Core was generated by `asterisk -cvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvgggg'. Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault. [New process 32267] [New process 32264] [New process 32263] [New process 32262] [New process 32261] [New process 32260] [New process 32259] [New process 32258] [New process 32257] [New process 32256] [New process 32255] [New process 32254] [New process 32253] [New process 32252] [New process 32251] [New process 32250] [New process 32249] [New process 32248] [New process 32247] [New process 32246] [New process 32245] [New process 32244] [New process 32243] [New process 32242] [New process 32241] [New process 32240] [New process 32239] [New process 32238] [New process 32237] [New process 32236] [New process 32235] [New process 32234] [New process 32233] [New process 32232] [New process 32231] #0 0x00007fffc141ef7a in memcpy () from /lib/ #0 0x00007fffc141ef7a in memcpy () from /lib/ No symbol table info available. #1 0x000000000051f5d5 in ast_sockaddr_copy (dst=0x7e77140, src=0x40e6d170) at /usr/src/svn-asterisk-1.8/include/asterisk/netsock2.h:114 No locals. #2 0x000000000051f3bf in ast_rtp_instance_new (engine_name=0x7fffbe8be356 "multicast", sched=0x0, sa=0x40e6d170, data=0x40e6d000) at rtp_engine.c:341 address = {ss = {ss_family = 0, __ss_align = 0, __ss_padding = '\0' }, len = 0} instance = (struct ast_rtp_instance *) 0x7e77118 engine = (struct ast_rtp_engine *) 0x7fffa9ced340 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "ast_rtp_instance_new" #3 0x00007fffbe8be01a in multicast_rtp_request (type=0x40e6d520 "MulticastRTP", format=8, requestor=0x7fffa014bfe8, data=0x40e6e370, cause=0x40e6dd54) at chan_multicast_rtp.c:142 tmp = 0x40e6d000 "basic" multicast_type = 0x40e6d000 "basic" destination = 0x40e6d006 "" control = 0x0 instance = (struct ast_rtp_instance *) 0x118 control_address = {ss = {ss_family = 43392, __ss_align = 9148294408544, __ss_padding = "4\223Y\000\000\000\000\000heD\000\020", '\0' , "ÐÒæ@\000\000\000\000pÒæ@\000\000\000\000hÒæ@\000\000\000\000P\000\000\000\000\000\000\000,\rN\000\000\000\000\000\b\000\000\000\000\000\000\000Ü\020Z\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000Ý\024\000\000TÜY\000\000\000\000\000uìY\000\000\000\000\00006\201\000\000\000\000"}, len = 2147483647} destination_address = {ss = {ss_family = 2, __ss_align = 0, __ss_padding = "?\nÛL\000\000\000\000Pþ\a\a\000\000\000\000`Ôæ@\000\000\000\000¾EN\000\000\000\000\000PÑæ@\000\000\000\000\nTD\000\000\000\000\000GEN\000\000\000\000\000_QD\000\000\000\000\000\002\000\000\000ÿÿÿÿHµÖ\000\000\000\000\000`©Ö\000\000\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\001\000\000\000?\nÛL\000\000\000\000о\002\000\000\000\000"}, len = 16} chan = (struct ast_channel *) 0x707fe50 fmt = 8 __FUNCTION__ = "multicast_rtp_request" #4 0x0000000000478990 in ast_request (type=0x40e6d520 "MulticastRTP", format=8, requestor=0x7fffa014bfe8, data=0x40e6e370, cause=0x40e6dd54) at channel.c:5345 chan = (struct chanlist *) 0xe87050 c = (struct ast_channel *) 0x707fe50 capabilities = 8 fmt = 8 res = 0 foo = 0 videoformat = 0 textformat = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "ast_request" #5 0x00007fffafa48b24 in dial_exec_full (chan=0x7fffa014bfe8, data=0x40e70b70 "MulticastRTP/basic/", peerflags=0x40e6e550, continue_exec=0x0) at app_dial.c:2027 tmp = (struct chanlist *) 0x71a1cb0 interface = 0x40e6d4e0 "MulticastRTP/basic/" tech = 0x40e6d520 "MulticastRTP" tc = (struct ast_channel *) 0x0 number = 0x40e6d52d "basic/" di = (struct ast_dialed_interface *) 0x71a5a80 dialed_interfaces = (struct {...