[Dec 30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/logger.conf': [Dec 30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action DataGet [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: Asterisk Dynamic Loader Starting: [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/modules.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] NOTICE[21234] loader.c: 4 modules will be loaded. [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/res_odbc.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] NOTICE[21234] res_odbc.c: Connecting ravon_rt [2011-12-30 12:02:47] NOTICE[21234] res_odbc.c: res_odbc: Connected to ravon_rt [ravon_rt] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] NOTICE[21234] res_odbc.c: Registered ODBC class 'ravon_rt' dsn->[ravon_rt] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] NOTICE[21234] res_odbc.c: Connecting ravon_rt_read [2011-12-30 12:02:47] NOTICE[21234] res_odbc.c: res_odbc: Connected to ravon_rt_read [ravon_rt_read] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] NOTICE[21234] res_odbc.c: Registered ODBC class 'ravon_rt_read' dsn->[ravon_rt_read] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] NOTICE[21234] res_odbc.c: Connecting ravon_rt_write [2011-12-30 12:02:47] NOTICE[21234] res_odbc.c: res_odbc: Connected to ravon_rt_write [ravon_rt_write] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] NOTICE[21234] res_odbc.c: Registered ODBC class 'ravon_rt_write' dsn->[ravon_rt_write] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] NOTICE[21234] res_odbc.c: Connecting queue_logs2 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] NOTICE[21234] res_odbc.c: res_odbc: Connected to queue_logs2 [queue_logs2] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] NOTICE[21234] res_odbc.c: Registered ODBC class 'queue_logs2' dsn->[queue_logs2] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] NOTICE[21234] res_odbc.c: Connecting voicemail [2011-12-30 12:02:47] NOTICE[21234] res_odbc.c: res_odbc: Connected to voicemail [voicemail] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] NOTICE[21234] res_odbc.c: Registered ODBC class 'voicemail' dsn->[voicemail] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ODBC_Commit' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ODBC_Rollback' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'ODBC' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] NOTICE[21234] res_odbc.c: res_odbc loaded. [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: res_odbc.so => (ODBC resource) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] NOTICE[21234] config.c: Registered Config Engine odbc [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_config_odbc.c: res_config_odbc loaded. [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: res_config_odbc.so => (Realtime ODBC configuration) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] channel.c: == Registered channel type 'Local' (Local Proxy Channel Driver) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action LocalOptimizeAway [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: chan_local.so => (Local Proxy Channel (Note: used internally by other modules)) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/extensions_additions.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/ravon/DogstarAsterisk/dialplan/subroutines.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/ravon/DogstarAsterisk/dialplan/general.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/ravon/DogstarAsterisk/dialplan/dialer.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/ravon/DogstarAsterisk/dialplan/ivr.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Setting global variable 'CONSOLE' to 'Console/dsp' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Setting global variable 'IAXINFO' to 'guest' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Setting global variable 'TRUNK' to 'DAHDI/G2' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Setting global variable 'TRUNKMSD' to '1' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'dundi-e164-local'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Including context 'dundi-e164-canonical' in context 'dundi-e164-local' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Including context 'dundi-e164-customers' in context 'dundi-e164-local' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Including context 'dundi-e164-via-pstn' in context 'dundi-e164-local' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'dundi-e164-switch'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Including switch 'DUNDi/e164' in context 'dundi-e164-switch' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'dundi-e164-lookup'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Including context 'dundi-e164-local' in context 'dundi-e164-lookup' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Including context 'dundi-e164-switch' in context 'dundi-e164-lookup' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'macro-dundi-e164'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dundi-e164 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Including context 'dundi-e164-lookup' in context 'macro-dundi-e164' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'usi-subscribe'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'default'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to default [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '101' priority 1 to default [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '102' priority 1 to default [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '250' priority 1 to default [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '211' priority 1 to default [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to default [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'sipp'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '2005' priority 1 to sipp [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '2005' priority 2 to sipp [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '2005' priority 3 to sipp [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '2005' priority 4 to sipp [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '2002' priority 1 to sipp [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '2002' priority 2 to sipp [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '2002' priority 3 to sipp [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'queue_login'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to queue_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to queue_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to queue_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to queue_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to queue_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to queue_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'queue_logout'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to queue_logout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to queue_logout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to queue_logout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to queue_logout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'dial'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to dial [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to dial [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to dial [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to dial [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to dial [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to dial [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to dial [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to dial [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'set_company_info'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to set_company_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to set_company_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to set_company_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to set_company_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to set_company_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to set_company_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to set_company_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to set_company_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'set_user_info'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to set_user_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to set_user_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to set_user_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to set_user_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to set_user_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to set_user_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to set_user_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'findme_followme'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to findme_followme [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to findme_followme [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to findme_followme [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to findme_followme [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to findme_followme [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to findme_followme [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 1 to findme_followme [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '2' priority 1 to findme_followme [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '2' priority 2 to findme_followme [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '2' priority 3 to findme_followme [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '2' priority 4 to findme_followme [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '2' priority 5 to findme_followme [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to findme_followme [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '0' priority 1 to findme_followme [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to findme_followme [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to findme_followme [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'cdr_details'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to cdr_details [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to cdr_details [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 3 to cdr_details [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 4 to cdr_details [2011-12-30 12:02:47] WARNING[21234] pbx.c: Unable to register extension 's', priority 1 in 'dial', already in use [2011-12-30 12:02:47] WARNING[21234] pbx.c: Unable to register extension 's', priority 2 in 'dial', already in use [2011-12-30 12:02:47] WARNING[21234] pbx.c: Unable to register extension 's', priority 3 in 'dial', already in use [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'voicemail'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to voicemail [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to voicemail [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to voicemail [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to voicemail [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to voicemail [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'o' priority 1 to voicemail [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'a' priority 1 to voicemail [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'a' priority 2 to voicemail [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to voicemail [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'voicemailmain'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to voicemailmain [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to voicemailmain [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to voicemailmain [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to voicemailmain [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to voicemailmain [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'set_call_info'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to set_call_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to set_call_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to set_call_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to set_call_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to set_call_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to set_call_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to set_call_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to set_call_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to set_call_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to set_call_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to set_call_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to set_call_info [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'queueAutoPause'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to queueAutoPause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to queueAutoPause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to queueAutoPause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to queueAutoPause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to queueAutoPause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to queueAutoPause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to queueAutoPause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'queuePause'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to queuePause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to queuePause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to queuePause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to queuePause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to queuePause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to queuePause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to queuePause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to queuePause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to queuePause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to queuePause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to queuePause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to queuePause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to queuePause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to queuePause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to queuePause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 16 to queuePause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 17 to queuePause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'queueUnpause'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to queueUnpause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to queueUnpause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to queueUnpause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to queueUnpause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to queueUnpause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to queueUnpause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to queueUnpause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to queueUnpause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to queueUnpause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to queueUnpause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to queueUnpause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to queueUnpause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to queueUnpause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to queueUnpause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to queueUnpause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 16 to queueUnpause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 17 to queueUnpause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 18 to queueUnpause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 19 to queueUnpause [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'check_long_distance'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to check_long_distance [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to check_long_distance [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to check_long_distance [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to check_long_distance [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to check_long_distance [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to check_long_distance [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to check_long_distance [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'do-call-back'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 16 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 17 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 18 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 19 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 20 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 21 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 22 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 23 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 24 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 25 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 26 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 27 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 28 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 29 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 30 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 31 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 32 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 33 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 34 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 35 to do-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'queue-placeholder'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 16 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 17 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 18 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 19 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 20 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 21 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 22 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 23 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 24 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 25 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 26 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 27 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 28 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 29 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 30 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 31 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 32 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 33 to queue-placeholder [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'remove-call-back'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to remove-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to remove-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to remove-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'insert-call-back'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to insert-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to insert-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to insert-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to insert-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'update-call-back'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to update-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to update-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to update-call-back [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'increment-retry-count'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to increment-retry-count [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to increment-retry-count [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to increment-retry-count [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'get-retry-count'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to get-retry-count [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to get-retry-count [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to get-retry-count [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to get-retry-count [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to get-retry-count [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'retry-limit-reached'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to retry-limit-reached [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to retry-limit-reached [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to retry-limit-reached [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to retry-limit-reached [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to retry-limit-reached [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to retry-limit-reached [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to retry-limit-reached [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to retry-limit-reached [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to retry-limit-reached [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to retry-limit-reached [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to retry-limit-reached [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to retry-limit-reached [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to retry-limit-reached [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to retry-limit-reached [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'call-back-log'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to call-back-log [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to call-back-log [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'kill-time'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to kill-time [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to kill-time [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to kill-time [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to kill-time [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to kill-time [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to kill-time [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to kill-time [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to kill-time [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to kill-time [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to kill-time [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to kill-time [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'blf_add_phone'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to blf_add_phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to blf_add_phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to blf_add_phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to blf_add_phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to blf_add_phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to blf_add_phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to blf_add_phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to blf_add_phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'blf_remove_phone'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to blf_remove_phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to blf_remove_phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to blf_remove_phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to blf_remove_phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to blf_remove_phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to blf_remove_phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to blf_remove_phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to blf_remove_phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to blf_remove_phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'page_central'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to page_central [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to page_central [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to page_central [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to page_central [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to page_central [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to page_central [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to page_central [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'check_pbx_state'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to check_pbx_state [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to check_pbx_state [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to check_pbx_state [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'i' priority 2 to check_pbx_state [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'setting_up' priority 1 to check_pbx_state [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'setting_up' priority 2 to check_pbx_state [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'config_invalid' priority 1 to check_pbx_state [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'config_invalid' priority 2 to check_pbx_state [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'training' priority 1 to check_pbx_state [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'training' priority 2 to check_pbx_state [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'live' priority 1 to check_pbx_state [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'live' priority 2 to check_pbx_state [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'suspended' priority 1 to check_pbx_state [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'suspended' priority 2 to check_pbx_state [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'canceled' priority 1 to check_pbx_state [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'canceled' priority 2 to check_pbx_state [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'page'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 16 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 17 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 18 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 19 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 20 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 21 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 22 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 23 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 24 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 25 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to page [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'queue_calling'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_XXX__[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 1 to queue_calling [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 1 to queue_calling [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 2 to queue_calling [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 3 to queue_calling [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 4 to queue_calling [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 5 to queue_calling [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 6 to queue_calling [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 7 to queue_calling [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 8 to queue_calling [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'start_one_touch_record'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 16 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 17 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 18 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 19 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 20 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 21 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 22 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 23 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 24 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 25 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 26 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 27 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 28 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 29 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 30 to start_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'stop_one_touch_record'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to stop_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to stop_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to stop_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to stop_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to stop_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to stop_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to stop_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to stop_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to stop_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to stop_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to stop_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to stop_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to stop_one_touch_record [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'originate-emergency-fork'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to originate-emergency-fork [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to originate-emergency-fork [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to originate-emergency-fork [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to originate-emergency-fork [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to originate-emergency-fork [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to originate-emergency-fork [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to originate-emergency-fork [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to originate-emergency-fork [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to originate-emergency-fork [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to originate-emergency-fork [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to originate-emergency-fork [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to originate-emergency-fork [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to originate-emergency-fork [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to originate-emergency-fork [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to originate-emergency-fork [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'emergency-call-placed'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to emergency-call-placed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to emergency-call-placed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to emergency-call-placed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to emergency-call-placed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to emergency-call-placed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to emergency-call-placed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to emergency-call-placed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to emergency-call-placed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to emergency-call-placed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to emergency-call-placed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to emergency-call-placed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to emergency-call-placed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to emergency-call-placed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to emergency-call-placed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to emergency-call-placed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 16 to emergency-call-placed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'originate-emergency-notification'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to originate-emergency-notification [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to originate-emergency-notification [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to originate-emergency-notification [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to originate-emergency-notification [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to originate-emergency-notification [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to originate-emergency-notification [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to originate-emergency-notification [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to originate-emergency-notification [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to originate-emergency-notification [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to originate-emergency-notification [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to originate-emergency-notification [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to originate-emergency-notification [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to originate-emergency-notification [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to originate-emergency-notification [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to originate-emergency-notification [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'play-emergency-call'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to play-emergency-call [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to play-emergency-call [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to play-emergency-call [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to play-emergency-call [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'set_group'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to set_group [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to set_group [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to set_group [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to set_group [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to set_group [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to set_group [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to set_group [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to set_group [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to set_group [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to set_group [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to set_group [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to set_group [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'check_channels'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to check_channels [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to check_channels [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to check_channels [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to check_channels [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to check_channels [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to check_channels [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to check_channels [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to check_channels [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to check_channels [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to check_channels [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to check_channels [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to check_channels [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to check_channels [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'user_alternate_phone'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to user_alternate_phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to user_alternate_phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to user_alternate_phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to user_alternate_phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to user_alternate_phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to user_alternate_phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'screen_call'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to screen_call [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to screen_call [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to screen_call [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to screen_call [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to screen_call [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'receive_fax'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 16 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 3 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 4 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 5 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 6 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 7 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 8 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 9 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 10 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 11 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 12 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 13 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 14 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 15 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 16 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 17 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 18 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 19 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 20 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 21 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 22 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 23 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 24 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 25 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 26 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 27 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 28 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 29 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 30 to receive_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'send_fax'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 16 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 17 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 18 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 19 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 20 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 21 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 22 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 3 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 4 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 5 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 6 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 7 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 8 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 9 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 10 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 11 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 12 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 13 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 14 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 15 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 16 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 17 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 18 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 19 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 20 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 21 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 22 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 23 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 24 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 25 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 26 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 27 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 28 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 29 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 30 to send_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'store_fax'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to store_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to store_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to store_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to store_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to store_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to store_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to store_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to store_fax [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'cnam_lookup'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to cnam_lookup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to cnam_lookup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to cnam_lookup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to cnam_lookup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to cnam_lookup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to cnam_lookup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to cnam_lookup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to cnam_lookup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to cnam_lookup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to cnam_lookup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to cnam_lookup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to cnam_lookup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to cnam_lookup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to cnam_lookup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to cnam_lookup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 16 to cnam_lookup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 17 to cnam_lookup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 18 to cnam_lookup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 19 to cnam_lookup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 20 to cnam_lookup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 21 to cnam_lookup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 22 to cnam_lookup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 23 to cnam_lookup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'check_master_db'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to check_master_db [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to check_master_db [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to check_master_db [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to check_master_db [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to check_master_db [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to check_master_db [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to check_master_db [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'check_voicemail'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to check_voicemail [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to check_voicemail [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to check_voicemail [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to check_voicemail [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'trigger_queue_events'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to trigger_queue_events [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to trigger_queue_events [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to trigger_queue_events [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to trigger_queue_events [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to trigger_queue_events [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to trigger_queue_events [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to trigger_queue_events [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to trigger_queue_events [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'check_user_state'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to check_user_state [2011-12-30 12:02:47] WARNING[21234] pbx.c: Unable to register extension 's', priority 1 in 'check_user_state', already in use [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to check_user_state [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to check_user_state [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to check_user_state [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to check_user_state [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to check_user_state [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'load_host_name'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to load_host_name [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to load_host_name [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to load_host_name [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to load_host_name [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'send_service_state_email'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to send_service_state_email [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to send_service_state_email [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to send_service_state_email [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to send_service_state_email [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'did_router'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 1 to did_router [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 2 to did_router [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 3 to did_router [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 4 to did_router [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 5 to did_router [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 6 to did_router [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 7 to did_router [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 8 to did_router [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 9 to did_router [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 10 to did_router [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 11 to did_router [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'out_of_service' priority 1 to did_router [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'out_of_service' priority 2 to did_router [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'out_of_service' priority 3 to did_router [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'out_of_service' priority 4 to did_router [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to did_router [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'did_router-part2'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 1 to did_router-part2 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_NXXNXXXXXX' priority 1 to did_router-part2 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 1 to did_router-part2 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 2 to did_router-part2 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 3 to did_router-part2 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 4 to did_router-part2 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to did_router-part2 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'call_to_user'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 1 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 2 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 3 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 4 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 5 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 6 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 7 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 8 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 9 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 10 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 11 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 12 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 13 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 14 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 15 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 16 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 17 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 18 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 19 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 20 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 21 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 22 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 23 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 24 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 25 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 26 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 27 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 28 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 29 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 30 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 31 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 32 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 33 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 34 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 35 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 36 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 37 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 38 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 39 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 40 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 41 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 42 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 43 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 44 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 45 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'fax' priority 1 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'fax' priority 2 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'fax' priority 3 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to call_to_user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'call_to_user_on_connect'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to call_to_user_on_connect [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to call_to_user_on_connect [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to call_to_user_on_connect [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to call_to_user_on_connect [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to call_to_user_on_connect [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'call_to_user_fmfm'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to call_to_user_fmfm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to call_to_user_fmfm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to call_to_user_fmfm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to call_to_user_fmfm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to call_to_user_fmfm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to call_to_user_fmfm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to call_to_user_fmfm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'o' priority 1 to call_to_user_fmfm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'o' priority 2 to call_to_user_fmfm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'o' priority 3 to call_to_user_fmfm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'o' priority 4 to call_to_user_fmfm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'o' priority 5 to call_to_user_fmfm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'fax' priority 1 to call_to_user_fmfm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'fax' priority 2 to call_to_user_fmfm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'fax' priority 3 to call_to_user_fmfm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to call_to_user_fmfm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'call_to_user_vm'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to call_to_user_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to call_to_user_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to call_to_user_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to call_to_user_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to call_to_user_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to call_to_user_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'o' priority 1 to call_to_user_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'o' priority 2 to call_to_user_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'o' priority 3 to call_to_user_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'o' priority 4 to call_to_user_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'o' priority 5 to call_to_user_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'fax' priority 1 to call_to_user_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'fax' priority 2 to call_to_user_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'fax' priority 3 to call_to_user_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to call_to_user_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'call_to_user_hangup'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to call_to_user_hangup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to call_to_user_hangup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 3 to call_to_user_hangup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 4 to call_to_user_hangup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 5 to call_to_user_hangup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 6 to call_to_user_hangup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 7 to call_to_user_hangup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 8 to call_to_user_hangup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 9 to call_to_user_hangup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'from-internal-user'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 1 to from-internal-user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 2 to from-internal-user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 3 to from-internal-user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 4 to from-internal-user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 5 to from-internal-user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 6 to from-internal-user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 7 to from-internal-user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 8 to from-internal-user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 9 to from-internal-user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 10 to from-internal-user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 11 to from-internal-user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 12 to from-internal-user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 13 to from-internal-user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to from-internal-user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to from-internal-user [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'from-internal-user_extension_routing'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 1 to from-internal-user_extension_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 2 to from-internal-user_extension_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_*67.' priority 2 to from-internal-user_extension_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_*67.' priority 3 to from-internal-user_extension_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_*82.' priority 2 to from-internal-user_extension_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_*82.' priority 3 to from-internal-user_extension_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_*.' priority 2 to from-internal-user_extension_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_#.' priority 2 to from-internal-user_extension_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '##0' priority 1 to from-internal-user_extension_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '##0' priority 2 to from-internal-user_extension_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '##1' priority 1 to from-internal-user_extension_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '##1' priority 2 to from-internal-user_extension_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to from-internal-user_extension_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to from-internal-user_extension_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'from-internal-phone'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_+.' priority 1 to from-internal-phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 1 to from-internal-phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 2 to from-internal-phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 3 to from-internal-phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 4 to from-internal-phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 5 to from-internal-phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 6 to from-internal-phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 7 to from-internal-phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 8 to from-internal-phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 9 to from-internal-phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 10 to from-internal-phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 11 to from-internal-phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 12 to from-internal-phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 13 to from-internal-phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 14 to from-internal-phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 15 to from-internal-phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 16 to from-internal-phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to from-internal-phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to from-internal-phone [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'from-internal-phone-hot_desking'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 1 to from-internal-phone-hot_desking [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 2 to from-internal-phone-hot_desking [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 3 to from-internal-phone-hot_desking [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 4 to from-internal-phone-hot_desking [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 5 to from-internal-phone-hot_desking [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 6 to from-internal-phone-hot_desking [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '**' priority 1 to from-internal-phone-hot_desking [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '**' priority 2 to from-internal-phone-hot_desking [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '**' priority 3 to from-internal-phone-hot_desking [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'parkCall'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to parkCall [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to parkCall [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to parkCall [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to parkCall [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'quick' priority 1 to parkCall [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'quick' priority 2 to parkCall [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'quick' priority 3 to parkCall [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to parkCall [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'attendedPark'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to attendedPark [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to attendedPark [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to attendedPark [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to attendedPark [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to attendedPark [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to attendedPark [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to attendedPark [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to attendedPark [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to attendedPark [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to attendedPark [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to attendedPark [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 3 to attendedPark [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 4 to attendedPark [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'parkCall_do_park'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 1 to parkCall_do_park [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 2 to parkCall_do_park [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 3 to parkCall_do_park [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 4 to parkCall_do_park [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 5 to parkCall_do_park [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 6 to parkCall_do_park [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 7 to parkCall_do_park [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 8 to parkCall_do_park [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 9 to parkCall_do_park [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 10 to parkCall_do_park [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 11 to parkCall_do_park [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 12 to parkCall_do_park [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 13 to parkCall_do_park [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'cleanup_park_hints'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to cleanup_park_hints [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to cleanup_park_hints [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to cleanup_park_hints [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to cleanup_park_hints [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'update_park_hint'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to update_park_hint [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to update_park_hint [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to update_park_hint [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to update_park_hint [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'parkCall_announcement'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to parkCall_announcement [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to parkCall_announcement [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to parkCall_announcement [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to parkCall_announcement [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'parkingLot'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to parkingLot [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to parkingLot [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'parkingSpace'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 1 to parkingSpace [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 2 to parkingSpace [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'too_many_channels'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to too_many_channels [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to too_many_channels [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to too_many_channels [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to too_many_channels [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to too_many_channels [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to too_many_channels [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to too_many_channels [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to too_many_channels [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'service_setting_up'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to service_setting_up [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to service_setting_up [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to service_setting_up [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to service_setting_up [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'service_invalid'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to service_invalid [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to service_invalid [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to service_invalid [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to service_invalid [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'service_suspended'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to service_suspended [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to service_suspended [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to service_suspended [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to service_suspended [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'service_canceled'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to service_canceled [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to service_canceled [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to service_canceled [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'long_distance_not_allowed'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to long_distance_not_allowed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to long_distance_not_allowed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to long_distance_not_allowed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 4 to long_distance_not_allowed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'extension_dialing_not_allowed'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to extension_dialing_not_allowed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to