[Sep 3 14:13:08] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:13:08] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:13:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6170[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6174 [Sep 3 14:13:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6170[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:13:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6170[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6175 [Sep 3 14:13:08] VERBOSE[11252] pbx.c: -- Executing [0740443@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6170-00000058", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(740443)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:13:08] VERBOSE[11252] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6170-00000058", "Appel de 6170 pour 740443 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:13:08] VERBOSE[11252] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6170 pour 740443 par GSM [Sep 3 14:13:08] VERBOSE[11252] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6170-00000058", "CALLERID(num)=266170") in new stack [Sep 3 14:13:08] VERBOSE[11252] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6170-00000058", "Dahdi/g1/740443,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:13:08] DEBUG[11252] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 1 [Sep 3 14:13:08] DEBUG[11252] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Rose WANANIJE NUM: 266170 [Sep 3 14:13:08] VERBOSE[11252] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:13:08] VERBOSE[11252] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/740443 [Sep 3 14:13:09] VERBOSE[11252] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/740443-23 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6170-00000058 [Sep 3 14:13:13] VERBOSE[11252] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/740443-23 is ringing [Sep 3 14:13:29] VERBOSE[11252] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/740443-23 answered SIP/6170-00000058 [Sep 3 14:13:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6199 [Sep 3 14:13:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6150 [Sep 3 14:13:31] VERBOSE[11174] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6190, 33) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/priv5-8840' [Sep 3 14:13:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6117 [Sep 3 14:13:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6188 [Sep 3 14:13:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6223 [Sep 3 14:13:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6157 [Sep 3 14:13:31] VERBOSE[11174] chan_iax2.c: -- Hungup 'IAX2/priv5-8840' [Sep 3 14:14:02] VERBOSE[11259] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:14:02] VERBOSE[11259] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:14:02] VERBOSE[11260] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:14:02] VERBOSE[11260] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:14:02] VERBOSE[11261] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:14:02] VERBOSE[11261] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:14:03] VERBOSE[11262] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:14:03] VERBOSE[11262] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:14:04] VERBOSE[11263] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:14:04] VERBOSE[11263] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:14:04] VERBOSE[11264] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:14:04] VERBOSE[11264] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:14:04] VERBOSE[11265] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:14:04] VERBOSE[11265] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:14:04] VERBOSE[11266] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:14:04] VERBOSE[11266] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:14:04] VERBOSE[11267] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:14:04] VERBOSE[11267] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:14:04] VERBOSE[11268] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:14:04] VERBOSE[11268] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:14:04] VERBOSE[11269] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:14:04] VERBOSE[11269] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:14:04] VERBOSE[11270] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:14:05] VERBOSE[11270] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:14:08] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:14:22] DEBUG[11252] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 1 [Sep 3 14:14:22] DEBUG[11252] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:14:22] VERBOSE[11252] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/740443-23' [Sep 3 14:14:22] VERBOSE[11252] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6170-00000058' [Sep 3 14:14:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6170[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6174 [Sep 3 14:14:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6170[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:14:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6170[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6175 [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '477100' to '6157' on channel 0/1, span 1 [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] pbx.c: -- Executing [6157@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/477100-24", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 477100 pour le 6157") in new stack [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 477100 pour le 6157 [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] pbx.c: -- Executing [6157@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/477100-24", "CALLERID(num)=0477100") in new stack [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] pbx.c: -- Executing [6157@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/477100-24", "appel-recu,6157,1(6157)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] pbx.c: -- Executing [6157@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/477100-24", "1,Appel du poste 6157 par le 0477100") in new stack [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6157 par le 0477100 [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] pbx.c: -- Executing [6157@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/477100-24", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6157,5) [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] pbx.c: -- Executing [6157@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/477100-24", "appelé=6157") in new stack [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] pbx.c: -- Executing [6157@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/477100-24", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] pbx.c: -- Executing [6157@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/477100-24", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6157,18) [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] pbx.c: -- Executing [6157@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/477100-24", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] pbx.c: -- Executing [6157@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/477100-24", "SIP/6157") in new stack [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] pbx.c: -- Executing [6157@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/477100-24", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] pbx.c: -- Executing [6157@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/477100-24", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] pbx.c: -- Executing [6157@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/477100-24", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] pbx.c: -- Executing [6157@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/477100-24", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6157,30) [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] pbx.c: -- Executing [6157@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/477100-24", "Appel de 6157/6157 par 0477100") in new stack [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6157/6157 par 0477100 [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] pbx.c: -- Executing [6157@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/477100-24", "Appels en cours pour 6157 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6157 : 0 [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] pbx.c: -- Executing [6157@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/477100-24", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] pbx.c: -- Executing [6157@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/477100-24", "SIP/6157,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] app_dial.c: -- Called 6157 [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6157[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6190 [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6157[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6199 [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6157[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6150 [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6157[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6117 [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6157[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6188 [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6157[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6223 [Sep 3 14:14:42] VERBOSE[11273] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6157-0000005a is ringing [Sep 3 14:14:43] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:14:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:14:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6172 [Sep 3 14:14:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:14:43] VERBOSE[11274] pbx.c: -- Executing [0246129@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6229-0000005b", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(246129)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:14:43] VERBOSE[11274] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("SIP/6229-0000005b", "Appel de 6229 pour 246129 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:14:43] VERBOSE[11274] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6229 pour 246129 par OPT [Sep 3 14:14:43] VERBOSE[11274] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("SIP/6229-0000005b", "CALLERID(num)=266229") in new stack [Sep 3 14:14:43] VERBOSE[11274] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("SIP/6229-0000005b", "Dahdi/g1/246129,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:14:43] DEBUG[11274] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 2 [Sep 3 14:14:43] DEBUG[11274] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Francine WAHAGA NUM: 266229 [Sep 3 14:14:43] VERBOSE[11274] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:14:43] VERBOSE[11274] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/246129 [Sep 3 14:14:43] VERBOSE[11274] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/246129-25 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6229-0000005b [Sep 3 14:14:44] VERBOSE[11274] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/246129-25 is ringing [Sep 3 14:14:48] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6157[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6190 [Sep 3 14:14:48] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6157[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6199 [Sep 3 14:14:48] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6157[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6150 [Sep 3 14:14:48] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6157[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6117 [Sep 3 14:14:48] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6157[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6188 [Sep 3 14:14:48] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6157[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6223 [Sep 3 14:14:48] VERBOSE[11273] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6157-0000005a answered DAHDI/i1/477100-24 [Sep 3 14:14:49] VERBOSE[11274] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/246129-25 answered SIP/6229-0000005b [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[10945] chan_iax2.c: -- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from > requested format = alaw, > requested prefs = (), > actual format = alaw, > host prefs = (alaw|gsm), > priority = mine [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@entrant-dundi:1] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-2351", "Appel reçu de l'autre site depuis le 7010 pour le 6218") in new stack [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'autre site depuis le 7010 pour le 6218 [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@entrant-dundi:2] Gosub("IAX2/priv5-2351", "appel-recu,6218,1(6218)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:1] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-2351", "1,Appel du poste 6218 par le 7010") in new stack [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6218 par le 7010 [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-2351", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6218,5) [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:5] Set("IAX2/priv5-2351", "appelé=6218") in new stack [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:6] Set("IAX2/priv5-2351", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-2351", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6218,18) [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:18] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-2351", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("IAX2/priv5-2351", "SIP/6218") in new stack [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-2351", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:21] Set("IAX2/priv5-2351", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:22] NoOp("IAX2/priv5-2351", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-2351", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6218,30) [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:30] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-2351", "Appel de 6218/6218 par 7010") in new stack [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6218/6218 par 7010 [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:31] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-2351", "Appels en cours pour 6218 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6218 : 0 [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-2351", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:33] Dial("IAX2/priv5-2351", "SIP/6218,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6191 [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6135 [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6238 [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6138 [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] app_dial.c: -- Called 6218 [Sep 3 14:15:05] VERBOSE[11283] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6218-0000005d is ringing [Sep 3 14:15:06] VERBOSE[11283] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6218-0000005d is ringing [Sep 3 14:15:07] VERBOSE[11283] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6218-0000005d is ringing [Sep 3 14:15:09] VERBOSE[11283] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6218-0000005d is ringing [Sep 3 14:15:13] VERBOSE[11283] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6218-0000005d is ringing [Sep 3 14:15:20] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:15:20] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:15:20] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6191 [Sep 3 14:15:20] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6218 [Sep 3 14:15:20] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:15:20] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6238 [Sep 3 14:15:20] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6138 [Sep 3 14:15:20] VERBOSE[11284] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6218@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6135-0000005e", "Interception du 6218") in new stack [Sep 3 14:15:20] VERBOSE[11284] app_verbose.c: Interception du 6218 [Sep 3 14:15:20] VERBOSE[11284] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6218@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Set("SIP/6135-0000005e", "poste=6218") in new stack [Sep 3 14:15:20] VERBOSE[11284] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6218@nouvelle-caledonie:3] Set("SIP/6135-0000005e", "GLOBAL(PICKUPMARK)=6218") in new stack [Sep 3 14:15:20] VERBOSE[11284] pbx.c: == Setting global variable 'PICKUPMARK' to '6218' [Sep 3 14:15:20] VERBOSE[11284] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6218@nouvelle-caledonie:4] Pickup("SIP/6135-0000005e", "6218@PICKUPMARK") in new stack [Sep 3 14:15:20] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6191 [Sep 3 14:15:20] VERBOSE[11283] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6135-0000005e answered IAX2/priv5-2351 [Sep 3 14:15:20] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6135 [Sep 3 14:15:20] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:15:20] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6238 [Sep 3 14:15:20] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6138 [Sep 3 14:15:43] VERBOSE[11273] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6157, 33) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/477100-24' [Sep 3 14:15:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6157[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6190 [Sep 3 14:15:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6157[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6199 [Sep 3 14:15:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6157[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6150 [Sep 3 14:15:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6157[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6117 [Sep 3 14:15:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6157[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6188 [Sep 3 14:15:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6157[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6223 [Sep 3 14:15:43] DEBUG[11273] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 1 [Sep 3 14:15:43] DEBUG[11273] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:15:43] VERBOSE[11273] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/477100-24' [Sep 3 14:16:07] DEBUG[11155] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 4 [Sep 3 14:16:07] DEBUG[11155] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:16:07] VERBOSE[11155] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/290040-1a' [Sep 3 14:16:07] VERBOSE[11155] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-opt, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6230-0000002c' [Sep 3 14:16:20] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:16:37] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:16:37] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:16:37] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6199 [Sep 3 14:16:37] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6150 [Sep 3 14:16:37] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6117 [Sep 3 14:16:37] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6188 [Sep 3 14:16:37] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6223 [Sep 3 14:16:37] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6157 [Sep 3 14:16:37] VERBOSE[11291] pbx.c: -- Executing [0750916@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6190-0000005f", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(750916)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:16:37] VERBOSE[11291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6190-0000005f", "Appel de 6190 pour 750916 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:16:37] VERBOSE[11291] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6190 pour 750916 par GSM [Sep 3 14:16:37] VERBOSE[11291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6190-0000005f", "CALLERID(num)=266190") in new stack [Sep 3 14:16:37] VERBOSE[11291] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6190-0000005f", "Dahdi/g1/750916,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:16:37] DEBUG[11291] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 1 [Sep 3 14:16:37] DEBUG[11291] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Livia GUÉPY NUM: 266190 [Sep 3 14:16:37] VERBOSE[11291] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:16:37] VERBOSE[11291] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/750916 [Sep 3 14:16:37] VERBOSE[11291] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/750916-26 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6190-0000005f [Sep 3 14:16:42] VERBOSE[11291] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/750916-26 is ringing [Sep 3 14:16:45] VERBOSE[11233] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6181, 2) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/413250-22' [Sep 3 14:16:45] DEBUG[11233] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 15 [Sep 3 14:16:45] DEBUG[11233] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:16:45] VERBOSE[11233] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/413250-22' [Sep 3 14:16:48] VERBOSE[11291] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/750916-26 answered SIP/6190-0000005f [Sep 3 14:16:54] DEBUG[11274] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 2 [Sep 3 14:16:54] DEBUG[11274] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:16:54] VERBOSE[11274] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/246129-25' [Sep 3 14:16:54] VERBOSE[11274] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-opt, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6229-0000005b' [Sep 3 14:16:54] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:16:54] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6172 [Sep 3 14:16:54] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:16:55] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6136 [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6147 [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6158 [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6140-00000060", "Appel pour l'extension 6136") in new stack [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] app_verbose.c: Appel pour l'extension 6136 [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Gosub("SIP/6140-00000060", "appel-recu,6136,1(6136)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:1] Verbose("SIP/6140-00000060", "1,Appel du poste 6136 par le 6140") in new stack [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6136 par le 6140 [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("SIP/6140-00000060", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6136,5) [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:5] Set("SIP/6140-00000060", "appelé=6136") in new stack [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:6] Set("SIP/6140-00000060", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("SIP/6140-00000060", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6136,18) [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:18] Verbose("SIP/6140-00000060", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("SIP/6140-00000060", "SIP/6136") in new stack [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("SIP/6140-00000060", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:21] Set("SIP/6140-00000060", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:22] NoOp("SIP/6140-00000060", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("SIP/6140-00000060", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6136,30) [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:30] Verbose("SIP/6140-00000060", "Appel de 6136/6136 par 6140") in new stack [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6136/6136 par 6140 [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:31] Verbose("SIP/6140-00000060", "Appels en cours pour 6136 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6136 : 0 [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("SIP/6140-00000060", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:33] Dial("SIP/6140-00000060", "SIP/6136,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] app_dial.c: -- Called 6136 [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6197 [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6136-00000062 is ringing [Sep 3 14:16:55] VERBOSE[11292] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6136-00000062 is ringing [Sep 3 14:16:56] VERBOSE[11292] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6136-00000062 is ringing [Sep 3 14:16:58] VERBOSE[11292] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6136-00000062 is ringing [Sep 3 14:17:02] VERBOSE[11292] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6136-00000062 is ringing [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '244088' to '6200' on channel 0/2, span 1 [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/244088-27", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 244088 pour le 6200") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 244088 pour le 6200 [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/244088-27", "CALLERID(num)=0244088") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/244088-27", "appel-recu,6200,1(6200)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/244088-27", "1,Appel du poste 6200 par le 0244088") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6200 par le 0244088 [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/244088-27", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6200,5) [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/244088-27", "appelé=6200") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/244088-27", "poste_inscrit=0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/244088-27", "0?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:8] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/244088-27", "Recherche par DUNDi du 6200") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] app_verbose.c: Recherche par DUNDi du 6200 [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:9] Set("DAHDI/i1/244088-27", "device=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:10] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/244088-27", "Dundi device: a pour longueur 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] app_verbose.c: Dundi device: a pour longueur 0 [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:11] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/244088-27", "0?:opt") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6200,15) [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:15] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/244088-27", "Appel du 6200 par l'OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] app_verbose.c: Appel du 6200 par l'OPT [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:16] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/244088-27", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(O266200)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/244088-27", "Appel de 0244088 pour O266200 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] app_verbose.c: Appel de 0244088 pour O266200 par OPT [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/244088-27", "CALLERID(num)=260244088") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("DAHDI/i1/244088-27", "Dahdi/g1/O266200,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:03] DEBUG[11301] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 3 [Sep 3 14:17:03] DEBUG[11301] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: NUM: 260244088 [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:17:03] WARNING[11301] sig_pri.c: Unrecognized pridialplan TON modifier: O [Sep 3 14:17:03] VERBOSE[11301] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/O266200 [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11301] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/266200-28 is proceeding passing it to DAHDI/i1/244088-27 [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '232876' to '6200' on channel 0/4, span 1 [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-29", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 232876 pour le 6200") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 232876 pour le 6200 [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-29", "CALLERID(num)=0232876") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/232876-29", "appel-recu,6200,1(6200)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-29", "1,Appel du poste 6200 par le 0232876") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6200 par le 0232876 [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/232876-29", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6200,5) [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-29", "appelé=6200") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-29", "poste_inscrit=0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/232876-29", "0?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:8] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-29", "Recherche par DUNDi du 6200") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] app_verbose.c: Recherche par DUNDi du 6200 [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:9] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-29", "device=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:10] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-29", "Dundi device: a pour longueur 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] app_verbose.c: Dundi device: a pour longueur 0 [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:11] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/232876-29", "0?:opt") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6200,15) [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:15] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-29", "Appel du 6200 par l'OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] app_verbose.c: Appel du 6200 par l'OPT [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:16] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/232876-29", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(O266200)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-29", "Appel de 0232876 pour O266200 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] app_verbose.c: Appel de 0232876 pour O266200 par OPT [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-29", "CALLERID(num)=260232876") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("DAHDI/i1/232876-29", "Dahdi/g1/O266200,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:04] DEBUG[11302] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 5 [Sep 3 14:17:04] DEBUG[11302] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: NUM: 260232876 [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:17:04] WARNING[11302] sig_pri.c: Unrecognized pridialplan TON modifier: O [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/O266200 [Sep 3 14:17:04] VERBOSE[11302] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/266200-2a is proceeding passing it to DAHDI/i1/232876-29 [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '232876' to '6200' on channel 0/6, span 1 [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-2b", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 232876 pour le 6200") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 232876 pour le 6200 [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-2b", "CALLERID(num)=0232876") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/232876-2b", "appel-recu,6200,1(6200)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-2b", "1,Appel du poste 6200 par le 0232876") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6200 par le 0232876 [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/232876-2b", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6200,5) [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-2b", "appelé=6200") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-2b", "poste_inscrit=0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/232876-2b", "0?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:8] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-2b", "Recherche par DUNDi du 6200") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] app_verbose.c: Recherche par DUNDi du 6200 [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:9] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-2b", "device=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:10] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-2b", "Dundi device: a pour longueur 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] app_verbose.c: Dundi device: a pour longueur 0 [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:11] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/232876-2b", "0?:opt") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6200,15) [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:15] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-2b", "Appel du 6200 par l'OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] app_verbose.c: Appel du 6200 par l'OPT [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:16] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/232876-2b", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(O266200)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-2b", "Appel de 0232876 pour O266200 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] app_verbose.c: Appel de 0232876 pour O266200 par OPT [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-2b", "CALLERID(num)=260232876") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("DAHDI/i1/232876-2b", "Dahdi/g1/O266200,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] DEBUG[11303] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 7 [Sep 3 14:17:05] DEBUG[11303] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: NUM: 260232876 [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:17:05] WARNING[11303] sig_pri.c: Unrecognized pridialplan TON modifier: O [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/O266200 [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11303] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/266200-2c is proceeding passing it to DAHDI/i1/232876-2b [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '232876' to '6200' on channel 0/8, span 1 [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-2d", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 232876 pour le 6200") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 232876 pour le 6200 [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-2d", "CALLERID(num)=0232876") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/232876-2d", "appel-recu,6200,1(6200)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-2d", "1,Appel du poste 6200 par le 0232876") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6200 par le 0232876 [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/232876-2d", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6200,5) [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-2d", "appelé=6200") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-2d", "poste_inscrit=0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/232876-2d", "0?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:8] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-2d", "Recherche par DUNDi du 6200") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] app_verbose.c: Recherche par DUNDi du 6200 [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:9] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-2d", "device=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:10] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-2d", "Dundi device: a pour longueur 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] app_verbose.c: Dundi device: a pour longueur 0 [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:11] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/232876-2d", "0?:opt") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6200,15) [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:15] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-2d", "Appel du 6200 par l'OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] app_verbose.c: Appel du 6200 par l'OPT [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:16] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/232876-2d", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(O266200)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-2d", "Appel de 0232876 pour O266200 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] app_verbose.c: Appel de 0232876 pour O266200 par OPT [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-2d", "CALLERID(num)=260232876") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("DAHDI/i1/232876-2d", "Dahdi/g1/O266200,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:05] DEBUG[11304] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 9 [Sep 3 14:17:05] DEBUG[11304] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: NUM: 260232876 [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:17:05] WARNING[11304] sig_pri.c: Unrecognized pridialplan TON modifier: O [Sep 3 14:17:05] VERBOSE[11304] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/O266200 [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11304] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/266200-2e is proceeding passing it to DAHDI/i1/232876-2d [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-2f", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 232876 pour le 6200") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 232876 pour le 6200 [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-2f", "CALLERID(num)=0232876") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/232876-2f", "appel-recu,6200,1(6200)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '232876' to '6200' on channel 0/10, span 1 [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-2f", "1,Appel du poste 6200 par le 0232876") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6200 par le 0232876 [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/232876-2f", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6200,5) [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-2f", "appelé=6200") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-2f", "poste_inscrit=0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/232876-2f", "0?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:8] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-2f", "Recherche par DUNDi du 6200") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] app_verbose.c: Recherche par DUNDi du 6200 [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:9] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-2f", "device=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:10] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-2f", "Dundi device: a pour longueur 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] app_verbose.c: Dundi device: a pour longueur 0 [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:11] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/232876-2f", "0?:opt") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6200,15) [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:15] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-2f", "Appel du 6200 par l'OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] app_verbose.c: Appel du 6200 par l'OPT [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:16] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/232876-2f", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(O266200)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-2f", "Appel de 0232876 pour O266200 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] app_verbose.c: Appel de 0232876 pour O266200 par OPT [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-2f", "CALLERID(num)=260232876") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("DAHDI/i1/232876-2f", "Dahdi/g1/O266200,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] DEBUG[11305] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 11 [Sep 3 14:17:06] DEBUG[11305] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: NUM: 260232876 [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:17:06] WARNING[11305] sig_pri.c: Unrecognized pridialplan TON modifier: O [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/O266200 [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11305] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/266200-30 is proceeding passing it to DAHDI/i1/232876-2f [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '232876' to '6200' on channel 0/12, span 1 [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-31", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 232876 pour le 6200") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 232876 pour le 6200 [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-31", "CALLERID(num)=0232876") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/232876-31", "appel-recu,6200,1(6200)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-31", "1,Appel du poste 6200 par le 0232876") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6200 par le 0232876 [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/232876-31", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6200,5) [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-31", "appelé=6200") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-31", "poste_inscrit=0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/232876-31", "0?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:8] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-31", "Recherche par DUNDi du 6200") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] app_verbose.c: Recherche par DUNDi du 6200 [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:9] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-31", "device=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:10] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-31", "Dundi device: a pour longueur 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] app_verbose.c: Dundi device: a pour longueur 0 [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:11] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/232876-31", "0?:opt") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6200,15) [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:15] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-31", "Appel du 6200 par l'OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] app_verbose.c: Appel du 6200 par l'OPT [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:16] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/232876-31", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(O266200)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-31", "Appel de 0232876 pour O266200 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] app_verbose.c: Appel de 0232876 pour O266200 par OPT [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-31", "CALLERID(num)=260232876") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("DAHDI/i1/232876-31", "Dahdi/g1/O266200,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:06] DEBUG[11306] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 13 [Sep 3 14:17:06] DEBUG[11306] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: NUM: 260232876 [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:17:06] WARNING[11306] sig_pri.c: Unrecognized pridialplan TON modifier: O [Sep 3 14:17:06] VERBOSE[11306] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/O266200 [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11306] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/266200-32 is proceeding passing it to DAHDI/i1/232876-31 [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-33", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 232876 pour le 6200") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 232876 pour le 6200 [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '232876' to '6200' on channel 0/14, span 1 [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-33", "CALLERID(num)=0232876") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/232876-33", "appel-recu,6200,1(6200)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-33", "1,Appel du poste 6200 par le 0232876") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6200 par le 0232876 [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/232876-33", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6200,5) [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-33", "appelé=6200") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-33", "poste_inscrit=0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/232876-33", "0?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:8] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-33", "Recherche par DUNDi du 6200") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] app_verbose.c: Recherche par DUNDi du 6200 [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:9] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-33", "device=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:10] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-33", "Dundi device: a pour longueur 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] app_verbose.c: Dundi device: a pour longueur 0 [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:11] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/232876-33", "0?:opt") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6200,15) [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:15] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-33", "Appel du 6200 par l'OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] app_verbose.c: Appel du 6200 par l'OPT [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:16] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/232876-33", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(O266200)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/232876-33", "Appel de 0232876 pour O266200 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] app_verbose.c: Appel de 0232876 pour O266200 par OPT [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/232876-33", "CALLERID(num)=260232876") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("DAHDI/i1/232876-33", "Dahdi/g1/O266200,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:07] DEBUG[11307] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 15 [Sep 3 14:17:07] DEBUG[11307] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: NUM: 260232876 [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:17:07] WARNING[11307] sig_pri.c: Unrecognized pridialplan TON modifier: O [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/O266200 [Sep 3 14:17:07] VERBOSE[11307] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/266200-34 is proceeding passing it to DAHDI/i1/232876-33 [Sep 3 14:17:10] VERBOSE[11292] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6136-00000062 is ringing [Sep 3 14:17:12] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/15, span 1 got hangup request, cause 18 [Sep 3 14:17:12] WARNING[11307] app_dial.c: Unable to forward voice or dtmf [Sep 3 14:17:12] DEBUG[11307] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 15 [Sep 3 14:17:12] DEBUG[11307] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:17:12] VERBOSE[11307] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/266200-34' [Sep 3 14:17:12] VERBOSE[11307] app_dial.c: == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1) [Sep 3 14:17:12] VERBOSE[11307] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:4] Return("DAHDI/i1/232876-33", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:12] VERBOSE[11307] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:17] Return("DAHDI/i1/232876-33", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:12] VERBOSE[11307] pbx.c: -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'DAHDI/i1/232876-33' status is 'CHANUNAVAIL' [Sep 3 14:17:12] DEBUG[11307] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 14 [Sep 3 14:17:12] DEBUG[11307] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:17:12] VERBOSE[11307] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/232876-33' [Sep 3 14:17:12] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/13, span 1 got hangup request, cause 42 [Sep 3 14:17:12] VERBOSE[11306] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/266200-32 is circuit-busy [Sep 3 14:17:12] DEBUG[11306] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 13 [Sep 3 14:17:12] DEBUG[11306] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:17:12] VERBOSE[11306] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/266200-32' [Sep 3 14:17:12] VERBOSE[11306] app_dial.c: == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/1/0) [Sep 3 14:17:12] VERBOSE[11306] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:4] Return("DAHDI/i1/232876-31", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:12] VERBOSE[11306] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:17] Return("DAHDI/i1/232876-31", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:12] VERBOSE[11306] pbx.c: -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'DAHDI/i1/232876-31' status is 'CONGESTION' [Sep 3 14:17:12] DEBUG[11306] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 12 [Sep 3 14:17:12] DEBUG[11306] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:17:12] VERBOSE[11306] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/232876-31' [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6136 [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6147 [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6158 [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[11292] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6136, 33) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6140-00000060' [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6197 [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/11, span 1 got hangup request, cause 42 [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[11305] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/266200-30 is circuit-busy [Sep 3 14:17:13] DEBUG[11305] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 11 [Sep 3 14:17:13] DEBUG[11305] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[11305] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/266200-30' [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[11305] app_dial.c: == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/1/0) [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[11305] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:4] Return("DAHDI/i1/232876-2f", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[11305] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:17] Return("DAHDI/i1/232876-2f", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[11305] pbx.c: -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'DAHDI/i1/232876-2f' status is 'CONGESTION' [Sep 3 14:17:13] DEBUG[11305] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 10 [Sep 3 14:17:13] DEBUG[11305] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[11305] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/232876-2f' [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/9, span 1 got hangup request, cause 42 [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[11304] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/266200-2e is circuit-busy [Sep 3 14:17:13] DEBUG[11304] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 9 [Sep 3 14:17:13] DEBUG[11304] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[11304] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/266200-2e' [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[11304] app_dial.c: == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/1/0) [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[11304] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:4] Return("DAHDI/i1/232876-2d", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[11304] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:17] Return("DAHDI/i1/232876-2d", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:13] VERBOSE[11304] pbx.c: -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'DAHDI/i1/232876-2d' status is 'CONGESTION' [Sep 3 14:17:14] DEBUG[11304] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 8 [Sep 3 14:17:14] DEBUG[11304] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:17:14] VERBOSE[11304] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/232876-2d' [Sep 3 14:17:14] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/7, span 1 got hangup request, cause 42 [Sep 3 14:17:14] VERBOSE[11303] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/266200-2c is circuit-busy [Sep 3 14:17:14] DEBUG[11303] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 7 [Sep 3 14:17:14] DEBUG[11303] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:17:14] VERBOSE[11303] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/266200-2c' [Sep 3 14:17:14] VERBOSE[11303] app_dial.c: == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/1/0) [Sep 3 14:17:14] VERBOSE[11303] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:4] Return("DAHDI/i1/232876-2b", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:14] VERBOSE[11303] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:17] Return("DAHDI/i1/232876-2b", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:14] VERBOSE[11303] pbx.c: -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'DAHDI/i1/232876-2b' status is 'CONGESTION' [Sep 3 14:17:14] DEBUG[11303] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 6 [Sep 3 14:17:14] DEBUG[11303] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:17:14] VERBOSE[11303] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/232876-2b' [Sep 3 14:17:14] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/5, span 1 got hangup request, cause 42 [Sep 3 14:17:14] VERBOSE[11302] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/266200-2a is circuit-busy [Sep 3 14:17:14] DEBUG[11302] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 5 [Sep 3 14:17:14] DEBUG[11302] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:17:14] VERBOSE[11302] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/266200-2a' [Sep 3 14:17:14] VERBOSE[11302] app_dial.c: == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/1/0) [Sep 3 14:17:14] VERBOSE[11302] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:4] Return("DAHDI/i1/232876-29", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:14] VERBOSE[11302] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:17] Return("DAHDI/i1/232876-29", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:14] VERBOSE[11302] pbx.c: -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'DAHDI/i1/232876-29' status is 'CONGESTION' [Sep 3 14:17:14] DEBUG[11302] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 4 [Sep 3 14:17:14] DEBUG[11302] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:17:14] VERBOSE[11302] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/232876-29' [Sep 3 14:17:15] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/3, span 1 got hangup request, cause 42 [Sep 3 14:17:15] VERBOSE[11301] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/266200-28 is circuit-busy [Sep 3 14:17:15] DEBUG[11301] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 3 [Sep 3 14:17:15] DEBUG[11301] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:17:15] VERBOSE[11301] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/266200-28' [Sep 3 14:17:15] VERBOSE[11301] app_dial.c: == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/1/0) [Sep 3 14:17:15] VERBOSE[11301] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:4] Return("DAHDI/i1/244088-27", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:15] VERBOSE[11301] pbx.c: -- Executing [6200@appel-recu:17] Return("DAHDI/i1/244088-27", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:15] VERBOSE[11301] pbx.c: -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'DAHDI/i1/244088-27' status is 'CONGESTION' [Sep 3 14:17:15] DEBUG[11301] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 2 [Sep 3 14:17:15] DEBUG[11301] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:17:15] VERBOSE[11301] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/244088-27' [Sep 3 14:17:19] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:17:19] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:17:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:17:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:17:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:17:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6136 [Sep 3 14:17:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6103 [Sep 3 14:17:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:17:19] VERBOSE[11308] pbx.c: -- Executing [0445287@international:1] Gosub("SIP/6197-00000063", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(445287)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:19] VERBOSE[11308] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("SIP/6197-00000063", "Appel de 6197 pour 445287 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:19] VERBOSE[11308] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6197 pour 445287 par OPT [Sep 3 14:17:19] VERBOSE[11308] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("SIP/6197-00000063", "CALLERID(num)=266197") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:19] VERBOSE[11308] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("SIP/6197-00000063", "Dahdi/g1/445287,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:19] DEBUG[11308] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 2 [Sep 3 14:17:19] DEBUG[11308] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Franck CHARPENTIER NUM: 266197 [Sep 3 14:17:19] VERBOSE[11308] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:17:19] VERBOSE[11308] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/445287 [Sep 3 14:17:20] VERBOSE[11308] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/445287-35 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6197-00000063 [Sep 3 14:17:20] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:17:21] VERBOSE[11308] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/445287-35 is ringing [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:17:28] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6133[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6133[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6197 [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6133[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@international:1] Verbose("SIP/6133-00000064", "Appel pour l'extension 6197") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6133[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6136 [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6133[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6103 [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] app_verbose.c: Appel pour l'extension 6197 [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6133[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@international:2] Gosub("SIP/6133-00000064", "appel-recu,6197,1(6197)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:1] Verbose("SIP/6133-00000064", "1,Appel du poste 6197 par le 6133") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6197 par le 6133 [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("SIP/6133-00000064", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6197,5) [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:5] Set("SIP/6133-00000064", "appelé=6197") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:6] Set("SIP/6133-00000064", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("SIP/6133-00000064", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6197,18) [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:18] Verbose("SIP/6133-00000064", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("SIP/6133-00000064", "SIP/6197") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("SIP/6133-00000064", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:21] Set("SIP/6133-00000064", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:22] NoOp("SIP/6133-00000064", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("SIP/6133-00000064", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6197,30) [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:30] Verbose("SIP/6133-00000064", "Appel de 6197/6197 par 6133") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6197/6197 par 6133 [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:31] Verbose("SIP/6133-00000064", "Appels en cours pour 6197 : 1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6197 : 1 [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("SIP/6133-00000064", "1?