---------------------------- -= ASTERISK ISSUE TRACKER =- -= HowTo: Collect Debug Information =- ---------------------------- Written by: Paul Belanger Date: 2010-04-09 This document will provide instructions on how to collect debugging logs from a Asterisk machine, for the purpose of helping bug marshals troubleshoot an issue on https://issues.asterisk.org * Prerequisites --------------- - Asterisk 1.6 or greater. * Steps -------------- 1. Edit the logger.conf file to enable debug output to your filesystem. Uncomment the following line: ;full => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose 2. From the Asterisk CLI, restart the logger module: *CLI> core set verbose 999 *CLI> core set debug 999 *CLI> module reload logger *CLI> logger rotate 2.1. Depending on your issue, be sure to enable the channel driver logging. SIP *ClI> sip set debug on IAX2 *CLI> iax2 set debug on 3. Reproduce your issue. 4. Once finished, be sure to disable the extra debbuging: *CLI> core set verbose 0 *CLI> core set debug 0 4.1. Again, remember to disable any extra logging if you enabled it in the channel driver. 5. Upload the file located in /var/log/asterisk/full your issue tracker. *Important* Do NOT post the output of your file as a comment. This clutters the issue and will only result in your comment being deleted. * Notes -------