extension_dialing_not_allowed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 3 to extension_dialing_not_allowed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'EchoTester'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to EchoTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to EchoTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to EchoTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to EchoTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to EchoTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'DTMFTester'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X#' priority 1 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X#' priority 2 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_XX#' priority 1 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_XX#' priority 2 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_XXX#' priority 1 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_XXX#' priority 2 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_XXXX#' priority 1 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_XXXX#' priority 2 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_XXXXX#' priority 1 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_XXXXX#' priority 2 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_XXXXXX#' priority 1 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_XXXXXX#' priority 2 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_XXXXXXX#' priority 1 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_XXXXXXX#' priority 2 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_XXXXXXXX#' priority 1 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_XXXXXXXX#' priority 2 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_XXXXXXXXX#' priority 1 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_XXXXXXXXX#' priority 2 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_XXXXXXXXXX#' priority 1 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_XXXXXXXXXX#' priority 2 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to DTMFTester [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'hotdesk_login_logout'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to hotdesk_login_logout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to hotdesk_login_logout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to hotdesk_login_logout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to hotdesk_login_logout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to hotdesk_login_logout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'hotdesk_login'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to hotdesk_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to hotdesk_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to hotdesk_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to hotdesk_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to hotdesk_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to hotdesk_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to hotdesk_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to hotdesk_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to hotdesk_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to hotdesk_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to hotdesk_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to hotdesk_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to hotdesk_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to hotdesk_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to hotdesk_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 16 to hotdesk_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 17 to hotdesk_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 18 to hotdesk_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to hotdesk_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to hotdesk_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 3 to hotdesk_login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'hotdesk_logout'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to hotdesk_logout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to hotdesk_logout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to hotdesk_logout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to hotdesk_logout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to hotdesk_logout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to hotdesk_logout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to hotdesk_logout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to hotdesk_logout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to hotdesk_logout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to hotdesk_logout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to hotdesk_logout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to hotdesk_logout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to hotdesk_logout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 3 to hotdesk_logout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'conference_lobby'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to conference_lobby [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to conference_lobby [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to conference_lobby [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to conference_lobby [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to conference_lobby [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to conference_lobby [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to conference_lobby [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to conference_lobby [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'conference_room'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 1 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 2 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 3 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 4 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 5 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 6 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 7 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 8 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 9 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 10 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 11 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 12 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 13 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 14 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 15 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 16 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 17 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 18 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 19 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 20 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 21 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 22 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X!' priority 23 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 3 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 4 to conference_room [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'blf'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority -1 to blf [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'record_ivr_prompt'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to record_ivr_prompt [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to record_ivr_prompt [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to record_ivr_prompt [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to record_ivr_prompt [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to record_ivr_prompt [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to record_ivr_prompt [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to record_ivr_prompt [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to record_ivr_prompt [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to record_ivr_prompt [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to record_ivr_prompt [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 3 to record_ivr_prompt [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 4 to record_ivr_prompt [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'disa'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to disa [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to disa [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to disa [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to disa [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to disa [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to disa [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to disa [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to disa [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to disa [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to disa [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to disa [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to disa [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to disa [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to disa [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to disa [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 16 to disa [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 17 to disa [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 18 to disa [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 19 to disa [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to disa [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to disa [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 3 to disa [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'disa_check_recent'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to disa_check_recent [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to disa_check_recent [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to disa_check_recent [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to disa_check_recent [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to disa_check_recent [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to disa_check_recent [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to disa_check_recent [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to disa_check_recent [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 3 to disa_check_recent [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'disa_failed'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to disa_failed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to disa_failed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to disa_failed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to disa_failed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to disa_failed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to disa_failed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to disa_failed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to disa_failed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to disa_failed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 3 to disa_failed [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'queue_context'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 1 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 2 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 3 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 4 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 5 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 6 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 7 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 8 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 9 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 10 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 11 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 12 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 13 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 14 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 15 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 16 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 17 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 18 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 19 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 20 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 21 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 22 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 23 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 24 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 25 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 26 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 27 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 28 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 29 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 30 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 31 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 32 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 33 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 34 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 35 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 36 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 37 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 38 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 39 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 40 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 41 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 42 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 43 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '1' priority 44 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to queue_context [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'macro-queue_call_answered'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-queue_call_answered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-queue_call_answered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-queue_call_answered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-queue_call_answered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-queue_call_answered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-queue_call_answered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-queue_call_answered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-queue_call_answered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-queue_call_answered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-queue_call_answered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-queue_call_answered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-queue_call_answered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to macro-queue_call_answered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to macro-queue_call_answered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to macro-queue_call_answered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 16 to macro-queue_call_answered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 17 to macro-queue_call_answered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 18 to macro-queue_call_answered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 19 to macro-queue_call_answered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 20 to macro-queue_call_answered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 21 to macro-queue_call_answered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'call_to_queue'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 1 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 2 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 3 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 4 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 5 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 6 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 7 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 8 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 9 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 10 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 11 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 12 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 13 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 14 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 15 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 16 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 17 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 18 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 19 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 20 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 21 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 22 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 23 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 24 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to call_to_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'call_to_queue_vm'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to call_to_queue_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to call_to_queue_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to call_to_queue_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to call_to_queue_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to call_to_queue_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to call_to_queue_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'o' priority 1 to call_to_queue_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'o' priority 2 to call_to_queue_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'o' priority 3 to call_to_queue_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'o' priority 4 to call_to_queue_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'o' priority 5 to call_to_queue_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to call_to_queue_vm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'call_to_queue_callback'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 1 to call_to_queue_callback [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 2 to call_to_queue_callback [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 3 to call_to_queue_callback [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 4 to call_to_queue_callback [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 5 to call_to_queue_callback [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 6 to call_to_queue_callback [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 7 to call_to_queue_callback [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 8 to call_to_queue_callback [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 9 to call_to_queue_callback [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to call_to_queue_callback [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'call_to_queue_hangup'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to call_to_queue_hangup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to call_to_queue_hangup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 3 to call_to_queue_hangup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'restore_hints'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to restore_hints [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to restore_hints [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to restore_hints [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to restore_hints [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to restore_hints [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to restore_hints [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to restore_hints [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to restore_hints [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to restore_hints [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to restore_hints [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to restore_hints [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to restore_hints [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'dialer'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[+#*0-9A-Za-z].' priority 1 to dialer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[+#*0-9A-Za-z].' priority 2 to dialer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[+#*0-9A-Za-z].' priority 3 to dialer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[+#*0-9A-Za-z].' priority 4 to dialer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[+#*0-9A-Za-z].' priority 5 to dialer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[+#*0-9A-Za-z].' priority 6 to dialer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to dialer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[#*0-9A-Za-z].' priority 1 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'park' priority 1 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '999quickPark' priority 1 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '311' priority 1 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '311' priority 2 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '311' priority 3 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '311' priority 4 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '311' priority 5 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '311' priority 6 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '311' priority 7 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '311' priority 8 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '311' priority 9 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '911' priority 1 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '911' priority 2 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '911' priority 3 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '911' priority 4 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '911' priority 5 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '911' priority 6 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '911' priority 7 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '911' priority 8 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '911' priority 9 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '911' priority 10 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '911' priority 11 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '911' priority 12 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '911' priority 13 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '911' priority 14 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '911' priority 15 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '911' priority 16 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '911' priority 17 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '911' priority 18 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '911' priority 19 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '911' priority 20 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '911' priority 21 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[4,6,7]11' priority 1 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[4,6,7]11' priority 2 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[4,6,7]11' priority 3 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[4,6,7]11' priority 4 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[4,6,7]11' priority 5 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[4,6,7]11' priority 6 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[4,6,7]11' priority 7 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[4,6,7]11' priority 8 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*12345' priority 1 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*12345' priority 2 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*12345' priority 3 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*30' priority 1 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*30' priority 2 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*30' priority 3 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*30' priority 4 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*30' priority 5 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*30' priority 6 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*30' priority 7 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*30' priority 8 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*31' priority 1 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*31' priority 2 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*31' priority 3 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*31' priority 4 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*31' priority 5 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*31' priority 6 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*31' priority 7 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*31' priority 8 to dialer_hardcoded_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'dialer_ld'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[#*0-9A-Za-z].' priority 1 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_NXXNXXXXXX.' priority 1 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX.' priority 1 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_NXXXXXX' priority 1 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_NXXXXXX' priority 2 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_NXXXXXX' priority 3 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_NXXXXXX' priority 4 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_NXXNXXXXXX' priority 1 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1800NXXXXXX' priority 1 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_188XNXXXXXX' priority 1 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1877NXXXXXX' priority 1 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1866NXXXXXX' priority 1 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1855NXXXXXX' priority 1 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1844NXXXXXX' priority 1 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1833NXXXXXX' priority 1 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1822NXXXXXX' priority 1 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 1 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 2 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 3 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 4 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 5 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 6 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 7 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 8 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 9 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 10 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 11 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 12 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 13 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 14 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 15 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 16 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 17 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 18 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 19 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 20 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 21 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 22 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_1NXXNXXXXXX' priority 23 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_011.' priority 1 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_011.' priority 2 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_011.' priority 3 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_011.' priority 4 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_011.' priority 5 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_011.' priority 6 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_011.' priority 7 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_011.' priority 8 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_011.' priority 9 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_011.' priority 10 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_011.' priority 11 to dialer_ld [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'dialer_extensions'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[#*0-9A-Za-z].' priority 1 to dialer_extensions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to dialer_extensions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 1 to dialer_extensions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 2 to dialer_extensions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 3 to dialer_extensions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 4 to dialer_extensions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 5 to dialer_extensions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 6 to dialer_extensions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 7 to dialer_extensions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 8 to dialer_extensions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 9 to dialer_extensions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 10 to dialer_extensions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_*8.' priority 1 to dialer_extensions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_*8.' priority 2 to dialer_extensions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_*8.' priority 3 to dialer_extensions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_*8.' priority 4 to dialer_extensions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_*8.' priority 5 to dialer_extensions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_*8.' priority 6 to dialer_extensions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_*8.' priority 7 to dialer_extensions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_*8.' priority 8 to dialer_extensions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_*8.' priority 9 to dialer_extensions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'dialer_dialcodes'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[#*0-9A-Za-z].' priority 1 to dialer_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[#*0-9A-Za-z].' priority 2 to dialer_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to dialer_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 1 to dialer_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 2 to dialer_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 3 to dialer_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 4 to dialer_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 5 to dialer_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 6 to dialer_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 7 to dialer_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 8 to dialer_dialcodes [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'dialer_hangup'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to dialer_hangup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to dialer_hangup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 3 to dialer_hangup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 4 to dialer_hangup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 5 to dialer_hangup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 6 to dialer_hangup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 7 to dialer_hangup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'failover-dialer'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 1 to failover-dialer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 2 to failover-dialer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 3 to failover-dialer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 4 to failover-dialer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 5 to failover-dialer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 6 to failover-dialer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 7 to failover-dialer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 8 to failover-dialer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 9 to failover-dialer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 10 to failover-dialer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 11 to failover-dialer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 12 to failover-dialer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 13 to failover-dialer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 14 to failover-dialer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to failover-dialer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'ivr'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 1 to ivr [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_X.' priority 2 to ivr [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'ivr_main'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to ivr_main [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to ivr_main [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to ivr_main [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to ivr_main [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to ivr_main [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to ivr_main [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to ivr_main [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to ivr_main [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to ivr_main [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to ivr_main [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to ivr_main [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to ivr_main [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'ivr_tod_routing'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to ivr_tod_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to ivr_tod_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to ivr_tod_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to ivr_tod_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to ivr_tod_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to ivr_tod_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to ivr_tod_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to ivr_tod_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to ivr_tod_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to ivr_tod_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'ivr_play_messages'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to ivr_play_messages [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to ivr_play_messages [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to ivr_play_messages [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to ivr_play_messages [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to ivr_play_messages [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to ivr_play_messages [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to ivr_play_messages [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to ivr_play_messages [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#]' priority 1 to ivr_play_messages [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[A-Za-z0-9*#].' priority 1 to ivr_play_messages [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to ivr_play_messages [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to ivr_play_messages [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'ivr_advanced_actions'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to ivr_advanced_actions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to ivr_advanced_actions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to ivr_advanced_actions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to ivr_advanced_actions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to ivr_advanced_actions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to ivr_advanced_actions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to ivr_advanced_actions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to ivr_advanced_actions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to ivr_advanced_actions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to ivr_advanced_actions [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'ivr_redirect'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to ivr_redirect [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to ivr_redirect [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to ivr_redirect [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to ivr_redirect [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to ivr_redirect [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'ivr_routing'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9]' priority 1 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9]' priority 2 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9]' priority 3 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9]' priority 4 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9]' priority 5 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9]' priority 6 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9]' priority 7 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 1 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 2 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 3 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 4 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 5 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 6 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[*#0-9].' priority 7 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'i' priority 2 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 't' priority 2 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to ivr_routing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'ivr_advanced_change_cid'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to ivr_advanced_change_cid [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to ivr_advanced_change_cid [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to ivr_advanced_change_cid [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to ivr_advanced_change_cid [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to ivr_advanced_change_cid [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'ivr_advanced_message'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to ivr_advanced_message [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to ivr_advanced_message [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to ivr_advanced_message [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to ivr_advanced_message [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to ivr_advanced_message [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'ivr_advanced_set_variable'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to ivr_advanced_set_variable [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to ivr_advanced_set_variable [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to ivr_advanced_set_variable [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to ivr_advanced_set_variable [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'ivr_advanced_mysql_store'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to ivr_advanced_mysql_store [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to ivr_advanced_mysql_store [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to ivr_advanced_mysql_store [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to ivr_advanced_mysql_store [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'ivr_advanced_mysql_load'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to ivr_advanced_mysql_load [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to ivr_advanced_mysql_load [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to ivr_advanced_mysql_load [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to ivr_advanced_mysql_load [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'ivr_advanced_redirect'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to ivr_advanced_redirect [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to ivr_advanced_redirect [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to ivr_advanced_redirect [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to ivr_advanced_redirect [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to ivr_advanced_redirect [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'ivr_advanced_script'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to ivr_advanced_script [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to ivr_advanced_script [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to ivr_advanced_script [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to ivr_advanced_script [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to ivr_advanced_script [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to ivr_advanced_script [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to ivr_advanced_script [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to ivr_advanced_script [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to ivr_advanced_script [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to ivr_advanced_script [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to ivr_advanced_script [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'ivr_advanced_tod'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to ivr_advanced_tod [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to ivr_advanced_tod [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to ivr_advanced_tod [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to ivr_advanced_tod [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'ivr_advanced_user_input'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to ivr_advanced_user_input [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to ivr_advanced_user_input [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to ivr_advanced_user_input [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to ivr_advanced_user_input [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to ivr_advanced_user_input [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to ivr_advanced_user_input [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to ivr_advanced_user_input [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'ivr_advanced_variable_route'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to ivr_advanced_variable_route [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to ivr_advanced_variable_route [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to ivr_advanced_variable_route [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to ivr_advanced_variable_route [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to ivr_advanced_variable_route [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to ivr_advanced_variable_route [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'ivr_advanced_say_number'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to ivr_advanced_say_number [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to ivr_advanced_say_number [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to ivr_advanced_say_number [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to ivr_advanced_say_number [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to ivr_advanced_say_number [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'from-sip-external'; registrar: pbx_config [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*23' priority 1 to from-sip-external [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*23' priority 2 to from-sip-external [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*23' priority 3 to from-sip-external [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*23' priority 4 to from-sip-external [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*23' priority 5 to from-sip-external [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*23' priority 6 to from-sip-external [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '*23' priority 7 to from-sip-external [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[0-9a-zA-Z*#].' priority 1 to from-sip-external [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[0-9a-zA-Z*#].' priority 2 to from-sip-external [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[0-9a-zA-Z*#].' priority 3 to from-sip-external [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '_[0-9a-zA-z*#].' priority 4 to from-sip-external [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/users.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Time to scan old dialplan and merge leftovers back into the new: 0.000023 sec [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Time to restore hints and swap in new dialplan: 0.000009 sec [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Time to delete the old dialplan: 0.000002 sec [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Total time merge_contexts_delete: 0.000034 sec [2011-12-30 12:02:47] WARNING[21234] pbx.c: Context 'dundi-e164-local' tries to include nonexistent context 'dundi-e164-canonical' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: pbx_config.so => (Text Extension Configuration) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dnsmgr.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/http.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action Ping [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action Events [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action Logoff [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action Login [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action Challenge [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action Hangup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action Status [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action Setvar [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action Getvar [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action GetConfig [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action GetConfigJSON [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action UpdateConfig [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action CreateConfig [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action ListCategories [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action Redirect [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action Atxfer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action Originate [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action Command [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action ExtensionState [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action AbsoluteTimeout [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action MailboxStatus [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action MailboxCount [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action ListCommands [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action SendText [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action UserEvent [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action WaitEvent [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action CoreSettings [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action CoreStatus [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action Reload [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action CoreShowChannels [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action ModuleLoad [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action ModuleCheck [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action AOCMessage [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/users.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] NOTICE[21234] cdr.c: CDR simple logging enabled. [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cel.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] cel.c: -- CEL logging disabled. [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dsp.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/udptl.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] WARNING[21234] udptl.c: T38FaxMaxDatagram in udptl.conf is no longer supported; value is now supplied by T.38 applications. [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] udptl.c: == UDPTL allocating from port range 4000 -> 4999 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: Asterisk PBX Core Initializing [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: Registering builtin applications: [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'EXCEPTION' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'TESTTIME' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [Answer] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Answer' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [BackGround] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'BackGround' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [Busy] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Busy' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [Congestion] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Congestion' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [ExecIfTime] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ExecIfTime' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [Goto] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Goto' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [GotoIf] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'GotoIf' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [GotoIfTime] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'GotoIfTime' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [ImportVar] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ImportVar' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [Hangup] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Hangup' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [Incomplete] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Incomplete' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [NoOp] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'NoOp' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [Proceeding] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Proceeding' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [Progress] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Progress' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [RaiseException] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'RaiseException' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [ResetCDR] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ResetCDR' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [Ringing] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Ringing' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [SayAlpha] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SayAlpha' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [SayDigits] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SayDigits' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [SayNumber] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SayNumber' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [SayPhonetic] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SayPhonetic' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [Set] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Set' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [MSet] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MSet' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [SetAMAFlags] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SetAMAFlags' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [Wait] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Wait' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: [WaitExten] [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'WaitExten' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action ShowDialPlan [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/indications.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'at' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'au' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'bg' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'br' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'be' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'ch' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'cl' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'cn' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'cz' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'de' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'dk' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'ee' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'es' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'fi' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'fr' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'gr' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'hu' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'il' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'in' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'it' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'lt' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'jp' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'mx' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'my' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'nl' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'no' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'nz' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'ph' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'pl' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'pt' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'ru' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'se' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'sg' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'th' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'uk' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'us' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'us-old' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'tw' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 've' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Registered indication country 'za' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] indications.c: -- Setting default indication country to 'us' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/features.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] features.c: == Registered Feature 'save_recording_caller' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] features.c: == Mapping Feature 'save_recording_caller' to app 'Set(save_temp_recording=true)' with code '*7' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] features.c: == Registered Feature 'save_recording_callee' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] features.c: == Mapping Feature 'save_recording_callee' to app 'Set(save_temp_recording=true)' with code '*7' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'parkedcalls'; registrar: features [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension '700' priority 1 to parkedcalls [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Bridge' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ParkedCall' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Park' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action ParkedCalls [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action Park [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action Bridge [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action DBGet [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action DBPut [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action DBDel [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action DBDelTree [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/enum.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'CallCompletionRequest' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'CallCompletionCancel' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/ccss.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: Asterisk Dynamic Loader Starting: [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/modules.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] NOTICE[21234] loader.c: 67 modules will be loaded. [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Monitor' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'StopMonitor' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ChangeMonitor' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'PauseMonitor' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'UnpauseMonitor' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action Monitor [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action StopMonitor [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action ChangeMonitor [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action PauseMonitor [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action UnpauseMonitor [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: res_monitor.so => (Call Monitoring Resource) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'answer' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'asyncagi break' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'channel status' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'database del' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'database deltree' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'database get' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'database put' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'exec' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'get data' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'get full variable' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'get option' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'get variable' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'hangup' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'noop' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'receive char' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'receive text' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'record file' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'say alpha' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'say digits' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'say number' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'say phonetic' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'say date' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'say time' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'say datetime' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'send image' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'send text' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'set autohangup' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'set callerid' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'set context' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'set extension' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'set music' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'set priority' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'set variable' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'stream file' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'control stream file' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'tdd mode' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'verbose' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'wait for digit' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'speech create' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'speech set' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'speech destroy' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'speech load grammar' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'speech unload grammar' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'speech activate grammar' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'speech deactivate grammar' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'speech recognize' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'DeadAGI' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'EAGI' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action AGI [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'AGI' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: res_agi.so => (Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI)) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/res_fax.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SendFAX' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ReceiveFAX' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'FAXOPT' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: res_fax.so => (Generic FAX Applications) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MusicOnHold' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'WaitMusicOnHold' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SetMusicOnHold' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'StartMusicOnHold' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'StopMusicOnHold' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: res_musiconhold.so => (Music On Hold Resource) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: res_timing_dahdi.so => (DAHDI Timing Interface) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: res_timing_pthread.so => (pthread Timing Interface) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] rtp_engine.c: == Registered RTP engine 'asterisk' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/rtp.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_rtp_asterisk.c: == RTP Allocating from port range 10000 -> 20000 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: res_rtp_asterisk.so => (Asterisk RTP Stack) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] chan_sip.c: SIP channel loading... [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/sip_additions.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/steventest2/steventest2-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/milestone/milestone-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/wageGuide/wageGuide-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/westbridge/westbridge-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/tommyBahama/tommyBahama-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/reevesPark/reevesPark-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/rayco/rayco-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/proMedia/proMedia-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/priorLake/priorLake-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/pineCity/pineCity-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/nebulous/nebulous-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/municipalParking/municipalParking-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/modernSurvey/modernSurvey-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/mcnallans/mcnallans-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/loefflerConstruction/loefflerConstruction-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/kukuiPlaza/kukuiPlaza-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/innovateSales/innovateSales-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/hugoAuto/hugoAuto-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/henschelMoberg/henschelMoberg-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/a1insurance/a1insurance-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/SwansonFD/SwansonFD-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/lakeway/lakeway-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/superiorEndeavors/superiorEndeavors-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/carey/carey-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/LakesComputer/LakesComputer-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/par3/par3-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/tireProz/tireProz-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/wordware/wordware-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/losOcampo/losOcampo-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/yugma/yugma-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/onsharpinc/onsharpinc-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/usi/usi-sip.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/users.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] chan_sip.c: == SIP Listening on [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] netsock2.c: == Using SIP CoS mark 4 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip_notify.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] channel.c: == Registered channel type 'SIP' (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] rtp_engine.c: == Registered RTP glue 'SIP' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SIPDtmfMode' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SIPAddHeader' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SIPRemoveHeader' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'SIP_HEADER' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] DEBUG[21234] xmldoc.c: Cannot find variable 'description' in tree 'SIPPEER' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'SIPPEER' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] DEBUG[21234] xmldoc.c: Cannot find variable 'description' in tree 'SIPCHANINFO' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'SIPCHANINFO' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'CHECKSIPDOMAIN' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action SIPpeers [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action SIPshowpeer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action SIPqualifypeer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action SIPshowregistry [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action SIPnotify [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: chan_sip.so => (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/users.