*CLI> core show version Asterisk built by root @ testing on a x86_64 running Linux on 2011-10-21 15:31:46 UTC *CLI> core set verbose 99 Verbosity was 6 and is now 99 *CLI> ooh323 set debug OOH323 Debugging Enabled *CLI> core set debug 99 Core debug was 0 and is now 99 *CLI> == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 -- Executing [0072276XXXX@formd:1] Dial("SIP/fabphonetest-00000001", "OOH323/md110/0072276XXXX") in new stack --- ooh323_request - data md110/0072276XXXX format 0x4 (ulaw) --- ooh323_alloc +++ ooh323_alloc --- find_peer "md110" comparing with "" found matching peer +++ find_peer "md110" --- ooh323_new - md110, 4 +++ h323_new --- onNewCallCreated 2d75138: ooh323c_o_2 --- find_call +++ find_call Outgoing call md110(ooh323c_o_2) - Codec prefs - (ulaw) Adding capabilities to call(outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) Adding g711 ulaw capability to call(outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) --- configure_local_rtp Setup RTDR info: 999999999, 9999999 +++ configure_local_rtp +++ onNewCallCreated ooh323c_o_2 +++ ooh323_request ----- ooh323_queryoption 16 on channel OOH323/md110-1 +++++ ooh323_queryoption 16 on channel OOH323/md110-1 --- ooh323_call- md110/0072276XXXX +++ ooh323_call -- Called OOH323/md110/0072276XXXX --- onOutgoingCall 2d75138: ooh323c_o_2 --- find_call +++ find_call +++ onOutgoingCall ooh323c_o_2 --- onAlerting ooh323c_o_2 --- find_call +++ find_call +++ onAlerting ooh323c_o_2 -- OOH323/md110-1 is ringing --- onCallEstablished ooh323c_o_2 --- find_call +++ find_call +++ onCallEstablished ooh323c_o_2 -- OOH323/md110-1 answered SIP/fabphonetest-00000001 ----- ooh323_indicate 20 on call ooh323c_o_2 ++++ ooh323_indicate 20 on ooh323c_o_2 --- ooh323_update_writeformat 0x4 (ulaw)/20 --- find_call +++ find_call Writeformat before update 0x4 (ulaw)/0x4 (ulaw) +++ ooh323_update_writeformat --- setup_rtp_connection --- find_call +++ find_call +++ setup_rtp_connection --- close_rtp_connection --- find_call +++ find_call +++ close_rtp_connection --- onCallCleared ooh323c_o_2 --- find_call +++ find_call +++ onCallCleared --- ooh323_hangup +++ ooh323_hangup == Spawn extension (formd, 0072276XXXX, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/fabphonetest-00000001' --- ooh323_destroy Destroying md110 Destroying ooh323c_o_2 +++ ooh323_destroy *CLI> core stop now Beginning asterisk shutdown.... Executing last minute cleanups == Destroying musiconhold processes Asterisk cleanly ending (0). testing:~/ast_sandbox/sbin#