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6197,38) [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:38] VoiceMail("SIP/6133-00000064", "6197@default,b") in new stack [Sep 3 14:17:28] VERBOSE[11309] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-theperson.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:17:30] VERBOSE[11309] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/6.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:17:30] VERBOSE[11309] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:17:31] VERBOSE[11309] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/9.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:17:31] VERBOSE[11309] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6197, 38) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6133-00000064' [Sep 3 14:17:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6133[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:17:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6133[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6197 [Sep 3 14:17:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6133[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:17:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6133[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6136 [Sep 3 14:17:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6133[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6103 [Sep 3 14:17:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6133[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:17:31] VERBOSE[11308] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/445287-35 answered SIP/6197-00000063 [Sep 3 14:17:37] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:17:39] DEBUG[11291] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 1 [Sep 3 14:17:39] DEBUG[11291] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:17:39] VERBOSE[11291] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/750916-26' [Sep 3 14:17:39] VERBOSE[11291] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6190-0000005f' [Sep 3 14:17:39] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6199 [Sep 3 14:17:39] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6150 [Sep 3 14:17:39] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6117 [Sep 3 14:17:39] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6188 [Sep 3 14:17:39] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6223 [Sep 3 14:17:39] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6157 [Sep 3 14:18:06] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '413250' to '6181' on channel 0/15, span 1 [Sep 3 14:18:06] VERBOSE[11315] pbx.c: -- Executing [6181@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-36", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 413250 pour le 6181") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:06] VERBOSE[11315] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 413250 pour le 6181 [Sep 3 14:18:06] VERBOSE[11315] pbx.c: -- Executing [6181@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-36", "CALLERID(num)=0413250") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:06] VERBOSE[11315] pbx.c: -- Executing [6181@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/413250-36", "appel-recu,6181,1(6181)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:06] VERBOSE[11315] pbx.c: -- Executing [6181@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-36", "SIP/6181") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:06] VERBOSE[11315] app_verbose.c: SIP/6181 [Sep 3 14:18:06] VERBOSE[11315] pbx.c: -- Executing [6181@appel-recu:2] Dial("DAHDI/i1/413250-36", "SIP/6181") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:06] VERBOSE[11315] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:18:06] VERBOSE[11315] app_dial.c: -- Called 6181 [Sep 3 14:18:06] VERBOSE[11315] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6181-00000066 is ringing [Sep 3 14:18:15] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/15, span 1 got hangup, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:18:15] VERBOSE[11315] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6181, 2) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/413250-36' [Sep 3 14:18:15] DEBUG[11315] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 15 [Sep 3 14:18:15] DEBUG[11315] sig_pri.c: Already hungup... Calling hangup once, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:18:15] VERBOSE[11315] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/413250-36' [Sep 3 14:18:19] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:18:20] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '413250' to '6107' on channel 0/1, span 1 [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-37", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 413250 pour le 6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 413250 pour le 6107 [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-37", "CALLERID(num)=0413250") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/413250-37", "appel-recu,6107,1(6107)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-37", "1,Appel du poste 6107 par le 0413250") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6107 par le 0413250 [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-37", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,5) [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-37", "appelé=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-37", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-37", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,18) [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-37", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/413250-37", "SIP/6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-37", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-37", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/413250-37", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-37", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,30) [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-37", "Appel de 6107/6107 par 0413250") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6107/6107 par 0413250 [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-37", "Appels en cours pour 6107 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6107 : 0 [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-37", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/413250-37", "SIP/6107,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] app_dial.c: -- Called 6107 [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6107[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6114 [Sep 3 14:18:24] VERBOSE[11316] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-00000068 is ringing [Sep 3 14:18:25] VERBOSE[11316] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-00000068 is ringing [Sep 3 14:18:26] VERBOSE[11316] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-00000068 is ringing [Sep 3 14:18:28] VERBOSE[11316] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-00000068 is ringing [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:18:30] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6189[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6114 [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6189[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6212 [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[11317] pbx.c: -- Executing [6121@international:1] Verbose("SIP/6189-00000069", "Appel pour l'extension 6121") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[11317] app_verbose.c: Appel pour l'extension 6121 [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[11317] pbx.c: -- Executing [6121@international:2] Gosub("SIP/6189-00000069", "appel-recu,6121,1(6121)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[11317] pbx.c: -- Executing [6121@appel-recu:1] Verbose("SIP/6189-00000069", "1,Appel du poste 6121 par le 6189") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[11317] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6121 par le 6189 [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[11317] pbx.c: -- Executing [6121@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("SIP/6189-00000069", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[11317] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6121,5) [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[11317] pbx.c: -- Executing [6121@appel-recu:5] Set("SIP/6189-00000069", "appelé=6121") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[11317] pbx.c: -- Executing [6121@appel-recu:6] Set("SIP/6189-00000069", "poste_inscrit=0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[11317] pbx.c: -- Executing [6121@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("SIP/6189-00000069", "0?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[11317] pbx.c: -- Executing [6121@appel-recu:8] Verbose("SIP/6189-00000069", "Recherche par DUNDi du 6121") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[11317] app_verbose.c: Recherche par DUNDi du 6121 [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[11317] pbx.c: -- Executing [6121@appel-recu:9] Set("SIP/6189-00000069", "device=IAX2/priv5:DBu6OttqOkYTjvIyjua9Ow==@") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[11317] pbx.c: -- Executing [6121@appel-recu:10] Verbose("SIP/6189-00000069", "Dundi device: IAX2/priv5:DBu6OttqOkYTjvIyjua9Ow==@ a pour longueur 52") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[11317] app_verbose.c: Dundi device: IAX2/priv5:DBu6OttqOkYTjvIyjua9Ow==@ a pour longueur 52 [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[11317] pbx.c: -- Executing [6121@appel-recu:11] GotoIf("SIP/6189-00000069", "52?:opt") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[11317] pbx.c: -- Executing [6121@appel-recu:12] Verbose("SIP/6189-00000069", "Appel du 6121 par DUNDi") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[11317] app_verbose.c: Appel du 6121 par DUNDi [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[11317] pbx.c: -- Executing [6121@appel-recu:13] Dial("SIP/6189-00000069", "IAX2/priv5:DBu6OttqOkYTjvIyjua9Ow==@") in new stack [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[11317] app_dial.c: -- Called priv5:DBu6OttqOkYTjvIyjua9Ow==@ [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[10944] chan_iax2.c: -- Call accepted by (format alaw) [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[10944] chan_iax2.c: -- Format for call is alaw [Sep 3 14:18:30] VERBOSE[11317] app_dial.c: -- IAX2/priv5-6627 is ringing [Sep 3 14:18:32] VERBOSE[11316] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-00000068 is ringing [Sep 3 14:18:40] VERBOSE[11316] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-00000068 is ringing [Sep 3 14:18:41] VERBOSE[11317] app_dial.c: -- IAX2/priv5-6627 answered SIP/6189-00000069 [Sep 3 14:18:44] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/1, span 1 got hangup, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:18:44] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6107[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6114 [Sep 3 14:18:44] VERBOSE[11316] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6107, 33) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/413250-37' [Sep 3 14:18:44] DEBUG[11316] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 1 [Sep 3 14:18:44] DEBUG[11316] sig_pri.c: Already hungup... Calling hangup once, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:18:44] VERBOSE[11316] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/413250-37' [Sep 3 14:19:08] VERBOSE[11323] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:19:08] VERBOSE[11323] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:19:08] VERBOSE[11324] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:19:08] VERBOSE[11324] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:19:08] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:19:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6231[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6151 [Sep 3 14:19:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6231[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6155 [Sep 3 14:19:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6231[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6148 [Sep 3 14:19:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6231[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6164 [Sep 3 14:19:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6231[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6142 [Sep 3 14:19:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6231[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6146 [Sep 3 14:19:08] VERBOSE[11325] pbx.c: -- Executing [0253601@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6231-0000006a", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(253601)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:08] VERBOSE[11325] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("SIP/6231-0000006a", "Appel de 6231 pour 253601 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:08] VERBOSE[11325] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6231 pour 253601 par OPT [Sep 3 14:19:08] VERBOSE[11325] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("SIP/6231-0000006a", "CALLERID(num)=266231") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:08] VERBOSE[11325] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("SIP/6231-0000006a", "Dahdi/g1/253601,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:08] DEBUG[11325] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 1 [Sep 3 14:19:08] DEBUG[11325] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Malia FUAHEA NUM: 266231 [Sep 3 14:19:08] VERBOSE[11325] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:19:08] VERBOSE[11325] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/253601 [Sep 3 14:19:09] VERBOSE[11326] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:19:09] VERBOSE[11326] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:19:09] VERBOSE[11325] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/253601-38 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6231-0000006a [Sep 3 14:19:10] VERBOSE[11327] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:19:10] VERBOSE[11327] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:19:10] VERBOSE[11325] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/253601-38 is ringing [Sep 3 14:19:10] VERBOSE[11328] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:19:10] VERBOSE[11328] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:19:10] VERBOSE[11329] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:19:10] VERBOSE[11329] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:19:10] VERBOSE[11330] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:19:10] VERBOSE[11330] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:19:10] VERBOSE[11331] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:19:10] VERBOSE[11331] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:19:10] VERBOSE[11332] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:19:10] VERBOSE[11332] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:19:10] VERBOSE[11333] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:19:10] VERBOSE[11333] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:19:10] VERBOSE[11334] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:19:10] VERBOSE[11334] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:19:10] VERBOSE[11335] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:19:11] VERBOSE[11335] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:19:11] VERBOSE[11325] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/253601-38 answered SIP/6231-0000006a [Sep 3 14:19:19] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '413250' to '6209' on channel 0/3, span 1 [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-39", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 413250 pour le 6209") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 413250 pour le 6209 [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-39", "CALLERID(num)=0413250") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/413250-39", "appel-recu,6209,1(6209)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-39", "1,Appel du poste 6209 par le 0413250") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6209 par le 0413250 [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-39", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6209,5) [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-39", "appelé=6209") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-39", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-39", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6209,18) [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-39", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/413250-39", "SIP/6209") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-39", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-39", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/413250-39", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-39", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6209,30) [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-39", "Appel de 6209/6209 par 0413250") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6209/6209 par 0413250 [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-39", "Appels en cours pour 6209 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6209 : 0 [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-39", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/413250-39", "SIP/6209,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6209[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6116 [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] app_dial.c: -- Called 6209 [Sep 3 14:19:20] VERBOSE[11336] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6209-0000006c is ringing [Sep 3 14:19:20] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:19:22] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:19:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6156 [Sep 3 14:19:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6154 [Sep 3 14:19:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6152 [Sep 3 14:19:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6163 [Sep 3 14:19:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6159 [Sep 3 14:19:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6144 [Sep 3 14:19:22] VERBOSE[11337] pbx.c: -- Executing [0755735@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6153-0000006d", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(755735)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:22] VERBOSE[11337] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6153-0000006d", "Appel de 6153 pour 755735 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:22] VERBOSE[11337] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6153 pour 755735 par GSM [Sep 3 14:19:22] VERBOSE[11337] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6153-0000006d", "CALLERID(num)=266153") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:22] VERBOSE[11337] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6153-0000006d", "Dahdi/g1/755735,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:22] DEBUG[11337] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 4 [Sep 3 14:19:22] DEBUG[11337] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Maria TAUFANA NUM: 266153 [Sep 3 14:19:22] VERBOSE[11337] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:19:22] VERBOSE[11337] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/755735 [Sep 3 14:19:22] VERBOSE[11337] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/755735-3a is proceeding passing it to SIP/6153-0000006d [Sep 3 14:19:27] VERBOSE[11337] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/755735-3a is ringing [Sep 3 14:19:30] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:19:41] VERBOSE[11336] app_dial.c: -- Nobody picked up in 20000 ms [Sep 3 14:19:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6209[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6116 [Sep 3 14:19:41] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:34] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-39", "0?busy:unavail") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:41] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6209,36) [Sep 3 14:19:41] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:36] VoiceMail("DAHDI/i1/413250-39", "6209@default,u") in new stack [Sep 3 14:19:41] VERBOSE[11336] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-theperson.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:19:42] VERBOSE[11336] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/6.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:19:43] VERBOSE[11336] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/2.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:19:43] VERBOSE[11336] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/0.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:19:44] VERBOSE[11336] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/9.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:19:45] VERBOSE[11336] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-isunavail.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:19:45] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/3, span 1 got hangup request, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:19:45] VERBOSE[11336] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6209, 36) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/413250-39' [Sep 3 14:19:45] DEBUG[11336] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 3 [Sep 3 14:19:45] DEBUG[11336] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:19:45] VERBOSE[11336] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/413250-39' [Sep 3 14:19:57] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- PROGRESS with cause code 114 received [Sep 3 14:19:57] VERBOSE[11337] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/755735-3a answered SIP/6153-0000006d [Sep 3 14:20:02] DEBUG[11337] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 4 [Sep 3 14:20:02] DEBUG[11337] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:20:02] VERBOSE[11337] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/755735-3a' [Sep 3 14:20:02] VERBOSE[11337] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6153-0000006d' [Sep 3 14:20:02] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6156 [Sep 3 14:20:02] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6154 [Sep 3 14:20:02] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6152 [Sep 3 14:20:02] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6163 [Sep 3 14:20:02] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6159 [Sep 3 14:20:02] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6144 [Sep 3 14:20:03] VERBOSE[11317] chan_iax2.c: -- Hungup 'IAX2/priv5-6627' [Sep 3 14:20:03] VERBOSE[11317] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6121, 13) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6189-00000069' [Sep 3 14:20:03] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6189[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6114 [Sep 3 14:20:03] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6189[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6212 [Sep 3 14:20:19] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:20:20] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:21:19] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:21:20] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:22:19] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:22:20] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:23:19] VERBOSE[11358] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:23:19] VERBOSE[11358] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:23:19] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:23:19] VERBOSE[11359] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:23:19] VERBOSE[11359] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:23:20] VERBOSE[11360] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:23:20] VERBOSE[11360] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:23:20] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:23:20] VERBOSE[11361] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:23:20] VERBOSE[11361] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:23:21] VERBOSE[11362] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:23:21] VERBOSE[11362] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:23:21] VERBOSE[11363] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:23:21] VERBOSE[11363] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:23:21] VERBOSE[11364] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:23:21] VERBOSE[11364] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:23:21] VERBOSE[11365] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:23:21] VERBOSE[11365] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:23:21] VERBOSE[11366] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:23:21] VERBOSE[11366] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:23:21] VERBOSE[11367] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:23:21] VERBOSE[11367] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:23:21] VERBOSE[11368] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:23:21] VERBOSE[11368] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:23:21] VERBOSE[11369] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:23:21] VERBOSE[11369] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:23:56] VERBOSE[10948] chan_iax2.c: -- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from > requested format = alaw, > requested prefs = (), > actual format = alaw, > host prefs = (alaw|gsm), > priority = mine [Sep 3 14:23:56] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6148@entrant-dundi:1] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-1776", "Appel reçu de l'autre site depuis le 6242 pour le 6148") in new stack [Sep 3 14:23:56] VERBOSE[11371] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'autre site depuis le 6242 pour le 6148 [Sep 3 14:23:56] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6148@entrant-dundi:2] Gosub("IAX2/priv5-1776", "appel-recu,6148,1(6148)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:23:56] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6148@appel-recu:1] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-1776", "1,Appel du poste 6148 par le 6242") in new stack [Sep 3 14:23:56] VERBOSE[11371] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6148 par le 6242 [Sep 3 14:23:56] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6148@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-1776", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:23:56] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6148,5) [Sep 3 14:23:56] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6148@appel-recu:5] Set("IAX2/priv5-1776", "appelé=6148") in new stack [Sep 3 14:23:56] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6148@appel-recu:6] Set("IAX2/priv5-1776", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:23:56] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6148@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-1776", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:23:56] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6148,18) [Sep 3 14:23:56] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6148@appel-recu:18] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-1776", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:23:56] VERBOSE[11371] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:23:56] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6148@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("IAX2/priv5-1776", "SIP/6148") in new stack [Sep 3 14:23:56] VERBOSE[11371] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:23:57] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6148@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-1776", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:23:57] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6148@appel-recu:21] Set("IAX2/priv5-1776", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:23:57] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6148@appel-recu:22] NoOp("IAX2/priv5-1776", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:23:57] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6148@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-1776", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:23:57] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6148,30) [Sep 3 14:23:57] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6148@appel-recu:30] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-1776", "Appel de 6148/6148 par 6242") in new stack [Sep 3 14:23:57] VERBOSE[11371] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6148/6148 par 6242 [Sep 3 14:23:57] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6148@appel-recu:31] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-1776", "Appels en cours pour 6148 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:23:57] VERBOSE[11371] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6148 : 0 [Sep 3 14:23:57] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6148@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-1776", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:23:57] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6148@appel-recu:33] Dial("IAX2/priv5-1776", "SIP/6148,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:23:57] VERBOSE[11371] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:23:57] VERBOSE[11371] app_dial.c: -- Called 6148 [Sep 3 14:23:57] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6151 [Sep 3 14:23:57] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6155 [Sep 3 14:23:57] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6164 [Sep 3 14:23:57] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6142 [Sep 3 14:23:57] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6146 [Sep 3 14:23:57] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6231 [Sep 3 14:23:57] VERBOSE[11371] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6148-0000006f is ringing [Sep 3 14:24:00] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/2, span 1 got hangup request, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:24:00] DEBUG[11308] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 2 [Sep 3 14:24:00] DEBUG[11308] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:24:00] VERBOSE[11308] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/445287-35' [Sep 3 14:24:00] VERBOSE[11308] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-opt, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6197-00000063' [Sep 3 14:24:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:24:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:24:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:24:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6136 [Sep 3 14:24:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6103 [Sep 3 14:24:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:24:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6151 [Sep 3 14:24:00] VERBOSE[11371] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6148-0000006f answered IAX2/priv5-1776 [Sep 3 14:24:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6155 [Sep 3 14:24:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6164 [Sep 3 14:24:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6142 [Sep 3 14:24:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6146 [Sep 3 14:24:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6231 [Sep 3 14:24:20] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:24:31] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:24:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:24:31] VERBOSE[11377] pbx.c: -- Executing [5533@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6108-00000070", "Appel d'un numéro abrégé 5533") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:31] VERBOSE[11377] app_verbose.c: Appel d'un numéro abrégé 5533 [Sep 3 14:24:31] VERBOSE[11377] pbx.c: -- Executing [5533@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Set("SIP/6108-00000070", "appele=257171") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:31] VERBOSE[11377] pbx.c: -- Executing [5533@nouvelle-caledonie:3] Verbose("SIP/6108-00000070", "Numéro complet : 257171") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:31] VERBOSE[11377] app_verbose.c: Numéro complet : 257171 [Sep 3 14:24:31] VERBOSE[11377] pbx.c: -- Executing [5533@nouvelle-caledonie:4] Gosub("SIP/6108-00000070", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(257171)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:31] VERBOSE[11377] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("SIP/6108-00000070", "Appel de 6108 pour 257171 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:31] VERBOSE[11377] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6108 pour 257171 par OPT [Sep 3 14:24:31] VERBOSE[11377] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("SIP/6108-00000070", "CALLERID(num)=266108") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:31] VERBOSE[11377] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("SIP/6108-00000070", "Dahdi/g1/257171,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:31] DEBUG[11377] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 2 [Sep 3 14:24:31] DEBUG[11377] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Melissa AUTOMALO NUM: 266108 [Sep 3 14:24:31] VERBOSE[11377] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:24:31] VERBOSE[11377] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/257171 [Sep 3 14:24:32] VERBOSE[11377] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/257171-3b is proceeding passing it to SIP/6108-00000070 [Sep 3 14:24:33] VERBOSE[11377] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/257171-3b is ringing [Sep 3 14:24:33] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Hold for Notify User 6151 [Sep 3 14:24:33] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Hold for Notify User 6155 [Sep 3 14:24:33] VERBOSE[11371] res_musiconhold.c: -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on IAX2/priv5-1776 [Sep 3 14:24:33] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Hold for Notify User 6164 [Sep 3 14:24:33] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Hold for Notify User 6142 [Sep 3 14:24:33] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Hold for Notify User 6146 [Sep 3 14:24:33] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Hold for Notify User 6231 [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] res_musiconhold.c: -- Stopped music on hold on IAX2/priv5-1776 [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6151 [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (nouvelle-caledonie, 6155, 1) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/priv5-1776' [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6155 [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6164 [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6142 [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6146 [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6148[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6231 [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6155@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-1776", "Appel pour l'extension 6155") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] app_verbose.c: Appel pour l'extension 6155 [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6155@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Gosub("IAX2/priv5-1776", "appel-recu,6155,1(6155)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6155@appel-recu:1] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-1776", "1,Appel du poste 6155 par le 6242") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6155 par le 6242 [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6155@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-1776", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6155,5) [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6155@appel-recu:5] Set("IAX2/priv5-1776", "appelé=6155") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6155@appel-recu:6] Set("IAX2/priv5-1776", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6155@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-1776", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6155,18) [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6155@appel-recu:18] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-1776", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6155@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("IAX2/priv5-1776", "SIP/6155") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6155@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-1776", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6155@appel-recu:21] Set("IAX2/priv5-1776", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6155@appel-recu:22] NoOp("IAX2/priv5-1776", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6155@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-1776", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6155,30) [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6155@appel-recu:30] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-1776", "Appel de 6155/6155 par 6242") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6155/6155 par 6242 [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6155@appel-recu:31] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-1776", "Appels en cours pour 6155 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6155 : 0 [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6155@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-1776", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: -- Executing [6155@appel-recu:33] Dial("IAX2/priv5-1776", "SIP/6155,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] app_dial.c: -- Called 6155 [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6151 [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6148 [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6164 [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6142 [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6146 [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6231 [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6155-00000072 is ringing [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] app_dial.c: -- IAX2/priv5-1776 requested special control 20, passing it to SIP/6155-00000072 [Sep 3 14:24:34] VERBOSE[11371] app_dial.c: -- IAX2/priv5-1776 requested special control 20, passing it to SIP/6155-00000072 [Sep 3 14:24:39] VERBOSE[11377] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/257171-3b answered SIP/6108-00000070 [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6192[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6185 [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6192[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6186 [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6192[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6124 [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6192[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6141 [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6192-00000073", "Appel pour l'extension 6209") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] app_verbose.c: Appel pour l'extension 6209 [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Gosub("SIP/6192-00000073", "appel-recu,6209,1(6209)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:1] Verbose("SIP/6192-00000073", "1,Appel du poste 6209 par le 6192") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6209 par le 6192 [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("SIP/6192-00000073", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6209,5) [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:5] Set("SIP/6192-00000073", "appelé=6209") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:6] Set("SIP/6192-00000073", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("SIP/6192-00000073", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6209,18) [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:18] Verbose("SIP/6192-00000073", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("SIP/6192-00000073", "SIP/6209") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("SIP/6192-00000073", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:21] Set("SIP/6192-00000073", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:22] NoOp("SIP/6192-00000073", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("SIP/6192-00000073", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6209,30) [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:30] Verbose("SIP/6192-00000073", "Appel de 6209/6209 par 6192") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6209/6209 par 6192 [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:31] Verbose("SIP/6192-00000073", "Appels en cours pour 6209 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6209 : 0 [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("SIP/6192-00000073", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:33] Dial("SIP/6192-00000073", "SIP/6209,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] app_dial.c: -- Called 6209 [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6209[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6116 [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11378] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6209-00000075 is ringing [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6151 [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[11371] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6155-00000072 answered IAX2/priv5-1776 [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6148 [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6164 [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6142 [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6146 [Sep 3 14:24:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6231 [Sep 3 14:25:01] VERBOSE[11378] app_dial.c: -- Nobody picked up in 20000 ms [Sep 3 14:25:01] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:34] GotoIf("SIP/6192-00000073", "0?busy:unavail") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:01] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6209,36) [Sep 3 14:25:01] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:36] VoiceMail("SIP/6192-00000073", "6209@default,u") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:01] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6209[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6116 [Sep 3 14:25:01] VERBOSE[11378] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-theperson.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:02] VERBOSE[11378] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/6.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:03] VERBOSE[11378] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/2.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:03] VERBOSE[11378] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/0.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:04] VERBOSE[11378] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6209, 36) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6192-00000073' [Sep 3 14:25:04] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6192[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6185 [Sep 3 14:25:04] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6192[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6186 [Sep 3 14:25:04] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6192[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6124 [Sep 3 14:25:04] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6192[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6141 [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '413252' to '6107' on channel 0/4, span 1 [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413252-3c", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 413252 pour le 6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 413252 pour le 6107 [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/413252-3c", "CALLERID(num)=0413252") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/413252-3c", "appel-recu,6107,1(6107)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413252-3c", "1,Appel du poste 6107 par le 0413252") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6107 par le 0413252 [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413252-3c", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,5) [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/413252-3c", "appelé=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/413252-3c", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413252-3c", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,18) [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413252-3c", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/413252-3c", "SIP/6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413252-3c", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/413252-3c", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/413252-3c", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413252-3c", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,30) [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413252-3c", "Appel de 6107/6107 par 0413252") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6107/6107 par 0413252 [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413252-3c", "Appels en cours pour 6107 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6107 : 0 [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413252-3c", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/413252-3c", "SIP/6107,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6107[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6114 [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] app_dial.c: -- Called 6107 [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-00000077 is ringing [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11384] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-00000077 is ringing [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:25:19] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6170[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6174 [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6170[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6170[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6175 [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11385] pbx.c: -- Executing [66666170@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6170-00000078", "Appel de la messagerie du numéro 6170") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:19] VERBOSE[11385] app_verbose.c: Appel de la messagerie du numéro 6170 [Sep 3 14:25:20] VERBOSE[11385] pbx.c: -- Executing [66666170@nouvelle-caledonie:2] VoiceMailMain("SIP/6170-00000078", "6170") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:20] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-password.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:20] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:25:20] VERBOSE[11384] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-00000077 is ringing [Sep 3 14:25:22] VERBOSE[11384] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-00000077 is ringing [Sep 3 14:25:24] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-youhave.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:25] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:25] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-INBOX.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:25] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:25:25] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6114[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6189 [Sep 3 14:25:25] VERBOSE[11386] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6114-00000079", "Interception du 6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:25] VERBOSE[11386] app_verbose.c: Interception du 6107 [Sep 3 14:25:25] VERBOSE[11386] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Set("SIP/6114-00000079", "poste=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:25] VERBOSE[11386] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:3] Set("SIP/6114-00000079", "GLOBAL(PICKUPMARK)=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:25] VERBOSE[11386] pbx.c: == Setting global variable 'PICKUPMARK' to '6107' [Sep 3 14:25:25] VERBOSE[11386] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:4] Pickup("SIP/6114-00000079", "6107@PICKUPMARK") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:25] VERBOSE[11386] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:5] Hangup("SIP/6114-00000079", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:25] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6107[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6114 [Sep 3 14:25:25] VERBOSE[11384] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6114-00000079 answered DAHDI/i1/413252-3c [Sep 3 14:25:25] VERBOSE[11386] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (nouvelle-caledonie, **6107, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6107-00000077' [Sep 3 14:25:25] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-and.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:26] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/30.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:27] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/7.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:27] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-Old.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:28] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-messages.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:29] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-onefor.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:30] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-INBOX.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:31] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-messages.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:31] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-first.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:32] VERBOSE[11385] config.c: == Parsing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/6170/INBOX/msg0000.txt': [Sep 3 14:25:32] VERBOSE[11385] config.c: == Found [Sep 3 14:25:32] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-message.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:33] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-received.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:33] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/at.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:33] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/8.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:34] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/oclock.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:34] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/30.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:35] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/7.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:36] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/a-m.gsm' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:37] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/6170/INBOX/msg0000.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:25:43] DEBUG[11377] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 2 [Sep 3 14:25:43] DEBUG[11377] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:25:43] VERBOSE[11377] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/257171-3b' [Sep 3 14:25:43] VERBOSE[11377] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-opt, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6108-00000070' [Sep 3 14:25:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:25:48] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/4, span 1 got hangup request, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:25:48] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6114[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6189 [Sep 3 14:25:48] VERBOSE[11384] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6107, 33) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/413252-3c' [Sep 3 14:25:48] DEBUG[11384] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 4 [Sep 3 14:25:48] DEBUG[11384] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:25:48] VERBOSE[11384] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/413252-3c' [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '413252' to '6108' on channel 0/5, span 1 [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413252-3d", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 413252 pour le 6108") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 413252 pour le 6108 [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/413252-3d", "CALLERID(num)=0413252") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/413252-3d", "appel-recu,6108,1(6108)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413252-3d", "1,Appel du poste 6108 par le 0413252") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6108 par le 0413252 [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413252-3d", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6108,5) [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/413252-3d", "appelé=6108") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/413252-3d", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413252-3d", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6108,18) [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413252-3d", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/413252-3d", "SIP/6108") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413252-3d", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/413252-3d", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/413252-3d", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413252-3d", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6108,30) [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413252-3d", "Appel de 6108/6108 par 0413252") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6108/6108 par 0413252 [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413252-3d", "Appels en cours pour 6108 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6108 : 0 [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413252-3d", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/413252-3d", "SIP/6108,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] app_dial.c: -- Called 6108 [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:25:53] VERBOSE[11387] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6108-0000007b is ringing [Sep 3 14:25:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:25:55] VERBOSE[11387] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6108-0000007b answered DAHDI/i1/413252-3d [Sep 3 14:26:01] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:26:01] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:26:01] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6167 [Sep 3 14:26:01] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6149 [Sep 3 14:26:01] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6143 [Sep 3 14:26:01] VERBOSE[11392] pbx.c: -- Executing [0415039@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6195-0000007c", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(415039)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:26:01] VERBOSE[11392] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("SIP/6195-0000007c", "Appel de 6195 pour 415039 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:26:01] VERBOSE[11392] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6195 pour 415039 par OPT [Sep 3 14:26:01] VERBOSE[11392] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("SIP/6195-0000007c", "CALLERID(num)=266195") in new stack [Sep 3 14:26:01] VERBOSE[11392] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("SIP/6195-0000007c", "Dahdi/g1/415039,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:26:01] DEBUG[11392] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 2 [Sep 3 14:26:01] DEBUG[11392] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Agathe WENICE NUM: 266195 [Sep 3 14:26:01] VERBOSE[11392] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:26:01] VERBOSE[11392] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/415039 [Sep 3 14:26:01] VERBOSE[11392] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/415039-3e is proceeding passing it to SIP/6195-0000007c [Sep 3 14:26:02] VERBOSE[11392] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/415039-3e is ringing [Sep 3 14:26:12] VERBOSE[11387] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6108, 33) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/413252-3d' [Sep 3 14:26:12] DEBUG[11387] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 5 [Sep 3 14:26:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:26:12] DEBUG[11387] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:26:12] VERBOSE[11387] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/413252-3d' [Sep 3 14:26:14] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-advopts.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:15] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:26:15] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:26:15] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:26:15] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:26:15] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6147 [Sep 3 14:26:15] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:26:15] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:26:15] VERBOSE[11394] pbx.c: -- Executing [0426441@international:1] Gosub("SIP/6169-0000007d", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(426441)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:26:15] VERBOSE[11394] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("SIP/6169-0000007d", "Appel de 6169 pour 426441 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:26:15] VERBOSE[11394] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6169 pour 426441 par OPT [Sep 3 14:26:15] VERBOSE[11394] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("SIP/6169-0000007d", "CALLERID(num)=266169") in new stack [Sep 3 14:26:15] VERBOSE[11394] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("SIP/6169-0000007d", "Dahdi/g1/426441,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:26:15] DEBUG[11394] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 3 [Sep 3 14:26:15] DEBUG[11394] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Yan ELMOUR NUM: 266169 [Sep 3 14:26:15] VERBOSE[11394] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:26:15] VERBOSE[11394] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/426441 [Sep 3 14:26:16] VERBOSE[11394] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/426441-3f is proceeding passing it to SIP/6169-0000007d [Sep 3 14:26:16] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-repeat.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:16] VERBOSE[11394] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/426441-3f is ringing [Sep 3 14:26:19] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-delete.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:20] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:26:20] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:26:21] VERBOSE[11394] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/426441-3f answered SIP/6169-0000007d [Sep 3 14:26:22] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-toforward.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:23] VERBOSE[11392] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/415039-3e answered SIP/6195-0000007c [Sep 3 14:26:27] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-savemessage.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:27] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-changeto.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:29] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-press.