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] chan_dahdi.c: -- Automatically generated pseudo channel [2011-12-30 12:02:47] WARNING[21234] chan_dahdi.c: Ignoring any changes to 'userbase' (on reload) at line 23. [2011-12-30 12:02:47] WARNING[21234] chan_dahdi.c: Ignoring any changes to 'vmsecret' (on reload) at line 31. [2011-12-30 12:02:47] WARNING[21234] chan_dahdi.c: Ignoring any changes to 'hassip' (on reload) at line 35. [2011-12-30 12:02:47] WARNING[21234] chan_dahdi.c: Ignoring any changes to 'hasiax' (on reload) at line 39. [2011-12-30 12:02:47] WARNING[21234] chan_dahdi.c: Ignoring any changes to 'hasmanager' (on reload) at line 47. [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] channel.c: == Registered channel type 'DAHDI' (DAHDI Telephony Driver) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action DAHDITransfer [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action DAHDIHangup [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action DAHDIDialOffhook [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action DAHDIDNDon [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action DAHDIDNDoff [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action DAHDIShowChannels [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action DAHDIRestart [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: chan_dahdi.so => (DAHDI Telephony Driver) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] file.c: == Registered file format wav, extension(s) wav [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] file.c: == Registered file format wav16, extension(s) wav16 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: format_wav.so => (Microsoft WAV/WAV16 format (8kHz/16kHz Signed Linear)) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] file.c: == Registered file format wav49, extension(s) WAV|wav49 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: format_wav_gsm.so => (Microsoft WAV format (Proprietary GSM)) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] file.c: == Registered file format pcm, extension(s) pcm|ulaw|ul|mu|ulw [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] file.c: == Registered file format alaw, extension(s) alaw|al|alw [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] file.c: == Registered file format au, extension(s) au [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] file.c: == Registered file format g722, extension(s) g722 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: format_pcm.so => (Raw/Sun uLaw/ALaw 8KHz (PCM,PCMA,AU), G.722 16Khz) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] file.c: == Registered file format sln, extension(s) sln|raw [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: format_sln.so => (Raw Signed Linear Audio support (SLN)) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] file.c: == Registered file format g729, extension(s) g729 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: format_g729.so => (Raw G.729 data) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] file.c: == Registered file format g719, extension(s) g719 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: format_g719.so => (ITU G.719) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] file.c: == Registered file format gsm, extension(s) gsm [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: format_gsm.so => (Raw GSM data) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ConfBridge' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_confbridge.so => (Conference Bridge Application) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/meetme.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sla.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action MeetmeMute [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action MeetmeUnmute [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action MeetmeList [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MeetMeChannelAdmin' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MeetMeAdmin' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MeetMeCount' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MeetMe' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SLAStation' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SLATrunk' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] DEBUG[21234] xmldoc.c: Cannot find variable 'description' in tree 'MEETME_INFO' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'MEETME_INFO' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found confno column with type 12 with len 80, octetlen 80, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found pin column with type 12 with len 20, octetlen 20, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found adminpin column with type 12 with len 20, octetlen 20, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found members column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found company_id column with type 12 with len 25, octetlen 25, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found speak_and_listen_pin column with type 12 with len 8, octetlen 8, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found listen_only_pin column with type 12 with len 8, octetlen 8, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found options column with type 12 with len 50, octetlen 50, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found time_zone column with type 12 with len 50, octetlen 50, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found time_range column with type 12 with len 50, octetlen 50, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found week_days column with type 12 with len 50, octetlen 50, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found days_of_month column with type 12 with len 50, octetlen 50, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found months column with type 12 with len 50, octetlen 50, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found record_conference column with type 1 with len 1, octetlen 1, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_meetme.so => (MeetMe conference bridge) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'DEVICE_STATE' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'HINT' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: func_devstate.so => (Gets or sets a device state in the dialplan) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_custom.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: cdr_custom.so => (Customizable Comma Separated Values CDR Backend) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: cdr_adaptive_odbc.so => (Adaptive ODBC CDR backend) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: cdr_csv.so => (Comma Separated Values CDR Backend) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MacroExit' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MacroIf' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MacroExclusive' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Macro' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_macro.so => (Extension Macros) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'TrySystem' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'System' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_system.so => (Generic System() application) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Pickup' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'PickupChan' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_directed_pickup.so => (Directed Call Pickup Application) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ChanSpy' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ExtenSpy' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'DAHDIScan' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_chanspy.so => (Listen to the audio of an active channel) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ChanIsAvail' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_chanisavail.so => (Check channel availability) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Log' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Verbose' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_verbose.so => (Send verbose output) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/say.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Playback' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_playback.so => (Sound File Playback Application) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Page' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_page.so => (Page Multiple Phones) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'DumpChan' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_dumpchan.so => (Dump Info About The Calling Channel) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Directory' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_directory.so => (Extension Directory) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] NOTICE[21253] chan_sip.c: Peer 'steventest2-swheeler2_softphone' is now Reachable. (136ms / 2000ms) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21253] chan_sip.c: -- Got SIP response 603 "Decline" back from [2011-12-30 12:02:47] NOTICE[21253] chan_sip.c: Peer 'steventest2-0004F22AB878' is now Reachable. (138ms / 2000ms) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Exec' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'TryExec' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ExecIf' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_exec.so => (Executes dialplan applications) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Read' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_read.so => (Read Variable Application) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Originate' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_originate.so => (Originate call) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cli_aliases.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_clialiases.c: == Aliased CLI command 'hangup request' to 'channel request hangup' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_clialiases.c: == Aliased CLI command 'originate' to 'channel originate' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_clialiases.c: == Aliased CLI command 'help' to 'core show help' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_clialiases.c: == Aliased CLI command 'pri intense debug span' to 'pri set debug 2 span' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_clialiases.c: == Aliased CLI command 'reload' to 'module reload' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: res_clialiases.so => (CLI Aliases) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'DISA' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_disa.so => (DISA (Direct Inward System Access) Application) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MixMonitor' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'StopMixMonitor' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action MixMonitorMute [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_mixmonitor.so => (Mixed Audio Monitoring Application) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Record' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_record.so => (Trivial Record Application) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'EXTENSION_STATE' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: func_extstate.so => (Gets an extension's state in the dialplan) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/followme.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'FollowMe' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_followme.so => (Find-Me/Follow-Me Application) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'While' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'EndWhile' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ExitWhile' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ContinueWhile' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_while.so => (While Loops and Conditional Execution) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/users.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'VoiceMail' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'VoiceMailMain' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MailboxExists' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'VMAuthenticate' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'VMSayName' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'MAILBOX_EXISTS' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action VoicemailUsersList [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found uniqueid column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found customer_id column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found context column with type 12 with len 50, octetlen 50, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found mailbox column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found password column with type 12 with len 25, octetlen 25, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found fullname column with type 12 with len 150, octetlen 150, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found email column with type 12 with len 50, octetlen 50, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found pager column with type 12 with len 50, octetlen 50, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found tz column with type 12 with len 50, octetlen 50, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found attach column with type 1 with len 3, octetlen 3, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found saycid column with type 1 with len 3, octetlen 3, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found dialout column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found callback column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found review column with type 1 with len 3, octetlen 3, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found operator column with type 1 with len 3, octetlen 3, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found envelope column with type 1 with len 3, octetlen 3, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found sayduration column with type 1 with len 3, octetlen 3, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found saydurationm column with type -6 with len 3, octetlen 3, and numlen (0,10) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found sendvoicemail column with type 1 with len 3, octetlen 3, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found delete column with type 1 with len 3, octetlen 3, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found nextaftercmd column with type 1 with len 3, octetlen 3, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found forcename column with type 1 with len 3, octetlen 3, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found forcegreetings column with type 1 with len 3, octetlen 3, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found hidefromdir column with type 1 with len 3, octetlen 3, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found stamp column with type 93 with len 19, octetlen 19, and numlen (0,10) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found attachfmt column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found searchcontexts column with type 1 with len 3, octetlen 3, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found cidinternalcontexts column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found exitcontext column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found volgain column with type 12 with len 4, octetlen 4, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found tempgreetwarn column with type 1 with len 3, octetlen 3, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found messagewrap column with type 1 with len 3, octetlen 3, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found minpassword column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found vm-password column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found vm-newpassword column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found vm-passchanged column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found vm-reenterpassword column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found vm-mismatch column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found vm-invalid-password column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found vm-pls-try-again column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found listen-control-forward-key column with type 12 with len 2, octetlen 2, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found listen-control-reverse-key column with type 12 with len 1, octetlen 1, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found listen-control-pause-key column with type 12 with len 1, octetlen 1, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found listen-control-restart-key column with type 12 with len 1, octetlen 1, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found listen-control-stop-key column with type 12 with len 13, octetlen 13, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found backupdeleted column with type 12 with len 3, octetlen 3, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found transcribe column with type -6 with len 3, octetlen 3, and numlen (0,10) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found username column with type 12 with len 53, octetlen 53, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_voicemail.so => (Comedian Mail (Voicemail System) with ODBC Storage) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'NoCDR' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_cdr.so => (Tell Asterisk to not maintain a CDR for the current call) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ParkAndAnnounce' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_parkandannounce.so => (Call Parking and Announce Application) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'GROUP_COUNT' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'GROUP_MATCH_COUNT' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'GROUP_LIST' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'GROUP' [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: func_groupcount.so => (Channel group dialplan functions) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] translate.c: == Registered translator 'ulawtolin' from format ulaw to slin, cost 1 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] translate.c: == Registered translator 'lintoulaw' from format slin to ulaw, cost 1 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] translate.c: == Registered translator 'lintotestlaw' from format slin to testlaw, cost 1 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] translate.c: == Registered translator 'testlawtolin' from format testlaw to slin, cost 1 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: codec_ulaw.so => (mu-Law Coder/Decoder) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] translate.c: == Registered translator 'alawtoulaw' from format alaw to ulaw, cost 1 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] translate.c: == Registered translator 'ulawtoalaw' from format ulaw to alaw, cost 1 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: codec_a_mu.so => (A-law and Mulaw direct Coder/Decoder) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] translate.c: == Registered translator 'gsmtolin' from format gsm to slin, cost 1000 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] translate.c: == Registered translator 'lintogsm' from format slin to gsm, cost 3999 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: codec_gsm.so => (GSM Coder/Decoder) [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] translate.c: == Registered translator 'g722tolin' from format g722 to slin, cost 4000 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] translate.c: == Registered translator 'lintog722' from format slin to g722, cost 3000 [2011-12-30 12:02:47] VERBOSE[21234] translate.c: == Registered translator 'g722tolin16' from format g722 to slin16, cost 4000 [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] translate.c: == Registered translator 'lin16tog722' from format slin16 to g722, cost 4999 [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: codec_g722.so => (ITU G.722-64kbps G722 Transcoder) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SetCallerPres' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_setcallerid.so => (Set CallerID Presentation Application) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'ISNULL' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'SET' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'EXISTS' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'IF' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'IFTIME' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'IMPORT' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: func_logic.so => (Logical dialplan functions) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'CALLERPRES' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'CALLERID' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'CONNECTEDLINE' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'REDIRECTING' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: func_callerid.so => (Party ID related dialplan functions (Caller-ID, Connected-line, Redirecting)) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'CDR' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: func_cdr.so => (Call Detail Record (CDR) dialplan function) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'SHELL' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: func_shell.so => (Returns the output of a shell command) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'ODBC_FETCH' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ODBCFinish' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/func_odbc.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/ravon/DogstarAsterisk/dialplan/func_odbc.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'ODBC_SQL' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'ODBC_ANTIGF' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'ODBC_PRESENCE' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_COMPANY_INFO' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_USER_INFO' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'WRITE_USER_INFO' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_QUEUE_INFO' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_PHONE_INFO' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_GET_PAGE_USERNAME' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_COUNT_USERS' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_USERS' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_DID_ROUTE' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_DIALCODE_ROUTE' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_COUNT_LOCAL_CALLING_AREAS' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_LOCAL_CALLING_AREAS' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_EXTENSION_LOOKUP' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_ROUTE_LOOKUP' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_CONFERENCE_INFO' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_PHONE_LIST' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_BLF_PHONE_LIST' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'WRITE_BLF_PHONE_LIST' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'WRITE_BLF_REMOVE_PHONE' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_FIND_USER_BY_PHONE' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_HOTDESK_LOGIN' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_HOTDESK_USER' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_HOTDESK_PHONE' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'WRITE_HOTDESK_PHONE' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_IVR_VARIABLE' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'WRITE_IVR_VARIABLE' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_IS_LOCAL' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_QUEUE_CALL_BACK' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'WRITE_QUEUE_CALL_BACK' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'WRITE_INCREMENT_QUEUE_CALL_BACK_RETRY_COUNT' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'WRITE_NEW_QUEUE_CALL_BACK' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'WRITE_NEW_QUEUE_CALL_BACK_LOG' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_TRANSLATE_311' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_AUTH_USER' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'WRITE_DISA_USAGE' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_DISA_RECENT_FAILURES' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_IVR_INFO' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_COUNT_IVR_TOD' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_IVR_TOD_INFO' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_COUNT_IVR_MESSAGES' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_IVR_MESSAGE' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_COUNT_IVR_ROUTES' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_IVR_ROUTE' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_COUNT_IVR_ADVANCED_ACTIONS' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_IVR_ADVANCED_ACTION' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_NEXT_PARKING_SPACE' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_PARKING_SPACE' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'WRITE_PARKING_SPACE' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_USER_DIDS' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'WRITE_QUEUE_MEMBER_PAUSE' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_LIST_QUEUE_MEMBER_INTERFACES' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_EMERGENCY_EMAIL' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_EMERGENCY_NUMBER' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_PHONEBOOK_NAME' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_CNAM_CACHE' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_TEST_MASTER' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'WRITE_PBX_KEY' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_PBX_KEY' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_LIST_QUEUES' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'WRITE_FAX_CDR' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'RAVON_PBX_COMPANIES' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'SQL_ESC' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: func_odbc.so => (ODBC lookups) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] NOTICE[21234] res_fax_digium.c: Digium FAX technology module version 1.8.0_1.2.1, Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Digium, Inc. [2011-12-30 12:02:48] NOTICE[21234] res_fax_digium.c: This module is supplied under a commercial license granted by Digium, Inc. [2011-12-30 12:02:48] NOTICE[21234] res_fax_digium.c: Please see the full license text supplied by the accompanying [2011-12-30 12:02:48] NOTICE[21234] res_fax_digium.c: "register" utility, or ask for a copy from Digium. [2011-12-30 12:02:48] NOTICE[21234] res_fax_digium.c: This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project [2011-12-30 12:02:48] NOTICE[21234] res_fax_digium.c: for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] NOTICE[21234] res_fax_digium.c: Copyright (C) 1998-2008 The OpenSSL Project [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] res_fax_digium.c: == res_fax_digium Host-ID: f5:d6:61:c6:7e:85:dd:00:51:f7:08:ba:3d:2a:21:b9:f2:f2:59:96 [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] res_fax_digium.c: == Adding single Free FAX For Asterisk license [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] res_fax_digium.c: == Found total of 1 FAX for Asterisk licenses [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] res_fax_digium.c: == res_fax_digium limiting support to 1 sessions [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] res_fax.c: -- Registered handler for 'DIGIUM' (Digium FAX Driver) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action FaxLicenseStatus [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action FaxLicenseList [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: res_fax_digium.so => (Digium G.711 and T.38 FAX Technologies (optimized for opteron_32)) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'DIALPLAN_EXISTS' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: func_dialplan.so => (Dialplan Context/Extension/Priority Checking Functions) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'CHANNEL' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'CHANNELS' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'MASTER_CHANNEL' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: func_channel.so => (Channel information dialplan functions) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] res_agi.c: == AGI Command 'gosub' registered [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'StackPop' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Return' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'GosubIf' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Gosub' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'LOCAL' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'LOCAL_PEEK' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_stack.so => (Dialplan subroutines (Gosub, Return, etc)) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'FIELDQTY' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'FIELDNUM' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'FILTER' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'REPLACE' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'LISTFILTER' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'REGEX' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'ARRAY' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'QUOTE' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'CSV_QUOTE' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'LEN' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'STRFTIME' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'STRPTIME' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'EVAL' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'KEYPADHASH' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'HASHKEYS' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'HASH' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ClearHash' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'TOUPPER' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'TOLOWER' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'SHIFT' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'POP' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'PUSH' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'UNSHIFT' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'PASSTHRU' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: func_strings.so => (String handling dialplan functions) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ReadExten' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'VALID_EXTEN' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_readexten.so => (Read and evaluate extension validity) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'CUT' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'SORT' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: func_cut.so => (Cut out information from a string) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'app_dial_gosub_virtual_context'; registrar: app_dial [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to app_dial_gosub_virtual_context [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Dial' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'RetryDial' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_dial.so => (Dialing Application) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SoftHangup' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_softhangup.so => (Hangs up the requested channel) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] translate.c: == Registered translator 'alawtolin' from format alaw to slin, cost 1 [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] translate.c: == Registered translator 'lintoalaw' from format slin to alaw, cost 1 [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: codec_alaw.so => (A-law Coder/Decoder) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queuerules.