[Sep 11 16:18:25] DEBUG[3199] rtp.c: - RTP 2833 Event: 0000000a (len = 4) [Sep 11 16:18:25] DEBUG[3199] rtp.c: Sending dtmf: 42 (*), at [Sep 11 16:18:25] DTMF[3199] channel.c: DTMF end '*' received on SIP/enswitch-local-09389850, duration 0 ms [Sep 11 16:18:25] DTMF[3199] channel.c: DTMF begin emulation of '*' with duration 100 queued on SIP/enswitch-local-09389850 [Sep 11 16:18:25] DEBUG[3199] channel.c: Got DTMF begin on channel (SIP/enswitch-local-09389850) [Sep 11 16:18:25] DEBUG[3199] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels SIP/enswitch-local-09389850 and Local/0123456789@enswitch-call-089f;1 [Sep 11 16:18:25] DEBUG[3199] rtp.c: - RTP 2833 Event: 0000000a (len = 4) [Sep 11 16:18:25] DEBUG[3199] rtp.c: - RTP 2833 Event: 0000000a (len = 4) [Sep 11 16:18:25] DEBUG[3199] rtp.c: - RTP 2833 Event: 0000000a (len = 4) [Sep 11 16:18:25] DEBUG[3199] rtp.c: - RTP 2833 Event: 0000000a (len = 4) [Sep 11 16:18:25] DTMF[3199] channel.c: DTMF end emulation of '*' queued on SIP/enswitch-local-09389850 [Sep 11 16:18:25] DEBUG[3199] channel.c: Got DTMF end on channel (SIP/enswitch-local-09389850) [Sep 11 16:18:25] DEBUG[3199] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels SIP/enswitch-local-09389850 and Local/0123456789@enswitch-call-089f;1 [Sep 11 16:18:25] DEBUG[3199] features.c: Feature interpret: chan=SIP/enswitch-local-09389850, peer=Local/0123456789@enswitch-call-089f;1, code=*, sense=1, features=4, dynamic=# [Sep 11 16:18:25] DEBUG[3199] features.c: Feature detected: fname=Disconnect Call sname=disconnect exten=* [Sep 11 16:18:25] VERBOSE[3199] features.c: > User hit '*' to disconnect call. [Sep 11 16:18:25] DEBUG[3199] pbx.c: Launching 'AGI' [Sep 11 16:18:25] VERBOSE[3199] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@from-internal:1] ESC[1;36;40mAGIESC[0;37;40m("ESC[1;35;40mSIP/enswitch-lo cal-09389850ESC[0;37;40m", "ESC[1;35;40magi://[0;37;40m") in new stack