asterisk*CLI> -- Starting Skinny session from yy.yyy.y.yy Received Alarm Message: Name=SEP001795xxxxxx Load=CP7905080001SCCP051117A Last=TCP-Bad-ACK Device SEP001795xxxxxx is attempting to register -- Skinny mwi_event_cb found 0 new messages -- Device 'SEP001795xxxxxx' successfully registered Requesting capabilities Received CapabilitiesRes Adding codec capability '4 (4)' Adding codec capability '8 (2)' Adding codec capability '0 (11)' Adding codec capability '256 (12)' Adding codec capability '0 (15)' Adding codec capability '0 (16)' Adding codec capability '0 (257)' Device capability set to '0xc (ulaw|alaw)' Buttontemplate requested Adding button: 9, 1 Adding button: 3, 0 Sending 20000 template to jmhtest1 Received SoftKey Template Request Received SoftKeySetReq softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 1 softKeyInfoIndex: 301 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 2 softKeyInfoIndex: 302 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 5 softKeyInfoIndex: 305 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 6 softKeyInfoIndex: 306 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 19 softKeyInfoIndex: 319 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 3 softKeyInfoIndex: 303 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 9 softKeyInfoIndex: 309 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 4 softKeyInfoIndex: 304 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 14 softKeyInfoIndex: 314 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 5 softKeyInfoIndex: 305 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 6 softKeyInfoIndex: 306 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 10 softKeyInfoIndex: 310 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 2 softKeyInfoIndex: 302 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 9 softKeyInfoIndex: 309 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 4 softKeyInfoIndex: 304 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 11 softKeyInfoIndex: 311 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 9 softKeyInfoIndex: 309 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 4 softKeyInfoIndex: 304 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 1 softKeyInfoIndex: 301 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 9 softKeyInfoIndex: 309 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 5 softKeyInfoIndex: 305 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 6 softKeyInfoIndex: 306 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 3 softKeyInfoIndex: 303 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 9 softKeyInfoIndex: 309 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 4 softKeyInfoIndex: 304 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 14 softKeyInfoIndex: 314 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 5 softKeyInfoIndex: 305 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 6 softKeyInfoIndex: 306 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 8 softKeyInfoIndex: 308 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 9 softKeyInfoIndex: 309 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 9 softKeyInfoIndex: 309 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 1 softKeyInfoIndex: 301 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 9 softKeyInfoIndex: 309 softKeySetDefinition : softKeyTemplateIndex: 4 softKeyInfoIndex: 304 Received LineStatRequest RECEIVED UNKNOWN MESSAGE TYPE: 34 Received SpeedDialStatRequest Received SpeedDialStatRequest Received SpeedDialStatRequest Received SpeedDialStatRequest Received Time/Date Request asterisk*CLI> asterisk*CLI> asterisk*CLI> asterisk*CLI> asterisk*CLI> asterisk*CLI> Received Softkey Event: New Call(0/0) skinny_new: tmp->nativeformats=0xc (ulaw|alaw) fmt=ulaw Call-id: 13 Clearing Display -- Starting simple switch on '5909@jmhtest1' Collected digit: [6] -- Asked to indicate 'Stop tone' condition on channel Skinny/5909@jmhtest1-13 Collected digit: [0] -- Asked to indicate 'Stop tone' condition on channel Skinny/5909@jmhtest1-13 Collected digit: [0] -- Asked to indicate 'Stop tone' condition on channel Skinny/5909@jmhtest1-13 Collected digit: [1] -- Asked to indicate 'Stop tone' condition on channel Skinny/5909@jmhtest1-13 == Found device: jmhtest1 -- Executing [6001@context:1] Answer("Skinny/5909@jmhtest1-13", "") in new stack skinny_answer(Skinny/5909@jmhtest1-13) on 5909@jmhtest1-13 == Found device: jmhtest1 Setting Callinfo to (6001) from 6001(6001) on jmhtest1(1) Displaying Prompt Status 'Connected' -- Asked to indicate 'Stop tone' condition on channel Skinny/5909@jmhtest1-13 Received Open Receive Channel