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'app_queue_gosub_virtual_context'; registrar: app_queue [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to app_queue_gosub_virtual_context [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Queue' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'AddQueueMember' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'RemoveQueueMember' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'PauseQueueMember' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'UnpauseQueueMember' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered application 'QueueLog' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action Queues [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueStatus [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueSummary [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueAdd [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueRemove [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueuePause [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueLog [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueuePenalty [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueRule [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueReload [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueReset [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_VARIABLES' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_EXISTS' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_MEMBER' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_MEMBER_COUNT' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_MEMBER_LIST' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_WAITING_COUNT' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_MEMBER_PENALTY' [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found uniqueid column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found membername column with type 12 with len 40, octetlen 40, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found queue_name column with type 12 with len 128, octetlen 128, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found interface column with type 12 with len 128, octetlen 128, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found state_interface column with type 12 with len 128, octetlen 128, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found penalty column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] res_odbc.c: > Found paused column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] loader.c: app_queue.so => (True Call Queueing) [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cli_permissions.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] asterisk.c: Asterisk Ready. [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cli.conf': [2011-12-30 12:02:48] VERBOSE[21234] config.c: == Found [2011-12-30 12:02:48] NOTICE[21253] chan_sip.c: Registration from '' failed for '' - Wrong password [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21253] netsock.c: == Using UDPTL CoS mark 5 [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21253] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:1] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "1?no_bridge_peer") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Goto (from-internal-phone,**,8) [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:8] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "Starting call for company 'steventest2' from phone '0004F22AB878' and user ''") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:9] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "0?h,1:") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:10] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "0?+1:back_after_bug") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Goto (from-internal-phone,**,13) [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:13] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "0?h,1:") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:14] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "set_company_info,s,1(steventest2)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:1] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "__companyID=steventest2") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:2] Log("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "NOTICE, SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000--1325268172.0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] NOTICE[21262] Ext. s: SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000--1325268172.0 [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:3] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "HASH(company_info)=steventest2,7632102044,651,swheeler@usinternet.com,600,default,,usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,http://usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,801,Steven Test\, Inc.,live,7bf493ca-509b-4518-8ca8-ced2c21ee5f1,steventest2-1324483780,1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "__admin_email=swheeler@usinternet.com") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:5] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "__local_calling_area=651") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "__config_root=/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:7] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=default") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:8] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:15] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "1?from-internal-phone-hot_desking,**,1:") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Goto (from-internal-phone-hot_desking,**,1) [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone-hot_desking:1] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "CDR(ds_type)=steventest2-INT") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone-hot_desking:2] Goto("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "hotdesk_login_logout,s,1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Goto (hotdesk_login_logout,s,1) [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login_logout:1] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "AMI: To=Hot Desk Login/logout") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login_logout:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "from_user=swheeler") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login_logout:3] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "check_user_state,s,1(steventest2,swheeler)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:1] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "0?Return") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:2] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "Checking state for: steventest2-swheeler") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'steventest2-swheeler' priority -1 to blf [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:3] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "steventest2-swheeler@blf: ${RAVON_BLF_PHONE_LIST(${EXTEN})} = UNAVAILABLE") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "HASH(user_info)=steventest2,swheeler,12345,Steven Wheeler,252,,,Steven Wheeler,1,1,0,swheeler@usinternet.com,0,,,,,,0,1,1,,0,1,user,steventest2,swheeler,false") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'steventest2-252' priority -1 to blf [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:5] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "steventest2-252@blf: ${RAVON_BLF_PHONE_LIST(${EXTEN})} = UNAVAILABLE") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:6] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login_logout:4] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "0?hotdesk_login,s,1:hotdesk_logout,s,1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Goto (hotdesk_logout,s,1) [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:1] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "AMI: To=Host Desk Logging Out") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:2] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "set_user_info,s,1(swheeler)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:1] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "1?Set(hash_name=user_info):Set(hash_name=)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "HASH(user_info)=steventest2,swheeler,12345,Steven Wheeler,252,,,Steven Wheeler,1,1,0,swheeler@usinternet.com,0,,,,,,0,1,1,,0,1,user,steventest2,swheeler,false") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:3] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "1?Set(HASH(user_info,local_calling_area)=651)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:4] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "1?Set(HASH(user_info,caller_id_num)=7632102044)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:5] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "HASH(company_info)=steventest2,7632102044,651,swheeler@usinternet.com,600,default,,usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,http://usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,801,Steven Test\, Inc.,live,7bf493ca-509b-4518-8ca8-ced2c21ee5f1,steventest2-1324483780,1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=default") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:7] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:52] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:3] Wait("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:4] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "blf_remove_phone,s,1(0004F22AB878)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:1] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "0?Return") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "WRITE_BLF_REMOVE_PHONE(steventest2,0004F22AB878)=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:3] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "currently_logged_in_user=swheeler") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:4] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "0?finished") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:5] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "set_user_info,s,1(swheeler,logged_in_user)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:1] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "0?Set(hash_name=user_info):Set(hash_name=logged_in_user)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "HASH(logged_in_user)=steventest2,swheeler,12345,Steven Wheeler,252,,,Steven Wheeler,1,1,0,swheeler@usinternet.com,0,,,,,,0,1,1,,0,1,user,steventest2,swheeler,false") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:3] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "1?Set(HASH(logged_in_user,local_calling_area)=651)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:4] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "1?Set(HASH(logged_in_user,caller_id_num)=7632102044)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:5] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "HASH(company_info)=steventest2,7632102044,651,swheeler@usinternet.com,600,default,,usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,http://usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,801,Steven Test\, Inc.,live,7bf493ca-509b-4518-8ca8-ced2c21ee5f1,steventest2-1324483780,1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=default") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:7] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "phone_list=SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone&Custom:unavailable") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:7] System("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "asterisk -rx "dialplan add extension steventest2-swheeler,hint,SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone&Custom:unavailable into blf replace"") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21266] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'steventest2-swheeler' priority -1 to blf [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:8] System("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "asterisk -rx "dialplan add extension steventest2-252,hint,SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone&Custom:unavailable into blf replace"") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21269] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'steventest2-252' priority -1 to blf [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:9] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:5] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "username=swheeler") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "WRITE_HOTDESK_PHONE(steventest2,swheeler)=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:7] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "lastlogin=1325268056") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:8] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "time=117") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:9] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "trigger_queue_events,s,1(swheeler,HOTDESKLOGOUT,117)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:1] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "index=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "start=1325268173328") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] WARNING[21262] app_queue.c: queue steventest2-Q-queue was not found [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "isMember=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "0?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-queue,1325268172.0,steventest2-swheeler,HOTDESKLOGOUT,117)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] WARNING[21262] app_queue.c: queue steventest2-Q-queue2 was not found [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "isMember=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "0?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-queue2,1325268172.0,steventest2-swheeler,HOTDESKLOGOUT,117)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] WARNING[21262] app_queue.c: queue steventest2-Q-StevenTestQueue was not found [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "isMember=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "0?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-StevenTestQueue,1325268172.0,steventest2-swheeler,HOTDESKLOGOUT,117)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] func_odbc.c: > Found no rows [SELECT DISTINCT name FROM queues WHERE company_id='steventest2' ORDER BY name LIMIT 1 OFFSET 3] [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:7] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "Loop Execution Time: 8 ms") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:8] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:10] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "queueUnpause,s,1(swheeler)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:1] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "Unpausing swheeler from all queues") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "lastpause=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:3] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "time=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "code=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:5] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "code=00") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "WRITE_PBX_KEY(steventest2/swheeler/lastpause)=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:7] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "WRITE_PBX_KEY(steventest2/swheeler/lastpausecode)=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:8] UnpauseQueueMember("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", ",Local/swheeler@queue_calling/n") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] res_odbc.c: > Found id column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10) [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] res_odbc.c: > Found time column with type 93 with len 19, octetlen 19, and numlen (0,10) [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] res_odbc.c: > Found callid column with type 12 with len 50, octetlen 50, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] res_odbc.c: > Found queuename column with type 12 with len 50, octetlen 50, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] res_odbc.c: > Found agent column with type 12 with len 50, octetlen 50, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] res_odbc.c: > Found event column with type 12 with len 50, octetlen 50, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] res_odbc.c: > Found data1 column with type 12 with len 100, octetlen 100, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] res_odbc.c: > Found data2 column with type 12 with len 100, octetlen 100, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] res_odbc.c: > Found data3 column with type 12 with len 100, octetlen 100, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] res_odbc.c: > Found data4 column with type 12 with len 100, octetlen 100, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] res_odbc.c: > Found data5 column with type 12 with len 100, octetlen 100, and numlen (0,0) [2011-12-30 12:02:53] WARNING[21262] app_queue.c: Attempt to unpause interface Local/swheeler@queue_calling/n, not found [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:9] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "interface=Local/000__swheeler@queue_calling/n") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:10] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:11] UnpauseQueueMember("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", ",Local/000__swheeler@queue_calling/n") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] WARNING[21262] app_queue.c: Attempt to unpause interface Local/000__swheeler@queue_calling/n, not found [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] func_odbc.c: > Found no rows [SELECT DISTINCT interface FROM Queue_Members WHERE queue_name LIKE 'steventest2-Q-%' AND interface RLIKE 'Local/[0-9]{3}__swheeler@queue_calling/n' LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1] [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:12] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "interface=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:13] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:10] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:14] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "WRITE_QUEUE_MEMBER_PAUSE(steventest2,swheeler)=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:15] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "trigger_queue_events,s,1(swheeler,RAVONPAUSEDTIME,0|00)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:1] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "index=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "start=1325268173352") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] WARNING[21262] app_queue.c: queue steventest2-Q-queue was not found [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "isMember=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "0?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-queue,1325268172.0,steventest2-swheeler,RAVONPAUSEDTIME,0|00)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] WARNING[21262] app_queue.c: queue steventest2-Q-queue2 was not found [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "isMember=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "0?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-queue2,1325268172.0,steventest2-swheeler,RAVONPAUSEDTIME,0|00)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] WARNING[21262] app_queue.c: queue steventest2-Q-StevenTestQueue was not found [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "isMember=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "0?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-StevenTestQueue,1325268172.0,steventest2-swheeler,RAVONPAUSEDTIME,0|00)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] func_odbc.c: > Found no rows [SELECT DISTINCT name FROM queues WHERE company_id='steventest2' ORDER BY name LIMIT 1 OFFSET 3] [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:7] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "Loop Execution Time: 8 ms") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:8] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:16] Playback("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "beep") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] file.c: -- Playing 'beep.slin' (language 'en') [2011-12-30 12:02:53] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:17] Wait("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "0.2") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:54] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:18] Playback("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "beep") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:54] VERBOSE[21262] file.c: -- Playing 'beep.slin' (language 'en') [2011-12-30 12:02:54] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:19] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:54] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:11] Playback("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "agent-loggedoff") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:54] VERBOSE[21262] file.c: -- Playing 'agent-loggedoff.slin' (language 'en') [2011-12-30 12:02:54] NOTICE[21253] chan_sip.c: Peer 'steventest2-30E4DB729A2E' is now Lagged. (3005ms / 2000ms) [2011-12-30 12:02:55] VERBOSE[21253] chan_sip.c: > Saved useragent "Cisco/SPA112-1.0.1(022)" for peer steventest2-30E4DB729A2E [2011-12-30 12:02:55] NOTICE[21253] chan_sip.c: Peer 'steventest2-30E4DB729A2E' is now Reachable. (48ms / 2000ms) [2011-12-30 12:02:55] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000' status is 'UNKNOWN' [2011-12-30 12:02:55] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@hotdesk_logout:1] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "Agent logoff complete.") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:55] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@hotdesk_logout:2] System("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "sleep 5 && asterisk -rx "devstate change Custom:unavailable UNAVAILABLE" &") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:55] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@hotdesk_logout:3] Hangup("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:02:55] VERBOSE[21262] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (hotdesk_logout, h, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000000' [2011-12-30 12:02:58] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'steventest2-henry' priority -1 to blf [2011-12-30 12:02:58] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'steventest2-klange' priority -1 to blf [2011-12-30 12:02:58] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'steventest2-swheeler2' priority -1 to blf [2011-12-30 12:02:58] VERBOSE[21234] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'steventest2-swheeler3' priority -1 to blf [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21253] netsock.c: == Using UDPTL CoS mark 5 [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21253] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:1] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "1?no_bridge_peer") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Goto (from-internal-phone,**,8) [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:8] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "Starting call for company 'steventest2' from phone '0004F22AB878' and user ''") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:9] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "0?h,1:") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:10] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "0?+1:back_after_bug") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Goto (from-internal-phone,**,13) [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:13] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "0?h,1:") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:14] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "set_company_info,s,1(steventest2)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:1] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "__companyID=steventest2") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:2] Log("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "NOTICE, SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001--1325268180.1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] NOTICE[21273] Ext. s: SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001--1325268180.1 [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:3] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "HASH(company_info)=steventest2,7632102044,651,swheeler@usinternet.com,600,default,,usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,http://usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,801,Steven Test\, Inc.,live,7bf493ca-509b-4518-8ca8-ced2c21ee5f1,steventest2-1324483780,1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "__admin_email=swheeler@usinternet.com") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:5] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "__local_calling_area=651") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "__config_root=/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:7] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=default") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:8] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:15] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "1?from-internal-phone-hot_desking,**,1:") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Goto (from-internal-phone-hot_desking,**,1) [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone-hot_desking:1] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "CDR(ds_type)=steventest2-INT") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone-hot_desking:2] Goto("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "hotdesk_login_logout,s,1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Goto (hotdesk_login_logout,s,1) [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login_logout:1] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "AMI: To=Hot Desk Login/logout") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] func_odbc.c: > Found no rows [SELECT user FROM Hotdeskers WHERE company_id='steventest2' AND phone='0004F22AB878'] [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login_logout:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "from_user=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login_logout:3] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "check_user_state,s,1(steventest2,)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:1] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "0?Return") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:2] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "Checking state for: steventest2-") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] func_odbc.c: > Found no rows [SELECT phone_list FROM Blf_Phonelists WHERE CONCAT(company_id,'-',username)='steventest2-'] [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'steventest2-' priority -1 to blf [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:3] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "steventest2-@blf: ${RAVON_BLF_PHONE_LIST(${EXTEN})} = NOT_INUSE") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] func_odbc.c: > Found no rows [SELECT * FROM Users u LEFT JOIN User_Settings us ON us.fk_company_id=u.company_id AND us.fk_username=u.username WHERE u.company_id='steventest2' AND u.username=''] [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "HASH(user_info)=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:5] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "steventest2-@blf: = NOT_INUSE") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:6] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login_logout:4] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "1?hotdesk_login,s,1:hotdesk_logout,s,1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Goto (hotdesk_login,s,1) [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:1] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "AMI: To=Hot Desk Login") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:2] Read("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "username,agent-user") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:00] VERBOSE[21273] file.c: -- Playing 'agent-user.slin' (language 'en') [2011-12-30 12:03:01] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF begin '2' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:01] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '2' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:01] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF end '2' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001, duration 130 ms [2011-12-30 12:03:01] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '2' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:01] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF begin '5' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:01] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '5' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:01] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF end '5' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001, duration 150 ms [2011-12-30 12:03:01] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '5' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:01] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF begin '2' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:01] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '2' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:02] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF end '2' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001, duration 110 ms [2011-12-30 12:03:02] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '2' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:02] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF begin '#' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:02] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '#' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:02] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF end '#' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001, duration 170 ms [2011-12-30 12:03:02] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '#' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:02] VERBOSE[21273] app_read.c: -- User entered '252' [2011-12-30 12:03:02] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:3] Read("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "password,agent-pass") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:02] VERBOSE[21273] file.c: -- Playing 'agent-pass.slin' (language 'en') [2011-12-30 12:03:02] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF begin '1' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:02] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '1' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:02] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF end '1' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001, duration 150 ms [2011-12-30 12:03:02] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '1' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:02] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF begin '2' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:02] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '2' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:02] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF end '2' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001, duration 110 ms [2011-12-30 12:03:02] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '2' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:02] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF begin '3' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:02] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '3' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:02] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF end '3' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001, duration 130 ms [2011-12-30 12:03:02] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '3' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:03] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF begin '4' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:03] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '4' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:03] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF end '4' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001, duration 