Core was generated by `/usr/sbin/asterisk -f -vvvg -c'. Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault. #0 0x0000003fcd89876a in fork () from /lib64/ (gdb) bt full #0 0x0000003fcd89876a in fork () from /lib64/ No symbol table info available. #1 0x00002aaaabaf3c5a in agi_exec_full (chan=0x38f1090, data=, enhanced=0, dead=1) at res_agi.c:295 tmp = "/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/asterisk_billing/calls.php\0007;40m2158\033[0;37;40m\000�\220\003\000\000\000\000\200�^A\000\000\000\000��^A\000\000\000\000��^A\000\000\000\0008\026\206�?\000\000\000`���?\000\000\000�\f\206�?\000\000\000\033[1;37;40mres_agi.c\033[0;37;40m\000-- \033[0;37;40m\000\000\000\000\000X�^A\000\000\000\000\031�@�?", '\0' , "\232"... pid = toast = fromast = audio = x = res = signal_set = {__val = {18446744067267100671, 18446744073709551615 }} old_set = {__val = {134238211, 4614652, 0, 0, 4294967338, 77309411335, 468151435266, 326417514499, 1, 18446744073709526416, 0, 1096739120, 206158430248, 1096738016, 1096737776, 274030973011}} res = u = (struct ast_module_user *) 0x393f160 argv = {0x415ed660 "asterisk_billing/calls.php", 0x415ed67b "incoming", 0x0, 0x415edec0 "d", 0x0, 0x3966670 "", 0x6
, 0x3fcf451199 "H=���", 0x6
, 0x3fcd8732ad "H\205�I\211�tJ\203=\f�-", 0x415edf00 "\003", 0x1fe0
, 0x64
, 0x2aaab06447c0 "�o\207\003", 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff
, 0x3034000000000090
, 0x3966670 "", 0x6
, 0xecf44a942
, 0x3
, 0x23
, 0x3000000018
, 0x415ee270 "k/agi-bin/asterisk_billing/calls.php", 0x415ee1b0 "�", 0x3fcdb4f9a0 "\001", 0x6f636e695f390032
, 0x676e696d
, 0x6f636e695f390032
, 0x676e696d
, 0x302038312072614d
, 0x32343a31303a37
, 0x3b
, 0x3fcdb4f9a0 "\001", 0x415ee4c0 "\2207\205\003", 0x0, 0x3b
, 0x3968930 "def", 0x0, 0x3fcd874e7c "\203=E�-", 0x38e3600 "", 0x0, 0x38e3600 "", 0x3fcf44a28c "H\213}hH\205�t\005�NY��H\203�\bH\211�[]�@Y��\203�\200\004", 0x3b
, 0x0, 0x415ee4c0 "\2207\205\003", 0x415ee030 "\001\200��", 0x0, 0x415ee33f "NG\033[0;37;40m", 0x415ee2f0 "i.c\033[0;37;40m", 0x415ee2f0 "i.c\033[0;37;40m", 0x415ee190 "0", 0x4f76b6 "%c[%d;%sm%s%c[0;%d;%dm", 0x4f
, 0x415ee5a0 "DeadAgi", 0x415ee030 "\001\200��", 0x3fcd8693ca "\211�H\215\205�", 0xfbad8001
, 0x415ee2f0 "i.c\033[0;37;40m", 0x415ee2f0 "i.c\033[0;37;40m", 0x415ee2f0 "i.c\033[0;37;40m", 0x415ee2f0 "i.c\033[0;37;40m", 0x415ee30b "", ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 0x415ee33f "NG\033[0;37;40m", 0x415ee2f0 "i.c\033[0;37;40m", 0x415ee33f "NG\033[0;37;40m", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2720454b
, 0x6f6320444e412027
, 0x3000000000
, 0x0, 0x302038312072614d
, 0x32343a31303a37
, 0x3227203d20797469
, 0x0, 0x6e65747865205942
, 0x273227203d2000
, 0xffffffff
, 0x415ee343 "0;37;40m", 0x32000000415ee348
, 0x3fcdb4d460 "", 0x0, 0x415ee170 "P", 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff
, 0x415ee380 "*", 0x415ee380 "*", 0x415ee290 ".php", 0x4e5a28 "%c%s", 0x415ee5e0 "asterisk_billing/calls.php|incoming", 0x415ee5a0 "DeadAgi", 0x4d9910 " -- ", 0x415ee2f0 "i.c\033[0;37;40m", 0x50
, 0x1
, 0x415ee290 ".php", 0x3fcd84d053 "H\201��", 0x3000000030
, 0x415ee290 ".php", 0x415ee1b0 "�", 0x415ee380 "*", 0xa0
, 0x415ee5a0 "DeadAgi", 0x38353132
, 0x1b
, 0x1
, 0x415ee290 ".php", 0x390a168 "\177 -- Executing \033[1;36;40mDeadAgi\033[0;37;40m(\"\033[1;35;40mSIP/\033[0;37;40m\", \"\033[1;35;40masterisk_billing/calls.php|incoming\033[0;37;40m\")\n", 0x390a168 "\177 -- Executing \033[1;36;40mDeadAgi\033[0;37;40m(\"\033[1;35;40mSIP/\033[0;37;40m\", \"\033[1;35;40masterisk_billing/calls.php|incoming\033[0;37;40m\")\n", 0x390a168 "\177 -- Executing \033[1;36;40mDeadAgi\033[0;37;40m(\"\033[1;35;40mSIP/\033[0;37;40m\", \"\033[1;35;40masterisk_billing/calls.php|incoming\033[0;37;40m\")\n", 0x3fcd8c4469 "H\213D$\bH\203�(H=\001���s\001�H\213\r&\233(", 0x0, 0xad
