[2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@from-sip-external:1] NoOp("SIP/", "+16517771722") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@from-sip-external:2] NoOp("SIP/", "") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@from-sip-external:3] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Set(CALLERID(name)=Unavailable)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@from-sip-external:4] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Set(CALLERID(name)=Unavailable)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@from-sip-external:5] NoOp("SIP/", "") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@from-sip-external:6] GotoIf("SIP/", "1?:+2") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@from-sip-external:7] Set("SIP/", "CALLERID(number)=16517771722") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@from-sip-external:8] Goto("SIP/", "did_router,16514396653,1") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Goto (did_router,16514396653,1) [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@did_router:1] NoOp("SIP/", "Trying to route DID 16514396653") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@did_router:2] Gosub("SIP/", "record_call_id,s,1") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_call_id:1] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Return") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_call_id:2] NoOp("SIP/", "SIP CallID: 1091178021_63444126@") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_call_id:3] ExecIf("SIP/", "1?Set(__PARENT_CHANNEL=SIP/") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_call_id:4] GotoIf("SIP/", "1?parent:child") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Goto (record_call_id,s,5) [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_call_id:5] Gosub("SIP/", "import_call_ids,s,1") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@import_call_ids:1] ExecIf("SIP/", "1?Return") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_call_id:6] Set("SIP/", "array=") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_call_id:7] While("SIP/", "0") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] app_while.c: -- Jumping to priority 9 [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_call_id:10] Set("SIP/", "array=") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_call_id:11] Set("SIP/", "PUSH(array)=1091178021_63444126@") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_call_id:12] Set("SIP/", "CDR(ds_call_id)=1091178021_63444126@") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_call_id:13] Return("SIP/", "") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@did_router:3] Set("SIP/", "HASH(did_route_info)=tireProz,tireProz,usi-vf03-mtka.ravon.net,Goto(call_to_user\,mjthorsen\,1)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@did_router:4] GotoIf("SIP/", "1?+2") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Goto (did_router,16514396653,6) [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@did_router:6] GotoIf("SIP/", "0?out_of_service,1") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@did_router:7] Gosub("SIP/", "set_company_info,s,1(tireProz)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:1] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Return") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:2] Set("SIP/", "__companyID=tireProz") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:3] Log("SIP/", "NOTICE, SIP/") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] NOTICE[8775] Ext. s: SIP/ [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:4] Set("SIP/", "HASH(company_info)=tireProz,6514300099,651,******,,tireProz,,usi-vf03-mtka.ravon.net,https://admin.ravon.net:443,801,Tire Pros,live,3f72fba5-9803-41dd-88a4-183e719c7d20,tireProz-1334826347,0,12") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:5] Set("SIP/", "__admin_email=******") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:6] Set("SIP/", "__local_calling_area=651") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:7] Set("SIP/", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=tireProz") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:8] Return("SIP/", "") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@did_router:8] Set("SIP/", "CDR(ds_type)=tireProz-INB") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@did_router:9] Set("SIP/", "CDR(ds_ani)=16517771722") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@did_router:10] Set("SIP/", "CDR(ds_dnis)=16514396653") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@did_router:11] NoOp("SIP/", "SIP CallID: 1091178021_63444126@") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@did_router:12] Goto("SIP/", "did_router-part2,16514396653,1") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Goto (did_router-part2,16514396653,1) [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@did_router-part2:1] Gosub("SIP/", "set_group,s,1(651,439)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_group:1] NoOp("SIP/", "Setting group.") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_group:2] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Return") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_group:3] Set("SIP/", "i=0") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_group:4] While("SIP/", "1") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_group:5] Set("SIP/", "HASH(local_calling_area)=tireProz,651,430,8") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_group:6] Gosub("SIP/", "check_long_distance,s,1(651,430,651,439)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_long_distance:1] Set("SIP/", "isLocalCall=1") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_long_distance:2] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Return(1):") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_long_distance:3] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Return(1):") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_long_distance:4] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Return(1):") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_long_distance:5] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Return(1):") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_long_distance:6] Set("SIP/", "isLocalCall=2") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_long_distance:7] Return("SIP/", "1") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_group:7] GotoIf("SIP/", "1?:+4)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_group:8] Set("SIP/", "call_lca=651430") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_group:9] Set("SIP/", "GROUP(651430)=tireProz") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_group:10] Return("SIP/", "") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@did_router-part2:2] Ringing("SIP/", "") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@did_router-part2:3] Gosub("SIP/", "check_channels,s,1(INBOUND)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_channels:1] Set("SIP/", "call_direction=INBOUND") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_channels:2] NoOp("SIP/", "Total channels in use: 2") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_channels:3] NoOp("SIP/", "Total long distance channels: 0") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_channels:4] Set("SIP/", "i=0") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_channels:5] While("SIP/", "1") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_channels:6] Set("SIP/", "HASH(local_calling_area)=tireProz,651,430,8") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_channels:7] Set("SIP/", "group_651430_calls=2") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_channels:8] Set("SIP/", "max_channels=8") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_channels:9] GotoIf("SIP/", "0?too_many_channels,s,1:") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_channels:10] Set("SIP/", "i=1") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_channels:11] EndWhile("SIP/", "") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_channels:5] While("SIP/", "1") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_channels:6] Set("SIP/", "HASH(local_calling_area)=tireProz,715,690,7") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_channels:7] Set("SIP/", "group_715690_calls=0") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_channels:8] Set("SIP/", "max_channels=7") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_channels:9] GotoIf("SIP/", "0?too_many_channels,s,1:") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_channels:10] Set("SIP/", "i=2") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_channels:11] EndWhile("SIP/", "") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_channels:5] While("SIP/", "0") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_channels:12] Return("SIP/", "") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@did_router-part2:4] Gosub("SIP/", "check_pbx_state,s,1") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_pbx_state:1] GotoIf("SIP/", "0?i,1") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_pbx_state:2] GotoIf("SIP/", "0?+1:live,1") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Goto (check_pbx_state,live,1) [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [live@check_pbx_state:1] NoOp("SIP/", "PBX is live") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [live@check_pbx_state:2] Return("SIP/", "") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [16514396653@did_router-part2:5] Exec("SIP/", "Goto(call_to_user,mjthorsen,1)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Goto (call_to_user,mjthorsen,1) [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user:1] Set("SIP/", "_to_user=mjthorsen") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user:2] NoOp("SIP/", "Incoming call for tireProz-mjthorsen") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user:3] Gosub("SIP/", "record_call_id,s,1") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_call_id:1] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Return") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_call_id:2] NoOp("SIP/", "SIP CallID: 1091178021_63444126@") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_call_id:3] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Set(__PARENT_CHANNEL=SIP/") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_call_id:4] GotoIf("SIP/", "1?parent:child") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Goto (record_call_id,s,5) [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_call_id:5] Gosub("SIP/", "import_call_ids,s,1") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@import_call_ids:1] ExecIf("SIP/", "1?Return") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_call_id:6] Set("SIP/", "array=1091178021_63444126@") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_call_id:7] While("SIP/", "1") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_call_id:8] ExecIf("SIP/", "1?Return") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user:4] Gosub("SIP/", "set_user_info,s,1(mjthorsen,to_user_info)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:1] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Return") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:2] Set("SIP/", "HASH(to_user_info)=tireProz,mjthorsen,**********,Mark Thorsen,115,651,,Mark Thorsen,1,1,0,**********,1,30,Goto(call_to_queue\,salescustserv\,1),,,,0,1,1,,1,1,caller,,,,,0,tireProz,mjthorsen,false") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:3] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Set(HASH(to_user_info,local_calling_area)=651)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:4] ExecIf("SIP/", "1?Set(HASH(to_user_info,caller_id_num)=6514300099)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:5] Set("SIP/", "HASH(company_info)=tireProz,6514300099,651,******,,tireProz,,usi-vf03-mtka.ravon.net,https://admin.ravon.net:443,801,Tire Pros,live,3f72fba5-9803-41dd-88a4-183e719c7d20,tireProz-1334826347,0,12") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:6] Set("SIP/", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=tireProz") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:7] Return("SIP/", "") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user:5] Set("SIP/", "__companyID=tireProz") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user:6] GotoIf("SIP/", "0?call_to_user_core,mjthorsen,1") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user:7] GotoIf("SIP/", "0?call_to_user_core,mjthorsen,1") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user:8] Goto("SIP/", "call_to_user_detect_fax,mjthorsen,1") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Goto (call_to_user_detect_fax,mjthorsen,1) [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:1] Set("SIP/", "__PICKUPMARK=tireProz-mjthorsen") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:2] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Set(CONNECTEDLINE(name,i)=Mark Thorsen)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:3] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Set(CONNECTEDLINE(num)=115)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:4] GotoIf("SIP/", "0?+2") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:5] Gosub("SIP/", "check_user_state,s,1(mjthorsen)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:1] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Return()") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:2] Gosub("SIP/", "set_user_info,s,1(mjthorsen)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:1] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Return") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:2] Set("SIP/", "HASH(user_info)=tireProz,mjthorsen,**********,Mark Thorsen,115,651,,Mark Thorsen,1,1,0,**********,1,30,Goto(call_to_queue\,salescustserv\,1),,,,0,1,1,,1,1,caller,,,,,0,tireProz,mjthorsen,false") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:3] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Set(HASH(user_info,local_calling_area)=651)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:4] ExecIf("SIP/", "1?Set(HASH(user_info,caller_id_num)=6514300099)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:5] Set("SIP/", "HASH(company_info)=tireProz,6514300099,651,******,,tireProz,,usi-vf03-mtka.ravon.net,https://admin.ravon.net:443,801,Tire Pros,live,3f72fba5-9803-41dd-88a4-183e719c7d20,tireProz-1334826347,0,12") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:6] Set("SIP/", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=tireProz") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:7] Return("SIP/", "") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:3] NoOp("SIP/", "tireProz-mjthorsen@blf: SIP/tireProz-0004F2****** = NOT_INUSE") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:4] NoOp("SIP/", "tireProz-115@blf: SIP/tireProz-0004F2****** = NOT_INUSE") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:5] Return("SIP/", "") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:6] Set("SIP/", "CDR(accountcode)=tireProz-mjthorsen") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:7] Set("SIP/", "CDR(ds_to)=tireProz-U-mjthorsen") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:8] NoOp("SIP/", "AMI: ToUser=mjthorsen") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:9] Set("SIP/", "CDR(userfield)=tireProz-mjthorsen") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:10] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: Internal)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:11] ExecIf("SIP/", "1?GoSub(cnam_lookup,s,1)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@cnam_lookup:1] NoOp("SIP/", "Looking up name for 16517771722.") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@cnam_lookup:2] NoOp("SIP/", "Name was: ") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@cnam_lookup:3] Set("SIP/", "number=16517771722") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@cnam_lookup:4] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Set(CALLERID(name)=Unavailable)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@cnam_lookup:5] GotoIf("SIP/", "0?cnam") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@cnam_lookup:6] NoOp("SIP/", "Checking user tireProz-mjthorsen's phonebook.") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@cnam_lookup:7] Set("SIP/", "name=") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@cnam_lookup:8] GotoIf("SIP/", "1?:set") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@cnam_lookup:9] NoOp("SIP/", "Checking company tireProz's phonebook.") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@cnam_lookup:10] Set("SIP/", "name=") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@cnam_lookup:11] GotoIf("SIP/", "1?:set") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@cnam_lookup:12] NoOp("SIP/", "Checking CNAM cache.") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@cnam_lookup:13] Set("SIP/", "name=FURY DODGE CRYS") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@cnam_lookup:14] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Return()") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@cnam_lookup:15] GotoIf("SIP/", "1?set:") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Goto (cnam_lookup,s,21) [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@cnam_lookup:21] NoOp("SIP/", "Found name: FURY DODGE CRYS") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@cnam_lookup:22] Set("SIP/", "CALLERID(name)=FURY DODGE CRYS") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@cnam_lookup:23] Return("SIP/", "") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:12] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Set(HASH(queue_info)=)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:13] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: Ring Answer)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:14] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?SIPAddHeader(Call-Info: answer-after=0)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:15] Set("SIP/", "forwardQueueCalls=0") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:16] Set("SIP/", "blockQueueCallForward=0") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:17] GotoIf("SIP/", "0?+4") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:18] Set("SIP/", "WRITE_PBX_KEY(tireProz/mjthorsen/lastCaller)=16517771722") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:19] Set("SIP/", "blockedCaller=0") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:20] GotoIf("SIP/", "0?call_to_user_vm,s,1") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:21] Set("SIP/", "timeout=45") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:22] ExecIf("SIP/", "1?Set(timeout=30)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:23] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Set(timeout=)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:24] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Set(timeout=99999)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:25] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Set(dialopts=i)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:26] GotoIf("SIP/", "0?+3") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:27] ExecIf("SIP/", "1?Answer()") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:52] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:28] ExecIf("SIP/", "1?Wait(3)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:29] Set("SIP/", "phone_list=SIP/tireProz-0004F2******") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:30] GotoIf("SIP/", "0?+2") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:31] ChanIsAvail("SIP/", "SIP/tireProz-0004F2******,a") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:32] Set("SIP/", "dial=SIP/tireProz-0004F2******") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:33] GotoIf("SIP/", "0?predial") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:34] Set("SIP/", "user_dids=Local/6512480297@from-internal-user/n") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:35] Set("SIP/", "backup=") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:36] Set("SIP/", "backupCID=") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:37] ExecIf("SIP/", "1?Set(PUSH(dial,&)=Local/s@user_alternate_phone/n)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:38] Set("SIP/", "useBackup=0") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:39] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Set(dial=Local/s@user_backup_phone/n)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:40] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Set(CALLERID(num)=6514300099)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:41] GotoIf("SIP/", "0?dialed") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:42] Set("SIP/", "CALLERID(number)=6517771722") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:43] Set("SIP/", "dnid=16514396653") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:44] Set("SIP/", "type=tireProz-INB") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:45] Gosub("SIP/", "start_one_touch_record,s,1(callee,,mjthorsen,16514396653,tireProz-INB,)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@start_one_touch_record:1] NoOp("SIP/", "Starting temporary recording incase the user wants to save this call.") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@start_one_touch_record:2] Set("SIP/", "recording_stopped=") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@start_one_touch_record:3] Set("SIP/", "other_one_touch_record=0") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@start_one_touch_record:4] Set("SIP/", "recordingUser=mjthorsen") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@start_one_touch_record:5] Set("SIP/", "HASH(company_info)=tireProz,6514300099,651,******,,tireProz,,usi-vf03-mtka.ravon.net,https://admin.ravon.net:443,801,Tire Pros,live,3f72fba5-9803-41dd-88a4-183e719c7d20,tireProz-1334826347,0,12") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@start_one_touch_record:6] Gosub("SIP/", "set_user_info,s,1(mjthorsen)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:1] ExecIf("SIP/", "1?Return") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@start_one_touch_record:7] Set("SIP/", "record_all=0") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@start_one_touch_record:8] ExecIf("SIP/", "1?Set(__DYNAMIC_FEATURES=save_recording_callee)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@start_one_touch_record:9] Set("SIP/", "HASH(queue_info)=") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@start_one_touch_record:10] Set("SIP/", "queue_record_all=0") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@start_one_touch_record:11] GotoIf("SIP/", "1?start") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Goto (start_one_touch_record,s,14) [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@start_one_touch_record:14] Set("SIP/", "temp_recording_path=/ravon/tmp/recordings/") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@start_one_touch_record:15] Set("SIP/", "file=1381606492.194565") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@start_one_touch_record:16] System("SIP/", "echo -e "companyID=tireProz\nstartTime=1381606495\nfrom_user=\nto_user=tireProz-mjthorsen\nqueue=\nani=6517771722\ndnis=16514396653\nds_type=tireProz-INB\nuniqueID=1381606492.194565\nencryption_key=tireProz-1334826347" > /ravon/tmp/recordings/1381606492.194565.txt") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@start_one_touch_record:17] MixMonitor("SIP/", "/ravon/tmp/recordings/1381606492.194565.wav") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@start_one_touch_record:18] Set("SIP/", "temp_recording_started=true") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@start_one_touch_record:19] Set("SIP/", "save_temp_recording=false") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@start_one_touch_record:20] Return("SIP/", "") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:46] ExecIf("SIP/", "1?SIPAddHeader(X-CID: 1091178021_63444126@") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [mjthorsen@call_to_user_detect_fax:47] Dial("SIP/", "SIP/tireProz-0004F2******&Local/s@user_alternate_phone/n,30,U(call_to_user_on_connect^SIP/") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] app_dial.c: -- Called SIP/tireProz-0004F2****** [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] app_dial.c: -- Called Local/s@user_alternate_phone/n [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] app_dial.c: -- Local/s@user_alternate_phone-288b;1 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for SIP/ [2013-10-12 14:34:55] VERBOSE[8775] app_dial.c: -- SIP/tireProz-0004F2******-0001d9cd is ringing [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] app_dial.c: -- Local/s@user_alternate_phone-288b;1 is making progress passing it to SIP/ [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] chan_sip.c: == Redirecting 'SIP/' to fax extension due to CNG detection [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (call_to_user_detect_fax, fax, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/' [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [fax@call_to_user_detect_fax:1] NoOp("SIP/", "Incoming fax detected.") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [fax@call_to_user_detect_fax:2] Gosub("SIP/", "receive_fax,s,1") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@receive_fax:1] Answer("SIP/", "") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@receive_fax:2] Set("SIP/", "GROUP(651430)=") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@receive_fax:3] ExecIf("SIP/", "0?Set(to_user=)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@receive_fax:4] Gosub("SIP/", "set_user_info,s,1(mjthorsen,to_user_info)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:1] ExecIf("SIP/", "1?Return") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@receive_fax:5] Gosub("SIP/", "load_host_name,s,1(PBX)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@load_host_name:1] Set("SIP/", "var=PBX") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@load_host_name:2] Set("SIP/", "PBX=usi-vf03-mtka.ravon.net [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@load_host_name:3] Set("SIP/", "PBX=usi-vf03-mtka.ravon.net") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@load_host_name:4] Return("SIP/", "") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@receive_fax:6] Set("SIP/", "WRITE_FAX_CDR(1381606492.194565,usi-vf03-mtka.ravon.net,date)=2013-10-12 14:34:57") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@receive_fax:7] Set("SIP/", "WRITE_FAX_CDR(1381606492.194565,usi-vf03-mtka.ravon.net,direction)=RECEIVE") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@receive_fax:8] Set("SIP/", "WRITE_FAX_CDR(1381606492.194565,usi-vf03-mtka.ravon.net,clid)="FURY DODGE