} *) 0x70bad60 res = -1 rest = 0x0 cur = 0x40e6d520 "MulticastRTP" outgoing = (struct chanlist *) 0x0 peer = (struct ast_channel *) 0x81a4 to = -1049640192 num = {chan = 0x7fffa014bfe8, busy = 0, congestion = 0, nochan = 0} cause = 0 numsubst = "basic/\000\000\000dialplan,all\000-- Executing [%s@%s:%d] %s(\"%s\", \"%s\") %s\n\000àäæ@\000\000\000\000¤TN\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\220ãæ@\000\000\000\000 äæ@\000\000\000\000è¿\024 ÿ\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000L5O\000\000\000\000\000\020\000\000\000\000\000\000\000pé[\000\000\000\000\000HµÖ", '\0' , "P+\\\000\000\000\000\00007\v\a\233$\000\000ôÇ[\000\000\000\000\000\020ê["... cid_num = 0x0 cid_name = 0x0 cid_tag = 0x0 cid_pres = 0x0 config = {features_caller = {flags = 0}, features_callee = {flags = 0}, start_time = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, nexteventts = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, feature_start_time = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, feature_timer = 0, timelimit = 0, play_warning = 0, warning_freq = 0, warning_sound = 0x0, end_sound = 0x0, start_sound = 0x0, flags = 0, end_bridge_callback = 0, end_bridge_callback_data = 0x0, end_bridge_callback_data_fixup = 0} calldurationlimit = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0} dtmfcalled = 0x0 dtmfcalling = 0x0 dtmf_progress = 0x0 pa = {sentringing = 0, privdb_val = 0, privcid = '\0' , privintro = '\0' , status = "INVALIDARGS", '\0' } sentringing = 0 moh = 0 outbound_group = 0x0 result = 0 parse = 0x40e6d520 "MulticastRTP" opermode = 0 delprivintro = 0 args = {argc = 1, argv = 0x40e6d8a8, peers = 0x40e6d520 "MulticastRTP", timeout = 0x0, options = 0x0, url = 0x0} opts = {flags = 0} opt_args = {0xa200000000
, 0x5b6174 "%s", 0x0, 0x40e6dce8 "", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40e6de20 "", 0x40e6de20 "", 0x7300000040e6de40
, 0x40e6de90 ""} datastore = (struct ast_datastore *) 0x71ab7c0 fulldial = 0 num_dialed = 1 ignore_cc = 1 device_name = "p+ç@\000\000\000\000°\177\202\000\000\000\000\000å[[\000\000\000\000\000Ð[[\000\000\000\000\000\222\vç@\203\004\000\000ÔA[\000\000\000\000\000\004B[\000\000\000\000\000PB[\000\000\000\000\000 åæ@\000\000\000\0000\006N\000\000\000\000" __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "dial_exec_full" #6 0x00007fffafa4cdd5 in dial_exec (chan=0x7fffa014bfe8, data=0x40e70b70 "MulticastRTP/basic/") at app_dial.c:2732 peerflags = {flags = 0} #7 0x00000000004fdf6f in pbx_exec (c=0x7fffa014bfe8, app=0x7fffa000e4c0, data=0x40e70b70 "MulticastRTP/basic/") at pbx.c:1399 res = 0 u = (struct ast_module_user *) 0x7e74f90 saved_c_appl = 0x0 saved_c_data = 0x0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "pbx_exec" #8 0x0000000000507e7a in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x7fffa014bfe8, con=0x0, context=0x7fffa014c540 "OUTGOING-mixdev1", exten=0x7fffa014c590 "55555", priority=2, label=0x0, callerid=0x7fffa004eb90 "mixdev1_100", action=E_SPAWN, found=0x40e72f2c, combined_find_spawn=1) at pbx.c:4078 e = (struct ast_exten *) 0x7444d40 app = (struct ast_app *) 0x7fffa000e4c0 res = 0 q = {incstack = {0x0 }, stacklen = 0, status = 5, swo = 0x0, data = 0x0, foundcontext = 0x7fffa014c540 "OUTGOING-mixdev1"} passdata = "MulticastRTP/basic/\000v1_100>\000ªÿ\177\000\000ãe[ªÿ\177\000\000p\022ç@\000\000\000\000\210\210[\000\000\000\000\000 \024ç@\000\000\000\000ð\022ç@\000\000\000\000à\023ç@\000\000\000\000n\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\026Ù@Áÿ\177\000\000\024Y[ªÿ\177\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000ÿ\000\000\000\000\000\000\000c¸ç\a\000\000\000\000ð\022ç@\000\000\000\000\233&AÁÿ\177\000\000\023\000\000\000\000\000\000\000à\022ç@\000\000\000\000\220\024ç@\000\000\000\000\v\230[\000\000\000\000\000\r\b\000\000\000\000\000\000"... matching_action = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "pbx_extension_helper" #9 0x000000000050988b in ast_spawn_extension (c=0x7fffa014bfe8, context=0x7fffa014c540 "OUTGOING-mixdev1", exten=0x7fffa014c590 "55555", priority=2, callerid=0x7fffa004eb90 "mixdev1_100", found=0x40e72f2c, combined_find_spawn=1) at pbx.c:4577 No locals. #10 0x000000000050a348 in __ast_pbx_run (c=0x7fffa014bfe8, args=0x0) at pbx.c:4675 digit = 0 invalid = 0 timeout = 0 dst_exten = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000P1îÁÿ\177\000\000\005", '\0' , "\001\000\000\000ÿ\177\000\000\217¼ÍÁÿ\177", '\0' , "\005\000\000\000\001\000\000\000XcîÁÿ\177\000\000°0ç@\000\000\000\000àùoÁÿ\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\030\000\000\000\000\000\000\000ð±ç\a\000\000\000\000\021.