Core was generated by `/usr/sbin/asterisk -f -vvvg -c'. Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault. #0 __ast_queue_frame (chan=0x0, fin=0x7f79fcd2be90, head=0, after=0x0) at channel.c:1417 1417 channel.c: No such file or directory. in channel.c Missing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install asterisk18-core-1.8.6.cert1-0.p10.1_el6.x86_64 (gdb) bt #0 __ast_queue_frame (chan=0x0, fin=0x7f79fcd2be90, head=0, after=0x0) at channel.c:1417 #1 0x0000000000468f0f in ast_queue_frame (chan=0x0, connected=, update=) at channel.c:1520 #2 ast_queue_control_data (chan=0x0, connected=, update=) at channel.c:1572 #3 ast_channel_queue_connected_line_update (chan=0x0, connected=, update=) at channel.c:8740 #4 0x00007f79fcdb75b1 in handle_request_update (p=0x7f79204be468, req=0x7f79fcd2d190, addr=0x7f79fcd2dbf0, recount=0x7f79fcd2d13c, nounlock=0x7f79fcd2d138) at chan_sip.c:21640 #5 handle_incoming (p=0x7f79204be468, req=0x7f79fcd2d190, addr=0x7f79fcd2dbf0, recount=0x7f79fcd2d13c, nounlock=0x7f79fcd2d138) at chan_sip.c:24653 #6 0x00007f79fcdb7df0 in handle_request_do (req=0x7f79fcd2d190, addr=0x7f79fcd2dbf0) at chan_sip.c:24799 #7 0x00007f79fcdb9426 in sipsock_read (id=, fd=, events=, ignore=) at chan_sip.c:24733 #8 0x00000000004c591a in ast_io_wait (ioc=0x10d96e0, howlong=) at io.c:288 #9 0x00007f79fcd94351 in do_monitor (data=) at chan_sip.c:25262 #10 0x0000000000538afa in dummy_start (data=) at utils.c:1004 #11 0x00007f7a012fd7e1 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #12 0x00007f7a01fe577d in clone () from /lib64/ (gdb) bt full #0 __ast_queue_frame (chan=0x0, fin=0x7f79fcd2be90, head=0, after=0x0) at channel.c:1417 f = cur = blah = 1 new_frames = 0 new_voice_frames = 0 queued_frames = 0 queued_voice_frames = 0 frames = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "__ast_queue_frame" #1 0x0000000000468f0f in ast_queue_frame (chan=0x0, connected=, update=) at channel.c:1520 No locals. #2 ast_queue_control_data (chan=0x0, connected=, update=) at channel.c:1572 f = {frametype = AST_FRAME_CONTROL, subclass = {integer = 22, codec = 22}, datalen = 52, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = {ptr = 0x7f79fcd2ba90, uint32 = 4241668752, pad = "\220\272\322\374y\177\000"}, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, flags = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0} #3 ast_channel_queue_connected_line_update (chan=0x0, connected=, update=) at channel.c:8740 data = "\n\001\002\001\fLemke, Beate\f\001\001\r\001\000\v\001\001\000\004\061\071\063\071\002\001\000\017\001\000\016\001\001\t\000\003\001\000\004\004\000\000\000\003\000\000\000\000fK\334\374y\177", '\000' , "\030\000\000\000\060\000\000\000\060\277\322\374y\177\000\000p\276\322\374y\177", '\000' , "\020\071\366\001z\177\000\000\060\275\322\374y\177", '\000' , " \000\000\000\060\000\000\000\060\277\322\374y\177\000\000p\276\322\374y\177", '\000' "\360, \274\322\374y\177\000\000\065\354K y\177\000\000\340\275\322\374y\177\000\000\251K\334\374y\177\000\000P\276\322\374y\177\000\000\377\000\000\000\000\000\000\000R\032\334\374y\177\000\000\065\354K y\177\000\000B\352\366\001z\177\000\000\001\200\255\373y\177\000\000\065\354K"... datalen = #4 0x00007f79fcdb75b1 in handle_request_update (p=0x7f79204be468, req=0x7f79fcd2d190, addr=0x7f79fcd2dbf0, recount=0x7f79fcd2d13c, nounlock=0x7f79fcd2d138) at chan_sip.c:21640 connected = {id = {name = {str = 0x7f79204bfc51 "Lemke, Beate", char_set = 1, presentation = 