=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2009.08.28 12:57:23 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvr Asterisk 1.4.26, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2008 Digium, Inc. and others. Created by Mark Spencer Asterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'core show warranty' for details. This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'core show license' for details. ========================================================================= == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf': Found == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf': Found Connected to Asterisk 1.4.26 currently running on sk3 (pid = 18787) sk3*CLI> Verbosity was 0 and is now 11 sk3*CLI> reload res_features.so sk3*CLI> The 'reload' command is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use 'module reload' instead. -- Reloading module 'res_features.so' (Call Features Resource) == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/features.conf': Found == Registered Feature 'apps' == Mapping Feature 'apps' to app 'Macro(apprecord)' with code '*75' -- Added extension '700' priority 1 to parkedcalls sk3*CLI> -- Executing [17324905101@pre-DID_freehold-sk3:1] NoOp("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "Exten is 17324905101") in new stack -- Executing [17324905101@pre-DID_freehold-sk3:2] Gosub("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "IncomingCallPrep||1") in new stack -- Executing [17324905101@IncomingCallPrep:1] GotoIf("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "0?blacklisted|s|1") in new stack -- Executing [17324905101@IncomingCallPrep:2] Set("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "GROUP()=maxtrunks") in new stack -- Executing [17324905101@IncomingCallPrep:3] NoOp("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "GROUP_COUNT is 1") in new stack -- Executing [17324905101@IncomingCallPrep:4] GotoIf("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "0?not-ok:ok") in new stack -- Goto (IncomingCallPrep,17324905101,8) -- Executing [17324905101@IncomingCallPrep:8] NoOp("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "anything else?") in new stack -- Executing [17324905101@IncomingCallPrep:9] Return("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "") in new stack -- Executing [17324905101@pre-DID_freehold-sk3:3] Goto("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "DID_freehold-sk3||1") in new stack -- Goto (DID_freehold-sk3,17324905101,1) -- Executing [17324905101@DID_freehold-sk3:1] Goto("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "voicemenu-custom-1|s|1") in new stack -- Goto (voicemenu-custom-1,s,1) -- Executing [s@voicemenu-custom-1:1] NoOp("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "Main Menu") in new stack -- Executing [s@voicemenu-custom-1:2] Answer("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "") in new stack -- Executing [s@voicemenu-custom-1:3] Wait("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "1") in new stack sk3*CLI> -- Executing [s@voicemenu-custom-1:4] NoOp("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "CALLERID is "9084155221" <9084155221>") in new stack -- Executing [s@voicemenu-custom-1:5] BackGround("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "custom-sounds/NISGreeting2") in new stack -- Playing 'custom-sounds/NISGreeting2' (language 'en') sk3*CLI> == CDR updated on SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48 -- Executing [120@voicemenu-custom-1:1] Macro("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "stdexten|120|SIP/120") in new stack -- Executing [s@macro-stdexten:1] Set("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "__DYNAMIC_FEATURES=apps#automon") in new stack -- Executing [s@macro-stdexten:2] Set("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "DYNAMIC_FEATURES=apps#automon") in new stack -- Executing [s@macro-stdexten:3] Set("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "_DYNAMIC_FEATURES=apps#automon") in new stack -- Executing [s@macro-stdexten:4] GotoIf("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "0?7:5") in new stack -- Goto (macro-stdexten,s,5) -- Executing [s@macro-stdexten:5] Dial("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "SIP/120|20|tTkKw") in new stack -- Called 120 sk3*CLI> -- SIP/120-081c3638 is ringing sk3*CLI> -- SIP/120-081c3638 is ringing sk3*CLI> -- SIP/120-081c3638 is ringing sk3*CLI> -- SIP/120-081c3638 is ringing sk3*CLI> -- SIP/120-081c3638 answered SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48 sk3*CLI> == Spawn extension (macro-stdexten, s, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48' in macro 'stdexten' == Spawn extension (voicemenu-custom-1, 120, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48' sk3*CLI> quit Executing last minute cleanups sk3 sbin # cat /var/log/asterisk/full [Aug 28 12:52:14] NOTICE[18787] cdr.c: CDR simple logging enabled. [Aug 28 12:52:14] NOTICE[18787] loader.c: 147 modules will be loaded. [Aug 28 12:52:14] WARNING[18787] res_smdi.c: No SMDI interfaces are available to listen on, not starting SMDI listener. [Aug 28 12:52:14] WARNING[18787] chan_sip.c: To disallow external domains, you need to configure local SIP domains. [Aug 28 12:52:14] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Unable to register extension '800', priority 1 in 'default', already in use [Aug 28 12:52:14] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Unable to register extension '_99XXX', priority 1 in 'CallingRule_intercom', already in use [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'applications' tries to include nonexistent context 'ringroups' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-unavailable-on' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-unavailable-on-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-unavailable-off' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-unavailable-off-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-on' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-on-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-off-any' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-off-any-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-off' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-off-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-busy-on' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-busy-on-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-busy-off-any' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-busy-off-any-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-busy-off' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-busy-off-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-dnd-on' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-dnd-on-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-dnd-off' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-dnd-off-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-callwaiting-cwon' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-callwaiting-cwon-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-callwaiting-cwoff' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-callwaiting-cwoff-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-speakingclock' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-speakingclock-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-echo-test' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-echo-test-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] NOTICE[18787] pbx_ael.c: Starting AEL load process. [Aug 28 12:52:15] NOTICE[18787] pbx_ael.c: AEL load process: calculated config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. [Aug 28 12:52:15] NOTICE[18787] pbx_ael.c: AEL load process: parsed config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. [Aug 28 12:52:15] NOTICE[18787] pbx_ael.c: AEL load process: checked config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. [Aug 28 12:52:15] NOTICE[18787] pbx_ael.c: AEL load process: compiled config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. [Aug 28 12:52:15] NOTICE[18787] pbx_ael.c: AEL load process: merged config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'applications' tries to include nonexistent context 'ringroups' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-unavailable-on' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-unavailable-on-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-unavailable-off' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-unavailable-off-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-on' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-on-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-off-any' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-off-any-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-off' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-off-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-busy-on' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-busy-on-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-busy-off-any' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-busy-off-any-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-busy-off' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-busy-off-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-dnd-on' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-dnd-on-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-dnd-off' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-dnd-off-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-callwaiting-cwon' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-callwaiting-cwon-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-callwaiting-cwoff' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-callwaiting-cwoff-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-speakingclock' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-speakingclock-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] pbx.c: Context 'app-echo-test' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-echo-test-custom' [Aug 28 12:52:15] NOTICE[18787] pbx_ael.c: AEL load process: verified config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. [Aug 28 12:52:15] ERROR[18787] codec_dahdi.c: Failed to open /dev/zap/transcode: No such file or directory [Aug 28 12:52:15] ERROR[18787] chan_misdn.c: Unable to initialize mISDN [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] app_voicemail.c: Ignoring duplicated mailbox 173 in context default [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] app_voicemail.c: Ignoring duplicated mailbox 170 in context default [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] app_voicemail.c: Ignoring duplicated mailbox 114 in context default [Aug 28 12:52:15] WARNING[18787] app_queue.c: Unknown keyword in queue '178': fullname at line 52 of queues.conf [Aug 28 12:52:15] NOTICE[18787] app_queue.c: The 'roundrobin' queue strategy is deprecated. Please use the 'rrmemory' strategy instead. [Aug 28 12:52:16] NOTICE[18795] chan_sip.c: Peer 'nwfreeholdsip' is now Reachable. (102ms / 2000ms) [Aug 28 12:52:16] NOTICE[18795] chan_sip.c: Peer 'freehold-sk3' is now Reachable. (119ms / 2000ms) [Aug 28 12:52:16] NOTICE[18795] chan_sip.c: Peer 'trunk_3' is now Reachable. (135ms / 2000ms) [Aug 28 12:52:17] NOTICE[18795] chan_sip.c: Peer '150' is now Reachable. (40ms / 2000ms) [Aug 28 12:52:17] NOTICE[18795] chan_sip.c: Peer '181' is now Reachable. (145ms / 2000ms) [Aug 28 12:52:17] NOTICE[18795] chan_sip.c: Peer '120' is now Reachable. (41ms / 2000ms) [Aug 28 12:52:46] VERBOSE[18821] logger.c: -- Reloading module 'res_features.so' (Call Features Resource) [Aug 28 12:52:46] VERBOSE[18821] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/features.conf': [Aug 28 12:52:46] VERBOSE[18821] logger.c: Found [Aug 28 12:52:46] VERBOSE[18821] logger.c: == Registered Feature 'apps' [Aug 28 12:52:46] VERBOSE[18821] logger.c: == Mapping Feature 'apps' to app 'Macro(apprecord)' with code '*75' [Aug 28 12:52:46] VERBOSE[18821] logger.c: -- Added extension '700' priority 1 to parkedcalls [Aug 28 12:52:55] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Executing [17324905101@pre-DID_freehold-sk3:1] NoOp("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "Exten is 17324905101") in new stack [Aug 28 12:52:55] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Executing [17324905101@pre-DID_freehold-sk3:2] Gosub("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "IncomingCallPrep||1") in new stack [Aug 28 12:52:55] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Executing [17324905101@IncomingCallPrep:1] GotoIf("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "0?blacklisted|s|1") in new stack [Aug 28 12:52:55] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Executing [17324905101@IncomingCallPrep:2] Set("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "GROUP()=maxtrunks") in new stack [Aug 28 12:52:55] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Executing [17324905101@IncomingCallPrep:3] NoOp("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "GROUP_COUNT is 1") in new stack [Aug 28 12:52:55] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Executing [17324905101@IncomingCallPrep:4] GotoIf("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "0?not-ok:ok") in new stack [Aug 28 12:52:55] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Goto (IncomingCallPrep,17324905101,8) [Aug 28 12:52:55] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Executing [17324905101@IncomingCallPrep:8] NoOp("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "anything else?") in new stack [Aug 28 12:52:55] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Executing [17324905101@IncomingCallPrep:9] Return("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "") in new stack [Aug 28 12:52:55] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Executing [17324905101@pre-DID_freehold-sk3:3] Goto("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "DID_freehold-sk3||1") in new stack [Aug 28 12:52:55] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Goto (DID_freehold-sk3,17324905101,1) [Aug 28 12:52:55] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Executing [17324905101@DID_freehold-sk3:1] Goto("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "voicemenu-custom-1|s|1") in new stack [Aug 28 12:52:55] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Goto (voicemenu-custom-1,s,1) [Aug 28 12:52:55] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Executing [s@voicemenu-custom-1:1] NoOp("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "Main Menu") in new stack [Aug 28 12:52:55] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Executing [s@voicemenu-custom-1:2] Answer("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "") in new stack [Aug 28 12:52:55] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Executing [s@voicemenu-custom-1:3] Wait("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "1") in