\000\000\000\000\000\000 \231·@\000\000\000\000\177\200AÁÿ\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@0ç@", '\0' , "P9ç@\000\000\000\000\000\020\000\000\000\000\000\000å\024V\000\000\000\000\000´\034Y\000\000\000\000\000,\rN", '\0' , " \034"... pos = 0 found = 1 res = 0 autoloopflag = 0 error = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "__ast_pbx_run" #11 0x000000000050c072 in pbx_thread (data=0x7fffa014bfe8) at pbx.c:4986 c = (struct ast_channel *) 0x7fffa014bfe8 #12 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x707fbd0) at utils.c:971 __cancel_buf = {__cancel_jmp_buf = {{__cancel_jmp_buf = {0, -4317204154915828003, 0, 1088895312, 4096, 1085774112, -4317204154957771043, -4317064370661306659}, __mask_was_saved = 0}}, __pad = {0x40e731e0, 0x0, 0x7fffc16fa878, 0x7fffc16fa890}} __cancel_routine = (void (*)(void *)) 0x43a1c4 __cancel_arg = (void *) 0x40e73950 not_first_call = 0 ret = (void *) 0x40e73950 a = {start_routine = 0x50c050 , data = 0x7fffa014bfe8, name = 0x71a5530 "pbx_thread", ' ' , "started at [ 5007] pbx.c ast_pbx_start()"} #13 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ No symbol table info available. #14 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ No symbol table info available. #15 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () No symbol table info available. Thread 35 (process 32231): #0 0x00007fffc146bb7b in read () from /lib/ #1 0x0000000000573f9c in read_char (el=0x883890, cp=0x7fffc9eed2af "") at read.c:298 #2 0x000000000056ee7f in el_getc (el=0x883890, cp=0x7fffc9eed2af "") at read.c:350 #3 0x000000000056f2d5 in el_gets (el=0x883890, nread=0x7fffc9eee514) at read.c:243 #4 0x0000000000444d86 in main (argc=2, argv=0x7fffc9eef718) at asterisk.c:3848 Thread 34 (process 32232): #0 0x00007fffc0c45b99 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004e0c0a in __ast_cond_wait (filename=0x5ce2a4 "taskprocessor.c", lineno=293, func=0x5ce610 "tps_processing_function", cond_name=0x5ce689 "&i->poll_cond", mutex_name=0x5ce672 "&i->taskprocessor_lock", cond=0x898840, t=0x898878) at lock.c:516 #2 0x0000000000551c23 in tps_processing_function (data=0x898838) at taskprocessor.c:293 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x88a9b0) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 33 (process 32233): #0 0x00007fffc1470c96 in poll () from /lib/ #1 0x000000000043ca12 in listener (unused=0x0) at asterisk.c:1297 #2 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x8994c0) at utils.c:971 #3 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #4 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #5 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 32 (process 32234): #0 0x00007fffc0c45b99 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004e0c0a in __ast_cond_wait (filename=0x5b5c94 "logger.c", lineno=993, func=0x5b77b6 "logger_thread", cond_name=0x5b77e4 "&logcond", mutex_name=0x5b77d6 "&logmsgs.lock", cond=0x85bac0, t=0x82b350) at lock.c:516 #2 0x00000000004e40c8 in logger_thread (data=0x0) at logger.c:993 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x899530) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 31 (process 32235): #0 0x00007fffc146bb7b in read () from /lib/ #1 0x0000000000549c70 in inotify_daemon (data=0x0) at stdtime/localtime.c:290 #2 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x89a980) at utils.c:971 #3 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #4 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #5 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 30 (process 32236): #0 0x00007fffc143fb81 in nanosleep () from /lib/ #1 0x00007fffc1473584 in usleep () from /lib/ #2 0x00000000004a570c in do_refresh (data=0x0) at dnsmgr.c:211 