#0 0xb7a354ab in SQLDescribeCol () from /usr/lib/libodbc.so.1 (gdb) bt #0 0xb7a354ab in SQLDescribeCol () from /usr/lib/libodbc.so.1 #1 0xb6c2fe36 in realtime_odbc (database=0xb1f68220 "ccig", table=0xb1f68120 "sip_peers", ap=0xb1f68374 "\003!\023-\234-4-\017\"\023-\a\"\023-") at res_config_odbc.c:195 #2 0x080b24e7 in ast_load_realtime_helper (family=0xb61320b0 "sippeers", ap=0xb1f68374 "\003!\023-\234-4-\017\"\023-\a\"\023-") at config.c:2096 #3 0x080b2541 in ast_load_realtime (family=0xb61320b0 "sippeers") at config.c:2119 #4 0xb60c7eeb in realtime_peer (newpeername=0xad34b79c "32180", sin=0x0, devstate_only=0) at chan_sip.c:4756 #5 0xb60c8b4d in find_peer (peer=0xad34b79c "32180", sin=0x0, realtime=1, which_objects=2, devstate_only=0, transport=0) at chan_sip.c:4988 #6 0xb611cdef in st_get_se (p=0xad2a9048, max=0) at chan_sip.c:22782 #7 0xb61125a5 in handle_request_invite (p=0xad2a9048, req=0xb1f69074, debug=0, seqno=102, sin=0xb1f69064, recount=0xb1f69004, e=0xad4e2ceb "sip:03072401005187502377747@sip.ccig.pl", nounlock=0xb1f69000) at chan_sip.c:20145 #8 0xb61194d7 in handle_incoming (p=0xad2a9048, req=0xb1f69074, sin=0xb1f69064, recount=0xb1f69004, nounlock=0xb1f69000) at chan_sip.c:21719 #9 0xb611a52c in handle_request_do (req=0xb1f69074, sin=0xb1f69064) at chan_sip.c:22025 #10 0xb6119e2a in sipsock_read (id=0x9e37c08, fd=23, events=1, ignore=0x0) at chan_sip.c:21919 #11 0x080e62fb in ast_io_wait (ioc=0xb6da49a0, howlong=133) at io.c:288 #12 0xb611ba00 in do_monitor (data=0x0) at chan_sip.c:22483 #13 0x08158d95 in dummy_start (data=0xb6de5bf8) at utils.c:968 #14 0xb7c104c0 in start_thread () from /lib/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0 #15 0xb7d0761e in clone () from /lib/i686/cmov/libc.so.6 (gdb) bt full #0 0xb7a354ab in SQLDescribeCol () from /usr/lib/libodbc.so.1 No symbol table info available. #1 0xb6c2fe36 in realtime_odbc (database=0xb1f68220 "ccig", table=0xb1f68120 "sip_peers", ap=0xb1f68374 "\003!\023-\234-4-\017\"\023-\a\"\023-") at res_config_odbc.c:195 obj = (struct odbc_obj *) 0x9d98730 stmt = (SQLHSTMT) 0xac781200 sql = "SELECT * FROM sip_peers WHERE name = ? AND host = ?\000p\202-\000\000\000\000d\202--\200-0\000\000\0008\203-l?\\\203-\223\027\023x\000\000\000\000C-\r-\000\000\000\000@R\023------\020\000\000\216\031-\f?\002\000\000\000h\0219-\034-1--}-\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000-/--\202--n\000\000\004o?\001\000\000\000-t-\200p---?\000\000\000\000\234\214-\210}-\0008-\020\000P-\a\000\000\000"... coltitle = "pickupgroup\000rd\000-", '\0' , "-\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\003\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\003\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003\002\000\000\000\000\000\000-\001\000\2005\002", '\0' , "\2005\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\003\002\000\000\000u(\204-\f\204-\201-\230s?