********** SysMonitor v5.2 (69) ********** ********** contact made with at 12:59:12 4/1/2011 ********** ********** System ( has been up and running for 43days, 17hrs, 58mins and 3secs(-515084143mS) ********** ********** Warning: TEXT File Logging selected ********** ********** Warning: TEXT Logging to File STOPPED on 4/1/2011 12:59:12 ********** 0mS PRN: Monitor Started IP= IP 403 3.2(69) Holleb 1mS PRN: LAW=U PRI=0, BRI=0, ALOG=8, ADSL=0 VCOMP=10, MDM=0, WAN=0, MODU=0 LANM=0 CkSRC=0 VMAIL=1(VER=2 TYP=1) CALLS=0(TOT=3650) 280mS CMExtnRxP: v=2 Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 Called[PMVOIP] Type=Unknown (0) BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ULaw Product Unknown 281mS CMExtnCopyProcessMsg: v=2 Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 Called[PMVOIP] Type=Unknown (0) BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ULaw Product Unknown 281mS CMExtnCopyProcessMsg: v=2 Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 Called[PMVOIP] Type=Unknown (0) BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ULaw Product Unknown 946mS PRN: PCPartner packet timeout QSize=5 SendSeq=13 RecvSeq=10 cnt=3 VMikhelson 2747mS CMExtnRx: v=352, p1=2 CMSetup Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ULaw Product Unknown 2747mS CMExtnCopyProcessMsg: v=2 CMSetup Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ULaw BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown 2748mS CMExtnCopyProcessMsg: v=2 CMSetup Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ULaw BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown 2748mS CMExtnCopyProcessMsg: v=2 CMSetup Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ULaw BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown 2750mS CMTARGET: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE:3651 type=100 called_party= sub= calling=352 in=0 complete=0 2750mS CMTARGET: ADD TARGET:3651 number= type=100 depth=1 nobar=1 setorig=1 fwduser= 2751mS CMTARGET: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE:3651 returned 0 2752mS CD: CALL: 0.8329.0 BState=Idle Cut=0 Music=0.0 Aend="VMikhelson(352)" (2.7) Bend="" [] (0.0) CalledNum= () CallingNum=352 () Internal=1 Time=2 AState=Dialling 2752mS CMExtnCopyProcessCallMsg: v=2 CMSetupAck Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown 2753mS CMExtnCopyProcessCallMsg: v=2 CMSetupAck Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown 2753mS CMExtnCopyProcessCallMsg: v=2 CMSetupAck Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown 2754mS CMExtnTx: v=352, p1=2 CMInbandTone Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 Product Unknown UUI type=User2User [TD1\r\n] [0x54 0x44 0x31 0x0d 0x0a ] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 2755mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMInbandTone Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Product Unknown UUI type=User2User [TD1\r\n] [0x54 0x44 0x31 0x0d 0x0a ] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 2755mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMInbandTone Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Product Unknown UUI type=User2User [TD1\r\n] [0x54 0x44 0x31 0x0d 0x0a ] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 2756mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMInbandTone Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Product Unknown UUI type=User2User [TD1\r\n] [0x54 0x44 0x31 0x0d 0x0a ] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 2756mS CMExtnTx: v=352, p1=2 CMSetupAck Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 2757mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMSetupAck Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 2758mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMSetupAck Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 2758mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMSetupAck Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 2759mS CD: CALL: 0.8329.0 BState=Idle Cut=0 Music=0.0 Aend="VMikhelson(352)" (2.7) Bend="" [] (0.0) CalledNum= () CallingNum=352 () Internal=1 Time=10 AState=LocalDial 2759mS CMMap: a=2.7 b=0.0 D1 2778mS PRN: TFTPServer::RRQ(from nasystem/call_info/0.8329.0 2947mS