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x8de6e0) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 29 (process 32237): #0 0x00007fffc1470c96 in poll () from /lib/ #1 0x0000000000562e02 in ast_wait_for_input (fd=9, ms=-1) at utils.c:1060 #2 0x000000000055329a in ast_tcptls_server_root (data=0x8245e0) at tcptls.c:247 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x8e2250) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 28 (process 32238): #0 0x00007fffc1470c96 in poll () from /lib/ #1 0x0000000000562e02 in ast_wait_for_input (fd=11, ms=5000) at utils.c:1060 #2 0x000000000055329a in ast_tcptls_server_root (data=0x830e20) at tcptls.c:247 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0xd571d0) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 27 (process 32239): #0 0x00007fffc0c45b99 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004e0c0a in __ast_cond_wait (filename=0x5a7f54 "devicestate.c", lineno=539, func=0x5a82e0 "do_devstate_changes", cond_name=0x5a82c5 "&change_pending", mutex_name=0x5a82f4 "&state_changes.lock", cond=0x852f00, t=0x81bf30) at lock.c:516 #2 0x00000000004a043f in do_devstate_changes (data=0x0) at devicestate.c:539 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x8dec30) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 26 (process 32240): #0 0x00007fffc0c45b99 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004e0c0a in __ast_cond_wait (filename=0x5ce2a4 "taskprocessor.c", lineno=293, func=0x5ce610 "tps_processing_function", cond_name=0x5ce689 "&i->poll_cond", mutex_name=0x5ce672 "&i->taskprocessor_lock", cond=0xd72440, t=0xd72478) at lock.c:516 #2 0x0000000000551c23 in tps_processing_function (data=0xd72438) at taskprocessor.c:293 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0xd21eb0) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 25 (process 32241): #0 0x00007fffc1470c96 in poll () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004c004d in do_parking_thread (ignore=0x0) at features.c:3909 #2 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0xd8d9a0) at utils.c:971 #3 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #4 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #5 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 24 (process 32242): #0 0x00007fffc0c45b99 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004e0c0a in __ast_cond_wait (filename=0x5a75d4 "db.c", lineno=749, func=0x5a7ed3 "db_sync_thread", cond_name=0x5a7ecb "&dbcond", mutex_name=0x5a7625 "&dblock", cond=0x852ec0, t=0x81a280) at lock.c:516 #2 0x000000000049f469 in db_sync_thread (data=0x0) at db.c:749 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0xd8d910) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 23 (process 32243): #0 0x00007fffc0c45b99 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004e0c0a in __ast_cond_wait (filename=0x5ce2a4 "taskprocessor.c", lineno=293, func=0x5ce610 "tps_processing_function", cond_name=0x5ce689 "&i->poll_cond", mutex_name=0x5ce672 "&i->taskprocessor_lock", cond=0xd9ecd0, t=0xd9ed08) at lock.c:516 #2 0x0000000000551c23 in tps_processing_function (data=0xd9ecc8) at taskprocessor.c:293 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0xd9f930) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 22 (process 32244): #0 0x00007fffc0c45b99 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004e0c0a in __ast_cond_wait (filename=0x5ca724 "sched.c", lineno=106, func=0x5ca72c "sched_run", cond_name=0x5ca740 "&st->cond", mutex_name=0x5ca736 "&st->lock", cond=0xda06d0, t=0xd9fb08) at lock.c:516 #2 0x0000000000545717 in sched_run (data=0xd9fb00) at sched.c:106 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0xda3430) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 21 (process 32245): #0 0x00007fffc0c45e1d in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004e0c49 in __ast_cond_timedwait (filename=0x7fffad8bd494 "res_timing_pthread.c", lineno=463, func=0x7fffad8bd6bc "do_timing", cond_name=0x7fffad8bd4f6 "&timing_thread.cond", mutex_name=0x7fffad8bd4e2 "&timing_thread.lock", cond=0x7fffadabeed0, t=0x7fffadabe308, abstime=0x41b2f050) at lock.c:620 #2 0x00007fffad8bd12b in do_timing (arg=0x0) at res_timing_pthread.c:463 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0xe79a40) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 20 (process 32246): #0 0x00007fffc1470c96 in poll () from /lib/ #1 0x00007fffa7c1eedf in do_monitor (data=0x0) at chan_dahdi.c:11235 #2 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0xe7a7d0) at utils.c:971 #3 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #4 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #5 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 19 (process 32247): #0 0x00007fffc0c45b99 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004e0c0a in __ast_cond_wait (filename=0x5ce2a4 "taskprocessor.c", lineno=293, func=0x5ce610 "tps_processing_function", cond_name=0x5ce689 "&i->poll_cond", mutex_name=0x5ce672 "&i->taskprocessor_lock", cond=0x6fb9480, t=0x6fb94b8) at lock.c:516 #2 0x0000000000551c23 in tps_processing_function (data=0x6fb9478) at taskprocessor.c:293 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x6fba100) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 18 (process 32248): #0 0x00007fffc0c45b99 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004e0c0a in __ast_cond_wait (filename=0x5ca724 "sched.c", lineno=106, func=0x5ca72c "sched_run", cond_name=0x5ca740 "&st->cond", mutex_name=0x5ca736 "&st->lock", cond=0x6fbaea0, t=0x6fba2d8) at lock.c:516 #2 0x0000000000545717 in sched_run (data=0x6fba2d0) at sched.c:106 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x6fbdc00) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 17 (process 32249): #0 0x00007fffc0c45b99 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004e0c0a in __ast_cond_wait (filename=0x7fffb3309ff4 "chan_iax2.c", lineno=11612, func=0x7fffb3310510 "iax2_process_thread", cond_name=0x7fffb330a51f "&thread->cond", mutex_name=0x7fffb330a511 "&thread->lock", cond=0x6fcd5c8, t=0x6fcca00) at lock.c:516 #2 0x00007fffb32f12cd in iax2_process_thread (data=0x6fcb940) at chan_iax2.c:11612 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x6fc9820) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 16 (process 32250): #0 0x00007fffc0c45b99 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004e0c0a in __ast_cond_wait (filename=0x7fffb3309ff4 "chan_iax2.c", lineno=11612, func=0x7fffb3310510 "iax2_process_thread", cond_name=0x7fffb330a51f "&thread->cond", mutex_name=0x7fffb330a511 "&thread->lock", cond=0x6fcfeb8, t=0x6fcf2f0) at lock.c:516 #2 0x00007fffb32f12cd in iax2_process_thread (data=0x6fce230) at chan_iax2.c:11612 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x6fc7920) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 15 (process 32251): #0 0x00007fffc0c45b99 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004e0c0a in __ast_cond_wait (filename=0x7fffb3309ff4 "chan_iax2.c", lineno=11612, func=0x7fffb3310510 "iax2_process_thread", cond_name=0x7fffb330a51f "&thread->cond", mutex_name=0x7fffb330a511 "&thread->lock", cond=0x6fd27a8, t=0x6fd1be0) at lock.c:516 #2 0x00007fffb32f12cd in iax2_process_thread (data=0x6fd0b20) at chan_iax2.c:11612 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x6fc7bd0) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 14 (process 32252): #0 0x00007fffc0c45b99 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004e0c0a in __ast_cond_wait (filename=0x7fffb3309ff4 "chan_iax2.c", lineno=11612, func=0x7fffb3310510 "iax2_process_thread", cond_name=0x7fffb330a51f "&thread->cond", mutex_name=0x7fffb330a511 "&thread->lock", cond=0x6fd5098, t=0x6fd44d0) at lock.c:516 #2 0x00007fffb32f12cd in iax2_process_thread (data=0x6fd3410) at chan_iax2.c:11612 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x6fc7bd0) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 13 (process 32253): #0 0x00007fffc0c45b99 