--H-\r\000\000\000T\0219-\017-1-\000\000\000\000----\000\000\000\000\002\027\030\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\003\002\200x-\006\000\000\000\204\0219-\t-1-\020\000\000\000|\201-", '\0' rowdata = "\000ort,invite\000\210w-0\000\000\000\210w-\000\000\000\000--------------------\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000 w-", '\0' , "--------\000\000\000\0006-\032\b-\016\023--\016\023-\"s-\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000, "A-\016-", '\0' , "(t-\bV\024-\000\000\003\002\210\201-'q\022-\000\000\000\000|\0229-\000\000\000\000-\0219-P\000\000\000-&\024-", '\0' ... op = 0xb6c3344e " =" newparam = 0x0 newval = 0xb6132207 "dynamic" stringp = 0x0 chunk = 0xb1f673c0 "" collen = 256 res = 0 x = 26 var = (struct ast_variable *) 0xad5c6910 prev = (struct ast_variable *) 0xad5e6ae0 colsize = 10 colcount = 45 datatype = 12 decimaldigits = 0 nullable = 1 indicator = -1 aq = 0xb1f68388 "" cps = {sql = 0xb1f67cc0 "SELECT * FROM sip_peers WHERE name = ? AND host = ?", extra = 0x0, ap = 0xb1f68374 "\003!\023-\234-4-\017\"\023-\a\"\023-", skip = 0} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "realtime_odbc" #2 0x080b24e7 in ast_load_realtime_helper (family=0xb61320b0 "sippeers", ap=0xb1f68374 "\003!\023-\234-4-\017\"\023-\a\"\023-") at config.c:2096 eng = (struct ast_config_engine *) 0xb6c342a0 db = "ccig\0005\032\b\224-\031\bp#\000\000-4\032\b-4\032\b_\026Q-X9\023-\\-4-@\026Q-h\202-\230-?\020-@-\034-4-(\2025-\000\000\000\000@\026Q-_\026Q--\202--}\025\b\034-4-\002\000\000\000-n\000\000?-hf\\-X9\023-\230\202-.\037\006\b\216\031--o\025-\034\000\000\000\000\000\000\000(\2025-\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000-\033\r--/--o\025--n\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000-\202---?\000\000\000\000\234\214--\202-fY?-a\033\b\bV\024-"... table = "sip_peers\000-\217-\025\b-\200-?\030\b-e\\-\000\000\000\000@\000P-@\000P-?-Bq\t\b\002\000\000\000\t\000\000\000\224\234\030\b-\003\000\000@-\030\b--\030\b_\026Q-\000\000\000\000P\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\000\000P-$\225??-\000\000\000\000D\000\000\000-\016\000\000\030q\017-B\000\000\000\bV\024---4-\034-4--\201-\"}\025\bB\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\004\000\000\000\t-4-\203-4-\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000-/-\000\000\000\000-n\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000?-"... res = (struct ast_variable *) 0x0 #3 0x080b2541 in ast_load_realtime (family=0xb61320b0 "sippeers") at config.c:2119 res = (struct ast_variable *) 0x0 cur = (struct ast_variable *) 0x0 prev = (struct ast_variable *) 0x0 freeme = (struct ast_variable *) 0x0 ap = 0xb1f68374 "\003!\023-\234-4-\017\"\023-\a\"\023-" #4 0xb60c7eeb in realtime_peer (newpeername=0xad34b79c "32180", sin=0x0, devstate_only=0) at chan_sip.c:4756 peer = (struct sip_peer *) 0xb6133a31 var = (struct ast_variable *) 0x0 varregs = (struct ast_variable *) 0x0 tmp = (struct ast_variable *) 0xb6ba2890 peerlist = (struct ast_config *) 0x0 ipaddr = '\0' , "\200\001-\003" portstring = "\000\000\0347--" cat = 0x0 portnum = 45558 realtimeregs = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "realtime_peer" #5 0xb60c8b4d in find_peer (peer=0xad34b79c "32180", sin=0x0, realtime=1, which_objects=2, devstate_only=0, transport=0) at chan_sip.c:4988 p = (struct sip_peer *) 0x0 tmp_peer = {name = "32180\0004-\210\210-_O?-\210-@-4-i-4-[f?--?-\210-@-4-\230\211--?-\210--`\023-,\212-@-4-\000\000\000\000L\211-)\000\000", __field_mgr_pool = 0xfbad8001, secret = 0xad34b740 "", md5secret = 0xad34b740 "", remotesecret = 0xad34b740 "", context = 0x39643134