PRN: PCPartner packet timeout QSize=6 SendSeq=13 RecvSeq=10 cnt=4 VMikhelson 2950mS CMExtnCopyProcessMsg: v=2 CMShortCode Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 ShortCode GetCallInfo (108) = [] BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown 2951mS CMExtnCopyProcessMsg: v=2 CMShortCode Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 ShortCode GetCallInfo (108) = [] BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown 2951mS CMExtnCopyProcessMsg: v=2 CMShortCode Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 ShortCode GetCallInfo (108) = [] BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown 3001mS RES: Tue 4/1/2011 18:59:15 FreeMem=3584640(16) CMMsg=8 (10) Buff=100 580 488 1447 3 Links=3209 Elements=154 3004mS PRN: +++ START OF ALARM LOG DUMP +++ 3004mS PRN: ALARM: 18/07/2008 17:41:29 IP 403 3.2(65) CRIT RAISED addr=00000000 d=0 pc=ff8c75f0 ff50916c ff509198 ff444208 ff6849b0 ff532140 3004mS PRN: +++ END OF ALARM LOG DUMP +++ 4948mS PRN: PCPartner packet timeout QSize=7 SendSeq=13 RecvSeq=10 cnt=5 VMikhelson 6836mS CMExtnRx: v=352, p1=2 CMInformation Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 Called[4] Type=Default (100) Product Unknown 6837mS CMExtnCopyProcessMsg: v=2 CMInformation Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 Called[4] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown 6837mS CMExtnCopyProcessMsg: v=2 CMInformation Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 Called[4] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown 6838mS CMExtnCopyProcessMsg: v=2 CMInformation Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 Called[4] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown 6839mS CMExtnTx: v=352, p1=2 CMInbandTone Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 Product Unknown UUI type=User2User [TD0\r\n] [0x54 0x44 0x30 0x0d 0x0a ] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 6839mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMInbandTone Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Product Unknown UUI type=User2User [TD0\r\n] [0x54 0x44 0x30 0x0d 0x0a ] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 6840mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMInbandTone Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Product Unknown UUI type=User2User [TD0\r\n] [0x54 0x44 0x30 0x0d 0x0a ] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 6841mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMInbandTone Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Product Unknown UUI type=User2User [TD0\r\n] [0x54 0x44 0x30 0x0d 0x0a ] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 6841mS CMMap: a=2.7 b=0.0 D0 6948mS PRN: PCPartner packet timeout QSize=7 SendSeq=13 RecvSeq=10 cnt=6 VMikhelson 7095mS CMExtnRx: v=352, p1=2 CMInformation Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 Called[2] Type=Default (100) Product Unknown 7096mS CMExtnCopyProcessMsg: v=2 CMInformation Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 Called[2] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown 7096mS CMExtnCopyProcessMsg: v=2 CMInformation Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 Called[2] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown 7097mS CMExtnCopyProcessMsg: v=2 CMInformation Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 Called[2] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown 7371mS CMExtnRx: v=352, p1=2 CMInformation Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 Called[3] Type=Default (100) Product Unknown 7372mS CMExtnCopyProcessMsg: v=2 CMInformation Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 Called[3] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown 7372mS CMExtnCopyProcessMsg: v=2 CMInformation Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 Called[3] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown 7373mS CMExtnCopyProcessMsg: v=2 CMInformation Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 Called[3] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown 7374mS CMTARGET: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE:3651 type=100 called_party=423 sub= calling=352 in=0 complete=0 7374mS CMTARGET: ADD