[May 18 11:32:11] DEBUG[24498] res_musiconhold.c: Read 612 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:32:12] DEBUG[24420] acl.c: Found IP address for this socket [May 18 11:32:12] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: Setting SIP_TRANSPORT_UDP with address [May 18 11:32:12] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 6f1f49e912a532896743c67111123023@ - OPTIONS (No RTP) [May 18 11:32:12] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: **** Received OPTIONS (3) - Command in SIP OPTIONS [May 18 11:32:12] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 404' onto UDP socket destined for [May 18 11:32:12] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: SIP message could not be handled, bad request: 6f1f49e912a532896743c67111123023@ [May 18 11:32:14] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 618 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:32:15] DEBUG[24498] res_musiconhold.c: Read 336 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:32:16] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 390 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:32:20] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 560 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:32:21] DEBUG[24498] res_musiconhold.c: Read 310 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:32:27] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 58 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:32:31] DEBUG[24498] res_musiconhold.c: Read 618 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:32:34] DEBUG[24498] res_musiconhold.c: Read 362 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:32:38] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 618 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:32:41] DEBUG[24498] res_musiconhold.c: Read 282 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:32:43] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 310 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:32:44] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: Auto destroying SIP dialog '6f1f49e912a532896743c67111123023@' [May 18 11:32:44] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 6f1f49e912a532896743c67111123023@ [May 18 11:32:58] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 314 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:32:59] DEBUG[24498] res_musiconhold.c: Read 38 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:32:59] DEBUG[24498] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:32:59] DEBUG[24498] res_musiconhold.c: Read 614 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:33:00] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 612 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:33:04] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 336 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:33:05] DEBUG[24620] res_musiconhold.c: Read 526 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:33:05] DEBUG[24620] res_musiconhold.c: Read 382 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:33:05] DEBUG[24620] res_musiconhold.c: Read 512 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:33:09] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 310 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:33:12] DEBUG[24420] acl.c: Found IP address for this socket [May 18 11:33:12] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: Setting SIP_TRANSPORT_UDP with address [May 18 11:33:12] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 688d1a500e97aba20012ae6247b51da4@ - OPTIONS (No RTP) [May 18 11:33:12] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: **** Received OPTIONS (3) - Command in SIP OPTIONS [May 18 11:33:12] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 404' onto UDP socket destined for [May 18 11:33:12] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: SIP message could not be handled, bad request: 688d1a500e97aba20012ae6247b51da4@ [May 18 11:33:20] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 618 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:33:21] DEBUG[24515] res_musiconhold.c: Read 206 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:33:22] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 612 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:33:22] DEBUG[24515] res_musiconhold.c: Read 38 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:33:23] DEBUG[24471] res_musiconhold.c: Read 440 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:33:23] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 390 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:33:24] DEBUG[24515] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:33:24] DEBUG[24515] res_musiconhold.c: Read 416 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:33:24] DEBUG[24515] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:33:37] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 564 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:33:39] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 364 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:33:41] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 612 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:33:41] DEBUG[24420] acl.c: Found IP address for this socket [May 18 11:33:41] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: Setting SIP_TRANSPORT_UDP with address [May 18 11:33:41] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for YjlhMzJjYTNjYjIwOTU4ZTdjNWY1NTlmNGU2M2I4YzY. - SUBSCRIBE (No RTP) [May 18 11:33:41] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: **** Received SUBSCRIBE (10) - Command in SIP SUBSCRIBE [May 18 11:33:41] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: [May 18 11:33:41] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 401' onto UDP socket destined for [May 18 11:33:41] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: **** Received SUBSCRIBE (10) - Command in SIP SUBSCRIBE [May 18 11:33:41] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: build_route: Retaining previous route: [May 18 11:33:41] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 404' onto UDP socket destined for [May 18 11:33:41] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog YjlhMzJjYTNjYjIwOTU4ZTdjNWY1NTlmNGU2M2I4YzY. [May 18 11:33:44] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: Auto destroying SIP dialog '688d1a500e97aba20012ae6247b51da4@' [May 18 11:33:44] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 688d1a500e97aba20012ae6247b51da4@ [May 18 11:33:46] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 310 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:33:48] DEBUG[24498] res_musiconhold.c: Read 468 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:33:48] DEBUG[24498] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:33:48] DEBUG[24498] res_musiconhold.c: Read 196 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:33:57] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 618 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:34:03] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 308 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:34:12] DEBUG[24420] acl.c: Found IP