[Nov 9 16:59:20] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_qc:1] Answer("SIP/306-00000048", "") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:20] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_qc:2] Read("SIP/306-00000048", "AGENT_NUMBER,agent-user") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:20] VERBOSE[3093] file.c: -- Playing 'agent-user.ulaw' (language 'fr') ------- [Nov 9 16:59:22] VERBOSE[3093] app_read.c: -- User entered '113' [Nov 9 16:59:22] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_qc:3] VMAuthenticate("SIP/306-00000048", "113@agents,s") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:22] VERBOSE[3093] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-password.ulaw' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 16:59:24] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_qc:1] Answer("SIP/304-00000049", "") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:24] VERBOSE[3093] file.c: -- Playing 'auth-thankyou.ulaw' (language 'fr') [Nov 9 16:59:24] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_qc:2] Read("SIP/304-00000049", "AGENT_NUMBER,agent-user") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:24] VERBOSE[3094] file.c: -- Playing 'agent-user.ulaw' (language 'fr') [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_qc:4] GotoIf("SIP/306-00000048", "0?erreur1") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_qc:5] GotoIf("SIP/306-00000048", "0?erreur2") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_qc:6] Set("SIP/306-00000048", "DB(agent_sip/113)=306") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_qc:7] Set("SIP/306-00000048", "DB(poste_sip/306)=113") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_qc:8] Macro("SIP/306-00000048", "logue,113,,maths_1,maths_2,,sciences,,hist_geo,autres,depassement") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:1] System("SIP/306-00000048", "echo "[file_113](profs)" >> /etc/asterisk/queues.conf") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:2] System("SIP/306-00000048", "/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx 'module reload app_queue.so'") in new stack XX [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:3] AddQueueMember("SIP/306-00000048", "file_113,Local/0113@profs/n,,,113-Alexandre Poulin,SIP/306") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:25] NOTICE[3093] app_queue.c: Added interface 'Local/0113@profs/n' to queue 'file_113' [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:4] ExecIf("SIP/306-00000048", "0?addQueueMember(ligne_rouge_mtl,Local/0113@profs/n,,,113-Alexandre Poulin,SIP/306)") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:5] ExecIf("SIP/306-00000048", "1?addQueueMember(ligne_rouge_qc,Local/0113@profs/n,,,113-Alexandre Poulin,SIP/306)") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:25] NOTICE[3093] app_queue.c: Added interface 'Local/0113@profs/n' to queue 'ligne_rouge_qc' [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:6] AddQueueMember("SIP/306-00000048", ",Local/0113@profs/n,,,113-Alexandre Poulin,SIP/306") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:25] WARNING[3093] app_queue.c: Unable to add interface to queue '': No such queue [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:7] AddQueueMember("SIP/306-00000048", "maths_1,Local/0113@profs/n,,,113-Alexandre Poulin,SIP/306") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:25] NOTICE[3093] app_queue.c: Added interface 'Local/0113@profs/n' to queue 'maths_1' [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:8] AddQueueMember("SIP/306-00000048", "maths_2,Local/0113@profs/n,,,113-Alexandre Poulin,SIP/306") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:25] NOTICE[3093] app_queue.c: Added interface 'Local/0113@profs/n' to queue 'maths_2' [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:9] AddQueueMember("SIP/306-00000048", ",Local/0113@profs/n,,,113-Alexandre Poulin,SIP/306") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:25] WARNING[3093] app_queue.c: Unable to add interface to queue '': No such queue [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:10] AddQueueMember("SIP/306-00000048", "sciences,Local/0113@profs/n,,,113-Alexandre Poulin,SIP/306") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:25] NOTICE[3093] app_queue.c: Added interface 'Local/0113@profs/n' to queue 'sciences' [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:11] AddQueueMember("SIP/306-00000048", ",Local/0113@profs/n,,,113-Alexandre Poulin,SIP/306") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:25] WARNING[3093] app_queue.c: Unable to add interface to queue '': No such queue [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:12] AddQueueMember("SIP/306-00000048", "hist_geo,Local/0113@profs/n,,,113-Alexandre Poulin,SIP/306") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:25] NOTICE[3093] app_queue.c: Added interface 'Local/0113@profs/n' to queue 'hist_geo' [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:13] AddQueueMember("SIP/306-00000048", "autres,Local/0113@profs/n,,,113-Alexandre Poulin,SIP/306") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:25] NOTICE[3093] app_queue.c: Added interface 'Local/0113@profs/n' to queue 'autres' [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:14] AddQueueMember("SIP/306-00000048", "depassement,Local/0113@profs/n,,,113-Alexandre Poulin,SIP/306") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:25] NOTICE[3093] app_queue.c: Added interface 'Local/0113@profs/n' to queue 'depassement' [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:15] UserEvent("SIP/306-00000048", "Agentlogin,Agent: 113") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_qc:9] Verbose("SIP/306-00000048", "WATCH AGENT Le prof 113 vient de se loguer avec succes depuis le poste 306.") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] app_verbose.c: WATCH AGENT Le prof 113 vient de se loguer avec succes depuis le poste 306. [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_qc:10] Playback("SIP/306-00000048", "agent-loginok") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:25] VERBOSE[3093] file.c: -- Playing 'agent-loginok.ulaw' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 16:59:27] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_qc:11] Playback("SIP/306-00000048", "vm-goodbye") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:27] VERBOSE[3093] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-goodbye.ulaw' (language 'fr') [Nov 9 16:59:27] VERBOSE[3093] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (interne_qc, *81, 11) exited non-zero on 'SIP/306-00000048' XX [Nov 9 16:59:30] VERBOSE[3094] app_read.c: -- User entered '105' [Nov 9 16:59:30] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_qc:3] VMAuthenticate("SIP/304-00000049", "105@agents,s") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:30] VERBOSE[3094] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-password.ulaw' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 16:59:34] VERBOSE[3094] file.c: -- Playing 'auth-thankyou.ulaw' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_qc:4] GotoIf("SIP/304-00000049", "0?erreur1") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_qc:5] GotoIf("SIP/304-00000049", "0?erreur2") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_qc:6] Set("SIP/304-00000049", "DB(agent_sip/105)=304") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_qc:7] Set("SIP/304-00000049", "DB(poste_sip/304)=105") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_qc:8] Macro("SIP/304-00000049", "logue,105,,maths_1,maths_2,,sciences,,,autres,depassement") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:1] System("SIP/304-00000049", "echo "[file_105](profs)" >> /etc/asterisk/queues.conf") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:2] System("SIP/304-00000049", "/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx 'module reload app_queue.so'") in new stack XX [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:3] AddQueueMember("SIP/304-00000049", "file_105,Local/0105@profs/n,,,105-Martine David,SIP/304") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:35] NOTICE[3094] app_queue.c: Added interface 'Local/0105@profs/n' to queue 'file_105' [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:4] ExecIf("SIP/304-00000049", "0?addQueueMember(ligne_rouge_mtl,Local/0105@profs/n,,,105-Martine David,SIP/304)") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:5] ExecIf("SIP/304-00000049", "1?addQueueMember(ligne_rouge_qc,Local/0105@profs/n,,,105-Martine David,SIP/304)") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:35] NOTICE[3094] app_queue.c: Added interface 'Local/0105@profs/n' to queue 'ligne_rouge_qc' [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:6] AddQueueMember("SIP/304-00000049", ",Local/0105@profs/n,,,105-Martine David,SIP/304") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:35] WARNING[3094] app_queue.c: Unable to add interface to queue '': No such queue [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:7] AddQueueMember("SIP/304-00000049", "maths_1,Local/0105@profs/n,,,105-Martine David,SIP/304") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:35] NOTICE[3094] app_queue.c: Added interface 'Local/0105@profs/n' to queue 'maths_1' [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:8] AddQueueMember("SIP/304-00000049", "maths_2,Local/0105@profs/n,,,105-Martine David,SIP/304") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:35] NOTICE[3094] app_queue.c: Added interface 'Local/0105@profs/n' to queue 'maths_2' [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:9] AddQueueMember("SIP/304-00000049", ",Local/0105@profs/n,,,105-Martine David,SIP/304") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:35] WARNING[3094] app_queue.c: Unable to add interface to queue '': No such queue [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:10] AddQueueMember("SIP/304-00000049", "sciences,Local/0105@profs/n,,,105-Martine David,SIP/304") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:35] NOTICE[3094] app_queue.c: Added interface 'Local/0105@profs/n' to queue 'sciences' [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:11] AddQueueMember("SIP/304-00000049", ",Local/0105@profs/n,,,105-Martine David,SIP/304") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:35] WARNING[3094] app_queue.c: Unable to add interface to queue '': No such queue [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:12] AddQueueMember("SIP/304-00000049", ",Local/0105@profs/n,,,105-Martine David,SIP/304") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:35] WARNING[3094] app_queue.c: Unable to add interface to queue '': No such queue [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:13] AddQueueMember("SIP/304-00000049", "autres,Local/0105@profs/n,,,105-Martine David,SIP/304") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:35] NOTICE[3094] app_queue.c: Added interface 'Local/0105@profs/n' to queue 'autres' [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:14] AddQueueMember("SIP/304-00000049", "depassement,Local/0105@profs/n,,,105-Martine David,SIP/304") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:35] NOTICE[3094] app_queue.c: Added interface 'Local/0105@profs/n' to queue 'depassement' [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:15] UserEvent("SIP/304-00000049", "Agentlogin,Agent: 105") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_qc:9] Verbose("SIP/304-00000049", "WATCH AGENT Le prof 105 vient de se loguer avec succes depuis le poste 304.") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] app_verbose.c: WATCH AGENT Le prof 105 vient de se loguer avec succes depuis le poste 304. [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_qc:10] Playback("SIP/304-00000049", "agent-loginok") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:35] VERBOSE[3094] file.c: -- Playing 'agent-loginok.ulaw' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 16:59:37] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_qc:11] Playback("SIP/304-00000049", "vm-goodbye") in new stack [Nov 9 16:59:37] VERBOSE[3094] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-goodbye.ulaw' (language 'fr') [Nov 9 16:59:37] VERBOSE[3094] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (interne_qc, *81, 11) exited non-zero on 'SIP/304-00000049' XX [Nov 9 19:20:34] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [5145273726@entrants_pri:1] Goto("DAHDI/10-1", "entrants,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:20:34] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Goto (entrants,s,1) [Nov 9 19:20:34] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:1] Answer("DAHDI/10-1", "") in new stack XX [Nov 9 19:20:34] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/10-1", "0?entrants_conge,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:20:34] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:3] GotoIf("DAHDI/10-1", "0?entrants_ferme_except,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:20:34] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:4] GotoIfTime("DAHDI/10-1", "19:59-16:57,*,*,*?entrants_ferme,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:20:34] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:5] GotoIfTime("DAHDI/10-1", "*,fri-sun,*,*?entrants_ferme,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:20:34] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:6] Goto("DAHDI/10-1", "entrants_ouvert,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:20:34] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Goto (entrants_ouvert,s,1) [Nov 9 19:20:34] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants_ouvert:1] Set("DAHDI/10-1", "TRYAGAIN=2") in new stack [Nov 9 19:20:34] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants_ouvert:2] BackGround("DAHDI/10-1", "/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-bienvenue") in new stack [Nov 9 19:20:34] VERBOSE[5390] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-bienvenue.slin' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 19:20:38] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants_ouvert:3] BackGround("DAHDI/10-1", "/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choixniveau") in new stack [Nov 9 19:20:38] VERBOSE[5390] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choixniveau.slin' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 19:20:46] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [2@entrants_ouvert:1] Goto("DAHDI/10-1", "level2,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:20:46] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Goto (level2,s,1) [Nov 9 19:20:46] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@level2:1] BackGround("DAHDI/10-1", "/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choixmatiere") in new stack [Nov 9 19:20:46] VERBOSE[5390] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choixmatiere.slin' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 