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:29] DEBUG[11392] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 2 [Sep 3 14:26:29] DEBUG[11392] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:26:29] VERBOSE[11392] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/415039-3e' [Sep 3 14:26:29] VERBOSE[11392] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-opt, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6195-0000007c' [Sep 3 14:26:29] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6167 [Sep 3 14:26:29] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6149 [Sep 3 14:26:29] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6143 [Sep 3 14:26:30] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/0.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:30] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-for.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:31] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-INBOX.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:31] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-messages.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:32] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:26:32] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:26:32] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6167 [Sep 3 14:26:32] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6149 [Sep 3 14:26:32] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6143 [Sep 3 14:26:32] VERBOSE[11395] pbx.c: -- Executing [0415039@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6195-0000007e", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(415039)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:26:32] VERBOSE[11395] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("SIP/6195-0000007e", "Appel de 6195 pour 415039 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:26:32] VERBOSE[11395] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6195 pour 415039 par OPT [Sep 3 14:26:32] VERBOSE[11395] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("SIP/6195-0000007e", "CALLERID(num)=266195") in new stack [Sep 3 14:26:32] VERBOSE[11395] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("SIP/6195-0000007e", "Dahdi/g1/415039,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:26:32] DEBUG[11395] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 2 [Sep 3 14:26:32] DEBUG[11395] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Agathe WENICE NUM: 266195 [Sep 3 14:26:32] VERBOSE[11395] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:26:32] VERBOSE[11395] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/415039 [Sep 3 14:26:33] VERBOSE[11395] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/415039-40 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6195-0000007e [Sep 3 14:26:33] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:33] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-for.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:33] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-Old.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:34] VERBOSE[11395] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/415039-40 is ringing [Sep 3 14:26:34] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-messages.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:35] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/2.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:36] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-for.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:36] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-Work.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:37] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-messages.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:38] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/3.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:38] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-for.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:39] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-Family.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:40] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-messages.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:41] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/4.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:41] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-for.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:42] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-Friends.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:42] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-messages.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:44] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-tocancel.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:47] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-INBOX.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:48] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-messages.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:48] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-onefor.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:50] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-INBOX.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:51] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-messages.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:51] VERBOSE[11385] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-opts.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:26:54] VERBOSE[11395] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/415039-40 answered SIP/6195-0000007e [Sep 3 14:26:58] VERBOSE[11385] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (nouvelle-caledonie, 66666170, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6170-00000078' [Sep 3 14:26:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6170[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6174 [Sep 3 14:26:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6170[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:26:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6170[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6175 [Sep 3 14:26:58] VERBOSE[11283] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6218, 33) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/priv5-2351' [Sep 3 14:26:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6191 [Sep 3 14:26:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6218 [Sep 3 14:26:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:26:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6238 [Sep 3 14:26:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6138 [Sep 3 14:26:58] VERBOSE[11283] chan_iax2.c: -- Hungup 'IAX2/priv5-2351' [Sep 3 14:26:58] DEBUG[11395] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 2 [Sep 3 14:26:58] DEBUG[11395] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:26:58] VERBOSE[11395] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/415039-40' [Sep 3 14:26:58] VERBOSE[11395] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-opt, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6195-0000007e' [Sep 3 14:26:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6167 [Sep 3 14:26:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6149 [Sep 3 14:26:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6143 [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '257176' to '6108' on channel 0/6, span 1 [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/257176-41", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 257176 pour le 6108") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 257176 pour le 6108 [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/257176-41", "CALLERID(num)=0257176") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/257176-41", "appel-recu,6108,1(6108)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/257176-41", "1,Appel du poste 6108 par le 0257176") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6108 par le 0257176 [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/257176-41", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6108,5) [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/257176-41", "appelé=6108") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/257176-41", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/257176-41", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6108,18) [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/257176-41", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/257176-41", "SIP/6108") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/257176-41", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/257176-41", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/257176-41", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/257176-41", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6108,30) [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/257176-41", "Appel de 6108/6108 par 0257176") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6108/6108 par 0257176 [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/257176-41", "Appels en cours pour 6108 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6108 : 0 [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/257176-41", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/257176-41", "SIP/6108,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] app_dial.c: -- Called 6108 [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:27:10] VERBOSE[11401] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6108-00000080 is ringing [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6151 [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6148 [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11371] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6155, 33) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/priv5-1776' [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6164 [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6142 [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6146 [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6231 [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11371] chan_iax2.c: -- Hungup 'IAX2/priv5-1776' [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[10947] chan_iax2.c: -- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from > requested format = alaw, > requested prefs = (), > actual format = alaw, > host prefs = (alaw|gsm), > priority = mine [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@entrant-dundi:1] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-8037", "Appel reçu de l'autre site depuis le 0797547 pour le 6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'autre site depuis le 0797547 pour le 6107 [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@entrant-dundi:2] Gosub("IAX2/priv5-8037", "appel-recu,6107,1(6107)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:1] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-8037", "1,Appel du poste 6107 par le 0797547") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6107 par le 0797547 [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-8037", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,5) [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:5] Set("IAX2/priv5-8037", "appelé=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:6] Set("IAX2/priv5-8037", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-8037", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,18) [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:18] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-8037", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("IAX2/priv5-8037", "SIP/6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-8037", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:21] Set("IAX2/priv5-8037", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:22] NoOp("IAX2/priv5-8037", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-8037", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,30) [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:30] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-8037", "Appel de 6107/6107 par 0797547") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6107/6107 par 0797547 [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:31] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-8037", "Appels en cours pour 6107 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6107 : 0 [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-8037", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:33] Dial("IAX2/priv5-8037", "SIP/6107,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6107[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6114 [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] app_dial.c: -- Called 6107 [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11401] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6108-00000080 answered DAHDI/i1/257176-41 [Sep 3 14:27:14] VERBOSE[11403] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-00000082 is ringing [Sep 3 14:27:15] VERBOSE[11403] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-00000082 is ringing [Sep 3 14:27:15] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:27:16] VERBOSE[11403] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-00000082 is ringing [Sep 3 14:27:18] VERBOSE[11403] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-00000082 is ringing [Sep 3 14:27:20] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:27:20] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6114[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6189 [Sep 3 14:27:20] VERBOSE[11404] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6114-00000083", "Interception du 6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:20] VERBOSE[11404] app_verbose.c: Interception du 6107 [Sep 3 14:27:20] VERBOSE[11404] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Set("SIP/6114-00000083", "poste=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:20] VERBOSE[11404] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:3] Set("SIP/6114-00000083", "GLOBAL(PICKUPMARK)=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:20] VERBOSE[11404] pbx.c: == Setting global variable 'PICKUPMARK' to '6107' [Sep 3 14:27:20] VERBOSE[11404] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:4] Pickup("SIP/6114-00000083", "6107@PICKUPMARK") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:20] VERBOSE[11404] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:5] Hangup("SIP/6114-00000083", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:20] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6107[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6114 [Sep 3 14:27:20] VERBOSE[11404] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (nouvelle-caledonie, **6107, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6107-00000082' [Sep 3 14:27:20] VERBOSE[11403] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6114-00000083 answered IAX2/priv5-8037 [Sep 3 14:27:22] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:27:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:27:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:27:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6170 [Sep 3 14:27:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:27:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6229 [Sep 3 14:27:22] VERBOSE[11405] pbx.c: -- Executing [0791952@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6172-00000084", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(791952)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:22] VERBOSE[11405] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6172-00000084", "Appel de 6172 pour 791952 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:22] VERBOSE[11405] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6172 pour 791952 par GSM [Sep 3 14:27:22] VERBOSE[11405] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6172-00000084", "CALLERID(num)=266172") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:22] VERBOSE[11405] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6172-00000084", "Dahdi/g1/791952,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:22] DEBUG[11405] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 2 [Sep 3 14:27:22] DEBUG[11405] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Alessie READ NUM: 266172 [Sep 3 14:27:22] VERBOSE[11405] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:27:22] VERBOSE[11405] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/791952 [Sep 3 14:27:22] VERBOSE[11405] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/791952-42 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6172-00000084 [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-43", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 413250 pour le 6209") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 413250 pour le 6209 [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '413250' to '6209' on channel 0/7, span 1 [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-43", "CALLERID(num)=0413250") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/413250-43", "appel-recu,6209,1(6209)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-43", "1,Appel du poste 6209 par le 0413250") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6209 par le 0413250 [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-43", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6209,5) [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-43", "appelé=6209") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-43", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-43", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6209,18) [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-43", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/413250-43", "SIP/6209") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-43", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-43", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/413250-43", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-43", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6209,30) [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-43", "Appel de 6209/6209 par 0413250") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6209/6209 par 0413250 [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-43", "Appels en cours pour 6209 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6209 : 0 [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-43", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/413250-43", "SIP/6209,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6209[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6116 [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] app_dial.c: -- Called 6209 [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11406] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6209-00000086 is ringing [Sep 3 14:27:26] VERBOSE[11405] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/791952-42 is ringing [Sep 3 14:27:31] VERBOSE[11405] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/791952-42 answered SIP/6172-00000084 [Sep 3 14:27:39] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/7, span 1 got hangup, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:27:39] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6209[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6116 [Sep 3 14:27:39] VERBOSE[11406] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6209, 33) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/413250-43' [Sep 3 14:27:39] DEBUG[11406] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 7 [Sep 3 14:27:39] DEBUG[11406] sig_pri.c: Already hungup... Calling hangup once, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:27:39] VERBOSE[11406] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/413250-43' [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '243232' to '6136' on channel 0/8, span 1 [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/243232-44", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 243232 pour le 6136") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 243232 pour le 6136 [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/243232-44", "CALLERID(num)=0243232") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/243232-44", "appel-recu,6136,1(6136)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/243232-44", "1,Appel du poste 6136 par le 0243232") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6136 par le 0243232 [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/243232-44", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6136,5) [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/243232-44", "appelé=6136") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/243232-44", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/243232-44", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6136,18) [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/243232-44", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/243232-44", "SIP/6136") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/243232-44", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/243232-44", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/243232-44", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/243232-44", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6136,30) [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/243232-44", "Appel de 6136/6136 par 0243232") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6136/6136 par 0243232 [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/243232-44", "Appels en cours pour 6136 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6136 : 0 [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/243232-44", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/243232-44", "SIP/6136,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] app_dial.c: -- Called 6136 [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6197 [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6136-00000088 is ringing [Sep 3 14:27:58] VERBOSE[11407] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6136-00000088 is ringing [Sep 3 14:27:59] VERBOSE[11407] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6136-00000088 is ringing [Sep 3 14:28:01] VERBOSE[11407] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6136-00000088 is ringing [Sep 3 14:28:05] VERBOSE[11407] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6136-00000088 is ringing [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '413250' to '6209' on channel 0/9, span 1 [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-45", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 413250 pour le 6209") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 413250 pour le 6209 [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-45", "CALLERID(num)=0413250") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/413250-45", "appel-recu,6209,1(6209)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-45", "1,Appel du poste 6209 par le 0413250") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6209 par le 0413250 [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-45", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6209,5) [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-45", "appelé=6209") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-45", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-45", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6209,18) [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-45", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/413250-45", "SIP/6209") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-45", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-45", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/413250-45", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-45", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6209,30) [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-45", "Appel de 6209/6209 par 0413250") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6209/6209 par 0413250 [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-45", "Appels en cours pour 6209 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6209 : 0 [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-45", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/413250-45", "SIP/6209,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6209[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6116 [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] app_dial.c: -- Called 6209 [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11413] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6209-0000008a is ringing [Sep 3 14:28:13] VERBOSE[11407] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6136-00000088 is ringing [Sep 3 14:28:15] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:28:19] VERBOSE[11407] app_dial.c: -- Nobody picked up in 20000 ms [Sep 3 14:28:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:28:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:28:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6197 [Sep 3 14:28:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:28:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:28:19] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:34] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/243232-44", "0?busy:unavail") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:19] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6136,36) [Sep 3 14:28:19] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:36] VoiceMail("DAHDI/i1/243232-44", "6136@default,u") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:19] VERBOSE[11407] file.c: -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/6136/greet.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:28:21] VERBOSE[11407] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-isunavail.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:28:22] VERBOSE[11407] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-intro.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '410300' to '6187' on channel 0/10, span 1 [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410300-46", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 410300 pour le 6187") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 410300 pour le 6187 [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/410300-46", "CALLERID(num)=0410300") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/410300-46", "appel-recu,6187,1(6187)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410300-46", "1,Appel du poste 6187 par le 0410300") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6187 par le 0410300 [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410300-46", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6187,5) [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/410300-46", "appelé=6187") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/410300-46", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410300-46", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6187,18) [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410300-46", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/410300-46", "SIP/6187") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410300-46", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/410300-46", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/410300-46", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410300-46", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6187,30) [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410300-46", "Appel de 6187/6187 par 0410300") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6187/6187 par 0410300 [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410300-46", "Appels en cours pour 6187 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6187 : 0 [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410300-46", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/410300-46", "SIP/6187,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6187[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6108 [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] app_dial.c: -- Called 6187 [Sep 3 14:28:23] VERBOSE[11414] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6187-0000008c is ringing [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '788547' to '6170' on channel 0/11, span 1 [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] pbx.c: -- Executing [6170@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/788547-47", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 788547 pour le 6170") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 788547 pour le 6170 [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] pbx.c: -- Executing [6170@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/788547-47", "CALLERID(num)=0788547") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] pbx.c: -- Executing [6170@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/788547-47", "appel-recu,6170,1(6170)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] pbx.c: -- Executing [6170@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/788547-47", "1,Appel du poste 6170 par le 0788547") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6170 par le 0788547 [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] pbx.c: -- Executing [6170@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/788547-47", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6170,5) [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] pbx.c: -- Executing [6170@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/788547-47", "appelé=6170") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] pbx.c: -- Executing [6170@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/788547-47", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] pbx.c: -- Executing [6170@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/788547-47", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6170,18) [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] pbx.c: -- Executing [6170@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/788547-47", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] pbx.c: -- Executing [6170@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/788547-47", "SIP/6170") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] pbx.c: -- Executing [6170@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/788547-47", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] pbx.c: -- Executing [6170@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/788547-47", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] pbx.c: -- Executing [6170@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/788547-47", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] pbx.c: -- Executing [6170@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/788547-47", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6170,30) [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] pbx.c: -- Executing [6170@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/788547-47", "Appel de 6170/6170 par 0788547") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6170/6170 par 0788547 [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] pbx.c: -- Executing [6170@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/788547-47", "Appels en cours pour 6170 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6170 : 0 [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] pbx.c: -- Executing [6170@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/788547-47", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] pbx.c: -- Executing [6170@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/788547-47", "SIP/6170,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6170[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6174 [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6170[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6170[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6175 [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] app_dial.c: -- Called 6170 [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6170-0000008e is ringing [Sep 3 14:28:24] VERBOSE[11415] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6170-0000008e is ringing [Sep 3 14:28:25] VERBOSE[11415] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6170-0000008e is ringing [Sep 3 14:28:27] VERBOSE[11415] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6170-0000008e is ringing [Sep 3 14:28:28] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6170[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6174 [Sep 3 14:28:28] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6170[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:28:28] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6170[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6175 [Sep 3 14:28:28] VERBOSE[11415] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6170-0000008e answered DAHDI/i1/788547-47 [Sep 3 14:28:29] VERBOSE[11407] file.c: -- Playing 'beep.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:28:30] VERBOSE[11407] app_voicemail.c: -- Recording the message [Sep 3 14:28:30] VERBOSE[11407] app.c: -- x=0, open writing: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/6136/tmp/9026SV format: wav49, 0xdebfc0 [Sep 3 14:28:30] VERBOSE[11407] app.c: -- x=1, open writing: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/6136/tmp/9026SV format: gsm, 0xe3f5d0 [Sep 3 14:28:30] VERBOSE[11407] app.c: -- x=2, open writing: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/6136/tmp/9026SV format: wav, 0xe403d0 [Sep 3 14:28:31] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:28:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6151 [Sep 3 14:28:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6148 [Sep 3 14:28:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6164 [Sep 3 14:28:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6142 [Sep 3 14:28:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6146 [Sep 3 14:28:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6231 [Sep 3 14:28:31] VERBOSE[11416] pbx.c: -- Executing [0754237@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6155-0000008f", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(754237)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:31] VERBOSE[11416] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6155-0000008f", "Appel de 6155 pour 754237 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:31] VERBOSE[11416] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6155 pour 754237 par GSM [Sep 3 14:28:31] VERBOSE[11416] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6155-0000008f", "CALLERID(num)=266155") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:31] VERBOSE[11416] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6155-0000008f", "Dahdi/g1/754237,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:31] DEBUG[11416] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 4 [Sep 3 14:28:31] DEBUG[11416] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Marielle CHALANDON NUM: 266155 [Sep 3 14:28:31] VERBOSE[11416] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:28:31] VERBOSE[11416] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/754237 [Sep 3 14:28:32] VERBOSE[11416] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/754237-48 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6155-0000008f [Sep 3 14:28:34] VERBOSE[11413] app_dial.c: -- Nobody picked up in 20000 ms [Sep 3 14:28:34] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6209[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6116 [Sep 3 14:28:34] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:34] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-45", "0?busy:unavail") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:34] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6209,36) [Sep 3 14:28:34] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:36] VoiceMail("DAHDI/i1/413250-45", "6209@default,u") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:34] VERBOSE[11413] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-theperson.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:28:35] VERBOSE[11413] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/6.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:28:36] VERBOSE[11413] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/2.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:28:36] VERBOSE[11416] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/754237-48 is ringing [Sep 3 14:28:36] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:28:36] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:28:36] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6172 [Sep 3 14:28:36] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:28:36] VERBOSE[11417] pbx.c: -- Executing [0922474@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6229-00000090", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(922474)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:36] VERBOSE[11417] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6229-00000090", "Appel de 6229 pour 922474 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:36] VERBOSE[11417] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6229 pour 922474 par GSM [Sep 3 14:28:36] VERBOSE[11417] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6229-00000090", "CALLERID(num)=266229") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:36] VERBOSE[11417] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6229-00000090", "Dahdi/g1/922474,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:36] DEBUG[11417] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 5 [Sep 3 14:28:36] DEBUG[11417] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Francine WAHAGA NUM: 266229 [Sep 3 14:28:36] VERBOSE[11417] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:28:36] VERBOSE[11417] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/922474 [Sep 3 14:28:37] VERBOSE[11413] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/0.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:28:37] VERBOSE[11417] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/922474-49 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6229-00000090 [Sep 3 14:28:37] VERBOSE[11413] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/9.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:28:38] VERBOSE[11413] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-isunavail.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:28:39] VERBOSE[11413] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-intro.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:28:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:28:40] VERBOSE[11401] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6108, 33) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/257176-41' [Sep 3 14:28:40] DEBUG[11401] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 6 [Sep 3 14:28:40] DEBUG[11401] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:28:40] VERBOSE[11401] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/257176-41' [Sep 3 14:28:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6170[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6174 [Sep 3 14:28:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6170[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:28:41] VERBOSE[11415] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6170, 33) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/788547-47' [Sep 3 14:28:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6170[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6175 [Sep 3 14:28:41] DEBUG[11415] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 11 [Sep 3 14:28:41] DEBUG[11415] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:28:41] VERBOSE[11415] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/788547-47' [Sep 3 14:28:41] VERBOSE[11417] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/922474-49 is ringing [Sep 3 14:28:41] VERBOSE[11416] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/754237-48 answered SIP/6155-0000008f [Sep 3 14:28:42] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:28:42] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:28:42] VERBOSE[11418] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6187@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6108-00000091", "Interception du 6187") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:42] VERBOSE[11418] app_verbose.c: Interception du 6187 [Sep 3 14:28:42] VERBOSE[11418] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6187@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Set("SIP/6108-00000091", "poste=6187") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:42] VERBOSE[11418] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6187@nouvelle-caledonie:3] Set("SIP/6108-00000091", "GLOBAL(PICKUPMARK)=6187") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:42] VERBOSE[11418] pbx.c: == Setting global variable 'PICKUPMARK' to '6187' [Sep 3 14:28:42] VERBOSE[11418] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6187@nouvelle-caledonie:4] Pickup("SIP/6108-00000091", "6187@PICKUPMARK") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:42] VERBOSE[11418] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6187@nouvelle-caledonie:5] Hangup("SIP/6108-00000091", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:28:42] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6187[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6108 [Sep 3 14:28:42] VERBOSE[11414] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6108-00000091 answered DAHDI/i1/410300-46 [Sep 3 14:28:42] VERBOSE[11418] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (nouvelle-caledonie, **6187, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6187-0000008c' [Sep 3 14:28:42] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/9, span 1 got hangup request, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:28:42] VERBOSE[11413] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6209, 36) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/413250-45' [Sep 3 14:28:42] DEBUG[11413] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 9 [Sep 3 14:28:42] DEBUG[11413] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:28:42] VERBOSE[11413] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/413250-45' [Sep 3 14:28:49] DEBUG[11405] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 2 [Sep 3 14:28:49] DEBUG[11405] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:28:49] VERBOSE[11405] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/791952-42' [Sep 3 14:28:49] VERBOSE[11405] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6172-00000084' [Sep 3 14:28:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:28:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:28:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6170 [Sep 3 14:28:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:28:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6229 [Sep 3 14:28:57] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/8, span 1 got hangup request, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:28:57] VERBOSE[11407] app.c: -- User hung up [Sep 3 14:28:57] VERBOSE[11407] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6136, 36) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/243232-44' [Sep 3 14:28:57] DEBUG[11407] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 8 [Sep 3 14:28:57] DEBUG[11407] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:28:57] VERBOSE[11407] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/243232-44' [Sep 3 14:28:58] VERBOSE[11427] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:28:58] VERBOSE[11427] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:28:58] VERBOSE[11428] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:28:58] VERBOSE[11428] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:28:58] VERBOSE[11429] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:28:58] VERBOSE[11429] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:28:59] VERBOSE[11430] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:28:59] VERBOSE[11430] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:29:00] VERBOSE[11431] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:29:00] VERBOSE[11431] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:29:00] VERBOSE[11432] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:29:00] VERBOSE[11432] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:29:00] VERBOSE[11433] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:29:00] VERBOSE[11433] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:29:00] VERBOSE[11434] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:29:00] VERBOSE[11434] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:29:00] VERBOSE[11435] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:29:00] VERBOSE[11435] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:29:00] VERBOSE[11436] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:29:00] VERBOSE[11436] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:29:00] VERBOSE[11437] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:29:00] VERBOSE[11437] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:29:00] VERBOSE[11438] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:29:01] VERBOSE[11438] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:29:06] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:29:06] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:29:06] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:29:06] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6170 [Sep 3 14:29:06] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:29:06] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6229 [Sep 3 14:29:06] VERBOSE[11444] pbx.c: -- Executing [0257981@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6172-00000092", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(257981)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:06] VERBOSE[11444] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("SIP/6172-00000092", "Appel de 6172 pour 257981 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:06] VERBOSE[11444] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6172 pour 257981 par OPT [Sep 3 14:29:06] VERBOSE[11444] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("SIP/6172-00000092", "CALLERID(num)=266172") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:06] VERBOSE[11444] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("SIP/6172-00000092", "Dahdi/g1/257981,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:06] DEBUG[11444] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 2 [Sep 3 14:29:06] DEBUG[11444] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Alessie READ NUM: 266172 [Sep 3 14:29:06] VERBOSE[11444] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:29:06] VERBOSE[11444] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/257981 [Sep 3 14:29:06] VERBOSE[11444] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/257981-4a is proceeding passing it to SIP/6172-00000092 [Sep 3 14:29:07] VERBOSE[11444] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/257981-4a is ringing [Sep 3 14:29:08] VERBOSE[11444] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/257981-4a answered SIP/6172-00000092 [Sep 3 14:29:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6114[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6189 [Sep 3 14:29:08] VERBOSE[11403] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6107, 33) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/priv5-8037' [Sep 3 14:29:08] VERBOSE[11403] chan_iax2.c: -- Hungup 'IAX2/priv5-8037' [Sep 3 14:29:15] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:29:19] DEBUG[11417] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 5 [Sep 3 14:29:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:29:19] DEBUG[11417] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:29:19] VERBOSE[11417] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/922474-49' [Sep 3 14:29:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6172 [Sep 3 14:29:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:29:19] VERBOSE[11417] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6229-00000090' [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '' to '6219' on channel 0/12, span 1 [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] pbx.c: -- Executing [6219@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/-4b", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le pour le 6219") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le pour le 6219 [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] pbx.c: -- Executing [6219@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/-4b", "CALLERID(num)=0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] pbx.c: -- Executing [6219@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/-4b", "appel-recu,6219,1(6219)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] pbx.c: -- Executing [6219@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/-4b", "1,Appel du poste 6219 par le 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6219 par le 0 [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] pbx.c: -- Executing [6219@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/-4b", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6219,5) [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] pbx.c: -- Executing [6219@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/-4b", "appelé=6219") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] pbx.c: -- Executing [6219@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/-4b", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] pbx.c: -- Executing [6219@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/-4b", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6219,18) [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] pbx.c: -- Executing [6219@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/-4b", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] pbx.c: -- Executing [6219@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/-4b", "SIP/6219") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] pbx.c: -- Executing [6219@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/-4b", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] pbx.c: -- Executing [6219@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/-4b", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] pbx.c: -- Executing [6219@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/-4b", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] pbx.c: -- Executing [6219@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/-4b", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6219,30) [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] pbx.c: -- Executing [6219@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/-4b", "Appel de 6219/6219 par 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6219/6219 par 0 [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] pbx.c: -- Executing [6219@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/-4b", "Appels en cours pour 6219 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6219 : 0 [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] pbx.c: -- Executing [6219@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/-4b", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] pbx.c: -- Executing [6219@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/-4b", "SIP/6219,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] app_dial.c: -- Called 6219 [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6219-00000094 is ringing [Sep 3 14:29:22] VERBOSE[11445] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6219-00000094 is ringing [Sep 3 14:29:23] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/12, span 1 got hangup, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:29:23] VERBOSE[11445] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6219, 33) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/-4b' [Sep 3 14:29:23] DEBUG[11445] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 12 [Sep 3 14:29:23] DEBUG[11445] sig_pri.c: Already hungup... Calling hangup once, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:29:23] VERBOSE[11445] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/-4b' [Sep 3 14:29:31] DEBUG[11416] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 4 [Sep 3 14:29:31] DEBUG[11416] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:29:31] VERBOSE[11416] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/754237-48' [Sep 3 14:29:31] VERBOSE[11416] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6155-0000008f' [Sep 3 14:29:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6151 [Sep 3 14:29:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6148 [Sep 3 14:29:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6164 [Sep 3 14:29:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6142 [Sep 3 14:29:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6146 [Sep 3 14:29:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6155[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6231 [Sep 3 14:29:40] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:29:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:29:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6172 [Sep 3 14:29:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:29:40] VERBOSE[11446] pbx.c: -- Executing [0823046@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6229-00000095", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(823046)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:40] VERBOSE[11446] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6229-00000095", "Appel de 6229 pour 823046 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:40] VERBOSE[11446] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6229 pour 823046 par GSM [Sep 3 14:29:40] VERBOSE[11446] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6229-00000095", "CALLERID(num)=266229") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:40] VERBOSE[11446] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6229-00000095", "Dahdi/g1/823046,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:40] DEBUG[11446] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 4 [Sep 3 14:29:40] DEBUG[11446] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Francine WAHAGA NUM: 266229 [Sep 3 14:29:40] VERBOSE[11446] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:29:40] VERBOSE[11446] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/823046 [Sep 3 14:29:41] VERBOSE[11446] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/823046-4c is proceeding passing it to SIP/6229-00000095 [Sep 3 14:29:46] VERBOSE[11446] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/823046-4c is ringing [Sep 3 14:29:49] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:29:49] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:29:49] NOTICE[10930] chan_sip.c: Call from '6195' to extension '04150039' rejected because extension not found in context 'nouvelle-caledonie'. [Sep 3 14:29:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6167 [Sep 3 14:29:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6149 [Sep 3 14:29:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6143 [Sep 3 14:29:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6167 (queued) [Sep 3 14:29:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6149 (queued) [Sep 3 14:29:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6143 (queued) [Sep 3 14:29:49] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6167 [Sep 3 14:29:49] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6149 [Sep 3 14:29:49] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6143 [Sep 3 14:29:53] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:29:53] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:29:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6167 [Sep 3 14:29:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6149 [Sep 3 14:29:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6143 [Sep 3 14:29:53] VERBOSE[11447] pbx.c: -- Executing [0415039@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6195-00000096", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(415039)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:53] VERBOSE[11447] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("SIP/6195-00000096", "Appel de 6195 pour 415039 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:53] VERBOSE[11447] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6195 pour 415039 par OPT [Sep 3 14:29:53] VERBOSE[11447] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("SIP/6195-00000096", "CALLERID(num)=266195") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:53] VERBOSE[11447] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("SIP/6195-00000096", "Dahdi/g1/415039,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:29:53] DEBUG[11447] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 5 [Sep 3 14:29:53] DEBUG[11447] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Agathe WENICE NUM: 266195 [Sep 3 14:29:53] VERBOSE[11447] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:29:53] VERBOSE[11447] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/415039 [Sep 3 14:29:53] VERBOSE[11447] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/415039-4d is proceeding passing it to SIP/6195-00000096 [Sep 3 14:29:55] VERBOSE[11447] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/415039-4d is ringing [Sep 3 14:29:55] VERBOSE[11446] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/823046-4c answered SIP/6229-00000095 [Sep 3 14:30:00] VERBOSE[11447] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/415039-4d answered SIP/6195-00000096 [Sep 3 14:30:15] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:30:15] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:30:15] VERBOSE[11453] pbx.c: -- Executing [0981318@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6230-00000097", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(981318)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:15] VERBOSE[11453] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6230-00000097", "Appel de 6230 pour 981318 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:15] VERBOSE[11453] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6230 pour 981318 par GSM [Sep 3 14:30:15] VERBOSE[11453] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6230-00000097", "CALLERID(num)=266230") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:15] VERBOSE[11453] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6230-00000097", "Dahdi/g1/981318,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:15] DEBUG[11453] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 6 [Sep 3 14:30:15] DEBUG[11453] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: ACCUEIL DEZARNAULDS NUM: 266230 [Sep 3 14:30:15] VERBOSE[11453] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:30:15] VERBOSE[11453] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/981318 [Sep 3 14:30:16] VERBOSE[11453] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/981318-4e is proceeding passing it to SIP/6230-00000097 [Sep 3 14:30:16] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- PROGRESS with cause code 114 received [Sep 3 14:30:21] DEBUG[11453] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 6 [Sep 3 14:30:21] DEBUG[11453] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:30:21] VERBOSE[11453] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/981318-4e' [Sep 3 14:30:21] VERBOSE[11453] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6230-00000097' [Sep 3 14:30:21] DEBUG[11446] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 4 [Sep 3 14:30:21] DEBUG[11446] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:30:21] VERBOSE[11446] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/823046-4c' [Sep 3 14:30:21] VERBOSE[11446] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6229-00000095' [Sep 3 14:30:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:30:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6172 [Sep 3 14:30:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:30:27] DEBUG[11444] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 2 [Sep 3 14:30:27] DEBUG[11444] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:30:27] VERBOSE[11444] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/257981-4a' [Sep 3 14:30:27] VERBOSE[11444] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-opt, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6172-00000092' [Sep 3 14:30:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:30:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:30:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6170 [Sep 3 14:30:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:30:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6229 [Sep 3 14:30:31] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:30:31] VERBOSE[11454] pbx.c: -- Executing [0781362@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6230-00000098", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(781362)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:31] VERBOSE[11454] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6230-00000098", "Appel de 6230 pour 781362 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:31] VERBOSE[11454] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6230 pour 781362 par GSM [Sep 3 14:30:31] VERBOSE[11454] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6230-00000098", "CALLERID(num)=266230") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:31] VERBOSE[11454] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6230-00000098", "Dahdi/g1/781362,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:31] DEBUG[11454] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 2 [Sep 3 14:30:31] DEBUG[11454] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: ACCUEIL DEZARNAULDS NUM: 266230 [Sep 3 14:30:31] VERBOSE[11454] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:30:31] VERBOSE[11454] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/781362 [Sep 3 14:30:32] VERBOSE[11454] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/781362-4f is proceeding passing it to SIP/6230-00000098 [Sep 3 14:30:34] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:30:34] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:30:34] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6172 [Sep 3 14:30:34] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:30:34] VERBOSE[11455] pbx.c: -- Executing [0972185@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6229-00000099", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(972185)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:34] VERBOSE[11455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6229-00000099", "Appel de 6229 pour 972185 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:34] VERBOSE[11455] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6229 pour 972185 par GSM [Sep 3 14:30:34] VERBOSE[11455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6229-00000099", "CALLERID(num)=266229") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:34] VERBOSE[11455] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6229-00000099", "Dahdi/g1/972185,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:34] DEBUG[11455] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 4 [Sep 3 14:30:34] DEBUG[11455] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Francine WAHAGA NUM: 266229 [Sep 3 14:30:34] VERBOSE[11455] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:30:34] VERBOSE[11455] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/972185 [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11455] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/972185-50 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6229-00000099 [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6170 [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6229 [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11456] pbx.c: -- Executing [0915170@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6172-0000009a", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(915170)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11456] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6172-0000009a", "Appel de 6172 pour 915170 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11456] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6172 pour 915170 par GSM [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11456] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6172-0000009a", "CALLERID(num)=266172") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11456] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6172-0000009a", "Dahdi/g1/915170,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:35] DEBUG[11456] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 6 [Sep 3 14:30:35] DEBUG[11456] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Alessie READ NUM: 266172 [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11456] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11456] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/915170 [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '284685' to '6149' on channel 0/13, span 1 [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11457] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/284685-52", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 284685 pour le 6149") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11457] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 284685 pour le 6149 [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11457] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/284685-52", "CALLERID(num)=0284685") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11457] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/284685-52", "appel-recu,6149,1(6149)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11457] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/284685-52", "1,Appel du poste 6149 par le 0284685") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11457] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6149 par le 0284685 [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11457] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/284685-52", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11457] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6149,5) [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11457] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/284685-52", "appelé=6149") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11457] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/284685-52", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11457] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/284685-52", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11457] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6149,18) [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11457] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/284685-52", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11457] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11457] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/284685-52", "SIP/6149") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11457] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11457] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/284685-52", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11457] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/284685-52", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11457] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/284685-52", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11457] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/284685-52", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:35] VERBOSE[11457] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6149,30) [Sep 3 14:30:36] VERBOSE[11457] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/284685-52", "Appel de 6149/6149 par 0284685") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:36] VERBOSE[11457] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6149/6149 par 0284685 [Sep 3 14:30:36] VERBOSE[11457] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/284685-52", "Appels en cours pour 6149 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:36] VERBOSE[11457] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6149 : 0 [Sep 3 14:30:36] VERBOSE[11457] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/284685-52", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:36] VERBOSE[11457] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/284685-52", "SIP/6149,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:36] VERBOSE[11457] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:30:36] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6149[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6167 [Sep 3 14:30:36] VERBOSE[11457] app_dial.c: -- Called 6149 [Sep 3 14:30:36] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6149[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6195 [Sep 3 14:30:36] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6149[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6143 [Sep 3 14:30:36] VERBOSE[11457] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6149-0000009c is ringing [Sep 3 14:30:36] VERBOSE[11456] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/915170-51 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6172-0000009a [Sep 3 14:30:36] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- PROGRESS with cause code 114 received [Sep 3 14:30:37] VERBOSE[11454] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/781362-4f is ringing [Sep 3 14:30:39] DEBUG[11454] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 2 [Sep 3 14:30:39] DEBUG[11454] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:30:39] VERBOSE[11454] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/781362-4f' [Sep 3 14:30:39] VERBOSE[11454] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6230-00000098' [Sep 3 14:30:39] VERBOSE[11455] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/972185-50 is ringing [Sep 3 14:30:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:30:40] VERBOSE[11414] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6187, 33) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/410300-46' [Sep 3 14:30:40] DEBUG[11414] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 10 [Sep 3 14:30:40] DEBUG[11414] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:30:40] VERBOSE[11414] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/410300-46' [Sep 3 14:30:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6149[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6167 [Sep 3 14:30:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6149[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6195 [Sep 3 14:30:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6149[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6143 [Sep 3 14:30:40] VERBOSE[11457] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6149-0000009c answered DAHDI/i1/284685-52 [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11459] pbx.c: -- Executing [0981318@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6230-0000009d", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(981318)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11459] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6230-0000009d", "Appel de 6230 pour 981318 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11459] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6230 pour 981318 par GSM [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11459] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6230-0000009d", "CALLERID(num)=266230") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11459] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6230-0000009d", "Dahdi/g1/981318,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:43] DEBUG[11459] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 2 [Sep 3 14:30:43] DEBUG[11459] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: ACCUEIL DEZARNAULDS NUM: 266230 [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11459] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11459] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/981318 [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11459] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/981318-53 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6230-0000009d [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[10939] chan_iax2.c: -- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from > requested format = alaw, > requested prefs = (), > actual format = alaw, > host prefs = (alaw|gsm), > priority = mine [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@entrant-dundi:1] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-2231", "Appel reçu de l'autre site depuis le 0876246 pour le 6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'autre site depuis le 0876246 pour le 6107 [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@entrant-dundi:2] Gosub("IAX2/priv5-2231", "appel-recu,6107,1(6107)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:1] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-2231", "1,Appel du poste 6107 par le 0876246") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6107 par le 0876246 [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-2231", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,5) [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:5] Set("IAX2/priv5-2231", "appelé=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:6] Set("IAX2/priv5-2231", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-2231", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,18) [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:18] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-2231", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("IAX2/priv5-2231", "SIP/6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-2231", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:21] Set("IAX2/priv5-2231", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:22] NoOp("IAX2/priv5-2231", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-2231", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,30) [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:30] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-2231", "Appel de 6107/6107 par 0876246") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6107/6107 par 0876246 [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:31] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-2231", "Appels en cours pour 6107 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6107 : 0 [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-2231", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:33] Dial("IAX2/priv5-2231", "SIP/6107,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] app_dial.c: -- Called 6107 [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6107[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6114 [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[11460] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-0000009f is ringing [Sep 3 14:30:43] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- PROGRESS with cause code 114 received [Sep 3 14:30:44] VERBOSE[11460] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-0000009f is ringing [Sep 3 14:30:45] VERBOSE[11460] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-0000009f is ringing [Sep 3 14:30:45] VERBOSE[11455] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/972185-50 answered SIP/6229-00000099 [Sep 3 14:30:47] VERBOSE[11460] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-0000009f is ringing [Sep 3 14:30:48] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:30:48] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6114[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6189 [Sep 3 14:30:48] VERBOSE[11461] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6114-000000a0", "Interception du 6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:48] VERBOSE[11461] app_verbose.c: Interception du 6107 [Sep 3 14:30:48] VERBOSE[11461] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Set("SIP/6114-000000a0", "poste=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:48] VERBOSE[11461] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:3] Set("SIP/6114-000000a0", "GLOBAL(PICKUPMARK)=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:48] VERBOSE[11461] pbx.c: == Setting global variable 'PICKUPMARK' to '6107' [Sep 3 14:30:48] VERBOSE[11461] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:4] Pickup("SIP/6114-000000a0", "6107@PICKUPMARK") in new stack [Sep 3 14:30:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6107[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6114 [Sep 3 14:30:49] VERBOSE[11460] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6114-000000a0 answered IAX2/priv5-2231 [Sep 3 14:30:53] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:30:58] DEBUG[11447] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 5 [Sep 3 14:30:58] DEBUG[11447] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:30:58] VERBOSE[11447] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/415039-4d' [Sep 3 14:30:58] VERBOSE[11447] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-opt, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6195-00000096' [Sep 3 14:30:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6167 [Sep 3 14:30:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6149 [Sep 3 14:30:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6143 [Sep 3 14:31:03] DEBUG[11459] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 2 [Sep 3 14:31:03] DEBUG[11459] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:31:03] VERBOSE[11459] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/981318-53' [Sep 3 14:31:03] VERBOSE[11459] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6230-0000009d' [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[10939] chan_iax2.c: -- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from > requested format = alaw, > requested prefs = (), > actual format = alaw, > host prefs = (alaw|gsm), > priority = mine [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: -- Executing [6169@entrant-dundi:1] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-2193", "Appel reçu de l'autre site depuis le 6122 pour le 6169") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'autre site depuis le 6122 pour le 6169 [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: -- Executing [6169@entrant-dundi:2] Gosub("IAX2/priv5-2193", "appel-recu,6169,1(6169)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: -- Executing [6169@appel-recu:1] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-2193", "1,Appel du poste 6169 par le 6122") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6169 par le 6122 [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: -- Executing [6169@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-2193", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6169,5) [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: -- Executing [6169@appel-recu:5] Set("IAX2/priv5-2193", "appelé=6169") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: -- Executing [6169@appel-recu:6] Set("IAX2/priv5-2193", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: -- Executing [6169@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-2193", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6169,18) [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: -- Executing [6169@appel-recu:18] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-2193", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: -- Executing [6169@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("IAX2/priv5-2193", "SIP/6169") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: -- Executing [6169@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-2193", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: -- Executing [6169@appel-recu:21] Set("IAX2/priv5-2193", "filtre_par=6140") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: -- Executing [6169@appel-recu:22] NoOp("IAX2/priv5-2193", "Evaluation de la longueur: 4") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: -- Executing [6169@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-2193", "4?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: -- Executing [6169@appel-recu:24] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-2193", "L'état du filtrage de 6169 est NOT_INUSE") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] app_verbose.c: L'état du filtrage de 6169 est NOT_INUSE [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: -- Executing [6169@appel-recu:25] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-2193", "1?appel:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6169,30) [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: -- Executing [6169@appel-recu:30] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-2193", "Appel de 6169/6169 par 6122") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6169/6169 par 6122 [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: -- Executing [6169@appel-recu:31] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-2193", "Appels en cours pour 6169 : 1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6169 : 1 [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: -- Executing [6169@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-2193", "1?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6169,38) [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: -- Executing [6169@appel-recu:38] VoiceMail("IAX2/priv5-2193", "6169@default,b") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:04] VERBOSE[11468] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-theperson.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:31:05] VERBOSE[11468] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/6.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:31:06] VERBOSE[11468] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:31:07] VERBOSE[11468] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/6.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:31:07] VERBOSE[11468] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6169, 38) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/priv5-2193' [Sep 3 14:31:07] VERBOSE[11468] chan_iax2.c: -- Hungup 'IAX2/priv5-2193' [Sep 3 14:31:15] DEBUG[11325] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 1 [Sep 3 14:31:15] DEBUG[11325] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:31:15] VERBOSE[11325] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/253601-38' [Sep 3 14:31:15] VERBOSE[11325] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-opt, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6231-0000006a' [Sep 3 14:31:15] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6231[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6151 [Sep 3 14:31:15] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6231[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6155 [Sep 3 14:31:15] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6231[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6148 [Sep 3 14:31:15] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6231[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6164 [Sep 3 14:31:15] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6231[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6142 [Sep 3 14:31:15] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6231[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6146 [Sep 3 14:31:15] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:31:16] DEBUG[11456] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 6 [Sep 3 14:31:16] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:31:16] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:31:16] DEBUG[11456] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:31:16] VERBOSE[11456] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/915170-51' [Sep 3 14:31:16] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6170 [Sep 3 14:31:16] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:31:16] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6229 [Sep 3 14:31:16] VERBOSE[11456] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6172-0000009a' [Sep 3 14:31:18] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:31:18] VERBOSE[11469] pbx.c: -- Executing [0243930@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6230-000000a2", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(243930)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:18] VERBOSE[11469] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("SIP/6230-000000a2", "Appel de 6230 pour 243930 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:18] VERBOSE[11469] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6230 pour 243930 par OPT [Sep 3 14:31:18] VERBOSE[11469] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("SIP/6230-000000a2", "CALLERID(num)=266230") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:18] VERBOSE[11469] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("SIP/6230-000000a2", "Dahdi/g1/243930,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:18] DEBUG[11469] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 1 [Sep 3 14:31:18] DEBUG[11469] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: ACCUEIL DEZARNAULDS NUM: 266230 [Sep 3 14:31:18] VERBOSE[11469] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:31:18] VERBOSE[11469] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/243930 [Sep 3 14:31:19] VERBOSE[11469] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/243930-54 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6230-000000a2 [Sep 3 14:31:19] VERBOSE[11469] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/243930-54 is ringing [Sep 3 14:31:24] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:31:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:31:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:31:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6170 [Sep 3 14:31:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:31:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6229 [Sep 3 14:31:24] VERBOSE[11470] pbx.c: -- Executing [0255800@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6172-000000a3", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(255800)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:24] VERBOSE[11470] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("SIP/6172-000000a3", "Appel de 6172 pour 255800 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:24] VERBOSE[11470] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6172 pour 255800 par OPT [Sep 3 14:31:24] VERBOSE[11470] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("SIP/6172-000000a3", "CALLERID(num)=266172") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:24] VERBOSE[11470] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("SIP/6172-000000a3", "Dahdi/g1/255800,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:24] DEBUG[11470] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 2 [Sep 3 14:31:24] DEBUG[11470] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Alessie READ NUM: 266172 [Sep 3 14:31:24] VERBOSE[11470] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:31:24] VERBOSE[11470] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/255800 [Sep 3 14:31:25] VERBOSE[11470] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/255800-55 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6172-000000a3 [Sep 3 14:31:26] VERBOSE[11470] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/255800-55 is ringing [Sep 3 14:31:28] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6114[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6189 [Sep 3 14:31:28] VERBOSE[11460] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6107, 33) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/priv5-2231' [Sep 3 14:31:28] VERBOSE[11460] chan_iax2.c: -- Hungup 'IAX2/priv5-2231' [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '413250' to '6209' on channel 0/14, span 1 [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-56", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 413250 pour le 6209") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 413250 pour le 6209 [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-56", "CALLERID(num)=0413250") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/413250-56", "appel-recu,6209,1(6209)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-56", "1,Appel du poste 6209 par le 0413250") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6209 par le 0413250 [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-56", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6209,5) [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-56", "appelé=6209") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-56", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-56", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6209,18) [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-56", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/413250-56", "SIP/6209") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-56", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-56", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/413250-56", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-56", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6209,30) [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-56", "Appel de 6209/6209 par 0413250") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6209/6209 par 0413250 [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-56", "Appels en cours pour 6209 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6209 : 0 [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-56", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/413250-56", "SIP/6209,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] app_dial.c: -- Called 6209 [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6209[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6116 [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11471] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6209-000000a5 is ringing [Sep 3 14:31:32] VERBOSE[11469] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/243930-54 answered SIP/6230-000000a2 [Sep 3 14:31:36] VERBOSE[11470] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/255800-55 answered SIP/6172-000000a3 [Sep 3 14:31:53] VERBOSE[11471] app_dial.c: -- Nobody picked up in 20000 ms [Sep 3 14:31:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6209[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6116 [Sep 3 14:31:53] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:34] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-56", "0?busy:unavail") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:53] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6209,36) [Sep 3 14:31:53] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: -- Executing [6209@appel-recu:36] VoiceMail("DAHDI/i1/413250-56", "6209@default,u") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:53] VERBOSE[11471] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-theperson.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:31:54] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:31:54] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:31:54] VERBOSE[11472] pbx.c: -- Executing [0797547@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6108-000000a6", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(797547)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:54] VERBOSE[11472] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6108-000000a6", "Appel de 6108 pour 797547 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:54] VERBOSE[11472] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6108 pour 797547 par GSM [Sep 3 14:31:54] VERBOSE[11472] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6108-000000a6", "CALLERID(num)=266108") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:54] VERBOSE[11472] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6108-000000a6", "Dahdi/g1/797547,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:31:54] DEBUG[11472] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 5 [Sep 3 14:31:54] DEBUG[11472] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Melissa AUTOMALO NUM: 266108 [Sep 3 14:31:54] VERBOSE[11472] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:31:54] VERBOSE[11472] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/797547 [Sep 3 14:31:54] VERBOSE[11472] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/797547-57 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6108-000000a6 [Sep 3 14:31:54] VERBOSE[11471] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/6.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:31:55] VERBOSE[11471] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/2.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:31:55] VERBOSE[11471] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/0.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:31:56] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/14, span 1 got hangup request, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:31:56] VERBOSE[11471] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6209, 36) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/413250-56' [Sep 3 14:31:56] DEBUG[11471] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 14 [Sep 3 14:31:56] DEBUG[11471] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:31:56] VERBOSE[11471] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/413250-56' [Sep 3 14:31:57] DEBUG[11455] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 4 [Sep 3 14:31:57] DEBUG[11455] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:31:57] VERBOSE[11455] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/972185-50' [Sep 3 14:31:57] VERBOSE[11455] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6229-00000099' [Sep 3 14:31:57] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:31:57] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6172 [Sep 3 14:31:57] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:32:00] VERBOSE[11472] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/797547-57 is ringing [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '413250' to '6107' on channel 0/15, span 1 [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-58", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 413250 pour le 6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 413250 pour le 6107 [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-58", "CALLERID(num)=0413250") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/413250-58", "appel-recu,6107,1(6107)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-58", "1,Appel du poste 6107 par le 0413250") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6107 par le 0413250 [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-58", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,5) [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-58", "appelé=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-58", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-58", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,18) [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-58", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/413250-58", "SIP/6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-58", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/413250-58", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/413250-58", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-58", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,30) [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-58", "Appel de 6107/6107 par 0413250") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6107/6107 par 0413250 [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413250-58", "Appels en cours pour 6107 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6107 : 0 [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413250-58", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/413250-58", "SIP/6107,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] app_dial.c: -- Called 6107 [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6107[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6114 [Sep 3 14:32:01] VERBOSE[11487] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-000000a8 is ringing [Sep 3 14:32:02] VERBOSE[11487] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-000000a8 is ringing [Sep 3 14:32:05] VERBOSE[11487] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-000000a8 is ringing [Sep 3 14:32:06] VERBOSE[11487] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-000000a8 is ringing [Sep 3 14:32:07] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:32:07] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6114[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6189 [Sep 3 14:32:07] VERBOSE[11491] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6114-000000a9", "Interception du 6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:07] VERBOSE[11491] app_verbose.c: Interception du 6107 [Sep 3 14:32:07] VERBOSE[11491] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Set("SIP/6114-000000a9", "poste=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:07] VERBOSE[11491] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:3] Set("SIP/6114-000000a9", "GLOBAL(PICKUPMARK)=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:07] VERBOSE[11491] pbx.c: == Setting global variable 'PICKUPMARK' to '6107' [Sep 3 14:32:07] VERBOSE[11491] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:4] Pickup("SIP/6114-000000a9", "6107@PICKUPMARK") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:08] VERBOSE[11491] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:5] Hangup("SIP/6114-000000a9", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:08] VERBOSE[11491] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (nouvelle-caledonie, **6107, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6107-000000a8' [Sep 3 14:32:08] VERBOSE[11487] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6114-000000a9 answered DAHDI/i1/413250-58 [Sep 3 14:32:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6107[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6114 [Sep 3 14:32:10] VERBOSE[11472] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/797547-57 answered SIP/6108-000000a6 [Sep 3 14:32:11] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:32:11] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:32:11] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6191 [Sep 3 14:32:11] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6135 [Sep 3 14:32:11] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:32:11] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6238 [Sep 3 14:32:11] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6138 [Sep 3 14:32:11] VERBOSE[11492] pbx.c: -- Executing [0873326@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6218-000000aa", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(873326)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:11] VERBOSE[11492] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6218-000000aa", "Appel de 6218 pour 873326 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:11] VERBOSE[11492] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6218 pour 873326 par GSM [Sep 3 14:32:11] VERBOSE[11492] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6218-000000aa", "CALLERID(num)=266218") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:11] VERBOSE[11492] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6218-000000aa", "Dahdi/g1/873326,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:11] DEBUG[11492] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 4 [Sep 3 14:32:11] DEBUG[11492] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Pierre-yves BELHANDOUZ NUM: 266218 [Sep 3 14:32:11] VERBOSE[11492] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:32:11] VERBOSE[11492] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/873326 [Sep 3 14:32:12] VERBOSE[11492] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/873326-59 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6218-000000aa [Sep 3 14:32:15] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:32:16] VERBOSE[11492] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/873326-59 is ringing [Sep 3 14:32:22] VERBOSE[11492] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/873326-59 answered SIP/6218-000000aa [Sep 3 14:32:46] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:32:46] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:32:46] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6172 [Sep 3 14:32:46] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:32:46] VERBOSE[11493] pbx.c: -- Executing [0972185@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6229-000000ab", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(972185)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:46] VERBOSE[11493] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6229-000000ab", "Appel de 6229 pour 972185 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:46] VERBOSE[11493] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6229 pour 972185 par GSM [Sep 3 14:32:46] VERBOSE[11493] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6229-000000ab", "CALLERID(num)=266229") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:46] VERBOSE[11493] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6229-000000ab", "Dahdi/g1/972185,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:46] DEBUG[11493] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 6 [Sep 3 14:32:46] DEBUG[11493] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Francine WAHAGA NUM: 266229 [Sep 3 14:32:46] VERBOSE[11493] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:32:46] VERBOSE[11493] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/972185 [Sep 3 14:32:46] VERBOSE[11493] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/972185-5a is proceeding passing it to SIP/6229-000000ab [Sep 3 14:32:51] VERBOSE[11493] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/972185-5a is ringing [Sep 3 14:32:51] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6114[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6189 [Sep 3 14:32:51] VERBOSE[11487] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6107, 33) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/413250-58' [Sep 3 14:32:51] DEBUG[11487] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 15 [Sep 3 14:32:51] DEBUG[11487] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:32:51] VERBOSE[11487] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/413250-58' [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '257674' to '6159' on channel 0/7, span 1 [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] pbx.c: -- Executing [6159@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/257674-5b", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 257674 pour le 6159") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 257674 pour le 6159 [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] pbx.c: -- Executing [6159@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/257674-5b", "CALLERID(num)=0257674") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] pbx.c: -- Executing [6159@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/257674-5b", "appel-recu,6159,1(6159)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] pbx.c: -- Executing [6159@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/257674-5b", "1,Appel du poste 6159 par le 0257674") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6159 par le 0257674 [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] pbx.c: -- Executing [6159@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/257674-5b", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6159,5) [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] pbx.c: -- Executing [6159@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/257674-5b", "appelé=6159") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] pbx.c: -- Executing [6159@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/257674-5b", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] pbx.c: -- Executing [6159@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/257674-5b", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6159,18) [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] pbx.c: -- Executing [6159@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/257674-5b", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] pbx.c: -- Executing [6159@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/257674-5b", "SIP/6159") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] pbx.c: -- Executing [6159@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/257674-5b", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] pbx.c: -- Executing [6159@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/257674-5b", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] pbx.c: -- Executing [6159@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/257674-5b", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] pbx.c: -- Executing [6159@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/257674-5b", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6159,30) [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] pbx.c: -- Executing [6159@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/257674-5b", "Appel de 6159/6159 par 0257674") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6159/6159 par 0257674 [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] pbx.c: -- Executing [6159@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/257674-5b", "Appels en cours pour 6159 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6159 : 0 [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] pbx.c: -- Executing [6159@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/257674-5b", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] pbx.c: -- Executing [6159@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/257674-5b", "SIP/6159,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] app_dial.c: -- Called 6159 [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6159[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6152 [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6159[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6156 [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6159[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6154 [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6159[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6163 [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6159[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6153 [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6159[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6144 [Sep 3 14:32:53] VERBOSE[11494] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6159-000000ad is ringing [Sep 3 14:32:58] VERBOSE[11493] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/972185-5a answered SIP/6229-000000ab [Sep 3 14:32:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6159[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6152 [Sep 3 14:32:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6159[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6156 [Sep 3 14:32:58] VERBOSE[11494] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6159-000000ad answered DAHDI/i1/257674-5b [Sep 3 14:32:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6159[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6154 [Sep 3 14:32:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6159[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6163 [Sep 3 14:32:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6159[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6153 [Sep 3 14:32:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6159[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6144 [Sep 3 14:33:10] DEBUG[11470] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 2 [Sep 3 14:33:10] DEBUG[11470] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:33:10] VERBOSE[11470] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/255800-55' [Sep 3 14:33:10] VERBOSE[11470] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-opt, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6172-000000a3' [Sep 3 14:33:10] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:33:10] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:33:10] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6170 [Sep 3 14:33:10] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:33:10] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6229 [Sep 3 14:33:11] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:33:15] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:33:18] DEBUG[11472] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 5 [Sep 3 14:33:18] DEBUG[11472] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:33:18] VERBOSE[11472] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/797547-57' [Sep 3 14:33:18] VERBOSE[11472] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6108-000000a6' [Sep 3 14:33:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:33:21] DEBUG[11493] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 6 [Sep 3 14:33:21] DEBUG[11493] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:33:21] VERBOSE[11493] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/972185-5a' [Sep 3 14:33:21] VERBOSE[11493] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6229-000000ab' [Sep 3 14:33:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:33:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6172 [Sep 3 14:33:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6229[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:33:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6159[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6152 [Sep 3 14:33:21] VERBOSE[11494] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6159, 33) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/257674-5b' [Sep 3 14:33:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6159[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6156 [Sep 3 14:33:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6159[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6154 [Sep 3 14:33:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6159[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6163 [Sep 3 14:33:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6159[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6153 [Sep 3 14:33:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6159[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6144 [Sep 3 14:33:21] DEBUG[11494] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 7 [Sep 3 14:33:21] DEBUG[11494] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:33:21] VERBOSE[11494] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/257674-5b' [Sep 3 14:33:43] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:33:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:33:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:33:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6170 [Sep 3 14:33:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:33:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6229 [Sep 3 14:33:43] VERBOSE[11501] pbx.c: -- Executing [0915170@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6172-000000ae", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(915170)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:33:43] VERBOSE[11501] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6172-000000ae", "Appel de 6172 pour 915170 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:33:43] VERBOSE[11501] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6172 pour 915170 par GSM [Sep 3 14:33:43] VERBOSE[11501] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6172-000000ae", "CALLERID(num)=266172") in new stack [Sep 3 14:33:43] VERBOSE[11501] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6172-000000ae", "Dahdi/g1/915170,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:33:43] DEBUG[11501] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 2 [Sep 3 14:33:43] DEBUG[11501] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Alessie READ NUM: 266172 [Sep 3 14:33:43] VERBOSE[11501] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:33:43] VERBOSE[11501] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/915170 [Sep 3 14:33:44] VERBOSE[11501] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/915170-5c is proceeding passing it to SIP/6172-000000ae [Sep 3 14:33:44] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- PROGRESS with cause code 114 received [Sep 3 14:34:00] DEBUG[11469] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 1 [Sep 3 14:34:00] DEBUG[11469] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:34:00] VERBOSE[11469] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/243930-54' [Sep 3 14:34:00] VERBOSE[11469] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-opt, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6230-000000a2' [Sep 3 14:34:05] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:34:05] VERBOSE[11507] pbx.c: -- Executing [0875515@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6230-000000af", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(875515)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:05] VERBOSE[11507] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6230-000000af", "Appel de 6230 pour 875515 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:05] VERBOSE[11507] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6230 pour 875515 par GSM [Sep 3 14:34:05] VERBOSE[11507] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6230-000000af", "CALLERID(num)=266230") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:05] VERBOSE[11507] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6230-000000af", "Dahdi/g1/875515,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:05] DEBUG[11507] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 1 [Sep 3 14:34:05] DEBUG[11507] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: ACCUEIL DEZARNAULDS NUM: 266230 [Sep 3 14:34:05] VERBOSE[11507] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:34:05] VERBOSE[11507] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/875515 [Sep 3 14:34:05] VERBOSE[11507] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/875515-5d is proceeding passing it to SIP/6230-000000af [Sep 3 14:34:09] VERBOSE[11507] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/875515-5d is ringing [Sep 3 14:34:11] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:34:15] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:34:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:34:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:34:18] DEBUG[11501] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 2 [Sep 3 14:34:18] DEBUG[11501] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:34:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6170 [Sep 3 14:34:18] VERBOSE[11501] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/915170-5c' [Sep 3 14:34:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:34:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6229 [Sep 3 14:34:18] VERBOSE[11501] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6172-000000ae' [Sep 3 14:34:25] VERBOSE[11507] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/875515-5d answered SIP/6230-000000af [Sep 3 14:34:25] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:34:25] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:34:25] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:34:25] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6170 [Sep 3 14:34:25] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:34:25] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6229 [Sep 3 14:34:25] VERBOSE[11508] pbx.c: -- Executing [0948876@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6172-000000b0", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(948876)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:25] VERBOSE[11508] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6172-000000b0", "Appel de 6172 pour 948876 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:25] VERBOSE[11508] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6172 pour 948876 par GSM [Sep 3 14:34:25] VERBOSE[11508] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6172-000000b0", "CALLERID(num)=266172") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:25] VERBOSE[11508] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6172-000000b0", "Dahdi/g1/948876,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:25] DEBUG[11508] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 2 [Sep 3 14:34:25] DEBUG[11508] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Alessie READ NUM: 266172 [Sep 3 14:34:25] VERBOSE[11508] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:34:25] VERBOSE[11508] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/948876 [Sep 3 14:34:26] VERBOSE[11508] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/948876-5e is proceeding passing it to SIP/6172-000000b0 [Sep 3 14:34:27] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:34:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6182[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6184 [Sep 3 14:34:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6182[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6196 [Sep 3 14:34:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6182[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6183 [Sep 3 14:34:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6182[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6165 [Sep 3 14:34:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6182[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6280 [Sep 3 14:34:27] VERBOSE[11509] pbx.c: -- Executing [0250386@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6182-000000b1", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(250386)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:27] VERBOSE[11509] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("SIP/6182-000000b1", "Appel de 6182 pour 250386 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:27] VERBOSE[11509] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6182 pour 250386 par OPT [Sep 3 14:34:27] VERBOSE[11509] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("SIP/6182-000000b1", "CALLERID(num)=266182") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:27] VERBOSE[11509] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("SIP/6182-000000b1", "Dahdi/g1/250386,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:27] DEBUG[11509] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 5 [Sep 3 14:34:27] DEBUG[11509] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Isabelle STRETER NUM: 266182 [Sep 3 14:34:27] VERBOSE[11509] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:34:27] VERBOSE[11509] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/250386 [Sep 3 14:34:27] VERBOSE[11509] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/250386-5f is proceeding passing it to SIP/6182-000000b1 [Sep 3 14:34:28] VERBOSE[11510] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:34:28] VERBOSE[11510] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:34:28] VERBOSE[11511] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:34:28] VERBOSE[11511] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:34:28] VERBOSE[11509] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/250386-5f is ringing [Sep 3 14:34:28] VERBOSE[11512] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:34:28] VERBOSE[11512] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:34:29] VERBOSE[11513] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:34:29] VERBOSE[11513] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:34:30] VERBOSE[11514] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:34:30] VERBOSE[11514] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:34:30] VERBOSE[11515] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:34:30] VERBOSE[11515] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:34:30] VERBOSE[11516] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:34:30] VERBOSE[11516] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:34:30] VERBOSE[11508] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/948876-5e is ringing [Sep 3 14:34:30] VERBOSE[11517] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:34:30] VERBOSE[11517] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:34:30] VERBOSE[11518] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:34:30] VERBOSE[11518] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:34:30] VERBOSE[11519] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:34:30] VERBOSE[11519] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:34:30] VERBOSE[11520] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:34:30] VERBOSE[11520] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:34:31] VERBOSE[11521] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:34:31] VERBOSE[11521] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '799123' to '6172' on channel 0/8, span 1 [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/799123-60", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 799123 pour le 6172") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 799123 pour le 6172 [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/799123-60", "CALLERID(num)=0799123") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/799123-60", "appel-recu,6172,1(6172)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/799123-60", "1,Appel du poste 6172 par le 0799123") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6172 par le 0799123 [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/799123-60", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6172,5) [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/799123-60", "appelé=6172") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/799123-60", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/799123-60", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6172,18) [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/799123-60", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/799123-60", "SIP/6172") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/799123-60", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/799123-60", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/799123-60", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/799123-60", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6172,30) [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/799123-60", "Appel de 6172/6172 par 0799123") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6172/6172 par 0799123 [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/799123-60", "Appels en cours pour 6172 : 1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6172 : 1 [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/799123-60", "1?