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_macro.so => (Extension Macros) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'alawtoulaw' from format alaw to ulaw, cost 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'ulawtoalaw' from format ulaw to alaw, cost 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: codec_a_mu.so => (A-law and Mulaw direct Coder/Decoder) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Setting global variable 'DYNAMIC_FEATURES' to 'rod' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'macro-apprecord'; registrar: pbx_config [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 11 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 1 to macro-apprecord [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 12 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 2 to macro-apprecord [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 13 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 3 to macro-apprecord [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 14 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 4 to macro-apprecord [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 15 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 5 to macro-apprecord [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 16 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 6 to macro-apprecord [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 17 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 7 to macro-apprecord [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 18 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 8 to macro-apprecord [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 19 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 9 to macro-apprecord [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 20 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 10 to macro-apprecord [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 21 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 11 to macro-apprecord [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'macro-spyMacro'; registrar: pbx_config [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-spyMacro [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-spyMacro [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-spyMacro [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-spyMacro [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'macro-confDtmf'; registrar: pbx_config [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 31 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 1 to macro-confDtmf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 32 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 2 to macro-confDtmf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'CONF'; registrar: pbx_config [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to CONF [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to CONF [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to CONF [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'orig' priority 1 to CONF [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'orig' priority 2 to CONF [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'orig' priority 3 to CONF [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to CONF [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'CALLEX'; registrar: pbx_config [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to CALLEX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to CALLEX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to CALLEX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'T' priority 1 to CALLEX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 1 to CALLEX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 2 to CALLEX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '2' priority 1 to CALLEX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '2' priority 2 to CALLEX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 62 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 1 to CALLEX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 63 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 2 to CALLEX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 64 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 3 to CALLEX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 65 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 4 to CALLEX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 66 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 5 to CALLEX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'FAX'; registrar: pbx_config [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to FAX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to FAX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to FAX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'T' priority 1 to FAX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'send' priority 1 to FAX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'send' priority 2 to FAX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'send' priority 3 to FAX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'send' priority 4 to FAX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'send' priority 5 to FAX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'send' priority 6 to FAX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to FAX [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'CC'; registrar: pbx_config [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to CC [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to CC [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 3 to CC [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 4 to CC [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 5 to CC [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to CC [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'T' priority 1 to CC [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'failed' priority 1 to CC [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'park' priority 1 to CC [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'park' priority 2 to CC [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'park' priority 3 to CC [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'parkClient' priority 1 to CC [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'parkClient' priority 2 to CC [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'parkClient' priority 3 to CC [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 96 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 1 to CC [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 97 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 2 to CC [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 98 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 3 to CC [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 99 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 4 to CC [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 100 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 5 to CC [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 101 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 6 to CC [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 102 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 7 to CC [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'CC_ONLINE'; registrar: pbx_config [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to CC_ONLINE [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 108 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 1 to CC_ONLINE [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] pbx_config.c: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior. Please use '_X.' instead at line 109 of extensions.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_.' priority 2 to CC_ONLINE [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'parkedcalls'; registrar: features [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(parkedcalls) to new(parkedcalls) context, registrar = pbx_config [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension '700' priority 1 to parkedcalls [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Time to scan old dialplan and merge leftovers back into the new: 0.000027 sec [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Time to restore hints and swap in new dialplan: 0.000002 sec [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Time to delete the old dialplan: 0.000004 sec [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Total time merge_contexts_delete: 0.000033 sec [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: pbx_config.so => (Text Extension Configuration) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'DAHDIBarge' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_dahdibarge.so => (Barge in on DAHDI channel application) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Record' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_record.so => (Trivial Record Application) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'SYSINFO' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_sysinfo.so => (System information related functions) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'VERSION' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_version.so => (Get Asterisk Version/Build Info) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'VOLUME' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_volume.so => (Technology independent volume control) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'CALLERPRES' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'CALLERID' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'CONNECTEDLINE' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'REDIRECTING' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_callerid.so => (Party ID related dialplan functions (Caller-ID, Connected-line, Redirecting)) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'DBdel' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'DBdeltree' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_db.so => (Database Access Functions) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Page' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_page.so => (Page Multiple Phones) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'SRVQUERY' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'SRVRESULT' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_srv.so => (SRV related dialplan functions) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] bridging.c: == Registered bridge technology softmix [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: bridge_softmix.so => (Multi-party software based channel mixing) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'ENV' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'STAT' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'FILE' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'FILE_COUNT_LINE' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'FILE_FORMAT' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_env.so => (Environment/filesystem dialplan functions) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'DAHDIRAS' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_dahdiras.so => (DAHDI ISDN Remote Access Server) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'adpcmtolin' from format adpcm to slin, cost 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'lintoadpcm' from format slin to adpcm, cost 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: codec_adpcm.so => (Adaptive Differential PCM Coder/Decoder) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'BASE64_ENCODE' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'BASE64_DECODE' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_base64.so => (base64 encode/decode dialplan functions) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'PlayTones' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'StopPlayTones' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_playtones.so => (Playtones Application) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'g729tolin' from format g729 to slin, cost 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'lintog729' from format slin to g729, cost 4001 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: codec_g729-ast18-gcc4-glibc-core2.so => (g729 Coder/Decoder, based on IPP) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'While' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'EndWhile' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ExitWhile' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ContinueWhile' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_while.so => (While Loops and Conditional Execution) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'g726tolin' from format g726 to slin, cost 4000 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'lintog726' from format slin to g726, cost 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'g726aal2tolin' from format g726aal2 to slin, cost 4000 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'lintog726aal2' from format slin to g726aal2, cost 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: codec_g726.so => (ITU G.726-32kbps G726 Transcoder) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: pbx_loopback.so => (Loopback Switch) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'CHANNEL' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'CHANNELS' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'MASTER_CHANNEL' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_channel.so => (Channel information dialplan functions) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'CALLCOMPLETION' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_callcompletion.so => (Call Control Configuration Function) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'VMCOUNT' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_vmcount.so => (Indicator for whether a voice mailbox has messages in a given folder.) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'DB' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'DB_EXISTS' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'DB_DELETE' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_db.so => (Database (astdb) related dialplan functions) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'ISNULL' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'SET' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'EXISTS' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'IF' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'IFTIME' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'IMPORT' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_logic.so => (Logical dialplan functions) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'GLOBAL' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'SHARED' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_global.so => (Variable dialplan functions) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Pickup' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'PickupChan' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_directed_pickup.so => (Directed Call Pickup Application) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] codec_dahdi.c: == No hardware transcoders found. [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: codec_dahdi.so => (Generic DAHDI Transcoder Codec Translator) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'g722tolin' from format g722 to slin, cost 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'lintog722' from format slin to g722, cost 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'g722tolin16' from format g722 to slin16, cost 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'lin16tog722' from format slin16 to g722, cost 4000 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: codec_g722.so => (ITU G.722-64kbps G722 Transcoder) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] NOTICE[26384] res_fax_digium.c: Digium FAX technology module version 1.8.4_1.3.1, Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Digium, Inc. [2012-08-29 16:50:16] NOTICE[26384] res_fax_digium.c: This module is supplied under a commercial license granted by Digium, Inc. [2012-08-29 16:50:16] NOTICE[26384] res_fax_digium.c: Please see the full license text supplied by the accompanying [2012-08-29 16:50:16] NOTICE[26384] res_fax_digium.c: "register" utility, or ask for a copy from Digium. [2012-08-29 16:50:16] NOTICE[26384] res_fax_digium.c: This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project [2012-08-29 16:50:16] NOTICE[26384] res_fax_digium.c: for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] NOTICE[26384] res_fax_digium.c: Copyright (C) 1998-2008 The OpenSSL Project [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_fax_digium.c: == res_fax_digium Host-ID: ee:f0:db:23:bb:4b:92:90:14:f2:f8:57:d1:35:c8:de:aa:34:1c:fa [2012-08-29 16:50:16] WARNING[26384] res_fax_digium.c: Failed to initialize res_fax_digium copy protection! [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_fax_digium.c: == res_fax_digium limiting support to 0 sessions [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/res_fax_digium.