19:20:54] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [1@level2:1] Macro("DAHDI/10-1", "expectedanswer,maths_1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:20:54] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:1] Verbose("DAHDI/10-1", "WATCH IN Channel 1289348434.1089 DAHDI/10-1 L'appelant "" <> a choisit l'option maths_1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:20:54] VERBOSE[5390] app_verbose.c: WATCH IN Channel 1289348434.1089 DAHDI/10-1 L'appelant <> a choisit l'option maths_1 [Nov 9 19:20:54] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:3] ExecIf("DAHDI/10-1", "1?Set(HOLDSEC=2):Set(HOLDSEC=0)") in new stack [Nov 9 19:20:54] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:4] Set("DAHDI/10-1", "HOLDMIN=0.033333") in new stack [Nov 9 19:20:54] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:5] Set("DAHDI/10-1", "CURRENTHR=1140.000000") in new stack [Nov 9 19:20:54] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:6] Set("DAHDI/10-1", "CURRENTMIN=1160.000000") in new stack [Nov 9 19:20:54] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:7] Set("DAHDI/10-1", "EXPECTEDMIN=1160.033333") in new stack [Nov 9 19:20:54] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:8] GotoIf("DAHDI/10-1", "0?tropdemonde,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:20:54] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [1@level2:2] Playback("DAHDI/10-1", "/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choix") in new stack [Nov 9 19:20:54] VERBOSE[5390] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choix.slin' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 19:20:59] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [1@level2:3] Queue("DAHDI/10-1", "maths_1,c,,,600") in new stack [Nov 9 19:20:59] VERBOSE[5390] res_musiconhold.c: -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on DAHDI/10-1 [Nov 9 19:20:59] VERBOSE[5399] pbx.c: -- Executing [0113@profs:1] Set("Local/0113@profs-c15b;2", "AGENT_SIP=306") in new stack [Nov 9 19:20:59] VERBOSE[5399] pbx.c: -- Executing [0113@profs:2] Dial("Local/0113@profs-c15b;2", "SIP/306,30") in new stack [Nov 9 19:20:59] VERBOSE[5399] netsock.c: == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 [Nov 9 19:20:59] VERBOSE[5399] netsock.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Nov 9 19:20:59] VERBOSE[5399] app_dial.c: -- Called 306 [Nov 9 19:20:59] VERBOSE[5390] app_queue.c: -- Called Local/0113@profs/n [Nov 9 19:21:00] VERBOSE[5399] app_dial.c: -- SIP/306-00000149 is ringing [Nov 9 19:21:00] VERBOSE[5390] app_queue.c: -- Local/0113@profs-c15b;1 is ringing XX [Nov 9 19:21:02] VERBOSE[5399] app_dial.c: -- SIP/306-00000149 answered Local/0113@profs-c15b;2 [Nov 9 19:21:02] VERBOSE[5390] app_queue.c: -- Local/0113@profs-c15b;1 answered DAHDI/10-1 [Nov 9 19:21:02] VERBOSE[5390] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-maths_1.slin' (language 'en') XX [Nov 9 19:21:05] VERBOSE[5390] res_musiconhold.c: -- Stopped music on hold on DAHDI/10-1 [Nov 9 19:21:05] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-checktime:1] Set("Local/0113@profs-c15b;1", "DB(average_wait_time/maths_1)=2") in new stack [Nov 9 19:21:05] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-checktime:2] Verbose("Local/0113@profs-c15b;1", "WATCH OUT Channel 1289348459.1093 Local/0113@profs-c15b;1 L'appelant "" <> a ete repondu dans la queue maths_1 ou il y avait 1 appelants en attente.") in new stack [Nov 9 19:21:05] VERBOSE[5390] app_verbose.c: WATCH OUT Channel 1289348459.1093 Local/0113@profs-c15b;1 L'appelant <> a ete repondu dans la queue maths_1 ou il y avait 1 appelants en attente. XX [Nov 9 19:22:37] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [5145273726@entrants_pri:1] Goto("DAHDI/15-1", "entrants,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:22:37] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Goto (entrants,s,1) [Nov 9 19:22:37] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:1] Answer("DAHDI/15-1", "") in new stack XX [Nov 9 19:22:37] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/15-1", "0?entrants_conge,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:22:37] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:3] GotoIf("DAHDI/15-1", "0?entrants_ferme_except,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:22:37] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:4] GotoIfTime("DAHDI/15-1", "19:59-16:57,*,*,*?entrants_ferme,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:22:37] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:5] GotoIfTime("DAHDI/15-1", "*,fri-sun,*,*?entrants_ferme,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:22:37] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:6] Goto("DAHDI/15-1", "entrants_ouvert,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:22:37] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Goto (entrants_ouvert,s,1) [Nov 9 19:22:37] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants_ouvert:1] Set("DAHDI/15-1", "TRYAGAIN=2") in new stack [Nov 9 19:22:37] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants_ouvert:2] BackGround("DAHDI/15-1", "/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-bienvenue") in new stack [Nov 9 19:22:37] VERBOSE[5435] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-bienvenue.slin' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 19:22:41] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants_ouvert:3] BackGround("DAHDI/15-1", "/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choixniveau") in new stack [Nov 9 19:22:41] VERBOSE[5435] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choixniveau.slin' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 19:22:51] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [2@entrants_ouvert:1] Goto("DAHDI/15-1", "level2,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:22:51] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Goto (level2,s,1) [Nov 9 19:22:51] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@level2:1] BackGround("DAHDI/15-1", "/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choixmatiere") in new stack [Nov 9 19:22:51] VERBOSE[5435] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choixmatiere.slin' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 19:23:10] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [4@level2:1] Macro("DAHDI/15-1", "expectedanswer,sciences") in new stack [Nov 9 19:23:10] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:1] Verbose("DAHDI/15-1", "WATCH IN Channel 1289348557.1126 DAHDI/15-1 L'appelant "DANDAN FAYSAL" <5146247737> a choisit l'option sciences") in new stack [Nov 9 19:23:10] VERBOSE[5435] app_verbose.c: WATCH IN Channel 1289348557.1126 DAHDI/15-1 L'appelant DANDAN FAYSAL <5146247737> a choisit l'option sciences [Nov 9 19:23:10] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:3] ExecIf("DAHDI/15-1", "1?Set(HOLDSEC=23):Set(HOLDSEC=0)") in new stack [Nov 9 19:23:10] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:4] Set("DAHDI/15-1", "HOLDMIN=0.383333") in new stack [Nov 9 19:23:10] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:5] Set("DAHDI/15-1", "CURRENTHR=1140.000000") in new stack [Nov 9 19:23:10] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:6] Set("DAHDI/15-1", "CURRENTMIN=1163.000000") in new stack [Nov 9 19:23:10] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:7] Set("DAHDI/15-1", "EXPECTEDMIN=1163.383333") in new stack [Nov 9 