address for this socket [May 18 11:34:12] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: Setting SIP_TRANSPORT_UDP with address [May 18 11:34:12] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 4d8dcee07b6132aa4dae553414985c42@ - OPTIONS (No RTP) [May 18 11:34:12] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: **** Received OPTIONS (3) - Command in SIP OPTIONS [May 18 11:34:12] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 404' onto UDP socket destined for [May 18 11:34:12] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: SIP message could not be handled, bad request: 4d8dcee07b6132aa4dae553414985c42@ [May 18 11:34:15] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 368 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:34:20] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 310 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:34:22] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 612 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:34:23] DEBUG[24508] res_musiconhold.c: Read 458 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:34:23] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 614 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:34:24] DEBUG[24508] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:34:26] DEBUG[24498] res_musiconhold.c: Read 46 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:34:34] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 394 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:34:35] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 614 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:34:37] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 612 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:34:38] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 614 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:34:39] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 390 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:34:41] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 612 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:34:41] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:34:44] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: Auto destroying SIP dialog '4d8dcee07b6132aa4dae553414985c42@' [May 18 11:34:44] DEBUG[24420] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 4d8dcee07b6132aa4dae553414985c42@ [May 18 11:34:46] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 532 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:34:48] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 612 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:34:48] DEBUG[24498] res_musiconhold.c: Read 596 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:34:52] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 336 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:34:52] DEBUG[24498] res_musiconhold.c: Read 336 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:34:53] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 614 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:34:57] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 336 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:34:58] DEBUG[24498] res_musiconhold.c: Read 310 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:03] DEBUG[24541] res_musiconhold.c: Read 308 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:03] DEBUG[24498] res_musiconhold.c: Read 308 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:06] DEBUG[24618] res_musiconhold.c: Read 386 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:06] DEBUG[24618] res_musiconhold.c: Read 384 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] config.c: Parsing /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] config.c: Parsing /etc/asterisk/logger.conf [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] features.c: Configuration of default parkinglot done. [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] config.c: Parsing /etc/asterisk/features.conf [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] features.c: Removed old parking extension 700@parkedcalls [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] pbx.c: Added extension '700' priority 1 to parkedcalls (0xb7be1318) [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] features.c: Notification of state change to metermaids 700@parkedcalls to state 'In use'[May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] devicestate.c: device 'park:700@parkedcalls' state '2' [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] config.c: Parsing /etc/asterisk/codecs.conf [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] config.c: Parsing /etc/asterisk/res_ldap.conf [May 18 11:35:07] WARNING[24191] res_config_ldap.c: No directory user found, anonymous binding as default. [May 18 11:35:07] ERROR[24191] res_config_ldap.c: No directory URL or host found. [May 18 11:35:07] NOTICE[24191] res_config_ldap.c: Cannot reload LDAP RealTime driver. [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] config.c: Parsing /etc/asterisk/sip.conf [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] config.c: Parsing /etc/asterisk/users.conf [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] config.c: Parsing /etc/asterisk/phoneprov.conf [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24423] app_queue.c: Device 'park:700@parkedcalls' changed to state '2' (In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] config.c: Parsing /etc/asterisk/res_odbc.conf [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] res_musiconhold.c: Scanning '/var/lib/asterisk/nodir' for files for class '16' [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] res_musiconhold.c: Scanning '/var/lib/asterisk/nodir' for files for class '42' [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] res_musiconhold.c: Scanning '/var/lib/asterisk/nodir' for files for class '97' [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] res_musiconhold.c: Scanning '/var/lib/asterisk/nodir' for files for class '17' [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] res_musiconhold.c: Scanning '/var/lib/asterisk/nodir' for files for class '45' [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] res_musiconhold.c: Scanning '/var/lib/asterisk/nodir' for files for class '90' [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] res_musiconhold.c: Scanning '/var/lib/asterisk/nodir' for files for class '5' [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] res_musiconhold.c: Scanning '/var/lib/asterisk/nodir' for files for class '10' [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] res_musiconhold.c: Scanning '/var/lib/asterisk/nodir' for files for class '44' [May 18 11:35:07] ERROR[24191] astobj2.c: bad magic number 0x7a4d445a for 0xb7bdb4b0 [May 18 11:35:07] DEBUG[24191] res_musiconhold.c: Scanning '/var/lib/asterisk/72.230.46' for files for class 'N2YyMTY.' [May 18 11:35:07] WARNING[24191] res_musiconhold.c: Cannot open dir /var/lib/asterisk/72.230.46 or dir does not exist [May 18 11:35:07] ERROR[24191] astobj2.c: bad magic number 0x7a4d445a for 0xb7bdb4b0 [May 18 11:35:12] NOTICE[11710] cdr.c: CDR simple logging enabled. [May 18 11:35:12] NOTICE[11710] loader.c: 