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6172,38) [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:38] VoiceMail("DAHDI/i1/799123-60", "6172@default,b") in new stack [Sep 3 14:34:44] VERBOSE[11522] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-theperson.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:34:45] VERBOSE[11522] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/6.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:34:46] VERBOSE[11522] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:34:46] VERBOSE[11522] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/7.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:34:47] VERBOSE[11522] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/2.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:34:47] VERBOSE[11522] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-isonphone.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:34:49] VERBOSE[11522] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-intro.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:34:52] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/8, span 1 got hangup request, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:34:52] VERBOSE[11522] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6172, 38) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/799123-60' [Sep 3 14:34:52] DEBUG[11522] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 8 [Sep 3 14:34:52] DEBUG[11522] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:34:52] VERBOSE[11522] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/799123-60' [Sep 3 14:34:56] DEBUG[11509] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 5 [Sep 3 14:34:56] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6182[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6184 [Sep 3 14:34:56] DEBUG[11509] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:34:56] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6182[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6196 [Sep 3 14:34:56] VERBOSE[11509] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/250386-5f' [Sep 3 14:34:56] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6182[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6183 [Sep 3 14:34:56] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6182[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6165 [Sep 3 14:34:56] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6182[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6280 [Sep 3 14:34:56] VERBOSE[11509] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-opt, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6182-000000b1' [Sep 3 14:35:11] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:35:15] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:35:27] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:35:27] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:35:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6138[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6191 [Sep 3 14:35:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6138[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6135 [Sep 3 14:35:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6138[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6218 [Sep 3 14:35:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6138[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:35:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6138[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6238 [Sep 3 14:35:27] VERBOSE[11528] pbx.c: -- Executing [0446703@international:1] Gosub("SIP/6138-000000b3", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(446703)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:27] VERBOSE[11528] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("SIP/6138-000000b3", "Appel de 6138 pour 446703 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:27] VERBOSE[11528] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6138 pour 446703 par OPT [Sep 3 14:35:27] VERBOSE[11528] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("SIP/6138-000000b3", "CALLERID(num)=266138") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:27] VERBOSE[11528] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("SIP/6138-000000b3", "Dahdi/g1/446703,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:27] DEBUG[11528] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 5 [Sep 3 14:35:27] DEBUG[11528] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Fabien BOULNOIS NUM: 266138 [Sep 3 14:35:27] VERBOSE[11528] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:35:27] VERBOSE[11528] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/446703 [Sep 3 14:35:27] VERBOSE[11528] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/446703-61 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6138-000000b3 [Sep 3 14:35:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6138[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6191 [Sep 3 14:35:27] DEBUG[11528] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 5 [Sep 3 14:35:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6138[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6135 [Sep 3 14:35:27] DEBUG[11528] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:35:27] VERBOSE[11528] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/446703-61' [Sep 3 14:35:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6138[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6218 [Sep 3 14:35:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6138[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:35:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6138[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6238 [Sep 3 14:35:27] VERBOSE[11528] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-opt, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6138-000000b3' [Sep 3 14:35:38] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Received subscription for extension "6147" context "default" with Expire header less that 'minexpire' limit. Received "Expire: 60" min is 120 [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:35:38] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6197 [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@international:1] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000b4", "Appel pour l'extension 6147") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] app_verbose.c: Appel pour l'extension 6147 [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@international:2] Gosub("SIP/6136-000000b4", "appel-recu,6147,1(6147)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:1] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000b4", "1,Appel du poste 6147 par le 6136") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6147 par le 6136 [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000b4", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6147,5) [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:5] Set("SIP/6136-000000b4", "appelé=6147") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:6] Set("SIP/6136-000000b4", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000b4", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6147,18) [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:18] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000b4", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("SIP/6136-000000b4", "SIP/6147") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000b4", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:21] Set("SIP/6136-000000b4", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:22] NoOp("SIP/6136-000000b4", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000b4", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6147,30) [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:30] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000b4", "Appel de 6147/6147 par 6136") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6147/6147 par 6136 [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:31] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000b4", "Appels en cours pour 6147 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6147 : 0 [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000b4", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:33] Dial("SIP/6136-000000b4", "SIP/6147,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] app_dial.c: -- Called 6147 [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6158 [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:35:38] VERBOSE[11529] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6147-000000b6 is ringing [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '446700' to '6238' on channel 0/9, span 1 [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/446700-62", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 446700 pour le 6238") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 446700 pour le 6238 [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/446700-62", "CALLERID(num)=0446700") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/446700-62", "appel-recu,6238,1(6238)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/446700-62", "1,Appel du poste 6238 par le 0446700") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6238 par le 0446700 [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/446700-62", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6238,5) [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/446700-62", "appelé=6238") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/446700-62", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/446700-62", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6238,18) [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/446700-62", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/446700-62", "SIP/6238") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/446700-62", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/446700-62", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/446700-62", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/446700-62", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6238,30) [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/446700-62", "Appel de 6238/6238 par 0446700") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6238/6238 par 0446700 [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/446700-62", "Appels en cours pour 6238 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6238 : 0 [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/446700-62", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/446700-62", "SIP/6238,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] app_dial.c: -- Called 6238 [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6238[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6191 [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6238[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6135 [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6238[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6218 [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6238[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6238[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6138 [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6238-000000b8 is ringing [Sep 3 14:35:41] VERBOSE[11530] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6238-000000b8 is ringing [Sep 3 14:35:42] VERBOSE[11530] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6238-000000b8 is ringing [Sep 3 14:35:44] VERBOSE[11530] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6238-000000b8 is ringing [Sep 3 14:35:48] VERBOSE[11530] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6238-000000b8 is ringing [Sep 3 14:35:50] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:35:50] VERBOSE[11529] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6147-000000b6 answered SIP/6136-000000b4 [Sep 3 14:35:50] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:35:50] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:35:50] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6158 [Sep 3 14:35:50] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:35:50] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:35:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:35:53] DEBUG[11508] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 2 [Sep 3 14:35:53] DEBUG[11508] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:35:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:35:53] VERBOSE[11508] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/948876-5e' [Sep 3 14:35:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6170 [Sep 3 14:35:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:35:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6229 [Sep 3 14:35:53] VERBOSE[11508] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6172-000000b0' [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '279257' to '6191' on channel 0/10, span 1 [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Executing [6191@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/279257-63", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 279257 pour le 6191") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 279257 pour le 6191 [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Executing [6191@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/279257-63", "CALLERID(num)=0279257") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Executing [6191@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/279257-63", "appel-recu,6191,1(6191)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Executing [6191@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/279257-63", "1,Appel du poste 6191 par le 0279257") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6191 par le 0279257 [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Executing [6191@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/279257-63", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6191,5) [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Executing [6191@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/279257-63", "appelé=6191") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Executing [6191@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/279257-63", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Executing [6191@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/279257-63", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6191,18) [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Executing [6191@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/279257-63", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Executing [6191@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/279257-63", "SIP/6191") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Executing [6191@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/279257-63", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Executing [6191@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/279257-63", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Executing [6191@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/279257-63", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Executing [6191@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/279257-63", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6191,30) [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Executing [6191@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/279257-63", "Appel de 6191/6191 par 0279257") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6191/6191 par 0279257 [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Executing [6191@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/279257-63", "Appels en cours pour 6191 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6191 : 0 [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Executing [6191@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/279257-63", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Executing [6191@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/279257-63", "SIP/6191,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6191[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6135 [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[11532] app_dial.c: -- Called 6191 [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6191[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6218 [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6191[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6191[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6238 [Sep 3 14:35:54] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6191[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6138 [Sep 3 14:35:55] VERBOSE[11532] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6191-000000ba is ringing [Sep 3 14:35:55] VERBOSE[11532] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6191-000000ba is ringing [Sep 3 14:35:56] VERBOSE[11532] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6191-000000ba is ringing [Sep 3 14:35:56] VERBOSE[11530] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6238-000000b8 is ringing [Sep 3 14:35:58] VERBOSE[11532] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6191-000000ba is ringing [Sep 3 14:36:02] VERBOSE[11530] app_dial.c: -- Nobody picked up in 20000 ms [Sep 3 14:36:02] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6238[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6191 [Sep 3 14:36:02] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6238[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6135 [Sep 3 14:36:02] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6238[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6218 [Sep 3 14:36:02] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6238[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:36:02] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6238[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6138 [Sep 3 14:36:02] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:34] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/446700-62", "0?busy:unavail") in new stack [Sep 3 14:36:02] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6238,36) [Sep 3 14:36:02] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:36] VoiceMail("DAHDI/i1/446700-62", "6238@default,u") in new stack [Sep 3 14:36:02] VERBOSE[11530] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-theperson.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:36:02] VERBOSE[11532] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6191-000000ba is ringing [Sep 3 14:36:03] VERBOSE[11530] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/6.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:36:04] VERBOSE[11530] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/2.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:36:04] VERBOSE[11530] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/3.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:36:05] VERBOSE[11530] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/8.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:36:05] VERBOSE[11530] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-isunavail.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:36:06] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/9, span 1 got hangup request, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:36:06] VERBOSE[11530] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6238, 36) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/446700-62' [Sep 3 14:36:06] DEBUG[11530] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 9 [Sep 3 14:36:06] DEBUG[11530] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:36:06] VERBOSE[11530] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/446700-62' [Sep 3 14:36:10] VERBOSE[11532] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6191-000000ba is ringing [Sep 3 14:36:11] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:36:11] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:36:11] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:36:11] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6170 [Sep 3 14:36:11] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:36:11] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6229 [Sep 3 14:36:11] VERBOSE[11538] pbx.c: -- Executing [0791952@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6172-000000bb", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(791952)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:36:11] VERBOSE[11538] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6172-000000bb", "Appel de 6172 pour 791952 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:36:11] VERBOSE[11538] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6172 pour 791952 par GSM [Sep 3 14:36:11] VERBOSE[11538] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6172-000000bb", "CALLERID(num)=266172") in new stack [Sep 3 14:36:11] VERBOSE[11538] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6172-000000bb", "Dahdi/g1/791952,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:36:11] DEBUG[11538] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 2 [Sep 3 14:36:11] DEBUG[11538] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Alessie READ NUM: 266172 [Sep 3 14:36:11] VERBOSE[11538] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:36:11] VERBOSE[11538] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/791952 [Sep 3 14:36:11] VERBOSE[11538] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/791952-64 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6172-000000bb [Sep 3 14:36:11] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:36:15] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:36:16] VERBOSE[11532] app_dial.c: -- Nobody picked up in 20000 ms [Sep 3 14:36:16] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6191[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6135 [Sep 3 14:36:16] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6191[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6218 [Sep 3 14:36:16] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6191[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:36:16] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6191[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6238 [Sep 3 14:36:16] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6191[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6138 [Sep 3 14:36:16] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Executing [6191@appel-recu:34] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/279257-63", "0?busy:unavail") in new stack [Sep 3 14:36:16] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6191,36) [Sep 3 14:36:16] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: -- Executing [6191@appel-recu:36] VoiceMail("DAHDI/i1/279257-63", "6191@default,u") in new stack [Sep 3 14:36:16] VERBOSE[11532] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-theperson.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:36:16] VERBOSE[11538] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/791952-64 is ringing [Sep 3 14:36:17] VERBOSE[11532] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/6.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:36:18] VERBOSE[11532] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:36:18] VERBOSE[11532] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/9.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:36:19] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/10, span 1 got hangup request, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:36:19] VERBOSE[11532] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6191, 36) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/279257-63' [Sep 3 14:36:19] DEBUG[11532] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 10 [Sep 3 14:36:19] DEBUG[11532] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:36:19] VERBOSE[11532] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/279257-63' [Sep 3 14:36:26] VERBOSE[11538] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/791952-64 answered SIP/6172-000000bb [Sep 3 14:36:38] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:36:53] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:36:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:36:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:36:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:36:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6147 [Sep 3 14:36:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:36:53] VERBOSE[11539] pbx.c: -- Executing [0439239@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6162-000000bc", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(439239)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:36:53] VERBOSE[11539] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("SIP/6162-000000bc", "Appel de 6162 pour 439239 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:36:53] VERBOSE[11539] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6162 pour 439239 par OPT [Sep 3 14:36:53] VERBOSE[11539] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("SIP/6162-000000bc", "CALLERID(num)=266162") in new stack [Sep 3 14:36:53] VERBOSE[11539] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("SIP/6162-000000bc", "Dahdi/g1/439239,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:36:53] DEBUG[11539] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 5 [Sep 3 14:36:53] DEBUG[11539] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Olivia CRESPEL NUM: 266162 [Sep 3 14:36:53] VERBOSE[11539] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:36:53] VERBOSE[11539] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/439239 [Sep 3 14:36:53] VERBOSE[11539] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/439239-65 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6162-000000bc [Sep 3 14:36:54] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- PROGRESS with cause code 114 received [Sep 3 14:37:04] VERBOSE[11539] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/439239-65 answered SIP/6162-000000bc [Sep 3 14:37:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:37:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:37:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:37:08] VERBOSE[11529] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6147, 33) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6136-000000b4' [Sep 3 14:37:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6158 [Sep 3 14:37:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:37:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:37:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:37:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:37:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6197 [Sep 3 14:37:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:37:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:37:09] DEBUG[11539] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 5 [Sep 3 14:37:09] DEBUG[11539] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:37:09] VERBOSE[11539] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/439239-65' [Sep 3 14:37:09] VERBOSE[11539] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-opt, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6162-000000bc' [Sep 3 14:37:09] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:37:09] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:37:09] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:37:09] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6147 [Sep 3 14:37:09] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:37:11] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:37:12] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Received subscription for extension "6164" context "default" with Expire header less that 'minexpire' limit. Received "Expire: 60" min is 120 [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:37:12] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6197 [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@international:1] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000bd", "Appel pour l'extension 6164") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] app_verbose.c: Appel pour l'extension 6164 [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@international:2] Gosub("SIP/6136-000000bd", "appel-recu,6164,1(6164)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:1] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000bd", "1,Appel du poste 6164 par le 6136") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6164 par le 6136 [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000bd", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6164,5) [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:5] Set("SIP/6136-000000bd", "appelé=6164") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:6] Set("SIP/6136-000000bd", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000bd", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6164,18) [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:18] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000bd", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("SIP/6136-000000bd", "SIP/6164") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000bd", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:21] Set("SIP/6136-000000bd", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:22] NoOp("SIP/6136-000000bd", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000bd", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6164,30) [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:30] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000bd", "Appel de 6164/6164 par 6136") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6164/6164 par 6136 [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:31] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000bd", "Appels en cours pour 6164 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6164 : 0 [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000bd", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:33] Dial("SIP/6136-000000bd", "SIP/6164,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6151 [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] app_dial.c: -- Called 6164 [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6155 [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6148 [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6142 [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6146 [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6231 [Sep 3 14:37:12] VERBOSE[11546] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6164-000000bf is ringing [Sep 3 14:37:13] DEBUG[11492] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 4 [Sep 3 14:37:13] DEBUG[11492] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:37:13] VERBOSE[11492] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/873326-59' [Sep 3 14:37:13] VERBOSE[11492] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6218-000000aa' [Sep 3 14:37:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6191 [Sep 3 14:37:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6135 [Sep 3 14:37:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:37:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6238 [Sep 3 14:37:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6138 [Sep 3 14:37:15] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:37:21] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:37:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:37:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:37:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:37:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6147 [Sep 3 14:37:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:37:21] VERBOSE[11547] pbx.c: -- Executing [0932147@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6162-000000c0", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(932147)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:21] VERBOSE[11547] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6162-000000c0", "Appel de 6162 pour 932147 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:21] VERBOSE[11547] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6162 pour 932147 par GSM [Sep 3 14:37:21] VERBOSE[11547] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6162-000000c0", "CALLERID(num)=266162") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:21] VERBOSE[11547] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6162-000000c0", "Dahdi/g1/932147,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:21] DEBUG[11547] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 4 [Sep 3 14:37:21] DEBUG[11547] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Olivia CRESPEL NUM: 266162 [Sep 3 14:37:21] VERBOSE[11547] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:37:21] VERBOSE[11547] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/932147 [Sep 3 14:37:22] VERBOSE[11547] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/932147-66 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6162-000000c0 [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '755735' to '6153' on channel 0/11, span 1 [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] pbx.c: -- Executing [6153@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/755735-67", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 755735 pour le 6153") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 755735 pour le 6153 [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] pbx.c: -- Executing [6153@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/755735-67", "CALLERID(num)=0755735") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] pbx.c: -- Executing [6153@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/755735-67", "appel-recu,6153,1(6153)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] pbx.c: -- Executing [6153@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/755735-67", "1,Appel du poste 6153 par le 0755735") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6153 par le 0755735 [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] pbx.c: -- Executing [6153@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/755735-67", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6153,5) [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] pbx.c: -- Executing [6153@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/755735-67", "appelé=6153") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] pbx.c: -- Executing [6153@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/755735-67", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] pbx.c: -- Executing [6153@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/755735-67", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6153,18) [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] pbx.c: -- Executing [6153@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/755735-67", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] pbx.c: -- Executing [6153@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/755735-67", "SIP/6153") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] pbx.c: -- Executing [6153@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/755735-67", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] pbx.c: -- Executing [6153@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/755735-67", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] pbx.c: -- Executing [6153@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/755735-67", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] pbx.c: -- Executing [6153@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/755735-67", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6153,30) [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] pbx.c: -- Executing [6153@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/755735-67", "Appel de 6153/6153 par 0755735") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6153/6153 par 0755735 [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] pbx.c: -- Executing [6153@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/755735-67", "Appels en cours pour 6153 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6153 : 0 [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] pbx.c: -- Executing [6153@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/755735-67", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] pbx.c: -- Executing [6153@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/755735-67", "SIP/6153,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] app_dial.c: -- Called 6153 [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6156 [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6154 [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6152 [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6163 [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6159 [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6144 [Sep 3 14:37:25] VERBOSE[11548] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6153-000000c2 is ringing [Sep 3 14:37:27] VERBOSE[11547] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/932147-66 is ringing [Sep 3 14:37:32] VERBOSE[11546] app_dial.c: -- Nobody picked up in 20000 ms [Sep 3 14:37:32] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6151 [Sep 3 14:37:32] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6155 [Sep 3 14:37:32] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6148 [Sep 3 14:37:32] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6142 [Sep 3 14:37:32] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6146 [Sep 3 14:37:32] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6231 [Sep 3 14:37:32] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:34] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000bd", "0?busy:unavail") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:32] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6164,36) [Sep 3 14:37:32] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:36] VoiceMail("SIP/6136-000000bd", "6164@default,u") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:32] VERBOSE[11546] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-theperson.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:37:33] VERBOSE[11546] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/6.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:37:34] VERBOSE[11546] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:37:34] VERBOSE[11546] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/6.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:37:35] VERBOSE[11546] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/4.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:37:36] VERBOSE[11546] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-isunavail.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:37:37] VERBOSE[11546] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-intro.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:37:37] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6156 [Sep 3 14:37:37] VERBOSE[11548] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6153-000000c2 answered DAHDI/i1/755735-67 [Sep 3 14:37:37] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6154 [Sep 3 14:37:37] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6152 [Sep 3 14:37:37] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6163 [Sep 3 14:37:37] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6159 [Sep 3 14:37:37] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6144 [Sep 3 14:37:40] VERBOSE[11546] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6164, 36) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6136-000000bd' [Sep 3 14:37:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:37:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:37:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6197 [Sep 3 14:37:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:37:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:37:45] DEBUG[11507] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 1 [Sep 3 14:37:45] DEBUG[11507] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:37:45] VERBOSE[11507] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/875515-5d' [Sep 3 14:37:45] VERBOSE[11507] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6230-000000af' [Sep 3 14:37:47] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Received subscription for extension "6146" context "default" with Expire header less that 'minexpire' limit. Received "Expire: 60" min is 120 [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:37:47] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6197 [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] pbx.c: -- Executing [6146@international:1] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000c3", "Appel pour l'extension 6146") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] app_verbose.c: Appel pour l'extension 6146 [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] pbx.c: -- Executing [6146@international:2] Gosub("SIP/6136-000000c3", "appel-recu,6146,1(6146)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] pbx.c: -- Executing [6146@appel-recu:1] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000c3", "1,Appel du poste 6146 par le 6136") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6146 par le 6136 [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] pbx.c: -- Executing [6146@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000c3", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6146,5) [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] pbx.c: -- Executing [6146@appel-recu:5] Set("SIP/6136-000000c3", "appelé=6146") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] pbx.c: -- Executing [6146@appel-recu:6] Set("SIP/6136-000000c3", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] pbx.c: -- Executing [6146@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000c3", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6146,18) [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] pbx.c: -- Executing [6146@appel-recu:18] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000c3", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] pbx.c: -- Executing [6146@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("SIP/6136-000000c3", "SIP/6146") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] pbx.c: -- Executing [6146@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000c3", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] pbx.c: -- Executing [6146@appel-recu:21] Set("SIP/6136-000000c3", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] pbx.c: -- Executing [6146@appel-recu:22] NoOp("SIP/6136-000000c3", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] pbx.c: -- Executing [6146@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000c3", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6146,30) [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] pbx.c: -- Executing [6146@appel-recu:30] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000c3", "Appel de 6146/6146 par 6136") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6146/6146 par 6136 [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] pbx.c: -- Executing [6146@appel-recu:31] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000c3", "Appels en cours pour 6146 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6146 : 0 [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] pbx.c: -- Executing [6146@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000c3", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] pbx.c: -- Executing [6146@appel-recu:33] Dial("SIP/6136-000000c3", "SIP/6146,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] app_dial.c: -- Called 6146 [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6146[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6151 [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6146[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6155 [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6146[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6148 [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6146[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6164 [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6146[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6142 [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6146[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6231 [Sep 3 14:37:47] VERBOSE[11549] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6146-000000c5 is ringing [Sep 3 14:37:54] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:37:54] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:37:54] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6191 [Sep 3 14:37:54] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6135 [Sep 3 14:37:54] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:37:54] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6238 [Sep 3 14:37:54] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6138 [Sep 3 14:37:54] VERBOSE[11550] pbx.c: -- Executing [66666218@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6218-000000c6", "Appel de la messagerie du numéro 6218") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:54] VERBOSE[11550] app_verbose.c: Appel de la messagerie du numéro 6218 [Sep 3 14:37:54] VERBOSE[11550] pbx.c: -- Executing [66666218@nouvelle-caledonie:2] VoiceMailMain("SIP/6218-000000c6", "6218") in new stack [Sep 3 14:37:54] DEBUG[11538] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 2 [Sep 3 14:37:54] DEBUG[11538] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:37:54] VERBOSE[11538] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/791952-64' [Sep 3 14:37:54] VERBOSE[11538] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6172-000000bb' [Sep 3 14:37:54] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:37:54] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:37:54] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6170 [Sep 3 14:37:54] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:37:54] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6229 [Sep 3 14:37:54] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-password.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:37:57] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- PROGRESS with cause code 114 received [Sep 3 14:37:57] VERBOSE[11547] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/932147-66 answered SIP/6162-000000c0 [Sep 3 14:37:58] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-youhave.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:37:59] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:37:59] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-INBOX.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:38:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6146[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6151 [Sep 3 14:38:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6146[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6155 [Sep 3 14:38:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6146[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6148 [Sep 3 14:38:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6146[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6164 [Sep 3 14:38:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6146[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6142 [Sep 3 14:38:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6146[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6231 [Sep 3 14:38:00] VERBOSE[11549] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6146-000000c5 answered SIP/6136-000000c3 [Sep 3 14:38:00] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-and.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:38:00] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/hundred.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:38:01] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-Old.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:38:01] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-messages.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:38:02] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-onefor.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:38:04] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-INBOX.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:38:04] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-messages.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:38:04] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-first.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:38:05] DEBUG[11547] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 4 [Sep 3 14:38:05] DEBUG[11547] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:38:05] VERBOSE[11547] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/932147-66' [Sep 3 14:38:05] VERBOSE[11547] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6162-000000c0' [Sep 3 14:38:05] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:38:05] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:38:05] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:38:05] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6147 [Sep 3 14:38:05] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:38:05] VERBOSE[11550] config.c: == Parsing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/6218/INBOX/msg0000.txt': [Sep 3 14:38:05] VERBOSE[11550] config.c: == Found [Sep 3 14:38:05] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-message.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:38:06] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-received.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:38:06] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/at.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:38:06] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:38:07] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/oclock.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:38:07] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/30.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:38:08] WARNING[11550] file.c: File digits/et does not exist in any format [Sep 3 14:38:08] WARNING[11550] file.c: Unable to open digits/et (format 0x8 (alaw)): No such file or directory [Sep 3 14:38:08] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:38:08] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/p-m.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:38:09] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/6218/INBOX/msg0000.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:38:15] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:38:24] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-advopts.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:38:27] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-repeat.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:38:30] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-delete.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:38:33] VERBOSE[11550] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-toforward.