19:23:10] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:8] GotoIf("DAHDI/15-1", "0?tropdemonde,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:23:10] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [4@level2:2] Playback("DAHDI/15-1", "/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choix") in new stack [Nov 9 19:23:10] VERBOSE[5435] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choix.slin' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 19:23:15] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [4@level2:3] Queue("DAHDI/15-1", "sciences,c,,,600") in new stack [Nov 9 19:23:15] VERBOSE[5435] res_musiconhold.c: -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on DAHDI/15-1 XX [Nov 9 19:23:36] VERBOSE[5435] res_musiconhold.c: -- Stopped music on hold on DAHDI/15-1 [Nov 9 19:23:36] VERBOSE[5435] res_musiconhold.c: -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on DAHDI/15-1 XX [Nov 9 19:23:57] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [5145273726@entrants_pri:1] Goto("DAHDI/17-1", "entrants,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:23:57] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Goto (entrants,s,1) [Nov 9 19:23:57] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:1] Answer("DAHDI/17-1", "") in new stack [Nov 9 19:23:57] VERBOSE[2279] chan_dahdi.c: -- Accepting call from '4183253025' to '5145273726' on channel 0/17, span 1 [Nov 9 19:23:57] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/17-1", "0?entrants_conge,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:23:57] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:3] GotoIf("DAHDI/17-1", "0?entrants_ferme_except,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:23:57] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:4] GotoIfTime("DAHDI/17-1", "19:59-16:57,*,*,*?entrants_ferme,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:23:57] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:5] GotoIfTime("DAHDI/17-1", "*,fri-sun,*,*?entrants_ferme,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:23:57] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:6] Goto("DAHDI/17-1", "entrants_ouvert,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:23:57] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Goto (entrants_ouvert,s,1) [Nov 9 19:23:57] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants_ouvert:1] Set("DAHDI/17-1", "TRYAGAIN=2") in new stack [Nov 9 19:23:57] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants_ouvert:2] BackGround("DAHDI/17-1", "/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-bienvenue") in new stack [Nov 9 19:23:57] VERBOSE[5455] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-bienvenue.slin' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 19:24:00] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants_ouvert:3] BackGround("DAHDI/17-1", "/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choixniveau") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:00] VERBOSE[5455] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choixniveau.slin' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 19:24:08] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [2@entrants_ouvert:1] Goto("DAHDI/17-1", "level2,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:08] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Goto (level2,s,1) [Nov 9 19:24:08] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@level2:1] BackGround("DAHDI/17-1", "/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choixmatiere") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:08] VERBOSE[5455] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choixmatiere.slin' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 19:24:26] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [5145273726@entrants_pri:1] Goto("DAHDI/4-1", "entrants,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:26] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Goto (entrants,s,1) [Nov 9 19:24:26] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:1] Answer("DAHDI/4-1", "") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:26] VERBOSE[2279] chan_dahdi.c: -- Accepting call from '4186550000' to '5145273726' on channel 0/4, span 1 [Nov 9 19:24:26] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/4-1", "0?entrants_conge,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:26] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:3] GotoIf("DAHDI/4-1", "0?entrants_ferme_except,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:26] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:4] GotoIfTime("DAHDI/4-1", "19:59-16:57,*,*,*?entrants_ferme,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:26] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:5] GotoIfTime("DAHDI/4-1", "*,fri-sun,*,*?entrants_ferme,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:26] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:6] Goto("DAHDI/4-1", "entrants_ouvert,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:26] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Goto (entrants_ouvert,s,1) [Nov 9 19:24:26] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants_ouvert:1] Set("DAHDI/4-1", "TRYAGAIN=2") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:26] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants_ouvert:2] BackGround("DAHDI/4-1", "/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-bienvenue") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:26] VERBOSE[5463] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-bienvenue.slin' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 19:24:28] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [4@level2:1] Macro("DAHDI/17-1", "expectedanswer,sciences") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:28] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:1] Verbose("DAHDI/17-1", "WATCH IN Channel 1289348637.1132 DAHDI/17-1 L'appelant "BARIL NICOLAS " <4183253025> a choisit l'option sciences") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:28] VERBOSE[5455] app_verbose.c: WATCH IN Channel 1289348637.1132 DAHDI/17-1 L'appelant BARIL NICOLAS <4183253025> a choisit l'option sciences [Nov 9 19:24:28] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:3] ExecIf("DAHDI/17-1", "1?Set(HOLDSEC=23):Set(HOLDSEC=0)") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:28] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:4] Set("DAHDI/17-1", "HOLDMIN=0.383333") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:28] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:5] Set("DAHDI/17-1", "CURRENTHR=1140.000000") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:28] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:6] Set("DAHDI/17-1", "CURRENTMIN=1164.000000") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:28] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:7] Set("DAHDI/17-1", "EXPECTEDMIN=1164.383333") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:28] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:8] GotoIf("DAHDI/17-1", "0?tropdemonde,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:28] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [4@level2:2] Playback("DAHDI/17-1", "/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choix") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:28] VERBOSE[5455] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choix.slin' (language 'fr') [Nov 9 19:24:29] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants_ouvert:3] BackGround("DAHDI/4-1", "/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choixniveau") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:29] VERBOSE[5463] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choixniveau.slin' (language 'fr') [Nov 9 19:24:29] VERBOSE[5466] pbx.c: -- Executing [0105@profs:1] Set("Local/0105@profs-0dfd;2", "AGENT_SIP=304") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:29] VERBOSE[5466] pbx.c: -- Executing [0105@profs:2] Dial("Local/0105@profs-0dfd;2", "SIP/304,30") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:29] VERBOSE[5466] netsock.c: == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 [Nov 9 19:24:29] VERBOSE[5466] netsock.