177 modules will be loaded. [May 18 11:35:12] WARNING[11710] loader.c: Error loading module 'res_config_odbc.so': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/res_config_odbc.so: undefined symbol: ast_odbc_clear_cache [May 18 11:35:12] NOTICE[11710] res_smdi.c: No SMDI interfaces are available to listen on, not starting SMDI listener. [May 18 11:35:12] NOTICE[11710] res_odbc.c: res_odbc loaded. [May 18 11:35:12] ERROR[11710] res_config_pgsql.c: PostgreSQL RealTime: Failed to connect database asterisk on [May 18 11:35:12] WARNING[11710] res_config_pgsql.c: PostgreSQL RealTime: Couldn't establish connection. Check debug. [May 18 11:35:12] NOTICE[11710] config.c: Registered Config Engine pgsql [May 18 11:35:12] WARNING[11710] res_config_ldap.c: No directory user found, anonymous binding as default. [May 18 11:35:12] ERROR[11710] res_config_ldap.c: No directory URL or host found. [May 18 11:35:12] NOTICE[11710] res_config_ldap.c: Cannot load LDAP RealTime driver. [May 18 11:35:12] DEBUG[11710] xmldoc.c: Cannot find variable 'description' in tree 'AGENT' [May 18 11:35:12] NOTICE[11710] chan_skinny.c: Configuring skinny from skinny.conf [May 18 11:35:12] NOTICE[11710] pbx_ael.c: Starting AEL load process. [May 18 11:35:12] NOTICE[11710] pbx_ael.c: AEL load process: parsed config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. [May 18 11:35:12] NOTICE[11710] pbx_ael.c: AEL load process: checked config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. [May 18 11:35:12] NOTICE[11710] pbx_ael.c: AEL load process: compiled config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. [May 18 11:35:12] NOTICE[11710] pbx_ael.c: AEL load process: merged config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. [May 18 11:35:12] NOTICE[11710] pbx_ael.c: AEL load process: verified config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. [May 18 11:35:12] ERROR[11710] codec_dahdi.c: Failed to open /dev/dahdi/transcode: No such file or directory [May 18 11:35:12] NOTICE[11710] config.c: Registered Config Engine odbc [May 18 11:35:13] DEBUG[11710] xmldoc.c: Cannot find variable 'description' in tree 'SIPPEER' [May 18 11:35:13] DEBUG[11710] xmldoc.c: Cannot find variable 'description' in tree 'SIPCHANINFO' [May 18 11:35:13] WARNING[11710] utils.c: trying to reset empty pool [May 18 11:35:13] WARNING[11710] utils.c: trying to reset empty pool [May 18 11:35:13] WARNING[11710] utils.c: trying to reset empty pool [May 18 11:35:13] DEBUG[11710] xmldoc.c: Cannot find variable 'description' in tree 'IAXPEER' [May 18 11:35:13] DEBUG[11710] xmldoc.c: Cannot find variable 'description' in tree 'IAXVAR' [May 18 11:35:13] WARNING[11710] res_musiconhold.c: A directory must be specified for class '53'! [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11819] res_musiconhold.c: Read 562 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11793] res_musiconhold.c: Read 286 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 562 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11819] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11819] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11819] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11860] res_musiconhold.c: Read 92 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11907] res_musiconhold.c: Read 402 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11793] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11793] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11793] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11819] res_musiconhold.c: Read 366 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11793] res_musiconhold.c: Read 366 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 366 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11907] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11907] res_musiconhold.c: Read 196 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11860] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11860] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11860] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11793] res_musiconhold.c: Read 338 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11819] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11819] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11819] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 562 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:20] DEBUG[11819] res_musiconhold.c: Read 588 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:21] DEBUG[11819] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:21] DEBUG[11860] res_musiconhold.c: Read 312 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:21] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 560 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:21] DEBUG[11860] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:21] DEBUG[11860] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:21] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 340 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:21] DEBUG[11920] res_musiconhold.c: Read 636 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:21] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:21] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:21] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:21] DEBUG[11909] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:21] DEBUG[11909] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:21] DEBUG[11909] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:21] DEBUG[11909] res_musiconhold.c: Read 586 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:21] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 366 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:21] DEBUG[11920] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:21] DEBUG[11920] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:21] DEBUG[11920] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:21] DEBUG[11793] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:21] DEBUG[11793] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:21] DEBUG[11793] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:22] DEBUG[11909] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:22] DEBUG[11909] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:22] DEBUG[11909] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:22] DEBUG[11793] res_musiconhold.c: Read 366 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:22] DEBUG[11793] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:22] DEBUG[11793] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:22] DEBUG[11793] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:22] DEBUG[11793] res_musiconhold.c: Read 366 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:22] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 600 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:22] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:22] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:22] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:22] DEBUG[11851] res_musiconhold.c: Read 34 