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:38:34] VERBOSE[11550] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (nouvelle-caledonie, 66666218, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6218-000000c6' [Sep 3 14:38:34] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6191 [Sep 3 14:38:34] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6135 [Sep 3 14:38:34] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:38:34] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6238 [Sep 3 14:38:34] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6138 [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '445287' to '6197' on channel 0/12, span 1 [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/445287-68", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 445287 pour le 6197") in new stack [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 445287 pour le 6197 [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/445287-68", "CALLERID(num)=0445287") in new stack [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/445287-68", "appel-recu,6197,1(6197)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/445287-68", "1,Appel du poste 6197 par le 0445287") in new stack [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6197 par le 0445287 [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/445287-68", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6197,5) [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/445287-68", "appelé=6197") in new stack [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/445287-68", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/445287-68", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6197,18) [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/445287-68", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/445287-68", "SIP/6197") in new stack [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/445287-68", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/445287-68", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/445287-68", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/445287-68", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6197,30) [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/445287-68", "Appel de 6197/6197 par 0445287") in new stack [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6197/6197 par 0445287 [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/445287-68", "Appels en cours pour 6197 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6197 : 0 [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/445287-68", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] pbx.c: -- Executing [6197@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/445287-68", "SIP/6197,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] app_dial.c: -- Called 6197 [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6136 [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6103 [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:38:45] VERBOSE[11556] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6197-000000c8 is ringing [Sep 3 14:38:46] VERBOSE[11556] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6197-000000c8 is ringing [Sep 3 14:38:47] VERBOSE[11556] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6197-000000c8 is ringing [Sep 3 14:38:47] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:38:48] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:38:48] VERBOSE[11556] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6197-000000c8 answered DAHDI/i1/445287-68 [Sep 3 14:38:48] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:38:48] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:38:48] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6136 [Sep 3 14:38:48] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6103 [Sep 3 14:38:48] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:38:49] VERBOSE[11549] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6146, 33) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6136-000000c3' [Sep 3 14:38:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6146[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6151 [Sep 3 14:38:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6146[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6155 [Sep 3 14:38:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6146[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6148 [Sep 3 14:38:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6146[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6164 [Sep 3 14:38:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6146[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6142 [Sep 3 14:38:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6146[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6231 [Sep 3 14:38:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:38:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:38:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6197 [Sep 3 14:38:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:38:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:39:08] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:39:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:39:08] VERBOSE[11570] pbx.c: -- Executing [0797547@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6108-000000c9", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(797547)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:39:08] VERBOSE[11570] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6108-000000c9", "Appel de 6108 pour 797547 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:39:08] VERBOSE[11570] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6108 pour 797547 par GSM [Sep 3 14:39:08] VERBOSE[11570] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6108-000000c9", "CALLERID(num)=266108") in new stack [Sep 3 14:39:08] VERBOSE[11570] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6108-000000c9", "Dahdi/g1/797547,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:39:08] DEBUG[11570] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 1 [Sep 3 14:39:08] DEBUG[11570] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Melissa AUTOMALO NUM: 266108 [Sep 3 14:39:08] VERBOSE[11570] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:39:08] VERBOSE[11570] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/797547 [Sep 3 14:39:08] VERBOSE[11570] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/797547-69 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6108-000000c9 [Sep 3 14:39:13] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:39:13] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:39:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6191 [Sep 3 14:39:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6135 [Sep 3 14:39:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:39:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6238 [Sep 3 14:39:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6138 [Sep 3 14:39:13] VERBOSE[11571] pbx.c: -- Executing [0910394@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6218-000000ca", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(910394)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:39:13] VERBOSE[11571] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6218-000000ca", "Appel de 6218 pour 910394 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:39:13] VERBOSE[11571] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6218 pour 910394 par GSM [Sep 3 14:39:13] VERBOSE[11571] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6218-000000ca", "CALLERID(num)=266218") in new stack [Sep 3 14:39:13] VERBOSE[11571] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6218-000000ca", "Dahdi/g1/910394,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:39:13] DEBUG[11571] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 2 [Sep 3 14:39:13] DEBUG[11571] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Pierre-yves BELHANDOUZ NUM: 266218 [Sep 3 14:39:13] VERBOSE[11571] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:39:13] VERBOSE[11571] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/910394 [Sep 3 14:39:13] VERBOSE[11571] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/910394-6a is proceeding passing it to SIP/6218-000000ca [Sep 3 14:39:13] VERBOSE[11570] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/797547-69 is ringing [Sep 3 14:39:15] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:39:19] VERBOSE[11571] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/910394-6a is ringing [Sep 3 14:39:19] VERBOSE[11572] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:39:19] VERBOSE[11572] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:39:19] VERBOSE[11573] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:39:19] VERBOSE[11573] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:39:19] VERBOSE[11574] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:39:19] VERBOSE[11574] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:39:20] VERBOSE[11575] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:39:20] VERBOSE[11575] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:39:20] VERBOSE[11576] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:39:20] VERBOSE[11576] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:39:20] VERBOSE[11577] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:39:20] VERBOSE[11577] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:39:20] VERBOSE[11578] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:39:20] VERBOSE[11578] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:39:20] VERBOSE[11579] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:39:21] VERBOSE[11579] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:39:21] VERBOSE[11580] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:39:21] VERBOSE[11580] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:39:21] VERBOSE[11581] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:39:21] VERBOSE[11581] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:39:21] VERBOSE[11582] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:39:21] VERBOSE[11582] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:39:21] VERBOSE[11583] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:39:21] VERBOSE[11583] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:39:23] VERBOSE[11570] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/797547-69 answered SIP/6108-000000c9 [Sep 3 14:39:30] VERBOSE[11571] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/910394-6a answered SIP/6218-000000ca [Sep 3 14:39:45] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:39:45] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:39:45] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:39:45] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6170 [Sep 3 14:39:45] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:39:45] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6229 [Sep 3 14:39:45] VERBOSE[11584] pbx.c: -- Executing [0999257@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6172-000000cb", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(999257)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:39:45] VERBOSE[11584] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6172-000000cb", "Appel de 6172 pour 999257 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:39:45] VERBOSE[11584] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6172 pour 999257 par GSM [Sep 3 14:39:45] VERBOSE[11584] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6172-000000cb", "CALLERID(num)=266172") in new stack [Sep 3 14:39:45] VERBOSE[11584] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6172-000000cb", "Dahdi/g1/999257,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:39:45] DEBUG[11584] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 4 [Sep 3 14:39:45] DEBUG[11584] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Alessie READ NUM: 266172 [Sep 3 14:39:45] VERBOSE[11584] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:39:45] VERBOSE[11584] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/999257 [Sep 3 14:39:46] VERBOSE[11584] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/999257-6b is proceeding passing it to SIP/6172-000000cb [Sep 3 14:39:50] VERBOSE[11584] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/999257-6b is ringing [Sep 3 14:40:00] VERBOSE[11584] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/999257-6b answered SIP/6172-000000cb [Sep 3 14:40:13] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:40:15] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[10943] chan_iax2.c: -- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from > requested format = alaw, > requested prefs = (), > actual format = alaw, > host prefs = (alaw|gsm), > priority = mine [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@entrant-dundi:1] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-1940", "Appel reçu de l'autre site depuis le 0767852 pour le 6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'autre site depuis le 0767852 pour le 6107 [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@entrant-dundi:2] Gosub("IAX2/priv5-1940", "appel-recu,6107,1(6107)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:1] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-1940", "1,Appel du poste 6107 par le 0767852") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6107 par le 0767852 [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-1940", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,5) [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:5] Set("IAX2/priv5-1940", "appelé=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:6] Set("IAX2/priv5-1940", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-1940", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,18) [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:18] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-1940", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("IAX2/priv5-1940", "SIP/6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-1940", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:21] Set("IAX2/priv5-1940", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:22] NoOp("IAX2/priv5-1940", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-1940", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,30) [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:30] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-1940", "Appel de 6107/6107 par 0767852") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6107/6107 par 0767852 [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:31] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-1940", "Appels en cours pour 6107 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6107 : 0 [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-1940", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:33] Dial("IAX2/priv5-1940", "SIP/6107,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] app_dial.c: -- Called 6107 [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6107[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6114 [Sep 3 14:40:17] VERBOSE[11592] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-000000cd is ringing [Sep 3 14:40:18] VERBOSE[11592] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-000000cd is ringing [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11592] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-000000cd is ringing [Sep 3 14:40:19] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Received subscription for extension "6147" context "default" with Expire header less that 'minexpire' limit. Received "Expire: 60" min is 120 [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:40:19] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6197 [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@international:1] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000ce", "Appel pour l'extension 6147") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] app_verbose.c: Appel pour l'extension 6147 [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@international:2] Gosub("SIP/6136-000000ce", "appel-recu,6147,1(6147)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:1] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000ce", "1,Appel du poste 6147 par le 6136") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6147 par le 6136 [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000ce", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6147,5) [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:5] Set("SIP/6136-000000ce", "appelé=6147") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:6] Set("SIP/6136-000000ce", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000ce", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6147,18) [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:18] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000ce", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("SIP/6136-000000ce", "SIP/6147") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000ce", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:21] Set("SIP/6136-000000ce", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:22] NoOp("SIP/6136-000000ce", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000ce", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6147,30) [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:30] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000ce", "Appel de 6147/6147 par 6136") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6147/6147 par 6136 [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:31] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000ce", "Appels en cours pour 6147 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6147 : 0 [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000ce", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:33] Dial("SIP/6136-000000ce", "SIP/6147,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6158 [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] app_dial.c: -- Called 6147 [Sep 3 14:40:19] VERBOSE[11593] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6147-000000d0 is ringing [Sep 3 14:40:21] VERBOSE[11592] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-000000cd is ringing [Sep 3 14:40:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:40:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:40:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:40:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6158 [Sep 3 14:40:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:40:21] VERBOSE[11593] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6147-000000d0 answered SIP/6136-000000ce [Sep 3 14:40:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:40:24] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:40:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6114[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6189 [Sep 3 14:40:24] VERBOSE[11594] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6114-000000d1", "Interception du 6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:24] VERBOSE[11594] app_verbose.c: Interception du 6107 [Sep 3 14:40:24] VERBOSE[11594] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Set("SIP/6114-000000d1", "poste=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:24] VERBOSE[11594] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:3] Set("SIP/6114-000000d1", "GLOBAL(PICKUPMARK)=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:24] VERBOSE[11594] pbx.c: == Setting global variable 'PICKUPMARK' to '6107' [Sep 3 14:40:24] VERBOSE[11594] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:4] Pickup("SIP/6114-000000d1", "6107@PICKUPMARK") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:24] VERBOSE[11594] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:5] Hangup("SIP/6114-000000d1", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6107[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6114 [Sep 3 14:40:24] VERBOSE[11594] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (nouvelle-caledonie, **6107, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6107-000000cd' [Sep 3 14:40:24] VERBOSE[11592] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6114-000000d1 answered IAX2/priv5-1940 [Sep 3 14:40:40] DEBUG[11584] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 4 [Sep 3 14:40:40] DEBUG[11584] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:40:40] VERBOSE[11584] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/999257-6b' [Sep 3 14:40:40] VERBOSE[11584] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6172-000000cb' [Sep 3 14:40:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:40:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:40:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6170 [Sep 3 14:40:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:40:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6229 [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '410100' to '6189' on channel 0/14, span 1 [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: -- Executing [6189@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410100-6c", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 410100 pour le 6189") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 410100 pour le 6189 [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: -- Executing [6189@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/410100-6c", "CALLERID(num)=0410100") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: -- Executing [6189@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/410100-6c", "appel-recu,6189,1(6189)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: -- Executing [6189@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410100-6c", "1,Appel du poste 6189 par le 0410100") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6189 par le 0410100 [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: -- Executing [6189@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410100-6c", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6189,5) [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: -- Executing [6189@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/410100-6c", "appelé=6189") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: -- Executing [6189@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/410100-6c", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: -- Executing [6189@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410100-6c", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6189,18) [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: -- Executing [6189@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410100-6c", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: -- Executing [6189@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/410100-6c", "SIP/6189") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: -- Executing [6189@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410100-6c", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: -- Executing [6189@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/410100-6c", "filtre_par=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: -- Executing [6189@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/410100-6c", "Evaluation de la longueur: 4") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: -- Executing [6189@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410100-6c", "4?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: -- Executing [6189@appel-recu:24] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410100-6c", "L'état du filtrage de 6189 est NOT_INUSE") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] app_verbose.c: L'état du filtrage de 6189 est NOT_INUSE [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: -- Executing [6189@appel-recu:25] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410100-6c", "1?appel:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6189,30) [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: -- Executing [6189@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410100-6c", "Appel de 6189/6189 par 0410100") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6189/6189 par 0410100 [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: -- Executing [6189@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410100-6c", "Appels en cours pour 6189 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6189 : 0 [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: -- Executing [6189@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410100-6c", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: -- Executing [6189@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/410100-6c", "SIP/6189,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] app_dial.c: -- Called 6189 [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6189[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6114 [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6189[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6212 [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6170 [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6229 [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11596] pbx.c: -- Executing [0916036@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6172-000000d4", "appeler-par-GSM,s,1(916036)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11596] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:1] Verbose("SIP/6172-000000d4", "Appel de 6172 pour 916036 par GSM") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11596] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6172 pour 916036 par GSM [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11596] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:2] Set("SIP/6172-000000d4", "CALLERID(num)=266172") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11596] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-GSM:3] Dial("SIP/6172-000000d4", "Dahdi/g1/916036,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:40:51] DEBUG[11596] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 4 [Sep 3 14:40:51] DEBUG[11596] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Alessie READ NUM: 266172 [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11596] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11596] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/916036 [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11595] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6189-000000d3 is ringing [Sep 3 14:40:51] VERBOSE[11596] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/916036-6d is proceeding passing it to SIP/6172-000000d4 [Sep 3 14:40:52] VERBOSE[11595] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6189-000000d3 is ringing [Sep 3 14:40:53] VERBOSE[11595] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6189-000000d3 is ringing [Sep 3 14:40:55] VERBOSE[11595] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6189-000000d3 is ringing [Sep 3 14:40:56] VERBOSE[11596] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/916036-6d is ringing [Sep 3 14:40:56] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6189[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6114 [Sep 3 14:40:56] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6189[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6212 [Sep 3 14:40:56] VERBOSE[11595] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6189-000000d3 answered DAHDI/i1/410100-6c [Sep 3 14:41:05] VERBOSE[11596] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/916036-6d answered SIP/6172-000000d4 [Sep 3 14:41:13] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:41:15] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:41:19] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:41:24] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:41:24] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:41:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6136 [Sep 3 14:41:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:41:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6147 [Sep 3 14:41:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6158 [Sep 3 14:41:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:41:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:41:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6136 (queued) [Sep 3 14:41:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6169 (queued) [Sep 3 14:41:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6147 (queued) [Sep 3 14:41:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6158 (queued) [Sep 3 14:41:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6162 (queued) [Sep 3 14:41:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6160 (queued) [Sep 3 14:41:24] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6136 [Sep 3 14:41:24] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:41:24] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:41:24] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6158 [Sep 3 14:41:24] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:41:24] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6140[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6147 [Sep 3 14:41:41] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/3, span 1 got hangup request, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:41:41] DEBUG[11394] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 3 [Sep 3 14:41:41] DEBUG[11394] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:41:41] VERBOSE[11394] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/426441-3f' [Sep 3 14:41:41] VERBOSE[11394] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-opt, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6169-0000007d' [Sep 3 14:41:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:41:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:41:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6147 [Sep 3 14:41:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:41:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:41:49] VERBOSE[11593] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6147, 33) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6136-000000ce' [Sep 3 14:41:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:41:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:41:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:41:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6158 [Sep 3 14:41:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:41:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:41:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:41:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:41:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6197 [Sep 3 14:41:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:41:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/418833-6e", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 418833 pour le 6187") in new stack [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 418833 pour le 6187 [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/418833-6e", "CALLERID(num)=0418833") in new stack [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/418833-6e", "appel-recu,6187,1(6187)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/418833-6e", "1,Appel du poste 6187 par le 0418833") in new stack [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '418833' to '6187' on channel 0/15, span 1 [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6187 par le 0418833 [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/418833-6e", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6187,5) [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/418833-6e", "appelé=6187") in new stack [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/418833-6e", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/418833-6e", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6187,18) [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/418833-6e", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/418833-6e", "SIP/6187") in new stack [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/418833-6e", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/418833-6e", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/418833-6e", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/418833-6e", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6187,30) [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/418833-6e", "Appel de 6187/6187 par 0418833") in new stack [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6187/6187 par 0418833 [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/418833-6e", "Appels en cours pour 6187 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6187 : 0 [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/418833-6e", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/418833-6e", "SIP/6187,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] app_dial.c: -- Called 6187 [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6187[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6108 [Sep 3 14:41:50] VERBOSE[11602] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6187-000000d6 is ringing [Sep 3 14:42:00] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:42:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:42:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:42:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:42:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6158 [Sep 3 14:42:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:42:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:42:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6219 (queued) [Sep 3 14:42:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6140 (queued) [Sep 3 14:42:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6169 (queued) [Sep 3 14:42:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6158 (queued) [Sep 3 14:42:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6162 (queued) [Sep 3 14:42:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6160 (queued) [Sep 3 14:42:00] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:42:00] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:42:00] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:42:00] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6158 [Sep 3 14:42:00] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:42:00] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:42:10] DEBUG[11570] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 1 [Sep 3 14:42:10] DEBUG[11570] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:42:10] VERBOSE[11570] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/797547-69' [Sep 3 14:42:10] VERBOSE[11570] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6108-000000c9' [Sep 3 14:42:10] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11602] app_dial.c: -- Nobody picked up in 20000 ms [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6187[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6108 [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:34] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/418833-6e", "0?busy:unavail") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6187,36) [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:36] VoiceMail("DAHDI/i1/418833-6e", "6187@default,u") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11602] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-theperson.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6108-000000d7", "Appel pour l'extension 6187") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] app_verbose.c: Appel pour l'extension 6187 [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Gosub("SIP/6108-000000d7", "appel-recu,6187,1(6187)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:1] Verbose("SIP/6108-000000d7", "1,Appel du poste 6187 par le 6108") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6187 par le 6108 [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("SIP/6108-000000d7", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6187,5) [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:5] Set("SIP/6108-000000d7", "appelé=6187") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:6] Set("SIP/6108-000000d7", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("SIP/6108-000000d7", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6187,18) [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:18] Verbose("SIP/6108-000000d7", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("SIP/6108-000000d7", "SIP/6187") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("SIP/6108-000000d7", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:21] Set("SIP/6108-000000d7", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:22] NoOp("SIP/6108-000000d7", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("SIP/6108-000000d7", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6187,30) [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:30] Verbose("SIP/6108-000000d7", "Appel de 6187/6187 par 6108") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6187/6187 par 6108 [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:31] Verbose("SIP/6108-000000d7", "Appels en cours pour 6187 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6187 : 0 [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("SIP/6108-000000d7", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:33] Dial("SIP/6108-000000d7", "SIP/6187,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] app_dial.c: -- Called 6187 [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6187[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6108 [Sep 3 14:42:11] VERBOSE[11608] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6187-000000d9 is ringing [Sep 3 14:42:12] VERBOSE[11602] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/6.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:42:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:42:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6187[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6108 [Sep 3 14:42:13] VERBOSE[11608] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6187, 33) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6108-000000d7' [Sep 3 14:42:13] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:42:13] VERBOSE[11602] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:42:13] VERBOSE[11602] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/8.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:42:14] VERBOSE[11602] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/7.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:42:14] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6114[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6189 [Sep 3 14:42:14] VERBOSE[11592] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6107, 33) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/priv5-1940' [Sep 3 14:42:14] VERBOSE[11592] chan_iax2.c: -- Hungup 'IAX2/priv5-1940' [Sep 3 14:42:14] VERBOSE[11602] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-isunavail.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:42:15] VERBOSE[11602] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-intro.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:42:19] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/15, span 1 got hangup request, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:42:19] VERBOSE[11602] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6187, 36) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/418833-6e' [Sep 3 14:42:19] DEBUG[11602] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 15 [Sep 3 14:42:19] DEBUG[11602] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:42:19] VERBOSE[11602] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/418833-6e' [Sep 3 14:42:37] DEBUG[11596] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 4 [Sep 3 14:42:37] DEBUG[11596] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:42:37] VERBOSE[11596] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/916036-6d' [Sep 3 14:42:37] VERBOSE[11596] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6172-000000d4' [Sep 3 14:42:37] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:42:37] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:42:37] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6170 [Sep 3 14:42:37] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:42:37] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6229 [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '917851' to '6187' on channel 0/1, span 1 [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/917851-6f", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 917851 pour le 6187") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 917851 pour le 6187 [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/917851-6f", "CALLERID(num)=0917851") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/917851-6f", "appel-recu,6187,1(6187)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/917851-6f", "1,Appel du poste 6187 par le 0917851") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6187 par le 0917851 [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/917851-6f", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6187,5) [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/917851-6f", "appelé=6187") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/917851-6f", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/917851-6f", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6187,18) [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/917851-6f", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/917851-6f", "SIP/6187") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/917851-6f", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/917851-6f", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/917851-6f", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/917851-6f", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6187,30) [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/917851-6f", "Appel de 6187/6187 par 0917851") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6187/6187 par 0917851 [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/917851-6f", "Appels en cours pour 6187 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6187 : 0 [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/917851-6f", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] pbx.c: -- Executing [6187@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/917851-6f", "SIP/6187,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6187[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6108 [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] app_dial.c: -- Called 6187 [Sep 3 14:42:39] VERBOSE[11609] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6187-000000db is ringing [Sep 3 14:42:41] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:42:41] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:42:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6167 [Sep 3 14:42:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6149 [Sep 3 14:42:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6143 [Sep 3 14:42:41] VERBOSE[11610] pbx.c: -- Executing [66666195@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6195-000000dc", "Appel de la messagerie du numéro 6195") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:41] VERBOSE[11610] app_verbose.c: Appel de la messagerie du numéro 6195 [Sep 3 14:42:41] VERBOSE[11610] pbx.c: -- Executing [66666195@nouvelle-caledonie:2] VoiceMailMain("SIP/6195-000000dc", "6195") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:41] VERBOSE[11610] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-password.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:42:44] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:42:44] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:42:44] VERBOSE[11611] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6187@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6108-000000dd", "Interception du 6187") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:44] VERBOSE[11611] app_verbose.c: Interception du 6187 [Sep 3 14:42:44] VERBOSE[11611] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6187@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Set("SIP/6108-000000dd", "poste=6187") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:44] VERBOSE[11611] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6187@nouvelle-caledonie:3] Set("SIP/6108-000000dd", "GLOBAL(PICKUPMARK)=6187") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:44] VERBOSE[11611] pbx.c: == Setting global variable 'PICKUPMARK' to '6187' [Sep 3 14:42:44] VERBOSE[11611] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6187@nouvelle-caledonie:4] Pickup("SIP/6108-000000dd", "6187@PICKUPMARK") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:44] VERBOSE[11611] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6187@nouvelle-caledonie:5] Hangup("SIP/6108-000000dd", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:42:44] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6187[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6108 [Sep 3 14:42:44] VERBOSE[11611] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (nouvelle-caledonie, **6187, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6187-000000db' [Sep 3 14:42:44] VERBOSE[11609] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6108-000000dd answered DAHDI/i1/917851-6f [Sep 3 14:42:45] VERBOSE[11610] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-youhave.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:42:46] VERBOSE[11610] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:42:46] VERBOSE[11610] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-first.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:42:46] VERBOSE[11610] config.c: == Parsing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/6195/INBOX/msg0000.txt': [Sep 3 14:42:46] VERBOSE[11610] config.c: == Found [Sep 3 14:42:46] VERBOSE[11610] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-message.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:42:47] VERBOSE[11610] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-received.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:42:48] VERBOSE[11610] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/yesterday.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:42:48] VERBOSE[11610] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/at.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:42:49] VERBOSE[11610] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:42:49] VERBOSE[11610] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/oclock.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:42:49] VERBOSE[11610] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/40.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:42:50] VERBOSE[11610] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/2.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:42:51] VERBOSE[11610] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/p-m.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:42:52] VERBOSE[11610] file.c: -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/6195/INBOX/msg0000.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:42:59] VERBOSE[11610] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-deleted.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:42:59] VERBOSE[11610] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-nomore.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:42:59] VERBOSE[11610] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-goodbye.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:43:00] VERBOSE[11610] pbx.c: -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/6195-000000dc' status is 'UNKNOWN' [Sep 3 14:43:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6167 [Sep 3 14:43:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6149 [Sep 3 14:43:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6143 [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:43:12] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6167 [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6149 [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6143 [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] pbx.c: -- Executing [6116@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6195-000000de", "Appel pour l'extension 6116") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] app_verbose.c: Appel pour l'extension 6116 [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] pbx.c: -- Executing [6116@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Gosub("SIP/6195-000000de", "appel-recu,6116,1(6116)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] pbx.c: -- Executing [6116@appel-recu:1] Verbose("SIP/6195-000000de", "1,Appel du poste 6116 par le 6195") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6116 par le 6195 [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] pbx.c: -- Executing [6116@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("SIP/6195-000000de", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6116,5) [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] pbx.c: -- Executing [6116@appel-recu:5] Set("SIP/6195-000000de", "appelé=6116") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] pbx.c: -- Executing [6116@appel-recu:6] Set("SIP/6195-000000de", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] pbx.c: -- Executing [6116@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("SIP/6195-000000de", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6116,18) [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] pbx.c: -- Executing [6116@appel-recu:18] Verbose("SIP/6195-000000de", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] pbx.c: -- Executing [6116@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("SIP/6195-000000de", "SIP/6116") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] pbx.c: -- Executing [6116@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("SIP/6195-000000de", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] pbx.c: -- Executing [6116@appel-recu:21] Set("SIP/6195-000000de", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] pbx.c: -- Executing [6116@appel-recu:22] NoOp("SIP/6195-000000de", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] pbx.c: -- Executing [6116@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("SIP/6195-000000de", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6116,30) [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] pbx.c: -- Executing [6116@appel-recu:30] Verbose("SIP/6195-000000de", "Appel de 6116/6116 par 6195") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6116/6116 par 6195 [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] pbx.c: -- Executing [6116@appel-recu:31] Verbose("SIP/6195-000000de", "Appels en cours pour 6116 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6116 : 0 [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] pbx.c: -- Executing [6116@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("SIP/6195-000000de", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] pbx.c: -- Executing [6116@appel-recu:33] Dial("SIP/6195-000000de", "SIP/6116,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] app_dial.c: -- Called 6116 [Sep 3 14:43:12] VERBOSE[11617] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6116-000000e0 is ringing [Sep 3 14:43:13] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[10939] chan_iax2.c: -- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from > requested format = alaw, > requested prefs = (), > actual format = alaw, > host prefs = (alaw|gsm), > priority = mine [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@entrant-dundi:1] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-111", "Appel reçu de l'autre site depuis le 6285 pour le 6141") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'autre site depuis le 6285 pour le 6141 [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@entrant-dundi:2] Gosub("IAX2/priv5-111", "appel-recu,6141,1(6141)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:1] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-111", "1,Appel du poste 6141 par le 6285") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6141 par le 6285 [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-111", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6141,5) [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:5] Set("IAX2/priv5-111", "appelé=6141") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:6] Set("IAX2/priv5-111", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-111", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6141,18) [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:18] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-111", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("IAX2/priv5-111", "SIP/6141") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-111", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:21] Set("IAX2/priv5-111", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:22] NoOp("IAX2/priv5-111", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-111", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6141,30) [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:30] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-111", "Appel de 6141/6141 par 6285") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6141/6141 par 6285 [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:31] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-111", "Appels en cours pour 6141 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6141 : 0 [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-111", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:33] Dial("IAX2/priv5-111", "SIP/6141,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] app_dial.c: -- Called 6141 [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6185 [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6186 [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6124 [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6192 [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: -- Got SIP response 486 "Busy" back from [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6141-000000e2 is busy [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] app_dial.c: == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:1/0/0) [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6185 (queued) [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6186 (queued) [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6124 (queued) [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6192 (queued) [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:34] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-111", "1?busy:unavail") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6141,38) [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:38] VoiceMail("IAX2/priv5-111", "6141@default,b") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6192 [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6185 [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6186 [Sep 3 14:43:18] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6124 [Sep 3 14:43:19] VERBOSE[11619] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-theperson.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:43:20] VERBOSE[11619] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/6.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:43:21] VERBOSE[11619] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:43:21] VERBOSE[11619] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/4.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:43:22] VERBOSE[11619] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:43:22] VERBOSE[11619] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-isonphone.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:43:23] VERBOSE[11619] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-intro.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:43:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6167 [Sep 3 14:43:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6149 [Sep 3 14:43:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6143 [Sep 3 14:43:27] VERBOSE[11617] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6116, 33) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6195-000000de' [Sep 3 14:43:30] VERBOSE[11619] file.c: -- Playing 'beep.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:43:31] VERBOSE[11619] app_voicemail.c: -- Recording the message [Sep 3 14:43:31] VERBOSE[11619] app.c: -- x=0, open writing: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/6141/tmp/3kIzlx format: wav49, 0xd5f540 [Sep 3 14:43:31] VERBOSE[11619] app.c: -- x=1, open writing: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/6141/tmp/3kIzlx format: gsm, 0xc3bd20 [Sep 3 14:43:31] VERBOSE[11619] app.c: -- x=2, open writing: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/6141/tmp/3kIzlx format: wav, 0xf96a30 [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '410100' to '6135' on channel 0/3, span 1 [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410100-70", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 410100 pour le 6135") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 410100 pour le 6135 [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/410100-70", "CALLERID(num)=0410100") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/410100-70", "appel-recu,6135,1(6135)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410100-70", "1,Appel du poste 6135 par le 0410100") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6135 par le 0410100 [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410100-70", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6135,5) [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/410100-70", "appelé=6135") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/410100-70", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410100-70", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6135,18) [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410100-70", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/410100-70", "SIP/6135") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410100-70", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/410100-70", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/410100-70", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410100-70", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6135,30) [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410100-70", "Appel de 6135/6135 par 0410100") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6135/6135 par 0410100 [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410100-70", "Appels en cours pour 6135 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6135 : 0 [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410100-70", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/410100-70", "SIP/6135,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6191 [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6218 [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6238 [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6138 [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] app_dial.c: -- Called 6135 [Sep 3 14:43:41] VERBOSE[11620] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6135-000000e4 is ringing [Sep 3 14:43:42] VERBOSE[11620] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6135-000000e4 is ringing [Sep 3 14:43:43] VERBOSE[11620] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6135-000000e4 is ringing [Sep 3 14:43:45] VERBOSE[11620] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6135-000000e4 is ringing [Sep 3 14:43:47] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:43:47] VERBOSE[11609] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6187, 33) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/917851-6f' [Sep 3 14:43:47] DEBUG[11609] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 1 [Sep 3 14:43:47] DEBUG[11609] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:43:47] VERBOSE[11609] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/917851-6f' [Sep 3 14:43:49] VERBOSE[11620] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6135-000000e4 is ringing [Sep 3 14:43:57] VERBOSE[11620] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6135-000000e4 is ringing [Sep 3 14:44:02] VERBOSE[11620] app_dial.c: -- Nobody picked up in 20000 ms [Sep 3 14:44:02] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6191 [Sep 3 14:44:02] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6218 [Sep 3 14:44:02] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:44:02] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6238 [Sep 3 14:44:02] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6138 [Sep 3 14:44:02] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:34] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410100-70", "0?busy:unavail") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:02] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6135,36) [Sep 3 14:44:02] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:36] VoiceMail("DAHDI/i1/410100-70", "6135@default,u") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:02] VERBOSE[11620] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-theperson.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:44:03] VERBOSE[11620] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/6.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:44:04] VERBOSE[11620] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:44:04] VERBOSE[11620] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/3.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:44:05] VERBOSE[11620] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/5.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:44:05] VERBOSE[11620] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-isunavail.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:44:06] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/3, span 1 got hangup request, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:44:06] VERBOSE[11620] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6135, 36) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/410100-70' [Sep 3 14:44:06] DEBUG[11620] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 3 [Sep 3 14:44:06] DEBUG[11620] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:44:06] VERBOSE[11620] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/410100-70' [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '410100' to '6218' on channel 0/4, span 1 [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410100-71", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 410100 pour le 6218") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 410100 pour le 6218 [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/410100-71", "CALLERID(num)=0410100") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/410100-71", "appel-recu,6218,1(6218)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410100-71", "1,Appel du poste 6218 par le 0410100") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6218 par le 0410100 [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410100-71", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6218,5) [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/410100-71", "appelé=6218") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/410100-71", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410100-71", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6218,18) [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410100-71", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/410100-71", "SIP/6218") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410100-71", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/410100-71", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/410100-71", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410100-71", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6218,30) [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410100-71", "Appel de 6218/6218 par 0410100") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6218/6218 par 0410100 [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410100-71", "Appels en cours pour 6218 : 1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6218 : 1 [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410100-71", "1?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6218,38) [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] pbx.c: -- Executing [6218@appel-recu:38] VoiceMail("DAHDI/i1/410100-71", "6218@default,b") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11626] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-theperson.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11619] app.c: -- User ended message by pressing # [Sep 3 14:44:11] VERBOSE[11619] file.c: -- Playing 'auth-thankyou.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:44:12] VERBOSE[11626] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/6.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:44:12] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:39] Hangup("IAX2/priv5-111", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:12] VERBOSE[11619] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6141, 39) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/priv5-111' [Sep 3 14:44:12] VERBOSE[11619] chan_iax2.c: -- Hungup 'IAX2/priv5-111' [Sep 3 14:44:13] VERBOSE[11626] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/2.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:44:13] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:44:13] VERBOSE[11626] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:44:13] VERBOSE[11626] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/8.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:44:14] VERBOSE[11626] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-isonphone.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:44:15] VERBOSE[11626] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-intro.