Here's the sequence I'm seeing with a packet capture from the Asterisk server: - 301 calls 302. The INVITE from 301 hits Asterisk. Asterisk sends back 100 Trying, and then a NOTIFY to 302 and 303 (which are both subscribed to 301, and they see 301 change to “in use”). 302 and 303 send back 200 OK for the NOTIFYs. - Asterisk sends the INVITE to 302. 302 sends back 100 Trying and then 180 Ringing. After the 180 Ringing, Asterisk sends a NOTIFY to 301 (which I have subscribed to hint 305, which is mapped to SIP/ corresponding to the one I have logged in as 302). No other NOTIFY updates are sent at this time. - I pick up on 302. 302 sends a 200 OK with session description to Asterisk. Asterisk ACKs this 200 and then sends 2 NOTIFYs to 301 (which is subscribed to both the 302 “Custom device” hint and the 305 “SIP Physical device” hint), and also sends 1 NOTIFY to 303 (which is only subscribed to the 302 “Custom device” hint). - While 301 and 302 are still “on the call”, 303 calls 302. The INVITE from 303 hits Asterisk. Asterisk sends back 100 Trying, and then a NOTIFY to 302 (subscribed to the “Custom device” hint for 303) and 2 NOTIFYs to 301 (subscribed to both the “Custom device” and “SIP Physical device” hints). - Asterisk sends the INVITE to 302. 302 sends back 100 Trying and then 180 Ringing. After the 180 Ringing, Asterisk sends a NOTIFY to 301 (which updates the “SIP Physical device” hint). No other NOTIFY updates are sent at this time. - 303 cancels the call and sends a CANCEL to Asterisk. Asterisk responds with 200 OK, sends a NOTIFY to 301, sends a CANCEL to 302, and then sends another NOTIFY to 301. 303 then ACKs Asterisk’s SIP 487, and Asterisk sends 1 additional NOTIFY to 302 and 301. - 301 and 302 finish their call. Asterisk sends a total of 1 NOTIFY to 302 (the status for “Custom device” 301), 2 NOTIFYs to 303 (the status for “Custom device” 301 and 302), and 2 NOTIFYs to 301 (the status for “Custom device” 302 and “Physical Device” 302). So, it looks to me like I’m missing NOTIFYs for RINGING or RING_INUSE events on Custom devices. Verbose 3 output is attached, the short of the output is – there is no console output showing == Extension Changed 302[hints] new state on the Ringing or InUse&Ringing events – only on InUse or Idle events (which matches what I’m seeing on the phones).