Ack device ipaddr = yy.yyy.y.yy:16384 asterisk ipaddr = Setting payloadType to 'ulaw' (20 ms) -- Executing [6001@context:2] NoCDR("Skinny/5909@jmhtest1-13", "") in new stack -- Executing [6001@context:3] MusicOnHold("Skinny/5909@jmhtest1-13", "mugss") in new stack -- Started music on hold, class 'mugss', on Skinny/5909@jmhtest1-13 Received Softkey Event: Transfer(1/13) Putting on Hold(1) skinny_new: tmp->nativeformats=0xc (ulaw|alaw) fmt=ulaw Clearing Display -- Starting simple switch on '5909@jmhtest1' Collected digit: [5] -- Asked to indicate 'Stop tone' condition on channel Skinny/5909@jmhtest1-14 Collected digit: [0] -- Asked to indicate 'Stop tone' condition on channel Skinny/5909@jmhtest1-14 Collected digit: [2] -- Asked to indicate 'Stop tone' condition on channel Skinny/5909@jmhtest1-14 Collected digit: [2] == Found device: jmhtest1 -- Executing [5022@context:1] Gosub("Skinny/5909@jmhtest1-14", "macro-stdexten,s,1(DAHDI/7)") in new stack -- Executing [s@macro-stdexten:1] NoOp("Skinny/5909@jmhtest1-14", "[JMH Test 1] [5909] calling []/[DAHDI/7]") in new stack -- Executing [s@macro-stdexten:3] Dial("Skinny/5909@jmhtest1-14", "DAHDI/7,30") in new stack -- Called 7 -- DAHDI/7-1 is ringing -- Asked to indicate 'Remote end is ringing' condition on channel Skinny/5909@jmhtest1-14 Displaying Prompt Status 'Ring Out' Setting Callinfo to JMH Test 1(5909) from 5022(5022) on jmhtest1(1) Received Open Receive Channel Ack device ipaddr = yy.yyy.y.yy:16384 asterisk ipaddr = Setting payloadType to 'ulaw' (20 ms) -- DAHDI/7-1 is ringing -- DAHDI/7-1 is ringing [Jul 23 23:17:23] WARNING[19115]: chan_dahdi.c:4630 dahdi_enable_ec: Unable to enable echo cancellation on channel 7 (No such device) -- DAHDI/7-1 answered Skinny/5909@jmhtest1-14 skinny_answer(Skinny/5909@jmhtest1-14) on 5909@jmhtest1-14 == Found device: jmhtest1 Setting Callinfo to (5022) from 5022(5022) on jmhtest1(1) Displaying Prompt Status 'Connected' -- Asked to indicate 'Stop tone' condition on channel Skinny/5909@jmhtest1-14 -- Asked to indicate 'Media Source Update' condition on channel Skinny/5909@jmhtest1-14 Received Softkey Event: Transfer(1/14) [Jul 23 23:17:24] NOTICE[19114]: chan_skinny.c:4195 skinny_fixup: skinny_fixup(DAHDI/7-1, DAHDI/7-1) -- Hanging up jmhtest1/13 -- Asked to indicate 'Media Source Update' condition on channel Skinny/5909@jmhtest1-14 == Found device: jmhtest1 == Spawn extension (macro-stdexten, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'Skinny/5909@jmhtest1-14' -- Hanging up jmhtest1/14 Clearing Prompt Setting ringer mode to '1'. Clearing Display == Found device: jmhtest1 [Jul 23 23:17:32] WARNING[19113]: chan_skinny.c:1673 find_subchannel_by_instance_reference: Could not find subchannel with reference '13' on 'jmhtest1' Received Softkey Event: Hold(1/13) [Jul 23 23:17:33] WARNING[19113]: chan_skinny.c:1673 find_subchannel_by_instance_reference: Could not find subchannel with reference '13' on 'jmhtest1' Received Softkey Event: Hold(1/13) [Jul 23 23:17:33] WARNING[19113]: chan_skinny.c:1673 find_subchannel_by_instance_reference: Could not find subchannel with reference '13' on 'jmhtest1' Received Softkey Event: Hold(1/13) [Jul 23 23:17:33] WARNING[19113]: chan_skinny.c:1673 find_subchannel_by_instance_reference: Could not find subchannel with reference '13' on 'jmhtest1' Received Softkey Event: Hold(1/13) [Jul 23 23:17:33] WARNING[19113]: chan_skinny.c:1673 find_subchannel_by_instance_reference: Could not find subchannel with reference '13' on 'jmhtest1' Received Softkey Event: Hold(1/13) [Jul 23 23:17:34] WARNING[19113]: chan_skinny.c:1673 find_subchannel_by_instance_reference: Could not find subchannel with reference '13' on 'jmhtest1' Received Softkey Event: End Call(1/13) [Jul 23 23:17:35] WARNING[19113]: chan_skinny.c:1673 find_subchannel_by_instance_reference: Could not find subchannel with reference '13' on 'jmhtest1' Received Softkey Event: End Call(1/13) [Jul 23 23:17:35] WARNING[19113]: chan_skinny.c:1673 find_subchannel_by_instance_reference: Could not find subchannel with reference '13' on 'jmhtest1' Received Softkey Event: End Call(1/13) [Jul 23 23:17:35] WARNING[19113]: chan_skinny.c:1673 find_subchannel_by_instance_reference: Could not find subchannel with reference '13' on 'jmhtest1' Received Softkey Event: End Call(1/13) [Jul 23 23:17:36] WARNING[19113]: chan_skinny.c:1673 find_subchannel_by_instance_reference: Could not find subchannel with reference '13' on 'jmhtest1' Received Softkey Event: End Call(1/13) -- Stopped music on hold on DAHDI/7-1 == Spawn extension (context, 6001, 3) exited non-zero on 'DAHDI/7-1' -- Hanging up on 'DAHDI/7-1' -- Hungup 'DAHDI/7-1' asterisk*CLI>