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Nov 9 19:24:29] VERBOSE[5466] app_dial.c: -- Called 304 [Nov 9 19:24:29] VERBOSE[5435] app_queue.c: -- Called Local/0105@profs/n [Nov 9 19:24:30] VERBOSE[5466] app_dial.c: -- SIP/304-00000156 is ringing [Nov 9 19:24:30] VERBOSE[5435] app_queue.c: -- Local/0105@profs-0dfd;1 is ringing XX [Nov 9 19:24:34] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [4@level2:3] Queue("DAHDI/17-1", "sciences,c,,,600") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:34] VERBOSE[5455] res_musiconhold.c: -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on DAHDI/17-1 XX [Nov 9 19:24:35] VERBOSE[5466] app_dial.c: -- SIP/304-00000156 answered Local/0105@profs-0dfd;2 [Nov 9 19:24:35] VERBOSE[5435] app_queue.c: -- Local/0105@profs-0dfd;1 answered DAHDI/15-1 [Nov 9 19:24:35] VERBOSE[5435] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-sciences.slin' (language 'en') XX [Nov 9 19:24:37] VERBOSE[5435] res_musiconhold.c: -- Stopped music on hold on DAHDI/15-1 [Nov 9 19:24:37] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-checktime:1] Set("Local/0105@profs-0dfd;1", "DB(average_wait_time/sciences)=37") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:37] VERBOSE[5435] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-checktime:2] Verbose("Local/0105@profs-0dfd;1", "WATCH OUT Channel 1289348669.1135 Local/0105@profs-0dfd;1 L'appelant "DANDAN FAYSAL" <5146247737> a ete repondu dans la queue sciences ou il y avait 3 appelants en attente.") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:37] VERBOSE[5435] app_verbose.c: WATCH OUT Channel 1289348669.1135 Local/0105@profs-0dfd;1 L'appelant DANDAN FAYSAL <5146247737> a ete repondu dans la queue sciences ou il y avait 3 appelants en attente. [Nov 9 19:24:42] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants_ouvert:4] WaitExten("DAHDI/4-1", "") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:42] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: == CDR updated on DAHDI/4-1 [Nov 9 19:24:42] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [2@entrants_ouvert:1] Goto("DAHDI/4-1", "level2,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:42] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Goto (level2,s,1) [Nov 9 19:24:42] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@level2:1] BackGround("DAHDI/4-1", "/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choixmatiere") in new stack [Nov 9 19:24:42] VERBOSE[5463] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choixmatiere.slin' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 19:25:04] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [4@level2:1] Macro("DAHDI/4-1", "expectedanswer,sciences") in new stack [Nov 9 19:25:04] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:1] Verbose("DAHDI/4-1", "WATCH IN Channel 1289348666.1134 DAHDI/4-1 L'appelant "" <4186550000> a choisit l'option sciences") in new stack [Nov 9 19:25:04] VERBOSE[5463] app_verbose.c: WATCH IN Channel 1289348666.1134 DAHDI/4-1 L'appelant <4186550000> a choisit l'option sciences [Nov 9 19:25:04] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:3] ExecIf("DAHDI/4-1", "1?Set(HOLDSEC=37):Set(HOLDSEC=0)") in new stack [Nov 9 19:25:04] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:4] Set("DAHDI/4-1", "HOLDMIN=0.616667") in new stack [Nov 9 19:25:04] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:5] Set("DAHDI/4-1", "CURRENTHR=1140.000000") in new stack [Nov 9 19:25:04] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:6] Set("DAHDI/4-1", "CURRENTMIN=1165.000000") in new stack [Nov 9 19:25:04] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:7] Set("DAHDI/4-1", "EXPECTEDMIN=1165.616667") in new stack [Nov 9 19:25:04] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:8] GotoIf("DAHDI/4-1", "0?tropdemonde,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:25:04] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [4@level2:2] Playback("DAHDI/4-1", "/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choix") in new stack [Nov 9 19:25:04] VERBOSE[5463] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choix.slin' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 19:25:10] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [4@level2:3] Queue("DAHDI/4-1", "sciences,c,,,600") in new stack [Nov 9 19:25:10] VERBOSE[5463] res_musiconhold.c: -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on DAHDI/4-1 XX [Nov 9 19:27:39] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [5145273726@entrants_pri:1] Goto("DAHDI/3-1", "entrants,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:27:39] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Goto (entrants,s,1) [Nov 9 19:27:39] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:1] Answer("DAHDI/3-1", "") in new stack [Nov 9 19:27:39] VERBOSE[2279] chan_dahdi.c: -- Accepting call from '8198406787' to '5145273726' on channel 0/3, span 1 [Nov 9 19:27:39] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/3-1", "0?entrants_conge,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:27:39] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:3] GotoIf("DAHDI/3-1", "0?entrants_ferme_except,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:27:39] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:4] GotoIfTime("DAHDI/3-1", "19:59-16:57,*,*,*?entrants_ferme,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:27:39] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:5] GotoIfTime("DAHDI/3-1", "*,fri-sun,*,*?entrants_ferme,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:27:39] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants:6] Goto("DAHDI/3-1", "entrants_ouvert,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:27:39] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Goto (entrants_ouvert,s,1) [Nov 9 19:27:39] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants_ouvert:1] Set("DAHDI/3-1", "TRYAGAIN=2") in new stack [Nov 9 19:27:39] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants_ouvert:2] BackGround("DAHDI/3-1", "/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-bienvenue") in new stack [Nov 9 19:27:39] VERBOSE[5516] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-bienvenue.slin' (language 'fr') [Nov 9 19:27:42] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@entrants_ouvert:3] BackGround("DAHDI/3-1", "/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choixniveau") in new stack [Nov 9 19:27:42] VERBOSE[5516] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choixniveau.slin' (language 'fr') [Nov 9 19:27:45] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [2@entrants_ouvert:1] Goto("DAHDI/3-1", "level2,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:27:45] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Goto (level2,s,1) [Nov 9 19:27:45] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@level2:1] BackGround("DAHDI/3-1", "/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choixmatiere") in