User: 6002
Display Name: User Three
Caller ID: 6002
Label: 6002
Password: 1234
Voicemail Ext.: 1234
Line: 1
Line Keys: 1
MAC Address: 334455667788
User: 6001
Display Name: User Two
Caller ID: 6001
Label: 6001
Password: 1234
Voicemail Ext.: 1234
Line: 1
Line Keys: 1
MAC Address: 223344556677
User: 6000
Display Name: User One
Caller ID: 6000
Label: 6000
Password: 1234
Voicemail Ext.: 1234
Line: 1
Line Keys: 1
MAC Address: 112233445566
A demonstration of the hacking potential to the res_phoneprov in Asterisk. Read more at