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004e0c0a in __ast_cond_wait (filename=0x7fffb3309ff4 "chan_iax2.c", lineno=11612, func=0x7fffb3310510 "iax2_process_thread", cond_name=0x7fffb330a51f "&thread->cond", mutex_name=0x7fffb330a511 "&thread->lock", cond=0x6fd7988, t=0x6fd6dc0) at lock.c:516 #2 0x00007fffb32f12cd in iax2_process_thread (data=0x6fd5d00) at chan_iax2.c:11612 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x6fc7bd0) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 12 (process 32254): #0 0x00007fffc0c45b99 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004e0c0a in __ast_cond_wait (filename=0x7fffb3309ff4 "chan_iax2.c", lineno=11612, func=0x7fffb3310510 "iax2_process_thread", cond_name=0x7fffb330a51f "&thread->cond", mutex_name=0x7fffb330a511 "&thread->lock", cond=0x7028398, t=0x70277d0) at lock.c:516 #2 0x00007fffb32f12cd in iax2_process_thread (data=0x7026710) at chan_iax2.c:11612 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x6fc7710) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 11 (process 32255): #0 0x00007fffc0c45b99 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004e0c0a in __ast_cond_wait (filename=0x7fffb3309ff4 "chan_iax2.c", lineno=11612, func=0x7fffb3310510 "iax2_process_thread", cond_name=0x7fffb330a51f "&thread->cond", mutex_name=0x7fffb330a511 "&thread->lock", cond=0x702ac88, t=0x702a0c0) at lock.c:516 #2 0x00007fffb32f12cd in iax2_process_thread (data=0x7029000) at chan_iax2.c:11612 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x6fc7bd0) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 10 (process 32256): #0 0x00007fffc0c45b99 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004e0c0a in __ast_cond_wait (filename=0x7fffb3309ff4 "chan_iax2.c", lineno=11612, func=0x7fffb3310510 "iax2_process_thread", cond_name=0x7fffb330a51f "&thread->cond", mutex_name=0x7fffb330a511 "&thread->lock", cond=0x702d578, t=0x702c9b0) at lock.c:516 #2 0x00007fffb32f12cd in iax2_process_thread (data=0x702b8f0) at chan_iax2.c:11612 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x6fc7710) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 9 (process 32257): #0 0x00007fffc0c45b99 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004e0c0a in __ast_cond_wait (filename=0x7fffb3309ff4 "chan_iax2.c", lineno=11612, func=0x7fffb3310510 "iax2_process_thread", cond_name=0x7fffb330a51f "&thread->cond", mutex_name=0x7fffb330a511 "&thread->lock", cond=0x702fe68, t=0x702f2a0) at lock.c:516 #2 0x00007fffb32f12cd in iax2_process_thread (data=0x702e1e0) at chan_iax2.c:11612 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x6fc7bd0) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 8 (process 32258): #0 0x00007fffc0c45b99 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004e0c0a in __ast_cond_wait (filename=0x7fffb3309ff4 "chan_iax2.c", lineno=11612, func=0x7fffb3310510 "iax2_process_thread", cond_name=0x7fffb330a51f "&thread->cond", mutex_name=0x7fffb330a511 "&thread->lock", cond=0x7032758, t=0x7031b90) at lock.c:516 #2 0x00007fffb32f12cd in iax2_process_thread (data=0x7030ad0) at chan_iax2.c:11612 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x6fc7710) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 7 (process 32259): #0 0x00007fffc1470c96 in poll () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004db2c9 in ast_io_wait (ioc=0x6fbddb0, howlong=1000) at io.c:275 #2 0x00007fffb32f38b1 in network_thread (ignore=0x0) at chan_iax2.c:12075 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x6fc9ba0) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 6 (process 32260): #0 0x00007fffc1470c96 in poll () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004db2c9 in ast_io_wait (ioc=0x6fc7940, howlong=863) at io.c:275 #2 0x00007fffaa5859fb in do_monitor (data=0x0) at chan_sip.c:24363 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x709a0d0) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 5 (process 32261): #0 0x00007fffc0c45b99 