CRYS" <6517771722>") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@receive_fax:9] Set("SIP/", "WRITE_FAX_CDR(1381606492.194565,usi-vf03-mtka.ravon.net,ani)=6517771722") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@receive_fax:10] Set("SIP/", "WRITE_FAX_CDR(1381606492.194565,usi-vf03-mtka.ravon.net,dnis)=16514396653") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@receive_fax:11] Set("SIP/", "WRITE_FAX_CDR(1381606492.194565,usi-vf03-mtka.ravon.net,company_id)=tireProz") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@receive_fax:12] Set("SIP/", "WRITE_FAX_CDR(1381606492.194565,usi-vf03-mtka.ravon.net,user)=tireProz-mjthorsen") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@receive_fax:13] Set("SIP/", "CDR(ds_type)=tireProz-FAX-IN") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@receive_fax:14] Set("SIP/", "CDR(accountcode)=mjthorsen") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@receive_fax:15] Set("SIP/", "file_base=/ravon/tmp/faxes/fax__6517771722__tireProz-mjthorsen__1381606497") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@receive_fax:16] Set("SIP/", "FAXOPT(localstationid)=Mark Thorsen") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@receive_fax:17] Set("SIP/", "FAXOPT(ecm)=yes") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@receive_fax:18] NoOp("SIP/", "Receiving FAX from 6517771722.") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@receive_fax:19] ReceiveFAX("SIP/", "/ravon/tmp/faxes/fax__6517771722__tireProz-mjthorsen__1381606497.tiff,dfs") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:34:57] VERBOSE[8775] res_fax.c: -- Channel 'SIP/' receiving FAX '/ravon/tmp/faxes/fax__6517771722__tireProz-mjthorsen__1381606497.tiff' [2013-10-12 14:35:01] VERBOSE[8775] netsock.c: == Using UDPTL CoS mark 5 [2013-10-12 14:35:01] VERBOSE[8775] res_fax_digium.c: -- Channel 'SIP/' FAX session '151' started [2013-10-12 14:35:01] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 000.000087 ], STAT_EVT_STRT_RX st: IDLE rt: IDLENSRX [2013-10-12 14:35:01] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 000.000820 ], STAT_EVT_RX_HW_RDY st: WT_RX_HW_RDY rt: RRDYNHRY [2013-10-12 14:35:01] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 000.000850 ], P30EVN_RECEIVE_STARTED [2013-10-12 14:35:01] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 000.000869 ], STAT_INFO_CSI [2013-10-12 14:35:01] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 000.000894 ], STAT_INFO_DIS [2013-10-12 14:35:03] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 002.175059 ], STAT_EVT_TX_V21_DONE st: WT_DIS_RSP rt: WDSRNT21 [2013-10-12 14:35:07] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 006.117257 ], STAT_INFO_TSI [2013-10-12 14:35:07] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 006.547264 ], STAT_INFO_DCS [2013-10-12 14:35:07] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 006.547309 ], STAT_EVT_DCS st: WT_DIS_RSP rt: WDSRNDCS [2013-10-12 14:35:07] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 006.547331 ], STAT_NEG_V17_14400 [2013-10-12 14:35:07] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 006.547346 ], STAT_NEG_MR [2013-10-12 14:35:07] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 006.547360 ], STAT_NEG_A4 [2013-10-12 14:35:07] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 006.547374 ], STAT_NEG_RES_204x196 [2013-10-12 14:35:08] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 006.837312 ], STAT_EVT_RX_IMG_STRT st: RCV_TRN rt: UNEXPECT [2013-10-12 14:35:11] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 009.757397 ], STAT_EVT_RX_TRN_FAIL st: RCV_TRN rt: RTCFNRFL [2013-10-12 14:35:11] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 009.757454 ], STAT_FRM_FTT [2013-10-12 14:35:12] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 010.955350 ], STAT_EVT_TX_V21_DONE st: WT_DIS_RSP rt: WDSRNT21 [2013-10-12 14:35:16] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 014.887219 ], STAT_INFO_TSI [2013-10-12 14:35:16] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 015.317297 ], STAT_INFO_DCS [2013-10-12 14:35:16] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 015.317341 ], STAT_EVT_DCS st: WT_DIS_RSP rt: WDSRNDCS [2013-10-12 14:35:16] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 015.317364 ], STAT_NEG_V17_12000 [2013-10-12 14:35:16] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 015.317379 ], STAT_NEG_MR [2013-10-12 14:35:16] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 015.317393 ], STAT_NEG_A4 [2013-10-12 14:35:16] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 015.317407 ], STAT_NEG_RES_204x196 [2013-10-12 14:35:16] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 015.607346 ], STAT_EVT_RX_IMG_STRT st: RCV_TRN rt: UNEXPECT [2013-10-12 14:35:19] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 018.527393 ], STAT_EVT_RX_TRN_END st: RCV_TRN rt: RTCFNERT [2013-10-12 14:35:19] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 018.527439 ], STAT_FRM_CFR [2013-10-12 14:35:21] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 019.724551 ], STAT_EVT_TX_V21_DONE st: RCV_IMG_STRT rt: RISTNT21 [2013-10-12 14:35:23] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 022.117762 ], STAT_EVT_RX_IMG_STRT st: RCV_IMG_STRT rt: RISTNSRI [2013-10-12 14:35:23] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 022.117808 ], P30EVN_PHASE_C [2013-10-12 14:35:23] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 022.118250 ], P30EVN_DOC_START [2013-10-12 14:35:23] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 022.118274 ], P30EVN_PAGE_START [2013-10-12 14:35:42] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 041.187317 ], STAT_EVT_RX_IMG_END st: RCV_IMAGE rt: RIMGNERI [2013-10-12 14:35:43] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 042.507268 ], STAT_FRM_MPS [2013-10-12 14:35:43] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 042.507312 ], STAT_EVT_MPS st: F_END_NORM rt: FEIMNMPS [2013-10-12 14:35:43] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 042.507335 ], P30EVN_PAGE_END [2013-10-12 14:35:43] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 042.507350 ], STAT_FRM_RTN [2013-10-12 14:35:43] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 042.507369 ], STAT_EVT_RTN st: F_END_NORM rt: XXXXNXXX [2013-10-12 14:35:45] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 043.700514 ], STAT_EVT_TX_V21_DONE st: F_NORM rt: FNRMNT21 [2013-10-12 14:35:48] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 047.627212 ], STAT_INFO_TSI [2013-10-12 14:35:49] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 048.057276 ], STAT_INFO_DCS [2013-10-12 14:35:49] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 048.057323 ], STAT_EVT_DCS st: F_NORM rt: FNRMNDCS [2013-10-12 14:35:49] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 048.057345 ], STAT_NEG_V17_9600 [2013-10-12 14:35:49] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 048.057360 ], STAT_NEG_MR [2013-10-12 14:35:49] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 048.057374 ], STAT_NEG_A4 [2013-10-12 14:35:49] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 048.057388 ], STAT_NEG_RES_204x196 [2013-10-12 14:35:49] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 048.347250 ], STAT_EVT_RX_IMG_STRT st: RCV_TRN rt: UNEXPECT [2013-10-12 14:35:52] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 051.267384 ], STAT_EVT_RX_TRN_END st: RCV_TRN rt: RTCFNERT [2013-10-12 14:35:52] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 051.267427 ], STAT_FRM_CFR [2013-10-12 14:35:53] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 052.465732 ], STAT_EVT_TX_V21_DONE st: RCV_IMG_STRT rt: RISTNT21 [2013-10-12 14:35:56] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 054.857560 ], STAT_EVT_RX_IMG_STRT st: RCV_IMG_STRT rt: RISTNSRI [2013-10-12 14:35:56] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 054.857604 ], P30EVN_PHASE_C [2013-10-12 14:35:56] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 054.857636 ], P30EVN_PAGE_START [2013-10-12 14:36:26] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 085.287483 ], STAT_EVT_RX_IMG_END st: RCV_IMAGE rt: RIMGNERI [2013-10-12 14:36:27] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 086.607559 ], STAT_FRM_MPS [2013-10-12 14:36:27] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 086.607601 ], STAT_EVT_MPS st: F_END_NORM rt: FEIMNMPS [2013-10-12 14:36:27] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 086.607625 ], P30EVN_PAGE_END [2013-10-12 14:36:27] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 086.607641 ], STAT_FRM_MCF [2013-10-12 14:36:29] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 087.798811 ], STAT_EVT_TX_V21_DONE st: RCV_IMG_STRT rt: RISTNT21 [2013-10-12 14:36:31] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 090.197046 ], STAT_EVT_RX_IMG_STRT st: RCV_IMG_STRT rt: RISTNSRI [2013-10-12 14:36:31] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 090.197089 ], P30EVN_PHASE_C [2013-10-12 14:36:31] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 090.197475 ], P30EVN_PAGE_START [2013-10-12 14:37:04] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 123.007277 ], STAT_EVT_RX_IMG_END st: RCV_IMAGE rt: RIMGNERI [2013-10-12 14:37:05] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 124.296830 ], STAT_FRM_MPS [2013-10-12 14:37:05] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 124.296977 ], STAT_EVT_MPS st: F_END_NORM rt: FEIMNMPS [2013-10-12 14:37:05] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 124.296994 ], P30EVN_PAGE_END [2013-10-12 14:37:05] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 124.297004 ], STAT_FRM_MCF [2013-10-12 14:37:06] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 125.489566 ], STAT_EVT_TX_V21_DONE st: RCV_IMG_STRT rt: RISTNT21 [2013-10-12 14:37:09] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 127.887046 ], STAT_EVT_RX_IMG_STRT st: RCV_IMG_STRT rt: RISTNSRI [2013-10-12 14:37:09] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 127.887093 ], P30EVN_PHASE_C [2013-10-12 14:37:09] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 127.887704 ], P30EVN_PAGE_START [2013-10-12 14:37:30] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 149.097178 ], STAT_EVT_RX_IMG_END st: RCV_IMAGE rt: RIMGNERI [2013-10-12 14:37:31] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 150.417069 ], STAT_FRM_EOP [2013-10-12 14:37:31] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 150.417115 ], STAT_EVT_EOP st: F_END_NORM rt: FEIMNEOP [2013-10-12 14:37:31] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 150.417139 ], P30EVN_PAGE_END [2013-10-12 14:37:31] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 150.417154 ], STAT_FRM_MCF [2013-10-12 14:37:31] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 150.417178 ], P30EVN_DOC_END [2013-10-12 14:37:32] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 151.609298 ], STAT_EVT_TX_V21_DONE st: F_END_NORM rt: FECMNFCS [2013-10-12 14:37:35] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 154.566830 ], entering CLOSING state [2013-10-12 