Core was generated by `asterisk'. Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault. #0 0x014c9d1c in ao2_unlock@plt () from /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ (gdb) bt full #0 0x014c9d1c in ao2_unlock@plt () from /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ No symbol table info available. #1 0x014ca254 in pthread_timer_ack (handle=1314, quantity=1) at res_timing_pthread.c:200 timer = (struct pthread_timer *) 0xaa6eac38 #2 0x08150196 in ast_timer_ack (handle=0xaa6eac68, quantity=1) at timing.c:169 No locals. #3 0x08098756 in __ast_read (chan=0xaa6ea850, dropaudio=0) at channel.c:2711 res = AST_TIMING_EVENT_EXPIRED f = (struct ast_frame *) 0x0 blah = 8500380 prestate = 6 count = 0 cause = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "__ast_read" #4 0x0809a25d in ast_read (chan=0xaa6ea850) at channel.c:3098 No locals. #5 0x080d6475 in waitstream_core (c=0xaa6ea850, breakon=0xaa5439fa "", forward=0x819be72 "", reverse=0x819be72 "", skip_ms=0, audiofd=-1, cmdfd=1316, context=0x0) at file.c:1232 fr = (struct ast_frame *) 0x2c res = 1 ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- ms = 978 orig_chan_name = 0x0 err = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "waitstream_core" #6 0x080d698b in ast_waitstream_full (c=0xaa6ea850, breakon=0xaa5439fa "", audiofd=-1, cmdfd=1316) at file.c:1323 No locals. #7 0x04f43b6a in handle_streamfile (chan=0xaa6ea850, agi=0xaa54425c, argc=5, argv=0xaa543744) at res_agi.c:1225 res = 0 vres = 0 fs = (struct ast_filestream *) 0x8ac9658 vfs = (struct ast_filestream *) 0x0 sample_offset = 0 max_length = 21827 edigits = 0xaa5439fa "" __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "handle_streamfile" #8 0x04f47ef8 in agi_handle_command (chan=0xaa6ea850, agi=0xaa54425c, buf=0xaa5439d4 "STREAM", dead=0) at res_agi.c:2802 argv = {0xaa5439d4 "STREAM", 0xaa5439db "FILE", 0xaa5439e0 "ptsmart/male/male_welcome", 0xaa5439fa "", 0xaa5439fb "0", 0x0, 0xfbad8001
, 0x81b49c "\201�X�", 0x877608c "200 result=0\n", 0x877608c "200 result=0\n", ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 0x1
, 0x877608d "00 result=0\n", 0x77bff4 "\234�w", 0xaa6ea850 "�&6\001h\215n�", 0xaa544220 "P�n�\204DT�\\BT�����PBT�", 0xaa543788 "ɧq", 0x81b890 "]�\215\a��2", 0x71a7c9 "\201�+\030\006", 0x1
, 0xaa5437a8 "x9T�ew\t\b", 0x7041d8 "��\213\203�����߾����e\2118��\213\203�����߾����e\2118��\220\220U\211�\201��", 0x0, 0xaa6ea850 "�&6\001h\215n�", 0xaa6ea850 "�&6\001h\215n�", 0x1
, 0xaa543978 "\030BT�\217\210�\004P�n�\\BT��9T�", 0x8097765 "\205�\017\205�", 0x0, 0x0, 0xffffffff
, 0x77bff4 "\234�w", 0x1000
, 0xffffffff
, 0x6bef96 "\211�=\001���s\001��\223z\b", 0x815774e "\213E�\213U�\211\003\211S\004\211�\203�$[]�\004", 0xaa5437ec "\001", 0x0, 0x71a7c9 "\201�+\030\006", 0x1
, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1
, 0x0, 0x2
, 0x0, 0x3
, 0x0, 0x8
, 0xffffffff
, 0x9
, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1000
, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x70de6a "\213]�=", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x6bef96 "\211�=\001���s\001��\223z\b", 0x815774e "\213E�\213U�\211\003\211S\004\211�\203�$[]�\004", ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 0xaa54385c "\003", 0x0, 0x4c054ee5
, 0x30760
, 0x102
, 0x3
, 0x51d
, 0x3
, 0x51e
, 0x3
, 0x51f
, 0x3
, 0x522
, 0x3
, 0x524
, 0x10003
, 0x1
, 0xaa54390c "*", 0x0, 0x2
, 0x4c054ee5
, 0x893b5c0 "\210&��+@��+@��", 0xaa5438b4 "�8T�\200\rj", 0x6fea74 "X=\001���s\001���\177\004", 0x2b
, 0x69fa28 "��\211T$\b\211L$\004\213@8\211\004$���\005", 0x524
, 0xacf14000 "STREAM FILE ptsmart/male/male_welcome \"\" 0\n", 0x1000
, 0xaa5438d4 "�8T�{\024j", 0x6a0d80 "\203�", 0x893b5c0 "\210&��+@��+@��", 0xacf14000 "STREAM FILE ptsmart/male/male_welcome \"\" 0\n", 0x1000
, 0x77bff4 "\234�w", 0x893b5c0 "\210&��+@��+@��", 0xacf14007 "FILE ptsmart/male/male_welcome \"\" 0\n", 0xaa5438e4 "�8T��'j", 0x6a147b "�����\203�\001t\f\213F\004\017�\020\203�\001\211F\004\203�\004\211�^---Type to continue, or q to quit--- ]�\215�&", 0x893b5c0 "\210&��+@��+@��", 0x893b5c0 "\210&��+@��+@��", 0xaa5438fc "*", 0x6a27ed "\203�\b[^]\211�\211��\2114$�����\213F\004;F\bs�\017�\020\203�\001\211F\004\203�\b\211�[^]�\215�", 0x893b5c0 "\210&��+@��+@��", 0x4f4d16c "8", 0x77bff4 "\234�w", 0xacf14001 "TREAM FILE ptsmart/male/male_welcome \"\" 0\n", 0x2a
, 0x6961dd "\213E\b\213U\f)U�\211p\004\213E�\003E�\203�\024[^_]�\213u\034\205�t\236\213E\034�", 0xaa5439d5 "TREAM", 0xacf14001 "TREAM FILE ptsmart/male/male_welcome \"\" 0\n", 0x2a
, 0x1
, 0x2a
, 0x77bff4 "\234�w", 0xaa5439d4 "STREAM", 0x893b5c0 "\210&��+@��+@��", 0xaa543948 "�\002�\004s��\004�6T���\2064�", 0x6960c1 "\203�\030[]�\211�\215�'", 0x893b5c0 "\210&��+@��+@��", 0xaa5439d4 "STREAM", 0x7fe
, 0xa
, 0x1
, 0x0} argc = 5 res = 7847924 c = (agi_command *) 0x4f502a4 ami_res = 0x4f4c173 "Unknown Result" ami_cmd = 0xaa5436e0 "STREAM FILE ptsmart/male/male_welcome \"\" 0" command_id = 881249447 resultcode = 200 ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "agi_handle_command" #9 0x04f4888f in run_agi (chan=0xaa6ea850, request=0xaa544484 "agi://", agi=0xaa54425c, pid=-1, status=0xaa544250, dead=0, argc=1, argv=0xaa544274) at res_agi.c:2962 len = 2048 buflen = 43 c = (struct ast_channel *) 0x0 outfd = 1316 ms = -1 needhup = 0 returnstatus = AGI_RESULT_SUCCESS f = (struct ast_frame *) 0x0 buf = "STREAM\000FILE\000ptsmart/male/male_welcome\000\0000\0000", '\0' , "p�w\000x`w\b\000\000\000\000X \000\000\000\000\000\000����\226�k\000Nw\025\bl:T�\000\000\000\000ɧq\000\001\000\000\000x:T��Ap\000\000\000\000\000l��\004$\000\000\000�;T��:T��\216\025\b�:T�\001\000\000\000d\000\000\000l��\004�DT��;T��:T��x\025\b\001", '\0' , "\226�k\000Nw\025\b�:T�\000\000\000\000�N\005L\217�\002\000$"... res = 0xaa5439d4 "STREAM" readf = (FILE *) 0x893b5c0 retry = 3 send_sighup = 1 ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- sighup_str = 0x0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "run_agi" #10 0x04f49d7e in agi_exec_full (chan=0xaa6ea850, data=0xaa546e78, enhanced=0, dead=0) at res_agi.c:3248 status = 0 res = AGI_RESULT_SUCCESS_FAST buf = "agi://", '\0' tmp = 0xaa544484 "agi://" fds = {1316, 1316} efd = -1 pid = -1 args = {argc = 1, argv = 0xaa544274, arg = { 0xaa544484 "agi://", 0x0 }} agi = {fd = 1316, audio = -1, ctrl = 1316, fast = 1, speech = 0x0} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "agi_exec_full" #11 0x04f49ef2 in agi_exec (chan=0xaa6ea850, data=0xaa546e78) at res_agi.c:3282 No locals. #12 0x080fa764 in pbx_exec (c=0xaa6ea850, app=0xb7e9c048, data=0xaa546e78) at pbx.c:1348 res = -1437315984 u = (struct ast_module_user *) 0x8662c28 saved_c_appl = 0x0 saved_c_data = 0x0 ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "pbx_exec" #13 0x08102493 in pbx_extension_helper (c=0xaa6ea850, con=0x0, context=0xaa6eaac4 "default", exten=0xaa6eab14 "2393629172", priority=1, label=0x0, callerid=0xaa6eac88 "sipp", action=E_SPAWN, found=0xaa5492ec, combined_find_spawn=1) at pbx.c:3711 e = (struct ast_exten *) 0xac96fa40 app = (struct ast_app *) 0xb7e9c048 res = -1435587464 q = {incstack = {0x0 }, stacklen = 0, status = 5, swo = 0x0, data = 0x0, foundcontext = 0xaa6eaac4 "default"} passdata = "agi://", '\0' , "s!j", '\0' , "��\030\b\000\000\000\000\225]\021���w\000��\030\b\001\000\000\000\b\217T��\216g\000,\217T���\030\b\001", '\0' , "�\216T�\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000t\216T�\237\213g", '\0' , "�\217T�", '\0' , "������\030\b��\030\b\001", '\0' , " ", '\0' , "s\004", '\0' , "\r\000\000\000\000\000"... matching_action = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "pbx_extension_helper" #14 0x0810392c in ast_spawn_extension (c=0xaa6ea850, context=0xaa6eaac4 "default", exten=0xaa6eab14 "2393629172", priority=1, callerid=0xaa6eac88 "sipp", found=0xaa5492ec, combined_find_spawn=1) at pbx.c:4170 ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- No locals. #15 0x08103fcd in __ast_pbx_run (c=0xaa6ea850, args=0x0) at pbx.c:4264 digit = 0 invalid = 0 timeout = 0 dst_exten = '\0' , "!\\j", '\0' , "\020\000\000" pos = 0 found = 1 res = 0 autoloopflag = 0 error = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "__ast_pbx_run" #16 0x08105426 in pbx_thread (data=0xaa6ea850) at pbx.c:4551 c = (struct ast_channel *) 0xaa6ea850 #17 0x081589a0 in dummy_start (data=0xaa4e7e78) at utils.c:968 __cancel_buf = {__cancel_jmp_buf = {{__cancel_jmp_buf = {8548340, 0, -1437295728, -1437297736, -618455538, 2036466734}, __mask_was_saved = 0}}, __pad = {0xaa549470, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}} __cancel_routine = (void (*)(void *)) 0x8074de7 __cancel_arg = (void *) 0xaa549b90 not_first_call = 0 ret = (void *) 0x0 ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- a = {start_routine = 0x8105407 , data = 0xaa6ea850, name = 0xaa116218 "pbx_thread", ' ' , "started at [ 4572] pbx.c ast_pbx_start()"} #18 0x0081846b in start_thread () from /lib/ No symbol table info available. #19 0x0070ddbe in clone () from /lib/ No symbol table info available. (gdb)