TARGET:3651 number=423 type=100 depth=1 nobar=1 setorig=1 fwduser= 7375mS CMTARGET: SYS SC:3651 423 3 23 sc=type=Dial code=4xx, num=4N 7376mS CMTARGET: LCR NOT MATCHED:3651 (cpn=423) 7376mS CMTARGET: DIAL LINE:3651 GROUP=7 SUCCESS=1 7376mS CMTARGET: OVERLAP LOOKUP CALL ROUTE:3651 returned 1 7377mS CD: CALL: 0.8329.0 BState=Idle Cut=1 Music=0.0 Aend="VMikhelson(352)" (2.7) Bend="Line 9" [Line 9] (0.0) CalledNum=423 () CallingNum=352 () Internal=0 Time=4628 AState=Dialling 7378mS CMExtnCopyProcessCallMsg: v=2 CMSetupAck Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown Display [423] 7379mS CMExtnCopyProcessCallMsg: v=2 CMSetupAck Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown Display [423] 7379mS CMExtnCopyProcessCallMsg: v=2 CMSetupAck Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown Display [423] 7380mS CMExtnTx: v=352, p1=2 CMSetupAck Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown Display [423] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 7380mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMSetupAck Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown Display [423] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 7381mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMSetupAck Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown Display [423] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 7381mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMSetupAck Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown Display [423] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 7382mS CD: CALL: 0.8329.0 BState=Idle Cut=1 Music=0.0 Aend="VMikhelson(352)" (2.7) Bend="Line 9" [Line 9] (0.0) CalledNum=423 () CallingNum=352 () Internal=0 Time=4633 AState=Dialled 7385mS CMLineTx: v=9 CMSetup Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=0 id=8330 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) Calling[352] Type=Internal (101) BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ULaw BChan: slot=250 chan=9632 Product Unknown IE CMIETxChannelAudio (1) comptype=Ulaw64K (5) pktsize=160 ipaddr= port=0 IE CMIERxChannelAudio (2) comptype=Ulaw64K (5) pktsize=160 ipaddr= port=50606 Display [Vlad Mikhelson] Cause=16, Normal call clearing Locale: enu 7399mS H323Evt: v=0 stacknum=9 State, new=NullState, old= id=-1 7416mS H323Evt: v=0 stacknum=9 State, new=Initiated, old=NullState id=8330 7418mS H323Tx: dst= H323 Pcol=08(Q931) Reflen=2 ref=004F(Remote) Message Type = Setup 7427mS PRN: TFTPServer::RRQ(from nasystem/call_info/0.8329.0 8073mS H323Rx: src= H323 Pcol=08(Q931) Reflen=2 ref=004F(Local) Message Type = CallProceeding 8074mS H323Evt: v=0 stacknum=9 State, new=Proceeding, old=Initiated id=8330 8081mS CMLineRx: v=9 CMProceeding Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=0 id=8330 in=0 Product Standard Display [Vlad's Asterisk] 8082mS CD: CALL: 0.8329.0 BState=Dialled Cut=1 Music=0.0 Aend="VMikhelson(352)" (2.7) Bend="Line 9" [Line 9] (250.9632) CalledNum=423 () CallingNum=352 () Internal=0 Time=5333 AState=Dialled 8082mS CMExtnCopyProcessCallMsg: v=2 CMProceeding Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Standard Display [Vlad's Asterisk] 8083mS CMExtnCopyProcessCallMsg: v=2 CMProceeding Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Standard Display [Vlad's Asterisk] 8084mS CMExtnCopyProcessCallMsg: v=2 CMProceeding Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Standard Display [Vlad's Asterisk] 8085mS CMExtnTx: v=352, p1=2 CMProceeding Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Standard Display [Vlad's Asterisk] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 8085mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMProceeding Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Standard Display [Vlad's Asterisk] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 8086mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMProceeding Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Standard Display [Vlad's Asterisk] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 8086mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMProceeding Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Standard Display [Vlad's