new stack [Nov 9 19:27:45] VERBOSE[5516] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choixmatiere.slin' (language 'fr') [Nov 9 19:27:46] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [1@level2:1] Macro("DAHDI/3-1", "expectedanswer,maths_1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:27:46] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:1] Verbose("DAHDI/3-1", "WATCH IN Channel 1289348859.1159 DAHDI/3-1 L'appelant "C Sinclair" <8198406787> a choisit l'option maths_1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:27:46] VERBOSE[5516] app_verbose.c: WATCH IN Channel 1289348859.1159 DAHDI/3-1 L'appelant C Sinclair <8198406787> a choisit l'option maths_1 [Nov 9 19:27:46] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:3] ExecIf("DAHDI/3-1", "1?Set(HOLDSEC=22):Set(HOLDSEC=0)") in new stack [Nov 9 19:27:46] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:4] Set("DAHDI/3-1", "HOLDMIN=0.366667") in new stack [Nov 9 19:27:46] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:5] Set("DAHDI/3-1", "CURRENTHR=1140.000000") in new stack [Nov 9 19:27:46] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:6] Set("DAHDI/3-1", "CURRENTMIN=1167.000000") in new stack [Nov 9 19:27:46] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:7] Set("DAHDI/3-1", "EXPECTEDMIN=1167.366667") in new stack [Nov 9 19:27:46] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-expectedanswer:8] GotoIf("DAHDI/3-1", "0?tropdemonde,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:27:46] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [1@level2:2] Playback("DAHDI/3-1", "/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choix") in new stack [Nov 9 19:27:46] VERBOSE[5516] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-choix.slin' (language 'fr') [Nov 9 19:27:51] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [1@level2:3] Queue("DAHDI/3-1", "maths_1,c,,,600") in new stack [Nov 9 19:27:51] VERBOSE[5516] res_musiconhold.c: -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on DAHDI/3-1 XX [Nov 9 19:28:51] VERBOSE[5435] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/15-1' [Nov 9 19:28:51] VERBOSE[5466] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (profs, 0105, 2) exited non-zero on 'Local/0105@profs-0dfd;2' XX [Nov 9 19:29:07] VERBOSE[5539] pbx.c: -- Executing [0105@profs:1] Set("Local/0105@profs-4b85;2", "AGENT_SIP=304") in new stack [Nov 9 19:29:07] VERBOSE[5539] pbx.c: -- Executing [0105@profs:2] Dial("Local/0105@profs-4b85;2", "SIP/304,30") in new stack [Nov 9 19:29:07] VERBOSE[5539] netsock.c: == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 [Nov 9 19:29:07] VERBOSE[5539] netsock.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Nov 9 19:29:07] VERBOSE[5539] app_dial.c: -- Called 304 [Nov 9 19:29:07] VERBOSE[5516] app_queue.c: -- Called Local/0105@profs/n XX [Nov 9 19:29:07] VERBOSE[5455] res_musiconhold.c: -- Stopped music on hold on DAHDI/17-1 [Nov 9 19:29:07] VERBOSE[5455] res_musiconhold.c: -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on DAHDI/17-1 [Nov 9 19:29:07] VERBOSE[5539] app_dial.c: -- SIP/304-0000015e is ringing [Nov 9 19:29:07] VERBOSE[5516] app_queue.c: -- Local/0105@profs-4b85;1 is ringing XX [Nov 9 19:29:12] VERBOSE[5539] app_dial.c: -- SIP/304-0000015e answered Local/0105@profs-4b85;2 [Nov 9 19:29:12] VERBOSE[5516] app_queue.c: -- Local/0105@profs-4b85;1 answered DAHDI/3-1 [Nov 9 19:29:12] VERBOSE[5516] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-maths_1.slin' (language 'en') XX [Nov 9 19:29:15] VERBOSE[5516] res_musiconhold.c: -- Stopped music on hold on DAHDI/3-1 [Nov 9 19:29:15] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-checktime:1] Set("Local/0105@profs-4b85;1", "DB(average_wait_time/maths_1)=50") in new stack [Nov 9 19:29:15] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-checktime:2] Verbose("Local/0105@profs-4b85;1", "WATCH OUT Channel 1289348947.1166 Local/0105@profs-4b85;1 L'appelant "C Sinclair" <8198406787> a ete repondu dans la queue maths_1 ou il y avait 1 appelants en attente.") in new stack [Nov 9 19:29:15] VERBOSE[5516] app_verbose.c: WATCH OUT Channel 1289348947.1166 Local/0105@profs-4b85;1 L'appelant C Sinclair <8198406787> a ete repondu dans la queue maths_1 ou il y avait 1 appelants en attente. XX [Nov 9 19:30:35] VERBOSE[5399] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (profs, 0113, 2) exited non-zero on 'Local/0113@profs-c15b;2' [Nov 9 19:30:35] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [1@level2:4] GotoIf("DAHDI/10-1", "1?record_stats,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:30:35] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Goto (record_stats,s,1) [Nov 9 19:30:35] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_stats:1] Read("DAHDI/10-1", "choice,/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-stats-instruct,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:30:35] VERBOSE[5390] app_read.c: -- Accepting a maximum of 1 digits. [Nov 9 19:30:35] VERBOSE[5390] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-stats-instruct.slin' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 19:30:42] VERBOSE[5390] app_read.c: -- User entered '1' [Nov 9 19:30:42] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_stats:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/10-1", "1?satisfied") in new stack [Nov 9 19:30:42] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Goto (record_stats,s,5) [Nov 9 19:30:42] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_stats:5] System("DAHDI/10-1", "mysql -u root -h -e "INSERT INTO qstat.stats_eleves (id, date, prof, matiere, content) VALUES (NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, '113-Alexandre Poulin', 'maths_1', 'YES')" --password=*******") in new stack [Nov 9 19:30:42] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_stats:6] Goto("DAHDI/10-1", "comm") in new stack [Nov 9 19:30:42] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Goto (record_stats,s,9) [Nov 9 19:30:42] VERBOSE[5390] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_stats:9] Read("DAHDI/10-1", "choice2,/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-stats-comm,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:30:42] VERBOSE[5390] app_read.c: -- Accepting a maximum of 1 digits. [Nov 9 19:30:42] VERBOSE[5390] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-stats-comm.slin' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 19:30:46] VERBOSE[5390] app_read.c: -- User disconnected [Nov 9 19:30:46] VERBOSE[5390] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/10-1' XX [Nov 9 19:30:51] VERBOSE[5571] pbx.c: -- Executing [0113@profs:1] Set("Local/0113@profs-81e2;2", "AGENT_SIP=306") in new stack [Nov 9 19:30:51] VERBOSE[5571] pbx.c: -- Executing [0113@profs:2] Dial("Local/0113@profs-81e2;2", "SIP/306,30") in new stack [Nov 9 19:30:51] VERBOSE[5571] netsock.c: == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 [Nov 9 19:30:51] VERBOSE[5571] netsock.