0, valid = 1 '\001'}, number = { str = 0x7f79204bfc30 "1939", plan = 0, presentation = 0, valid = 1 '\001'}, subaddress = {str = 0x0, type = 0, odd_even_indicator = 0 '\000', valid = 0 '\000'}, tag = 0x8037a6 ""}, ani = {name = {str = 0x0, char_set = 1, presentation = 0, valid = 0 '\000'}, number = {str = 0x0, plan = 0, presentation = 0, valid = 0 '\000'}, subaddress = {str = 0x0, type = 0, odd_even_indicator = 0 '\000', valid = 0 '\000'}, tag = 0x0}, ani2 = 0, source = 3} update_connected = {id = {name = 1 '\001', number = 1 '\001', subaddress = 0 '\000'}, ani = {name = 0 '\000', number = 0 '\000', subaddress = 0 '\000'}} #5 handle_incoming (p=0x7f79204be468, req=0x7f79fcd2d190, addr=0x7f79fcd2dbf0, recount=0x7f79fcd2d13c, nounlock=0x7f79fcd2d138) at chan_sip.c:24653 cmd = 0x7f7900000019 "\300\004" cseq = 0x7f79e5e5c8df "sip:gs-0002@" useragent = 0xa
via = 0x0 callid = 0x7f7900000000 " " via_pos = 2 seqno = 102 len = 8212752 respid = res = 0 debug = 0 e = 0x7f79e5e5c8df "sip:gs-0002@" error = 0 oldmethod = 5 acked = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "handle_incoming" #6 0x00007f79fcdb7df0 in handle_request_do (req=0x7f79fcd2d190, addr=0x7f79fcd2dbf0) at chan_sip.c:24799 p = 0x7f79204be468 owner_chan_ref = recount = 0 nounlock = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "handle_request_do" #7 0x00007f79fcdb9426 in sipsock_read (id=, fd=, events=, ignore=) at chan_sip.c:24733 req = {rlPart1 = 0, rlPart2 = 7, headers = 12, method = 12, lines = 0, sdp_start = 0, sdp_count = 0, debug = 0 '\000', has_to_tag = 1 '\001', ignore = 0 '\000', authenticated = 0 '\000', header = {0, 46, 105, 122, 173, 238, 277, 338, 355, 389, 481, 509, 527, 0 }, line = {527, 0 }, data = 0x7f79e5e5c8c0, content = 0x0, socket = { ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- type = SIP_TRANSPORT_UDP, fd = -1, port = 50195, tcptls_session = 0x0}, next = {next = 0x0}} addr = {ss = {ss_family = 2, __ss_align = 0, __ss_padding = "\002\000\000\000\004\000\000\000\250\377\377\377\377\377\377\377,1\016\001\000\000\000\000\060\061\016\001", '\000' , "3\002\000\000\004\000\000\000\030\061\016\001\000\000\000\000\032\232\206O\006\000\000\000@#\000\000\000\000\000\000\032\232\206O3\002\000\000`T\016\001\000\000\000\000\200\334\322\374y\177\000\000;\301\375\001z\177\000"}, len = 16} res = readbuf = "UPDATE sip:gs-0002@ SIP/2.0\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7a493a81\r\nMax-Forwards: 70\r\nFrom: ;tag=as7ab68fd5\r\nTo: \"Scherer, Thomas\" <"... __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "sipsock_read" #8 0x00000000004c591a in ast_io_wait (ioc=0x10d96e0, howlong=) at io.c:288 res = 1 x = origcnt = 1 #9 0x00007f79fcd94351 in do_monitor (data=) at chan_sip.c:25262 res = t = 1334221338 reloading = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "do_monitor" #10 0x0000000000538afa in dummy_start (data=) at utils.c:1004 __cancel_buf = {__cancel_jmp_buf = {{__cancel_jmp_buf = {17681648, -8200376362023575845, 140736542405360, 140161909451200, 0, 3, 8124934085804236507, -8200375962394485029}, __mask_was_saved = 0}}, __pad = {0x7f79fcd2de90, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}} __cancel_arg = 0x7f79fcd2e700 not_first_call = ret = a = {start_routine = 0x7f79fcd942b0 , data = 0x0, name = 0x7f79fcd2dd80 "\360\314\r\001"} #11 0x00007f7a012fd7e1 in start_thread () from /lib64/ No symbol table info available. #12 0x00007f7a01fe577d in clone () from /lib64/ No symbol table info available.