, 0x10000002a
, 0x1200000007
, 0x6d00000002
, 0x4c00000003
, 0x1
, 0xffffffffffff9d90
, 0x343b37333b315b1b
, 0x6761646165646d30
, 0x5b1b636578655f69
, 0x6d30343b37333b30
} buf = "asterisk_billing/calls.php\000incoming", '\0' tmp = 0x0 argc = fds = efd = -1 pid = stringp = agi = {fd = 0, audio = 0, ctrl = 0, fast = 0} ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "agi_exec_full" #2 0x0000000000479295 in pbx_exec (c=0x38f1090, app=0x3853790, data=0x415ee5e0) at pbx.c:537 res = 49 saved_c_appl = 0x0 saved_c_data = 0x0 #3 0x00002aaab6b41753 in realtime_exec (chan=0x38f1090, context=0x38f12e0 "999_incoming", exten=0x38f1330 "3#180XXXXXXX", priority=, callerid=, data=) at pbx_realtime.c:216 appdata = "asterisk_billing/calls.php|incoming", '\0' tmp1 = "\033[1;36;40mDeadAgi\033[0;37;40m\000\000\000\000\000%\000\000\000\000\000\000\000(\000\000\000\000\000\000\00036;40\000\000\000P�\220\003\000\000\000\000\030�\220\003\000\000\000\000\214�C\000\000\000\000" tmp2 = "\033[1;35;40mSIP/\033[0;37;40m\000\000\000�q\203\003\002\000\000\0000\023\217\003", '\0' , "\220\020\217\003\000\000\000" tmp3 = "\033[1;35;40masterisk_billing/calls.php|incoming\033[0;37;40m\00071350", '\0' , "����?\000\000\000P7\221\003\000\000\000\000\220\020\217\003", '\0' , "X\021\217\003\000\000\000\000�\022\217\003\000\000\000\000|N\207�?", '\0' , "Bs\t\000\000\000\000\000P7\221\003\000\000\000\000\220\020\217\003", '\0' , "P7\221\003\000\000\000\000��B\000\000\000\000\000`#Զ�*\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\200&\212\003\000\000"... a = (struct ast_app *) 0x3853790 res = var = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "realtime_exec" #4 0x00000000004819a8 in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x38f1090, con=, context=0x0, exten=0x38f1330 "3#180XXXXXXX", priority=2, label=0x0, callerid=0x3927550 "5613054556", action=E_SPAWN) at pbx.c:1874 e = (struct ast_exten *) 0x0 app = res = q = {incstack = {0x0 }, stacklen = 0, status = 2, swo = 0x2aaab6d42360, data = 0x38a26b1 "@", foundcontext = 0x38f12e0 "999_incoming"} passdata = "ch=z9hG4bK.2f7f;received=\r\nFrom: ;tag=323441443242373\r\nTo: ;tag=as77b74f0c\r\nCall-ID: 323441443242373\r\nCSeq: 1 INVITE\r\nUser-A"... matching_action = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "pbx_extension_helper" #5 0x0000000000483866 in __ast_pbx_run (c=0x38f1090) at pbx.c:2318 waittime = dst_exten = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000H0_A", '\0' , "p0_A", '\0' , "\030", '\0' , "P0_A\000\000\000\000X0_A\000\000\000\000`0_A\000\000\000\000h0_A\000\000\000\000x0_A", '\0' to continue, or q to quit--- eats 12 times>, "\2000_A\000\000\000\000\024�@�?", '\0' , "����?", '\0' , "Pf\226\003\000\000\000\000�y\000\000\000\000\000\000\030\000\000\000\000\000\000\000����?\000\000\000c/\207�?", '\0' , "`z\222\003\000\000\000\000�6\221\003", '\0' pos = 1096757312 digit = 0 found = 1 res = 0 error = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "__ast_pbx_run" #6 0x0000000000484569 in pbx_thread (data=0x38d9740) at pbx.c:2622 No locals. #7 0x00000000004aecac in dummy_start (data=) at utils.c:856 __cancel_buf = {__cancel_jmp_buf = {{__cancel_jmp_buf = {59848416, 7918344757093204697, 0, 1096759616, 4910160, 4096, 7918344756004991561, 7918344757096803915}, __mask_was_saved = 0}}, __pad = {0x415f31d0, 0x0, 0x3fcdb4a890, 0x3fcdb4a898}} __cancel_arg = (void *) 0x415f3940 not_first_call = ret = #8 0x0000003fce4062f7 in start_thread () from /lib64/ No symbol table info available. #9 0x0000003fcd8d1e3d in clone () from /lib64/ No symbol table info available. (gdb) quit