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:44:17] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/4, span 1 got hangup request, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:44:17] VERBOSE[11626] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6218, 38) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/410100-71' [Sep 3 14:44:17] DEBUG[11626] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 4 [Sep 3 14:44:17] DEBUG[11626] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:44:17] VERBOSE[11626] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/410100-71' [Sep 3 14:44:19] VERBOSE[11635] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:44:19] VERBOSE[11635] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:44:19] VERBOSE[11636] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:44:19] VERBOSE[11636] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:44:19] VERBOSE[11637] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:44:19] VERBOSE[11637] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:44:20] VERBOSE[11638] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:44:20] VERBOSE[11638] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:44:20] VERBOSE[11639] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:44:20] VERBOSE[11639] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11640] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11640] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11641] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11641] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11642] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11642] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '410100' to '6135' on channel 0/5, span 1 [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410100-72", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 410100 pour le 6135") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 410100 pour le 6135 [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/410100-72", "CALLERID(num)=0410100") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/410100-72", "appel-recu,6135,1(6135)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410100-72", "1,Appel du poste 6135 par le 0410100") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6135 par le 0410100 [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410100-72", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6135,5) [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/410100-72", "appelé=6135") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/410100-72", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410100-72", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6135,18) [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410100-72", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/410100-72", "SIP/6135") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410100-72", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/410100-72", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/410100-72", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410100-72", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6135,30) [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410100-72", "Appel de 6135/6135 par 0410100") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6135/6135 par 0410100 [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/410100-72", "Appels en cours pour 6135 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6135 : 0 [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/410100-72", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] pbx.c: -- Executing [6135@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/410100-72", "SIP/6135,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] app_dial.c: -- Called 6135 [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6191 [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6218 [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6238 [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6138 [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11644] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11644] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11645] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11645] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11643] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6135-000000e7 is ringing [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11646] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11646] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:44:21] VERBOSE[11647] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:44:22] VERBOSE[11643] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6135-000000e7 is ringing [Sep 3 14:44:22] VERBOSE[11647] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:44:23] VERBOSE[11643] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6135-000000e7 is ringing [Sep 3 14:44:25] VERBOSE[11643] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6135-000000e7 is ringing [Sep 3 14:44:28] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6191 [Sep 3 14:44:28] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6218 [Sep 3 14:44:28] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:44:28] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6238 [Sep 3 14:44:28] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6138 [Sep 3 14:44:28] VERBOSE[11643] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6135-000000e7 answered DAHDI/i1/410100-72 [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '451099' to '6149' on channel 0/6, span 1 [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/451099-73", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 451099 pour le 6149") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 451099 pour le 6149 [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/451099-73", "CALLERID(num)=0451099") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/451099-73", "appel-recu,6149,1(6149)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/451099-73", "1,Appel du poste 6149 par le 0451099") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6149 par le 0451099 [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/451099-73", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6149,5) [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/451099-73", "appelé=6149") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/451099-73", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/451099-73", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6149,18) [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/451099-73", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/451099-73", "SIP/6149") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/451099-73", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/451099-73", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/451099-73", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/451099-73", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6149,30) [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/451099-73", "Appel de 6149/6149 par 0451099") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6149/6149 par 0451099 [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/451099-73", "Appels en cours pour 6149 : 1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6149 : 1 [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/451099-73", "1?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6149,38) [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:38] VoiceMail("DAHDI/i1/451099-73", "6149@default,b") in new stack [Sep 3 14:44:30] VERBOSE[11648] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-theperson.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:44:31] VERBOSE[11648] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/6.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:44:32] VERBOSE[11648] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:44:32] VERBOSE[11648] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/4.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:44:33] VERBOSE[11648] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/9.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:44:34] VERBOSE[11648] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-isonphone.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:44:35] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/6, span 1 got hangup request, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:44:35] VERBOSE[11648] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6149, 38) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/451099-73' [Sep 3 14:44:35] DEBUG[11648] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 6 [Sep 3 14:44:35] DEBUG[11648] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:44:35] VERBOSE[11648] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/451099-73' [Sep 3 14:44:42] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/2, span 1 got hangup request, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:44:43] DEBUG[11571] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 2 [Sep 3 14:44:43] DEBUG[11571] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:44:43] VERBOSE[11571] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/910394-6a' [Sep 3 14:44:43] VERBOSE[11571] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-GSM, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6218-000000ca' [Sep 3 14:44:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6191 [Sep 3 14:44:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6135 [Sep 3 14:44:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:44:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6238 [Sep 3 14:44:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6138 [Sep 3 14:44:49] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/14, span 1 got hangup request, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:44:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6189[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6114 [Sep 3 14:44:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6189[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6212 [Sep 3 14:44:49] VERBOSE[11595] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6189, 33) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/410100-6c' [Sep 3 14:44:49] DEBUG[11595] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 14 [Sep 3 14:44:49] DEBUG[11595] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:44:49] VERBOSE[11595] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/410100-6c' [Sep 3 14:45:04] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Received subscription for extension "6147" context "default" with Expire header less that 'minexpire' limit. Received "Expire: 60" min is 120 [Sep 3 14:45:04] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:45:04] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:45:04] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:45:04] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:45:04] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6197 [Sep 3 14:45:04] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:45:04] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:45:04] VERBOSE[11654] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@international:1] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000e9", "Appel pour l'extension 6147") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:04] VERBOSE[11654] app_verbose.c: Appel pour l'extension 6147 [Sep 3 14:45:04] VERBOSE[11654] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@international:2] Gosub("SIP/6136-000000e9", "appel-recu,6147,1(6147)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:04] VERBOSE[11654] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:1] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000e9", "1,Appel du poste 6147 par le 6136") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:04] VERBOSE[11654] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6147 par le 6136 [Sep 3 14:45:04] VERBOSE[11654] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000e9", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:04] VERBOSE[11654] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6147,5) [Sep 3 14:45:04] VERBOSE[11654] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:5] Set("SIP/6136-000000e9", "appelé=6147") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:04] VERBOSE[11654] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:6] Set("SIP/6136-000000e9", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:04] VERBOSE[11654] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000e9", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:04] VERBOSE[11654] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6147,18) [Sep 3 14:45:04] VERBOSE[11654] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:18] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000e9", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:04] VERBOSE[11654] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:45:04] VERBOSE[11654] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("SIP/6136-000000e9", "SIP/6147") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:05] VERBOSE[11654] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:45:05] VERBOSE[11654] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000e9", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:05] VERBOSE[11654] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:21] Set("SIP/6136-000000e9", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:05] VERBOSE[11654] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:22] NoOp("SIP/6136-000000e9", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:05] VERBOSE[11654] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000e9", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:05] VERBOSE[11654] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6147,30) [Sep 3 14:45:05] VERBOSE[11654] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:30] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000e9", "Appel de 6147/6147 par 6136") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:05] VERBOSE[11654] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6147/6147 par 6136 [Sep 3 14:45:05] VERBOSE[11654] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:31] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000e9", "Appels en cours pour 6147 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:05] VERBOSE[11654] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6147 : 0 [Sep 3 14:45:05] VERBOSE[11654] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000e9", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:05] VERBOSE[11654] pbx.c: -- Executing [6147@appel-recu:33] Dial("SIP/6136-000000e9", "SIP/6147,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:05] VERBOSE[11654] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:45:05] VERBOSE[11654] app_dial.c: -- Called 6147 [Sep 3 14:45:05] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:45:05] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:45:05] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:45:05] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6158 [Sep 3 14:45:05] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:45:05] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:45:05] VERBOSE[11654] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6147-000000eb is ringing [Sep 3 14:45:11] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:45:11] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:45:11] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:45:11] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:45:11] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6147 [Sep 3 14:45:11] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:45:11] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:45:11] VERBOSE[11655] pbx.c: -- Executing [0265223@international:1] Gosub("SIP/6169-000000ec", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(265223)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:11] VERBOSE[11655] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("SIP/6169-000000ec", "Appel de 6169 pour 265223 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:11] VERBOSE[11655] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6169 pour 265223 par OPT [Sep 3 14:45:11] VERBOSE[11655] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("SIP/6169-000000ec", "CALLERID(num)=266169") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:11] VERBOSE[11655] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("SIP/6169-000000ec", "Dahdi/g1/265223,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:11] DEBUG[11655] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 1 [Sep 3 14:45:11] DEBUG[11655] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Yan ELMOUR NUM: 266169 [Sep 3 14:45:11] VERBOSE[11655] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:45:11] VERBOSE[11655] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/265223 [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[11655] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/265223-74 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6169-000000ec [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6160[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6160[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6160[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6160[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6147 [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6160[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6158 [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6160[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[11656] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6147@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6160-000000ed", "Interception du 6147") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[11656] app_verbose.c: Interception du 6147 [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[11656] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6147@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Set("SIP/6160-000000ed", "poste=6147") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[11656] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6147@nouvelle-caledonie:3] Set("SIP/6160-000000ed", "GLOBAL(PICKUPMARK)=6147") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[11656] pbx.c: == Setting global variable 'PICKUPMARK' to '6147' [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[11656] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6147@nouvelle-caledonie:4] Pickup("SIP/6160-000000ed", "6147@PICKUPMARK") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[11654] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6160-000000ed answered SIP/6136-000000e9 [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6158 [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/1, span 1 got hangup request, cause 17 [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[11655] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/265223-74 is busy [Sep 3 14:45:12] DEBUG[11655] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 1 [Sep 3 14:45:12] DEBUG[11655] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[11655] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/265223-74' [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[11655] app_dial.c: == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:1/0/0) [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[11655] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:4] Return("SIP/6169-000000ec", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[11655] pbx.c: -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/6169-000000ec' status is 'BUSY' [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6147 [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:45:12] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:45:31] VERBOSE[11654] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6147, 33) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6136-000000e9' [Sep 3 14:45:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6160[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:45:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6160[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:45:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6160[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:45:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6160[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6147 [Sep 3 14:45:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6160[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6158 [Sep 3 14:45:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6160[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:45:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:45:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:45:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6197 [Sep 3 14:45:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:45:31] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:45:35] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Received subscription for extension "6164" context "default" with Expire header less that 'minexpire' limit. Received "Expire: 60" min is 120 [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:45:35] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6197 [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@international:1] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000ee", "Appel pour l'extension 6164") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] app_verbose.c: Appel pour l'extension 6164 [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@international:2] Gosub("SIP/6136-000000ee", "appel-recu,6164,1(6164)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:1] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000ee", "1,Appel du poste 6164 par le 6136") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6164 par le 6136 [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000ee", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6164,5) [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:5] Set("SIP/6136-000000ee", "appelé=6164") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:6] Set("SIP/6136-000000ee", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000ee", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6164,18) [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:18] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000ee", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("SIP/6136-000000ee", "SIP/6164") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000ee", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:21] Set("SIP/6136-000000ee", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:22] NoOp("SIP/6136-000000ee", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000ee", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6164,30) [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:30] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000ee", "Appel de 6164/6164 par 6136") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6164/6164 par 6136 [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:31] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000ee", "Appels en cours pour 6164 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6164 : 0 [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000ee", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] pbx.c: -- Executing [6164@appel-recu:33] Dial("SIP/6136-000000ee", "SIP/6164,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6151 [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] app_dial.c: -- Called 6164 [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6155 [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6148 [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6142 [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6146 [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6231 [Sep 3 14:45:35] VERBOSE[11657] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6164-000000f0 is ringing [Sep 3 14:45:39] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6151 [Sep 3 14:45:39] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6155 [Sep 3 14:45:39] VERBOSE[11657] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6164-000000f0 answered SIP/6136-000000ee [Sep 3 14:45:39] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6148 [Sep 3 14:45:39] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6142 [Sep 3 14:45:39] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6146 [Sep 3 14:45:39] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6231 [Sep 3 14:45:49] VERBOSE[11457] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6149, 33) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/284685-52' [Sep 3 14:45:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6149[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6167 [Sep 3 14:45:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6149[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6195 [Sep 3 14:45:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6149[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6143 [Sep 3 14:45:49] DEBUG[11457] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 13 [Sep 3 14:45:49] DEBUG[11457] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:45:49] VERBOSE[11457] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/284685-52' [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:45:52] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6147 [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[11658] pbx.c: -- Executing [0265223@international:1] Gosub("SIP/6169-000000f1", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(265223)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[11658] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("SIP/6169-000000f1", "Appel de 6169 pour 265223 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[11658] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6169 pour 265223 par OPT [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[11658] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("SIP/6169-000000f1", "CALLERID(num)=266169") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[11658] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("SIP/6169-000000f1", "Dahdi/g1/265223,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:52] DEBUG[11658] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 1 [Sep 3 14:45:52] DEBUG[11658] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Yan ELMOUR NUM: 266169 [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[11658] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[11658] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/265223 [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6151 [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6155 [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[11657] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6164, 33) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6136-000000ee' [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6148 [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6142 [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6146 [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6164[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6231 [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6197 [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:45:52] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:45:53] VERBOSE[11658] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/265223-75 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6169-000000f1 [Sep 3 14:45:53] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/1, span 1 got hangup request, cause 17 [Sep 3 14:45:53] VERBOSE[11658] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/265223-75 is busy [Sep 3 14:45:53] DEBUG[11658] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 1 [Sep 3 14:45:53] DEBUG[11658] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:45:53] VERBOSE[11658] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/265223-75' [Sep 3 14:45:53] VERBOSE[11658] app_dial.c: == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:1/0/0) [Sep 3 14:45:53] VERBOSE[11658] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:4] Return("SIP/6169-000000f1", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:45:53] VERBOSE[11658] pbx.c: -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/6169-000000f1' status is 'BUSY' [Sep 3 14:45:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:45:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:45:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6147 [Sep 3 14:45:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:45:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:46:10] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6156 [Sep 3 14:46:10] VERBOSE[11548] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6153, 33) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/755735-67' [Sep 3 14:46:10] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6154 [Sep 3 14:46:10] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6152 [Sep 3 14:46:10] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6163 [Sep 3 14:46:10] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6159 [Sep 3 14:46:10] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6153[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6144 [Sep 3 14:46:10] DEBUG[11548] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 11 [Sep 3 14:46:10] DEBUG[11548] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:46:10] VERBOSE[11548] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/755735-67' [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '285912' to '6172' on channel 0/7, span 1 [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/285912-76", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 285912 pour le 6172") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 285912 pour le 6172 [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/285912-76", "CALLERID(num)=0285912") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/285912-76", "appel-recu,6172,1(6172)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/285912-76", "1,Appel du poste 6172 par le 0285912") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6172 par le 0285912 [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/285912-76", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6172,5) [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/285912-76", "appelé=6172") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/285912-76", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/285912-76", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6172,18) [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/285912-76", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/285912-76", "SIP/6172") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/285912-76", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/285912-76", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/285912-76", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/285912-76", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6172,30) [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/285912-76", "Appel de 6172/6172 par 0285912") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6172/6172 par 0285912 [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/285912-76", "Appels en cours pour 6172 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6172 : 0 [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/285912-76", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] pbx.c: -- Executing [6172@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/285912-76", "SIP/6172,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] app_dial.c: -- Called 6172 [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6170 [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6229 [Sep 3 14:46:30] VERBOSE[11664] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6172-000000f3 is ringing [Sep 3 14:46:33] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:46:33] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:46:33] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6170 [Sep 3 14:46:33] VERBOSE[11664] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6172-000000f3 answered DAHDI/i1/285912-76 [Sep 3 14:46:33] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:46:33] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6229 [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '281149' to '6238' on channel 0/8, span 1 [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/281149-77", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 281149 pour le 6238") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 281149 pour le 6238 [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/281149-77", "CALLERID(num)=0281149") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/281149-77", "appel-recu,6238,1(6238)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/281149-77", "1,Appel du poste 6238 par le 0281149") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6238 par le 0281149 [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/281149-77", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6238,5) [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/281149-77", "appelé=6238") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/281149-77", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/281149-77", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6238,18) [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/281149-77", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/281149-77", "SIP/6238") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/281149-77", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/281149-77", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/281149-77", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/281149-77", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6238,30) [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/281149-77", "Appel de 6238/6238 par 0281149") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6238/6238 par 0281149 [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/281149-77", "Appels en cours pour 6238 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6238 : 0 [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/281149-77", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] pbx.c: -- Executing [6238@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/281149-77", "SIP/6238,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6238[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6191 [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] app_dial.c: -- Called 6238 [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6238[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6135 [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6238[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6218 [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6238[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6238[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6138 [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6238-000000f5 is ringing [Sep 3 14:46:40] VERBOSE[11665] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6238-000000f5 is ringing [Sep 3 14:46:41] VERBOSE[11665] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6238-000000f5 is ringing [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11665] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6238-000000f5 is ringing [Sep 3 14:46:43] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Received subscription for extension "6195" context "default" with Expire header less that 'minexpire' limit. Received "Expire: 60" min is 120 [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:46:43] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6197 [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@international:1] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000f6", "Appel pour l'extension 6195") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] app_verbose.c: Appel pour l'extension 6195 [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@international:2] Gosub("SIP/6136-000000f6", "appel-recu,6195,1(6195)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:1] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000f6", "1,Appel du poste 6195 par le 6136") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6195 par le 6136 [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000f6", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6195,5) [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:5] Set("SIP/6136-000000f6", "appelé=6195") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:6] Set("SIP/6136-000000f6", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000f6", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6195,18) [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:18] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000f6", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("SIP/6136-000000f6", "SIP/6195") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000f6", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:21] Set("SIP/6136-000000f6", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:22] NoOp("SIP/6136-000000f6", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000f6", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6195,30) [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:30] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000f6", "Appel de 6195/6195 par 6136") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6195/6195 par 6136 [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:31] Verbose("SIP/6136-000000f6", "Appels en cours pour 6195 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6195 : 0 [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("SIP/6136-000000f6", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:33] Dial("SIP/6136-000000f6", "SIP/6195,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] app_dial.c: -- Called 6195 [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6167 [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6149 [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6143 [Sep 3 14:46:43] VERBOSE[11666] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6195-000000f8 is ringing [Sep 3 14:46:44] VERBOSE[11666] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6195-000000f8 is ringing [Sep 3 14:46:45] VERBOSE[11666] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6195-000000f8 is ringing [Sep 3 14:46:47] VERBOSE[11666] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6195-000000f8 is ringing [Sep 3 14:46:47] VERBOSE[11665] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6238-000000f5 is ringing [Sep 3 14:46:48] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6167 [Sep 3 14:46:48] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6149 [Sep 3 14:46:48] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6143 [Sep 3 14:46:48] VERBOSE[11666] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6195-000000f8 answered SIP/6136-000000f6 [Sep 3 14:46:50] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:46:50] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:46:50] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6191 [Sep 3 14:46:50] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6135 [Sep 3 14:46:50] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:46:50] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6238 [Sep 3 14:46:50] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6138 [Sep 3 14:46:50] VERBOSE[11667] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6238@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6218-000000f9", "Interception du 6238") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:50] VERBOSE[11667] app_verbose.c: Interception du 6238 [Sep 3 14:46:50] VERBOSE[11667] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6238@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Set("SIP/6218-000000f9", "poste=6238") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:50] VERBOSE[11667] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6238@nouvelle-caledonie:3] Set("SIP/6218-000000f9", "GLOBAL(PICKUPMARK)=6238") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:50] VERBOSE[11667] pbx.c: == Setting global variable 'PICKUPMARK' to '6238' [Sep 3 14:46:50] VERBOSE[11667] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6238@nouvelle-caledonie:4] Pickup("SIP/6218-000000f9", "6238@PICKUPMARK") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:50] VERBOSE[11667] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6238@nouvelle-caledonie:5] Hangup("SIP/6218-000000f9", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:50] VERBOSE[11667] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (nouvelle-caledonie, **6238, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6218-000000f9' [Sep 3 14:46:50] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6238[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6191 [Sep 3 14:46:50] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6238[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6135 [Sep 3 14:46:50] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6238[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6218 [Sep 3 14:46:50] VERBOSE[11665] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6218-000000f9 answered DAHDI/i1/281149-77 [Sep 3 14:46:50] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6238[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:46:50] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6238[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6138 [Sep 3 14:46:52] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:46:52] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:46:52] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:46:52] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:46:52] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6147 [Sep 3 14:46:52] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:46:52] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:46:52] VERBOSE[11668] pbx.c: -- Executing [0265223@international:1] Gosub("SIP/6169-000000fa", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(265223)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:52] VERBOSE[11668] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("SIP/6169-000000fa", "Appel de 6169 pour 265223 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:52] VERBOSE[11668] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6169 pour 265223 par OPT [Sep 3 14:46:52] VERBOSE[11668] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("SIP/6169-000000fa", "CALLERID(num)=266169") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:52] VERBOSE[11668] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("SIP/6169-000000fa", "Dahdi/g1/265223,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:52] DEBUG[11668] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 1 [Sep 3 14:46:52] DEBUG[11668] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Yan ELMOUR NUM: 266169 [Sep 3 14:46:52] VERBOSE[11668] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:46:52] VERBOSE[11668] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/265223 [Sep 3 14:46:53] VERBOSE[11668] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/265223-78 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6169-000000fa [Sep 3 14:46:53] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/1, span 1 got hangup request, cause 17 [Sep 3 14:46:53] VERBOSE[11668] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/265223-78 is busy [Sep 3 14:46:53] DEBUG[11668] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 1 [Sep 3 14:46:53] DEBUG[11668] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:46:53] VERBOSE[11668] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/265223-78' [Sep 3 14:46:53] VERBOSE[11668] app_dial.c: == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:1/0/0) [Sep 3 14:46:53] VERBOSE[11668] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:4] Return("SIP/6169-000000fa", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:46:53] VERBOSE[11668] pbx.c: -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/6169-000000fa' status is 'BUSY' [Sep 3 14:46:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:46:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:46:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6147 [Sep 3 14:46:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:46:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:47:08] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:47:08] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:47:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:47:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:47:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6147 [Sep 3 14:47:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:47:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6169[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:47:08] VERBOSE[11674] pbx.c: -- Executing [0265223@international:1] Gosub("SIP/6169-000000fb", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(265223)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:08] VERBOSE[11674] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("SIP/6169-000000fb", "Appel de 6169 pour 265223 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:08] VERBOSE[11674] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6169 pour 265223 par OPT [Sep 3 14:47:08] VERBOSE[11674] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("SIP/6169-000000fb", "CALLERID(num)=266169") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:08] VERBOSE[11674] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("SIP/6169-000000fb", "Dahdi/g1/265223,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:08] DEBUG[11674] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 1 [Sep 3 14:47:08] DEBUG[11674] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Yan ELMOUR NUM: 266169 [Sep 3 14:47:08] VERBOSE[11674] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:47:08] VERBOSE[11674] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/265223 [Sep 3 14:47:09] VERBOSE[11674] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/265223-79 is proceeding passing it to SIP/6169-000000fb [Sep 3 14:47:09] VERBOSE[11674] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/265223-79 is ringing [Sep 3 14:47:11] VERBOSE[11674] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/265223-79 answered SIP/6169-000000fb [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[10946] chan_iax2.c: -- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from > requested format = alaw, > requested prefs = (), > actual format = alaw, > host prefs = (alaw|gsm), > priority = mine [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@entrant-dundi:1] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-1670", "Appel reçu de l'autre site depuis le 0451099 pour le 6195") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'autre site depuis le 0451099 pour le 6195 [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@entrant-dundi:2] Gosub("IAX2/priv5-1670", "appel-recu,6195,1(6195)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:1] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-1670", "1,Appel du poste 6195 par le 0451099") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6195 par le 0451099 [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-1670", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6195,5) [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:5] Set("IAX2/priv5-1670", "appelé=6195") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:6] Set("IAX2/priv5-1670", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-1670", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6195,18) [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:18] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-1670", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("IAX2/priv5-1670", "SIP/6195") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-1670", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:21] Set("IAX2/priv5-1670", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:22] NoOp("IAX2/priv5-1670", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-1670", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6195,30) [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:30] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-1670", "Appel de 6195/6195 par 0451099") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6195/6195 par 0451099 [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:31] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-1670", "Appels en cours pour 6195 : 1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6195 : 1 [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-1670", "1?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6195,38) [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] pbx.c: -- Executing [6195@appel-recu:38] VoiceMail("IAX2/priv5-1670", "6195@default,b") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:12] VERBOSE[11676] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-theperson.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:47:14] VERBOSE[11676] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/6.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:47:14] VERBOSE[11676] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:47:15] VERBOSE[11676] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/9.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:47:15] VERBOSE[11676] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/5.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:47:16] VERBOSE[11676] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-isonphone.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:47:16] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:47:16] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:47:16] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:47:16] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:47:16] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6147 [Sep 3 14:47:16] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:47:16] VERBOSE[11677] pbx.c: -- Executing [0253601@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Gosub("SIP/6162-000000fd", "appeler-par-opt,s,1(253601)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:16] VERBOSE[11677] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:1] Verbose("SIP/6162-000000fd", "Appel de 6162 pour 253601 par OPT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:16] VERBOSE[11677] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6162 pour 253601 par OPT [Sep 3 14:47:16] VERBOSE[11677] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:2] Set("SIP/6162-000000fd", "CALLERID(num)=266162") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:16] VERBOSE[11677] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@appeler-par-opt:3] Dial("SIP/6162-000000fd", "Dahdi/g1/253601,120,tT") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:16] DEBUG[11677] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_request 2 [Sep 3 14:47:16] DEBUG[11677] sig_pri.c: CALLER NAME: Olivia CRESPEL NUM: 266162 [Sep 3 14:47:16] VERBOSE[11677] sig_pri.c: -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH [Sep 3 14:47:16] VERBOSE[11677] app_dial.c: -- Called g1/253601 [Sep 3 14:47:16] VERBOSE[11677] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/253601-7a is proceeding passing it to SIP/6162-000000fd [Sep 3 14:47:17] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/12, span 1 got hangup request, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:47:17] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:47:17] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:47:17] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:47:17] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6136 [Sep 3 14:47:17] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6103 [Sep 3 14:47:17] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6197[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:47:17] VERBOSE[11556] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6197, 33) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/445287-68' [Sep 3 14:47:17] DEBUG[11556] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 12 [Sep 3 14:47:17] DEBUG[11556] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:47:17] VERBOSE[11556] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/445287-68' [Sep 3 14:47:17] VERBOSE[11677] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/253601-7a is ringing [Sep 3 14:47:17] VERBOSE[11676] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-intro.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:47:18] VERBOSE[11677] app_dial.c: -- DAHDI/i1/253601-7a answered SIP/6162-000000fd [Sep 3 14:47:22] VERBOSE[11676] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6195, 38) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/priv5-1670' [Sep 3 14:47:22] VERBOSE[11676] chan_iax2.c: -- Hungup 'IAX2/priv5-1670' [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '451099' to '6230' on channel 0/9, span 1 [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6230@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 451099 pour le 6230") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 451099 pour le 6230 [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6230@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "CALLERID(num)=0451099") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6230@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "appel-recu,6230,1(6230)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6230@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "1,Appel du poste 6230 par le 0451099") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6230 par le 0451099 [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6230@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6230,5) [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6230@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "appelé=6230") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6230@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6230@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6230,18) [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6230@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6230@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "SIP/6230") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6230@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6230@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6230@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6230@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6230,30) [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6230@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "Appel de 6230/6230 par 0451099") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6230/6230 par 0451099 [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6230@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "Appels en cours pour 6230 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6230 : 0 [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6230@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6230@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "SIP/6230,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] app_dial.c: -- Called 6230 [Sep 3 14:47:35] VERBOSE[11678] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6230-000000ff is ringing [Sep 3 14:47:38] VERBOSE[11678] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6230-000000ff answered DAHDI/i1/451099-7b [Sep 3 14:47:43] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:47:44] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6167 [Sep 3 14:47:44] VERBOSE[11666] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6195, 33) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6136-000000f6' [Sep 3 14:47:44] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6149 [Sep 3 14:47:44] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6195[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6143 [Sep 3 14:47:44] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:47:44] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:47:44] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6197 [Sep 3 14:47:44] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:47:44] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:47:47] VERBOSE[11678] res_musiconhold.c: -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on DAHDI/i1/451099-7b [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] res_musiconhold.c: -- Stopped music on hold on DAHDI/i1/451099-7b [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (nouvelle-caledonie, 6149, 1) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/451099-7b' [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "Appel pour l'extension 6149") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] app_verbose.c: Appel pour l'extension 6149 [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "appel-recu,6149,1(6149)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "1,Appel du poste 6149 par le 0451099") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6149 par le 0451099 [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6149,5) [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "appelé=6149") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6149,18) [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "SIP/6149") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6149,30) [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "Appel de 6149/6149 par 0451099") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6149/6149 par 0451099 [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "Appels en cours pour 6149 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6149 : 0 [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] pbx.c: -- Executing [6149@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/451099-7b", "SIP/6149,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] app_dial.c: -- Called 6149 [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6149[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6167 [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6149[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6195 [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6149[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6143 [Sep 3 14:47:49] VERBOSE[11678] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6149-00000101 is ringing [Sep 3 14:47:50] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:47:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6149[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6167 [Sep 3 14:47:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6149[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6195 [Sep 3 14:47:53] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6149[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6143 [Sep 3 14:47:53] VERBOSE[11678] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6149-00000101 answered DAHDI/i1/451099-7b [Sep 3 14:47:56] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6191 [Sep 3 14:47:56] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6218 [Sep 3 14:47:56] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:47:56] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6238 [Sep 3 14:47:56] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6135[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6138 [Sep 3 14:47:56] VERBOSE[11643] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6135, 33) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/410100-72' [Sep 3 14:47:56] DEBUG[11643] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 5 [Sep 3 14:47:56] DEBUG[11643] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:47:56] VERBOSE[11643] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/410100-72' [Sep 3 14:48:08] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[10941] chan_iax2.c: -- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from > requested format = alaw, > requested prefs = (), > actual format = alaw, > host prefs = (alaw|gsm), > priority = mine [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@entrant-dundi:1] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-4630", "Appel reçu de l'autre site depuis le 6285 pour le 6141") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'autre site depuis le 6285 pour le 6141 [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@entrant-dundi:2] Gosub("IAX2/priv5-4630", "appel-recu,6141,1(6141)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:1] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-4630", "1,Appel du poste 6141 par le 6285") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6141 par le 6285 [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-4630", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6141,5) [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:5] Set("IAX2/priv5-4630", "appelé=6141") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:6] Set("IAX2/priv5-4630", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-4630", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6141,18) [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:18] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-4630", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("IAX2/priv5-4630", "SIP/6141") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-4630", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:21] Set("IAX2/priv5-4630", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:22] NoOp("IAX2/priv5-4630", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-4630", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6141,30) [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:30] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-4630", "Appel de 6141/6141 par 6285") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6141/6141 par 6285 [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:31] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-4630", "Appels en cours pour 6141 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6141 : 0 [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-4630", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:33] Dial("IAX2/priv5-4630", "SIP/6141,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6185 [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] app_dial.c: -- Called 6141 [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6186 [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6124 [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6192 [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: -- Got SIP response 486 "Busy" back from [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6141-00000103 is busy [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6185 (queued) [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6186 (queued) [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6124 (queued) [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6192 (queued) [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] app_dial.c: == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:1/0/0) [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:34] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-4630", "1?busy:unavail") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6141,38) [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: -- Executing [6141@appel-recu:38] VoiceMail("IAX2/priv5-4630", "6141@default,b") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6185 [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6192 [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6124 [Sep 3 14:48:14] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6186 [Sep 3 14:48:15] VERBOSE[11685] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-theperson.