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004e0c0a in __ast_cond_wait (filename=0x5ce2a4 "taskprocessor.c", lineno=293, func=0x5ce610 "tps_processing_function", cond_name=0x5ce689 "&i->poll_cond", mutex_name=0x5ce672 "&i->taskprocessor_lock", cond=0x705d630, t=0x705d668) at lock.c:516 #2 0x0000000000551c23 in tps_processing_function (data=0x705d628) at taskprocessor.c:293 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x70e9f20) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 4 (process 32262): #0 0x00007fffc143fb81 in nanosleep () from /lib/ #1 0x00007fffa5b37992 in lock_broker (unused=0x0) at func_lock.c:192 #2 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x7fffa0047930) at utils.c:971 #3 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #4 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #5 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 3 (process 32263): #0 0x00007fffc0c45b99 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/ #1 0x00000000004e0c0a in __ast_cond_wait (filename=0x5ce2a4 "taskprocessor.c", lineno=293, func=0x5ce610 "tps_processing_function", cond_name=0x5ce689 "&i->poll_cond", mutex_name=0x5ce672 "&i->taskprocessor_lock", cond=0x7e6fbb0, t=0x7e6fbe8) at lock.c:516 #2 0x0000000000551c23 in tps_processing_function (data=0x7e6fba8) at taskprocessor.c:293 #3 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x7e696d0) at utils.c:971 #4 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #5 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #6 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 2 (process 32264): #0 0x00007fffc1470c96 in poll () from /lib/ #1 0x0000000000442512 in monitor_sig_flags (unused=0x0) at asterisk.c:3074 #2 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0xda51b0) at utils.c:971 #3 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #4 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #5 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 1 (process 32267): #0 0x00007fffc141ef7a in memcpy () from /lib/ #1 0x000000000051f5d5 in ast_sockaddr_copy (dst=0x7e77140, src=0x40e6d170) at /usr/src/svn-asterisk-1.8/include/asterisk/netsock2.h:114 #2 0x000000000051f3bf in ast_rtp_instance_new (engine_name=0x7fffbe8be356 "multicast", sched=0x0, sa=0x40e6d170, data=0x40e6d000) at rtp_engine.c:341 #3 0x00007fffbe8be01a in multicast_rtp_request (type=0x40e6d520 "MulticastRTP", format=8, requestor=0x7fffa014bfe8, data=0x40e6e370, cause=0x40e6dd54) at chan_multicast_rtp.c:142 #4 0x0000000000478990 in ast_request (type=0x40e6d520 "MulticastRTP", format=8, requestor=0x7fffa014bfe8, data=0x40e6e370, cause=0x40e6dd54) at channel.c:5345 #5 0x00007fffafa48b24 in dial_exec_full (chan=0x7fffa014bfe8, data=0x40e70b70 "MulticastRTP/basic/", peerflags=0x40e6e550, continue_exec=0x0) at app_dial.c:2027 #6 0x00007fffafa4cdd5 in dial_exec (chan=0x7fffa014bfe8, data=0x40e70b70 "MulticastRTP/basic/") at app_dial.c:2732 #7 0x00000000004fdf6f in pbx_exec (c=0x7fffa014bfe8, app=0x7fffa000e4c0, data=0x40e70b70 "MulticastRTP/basic/") at pbx.c:1399 #8 0x0000000000507e7a in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x7fffa014bfe8, con=0x0, context=0x7fffa014c540 "OUTGOING-mixdev1", exten=0x7fffa014c590 "55555", priority=2, label=0x0, callerid=0x7fffa004eb90 "mixdev1_100", action=E_SPAWN, found=0x40e72f2c, combined_find_spawn=1) at pbx.c:4078 #9 0x000000000050988b in ast_spawn_extension (c=0x7fffa014bfe8, context=0x7fffa014c540 "OUTGOING-mixdev1", exten=0x7fffa014c590 "55555", priority=2, callerid=0x7fffa004eb90 "mixdev1_100", found=0x40e72f2c, combined_find_spawn=1) at pbx.c:4577 #10 0x000000000050a348 in __ast_pbx_run (c=0x7fffa014bfe8, args=0x0) at pbx.c:4675 #11 0x000000000050c072 in pbx_thread (data=0x7fffa014bfe8) at pbx.c:4986 #12 0x0000000000562a26 in dummy_start (data=0x707fbd0) at utils.c:971 #13 0x00007fffc0c413f7 in start_thread () from /lib/ #14 0x00007fffc1479b4d in clone () from /lib/ #15 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()