150 ms [2011-12-30 12:03:03] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '4' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:03] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF begin '5' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:03] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '5' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:03] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF end '5' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001, duration 130 ms [2011-12-30 12:03:03] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '5' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:03] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF begin '#' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:03] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '#' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:03] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF end '#' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001, duration 190 ms [2011-12-30 12:03:03] DTMF[21273] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '#' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001 [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] app_read.c: -- User entered '12345' [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "username=swheeler") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:5] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "0?:login_user") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Goto (hotdesk_login,s,8) [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:8] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "AMI: To=Hot Desk Logging In") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:9] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "set_user_info,s,1(swheeler)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:1] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "1?Set(hash_name=user_info):Set(hash_name=)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "HASH(user_info)=steventest2,swheeler,12345,Steven Wheeler,252,,,Steven Wheeler,1,1,0,swheeler@usinternet.com,0,,,,,,0,1,1,,0,1,user,steventest2,swheeler,false") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:3] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "1?Set(HASH(user_info,local_calling_area)=651)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:4] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "1?Set(HASH(user_info,caller_id_num)=7632102044)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:5] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "HASH(company_info)=steventest2,7632102044,651,swheeler@usinternet.com,600,default,,usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,http://usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,801,Steven Test\, Inc.,live,7bf493ca-509b-4518-8ca8-ced2c21ee5f1,steventest2-1324483780,1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=default") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:7] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:10] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "extension=252") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:11] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "username=swheeler") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:12] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "blf_remove_phone,s,1()") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:1] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "1?Return") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:13] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "WRITE_HOTDESK_PHONE(steventest2,swheeler)=0004F22AB878") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:14] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "blf_add_phone,s,1(0004F22AB878,252,swheeler)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_add_phone:1] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "0?Return") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_add_phone:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "phone_list=SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_add_phone:3] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "0?Set(phone_list=SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878):Set(phone_list=SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878&SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_add_phone:4] System("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "asterisk -rx "dialplan add extension steventest2-252,hint,SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878&SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone into blf replace"") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21287] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'steventest2-252' priority -1 to blf [2011-12-30 12:03:03] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_add_phone:5] System("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "asterisk -rx "dialplan add extension steventest2-swheeler,hint,SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878&SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone into blf replace"") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:03] WARNING[21290] pbx.c: Found duplicate exten. Had steventest2-swheeler found steventest2-swheeler [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21290] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'steventest2-swheeler' priority -1 to blf [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_add_phone:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "WRITE_BLF_PHONE_LIST(steventest2,252)=SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878&SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_add_phone:7] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "WRITE_BLF_PHONE_LIST(steventest2,swheeler)=SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878&SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_add_phone:8] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:15] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "WRITE_PBX_KEY(steventest2/swheeler/lasthotdesklogin)=1325268184") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:16] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "trigger_queue_events,s,1(swheeler,HOTDESKLOGIN,0)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:1] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "index=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "start=1325268184029") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "isMember=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "0?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-queue,1325268180.1,steventest2-swheeler,HOTDESKLOGIN,0)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "isMember=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "0?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-queue2,1325268180.1,steventest2-swheeler,HOTDESKLOGIN,0)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "isMember=1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "1?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-StevenTestQueue,1325268180.1,steventest2-swheeler,HOTDESKLOGIN,0)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] func_odbc.c: > Found no rows [SELECT DISTINCT name FROM queues WHERE company_id='steventest2' ORDER BY name LIMIT 1 OFFSET 3] [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:7] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "Loop Execution Time: 19 ms") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:8] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:17] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "queueUnpause,s,1(swheeler)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:1] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "Unpausing swheeler from all queues") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "lastpause=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:3] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "time=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "code=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:5] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "code=00") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "WRITE_PBX_KEY(steventest2/swheeler/lastpause)=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:7] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "WRITE_PBX_KEY(steventest2/swheeler/lastpausecode)=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:8] UnpauseQueueMember("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", ",Local/swheeler@queue_calling/n") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] WARNING[21273] app_queue.c: Attempt to unpause interface Local/swheeler@queue_calling/n, not found [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:9] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "interface=Local/000__swheeler@queue_calling/n") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:10] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:11] UnpauseQueueMember("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", ",Local/000__swheeler@queue_calling/n") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] func_odbc.c: > Found no rows [SELECT DISTINCT interface FROM Queue_Members WHERE queue_name LIKE 'steventest2-Q-%' AND interface RLIKE 'Local/[0-9]{3}__swheeler@queue_calling/n' LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1] [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:12] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "interface=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:13] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:10] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:14] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "WRITE_QUEUE_MEMBER_PAUSE(steventest2,swheeler)=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:15] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "trigger_queue_events,s,1(swheeler,RAVONPAUSEDTIME,0|00)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:1] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "index=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "start=1325268184117") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "isMember=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "0?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-queue,1325268180.1,steventest2-swheeler,RAVONPAUSEDTIME,0|00)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "isMember=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "0?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-queue2,1325268180.1,steventest2-swheeler,RAVONPAUSEDTIME,0|00)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "isMember=1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "1?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-StevenTestQueue,1325268180.1,steventest2-swheeler,RAVONPAUSEDTIME,0|00)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] func_odbc.c: > Found no rows [SELECT DISTINCT name FROM queues WHERE company_id='steventest2' ORDER BY name LIMIT 1 OFFSET 3] [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:7] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "Loop Execution Time: 15 ms") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:8] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:16] Playback("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "beep") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] file.c: -- Playing 'beep.slin' (language 'en') [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:17] Wait("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "0.2") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:18] Playback("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "beep") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:04] VERBOSE[21273] file.c: -- Playing 'beep.slin' (language 'en') [2011-12-30 12:03:05] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:19] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:05] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:18] Playback("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "agent-loginok") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:05] VERBOSE[21273] file.c: -- Playing 'agent-loginok.slin' (language 'en') [2011-12-30 12:03:06] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001' status is 'UNKNOWN' [2011-12-30 12:03:06] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@hotdesk_login:1] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "Agent login complete.") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:06] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@hotdesk_login:2] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "check_user_state,s,1(steventest2,swheeler)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:06] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:1] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "0?Return") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:06] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:2] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "Checking state for: steventest2-swheeler") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:06] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:3] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "steventest2-swheeler@blf: SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878&SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone = INUSE") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:06] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "HASH(user_info)=steventest2,swheeler,12345,Steven Wheeler,252,,,Steven Wheeler,1,1,0,swheeler@usinternet.com,0,,,,,,0,1,1,,0,1,user,steventest2,swheeler,false") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:06] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:5] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "steventest2-252@blf: SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878&SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone = INUSE") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:06] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:6] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:06] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@hotdesk_login:3] Hangup("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:06] VERBOSE[21273] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (hotdesk_login, h, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000001' [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21253] netsock.c: == Using UDPTL CoS mark 5 [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21253] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:1] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "1?no_bridge_peer") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Goto (from-internal-phone,**,8) [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:8] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "Starting call for company 'steventest2' from phone '0004F22AB878' and user ''") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:9] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "0?h,1:") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:10] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "0?+1:back_after_bug") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Goto (from-internal-phone,**,13) [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:13] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "0?h,1:") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:14] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "set_company_info,s,1(steventest2)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:1] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "__companyID=steventest2") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:2] Log("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "NOTICE, SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002--1325268188.2") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] NOTICE[21291] Ext. s: SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002--1325268188.2 [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:3] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "HASH(company_info)=steventest2,7632102044,651,swheeler@usinternet.com,600,default,,usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,http://usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,801,Steven Test\, Inc.,live,7bf493ca-509b-4518-8ca8-ced2c21ee5f1,steventest2-1324483780,1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "__admin_email=swheeler@usinternet.com") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:5] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "__local_calling_area=651") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "__config_root=/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:7] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=default") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:8] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:15] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "1?from-internal-phone-hot_desking,**,1:") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Goto (from-internal-phone-hot_desking,**,1) [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone-hot_desking:1] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "CDR(ds_type)=steventest2-INT") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone-hot_desking:2] Goto("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "hotdesk_login_logout,s,1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Goto (hotdesk_login_logout,s,1) [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login_logout:1] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "AMI: To=Hot Desk Login/logout") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login_logout:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "from_user=swheeler") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login_logout:3] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "check_user_state,s,1(steventest2,swheeler)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:1] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "0?Return") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:2] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "Checking state for: steventest2-swheeler") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:3] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "steventest2-swheeler@blf: SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878&SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone = INUSE") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "HASH(user_info)=steventest2,swheeler,12345,Steven Wheeler,252,,,Steven Wheeler,1,1,0,swheeler@usinternet.com,0,,,,,,0,1,1,,0,1,user,steventest2,swheeler,false") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:5] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "steventest2-252@blf: SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878&SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone = INUSE") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:6] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login_logout:4] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "0?hotdesk_login,s,1:hotdesk_logout,s,1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Goto (hotdesk_logout,s,1) [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:1] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "AMI: To=Host Desk Logging Out") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:2] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "set_user_info,s,1(swheeler)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:1] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "1?Set(hash_name=user_info):Set(hash_name=)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "HASH(user_info)=steventest2,swheeler,12345,Steven Wheeler,252,,,Steven Wheeler,1,1,0,swheeler@usinternet.com,0,,,,,,0,1,1,,0,1,user,steventest2,swheeler,false") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:3] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "1?Set(HASH(user_info,local_calling_area)=651)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:4] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "1?Set(HASH(user_info,caller_id_num)=7632102044)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:5] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "HASH(company_info)=steventest2,7632102044,651,swheeler@usinternet.com,600,default,,usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,http://usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,801,Steven Test\, Inc.,live,7bf493ca-509b-4518-8ca8-ced2c21ee5f1,steventest2-1324483780,1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=default") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:7] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:08] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:3] Wait("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:4] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "blf_remove_phone,s,1(0004F22AB878)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:1] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "0?Return") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "WRITE_BLF_REMOVE_PHONE(steventest2,0004F22AB878)=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:3] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "currently_logged_in_user=swheeler") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:4] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "0?finished") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:5] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "set_user_info,s,1(swheeler,logged_in_user)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:1] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "0?Set(hash_name=user_info):Set(hash_name=logged_in_user)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "HASH(logged_in_user)=steventest2,swheeler,12345,Steven Wheeler,252,,,Steven Wheeler,1,1,0,swheeler@usinternet.com,0,,,,,,0,1,1,,0,1,user,steventest2,swheeler,false") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:3] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "1?Set(HASH(logged_in_user,local_calling_area)=651)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:4] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "1?Set(HASH(logged_in_user,caller_id_num)=7632102044)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:5] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "HASH(company_info)=steventest2,7632102044,651,swheeler@usinternet.com,600,default,,usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,http://usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,801,Steven Test\, Inc.,live,7bf493ca-509b-4518-8ca8-ced2c21ee5f1,steventest2-1324483780,1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=default") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:7] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "phone_list=SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone&Custom:unavailable") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:7] System("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "asterisk -rx "dialplan add extension steventest2-swheeler,hint,SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone&Custom:unavailable into blf replace"") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] WARNING[21294] pbx.c: Found duplicate exten. Had gsta! found steventest2-swheeler [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21294] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'steventest2-swheeler' priority -1 to blf [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:8] System("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "asterisk -rx "dialplan add extension steventest2-252,hint,SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone&Custom:unavailable into blf replace"") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21297] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'steventest2-252' priority -1 to blf [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:9] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:5] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "username=swheeler") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "WRITE_HOTDESK_PHONE(steventest2,swheeler)=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:7] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "lastlogin=1325268184") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:8] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "time=5") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:9] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "trigger_queue_events,s,1(swheeler,HOTDESKLOGOUT,5)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:1] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "index=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "start=1325268189290") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "isMember=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "0?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-queue,1325268188.2,steventest2-swheeler,HOTDESKLOGOUT,5)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "isMember=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "0?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-queue2,1325268188.2,steventest2-swheeler,HOTDESKLOGOUT,5)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "isMember=1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "1?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-StevenTestQueue,1325268188.2,steventest2-swheeler,HOTDESKLOGOUT,5)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] func_odbc.c: > Found no rows [SELECT DISTINCT name FROM queues WHERE company_id='steventest2' ORDER BY name LIMIT 1 OFFSET 3] [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:7] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "Loop Execution Time: 10 ms") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:8] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:10] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "queueUnpause,s,1(swheeler)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:1] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "Unpausing swheeler from all queues") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "lastpause=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:3] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "time=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "code=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:5] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "code=00") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "WRITE_PBX_KEY(steventest2/swheeler/lastpause)=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:7] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "WRITE_PBX_KEY(steventest2/swheeler/lastpausecode)=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:8] UnpauseQueueMember("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", ",Local/swheeler@queue_calling/n") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] WARNING[21291] app_queue.c: Attempt to unpause interface Local/swheeler@queue_calling/n, not found [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:9] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "interface=Local/000__swheeler@queue_calling/n") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:10] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:11] UnpauseQueueMember("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", ",Local/000__swheeler@queue_calling/n") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] func_odbc.c: > Found no rows [SELECT DISTINCT interface FROM Queue_Members WHERE queue_name LIKE 'steventest2-Q-%' AND interface RLIKE 'Local/[0-9]{3}__swheeler@queue_calling/n' LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1] [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:12] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "interface=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:13] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:10] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:14] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "WRITE_QUEUE_MEMBER_PAUSE(steventest2,swheeler)=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:15] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "trigger_queue_events,s,1(swheeler,RAVONPAUSEDTIME,0|00)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:1] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "index=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "start=1325268189316") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "isMember=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "0?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-queue,1325268188.2,steventest2-swheeler,RAVONPAUSEDTIME,0|00)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "isMember=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "0?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-queue2,1325268188.2,steventest2-swheeler,RAVONPAUSEDTIME,0|00)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "isMember=1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "1?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-StevenTestQueue,1325268188.2,steventest2-swheeler,RAVONPAUSEDTIME,0|00)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] func_odbc.c: > Found no rows [SELECT DISTINCT name FROM queues WHERE company_id='steventest2' ORDER BY name LIMIT 1 OFFSET 3] [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:7] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "Loop Execution Time: 10 ms") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:8] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:16] Playback("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "beep") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] file.c: -- Playing 'beep.slin' (language 'en') [2011-12-30 12:03:09] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:17] Wait("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "0.2") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:10] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:18] Playback("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "beep") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:10] VERBOSE[21291] file.c: -- Playing 'beep.slin' (language 'en') [2011-12-30 12:03:10] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:19] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:10] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:11] Playback("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "agent-loggedoff") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:10] VERBOSE[21291] file.c: -- Playing 'agent-loggedoff.slin' (language 'en') [2011-12-30 12:03:11] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002' status is 'UNKNOWN' [2011-12-30 12:03:11] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@hotdesk_logout:1] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "Agent logoff complete.") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:11] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@hotdesk_logout:2] System("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "sleep 5 && asterisk -rx "devstate change Custom:unavailable UNAVAILABLE" &") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:11] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@hotdesk_logout:3] Hangup("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:11] VERBOSE[21291] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (hotdesk_logout, h, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000002' [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21253] netsock.c: == Using UDPTL CoS mark 5 [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21253] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:1] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "1?no_bridge_peer") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Goto (from-internal-phone,**,8) [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:8] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "Starting call for company 'steventest2' from phone '0004F22AB878' and user ''") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:9] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "0?h,1:") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:10] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "0?