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:22] DEBUG[11851] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:22] DEBUG[11851] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:22] DEBUG[11793] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:22] DEBUG[11793] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:22] DEBUG[11793] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:23] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 364 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:23] DEBUG[11819] res_musiconhold.c: Read 598 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:23] DEBUG[11792] res_musiconhold.c: Read 392 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:23] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:23] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:23] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:23] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 366 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:23] DEBUG[11793] res_musiconhold.c: Read 626 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:23] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:23] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:23] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:23] DEBUG[11793] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:23] DEBUG[11795] res_musiconhold.c: Read 366 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:26] DEBUG[11921] res_musiconhold.c: Read 226 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:26] DEBUG[11921] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:26] DEBUG[11921] res_musiconhold.c: Read 418 bytes of audio while expecting 640 [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] acl.c: Found IP address for this socket [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: Setting SIP_TRANSPORT_UDP with address [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to Off [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for MmM2NGRjY2ZlYWZhN2ZhOTMwNDY3MDJmN2VhNTRkZDA. - INVITE (With RTP) [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: **** Received INVITE (5) - Command in SIP INVITE [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to Off [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 401' onto UDP socket destined for [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: **** Received ACK (6) - Command in SIP ACK [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on 'MmM2NGRjY2ZlYWZhN2ZhOTMwNDY3MDJmN2VhNTRkZDA.' of Response 1: Match Found [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: **** Received INVITE (5) - Command in SIP INVITE [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to Off [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP v=0... UNSUPPORTED. [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP o=- 12950210141826392 1 IN IP4 UNSUPPORTED. : [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP s=CounterPath X-Lite 4.0... UNSUPPORTED. [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP c=IN IP4 OK. [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP t=0 0... UNSUPPORTED. [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP a=ice-ufrag:b54311... UNSUPPORTED. [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP a=ice-pwd:4071e616b340863179b4bb649fbce23f... UNSUPPORTED. [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:107 BV32/16000... OK. [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000... OK. [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=fmtp:101 0-15... UNSUPPORTED. [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=sendrecv... OK. [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=candidate:1 1 UDP 659136 55854 typ host... UNSUPPORTED. [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=candidate:1 2 UDP 659134 55855 typ host... UNSUPPORTED. [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: We're settling with these formats: 0xc (ulaw|alaw) [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: Checking SIP call limits for device 101 [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: Updating call counter for incoming call [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: *** Our native formats are 0x4 (ulaw) [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: *** Joint capabilities are 0xc (ulaw|alaw) [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: *** Our capabilities are 0xe (gsm|ulaw|alaw) [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: *** AST_CODEC_CHOOSE formats are 0x4 (ulaw) [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: This channel will not be able to handle video. [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] dsp.c: Setup tone 1100 Hz, 500 ms, block_size=160, hits_required=21 [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] dsp.c: Setup tone 2100 Hz, 2600 ms, block_size=160, hits_required=116 [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: SIP/101-00000000: New call is still down.... Trying... [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11724] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 100' onto UDP socket destined for [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11715] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 101 [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11715] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer 101 [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11715] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/101 - state 1 (Not in use) [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11715] devicestate.c: device 'SIP/101' state '1' [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[12776] pbx.c: Launching 'Answer' [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[12776] chan_sip.c: SIP answering channel: SIP/101-00000000 [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[12776] rtp.c: Setting the marker bit due to a source update [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11727] app_queue.c: Device 'SIP/101' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11715] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 101 [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11715] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer 101 [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11715] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/101 - state 1 (Not in use) [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11715] devicestate.c: device 'SIP/101' state '1' [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[11727] app_queue.c: Device 'SIP/101' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[12776] chan_sip.c: Setting framing from config on incoming call [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[12776] chan_sip.c: ** Our capability: 0xc (ulaw|alaw) Video flag: True Text flag: True [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[12776] chan_sip.c: ** Our prefcodec: 0x0 (nothing) [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[12776] chan_sip.c: -- Done with adding codecs to SDP [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[12776] chan_sip.c: Done building SDP. Settling with this capability: 0xc (ulaw|alaw) [May 18 11:35:43] DEBUG[12776] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 200' onto UDP socket destined for :