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Nov 9 19:30:51] VERBOSE[5571] app_dial.c: -- Called 306 [Nov 9 19:30:51] VERBOSE[5455] app_queue.c: -- Called Local/0113@profs/n [Nov 9 19:30:52] VERBOSE[5571] app_dial.c: -- SIP/306-00000161 is ringing [Nov 9 19:30:52] VERBOSE[5455] app_queue.c: -- Local/0113@profs-81e2;1 is ringing XX [Nov 9 19:30:58] VERBOSE[5571] app_dial.c: -- SIP/306-00000161 answered Local/0113@profs-81e2;2 [Nov 9 19:30:58] VERBOSE[5455] app_queue.c: -- Local/0113@profs-81e2;1 answered DAHDI/17-1 [Nov 9 19:30:58] VERBOSE[5455] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-sciences.slin' (language 'en') XX [Nov 9 19:31:00] VERBOSE[5455] res_musiconhold.c: -- Stopped music on hold on DAHDI/17-1 [Nov 9 19:31:00] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-checktime:1] Set("Local/0113@profs-81e2;1", "DB(average_wait_time/sciences)=123") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:00] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-checktime:2] Verbose("Local/0113@profs-81e2;1", "WATCH OUT Channel 1289349051.1179 Local/0113@profs-81e2;1 L'appelant "BARIL NICOLAS " <4183253025> a ete repondu dans la queue sciences ou il y avait 3 appelants en attente.") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:00] VERBOSE[5455] app_verbose.c: WATCH OUT Channel 1289349051.1179 Local/0113@profs-81e2;1 L'appelant BARIL NICOLAS <4183253025> a ete repondu dans la queue sciences ou il y avait 3 appelants en attente. XX [Nov 9 19:31:25] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_mtl:1] Answer("SIP/408-00000163", "") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:25] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_mtl:2] Read("SIP/408-00000163", "AGENT_NUMBER,agent-user") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:25] VERBOSE[5579] file.c: -- Playing 'agent-user.ulaw' (language 'fr') [Nov 9 19:31:26] VERBOSE[5579] app_read.c: -- User entered '202' [Nov 9 19:31:26] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_mtl:3] VMAuthenticate("SIP/408-00000163", "202@agents,s") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:26] VERBOSE[5579] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-password.ulaw' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 19:31:28] VERBOSE[5579] file.c: -- Playing 'auth-thankyou.ulaw' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_mtl:4] GotoIf("SIP/408-00000163", "0?erreur1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_mtl:5] GotoIf("SIP/408-00000163", "0?erreur2") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_mtl:6] Set("SIP/408-00000163", "DB(agent_sip/202)=408") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_mtl:7] Set("SIP/408-00000163", "DB(poste_sip/408)=202") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_mtl:8] Macro("SIP/408-00000163", "logue,202,primaire,maths_1,maths_2,,sciences,,,autres,depassement") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:1] System("SIP/408-00000163", "echo "[file_202](profs)" >> /etc/asterisk/queues.conf") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:2] System("SIP/408-00000163", "/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx 'module reload app_queue.so'") in new stack XX [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:3] AddQueueMember("SIP/408-00000163", "file_202,Local/0202@profs/n,,,202-Nancy Cloutier,SIP/408") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:29] NOTICE[5579] app_queue.c: Added interface 'Local/0202@profs/n' to queue 'file_202' [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:4] ExecIf("SIP/408-00000163", "1?addQueueMember(ligne_rouge_mtl,Local/0202@profs/n,,,202-Nancy Cloutier,SIP/408)") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:29] NOTICE[5579] app_queue.c: Added interface 'Local/0202@profs/n' to queue 'ligne_rouge_mtl' [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:5] ExecIf("SIP/408-00000163", "0?addQueueMember(ligne_rouge_qc,Local/0202@profs/n,,,202-Nancy Cloutier,SIP/408)") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:6] AddQueueMember("SIP/408-00000163", "primaire,Local/0202@profs/n,,,202-Nancy Cloutier,SIP/408") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:29] NOTICE[5579] app_queue.c: Added interface 'Local/0202@profs/n' to queue 'primaire' [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:7] AddQueueMember("SIP/408-00000163", "maths_1,Local/0202@profs/n,,,202-Nancy Cloutier,SIP/408") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:29] NOTICE[5579] app_queue.c: Added interface 'Local/0202@profs/n' to queue 'maths_1' [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:8] AddQueueMember("SIP/408-00000163", "maths_2,Local/0202@profs/n,,,202-Nancy Cloutier,SIP/408") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:29] NOTICE[5579] app_queue.c: Added interface 'Local/0202@profs/n' to queue 'maths_2' [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:9] AddQueueMember("SIP/408-00000163", ",Local/0202@profs/n,,,202-Nancy Cloutier,SIP/408") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:29] WARNING[5579] app_queue.c: Unable to add interface to queue '': No such queue [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:10] AddQueueMember("SIP/408-00000163", "sciences,Local/0202@profs/n,,,202-Nancy Cloutier,SIP/408") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:29] NOTICE[5579] app_queue.c: Added interface 'Local/0202@profs/n' to queue 'sciences' [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:11] AddQueueMember("SIP/408-00000163", ",Local/0202@profs/n,,,202-Nancy Cloutier,SIP/408") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:29] WARNING[5579] app_queue.c: Unable to add interface to queue '': No such queue [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:12] AddQueueMember("SIP/408-00000163", ",Local/0202@profs/n,,,202-Nancy Cloutier,SIP/408") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:29] WARNING[5579] app_queue.c: Unable to add interface to queue '': No such queue [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:13] AddQueueMember("SIP/408-00000163", "autres,Local/0202@profs/n,,,202-Nancy Cloutier,SIP/408") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:29] NOTICE[5579] app_queue.c: Added interface 'Local/0202@profs/n' to queue 'autres' [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:14] AddQueueMember("SIP/408-00000163", "depassement,Local/0202@profs/n,,,202-Nancy Cloutier,SIP/408") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:29] NOTICE[5579] app_queue.c: Added interface 'Local/0202@profs/n' to queue 'depassement' [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-logue:15] UserEvent("SIP/408-00000163", "Agentlogin,Agent: 202") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_mtl:9] Verbose("SIP/408-00000163", "WATCH AGENT Le prof 202 vient de se loguer avec succes depuis le poste 408.") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] app_verbose.c: WATCH AGENT Le prof 202 vient de se loguer avec succes depuis le poste 408. [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: -- Executing [*81@interne_mtl:10] Playback("SIP/408-00000163", "agent-loginok") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:29] VERBOSE[5579] file.c: -- Playing 'agent-loginok.ulaw' (language 'fr') [Nov 9 19:31:30] VERBOSE[5579] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (interne_mtl, *81, 10) exited non-zero on 'SIP/408-00000163' [Nov 9 19:31:30] VERBOSE[5584] pbx.c: -- Executing [0202@profs:1] Set("Local/0202@profs-e631;2", "AGENT_SIP=408") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:30] VERBOSE[5584] pbx.c: -- Executing [0202@profs:2] Dial("Local/0202@profs-e631;2", "SIP/408,30") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:30] VERBOSE[5584] netsock.c: == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184 [Nov 9 19:31:30] VERBOSE[5584] netsock.