=============================================================================== === === HowTo: Collect Debug Information for the Asterisk Issue Tracker === === Written by: Paul Belanger === Last updated: 2010-04-12 =============================================================================== This document will provide instructions on how to collect debugging logs from an Asterisk machine, for the purpose of helping bug marshals troubleshoot an issue on https://issues.asterisk.org ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- PREREQUISITES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Asterisk 1.4 or greater. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- STEPS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Edit the logger.conf file to enable debug output to your filesystem. Add the following line. The word "myDebugLog" can be changed to anything you want, as that is the filename the logging will be written to. A good example might be something like: issue_12345_full_log myDebugLog => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose,dtmf 2. From the Asterisk CLI, restart the logger module: *CLI> core set verbose 15 *CLI> core set debug 15 *CLI> module reload logger Optionally, if you've used this file to record data previously, then rotate the logs: *CLI> logger rotate 2.1. Depending on your issue, be sure to enable the channel driver logging. SIP (1.6.0 or higher) *ClI> sip set debug on SIP (1.4) *CLI> sip set debug IAX2 (1.6.0 or higher) *CLI> iax2 set debug on IAX2 (1.4) *CLI> iax2 debug 3. Reproduce your issue. 4. Once finished, be sure to disable the extra debbuging: *CLI> core set verbose 0 *CLI> core set debug 0 4.1. Again, remember to disable any extra logging if you enabled it in the channel driver. 5. Upload the file located in /var/log/asterisk/myDebugLog to the issue tracker. *** IMPORTANT *** Do NOT post the output of your file as a comment. This clutters the issue and will only result in your comment being deleted. 6. Disable logging to the filesystem. Edit the logger.conf file and comment out or delete the line you added in step 1. Using a semi-colon as the first character on the line will comment out the line. Then reload the logger module like in step 2: *CLI> module reload logger