+1:back_after_bug") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Goto (from-internal-phone,**,13) [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:13] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "0?h,1:") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:14] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "set_company_info,s,1(steventest2)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:1] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "__companyID=steventest2") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:2] Log("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "NOTICE, SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003--1325268193.3") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] NOTICE[21301] Ext. s: SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003--1325268193.3 [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:3] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "HASH(company_info)=steventest2,7632102044,651,swheeler@usinternet.com,600,default,,usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,http://usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,801,Steven Test\, Inc.,live,7bf493ca-509b-4518-8ca8-ced2c21ee5f1,steventest2-1324483780,1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "__admin_email=swheeler@usinternet.com") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:5] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "__local_calling_area=651") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "__config_root=/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:7] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=default") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:8] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:15] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "1?from-internal-phone-hot_desking,**,1:") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Goto (from-internal-phone-hot_desking,**,1) [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone-hot_desking:1] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "CDR(ds_type)=steventest2-INT") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone-hot_desking:2] Goto("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "hotdesk_login_logout,s,1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Goto (hotdesk_login_logout,s,1) [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login_logout:1] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "AMI: To=Hot Desk Login/logout") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] func_odbc.c: > Found no rows [SELECT user FROM Hotdeskers WHERE company_id='steventest2' AND phone='0004F22AB878'] [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login_logout:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "from_user=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login_logout:3] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "check_user_state,s,1(steventest2,)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:1] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "0?Return") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:2] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "Checking state for: steventest2-") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:3] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "steventest2-@blf: = NOT_INUSE") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] func_odbc.c: > Found no rows [SELECT * FROM Users u LEFT JOIN User_Settings us ON us.fk_company_id=u.company_id AND us.fk_username=u.username WHERE u.company_id='steventest2' AND u.username=''] [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "HASH(user_info)=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:5] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "steventest2-@blf: = NOT_INUSE") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:6] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login_logout:4] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "1?hotdesk_login,s,1:hotdesk_logout,s,1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Goto (hotdesk_login,s,1) [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:1] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "AMI: To=Hot Desk Login") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:2] Read("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "username,agent-user") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:13] VERBOSE[21301] file.c: -- Playing 'agent-user.slin' (language 'en') [2011-12-30 12:03:14] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF begin '2' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:14] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '2' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:15] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF end '2' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003, duration 180 ms [2011-12-30 12:03:15] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '2' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:15] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF begin '5' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:15] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '5' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:15] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF end '5' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003, duration 140 ms [2011-12-30 12:03:15] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '5' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:15] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF begin '2' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:15] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '2' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:15] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF end '2' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003, duration 200 ms [2011-12-30 12:03:15] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '2' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:15] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF begin '#' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:15] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '#' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:15] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF end '#' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003, duration 200 ms [2011-12-30 12:03:15] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '#' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:15] VERBOSE[21301] app_read.c: -- User entered '252' [2011-12-30 12:03:15] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:3] Read("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "password,agent-pass") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:15] VERBOSE[21301] file.c: -- Playing 'agent-pass.slin' (language 'en') [2011-12-30 12:03:15] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF begin '1' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:15] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '1' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:15] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF end '1' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003, duration 160 ms [2011-12-30 12:03:15] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '1' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:16] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF begin '2' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:16] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '2' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:16] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF end '2' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003, duration 180 ms [2011-12-30 12:03:16] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '2' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:16] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF begin '3' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:16] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '3' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:16] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF end '3' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003, duration 160 ms [2011-12-30 12:03:16] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '3' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:16] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF begin '4' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:16] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '4' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:16] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF end '4' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003, duration 150 ms [2011-12-30 12:03:16] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '4' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:16] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF begin '5' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:16] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '5' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:16] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF end '5' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003, duration 180 ms [2011-12-30 12:03:16] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '5' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:17] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF begin '#' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:17] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '#' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:17] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF end '#' received on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003, duration 200 ms [2011-12-30 12:03:17] DTMF[21301] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '#' on SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003 [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] app_read.c: -- User entered '12345' [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "username=swheeler") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:5] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "0?:login_user") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Goto (hotdesk_login,s,8) [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:8] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "AMI: To=Hot Desk Logging In") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:9] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "set_user_info,s,1(swheeler)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:1] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "1?Set(hash_name=user_info):Set(hash_name=)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "HASH(user_info)=steventest2,swheeler,12345,Steven Wheeler,252,,,Steven Wheeler,1,1,0,swheeler@usinternet.com,0,,,,,,0,1,1,,0,1,user,steventest2,swheeler,false") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:3] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "1?Set(HASH(user_info,local_calling_area)=651)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:4] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "1?Set(HASH(user_info,caller_id_num)=7632102044)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:5] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "HASH(company_info)=steventest2,7632102044,651,swheeler@usinternet.com,600,default,,usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,http://usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,801,Steven Test\, Inc.,live,7bf493ca-509b-4518-8ca8-ced2c21ee5f1,steventest2-1324483780,1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=default") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:7] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:10] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "extension=252") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:11] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "username=swheeler") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:12] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "blf_remove_phone,s,1()") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:1] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "1?Return") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:13] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "WRITE_HOTDESK_PHONE(steventest2,swheeler)=0004F22AB878") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:14] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "blf_add_phone,s,1(0004F22AB878,252,swheeler)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_add_phone:1] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "0?Return") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_add_phone:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "phone_list=SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_add_phone:3] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "0?Set(phone_list=SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878):Set(phone_list=SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878&SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_add_phone:4] System("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "asterisk -rx "dialplan add extension steventest2-252,hint,SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878&SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone into blf replace"") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21307] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'steventest2-252' priority -1 to blf [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_add_phone:5] System("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "asterisk -rx "dialplan add extension steventest2-swheeler,hint,SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878&SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone into blf replace"") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] WARNING[21310] pbx.c: Found duplicate exten. Had steventest2-swheeler found steventest2-swheeler [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21310] pbx.c: -- Added extension 'steventest2-swheeler' priority -1 to blf [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_add_phone:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "WRITE_BLF_PHONE_LIST(steventest2,252)=SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878&SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_add_phone:7] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "WRITE_BLF_PHONE_LIST(steventest2,swheeler)=SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878&SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_add_phone:8] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:15] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "WRITE_PBX_KEY(steventest2/swheeler/lasthotdesklogin)=1325268197") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:16] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "trigger_queue_events,s,1(swheeler,HOTDESKLOGIN,0)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:1] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "index=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "start=1325268197302") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "isMember=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "0?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-queue,1325268193.3,steventest2-swheeler,HOTDESKLOGIN,0)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "isMember=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "0?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-queue2,1325268193.3,steventest2-swheeler,HOTDESKLOGIN,0)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "isMember=1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "1?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-StevenTestQueue,1325268193.3,steventest2-swheeler,HOTDESKLOGIN,0)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] func_odbc.c: > Found no rows [SELECT DISTINCT name FROM queues WHERE company_id='steventest2' ORDER BY name LIMIT 1 OFFSET 3] [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:7] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "Loop Execution Time: 38 ms") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:8] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:17] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "queueUnpause,s,1(swheeler)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:1] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "Unpausing swheeler from all queues") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "lastpause=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:3] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "time=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "code=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:5] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "code=00") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "WRITE_PBX_KEY(steventest2/swheeler/lastpause)=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:7] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "WRITE_PBX_KEY(steventest2/swheeler/lastpausecode)=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:8] UnpauseQueueMember("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", ",Local/swheeler@queue_calling/n") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] WARNING[21301] app_queue.c: Attempt to unpause interface Local/swheeler@queue_calling/n, not found [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:9] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "interface=Local/000__swheeler@queue_calling/n") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:10] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:11] UnpauseQueueMember("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", ",Local/000__swheeler@queue_calling/n") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] func_odbc.c: > Found no rows [SELECT DISTINCT interface FROM Queue_Members WHERE queue_name LIKE 'steventest2-Q-%' AND interface RLIKE 'Local/[0-9]{3}__swheeler@queue_calling/n' LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1] [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:12] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "interface=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:13] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:10] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:14] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "WRITE_QUEUE_MEMBER_PAUSE(steventest2,swheeler)=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:15] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "trigger_queue_events,s,1(swheeler,RAVONPAUSEDTIME,0|00)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:1] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "index=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "start=1325268197404") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "isMember=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "0?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-queue,1325268193.3,steventest2-swheeler,RAVONPAUSEDTIME,0|00)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "isMember=0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "0?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-queue2,1325268193.3,steventest2-swheeler,RAVONPAUSEDTIME,0|00)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "isMember=1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:5] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "1?QueueLog(steventest2-Q-StevenTestQueue,1325268193.3,steventest2-swheeler,RAVONPAUSEDTIME,0|00)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:6] EndWhile("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] func_odbc.c: > Found no rows [SELECT DISTINCT name FROM queues WHERE company_id='steventest2' ORDER BY name LIMIT 1 OFFSET 3] [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:3] While("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "0") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:7] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "Loop Execution Time: 40 ms") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@trigger_queue_events:8] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:16] Playback("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "beep") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] file.c: -- Playing 'beep.slin' (language 'en') [2011-12-30 12:03:17] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:17] Wait("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "0.2") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:18] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:18] Playback("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "beep") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:18] VERBOSE[21301] file.c: -- Playing 'beep.slin' (language 'en') [2011-12-30 12:03:18] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@queueUnpause:19] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:18] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login:18] Playback("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "agent-loginok") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:18] VERBOSE[21301] file.c: -- Playing 'agent-loginok.slin' (language 'en') [2011-12-30 12:03:19] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003' status is 'UNKNOWN' [2011-12-30 12:03:19] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@hotdesk_login:1] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "Agent login complete.") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:19] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@hotdesk_login:2] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "check_user_state,s,1(steventest2,swheeler)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:19] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:1] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "0?Return") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:19] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:2] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "Checking state for: steventest2-swheeler") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:19] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:3] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "steventest2-swheeler@blf: SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878&SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone = INUSE") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:19] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "HASH(user_info)=steventest2,swheeler,12345,Steven Wheeler,252,,,Steven Wheeler,1,1,0,swheeler@usinternet.com,0,,,,,,0,1,1,,0,1,user,steventest2,swheeler,false") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:19] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:5] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "steventest2-252@blf: SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878&SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone = INUSE") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:19] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:6] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:19] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@hotdesk_login:3] Hangup("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:19] VERBOSE[21301] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (hotdesk_login, h, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000003' [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21253] netsock.c: == Using UDPTL CoS mark 5 [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21253] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:1] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "1?no_bridge_peer") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Goto (from-internal-phone,**,8) [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:8] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "Starting call for company 'steventest2' from phone '0004F22AB878' and user ''") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:9] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "0?h,1:") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:10] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "0?+1:back_after_bug") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Goto (from-internal-phone,**,13) [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:13] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "0?h,1:") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:14] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "set_company_info,s,1(steventest2)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:1] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "__companyID=steventest2") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:2] Log("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "NOTICE, SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004--1325268201.4") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] NOTICE[21311] Ext. s: SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004--1325268201.4 [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:3] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "HASH(company_info)=steventest2,7632102044,651,swheeler@usinternet.com,600,default,,usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,http://usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,801,Steven Test\, Inc.,live,7bf493ca-509b-4518-8ca8-ced2c21ee5f1,steventest2-1324483780,1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "__admin_email=swheeler@usinternet.com") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:5] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "__local_calling_area=651") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "__config_root=/etc/asterisk/dogstar_configs/") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:7] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=default") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_company_info:8] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone:15] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "1?from-internal-phone-hot_desking,**,1:") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Goto (from-internal-phone-hot_desking,**,1) [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone-hot_desking:1] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "CDR(ds_type)=steventest2-INT") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [**@from-internal-phone-hot_desking:2] Goto("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "hotdesk_login_logout,s,1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Goto (hotdesk_login_logout,s,1) [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login_logout:1] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "AMI: To=Hot Desk Login/logout") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login_logout:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "from_user=swheeler") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login_logout:3] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "check_user_state,s,1(steventest2,swheeler)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:1] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "0?Return") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:2] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "Checking state for: steventest2-swheeler") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:3] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "steventest2-swheeler@blf: SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878&SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone = INUSE") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:4] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "HASH(user_info)=steventest2,swheeler,12345,Steven Wheeler,252,,,Steven Wheeler,1,1,0,swheeler@usinternet.com,0,,,,,,0,1,1,,0,1,user,steventest2,swheeler,false") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:5] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "steventest2-252@blf: SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878&SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone = INUSE") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@check_user_state:6] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_login_logout:4] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "0?hotdesk_login,s,1:hotdesk_logout,s,1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Goto (hotdesk_logout,s,1) [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:1] NoOp("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "AMI: To=Host Desk Logging Out") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:2] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "set_user_info,s,1(swheeler)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:1] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "1?Set(hash_name=user_info):Set(hash_name=)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "HASH(user_info)=steventest2,swheeler,12345,Steven Wheeler,252,,,Steven Wheeler,1,1,0,swheeler@usinternet.com,0,,,,,,0,1,1,,0,1,user,steventest2,swheeler,false") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:3] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "1?Set(HASH(user_info,local_calling_area)=651)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:4] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "1?Set(HASH(user_info,caller_id_num)=7632102044)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:5] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "HASH(company_info)=steventest2,7632102044,651,swheeler@usinternet.com,600,default,,usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,http://usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,801,Steven Test\, Inc.,live,7bf493ca-509b-4518-8ca8-ced2c21ee5f1,steventest2-1324483780,1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=default") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:7] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:21] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:3] Wait("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:22] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@hotdesk_logout:4] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "blf_remove_phone,s,1(0004F22AB878)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:22] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:1] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "0?Return") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:22] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "WRITE_BLF_REMOVE_PHONE(steventest2,0004F22AB878)=") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:22] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:3] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "currently_logged_in_user=swheeler") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:22] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:4] GotoIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "0?finished") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:22] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:5] Gosub("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "set_user_info,s,1(swheeler,logged_in_user)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:22] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:1] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "0?Set(hash_name=user_info):Set(hash_name=logged_in_user)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:22] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:2] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "HASH(logged_in_user)=steventest2,swheeler,12345,Steven Wheeler,252,,,Steven Wheeler,1,1,0,swheeler@usinternet.com,0,,,,,,0,1,1,,0,1,user,steventest2,swheeler,false") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:22] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:3] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "1?Set(HASH(logged_in_user,local_calling_area)=651)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:22] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:4] ExecIf("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "1?Set(HASH(logged_in_user,caller_id_num)=7632102044)") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:22] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:5] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "HASH(company_info)=steventest2,7632102044,651,swheeler@usinternet.com,600,default,,usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,http://usi-pbxtest6-mtka.ravon.net,801,Steven Test\, Inc.,live,7bf493ca-509b-4518-8ca8-ced2c21ee5f1,steventest2-1324483780,1") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:22] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=default") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:22] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@set_user_info:7] Return("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:22] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:6] Set("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "phone_list=SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone&Custom:unavailable") in new stack [2011-12-30 12:03:22] VERBOSE[21311] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@blf_remove_phone:7] System("SIP/steventest2-0004F22AB878-00000004", "asterisk -rx "dialplan add extension steventest2-swheeler,hint,SIP/steventest2-swheeler_softphone&Custom:unavailable into blf replace"") in new stack