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:48:16] VERBOSE[11685] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/6.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:48:17] VERBOSE[11685] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:48:17] VERBOSE[11685] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/4.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11685] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11685] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-isonphone.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6185 [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6186 [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6124 [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6192 [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] pbx.c: -- Executing [6151@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6141-00000104", "Appel pour l'extension 6151") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] app_verbose.c: Appel pour l'extension 6151 [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] pbx.c: -- Executing [6151@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Gosub("SIP/6141-00000104", "appel-recu,6151,1(6151)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] pbx.c: -- Executing [6151@appel-recu:1] Verbose("SIP/6141-00000104", "1,Appel du poste 6151 par le 6141") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6151 par le 6141 [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] pbx.c: -- Executing [6151@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("SIP/6141-00000104", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6151,5) [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] pbx.c: -- Executing [6151@appel-recu:5] Set("SIP/6141-00000104", "appelé=6151") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] pbx.c: -- Executing [6151@appel-recu:6] Set("SIP/6141-00000104", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] pbx.c: -- Executing [6151@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("SIP/6141-00000104", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6151,18) [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] pbx.c: -- Executing [6151@appel-recu:18] Verbose("SIP/6141-00000104", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] pbx.c: -- Executing [6151@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("SIP/6141-00000104", "SIP/6151") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] pbx.c: -- Executing [6151@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("SIP/6141-00000104", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] pbx.c: -- Executing [6151@appel-recu:21] Set("SIP/6141-00000104", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] pbx.c: -- Executing [6151@appel-recu:22] NoOp("SIP/6141-00000104", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] pbx.c: -- Executing [6151@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("SIP/6141-00000104", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6151,30) [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] pbx.c: -- Executing [6151@appel-recu:30] Verbose("SIP/6141-00000104", "Appel de 6151/6151 par 6141") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6151/6151 par 6141 [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] pbx.c: -- Executing [6151@appel-recu:31] Verbose("SIP/6141-00000104", "Appels en cours pour 6151 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6151 : 0 [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] pbx.c: -- Executing [6151@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("SIP/6141-00000104", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] pbx.c: -- Executing [6151@appel-recu:33] Dial("SIP/6141-00000104", "SIP/6151,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6151[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6155 [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6151[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6148 [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6151[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6164 [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6151[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6142 [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6151[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6146 [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6151[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6231 [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] app_dial.c: -- Called 6151 [Sep 3 14:48:18] VERBOSE[11686] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6151-00000106 is ringing [Sep 3 14:48:19] VERBOSE[11685] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-intro.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:48:21] VERBOSE[11685] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6141, 38) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/priv5-4630' [Sep 3 14:48:21] VERBOSE[11685] chan_iax2.c: -- Hungup 'IAX2/priv5-4630' [Sep 3 14:48:22] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:48:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6142[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6151 [Sep 3 14:48:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6142[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6155 [Sep 3 14:48:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6142[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6148 [Sep 3 14:48:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6142[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6164 [Sep 3 14:48:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6142[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6146 [Sep 3 14:48:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6142[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6231 [Sep 3 14:48:22] VERBOSE[11687] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6151@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6142-00000107", "Interception du 6151") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:22] VERBOSE[11687] app_verbose.c: Interception du 6151 [Sep 3 14:48:22] VERBOSE[11687] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6151@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Set("SIP/6142-00000107", "poste=6151") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:22] VERBOSE[11687] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6151@nouvelle-caledonie:3] Set("SIP/6142-00000107", "GLOBAL(PICKUPMARK)=6151") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:22] VERBOSE[11687] pbx.c: == Setting global variable 'PICKUPMARK' to '6151' [Sep 3 14:48:22] VERBOSE[11687] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6151@nouvelle-caledonie:4] Pickup("SIP/6142-00000107", "6151@PICKUPMARK") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6151[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6155 [Sep 3 14:48:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6151[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6148 [Sep 3 14:48:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6151[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6164 [Sep 3 14:48:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6151[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6142 [Sep 3 14:48:22] VERBOSE[11686] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6142-00000107 answered SIP/6141-00000104 [Sep 3 14:48:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6151[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6146 [Sep 3 14:48:22] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6151[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6231 [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6156[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6152 [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6156[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6154 [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6156[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6163 [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6156[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6159 [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6156[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6153 [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6156[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6144 [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6156-00000108", "Appel pour l'extension 6136") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] app_verbose.c: Appel pour l'extension 6136 [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Gosub("SIP/6156-00000108", "appel-recu,6136,1(6136)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:1] Verbose("SIP/6156-00000108", "1,Appel du poste 6136 par le 6156") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6136 par le 6156 [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("SIP/6156-00000108", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6136,5) [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:5] Set("SIP/6156-00000108", "appelé=6136") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:6] Set("SIP/6156-00000108", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("SIP/6156-00000108", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6136,18) [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:18] Verbose("SIP/6156-00000108", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("SIP/6156-00000108", "SIP/6136") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("SIP/6156-00000108", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:21] Set("SIP/6156-00000108", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:22] NoOp("SIP/6156-00000108", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("SIP/6156-00000108", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6136,30) [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:30] Verbose("SIP/6156-00000108", "Appel de 6136/6136 par 6156") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6136/6136 par 6156 [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:31] Verbose("SIP/6156-00000108", "Appels en cours pour 6136 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6136 : 0 [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("SIP/6156-00000108", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] pbx.c: -- Executing [6136@appel-recu:33] Dial("SIP/6156-00000108", "SIP/6136,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] app_dial.c: -- Called 6136 [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6197 [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6136-0000010a is ringing [Sep 3 14:48:24] VERBOSE[11688] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6136-0000010a is ringing [Sep 3 14:48:25] VERBOSE[11688] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6136-0000010a is ringing [Sep 3 14:48:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:48:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:48:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6197 [Sep 3 14:48:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:48:27] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:48:27] VERBOSE[11688] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6136-0000010a answered SIP/6156-00000108 [Sep 3 14:48:30] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6257 [Sep 3 14:48:30] VERBOSE[11664] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6172, 33) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/285912-76' [Sep 3 14:48:30] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6179 [Sep 3 14:48:30] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6170 [Sep 3 14:48:30] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6176 [Sep 3 14:48:30] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6172[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6229 [Sep 3 14:48:30] DEBUG[11664] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 7 [Sep 3 14:48:30] DEBUG[11664] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:48:30] VERBOSE[11664] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/285912-76' [Sep 3 14:48:50] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:49:04] VERBOSE[11694] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:49:04] VERBOSE[11694] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:49:04] VERBOSE[11695] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:49:04] VERBOSE[11695] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:49:05] VERBOSE[11696] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:49:05] VERBOSE[11696] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:49:05] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/8, span 1 got hangup request, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:49:05] VERBOSE[11665] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6238, 33) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/281149-77' [Sep 3 14:49:05] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6191 [Sep 3 14:49:05] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6135 [Sep 3 14:49:05] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6294 [Sep 3 14:49:05] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6238 [Sep 3 14:49:05] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6218[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6138 [Sep 3 14:49:05] DEBUG[11665] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 8 [Sep 3 14:49:05] DEBUG[11665] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:49:05] VERBOSE[11665] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/281149-77' [Sep 3 14:49:06] VERBOSE[11697] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:49:06] VERBOSE[11697] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:49:06] VERBOSE[11698] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:49:06] VERBOSE[11698] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:49:06] VERBOSE[11699] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:49:06] VERBOSE[11699] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:49:06] VERBOSE[11700] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:49:06] VERBOSE[11700] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:49:06] VERBOSE[11701] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:49:06] VERBOSE[11701] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:49:06] VERBOSE[11702] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:49:06] VERBOSE[11702] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:49:06] VERBOSE[11703] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:49:06] VERBOSE[11703] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:49:06] VERBOSE[11704] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:49:06] VERBOSE[11704] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:49:07] VERBOSE[11705] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:49:07] VERBOSE[11705] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:49:08] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:49:13] DEBUG[11677] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 2 [Sep 3 14:49:13] DEBUG[11677] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:49:13] VERBOSE[11677] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/253601-7a' [Sep 3 14:49:13] VERBOSE[11677] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appeler-par-opt, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6162-000000fd' [Sep 3 14:49:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:49:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:49:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:49:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6147 [Sep 3 14:49:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6162[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:49:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6142[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6151 [Sep 3 14:49:21] VERBOSE[11686] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6151, 33) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6141-00000104' [Sep 3 14:49:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6142[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6155 [Sep 3 14:49:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6142[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6148 [Sep 3 14:49:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6142[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6164 [Sep 3 14:49:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6142[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6146 [Sep 3 14:49:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6142[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6231 [Sep 3 14:49:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6185 [Sep 3 14:49:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6186 [Sep 3 14:49:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6124 [Sep 3 14:49:21] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6141[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6192 [Sep 3 14:50:08] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:50:14] ERROR[10930] chan_sip.c: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session. [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6199 [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6150 [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6117 [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6188 [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6223 [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6157 [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[11711] pbx.c: -- Executing [6242@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6190-0000010b", "Appel pour l'extension 6242") in new stack [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[11711] app_verbose.c: Appel pour l'extension 6242 [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[11711] pbx.c: -- Executing [6242@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Gosub("SIP/6190-0000010b", "appel-recu,6242,1(6242)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[11711] pbx.c: -- Executing [6242@appel-recu:1] Verbose("SIP/6190-0000010b", "1,Appel du poste 6242 par le 6190") in new stack [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[11711] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6242 par le 6190 [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[11711] pbx.c: -- Executing [6242@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("SIP/6190-0000010b", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[11711] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6242,5) [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[11711] pbx.c: -- Executing [6242@appel-recu:5] Set("SIP/6190-0000010b", "appelé=6242") in new stack [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[11711] pbx.c: -- Executing [6242@appel-recu:6] Set("SIP/6190-0000010b", "poste_inscrit=0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[11711] pbx.c: -- Executing [6242@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("SIP/6190-0000010b", "0?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[11711] pbx.c: -- Executing [6242@appel-recu:8] Verbose("SIP/6190-0000010b", "Recherche par DUNDi du 6242") in new stack [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[11711] app_verbose.c: Recherche par DUNDi du 6242 [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[11711] pbx.c: -- Executing [6242@appel-recu:9] Set("SIP/6190-0000010b", "device=IAX2/priv5:DBu6OttqOkYTjvIyjua9Ow==@") in new stack [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[11711] pbx.c: -- Executing [6242@appel-recu:10] Verbose("SIP/6190-0000010b", "Dundi device: IAX2/priv5:DBu6OttqOkYTjvIyjua9Ow==@ a pour longueur 52") in new stack [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[11711] app_verbose.c: Dundi device: IAX2/priv5:DBu6OttqOkYTjvIyjua9Ow==@ a pour longueur 52 [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[11711] pbx.c: -- Executing [6242@appel-recu:11] GotoIf("SIP/6190-0000010b", "52?:opt") in new stack [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[11711] pbx.c: -- Executing [6242@appel-recu:12] Verbose("SIP/6190-0000010b", "Appel du 6242 par DUNDi") in new stack [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[11711] app_verbose.c: Appel du 6242 par DUNDi [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[11711] pbx.c: -- Executing [6242@appel-recu:13] Dial("SIP/6190-0000010b", "IAX2/priv5:DBu6OttqOkYTjvIyjua9Ow==@") in new stack [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[11711] app_dial.c: -- Called priv5:DBu6OttqOkYTjvIyjua9Ow==@ [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[10941] chan_iax2.c: -- Call accepted by (format alaw) [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[10941] chan_iax2.c: -- Format for call is alaw [Sep 3 14:50:14] VERBOSE[11711] app_dial.c: -- IAX2/priv5-3505 is ringing [Sep 3 14:50:33] VERBOSE[11711] app_dial.c: -- IAX2/priv5-3505 answered SIP/6190-0000010b [Sep 3 14:51:08] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:51:09] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6104 [Sep 3 14:51:09] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6132 [Sep 3 14:51:09] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6197 [Sep 3 14:51:09] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6111 [Sep 3 14:51:09] VERBOSE[11688] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6136, 33) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6156-00000108' [Sep 3 14:51:09] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6136[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6133 [Sep 3 14:51:09] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6156[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6152 [Sep 3 14:51:09] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6156[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6154 [Sep 3 14:51:09] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6156[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6163 [Sep 3 14:51:09] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6156[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6159 [Sep 3 14:51:09] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6156[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6153 [Sep 3 14:51:09] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6156[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6144 [Sep 3 14:51:14] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '956949' to '6108' on channel 0/10, span 1 [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/956949-7c", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 956949 pour le 6108") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 956949 pour le 6108 [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/956949-7c", "CALLERID(num)=0956949") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/956949-7c", "appel-recu,6108,1(6108)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/956949-7c", "1,Appel du poste 6108 par le 0956949") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6108 par le 0956949 [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/956949-7c", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6108,5) [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/956949-7c", "appelé=6108") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/956949-7c", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/956949-7c", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6108,18) [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/956949-7c", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/956949-7c", "SIP/6108") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/956949-7c", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/956949-7c", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/956949-7c", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/956949-7c", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6108,30) [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/956949-7c", "Appel de 6108/6108 par 0956949") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6108/6108 par 0956949 [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/956949-7c", "Appels en cours pour 6108 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6108 : 0 [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/956949-7c", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/956949-7c", "SIP/6108,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] app_dial.c: -- Called 6108 [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:51:43] VERBOSE[11717] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6108-0000010d is ringing [Sep 3 14:51:47] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/10, span 1 got hangup, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:51:47] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:51:47] VERBOSE[11717] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6108, 33) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/956949-7c' [Sep 3 14:51:47] DEBUG[11717] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 10 [Sep 3 14:51:47] DEBUG[11717] sig_pri.c: Already hungup... Calling hangup once, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:51:47] VERBOSE[11717] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/956949-7c' [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6190 [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6199 [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6150 [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6117 [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6188 [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6157 [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6223-0000010e", "Appel pour l'extension 6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] app_verbose.c: Appel pour l'extension 6107 [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Gosub("SIP/6223-0000010e", "appel-recu,6107,1(6107)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:1] Verbose("SIP/6223-0000010e", "1,Appel du poste 6107 par le 6223") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6107 par le 6223 [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("SIP/6223-0000010e", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,5) [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:5] Set("SIP/6223-0000010e", "appelé=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:6] Set("SIP/6223-0000010e", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("SIP/6223-0000010e", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,18) [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:18] Verbose("SIP/6223-0000010e", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("SIP/6223-0000010e", "SIP/6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("SIP/6223-0000010e", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:21] Set("SIP/6223-0000010e", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:22] NoOp("SIP/6223-0000010e", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("SIP/6223-0000010e", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,30) [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:30] Verbose("SIP/6223-0000010e", "Appel de 6107/6107 par 6223") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6107/6107 par 6223 [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:31] Verbose("SIP/6223-0000010e", "Appels en cours pour 6107 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6107 : 0 [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("SIP/6223-0000010e", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:33] Dial("SIP/6223-0000010e", "SIP/6107,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[11718] app_dial.c: -- Called 6107 [Sep 3 14:51:57] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6107[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6114 [Sep 3 14:51:58] VERBOSE[11718] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-00000110 is ringing [Sep 3 14:51:58] VERBOSE[11718] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-00000110 is ringing [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11718] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-00000110 is ringing [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[10941] chan_iax2.c: -- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from > requested format = alaw, > requested prefs = (), > actual format = alaw, > host prefs = (alaw|gsm), > priority = mine [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@entrant-dundi:1] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-3645", "Appel reçu de l'autre site depuis le 6261 pour le 6108") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'autre site depuis le 6261 pour le 6108 [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@entrant-dundi:2] Gosub("IAX2/priv5-3645", "appel-recu,6108,1(6108)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:1] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-3645", "1,Appel du poste 6108 par le 6261") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6108 par le 6261 [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-3645", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6108,5) [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:5] Set("IAX2/priv5-3645", "appelé=6108") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:6] Set("IAX2/priv5-3645", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-3645", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6108,18) [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:18] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-3645", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("IAX2/priv5-3645", "SIP/6108") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-3645", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:21] Set("IAX2/priv5-3645", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:22] NoOp("IAX2/priv5-3645", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-3645", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6108,30) [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:30] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-3645", "Appel de 6108/6108 par 6261") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6108/6108 par 6261 [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:31] Verbose("IAX2/priv5-3645", "Appels en cours pour 6108 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6108 : 0 [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-3645", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:33] Dial("IAX2/priv5-3645", "SIP/6108,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] app_dial.c: -- Called 6108 [Sep 3 14:51:59] VERBOSE[11720] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6108-00000112 is ringing [Sep 3 14:52:01] VERBOSE[11718] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-00000110 is ringing [Sep 3 14:52:02] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:52:02] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6114[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6189 [Sep 3 14:52:02] VERBOSE[11726] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6114-00000113", "Interception du 6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:52:02] VERBOSE[11726] app_verbose.c: Interception du 6107 [Sep 3 14:52:02] VERBOSE[11726] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Set("SIP/6114-00000113", "poste=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:52:02] VERBOSE[11726] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:3] Set("SIP/6114-00000113", "GLOBAL(PICKUPMARK)=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:52:02] VERBOSE[11726] pbx.c: == Setting global variable 'PICKUPMARK' to '6107' [Sep 3 14:52:02] VERBOSE[11726] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:4] Pickup("SIP/6114-00000113", "6107@PICKUPMARK") in new stack [Sep 3 14:52:02] VERBOSE[11726] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:5] Hangup("SIP/6114-00000113", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:52:02] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6107[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6114 [Sep 3 14:52:02] VERBOSE[11726] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (nouvelle-caledonie, **6107, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6107-00000110' [Sep 3 14:52:02] VERBOSE[11718] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6114-00000113 answered SIP/6223-0000010e [Sep 3 14:52:08] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:52:14] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:52:19] VERBOSE[11720] app_dial.c: -- Nobody picked up in 20000 ms [Sep 3 14:52:19] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:52:19] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:34] GotoIf("IAX2/priv5-3645", "0?busy:unavail") in new stack [Sep 3 14:52:19] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6108,36) [Sep 3 14:52:19] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:36] VoiceMail("IAX2/priv5-3645", "6108@default,u") in new stack [Sep 3 14:52:19] VERBOSE[11720] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-theperson.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:52:21] VERBOSE[11720] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/6.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:52:21] VERBOSE[11720] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:52:22] VERBOSE[11720] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/0.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:52:22] VERBOSE[11720] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/8.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:52:23] VERBOSE[11720] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-isunavail.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:52:24] VERBOSE[11720] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-intro.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:52:31] VERBOSE[11720] file.c: -- Playing 'beep.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:52:31] VERBOSE[11720] app_voicemail.c: -- Recording the message [Sep 3 14:52:31] VERBOSE[11720] app.c: -- x=0, open writing: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/6108/tmp/Rt3F5l format: wav49, 0xe59a60 [Sep 3 14:52:31] VERBOSE[11720] app.c: -- x=1, open writing: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/6108/tmp/Rt3F5l format: gsm, 0xc00270 [Sep 3 14:52:31] VERBOSE[11720] app.c: -- x=2, open writing: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/6108/tmp/Rt3F5l format: wav, 0xddc870 [Sep 3 14:52:53] VERBOSE[11720] app.c: -- User hung up [Sep 3 14:52:53] VERBOSE[11720] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6108, 36) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/priv5-3645' [Sep 3 14:52:53] VERBOSE[11720] chan_iax2.c: -- Hungup 'IAX2/priv5-3645' [Sep 3 14:53:06] VERBOSE[11718] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6107, 33) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6223-0000010e' [Sep 3 14:53:06] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6114[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6189 [Sep 3 14:53:06] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6190 [Sep 3 14:53:06] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6199 [Sep 3 14:53:06] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6150 [Sep 3 14:53:06] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6117 [Sep 3 14:53:06] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6188 [Sep 3 14:53:06] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6157 [Sep 3 14:53:08] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:53:14] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6190 [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6199 [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6150 [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6117 [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6188 [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6157 [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6223-00000114", "Appel pour l'extension 6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] app_verbose.c: Appel pour l'extension 6107 [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Gosub("SIP/6223-00000114", "appel-recu,6107,1(6107)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:1] Verbose("SIP/6223-00000114", "1,Appel du poste 6107 par le 6223") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6107 par le 6223 [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("SIP/6223-00000114", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,5) [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:5] Set("SIP/6223-00000114", "appelé=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:6] Set("SIP/6223-00000114", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("SIP/6223-00000114", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,18) [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:18] Verbose("SIP/6223-00000114", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("SIP/6223-00000114", "SIP/6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("SIP/6223-00000114", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:21] Set("SIP/6223-00000114", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:22] NoOp("SIP/6223-00000114", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("SIP/6223-00000114", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,30) [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:30] Verbose("SIP/6223-00000114", "Appel de 6107/6107 par 6223") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6107/6107 par 6223 [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:31] Verbose("SIP/6223-00000114", "Appels en cours pour 6107 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6107 : 0 [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("SIP/6223-00000114", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:33] Dial("SIP/6223-00000114", "SIP/6107,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[11740] app_dial.c: -- Called 6107 [Sep 3 14:53:40] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6107[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6114 [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '413252' to '6108' on channel 0/11, span 1 [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413252-7d", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 413252 pour le 6108") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 413252 pour le 6108 [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/413252-7d", "CALLERID(num)=0413252") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/413252-7d", "appel-recu,6108,1(6108)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413252-7d", "1,Appel du poste 6108 par le 0413252") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6108 par le 0413252 [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413252-7d", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6108,5) [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/413252-7d", "appelé=6108") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/413252-7d", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413252-7d", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6108,18) [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413252-7d", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/413252-7d", "SIP/6108") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413252-7d", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/413252-7d", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/413252-7d", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413252-7d", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6108,30) [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413252-7d", "Appel de 6108/6108 par 0413252") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6108/6108 par 0413252 [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413252-7d", "Appels en cours pour 6108 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6108 : 0 [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413252-7d", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] pbx.c: -- Executing [6108@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/413252-7d", "SIP/6108,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] app_dial.c: -- Called 6108 [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:53:52] VERBOSE[11741] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6108-00000118 is ringing [Sep 3 14:54:00] VERBOSE[11740] app_dial.c: -- Nobody picked up in 20000 ms [Sep 3 14:54:00] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6107[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6114 [Sep 3 14:54:00] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:34] GotoIf("SIP/6223-00000114", "0?busy:unavail") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:00] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,36) [Sep 3 14:54:00] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:36] VoiceMail("SIP/6223-00000114", "6107@default,u") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:00] VERBOSE[11740] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-theperson.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:54:02] VERBOSE[11740] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/6.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:54:02] VERBOSE[11740] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:54:03] VERBOSE[11740] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/0.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:54:03] VERBOSE[11740] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/7.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:54:04] VERBOSE[11740] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-isunavail.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:54:04] VERBOSE[11740] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6107, 36) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6223-00000114' [Sep 3 14:54:04] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6190 [Sep 3 14:54:04] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6199 [Sep 3 14:54:04] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6150 [Sep 3 14:54:04] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6117 [Sep 3 14:54:04] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6188 [Sep 3 14:54:04] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6223[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6157 [Sep 3 14:54:08] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:54:08] VERBOSE[11741] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6108-00000118 answered DAHDI/i1/413252-7d [Sep 3 14:54:08] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:54:14] WARNING[10930] chan_sip.c: Ignoring unexpected crypto attribute in SDP answer [Sep 3 14:54:17] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: -- Registered SIP '6107' at [Sep 3 14:54:22] VERBOSE[11747] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:54:22] VERBOSE[11747] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:54:22] VERBOSE[11748] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:54:22] VERBOSE[11748] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:54:23] VERBOSE[11749] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:54:23] VERBOSE[11749] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:54:25] VERBOSE[11750] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:54:25] VERBOSE[11750] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:54:25] VERBOSE[11751] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:54:25] VERBOSE[11751] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:54:26] VERBOSE[11752] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:54:26] VERBOSE[11752] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:54:26] VERBOSE[11753] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:54:26] VERBOSE[11753] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:54:26] VERBOSE[11754] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:54:26] VERBOSE[11754] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:54:26] VERBOSE[11755] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:54:26] VERBOSE[11755] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:54:26] VERBOSE[11756] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:54:26] VERBOSE[11756] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:54:26] VERBOSE[11757] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:54:26] VERBOSE[11757] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:54:26] VERBOSE[11758] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from [Sep 3 14:54:27] VERBOSE[11758] manager.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6192[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6185 [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6192[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6186 [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6192[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6124 [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6192[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6141 [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[11759] pbx.c: -- Executing [6256@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6192-00000119", "Appel pour l'extension 6256") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[11759] app_verbose.c: Appel pour l'extension 6256 [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[11759] pbx.c: -- Executing [6256@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Gosub("SIP/6192-00000119", "appel-recu,6256,1(6256)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[11759] pbx.c: -- Executing [6256@appel-recu:1] Verbose("SIP/6192-00000119", "1,Appel du poste 6256 par le 6192") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[11759] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6256 par le 6192 [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[11759] pbx.c: -- Executing [6256@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("SIP/6192-00000119", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[11759] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6256,5) [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[11759] pbx.c: -- Executing [6256@appel-recu:5] Set("SIP/6192-00000119", "appelé=6256") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[11759] pbx.c: -- Executing [6256@appel-recu:6] Set("SIP/6192-00000119", "poste_inscrit=0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[11759] pbx.c: -- Executing [6256@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("SIP/6192-00000119", "0?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[11759] pbx.c: -- Executing [6256@appel-recu:8] Verbose("SIP/6192-00000119", "Recherche par DUNDi du 6256") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[11759] app_verbose.c: Recherche par DUNDi du 6256 [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[11759] pbx.c: -- Executing [6256@appel-recu:9] Set("SIP/6192-00000119", "device=IAX2/priv5:DBu6OttqOkYTjvIyjua9Ow==@") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[11759] pbx.c: -- Executing [6256@appel-recu:10] Verbose("SIP/6192-00000119", "Dundi device: IAX2/priv5:DBu6OttqOkYTjvIyjua9Ow==@ a pour longueur 52") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[11759] app_verbose.c: Dundi device: IAX2/priv5:DBu6OttqOkYTjvIyjua9Ow==@ a pour longueur 52 [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[11759] pbx.c: -- Executing [6256@appel-recu:11] GotoIf("SIP/6192-00000119", "52?:opt") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[11759] pbx.c: -- Executing [6256@appel-recu:12] Verbose("SIP/6192-00000119", "Appel du 6256 par DUNDi") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[11759] app_verbose.c: Appel du 6256 par DUNDi [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[11759] pbx.c: -- Executing [6256@appel-recu:13] Dial("SIP/6192-00000119", "IAX2/priv5:DBu6OttqOkYTjvIyjua9Ow==@") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[11759] app_dial.c: -- Called priv5:DBu6OttqOkYTjvIyjua9Ow==@ [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[10940] chan_iax2.c: -- Call accepted by (format alaw) [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[10940] chan_iax2.c: -- Format for call is alaw [Sep 3 14:54:39] VERBOSE[11759] app_dial.c: -- IAX2/priv5-2119 is ringing [Sep 3 14:54:43] VERBOSE[11711] chan_iax2.c: -- Hungup 'IAX2/priv5-3505' [Sep 3 14:54:43] VERBOSE[11711] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6242, 13) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6190-0000010b' [Sep 3 14:54:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6199 [Sep 3 14:54:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6150 [Sep 3 14:54:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6117 [Sep 3 14:54:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6188 [Sep 3 14:54:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6223 [Sep 3 14:54:43] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6190[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6157 [Sep 3 14:54:48] VERBOSE[11741] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6108, 33) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/413252-7d' [Sep 3 14:54:48] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6108[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6187 [Sep 3 14:54:48] DEBUG[11741] sig_pri.c: sig_pri_hangup 11 [Sep 3 14:54:48] DEBUG[11741] sig_pri.c: Not yet hungup... Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Sep 3 14:54:48] VERBOSE[11741] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/413252-7d' [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Accepting call from '413252' to '6107' on channel 0/12, span 1 [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@entrant-opt:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413252-7e", "Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 413252 pour le 6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] app_verbose.c: Appel reçu de l'OPT depuis le 413252 pour le 6107 [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@entrant-opt:2] Set("DAHDI/i1/413252-7e", "CALLERID(num)=0413252") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@entrant-opt:3] Gosub("DAHDI/i1/413252-7e", "appel-recu,6107,1(6107)") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:1] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413252-7e", "1,Appel du poste 6107 par le 0413252") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] app_verbose.c: Appel du poste 6107 par le 0413252 [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413252-7e", "4?ok:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,5) [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/413252-7e", "appelé=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/413252-7e", "poste_inscrit=1") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:7] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413252-7e", "1?déployé:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,18) [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:18] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413252-7e", "Le poste est déployé") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] app_verbose.c: Le poste est déployé [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:19] ChanIsAvail("DAHDI/i1/413252-7e", "SIP/6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:20] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413252-7e", "0?non_disponible:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:21] Set("DAHDI/i1/413252-7e", "filtre_par=") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:22] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/413252-7e", "Evaluation de la longueur: 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:23] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413252-7e", "0?:appel") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,30) [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:30] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413252-7e", "Appel de 6107/6107 par 0413252") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] app_verbose.c: Appel de 6107/6107 par 0413252 [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:31] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/413252-7e", "Appels en cours pour 6107 : 0") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] app_verbose.c: Appels en cours pour 6107 : 0 [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:32] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413252-7e", "0?busy:") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:33] Dial("DAHDI/i1/413252-7e", "SIP/6107,20,tTw") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6107[groupes] new state Ringing for Notify User 6114 [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] app_dial.c: -- Called 6107 [Sep 3 14:54:52] VERBOSE[11760] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-0000011b is ringing [Sep 3 14:54:53] VERBOSE[11760] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-0000011b is ringing [Sep 3 14:54:54] VERBOSE[11760] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-0000011b is ringing [Sep 3 14:54:55] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:54:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:54:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:54:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:54:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6158 [Sep 3 14:54:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:54:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:54:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6219 (queued) [Sep 3 14:54:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6140 (queued) [Sep 3 14:54:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6169 (queued) [Sep 3 14:54:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6158 (queued) [Sep 3 14:54:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6162 (queued) [Sep 3 14:54:55] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6160 (queued) [Sep 3 14:54:55] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6140 [Sep 3 14:54:55] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6219 [Sep 3 14:54:55] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6169 [Sep 3 14:54:55] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6162 [Sep 3 14:54:55] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6160 [Sep 3 14:54:55] VERBOSE[10930] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6147[default] new state Idle for Notify User 6158 [Sep 3 14:54:56] VERBOSE[11760] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-0000011b is ringing [Sep 3 14:54:58] VERBOSE[10930] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Sep 3 14:54:58] VERBOSE[11761] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:1] Verbose("SIP/6114-0000011c", "Interception du 6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:58] VERBOSE[11761] app_verbose.c: Interception du 6107 [Sep 3 14:54:58] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6114[groupes] new state Busy for Notify User 6189 [Sep 3 14:54:58] VERBOSE[11761] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:2] Set("SIP/6114-0000011c", "poste=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:58] VERBOSE[11761] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:3] Set("SIP/6114-0000011c", "GLOBAL(PICKUPMARK)=6107") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:58] VERBOSE[11761] pbx.c: == Setting global variable 'PICKUPMARK' to '6107' [Sep 3 14:54:58] VERBOSE[11761] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:4] Pickup("SIP/6114-0000011c", "6107@PICKUPMARK") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:58] VERBOSE[11761] pbx.c: -- Executing [**6107@nouvelle-caledonie:5] Hangup("SIP/6114-0000011c", "") in new stack [Sep 3 14:54:58] VERBOSE[11759] chan_iax2.c: -- Hungup 'SIP/6114-0000011c' [Sep 3 14:54:58] VERBOSE[11761] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (nouvelle-caledonie, **6107, 5) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/priv5-2119' [Sep 3 14:54:58] VERBOSE[11759] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6114-0000011c answered SIP/6192-00000119 [Sep 3 14:54:58] VERBOSE[11759] rtp_engine.c: -- Remotely bridging SIP/6192-00000119 and SIP/6114-0000011c [Sep 3 14:55:00] VERBOSE[11760] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-0000011b is ringing [Sep 3 14:55:08] VERBOSE[11760] app_dial.c: -- SIP/6107-0000011b is ringing [Sep 3 14:55:08] ERROR[10930] lock.c: chan_sip.c line 9065 (add_header_max_forwards): mutex 'dialog' freed more times than we've locked! [Sep 3 14:55:08] ERROR[10930] lock.c: chan_sip.c line 9065 (add_header_max_forwards): Error releasing mutex: Operation not permitted [Sep 3 14:55:13] VERBOSE[11760] app_dial.c: -- Nobody picked up in 20000 ms [Sep 3 14:55:13] VERBOSE[10923] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 6107[groupes] new state Idle for Notify User 6114 [Sep 3 14:55:13] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:34] GotoIf("DAHDI/i1/413252-7e", "0?busy:unavail") in new stack [Sep 3 14:55:13] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Goto (appel-recu,6107,36) [Sep 3 14:55:13] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: -- Executing [6107@appel-recu:36] VoiceMail("DAHDI/i1/413252-7e", "6107@default,u") in new stack [Sep 3 14:55:13] VERBOSE[11760] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-theperson.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:55:15] VERBOSE[11760] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/6.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:55:16] VERBOSE[11760] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/1.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:55:16] VERBOSE[11760] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/0.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:55:16] VERBOSE[11760] file.c: -- Playing 'digits/7.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:55:17] VERBOSE[11760] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-isunavail.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:55:18] VERBOSE[11760] file.c: -- Playing 'vm-intro.slin' (language 'fr') [Sep 3 14:55:18] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/12, span 1 got hangup request, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:55:18] VERBOSE[11760] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (appel-recu, 6107, 36) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/i1/413252-7e' [Sep 3 14:55:48] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/12, span 1 got hangup, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:55:59] VERBOSE[10928] sig_pri.c: -- Channel 0/1, span 1 got hangup request, cause 16 [Sep 3 14:56:21] VERBOSE[10941] chan_iax2.c: -- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from > requested format = alaw, > requested prefs = (), > actual format = alaw, > host prefs = (alaw|gsm), > priority = mine [Sep 3 14:56:44] VERBOSE[10939] chan_iax2.c: -- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from > requested format = alaw, > requested prefs = (), > actual format = alaw, > host prefs = (alaw|gsm), > priority = mine [Sep 3 14:57:09] VERBOSE[10943] chan_iax2.c: -- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from > requested format = alaw, > requested prefs = (), > actual format = alaw, > host prefs = (alaw|gsm), > priority = mine [Sep 3 14:57:13] VERBOSE[10916] asterisk.c: -- Remote UNIX connection [Sep 3 14:57:13] VERBOSE[11796] asterisk.c: -- Remote UNIX connection disconnected [Sep 3 14:57:13] VERBOSE[11826] manager.c: == Manager registered action DataGet [Sep 3 14:57:13] VERBOSE[11826] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': [Sep 3 14:57:13] VERBOSE[11826] config.c: == Found [Sep 3 14:57:13] VERBOSE[11826] loader.c: Asterisk Dynamic Loader Starting: [Sep 3 14:57:13] VERBOSE[11826] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/modules.conf': [Sep 3 14:57:13] VERBOSE[11826] config.c: == Found [Sep 3 14:57:13] NOTICE[11826] loader.c: 2 modules will be loaded. [Sep 3 14:57:13] VERBOSE[11826] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/res_odbc.conf': [Sep 3 14:57:13] VERBOSE[11826] config.c: == Found [Sep 3 14:57:13] NOTICE[11826] res_odbc.c: Connecting asterisk [Sep 3 14:57:13] VERBOSE[11833] asterisk.c: -- Remote UNIX connection