[Apr 6 08:50:23] DEBUG[16272] app_queue.c: SIP/ Got priority 0 from ${QUEUE_PRIO}. [Apr 6 08:50:23] DEBUG[16272] app_queue.c: queue: 22901, options: rt, url: , announce: , expires: 1239033033, priority: 0 [Apr 6 08:50:23] DEBUG[16272] app_queue.c: Queue '22901' Join, Channel 'SIP/', Position '1' [Apr 6 08:50:23] DEBUG[16272] app_queue.c: It's our turn (SIP/ [Apr 6 08:50:23] DEBUG[16272] app_queue.c: SIP/ is trying to call a queue member. [Apr 6 08:50:23] DEBUG[16272] app_queue.c: Adding Local/21172@default_queue to callable interface list [Apr 6 08:50:23] DEBUG[16272] app_queue.c: (Parallel) Trying 'Local/21172@default_queue' with metric 1000000 [Apr 6 08:50:23] VERBOSE[16286] logger.c: -- Executing [21172@local_dial:73] Dial("Local/21172@default_queue-c9b1,2", "SIP/90326|8|gtiM(queue_call_answer^21172)") in new stack [Apr 6 08:50:23] DEBUG[16286] rtp.c: Channel 'Local/21172@default_queue-c9b1,2' has no RTP, not doing anything [Apr 6 08:50:23] DEBUG[16286] chan_sip.c: Outgoing Call for 90326 [Apr 6 08:50:23] VERBOSE[16286] logger.c: -- SIP/90326-00a887a4 is ringing [Apr 6 08:50:23] DEBUG[16286] rtp.c: Channel 'Local/21172@default_queue-c9b1,2' has no RTP, not doing anything [Apr 6 08:50:23] VERBOSE[16272] logger.c: -- Local/21172@default_queue-c9b1,1 is ringing [Apr 6 08:50:26] VERBOSE[16286] logger.c: -- SIP/90326-00a887a4 answered Local/21172@default_queue-c9b1,2 [Apr 6 08:50:26] DEBUG[16286] func_lock.c: Channel SIP/90326-00a887a4 has no lock datastore, so we're allocating one. [Apr 6 08:50:26] DEBUG[16286] pbx.c: Function result is '1' [Apr 6 08:50:26] DEBUG[16286] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Apr 6 08:50:26] VERBOSE[16286] logger.c: -- Executing [s@macro-queue_call_answer:3] Set("SIP/90326-00a887a4", "queue_lock=1") in new stack [Apr 6 08:50:26] DEBUG[16286] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [Apr 6 08:50:26] DEBUG[16286] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' [Apr 6 08:50:26] VERBOSE[16272] logger.c: -- Local/21172@default_queue-c9b1,1 answered SIP/ [Apr 6 08:50:26] DEBUG[16286] channel.c: Planning to masquerade channel SIP/90326-00a887a4 into the structure of Local/21172@default_queue-c9b1,1 [Apr 6 08:50:26] DEBUG[16286] channel.c: Done planning to masquerade channel SIP/90326-00a887a4 into the structure of Local/21172@default_queue-c9b1,1 [Apr 6 08:50:26] DEBUG[16286] chan_local.c: Not posting to queue since already masked on 'Local/21172@default_queue-c9b1,2' [Apr 6 08:50:26] DEBUG[16272] channel.c: Released clone lock on 'Local/21172@default_queue-c9b1,1' [Apr 6 08:50:26] DEBUG[16272] channel.c: Done Masquerading SIP/90326-00a887a4 (6) [Apr 6 08:50:26] DEBUG[16286] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels Local/21172@default_queue-c9b1,2 and Local/21172@default_queue-c9b1,1 [Apr 6 08:50:26] DEBUG[16286] channel.c: Hanging up zombie 'Local/21172@default_queue-c9b1,1' [Apr 6 08:50:26] DEBUG[16286] rtp.c: Channel 'Local/21172@default_queue-c9b1,2' has no RTP, not doing anything [Apr 6 08:50:26] DEBUG[16286] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=ANSWER. [Apr 6 08:50:26] DEBUG[16286] pbx.c: Spawn extension (local_dial,21172,73) exited non-zero on 'Local/21172@default_queue-c9b1,2' [Apr 6 08:50:26] VERBOSE[16286] logger.c: == Spawn extension (local_dial, 21172, 73) exited non-zero on 'Local/21172@default_queue-c9b1,2' [Apr 6 08:50:26] DEBUG[16286] channel.c: Soft-Hanging up channel 'Local/21172@default_queue-c9b1,2' [Apr 6 08:50:26] DEBUG[16286] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'Local/21172@default_queue-c9b1,2' [Apr 6 08:50:30] DEBUG[16272] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels SIP/ and SIP/90326-00a887a4 [Apr 6 08:50:30] VERBOSE[16272] logger.c: -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/ [Apr 6 08:50:34] DEBUG[16272] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'SIP/90326-00a887a4' [Apr 6 08:50:34] DEBUG[16272] chan_sip.c: Hangup call SIP/90326-00a887a4, SIP callid 7a6dce5341044f2924927dcf7793ebf3@ [Apr 6 08:50:34] ERROR[16272] /usr/dist/asterisk/asterisk-svn-1.4.19-iqlabs/include/asterisk/lock.h: func_lock.c line 79 (lock_free): attempted unlock mutex '&clframe->lock_frame->mutex' without owning it! [Apr 6 08:50:34] ERROR[16272] /usr/dist/asterisk/asterisk-svn-1.4.19-iqlabs/include/asterisk/lock.h: func_lock.c line 193 (get_lock): '&clframe->lock_frame->mutex' was locked here. [Apr 6 08:50:34] ERROR[16272] /usr/dist/asterisk/asterisk-svn-1.4.19-iqlabs/include/asterisk/lock.h: func_lock.c line 79 (lock_free): Error releasing mutex: Operation not permitted [Apr 6 08:50:34] WARNING[16272] func_lock.c: No datastore for dialplan locks. Nothing was ever locked! [Apr 6 08:50:34] DEBUG[16272] pbx.c: Function result is '0' [Apr 6 08:50:34] DEBUG[16272] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Apr 6 08:50:34] VERBOSE[16272] logger.c: -- Executing [22901@transfer:2] Set("SIP/", "queue_lock=0") in new stack [Apr 6 08:50:34] DEBUG[16272] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Apr 6 08:50:34] VERBOSE[16272] logger.c: -- Executing Queue("SIP/", "22901|t|||300") [Apr 6 08:50:34] DEBUG[16272] app_queue.c: SIP/ Got priority 0 from ${QUEUE_PRIO}. [Apr 6 08:50:34] DEBUG[16272] app_queue.c: queue: 22901, options: t, url: , announce: , expires: 1239033334, priority: 0 [Apr 6 08:50:34] DEBUG[16272] app_queue.c: Queue '22901' Join, Channel 'SIP/', Position '1' [Apr 6 08:50:34] DEBUG[16272] app_queue.c: It's our turn (SIP/ [Apr 6 08:50:34] DEBUG[16272] app_queue.c: SIP/ is trying to call a queue member. [Apr 6 08:50:34] DEBUG[16272] app_queue.c: Adding Local/21179@default_queue to callable interface list [Apr 6 08:50:34] DEBUG[16272] app_queue.c: (Parallel) Trying 'Local/21179@default_queue' with metric 1000000 [Apr 6 08:50:35] VERBOSE[16352] logger.c: -- Executing [21179@local_dial:73] Dial("Local/21179@default_queue-6f50,2", "SIP/90173|15|gtiM(queue_call_answer^21179)") in new stack [Apr 6 08:50:35] VERBOSE[16352] logger.c: -- Called 90173 [Apr 6 08:50:35] VERBOSE[16352] logger.c: -- SIP/90173-c400e1a4 is ringing [Apr 6 08:50:35] VERBOSE[16272] logger.c: -- Local/21179@default_queue-6f50,1 is ringing [Apr 6 08:50:38] VERBOSE[16352] logger.c: -- SIP/90173-c400e1a4 answered Local/21179@default_queue-6f50,2 [Apr 6 08:50:38] DEBUG[16352] func_lock.c: Channel SIP/90173-c400e1a4 has no lock datastore, so we're allocating one. [Apr 6 08:50:38] DEBUG[16352] pbx.c: Function result is '0' [Apr 6 08:50:38] DEBUG[16352] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' [Apr 6 08:50:38] VERBOSE[16352] logger.c: -- Executing [s@macro-queue_call_answer:3] Set("SIP/90173-c400e1a4", "queue_lock=0") in new stack [Apr 6 08:50:38] DEBUG[16352] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set [Apr 6 08:50:38] DEBUG[16352] pbx.c: Expression result is '0'