Asterisk] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 8090mS PRN: TFTPServer::RRQ(from nasystem/call_info/0.8329.0 8950mS PRN: PCPartner packet timeout QSize=9 SendSeq=13 RecvSeq=10 cnt=7 VMikhelson 10503mS RES: Tue 4/1/2011 18:59:23 FreeMem=3572116(12) CMMsg=8 (10) Buff=100 581 488 1444 3 Links=3200 Elements=154 10624mS H323Rx: src= H323 Pcol=08(Q931) Reflen=2 ref=004F(Local) Message Type = Alerting 10626mS H323Evt: v=0 stacknum=9 State, new=Delivered, old=Proceeding id=8330 10626mS PRN: Fast Start Response 10628mS PRN: LCSE: ffd06e5c (0 8330 0); Creating channel 66537 10629mS PRN: Media Channel, 11008 10630mS PRN: LCSE: ffcfa4d0 (0 8330 0); Creating channel 257 10639mS CMLineRx: v=9 CMAlerting Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=0 id=8330 in=0 BChan: slot=250 chan=9632 Product Standard IE CMIETxChannelAudio (1) comptype=Ulaw64K (5) pktsize=160 ipaddr= port=11008 IE CMIERxChannelAudio (2) comptype=Ulaw64K (5) pktsize=160 ipaddr= port=50606 Display [Vlad's Asterisk] 10639mS CMMap: a=2.7 b=250.9632 M1 10640mS PRN: Converted to: 10640mS CMMap: a=2.7 b=3.10 M1 10640mS CD: CALL: 0.8329.0 BState=Dialled Cut=3 Music=0.0 Aend="VMikhelson(352)" (2.7) Bend="Line 9" [Line 9] (250.9632) CalledNum=423 () CallingNum=352 () Internal=0 Time=7891 AState=Dialled 10641mS CD: CALL: 0.8329.0 BState=Ringing Cut=3 Music=0.0 Aend="VMikhelson(352)" (2.7) Bend="Line 9" [Line 9] (250.9632) CalledNum=423 () CallingNum=352 () Internal=0 Time=7892 AState=Dialled 10641mS CD: CALL: 0.8329.0 BState=Ringing Cut=3 Music=0.0 Aend="VMikhelson(352)" (2.7) Bend="Line 9" [Line 9] (250.9632) CalledNum=423 () CallingNum=352 () Internal=0 Time=7892 AState=Ringing 10642mS CMExtnCopyProcessCallMsg: v=2 CMAlerting Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Standard IE CMIETxChannelAudio (1) comptype=Ulaw64K (5) pktsize=160 ipaddr= port=11008 IE CMIERxChannelAudio (2) comptype=Ulaw64K (5) pktsize=160 ipaddr= port=50606 Display [Vlad's Asterisk] 10643mS CMExtnCopyProcessCallMsg: v=2 CMAlerting Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Standard IE CMIETxChannelAudio (1) comptype=Ulaw64K (5) pktsize=160 ipaddr= port=11008 IE CMIERxChannelAudio (2) comptype=Ulaw64K (5) pktsize=160 ipaddr= port=50606 Display [Vlad's Asterisk] 10644mS CMExtnCopyProcessCallMsg: v=2 CMAlerting Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Standard IE CMIETxChannelAudio (1) comptype=Ulaw64K (5) pktsize=160 ipaddr= port=11008 IE CMIERxChannelAudio (2) comptype=Ulaw64K (5) pktsize=160 ipaddr= port=50606 Display [Vlad's Asterisk] 10645mS CMExtnTx: v=352, p1=2 CMAlerting Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Standard IE CMIETxChannelAudio (1) comptype=Ulaw64K (5) pktsize=160 ipaddr= port=11008 IE CMIERxChannelAudio (2) comptype=Ulaw64K (5) pktsize=160 ipaddr= port=50606 Display [Vlad's Asterisk] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 10646mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMAlerting Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Standard IE CMIETxChannelAudio (1) comptype=Ulaw64K (5) pktsize=160 ipaddr= port=11008 IE CMIERxChannelAudio (2) comptype=Ulaw64K (5) pktsize=160 ipaddr= port=50606 Display [Vlad's Asterisk] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 10647mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMAlerting Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Standard IE CMIETxChannelAudio (1) comptype=Ulaw64K (5) pktsize=160 ipaddr= port=11008 IE CMIERxChannelAudio (2) comptype=Ulaw64K (5) pktsize=160 ipaddr= port=50606 Display [Vlad's Asterisk] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 10648mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMAlerting Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Standard IE CMIETxChannelAudio (1) comptype=Ulaw64K (5) pktsize=160 ipaddr= port=11008 IE CMIERxChannelAudio (2) comptype=Ulaw64K (5) pktsize=160 ipaddr= port=50606 Display [Vlad's Asterisk] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 10666mS PRN: TFTPServer::RRQ(from nasystem/call_info/0.8329.0 10689mS H323Rx: src= H323 Pcol=08(Q931) Reflen=2 ref=004F(Local) Message Type = Facility 10690mS PRN: Unhandled Facility 10690mS H245Rx: v=8330 peb=9 MultimediaSystemControlMessage = request = terminalCapabilitySet 10694mS H323Rx: src= H323 Pcol=08(Q931) Reflen=2 ref=004F(Local) Message Type = Facility 10695mS PRN: Unhandled Facility 10696mS H245Rx: v=8330 peb=9 MultimediaSystemControlMessage = request = masterSlaveDetermination 10696mS H323Rx: src= H323 Pcol=08(Q931) Reflen=2 ref=004F(Local) Message Type = Progress 10697mS H323Tx: dst= H323 Pcol=08(Q931) Reflen=2 ref=004F(Remote) Message Type = Status 10698mS H323Rx: src= H323 Pcol=08(Q931) Reflen=2 ref=004F(Local) Message Type = Alerting 10699mS H323Tx: dst= H323 Pcol=08(Q931) Reflen=2 ref=004F(Remote) Message Type = Status 10707mS CMLineRx: v=9 CMCapability Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=0 id=8330 in=0 Product Unknown 10950mS PRN: PCPartner packet timeout QSize=10 SendSeq=13 RecvSeq=10 cnt=8 VMikhelson 12951mS PRN: PCPartner packet timeout QSize=10 SendSeq=13 RecvSeq=10 cnt=9 VMikhelson 14952mS PRN: PCPartner packet timeout QSize=10 SendSeq=13 RecvSeq=10 cnt=10 VMikhelson 15594mS H323Rx: src= H323 Pcol=08(Q931) Reflen=2 ref=004F(Local) Message Type = Connect 15595mS H323Evt: v=0 stacknum=9 State, new=Active, old=Delivered id=8330 15596mS H245Tx: v=8330 peb=9 MultimediaSystemControlMessage = request = roundTripDelayRequest 15597mS H323Tx: dst= H323 Pcol=08(Q931) Reflen=2 ref=004F(Remote) Message Type = Facility 15604mS CMLineRx: v=9 CMConnect Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=0 id=8330 in=0 BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ALaw Product Standard Display [Vlad's Asterisk] 15605mS CD: CALL: 0.8329.0 BState=Connected Cut=3 Music=0.0 Aend="VMikhelson(352)" (2.7) Bend="Line 9" [Line 9] (250.9632) CalledNum=423 () CallingNum=352 () Internal=0 Time=12856 AState=Ringing 15606mS CMExtnCopyProcessCallMsg: v=2 CMConnect Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ALaw BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Standard Display [Vlad's Asterisk] 15606mS CMExtnCopyProcessCallMsg: v=2 CMConnect Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ALaw BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Standard Display [Vlad's Asterisk] 15607mS CMExtnCopyProcessCallMsg: v=2 CMConnect Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ALaw BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Standard Display [Vlad's Asterisk] 15608mS CD: CALL: 0.8329.0 BState=Connected Cut=3 Music=0.0 Aend="VMikhelson(352)" (2.7) Bend="Line 9" [Line 9] (250.9632) CalledNum=423 () CallingNum=352 () Internal=0 Time=3 AState=Connected 15609mS CMExtnTx: v=352, p1=2 CMCallStatus Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) Calling[352] Type=Default (100) BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ULaw Product Unknown Display [423] State=9, Connected Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 Locale: enu 15610mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMCallStatus Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) Calling[352] Type=Default (100) BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ULaw Product Unknown Display [423] State=9, Connected Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 Locale: enu 15610mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMCallStatus Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) Calling[352] Type=Default (100) BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ULaw Product Unknown Display [423] State=9, Connected Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 Locale: enu 15611mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMCallStatus Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) Calling[352] Type=Default (100) BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ULaw Product Unknown Display [423] State=9, Connected Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 Locale: enu 15612mS CMExtnTx: v=352, p1=2 CMConnect Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ALaw BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Standard Display [Vlad's Asterisk] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 15613mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMConnect Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ALaw BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Standard Display [Vlad's