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Nov 9 19:31:30] VERBOSE[5584] app_dial.c: -- Called 408 [Nov 9 19:31:30] VERBOSE[5463] app_queue.c: -- Called Local/0202@profs/n [Nov 9 19:31:31] VERBOSE[5584] app_dial.c: -- SIP/408-00000164 is ringing [Nov 9 19:31:31] VERBOSE[5463] app_queue.c: -- Local/0202@profs-e631;1 is ringing [Nov 9 19:31:33] VERBOSE[5584] app_dial.c: -- SIP/408-00000164 answered Local/0202@profs-e631;2 [Nov 9 19:31:33] VERBOSE[5463] app_queue.c: -- Local/0202@profs-e631;1 answered DAHDI/4-1 [Nov 9 19:31:33] VERBOSE[5463] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-sciences.slin' (language 'en') XX [Nov 9 19:31:35] VERBOSE[5463] res_musiconhold.c: -- Stopped music on hold on DAHDI/4-1 [Nov 9 19:31:35] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-checktime:1] Set("Local/0202@profs-e631;1", "DB(average_wait_time/sciences)=95") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:35] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-checktime:2] Verbose("Local/0202@profs-e631;1", "WATCH OUT Channel 1289349090.1186 Local/0202@profs-e631;1 L'appelant "" <4186550000> a ete repondu dans la queue sciences ou il y avait 2 appelants en attente.") in new stack [Nov 9 19:31:35] VERBOSE[5463] app_verbose.c: WATCH OUT Channel 1289349090.1186 Local/0202@profs-e631;1 L'appelant <4186550000> a ete repondu dans la queue sciences ou il y avait 2 appelants en attente. XX [Nov 9 19:37:14] VERBOSE[5571] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (profs, 0113, 2) exited non-zero on 'Local/0113@profs-81e2;2' [Nov 9 19:37:14] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [4@level2:4] GotoIf("DAHDI/17-1", "1?record_stats,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:37:14] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Goto (record_stats,s,1) [Nov 9 19:37:14] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_stats:1] Read("DAHDI/17-1", "choice,/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-stats-instruct,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:37:14] VERBOSE[5455] app_read.c: -- Accepting a maximum of 1 digits. [Nov 9 19:37:14] VERBOSE[5455] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-stats-instruct.slin' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 19:37:26] VERBOSE[5455] app_read.c: -- User entered '1' [Nov 9 19:37:26] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_stats:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/17-1", "1?satisfied") in new stack [Nov 9 19:37:26] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Goto (record_stats,s,5) [Nov 9 19:37:26] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_stats:5] System("DAHDI/17-1", "mysql -u root -h -e "INSERT INTO qstat.stats_eleves (id, date, prof, matiere, content) VALUES (NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, '113-Alexandre Poulin', 'sciences', 'YES')" --password=*******") in new stack [Nov 9 19:37:26] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_stats:6] Goto("DAHDI/17-1", "comm") in new stack [Nov 9 19:37:26] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Goto (record_stats,s,9) [Nov 9 19:37:26] VERBOSE[5455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_stats:9] Read("DAHDI/17-1", "choice2,/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-stats-comm,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:37:26] VERBOSE[5455] app_read.c: -- Accepting a maximum of 1 digits. [Nov 9 19:37:26] VERBOSE[5455] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-stats-comm.slin' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 19:37:34] VERBOSE[5455] app_read.c: -- User disconnected [Nov 9 19:37:34] VERBOSE[5455] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/17-1' [Nov 9 19:37:36] VERBOSE[5539] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (profs, 0105, 2) exited non-zero on 'Local/0105@profs-4b85;2' [Nov 9 19:37:36] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [1@level2:4] GotoIf("DAHDI/3-1", "1?record_stats,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:37:36] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Goto (record_stats,s,1) [Nov 9 19:37:36] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_stats:1] Read("DAHDI/3-1", "choice,/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-stats-instruct,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:37:36] VERBOSE[5516] app_read.c: -- Accepting a maximum of 1 digits. [Nov 9 19:37:36] VERBOSE[5516] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-stats-instruct.slin' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 19:37:45] VERBOSE[5516] app_read.c: -- User entered '1' [Nov 9 19:37:45] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_stats:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/3-1", "1?satisfied") in new stack [Nov 9 19:37:45] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Goto (record_stats,s,5) [Nov 9 19:37:45] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_stats:5] System("DAHDI/3-1", "mysql -u root -h -e "INSERT INTO qstat.stats_eleves (id, date, prof, matiere, content) VALUES (NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, '105-Martine David', 'maths_1', 'YES')" --password=*******") in new stack [Nov 9 19:37:45] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_stats:6] Goto("DAHDI/3-1", "comm") in new stack [Nov 9 19:37:45] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Goto (record_stats,s,9) [Nov 9 19:37:45] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_stats:9] Read("DAHDI/3-1", "choice2,/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-stats-comm,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:37:45] VERBOSE[5516] app_read.c: -- Accepting a maximum of 1 digits. [Nov 9 19:37:45] VERBOSE[5516] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-stats-comm.slin' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 19:37:54] VERBOSE[5516] app_read.c: -- User entered '2' [Nov 9 19:37:54] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_stats:10] GotoIf("DAHDI/3-1", "0?comments") in new stack [Nov 9 19:37:54] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_stats:11] Playback("DAHDI/3-1", "/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-goodbye") in new stack [Nov 9 19:37:54] VERBOSE[5516] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-goodbye.slin' (language 'fr') XX [Nov 9 19:37:56] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_stats:12] Hangup("DAHDI/3-1", "") in new stack [Nov 9 19:37:56] VERBOSE[5516] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (record_stats, s, 12) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/3-1' [Nov 9 19:37:56] VERBOSE[5516] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/3-1' XX [Nov 9 19:46:05] VERBOSE[5584] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (profs, 0202, 2) exited non-zero on 'Local/0202@profs-e631;2' [Nov 9 19:46:05] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [4@level2:4] GotoIf("DAHDI/4-1", "1?record_stats,s,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:46:05] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Goto (record_stats,s,1) [Nov 9 19:46:05] VERBOSE[5463] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@record_stats:1] Read("DAHDI/4-1", "choice,/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-stats-instruct,1") in new stack [Nov 9 19:46:05] VERBOSE[5463] app_read.c: -- Accepting a maximum of 1 digits. [Nov 9 19:46:05] VERBOSE[5463] file.c: -- Playing '/home/commun/sons/annonces/ap-stats-instruct.slin' (language 'fr') [Nov 9 19:46:06] VERBOSE[5463] app_read.c: -- User disconnected [Nov 9 19:46:06] VERBOSE[5463] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/4-1'