new stack [Aug 28 12:52:56] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Executing [s@voicemenu-custom-1:4] NoOp("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "CALLERID is "9084155221" <9084155221>") in new stack [Aug 28 12:52:56] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Executing [s@voicemenu-custom-1:5] BackGround("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "custom-sounds/NISGreeting2") in new stack [Aug 28 12:52:56] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Playing 'custom-sounds/NISGreeting2' (language 'en') [Aug 28 12:53:02] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF begin '1' received on SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:53:02] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '1' on SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:53:02] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end '1' received on SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48, duration 160 ms [Aug 28 12:53:02] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '1' on SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:53:02] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF begin '2' received on SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:53:02] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '2' on SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:53:02] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end '2' received on SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48, duration 60 ms [Aug 28 12:53:02] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '2' on SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:53:03] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF begin '0' received on SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:53:03] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '0' on SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:53:03] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end '0' received on SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48, duration 60 ms [Aug 28 12:53:03] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '0' on SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:53:03] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: == CDR updated on SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:53:03] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Executing [120@voicemenu-custom-1:1] Macro("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "stdexten|120|SIP/120") in new stack [Aug 28 12:53:03] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Executing [s@macro-stdexten:1] Set("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "__DYNAMIC_FEATURES=apps#automon") in new stack [Aug 28 12:53:03] DEBUG[18822] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [Aug 28 12:53:03] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Executing [s@macro-stdexten:2] Set("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "DYNAMIC_FEATURES=apps#automon") in new stack [Aug 28 12:53:03] DEBUG[18822] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [Aug 28 12:53:03] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Executing [s@macro-stdexten:3] Set("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "_DYNAMIC_FEATURES=apps#automon") in new stack [Aug 28 12:53:03] DEBUG[18822] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [Aug 28 12:53:03] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Executing [s@macro-stdexten:4] GotoIf("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "0?7:5") in new stack [Aug 28 12:53:03] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-stdexten,s,5) [Aug 28 12:53:03] DEBUG[18822] app_macro.c: Executed application: GotoIf [Aug 28 12:53:03] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Executing [s@macro-stdexten:5] Dial("SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48", "SIP/120|20|tTkKw") in new stack [Aug 28 12:53:03] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- Called 120 [Aug 28 12:53:03] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- SIP/120-081c3638 is ringing [Aug 28 12:53:04] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- SIP/120-081c3638 is ringing [Aug 28 12:53:05] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- SIP/120-081c3638 is ringing [Aug 28 12:53:07] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- SIP/120-081c3638 is ringing [Aug 28 12:53:07] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: -- SIP/120-081c3638 answered SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:53:10] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF begin '*' received on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:10] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF begin passthrough '*' on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:10] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end '*' received on SIP/120-081c3638, duration 80 ms [Aug 28 12:53:10] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end accepted with begin '*' on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:10] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '*' on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:10] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF begin '7' received on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:10] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF begin passthrough '7' on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:10] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end '7' received on SIP/120-081c3638, duration 60 ms [Aug 28 12:53:10] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end accepted with begin '7' on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:10] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end '7' has duration 60 but want minimum 80, emulating on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:10] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end emulation of '7' queued on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:11] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF begin '5' received on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:11] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF begin passthrough '5' on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:11] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end '5' received on SIP/120-081c3638, duration 80 ms [Aug 28 12:53:11] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end accepted with begin '5' on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:11] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '5' on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:13] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF begin '*' received on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:13] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF begin passthrough '*' on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:13] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end '*' received on SIP/120-081c3638, duration 60 ms [Aug 28 12:53:13] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end accepted with begin '*' on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:13] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end '*' has duration 60 but want minimum 80, emulating on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:13] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end emulation of '*' queued