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_fax.c: -- Registered handler for 'DIGIUM' (Digium FAX Driver) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action FaxLicenseStatus [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action FaxLicenseList [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: res_fax_digium.so => (Digium G.711 and T.38 FAX Technologies (optimized for i686_32)) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Echo' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_echo.so => (Simple Echo Application) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Flash' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_flash.so => (Flash channel application) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cli_aliases.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_clialiases.c: == Aliased CLI command 'hangup request' to 'channel request hangup' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_clialiases.c: == Aliased CLI command 'originate' to 'channel originate' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_clialiases.c: == Aliased CLI command 'help' to 'core show help' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_clialiases.c: == Aliased CLI command 'pri intense debug span' to 'pri set debug 2 span' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_clialiases.c: == Aliased CLI command 'reload' to 'module reload' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: res_clialiases.so => (CLI Aliases) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: pbx_spool.so => (Outgoing Spool Support) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ChannelRedirect' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_channelredirect.so => (Redirects a given channel to a dialplan target) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'TrySystem' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'System' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_system.so => (Generic System() application) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'GROUP_COUNT' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'GROUP_MATCH_COUNT' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'GROUP_LIST' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'GROUP' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_groupcount.so => (Channel group dialplan functions) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'app_dial_gosub_virtual_context'; registrar: app_dial [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to app_dial_gosub_virtual_context [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Dial' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'RetryDial' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_dial.so => (Dialing Application) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/say.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Playback' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_playback.so => (Sound File Playback Application) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'CELGenUserEvent' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_celgenuserevent.so => (Generate an User-Defined CEL event) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action PlayDTMF [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SendDTMF' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_senddtmf.so => (Send DTMF digits Application) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'UserEvent' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_userevent.so => (Custom User Event Application) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'NoCDR' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_cdr.so => (Tell Asterisk to not maintain a CDR for the current call) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ReadFile' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_readfile.so => (Stores output of file into a variable) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAND' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_rand.so => (Random number dialplan function) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Read' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_read.so => (Read Variable Application) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SetCallerPres' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_setcallerid.so => (Set CallerID Presentation Application) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'WaitUntil' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_waituntil.so => (Wait until specified time) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'REALTIME' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'REALTIME_STORE' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'REALTIME_DESTROY' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'REALTIME_FIELD' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'REALTIME_HASH' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_realtime.so => (Read/Write/Store/Destroy values from a RealTime repository) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Exec' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'TryExec' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ExecIf' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_exec.so => (Executes dialplan applications) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SendImage' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_image.so => (Image Transmission Application) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MixMonitor' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'StopMixMonitor' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action MixMonitorMute [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_mixmonitor.so => (Mixed Audio Monitoring Application) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'BackgroundDetect' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_talkdetect.so => (Playback with Talk Detection) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: res_convert.so => (File format conversion CLI command) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/amd.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] app_amd.c: -- AMD defaults: initialSilence [2500] greeting [1500] afterGreetingSilence [800] totalAnalysisTime [5000] minimumWordLength [100] betweenWordsSilence [50] maximumNumberOfWords [3] silenceThreshold [256] maximumWordLength [5000] [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'AMD' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_amd.so => (Answering Machine Detection Application) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'ulawtolin' from format ulaw to slin, cost 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'lintoulaw' from format slin to ulaw, cost 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'lintotestlaw' from format slin to testlaw, cost 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'testlawtolin' from format testlaw to slin, cost 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: codec_ulaw.so => (mu-Law Coder/Decoder) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'ilbctolin' from format ilbc to slin, cost 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'lintoilbc' from format slin to ilbc, cost 8000 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: codec_ilbc.so => (iLBC Coder/Decoder) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] bridging.c: == Registered bridge technology simple_bridge [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: bridge_simple.so => (Simple two channel bridging module) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'MD5' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_md5.so => (MD5 digest dialplan functions) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Directory' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_directory.so => (Extension Directory) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Transfer' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_transfer.so => (Transfers a caller to another extension) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ReadExten' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'VALID_EXTEN' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_readexten.so => (Read and evaluate extension validity) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'lpc10tolin' from format lpc10 to slin, cost 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'lintolpc10' from format slin to lpc10, cost 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: codec_lpc10.so => (LPC10 2.4kbps Coder/Decoder) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'TIMEOUT' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_timeout.so => (Channel timeout dialplan functions) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'AUDIOHOOK_INHERIT' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_audiohookinherit.so => (Audiohook inheritance function) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: bridge_builtin_features.so => (Built in bridging features) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'alawtolin' from format alaw to slin, cost 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] translate.c: == Registered translator 'lintoalaw' from format slin to alaw, cost 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: codec_alaw.so => (A-law Coder/Decoder) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'CUT' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'SORT' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_cut.so => (Cut out information from a string) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Originate' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_originate.so => (Originate call) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Log' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Verbose' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_verbose.so => (Send verbose output) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'ODBC_FETCH' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ODBCFinish' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] NOTICE[26384] func_odbc.c: Unable to load config for func_odbc: func_odbc.conf [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'SHA1' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_sha1.so => (SHA-1 computation dialplan function) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'LOCK' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'TRYLOCK' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'UNLOCK' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_lock.so => (Dialplan mutexes) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Authenticate' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_authenticate.so => (Authentication Application) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'DumpChan' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_dumpchan.so => (Dump Info About The Calling Channel) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ForkCDR' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_forkcdr.so => (Fork The CDR into 2 separate entities) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ControlPlayback' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_controlplayback.so => (Control Playback Application) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] bridging.c: == Registered bridge technology multiplexed_bridge [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: bridge_multiplexed.so => (Multiplexed two channel bridging module) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'VoiceMail' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'VoiceMailMain' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MailboxExists' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'VMAuthenticate' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'VMSayName' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'MAILBOX_EXISTS' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action VoicemailUsersList [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found uniqueid column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found customer_id column with type -5 with len 19, octetlen 19, and numlen (0,10) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found context column with type 12 with len 50, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found mailbox column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found password column with type 12 with len 80, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found fullname column with type 12 with len 80, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found email column with type 12 with len 80, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found pager column with type 12 with len 80, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found tz column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found attach column with type 12 with len 4, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found saycid column with type 12 with len 4, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found dialout column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found callback column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found review column with type 12 with len 4, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found operator column with type 12 with len 4, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found envelope column with type 12 with len 4, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found sayduration column with type 12 with len 4, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found saydurationm column with type 5 with len 5, octetlen 5, and numlen (0,10) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found sendvoicemail column with type 12 with len 4, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found delete column with type 12 with len 4, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found nextaftercmd column with type 12 with len 4, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found forcename column with type 12 with len 4, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found forcegreetings column with type 12 with len 4, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found hidefromdir column with type 12 with len 4, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found stamp column with type 93 with len 19, octetlen 19, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_voicemail.so => (Comedian Mail (Voicemail System)) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'FRAME_TRACE' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_frame_trace.so => (Frame Trace for internal ast_frame debugging.) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_security_log.c: -- Security Logging Enabled [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: res_security_log.so => (Security Event Logging) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: res_realtime.so => (Realtime Data Lookup/Rewrite) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SendText' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_sendtext.so => (Send Text Applications) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'IFMODULE' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: func_module.so => (Checks if Asterisk module is loaded in memory) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queuerules.