Asterisk] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 15614mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMConnect Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ALaw BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Standard Display [Vlad's Asterisk] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 15614mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMConnect Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ALaw BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Standard Display [Vlad's Asterisk] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 15615mS CMLineTx: v=9 CMFacility Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=0 id=8330 in=0 Product Unknown UUI type=User2User [SC=DIRECT_MEDIA_QUERY...] [0x53 0x43 0x3d 0x44 0x49 0x52 0x45 0x43 0x54 0x5f 0x4d 0x45 0x44 0x49 0x41 0x5f 0x51 0x55 0x45 0x52 0x59 0x00 0x00 0x00 ] 15616mS CMLineTx: v=9 CMCapability Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=0 id=8330 in=0 Product Unknown 15617mS CMLineTx: v=9 CMCapabilityAck Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=0 id=8330 in=0 Product Unknown 15622mS PRN: TFTPServer::RRQ(from nasystem/call_info/0.8329.0 15640mS H323Tx: dst= H323 Pcol=08(Q931) Reflen=2 ref=004F(Remote) Message Type = Facility 15647mS H245Tx: v=8330 peb=9 MultimediaSystemControlMessage = request = terminalCapabilitySet 15648mS H323Tx: dst= H323 Pcol=08(Q931) Reflen=2 ref=004F(Remote) Message Type = Facility 15651mS H245Tx: v=8330 peb=9 MultimediaSystemControlMessage = response = terminalCapabilitySetAck 15651mS H323Tx: dst= H323 Pcol=08(Q931) Reflen=2 ref=004F(Remote) Message Type = Facility 15652mS H245Tx: v=8330 peb=9 MultimediaSystemControlMessage = response = masterSlaveDeterminationAck 15653mS H323Tx: dst= H323 Pcol=08(Q931) Reflen=2 ref=004F(Remote) Message Type = Facility 15724mS PRN: TFTPServer::RRQ(from nasystem/call_info/0.8329.0 15746mS PRN: TFTPServer::RRQ(from nasystem/call_info/0.8329.0 15810mS CMExtnCopyProcessMsg: v=2 CMShortCode Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 ShortCode GetCallInfo (108) = [] BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown 15811mS CMExtnCopyProcessMsg: v=2 CMShortCode Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 ShortCode GetCallInfo (108) = [] BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown 15812mS CMExtnCopyProcessMsg: v=2 CMShortCode Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 ShortCode GetCallInfo (108) = [] BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown 16002mS RES: Tue 4/1/2011 18:59:28 FreeMem=3571088(7) CMMsg=8 (10) Buff=100 580 484 1444 3 Links=3196 Elements=154 16954mS PRN: PCPartner packet timeout QSize=11 SendSeq=13 RecvSeq=10 cnt=11 VMikhelson 16954mS PRN: PCPartner dead 16954mS PRN: PCPartner::~PCPartner for VMikhelson 21597mS H245Tx: v=8330 peb=9 MultimediaSystemControlMessage = request = roundTripDelayRequest 21598mS H323Tx: dst= H323 Pcol=08(Q931) Reflen=2 ref=004F(Remote) Message Type = Facility 23156mS PRN: VCompChan 0-1-4 detect dtmf digit 10 23157mS CMLineTx: v=9 CMInformation Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=0 id=8330 in=0 Keypad[*] Product Unknown 23159mS PRN: Tx UserInputIndication: * 23159mS H245Tx: v=8330 peb=9 MultimediaSystemControlMessage = indication = userInput = alphanumeric = 23160mS H323Tx: dst= H323 Pcol=08(Q931) Reflen=2 ref=004F(Remote) Message Type = Facility 27598mS H245Tx: v=8330 peb=9 MultimediaSystemControlMessage = request = roundTripDelayRequest 27599mS H323Tx: dst= H323 Pcol=08(Q931) Reflen=2 ref=004F(Remote) Message Type = Facility 33210mS CMExtnRxP: v=1 CMShortCode Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 ShortCode GetSystemInfo (99) = [] BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ULaw Product Unknown 33210mS CMExtnTxP: v=1 CMShortCode Line: type=IPLine 250 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 ShortCode GetSystemInfo (99) = [3.2 (69)] Calling[Holleb] Type=Default (100) Product Unknown Display [IP 403] Tag type=Text [1,1,2,1,0,0,0.] [0x31 0x2c 0x31 0x2c 0x32 0x2c 0x31 0x2c 0x30 0x2c 0x30 0x2c 0x30 0x00 ] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 33600mS H245Tx: v=8330 peb=9 MultimediaSystemControlMessage = request = roundTripDelayRequest 33600mS H323Tx: dst= H323 Pcol=08(Q931) Reflen=2 ref=004F(Remote) Message Type = Facility 34956mS PRN: VCompChan 0-1-4 detect dtmf digit 10 34957mS CMLineTx: v=9 CMInformation Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=0 id=8330 in=0 Keypad[*] Product Unknown 34962mS PRN: Tx UserInputIndication: * 34962mS H245Tx: v=8330 peb=9 MultimediaSystemControlMessage = indication = userInput = alphanumeric = 34963mS H323Tx: dst= H323 Pcol=08(Q931) Reflen=2 ref=004F(Remote) Message Type = Facility 39603mS H245Tx: v=8330 peb=9 MultimediaSystemControlMessage = request = roundTripDelayRequest 39604mS H323Tx: dst= H323 Pcol=08(Q931) Reflen=2 ref=004F(Remote) Message Type = Facility 39886mS H323Rx: src= H323 Pcol=08(Q931) Reflen=2 ref=004F(Local) Message Type = ReleaseComplete 39886mS PRN: LCSE: ffcfa4d0 (0 8330 0); H245 Sending close channel: 257 39887mS H245Tx: v=8330 peb=9 MultimediaSystemControlMessage = request = closeLogicalChannel 39888mS H323Tx: dst= H323 Pcol=08(Q931) Reflen=2 ref=004F(Remote) Message Type = Facility 39888mS H323Evt: v=0 stacknum=9 State, new=NullState, old=Active id=8330 39889mS PRN: LCSE: ffd06e5c (0 8330 0); Deleting channel 66537 39890mS PRN: LCSE: ffcfa4d0 (0 8330 0); Deleting channel 257 39892mS CMLineRx: v=9 CMReleaseComp Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=0 id=8330 in=0 Product Unknown Display [Vlad's Asterisk] Cause=16, Normal call clearing 39893mS PRN: CALL: 0.8329.0 Deleted leaving 0 CMCall objects 39893mS CMMap: a=2.7 b=250.9632 M0 39893mS PRN: Converted to: 39894mS CMMap: a=2.7 b=3.10 M0 39894mS CALL:2011/01/0418:59,00:00:24,004,352,O,423,423,VMikhelson,,,0,,""n/a,0 39895mS CMExtnCopyCallLostMsg: v=2 CMReleaseComp Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) Product Unknown Display [423] Cause=16, Normal call clearing 39896mS CMExtnCopyCallLostMsg: v=2 CMReleaseComp Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Called[423] Type=Default (100) Product Unknown Display [423] Cause=16, Normal call clearing 39897mS CD: CALL: 0.8329.0 BState=Idle Cut=0 Music=0.0 Aend="VMikhelson(352)" (2.7) Bend="Line 9" [Line 9] (250.9632) CalledNum=423 () CallingNum=352 () Internal=0 Time=24292 AState=Idle 39898mS CMExtnTx: v=352, p1=2 CMReleaseComp Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=8329 in=0 Product Unknown UUI type=Local [.'..] [0x04 0x27 0x00 0x0e ] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 39900mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMReleaseComp Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 Product Unknown UUI type=Local [.'..] [0x04 0x27 0x00 0x0e ] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 39901mS CMExtnTxP: v=2 CMReleaseComp Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 Product Unknown UUI type=Local [.'..] [0x04 0x27 0x00 0x0e ] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 39902mS CD: CALL: 0.8329.0 Deleted 39902mS CMExtnTx: v=, p1=1029 CMReleaseComp Line: type=RAS 1 Call: lid=0 id=1029 in=0 BChan: slot=3 chan=10 Product Unknown 40003mS RES: Tue 4/1/2011 18:59:53 FreeMem=3588772(18) CMMsg=8 (10) Buff=100 582 496 1447 3 Links=3219 Elements=154 40098mS CMExtnCopyProcessMsg: v=2 CMShortCode Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 ShortCode GetCallInfo (108) = [] BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown 40098mS CMExtnCopyProcessMsg: v=2 CMShortCode Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 ShortCode GetCallInfo (108) = [] BChan: slot=2 chan=7 Product Unknown 41224mS PRN: Recv: RegistrationRequest c0a8a81a; Endpoints registered: 1; Endpoints in registration: 0 42242mS CMExtnRxP: v=3 CMShortCode Line: type=NoLine 0 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 ShortCode GetSystemInfo (99) = [] BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ULaw Product Unknown 42242mS CMExtnTxP: v=3 CMShortCode Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0 ShortCode GetSystemInfo (99) = [3.2 (69)] Calling[Holleb] Type=Default (100) Product Unknown Display [IP 403] Tag type=Text [1,1,2,1,0,0,0.] [0x31 0x2c 0x31 0x2c 0x32 0x2c 0x31 0x2c 0x30 0x2c 0x30 0x2c 0x30 0x00 ] Timed: 04/01/11 18:59 ********** 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