14:37:35] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 154.566866 ], STAT_FRM_DCN [2013-10-12 14:37:35] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 154.566891 ], entering CLOSING state [2013-10-12 14:37:35] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 154.566909 ], STAT_EVT_DCN st: F_END_NORM rt: FEIMNDCN [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 157.070838 ], STAT_EVT_HW_CLOSE st: WT_HW_CLS rt: WCLSNCLS [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 157.071237 ], STAT_SES_COMPLETE [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8793] res_fax_digium.c: -- FAX handle 0: [ 157.071266 ], P30EVN_COMPLETE [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (receive_fax, s, 19) exited non-zero on 'SIP/' [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:1] NoOp("SIP/", "Receiving fax finished.") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:2] NoOp("SIP/", "T.38 Passthrough: 1") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:3] NoOp("SIP/", "Fax ECM: no") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:4] NoOp("SIP/", "Fax Error: NO_ERROR") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:5] NoOp("SIP/", "Fax File: /ravon/tmp/faxes/fax__6517771722__tireProz-mjthorsen__1381606497.tiff") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:6] NoOp("SIP/", "Fax Files: /ravon/tmp/faxes/fax__6517771722__tireProz-mjthorsen__1381606497.tiff") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:7] NoOp("SIP/", "Fax Header: ") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:8] NoOp("SIP/", "Fax Local StationID: Mark Thorsen") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:9] NoOp("SIP/", "Fax Max Rate: 14400") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:10] NoOp("SIP/", "Fax Min Rate: 2400") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:11] NoOp("SIP/", "Fax Modem: V17,V27,V29") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:12] NoOp("SIP/", "Fax Pages: 4") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:13] NoOp("SIP/", "Fax Rate: 9600") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:14] NoOp("SIP/", "Fax Remote Station ID: 651 777 1722") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:15] NoOp("SIP/", "Fax Resolution: 204x196") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:16] NoOp("SIP/", "Fax Status: FAILED") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:17] NoOp("SIP/", "Fax Verbose Status: FAX_FAILURE_PARTIAL") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:18] NoOp("SIP/", "Fax Channel Status: FAILED") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:19] NoOp("SIP/", "Fax Channel Error: NO_ERROR") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:20] NoOp("SIP/", "Fax Channel Pages: 4") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:21] Set("SIP/", "WRITE_FAX_CDR(1381606492.194565,usi-vf03-mtka.ravon.net,duration)=166") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:22] Set("SIP/", "WRITE_FAX_CDR(1381606492.194565,usi-vf03-mtka.ravon.net,pages)=4") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:23] Set("SIP/", "WRITE_FAX_CDR(1381606492.194565,usi-vf03-mtka.ravon.net,status)=FAILED") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:24] Set("SIP/", "WRITE_FAX_CDR(1381606492.194565,usi-vf03-mtka.ravon.net,verbose_status)=FAX_FAILURE_PARTIAL") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:25] Set("SIP/", "WRITE_FAX_CDR(1381606492.194565,usi-vf03-mtka.ravon.net,error)=NO_ERROR") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:26] Set("SIP/", "CDR(userfield)=FAILED (FAX_FAILURE_PARTIAL)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:27] GotoIf("SIP/", "0?:+2") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Goto (receive_fax,h,29) [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:29] Gosub("SIP/", "store_fax,s,1(RECEIVE,"FURY DODGE CRYS" <6517771722>,tireProz-mjthorsen,/ravon/tmp/faxes/fax__6517771722__tireProz-mjthorsen__1381606497.pdf,**********)") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@store_fax:1] Set("SIP/", "backupDir=/ravon/tmp/faxes/") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@store_fax:2] System("SIP/", "mv /ravon/tmp/faxes/fax__6517771722__tireProz-mjthorsen__1381606497.pdf /ravon/tmp/faxes//1381606492.194565.pdf") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@store_fax:3] Set("SIP/", "ARG5=") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@store_fax:4] System("SIP/", "echo -e "direction=RECEIVE\nfrom="FURY DODGE CRYS" <6517771722>\nto=tireProz-mjthorsen\ntime=1381606658\npages=4\nerror=NO_ERROR\nstatus=FAILED\nverboseStatus=FAX_FAILURE_PARTIAL\npdf=/ravon/tmp/faxes//1381606492.194565.pdf\nemail=\nfax_id=" > /ravon/tmp/faxes//1381606492.194565.txt") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@store_fax:5] System("SIP/", "/ravon/DogstarScripts/poll_for_new_fax2.php dir=/ravon/tmp/faxes/ &") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@store_fax:6] Return("SIP/", "") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@receive_fax:30] Return("SIP/", "") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: -- Executing [fax@call_to_user_detect_fax:3] Hangup("SIP/", "") in new stack [2013-10-12 14:37:38] VERBOSE[8775] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (call_to_user_detect_fax, fax, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/' [2013-10-12 20:40:01] VERBOSE[8793] asterisk.c: -- Remote UNIX connection disconnected