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'app_queue_gosub_virtual_context'; registrar: app_queue [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to app_queue_gosub_virtual_context [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Queue' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'AddQueueMember' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'RemoveQueueMember' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'PauseQueueMember' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'UnpauseQueueMember' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered application 'QueueLog' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action Queues [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueStatus [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueSummary [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueAdd [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueRemove [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueuePause [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueLog [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueuePenalty [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueRule [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueReload [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueReset [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_VARIABLES' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_EXISTS' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_MEMBER' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_MEMBER_COUNT' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_MEMBER_LIST' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_WAITING_COUNT' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_MEMBER_PENALTY' [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found id_agent column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found queue_name column with type 12 with len 128, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found interface column with type 12 with len 128, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found penalty column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found paused column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found uniqueid column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] res_odbc.c: > Found state_interface column with type 12 with len 128, octetlen 255, and numlen (0,0) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] loader.c: app_queue.so => (True Call Queueing) [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cli_permissions.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] asterisk.c: Asterisk Ready. [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cli.conf': [2012-08-29 16:50:16] VERBOSE[26384] config.c: == Found [2012-08-29 16:50:17] VERBOSE[26386] asterisk.c: -- Remote UNIX connection [2012-08-29 16:50:19] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: -- Registered SIP 'test002' at [2012-08-29 16:50:19] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: > Saved useragent "Zoiper rev.11137" for peer test002 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- SIP read from UDP: ---> INVITE sip:1@;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-0424f7cdf3e1e9bd-1---d8754z- Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: To: From: ;tag=27093314 Call-ID: YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. CSeq: 1 INVITE Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE Content-Type: application/sdp Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, X-cisco-serviceuri User-Agent: Zoiper rev.11137 Allow-Events: presence, kpml Content-Length: 319 v=0 o=Zoiper_user 0 0 IN IP4 s=Zoiper_session c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 8000 RTP/AVP 3 0 8 110 98 101 a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:110 speex/8000 a=rtpmap:98 iLBC/8000 a=fmtp:98 mode=30 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=sendrecv <-------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 0 [ 44]: INVITE sip:1@;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 1 [ 81]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-0424f7cdf3e1e9bd-1---d8754z- [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 2 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 3 [ 50]: Contact: [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 4 [ 35]: To: [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 5 [ 56]: From: ;tag=27093314 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 6 [ 53]: Call-ID: YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 7 [ 14]: CSeq: 1 INVITE [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 8 [ 81]: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 9 [ 29]: Content-Type: application/sdp [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 10 [ 67]: Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, X-cisco-serviceuri [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 11 [ 28]: User-Agent: Zoiper rev.11137 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 12 [ 28]: Allow-Events: presence, kpml [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 13 [ 19]: Content-Length: 319 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 14 [ 0]: [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 0 [ 3]: v=0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 1 [ 33]: o=Zoiper_user 0 0 IN IP4 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 2 [ 16]: s=Zoiper_session [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 3 [ 17]: c=IN IP4 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 4 [ 5]: t=0 0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 5 [ 37]: m=audio 8000 RTP/AVP 3 0 8 110 98 101 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 6 [ 19]: a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 7 [ 20]: a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 8 [ 20]: a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 9 [ 23]: a=rtpmap:110 speex/8000 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 10 [ 21]: a=rtpmap:98 iLBC/8000 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 11 [ 17]: a=fmtp:98 mode=30 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 12 [ 33]: a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 13 [ 15]: a=fmtp:101 0-15 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 14 [ 10]: a=sendrecv [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: --- (14 headers 15 lines) --- [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: = Looking for Call ID: YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. (Checking From) --From tag 27093314 --To-tag [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Setting SIP_TRANSPORT_UDP with address [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. - INVITE (No RTP) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: **** Received INVITE (5) - Command in SIP INVITE [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Begin: parsing SIP "Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, X-cisco-serviceuri" [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Found SIP option: -replaces- [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Matched SIP option: replaces [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Found SIP option: -norefersub- [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Matched SIP option: norefersub [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Found SIP option: -extended-refer- [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Found no match for SIP option: extended-refer (Please file bug report!) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Found SIP option: -X-cisco-serviceuri- [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Found private SIP option, not supported: X-cisco-serviceuri [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5061'. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Sending to (NAT) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method INVITE - callid YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Using INVITE request as basis request - YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] res_config_odbc.c: Skip: 0; SQL: SELECT * FROM sip_ps WHERE name = ? AND host = ? [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] res_config_odbc.c: Parameter 1 ('name') = 'test001' [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] res_config_odbc.c: Parameter 2 ('host') = 'dynamic' [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] res_odbc.c: odbc_release_obj2(0x99b8618) called (obj->txf = (nil)) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot set port. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 028b9ac12dd10cf25a86cb8c61c36e0e@ - NOTIFY (No RTP) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: OBPROXY: Not applying OBproxy to this call [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Setting SIP_TRANSPORT_UDP with address [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '5fd4c4cc7825920412deeab8063181b8@' in 32000 ms (Method: NOTIFY) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method NOTIFY - callid 5fd4c4cc7825920412deeab8063181b8@ [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 0 [ 81]: NOTIFY sip:test001@;rinstance=5483f0e00d843176;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 1 [ 60]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK4bca8ed1;rport [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 2 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 3 [ 54]: From: "Call-eX" ;tag=as5b9ef640 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 4 [ 72]: To: [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 5 [ 37]: Contact: [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 6 [ 56]: Call-ID: 5fd4c4cc7825920412deeab8063181b8@ [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 7 [ 16]: CSeq: 102 NOTIFY [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 8 [ 33]: User-Agent: Datera Call-eX IP PBX [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 9 [ 22]: Event: message-summary [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 10 [ 48]: Content-Type: application/simple-message-summary [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to NOTIFY sip:test001@;rinstance=5483f0e00d843176;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK4bca8ed1;rport Max-Forwards: 70 From: "Call-eX" ;tag=as5b9ef640 To: Contact: Call-ID: 5fd4c4cc7825920412deeab8063181b8@ CSeq: 102 NOTIFY User-Agent: Datera Call-eX IP PBX Event: message-summary Content-Type: application/simple-message-summary Content-Length: 89 Messages-Waiting: no Message-Account: sip:asterisk@ Voice-Message: 0/0 (0/0) --- [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id #11 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'NOTIFY sip:' onto UDP socket destined for [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: -REALTIME- loading peer from database to memory. Name: test001. Peer objects: 0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found peer 'test001' for 'test001' from [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-0424f7cdf3e1e9bd-1---d8754z-;received=;rport=5061 From: ;tag=27093314 To: ;tag=as4cd1476d Call-ID: YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. CSeq: 1 INVITE Server: Datera Call-eX IP PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH Supported: replaces, timer WWW-Authenticate: Digest algorithm=MD5, realm="Call-eX", nonce="36af3a95" Content-Length: 0 <------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id #12 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 401' onto UDP socket destined for [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog 'YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ.' in 32000 ms (Method: INVITE) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26385] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 09ca522843912d724de5c88934543d5d@ - NOTIFY (No RTP) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26385] chan_sip.c: OBPROXY: Not applying OBproxy to this call [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26385] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26385] chan_sip.c: Setting SIP_TRANSPORT_UDP with address [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26385] chan_sip.c: Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '0af139376c418be45ad94f2852d35e89@' in 32000 ms (Method: NOTIFY) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26385] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method NOTIFY - callid 0af139376c418be45ad94f2852d35e89@ [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26385] chan_sip.c: Header 0 [ 81]: NOTIFY sip:test001@;rinstance=5483f0e00d843176;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26385] chan_sip.c: Header 1 [ 60]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK513057c7;rport [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26385] chan_sip.c: Header 2 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26385] chan_sip.c: Header 3 [ 54]: From: "Call-eX" ;tag=as20faadad [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26385] chan_sip.c: Header 4 [ 72]: To: [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26385] chan_sip.c: Header 5 [ 37]: Contact: [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26385] chan_sip.c: Header 6 [ 56]: Call-ID: 0af139376c418be45ad94f2852d35e89@ [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26385] chan_sip.c: Header 7 [ 16]: CSeq: 102 NOTIFY [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26385] chan_sip.c: Header 8 [ 33]: User-Agent: Datera Call-eX IP PBX [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26385] chan_sip.c: Header 9 [ 22]: Event: message-summary [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26385] chan_sip.c: Header 10 [ 48]: Content-Type: application/simple-message-summary [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26385] chan_sip.c: Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to NOTIFY sip:test001@;rinstance=5483f0e00d843176;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK513057c7;rport Max-Forwards: 70 From: "Call-eX" ;tag=as20faadad To: Contact: Call-ID: 0af139376c418be45ad94f2852d35e89@ CSeq: 102 NOTIFY User-Agent: Datera Call-eX IP PBX Event: message-summary Content-Type: application/simple-message-summary Content-Length: 90 Messages-Waiting: yes Message-Account: sip:asterisk@ Voice-Message: 1/0 (0/0) --- [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26385] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id #15 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26385] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'NOTIFY sip:' onto UDP socket destined for [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- SIP read from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK4bca8ed1;rport=5060 Contact: To: ;tag=2135e418 From: "Call-eX";tag=as5b9ef640 Call-ID: 5fd4c4cc7825920412deeab8063181b8@ CSeq: 102 NOTIFY User-Agent: Zoiper rev.11137 Content-Length: 0 <-------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 0 [ 14]: SIP/2.0 200 OK [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 1 [ 65]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK4bca8ed1;rport=5060 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 2 [ 28]: Contact: [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 3 [ 85]: To: ;tag=2135e418 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 4 [ 53]: From: "Call-eX";tag=as5b9ef640 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 5 [ 56]: Call-ID: 5fd4c4cc7825920412deeab8063181b8@ [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 6 [ 16]: CSeq: 102 NOTIFY [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 7 [ 28]: User-Agent: Zoiper rev.11137 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 8 [ 17]: Content-Length: 0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: --- (9 headers 0 lines) --- [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: = Looking for Call ID: 5fd4c4cc7825920412deeab8063181b8@ (Checking To) --From tag as5b9ef640 --To-tag 2135e418 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #11 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '5fd4c4cc7825920412deeab8063181b8@' of Request 102: Match Found [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Got 200 accepted on NOTIFY 5fd4c4cc7825920412deeab8063181b8@ [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 5fd4c4cc7825920412deeab8063181b8@ [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Really destroying SIP dialog '5fd4c4cc7825920412deeab8063181b8@' Method: NOTIFY [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- SIP read from UDP: ---> ACK sip:1@;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-0424f7cdf3e1e9bd-1---d8754z- Max-Forwards: 70 To: ;tag=as4cd1476d From: ;tag=27093314 Call-ID: YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. CSeq: 1 ACK Content-Length: 0 <-------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 0 [ 41]: ACK sip:1@;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 1 [ 81]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-0424f7cdf3e1e9bd-1---d8754z- [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 2 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 3 [ 50]: To: ;tag=as4cd1476d [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 4 [ 56]: From: ;tag=27093314 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 5 [ 53]: Call-ID: YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 6 [ 11]: CSeq: 1 ACK [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 7 [ 17]: Content-Length: 0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: --- (8 headers 0 lines) --- [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: = Looking for Call ID: YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. (Checking From) --From tag 27093314 --To-tag as4cd1476d [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: **** Received ACK (6) - Command in SIP ACK [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #12 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on 'YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ.' of Response 1: Match Found [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- SIP read from UDP: ---> INVITE sip:1@;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-d6d17b059ec421ef-1---d8754z- Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: To: From: ;tag=27093314 Call-ID: YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. CSeq: 2 INVITE Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE Content-Type: application/sdp Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, X-cisco-serviceuri User-Agent: Zoiper rev.11137 Authorization: Digest username="test001",realm="Call-eX",nonce="36af3a95",uri="sip:1@;transport=UDP",response="b4c74f4934daeec46d7ce6177ea74c9e",algorithm=MD5 Allow-Events: presence, kpml Content-Length: 319 v=0 o=Zoiper_user 0 0 IN IP4 s=Zoiper_session c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 8000 RTP/AVP 3 0 8 110 98 101 a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:110 speex/8000 a=rtpmap:98 iLBC/8000 a=fmtp:98 mode=30 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=sendrecv <-------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 0 [ 44]: INVITE sip:1@;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 1 [ 81]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-d6d17b059ec421ef-1---d8754z- [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 2 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 3 [ 50]: Contact: [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 4 [ 35]: To: [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 5 [ 56]: From: ;tag=27093314 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 6 [ 53]: Call-ID: YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 7 [ 14]: CSeq: 2 INVITE [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 8 [ 81]: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 9 [ 29]: Content-Type: application/sdp [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 10 [ 67]: Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, X-cisco-serviceuri [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 11 [ 28]: User-Agent: Zoiper rev.11137 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 12 [167]: Authorization: Digest username="test001",realm="Call-eX",nonce="36af3a95",uri="sip:1@;transport=UDP",response="b4c74f4934daeec46d7ce6177ea74c9e",algorithm=MD5 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 13 [ 28]: Allow-Events: presence, kpml [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 14 [ 19]: Content-Length: 319 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 15 [ 0]: [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 0 [ 3]: v=0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 1 [ 33]: o=Zoiper_user 0 0 IN IP4 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 2 [ 16]: s=Zoiper_session [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 3 [ 17]: c=IN IP4 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 4 [ 5]: t=0 0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 5 [ 37]: m=audio 8000 RTP/AVP 3 0 8 110 98 101 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 6 [ 19]: a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 7 [ 20]: a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 8 [ 20]: a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 9 [ 23]: a=rtpmap:110 speex/8000 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 10 [ 21]: a=rtpmap:98 iLBC/8000 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 11 [ 17]: a=fmtp:98 mode=30 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 12 [ 33]: a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 13 [ 15]: a=fmtp:101 0-15 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 14 [ 10]: a=sendrecv [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: --- (15 headers 15 lines) --- [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: = Looking for Call ID: YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. (Checking From) --From tag 27093314 --To-tag [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: **** Received INVITE (5) - Command in SIP INVITE [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5061'. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Sending to (NAT) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method INVITE - callid YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Using INVITE request as basis request - YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found peer 'test001' for 'test001' from [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0xb6c7c948' [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Allocated port 18810 for RTP instance '0xb6c7c948' [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0xb6c7c948' is setup and ready to go [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setup RTCP on RTP instance '0xb6c7c948' [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to On [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP v=0... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP o=Zoiper_user 0 0 IN IP4 UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP s=Zoiper_session... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP c=IN IP4 OK. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP t=0 0... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 3 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Setting payload 3 based on m type on 0xb62f55e0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Setting payload 0 based on m type on 0xb62f55e0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 8 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Setting payload 8 based on m type on 0xb62f55e0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 110 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Setting payload 110 based on m type on 0xb62f55e0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 98 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Setting payload 98 based on m type on 0xb62f55e0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 101 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Setting payload 101 based on m type on 0xb62f55e0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format GSM for ID 3 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000... OK. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format PCMU for ID 0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000... OK. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format PCMA for ID 8 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000... OK. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format speex for ID 110 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:110 speex/8000... OK. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format iLBC for ID 98 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:98 iLBC/8000... OK. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=fmtp:98 mode=30... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format telephone-event for ID 101 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000... OK. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=fmtp:101 0-15... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=sendrecv... OK. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Incorporating payload 0 on 0xb62f55e0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Incorporating payload 3 on 0xb62f55e0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Incorporating payload 8 on 0xb62f55e0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Incorporating payload 98 on 0xb62f55e0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Incorporating payload 101 on 0xb62f55e0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Incorporating payload 110 on 0xb62f55e0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Capabilities: us - 0x108 (alaw|g729), peer - audio=0x60e (gsm|ulaw|alaw|speex|ilbc)/video=0x0 (nothing)/text=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x8 (alaw) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Non-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x0 (nothing), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event|), combined - 0x0 (nothing) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting RTCP address on RTP instance '0xb6c7c948' [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Peer audio RTP is at port [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 0 from 0xb62f55e0 to 0xb6c7caf4 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 3 from 0xb62f55e0 to 0xb6c7caf4 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 8 from 0xb62f55e0 to 0xb6c7caf4 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 98 from 0xb62f55e0 to 0xb6c7caf4 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 101 from 0xb62f55e0 to 0xb6c7caf4 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 110 from 0xb62f55e0 to 0xb6c7caf4 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ignoring duplicate RTCP property on RTP instance '0xb6c7c948' [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: We're settling with these formats: 0x8 (alaw) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Checking SIP call limits for device test001 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Updating call counter for incoming call [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Call from peer 'test001' is 1 out of 9999 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Looking for 1 in CALLEX (domain [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - test001 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26391] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer test001 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/test001 - state 2 (In use) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: device 'SIP/test001' state '2' [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26410] app_queue.c: Device 'SIP/test001' changed to state '2' (In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26397] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Newchannel Privilege: call,all Channel: SIP/test001-00000000 ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: test001 CallerIDName: AccountCode: test001 Exten: 1 Context: CALLEX Uniqueid: 1346251831.0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: *** Our native formats are 0x8 (alaw) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: *** Joint capabilities are 0x8 (alaw) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: *** Our capabilities are 0x108 (alaw|g729) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: *** AST_CODEC_CHOOSE formats are 0x8 (alaw) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: This channel will not be able to handle video. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: list_route: hop: [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: SIP/test001-00000000: New call is still down.... Trying... [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- Transmitting (NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 100 Trying Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-d6d17b059ec421ef-1---d8754z-;received=;rport=5061 From: ;tag=27093314 To: Call-ID: YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. CSeq: 2 INVITE Server: Datera Call-eX IP PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH Supported: replaces, timer Contact: Content-Length: 0 <------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 100' onto UDP socket destined for [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26399] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Newchannel Privilege: call,all Channel: SIP/test001-00000000 ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: test001 CallerIDName: AccountCode: test001 Exten: 1 Context: CALLEX Uniqueid: 1346251831.0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - test001 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26391] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer test001 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/test001 - state 2 (In use) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: device 'SIP/test001' state '2' [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26399] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Newstate Privilege: call,all Channel: SIP/test001-00000000 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: test001 CallerIDName: ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Uniqueid: 1346251831.0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26397] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Newstate Privilege: call,all Channel: SIP/test001-00000000 ChannelState: 4 ChannelStateDesc: Ring CallerIDNum: test001 CallerIDName: ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Uniqueid: 1346251831.0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26410] app_queue.c: Device 'SIP/test001' changed to state '2' (In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] pbx.c: Launching 'Dial' [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26436] pbx.c: -- Executing [1@CALLEX:1] Dial("SIP/test001-00000000", "SIP/test002") in new stack [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Asked to create a SIP channel with formats: 0x8 (alaw) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 044dc0225f734f8d641cfb9c02a8562d@ - INVITE (No RTP) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x9cee330' [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Allocated port 10628 for RTP instance '0x9cee330' [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x9cee330' is setup and ready to go [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setup RTCP on RTP instance '0x9cee330' [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26436] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26436] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to On [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: OBPROXY: Not applying OBproxy to this call [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Setting SIP_TRANSPORT_UDP with address [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: *** Our native formats are 0x8 (alaw) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: *** Joint capabilities are 0x108 (alaw|g729) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: *** Our capabilities are 0x108 (alaw|g729) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: *** AST_CODEC_CHOOSE formats are 0x8 (alaw) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: *** Our preferred formats from the incoming channel are 0x8 (alaw) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: This channel will not be able to handle video. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26399] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Newchannel Privilege: call,all Channel: SIP/test002-00000001 ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: AccountCode: test002 Exten: Context: CALLEX Uniqueid: 1346251831.1 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26397] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Newchannel Privilege: call,all Channel: SIP/test002-00000001 ChannelState: 0 ChannelStateDesc: Down CallerIDNum: CallerIDName: AccountCode: test002 Exten: Context: CALLEX Uniqueid: 1346251831.1 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- SIP read from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK513057c7;rport=5060 Contact: To: ;tag=c46edd45 From: "Call-eX";tag=as20faadad Call-ID: 0af139376c418be45ad94f2852d35e89@ CSeq: 102 NOTIFY User-Agent: Zoiper rev.11137 Content-Length: 0 <-------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 0 [ 14]: SIP/2.0 200 OK [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 1 [ 65]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK513057c7;rport=5060 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 2 [ 28]: Contact: [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 3 [ 85]: To: ;tag=c46edd45 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 4 [ 53]: From: "Call-eX";tag=as20faadad [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 5 [ 56]: Call-ID: 0af139376c418be45ad94f2852d35e89@ [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 6 [ 16]: CSeq: 102 NOTIFY [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 7 [ 28]: User-Agent: Zoiper rev.11137 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 8 [ 17]: Content-Length: 0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: --- (9 headers 0 lines) --- [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: = Looking for Call ID: 0af139376c418be45ad94f2852d35e89@ (Checking To) --From tag as20faadad --To-tag c46edd45 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #15 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '0af139376c418be45ad94f2852d35e89@' of Request 102: Match Found [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Got 200 accepted on NOTIFY 0af139376c418be45ad94f2852d35e89@ [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 0af139376c418be45ad94f2852d35e89@ [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Really destroying SIP dialog '0af139376c418be45ad94f2852d35e89@' Method: NOTIFY [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] rtp_engine.c: Seeded SDP of 'SIP/test002-00000001' with that of 'SIP/test001-00000000' [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] channel.c: Not copying variable DIALEDTIME. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] channel.c: Not copying variable ANSWEREDTIME. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] channel.c: Not copying variable DIALEDPEERNAME. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] channel.c: Not copying variable DIALEDPEERNUMBER. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] channel.c: Not copying variable DIALSTATUS. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] channel.c: Not copying variable SIPCALLID. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] channel.c: Not copying variable SIPDOMAIN. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] channel.c: Not copying variable SIPURI. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Outgoing Call for test002 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Updating call counter for outgoing call [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Call to peer 'test002' is 1 out of 9999 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: ** Our capability: 0x108 (alaw|g729) Video flag: False Text flag: False [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: ** Our prefcodec: 0x8 (alaw) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26436] chan_sip.c: Audio is at 10628 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26436] chan_sip.c: Adding codec 0x8 (alaw) to SDP [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26436] chan_sip.c: Adding codec 0x100 (g729) to SDP [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: -- Done with adding codecs to SDP [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Done building SDP. Settling with this capability: 0x108 (alaw|g729) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method INVITE - callid 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Header 0 [ 83]: INVITE sip:test002@;rinstance=487119d6a1190dfe;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Header 1 [ 60]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK74441c52;rport [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Header 2 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Header 3 [ 54]: From: "test001" ;tag=as67ff46df [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Header 4 [ 74]: To: [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Header 5 [ 37]: Contact: [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Header 6 [ 56]: Call-ID: 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Header 7 [ 16]: CSeq: 102 INVITE [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Header 8 [ 33]: User-Agent: Datera Call-eX IP PBX [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Header 9 [ 35]: Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2012 14:50:31 GMT [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Header 10 [ 81]: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Header 11 [ 26]: Supported: replaces, timer [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Header 12 [ 29]: Content-Type: application/sdp [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26436] chan_sip.c: Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to INVITE sip:test002@;rinstance=487119d6a1190dfe;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK74441c52;rport Max-Forwards: 70 From: "test001" ;tag=as67ff46df To: Contact: Call-ID: 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ CSeq: 102 INVITE User-Agent: Datera Call-eX IP PBX Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2012 14:50:31 GMT Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH Supported: replaces, timer Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 217 v=0 o=DATERA 1932825233 1932825233 IN IP4 s=Call-eX IP PBX c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 10628 RTP/AVP 8 18 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000 a=fmtp:18 annexb=no a=ptime:20 a=sendrecv --- [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id #17 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'INVITE sip:' onto UDP socket destined for [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26436] app_dial.c: -- Called SIP/test002 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26397] manager.c: Examining event: Event: NewCallerid Privilege: call,all Channel: SIP/test002-00000001 CallerIDNum: 1 CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1346251831.1 CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26397] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Dial Privilege: call,all SubEvent: Begin Channel: SIP/test001-00000000 Destination: SIP/test002-00000001 CallerIDNum: test001 CallerIDName: ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: UniqueID: 1346251831.0 DestUniqueID: 1346251831.1 Dialstring: test002 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26399] manager.c: Examining event: Event: NewCallerid Privilege: call,all Channel: SIP/test002-00000001 CallerIDNum: 1 CallerIDName: Uniqueid: 1346251831.1 CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26399] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Dial Privilege: call,all SubEvent: Begin Channel: SIP/test001-00000000 Destination: SIP/test002-00000001 CallerIDNum: test001 CallerIDName: ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: UniqueID: 1346251831.0 DestUniqueID: 1346251831.1 Dialstring: test002 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - test002 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26391] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer test002 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/test002 - state 6 (Ringing) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: device 'SIP/test002' state '6' [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26410] app_queue.c: Device 'SIP/test002' changed to state '6' (Ringing) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- SIP read from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 180 Ringing Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK74441c52;rport=5060 Contact: To: ;tag=e6300831 From: "test001";tag=as67ff46df Call-ID: 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ CSeq: 102 INVITE User-Agent: Zoiper rev.11137 Content-Length: 0 <-------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 0 [ 19]: SIP/2.0 180 Ringing [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 1 [ 65]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK74441c52;rport=5060 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 2 [ 79]: Contact: [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 3 [ 87]: To: ;tag=e6300831 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 4 [ 53]: From: "test001";tag=as67ff46df [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 5 [ 56]: Call-ID: 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 6 [ 16]: CSeq: 102 INVITE [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 7 [ 28]: User-Agent: Zoiper rev.11137 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 8 [ 17]: Content-Length: 0 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: --- (9 headers 0 lines) --- [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: = Looking for Call ID: 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ (Checking To) --From tag as67ff46df --To-tag e6300831 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmission #17 - INVITE (got response) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@' Request 102: Found [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: SIP response 180 to standard invite [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: list_route: hop: [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - test002 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26391] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer test002 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26399] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Newstate Privilege: call,all Channel: SIP/test002-00000001 ChannelState: 5 ChannelStateDesc: Ringing CallerIDNum: 1 CallerIDName: ConnectedLineNum: test001 ConnectedLineName: Uniqueid: 1346251831.1 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/test002 - state 6 (Ringing) [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: device 'SIP/test002' state '6' [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26397] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Newstate Privilege: call,all Channel: SIP/test002-00000001 ChannelState: 5 ChannelStateDesc: Ringing CallerIDNum: 1 CallerIDName: ConnectedLineNum: test001 ConnectedLineName: Uniqueid: 1346251831.1 [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26410] app_queue.c: Device 'SIP/test002' changed to state '6' (Ringing) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26436] app_dial.c: -- SIP/test002-00000001 is ringing [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] rtp_engine.c: Setting early bridge SDP of 'SIP/test001-00000000' with that of 'SIP/test002-00000001' [2012-08-29 16:50:31] VERBOSE[26436] chan_sip.c: <--- Transmitting (NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 180 Ringing Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-d6d17b059ec421ef-1---d8754z-;received=;rport=5061 From: ;tag=27093314 To: ;tag=as71f7be19 Call-ID: YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. CSeq: 2 INVITE Server: Datera Call-eX IP PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH Supported: replaces, timer Contact: Content-Length: 0 <------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:31] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 180' onto UDP socket destined for [2012-08-29 16:50:34] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- SIP read from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-9aece094397e434c-1---d8754z-;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: To: From: ;tag=252272f3 Call-ID: YmNjY2M5MDQzZDg3YjY0MTllNTMwMDBjYWY3MzE4NzU. CSeq: 351 REGISTER Expires: 60 Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, NOTIFY, MESSAGE, SUBSCRIBE, INFO User-Agent: X-Lite release 5.0.0 stamp 67284 Authorization: Digest username="test002",realm="Call-eX",nonce="032f559f",uri="sip:",response="9cf0606335a26e25e8cde245e4006a7a",algorithm=MD5 Content-Length: 0 <-------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 0 [ 30]: REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 1 [ 87]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-9aece094397e434c-1---d8754z-;rport [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 2 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 3 [ 63]: Contact: [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 4 [ 27]: To: [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 5 [ 42]: From: ;tag=252272f3 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 6 [ 53]: Call-ID: YmNjY2M5MDQzZDg3YjY0MTllNTMwMDBjYWY3MzE4NzU. [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 7 [ 18]: CSeq: 351 REGISTER [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 8 [ 11]: Expires: 60 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 9 [ 81]: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, NOTIFY, MESSAGE, SUBSCRIBE, INFO [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 10 [ 44]: User-Agent: X-Lite release 5.0.0 stamp 67284 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 11 [151]: Authorization: Digest username="test002",realm="Call-eX",nonce="032f559f",uri="sip:",response="9cf0606335a26e25e8cde245e4006a7a",algorithm=MD5 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 12 [ 17]: Content-Length: 0 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: --- (13 headers 0 lines) --- [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: = Looking for Call ID: YmNjY2M5MDQzZDg3YjY0MTllNTMwMDBjYWY3MzE4NzU. (Checking From) --From tag 252272f3 --To-tag [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''. [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Setting SIP_TRANSPORT_UDP with address [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for YmNjY2M5MDQzZDg3YjY0MTllNTMwMDBjYWY3MzE4NzU. - REGISTER (No RTP) [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: **** Received REGISTER (2) - Command in SIP REGISTER [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method REGISTER - callid YmNjY2M5MDQzZDg3YjY0MTllNTMwMDBjYWY3MzE4NzU. [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [2012-08-29 16:50:34] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Sending to (NAT) [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2012-08-29 16:50:34] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- Transmitting (NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-9aece094397e434c-1---d8754z-;received=;rport=5060 From: ;tag=252272f3 To: ;tag=as3ebfd016 Call-ID: YmNjY2M5MDQzZDg3YjY0MTllNTMwMDBjYWY3MzE4NzU. CSeq: 351 REGISTER Server: Datera Call-eX IP PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH Supported: replaces, timer WWW-Authenticate: Digest algorithm=MD5, realm="Call-eX", nonce="45fb66a3" Content-Length: 0 <------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 401' onto UDP socket destined for [2012-08-29 16:50:34] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog 'YmNjY2M5MDQzZDg3YjY0MTllNTMwMDBjYWY3MzE4NzU.' in 32000 ms (Method: REGISTER) [2012-08-29 16:50:34] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- SIP read from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-530472905f8e0b7f-1---d8754z-;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: To: From: ;tag=252272f3 Call-ID: YmNjY2M5MDQzZDg3YjY0MTllNTMwMDBjYWY3MzE4NzU. CSeq: 352 REGISTER Expires: 60 Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, NOTIFY, MESSAGE, SUBSCRIBE, INFO User-Agent: X-Lite release 5.0.0 stamp 67284 Authorization: Digest username="test002",realm="Call-eX",nonce="45fb66a3",uri="sip:",response="7a3fc1a80bc9773e2ad431e766163532",algorithm=MD5 Content-Length: 0 <-------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 0 [ 30]: REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 1 [ 87]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-530472905f8e0b7f-1---d8754z-;rport [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 2 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 3 [ 63]: Contact: [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 4 [ 27]: To: [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 5 [ 42]: From: ;tag=252272f3 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 6 [ 53]: Call-ID: YmNjY2M5MDQzZDg3YjY0MTllNTMwMDBjYWY3MzE4NzU. [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 7 [ 18]: CSeq: 352 REGISTER [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 8 [ 11]: Expires: 60 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 9 [ 81]: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, NOTIFY, MESSAGE, SUBSCRIBE, INFO [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 10 [ 44]: User-Agent: X-Lite release 5.0.0 stamp 67284 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 11 [151]: Authorization: Digest username="test002",realm="Call-eX",nonce="45fb66a3",uri="sip:",response="7a3fc1a80bc9773e2ad431e766163532",algorithm=MD5 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 12 [ 17]: Content-Length: 0 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: --- (13 headers 0 lines) --- [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: = Looking for Call ID: YmNjY2M5MDQzZDg3YjY0MTllNTMwMDBjYWY3MzE4NzU. (Checking From) --From tag 252272f3 --To-tag [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: **** Received REGISTER (2) - Command in SIP REGISTER [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method REGISTER - callid YmNjY2M5MDQzZDg3YjY0MTllNTMwMDBjYWY3MzE4NzU. [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [2012-08-29 16:50:34] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Sending to (NAT) [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Store REGISTER's src-IP:port for call routing. [2012-08-29 16:50:34] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: -- Registered SIP 'test002' at [2012-08-29 16:50:34] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: > Saved useragent "X-Lite release 5.0.0 stamp 67284" for peer test002 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26399] manager.c: Examining event: Event: PeerStatus Privilege: system,all ChannelType: SIP Peer: SIP/test002 PeerStatus: Registered Address: [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] res_odbc.c: odbc_release_obj2(0x99b8618) called (obj->txf = (nil)) [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] res_config_odbc.c: Skip: 0; SQL: UPDATE sip_ps SET ipaddr=?, port=?, regseconds=?, defaultuser=?, useragent=?, lastms=?, fullcontact=? WHERE name=? [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26397] manager.c: Examining event: Event: PeerStatus Privilege: system,all ChannelType: SIP Peer: SIP/test002 PeerStatus: Registered Address: [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] res_config_odbc.c: Parameter 1 ('ipaddr') = '' [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] res_config_odbc.c: Parameter 2 ('port') = '5060' [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] res_config_odbc.c: Parameter 3 ('regseconds') = '1346251894' [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] res_config_odbc.c: Parameter 4 ('defaultuser') = 'test002' [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] res_config_odbc.c: Parameter 5 ('useragent') = 'X-Lite release 5.0.0 stamp 67284' [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] res_config_odbc.c: Parameter 6 ('lastms') = '0' [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] res_config_odbc.c: Parameter 7 ('fullcontact') = 'sip:test002@;rinstance=1bbd4bf39d4cf660' [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] res_odbc.c: odbc_release_obj2(0x99b8618) called (obj->txf = (nil)) [2012-08-29 16:50:34] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- Transmitting (NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-530472905f8e0b7f-1---d8754z-;received=;rport=5060 From: ;tag=252272f3 To: ;tag=as3ebfd016 Call-ID: YmNjY2M5MDQzZDg3YjY0MTllNTMwMDBjYWY3MzE4NzU. CSeq: 352 REGISTER Server: Datera Call-eX IP PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH Supported: replaces, timer Expires: 60 Contact: ;expires=60 Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2012 14:50:34 GMT Content-Length: 0 <------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 200' onto UDP socket destined for [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 7ea2d8d5111099b32c3e43ce2f29fe3b@ - NOTIFY (No RTP) [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: OBPROXY: Not applying OBproxy to this call [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''. [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Setting SIP_TRANSPORT_UDP with address [2012-08-29 16:50:34] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '2f7ab35873768bbe3fabc74b2f368f1e@' in 32000 ms (Method: NOTIFY) [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method NOTIFY - callid 2f7ab35873768bbe3fabc74b2f368f1e@ [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 0 [ 67]: NOTIFY sip:test002@;rinstance=1bbd4bf39d4cf660 SIP/2.0 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 1 [ 60]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK621d6933;rport [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 2 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 3 [ 54]: From: "Call-eX" ;tag=as0097fba0 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 4 [ 58]: To: [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 5 [ 37]: Contact: [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 6 [ 56]: Call-ID: 2f7ab35873768bbe3fabc74b2f368f1e@ [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 7 [ 16]: CSeq: 102 NOTIFY [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 8 [ 33]: User-Agent: Datera Call-eX IP PBX [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 9 [ 22]: Event: message-summary [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 10 [ 48]: Content-Type: application/simple-message-summary [2012-08-29 16:50:34] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to NOTIFY sip:test002@;rinstance=1bbd4bf39d4cf660 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK621d6933;rport Max-Forwards: 70 From: "Call-eX" ;tag=as0097fba0 To: Contact: Call-ID: 2f7ab35873768bbe3fabc74b2f368f1e@ CSeq: 102 NOTIFY User-Agent: Datera Call-eX IP PBX Event: message-summary Content-Type: application/simple-message-summary Content-Length: 90 Messages-Waiting: yes Message-Account: sip:asterisk@ Voice-Message: 8/0 (0/0) --- [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id #23 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'NOTIFY sip:' onto UDP socket destined for [2012-08-29 16:50:34] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog 'YmNjY2M5MDQzZDg3YjY0MTllNTMwMDBjYWY3MzE4NzU.' in 32000 ms (Method: REGISTER) [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - test002 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26391] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer test002 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/test002 - state 6 (Ringing) [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: device 'SIP/test002' state '6' [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26410] app_queue.c: Device 'SIP/test002' changed to state '6' (Ringing) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2012-08-29 16:50:34] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- SIP read from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK621d6933;rport=5060 Contact: To: ;tag=80a4559f From: "Call-eX";tag=as0097fba0 Call-ID: 2f7ab35873768bbe3fabc74b2f368f1e@ CSeq: 102 NOTIFY User-Agent: X-Lite release 5.0.0 stamp 67284 Content-Length: 0 <-------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 0 [ 14]: SIP/2.0 200 OK [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 1 [ 65]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK621d6933;rport=5060 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 2 [ 28]: Contact: [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 3 [ 71]: To: ;tag=80a4559f [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 4 [ 53]: From: "Call-eX";tag=as0097fba0 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 5 [ 56]: Call-ID: 2f7ab35873768bbe3fabc74b2f368f1e@ [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 6 [ 16]: CSeq: 102 NOTIFY [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 7 [ 44]: User-Agent: X-Lite release 5.0.0 stamp 67284 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 8 [ 17]: Content-Length: 0 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: --- (9 headers 0 lines) --- [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: = Looking for Call ID: 2f7ab35873768bbe3fabc74b2f368f1e@ (Checking To) --From tag as0097fba0 --To-tag 80a4559f [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #23 [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '2f7ab35873768bbe3fabc74b2f368f1e@' of Request 102: Match Found [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Got 200 accepted on NOTIFY 2f7ab35873768bbe3fabc74b2f368f1e@ [2012-08-29 16:50:34] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 2f7ab35873768bbe3fabc74b2f368f1e@ [2012-08-29 16:50:34] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Really destroying SIP dialog '2f7ab35873768bbe3fabc74b2f368f1e@' Method: NOTIFY [2012-08-29 16:50:35] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- SIP read from UDP: ---> <-------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:35] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 0 [ 0]: [2012-08-29 16:50:35] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- SIP read from UDP: ---> <-------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:35] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 0 [ 0]: [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- SIP read from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK74441c52;rport=5060 Contact: To: ;tag=e6300831 From: "test001";tag=as67ff46df Call-ID: 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ CSeq: 102 INVITE Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE Content-Type: application/sdp Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, X-cisco-serviceuri User-Agent: Zoiper rev.11137 Allow-Events: presence, kpml Content-Length: 323 v=0 o=Zoiper_user 0 2 IN IP4 s=Zoiper_session c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 8000 RTP/AVP 8 0 110 98 3 101 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:110 speex/8000 a=rtpmap:98 iLBC/8000 a=fmtp:98 mode=20 a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=sendrecv <-------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 0 [ 14]: SIP/2.0 200 OK [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 1 [ 65]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK74441c52;rport=5060 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 2 [ 79]: Contact: [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 3 [ 87]: To: ;tag=e6300831 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 4 [ 53]: From: "test001";tag=as67ff46df [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 5 [ 56]: Call-ID: 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 6 [ 16]: CSeq: 102 INVITE [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 7 [ 81]: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, INFO, SUBSCRIBE [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 8 [ 29]: Content-Type: application/sdp [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 9 [ 67]: Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, X-cisco-serviceuri [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 10 [ 28]: User-Agent: Zoiper rev.11137 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 11 [ 28]: Allow-Events: presence, kpml [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 12 [ 19]: Content-Length: 323 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 13 [ 0]: [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 0 [ 3]: v=0 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 1 [ 35]: o=Zoiper_user 0 2 IN IP4 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 2 [ 16]: s=Zoiper_session [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 3 [ 19]: c=IN IP4 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 4 [ 5]: t=0 0 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 5 [ 37]: m=audio 8000 RTP/AVP 8 0 110 98 3 101 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 6 [ 20]: a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 7 [ 20]: a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 8 [ 23]: a=rtpmap:110 speex/8000 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 9 [ 21]: a=rtpmap:98 iLBC/8000 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 10 [ 17]: a=fmtp:98 mode=20 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 11 [ 19]: a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 12 [ 33]: a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 13 [ 15]: a=fmtp:101 0-15 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Body 14 [ 10]: a=sendrecv [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: --- (13 headers 15 lines) --- [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: = Looking for Call ID: 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ (Checking To) --From tag as67ff46df --To-tag e6300831 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Acked pending invite 102 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@' of Request 102: Match Found [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: SIP response 200 to standard invite [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP v=0... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP o=Zoiper_user 0 2 IN IP4 UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP s=Zoiper_session... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port ''. [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP c=IN IP4 OK. [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP t=0 0... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 8 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Setting payload 8 based on m type on 0xb62f5c00 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 0 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Setting payload 0 based on m type on 0xb62f5c00 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 110 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Setting payload 110 based on m type on 0xb62f5c00 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 98 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Setting payload 98 based on m type on 0xb62f5c00 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 3 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Setting payload 3 based on m type on 0xb62f5c00 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 101 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Setting payload 101 based on m type on 0xb62f5c00 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format PCMA for ID 8 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000... OK. [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format PCMU for ID 0 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000... OK. [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format speex for ID 110 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:110 speex/8000... OK. [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format iLBC for ID 98 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:98 iLBC/8000... OK. [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=fmtp:98 mode=20... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format GSM for ID 3 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000... OK. [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format telephone-event for ID 101 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000... OK. [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=fmtp:101 0-15... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED. [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=sendrecv... OK. [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Incorporating payload 0 on 0xb62f5c00 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Incorporating payload 3 on 0xb62f5c00 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Incorporating payload 8 on 0xb62f5c00 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Incorporating payload 98 on 0xb62f5c00 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Incorporating payload 101 on 0xb62f5c00 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Incorporating payload 110 on 0xb62f5c00 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Capabilities: us - 0x108 (alaw|g729), peer - audio=0x60e (gsm|ulaw|alaw|speex|ilbc)/video=0x0 (nothing)/text=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x8 (alaw) [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Non-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x0 (nothing), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event|), combined - 0x0 (nothing) [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting RTCP address on RTP instance '0x9cee330' [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Peer audio RTP is at port [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 0 from 0xb62f5c00 to 0x9cee4dc [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 3 from 0xb62f5c00 to 0x9cee4dc [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 8 from 0xb62f5c00 to 0x9cee4dc [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 98 from 0xb62f5c00 to 0x9cee4dc [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 101 from 0xb62f5c00 to 0x9cee4dc [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 110 from 0xb62f5c00 to 0x9cee4dc [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ignoring duplicate RTCP property on RTP instance '0x9cee330' [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: We're settling with these formats: 0x8 (alaw) [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: We have an owner, now see if we need to change this call [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Updating call counter for outgoing call [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: list_route: hop: [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Strict routing enforced for session 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: set_destination: Parsing for address/port to send to [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: set_destination: set destination to [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Transmitting (NAT) to ACK sip:test002@;rinstance=487119d6a1190dfe;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK5f00435d;rport Max-Forwards: 70 From: "test001" ;tag=as67ff46df To: ;tag=e6300831 Contact: Call-ID: 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ CSeq: 102 ACK User-Agent: Datera Call-eX IP PBX Content-Length: 0 --- [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - test002 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'ACK sip:tes' onto UDP socket destined for [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26391] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer test002 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/test002 - state 2 (In use) [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26436] app_dial.c: -- SIP/test002-00000001 answered SIP/test001-00000000 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: device 'SIP/test002' state '2' [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26436] rtp_engine.c: Setting early bridge SDP of 'SIP/test001-00000000' with that of 'SIP/test002-00000001' [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - test002 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26391] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer test002 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/test002 - state 2 (In use) [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: device 'SIP/test002' state '2' [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26399] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Newstate Privilege: call,all Channel: SIP/test002-00000001 ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 1 CallerIDName: ConnectedLineNum: test001 ConnectedLineName: Uniqueid: 1346251831.1 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26397] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Newstate Privilege: call,all Channel: SIP/test002-00000001 ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: 1 CallerIDName: ConnectedLineNum: test001 ConnectedLineName: Uniqueid: 1346251831.1 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: SIP answering channel: SIP/test001-00000000 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26399] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Newstate Privilege: call,all Channel: SIP/test001-00000000 ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: test001 CallerIDName: ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Uniqueid: 1346251831.0 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26436] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting the marker bit due to a source update [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Setting framing from config on incoming call [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: ** Our capability: 0x8 (alaw) Video flag: True Text flag: True [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: ** Our prefcodec: 0x0 (nothing) [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26436] chan_sip.c: Audio is at 18810 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26436] chan_sip.c: Adding codec 0x8 (alaw) to SDP [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: -- Done with adding codecs to SDP [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Done building SDP. Settling with this capability: 0x8 (alaw) [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26436] chan_sip.c: <--- Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-d6d17b059ec421ef-1---d8754z-;received=;rport=5061 From: ;tag=27093314 To: ;tag=as71f7be19 Call-ID: YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. CSeq: 2 INVITE Server: Datera Call-eX IP PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH Supported: replaces, timer Contact: Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 168 v=0 o=DATERA 825014384 825014384 IN IP4 s=Call-eX IP PBX c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 18810 RTP/AVP 8 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=ptime:20 a=sendrecv <------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id #25 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 200' onto UDP socket destined for [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26397] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Newstate Privilege: call,all Channel: SIP/test001-00000000 ChannelState: 6 ChannelStateDesc: Up CallerIDNum: test001 CallerIDName: ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Uniqueid: 1346251831.0 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26397] manager.c: Examining event: Event: NewAccountCode Privilege: call,all Channel: SIP/test002-00000001 Uniqueid: 1346251831.1 AccountCode: test001 OldAccountCode: test001 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26410] app_queue.c: Device 'SIP/test002' changed to state '2' (In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26410] app_queue.c: Device 'SIP/test002' changed to state '2' (In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26399] manager.c: Examining event: Event: NewAccountCode Privilege: call,all Channel: SIP/test002-00000001 Uniqueid: 1346251831.1 AccountCode: test001 OldAccountCode: test001 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26436] features.c: bridge answer set, chan answer set [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26436] features.c: Removing dialed interfaces datastore on SIP/test002-00000001 since we're bridging [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26436] channel.c: setting peeraccount to test001 for SIP/test002-00000001 from data on channel SIP/test001-00000000 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26436] channel.c: setting peeraccount to test001 for SIP/test001-00000000 from data on channel SIP/test002-00000001 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26436] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting the marker bit due to a source update [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26399] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Bridge Privilege: call,all Bridgestate: Link Bridgetype: core Channel1: SIP/test001-00000000 Channel2: SIP/test002-00000001 Uniqueid1: 1346251831.0 Uniqueid2: 1346251831.1 CallerID1: test001 CallerID2: 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26397] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Bridge Privilege: call,all Bridgestate: Link Bridgetype: core Channel1: SIP/test001-00000000 Channel2: SIP/test002-00000001 Uniqueid1: 1346251831.0 Uniqueid2: 1346251831.1 CallerID1: test001 CallerID2: 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26436] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting the marker bit due to a source update [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - test001 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26391] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer test001 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/test001 - state 2 (In use) [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: device 'SIP/test001' state '2' [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26410] app_queue.c: Device 'SIP/test001' changed to state '2' (In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- SIP read from UDP: ---> ACK sip:1@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-a50564af92f3dfb0-1---d8754z- Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: To: ;tag=as71f7be19 From: ;tag=27093314 Call-ID: YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. CSeq: 2 ACK User-Agent: Zoiper rev.11137 Authorization: Digest username="test001",realm="Call-eX",nonce="36af3a95",uri="sip:1@;transport=UDP",response="b4c74f4934daeec46d7ce6177ea74c9e",algorithm=MD5 Content-Length: 0 <-------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 0 [ 32]: ACK sip:1@ SIP/2.0 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 1 [ 81]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-a50564af92f3dfb0-1---d8754z- [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 2 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 3 [ 50]: Contact: [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 4 [ 50]: To: ;tag=as71f7be19 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 5 [ 56]: From: ;tag=27093314 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 6 [ 53]: Call-ID: YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 7 [ 11]: CSeq: 2 ACK [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 8 [ 28]: User-Agent: Zoiper rev.11137 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 9 [167]: Authorization: Digest username="test001",realm="Call-eX",nonce="36af3a95",uri="sip:1@;transport=UDP",response="b4c74f4934daeec46d7ce6177ea74c9e",algorithm=MD5 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 10 [ 17]: Content-Length: 0 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: --- (11 headers 0 lines) --- [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: = Looking for Call ID: YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. (Checking From) --From tag 27093314 --To-tag as71f7be19 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: **** Received ACK (6) - Command in SIP ACK [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #25 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on 'YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ.' of Response 2: Match Found [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26436] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ooh, format changed from unknown to alaw [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26436] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Created smoother: format: alaw ms: 20 len: 160 [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26436] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Starting RTCP transmission on RTP instance '0xb6c7c948' [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26436] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ooh, format changed from unknown to alaw [2012-08-29 16:50:36] DEBUG[26436] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Created smoother: format: alaw ms: 20 len: 160 [2012-08-29 16:50:37] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- SIP read from UDP: ---> <-------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:37] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 0 [ 0]: [2012-08-29 16:50:39] DEBUG[26436] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 88 bytes [2012-08-29 16:50:39] DEBUG[26436] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 88 bytes [2012-08-29 16:50:41] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- SIP read from UDP: ---> BYE sip:1@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-6c6b89446be29fbb-1---d8754z- Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: To: ;tag=as71f7be19 From: ;tag=27093314 Call-ID: YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. CSeq: 3 BYE User-Agent: Zoiper rev.11137 Authorization: Digest username="test001",realm="Call-eX",nonce="36af3a95",uri="sip:1@",response="2b2d32c68aeea8593d6dca4605ebc4ac",algorithm=MD5 Content-Length: 0 <-------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 0 [ 32]: BYE sip:1@ SIP/2.0 [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 1 [ 81]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-6c6b89446be29fbb-1---d8754z- [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 2 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70 [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 3 [ 50]: Contact: [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 4 [ 50]: To: ;tag=as71f7be19 [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 5 [ 56]: From: ;tag=27093314 [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 6 [ 53]: Call-ID: YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 7 [ 11]: CSeq: 3 BYE [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 8 [ 28]: User-Agent: Zoiper rev.11137 [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 9 [158]: Authorization: Digest username="test001",realm="Call-eX",nonce="36af3a95",uri="sip:1@",response="2b2d32c68aeea8593d6dca4605ebc4ac",algorithm=MD5 [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 10 [ 17]: Content-Length: 0 [2012-08-29 16:50:41] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: --- (11 headers 0 lines) --- [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: = Looking for Call ID: YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. (Checking From) --From tag 27093314 --To-tag as71f7be19 [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: **** Received BYE (8) - Command in SIP BYE [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method BYE - callid YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26401] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5061'. [2012-08-29 16:50:41] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Sending to (NAT) [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Setting SIP_ALREADYGONE on dialog YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26401] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting RTCP address on RTP instance '0xb6c7c948' [2012-08-29 16:50:41] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog 'YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ.' in 32000 ms (Method: BYE) [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Received bye, issuing owner hangup [2012-08-29 16:50:41] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- Transmitting (NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-6c6b89446be29fbb-1---d8754z-;received=;rport=5061 From: ;tag=27093314 To: ;tag=as71f7be19 Call-ID: YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. CSeq: 3 BYE Server: Datera Call-eX IP PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH Supported: replaces, timer Content-Length: 0 <------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 200' onto UDP socket destined for [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: SIP/test001-00000000 [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting the marker bit due to a source update [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26397] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Unlink Privilege: call,all Channel1: SIP/test001-00000000 Channel2: SIP/test002-00000001 Uniqueid1: 1346251831.0 Uniqueid2: 1346251831.1 CallerID1: test001 CallerID2: 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels SIP/test001-00000000 and SIP/test002-00000001 [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] channel.c: Soft-Hanging up channel 'SIP/test001-00000000' [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] pbx.c: Result of 'EXTEN' is 'h' [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] pbx.c: Result of 'ORGDEST' is NULL [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp' [2012-08-29 16:50:41] VERBOSE[26436] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@CALLEX:1] NoOp("SIP/test001-00000000", ""po AGI ===================="h" """) in new stack [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] pbx.c: Launching 'Hangup' [2012-08-29 16:50:41] VERBOSE[26436] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@CALLEX:2] Hangup("SIP/test001-00000000", "") in new stack [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] features.c: Spawn extension (CALLEX,h,2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/test001-00000000' [2012-08-29 16:50:41] VERBOSE[26436] features.c: == Spawn extension (CALLEX, h, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/test001-00000000' [2012-08-29 16:50:41] VERBOSE[26436] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: > [INSERT INTO cdr (clid,src,dst,dcontext,channel,dstchannel,lastapp,lastdata,duration,billsec,disposition,amaflags,accountcode,uniqueid) VALUES ('test001','test001','1','CALLEX','SIP/test001-00000000','SIP/test002-00000001','Dial','SIP/test002',10,5,'ANSWERED',3,'test001','1346251831.0')] [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26399] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Unlink Privilege: call,all Channel1: SIP/test001-00000000 Channel2: SIP/test002-00000001 Uniqueid1: 1346251831.0 Uniqueid2: 1346251831.1 CallerID1: test001 CallerID2: 1 [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] res_odbc.c: odbc_release_obj2(0x99b8618) called (obj->txf = (nil)) [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'SIP/test002-00000001' [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Hangup call SIP/test002-00000001, SIP callid 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: update_call_counter(test002) - decrement call limit counter on hangup [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Updating call counter for outgoing call [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Call to peer 'test002' removed from call limit 9999 [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - test002 [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26391] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer test002 [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/test002 - state 1 (Not in use) [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: device 'SIP/test002' state '1' [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26410] app_queue.c: Device 'SIP/test002' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting RTCP address on RTP instance '0x9cee330' [2012-08-29 16:50:41] VERBOSE[26436] chan_sip.c: Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@' in 32000 ms (Method: INVITE) [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Strict routing enforced for session 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ [2012-08-29 16:50:41] VERBOSE[26436] chan_sip.c: set_destination: Parsing for address/port to send to [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into... [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] netsock2.c: ...host '' and port '5060'. [2012-08-29 16:50:41] VERBOSE[26436] chan_sip.c: set_destination: set destination to [2012-08-29 16:50:41] VERBOSE[26436] chan_sip.c: Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to BYE sip:test002@;rinstance=487119d6a1190dfe;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7461dfad;rport Max-Forwards: 70 From: "test001" ;tag=as67ff46df To: ;tag=e6300831 Call-ID: 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ CSeq: 103 BYE User-Agent: Datera Call-eX IP PBX X-Asterisk-HangupCause: Normal Clearing X-Asterisk-HangupCauseCode: 16 Content-Length: 0 --- [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id #30 [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'BYE sip:tes' onto UDP socket destined for [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26397] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Hangup Privilege: call,all Channel: SIP/test002-00000001 Uniqueid: 1346251831.1 CallerIDNum: 1 CallerIDName: ConnectedLineNum: test001 ConnectedLineName: Cause: 16 Cause-txt: Normal Clearing [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - test002 [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26391] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer test002 [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/test002 - state 1 (Not in use) [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: device 'SIP/test002' state '1' [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26410] app_queue.c: Device 'SIP/test002' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26399] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Hangup Privilege: call,all Channel: SIP/test002-00000001 Uniqueid: 1346251831.1 CallerIDNum: 1 CallerIDName: ConnectedLineNum: test001 ConnectedLineName: Cause: 16 Cause-txt: Normal Clearing [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26399] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Dial Privilege: call,all SubEvent: End Channel: SIP/test001-00000000 UniqueID: 1346251831.0 DialStatus: ANSWER [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=ANSWER. [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] pbx.c: Spawn extension (CALLEX,1,1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/test001-00000000' [2012-08-29 16:50:41] VERBOSE[26436] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (CALLEX, 1, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/test001-00000000' [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] channel.c: Soft-Hanging up channel 'SIP/test001-00000000' [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'SIP/test001-00000000' [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Hangup call SIP/test001-00000000, SIP callid YjQ4ODUxYzFhNmI5NjI2OTE4NjlmOTllMTA5ZWFlZDQ. [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: update_call_counter(test001) - decrement call limit counter on hangup [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Updating call counter for incoming call [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] chan_sip.c: Call from peer 'test001' removed from call limit 9999 [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26436] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting RTCP address on RTP instance '0xb6c7c948' [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26399] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Hangup Privilege: call,all Channel: SIP/test001-00000000 Uniqueid: 1346251831.0 CallerIDNum: test001 CallerIDName: ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Cause: 16 Cause-txt: Normal Clearing [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - test001 [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26391] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer test001 [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/test001 - state 1 (Not in use) [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: device 'SIP/test001' state '1' [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - test001 [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26391] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer test001 [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/test001 - state 1 (Not in use) [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26391] devicestate.c: device 'SIP/test001' state '1' [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26410] app_queue.c: Device 'SIP/test001' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26410] app_queue.c: Device 'SIP/test001' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26397] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Dial Privilege: call,all SubEvent: End Channel: SIP/test001-00000000 UniqueID: 1346251831.0 DialStatus: ANSWER [2012-08-29 16:50:41] DEBUG[26397] manager.c: Examining event: Event: Hangup Privilege: call,all Channel: SIP/test001-00000000 Uniqueid: 1346251831.0 CallerIDNum: test001 CallerIDName: ConnectedLineNum: ConnectedLineName: Cause: 16 Cause-txt: Normal Clearing [2012-08-29 16:50:42] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: SIP TIMER: Rescheduling retransmission #30 (1) BYE - 8 [2012-08-29 16:50:42] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: ** SIP timers: Rescheduling retransmission 2 to 1000 ms (t1 500 ms (Retrans id #30)) [2012-08-29 16:50:42] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Retransmitting #1 (NAT) to BYE sip:test002@;rinstance=487119d6a1190dfe;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7461dfad;rport Max-Forwards: 70 From: "test001" ;tag=as67ff46df To: ;tag=e6300831 Call-ID: 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ CSeq: 103 BYE User-Agent: Datera Call-eX IP PBX X-Asterisk-HangupCause: Normal Clearing X-Asterisk-HangupCauseCode: 16 Content-Length: 0 --- [2012-08-29 16:50:42] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'BYE sip:tes' onto UDP socket destined for [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: SIP TIMER: Rescheduling retransmission #30 (2) BYE - 8 [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: ** SIP timers: Rescheduling retransmission 3 to 2000 ms (t1 500 ms (Retrans id #30)) [2012-08-29 16:50:43] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Retransmitting #2 (NAT) to BYE sip:test002@;rinstance=487119d6a1190dfe;transport=UDP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7461dfad;rport Max-Forwards: 70 From: "test001" ;tag=as67ff46df To: ;tag=e6300831 Call-ID: 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ CSeq: 103 BYE User-Agent: Datera Call-eX IP PBX X-Asterisk-HangupCause: Normal Clearing X-Asterisk-HangupCauseCode: 16 Content-Length: 0 --- [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'BYE sip:tes' onto UDP socket destined for [2012-08-29 16:50:43] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- SIP read from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7461dfad;rport=5060 Contact: To: ;tag=e6300831 From: "test001";tag=as67ff46df Call-ID: 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ CSeq: 103 BYE User-Agent: Zoiper rev.11137 Content-Length: 0 <-------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 0 [ 14]: SIP/2.0 200 OK [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 1 [ 65]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7461dfad;rport=5060 [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 2 [ 79]: Contact: [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 3 [ 87]: To: ;tag=e6300831 [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 4 [ 53]: From: "test001";tag=as67ff46df [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 5 [ 56]: Call-ID: 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 6 [ 13]: CSeq: 103 BYE [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 7 [ 28]: User-Agent: Zoiper rev.11137 [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 8 [ 17]: Content-Length: 0 [2012-08-29 16:50:43] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: --- (9 headers 0 lines) --- [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: = Looking for Call ID: 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ (Checking To) --From tag as67ff46df --To-tag e6300831 [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #30 [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@' of Request 103: Match Found [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ [2012-08-29 16:50:43] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Really destroying SIP dialog '3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@' Method: INVITE [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] rtp_engine.c: Destroyed RTP instance '0x9cee330' [2012-08-29 16:50:43] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- SIP read from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7461dfad;rport=5060 Contact: To: ;tag=e6300831 From: "test001";tag=as67ff46df Call-ID: 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ CSeq: 103 BYE User-Agent: Zoiper rev.11137 Content-Length: 0 <-------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 0 [ 14]: SIP/2.0 200 OK [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 1 [ 65]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7461dfad;rport=5060 [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 2 [ 79]: Contact: [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 3 [ 87]: To: ;tag=e6300831 [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 4 [ 53]: From: "test001";tag=as67ff46df [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 5 [ 56]: Call-ID: 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 6 [ 13]: CSeq: 103 BYE [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 7 [ 28]: User-Agent: Zoiper rev.11137 [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 8 [ 17]: Content-Length: 0 [2012-08-29 16:50:43] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: --- (9 headers 0 lines) --- [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: = Looking for Call ID: 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ (Checking To) --From tag as67ff46df --To-tag e6300831 [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: That's odd... Got a response on a call we don't know about. Callid 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Invalid SIP message - rejected , no callid, len 421 [2012-08-29 16:50:43] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- SIP read from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7461dfad;rport=5060 Contact: To: ;tag=e6300831 From: "test001";tag=as67ff46df Call-ID: 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ CSeq: 103 BYE User-Agent: Zoiper rev.11137 Content-Length: 0 <-------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 0 [ 14]: SIP/2.0 200 OK [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 1 [ 65]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7461dfad;rport=5060 [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 2 [ 79]: Contact: [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 3 [ 87]: To: ;tag=e6300831 [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 4 [ 53]: From: "test001";tag=as67ff46df [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 5 [ 56]: Call-ID: 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 6 [ 13]: CSeq: 103 BYE [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 7 [ 28]: User-Agent: Zoiper rev.11137 [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 8 [ 17]: Content-Length: 0 [2012-08-29 16:50:43] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: --- (9 headers 0 lines) --- [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: = Looking for Call ID: 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ (Checking To) --From tag as67ff46df --To-tag e6300831 [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: That's odd... Got a response on a call we don't know about. Callid 3ec5648165e084677a7441dd0fe830a4@ [2012-08-29 16:50:43] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Invalid SIP message - rejected , no callid, len 421 [2012-08-29 16:50:46] VERBOSE[26413] asterisk.c: -- Remote UNIX connection disconnected [2012-08-29 16:50:50] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: <--- SIP read from UDP: ---> <-------------> [2012-08-29 16:50:50] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Header 0 [ 0]: [2012-08-29 16:50:51] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Auto destroying SIP dialog 'MWVhNjAxNDJkZjc2ZTMzMTA5NWY1ZTI3MTVkOGEzMzE.' [2012-08-29 16:50:51] DEBUG[26401] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog MWVhNjAxNDJkZjc2ZTMzMTA5NWY1ZTI3MTVkOGEzMzE. [2012-08-29 16:50:51] VERBOSE[26401] chan_sip.c: Really destroying SIP dialog 'MWVhNjAxNDJkZjc2ZTMzMTA5NWY1ZTI3MTVkOGEzMzE.' Method: REGISTER