, subscribecontext = 0x31643833
, username = 0xad34b769 "", accountcode = 0xad34b740 "", tohost = 0xad34b769 "", regexten = 0x0, fromuser = 0x0, fromdomain = 0x0, fullcontact = 0x0, cid_num = 0x0, cid_name = 0xf
, vmexten = 0x0, language = 0xad2aa538 "Content-Length: 253", mohinterpret = 0x0, mohsuggest = 0x0, parkinglot = 0x0, useragent = 0xb60d21df "--U\211-VS\203-\200-Y---\201-\0324\a", __field_mgr = { size = 3084378100, used = 2985724348, last_alloc = 0x0}, socket = {type = 2985724196, fd = -1211532607, port = 15012, tcptls_session = 0xb7d635d9}, default_outbound_transport = 168752200, transports = 4, auth = 0xad2a929e, amaflags = -1309243060, callingpres = 0, inUse = -1398550048, inRinging = -1210696780, onHold = -1211532607, call_limit = -1210702511, t38_maxdatagram = -1210702721, busy_level = 0, allowtransfer = TRANSFER_OPENFORALL, prefs = {order = "\000\000\000\000H\000P-(\000\000\000\005", '\0' , "-\035]-", framing = '\0' , "H\000P-0\000\000\000\006\000\000\000\001\000\000\000@\000P-"}, lastmsgssent = -1387265984, sipoptions = 2906152528, flags = {{flags = 0}, {flags = 0}}, mailboxes = {first = 0x5, last = 0x0}, is_realtime = 0 '\0', rt_fromcontact = 0 '\0', host_dynamic = 0 '\0', selfdestruct = 0 '\0', the_mark = 0 '\0', expire = 0, capability = 0, rtptimeout = 0, rtpholdtimeout = -1210589196, rtpkeepalive = 0, callgroup = 12823588618509484061, pickupgroup = 12488481838501304037, outboundproxy = 0x1d, dnsmgr = 0xad500010, addr = {sin_family = 0, sin_port = 0, sin_addr = {s_addr = 3054786056}, sin_zero = "--?\001\000\000I"}, maxcallbitrate = 73, portinuri = 0, call = 0x0, pokeexpire = -1309242212, lastms = -1309242840, maxms = -1240653711, qualifyfreq = -1240253727, ps = {tv_sec = -1240246959, tv_usec = 44}, defaddr = {sin_family = 22024, sin_port = 46612, sin_addr = {s_addr = 0}, sin_zero = "\234\214-CC\000\000"}, ha = 0xb6145608, contactha = 0x14, chanvars = 0xb6145608, mwipvt = 0xb1f68a68, autoframing = -1240653424, stimer = {st_mode_oper = 3054720337, st_ref = SESSION_TIMER_REFRESHER_AUTO, st_min_se = 6, st_max_se = -1240237561}, timer_t1 = -1240265054, timer_b = -1211141772, deprecated_username = 0, type = 135634166} #6 0xb611cdef in st_get_se (p=0xad2a9048, max=0) at chan_sip.c:22782 pp = (struct sip_peer *) 0xad385e50 #7 0xb61125a5 in handle_request_invite (p=0xad2a9048, req=0xb1f69074, debug=0, seqno=102, sin=0xb1f69064, recount=0xb1f69004, e=0xad4e2ceb "sip:03072401005187502377747@sip.ccig.pl", nounlock=0xb1f69000) at chan_sip.c:20145 res = 0 gotdest = 0 p_replaces = 0xb6130ea2 "" replace_id = 0x0 refer_locked = 0 required = 0xb6130ea2 "" required_profile = 0 ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- c = (struct ast_channel *) 0xad5c6550 reinvite = 0 rtn = -1309241776 p_uac_se_hdr = 0xb6130ea2 "" p_uac_min_se = 0xb6130ea2 "" uac_max_se = -1 uac_min_se = -1 st_active = 0 st_interval = 0 st_ref = SESSION_TIMER_REFRESHER_AUTO dlg_min_se = -1 pickup = {exten = '\0' , context = '\0' } __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "handle_request_invite" #8 0xb61194d7 in handle_incoming (p=0xad2a9048, req=0xb1f69074, sin=0xb1f69064, recount=0xb1f69004, nounlock=0xb1f69000) at chan_sip.c:21719 cmd = 0xad4e2ce4 "INVITE" cseq = 0xad4e2e4b "102 INVITE" useragent = 0xad4e2e63 "CORE_1.6.1.6c-1_CONF_1.1.34_G729_0.4" seqno = 102 len = 3 respid = 69 res = 0 debug = 0 e = 0xad4e2ceb "sip:03072401005187502377747@sip.ccig.pl" error = 0 oldmethod = 5 acked = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "handle_incoming" #9 0xb611a52c in handle_request_do (req=0xb1f69074, sin=0xb1f69064) at chan_sip.c:22025 p = (struct sip_pvt *) 0xad2a9048 recount = 1 nounlock = 0 lockretry = 10 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "handle_request_do" #10 0xb6119e2a in sipsock_read (id=0x9e37c08, fd=23, events=1, ignore=0x0) at chan_sip.c:21919 req = {rlPart1 = 0, rlPart2 = 7, len = 888, headers = 15, method = 5, lines = 11, sdp_start = 0, sdp_count = 11, debug = 0 '\0', has_to_tag = 0 '\0', ignore = 0 '\0', header = {0, 56, 123, 141, 211, 258, 295, 353, 371, 421, 458, 532, 560, 581, 612, 633, 0 }, line = {635, 640, 690, 730, 755, 762, 790, 812, 847, 864, 876, 888, 0 }, data = 0xad4e2cd8, socket = {type = SIP_TRANSPORT_UDP, fd = -1, port = 50195, tcptls_session = 0x0}, next = {next = 0x0}} sin = {sin_family = 2, sin_port = 50195, sin_addr = {s_addr = 3022039232}, sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"} res = 888 len = 16 readbuf = "INVITE sip:03072401005187502377747@sip.ccig.pl SIP/2.0\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK69207e31;rport\r\nMax-Forwards: 70\r\nFrom: \"paulina.guzikowska\" ;tag=a"... __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "sipsock_read" #11 0x080e62fb in ast_io_wait (ioc=0xb6da49a0, howlong=133) at io.c:288 res = 1 x = 0 origcnt = 1 #12 0xb611ba00 in do_monitor (data=0x0) at chan_sip.c:22483 res = 133 t = 1275304513 reloading = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "do_monitor" #13 0x08158d95 in dummy_start (data=0xb6de5bf8) at utils.c:968 __cancel_buf = {__cancel_jmp_buf = {{__cancel_jmp_buf = {-1212022796, 0, 0, -1309240376, -114900835, 1058720750}, __mask_was_saved = 0}}, __pad = {0xb1f69490, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}} __cancel_routine = (void (*)(void *)) 0x8077793 __cancel_arg = (void *) 0xb1f69b90 not_first_call = 0 ret = (void *) 0x0 a = {start_routine = 0xb611b7c1 , data = 0x0, name = 0xb6daff20 "do_monitor", ' ' , "started at [22514] chan_sip.c restart_monitor()"} #14 0xb7c104c0 in start_thread () from /lib/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0 No symbol table info available. #15 0xb7d0761e in clone () from /lib/i686/cmov/libc.so.6 No symbol table info available. (gdb)