on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:13] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF begin '7' received on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:13] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF begin passthrough '7' on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:13] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end '7' received on SIP/120-081c3638, duration 80 ms [Aug 28 12:53:13] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end accepted with begin '7' on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:13] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '7' on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:13] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF begin '5' received on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:13] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF begin passthrough '5' on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:13] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end '5' received on SIP/120-081c3638, duration 80 ms [Aug 28 12:53:13] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end accepted with begin '5' on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:13] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '5' on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:15] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF begin '#' received on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:15] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF begin passthrough '#' on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:15] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end '#' received on SIP/120-081c3638, duration 60 ms [Aug 28 12:53:15] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end accepted with begin '#' on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:15] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end '#' has duration 60 but want minimum 80, emulating on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:15] DTMF[18822] channel.c: DTMF end emulation of '#' queued on SIP/120-081c3638 [Aug 28 12:53:21] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: == Spawn extension (macro-stdexten, s, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48' in macro 'stdexten' [Aug 28 12:53:21] VERBOSE[18822] logger.c: == Spawn extension (voicemenu-custom-1, 120, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/freehold-sk3-081c7c48' [Aug 28 12:53:29] VERBOSE[18821] logger.c: -- Remote UNIX connection disconnected [Aug 28 12:54:36] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Executing [17324905101@pre-DID_freehold-sk3:1] NoOp("SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798", "Exten is 17324905101") in new stack [Aug 28 12:54:36] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Executing [17324905101@pre-DID_freehold-sk3:2] Gosub("SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798", "IncomingCallPrep||1") in new stack [Aug 28 12:54:36] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Executing [17324905101@IncomingCallPrep:1] GotoIf("SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798", "0?blacklisted|s|1") in new stack [Aug 28 12:54:36] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Executing [17324905101@IncomingCallPrep:2] Set("SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798", "GROUP()=maxtrunks") in new stack [Aug 28 12:54:36] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Executing [17324905101@IncomingCallPrep:3] NoOp("SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798", "GROUP_COUNT is 1") in new stack [Aug 28 12:54:36] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Executing [17324905101@IncomingCallPrep:4] GotoIf("SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798", "0?not-ok:ok") in new stack [Aug 28 12:54:36] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Goto (IncomingCallPrep,17324905101,8) [Aug 28 12:54:36] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Executing [17324905101@IncomingCallPrep:8] NoOp("SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798", "anything else?") in new stack [Aug 28 12:54:36] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Executing [17324905101@IncomingCallPrep:9] Return("SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798", "") in new stack [Aug 28 12:54:36] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Executing [17324905101@pre-DID_freehold-sk3:3] Goto("SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798", "DID_freehold-sk3||1") in new stack [Aug 28 12:54:36] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Goto (DID_freehold-sk3,17324905101,1) [Aug 28 12:54:36] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Executing [17324905101@DID_freehold-sk3:1] Goto("SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798", "voicemenu-custom-1|s|1") in new stack [Aug 28 12:54:36] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Goto (voicemenu-custom-1,s,1) [Aug 28 12:54:36] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Executing [s@voicemenu-custom-1:1] NoOp("SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798", "Main Menu") in new stack [Aug 28 12:54:36] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Executing [s@voicemenu-custom-1:2] Answer("SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798", "") in new stack [Aug 28 12:54:36] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Executing [s@voicemenu-custom-1:3] Wait("SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798", "1") in new stack [Aug 28 12:54:37] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Executing [s@voicemenu-custom-1:4] NoOp("SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798", "CALLERID is "9084155221" <9084155221>") in new stack [Aug 28 12:54:37] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Executing [s@voicemenu-custom-1:5] BackGround("SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798", "custom-sounds/NISGreeting2") in new stack [Aug 28 12:54:37] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Playing 'custom-sounds/NISGreeting2' (language 'en') [Aug 28 12:54:42] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF begin '1' received on SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798 [Aug 28 12:54:42] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '1' on SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798 [Aug 28 12:54:42] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end '1' received on SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798, duration 180 ms [Aug 28 12:54:42] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '1' on SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798 [Aug 28 12:54:42] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF begin '2' received on SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798 [Aug 28 12:54:42] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '2' on SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798 [Aug 28 12:54:42] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end '2' received on SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798, duration 60 ms [Aug 28 12:54:42] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '2' on SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798 [Aug 28 12:54:42] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF begin '0' received on SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798 [Aug 28 12:54:42] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '0' on SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798 [Aug 28 12:54:43] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end '0' received on SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798, duration 60 ms [Aug 28 12:54:43] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '0' on SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798 [Aug 28 12:54:43] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: == CDR updated on SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798 [Aug 28 12:54:43] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Executing [120@voicemenu-custom-1:1] Macro("SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798", "stdexten|120|SIP/120") in new stack [Aug 28 12:54:43] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Executing [s@macro-stdexten:1] Set("SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798", "__DYNAMIC_FEATURES=apps#automon") in new stack [Aug 28 12:54:43] DEBUG[18824] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [Aug 28 12:54:43] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Executing [s@macro-stdexten:2] Set("SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798", "DYNAMIC_FEATURES=apps#automon") in new stack [Aug 28 12:54:43] DEBUG[18824] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [Aug 28 12:54:43] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Executing [s@macro-stdexten:3] Set("SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798", "_DYNAMIC_FEATURES=apps#automon") in new stack [Aug 28 12:54:43] DEBUG[18824] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [Aug 28 12:54:43] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Executing [s@macro-stdexten:4] GotoIf("SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798", "0?7:5") in new stack [Aug 28 12:54:43] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-stdexten,s,5) [Aug 28 12:54:43] DEBUG[18824] app_macro.c: Executed application: GotoIf [Aug 28 12:54:43] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Executing [s@macro-stdexten:5] Dial("SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798", "SIP/120|20|tTkKw") in new stack [Aug 28 12:54:43] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- Called 120 [Aug 28 12:54:43] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- SIP/120-081c7c48 is ringing [Aug 28 12:54:43] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- SIP/120-081c7c48 is ringing [Aug 28 12:54:44] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- SIP/120-081c7c48 is ringing [Aug 28 12:54:46] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: -- SIP/120-081c7c48 answered SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798 [Aug 28 12:54:48] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF begin '*' received on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:48] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF begin passthrough '*' on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:48] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end '*' received on SIP/120-081c7c48, duration 220 ms [Aug 28 12:54:48] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end accepted with begin '*' on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:48] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '*' on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:48] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF begin '7' received on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:48] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF begin passthrough '7' on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:49] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end '7' received on SIP/120-081c7c48, duration 220 ms [Aug 28 12:54:49] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end accepted with begin '7' on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:49] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '7' on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:49] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF begin '5' received on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:49] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF begin passthrough '5' on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:49] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end '5' received on SIP/120-081c7c48, duration 100 ms [Aug 28 12:54:49] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end accepted with begin '5' on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:49] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '5' on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:52] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF begin '*' received on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:52] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF begin passthrough '*' on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:52] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end '*' received on SIP/120-081c7c48, duration 240 ms [Aug 28 12:54:52] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end accepted with begin '*' on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:52] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '*' on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:52] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF begin '7' received on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:52] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF begin passthrough '7' on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:52] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end '7' received on SIP/120-081c7c48, duration 180 ms [Aug 28 12:54:52] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end accepted with begin '7' on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:52] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '7' on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:53] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF begin '5' received on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:53] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF begin passthrough '5' on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:53] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end '5' received on SIP/120-081c7c48, duration 240 ms [Aug 28 12:54:53] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end accepted with begin '5' on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:53] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '5' on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:56] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF begin '#' received on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:56] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF begin passthrough '#' on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:57] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end '#' received on SIP/120-081c7c48, duration 260 ms [Aug 28 12:54:57] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end accepted with begin '#' on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:54:57] DTMF[18824] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '#' on SIP/120-081c7c48 [Aug 28 12:55:01] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: == Spawn extension (macro-stdexten, s, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798' in macro 'stdexten' [Aug 28 12:55:01] VERBOSE[18824] logger.c: == Spawn extension (voicemenu-custom-1, 120, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/freehold-sk3-081a6798' sk3 sbin #